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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1882)
.. . i . - . . R... .. .. .. 8 i ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STEWART & CHAMBERLAIN. I 'ME4 OKFKEln Bfmwral BalMlac en street. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION ittf'.S OOpT. NT Tear, oopy, tMjB lasts suaiber.... IS 00 S 00 1 00 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rrac C rUXK. O. CHASsBBBI-AlW. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT I. A W, Albany, Urcgou. OfBn In FoBtor! Brick Block. 15al8tf. R.S. STUAIIAN, Albany, Orffon. aT thta Stat, twi sv tkm to collection and Pfot e sr. Qmos to Foeter'a aew brick . sw ATTORN EjJAT l-AW. Notary Public Office upstairs, over John BriswVetore, I St street, vlansstr (NOTARY PVBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, auui. omw. Mm NU0TJO1 mULTMWCRW OF THE probata matter. i In Odd Falirar TSSSsm POWELL. & BIIAEU, wTTORNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors ii ilMWfc- ALBANY. - - OUfftWlM. Collections promptly maoe on an points. is nocouateu on reasonauiw wruw. aerOfflce in Foster's Brieks rlinlftf. F. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW LI.B4XO V OKI- GO V WUl wraetteeio all the coons of the SIM. PMwmT attention ciwB to cot lections, con veyances sad eumiuUoo of Titles. Probata business a spe-aamy . Stow VOL. XVII I. .-,..... -. BemocraL ADTEETIWJfO gATl. 2 I V II i Col 'a j i ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1880. NO TlieSnncer Pie. of our FOR RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sonnet of the Chest, Gout, Quint, Sore Throat, Swell ingt a ad Saraiot, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Faint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosts Feet and Ears, and all other Faint and Aches. In Pmuatfais 00 earth eqsala Sr. Jtmaa O" fa lwW, and rkrmp Kai-i UTit6y A trial saleA u tt cuoipr! 1 trittng etta e AO OatS, Sd Mm an mBtM wirh pain oau Save cheap asd poaiut brf vi k. Nrwtlnaa ia nr,i Lasanafe SOU) BY ALL DEDOOI8T3 AMD DEALERS IM MEDIOriT. A. VOGEUGR A CO., JUafNMtorv, are?., t. B. X. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND- Notary Public, OBL4.0S. Collections promptly made on ail point. B. R. SKIP WORTH, iTTBKXEY AB t at WLaB AT LAW AAV TAjnr mur. WILL practice in all cou ru of the State business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofct in OTeofc' Block, BrvtJa&in Strr. 45yl Albany, Ortifon. LEWIS STIStSON'S UVEKY AMD FEED aTA It Pint class vehicles, fine hore, sod feed, accommodating proprietor and ree aonabie charges. Give them a U. Sabl. s near He v ere House. yl. L W. LANCOON & CO., DhlOlilSTH. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Lerpe Stock and Low Prices. OITT 33TJ"Cr STORE, W.H. GOLTRA DEALKB IN Farm machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEKL GOODS, tLAi.U. OIWOH. FOSHAY e MASON, AXD UaASL Druggists and Booksellers. A LB AN Y, OBEIiOI. Vl6n41tf LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Campean has purchased the barber shop formerly owned by J H Surle, and will continue the business st the old place and guarantee eau&iacuon to cusiomer. REVERE HOUSE, rint and EHawrtB AJAway, Ores. Chfi.0 Pfelfler, Prop'r. TlnHoaUaedsplBawirfrty'- TaWes -Sli-A wilA the baat Um market affoftia. 8nng Lm ,,-ftVy Bomb. A good Sajopta Buom tor tXmt- Trswera. asasMl fWB teL." ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB a XV, OB. Thr first Term will open on Tues day, September 12th, JZ52. rr prticulara ecsearnitig the conraea ni nturiy yti unoa oi lifluun, anly to HH- EA-PEBT B. wBBrt. EieMBeat. Aioany Bath House. 'BltiK UNDBttiv NKX WOULD RBSPEC1 1 fally isform the citisns of Albany and ri Oiaitytast I bsvetskeuoasrgsofthU itsblib tBnt,od, by keeping elesn roost sad psjis itrietAtteottoa to btttBa, expect w Mit al tttota s-bo may favor US w .ch their sstroaags . . a . S I a ilartag ssretorore esrnsa on nc-ning o First-Class Hair Bre ting Saloons, street to five -satire titfsetioo to i s-Or-M-itea sad Lsiiet' Hl nestly hsatsooed. JOS WBBBKR. IIAXNALS St WOODIN, FURNITURE 1 BEDOINC. rsraer Vrrrj sad Bf B Btrrrts. ALBANY. - OBEGOS. vMaslr NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. EC. WF.