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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
Hfce mmt Official City and County Paper. Entered at the Put Office at Albany, Or, a second-chtas mail matter. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1882 STEWART & CHAMBERLAIN, Editor aad C. R. R. TIME TAtll.K. Albany Mtfttlon. . nrtriRTiBtc or tuk a!. bant xxrnttss Departs at FRXIUHT TRAINS A " MA a THAI tStl " 5: SO A. M. 9:00 A. M. U 4 A. M. 11:04 P. II. 11:43 A. M UrO I M S:SO P. M KM KM. Arrive si HAIL TBm FRKIUHT TRAIN lH'jarU st ALBANY aUteRKSAArrives el All Trains dally. ffH Sunday. Ncticr. On ami after this date regular tickets will be aold at oar tioket office for following pointi on Colombia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Witx. B. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. AC.K.K. Co. Albany. June 18th, 188. The ehrulsaiuti ofTus DsaocaaT ia itesdi'y luarsss UMt.aa4istaMaatw7papr la ths State ou a of PerUsd, BasALo UlbtkaA medium to adver Um is. No edvertUMassnts ere ran after th-ir l J me 1set to all up. No eflerUseBeute ers Inserted free of charge. No sdverUeeaksaU uiJuubW up. Up to the tltneof goiut to press, yes terday, 440000 bushels of wheat had been delivered and stored in this oily There will be same mere ta come in bat net an Immense assoc. at. t the, Farmer's warehouse ia Taugeut there is tared alrfiut to. 000 bushels. The mills in this city haee begun grind iug, and it will net be ratny nonths before all (his large am uuto wheat is ground In to lour, as very lltt la of It It eeoi away and mm - send none rxe pt as flour. The price of wheat has gone down at a ter rible rate we are sorry to say, it being quoted at only 90 cents in Portland. That would make It 71 1 hare, hut the mills are paying 73 cts and premiums. We do not believe It will up ; ahatl not be aar prised if it keepe on going down. Played Circa Las Sunday evei hj-ert A-uoid a Hd several other bo vs. who had been to Sherman's Circus when hero, were iodeavoriug to perforin enmH of tUc trieks they saw there, when Evert mot with a mishap quit liable to befall the amateur : He was trying to stand oi lb shoulders of a young geignst, when be fall linking on nie arm and side. fpp fail n4 the dislocation of his arm at the elbow. Mr- Davis was tailed and attended him Insane. Oa Thursday of last w-e a mm named Daalel Goodwin, was arrested at Shedd SUtioa by P. A. Watts, and brought to thiseity. Lie was lav a mil ately examined for Insanity and de clared no compe fti, a art Friday aea Sherijf Humpnrer took him to East Fort land, where be will be treated lathe proper mauatr II j buleotn overland from California, walking the whale distancsas near as eouii be as pertaired. a " An effort is being made to rase money for an Schools, aad aa or can lor the Publie it ia something badly needed almost a necessity our citi zens should assist the matures liberal )y as they eaa. Our Central School baa altogether too fewadvaataaes. and it would seem that they are at leaat en titled to aa organ, u great attraction to the school room. A aebwol without music is a dreary affair, aad sing lag without an organ is like a tree with, oat fruit. Tou can afford to be geaer otdsTnibbi matter. beef b of AJfireel BaJttaaoee. We regret to record tbe death by ty phoid fever, succeeded by blood poison lag, of Mr Alfred Baltimore, a valued resident of eur city. Mr Baltimore was 41 yesrsold j was bora in Indiana ; was married, aad lived near Brownsville for several yearn, then moved to Urns MUa county, near the mouth of Willow Creek. Three years ago he moved to thiseity to educate his children. Since bis family was yisi ted 'with the fever ; one daughter 15 years of ago has died and tbe mother baa just escaped a ximb lar fate, Now the father Is taken after aloag and hard straggle. Mrs Balti more is a sister to Mrs B tc'ius, of Head River. TA Ballet Sun. t'aateat Time. New that it is the time of year when race tracks are being used we ha y leaned a few facts ia reference U fast r- - r, we niude by bofjei. The arjickest M 'If . IT Sgf -'1? ' V tmsever trottea was mat oy .natau s. Who made a ralle in the wonderful time rf 2.10 ; Harus trotted the same dis tance at Buffalo, N Y, ia 2.13U, Tbe fastest mile ever ran waa by Fexhall being I.38i- Tea Brack ran a mile wnen five years old ia 1 39 f at Louis ville, Ey., carrying 110 pounds. Dex tor's best time was 2. 17. It was thought fat at the time, but has been beaten by a great many horses si ace, for lust an ce following." Angsricati Qi'it, ifijl ; Oloatsr, L7 ; OMdsmith Maid, Hj Hopeful, 2.14 f Lucy (paoer), 2 17; Lucille Golddust, 2 11; Lulu. 2 15 ; Oo cideat, 2 16J ; Raras, 2.131 Sleepy George (pacer), 2 15; Smuggler, 2.15J SwclUer (pacer), 2 131 a 1 1 m any athers Tbe Boston "Pilot" says. St. Jacobs 9 ) tHTg VbflHt af eod . RUttetl te uuuereiu i m anwavu rqeetng was held somewhere ln the city Wednenda evening. We have been unable to aee any one whs was press n but understand there were three Republicans who have Been promised positions ana three so nailed Democrat in attendance. If t b.ey asaod any resolutions they 'would not ex press the aaatitneuto n ma :h more than so many of our citizans. HOME A1CD ABB9AD- Read oar outoide. Skeokam weather. Ladies Rutparium. F. M. Pre uch, jeweller. Welcome, Paleaaa Bnomtr amy. Qo to Blaine for year clothing. Choice cutlery at Peters a Soma New invoice uf clecki at French's. K R. Skipworth, I uvyer, Alhaoy, Or. Uusiuess has been quite lively lately. Some siekneM about we are aerry te say. Urge aad choice apple parert at Pete re Sea's, It takes experience to climb a telegraph pale. II yon find an Odd Fellows badge return it te Jim Oilmour. Thompson A Hubert's are new selling harases as low as $20. Ths Mechanics' Fair