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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
t, 1 Y Official Oity and County Paper. a ered at the Post Onloe st Albany, Or. aat second-class mail matter. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1882 STEWAET & CHAMBERLAIN, mm TVS BSWerBAT. The tilrvuUUuo t Tmr Pssocsat is steadily tnereat but. aad U Uw fatffsst at say pssr in Ui stt ou'. U sf IStritaO, making it lbs West medium So advsr tiss Ut. Ks sd vefMss nrnast art ran sfter lhir time toon- to II up. Me ertvsrUesrswuW ar inssrtsd i of saanrr No sdvartrseuteats srs doubted up. Inuf! Wheat baa kept up a continual aire am in. to the warehouses in our city during iha weak. Up to yestsrday noon about 410,000 keshek bad boaa delivered at all the ware houses aal ssiUs, At Ballard. Iaom & Ce'e the bias were fall, aad part were being emp tied iato the bow warehouse just boilt, where the wheat is placed in sacks aad piled. At Thoa. Monteith A Son' the bine are fall and a place baa boaa arranged underneath for more. At Faster both waraheaao aad mill are nea-ly fall, aod the rash continues. The price aa last weak is Isuig received, 75 its end promiama. TBS Medical LeeUre. Oar citizens are baring a decided treat in listeulr.g te the I tur -fof Mrs Dr. Potts, at the Y. 1. C. A. Hall. We .have needed something of the kind to stir us up for a long titoo, and are glad 4a see that Dr. Potts is being greeted very night by such largo houses. She deserve encouragement, for she preeeats bar subject not oaly In a scientific light, but as welt talks good, practical com axon sense. Xet an orator but a coneersetloBalnit ; she has pleasant, easy style, that newer fails to keep the attention of ber audience Moat of us lack that knowledge of the human system which is really necessa ry for us to take care of eu reel res in the proper manner. By bearing Dr Potts, wo can learn as much of ourselves as by along course In physiology, besidea obtaining the benefit of a practical ex perience which is of great valve. Her lectures oa 'Tito Brain snd nervous system" and " Digestion " were par tie ulariy good, and we understand from oar lady friends that these delivered to them alone in the afternoons of each slay are just what they have needed. To night her subject is one to interest all ; do not fail to bear her ; aad to morrow aight she will talk te men and their wives, but she will not stop those coming and ineuire whether tbey are h us ha ad and wife or not, so young men, if gen can get seme good. sensible girl to go with you, by all means go, for yen are liable to get mar ied some day yourself. Tww Feres atarted In Sir Bar Wednesday morning when Lean Wheeler, clerk la Foehay A. Mason's Dnii store had opened the store about half past five, and gone to the back door, be discovered a leoe pile of wood, whieh aehloamaa had thrown out to aaw la a big bias, part of it being al ready eonaumed. At the same tf ma tb e fte-ne had leaped to the back fill of 'be abed, aad was c reaping up Into the aide, when the fire was di severed A few pails of water pat it out . although when a en it looked a if it infant b si aces. Bat a few maaeax more and the whole row of sheds would bare been a blaze, as they are ery dry, and aevaral el them had considerable kero sene la them. A heavy draft through the stores might have made aid havoc of thin?. There is no certainty as to how It started. It is customary te Isy uch things to Chinamen if tbey bap pea te be around, bat this was evidently started from so no agues thrown out Tuead ty, the Chinaman sawing nearly aver them, the sawdust finally catch Ins: aad a- a conse-iueucj the wood barring. Gift he same day,stsb;ni bdfpast nine in tb 9 evening, two or three boys discov ered s fiio in the old building; next the Democrat effies. An alarm was given. and in the quickest space or time we hive ever seen, the companies were en hand. 1 ho fire was in the north-east corner, the room beinc a blaze. Wster was immedi ately pot on it with tuckets, but directly after No. 1 . bad a at res mo n, il from the favdrant, making qdck work of the flames. Jt was evidently the work ot an incendiary, although it Is possible some tramp had been .lying on tb bedstead in the room sad dropped a match Th building has not teen occupied much lor several months, except the part used by Oiimonr &. Watkias a short U me ago. Aeeteeat. LastTuesdsy