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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1882 A curious tad little known exi eti Mat, showing the resistance of the air in guns, is deecribed bj Professor Dan- ee m . aw uwiauon, ot uenevs, in a recent letter to If. hi eiesens. He was long in toe habit of shoving it to hia classes. Ti. 1 ... as nwemotea a seat mat was sometimes Performed by soldiers with the old Swiss carbines. M. CoIIadon fully charged with compressed air the hollow von breech of an air gun, serving as reservoir. Having screwed up the gun, bo introduced a round lead ball, run ning f reel y, but neat Ij fill ing the bore: then, placing the gun vertical, he seised too upper end and pressed his thumb vigorously on the mouth. The gun was then "fired' by an assistant; the thumb remained in position, and the ball a a . a . . oeara to tail back in the bore. There, upon, alter recharging the breech and a .a .... wit me same tali, he shot the latter at a pine board about one-fourth of an a . . mca mica, or a pane of glass, and it ponsed through. The experiment, M. Oeliedon save, ia without danger, if the operator is sore of the strength of his thumb, if the gun ia more than thirty two inches long, and if the lull ia aperi eai and nearly filU the gun (in which it must act like a piston.) The least RRcatteiatj in the very rigorous prea eure of thumb, hermetic closure of the fan may entail serious injury to the thnmb. While M. Colladon haa re tbo experiment twenty or thirty " wlu,oos too least inconveniences miner trom shock or heat, a trial of it ioperaapahardJj to be recommended. Weft tatly preponderate in the exambstion list of the "Cambridge University Higher Local Examination m PrUy attributed to frct that the aeholsrJiip. and prisea offered in connection with the Mitiena arenfined to women. Vdicate gives gratuities of $25 fi ea higheat in the woe are prenennv f.. the m, a 8) va of tuition. ro- The well-known . . . wl""HOB on r y t founder. eaelJ uuHers front it. doors and for Wding aU 9ctariaa reJigiaus teach g, enad to h.e been violated for J years, "The officers of the Ouard eetate ' it i. UiD uh Iwej. felt that while arctariUo, was to be excluded from the college, relig m a principle of Ufa was to be in leated in the minds of the youth who roomvad titnt.on . X. B. Holden, it U reported, baa gireo $125,000 far tba eatabliahment f profeasorahip ia the new Adelbert Collage at Cleveland. 1500 per year can be easily mad s home working for E. O. RideoutA Co., 10 Barclay St., New York. Send for their catalogue andful pert cular mm- Summons. Iu tkt Circuit Court of the ShiU of (jrijon far the County of Linn : ' B flamtka lioatojaaaeiji, Ok W. H.vMoatffotaery. To W. II. Montgomery tit above named defendant : Tit THE NAME OF THE STATE OF SL VKBUON, yen are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of taa above named Plaintiff, in the above court, now oa file with the Clerk of said Court against yon on or before toe rat day of the torsa of said Court next following the sixth publication of this summons, to-wit : on or before Monday the 23rd day of October, 1882, and if you fail to answer said complaint, for want reof the plsintiff herein will apply to i Court tor the relief demanded in mid I plaint, to-wit : For a decree offaud Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourself snd this plaintitt, and for the care, custody and guardianship of Nathan Mark Montgom ery, the minor child of phunlitt and de fendant, and for the costs and disburs meats of this suit and for such other re lief as shall seem proper to equity. This summons ts published by order of the Judge of said Court, made at cham bers in the City of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, on th 2nd day of August, A , D. Powell