is being held at Port land aad ia quite saeeesafaL Nothing bat good California leather used ia harness st Thompson A Hubert's, Charlie Crowdsr caa have a blank book belonging to him by calling at this office. Dr. 0. Willi Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, ovet Langdoa s Drugstore. The Beard of Equalisation met Monday far the purpose of correcting the assessmea rail. Monday was a holiday fee the Chinamen. Thsy celebrated by sating a heap big let of pork, etc. A B Wood in has purchased A. Packard's residence in this city aud Mr D. has moved out on his farm. A young weataa named Wagner waa ac oideatly shot aad killed by a brother at Deer Creek last Monday. Blain has some very substantial blankets, which remind aa that winter is shout here. Buy before you jet sold. Glass ball shooting is ia order. Our crack shots, it is te be hoped, haee not loot ail in terest ia the manly sport. Ilarpen Magazine for October is running over a ith interesting matter aad should be ia the hands of every one. There nas been considerable sickness st Shedd Station. Among others Gentry Thrasher hav ing been quite ill. Olio Fox had aa nonsense rush at his rem nant Rds Meiiday and daring the week. It pa v s tu advertise in the DkMoruar. Asothsr Portisui piper claim that Butcher has been seen. Perhaps he has, and then agam perhaps bo be not. The first t this eerk Mr Martin Payne aold bu house on First street, nest east of Saltraarah'a old store to lr T W Harria Port laud price ia haroete and saddlery, also the famous metal horn aaddlea aud ad ether bro clothing at Thompson A Ru harts. Do not uaur the plane as it is HH First St where Mrs Orem is aelliu that lae stock el "!-. Ladies sales each tav at S e'eaenh it j . k I e.oo st ihu biiug slip, oh have auo'.aor m m .. f which you , 'i. i .um and getting t or coo ksntUr Tbe St l iberies doiel will be ia a l ad con dition for rrpsirio should several heavy rainstorms to this season of HtS year dotage it. Buua has just received a lare aid n -aby ho of clothing iresa New York. If yea wuse wear a family Kss suit of olothoa pm -ehee "nit af tae. Last Sunday there was prescuu tu taa Ovaro.u -na. cuwrsh by a Chinees Muaier. ary, woo gave bis esperiaoa aateng the beatbeu Celestial. Attention is called to the sale of M A Moore at Wells Station, advertised ia aeotn- er coSums. This is a good chance to obtain farm stoclt cheap. When a show advertise a small admission StthedOrte defray expeaaot. you may make Up your suad that it is a trap, and you had better keep away. Nolan's earner is to be congratulated ea gettiag the telegraph office near it It ia a good place, aad will be purified by proxim ity So tbe Democrat office. Hoffman & Joseph are taking tbe leiol in abwaaaseyy boeineeo, and it is because tkev keep a splendid stock of gords st.d aril just what they represent. Call on than. Tbe rasp of Sept 23 is al hand, aud at full af intorestnie: matter. It's ohariealure of the li & u.ugealeit of C4 ifornia 1. gesal, ss wcUas Jobs Bull's overthrow of tigypt, which adds several new, attractive f .stores our Dawn winter wraoa nare amriii. . u . 1 ; 1 )o the already large stock of cloaks, areolars, etc., at Monteith Seitontaeoh. Tbe wise man advertises. Look through at ea a oar columns ana see where to get your goods. When a man stops using pristers ink, yon may make up your mm 1 some thing is the matter. Pare groceries, vegetables, breadstuff plea and cookies at Conrad Meyers, ss well sa the beat sleek of crockery ia tbe city. Th:a is becoming one of the moot popular in tbe city. The P. Centemeri kid glove are the latest aovelty, and the universal choice of tbe lov. era of the beautiful. For qualify aad finish they bate no equal. Monteith A Seitenbach, sole agents. Ths notes and accounts of tbe old arm of Thompson A McCoy see now ia the hands of Ed Them peon for collection, those knowing themselves indebted te this firm will please ceil aud settle imroediatly. Best A Altheuse are building an adlitiea to their manufactory, connecting the Beat part with the Altheuse part, making quite a Urge establishment. They intend doiuga rushing easiness next yesr. A turbine wter wheel for ede at this of fice ; a 12 inch wheel, ia splendid condition; will be sold cheap. Also 40 feet of 1$ inch shafting and about 1, feet o( inch h-dt Qo to Qritfi'i 4 McOabes dental over McHeio, ao4 get a pice let of artiti: cud teeth, 'nly Si a. Extracting, 50c. All dental operation warranted and of beat quality. Insure your wheat agaisst loss by fire. ParehonseS will burn and this is ths only safe way to product, your property. The c t is very nominal. Call on C H Stewart, who represents some first-class companies. Allfia well that e-idi well. Ta get we!!. to keep wglj,wei, use VVm. Plunder QrexQU Blend Purifies, for that is surely a well of good health Well, well I will take a bottle aad will use it according to direction. A young Doctor was seen co'ming from tb0 Depot lsst Monday evening after the train left, ta company with a large fleshy woman, when the latter fell flat in the dust, cutting off a view of the moon for blocks around They were observed. We have made sescjuu addition in enr 4 rest fgteds department, this week, SS fol lows ; Basket Goods, Drepe Loess, Amior Cloth, Shodas Cloth, Sal in De Lin, aad many other new styles of dress goods in all colors at Monteith A Sciten bach's. There have been good attendances at ths meetings held by the Adv enlists in this city, and considerable interest mauifebtod in the course ef the argument pursued, although it is doubted if many are led to believe the world is coming to aa end within two years A con pre of horses were lest or stolen from s Grande Roads Indian, near tail city last Saturday evening. Ths owners think thsy were stolsa, If any one can