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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
f f fa tmmt FRIDAY 8BPTKMBER 29, 182 Political .twinhl have their I; -- ""t lift ptsesieara if the Cincinnati Snqnirer advises. Almost any skipper earn toll them tbat there u a storm com ing up. Ta Washington Pott says they have ttly changed the name of a Post- This in Virginia to Woodbine will probably be Billy Mahone'a address A. . . alter toe coming ejection. 9 4. tli US Tac rtDipatck speaks of the lar- iffCommiaaon aa perambulating muffs who are aettiar up a oonfeeaional in all the principal cities of the Union and . . i calling upon people to come up and tell what they know about tho moat lostgigan- b ! free oy a iree tic fraud over maintained Government. Money is roll ins into the United I k k. r.. f tl KOO .ltions eaeaaed in publio enter ?iae, nnA.j- ' w. Bt. We Ptjl but thank, to the fore- eight of our liberal CjogrOis, there ia no danger of a general clog, it goes out about aa fast as it flows in. A correspondent of the RocheaUr Cnio is atrocious enough to propound this conundrum : "Why are Indepec- dent Republicans like a bald man on . , , t u u -k;-v- tKa naakv fliea de-l w iiwo J i .r,Uiir Thai answer tii w ia, because they do considerable scratch- iag at the polls. Kalamazoo, in Michigan, obaervee Ik Courier-Journal, bad a political convention the other day, which waa opened with prayer, in the course oi which the miniaUr called upon the Lord to "help elect the ticket." The sentiment waa uprearioualy applauded bf the enthuaiaatic Kalamaxooerr. Senator Hendricks of Lane, baa introduced a bill providing for the regis tration ef voters, and to prevent frauds at elections. We have alwaye advoca ted the enactment of a good registra tion law, and from a hasty examina tion of the bill under consideration, it to be just what is needed. We sly hope the till will become a law. It may be that there are improve ments that might be suggested, out too much tinkering will kill anything. Let us have a registration law by all means After a trial, if it needs amending it can be done nndersUnd ingly. It is aaid that the employee at Washington gave untntaUkable signs of great joy when they heard that the notorious black-mailer and cradle-robber, Jay A. Ilubbell, had failed to le re-nominated for Coagreac in he dis trict. So detestable has he become, that there is a disposition shown among the clerks to raise a sinking fund to keep him retired to the shades of priv ate life; and it ia claimed that they are now wilting to levy a voluntary amesa meat in the true sense ef the word to raise money to defeat Hubbcll in case of aa attempt made by him to get into the Senate. Wc are under obligations to Senator BUyeu and Representative Whitney for a large number of Senate and House bills. Among the number of those re ceived we find several of prime import aace to the people uf the State. Sena tor Hoult ia on band with a bill that area defeated two years ago, but which will,most probably .become a law at this eeeaion. It is a bill to regulate the traasportation of freight and passengers by railroad corporations. Another im portant measure ia that introduced by Senator Bilyeu, providing for the tax ing of mortgagee in counties where the saasa are recorded. Such a law is in force ia California, and has been found Co work well. Hon. J. J. Whitney baa introduced a bill, icdocing the feee of Clerks and Sheriffs, and ia mov ing straight forward with it. It ia a good m asure, and if it fails to paw, it will not be through any lack ot zeal on hie part, aa we are assured be ia urging its importance upon his fe!1ow-mem- wobtby mv MEXTIOV Hon. T. J SUtee, who for the paat four yearn baa acted aa Private Secre tary of the Governor, will no doubt be permantty located in Albany ere we go to proas. We heartily give place to the following complimentary mention of him contained in a recent issue of the Standard and endorse every word of it: "With the outgoing administration Mr. T. J. Stites, the Private Secretary af Gov. Thayer, retiree from . the posi tion he has held for the past four years Sir. StitealiAS filled bis position with honor and eredtt to himself, and no eWbt to the entire satisfaction of the Governor. He is one of the men worthy of any position, and ear nee with him the good wishes snd conC deuce ef all who know bim. We un aoratauj it ta Mr. Stites' purpose te ge back to Albany and engage ta the practice ef taw, in which profession he cannot fail to soon take a leadin ' posi tioa, aa be has the ability, energy and integrity te commend bim to the confi dence of the public. We wish bim the weak f toesm.1' We extend a hearty welcome to our eld friend, and wish him success. Every color of the Diamond Dyes is per feet. Seethe samples of the colored cloth aithedruggfata. Unequalled for brilliancy l iirt Kit r The inaugural addrsse of Qoveraor .Voody wm abort, but contaiaed some that rery good suggestions. Ht did not at land tempt "to enter into a conaideration in . ...VaJji.iiL TCirthara Peciho IS too detail of the eonditionano wants 01 State "nor we. tbi. espaoUd of hie, W TtT. enactment tha enactment of a law regulating the fees ol officers so that tneir pe7 w- ' . . . . the services When such aiussjusi. i""" ,,w - before the legiaUture two a measure was year, ego, Governor Moody epacaed it, .