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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
3e Druuwrat. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1882 MMTOftlCAL. The office of consul exl iteU Rone fur 1050 years. Sagtr cane was introduce 1 Into the Btrbedoes in 1G41. The tret American colony w;is gent to Sierra Leone in 1787. Eight of the Venetian dsges uvro members of the Ceotarlnl family. The first percussion nrtu was adopt ed in the United States army In 18. Cobalt was first discovered in 1733. The mine producing it are in Swed en, Saxony and Bdhemia. The dissension la the Christian Church concerning grace began dur ing the pontificate of Clement VIII. Io 1782, the rich Creoles of Bor deaux were in the habit of sending their linen to be washed at San Do mingo. A statute was passed io the reign of Edward III. expressly enaetine that no person should bo convicted of high treason, except en the tostimony of at least two witnesses. Doting Lord dive's third visit to Miadoostan, 200 of his officers re signed at once, hoping to frighten him, but he immediately issued new commissions and had all the men who had resigned brought beforo him. The insurrection was quelled, some of the men were pardoned and the ringleaders punished. The drum was introduced into Europe by the Crusaders, but it was pfoonbly in use in Egypt and other parts of Africa for many years before, and it is thought that It was possibly known to the Jews under the name of tabor. The entry of Edward III. into Calais Is the first military occas ion upon which drums were used by the English. Sheriffs Sale. I the County Court of Lint County, Oregon: Will J. Wolfe, Plff. vs. H, Davidson, Deft. By virtue ef an execution and order of malm iesoed out of the above named Court la the above entitled action for the ium of 60.00, with latere- at tbe rate of 8 pr ceat per annam, from the 7th day of Sep- ItfoA, and tneiurtnar snmor-' - I have applied the following He re! property heretofore attached io aaid action, to-wit : Beginning at t!io northeast corner of block 22 (twenty -two) ia Hachleman'a second adeition to tb city of Albany, as the same is designated and described on the maps and plats and surveys of aaid addition, now on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Uno county, Oregon : Kunoing thence south 110 feast parallel with Jefferson street in aaid addition ; thence west 06 feet parallel with 5th street ; thence north 110 feet parallel with Jefferson street : tbe nee oast as feet parallel with 5th street, to the place of beginning, and on Saturday the 21st day of October, 1S&2, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hoar of one o'clock, p. n.. I srfil sell said property at public auctiar for cash in hand to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution with accruing cost Dated this 22nd day of September 1832. Geo. Humph rev, Sheriff of Linn Co. Oregon. Summons. I the Circuit Court of th for Uvt County of Limn : Sot tie B SpaHw Montgomery, , W. H. Monti-oraery, ) of Orrgoti SuiuUiob To W. H. Montgomery tr nyve Himtd defendant : IK THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, yea are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint of the above named Plaintiff, in toe above Court, now on file with the Clerk ol said Court against you on or before tne first dsy of the term of said Court nest following the sixth publication of this amnions, to-wit : on or before Monday tltfs 23rd day of October, 1882, and if you fail to answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff herein will apply to aaid Court for the relief demanded in xaid complaint, to-wit : For a decree of said Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony Bow avhrtiTg between yourself and this ptaimlrt, snd for the care, custody and guardianship of Nathan Mark Mon'gout ery, the minor child of platnlid and de lendant, and for tbe coots and disburs ments of this suit snd for such other re lief ss shall seem proper to equity. This summons is published by order of the Judge of sail Court, made at chain bers in the City of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, on tbe 2nd day of Aagust, A, D. Powell A Eu.vEr, Atty's Jur FitT. Summons. Ju tAe Circuit Court of Utc SiuUs of Ory- n for Li County : James L Cowan, PUT. I va. C C Barge, Deft. ) To C C Burge the defervUut above named. In the name of the rstate of Ore gun you are hereby required to appear is the above entitled court anil answer the complaint ef the above named pbimiffin the above entitled action by the brat day of the next regular term of cAid court in and for iAnu county, to be gun and hel l on the fourth Monday of October, Itfatt And you jare notified that, if you la:l to appear and answer s.-.i.J comp amt as above required the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe sim ot S40 and interest thereon at the rate ol wne per cent per month from Nov. 8, 1875 and for the costs and disbursements ol this action. Published by order of the Jinn R I Boise. Judge of said court, for six weeks in the "btateKights Democrat," which or der bears date Aug. 22nd 182. Fuss A ChambkrLaiw. Atty's for Piff. Guardian's Sale. -fJOnCE B HEREBY GIVEN THAT jl .. uU sjgu4 Uitru au i tn- vii, and estate of Daniel Smith, Lottie Smith, Edward 8mitb and Laura smith misers, will on Friday, tbe 29lh day of September, lS8!Lt the hour cf one o'clock, p. in., of aam oay at the Court Bouse door in tbe city of Albany Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tbe high est otdoer, all the right title and internet of said minors in and to tbe following de eoribed premises to-wit: The undivided four sixths ef lot numbered even (7J in block numbered fifteen (lc) in the City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, as tbe same ja designated, numbered and described on the maps and plats cf said city on file in t he office of tbe County Clerk cf Linn county, Oregon, Tsutais ok sale : One half cash in hand, the balance on a credit ef twelve months, with interest at ten per ci nt p n annam the deferred payment to be so on red by mortgage on the premises. Dated AuguatSist, 182. Georok Sinqukton, 5w4 ouaidian. yVjVYmjHZC wrrMjfu the mope ciy woman. 2THe raceW LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Here Care fee all FEMALE WEAK- EMI EH, 1 columns' l.eacarrea, Ir vesalar and ralafai MeastraaiioB, Innaanaaatloa aad liberation ol Ike Womb, Flooding, PltO. LAFSFB t'TFJU, Ac. ttrFbaasat to IS sSjarfcna aud laatneatute tatuvffoci. ntoaersathelPla rraajrasst, mJ r Soto pata during tabor wd at rrfalar pert- da. rBsKuxsrsn issrarsranrt rr mm. trF.' itxVbcnra of the generaUa-a nrn. or otthT erx. It itmwiiM tvsaeSy last baa rr r U-on beforo too public j sad for all anarawr of too Krssvra It lathe Gnatrmt Srmtd y fa ki Sera's. ;r"KIDVET COMPlAUrraaf Either Res Fled Ureal Relief ta Its fee. will Ulood t iraxh the Ooft-poaod aad BUxa.1 rsriArv are pre pared at as aad a WoaSwa Aoaa, Lynn Mao. rriorof cither. SI. Sis botttoa for fa, Tbe C la nut by mail ia tbe form uf tafias, or of Io SSatSl of prior, St per box for aattaer. Era. Flashem rooty uuwtn all lottm of laqulry. Cadnwiooat tump, bead for pamsbtH. lA.s fan, r. . u-i . ts. . fwwnivm Inn Paxl roro fVejaat'Ba- I loo. BUloujaooi w - - Tm. aim IL ... 