morning Jgnatz Fox net with, to say the least, a very unpleas ant accident. He and W P Anderson, were removing the partition from the back part of his store and hail gotten the boards to it down leaving the top braced against each side. It was supposed to be secure, bat proved o herwise and fell when Mr Fes endeavored to stop it from falling en both air Anderson aad himself, but instead of succeeding as far as he was concerned, received it S iuarely in the face. It knocked him senseless for a few moments, cuttles; two bad gashes, one over one of bis eyes, the other on bis forehead. He is all right bow except that he has a couple ef scars oq his face. . rireaf Lebanon. Yesterday morning at about 2 o'clock, the residence of Dr. B Hard, of Lebanon, was discovered in flames, which had ob tained soeh headway that it was even im possible to svd any of the furniture Everything wan bur is 1, but we under stand there was an insurance of about $3000. Dr. Ballard was in Salem, part of bis family on his ranch and one of his daughters was stopping with his brother, M. D. Ballard, la this city. How the fire originated is not known. way of At est. To-morrow (Saturday ) is the Day of Atoneme Jt and all Jewish business bouses in Alba ay will becKsad. Farmers who trade) with them will take due nt!ce of Ibis, HOME AKD ABROAD- ladies' Emporium. F. L Frenob.ieweller. C B Montagus leads at I ebaoeo, Now invoice of clocks at French's. R. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. Now rich blood obtained by using Oregon Blood Purifier. The tax for Multuoiush county this year ill laced at MJ mills. Kp a close look-out for fires, for every thing is as dry aa tinder. $1003 on good security can bo had by calling at this ofhes immediately. The suction bell baa been heard to ring on oar streets at all times of the day. Just received a large lot of the P Con. temara kid gloves. Monteith & Ssiteabach. Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellows Temple, ovst lengdon s DrugSiore. For a good, reliable time-piece, cheap, go to French's, opposite the Odd Fellows' Tem ple. A tine new stock of millinery goods at Mia Martin's, opposite the Revere House. More goods coming. Thoe Monteith A Son's middliug purifier arrived last Friday and is being plaoed in the nabs, Salem people are vary fortunate in baviug s good week for their fair. Subscribe fur the Democrat. For elotkiug that will wear go to I. t BlatVa. His stock takes tin? lead of .any thing ia the Valley. leers, silk embroidery, parsaon entries, and all other new style dreat trimming at Monteith & Seiteobanh a. Cloaks, dolmans, circular, etc., at Meu teith & Seiteabaoh'a the greatest variety nt styles ever brought to Albany. Strong hat routed the Van pises bail I ing and will move bis stars into it as soon as the room can be shelved. A squash 2 ft 8 inches Ion; and weighing t a'jeat SO pounds, alt: seta some atteultoa at S.rong's grocery etore. A splendid aasortmtnt of underwear a L. E. Blaia's. He has IS full lines, from the cheapest to the best There are 49,CtS sigsatares to th prohibi tion petition which win be protected to tbeJ present legislature. A fine Ut of fresh French candies just ar rived at Conra I Meyer'. 1 -n't hay candies ( without first giving htm a call. A special line of b-rys' clothing at I. E. BbuVs. They are made to order, ad are juit what you want fur your boys. Hon. J J Whitae, of lh: city, h u in troduced a bi'l in the legislature to prevent the carrying of concealed weapon t. The furniture Went off at a fast rate of speed at Dunuing's suction sU re but Tues day. Most of it brought a good price. The "Qieeo of the Pacific. which has reached Portland, i claimed to be the moat elegantly fitted np veeael in the world. The business of Cherry k Boo will be con fanned by the junior- member of the firm, who bts had considerable eip-rieace in the wsrk. This year taay chsrge you extra to see the i a -ins at the State Fair. Neat year yon wdl probably ba e to nav extra to so into tSe pavilion. Wosnea that save btea Ud ridden for yasrs have less completely cared by the use of I.ydia E riak barn's VegiUbls Com. pound. That eieck at Hon an 4 Joseph's, wa drawn by Jim Ha'e. su t we snail now ex. psct to see him It-gta keeping boose fcr h. rase If. Coorad Meyer now makes a specialty of oey ware, and seiU at ettromeiy low prices. If yen want stmetino; real siee ge and see him. Dr