a Bii.yeu, - Atty'a for PUT. Sou loiis. Jn the Circuit Court of the State of Ornjon for Linn County : Jaaaaa L Cowan, Plff. ) C C Burse, Daft. T C C Barge the defendant above named. In the name of the Stale of Ore gon you are hereby required to appear fa ike above entitled court snd answer the complaint ef i he above named plaintiff in the above entitled action by the first day of the next regular term of said court in and for Linn county, to be begun and held on the fourth Monday of October, M2. And you fare notified that, if you foil to appear and answer said camp aint as above required the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of fee and Interest thereon at the rate of ene per cent per month from Nov. 8, 1876 and for the costs and disbursements of tola action. Published by order of the Hon R P Boise. Judge of said court, for six weeks 1 a. a. a in W-a. a a in mis ."ttueragms lfeusocrsi,' wfilcu or dor bears date Aug. 22nd 1882. FUSS A CHAMBF.HLAJ V, Atty's for Plff. Guardian's Sale. NOTICE tS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT the undo sigm-d puardian ti the per sons and estate of Daniel Smith, Lottie mith. Ed wai d Smith aud Laura Smith micom, ill on Friday, the 29th day of September, l82,-t the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day at the Court House door m the dty of Albany Unn county, Oregon, soil at public auction to the high est bidder, aJrtbe right title snd interest of said minors m and to the following de eeribed premises to-wU: The undivided fear sixths of lot numbered seven (7) in block numbered fifteen (15) in the City of Aieany,uino eouary, uregon, as the same aaea, nuraoereo ana aescriDeu on i and plata of said city on die in of the County Clerk of Linn . ureean. Tanas or sale : One half cash in heart,, the balance oa a credit of twelve months, with interest at ten per cent per i -toe aaierraa payment to oe f mortgage on tne premises. Augusts st, 5w4 Guardian trree the Baaee (Bob.) tttoabv.v.laeseea' UkMMM of in. Isva x. ruts- txuu if I rni. MirT , t " w " mar lw truthfully orUJod tie "IXmr uwm of kar eeeveeawaeeeat let.eu1 her. U waloety eevakwl to W veer. wMrk te th otiteotne of a Itteeaaar. awl to OH a to keep et tadjr aaaeaeWA to kata bar answer tba kwwe ocrreeeaavU'tv wklek dally rear, to epea her, eaek tameta he special kacssa ot seteHnc, or joy at releeee freei a Bar Vauataai Onwiwai'ks saedleta tor good aal not evfl paToam I Sara jifiiaaSy SreUot"! and a aakkeed of too teeth at tkhv Oa saaoeat of Ma pwa iaitti. B ud preavfsed to tkehtet Oaa aura i -n work UK a Mia. ftwfllcere laalrity the wet fens of tattta at tk. afters, laanetkea, evesjekw MenatrveaUoa. aS Ovartaa Treble. rvmattM rnnalaanr ill Pin Inrr-rf- aedtkeeoa ,aad U taiKany inaattl la otUU." aew are and view. It I for of taertaaacb. R General Oaaoaar.l ThattWUna; bearta la always lajr Ma Mb RwulMaU themes n (ilitiaaeiaanee art H ton r sraateeae faaS&.aaaiiaaUar Aay aavtoa ttaUnSaa to i of aaaar wao toon ran and to tSaaaaof taa Vnilatot rtoaataa. n I to by Irtiaaaae Ura, r wtta atoip far taaty, at tot V-r taLyaa. aaa Son ata? ot taa ta Ha la Ma Att atoat i awirt Sar aaaa AawM ot Mnj amhittoalatoeagooStoottora. ra. CO KraJLlLn. W.B. SCOTT, Importer and Dealer in SPORTING "GOODS OF ALL KINDS. The Celebrated Baker Gon, Either double barrel, abot gon or three barrel two shot and one rifle. Also Sharp. Remington, Ballard, rbu nix, and Martin Magazine Rifles. Also a large stock of English, German and American breech-loading shot guns. Full stock of Re vol vers. Fist el a Cutlery , Fishing Tackle of all kinds, and Ammu nition ol all kinds. A fall stock of Davis Sewing Machines the best in the market. Also full stock of sewing machine needlea of all kluds and machine oil. I make a specialty of repairing fl re-arms