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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1882)
DC FIWDAY OCTOBER 20, 1882 If, besides ctrrriug the State of New York, my the New York Sun, the Democrat carry Pennaylvst ia and Massachusetts in the November eleo- ttane.a o hai( noon afterward behold the 6nl overthrow of the del aoched Re- tliltcati jwrtr. Hoy T. J. Stitch, who" was Got. Taarei'a private seoirt.rv, has pur chaasi ('. H. Stewarts interest in the Albany Dkmocrat, thick will bo eon dieted beieafter by the firm of Cham berlain & Stites. An improvement ia the conduct of that journal may bo looked for. Jacksonville Time. 'Pax PicttrjsV is the nsrai ofa 1 K) age book to be published by Fiank K. Hodgkin. Assistant ?ecre tiry of State, and Jerry Galvtn the Orttjoninn reporter in the House of Represent a: ivea. The book will contain a ;etche of the live, of our State officers Ju Iges ot the Supreme Court, Senators, Representative', etc., with pictures of the State officers, members of the i lative Assembly. It wilt no doubt bo a fine thing, as Mr. Hodgkin is a talented writer, end has ha i an inti mate acquaintance with out public men for rears. The Republicans Brae, and the leaders of the pat ty generally, attribute the Democratic victory in Ohio to free whiskey sod the German vote of the State. There is no ground whatever for the charge, sod it Is aim ply the expedient of men who are loath to confess that the defeat of the Rapub licaa laartv ar4 iliin tn i f a inkarant weakness snd rottenness. The Ger mans in Ohio, aa in Oregon, are rep resentative citizens, and they must in deed feel deeply the insults that are now being burled at them by politic ians when hopes have been blasted in this hot-bed f Republicanism. We ssk our friends to read our brat page where severs! articles of interest will be found. We propose to make the Democbat the most readable paper of any in the State. If our friends will send us no we items of all des criptions fiom all parts of the coun'j they will veiy materially ail us in preparing a newsy paper each wej k. Give us sccop "Us of nairiages, birth deaths, accidents, removals, fires, mur ders, riots, rows, chsnges in real estate, business changes, runaways, sickness, improvements, and ail other items that will be of interest to our readers. And "at a a mm you wtti sleep wore soundly each night if you will secure us two or three sutv scrilers each we-k. eKSslMl. Many of our Republican friends are onttpoken in their preference for the ele:tun of a Democrat to the United States Senate to Mitchell. Itpec?abls decent Republicans sty thit Mitchell has divided, debauched, and disgraced thY party and hundreds of tbm de- 0 ire they will not further affiliae with t tat party if it is new to be burden d w tb Mitchell aa a leader. No w n dir s general air of disgu-tt hani like a c'oud v-r the countenance of nearly every decent Republican wbjch we meet. The disrepute into which tb- party ba baen brought by the foul prtctice ot its leadertt mN-r irk, the o Hubs brought upon it by its unholy alliance with M b ooeisru in Virginia, tbeJtharue heaped upon ft in conseapience uf star rout; disclosutet-, the diagst and di-. satisfaction brought about by the at tempt to fjree su:h men a Cmkliug, Piatt, Ctnasron, Lean, Mitchell and men of iik ilk up n the party aa its leaders, all Cjno.ire to drt-i r-t MO'ahle citizens ' and Republicans tar swat from she party. It ia a healthy iu lie. tion to see so many of them r stating this last struggle of hosaiaui. aaac it A4.aar me rmtt schwwl rt sb. Fran time immemorial, it ban been ths custom of the Boar 4 oe School land O xuniiasioners to appoint the Treasurer ot Linn County as local a gen oftbe Scborfl Fund in Alhaay. It ba heretofore been done by all adiniuiatra tlong, and the question of psrty fealty h uT never been applied a the test of fiteesjr. We under. f that Jr. Bruce firmer Treasurer of thin county, ten b red hi retrgrrati m as hal agent of the Shool Fund sum tin.e ago, ana) that aa 'vet tiie Board haa appointed u One to 5 i I the" vacancy. O ir S -na or, and Representatives, we are informs 1, hive retj iette I the appointment of out presant oun'y Tiaurei', Yt. J tme-Pdery- it 1 cal agent, and it is to t,. ho(iel that early action will be ttlcnn in tlte matter. Mr. Peery is in even sense of the word caiib'e and efli;ienc The people have l ya been aecustoiaec to call ti'm iti' Treasurer in mattert- pertainjng te be Schpd Fund, and th complaints are innumerable because i is wbi!erel ihst tl'v Board proKwe t, make n eFarfe in the old time uiaimei of appo nfififr a bci aeut. In u ginir we sppoi tmrnt of the Treasii er, we h ? iu no wise actuated by parnan m j.v-,. We favored the aopoi ptwu I M r :, E r uce, the formei Treasurer and a fcttunch Republican, because it w m c mvenienceto the jee spfe. Fr the name reason it is sin c -re' j to be hojaHl tlatthe Boar J of tuJUMsikiiifJO wtii sep oint the presen )snrr Joel aijem tbe Schoo Fund for Linn G-Jitnty. The jieopb expect h Ami hope that action in tb matter will not be lo g.