-iTM XEBVE AXS BBAU TRKAT roeut. a apeciac for UyoUria. Itiui'ieea. Con- vuleioM, Nervosa Headache, Mental Uejiruaaion a td Menory. suennatorhnea. lmtutency. In- vulunUr) emUaion, prenjilnre old age, rauard by over-extrUon, eelf-abuae or vt -indnlypce, hkh le4a to mwerr, decay- and death. One Iwi will cure recent illness. Esch box contain one nvinih', traatunt ; one dollar s box, st tx boxea for five dollan: aeut by mail prepaid n receipt of price We jfuaranfe lx boxea to core any eaae. Wttn each order received by as foreix hotee.arr-empanUd with Ave Uollara, we will aend the purchaser onr written roarantee Hi return the money if the treat ment doee not t fleet a cure, tinarantecs iaaued only by WOODARD. I.AKKE A CO, Wholemle and Retail DragrbiU, Portland, Ore-s. Order by mail at regular pneee. Dr. SPINNEY, JfO. 11 KEARNY T. Treats all Chronic and .Barlal ttlseases. YOUIVci MEN WHO MAY BE arFFEBISC IEON THE effcU id youthful foWiea or huiaenrtion, will do well to avail tbenMelvea of thia, thagmatuet boon rrer laid at the altar of Buffering humanity. UK. 8PIXNEY wilt (roarautee to forfeit AjOOTot every cane geminate weekne or private diaeaae of any kind or caractee which he iindertakee and faUc to cure. M1UII r-ACED HEX. There are many at the age of thirty -flve.te sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a alight marUnpor hurtling gen Mat. km, and a weakening of the ywiu In a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the vinery depoaite s ropy sediment will often be found ind eoniBthnea mull particle of albumen will appear, jt the color will te of thin milkiab hue, again citang; isg to a dark and torpid appearance. Tttere are many men who die of thti dimeulty igrwirant of the cauae, which u the eeond stage of netninal weakneee. us. h, wilt guarantee a ferfect cure in all aurh nae, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs Qmcx BoCM 10 to 4 end 6 to A. hundayn fn.m ifl toll a. s. Conaultatioti free. Thorough rxmiiMilo and advice, $6. far private difc-aaea of abort standing a full cmret of medicine esBcieiit for a cure, with all in.trucUumt, will be aent to any addruw i n receipt of flO 00. CBil and eddreas, UK ex VS., m .. The Great English Remedy. tjg a never falling eure for pfervoiih Debility, bemiual Wakn-, Exhausted Vi juiity, c))crinatorrba. UfM MAftHttVll. im- ! latency , IVrslyebi. and all terrible effect of 8el Abue, youthful follie,ajnl xcewee in maturer j ears such as lou of Memory. Lassitude, Emission, Aver dos to Society. Dimnese of (Vision, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid phasing unobserved into the urine, and many other dtaeeaei leading to insanity and death. IHt. MlXTtE wUl agree to forfeit Fire Hundred Hollar for a case of tbU kind the Vital Ceatora live (under hi apeoial advuw and treatment) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found ir. it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diHeases successfully without meirur . Consultation free. Th rout;h ex ami nation and ad ice including anal, sis of urine, A5. Price of Vval Restorative, AS a bottle, or four times pie quantify 810, tent to any address upon receipt of ariee or C. O D. obscure from observation and in pri r7if diieired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, l Kearney itraet, bad ftstwtseo, Cat, Sample bottle free. Beat on application by letter, stating symptom, sex end age. CoouauoUwtiou strictly eoufl ientisl. ' Dr, Mintie 's Kidney Remedy, Nephretimjm, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder complaiiiUjroBorrbasa, giast, JsooehorrbcBa rr sale by all druggiets, ft a hefUanr six hottles ?orA5. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills t the bast and cheap set Dyspepsia and BUtoos cure to the market. For sale by all ararriet. 71:12 Ho. 11 Kearny St. can Francisco, CO "WeU, hatd you ibiuk little girl, Kben f Mm. liuthfortl asked tlib itieatbn jtut as i hey were through dinner, and Jennie had been eKCuted from ihetabV They had brought ber te their Bitaas ant connttv home a wonih before eu sf ir,bath.n, ith a view te keeping ber aa their own. Bbtt hiid down b ' I knife and fi,t k, pushed back hie (1st', and looking thrsugb the o)en door, to catch a Klitupse ei pink ginghitra lltititig around tht ix.rset, snaaered aloaly : ' ! like her tight well ; think, if yOtt'rB united, ws'd best keep hrr. Shs is lu-ightand willing and truthful." "And a quiet little thing.," put in his wife. "Ye ; v'on't you know I, .it I'd aa ! ief she wouldn't beau quiet, though. I'll tell you, Sarah, I'm sort of lenging for a child's laugh rippling oat at any thing or nothing. I'd like to see bar dancing about and chattrring like a uiagpic, aud all that sort o' thing. I've tiled to piesae her. I've told her storiea, and taken her 'round en the fares witk tne, and lt her ride on Charley 'a back to the brok ; and abe likes it all in a quiet sort of way. H .1 abe don't aeem downright happy and merry, aa it'a a child' right