-at. leaia- and the fact that he now euggsot. lgio- lation looking in that direction, leada and the fact that he now an --- ll,;... in tliat dire mUnaTdaSuu! .k.wh.l. executive u th representative of r . . - U nU. tion to uniformity taaation are good, , .v.. e..n- ..U ib lieu tuuun . i . , .ur ,:th thia intoort. dlfficuUy dUl W , f" antwbjeck peeking of railway and other corporations he says: " Hail- way companies, and all other corpora. should be controlled by statute in each a manner a. will work for tho best inter eetofSute and oorporation. While cernorate property ehould beer the 1 Je'r,nn aatb. niOT ourew wi exaeU from the oitixen, it la alao en a. a ttl aa tha aame nretection. It abould be the policy of the SUU to encourage by wUe JUtion the inveatment of Z J h . . . . , j i 4- vtvn v w - - u.u. i,v..i.l in tail roads, oauiiai, w uctuoi I ,,ni,w or naviimtioa HJlUUim'miiuj, V m f I K mueh to the permanent wealth si taxable property of the Stale. i r ..:.i.inn nnan tkio aubiect. aince I L 1 . I it moat ma ell growth of the Sute, ehonld be porUtioa fa- In relation to our trans cilities he eaya i. -v... aaelbm biatorv the rtvete X u vu ia. uulilie hbfbwaVS ovet I w ci o mis ww. r I which our produeu sought porution of producte of toe w u w ; alley ia made eaay and the early oom- ff S rri'-r " Jravon ' . . . .V . . m. .4 on aaeual footing and will lul. M.iiiLm mian tao aavicable I kwiuif uwm.-.. w 1 .tn' of our northern border, and commerce of thr entire State will havr a free bignway o , TT "l" r." wool interacts reaping the greateat benefite. Hence it STof greet import- ance that the people ef Oregon through rsu abould instruct their represent at ivee taCoagreesto oontinue thir nlmwj endeavors tnai we may ' J7 nroportiea of the monoy expended for internal improvemeoU aoxt teas it may be eo diatribe ted aa will be moet bene- Scial te the greateat commercial inter- .a CM . esteor tneeaure omvr. Xae uovernor mijru in this connect ion, legialatioo u u m of ekarewa. The ttag fretghu anu rate, of ebargea i no opening up of our ri ere ana me re moval of objtructioos taerefrom ay congreeaional appropriatlona, will net do our commercial iatereete much good so long aaall transportation facilities are in the hands of corporationa that not only drive out free and healthy com petition, but tax the nrodocers all their surplus crops are wottb to get them te market. There ia no ether way at present to afford the producers of the State relief except by regulation ef freighU. Governor Moody has been a sncceaa ful buaineaa man. The same skilful financiering in the management of the State that he baa displayed in the man agement of his private affairs will in sure the people a good administration. The Governor etarte out under favor able auspices, and knowing aa we do hia buaineaa ability, capability and integrity, we have every reason te ex pect good resulte from hia four year administration of affairs. low Tar rcauc aeaAU ta rat rramsa AWAT. Some very unpleasant episodes in the career of Carl Scaurs as Fraudulent Secretary of the Interior are just being unearthed, showing tbat even this loud mouthed reformer could be infiaenead by railroad corporationa whet oecaaie0 demanded. A Washington correspon dent of the Sun bat made a careful ex amination of the records lo the Interior Department, and finds tbat Mr. Schnrs granted the Northern Pacific Itailroad company a certificate to 2,000,000 acres ef land, in the face of the report of a committee on file in hia office that the had examined and reoommended the rejection ef fifty miles of the road, the construction of which in accordance with the law was a condition precedent te the granting ef such certificate. This report waa a surprise te Mr. Schui t and a great dieappoiutment to Mr. Billings the then President of the Northern PaciSc. "Almost aim nluncoes with the filing of this report, "says the correspondent" came a letter from Mr. Billings, Presi dent of the Northern Pacific, in which be enclosed a private contract, agreeing that if the Secretary would accept the road and issue the certificate which en titled it to 2,000,000 acres of laud the company bound itself not to ask for patent for that land antil tbe road waa rebuilt in accordance with taw. Mr. Billings stated tbat thii certifi cate waa neeeaaary to enable the com pany te liorrow inony ." Actiug upon thin Ut'er and agree ment, and in tbe fact- of tin eominittoe'e report, Mr. Sebur iioied the certificate Tbe fifty miles of road waa recou- fstructed, and in 1881, re-examined aod accepted under Arthur's administration. Thus are the people defrauded by Owiag however, to oeatraei wns digr.ce brought no more of tbb neglect. Wo Im v now (he tranaportetioa waa dtcult and ea bt a Ju las la new oftcers, aod we will aa- how the) ve, but mace tho oonetroctmn by upon tbm and thetr party by . Ju la ne m Wa aia of lock a at Oreawo City, trana ot. There are many true me whtae - tade of thoae high in power, and the the pub- lio domain awaUowod up by YVectous railroad coroorations. It is not often a committee eon be feond that will report unfavorably upon these enormous grants. Mr Villard who is now presi. - ; .... mwu ot - manipulate. . r . tr of insoOC- oyer the Northern PaciOc as a railroad ..pert. Inasmuch as he is a I mi tho great moral an 1 political reformer toe greemu.u- . of Oregon and is ever on the watchtowe P bj nllnaa rporl... -,,J fr.A from corrupt influences oi every kind (aa he claima) hut retort ac- the Northern i oo . completed, la to be relied on as the only .. . .i r . I I rar (!) honest one ever submitted to a presi- jL, dent. si oHTaais. Tbeie are (and we regret to record it four Damocrata in the present Ig- . . a a I I... nrMBiint I talature who nave, up iu ht lataiure wu , , , writing, shown thetnaelvvs r t n hown taemaeivea uavuiu i decency, tecreant to tho moat trust, and lost to every honest prmci- . .. . I U I nJe Elected, aa tney uava "? ' ( ,rt -....