-r delayed. HI UOTnOurVr Mill. fcKB Much has been said lately, shout re form in the civil nervine, by newspapers and leadeta of all parties, and vyl general desire among the lflle, out side of office-holder, office-seekers, po litical manager, snd those generally who thrive upon the spoils of partissn victories at thj H!lH,bas leen expressed for a puriticstietdsf the administration of gorornment. Many remedies lirte Wen propose! by which refurm may had in the civii serviro of the geueisl got" eminent, stneatg which thit of cniii. ttve examinations f sppltcan's lor olsrkshiim has met with the ntoht favor Ye are not nosr disKMod to speak of the proposed retnediea tor purifying the civil service ef the genera! government where nearly all the work of the ser vice is done by cleiks alio receive and hold their appointment at the plraaure of the head of their deaf tmeuts, but a- aaa 1 a we wndt to call i lie altention o our readers to reform iu the admiuUt.ation of local government. city, school district, county and stats governments are those in which different methods must, be adopted to secure the inform we apeak uf, for here the otficisls are elected mainly bv the people and the rules of ompeliiive examination will not apiv. Hence, ss wo view it, the only certain way to secure geod local government is for the iieople to elect those, and those, who are both cotUtent anu hotHMl in the s-iform-ance of odicial dut; . Theo local gov eintuentK, to e Ih, ium iI to the poo pie, to onduce to the well-'.eing of so eiety. to secure the o'jecta fr which they were instituted, mnat te admiuii tored upon the niethdiel and business, like principles that m t-uterpris- tog men in their j rirata businee. fJM of the greatest stutui bug blocka in the way of succeesf-il administrail m ot public affairs is the ignoraoos, wilful or otherwise, of many who ore called by their fellow -citixen to Gil punlicolficrs, as to what new riht a they autiie by virtue of tbia new reLtion to the puMic. Many seem to think when they are elected to 11 form the duties of a public offiee, that the ofc ecoiue. for the lime l-eng, their j eraonal proper ty snd when sn rffica is thus viewed and used, the ierests of the people are sacrificed and the officer thua becomes a financial adventurer, bent upon promoting hUeu eraoual inter est. The true relali u which an otlic id bears to the pub'ic, i. that d a ser vant or agent, mid the office which he holds m a trust ti-1 l to bim an anth agent by the jopl , and if be eserciaee the functions ot bin ntli -e a reordiu to the general principles governing prin cipal and agfaut be a ill have j il .tmed his duties in the manner contemplated b thx wlij made ii.e law ctealing t'i tfice. Maiy t ;i instances might l where exception ally pure snd ftucueful mu-oeipnl ad ministratiotia have la;;i sm; ire I by electing officiala who viearei the'r im W relations to the public as agent or trus tor The people of PbOadesphta bad for yetrs been cunetl with crr.i,t an I .a- 'a a mm aZ .ravstfant ulU uala l0 i JU I ' I n thur -..v. ial nlbc - a- if thev were their pors.nal pr,,r, and the i. waa that the ci'y'beraine lara"ly involved in debt, end taxes increase! to an alarming J extent while city improvements were at a staod-atill. Under this condition of .LI at 1 U- ' tnmgs uie puouc sense ui coming o-n- ger wr aharpcneO by an appeal to the peopletoyciui-na oroak f.e ,M,wer of the ring, which yas promptly daoe by - L. . - li . . 1 Lmt lain 01 r.ii. miii up ii'iunrrar i . t T . ..I I - - I .vi.u..r i t -o.m,.r o, enaej i. : v . a. .1 1 . I aiiu.1 comp.roe, ... m. , c.j wne im- mediately set uch ,.,.ehme.y in opera- uon sa wouNictear. out in. Augeansta- m iimauminiaiiaiive ,-iryoi raiti- mn ass such aa u r.-r.t..,e , nblic con3- deuce, pl.r the pnuhc deht f the citj in the liee of radiia! estii.etion and relncat the levy ol the ci'v. rina same poltcv waa pnrstaed by the cit'zena of Hidl-ri.-, Nw Yak, in the elactioa of G.o e.r (JUvelaad (now I)..-....... . ; .ti.1 .... a a-a . . .:: . I a,.- .v,.,o .... uvar "' that Stat-) as W;oor el tbst citv I w. . r , l ; J a. Whes he entered uiam bis duties M 1 -ayor ,.e a n -" ' w aa u. : j 1 : I ay 01 1 e sruir. oi tne city, which tesulted io compelling MC I fhVial to irform hU dutios as a public trust, snd eood.eo.oo.icHl fcovrrrjri!f.nt I M LjaS t-atSaar i ifaar I fa. I Im a. Iff at a . I litis I I line r.f ..l,. v Salfl . . ia. ...II. a.lstaal t ' a mtmw 91 XwiT. .1 U 1 I 11 ia I . r , " ffl J kf III1,. l.lliol.t M...I Uatk 1....... Slaaa.1 a -e" voters ot ln- au.'rV a, I i.,i.t, ursjn mcb fro rbeir . fti.- -il-. ija-'MBSo. Jim. Mk C H Mr.WAhT, whs I. hi- ls-en connected with ths A bani DkMockat for fif'een ear-, Ut"l hh e.dit -r and proprietor, aa s.'d the ps(rsr to Messra Chant1 e Ubi & Hiites, who will JOntinoe to iibtfah it. A!bnnv is s 0 d field f r nd. :t i aper as the DEM OCRAT is. Mr. S ewart hS carried on r.he paeer with . r-dit lo him If, snd his sncceasrtrs vie evidence of aimilar idap'Hlion to tbe tMisin-aw. J - H sngi- :ient evidence 't the woribineas of the UEKOCRAT mar 11 l.a- i'h f eld so long without any eo.u peri tor. Oiegon- ian, Txe sentit .rial tlm.'- a;k at S iloui remains the 8aj. Yesferday's bal lot resulted ss f .!io-v : Mitchell thirty-seve". S 1 ulttc twenfy-oiffhf. am,rmt.n 4...f. v. tneiioa. IOC It . . . J naturally anyt est itM If uion readinc buya swnpls bntle for !. cents, and test yet to our oplt.l ,u, rxprpmj WlTiSJ. ..JTTSII, Larger bottles at 50 cents and woftlt. thai t en. a til ta )..tlon Seme,who have watched the progrese aa.. . . . .. aL . . J - . oi tne con toil cioeiy, isuieve tiiere l Will be an election to-day, but we . .a .... - a 1 ao net Know upon wnat gr umis in y a . a m M nas o tneir opinion, - sr iRTLIVU, HI T TBI'. A frcent inport of tho laonftarjf Qf the Treasury of the United States girts a table of the net ordinary oxpeaaea of the Oovernment from 17'.1 tu .Juno 30th, 1831, showing sn aggregate of 7,733,341,077. 