aiiiit then te Sad the same they will confer a favor. See description la adv, in aa other column. Jim Oilmour has taken his wood sawer to Haisey for a short time, ths people of that plaee insisting that hs shall corns up sad eat their wood. Wait till he comes hack if you have say wood to be sawed. You hsd better help support five or six white men thsu a deasn ohiasmen. Sabe ? Our eitiaens and businesa people general ly who want hauling done of any kind can not do better thau by calling en Crosby A Humphrey, successors of Perry Bpluka Thsy are steady aad .reliable and my be de pended on for promptness. See their ad, ia another column One of the most attractive stores in ths Willamette Valley is that of Monteith a Sei ten bach. Completely fall of goods, it is noticeable also for tbe excellent taste dis played in the selection of the stock. One is struck particularly by the elegant line of cloaks, probably the best ia the city. Havs yen seen the comet ? By getting up at about tire o'ulook something that most ef you have not done for a long time yon caa observe it wagging its tail through ths v sth eastern sky. It presents a flee view and can be appreciated without the aid of the telescope. Subscribe for the 0kuo-kt. Our ingeuns fellow oitisen, Kev. H I. Stevens has been bnsy lately and as a result baa just obtained patents cm three important things. One is a gua barrel, aunt tier a double oscillating engine and the other a grsvity steam engine. We have nut yet seen his in ventions so eaa not speak of the improve ments they represent. L S Blaia baa just received an elegsut stock e? men's jswelry, ths prettiest line ia tbe city. It consists ef sleeve battens of lbs very la teats doeigns, stud pies, collar but tons, etc. Seme of these sleeve buttons par ticularly are very attractive. Yen can judge better of wbst they are by calling and ex amiuiofc them If you would sea the largest and com letest stock ef go-nla of all kutdf in the city call at MwI'waiuS. Ho has just received some splendid new goods and mors are com mg, bllutg his largs store as well as tl s com modius store ropm just hui)t. If you would havs a large and well arranged stock te ss led from call at Mcilwaias. rbero waa a sensation started last week in several prpera about so abduotioa ease at Lrbsnon. We were informed ai the time the report, that there wss Itttls in it. and at least two sides te tbe (natter. Frank Honk, who wss srrsated, was discharged. Ridge sray waa not found, but it eswmesi to be thought that nothing avoid be done with hiu t if be were. Tho .VorfA A.merU- tt ti for OoSabse upons with an article On tbe biMott" ia K tgUnd. b H H able mature of -ia agitalt I ooming Revo H adman, as a e got og ee there. Q H fcr .?iiaa writes of the "Ob, jeottooalde tu Literature " the Henry geblue meon' tells of "Oes Years lUaeerle al Troy." Jobe I Mttohell treats ef 'political ieouaes ' and other ai tides of a htglt Wee. Get it Trade is hoejg amea brisk all through bc Scant f, bo i 'here s no place where It ia more !;.-! than a' C B Mootague'a at Leb. auen He s itsiag a thriving bnaineas and ia taktug ibe l . rne;te. fy aellin s tt rel et see stock af g laas at roaoa ,ilg prices hs baa ..btemfd the -oU of the trade of that city and vicinity. If yen would obtain bargains go to bis Store. Persons whose blood has been corrupted, aad the circulation deranged by feel seere j ttons the result of tbe disordered shorn is try of the body seed for their purifieaiioa something like sa in war i baptism at ths hands of Mrs. Lydte K. Piakbam, whose laboratory w at h'u. 399 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mssa Her segetaUe Com poo sd is fairly inundaUog ths couatry as with a river of life. j The beat way of knowing anything is to see it. It is an eay matter to praise and VmB P oum goods, claim ths largest stock j e''1 well m the hast, eM C proof of j tae puUUiog ia the taaung. ii yea eaii at m,lu " Boa m 1 wlJ oouuie voe eioca 01 v, 4,eler ln lh bot tb U,t- Y" ff " H vu- wwh' P wo P eaii vu i eeoi v exatutue uu thn ,f vaa ,l uoi 9uil 10 Prclie B,f - . S . . av-.! Tl. a I leave without eveu getting s neekti. Tb is besrtu ea. BOjIALAIB PH&3Q3 kL D 0 McParlaud has hoea ia Portland this . i. Mrs. A. A. Arnold has bea very ill some time. Jse L Cewaa was in the eity tbe first the week. for I Mrs. Lark Bilyeu. ef F.jgcne, is visiting friends in this city. Llr. la. n. hise is Hiec is lying quite ill at his residence in this city. Prof C C Hogae, we understand, is a psy master oa the 0. P. Mr John A Millard, h is beei in Portland part ef this week. Dave Peine and Till Olase. of Prineyille, were at tbe Fair at Salem laat weob, Loot Monday ws reedved a pleasant eaii from Mr J B Coroett, of Shedd Station. Misses Lnlu and Jennie Clark wsot to Portland Tuesday, aud will rem tin several day a C 3 Farrow, of She Id Station, went te Portland, M hi day, to attend the Mechanics' Fair. Mr M, irnty, a br-her. ,f Q Muiray, of nentca coniity, han been in the uty this Wvejk px. 14. H. G i.Im left last Monday for ilinois, and will probably hft gad several sacatM. Dr. Barker was iu the ulty tbe first of ths week. He intend) locating in Eastern Ore gon. Mr Isaac rl-ilenm aalloi ea ai last Mon day. He starts for eist of tbe mountains in a short tnno F M Uauiet nod J V Hassler, two of the fJgiiQORATS. aantiain suniunUers, were iu towu laat Muuday. Mrs. Dana pariusslsr, of thu city, has secured tho position of -Enrolliug Cterk in the Senate. F E Newshani oalisd ou us las t Saturday. He has starteu fur Priueville and imitts that the Deaf ocr at follow. Hy, T H JJarcy, of laiom,, weu.t hlast awuiie agq, aud like must young men who go East brought bang a wife. James W outfall IS at Vaqaiaa Bay, tbs Potl says, for ths purpose of remaining and growiug up