-..a ,ilb will Democratic votes, to represent the win ef the majority of their constituencies in matters purely political. w hl leen W la kap. ikal they tha Lmat imooeed uimjii ih.m. betray the trust itniKWHi upon i Did their treachery reacu no nnap I i I than their own poussw - be ailent. Unfortunately such is not the case Tha lnjworalic party OH . . . .1 r-ll Honest men throughout the length and breadth of the Sute, who bava spent long Uvea in battling lor the principles I hik a Jrffarson. a Madison end a boat of other illustrious sUtesmen kainml u Mtiouse. tuur, and du. now 1 yga their facea through her merti mortibcatton la too de-p U uuu eapre. - stun in wt ordf, hut Uiere are not wnt- ug thoae who ariae so mm -d coa- 4emn the course of the uien win are m MMAU aftiarai.reeeiilinir tbrtu. All ll 0 - - - 7 r more honor to the l-ate anci i.inn mwmj We make oo cbargra of cutrupt e motive.. With motivr. we have note- jog to do. It ta enough to know that c...- mtm aud 8 frs, and Ilepte- L,nUti,el Curtia and Long, have be- MmA tikm r,v that elected them, trayed the party that elecua ana oaat meir tow ot . w j bemdee beiat a bitter partisan, ia by do mmnt tB. choice of the belter claaa f lfce 8uu, Tb ,t lhmJ hs9usm). 3 v' 1 llIMt,aIw, than they, u a ueradventure or dUpnte. Tt - V . r i twfwt that mi other Dem "1"u r I ecrat can be found who will ao willfully disregard the wishes of bis coostituer. r w-a at . . . A .1 al cy. Lan me nepuencan iKnuiw ugMv it out on the line they have begun The Democrats, who coalesce ith the one faction or the other, must an ewer to the people (or their eoarse, and it ia a source of aome oonaolation to i iku .ti tk. .irf,i.n.iini th n make wnl be aa 'aweetness wasted on r i fter be the desert air.' They must teres content to remain at home and dream of neglected opportunities. twkv bbt uai i r. With eery few exception, the lie pobllcans of Albany ere chafing un. the circus, haa been profitable ia the ex dar thA aetion of the alx Mitchell men treme. Our merchante and all tiadea- who met in Parr lab's Li all (?) on VTed needay eveniny and endorsed Mitch ell, for and nn behalf of the citizen of Albany in a set of high sounding raanl n !o The men who desired to call a meetinif ef the citizen for the purpose of endorsing Mr. Mitchell bad posters printed for that purpose but for reasons best known to them- selves, they met in secret conclave, ava R..atluMnM and one tramo sw-r ' " Us eillrans of Albany by posters or otherwise. It would have been folly In them to bsve done otherwise, Afio-iAntii ft tha Ttanuhlleans of Urn Ca.n,y wo.a v.U for Mchd, or a Mitchell man, knowing hlra to be such, mueh less endorso h I m.Let tha friends of Mitchell In Alb my call a mass mooting for the purpose of testing his popularity aod the ques tion of Mitchell's popularity wjll be forever settled ayalnst htm In quiet little town. ur TBK SESAlOBIALmi A110M The situation on the Senatorial question remains about tbe same ss last week, except that four Demo crats and one Independent have be trayed their constituents and are standing in with the 3ft Mitchell men. Every ballot results In Mitch oil's getting 41 votes; Prlsn retains bis 29 democratic votes, whilst tho remaining 48 have been flopping around from Republican to Democrat, from Democrat to Grecnbacker, until tbey bava about exhausted them selves. It is cearged openly and above board tbat one ot Mitch ell's friends attempted to bribe a Wasco Representative, offering $8,0Q0 for his vole, but he did not accept the bribe. What wilt be the end of thJs muddle it is impossible to tell. The probability Js that there wilt bo 10 election, unless the antl-Mitchel! Republicans will unite wit t Demo crats In electing a Democ atlc Saaar tor. , OORRBSPONDENOE T live a a Lav State Salr lltstare Petlllra. Ma. SAi.tM, Sept. 25th, 1882. KJt. I)tnocnU The State Fair uleaed wuh Saturday last, and the tlroJ multitude wm glad to seek a needed rest. The aaeadanoe on the Fair waa very large and orderly. There were no less by a fair estimate than 20.000 persona on the gronnd during the week ; and on Thureday the a m i ,i .j v eatimate ran as Ing as t;,vw persons. I- - - - .turn) tliia Kjir that a aaas as - - - " 7 jottrMi .hould notice. As usual, J Quoted in a measure, without oonpenaauon, bui from a love of the work, ate ojien to great criticism when it would be un charitable to criticise them very mecb. Hut there is a poke-eeej" gate to our ... u u w niri o , we must notice, noaroely a oitisen of Salem, or of any other flily lo Oregon. Ukea any interest in the