to be." i40b, well, I ruts she's contented enough, plenty to eat aud wear, and kindly treated. I'd ratber ake'd be quiet ibaa like Mrs. Door'e little Nelly, on r the way, climbing trees and lid ing fencers and atnging and shouting from morning till night." Meanwhile Jennie was sitting on a rock by the brook, laricg hrr bare, white feet, and asyiog to beraelf : "New, if 1 thought she'd care any thing aboat them, I'd get ber some ef those great blue fLwrrs -they're beau ties," looking at the clusters of ins "I'd as in f wade in as not. I aupKiee abe'd aay, Yee, yea, my child ; very pretty ; don't ohttter up tbe fljgr with tbeui,' snd keep on t iag ap ber eur laine or 'ranging her cloaeta. Mamma atwata ltkel tbt-m au much. Ob, mam m," and the li'.tle figure Isy prone ujon the gtase, irnni.'ing aud aobbing. "Mamma ! oh, mamma ! I want you. She ia kind to me, but there's nobody like mamma." "Poor child ! poor child f It was E ben's voice, but tender and gentle. Hia strong arms lifted her quivering form and laid her bead ou hla shoulde-. "Tber, then-,der, don't cry. Want to go to the mill with me 1 Y u shall have tbe teirj yourself, and drive, it you like." A few words from B -en that night aa a a a e a a Bet Ssran thinking ; and the new thoughts tbftt same to bar were strength ened nest dsy in a ne'gbbor's kitchen. She bad "run in" on an errand and m . . a a a aa lotira "A mi Marlhs. as n- waa ctllHl in the neigfciiorhood pailancn ruakiug pies. 8be stood by her mould ing board, with sleeves rollett u(i snd white ginghsro apron on, the picture of a healthy, hearty, blithe old lady. Half a dozrm pies with rich golden cen ter, stood by bar aide. Half a dozen apple piea were already brownlur in he oven. She had a little crust left She roiled it our, spread it in a eoBpIe of saucers, fillad the centers round and plump with the juicy spiced apples, and dainty trimmed thecd.s. "1) you make saucer pies, aunty V asked Mrs. Ruthford in aoroe surprise 'Yen. every bakintr ; why not f said aunty. "Well, when the children ate not at home to eat them, it aeeru baldly wottb white. It ia easier to pot all in one large pie, aud tasteg jut tbe same, y ju know." "Lin, yes ; but aoine cbiid is so apt to happen along on an errand or sotfje thing. I've made them about evety fortnight fur fifteen )eras and always t'otind use for It more than pays i n i lte shok t - - the little ones fu pleased. Vou know, dear," the old lady added gently, "the time that trifles give great pleasure is so ahott ; it passes sway before we are aware. Sometimes I think it U only childhood that is content witb daily bread." "I'll Bisks a Bauer r pie for Jennie next time I bake," said Mrs. Ruthford to herself as abe went home. "3trange I never thought of it before. I'll let me see I'll dree her dolly nw for ber. It's quite shabby. Aud I'll keep her with me more, an I tell hee stories at bedtime. Maybe it is just the little, things mother do thsr she wants to cheer hsr up.'' The next morning Mrs. Ruthford and tbe sensitive mouth quivered ; but only for a moment. "Thank you, thank you P shs said eagerly. "It's just Uks the pies mother ussd to make for me." ('Ab! ths's it," thought Harsh, "Kben ia right, to bo sure. She wants mothering.' " And site drew the little girl to her aide and kisaed hsr. The dimpled arms were round hsr neck in an instant and tbe kiss returned, and thtough the day Jennie Bemud to feel happier snd more at home. lied time came, and Jennie, nestling in tbe skits pillow, looked up with wondering eyes, ss Mrs. liutbford sat down on the side ef the bed, am', takitog the tittles hsnd in hers, said kindly : "Shall I tell ynu a story, dear 1'' She listened with eager interest to the atory of tbe Highland ttbephsrd's child lost in the mountain mist snd guarded aad fed by hia faithful dog. And when Mis. Ruthford bent down and kiased her the white arms agaiu wound iutpuUively around her neck, sud Jennie said for tbs 3rst time, "Good night, msmma ! Sarah Was startled, tbs new name seemed so aweet. "1 see now," she thought. "Kben is right. It is mother love all 1 care tbs child needs snd shall bsvs " Mrs. Ruthford kept hsr resolution. She did not, could not, (ssl tbs intones de vol ton of a mother. But ahe waa no longer content with fsedios, with cloth ing hsr charge. Shs tried to satisfy hungering and thirsting for affection which abs learned to meet sod recog nize. Shs sought Jennie's harqaneas, and in duo time she had ber rewsrd. Lore in hsr own heart, grateful love in the child's strengthened day by day. Jennie grew gradoaily happier till her augb and song taag ontss merrily as Ebn