with the country. J H 8hidler sailed on us last Saturday ti :i i i i , . no wm oe a regular reaaer now, oi ise DxmOCRAT. Fortunate man. Senator Bilyeu end liou J J Whitnev oaovs u? from balem last Saturday evening aad speat Sabbath in this city. Mas Kate Cariyle, of Corvallis, has been in the' city this week, aad while here has been the guest of the Misses Mansfield. Mrs Russsl returned the first of the week from a visit to her eon, Foster Russsl, at Ths Dallas, She had a pleasant tints, Mr Thoa Monteith and daughter Lottie, and Mrs Arch Monteith, went to Pet Hand Wednesday to attend tbe Mjajsaios Fair. Dan Riohards, whe has been in Sou there Oreg m fur a while, has moved to Prineville, where ws hops good fortune will go with bim. Tarn A 1 phi us, ef Millers Station, pounced in ou us last Saturday. It does ths newspa per man good to receive encouragement from suuh a man. Mrs D P Mason, with her two daughters aad "Hockey " srrivsd home from Scio last wsek, where they have been for some time visiting relatives, Carley Sox has been o on Seed to his bed fur about two weeks by the fovsr. We dis like seeing such bright hoys kept from hs sun sml their books, Henry Clark leaves in a day ef two to work on the new hank W.ldmg at Kugsue This ie quite s eegutttnu of his skill as a brick mason, Mr Jesse Merrill, lately of the firm ef Putatana Merrill, of thiseity, left for the Kast laat Tuesday, we understand with the latsntion of remsiniag there. Hon T J Stites. aud fsmily moved to tins eity Wodnoedsy, hag sod baggage, and will make this their future home. We are glad to nave them among ua porta an tly again, Jos Purdom, Sheriff af Douglas, passed through this oily last Saturday for Salem te assist iu putting the woman suffrage bdl through the legislature. tied" Taylor, formerly aa Albany boy, was down here last weak visiting hut mother, Mrs Jasobs. He Is running a hard waa e store ia Oakland we believe. Rev. T. H. White has been engaged to teach the school st the SUete Agency, sud for thst p-rpoee f this city ths first of tbe wek. lie will probably preach there alee en Sunday a. Gee W. Taylor, ef Lsbtaan, called an us last Tuesday. He cannot earn a tee of tea Ho left s dsy er two sge for a few weeks hunt ia the mountains and we hope he well never mbu his shot. Mrs Itaebal Hoggs, an old resident of this county, started this week with her daughter tor Cheney, W T , which she will make bar tu the future Her many aeon am- in ths county rill miss bar very much. Cyrus Westiake a. 11 leave in a euort time for California, where he has changed kia resideaoe from near UeUister to Sao Joe, aavtog sold hm far q at the former plaee eaa perobased a large orchard at ths hatter. Dr G W Marten, of WeiUherg, W T , arrived hers last Saturday and oa Tassdst left for home again accompanied by bit wd, formerly Mum Nellie Cannon, who baa boob sasHsagj her father near this city fee severs, wecta The Doctor thinks some of return mg hers nit spring an I locating permanent ly Mr V S DuNuiug aad familt left the first ef the week for Best Portland which they will make their future home He totcode running tbe same bustaeae there, and if the exeellea repuUtieo be baa obtained hero, only gees with him. there will be ae question ss to his suevceet. Mr Dune ing came here in IS 7 5. aad since thea has haiit up a good '.rede sad made many frieade who will regret to see bim iesvs us. Our friend, p I, Fountain of Atkiead, was ia town Tuesday aad looked ae "pleaaaat ' that we snsptetoned something wrong si tbe time ; but not until afternoon thai we learned what the matter was. We toads r ear heartiest congratulations nevertheless, aad wish him aad his fair bride imtneasor - i l t f . a . ewe a a'oe nape-oar- su proeperity. i ney iave for Ltwietou. t i" , la a few weeks, to per maaeutty locate. Jfeaf.'asf. New fanny goods al tbe Ladies Km pern an. L B Hlaia, the leading olothier. m. i a i. M is u.s 1 a Mr. K. li. Ore o wiU oommeae selling al imblic anetirm, this week Saturday, at S o'clock on tbe stc of goods shiunad to AL bany by Griffon owly to rptn a hraaek .tore in tbe butldtaj lately occupied as tbe One Price lie aar. oa First St, The stock constats of MiddJeteu. Mtrrvlan and Roger Broa Platted ware of the beat manufacture. ine castors, oaks baskets, pickle castors, (miter dishes, tea, sets, knives, forks, speoas m fact every thing that is kept in a first class m - . jeaeby I tore fcsfothcr with a aioe stosk of linen goods, hosery, notions, etc. ladies sale at 2 o'clock each day and alee sale at 7 :30 in the eve, j n.'jrta asati provided. B, H, Okxm, Manager for San Francisco creditors. French is sell leg watches an 1 clock s cheaper than ever. riT it to moot . At a time when the communitv ia flooded , many unworthy dsv'vcee and eooeec tiona, it u refreshing to find ons thst is baa eficial and pure. So conscious are tbe pro prietors of Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, ef tbe worth of their remedy that they otter all who desire a trial bottle frtt of 'karat. This certainly would be dis astrous to them dnl not the remedy pees see the remarkable curative qualities claimed b Dr. King's New Discovery far oonsumptio will positively cure asthma, bronchitis, sto-. born coughs, oolds, phthisic, quinsy, hearse . vrat) or buy ejfsetten of the throat and 1 I ..... . a.. .1 ..111. W K M this wonderful remedy a trial by calling en osbay an I Mason, wholesale agents Alb- ay ; v. atoms, scio ; ir. u roley, Leba non t Dr. J. M. Powell, Lebanon ; D. M Oalbreatto, Buena Vista ; Reafetto and M on tague, Jefferson ; O. H. F. Cornelias, Tu ner ; K. . Hampy, Harriaburg j 8 Hayes, Halftey Lhtrnon smith, abiey Starr aad lilakely, iirowusville. Ifsw valveteeus audi1 satins at ths La, lies Emporium. There will be five uioa presents givsn away to tho ladies each afternoon at auction sale in building lately occupied by the Ooe Price Bazar on First St comfortable seats provided This is aa opportunity you may nsvsr hsvs again in a life time to supply your homes with good useful goods at you ptvu ptiue, every tiuug ngt do sujti regardless ei cost, K. H. Orx-i, Assignee. For a good pair of spectacles go to French's It Is astonishing the number of in tell!