7.. JTMeM by all W.B. SOOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING -GOODS OF ALL KINDS. The Celebrated Baker Gun, Either double barrel, shot gun or three barrel two shut and one ride. Also Sharps, Remington, Ballard , Thee nix, and Marlin Magazine Rifles. Also a large stock of English, German and American broeeb-loading shot guns. Full stock of Revolvers, Pistols Cutlery, FIs bins Tackle of ail kinds, and Ammu nition i ail kinds. A full stock of Devi Sowing Machine tbe best In the market Aim full stock of sewing machine needles of all kind sod machine oil. I make a sitecisity of repairing fire-snus ami sewing machine. Iternvmber that I rannot be indentoid in the Suae. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE ARE Ul"y pri-jearetl ss omuI te fur nish storage and sscks on tbe nvwt favors terms. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL 13K PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CJ., Msgnolia Mills. 13ul ALBANV CITY PLOURINt MILLS. We are prepared to furniah sacks and storage on the same terms as last year, and will pay the SAME PKEMlllH. THOS, MONTEITH & SON. RAG CARPET. As I am prepared to do weaving ef f-arpct on abort notice. I solicit the patronage of the people of Albany and vicinity. Those having carpet to weave will please give me a oall at my residence two Mocks sooth of the Fast Albany cboo! house, on Sixth street. Mrs. W. H. Warjckr. TUTT'S SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loea of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the Shoulder btade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of having ne elected some duty, Weariness, Diaslneas. Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, fellow akin. Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TCTT'B PILLS are especially adapted to such case, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. . They lerrsosi m sjse Aswssl He, snd cause tha tody to Tsks os VUmSjhm tbe system Is iHffiuf wMaas, s auced. Pries 25 cents. nvrnfi: TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Okay Hatb oa W ebsBireii toaGtxissv Black by a single application or tats dye. It Im parts e natural color, sets Instantaneously, dold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of St. OFFICE, 35 MtBBAV CD,, rem Hi SEAL at VrieM latttmmUm m4 Udkl aillljtn rttl fc muOU rKSK b antMlss, WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY OP GOODS IN THE U. S. ANO CAN SELL YOU ANY ARTICLE FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY use. im amv nuAtrrrrv at wwniJlALF price. WHATEVER YOU WANT SENO FOR OUR CATA- I LOGUE VFREE.) ANO YOU WILL PINO IT THERE MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 S 238 WABASH AVENUE, CHtOAQO. 1 r v l i nn r pivKBAsre bisod rrarrtKM rradicale rrrr Yella i' Muaim fruiu lb . at (bo aamo time U1 tOS sad arwrU U PILLS NEW 8TORE. $30,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPENINC ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER OFFERED FOR SALE DAY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties, Ladies9 Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc. A GREAT MANY OF OUR GOODS WERE PURCHASED IN HEW.YORK, CON SEQUENTLY THEY ARE OF TNE VERY LATEST STYLES, ANO THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT OF DATE. - PERSONS RESIDINC AT A DISTANCE CAN NAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OP