89. Tiie F.r.unlurr, comment ing upen this report says, '-there are aotne very sin gular features connected with thesr ngurps, whtch a segregation will thnr - ouchlr exnlaiii. From ihe davs of Wsshington to the clone of James Bu chanan's term, or from 1791 to I860, a period uf sixty-nine years, there had been fifteen Presidents of the United States Federalists slid Uepnblicans, Whigs and Democrats. For these six ty nine yours the net ordiusiy ox pauses of the Government amounted to the sum of $l,o 24 ,828,4 1 6. 43. Under Republican rule for twenty one yesra lStiO to 1881, they amounted to $(3,228,521,662. 46. Here ia an expen diture in twenty-one years four times as much ss thst ef sixty -nine yea-s, Ths exouse that wilt Im set up is the civil war, the increase of population and oth er partisan explanations that will not even stand the tet of figures flicially given by the Republican Secretary of tho Treasuty. The groas exjenditure of the Govern ment for sixty uiue years was $2,1 16 -.'5d.860. I.'l. Hut during this time we hsd two foreign ware, with K inland ami Mexico, and acquired every foot f our new territory, except Alaska. The groaa eXwndituro ot the O v crnmont for twenty one years, under Republican rule, was $8,761,818,486. 24 Te n:ake it plsiuer, if plainer it can be made, the total expenditure, grjaa and net, during sixty-nine yesrs, was &U70,3SS,27f. ."6. In twenty- one yeara, the KopuMioaM have ex- J mm aa aw a a ara a, a-v aa a a aa.-k (tended, grass ana net, 1 -,ir.n,o.n , I sm 70." Tttfte fl'irim eel enough to guttle the voters of the courlry. There can be given no good reason why th rxpen diturea of the lo ernuo-nl, f--r the past twenty one yeat a should be nearly five times aa great as h exe-uliturea for the aix'y nine years immelialely pre ceding 1G9. Kven admitting that the civil war entailed a heavy expense upon the Government, the j arty in power has ahewn no disposition to lighten the burdens of the people sod kltll keeps up its extravjgant waate of public mee- STS. I lie tax-payei a have receive.1 BO relief. Taxei are kept up to the war baaia, and lb enormous rreui raised each year in sajnaealti mi wubont an. thotity of law, ostenatbly fr meaauns of public impr ,V4i0'nt, but iq iea'.ty to further tl e interests of dttica' trickstera and dam tgoguett in cltewly con tea tod iliatricta. IVter- of th Treaa ury are not only ttltTered to gi na fin ished, but are retainl iu high places trust, and bailed as leaders ( the grand old party of "moral ideaa.'" Bui the thinking men of the party are gall ing und r the yoke snd are ridding themselves of the bur iena they have so long been p ti-nily bearing. Tlie fact is dawning upon tlntn that they ate tieing made a cat's-, of to help a- !aa aa . a a .a ali a unions' politicians to tbe covero chesi- 1 a a a a a a Q"t, and they are lemlin.4 their aastt Uoce to the Prtv lmt them relief. bi i. it u ioim UKitu arrLKa. We would call lU attention . f all lMrli,H drying spples, to the necessity l( bltwchiuif thrm. The certainty of aellirtiir bleached aiudes ia assured frem . . (.lo I t't. t Iml on 1 1 tea ara now tieiM who I ' , , . a contract for iaree " I qimntitiei ,k mnuner ,tive prices if the ,np!w were white -Woacbed-and keJ i(J r ,hspe, while on the oth,r binj frit ,iried bv the old fjP., ,if i...,, r ,i.Plt,.,i ,rwjn4, ... ' I . . ,tn , , 2oo ., ,Hume, wuea Sk I ,1 ... l . . I . I utegon BMoui.i awaseii ut ins iact nu it she will produce laveuty times brr I present preduct of dried fruitr, (bars :ii .:n 1 a - I . 11. mm ur n 11 mxiani ui uw iiiu uT-iaaauta for them: caused by tbe ot-eninir up to x.i t .eatent, 01 eucn vv ir-cva m couu- . l". rt.B r UU w..h;. I trv IB nasturn Ureveo. IilatlO. W SSIlinff- I - " ' ' v I 8lker territories by railroad d whose settlers will have to depend Isrsely un Oregon for Lk.:. f.-ir- ..ntil tbev ceo olant their . . . . . . t,,,. a ws vtitni va am as a r o.f uvr eaa ' - mm -mm a- rro I ' LW a- aa. aa. .aai.u ailiu iMii'i-ri ifi 1 m "n 1, n 1 "at vsininw , . . ... of hleschinf consists simpiyn suountimg ti.a r.esn mm, mm . a 1 I alter it has iieen lor, sno placer! on tire t ia k. to solr.Hnr smoke. I .... a .1 This maybe lne by pntting the J tray into a tight lox aud umin ' a teastroonful ot iMwdered ul,,hur under tbe fruit. It should i.-tn .in in t.l a. I e , , , , lm tune or liv- mii.ntu I j .... u ...n'J , ... I oe taxan to app.y tne sulphur amoke as soon as poestwe alter tne apples sie I 1 m . I CU'. We have 1 x uuiiied hji U dr od ty J . I this procers and s e no resa n why! thsy should not be soucbt after iu the most fastidious rna'-keia of our , I large sas'frn citns. A slow Ul T si lit. rosirixsi ,s The civi' h- v .e refrrai n ociatton O'l Brooklyn, N. Y., bs- 1 aaaWd re sol it ons denouncing the int -rfeienc of tbe Fader al administratioL in the n. lilies of that M . ' . I State as utterly opp to the epint of r government Ibo question that I pF"'g "J "eoomiion . ,8' 11 narenoM .., tn3 reoerai sdministratio i in tie- mthtict of a Staff I . . . , , l oppoaea to the letter and spirit of rati ss AAnnf if nf !.