-. gent people who regard a cold or cough as trivial matter, something unnecessary to pay attention to. How many times have ou heard the exprtsAlCA, "-0 nothing tbe only a slight oold.1' Yea my friend, and nine-tenths of tbe many thou sand consumptives who walk the earth to day doomed to a premature death, aaid the aame thing. We pay attention to ld' "nd PP1 toa- Our remedy la Am men's Cough Syrup; ome other prep arations are good, wo have found It by far the bent. large and choicapaerero at Peters A Sox 'a. Choice cutlery at Fetors A Sox's. Butter 25 ote per lb. Eggs -11)4 cents per doz. faaUasSrATIbM MBBriXU Wednesday evening with little pre. vlou notice an euthuitastlo netting was hsld at the afles of Judge St raban In this city for the purposs of tdeprecat lag tbe course of I bone Democrats who bad gone back oa their party and voted for J H Mitchell, for U 8 Heaatoi . Tbelr coarse has caused osnsiderabie ladlgna ttoaonthe part of a majority of our elllzens regardless af party, so it many be Imagined that the remarks made were of an animated nature. J H Haoklemsn was appointed Chairman aad Cieo E Chamberlain, Seeretary. Spirited sp sec lies were tr de by several condemnatory of the course taken l y Hlglln, Hifers aad the other Democrats who have provwa traitors to their party. On motion of Dr H W Dodd the fel low ing resolutions worn passed : WtlBRaaS, Senators Sigila and SI fore and Hepresciitatlfes Long and Curtis, all elected to the present Legislature as Democrats, have seen proper to cast their votes for J U Mitchell. the Hepnbll. can caucus nomit'oo for l ulled btates Senator, and Whrrsas said Mitchell is unfit to lie Senator aad aa we believe unworthy to receive Democratic voles for that ex alted position, and Wukrsus bis whole public career leaving out of view bis private history aud life, ieat variance with what we as Democrats deem the beet interests of the State and of the I 'ailed Mtetos ss well. It la therefore H$olmi 1st. That In voting for M itobell for Senator the paraoae a bo vo-named have grossly betrayed the Deaiooraoy of the State of Oregon and brought repioach up on aar goo i nam ami plamra utn upon theirs that time will not readily efface. 2nd. Ihalsuoh a ar ms betrayal (ifaiuosi itiip'.itant public trust, receitec oar om phalic disapproval and ceu dot u nation. Ira. 1 hat we Invito an exprewslee of the nomocracy of tbe Auto touohlng the con lnH of ihoaw neuaiare and Kepreeanta- ttvee- to vo lug farths osueu n wsttaaaa of tbe Republican party for I'. H. Mensior. J. H. Ili'Ki tMlf, O. K Ciiauaaai.tM, Chairman. G. to Otto Fot'e great resnnaat sale. Mae aiUooo CI aa. Tbe r -guar uieetleg of tblsCiub will be held th.s evening, when a full at teadanta is reejussted, as t hers has been no meeting for sometime. The fallow- ng program will be rwndered i Recitation -Lea. Gray. So..g Mlaaee Maggie Darker. Lore V'iu"s, Laura Gibson, Laura Chapman, Veeta Mason, Mildred buttnwiter am1 Psnuie Wet. Itvritattoa -Mie loa Itoberfaon. Address Hcv J W U arris neoitation Miss belie Putnam. Heading Misa Maggie FosUr Quartette -Jennie rl'tlaon. LlllleRob- flrteoii, Mac'a J Mo .teiili aud James Jharlton. Election of olll- ets a 1 1 t ' ilsoellane as buslnoas. mi I Go to Otto Foe's great remnant sale S vesw Prof f E Barnsrd, of Nialtelile. Tean.. an the 1 itb mt. uk. ivemj a new eouiei litaafad nwartbe star t nhvla, In the con stellation of tbe Twins li - Us MVry a as announced .y telegr ipb to Mr II II Warn er, at the Warner observatory, Hoebeater, v Y.. and almuat at the same moment Prof. Lewis ttwlft, luro tur af the Warner ibeervatory. reooiveu inteuiaenee that a Sargr. naked eyeomat bed laeeti discover- ta Klo Janeiro, South A user km Prof. le the first per -on tbe proeem year to receive the Warner prise of g200 l b fact that tbewe fro .,in ti ctme Into view at tbe earns time Isexcee thifly efg n I Jl cant. do to Otto Fox's great remnant sale, envy Tax-payer. Following are some af the Leafy tax payers of Portland, with the amounts r"y are aaeeestd at . J C Alnaworth, t2ftl.S?5i Allen at a a Lewis, dOfi.435 : H W Corbett. $233,700 ; Corbilt a Macleay, $I28,S01 ; Corhltt, Failing Co. $65,000; Henry Falling, 175.510 : Geo H Flanders. tm.OoO ; R Gllsaa. 1122 425 : Jacob Kamm. 144, 150 ; Hnapp. Burrell k Co, tT2,500 j W S Udd. t23o.225 ; j odd ATllton, fou -T50 ; O RAN Ce. $1,170,905 ;8 G Reed. $108- SOU -. Jaa 8 Smith ti'j.050 ; W K smith, $121,215 ; It R Tb rapeon,$208, TO0. Go to Olto Fox's great rem a an I sale. J a ally ae. A lady going dowa street Wedaesdsy afternoon waa tbe object of universal admir ation. Scene inquired as to whom she sould be, but sll agreed that shM was sa pretty as a picture. The truth of the matter is, that she is a resides! of Albany. Tbe secret is that shs wore one of those Boston dolma a model of elegance, and a dress which was trimmed with rich plush bought ef Monteith a Seitenbaeb's who keep the emporium ef fashion in Albany. . . ii. i. owes 'as Go to Otto Fox's great remuant sale. Mew aSeeaa-snablns Pirns. Mrs. Enoch Sloaa and Miss Flora Rumbaujb havs formed a partnership a the dress-makior buslocea, aad will ruu ths same at Mrs Sloan's old place. MUsRumbaugh has already abtalaed a aplead.ld, reputation in the business and so needs ua recommendation at our banda Thote getting work done of them can depend upou satisfaction i i e Go to Otto Fox's great remnant sale. Nellee. The regular semimonthly meeting af the Woman's Christina Temperance Uulou will be held oa Saturday, Sept. 30, at three o'olook, In the lecture room of thcOungtegatiaual ohurob. All mem hers are urited to be present, also all frienda nf Temperance and of tbe work of the Union. By order of Preeldent. Mrs. E. G. Johnson, Bee. Choice cutlery at Peters A Sox's. Hew aginary traoda. 