Gray is just picking bis secmd erop of black berrssa. Some of kkem mesas re 4 inches in euroamfercui-. It takes a dsntist to- nue big berries. The Standard cleuiitd tit .t '.V P butcbor had Le-.n seen in Jefferson, hut there . ae far as we can ascertain a f vu I itioa at all to any u:h au ry. Our atoak of plush, uio&adwd velveu, spaoiah brecadcu aiik, surah edks and atins can not be eqiale I fits si U if P arsfavsd. Monteith A Seitenbach. The State Fire frhtarl hel l tiwr first meeting ia .Salem Wednesday evening, Joe Webber, of this city is a member, and waa present at the meeting. Every train u-r th this week bss takes big crowds of pe (pie to the State Fair. Many trill go ther - ami then g ju to Portland and attend the Mechanics' Fair. Fruit drying will coalmen m now right off, and farmers should remember that tley can get apple parera either Urge or small at th i hardware st j:e of Peters It Sex. The newest and rettiett dies goo Is ia the caty are to be fousd at Monteith A Seiteuuaek's, who are who always pleased at an p i or Unity to Loe their goods. A tarbins water wlieil for silo at this of ttje ; a 12 inn -i wheel, is piendid condition; will be sold cheap. Abe 40 feet of )J inch s oaf ting and about 12 feet of 15 inch shaft One of the Sind loya was arrests 1 last week by O A Brown, assists i by our deputy - henff. for civinr li (uor to Indians. He waa 'akea te Portland oa T.iurday of last week Tie Hook 1 L wider Company claim the boner of getting the first water on the fire Wednesday morning, Dssn Whteler, who pot it out being a member of that coin pan y Mr. Finnegan, f Peoria, was down a few days axrs He save the citizen up there want a store at that .point very macb, and would give the right kind of a man a liberal support. There are about sixty pupils iu ths college at the present time. This is a good beginning. As soon as harvest is fully com pletod ths number will be swelled to over a handred. Last Saturday while Manford Brink was cutting a log into which bit wagon bad ran, his ax truck the tire ef the wagon and glancing hit one of his feet, cutting it quite severely. Goto Griffin & McCabe's dental office, over Mcllwain's, snd get s nice set ef artifi cial teeth, only $15, Extracting, 50c. All dental operations warranted and of beat quality. Four or five weeks ago Mrs. Drary Hodg es fell from ths top of a fence and received ere injuries. She is sow almost entirely helpless, aad fears are entertained that she baa taken dropsy. Carpenters are now atwrnk rebuilding the railroad bridge across Oak Creek. New piling is being pat in all along that fiat. The pile driver broke down last Tuesday aad want below for repairs. There will be a puhliu t-xsmiuation of teachers in this city on Fri lay and Satur day, the 29th and 3Jth of September, when School Superintendent Muses will be glad to see all present, wh wish ce tificates Insure your wheat against loss by fire. "7srehus t will bur. i and this is the only safe way to prefect year property. The cost is very nommil. Call on C H Stewart, who represents so -no first- jUss companies. Attention ia called to the a I of Otto Fox, in another column. A better chance forob labxiaj la gains bis not yet besa offered than is now presented by his remnant sale, which takes place next Monday at 9 e slock. If yon wish to subscribe fsr eastern papers aad magaalnes or renew yen present tub soription it will be to year advantage to in terview Frank Kenton, at ths Post Office. These indebted to the late firm of Fsx, Baum A Co, should remember that this firm is closing out aad wants its mosey. If they will come forward aad settle np they will ouster the firm s duty which will he approiated. Farmers are finding out that there ia so better wagon manufactured than ths Stade. baker. It is well adapted for this Webfoot country, aad all who have used it speak highly uf il Peters a Sox are the agents here. In our item on the 8th iust in relation to a runaway we ateted that Mr. MoGhees team ran into another team , that was a mistake. A team came up behind him, aad ia trying to pass, ran into him, osusing bis team t ran sway. Hoffman 4 Josepb knew bow te appreci ate printers. Yea tardy tbey sent te our office a bushel of the finest spples we Itsvs sees, and they have lots more just like them. They are going iu heavy en the ap. pie question, if you doe't believe it call oa them. The shray business, so loug