Feir, hence there wee a poor dUplay ...vilion. Thie department be- lonM ureoerly to out farmers, met mnd meehanica. and but few of b rerD eew to know thin tact. This neglect on the part of our buaineaa men - . .ii.irraca to the Htale. And acre , , . . a . ne leading laJiaa.of Sal . , , ..... i hoi at the laat niomeuw ' department, the paTillen would haTf oekK, it, a deaerUd dove cete. ii L...., n nur LV aa '"" ,7 , the most active and pama-uking ladiee r- u fi t et)a help-while have ib ar.d determination J jj AjJ to do it with, iie t,Brw " so blame aa wall as Hlm. roilUnd the grand center lor everything cummer I MO graUW tCHWJl ii w ' p olfil,V( ,ctimy forgot that mere was a Suu Fsir. Outside of a few photo srauba. itnt meaietnes snu -wi.lg machieea. Portland bsd noinmg on bibtuoa. Afur al. tha to. k e( the la diee end a few tradaamen uaade tha pa -ill..., KimitahMt aiirscttve. but tit no gnee what it should hae b-eu Nb inK advanece a State eo murb aa pud. vii m m w - w I in k.p nnim MhlblU. A i'J VUOl W t - - - . . 1 DO nuiB uu vmu trnmmm - ing u Oregon in all the products laat j 1 .r. th alurv of a State. W hoi to ser k... ilMki (Minikin . tBmnalI,B,lt of the Fatr Th- races were preiracini, u inomnniw . people were couiprlled to undergo ter rible bardabi from exposure to the eun end euffocstmf heat in the gran.i stands. A trouiug iaoa three heaU aud a luutitng reoe of balf-a mile took up the aftemooo el one day. itom l:o, the time ennounoed to commence, until after six o'clock, four hours aodt ha'.f. It wee intimated in eae of our daily Mian that tho. delav was in the iaUr ... f ha bar near ibe arand ataud fot : . . the license of which a thousand dollar. m" d- uoee were protracum L iJJ Mk , 4eoency, WBether in tha interest of uoor whisky . Aaaihec evil abeuld bo correct- led, and that ia the management of the I aema a a SM 2l - i Tboee holding securities, and ef tboee w be nave maue been deprive! of their vn scrip that the society lea iremtums. Ibis scrip that me aecieiy tesuee ior cn, which it will not receive in return ior . . . ... - . . . r v .luMt father. rTETaZT "77" . ' " " i ioaa au iwhb h " wise erediuole to the society. Refusing a . t - -11 t. a lo pay mtereet is aaotaer oejecnun io tha old ruanajremeut. The idea of the State Agricultural Society dodging iu premiums, and putting tee contributors ir with t.rarmaav whlla those hoUlOa Mcu,iLtM get aii the cash, if correctly stated ia not a good one. We hope the new management will stop these causes i . . ot' ao much complaint and dis,(race 1 he reoeip'a of the Btate Fair will not fall . Jm . tt a .i..ii. ei i aiiort ei eiseen vnunaanu ui' v 000 This, with the $6,000 aaked for from the legislature, will place the Ag ricultural Society on a firm and inde lndeot beats. Tne Legialeture abould halit tha Si.aiaLv and oasa the bill for ZjLr The theatre season, taking ia have done well in a pecuniary point of view. The 8uu holiday week having cloaed under prosperous and hopefal Cjrcila8tances we drop back to tbe Leg- talative proceedinga for a little recrea tion. How true ta tbe old saying, tbat when the pot boils tbe scum cornea to the top. The way candidatea are traduced ta aa touiabiiig. Ben Hayden gives a be witching claim to Mitchell for Senator, and hkee bim, a qualification by no I means to be deapiaed. j ne own wen I L- If. SaaJa. .r. lr&aUC4Sr, ar. covered uo. But in some cases tbe character of MitchelPa traduc- ere are before the public and the scum comes to tbe surface ae tbe pot boila. ftW&SZ 8uUf The 0Ut6r muat tbiuk that Oregon ia run politically by a set of first-class devils. Will it ever be o'.b erwiae 1 Candidatea are becoming less. It was supposed by a very few, that Boise waa a candidate, but a little time baa aaown tbat hia pretenaiona have vanisbod into thia air, Jt is pretty herd to ask Lee talature te commit perjury, no gen tlemab would do such a thing. And it looks aa if thia rumor about Boise's candidacy is all a fable. Ooe of tbe most important bills im troiuoed ta Senate Bill No 16, by Si fers, of Josephine eeunty. It provides for the payment ef the swamp lead debt out of the immediate sale ef the land at one dollar per acre without reclamation This debt is large and carries an annua interest of ever f 1 4.000. Had the leg ialature passed a bill of this kind in 187S instead of tbe present law, this debt now would be nearly, if not quite, wiped out. Tbe State oannet afford longer te have this debt increase with the means at hand te pay it off. This bill aboold be paid at once. Tbe State is responsible for the debt, it created it and should pay it. This delay in pre vidiag for its payment as proposed in this bill is inexcusable, Felly la Waltlag. It ia folly to wait until you are In bed with disease that may last mouths, when you can be cared by a timely use ef Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have known sickly families made th i bea'thleat by It. I Obaerrer." anew n vu.tK itbwm. -" lUUorn Dnnocrul. r. William O tetuiw nlnrted hat Toteday ror I'rin.nlii.. with a largo band of hortH-. Mr. Fred McCuli, has been lying dangerously Hi wltii a lever ut I ,e -1 - anon. Mr. M'0ully, his mother, wont to nee hi in In -1 'J u unlay. Fruuk Stout, l.i nek with it fuver. Mr. F. Gallahor, fnrmtrly of I. inn county but lately'of