1)0 V .fHfWeW--' Mr. ParrUh hat jait reoeured a largs and alecrant stock of millinery goods for tbs fall trade, and mare are coining. She is pre pared to offer our eitiaens tho boat line of those goods to select from to be fouud in tbe eity, Her atook is carefully selected, and contains the very latest styles and the best, designs. Cell and examined hei, g o Is aid esc for yourself A Cieod laveslmeal. My wife said I waa a tool when I brought home a bottle of Parker'a Ginger Tonic. But when it broke up my cough and cured her neuralgia end baby's dysen tery she thought it a good investment. 'N. Y. Tailor." I ,.fragDniP35gprgppaw."jn oiiii i e1 jih Last Monday 01. irviae, foreman aad Gas Carrie, Tillennao, of H A L Co. Jfc. J, were seen stsrtlng for the mountains with enough "grab" to ran aa army. They will be beck sometime. What has ths committee done in reference to raising money for No I s steamer. a fl a ea a a Monasjf Joe Ulark, ef No Is took onto himself s charming ySSBg lady as a life companion. The boys always eajoy such occurrences hugely, and so ss one ternary , took their hoss cart down te Mr Clark's rssidsnee, where they were taken in and served SO a bountiful tapper. It is sboot time that some of the other firemen followed Suit. Johnny Webber, of No I s has gone to Portlhand. and is tends remaining there. Hs will be missed by So g hoss, as hs was gsnerally ths first to he at the house ea aa alarm ef Hre. Virgil Parker, of No Is return r I from s trip to ths Summit ths first ef ths wsek. His muscles are mash harder than they were so that he will probably be able to de fend himself should he be attacked for be ing five minutes lato with some one's potatoes or beefsteak. Will MiUer, No 2o first foreman. left for Portland last Tuesday morniag. The next State Tournament will be held on ths 14th and 15th ef Juns. lift.1 .t Salem. Boys, "brace no." Go to Otto Fox's great rmoant eale, Tbe Male Pair. Nearly all who attended tbe State fair tact week from this oily have pro- aouuoed It a big humbug, or to nee the words ef same, a bilk. One of oar farmers went dowe to make a stay of several days, but got disgusted aad came back Several wont down on the early train, with tbe Intention af re main lag till the evening tram, but were glad enough to come back oa the ou train. Matters have been terri bly misrepresented If this was not a dia grace to aar Hteto. The exhibitions were meagre enough presenting a! meet nothing novel, aad tittle at that. There was yeyj little etoek -u ths ground, aad tbe lack af farm products was inrpHs ing. One woman said sbs could hare brought ail tbe fruit home la herpoeb. ets. The display of maeaiasrv waa WW Tm w w small, compared with what It should havs been, ths large crowds nreavtit though. Retreating tbe atieottess of many who wish to advertise tbelr wares. The raoes were fair to mlddhsg There beta f ao premiums It could act be ex peeled that there would be any thing very attractive, IWUape It was Just as well, for the real object of fa I re le aomsihing besides the racing of horses for money. It la to he regretted that the peop'e of our State have to take the view of tbe matter that they are taking Tbelr erltiotaras are severe, aad evidently very Justly so. When they go to a State fair they have a right to expect something bettor tl so a eoualy exblbiUoa; ibis they did not obtain at Salem. Co to Ot'o.r'o, gco,! remnant sabs. The moot speedy and powerful kittle prcae la use. Try one of them, you wUl dodtben at Andy Huateabep, Albany. Oregon. Go to Otto Fox's groat remnant sale. Eight bttueuaga were burned in Portland, Monday nteratug near tbe Clarendon Hotel. fi'.'j.OOO. Prof. Hob i udiuen of lb," Natatorium, ol thie city, was cared of a severe attack of rheumaiiam by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. "Washington (fa. C; mar." Go te Otto Fox's great remnant sale. The price, ef beef is Riga, and scarce at that. Although i has raised butchers havs oat by any means meed their prices ia pre portion. Clears out rate, mice,roacie, fliae, eats, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. tse to Otte Fox's groat rwunaui A man was seeu draggtog a chain and bell around oar streets last Friday and Saturday. He preferred that to spending the time ia aas w JaalaaMI)s((s5a e 3 anaaaasn." Quick, complete eats, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary litaoasos. ft. Druggists. Go to Otto Fox's great remuant sale. $1.15 per bushel is paid for wheat at Priueville. eatauy Men. "Wei tee' Health Renew or" restores health and vigor, eitree Oyspepela, Impo tence, Sexual Debility, ft. An Ex plaaatloe The delicate, flowery and lancing fra- granoecfFloTeataa Cologne explain why it is such a ladies favorite. Ammen's Cough Syrup never fa. .a to euro if ueed ln time and according to dl- rootloua. A teas Prevented. Many lose their beauty from taa hair falling or lading. Parker's Hair Palm supplies necessary nourishment, and prevents falling and gray noes ef the hair. aVAaTafdteV CLARK COWAN. On Monday, Sept. 25 1882, at Lebanon, by Justice U W Unison Jos. 8. CLARX, of A i Dan y. ana miss rum xmck V. Cowak, of Lebanon. The happy couple returned to this city in the afternoon, bud will make this their future horse. They have eur heartiest sea gratulatiens and our bet wishes for a long honey-moon aad happiness ia abundance. KEES CARTER, On Thursday