and sewing machines. Remember that I cannot be undersold la the State. MAGNOLIA MILLS. fully prepared aa aaaal is f or- oiah i to rage and sacks on the most favors Ua terms. A LIBERAL PREMIUM TVII.T UK PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills, Uwl ALBANY CITY FLOURING MILLS. We are prepared to furnish tacks and storage on the same terms as last year, and will pay the SAME PREHI1 UlUe THOS. MONTEITH & SON. RAG CARPET. As I am prepared to do weaving of carpet on anon notice, l solicit the patronage of the people of Albany and vicinity. Those having carpet to weave will please give mo a oall at my residence two blocks south of the East Albany school, on Sixth street. Mrs. W. H. Warnkr. TUTT'S 8YMPTOM8 OP A JTORPID LIVER. the HeadTwjth a dull seMattonnhe b&e. ruesauWt ennatkm So exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low apirits, with a feeling of haying neglected some duty, Weariness, Diaxiuess, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eves. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye. Heedlessness, with fitful drt?an highly colored Urine, and 90N8T.PATION. iuiT roiaan aaca lJjJMto Mtoniah Um aufferer. oay to Cocad. Fries as injw as mZX. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. gbay H a i e ob WRiRiu cbansed to a Oioaav Black Sy a aingrle application of thla Dvx. Ittm partt a ntunu color, acta Inatantanaooaly. Sold by Druggists, or aent by express oa recaipt of SI. Br. TCTrS BilCAL af T, aiaS i aB aiwn B''a' Ptoalaaail'l aiSy. aM SUtoat aa ato warM tor Sao am of Oaaatwatln. PILLS -jm r mL- 11 1 1 gflVbLAaocsT vAatrrr or E QOOOSIMTHC U.8.AMOOANSCtA. YOU AMY AHTtCUE FO PtRSONAL OR FAMILY 1 ' USS, IS AMY QUANTITY AT WHOLESALE PtttC. 1 I WHATBVSIt YOO WAMT SCNO fOft OUW CATA- I I LOOUE (FREE ANO YOU WILL FIND IT THERE I MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. sera aae wabash avenue, chicaoo. NEW STORE. $30,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPENING ONE OF THE LARGEST ANO MOST COMPLETE STOCKS Or EVER OFFERED FOR SALE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties, Ladies9 Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks. Satins, etc. A GREAT MANY OF OUR GOODS WERE PURCHASED IN MEW.YORK, CON SEQUENTLY TNEY ARE OF TNE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS rsr PERSONS RESIDINC AT OF DRESS GOODS ANO TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OF EXPENSE. THE CLOTHING IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Of GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere. WE ALSO A Fall Line of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GRO O WE SHALL ONE PRICE WE INVITE ALL TO COME WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW T. WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWNDONT FORGET TO CIVE US A CALL, AND WHEN YOU DO SO REMEM BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME ANO PLACE. ALLEN & MARTIN 57 FIRST STREET, BURKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. NEW GOODS. OF NEW G00D8. MARTIN IN ALBANY. OUT OF DATE. A DISTANCE CAN NAVE SAMPLES DEPARTMENT ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TNA KEEP RI RAVE BUT FOR ALL. AND SEE US. WE HAVE C000S THAt l'ARKEH'8 BALSAM. eewaeeeerwepwaaeaeaveeT w This r k -mi. I dieting U ptttanti ty tli'wa wh'iheve ttaedit. toany arttde, an ec Muut of iu mt-ri..r Untne an'l hiiriir. it cuatairt nuumtl onjy ilutl UMfkial t . tha aeate tu t tial see alwjri Calcf to Orty sf raaad Nslr rrkr' Hair Dakm U !uf )y parfumall and U wananiati to tirrveal filing -I ih luir and to re moradaoUitifl aiitliirliiiiK. Ht:0Jk Co , W.Y. aa4 1 1 at drlrtt la mn4 mWwIhm. IMIKKER'S GINGER TONIC A lessrtstlvs HtsKh sntf Itrssttl Radorsr. If yau are a raarlianic ar htmxm, worn tn with saw arark. av a rttmW run n by (amity