run by Perry Spiaks, fat this oily, has beeu sold to Roht. Crosby and Mr. Humphrey. The new firm of Crosby & Humphrey, ar retiable, steady men, and will, no doubt, give the beat of satisfaction. Sweet cider first-class quality, now oa band at Hoffman t Joseph's, snd any quantity ef the best apples as cheap, if sot cheaper, thau can be obtained at any ether place in the oity. Remember this and you will know where to go for your fruit snd eider. LebsBOn has been considerably disturbed lately by sensational matters, two eases hiving beeu tossed about oa the public tongue. One has already been tvecbed up by the dVrrsry, snd no doubt the oth or will receive the sane treatment. The young Jndkins, who recently died in Eastern Oregon, aad was taken to Eugene last week, was s brother of Ed. M. Judkias. who worked for Wm Huston last Winter. We understand that Mrs. Judkias is quite ill from the shock occasioned by her sen's death. The presses ia Watte k Godfrey's job office are now run by water power, s Toerh wheel having been in trod need. Theee live young men are working np one of ths best busies u ia the state outside of Portland, and have all ths rasilistes f..r doing ths very het work, with the greatest pro-apt The number of the V -. America Re' ric, published September lth. cos tamed s sigotticaut article by If. M. Uyudutan, the English Radical leader, oa "The Coming lUeolntiwo is England' ; also, as interest ing acooost by Dr. Henry Hohliessaaa of sis resent very important discoveries st Ancient Troy. Now harvest ia over aal you have begau a BS t a. a . m nay ing your goous lor tail aod winter it is time to caution yon to bo careful shoot waom yea desl with. It you would so to a fiast esses set a I, hi assent call oa C a Meat sgae of 1 ehanec. Re keeps' first -class ssooa ef foods snd can be relied upon t give yoa bargains. Cell early and see bts huge aad elegant stock mi goods. The telegraph office has been removed from the Post office to one of Dr, O'Toele's offices on Broadalbiu Street, jest Berth of the DtaT o sax office, Will Rice, the operator, baa shown god judgment, sad located it ia oae ef the most ceaveaieot plasm ia the city. Willie Humphrey Is bis efficient assistant, sad is developing into a first-elass operator. We are glad to ee toe office under such good management , Toe sale of the Sr Brewery to Mr Wm Peber, lately of Be i moot, Nevala, was com pletod Last Friday, ehet Mr Keber took possesion of tie asset Mr Djllaojer hat run this brewery for several years, working up a b!g trade and a good reputation, and has been notad for tie eoarteey of his con duct towards everybody. We heard it ru m rd that he taseadi to go to farming near this citv. The looomottve, tender aad two box cars os the west side train was ditehed some where ia the Soap Crock county last Wed nesday. A .cow fell into one of the gratings where the roa I crosses a fence, aud not ! seeing fur in time the engineer could net stepthe traia until it a as upon her. fkof e. . . e . . e . a is so toagn now mat it takes more than a locomotive to get a ray wit t it in good shape witboa ; dam ge t the machine. The aanu d aa'.ariee of po4 masters ia some of the citiit in Oregei si J Washing ton Territory, are as follows : Albany 91909, Astor.a $1000, Baker City $1300, Corvallu ST fct), Kogcne $1300, Oregon City S150J, Portlaul $2700, Salem $2500. The Dalles f.'dJJ, Colfax $1$00, Dayton $1100. New Tec una $1400, Oiympia $1700 $Seattlet2IOJ, Spokane Falls $1400, Vau soaver $1 100, aa 1 Walla Walla $2909. Dr C R Temyleteo, of Portland, will pay Rslssy sad Brownsville a professional vUtt soon after the close of the Mechanics fair in that city. So the people of thoee places aa 1 vicinity will have aa oportuuity to get their "grinders" repaired for the coming wmter by a first-class deutist. Further notice will be given in theee columns. If any of our iogenins msn wosld like to mike a fair aixed fortune in an easy wsy they 0 m do so by inventing something that will mark s pestaks stamp so indelibly that it cannot bj used a eeond time. A system of washing stamps has boss invented, by means ef wbioh ths government loses several hun dred thousand dollars a year. So that any th ng which will prevent it will command a big ar'ce. The foMowin - f n the L'rut favUut, sn insurance monthly published st San Fran cisco, is s puff worth receiving, when the source is contidored s "Albany