evening Scat 2ft. 1882. at ths rwatdeaoe ot J i. Walker, he Jnatioo O W. Cruson. Ma. Arri!t A Kkks, and MBmNinxixC. Car txk all of Lebanon. Auatiu and his estimable bride havs our congratulations and best wishes for golden kses ef happiness and all the bl casinos life oaa bring uirvn GILLEW. At Sodavilie, Friday. Sept. 22, 1882 Mr Jouh GlLkKV, aged a boot SO. STIM80N. Ia this city, Friday, Sept. 22, 1882, Miss Sarah C. Stimson, aged 2S. Miss 8timaon was a daughter of Mr. Louis Stimpsor and will he missed by many mourning frisnds. She had, been sick for seme time, the immediate cause ef her death beug cotigssiive chilis Tbe Bed end are never imitated or rattnUrfeiUti. This is fRfselallj tree of a fsmily msdicine, aad iti positive proof that tbs remedy imitate i. of the highest value. As soon ss it had been tested and proved by the whole world the Hop Bitters was the purest, best and mwj valuable family medicine on earth, msnv imitations sprang up and tog,, to .Ual the notices in which the press and the peoplo ,A the country bsdaxprsesed the men to of H B aad in evsry w.v trying to induce suffering invalids to try their .tuff instead. exp-ttnS oi n. n. Msnv others start! ... - . uui Ufl In alnt . I - i (f I. .. . -r M, n. a. witn vanooely devised names in whiuh tho ..r.l '.u yHops' were used in wsy to indere peopl. w vowevc toey were the same ss Hop Bit ters. AH such pretended remedies or cures no matter what their style or name is. aad 7.71 ' r W"'M wotn -nop ' or nope in inmr name er in say wsy ooo- nectea witn them o.- their name, are irwita- counuriMt, aVwaes M Baem Ikvasa 01 tt"'m- t" nothing bot genuine Hop . uuncn or cmster of green Mops ea tbe white label Trr - vim. vrii. guns and dealers are warned against deabng in imitations er counterfeits. tRaiaa lexia How many bushels of wild oats have too raised this year? How much have you paid to thresh, harvest and draw to warehouse How much time baa it taken to prepare the s a . - land, and how much use of your land ha rs they cheated you out of? Taken all togetl. er you will Hud they havs cost you mere than Of the Brush Fanning mills menu factored by Jna Brush A Son, Alhaoy Oregon, tbe of which will soon rid you from all foul seed. ni a lASa aatasr a a ait r Tbe best salve in the world for ea, sores, ulcers, salt rbeem, fever sores, tot- tytf chUUsy earns and all antoed to give perfect stufactum in everv - orawi ia i DM aava tm mtmm- so or money r. funded. Price X per box. For sale by K,hay aod Mason. holeaaie agte ; D Moore, Hcu, . & y. ' -s,: Ur I owell, Lelmooo ; lied path and Moo- tague, Jefferson ; I) M Calhreatk, Burn lata ; V Uorneliua. inrmor , li a P. Hamabarg ; Htarr aad Klah.K laTil oiUe " All kidney and urinary corn pis iota ea peetally Brig hi'. tHaaaas. labets end Uver trouuee, Hop Bitters will surely and laatlagly cure. Cases exanly like your own have been cat ed in vour own neighborhood, end yon eaa tad reliable proof at home of what Hop Hitter has and can do. The Baker City AVret7 wants a boy cf oderato tatoUigenee who doaa not smoke isreltoa It may be able to Cud one there. bat yoa mojst os aril ktok for whisky that did aot iutoxtcato as one ia oar beautiful eity. Uveff aioWy and aVSjrara A medirlne that destroys the germ or cause of Brigbfs iaiaease, Diabetes, Kid ney aad Uver Complaints, and has iw- er to root them out of the system, is above all prise. Such a medicine is Hop Bitters. and positive proof of this rat; he fonnd by one trial, or by asking your aafgbbtare, who nave been oured by It. slow aad steady wine tbe race. Waadlly, but nut alowly, Kidney-Wort ia disunouigall ujupetitleo for universal popularity and mtefalaeaa. This oelebra- ted remedy can now be ohtalned in tbe usual dry vageUb.e form, or In lieald form. It is put up in the latter way for sapanta: ccoivaatenoe of ihoaa who readily prepare Ik It will be foand very concentrated and will net with equal emoaency in either form. Head ad vertise ment. Having disposed of ear baaincse to M neaith A McCartney of Harm burg, all those knowing themselves indebted to as wiU please call and settle immediately. MuCot A Ellxi: r. Ordinance No. 117. Ae OeOiaiaiwo to Uoaoee aaJ regulaui huwktM M k orxLmmnd b9 tAs Comas CWr o Sbs Oety of Afbamg : fter 1. Haokere shall pay a Ikwase of Ove iellars per eajr ur to ty sVattsrs par sua, Any ere who offers peat for sale b? eoury oa Uw street, or wee shall busioess hums stand on Use street ehall be a aaoksr esSsr this ontuiaaos. ate. t Tab Ovelaases eaaO be la eta. ; treai aaA after See Says after its pobUcaUon. esssabernxh, IK2. 1. C. Oscaa-T. I. J. Rmvox, Mayor. Chy PUBLIC SALE I 0 SOAP CREEK n ths Northern part of Benton county, on tbe old donation claim of G. B. emiib, X muee north west or we lis station Saturday, Sept. 30th, 1882. I will aell tbe foFowlng property, to. wit : Sixteen bead of work horses : Eight est of double harness ; Three wagons- one 4 In aad one S ia. thimble skein and one S In. iron axle; A Na 1, J. 1. Cans 14 foot cut header and a ten home power thresher, S2 in. cylinder. 