EXPENSE. THE CLOTHING IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS EVER BROUCHT INTO TNE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TNA Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere WEAL S3 4 Full Line of BOOTS AM) SHOES HATS . AND CAPS, GB O O WE SHALL ONE PRICE 33T WE INVITE ALL TO COME AND SEE US. WE HAVE COODS THAT WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW IT. WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO GIVE US A GALL, AND WHEN YOU DO SO REM M BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. ALLEN & MARTIN 57 FIRST STREET, BURKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. NEW GOODS. OF NEW GOODS. MARTIN IN ALBANY. DEPARTMENT KEEP HAVE BUT FOR ALL. COODS - THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE a ARK 13 ft '8 1 TST a TT2 BALSAM. This sk "AM cirrwing IVihAV.Uv-iMt.t'iB'ijr 'mil..r situ I., on no "im of its supetl l"jnluir'. mikI ptnuy. It content mufof'uU iily Owl lnfol is ih" scalp snd hafa ftatorci tht t o :Mu' Cole, to toy or TricA Hair Pukr' llsir llakan U ( ty prfnv- nm is w iruiii'l lOSmSM falling (I ami o fi munm daiKlriifl ami in Wng. Hikox h Co , N.Y. im. a4 f I .lot, t iaSBSf irt mm4 m4Uhf. FARKEH'K GINGERTONiC A spsrlsltvs Health snd Stresgth fteitorer If yon ar. s fwv Jinnir or fttimn, worn Out h evwurV. urn iruahfrum 1wn I y family in I If you ar. s lawyr, miiiHlvr or lnir man rr ISsSMhSSjr SSSSM Mraiiirs4iioMcaiM( do not .nk litoM rfliMgtiaiu!anlt,bulUM I'arlM-r'kitinerr 'I utnc If ynu hsv. ( ontiimiiiion, Iyiri.-i, lhaum I., Kslnay 'omnlaiaia, or nny nHdi r ofilir Itasga, n .. h. Ixwrlt, blond ff h'nd, I'm npk tUftHtU 'I'oain: v i Kurayou. Iliiher4lri.t tNool I'lirirtcr Asd las Call sad la real CosoS Curo Cver Cud. If y ! inn wlin.' -y ftoCII aj", )U'i.i(w.n or a iy Jirtio or rrl.r. ami rwpiiie ta Mimulnnl tail. Ciiusa TSSS ai "in c it UI nic t jUj iim btaiUl toil up front li4 rti t iIim. Imt trill Bf I u t .w aU, II liaa i iv. huiMlit of Kre; it m iy ssjaj youra. aaaasaial i it txii t.nr4ii 1. 1. mm sasaa nr llSma A (V, N. V. Sx. S 1 tiMHi AvU SSSji oskat vMl wti?ii air. Ili li 'i in titling ff j.-'Biic. ka Uuu',9 ttit oViiKhilul iiM'iiaa. acili.iBly paapatar. 1 kar. la aoiblsg Ilk. II. Iiim.i uih kavisg FixiBts i r. i ocuoaa aivj lo-.k fur Mgnalura of Hi ry W41U. Aay dWaSalS m ! h itj iy IM. Hn,li;in m LAlU.g SAIMJ St'TiSi' Ur. SIX. FRED WILLERT, CARRIAGE AND WVCON ANFFACTTUREH, ( orser rlscond and Kerry St. Albany.Or Is prepared to manufacture carriages si ) wagons at lhort notice auu oi me vr y BBT HATBSIAIa. Ho makes the premium earrlsgrs sml buggies of the Mists. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK lions at shortest notice snd in tht iui SKILLFUL MANNER. III work snd bs flrat - claaa. materia! Ls vtsrranUMl to 24 it To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESPECIALLY The .SaflTerinjc from Drbilitv, Nervous Prostration. Loss ef Vitality, Sexual lttflrmitie, Ktf., Ktf. mK OB EAT SCtn THtMR HAVE an, 1 aiSanaf feacs SEXtAL r rtaaVaman 1 ifttttS " So cat Mmiiffseesaf Hy ins tasss Tb. (Mawsi ismaalilajssr is ax Ib Umm rluaM mi tnuW. Io da Ml ta Uaa aatattal. -So hj ttaa, tSWroh kivaaiud. im! v ia not anaA-tiii'i iklllr-! la laesa Hsasaaa mt U-,ubc to do o, mm! H muat it t m.in4, ia rfrtnl i . -r Ihartn. j. r oim. OpaauaU bla m earUbrataad InaUtaU to U'.S f ar th waHMt f ffalHSIll. UlS ..Ulrlol llta ,.t rsstaarsUaaW. ami (' ur SO vesrs II Sa I nana njuaij uia it.ia iui t ma sasmaal ..h i I ass avsrs last sy 4wsllHnx aann so unlixkils