-n uriiuf 1 a o. 4 It .oaW,u.u..f w um-v .uo.c a a a a n 1 I w oum- be reformers to say about federal I (t intahijfrenio with tltn lora1 and Hfste go9trnmnt$, Surely there ia no direct couhtittti ioo al Inhibition againat such iutsifen nce in Bute pulitict, but can h miicb be said in regard to federal interference in the local and State governmental When It la reniemlmied that the moat couspionoua figures in tb pin out reform muveoient in New Yoik, hio men who have been eh untied with the hRapublioan party for many years, ton OSStial obaerver it looks aa ttlftHgh the so-!alled refottn anaiH-ist ion was now struinititf at a gnat after huvin nwiiI lowed a c.imel inyvarsgo-a by with out s murmur, Kroin the if,iVH of J,f feraon to the present ti.ue, tb B I n 1 . -oratto party uudvr one name or another, has contemn il for the principles' now being slrocstol by the civil aervie reform association, an I ll ia t aoafOI of gratification to kin that lAOOf who in dsys gone by, have batl'ed agsinit the ptiiedplea of the Demecntic party are now at.n'ing thoe prineiploa and bohling t'u m 'in' aa the only nmana of ovenloally atving the t,".vrnnMit fmM1 drifiing in'o Mionaiehy. dupedta wel far the hsMMSt liepnhlicans ,,f Yolk that they are crying out sghinal the metluxla tcsotted lo by the fedeiul adminiatratioii to foiat Folder epofl them Hofcw ro-fis. Arthur, in thn vart he haa been acting, has but di. played the eflVrt of hia early I r lining aa a ward politician. It would be aa eaay far a leopard to ch.mge his spota, as for Arthur to lay (aide HOW hia ipiul tfications sa s liiekt-ter in piii.iaries, csucuses and convj ntiona. H a J'rea dent only in nun. Iu prineiple, he in a stalwsrt, with all ibst the nsme im plies, and the jeople of S-- Yuk ir respective of parly, will, en lb 7.L ol NoVetntaT. p'ses the seal of rlgjtlteoU condemnation upon Artkni ml bh atalwart bench me ms i i tmk at.K4 ries er mat. Alabama eb cted PenKsaraU state otliceta and legigltture A i, 7; will elect oongreMaiiiMU Nov. 7. Arkansas eiectad DeMnemtie state officers and legialature Spt. t; w.ll elect ooogreaameu N o 7. California will elect ala'e elii:r, legialature snd eunr. eiiusa Nsv. 7. Colorado will elect slate adit-em, leg islature and seoagfeeeaeeal Nov. 7. t'jnnecticut will elect hU'e otliceta, legislature and . )ugietaaiin N . 7. Delaware will elect governor, Isturesnd congieaaman Sar. 7. Florila will elect legis'ature ml congressmen Nov. 7. Oeorgis will e!e.-t atate otfners and legislature 0-t. 4; congressmen Nev. 7. Illinois will ele:l treaaurer. aupO'iu- tendent of public in t ruction, l-gialature and congressmen N v. , v a. fa. . am inuiana win elect inmni oin r aupraaae jodgea, legialature an I mt-a iaea Nov. T. Iowa ad ptd a prohiUt'ory atumd meat June HI: will elect minor sutr ofli.?ers and cingreasinfii N v. 7. Kansas will elect state fit ara, I iatute sn I c mgreasm-n Hear. 7. Ket.tucky electe,! Hsiaocrs'ic clerk ef the atate court oT aopeaU An;' will elect congre sm.en Nov 7. I.xnaians wi!l rlect Congreania ov. ,. Maine dectal Republican OVOIItef legialature ami conreasmeu abipt. I 1. mm a W a a a a mm Maryland will eUC atate i nl ' and congressmen Nov. 7. Michigan will elect stste olli r, !egialsture and eongretainn Nov. .. Minnesota will elect leyidu'ura an congressmen Nov. 7. MiaaiiMtippi will olect OiUiressiueu Nov. 7. - Misaour i a ill elect minor state olli- cers, legislature anil omgreiamen, and rote up an lu-ieoue,.,. . 1 . c mcernmg tba ataUi judiciarv Nov. 7 Nebraska will elect state officers, legialature and congressmen, and vote upon a woman's suffrage amendment, srs-1' ' Nevada will elect state ettoera, leg ature snd congressmen Nov. 1 New Y erk will . 1 -cl goveruor, lien L.OTr.or. dWef i-td of the ' Colirt ef appeala, aasem dy snd congress men and vo'e upon ainendmenis tnuk ng the csasts tree, and provi ling for t Sa a k S election 01 si.ih ion-1 supreme justices Nov. 7. North Carolina will e'ect associate ;U(J f of (h u, suprtUBS court, . . 1 1 . at miiiarmr eoart. i.iilira. 'i.f n re 1 j - ' and congressmen Nev. 7. Ohio will alec, minor Uato officers congressmen Oct 10 Oregon elected Itepiiblican state oracers, oKtstuie ami cougroismen J one 5. ta 1 m PoDOSvl vailia Wl.l SleCt Uto ofltcers, le gisttturtJ an,j ,.f ,greion.w Nov. 7 Rhode, Itlsud elected Republicsfi ,tste efticers and lejmlature Aorll will elect congressmen Nov. 7. m South Carolina will elect state olli i . . . . . . I09"' g't" "d eongrecsmnn v Teuni'ssoe rej-ctod a proposition to J held a constitutional convention v 3. Wll, mitMit twrnr. lettislatura and FT ' w congressmeu Nov. 7. Trixaa aiii elect atate ofH.-er. le-ia . . . rj - "a 'ature and congre umien Nov. Vermont elected Republican suite r01?' lWlUiro Hml congressmen l'L Virginia will elect oongrtBSBtet) Nov 7. West Virginia will el :t judge of supreme court of spina's to fill u va cancy, Icgislatute and congreKsmen Oct 10. Many druggists rtaomtnend, ami try to f II t m. al. at S a . . !f" 7 1 , " 1,tr"08C ,r,,n, Do not be dcelvel. Ask lor Amman's ooUgh 8yrup TakH no other. The rsm- edy stands on its own merit. You can , . . . M a . r iat, . , lbe wrRpper.' v. aa Kxplaaatian cf Ploreaton CTolottae explain why Js such a ladies favorite. sii,a. 4 tMm:fovjM u , bUlim, del: isih 1881 A'aa. l)mct ittt The days ( the Leghlatur ) nro uutnbnrtal and IVidny night at twelve 'elock will clort t i. rcenee we now wiltioa. Kvery It-publican politic lun In the, St ute of uny nulcriefy, Is rellublo or uurelUbl It here. Here wo Iihvo Ho- converted nntl tho un convert od. If tlm Republican purty Is reprcMonted by tho friends and ene mies of llitehetl In this Henatorlsl coolest If tlioso tavlllgerent-Moula ure tho cream of (ho 'grand old Repub lican party," the party of 0 much purity and morality, a io doubt they nro, then should iho Domacni cy rejoice over Its own plain, hom -t and unpretending ehurneter. How hj the Htptttllh-un party In thla State Qtn obtain victory alter victory and miiko no boiler showing In her poiltlelntaSl They urn iu fictions with tlM Inatlnet of wlldeala. Tin y prey upon one another sod acruplu lint to Iho moat piotirisb;o practices to carry their end. Falthles u o.o li tdher, to their party orKiioi.itlon nnd can .us rubn, what buhl Iheni logiuh. er but lbe spoils ? And dt4gie bind liko ropo.i ( watt nro their badges of iiieinbcralilp. It i.