Weetwn was In town taut Monday. He In udmlnht trittor of the natatn of hit brothcr-ln- aw, Mr. J r. UlelianUin who dlt tl near Lobanun. Mr. Putnate hn within the limit of Brownsville, ono of tho fluent gar dens In the State. Last Monday evening then; wa a show Id town. Last Monday Mr. N. Thompson re- turnetl from a buaioosit trip to I'erl- land. Lant MomUy en i gent of tho Wctt .SViors csnvss-e I the town and In formed the people that it i- rtlon of the town will bo lllustrnto l In that Jeuroal lu two month. A gentleman in peklng of our market sstd. ' lho lowuof lirewtis ville flourlahing and tho railroad Is dally encouraging thia pro.Hperiai condition The lUt of paaeengon is lacreaalnur. and the boiuty of It In that thorn are more that come slim go." Mr. Moyer i)p4atlnmooao in molt artiste o y ur.iuire l i nidi uc" In the State ilev. Philip Starr of stottroe, Vlell ed hli eon, Dr. Mtarr of thla plerw last Monday. There aro ality pnpiU in the N rtn Orownsvlllo school. Itev. I. D. Driver preelding elder la the M. H. chwtVh wf here keal Satibuth. While many of the uelU In lawn ir very Uw," the m-IiomI well which la on n hill that overlooks the town afford fourteen feci of water. While Mr. Wilson piewiag some n w ground hit team hectUM acarcl and ran away. At the time of writing ll li believed Hint otio ol the hora la etlouiy Injured. Mi. A. C llauatuan, Mr- 'IVtuple Ion and three sou n and a Mr Krw yihe, will next Mood.y otrt n a to tho Eedern States r. 1Iujmo.ii wtM visit In WI-m'oihIo and Illinois, and then will likely go to tWmunv una vtall ll. I i, riiiuwi Mnn ne a . . .aa . . i a a. . will retu.'n to hl hot4i i i Hrowes vllle. lie go to visit hia itgml mother wnom lit hut not een iir thirty mat Mr. II. Iimh lived In lltownsvllle alajut arventren years, und It la ibe uUu ef all that ho and uls travelling companions may havr a plea ant time and return soon. Mr. Sparry started to Willow Creek laat Monday. Hia family will move thero lo the spring. taataoa aa LcAsSep. 20lb. 144J. Ed. Democrat : Justice Crnssn in the case of the Slate of Oregon against French If ouk after deliberation discharged him there being doubt whethorany crime had been committed as well nn any evidence connecting bim with the saatter. Owen Rldgway has not been hoard A em since his escape. Several of our citizens along with your humble servant were at Halem Uat week attending the fair, and taking In the Legislature. The ut trac lions el the fair were rather small. Scarcely a department would compare with mtny county exhll iibms, at tended in other places. The great eJeet, seemed to be to mike money, gt I all they could sail show ua Utile as possible. People fteejnod to i. the principal live stock aud In other department tupty p4os show the lack of Interest taken. Th n- were hut very few exhitrite of aii kind that were ahovu ihe avongc or ordinary. The report wv, tint this was to be tbe last fair under the proa ent management, ir.aur accoun n for the desire to make all they mold and spend as little as possible. From tho fair wo took in the Lt,M:.iiur. first, visiting tho Senate. Tne Sena tors as a whole, present a very credit able appearance grave, dignified and Intelligent. One would Judge from their looks, that tbey bad passed the meridian of life, the most of them at least, and that passion aod Impulse, bad given way to reason aod delib eration. W. R. Bllyen firm our county looks to be the youngest man In the Senate, and yet there Is scarce ly any one tbat Is listened to with more attention than he. He ranks amops tho first debaters and Is muk ins: a rood record, we next visited the House. It Is composed of young er men. wnuo mere are some oi striking appearance and ability, yet r lake them as a whole, and It Is only a body of ordinary men. I fact, were one on tbe hunt for first class material for legislators, many of them would be left out entirely. The Hon sb seemed to be mere diligent in work thanjthe Senate,and It la likely more bills will receive their attention Tbe Senatorial flirht seemed lo be bristling on every side. Men of si classes, characters and parties were there working to secure the election of their m in. The friends of Mitch ell. seemed to make the most noise and were the loudev to their botsta A sorrv set many of them are. Tho lobby seemed to be made up princi pally with, working for Mitchell, exalting his ability and ridiculing anyone that suggested his true moral diameter. If Mitchell is elected it will be by DsiitocrHle voles aod by men who think moral charac ter should cut no figure. In case he should bo ejected It would ho well for ime strong Mitchell swpp'ror to introduce s hill repealing the law in regard te bigamy aud adultery, making these offenses stepping stones to hotter instead uf penitentiary offenses. Led. The Coble a Opportunity Every sufferer from liver complaints snd constipation will doubtlessly avail theinseTyeif'bf the golden opportunity pre sented of testing tile hav remedy, Syrup of Figs, free of obarge, Caeee of long standing, which have only been aggrava I ted by the harsh, griping medicines form-! erly used, yield promptly to the gentle yet tbojougu influence of Syrop of Flag. Those who have tried it praite it highly. Trial bottles free and lar a bottlea for f ale by Koshay A Mason, Albaay. Rector fc Sou, JUSlsey. I O. B. P. Wm. I,lniiler, wmwm. lift rrT. " Ml" "f ,hVf W. amfl vuWib tHem. bu rsler ym t. ma de-Ji Hilt iiMiiifr. ImAIUm tor '. It Ium M sssm, f i !' " Sheriff's Sale. a Ae Circuit Court of the HUUe oj Or-jon for the County o Him : llabecca Carter, Kan.uel I Young and L K Ulsiti, riaiatitrs. va.