has for years enjoyed the advantage of a skilled Chief Eugineer, in the person of Joe Webber, who was oa "the bill" ia Saa Francisco as long ag as Vigilante days. With Joe Webber or a man like A B Hallock in com mand at Portland insurance offices would stand an even show for making both ends meet." Around Miller's Station within a sp ice of 2$ by 4 miles 85,642 bushels of wheat have been raised this year. This ia ascertained by actual machine measure. Only about half of the land, within that space ia in cul tivation, Within the same limits there are 20 self binders snd twe hand binders, 9 threshing machines, 9 horse aod 2 steam. This is one of the best wheat sections in the county, the average, at osa b ascertained by computation, being about 27 bushels t , the acre. This is the time ef the year when the man with the awful jaw comes around selling articles possettsiag wonderful qualities. One was here butt wae't selling sn arrange ment that sill ran our tinsmiths oat of busi ness entirely, snd sooth jr came around Monday selling a tooth paste. Both of them drew a crowd by the performance mi marvel -out tricks (?), the first eat iag burning cotteu etc., and the lstter slipping from the rope plaoed around his nook for horse stealing in Texas, sad other trioks to be learned In s two bit trickster. Business has been decidedly lively here lately, sad the iadiuatiess are that it will continue so. We kave talked witk several strangers who were stepping ia our city lately aod all apeak ia the highest terms of our oity and seem to think its prospects are better than most places in the valley. "Hut one thing," they all say, "is lacking, you have got to have more manufactories ; hut get the right ttai t in this direction and that a is no end to yosr growth. This is tru and it is strange that some of our molded men do not invest their money in tills diroctien, where they can get me oh more than ten psr osst in return, instead of putting it out at interest. Every citiaen should take an Interest ia the eity aa well as iu themselves, and do something. EOOIAL AND PEB80N iL. H airs CM Miller is visiting iu Yamhill oouaty. D 6 MoFarland, waa in Portland the ftrtt of the week. Hon J K Weatherford, was iu Portland last Tuesday. Judge Burnett, of Corvsllis, passed through the city hut Friday, Esnpetior Morton is city editor of the Daily Tall st Portland. Cyrus Weatlake, of Hollisier, California has been in the eity this week. Rev J It N Bell, of Scarcely Know a here, waa ia the eity but Friday. Mr Jas Wrightsnua aad wife, of Hen ton county, were ia the city Saturday. Mrs Humphrey, of Hsrrisborg, tpeat Saturday aad Sunday la this eity. Jaaon Wheeler Mr. Crandall asd others, start across the mountains next Tuesday. Capt, Withers will start over the moun tains lor his home at Fossil in s few days. Wm Mansfield, the junior editor ef the Beaten ,sder, was ia the city yesterday. Geo. H. Nutting passed through the city yesterday on his way to Eastern Oregon. Mr. A. MoCell, formerly of I.iun county, bat st present of Bee Frsncism, is in tlu eity, Thos K Can thorn, Iks ton county's able Senator, wsa ia the city Moadey oa his wsy Mum Alise Marsha'., lately a typo on the Herald is workisg oa the Tkm Vswae. trrstTbe Dalles. Miss Minnie Dickey left fr Portland yesterday, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. H J. Cpuam. Jabs Hughes returned last week from aa eitended trip to Wsehiogton Territory. Hs ia Cheney for sometime. ft D Hodges, of Welle .Station was iu the city but Mosdsy, snd called on ua He leave next Monday for Washington Terri tery. Rev N W Skipworth spent but Sunday in tbu city and Moaday, accompanied by Lis wife returned to PriaeviUe by the moontsm read. J. W. (J. Cofraa, the lively agent ef the Commercial sad Hartford Insurance Com paaiee, sf Portland was ia the city Hat or day. Mr Bast Robs, a brother of Prof. Kobb, baa been visittsut in tbu city. It has besu about twelve years since he baa been here before. ass ease n saa t . as a . at sam rianegan, tos reoria nietssuiiiit, with his wife, spent hut Wednesday ia tbu city, Sam ia a Jelly, good fellow, sad we are glad to make hia acquaintance. A P Waugb, Mrs Dr Pott's agent, ami R W Hesse, the St Jacobs Od artist when together made a regular wangh banse and carried everything before them. Habe. Senator Wed Bilyee came up from Salem Saturday evening aod returned Monday. H u taking