-t (o tbia MQIwj puriy that the State Indebted for nil impurities Its our political ayalcin. ('oiihi.i uclng w lib tho ills tfracefiil tdcclloii of lUkcrund coming down sin co through every elcclloii In Purl bind uiul uo have u Itr'publl. can record lo im Ml ly politlt ;d dcslti. Kvery nrt nnd device wcru iiaml to corrupt tho voter, nnd flit taiLln. - 11 lib u bleli ihcy Hero carried M waa only surpuHsed by rrimlnnls ulr tlid Iho work. And these t rimiuuts arc now held up as men. Many of our pure, Mofunleuly. ho called Republlcnii potlMdlM nro Iho lomlcra from tbU early criminal brig ob. f It the parly that wants a U. S. Henntr elected. And lo ninko lis paint, It sends ben? tho slinon-puru tnateri t out of wlrieti till s Scinfor Is to b lilrtde. la It a Wonder t tlonoat men it tu-al tako bieks sot at tbh feait? Among ilicsM Repuhltcnn fictions there i- not omi tb it can elect a S-n ator, lionet I hero will bo no Republi can Senator tdeetetl. Th lirg.-st fiction has the party .it its back, nod never will tl.o mitjorlty give up to tbe minority. They will antat"nio nnd die In their stubbornnoaa. These things tire evidence of tho rottenness ef I bat party. These manifestations more than ever are visible all over the ( ui'ed State In the Republican rank. Thh has led the way tor the NoveuiVr St lien to follow ia Demo, cratb: maj irltlea. Tho next Presi dent will bo a Democrat. Thi Wtaf a to Mi tho Hcpublicaii fai'tions will give rennNylvsnia to the dotn s?racy. It hsd more to do with it loOMt than be ao:s eredit for. And tbe asroo thing will reach New York and ('ill. fornla. Tnere are Republicans thst will not follow their loaders when their principles have left them, and thry lavamo ao Hnt on place ii;d (siwer that (he mcins usol to obtain hern would he honorable? to a foot wi I In bis t;rsHdtsl tin of desperafl n. The deuiiavrary baa nothing to do but ..i,.i d onitril, un I victory will eome otiro more io the only na ilonl mrty untler our govern moot. The Lcgi-lsluro will pass but few hill pompired with tho many lotro duced. It was agrcel, a tiay or two since, thst citch meiu'a-r -bou'.d ao lect Ida Citwrlto bill and havo it psa. The insane aaylum bUtatM doubt, will boeomc n law. Ano,berblll,nho p -r milling the present kt cHr of tin in anno lo keep the pilicnl until the Asylum building h couipletcd. Tkfci will hi until the next Legialature meets, tm doubt. It la a question whether the I name bu-lnea ia not an elephant, tvhito ut that. The cnA to this State to keep theao patients will tm much greater under the now management than the old. It should not bo tho can-, but it will, Ihero Is no question about it. The State ihould keep her insiino under Ik r t in tned is to ear, and should, at the sumo time, use the greatest economy in tho management. Wo do no: soy that this large expenao will bo nec essarily tho fault of officer, who will te numerous, with the employees, but it will bo more Iho result of the plan and law. Tlma will demon strato this prediction. Many meritorious laws will be thrown overboard and at f It is time it I not possible to give all the bills that will p.t-.s. When the adjourn- utent eetnet tbis'may be floor. Among tbe distinguished visitors on the floor of Iho Houses, wo not. leed (Jov. Newell of Wsshington Terrl tory. Tho bill to lease txmvict-ntbor will become a law. Eou St IS NO I I EJm. Democrat : Tbe prayers of the ttoople havo been abtindtntly answered in this srction ot countrv as well a elsewhere That ia in a cessation of the dry weather and an ssipJs KtiMtfiency, of tho misty miats that Las been falling for tho laat two weka eanaes them to rejoice in their hearts for what bus been given them, in bountiful burvest and a returning of the softening fluid so that tb ty can again prepare for another harvest, by plowing and sowing the goo I SOS 1 that they have just harvested. The roads a ie aire rdy ina bad eon htien for fraveliug. The sun again -.eams forth in all her Bitguiticent bril liancy, and everybody wears a smiling face. B'isines in nil its depart Blent is very good. We note but onecbanue in the business circle stnee our laat writ- law, usrauly that W. K Kelly has pnr char ud the entire stock of drug for mrly owned by Montgomeiy o t, mccecded by Ta'cott k K :llv u w th' he is sucoessov, and the firm liaon wil be W. B. Kfllly. The School at this place is ing finely with 80 soholais on the r I notwithstanding tbe rmo. of dlpMo ris ha cause I t rominio it of tchool, Thore h i been at, vera I c:ios ol .bistlisiase but so far there hi b.-. -t. nit one death which an re sad to .'bronicle That was a lit'e son fol bice sun iners,) of Mr. and Mrs Votg Mr. Wal ace Rielonhon i learning tho jeweller's trado un let the tutorship ofo ir etlliient jeweller Mr. D.Uy. David M .ers hus commanced a large ir.u handsome dwelling, which will be Imtriedon to completion which when i.iruo . . . . 