- H L (iager, Mary J "ag" "is wife, J C HuUsuu sue Amaada J Hudson hu wife, J Dol.uaadMaiy A (Jibaan hta wife, aud W W I nay r. Ooveruor ol U ol Ura- gou, K 1 Kaihart, Hacretary of the Mtate ol Drags aa KS Mirseh, Tresaursr of U Hlalu f Oregon, constituting the Word of tuiKiMionsra lor the sale ot school lamia aud tl laauagament tt tbe ouinmon acbol feast, Usssasnast s. V'j virtue ot a wrti of esseutiwn an I ordsr nf Mn laauiMl ul il tli ale nant-d t ourt to ilia aix'Va outit auib, 1 aid n Haterda (ha tlSl da .'I uo lS'J, at tbe Coori it mass deer, iu ibe . ity l Albauy, Unu ooiioty. Ufe,iio. at hmoer ot 2 o'locH p m aell itie ii. i LacO uiutuiacJi deacribed ie aaul 'ievrae aa UnWWS, lo-wii : ik""" il law wetaSMsS taaasV of the east Ualt ol the dooauwu laud claiui of Klurar Keaa, li , , ". I,. . 12. K I. W in l.u.i. wasnt. (Jrrj... .u.t runuiiiit : tnauce wtst now citato i Uace aotttlt 1W.ISJ cbatns ; tbeoe eaat 27 ' oauius ; Uiu- north 2S.UU cbaiu. thence v. tat IU 19 cheiua to tlie place ol b , . i .. . MM. ginning, ouoiatnutg rv.v . Aiao tn lotlowing uuacnuo t ji'm" aitustad in Linn county. Oragoe, to-wit : A certain ptc or parcel of taml in ibe to art of Waterloo, in l.tnu County, tirauoo, Ugiu uiagats jaunt lire f-l aoutb ol lOe aoutn raat corner of tbe flouring null ua the pram tare, an! running thenca nor in. , 7 feet, to a petal oo a boa witU the metU aid M iiu Mack buibliug. tbruoe waat IIS fet. SeasS outh--saterty to s pttot 32 s .-t weat by & leal south ol lUe auuta-wii I corner 81 lite Souring mill ; tbeoce esat M leat, to ta ttegiouio, together wivh the NJ k hud laag aud tba rtourtug tail! aith tbe hstures aou api'Utletuuto lhareuute bclongiag and 4 ot the astur the waat siSaol tbe lit er reuoiag said rbmriua: ,,,ul bw oee-tbtrd 4 the rac and darn which enjoins a like pre M.rtion of tbs rsprnaoe for repairs and im lretiagtbe aame. tgthr aim tLa ngbt to plsoe a handsale beta ran the main freate ol the sir will snd tbe S..urmg mill an t a free passage for water uvler Ibe aaw uuli to the tlounng mill, etcepttng abcr it g neeeaaary to turn ihe vaicr off for rrpatr. itasrving tlte ngbt to rau a raoe or rtn m. Ihroegh tbe prenitaaa, 'i .! i it,b i.tuf) to run other machinery, not campetiug aim tbe above, described orvn being held re vtMinaibb) for all dainag.-a done to aaii pieu. taea. toaetber with tbe tenement, baiidita meats amlsppurUnauoataciunto liong7.u. Also the loiiovrtng: ltmilunlna at the Noriu Weal ciiiner of the donation land Ham. of Kinier Keen iu eect on 3S, tewnahip V2H. R , 1 weal of thr Willamette mridlan( running tbetire aoutb 2.t0 rhaina, thenre eaat 30.00 t-hairia thence north '& Wr bains, thenc; wm BkV 00 chalna lo the place or bKtnnlug, con taining (el 70 lOOarrea. Ab-o the follow ing aeacrioed pramlaea: tiealnulag at a point IU u cuatna waa ui im nuuaaw corner ot tne auove oeeenoeq ciaiui o Kiiner Keos, thencv. running north 50,05 rltalns, tbenoc. north eeat to tbe north line of aaid claiai. thenoe weet 1 23 onalae, thence; aoulb 2S.VO chains, thence, raat .iS rualna, tnence; aiu .h 4U oo cbains' lhjn; eaat 13 :u aMaSS u II.h j.U- o of uegln nlng, contain ing . acres. Aiao the following deacnbeJ nrembaae, to wit : Beginning at a point 10 0 rhaius ass', of the south eait corner of Hie Klmer Kees lonation lan.t claim in Waterloo 'i telnet. In Unn ounty, Or, an.l run ning thence oaat 10 chains lo the middle) of the Hantdiiti Hirer snd down it to a itoiutdue north or the nla-e of beainningi ihence south tu the plaoe of beglunlng, ooulalnlng 01 acres more or lean, exwS- me aieata the hutiainK iota in aaw tewn of 'aterltanj curtaining aome sis seres aud tucluilinK aiao the nremlaes in tula docrne ttrat aiii third heieiubefote de aenbed. hal.l laiida and tenements to bo sold in aouurdamo with the f rovisionaof said de cuoto pay thn clattna uf lite j UinilUa ana derondatiiM then in, t - wit :t tue piainun iteinroua Carter, luo sum of 1 . . s. . a anu iiUreal ttiureiin at the rate of one percent iM-ruiouih fruiu ttm 14th dav ot March, ft"-, ami the funner suui .t SU4.70 casta u liiv p!eititifla, Savmuet K. l oung and L. r. li.ain, the aunt ot H a iin interest inert on at the rau r ana per oent per mouth from lim Hin Ua y of March, ibtU, and lo lite dtifoudauiM, tue Board of Com- tuia.