s leading position is the present legislature and u b coming quite popular, a. M. W. Umdmau, of Camp Polk, wm in the city ths first ef the week. Be mskee a vtait to this Valley, nearly every year, ami oever fads to call at the DcMeCBaT office. Frank Davis returned te Albany last Fri day alter aa absence of a year aad a half. Hisoe he left here be has been everywhere almost from the New England States west, U. M Crane, Jr. .formerly of this city, died st Spokane Falls, W T, a few days ago. He has been book-keeper for the Oregon Transfer Co , st Portland ever since leayiug Albany. J E Houston, (iraad Secretary of the Uood Templars for the State of Oregon, passed through the city Isat Tuesday on his way te Salem, te meet the ese native com mittee of that Lodge. Henry J Clark arrived home last Friday from hia trip to Detroit, where he had beeu as a delegate to attend the grand oouclevo of Knights of Pythias. Mhile gone he visited several other places of interest and had en joyable times wherever he went We undei stand that D V 8 Raid baa been engaged to teach the Harrisbnrg school. He is s teacher of considerable experience, and hss built up a good reputation, and wiil no doubt give entire satisfaction in hia Lb rs among the Hartiabnrg children. R W Hause, of Sau Francisco, spoilt last Saturday in painting a picture of St Jacob and his oil on the west aide of Laogdon s drag store. It is a good piece of artistic work, aod would msks St Jacob wasp with delight if he could see himself at We will him. Alex P Wsogh, formerly editor of the Chieo llvord, bat now advanos agent for Mrs Dr Potts, wss iq the c ty two or three dsys last week, filling our streets with the sunshine sf bis couutesance. IPs do not counts uaoe the story that hs ones had the reputation of being the biggest liar in Cali fornia, although the truth is . WmCoshaw, Joe Senders and Captain Kellogg, came over from Prineville several days ago, witk a good band of horses. Part f them were taken to Portiaad snd part sold in this county. Mr Coshaw and Capt. Kellogg will return this wtek, bat Joe Sen dors will probably winter ia tbe vallry, We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr Ceshsw. Ths lawn social given by the ladies of the Presbyterian churcn last Mondsy svening is spoken of as a pleasant affair. Tka attendance was good, bat lbs svening was so cool that it was necessary for those present to spend meet of their time inside. Tbe Presbyterians are a social sst ef people, so there was bo trouble sxpeneaeed in having all kinds of feasts, of the substantial aa well as the intel lectual. Mr J L Stuart has sold out the Teal ranch aud will open a livery stable in the city of Portland. We are extremely sorry to lose Mr Stuart from our precinct, as he was ane of our most substantial citizens snd bad acquired a host of friends in this vicinty. but then wo will have somebody we knew to shake bands with whea we go to Portland. He haa tbe beat wishes of everybody for his success wherever he goes. Disseminator. The Farmsrt' snd Mechanics' Store is crowded with new clothing, furnishing goods, boots, bats etc., and more on the way. Prices way down. reagTrKSlloael ( enrrrt. Ihsoonosrt given by tbo choir oftLe Congregational church leu Frldsy eve ning, wsa a ooui plots Hureeat as far msrlt was ootmertied. Financially though It was cot a bonanza, although there was a fair house. Jt U nm-l v loesses that a loonl eoriourt goes oil' with much oronjilete bnrrnon as did this. Every part was ex. cellsntly rondsrsd, or st least was oon sldersd so by s ins6rlty of those preaent. The 11 rat on lbs program was s glee en Utlod, "Mark! Apollo strikes the IjyseV'. Sovsra1 In tiio stiduiBds noted n tf tbey thought tliey would be hit, but fbftunete ly Apollo did not louoh any one. This was followed by a sll romlsrod piano solo by Miss Fdla Harris entitled, "Near er My Uod. to Thee." Mra. Iiugdon wsa wanulv am tod and aK "My Little Women," deserving ths praise it rooelved "Shlp Ahoy" ly Prof, llohh snd I. II. Raymond was good, MUs Minify Turrsll sang "When the i.oavi begin to Tunst whleli she eli that she roive4 hearty encore, which she answer.