or liotm h.UI datiai try rAsaan'a (Siaoaa Tisoc, If yoe art a lawyer, auaaMr or tuainaaa maa as tuM.aiiHltty nrnul ttralaaraaaiuuacam. V not lake iitW.abMgumuUnt,Uitito I'aikw Tuaic If ymt Wave ( hiwi(Xu, Dvav H)umz- lin, Kfcincy t'oaiplaiiila, or any tiiutOrr of lh t in(, iontM.h. iMiwata, Ltoud ar rta I'ai (iitntam TawC wi'luireyfar. llUirw t.raaicu ltto1 Vwttvw Aad fill Caat sstf tarctt Covak Cars Cvsr Uert. If i-tiaiaw K awuy Crura aj. rflaajaatkan at aty JiataM of . .1 "raa ai-l rqiite a tim.U .i take WcihMi il n!lMnviirra(e aa4 tuiUI you up fto a ilii d i do Ua wtU ae-s ina.akata. It tt.. Motl Iiiit l ila of he; h mu ta ymr. CAPTION' l - K. ( all eViu i... rxU1. 1U tak H aayai i ia. ua ti hmu ta th vwM.aM iNsasla fxaa fal'-a. .'g'-r l Ut t ., Ut iu ...; X. . a l MaM, atafc h anr. CUKAT r V! - O St VINO HOLUS StSE, Itan h art.) letting ft! te taa naaS da Ueruful pueie cea.ta!y Mpslar. There la aothlat llfca It. Inawr upan hau. Kujaaw tum CuuftSMt and look to rtgaatwisf aa Mry aSla Aay 4t nat a AmIm kk fmt'mf urn srvtko t rra FRED W1LLERT, CARRIAGE AND WVG0N MANUFACTURER, ! Corner Second and Ferry fits. Albany ,Or Is prepared tomsnufaHure carriages and wagons at snort notice ami oi tne very - -.a . a DMT MATERIA IV Ho atakea the premium carriage, and baggies of the State. REPAIRING AND JOB W0HK dona at shortest notice and in the most SKILLFUL MANNER. lib work and material ia warranted to be nrst-class. To the Sick aud Afflicted AND KJfPIOIAIXY Those Suffering from liability Nervous Prostration, Les of Vitality, Sexaal IoflrnIUegv Ktc, Etc Til On EAT KEEP THOSE HAVE aas are iswartnf rroea SEEVaL SMU EKaVO'Ja m-M a aiau a . a a A. m t: a. W a a wan.Ai ii iaa ii.iwe waa aaa (r'. taa i. ... t asehSaatty aa.;.i I to Sa an. aad U raaet be Ml is tka aaeraallM. a ay eessafaen, uj kt Ilea, lWvuK kaeatasas aJ ruanKrebetMdreSiiMl, ia S, C lone Itaswaeie la me for las parpaaa iA agerSie ISe aSbaawl tSe eerkatalr at Sea arable ess akiltinl iraalsunt anS eartail enJ A reel iraUaa. aa4 far ever SO veare a See UMlmrMkwMpalreM Ihie Cesst but saaasal I I aaa a. are uaat by dvaUiac asoa as aa eabjaclee lb. Oecay " ertuaJ .iur Um enlevtUas a arbabr earitiea.iei or'Va t'rBeCuaaa" aaTa laaa aa aaa. are aaa aeay asrrriac I aajaaair arete, bat e1bac aasaal timaUre to peraut aaa to aa jl fas are sajgajHaar tress alahi toltoa, Saabee. 'ac. or If jrua'ha'r. prieeieell asase area la taa aurbuet tavttoabv res are aster baytrwa aba of aaaaa I4r. to aaek at oace baaltb asJ la e rare. iOARAKTr.RO rr.BS MODBgATK LTATlo.s BY LKTrf R OR UTURKWISR- BxslaaJretr Vesriaate SVasedlea t are. EASMSS-Yoa ere eepecUQr kabla to aaiertaf raataarrtoae preatraUiaa. Ail ruur mnaaar saav pawats era swiaes la their urate aad beaee your e ternary ueereeatne; or taeapreaawy Doetoria ala reeeirubn ami i.raeUoa ot treaMas baa made year omabmtioa a epeeieJetudy and Is iSea enehierl from bia expert aaas aad kaowledfa to eld aod cure you In My uf tka troablea. eraakaaea, dtaUeaalor aod etaSariace to wbm m a eei you are uenia. on mu asa is tba Doctor a mead upon res oaa aaply lor ssaalort, akl aod care Sr. V.aac'a fesaste BeaaedUca bare at wises a rssuiauoa lor ematency uaaqualad b raadlnlas, ar aaadteal preeortption ever roey eeo ne eent uy mail r cspreee. Tbasa deetrtna pereonal care am bare all neeeeeary maaiejuaellui.i lunuebed. Tnoee wao ean sot rieit tba city aaa by airing tbetr ajmpluaiii In their own way, receive advice, aad waea deetred, traaUaaat at hvitue with every aa auraaoeof aeure. LkTTKRS RETURNED OR UESTROYKD. Addreae, Bbr. J. C. TVIr eaUeal lastltafe, , t Ms. 7 Siaefctsa at. iUn rraaeteco, Feb. 21. INKS. NTISELL PIANOS 10 000 Ptanot 1000 OreW SeeeaalrTaay of MaaafariMMr. rraaaSJul.aM &0RC1NS MM, IUt . laatelli tbAaleaa sjrnscLL. S TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A