-ionera, lor the aate ot echoel lands. und the management of the com moo Mcbout fund ihoaumof f2J .24 with inter hi thereon at the rate of ten per oeat per auuuiii from the Hi ti day of)Marer, I&S2, aud the further sum 'of fl-oata, and the further eoeta oi and expenaea of sale. Sold at public auction tor caen iu haed to the highest bidder. Uaieu litis 12nd day of September, laex (Imo. lluaraaav, BherUT of Liun County, Or. Administrator's Sale. Notice ia hereby alven tbat tbe under sbrned. Administrator of the aetata of Tyre Alley, deceased, in pursuance of ao erder of the Cottbty Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made ami eutered of re cord, will on Monday the 23rd day of Oc tober 18S2at the ho ir of one o'clock p. m. of aaid day on ihe premises hereinafter deacribed, at public auction to ine mgeeai bidder, sell all the right, title land inter est of said de leased In and to the follow lour dfHcrlMHl roal nroDertv to-il : li the donation land claim of ibe aaid Tyre Alley, being ti 'tific ttion No. 8.S7S and c alm o. in. aU.i.t'- awu aud 23, township 13 souib, range 1 weat and sections 19 and 3f, towuabip 13 south ranee 1 eaat. Willam tie meridian bkoSrt 20 aciee off the north nd, contain inn Mu acres, In I.inn eu4Ut. viregon Aiao. tha following dosurtued premises liegitining at lbs nnrtbeasi oorner ot the northwest iiuartrr of section 25, towuabip 13 aonth, range 1 west, and ruuntug aeuia 40 chains, thenoe woat ebaina te tbe Hernia m river, thence north 2 degress seat 'JO cbalna, thenoe north 10 degrees weat 20 chains, thence test :iO cbalna to the place of beginning, containing 101 aore, uiore or less, In Linn county, Oiegen. Also, tha following descrUiw I premises, to-wit : The wi-atone-kalf of south osi one fourth of section 30, townahlp 12 aoutb, of range ' east, containing 87 and W 100 acres, la !nu !Ouqty," Oregon. Aiao, the follow ug desoribed premises I Lots one and wo ot acction 80, township ISaouib, r nge eaat,oonUining75 and 7S-KK) acrea, in Liun oouaty, Oregon. Sali premise to be sold la purcels to suit tin purobasers. Tkrmbof aai,R : Ono half the puichass price cash in hand, the balance on a creditor twelve months from day of aale, with iitrc!t at per oent per aunum ; tha deferred psymeuta to be secured by mortgage on the preinlsoa. J. D. Wood, Administrator. 18 A SURE r-URB for all diaeaeee of the ...dneys end LIVER It haa peeiflo aeUon on UUa moat onran. enabllne- it to throw off torpldrtr fMw, aUmolaUac tha healthy esereaeasf tbe Bfla, sad hy keeping tha boaroia la free eaadlttoa. eOactins tta rerolar Slealiarga. auaealeawJea IT yon are auffirrlnr from malariCle na)arla.havethaohUla, are htllooa. dyapeptto. oroenir "Xldnaar Wort artll auroly raUeva and ..o1y Onra. e In tha Bprtnff toolaaaaattaSyatatn, every oae Shesld take a thorough oooraa oT it. tv aoLD av DRUOOiaTa. artoeSi. $10,000 WORTH OF QENERAL MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. Have your money nmi crime prejwred fr the day. I will r mroecco selling at aueibm Xonlti , ReplemDer 11. la, at 10 (relodk, In ParrthV Brkk Buildit g, eorner Firei aod Ferry Hts., Albany, Oregon, the entire) eteak of general merchandise owned hy Mr. N. Kellsky, and continue the an me every dy ontll tho ntlre stork i- dis- SAMUEL COHEN, Auctioneer. Ha leaned tlie h I nip aou Warrhoeae and entirely ovrrhaul.dtt. plaelog Itln good condition, ao 1 hat be la preprrrd to at arc grata Willi perfect arety. He will alsa pnj the IIKiilUST MARKET PRICE e Far wheal. Tha wlahlas saclta can have ilirsn hy ralllnc al ihe warcbonse. THE MOST POPULAR WHISK V hTa great fKmtuS1 m aBttaULiFAIelY USE ht m Al Ri iijjaw bMkibi mm mat tit -H-OlaD JUDGE k- FORlAiiBTAUGEOtlllefvRAliiTS'; mm KANL0LErRYC0 WHOLESALE UQUOR MERCHANTS, tsam suss n.Mmeiaseo. cajl. FRED REIS9 Wholesale and Eetail gent ALBANY, OR. SherifTs Sale. a tkt Cirtmk Court, of dm SiaU oj Orfft fnr the ' .' of Las : Cra'.ula. PUiutur, as Wm. H utter aad Mary Ana t Bahar, Udtaunu J By virtue of a writ of exe" itin, anl or der of eaie, taaued out of tbe above-naiued i'xturt, in ibe aboe eudilett ai-Uoo, u me directed and delivered, I bare applied the real orooerte haretaMore atia.-bed lit aaid acuen, and drscritaad as foliewa, to-wit : ITe N. K. W and the r. of ibe . m of section ; also the following, to wit : Beainninff at tbe uoribweel corner of tbe N. W ooe fourth of ectl.n 30, taeaoe eoutb. SS rods, tbeuee eaat, 40 roda, ihence north, SO rod., ibence. wt, 40 rode JLn tbe plaoe of begin 1.1 og ; Imi tbe 8. H of ibe 3 W. oae fourth uf ar-cltoii iy. excepting, frotu tbe latt uantel tract f land. 13 a -res, previously aui.l tu J sines M Krakea. all of wui.-1 hi t rett t. t.- being aituatetl in Tp. 1. s. K. 4. we 4. Wil I sine tie meridian, Liaa couuij, ureoa, and 00 kalardar, (h aiai day ol Oct hfv iaa. at tbe Court Il-use door in tbe city o' Al bany. I.inn county, Oregon, a. tbo bou ol '2 o'clock r m , 1 will sell aaid real prop erty at public aucttoo far cash m bind, te the blgucai metier, to eatiafy tne ueiiiitnu of tbe plaintiff in said writ, to mi;. Tbe sunt of SotM.Si with 'tulorast thereon at tbe rate of one per cent, per raontb from tbe I5tb day of Jilarcb. lsii, and the further aum of S29 u5 col and tbe and expeoee of aate. listed ihlalnd day of Soptem 'er, ISSi. tJgO. liCMI'B HKY, Bkeriffof L4nn ooont)'. un-gon Assignee's Notce. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under and by virtue of an aaslgn ment duly made under and by lrtuea of n Act of the Legts lature ef 1 he State 01 Oregon, approved Oct. IS, 1878, entitled "An Act to secure creditors a just dielaiou 01 the estates of debtors who convey t assignees for1 the benefit of creditors," asd en.eied of record iu tbe Circuit Oourt of tbe state of Oregon for Linn Co.. on the lOUi day of .1870, by Aaa H. Peter eon, ineotvfnt, the undersigned, J. K Weat hei ford, Assignee of the estate of Asa H. Pwtereou, insolvent, will aell at public auction, to tbe mgheet bidder, on Saturday the 2Mht daw of OetoUr, 1SS2. at the Court Houea door in the oily of Al baay, Linu eeunty. Oregon, between the hours ot oae o'clock aud fire o'clock p.m., of aaid dar, to-wit: at the hour of one o'clock p. ta., ef said day, in separate lota, tbe lollowing described real estate : 1. Beginning at the 8. K corner of the douation land claim of Jebn M. Burge and Julia A. Burge, being claim No. 82 , thenoe north 19 80 ehaiua ; thence wes 37.75 cbalna; thence aoutb lit 8t; chalna ; thenoe eaat 37.75 enema 10 mu piece 01 oe giuDing, containing 75 acres, lying and being fii Linn county, Oregon. S. All of the south half of tht donation rand claim of A. 1L Peterson and 8usan nab Peterson, being no: ideation No. 2328, ana claim 68, being parte of sections 16, 17, 20 and 11, in Tp. 12 8. R. 2 weat of th Willamette Meridian, Linu county, Ore son, excepting therefrom that part here, lolore sold aud conveyed by two deeda 01 conveyance, one of wbleb is to Melissa J. Klum aid ibe other to David U. Peterson, tue amount remaining being 200 acres, more or' Jes, lying and being ia Linn oouuty, Orrgru. 3. Beginning at a point 80 rods eaat from theN. W. corner of ae tion SI, run ning thenoe aoutb 2w rode; thence east 80 rods ; thence north rods ; thence weat 20 rods to place of beginning containing IS acres, in Tp. 12 8 K 1 W., m Liun couuty, Oregon. , , . Lota 2 and 8 of aaid land toge.h ir la sub ject to a mortgage of about $100 Terms of sale -oae half cash, geld com, to be paid qu day of aale, and the remaiu tugone harrtolle pfid in three moutaa, seen red by mortgage on the premises. Uaied thii 23rd day of Sentetnter, 1832. J. K. Weathkrfomo, , t v K ah Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, tnat the under signed has been duly appoiuled admiois etraior of tbe estate of K. M. Klder, deceas ed, by the County Court of t-lun county, Oregon. All persons having claim against aaid aatatM aro hereby notified ami requir ed to present the same, properly vended. to the unaersigneo at tu - reaiuaa:. 4 bhedd's Suttioo, Linn C unty, Orcji n-t within six months of tbe d ue hereof. Sept. 22, 1892, U. P. P iSTt B, 8wt Alminlstretor, SMITH & Mct'AKTXKV, : iUCC'.-S0lt.S TJ McCOY EULEKt DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, From in Bkek, 4ttttj,0r. lliyiciaiis prencripe tionss carefully I re ia red. day -r pisrsat. 1 "a a 1 . ia. a aaai BUAEDLAH AS8URAI0E CO., OF L05D0F. ! IiSTAbLISUED, A. 1 . 1821. CmplUL' eub-crfbed - - f 10.000.000 aj. u i paid up 5,000,00s Notk. -Th a company has the largest paiJ up capital of any oom pan v domg buaineaa ia tbe t'ctted Statea. Insurance aocepted by i;oet. A. Poena, Aat ut All any. Sheriff's Sale. . t! Confg Court of Limn County, Siuti oj Orrytk ? Tbe Cor a lis Fni't Coaapauy, a corpor 1 tion duly oranized ui. der the iaasof tbatoie 1 'j.-.i. PifX. va W II Newman, Deft. by virtue of aa eaeeuUon and order of ale ikTjed out of tbo above named lAurl at tbe above cntiiled action to me direct ed aud delivered, I have applied tbe fol lowing deacribed real property, heretofore attaoned bt aaid acuno, to-wit : all tbe rigbt,tit)e and interest of tbe said defend ant la and to the southeast quarter and thesooib half of the northeast quarter of section etgci : aiao a tract ol land bound ed and dcat.'ribed as fbliowa, io-u ; De giuuiBg at tne southwest corner of ibe eeuih oaat quarter of aection eight and running tLence went 6 67-100 ebaina; tireucj north tO caaias ; tbrut-e eaat 8 01-luo chelae to tlie aorthweet i-orner of tbe ou hwet quarter of tbe uonbeaat quarter of section eight ; thence aoatb Ou cuaius to the place or beginning . all in Laun county, Oregon, ami in Tp. ISfS. B S west of ibe WillaiuetU) meridian, and ou fteUrt relay tbe 7 1 fa day ofOctobe r IMS, at the hour of one oVdock p. m., at the Court liooae door in tbe city of A bear, Linu coumy, Oregon. 1 will aell aaid real property at public auctiou l r caeh m baud to the higbeet bidder, to satisdy tbe demand of tue Plaintiff in aaid writ, to alt: Ibe sum of Sail ia II. S. gold coin, with interest tasieod, in tike c :iu, at the rate of oue pel cent per mouth, from the 8th dv of March, 1SS2, aud tbe further astute ot glS 45 ouauc anO ibe coaia and expenera of sale. Dated ibi Sib dy of September 182 tiau, HCxrHHti, Sheriff of Uuu county, Oregon. 0-4, SEa I a)all Wer Ifea rarv haaU bran la ef 1 Q- itiraio be fat i io tarns market, and wnl Sill al whoiuata prioaJIt aVo the BESTCJQARS AMD r03AC COS, POCKET-KSVtVES AND NOTIONS. I wt!I also sell real eCate. in -r I'mnl.1 household uo d.. ttc.. at audi n fur .nr one In the el'y or oounty.,,,, j.0ite tvevere lion, Aioaoy, t)r. 6f SAM rnr.;r.r7. STAR BREWERY. 4 1 l.atc u chi-sod Ihtafopulsr 'ablih ment of Mr. fatlengor. and am j.rejared to furnish the pub io THE BEST BEER wain. feature iu the Valley, b th At Wholesale Alto 9 the You are sure of good treat. n? r Star ltrew-ery. ' WM. FABER. COM3 UP AND SBTf LB, " ii -.e AU persons knowing hcnife' ves indpSts id to the late firm of Fox, Bauui A Co., will please come forwent and tattle at nce aud mvh . i - ae my busiueaa in be Wil a-cetle Vaiby muai. bj elnm d up m med tatrly. ctf. (JiinSV anted A u rl. thirteen or fovmetn trs Id' to dobousfcWork n a siraaTl family.; VMb not be expeoted to do the washing. En quire at this . fii.- befi ie the mlddl or next '.veek. S