-1 with an oth or solo. "Corns whore the Lilies bloom" wss the nsxt lo Inteiest the audi enoe. It was ssng by s quartet composed of Miss Annie Powoll, Mrs. (Jut Htaigsr and Messrs ltolr aod Raymond. Part Seeottd was opcifd with an insUu meiiUl duet "1 Halsdme" by Mbe emnderNand Harris, which was ptsyed with considerable eapreealon, Mis Annie Powell ssng "Ming M sot Illrd," which wss onooro 1, hen alio was follow ed by s duot y Mra (.atigdoii ami Mr. rihaiger, out Hi-J, 1 Pestetori,' ono or Ins beat f libra they were d the evening. encored. Prof. Of course Davis was put In an do it for S mmU; sppesrsnco The bag did ii' i plann uolo "Pra Disvolo" by Mies Belle Sondors easj. not be too highly cocmnci l d. It showed her to be a pianist of no small laleni, snd gives promise of cudderalio. Mrs. langdon ess next to appear, and began singing ' . loom pn-l' v lUuioae," lib telling si just as her hoebund en tared the doer, causing a alight amount of merriment for a mnment. Hhs snawered sa encore in ber Imat stylo. The entertain uient cloeed with a chorus from It-lsha Btv, Oito Foa' r-rms.t ssle Monday at 9 a m eQ' i i ' Nolan's' Kmr,Mrium. l'j li inquiry among hi r dgah irln agricultural tnashluery m Und that during the past pvaeon sgrleultoral implement dealers fo Alaaoy liavr sold ll self WnsMng liarvesj'erv, aad s great many morv have been .:! at ot li r Miuta in the county. -Meaiii threshers are also being Introduced, snd lie- l yesr there will bealively deutausl for them. Tins ratub ft K Voting sold onesteara outllt ( Uuffalo Put throaher aad portable eni.Inel to A N Powell k C; Peters So sold a J I t see ptwV sbleengiur-to Dawoon, 1'ayue Jt Powell and a J I Case th. !.. r snd trsollon engine to Saw Croat Mdler hla tl. n ; JasCllmour tuhi . thresher aod a tr ettonettgfae to II us tor, t'auoa k t o . snd bottgltl a i.r.-aher snd portsble e.'K'.i e u- inaiiu faeture h'in jlf A.R MotHs and Mali 8aot4 tout lit last year of U FHinij an. a Chicago lilt thresher amlaCeoasr portable eiigiue, and we UilsJt J t Hwaok and oilier oa-u stilj aaothei steam out lit. Xext een H E Ynnnir and Peters Cv Sox will c ir.y the aam.t liu of hsrvrstlng mnctiiuery V 11 tioltrawill hav the Pickrye binder. Mltitir-sotaC! lef thresht-r su I t'ie 8lil wster et glnrs ; O F lj -(tip-tux wCI atlD ket-ptbe Woi ino tsrhut wtlld op the iliieu Pic (hreaber aad Coop.-r en' glue, an I will Intro. luce the "Fenrleta' tbreaher snd eiigiue, manufactured by (Jasr. MMtJk Co , at liichtn tid, Ind One of the thresher- can now busesuat hltptaee D hi Oehtvoc 4 Ch aad the cnicago I'ltt t o win prohuuiy be reprr senlid here, hut ageuts Iism tot been spp-'InUd. Frue e:nhroiUiles at tUe l-a ltc Emptor ium. Otto I'ox's remnant sale Muutlay at U a in. ttalcB Hum Monday noon U f .r- ilm Porllaud train bad fairly sl ipped t w iun jump ed from it and rushed toward the city sta fearful rata of sp.vd, one leading the other by several lenglns. Ou they speed, t her coat taila Ntsiidiug parallel with the liorlanu, Finally the. head yeuug ruau npletl the Co.:rt House, aad rushi: g into the Clerks office complete ly out of breath, asked the corpulent deputy fur a tmrriae license iuetauter aa he had to git back ami mcitiuue on tho train toll , where ho wna to be married lu the afternoon. 'Hut where is your" asked thso, d, t alt Its 1st amiiirr Inirc.' ti ml irnl ran nv s omi 9 pt 1 1 M I I J ss in I mm v s. everything ready." The license wss d awn ut break neck speed, ami just then tho witness enter ed, without (in atom of breath left iu his lungs. Everything was arrauged and the two young men rushed back, caught the train aud continued on the way Tuesday noon they went hack through the city on their way to Portland ac companied by one of Linn county's Biostestlmab!e young women. We do not believe a better twenty minutes work was ever performed. Otto Fox's remuant tale Monday at J a n. Only a ploasure to shew goods st tbe L diea' Kmporlum. lieeMrlmenl rissges. Col Hau kins of No :Tn i in the c ity again after a tun with Mr Powell's steam engine. Chief Engineer Clark's pleasant phiz, is seen again on our streets. 