wished. And, when s year had paased, neither of the worthy oouplo wouU any mors bavs thought of part ing with her than if abs bad been theirs by birth. They knew no differ ence in tbe borne tie. "It all dates beck," said Sarah to bet husband, aa they sat talking one eight after Jennie had gone to bed, 'all this happiness datea back to the first saucer pie. Jennie seemed from that .inis to believe tht I hired her." DvmcMtic Journal. reus FACTS. r BBSS A AS. Brother Harrison, "the I my preach er," It 20 years old. Mrs. (.arflold has been nulferlog from mulaii j, sud has been attend ed by Dr. Boynton st Mentor. Tbe Queen' present to the Duke of Westminister at bis marriage was a beautiful thoroughbred riding horse. Alexander II. ritevotia fmaem am hour every day hi reading' the proof- heets of his firthrnnitng history of the I'nited Statin. The oldest ex-mem r of Congress, Hon. Mark Alsxand. r, I living in Mecklenburg County, Vs., In destilu Hon, at the age of ninety. The Baroness Burdetl.Coutts, at the outset of the Egyptian trouble, made ail the arrangements for the lu- ntunt dispatch of trslned nurses to Alexandria. Mr. Gladstone appears in a grsy suit and a white hat. The pantaloons ere so shrunken that ttey reveal hi cot Ion stock Inge shove the highlows. He wears carnation In his button hole and Is preud ef it. Arshl Pssha was brought up to bU father's trade, that of a maker of wcoden cases In which dried raisins were kept, at Itarcelorui, but was af terward, so they asv In Msdrld, sent to the University of Valencia. That rheumatism Is only a phase of Indigestion, and may be cured by fasting 4 or 8 day s, Is the opioion to which Dr. Wood, Profuseer of ('hern ial ry In the medics! department of Bishop's College, Montreal, is m. lin ed. AtiBK i trrnxt irans Largs consignments of American pieaerved fruits sre expoi'edf to Rut sis. In new combs the thickness of tbe aideg of tbs cells containing honey ia but the 180th psrt ef an inch. Every warm day in September be tot a frost comes is worth many million do! Isrs i.t tbs corn crop of th;s country. Fires were kept up on the passenger trsios through Iowa on tha 17th of August. This indicates s tetnpereturs unfavorable for fJOTta. At the large slaughter hiuaes the shin bones of cattle, sfter lbs extraction of their oil, and the hoofs, are exported to England for making buttons. It hi stated that a single firm in Philadelphia last year inanufactuied and sold ovsr KX) tons ef Pari grass for the destruction of ths potato-beetle snd cot ton-worm. Ho soon as the young clover begins to show heads, it may m lightly past ured without injury. Blossoming is en exhaustive proeesa and stoek prefer the blossoms. Tbe value of agricultural implements yearly produced in tbs United States baa increaaej tenfold since 1858. In that year the census showed it to be $6,800,000. Now it is mors than ICS, 000,000 Fields intended fur wheat aheuld be cultivated frequently, ewec4sJly alter a wsrm rain Plant food is developed very rapidly in soil st snrh a time, and especially If it be a stubble with gr sin commencing to grow. Tbs high pries of potatoes) last year ss well ss tbe present season thus far 4 W 3 00 400 6 00 am j l ft 00 Iff so uou too i?oo jawi 6 00 1000 1500 22 (A. 7O0 1260 18 00 27 OO WOO , bJOO SOW ao 00 7 60: 12 00 1800 1000 i 1500 2500 16 00 j 20 00 i 4000 3000 48 00 4000 60 00 fJl inn aa "fclrwitoraMBte CI. ,n per, line. Regular loeel notiees 10 cents per line. For legal sod transient advertisement. ?1 P. Par square for the first Insertion and insertion I ssjSBsrs tor each aubseqneait Plain Talk, a mala SaAJreis. Hr a rtvgfj Betas. The first sentence ever telegraphed U lin"" -,l'- " from Washington to B' HI mire, (What has Gad wrought T' was In dited by Miss Annie Ellsworth, whom Brof. Morse selected for that purpose because she waa the first one lo tell him that bis sppmpria'lon bad ravsed both House. In France, bairttteu jur'.rt nre drawn tar each trial twelve a form the Jury and two lm art aa n'tltufes crop in new localities especially in the South, where early potatoes for tbs Northern markets have proved ex tremely profitable. Lxr reorLr. I have hoard It said fiat there Bra few Scates that csu hast Oregon for lazy people. I boiie ttil i not true but am afrHiil It is not without lis foundation. Home one telh the story of a farmer wlih several hoys, who were too indolent to milk tbe cows at their back door fer enough cream to use ia their tea, and bought their butter rather than go to the trouble ofmaklng It, although their cow a were drying up net a dozen rods awsy. Home sre so critical as to ay that there