1 hero WilS a Sikfl O'Uirriowv u.lileh ..I..,. .... ? ii. i ... it r. a.,n r.r,,- ,,,, ,,iai.f niaui miies eiofB(doon Thrrnaa C reek. That is tho upHm-d ilrowtdtitc of Tommy Ibiy, a son of Mm. Thorps, who buafsitid WHdrowrd iu North Sm i in m some year ago at Oreesa Refa ry. On tho rtiomlng mentiotod, Tommy had (skim Id- gun ur.d afir ed down fowiird the cnek, where there were some dog ln Inj? potnr thing, probably a cougar or it 1 r, and lias not len seen or heard of slnco, but hi gun whs found iu t:.o creek yesterday, nicking In the mi ml and rock where, it I bud undertaken to crost tho ere. I; by leaping tram rneic to rm-k, ett . not being able lo reach Iho disfntua , fell Into tho swift f iirrr-fif. bttween i he narks and waa drowned. It Is -acJ! known that ho could not swim There had been diligent sewlwtl made id I over tho country lirforr. the gun was found, but now iho tnmk t te lug searched In every eo:. . j vitble way. t I to bo hoped that bo will be found, butnwlcg to Iho rfet in the water It Is diflieult iMrehlne;, lbe wafer being muddy. There i a eoekd eingflogf'el the Cbrletlan fimreb, every Wed eased y eveidnir. l'Vee to all Who v. i-b !o atleud. Tho RStio Ui ,Um 4 lu. will no et on Silurdsy evening nt lbe ,M. K, Chureb, nt which 4ime It will give one of It regular pfOgftMBfl ; ffie eler tl .o of oilie r-. Will be ittlatid.-d to 'lUn. Tho fisl Tetupiar motf i v( ry Tuesdiy r venin:; it .Ma-onb- Hall, There will be M'ver tt new name. rep. resented to-night Tlte cause ui lajuja freraoe still Jlouri-b'i. The A. O. I W. meet OV4 ry I -d and ."rd Monday,' of a h motitb. Tfiey are in good ivoiking order, and their future I proml of SU''CCSS. A F. Heard I Iir.-iy in ytiung eaflle. Su-to :t bo I Iho largi-st man in town nr.d the lttgest family, eviept .lobnny Morris, Ml Jobi.oy i n emnll man In stature. Kvery one i saying why I il thai sll iho young ladie In town flail Kelly's drug store. IJo H.iva It J be cause he keeps Magnolia Ibt.m for the crimpa'Xloii. We aru In need of a first ela- lir lar. Any one wno might wMi to en. gjge In that btislnea would do u.-l! by eondng to Ibis phrn ntrd for par ticulars inuire nt tlio Cliy Drag .Store, where n full Mtfil r ' I nd M govst lerm-. We are destined to iho bu..iog of A. V. PjwoII's 1 horo wood saw. W seoon our s:rteta, us we v.rllc, tlie hucksttr roan, FrfewdJjr, wlio visits r.ur pbie (s e tsr.n illy, lo f :iy furs, f la--, egg', drie I fruit-, ere. Vnm t Sn JlltXwa HUB, Toitiking a abort letter from .air secli in W'.ui J furnish s on -Jbing new to your readers I agtin talce lbe pen. .Mr J F D.mnv and t; k fj have gone on a vf-U io vVashlngton Oi. to at oae oj' D.oirn ' ai9ID m trried. FtruiTs are busy sj ,, th,. rain sfopp.'i fining ready t s.w wa.-.f, etc. .Strut grain that waeawWfl bef.,re lock well. .Iin Lydii i .'.nr'.tii is ie n Iieg our idbOOt, an t wi l h ive eompltel one month i li wr. k. she Is giving Krfrr t satisfaction, I fsdieve fr m sriturt cause, p.-o'iia y b -l WOltbOTa alio will cloao Friday. Mr U H L'troy i puaning hi dry er and ho has a 11 to lot of apple nnd they are jmt u white ilnaoet a snow. (Sl Johns it S'on. cin.i'.Btel tho bretch in the N rlh Sin'iim bridge about ii -am yestui.l iy, which gives joy to ad of us wiio live in the fork" of tho SHiitiim. 1 have examined the work very can fully, and though unt an t Xpert, I felt cot tldent that they tlid a Boat eX6eHeot j I firm ly beib'Vt that lbe bridgo is strong-r thsu whtn first built. The only iuci dent that occurred during the progress of rep it ing, worth mentioning per haps i the breskiug of the ewlBg ing scaff.ld uu last Ssturduy nftcr nrsrn. There were on Ihe seaffold, S. Job., (Jeo Compton, Luu-oln (.jod;tl, Wm KCnsker, Riley Crabtrt e-Li:. coin (r srtl d and Udey Cmbttve be- lug outside of the bridge and Crab tree working putting on clumps, hud a h da eat throug'ilhe b-.-Xing f ir lay ingtnols on and also to see how tufas ten clamp to cord, the hole wa about I feet wide and atsjut a foot high and as sesfribl went down (Joodal and ('rabtrco caught the rde of tho curd hanging on for a moment, over the abyss, but tho presence of mind that Crabtrco wa. always notd f r poss essing, prompted him lo uuderbtkf and accomplish s feat hardly over surpassed ; h- h. t; at of strength and nctivity drew him eeif up and cume tbrnugh that hole, tr.king vpecisl eare not to ninlet O hm1-.1h hold, who was banging si near, and asquiekiisa eat .-ie.'l Quudal ttHM making sure of l.l safety, sud saen he waa as fe. on (he Btnd, Sl John caught fndd of tbe rape, Ooinptiofl fell cr ss a b' Mid and heid n until reHeved, Chadt r fell into tbo river together wiili 7!l'f feet oflum,er an I by being aa expert swimmer lwnm ashore, taking hi. hat and vo-t In one band, diataMee atsiut 40 t abtbot was very mueb fatitTued when he csiue ashore, etthough ho wa the only one. lha f Il into tho Wii r, he t.u-k i v ml isd:s I nek t ; eo le w ul. were getting along;, vhl e oi wane. In t'.e Ul si : a. f'Jtfs Drhiucrat: Your atiygeatloa io las wee' s Di M l'rat. in regard to mil it ff up Browne villa woolen BfOels in Albany, w.e good, and it should he pressed. t.eak I ol the woolen mill-, tbejf bave ir-ver beeula so Itourtabb.ff a ooiirlHloo asat the present time. This canpiiiy, Ibis season, bivepnt In :oi inch lell'i 11 Tor bine wheel, at a coat of near .fJbbO, and ilso put in two new Crousptoa 90dnoh fancy looms, at a ciatol'over $150(1 - and thy are now turn ins; o.Tus mtia't work as any two sett mill on tlu? coast, or as much in proportion, a any two - t ts iu nuy of the large mills. Io tie mnt'lh of August they turned out, H(K8 7G and ia Sf ptember $13306 19. Let any mil done will siM fun h to the of cur little city. thai can br'at rhrse flirurossrAeaU L f and the be-tTrif all J In re l a greater o"e- 111 -a II fl f,.r 111. ir ,. ...L (I O.... a-ra a,,ai wi ri , j n I I I U I I I IIB V I .1 II Iv I . . . . ' . . .1 orth JirovrsviUn iatohavt- another tl-ho,. l. Jm.nses. hwbulft',W.ina-l ; au-'ulditlon te Tajer flume's tooclc, for ash'rpiiii l storo-fam, and starts for I'.t Hand this fboralng lo buy Ida bet's and stock. Mr. i'.lm ihnrd lit legr!, Kmm i. who! has been p.tte low with scarlet, fever Is i much hotter; and Improving very 1 1. 