risom of roothfol lmpradenoe esuataf Frame. One Decay, Nerrooa Debility, Loet Manbood. etc. harisf tried In vain every known remedy, haa die. aoTcred a aiiople eelf onre, which be will aand 1HU to bit eltow-auflerer. addreaa J. M. REEVES, 49 Chatham at., V. Y. a A' SJfl. , &ri a rw!is le Rlehaa'a Cioltfra Btaleaai Ne. I Ouree L'haiuieie, flrl end reotJiid atatfee ; borua on Ibe Leva end lkly ; uyphiliue Catorrab, die eaead scalp, and all primary lorroa ut the diaeaaa. Maa, S&.UU par Hotttu. le aUehaa'a Cieldee Kalaam Ms. S. Oarea Tertiary , Mercurial, Syphilitic Kheumethrm, Peine In the Bonee, Ulcerated Throat, SypbiliUo Beeh, Luiupe, etc., aud eradioataa all tllaaaeaa from the tyeteui, whether oaueed by bad treat meat or abuse of mercury, leaving the blood pure aad heel thy. Priee.85,00 per Bottle, le Rlehaa'a tin Idea Saeatah Antidote for the cure of Oouorrboj., uieel, etc. Priea, 2.60 per Bottle. le Stteaaa'a Golden Spa a lea Injection, a wraeh for cure ot Uleet, strietnrae, Uleeaee of the Urethra aud Bladder, etc Price, 11.50 per Bottle. 8e RleRea'a Golden Ointment for taa nSiceive hoaliuy of bypblllMo Suree and Krup tlooa. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. Afeata for le Rlehaa'a Golden Pills, (ar iknasf, lorn of pbrecal powers, and all diaaaeee arlaaf from abuse end exoaea oi over-work. Price, 88,00 per Box. seat everywhere, C. 0. T., securely packed pa C V. RICH8RD8 at Ce. A sea la, 427 a HaMsaie treat, Comer Clay, ben Frwwleco, tal. HAIR BBaaaSaaaR Jawa wMswm tsi Yovwjsl h'M&sS Si A wr, M IP ajCt - a a- GREAT INDUCEMENT I MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! the TIME TO Great Krdiirtions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! i i nnrnT inn nrftT I UKhrM AN nr, taiiiiuaav i saiaaar wiav i IN LINN a w" a n i AV raVHiTlHTir, fir w Golden time coming. EVERYBODY BUYS OF HOFFJMAa ft JOSEPH, PROPRIBTORfl OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AUD DEALERS IK Imported and Domestic Clfaxg, Tobaoooe, Grooeriog, Pro vie Ions, Candie?; Nutg and Tropical Fruit. Albany ... O regon. OVB DOOR BELOW JOHN HI 1(KM STORE. SOyf AT THE OLD STaJfD, 71 FTRflT STREET, HAS OK ABD AS FIVE 48 ASSORTMENT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES ADD RADGES. Aa aar toemse 188 the alley. He a ao linavorts and msaalaelnrre TIN. SHEET IR0W AND COPPER WARE OF EVERT DEtK RIrTlON IN STOCK HAHU, A fULi. JLS3BV tVlM tUHT OK GENUINE GRANITE I HON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT TOM PETITION. CALL AT 73 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done w t. Mae te aai Seaaa av See. i u r ni iwiam. it a ir tea- lm ee aa e a. aewKiat era- BY RSXO'S Alt I) FITTED WITH C O TMtY snu. coastei aao mstavc thi siomt. PBOLSBS" CANNOT OET THESE GOODS. roSSAtK OXtT sv Y. P. C. A. Meets at their rooms ia Fos ter's brick beilding oa Saturdar ereaiags at 7 :30 o'clock, aad oa Sabbath aUraooasat 4, Besiaass aisetmas sre held oa the area tag of the ssooad Moaday m each month. Every body invited to ttaad. 17. P. CntracH. Preach iaa srsry Sahbash. at 11 a. a , and 7 . M. by Ber. f, Q. Ir- rtne, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:80 P. M. Prayer- ma sting every Thursday evening. EvAitaaucAL CncacH. PreacLinr on Sab bath at 11 a. a. , and 74 t. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting erery Tbura day evening. J. A. HoUenbangli, pastor. CoNOaao ATiojf ALCinracR. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. R. and 8 r. a. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer mestma oa Thursday evening oi each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. If. K. CuuacH, aVxmt. Serrioee Sad aud 4th Sabbaths at 8t Paul a M. E Church, South, at Ham, Sabbath School at 10 A. a. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. CHuacw. lreaobing every Sabbath at 11 a. m. aad 74 r. a. Bong aervioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2. 30 P. a. Prayer meeting every Thurs lay evening. L Dillon, passor. PaxNBTTKaiAJf Church. Service every Sabbath morning aad evening ia College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rftertne morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday sveniag. Uev. Issae H. Condit pastor. EPtscoPAi. Chubck. Services every Sua day, morning at 11 a. m. , svsaing at 7f P m. Holy communion eyery Sunday morn ing at 9.-45 a. m. Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Rwbt La Stevens, pastor. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Ilarrlabarg Oregon, S. S.TItA.I3Sr,Editor Proprietor. Terms 82.00 per annum. NEW YORK SHOPPING ! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who haa never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular Just issued. Send for it- Add; MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, S77 Broadway, Maw Y 'S. MsTtf YIVO SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the beet washing and Ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable l&36tf ataii ap aaaimi III" IIIIIIIIX w " w w a W I M W iav w COUNTY. n j-e r.riH KKrrvr mr T.nM " w " OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KBRitt ON at reasonable fljrures. v aaif a H nwaw m a ri iaai .r i NCW SYSrta Mil I BS A TION SK ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIfJER BROS. Prepi inters ALBANY, OUKGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ARD I-IIS ADS rONE Exeouted In Italian or Vermont Mmble. Abvo. every variety ot ether stone work done with neat noes and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Wash inf ton Territory. ABE xu Work warraatel. 17:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1SSS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist M Hi, Wood working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every deacripUoa. Machinery of all Alnds repaired, c pe olal attention giveujto repairing farm ica ohmery. fa Item Makiae aeae ta all Ma Bsrass, lBjllyl A. F. CHERRY A SOU. NEW FISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders A Stem b irg. Will heap constantly aa hand all kinds of fresh mid salt nab aadojraers that the market affords. M.Htor ""-i '--r- r'lir- i iTimTT iae' J lkiuui.tolat.)MiraaM ' 1 1 Saaflfc aeTBSsAi aVflqJt FARMSTOR SALE -BY CUIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following is a partial list : 170 seres tone and a half miles wast a j Tangent, Oregon fad miles from Albany. so acres m eviurmaoa ; so acres more oaa be pot In co IU ration easily; balaaee good Umber and pasture land. Soil, lien black prairie. Good noose and barn, good board ieaee, all In good repair i venae erebaid of 1W trees; goad wei aoa i joty. Terms .EsO aar acre J fMOO down, on assy terms. 0 acres oa Narrow riaoge road, II miles from Albany and 6 sallea from ewJo, end TH settee from JisMi,a. IU acres good land, 7a seres ia oulUvatkm; re in timer aad brash; bouse 18x2s. with It fbot walla, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22x84 wl tb 14 foot abed on one side; goad fan oaa sod water. Terms EftftOOaasti down faeoai IfDosslbU. Hatbertaao net aell will iMkm $&O0 dowB, en2 balance on 2 to 3 j- yr seen red by mortgage- ISO acres H of s mile wast of Albany; iw sores aa ewurauoa roa le sen and aab Umber xood wool land; ail fence, board and rail, some goad moauy pear.; gooa mm; M ouancis wi per sxreoa average? goon two story rr I boose, plsatered, C, rooms, boat In 1878, and ca $2 00; good barn. 2ftt and two eked sj well arranged for farm purposes. Teraas, gSOOO, 2 years Unas on fooso. 150 acres miles west of Tangent; 100 acres In outti ration; all new laud, oiaaa and la good otder; good two story kouaa. 