area great many this wsy, but, white I believe that our 1 1 i mate is conducive to Indolence, I am ehar Italia enough to think that the story Is over-drawn. I cannot he innvlnced that there i- any one hers so slow tha. they would reach the iprlny af. ter It had dried up, or get their horse to the blacksmith after it had die1 of old age. This 1 preposterous, al though there are onuugti wo will si-' low tnclr house and fences to go to ruin rather than Ox them up, though I hey have plenty of time. I de be lieve that our farmers would have fewer mortgages on their houses If they would be more industrious, snd instead ef decoding on a laxy crop of wheat, cultivate also fruit, pota toes, etc. But If there Is s spirit ef indolence among our worthy tillers of the soil, it is only io keeping with that dU- played by tbe denizen ef rarcitle. We wUl not say that it Is confined to this State, for we knew the opposite to be tru You can hardly throw a everlasting snows of ?X Helen, where there would ha no one around to sea us yawn. A WIT WIMtS. Oa. Joe Teal sad Vie Trevitt, says Tom Merry in the Sunday 0rgeninnt stood out an the sidewalk lest Tuesday afternoon, ia front ef tbe Helton House. They were wstehing a lock of geese flying o vet head in a long tri angular phslsnx, winging their weary wsy south wsrd frost lbs land cf hooch- tmoo toward tbe orange groves ef Is Angelas. The fdemei remarked : "Wick, ws sre going to have a wet winter." "Tut," was the trite answer of tbe sfiostle of Tbs Dalles and sandy wagon road. "Vou woa't beliave me, ' ex Unwed the Cole), "bu'. we wi 1 have a wet wiatsr. Aad the esfr will he se high that the Willamette Chief I built that boat myself, Wick can lawd hrea hundred tans of wbsal at K men and run clear through to Astoria with-it breaking balk." "Aad yi call that a wet winter f asked Trevett. with a'aahT af contempt ; "ttv .... At.', k I . . I t mm Mvm aauw wbbi a wet win ter ts, old boy. I wee working for Bush at Salem ia 186C, aad tbs water get s high that rest eon Id go from tbe Wsido Hills over to the feet of Mary 'a Peak in a skiff. Wall, I wanted to take a holiday between Christ mss and New Year's, se I went ewer to see Nes mith at his farm aa the Rick read. When I got there the water was ten feet deep all over tbe farm, and the old cuss was out in his field planting his winter wheat with a diin bel. That 'a what I call a wet winter TBSBt aa Tennyson's manner has a brusqne naes aad Uuataras about It which ia at first rather startling t one who has only known him through his books. He utters his opinions in a plain. straightf-rwaid wsv, choosing the A cattle qnararftius sUiion has bernl stone, anywhere, en thU broad established by the faniinion govern- sphere, without hitting a lazy man roent on Partridge Island, near Sr. or woman. Perhaps this ii right, John, N B, where cattle imported tor " canot be well thy, and, aa homeliest Saxon words sad rarely ru- m . st WW s . a tfas - I f , I . aaauid. lat a a W 1 -. ABB irom tbe i mted SUtes for breeding Mu-wsiry means weaim, in at least ajjngto anjthing Uks the heroic strsin purnoaea. Utaeen April 30 aad Set- umiicu sense, it may be Just as well I. 1 I ... I fAV BJUlh Ia I. ft. a ,1 In case nf bkr,-. The sufr.tltu r-s Mror'f'r w eo r' . " are sworn a .d et io the lurv b.x'jtad to the restrictions nf the law but takt no uarl in flmllua ih. raw. Al the m time tht Por, lax, diet unlea. they ar. r. oir.e to fid a ! "no advanUge in pasturing .beep, 0fta.. loo slothful to keep his shoes vsesncy Unanlauiiy Es not resjolred one which greatly promotes ler- . indolent to pick a pin litv. is that these an male nttnral v iru" ,nc noor to rAsien ris coat lo- select the highest points ia tits field , deserves our commiseratien. for reclinine at nieht As these uoats " seems to me the worse fate that To the Unfortaiiatc ! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. COO KKARXY ST.. )4J oHrne' of Commer cial Street, Han Prsneiato. KHUllisbed in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, sui.Si bh siwa-rekea. r.ieet, sfrlefare.Sypklllstn s! its foniiH. Iineteiir Sesalaal Weakness, night 1mhus by urnum, iiiu plee on tbe face and loan of manhix) iu jxUivoly lie cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has travelcJ extennivuly In Euroiie. and inspected thorouaklv tbe various noaoi- tals there, obUinlng a j-reat otal of valuable inionsa 1 w,ri.,1..,laVl ir . rin.u il. . Son which he iscompetent to tiot-art to those in need COrwluUM It was time to have Some pieB, of his services. Dtt. OIBboN will make no charg unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY MC CL'KBO AT none. All communications strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor. Send ten dollars lor a ackare of medicine, fersous writing to tbe Doctor will please state tbe name of tbe paper they see thia advertisement in sonsbfe. Call or write. box lm, Man rnwelfce. Oiarees rea- Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, v!6n Far Bale. . A sash and door factory ; located at Stay ton. Will be sold cheap. Custom work is BufE&ient to ran mill st full capacity. CaU at this office for farther particulars. and she went to work with a will. When tbs baking was done() a dainty saucer pis with sugar top, aud plump, sweet Let ries stood on the dresser. "Here's something for you, dear," she said, as Jennie came in witb quiet footfall ; sod she placed the little j to ia the child's hands, J euuiu's f.tue flushed, ber eyes lighted up, aud, to Sarah's surprise, grew dim with tears, In Malabar, a tree called the tallow- tree grows, prom its aeeds, wbeo boiled, is procured s firm tsltow, which nukes excellent candles. There is a ?re? ia Jamaica called the "Ufa tree," the leaves of which grow even when severed from the plant. It is impossible to kill it except by burn ing. Washington, George, President of the U. 8., 190 High street," was the satry in ons ef the first directories ef Philadelphia, which contained a list of less than 100 distinct occupations. Accorning to tbs report of the Cuss misaioner i f Agriculture of 1870, the larvae sf s Urge fly which frequents Mono Lake, in California, are dried and pulverised aad mixed with acorn meal and baked Cor bread, or with wa ter and boiled for aoup. The balloon Reliance made a singular flight from tbs Alexsndris Palsoe, London, recently. 1 1 stared t in a norther ly direction, then, when ballast had betn thrown out, rose 1500 fast mors. At thst a current carried it toward Lsn dn, and through a thick mist ft de scended at tbe end of an hour upon the very place from which it had risen. In Australia, there is a handsome shrub which is known aa the "stinging tree." It grows to be about ten feet in height. iJgs, when stung by it, will rush about, whining piteoualy and bit ing pieces from the injured part. Hunters know tbe tree by its odor, which is disagreeable, and thua many persons escape the sting A traveller writes ih tt the sting leaves no mark, but the pain issgoniztng. For months afterward the place hurt is tender in rainy weather. A gentleman in Newcsatlw, N. H., has a brood of obickens which have tbs run oi a part of tbe yard, tbe old hen being kept abut up. Tbe chickens are fed with moisted meal in saucers, and when tho dough gets a little sour it at tracts large number of flies. An ob servant toad has noticed this, and every dpy along toward evening he makea hia appearance in tbe yard, hops to a sau cer, climbs in, and rolls ever and over until he is covered with meal, having done which be awaits developments, Tbs flies, enticed by tbe smell, seen swarm around the scheming batrsebisn, and whenever one pacses within two inches or so of his nose bis tongu darts out, and tbe fly disappears ; and this plan works so well that tbe toad has taksb it up as a regular business. In the seventh year of Pdulemy Phiiidelphus, seventy elders were sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria to translate the sacred To rah into Greek for tbe benefit of the Alexan drian Jews who could not read tbe original. in finding a vertflc, iu ttn re must he a majority of eight to four in ear. ry a conviction. SsKSBJaSL SEWS. The Nebraska state fair was viaited by 25,000 people on the 15th. Mitchell Sl Roland lumber coropen) ' mill at Toledo, was destroyed by fire on the 15th; loss $520,860. On the 15th. at Chicago, Jamea Tracy, the murderer of officer Huehucr, sxpisted his crime on the gall iws. Kurs, who killed J. Anderson at Orcaa island. W. T., baa been found guilty of murder in the second degree, and goes to prison for ten year . Tbe present woman's BuflVsge associa tion which is in session st Otn ha is not the real thing, but a secession fsc- lion. Tbs boas convention meets at Omeho on tbe 2Gtb, with Susan B. Anthony as the center of attraction. A terrific hut ricsne passed over the villsgeof Winston, Conn., on the Ktb, destroying ten houses aud five barns, moatly in tbe Northeastern ortion of ths village. No lives were lost. Sev eral persons wers injured, Mrs. Daniel Maxwell, Mr. Themes Ash snd Miss Mary Conner seriously. uisqsaM x t t ran Sleep knite up the ravelled sleeve of care, but she lets the worn out seat af poverty's pants take care of Itself. A Whltehatler claims be is