ssbsctss Ua daraay si sraiaal ator lb. afixarant awsv SaWisraa my nwUV. but Lb. litaair io Italurtaa was sr. sttBaMlNy tsroatrn irnorsnce, .) by aarstassssss or wsat l kiaawlsily. th.i a saa to lass, sis Baat oalr burrjln Uita.wlata sUSasly fra. but gtaltaa aaauaaJ artmbnaMMaa iharrltslM. Uahilur. saraMraUuna. U U riitf u U. k parawl KM IS b. aOlartal. U y am i fro as nlarht Waaaa, benrouanr. mt mind. Ii(bl l-aw-. .I.n, Ms tassaav. trasnblln, paUf.i laUkaa, SusSsa. Sr. oar U hsr. arscUaaa awl t sasws waa la She aablM t,antcutar ) are a iB.r ls boat Um BaSCmy ef Raaaa Ltfr. Anal asesM sot Iwsluvts to st.k st otios health and cTars uuasaxtccd. tvjm modkratk OOXSIXTATION UV LfcTISR OK oTUCKWlsK - Psass Vegetable BcmrSIca I aed. a-sVai YoO aVS SSrwciaUlr Uab to raffartac SSfliiiM pnwtrmuon. All Jvur fnwajluar cm. asyvses is laeir oryin mm nup ..ur re tsrrlblr SSjassassj or ioaapr rabbit lKidur is his rasssruhss snd prsrUss ot ahlss tos aasds your f.rKanissUun s ayirialaUady aiaal la Uiua .nabt4 frvm bla aaperi aass sad kaowWatr to aid and curs you In SSJ s the trowhlaa. wiili n in, dUtrssaist sad aaaffrriiifi to which ss s saa you sr. Itahl.. STYaa wUI Snd Is the Doctor s friend sssa yarn eon rvply for comfort, aid sad cur. laaag's remake BesardMrs hsr. st a rr uu.u r r.r miiii- uuritoird lr my BS. or Mod trot mow rtntton mwmr iJlimi TSary saa be sent by sastl or sxprssa tasss awatrleg rwraoaol car. snd attention roii tor. sH nooasaary swttiwo1Uooa (unaUhoJ. -O Letter. Thoss who can set visit th. city cawt by ytrtng ttotr synnnaw la their own osj , rf tc odvtrv, sad when aaosirod, traoitaant aI Uurne with er aa mrsaea ot sears. LCTTKK8 EETl'RNEU Oft bESTUOYKD Addrssa, r J. C. loiM.. Medical laailialr, . T ttorlitoa St. Ban Fnncisoo, Feb tl. 1882. NTISELL PIANOS 10000 Fams I. WO Organ. as. Salf rSuy el Maaulertu,. ,. 'rwsauai,sw &0RE1NS aaw, mi or . laMoiimeota AN7ISILL e MarkaatOrM sanrniiiiHii, STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A MJtlm of too thru! lmprndeDos causlog Prems turs Decay , Kervoos Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., baring tried In vain arery known mnsdy, baa dh oovcrad s admpla seJf crura, which he will scud TKXM to Ida feliow-euffereni, addreaa J. II. IIEEVBS. 43 Chatham at., N. Y. i 50o IBUvtfirii 5 r AN Is otleaas's sioldra Bs lata at Cure iThauiuara, tlr.l auid .uooiid aoyea ; Sorei on Ihe l.wp and Body ; Hy philiUs Cotorroh, SSv eaeaxi sVwlp, aud all prtiusr l.trmi o( th dioaeo. Jrrica), Si.ou ar ISotUe. Le BtcboM'a ;oiien Balaam Jto. y. Unrsa TsrUir.v. Marouriai, Byjhiiltic Hheuiuaaieui, Paine in Um bone a, Uluerstod Throat, byphlliUc Hsali, l.umpe, etc., and eradicates aJI ulaosaeu from ths lyatetn, whether esused by bad treat moot or sbuae of merviuy, losviuir the blood nuru sad health v. lrtee.5.00 per Bottle. Le Btcueu's oldea Huanlah AntJdofe for aba euro of Uouorrhoa, Uleet, eu-. Price, sj.&Oper Bottle. La Btekaa's CoIdia Spanish lajeclloa, s wash for euro of Uleet, Stricturca, Uuveoao ot the Urethra snd Bladder, eU. Price, fl.&O per bottle. 1 Blchsu'a Coldcn Ola latent for the Recti ve healing- of Syphilitic ckarca and Moos. Price, 91.00 per Bottle. Erup- Also Agents for Le Blefcau's Calden Pills, for wesansss, loss of physical powera, and all disss aes orient; from abuse snd excess 01 over-work. Prloe, 01,00 par Box. sent sTsrywbare, C. 0. D., securely packed pe Kxprssa. F. B1CHABB6 eft CO. Agents, 427 e ISO BSnsome atrset, Corner Clay, ban Francisco, tsJ. n SMSj aasutnsat las Sna A r c GREAT INDUCEMENT! MONTACUE LEADS IN LEBANON 1 Great Redactions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming. EVEBYBODY HTJYS EVEETBODT I10ITMA -PROPRIETORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS Hf Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaooos, Groceries, Provisions, Candler Nuts and Tropioal Fruits. A ll):ui , ... Oregon. nE DOCiR OELOW JOHN Brfr.av STORE. 