1 ' i i f n is aisi nperrye ntior boy, who has been down with the same complaint. The rains for the last two w.eks have -enously Intel brew wlttt the work of faritieia In pulling in their fall grain, but If We ahouid tiavo a few weeks of audi weather as yesterday, they could sor.ii makeup for lost tlnio. Wo all (eel good over the news from Ohio, and look forward with much hwpas lo How York and lnny Ivanla, and sn. at tlie dlletnma. of the failh ful st it. m. Our "Jesse" returner! to Salem ;, . -tHt.biy to give a last Wtiuoj. forilie a, ss, Bed a.e what the ;o emor. l omg lo ubout It. that Is thesup.-i in eu i, eey .f the Knlt ciitlsry, 'Me..;'' sJmmUI i.e eared for by all in -an. Beawrred it last aututucr. sir. .1. M. 'f'yewr. haa Just returned from a trip cast of tbe mountains wliere lie lias horses and sheep on the range We arc all sorry ( rr that "(311 Ilia s--vered bis r'onoeetiofi with fb DtCMOCBAY, butcansole ouraelvca With the Ihougtit that It lastiJI left iu able Hands Mutt ess to It. Our mall conlr .etor has put a new wufon oa the Brawasvl b. sod Ifabajj route -iimi li, -a vroo.eot," now gin in style. MaSMia 4 'loft Sl I boo,-i . bsv.- j ut s full stoe. ladies llKor.- la the fio... ol their atora. with a vary fa jauJC pltfz '-'.. sal their- lo, tmt, aad it foolaua all weaab.rf.illy. MTettvarsjealeb oiiMdv.'a makings i,-w v It. beM I rfre'4011 we will g I ua.-. ir, u ; (,rr Weil. Mr. Mover, baa nearly CWmpfeted ibr fro t yard tohts tt-w i.-i l.-. ,-..( Hud Ur is K'. wg Ul havo thi I r.l to Weat arbon it gtwwav The woods ar putting on ' tbo nt tued yetbsw leaf. asid II lawfte like one ought t " j at cheat cutting. I 11 fclX L Mr V. Ar hib:d has sold his farm te Mr. Meeker, of puget Sound. Mr M. la universally acknowledged to be ttie ur- t - -1 hop raiser ia tho Initid Stab This ye:ir be rai'f one huudred nnd fifty ttiou-anrl pour.d. On W'dlo-d O t II, Mr. H. 15. .'oyirand M in Jessie Siwer w re united in holy tsod of maraltooriy, also Mr. J. II. W'iion, and tba Anna Wood, all of this city. K. D. Johnson Is erecting a build ing fm M tin street which he intends to fill with a weliselec ai stick of tin ware nnd stovs. A Mr. Skier I .:r n b ragbt Mr. Lark in' firm. Mr. Lir;ln intends golna; to (;UfornU. OaThwrattej, wMla Mr. Venner's Jo iir .v,n( Iho street, it ea ruo ' by u wagon and ki:b d. Bmstsa Iiisnebard is iinf.roving. Batorday, Mr. D ilf Bnii , went ..ut buntlr.g, eami !.... I; l-.adi-l with thirty-one busks. Girgo Qi Bemkeiy, h . on exJ RaJ lion at hi- tlrti"; "ter-, feiiato weigh ing three and a naif p .uad, r.t.-d on t!: farm ef J. Karri-oii. f 'lem CBrlen sod feed B inon, ft !- I...t' U -y , . . a, wtxsl f..r . B. Kbk. Mr. Patliod, to'.iee or f. t ingfr sewing tn ed i i" I' . , is in the city. Wi; .N .i ni itrreaaaini a i wa f Ur merchfils, (; a- Ui.if op.arc deloga geod boainesii th s fall, 'jb Moses Beatltaw are alfo kit In? a go al ,h ire el pa'.rnr age t the'r new store. One has residence la t-n bu It antl la ready fur .c upiiney, sod one o her Is beipc built lath by laatrtw lor-, so i he young lidies r.w betdf uat. Mr Scott h hwpffuvtnf bis Tannery which H ladngeondueteil by him and bis s ui, Wi'llam, a noblo ou'h nnd worthy of belnj; Imlt tterl t y a. I i ur tmys. Tho yoaneg bataat ajawe tbyung gouts a tapper Iml week, at the resi dence f ht rrawf..rl-, E-4 , nnd they h ad it i;o ,d fine, Buassj aaaT oar fOSng tanb i wt ro theie. Our young poliilcl in w.s th mot conspiclour. lie lend in all bisiu-r.s aid ol it i s, Philc. Lost or Stolen. From a tribe of (irsnds ii -n i- T.idians. near this ciiy, Saturday S renins;. ept. 13, two horaea, eadi about ten veara old; one, a lay, with light riiiK tnade'bv ainch and while fpotinlbe lorebead ; tbe other, lerjr er and of a dark aorrel hue, and abort ih tail. .Parties knowiiifr nf lbe wheroafnu's of tas aante will confer a favor bv bring ing information to tela office, of to Bill Condon, ano of the owners, who a ill l e found just east of tbe city. Assignee's itfotce. VT0TICE1S IIKRKBY C.IVKN THAT is under and by virtue of an assign ment duly in. i '. unJcr and by vittuesof u Aet of the Legislature ef the State of Oregon, approved tJet. IS, IS78, entitled "All Act to secure creditors a jual division of tbe estates of dentora who convey to assignees for tho benefit of creditors," aad emoted of rHord lu lbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Linn Co.. on tbe l!l h day of , 187U, by Asa li. Peter son, insolv. nt, the underaigued, J. K. UN a' heif rd, Asaignen of the estate of Asa H. Peters-nN, insolent, will ntyii at public Bliet on, to lbe i. v'i- -i bidder, on .V -. '.' t.r J.!ht ilny of Octoftrr, 18S3 at tbo Court House d or iu ib- city f Al bany, Linn 0 uintv, vrreuon, be. a ecu the hours .