entitled ta a pension for an ankle he apraloed while jumping a bounty during the war. The young swell whose pantaloons Are so tight that he cannot sit down should hsng out a placard above the aeat, saying, "Stauding room only." Tourists are sometimes suggestive. "Why, a donkey couldn't climb that hill," aaid one of them ; and then he added, "rind I'm not going to try it." When you hear a younjr man say the "world owes him a living," you can make up your mina mat ne owes tbe world's people enough to balance tbe debt. A Worcester man took a bean pole and stirred up a skunk to see what it would do. He came to the conclus ion that there are some things a man had better net know. Sydney Smith said to his vestry, in reference to a block pavement about St. Paul's : All you have to do, gentleman, Is to put yeur heads to gether and the thing Is done." TJp In the mining camps out West, when a visitor stays after his wolcomo baa departed, they have a dlaletlc way of giving him a hint : "I hope you don't thiok anybody's a holdlo' you? Well, they ain't." sre ttsuslly lers fertile, the feed coa sttmed on the tow lands belps to bring np what aeeds fertilizing most, and thus sn equilibrium of fertility is pre served. It ts probable tnat tbe oaeatton could befallone weeld be the poecs- ion of a temperament which demand ed mere existence and none of the twees obtained bv labor. The thought of living a mere human lob ster I not a nkastnt one : vet too dent You mifrht as well hunt for a lean Alderman (outside of Albany) as fame without en elf .rt to obtain it chief delight U not ia I know of students, in our own city, ai fellows. Rather it whether large or medium hot sea era BMny there ,rc mon' ns who look for i II it S SB m & . - . ... beat will resolve itaelf into a question mu ine Peges " without lift ofloeslitv. Parcheran ami Udeadale ,n tne,r n,m, to obln breediag establishments are mainly in Honors as a rule do not fall by acci- t he West In New England and the East, where farms are smaller, a lighter horse will geaerrily be preferred for farm work, while Isnre, heavy ani mals will always be required in the heavy teaming of cities snd large towns. Damp in poultry houses is especially injurious to health. Care should be taken to stop all leakage, and to insure dry sleeping places. Birds will bear being out on a grass run en the wettest of days better than being boused in a Uarop place. Uarelessness in this re spect ia the source of co'dx.tmflsmmatiun of the stomach, and liver' diaeaae, and is spt to develop scrofulous dejtosits should the strain be weikly in any way. Of the different trees of the honey bee the German or black bee is the m int numerous, though it is not older than tbe Italian, which were known to the ancients several hundred years be fore the Christian era, snd are men tioned by Aristotle and Virgil. The Egyptian, Caeniolan, Cyprian and Javan bees are but little known in this country, the Italian bsing ths favorite because of its docility, activity and captivating beauty. Among our Weatein exchanges we find an almost uniform indication thst that there are few old hogs and a scarcity of old com, so that the hog supply now is averaged down to a rela tively younger sge ihsn usual st this period of the season, and the marketing will run light prebaMy for the first half of the winter, likely falling below laat year, but for ths remaining portion of ths season there is promise of a num ber equal to last year. Tbs winter packing in the West will not likely fall more than 10 per cent, below last year, and poasibly not thi decrease, while it is apparent that the number of young stock in tbe country makes it reasonable to look for better supplies for the spring and summer msrketing, under the influence of the high prices now and prospective, and ths abun danoe of feed material Cultifsfor. $500 Pr vear ran eaaily made bv working for 1 0. Uidsoui fc Co., 10 Barclay St., New York. Send for their catalogue andful' particulars. The Stuttgart Censetratery of Music has eradusted over 5,000 pupils, of whom 43G were Americans. who would like to be the possessors of good educations, but the trouble with them la they are net wiillag ta study to obtain them, and wil!,at any time, drop their book for the sake of a little fun. The merchant who Is too laxy to wait on a customer might as well close his door, and the lawyer who gets at his office at ten o'clock aed loaves at three o'clock, and while there snore in a chair, instead of studying, la en the hlghwsy to fail ure. Such men can never see why they are not Senators snd Chairmen of National Committees. Tbe young man