39y. AT THK OLD HTAND. 72 KTKT sTKKKT, HAS ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX ST0VK.S Aa uu y noaasr In atllej . U a so Imports and maaslstlsret TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WANE OK fCVKRT IiCR!rTTON IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, BK KKKPH OB HAM), A rULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEKi COMPETITION. CAU AT 72 KIRWT HTREET, ALBANY, ORJBOOlf. Repair work done at vtS& P I- Mir.. .. u aw aiali M ler. i-..fca v. aj' . r - .kaiine t a.l ii r j f . .a . . at ilt ..ajr at Se aa-'a oae iSe TWfa It a hrre M mika ! m aMOrik H m4 ..4 Mieall m en. . ; m mmm Waiiy.l io k Ul av - l mm CV KINOS NCW hVSrkla FITTED WITH COMBINATIOM SPIXTACUES. THEY WILL COfiSECT SIO PtEltVI THE T. ltDLCnCCAHNOT GET THESE C30DA sua salt oxt v a Chsreh l rectory. Y. P. C. A. Meets at their ruums in Fos ter a brick building oa Saturday evenings st 7:30 o'clock, anil on Sabbath sfternoonsst 4. Businem meetings are held on the even ing oi the second Monday in each mouth. Everybody invited to attend U. P. ClIcacM. Proachingevery Sabbath, st 11 a. si., and 7 r. at. hy llev. r. (i. Ir vine, IA L. Sabbath .School at 2:30 r. at. i'rsycr meeting every Thursday evening. EvAMUtuCAL Cnt'RCH. Preaching on flab, both st II a. at., and 7) r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting evsry Thurs day eveuing. J. A. Hollenbaugh, pastor. Coxa MM atiom al Ciro acn. Serv icos every Sabbath at lis. a. and 8 v. m. Sabbath Rchnol at 2:30. Traycr meeting on ThumUy evening of each week. ,1. W. Harris, aastor. M. E Chcrcii, Soctb. Servicm 2nd aud 4th Sabtaaths at St. 1'aul'a M. E Church, South, at 11 a. u. Sabbath School at 10 A. m. aharp. Prayer meeting rvery Thurs. day evenng. Jos. Lmory, pavator. M. K. Cuvrch. i'rtaclung every Sabbath at 11 a. m. snd 74 P. M. Sony service in tin.' eveuing bofore sermon. Sabbath School t 2:30 r. ML i'rayer meeting every Thurs iay evening. L Dillon, paator. Prbsstterian Chukoi. Service every Sabbath morning aud evettiug in College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rfter the morning service. I'rayer mestitig every Thursday evening. Rev. Iaaao H. Condit paator. EptScorAL CHUBcn. Services evsry Sus dsy, morning at 11 a. in., evening at 7 J p. m. Holy coiumuuion eyery Sunday morn ing at 0:45 a. m. Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Koht. L Stevens, pastor. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every aSsturday ' AT llarriaharg Orcgou, S. S.TlA.IIT,Editor i Proprietor. Terms $2.00 per snuuni. NEW YORK SHOPPING I Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. Ia mar, who has never failed to please her customer. New Pall Circular just issued. Send for it- Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 16:7tf S77 Broadway. New VHt. YIRG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does tho best washing aud ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's livery Stable; 16:S5tf 18 tho TI1WK TO BUY ! STOCK OF GOODS COUNTY. the way for the GOES c JOSEPH, O.f HAND AS FINF AN AND PARLOR AND RANGES, reasonable figures. 48 a Ja i- ' M aw a.'i. b m m a- U I mm, . - laat. aa.aO aa m . I ALBANY OS MARBLE WORKS, STA1UER CR0S. - Pmprt start ALBANY, OttfrlUOM. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aUD HEADS I ONEH Eascutsd in Italian or Vermont Msrbie. AImo, every variety of oeroetery and other Mtoos work dons with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State snd Washington Territory. jsV AU wor'i. wirrate 1. 17:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. KNTARLIsHED IM. Hy A. P. CHERRY, eitoatsd st corner of First aud Moutgocueiy Streets, Albsny, Oregon. Having taken s barge of the above uar.isd Works, we are prepared to insnutastare Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every deav rtpUoci. Machinery of all tkinda repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tt.a chinery. Pattera Maklag dear la all Ms fsvssa. lfcllyl A. F. CHERRY at 80S. NEW" PI3H MARlraT. On comer nppoalta 9sadsrs at latere be rg. Will keep consiantly on band all kinds of fresh snd salt fish and oy stairs that the market affords. M.Htob FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART. Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON Tbe following Is a partial IM : nOasrss sum snd s hslf miles weat o Tangent, ursfonod 6 mils from A J ban j. 86 avTas to eultivation ; 40 arrws mors can ba not in cultivation easily: balance bchhI timber and pasture Isnd. Moil, rich b:ark prains. uooa souse and barn, good oner-1 ienoe, all In good repair ; youua orchaid of 100 trees; good we 1 and running stream tor stooK ; atoou school, cnurrti snd prat. ofBee ; good neighborhood snd good soci ety. Terms 30 per sere : $2,(ajO down, rest on easy terms. 2HS srrea on N snow Usage road, 11 miles from Albany snd 6 ml lee from tvrio, nl 7H miles trom J flerson. 126 arram go flarsains land, 75 acres in cultivstioo; r msindsr in timer and brush; honse IHxu, with 10 foot walls, ell 10x2 ; good harn 22xM wl th 14 foot sbsd cn one side; gorxl Csness sad water. Terms $8500 csnh down if possible. Hat her than netaeii will tsk- 2010 down, and balanos oo 2 to a yr yrm time, erawd by mortgage). iSt aerss of a mils west at Aibtny; 1 Of seres in culliysiKm radV arres oak aaasi sab timber xood woo 1 land; all unier fence, board snd rail, some good snd bad ; staont 7 aerss in orchard, apples, mostly psavra; good soil; 20 buahsls wheat irs rn ayerage; good cwo stor frame house, plsstered, 6 rooms, built In 1873. Wl good barn. 2xft and two well anranawd for farm ni.rn'Mes. Terms, fnOOS, a yssss ttnae oa g&uso lfS acres IH miles west of Tangent; 100 in eoiuvsnoo; ail nww baud, oiaan and ia good older; good two story house. as, asariy new ana n gorj .yndl grtd new barn 90x36; One youmr orchard. IK) nlura and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fnaess to good order; plen ty running wanyr, m acres or a ururer; rssb, biaca soil ana yery productive. Price 16280, cash sad hefawsu on faoe. 100 acres one sad s hsit miles northeast of Albsny; Uacarm in wheat, reat in fsir v erase; wooniaoa; gooa isno; neai'.y Price f 26 acre; terms easy. 1 mils in nth in it of Soda fair tannine : small hut, fenced. Will bs sold in small tracts or all together vond scb aol. rhorcb affies at 8odavill, also the soda s mom so per sere; easy terms. IX miles shore Onmtti, on Ys- qoina Bsy. known as tbe old sbirard. It naa a spleudid frontage on the Bay, snd wUI bseeid st $11 parsers. COO acres, lying wk! to c mile of Mon roe ia Benton county. A!. under fence snd divided into five flsds. All good farm land and half te grain. Good bouse and barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. It isoae o.'the best farms in 'hat esdi m