-t .uie o'.-I.k;! and ti re o'clock p m.. of sai l da , to wit : at lbe hoar ot one o'eioelf p. Ul ,"f said day, in stiara'e lots, tbo folia whf described real cstaie : 1. Boglaaing at theS. K comer of the ilonatiou land ciaini .-f John M. lturge and Julia A. liurge, blng cjaim NoaBJ ; tbenoa north i'J!u chains; thence west .17.7.") chains j tleatce soaih ll So ebaina ; thence i-a-a a7. ifi . bains to the plae of be gin. dog. containing 7.1 acres, lyii: and being in Liuncouuty, iegon - All i f the south ballot th donation, nnd nbdes of A- IL fo erson snd Susan nah I -l. i'n, laitijr u,, ifi,-aii n No. 2j2JJ, an t olaini oil, ling (rarts of aanr ions l, 17. -0 anil tt, in Tp. 1-2 S. K 2 h of thb Willauie it Mnr.di-.ii, l.inn county, ro rfon. excepting tlierel'riun that put bore, iooes id and .smvey.wt by 4w dseda of eon ve auos, one uf ta i., Melissa J. i Ktuio it id the i.thwr . la id 11. Peteiaon. I ;i Hiiioiit.t rciiiainiinr lu.m -i.e .o more tr tets, iing anil len.g in Linn iajliy.Wrrs. - -- - r, v. 1 . r, . A b- g numgat a point SO r . ts cut frarn iheN. W. ernes of tiontl, run.- Ill, lie. - .; thellc cast KU red : t hence north" 51" io.t: thtee w.r jM t place i begtnntBg cootainiiw iu acreM, in Tp. itftS ii 1 ., in Linn couutr Oregon. oi LaOfS i and o's-iid land tone It i mlh jtn l to a mnrtgayu ot'at.oul siSru leruia olatle-one hall cab. trwhl nolo ;o b naid on day ef safe, and tl remain ing one-najr to be paid in three mouths, M-a-urnd b.v infrtgaue on the premises, Ilaled thia 2ird 4y of Seplt-iuhur , l.Si. J. K. Wkatuki l'OKP, mmfmhrthrt i'ck Hop TJit'era aillsnre'y o mskio you wel! wben ah 1f Il y.) . - . Jim ewto rail a aV . - - a.a ui..... or b Wela, it i i .iu ill. for Hop m." ly in all aucu your own fir Hitler-sr.. , .complaints. Hu are wasting swy with any form IV, y mM MoP tmptna I-ath Ii!e,r",,,10n,, MrM r sur,, to If you a re ai.-k aith that terrible 'ikneSH Nroeanrna, yWu ai 1 tut a "Balm in UllesaJ" in the use of 11 p MlUers. If ,1 on arr a frerpte.ter, or a resident of a .iolri't, IrarrkmJe yrur ayaisui ayainat the (,.. r-e of all eonnories ma larial, epidemic, Inl, anl inrer.iiiuat favers by tba use of flop Hi ters. If yu have routi pimply, r a 1 ov sk.:i I. a. I iir-stli, pub.- and erlots, aul feel misersble getif rally, flop Utters ail five you fair akin, r.cb blrasl, aui w et eat breath, be aim, and comf-nt. In short tbeyewrs sll Idsnaseanf ibn ab.mar-ii, Ilow!a( fPood. l.lver, N ree, Kldneya, Jtrigbfa In -ease. vi I l paid far a case titer will no4 uere or hslp. That poo.-, ladbl l-b-n, in-alld wi'. - s'ur ue. bor. or dsuabta-r. ran b oiarle th. pu-ture of health, by afsar l,.atle f Hop Blllera. costing bu: a tritl Will yo let law in auffai? 6. B. P. Wm. Iiinclsj-",a tr ;frr Mil wmwm, fa Oat jifVf papalar tbtj It ia aratrs-rtaal te gn aCalv-Us, if ymi Wait Uataavaual caA et l -IS Wa SVait puUl-t. thaai, bat rater oe ta Oa Seatr li fj laaai II baa u-, caaaaL SI r Satlr or bastlca lor i. . Aeetiaa at Otto lass every iJT sax. week. CROSBY k MUMPHKaV. THE LEADINC ORAYMEff . IIan-4 ls-jcgbt r ut I'erry iukai, ara prepared to do w,k in their lu aith dispatch an 1 -are rl . sure sa 1 ask far lb in wm. n. 9 s ureswr t G. B. Ilt'gat in tbe Central Market, in ilea a' 1 of hie old, ti w. II in new t es lomera t call oo bim tVr their meat, at ti. IV Ifaizbt's old ataod. 1Li is the plaee tr, g-n ten Jjr a'.eaks. A:. IS A SURE CyURE for alt diseases of the .r.dnaya and LIVER cor-! .tloavflSfllrrc ttai - M 21 Sarin arolrt1eaa. Watvau S Xa take a torao.ani eoaaaa at tt. 4V BOCP 3Y DRUCOI8TS, Price l. Administrator's Notice. Notice ia hereby jriven. teat the under sff;ned haa been duly appointed adnnnia airator of :he estate of It. ii. Elder, deceas ed, by the County Court of Linn county, Otion. All persona bsvina claims aagatnst said etst, are hereby not i lied snd rrvjuir ed to p: j-ni the Ksoif. properly veridrsl, ' t!i :'' Tsinr-4 hi his r -!-! ii. .-a Shed-Ja s:ainei, I.inn C-ounlv, Oregon, within six niuulbsof lbe date hereof. Sept. T2y lb8J, l. P. V inTKC, SwA Administrator. 6UAR0IAI ASEUBAHL'E CO., PF LONDON. 1-STA8LISIIED, A. l. iril Capital an beer itasf, d KO isai Capital at id up o.taa. oos JfOTE. This ccmpany haa tl.p I s ry t paid up ea nf any company Con g business in tba I nits I State. Insuran- e accepted by I?cbt. A. a"on p, Agt f AllHtnv TtaFbrewery." ) l-ste u m baerd tl.! pajBaBat s sblish mcnt of Mr. DsttwBMjar, and am prepared to furaisb tbe uio ic TIIE BEST BEER mannfsct ared in the Valley, both At Wholesale AND You are ure of gooj toa'aieu at the Star Ib-ewery. WM. FABER. Meeiden Cqm.U.SA; Having attained a national reputation in FINE POCKET CUTLEIIY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have addedj Os taapwol icSai n of tb a allied onperiatendent in that depart , jWJSjSBjSBBse bv extended exterienc ia orking of lino steel, we are ensiled to offer vei f i. i ! Rood of unrivalled quality. To intnxluca our pititvt a tvttt irt r PATENT AIXJUSTAHLS Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, pi advance of regular jrade channels, 'are shoiy co$. of it, and will mail a gauiple groaa to any aJUn . j on receipt ot'SJ. tarries as mars lak tt any Foacteia Pea. P 'mm If t 1 a . a V THIS TEN FITS A3TY UOLDttt Our trtinte line of IVr.t art!! be sold bv the trade. lrioe Li;ts furuiaL.a U SaSdera on application. BC8 S. 179. 1 aoaaSa,aawre taa ma. "aTfaR a B B 1 . 1"