3 reams, neariy new ana in gooa oa tUm good now banSOxJO; fine yc aapte octmard. foocee 1a good erdei ty raaning water; 20 seres or good umber; rieaw black aotl aad vary prodnetire. Prise fsgaO, oaah and balance oa time. 109 sores ane and a lialt miles nnrthaaat of Aibany; U acres In wheat, rest In fair see 1 male of Soda VSi (air or all! okoreh at boderiile, also Hpringa. Pries (8 par aent easy miles above Ooeatta, on Ya- y, kaeem aa ibe old aasewanL U wDl be sold at Oil peri jee seres, lriag wtt a a aad dlrlded Into Ore ne!de. All (arm lead aod half In grain. Good I aad bare, splendid water wad a See ard. It la oae oT the beet farsaa in teat ssotioa mi the raJier. Price SM 11000 or 1500 down and balance Ijiag 5 mflee aertk-eaat of aad 1 mile seat mi Moddr all under fancec 100 saves to eaiti balance in naatara. bat aaeesafE eao Urit lucolUvatloo. ISsSorj aoaaa, tarsi, good grater, etc., 1 sefle to acboci. 0080, l28aereslaiaa:g tnUea soota of Albany and 2 miles from Taggeat 78 acres ts ail waSjr fl be pat tote eaBewatSea by la ef gjaw. um A ana you ag orcnara. mee, eap per aaa Narrow la eelUvatioav Good 1H storr 1mm wood boose, Lara, aad splendid wi and aaa erekard. All Price 916 per acre. totoeuamaat SI sail a a soath- afAlhaev. Ail svuSm orebard, no buildings, 80 , dot k as ail as 10 per acre. 243 acres Irtog 3 miles from ia Ceater fraetoea. all ISO sores ia IK storr eotbnildi Price, CifXQ acres of land la Marina eonstr, eHJo l& Bailee from Beeae Vfcaa aod eeran miles from JeHaeua. 00 aereeta eoltlrataoo aad balance U ligbt brosb sap timber. Moose, barn aad good arc Sard. Flooring mid wttnto S sallea. TenuajR wood ean be sold st ibe pottery works at Baeaa Vista to pay for the (arm. Cell oa C. M.'dTRWART. at Albany. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranca of 228 seres, with good otekte raage, located aaaw Bridge Creek , in Wasco county, together with about 28 hot ess, to exenaage far lead hare to the Wills recti.. Valley. Now, if ye i want to sail yt or farm aad go Into the anck baat aeea la Eastern Oreaoo. hare ia a chance fur yau. Gall on or address C. H. Stsw art, Albany , Oregon. c. c c a. fa ax s ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMBiEtg, lillwrigJitg, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT.L completed, and are now nreeared ta handle a 1 kinds of heavy work. We will man u facto re Steam En tinea. Grist aad Saw Mid Maehiaery, and aU heads of Iron rtTTRRsa a tea a Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinerv. Will also manufaa. ture the improved Cherry A White Ocaia fans, leaf Albaay, Grn Dec 1, IStB. KfntOAf.11 Sawpaa wortk ww w wf& fma. Aeaaa apssua sew. S75 A WEEK. SIC a Aav aa Oaathr Oaalt free. Atdreea Tela A Oe.. ANY YOUNG LADY Ci find profitable an 1 eaaassawat ir wrrttae; ua. Soaia bnUea have Wurkbex lor or a rear saajdas maa 8IS te Seat a Wa vaaataaa.. ettite ua. la every oeewtv ANY YOUNG MAN Vha la aaaeMtia aiwl aH'iim. ,i- aawaU. WekamiasjiiajliSkKr aRkersss toeaML W Iy 5 rwreaaneat etaylowrssA. a RXTRA eRRAf erraa wa. neat, ta eaaettar V ajar Aam u BSBaaiiaaa aaie aaam saves. saneMS m K wflkfl bflCE Ail ,--la uiaeaaaat nl flW .arW mS wa 7& aaAtll le. " wmmmm w $280 A MONTE Haa keen aaade by aoaae AsesSa wko were ssreitlu eat b-mbt irouda In each euaetitani aa te alenara have asseprjr. Weeeeal fooaeO, O. D. .Sea a email ad-v-ajaoa ia -vjaale oa tkea. to bawre gnod Hth. We west every reader oat of employ meat, te aaataad tjat our eircuiara, aad go to work to teat oar stajrieee at ear risk of kaa. Addreaa. an tee Bar, aad ssfte of Mua- TJ. S. Manufacturing Co , PitUburgh, Pa. RED CROWN MILLS; BALLARD, IS0X A CO., PROPR'S. new raocxsH rtoum surxaioa foe r ami use AND BAKXXa csa. BESTSTORAGF FiCILlTlES. Highest LPrice ia Cain fcf ALBANY, Oft, t