1 heae machinea are al most aa good a- new. Plows, harrowa, cultivators, aad everything used on a farm, also for sale. TERMS.. All sums under 20 eaab in band, all over that sum one ear's time with approved security, without interest. M. A. Moore, FOR SALE OR TRADE, A valuable atook farm of 625 acres situa ted ln Hitters gap 7 miles east of Lebanon witn plenty ot good nay an i giata tana in cultivation, together with flue pastures and apringe to make it one of the beat stooR farms ln Ldnn Co. Also 40 bead or good young cattle and about 40 bead af boga to aell with tbe farm. Mr price and lenus can not ue oeat, or t will excoange for a eraaUsr amount ef geod farming land. For particulars sail ou C. C. Jack- sen on tbe above named pretn lies. Parties wishing ta see the land can bo directed to It from Lebanon. um3 CROSBY & HUMPHREY. THE LEADING DRAYMEN. Mav'ng bought out Perry Spiuks, are prepared to do work in their line with dispatch and care. Be sure aad aak far them 3sw Lost or Stolen. From a tribe of Grande Rondo Indians, near this city, Saturday evening, Sept, 23, two horeas, each about ten years old; one,a bay, with light ring made by alnoh and white spot In the forehead ; tho other, larg er and of a dark aornd hue, and abortlab fall. Partiea know Log of tbe whereabouts of tbe same will confer a fitvar by bring ing information to this ofnee, or to Bill Condon, one of the owners, nho will be found j ust seat ef the city. e LD,ES MR0RIUk I RESKCTFUUY ANNOUNCE TO TY THAT I HAVE JUST OPENED A COMPLETE NEW STOCK Of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN AND MER INO UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, RUCH INCS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, l ACE FISSUES, AND SCAIFS, INFANT ROBES AND DRESSES, CORSETS H0- ftEBRurvl.SE!!i,,c 8,u onSS. ZEPHYR, CARD BOAROS, BEADS NOVELTIES, BUnONS, ETC., ETC. THIS STORE WILL BE DEVOTED EX CLUSIVELY TO THE UDIEs' mOE RESPECTFULLY, J. M. NouN law rarsswra'aaC Her a an ST. HELEN'S HALL. ART DEPARTMENT. The corps of Leathers toner tnejanod In Helen - Mall has Ion r?.7rZJ . by the addition of six new t .K a -i them from Prominent odiifmiPniai inou.. Uons of the Ksetora btatoa. Two of these are engaged in tbe Mnaleat rpartment : three iu tf. Knoiii. .na one, alias Fnliick in tbe Art demarimami. Mass Fullick is a lade af sTjsaritsd. Hint. but educated in this oonntrv she JZI graduated at Vaeaar Cosaeem. and baa snsase apent much time in tbe beat private Stu-dm- m the aera State Rtbe oomee with me tugboat reoom msriKiaXkons for bar af -talnuipt and skill as s teacher of asabnu loa aad drawl on. Thane cover the whole irr nnd nf ImIi mi tlon in the beat Art eeaoota- em brains: CSI Pa.nilng, Land -cape. Flower aad Stilt- mm Koom, crayon, Charcoal, Water Colors. Peoril, Pen aad Ink and Dsaeoea. Uve Art in all its brmncbea. Mam Kui.ick ie a ladr of liberal arioaav. tlon and superior c-ultaiw. aasd the Meewor wma rnncipai or Si. Helen s Hall wuu turn oeaarusent ortaeSr School to tta patrons. ith enure ell asaured that it more rompetent instructor, or i varifc.i acquirement, Summons. ! tk, VUimH Com of ike .Htmm, a Ores, frr ik nnm4y oj Limn. EdiUi Smith, Plaintiff, 1 ea George D. Smith beTt.j Te 6'eorge A etosU, dank eVa. Io tbe name of the State of Oresjou, yoa are hereby required to appear and eaawev the complaint af tbe plaintiff, tied agajaat yoa hi tbe sbove-enttUo ealt in the shove -named Court, on, or before, tbe Oral day of tbe next regular term of said Court, to wit : On, ur heore. tbe 23rd dav or (tessw her, ls12; and, it you fall so to snewer, far ... a a 1 ar . s a o wnnt Mteireof the ptointhTwill apply to Court for tbe redlef demanded tbarta wit: for tbe disaol ration of tbe bosMti bonds of matri rJiaaar that olsintiiTbav thmtmrm evjsaody aad control of tae minor children p smith, wiBbtm SarHh aad Frank -and for the c-mto end diabnrar- or this aatt to be taaevJ ai defsndant. Thl etsmsnotM is pubthtbed by order of the Hon. B. P. Baboa, J edge of aaid Conn , dated at Salens, Oregon, feplsmber fab, WaaixcaroaaA BLackai kx. Aftotaeya for Plain ML Settlement. Notice fat hereby given that the under etgaad admlatmraaaw of tbe emate of H H SpurloeA deceased has filed bis final aa count aa sack admlaiatrntor in the County Court, of Jann county, Oregon, and by or der of said Const, Satnrdne, the 7th day of October, 1882 at the hoar of Bine o'clock a as. of aaid day is set for bearing objec tions to aaid aooount and tbe settlement thereof. Any parson interested in aaid eetate Is hereby notified to appear and file hie or her objections to aaid account aad the settlement tacioof on or before said day. A. '.. Skaks, Administrator. DONACA'S STORE AT Sweet Home. keeps a full stock of Grocer ise. Drue. Medicines, Liqoore, and everything that mountain excursionists rrsnlrn. at raricta very reasonable In coanection with tbe store a mad stable, where boreeo will beted hay and cans over night for 50 reals. One span horeas one feed to crabs. 8b cants. In going: up to the mountains yea will uroostne creea nemee eaaataa; to my ar.u uauie. JOHN DOJVACA. goal STABLE AT Sweet Home I Partiea going; up in the mountains are hereby notified that they will rest kare after be compelled to pay extortionate rates for hoi so ied at Buck head in Sweet Home Valley. . I have opened up a feed stable and have reduced the rates ta a figure eo low that all can afford it, Wire me a fair patronage and thus prevent a return to the old extortionate rates. GEO. ROW ELL. ant Executor'sNotica Notice st hereby given that the under signed, by order of the eoemty Court of Linn, i oh as been appointed executor ef the laat will and teats ment of A. F. Cherry, de ceased, and nil persons having claims against said estate will present them, with tne proper venenata, wiatra six moat a a to tbe eaecntor at his residence, ea Meat- S emery street, opposite the foundry, Al an y, Oregon. JAitRSO. (HRRRT 8w4 Kxeentea, Notice to Fruit Growers. The undersigned bavins: obtained tho exclusive right to make and sell the Plane mer Hot Air Family Fruit Drier ia tba counties of Lion, Lane and Benton taken the present opportunity toinfrem peaaaaa who want to save their fruit crop, taa he ia prepared to receive orders tar tbe beat fruit drier in the market. Plum mar Hot Air Family Drier, for particulars ad- JosrxBsuoea, Albany, Oregon. IFOR THE PERMANENT CURE Ofl CONSTIPATION. was never under n eDeseueeews pistol at nsry set to he aojoaUcsasawnaeoiieUpsaioa. Kktoer-Wort SSEtiairf 'HtlQg t4 t OisaysesTO