of the valley. Pries S2 per acre $1000 or 91900 down and balance on time MM scree lying 5 miles north-seat of aarnsbura sad F mils east of Muddy taxation ail under fence; 180 acres in cnlu vsnVm, halsncs in pasture, but mot of it can be pot Inculti.eCkm. 1 S sfcor y boose, barn, good water, etc., 1 mils u scbotl. Pries 1000, 19 seres lying 6 mOes south of Albany snd 2 mi lea' from Tangent 75 '-rtw m dad under fence, 25 scr-x can be put into cultivation by out lay of 9100. Houae, barn, splendid water. A fins young orchard. Price, 930 per ia Csntawr Pretiaet I aui'.ss stalioD on Nsrrovr Oauae, loo acres la cultivation. Oood IM avoir house, cH bouse, bar a, and apaendui water and ttos orchard. All unoe-r feces. Price 9 to par acre. 240 acre. I ing about 20 miles south east of Albany. All under fnce, email orrbcrS, DO bulidiuars. 50 scree has been cultivated, but it is ail now used as pas ture. Pries 910 per sera. 343 seres lying 3 miles from Braaalons Station la Canter Preriaet, all antler Bans ISO aerss in cultivation. Largs 134 story frame housa, good barn, several outbuildmga, orchard and good Pries, 930 per acre. OeTaaO acres of lsnd ia Marion eoacty, eHfO VA miles from Bosua V ista and aseaa mllsa from JaSaarstsa. 80 actasin oultivstaoo snd bslancs L. light brush sop timber. Housa, barn snd good orchard. mid wkhta 3 aJUa. Enough he mold s the pottery works at Vista to pay for Las farm. Call on C. H. aSrawAJr-. at Albany. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. stock ranch of 230 seres, with good outside range, located near Bridge Cress:, In Wasco county, together with about 2S hoi sea, to evohsegw lor lsnd bets in the Willamette V alloy. Mow, if ye t want to sell y or farm and go into tht mstcx bust sea In Eastern Oregon, bore is s chance for roc. Call oa or add rem C. H. Steu art, Aiabany, (Jawgoax. c c cnasar C S.fA RKK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERfiV & PARKES, (Successors to a C. Cherry.) MsUiMfliaU slilaTigahl, aHu Iron Founden. WE H AYE OCR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are bow prepared 10 handle ad kiods of heavy work. We will man u fact tire Steam Enginea, Oris, and Mbl Maehlnsry.and all kind of Iron PATTsmsa Mats as sbobt ssrfMc Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will al.o manufae lure the Improved ifaerry A White Urals Lsraaaser Tarsi. mf Albany, Ur., Dec. 1, 1880. Saataai'e a ortS Mi.- v a Orsa. AWKEA MRS Sat at hnaue mlx msls- V i f CoaHlv OuaOt fnaa. AoHrvaM Tata a Cw., ANY YOUNG LADY Caa Snd pruetabts as J raersaaarnt an)ala m ot by wriUsy tia. Sute Ud have taesu workUtr for one year ssaklar froaWaMs laouU. . t au-re laajy stfaaal one ttwsry cuuat, ANY YOUNG MAN Who is sneryettr taxi wt'lina; ta work can da scually asaelL Weaave faaod aaauWe fr autWr ex u-mm, We araarsnte pennunt eia,aUaoieDt. AS tVIRI aaaaik aa v errt:a a. nua m ..arm to .tan Assatsia nUiiif t,aU lr g without risk we to sake hack all (uuua uwls ul final, order, autd we sill atil! So it. S250 A MONTH Has hssn tasale by atm. Agents wb werr eoerareUe aad biUarbt toaada in auch ua . titles av to alarsa.s bare a supply Wa, eeud irtaoalS C. O. 1. Whasn a anaaU Sal le isade ou tbem to insure good faith. We wauit very rsadsr out ot sm.aVayeksaa, ha se .d ami et our cireslsra, aud jro to wurK to Wat oar buaduea-a t our risk of lose Addre-s, TJ. S. Manufacturing Co-, Pittt-burgh. Pa RED CROWN MULS. BALLARD, IS0M & CO., PROPR'S. xiw PKocass flovk scrauiios ma XSV BAKEAS t'SK. FSM1U1 BESTSTORiGF HCILITI1S, Highest 1 Price in Cash fir Wheat ALBANY. OR.