or woman who starts out in life with shoe-strings half-tied and buttons off, with a de termination to shirk their duty and do oo more than is absolutely neces sary, will never amount to much in the world's history. If a person on ly gets a dollar for doing ten dt liars worth of work they had better put their beat energies to it, remember ing that a good reputation is better than riches. You might its well ex. pact to fly to the moon es to get to the top of the ladder without climb ing it round by round. It ia an awful thing to be a mere 0 in the world Just because you are too 'aay to lift a 1 and place it iu front of it. One does not have to become rresiueni oi too cniteu states or Prime Minister of England io order te obtain the greatest success, That person is entitled ta the heartiest congratulations who live? as well as he knows how the life before him, not indifferently, but actively, seek, ing higher fields, yet contented with preseut prospects, living indrious triously and honestly as well tor those around him as for himself. I would ratber bo a cormarant than a selfish person, aud let me have around me Industrious, buxxlng bees io prefer ence to lazy men. There is not a state iu our Union that presents better chance for a man to obtain a livelihood than does this. Our natural ad vantages are wonderful, aud it we canaot, from the various resources of our State, find a means of living wc ought to go and bury cunslves baoeath the His disregard for the conventionalities of lite ia, however, thoroughly natural and unaffected. Ha ia aa inveterate smoker. A brother jott, wa9 spent n weekArith him at his country aeat says that partagas, regalias snd ba banes have co charm for him. He prefers a pipe, aad of all pines in the world the common slay pipe ia hia choice- Hia den is at the top of the house. When he sits down to work in the morning a huge tobacco jar, large euwugh for an ancestral urn, ia at his test, together with a uox full ef white day piper. Filling one of these ha smokes aatil empty, breaks it in twain, aad throws tbe i ragmen t a into another box pre pared for their recaption. Then he pulls out a fresh pipe, film it, smokes it, and destt oys it as before. He will net smoke a pipe the second time. His ommunion with ia ta lounge at tbe window of bis study surrounded by sfew choice books of favorite authors. aad ia view of the sawguibcaat island scenery with the gray line of undulat ing hills aad the streak of silver sea ia the diatance. Hariford Timet. Who la there ia any lawn w ho doea mors for the ooramuuity al large than the local editor of Us local paper? Who is tt that labors harder snd doaa aa snwch unpaid, aad often on thanked for work aa be ? Us rejokee with you io your ptwaperU?, aad Borrows with you ia your adversity. He chronicles year birth, preclaiaas your marriage fsedviriea, saad when you have paid ths last debt of nature, he vests his grief aad freqeeaiiy perils his chance tor heaven in endeavoring to give you a dear record whereon to begin business ia tho other J world, and what ks his reward t There are always pioaty iu a aaighbor hood to curse that block head of aa edi tor." Why? Because, perhaps, after wearying hia brains for years la gettlns ap LiuiiipllsaWBBWj notices for yourself, roor ftunlly oast year dp loess, for all of which probably, yon have aover aaid "thank you," he has inadvertantly aaid Bffirai'rt that doea not striae vou just right. People should remember that ha la boost by many perfdaxitlea, saaav are the axes that are brought to him far a free turn of the crank; and taklag everything Into conaideraUon, he omit calling attention to bat few events of social, moral or boeuaeaa importance that occur ia hia vicinity and where anything eon corning you ia not set forth in sugar coated words, investigate before allowing your anger to arise and ahai timee ou, of ten it will pro vo aa acciaaa --r' ' Kxchang B The Republicans ofGoiorado have nominated Ernest L. Campbell frr governor; Jsms R Bel ford for Congress; Mil v in E l wards secret rr of state; Fred Watson, of Huerfano, state treasurer; John Abbott, of Latimer Auditor; D. S. Urtny, of Pueblo, at torney general and J. B. Chaffee, chair man of the state central committee, Th- number af swloesjd eehoola in Delaware baa increased oae-tbird, and the en roll meats are one thousand, greater than a year ago- There are G.000 colored ebildrsra tbe Stale, and the en roll meat of pstpils is 3,121. Tbe legislative sf ssamwiation made this year the first laotiay steer, beat a wed by Delaware upon her colored schools has provided for each, pupil about seventy seven