1.1 tin Engine Co. No. 2, wm uoven years old the 18th. (Several members will app'y for exempt o rtill aies at their next meeting. Root Crosby, of the Hooks is iu tbe dray business, being a member of the new firm ef Crosby & Humphrey, fuc cessora to Perry Splnks. An effort is being mndc to change tbe time of tho department election from June to December, a committee hat been appointed by the Board af Fire Delegates to confer wLh the Com mon Council la. refureno? to it. Will Denny, of the Hooks is bacfk from ths harvest field and la working for oue of tbe dray companies. O H Irviue, the heavy foreman of the Hooks can Htand enough electricity to 1 a 1 a thunder cloud. Otto Fox's remnant tale M today at 9 a m. Ceasell PreeeeBlags. Friday evening, 8ept 19, 1882. Present-Mayor, Marshal, Aids. Bcett, Harvey, UofTmari, Hideout, Blsck barn, Lannlag. Committee ou licenses reported In raver of granting Mm Heuks petition asking for a return of pert of hot license paid. On motion an order for f lw was drawn la her faver. committse on streets snd public property reported in favor of granting petition ef (ieorgn Cbamborlals aod ethers asking that a sidewalk be built along east side of Haker street, from Fifth to Eighth. Adopted and Marshal authorized te notify property h.ddsrs to build oue within Sudaya. Marshal was authorized to notify property owners to spread the gravel on Lyoas street Oae bid fur moving Kugiue house was presented. It was Geo Young, moving and furnishing blocks, 996, Without blocks, tea On notion It was rejected. Moved and carrhd that the building be returned to the company. I (reorder report for tuird su after read aad fdrr to committee ou ac counts. On notion tho Marshal was ordered to build a ten foot crosswalk between lh sod Oth, Oth and Tib, 7th snd 8th streets. Oa motion Ulsckbura was appienied a com milt e to revise the charter and report st the next meeting, work to be for s reasonable compensation. A motion to limit the amount aeld to 8100 was lost. Marshal was authorized to notify A Cohea to remove nuisance near Ms property within five days. Recorder wa authorized to advertirc ir bids for building tower connecting alley scaerln blue.' with main -ewer SILia AI.MittrU. Fred Willert, bsVsw Iwis Miller, 16; Juo Brlgg-, 84 oO ; N J Henton, 910 60; costers Morton, $4 34 ; costers rrinabltf.84 3-'; Peters A tS 94.60; I Q Honey; $SJ j Q w liurkhart, 890 ; Burkhart Broe, iBsurance, 8!" 20. arc laetaahsnaou: tallet St. o Jarxibs OH. lfewrsiirla. Post Diapatob." Prof. Tiea-m. Iula Is la All Mo one can do wk beat s p-jchet kulfir, ns ons Is nattsnsd with s poor one, and all want to know where a k I one can be had. Potera A Mox have tbe targes: stock Ofocks snl 4abls cutlery, isisrs, tebv aors, etc , this aide of Portland, frm be eelebrated factor lw of WreteaheSm, Rod i;ess sil l others. 1 bey can suit you lo snytblng In this line, both as to price snd quality. Tbey also bass ouite s stock of ihs new tangled nickel aoons sod rubber lisudlod knives aid forks wbl b sre bsv- lug such s run lo the Kat. OlU Fus s remnant sale Monday at 9 a as Nam g ods Ly every sbamer he tie La- lies' Kiapoiinm. a Bass) rse SBBSBM-MSBS 1 lie Prairtr Xuiwr, oae of the most valued of our exchanges, comes to as under the name of the Pmapkm Itl tlitiW Wrtlhj and Praiiir FarmT, and BBB sc I car distiged In form to sixteen pages turn illustrations are profue and ele gant, the resiling matter most varied and ihteresting. consisting of stories, sketches, hum r, news, am! editorials on sericulture, hnrtlcultere, and cur rent topics. It will uadtfubtodly com mend itself more than esr to the In tclllgrnt public IThile in size. Illus rations, aodreadlug, it Is abreast with periodlcalM Helling at 94 OU per year. the price remains at ft! W pel year, ot Ave cents per copv. Address Prairie Parmer Publishing Company, Chicago, 111. Pine Sonoud. Uc. ead. oiened this week at the luliss Emporium Otto Pox's remnant sale .Monday at 9 a rr ttlve The rrlulr,. ,r f. Io no: forget that I co-t aim.thlBg! to pun ss well as advertise; uerer upon a printer, it la the pria- t t'm ink thst makes nine tenths ef our fortunes ; it takes money In buy ink, type and paper, and yr-t, after all this, few are the thanks th: printer gets. Daniel Webster was right when he satd of the Pre -M i "Small Is tbe sum required to pit rou l a newspaper ; amply re warded is its patron. I cars not bow. humble and unpretending is tbe ga zette which he takes, it is u xt t Im posdb'c to fill it out wlthost putting iuto it something that la worth the sub ecriptloa price. --Mr. Otto Fox's remnsnt sale Monday st 9 a in. Tlie finest stock of ladies wear in town at the Ladies' mualin undsr KmKriuni. ' fe Having accepted an Invitation to take charge ef the Public School at Harrlsburgfora time, I have deputized Mr K T T Fisher, of Millers' Hiatioa, Oregon, to perform tbe duties devoly Ing upon me as County Surveyor, dur ing my kbseuce. Any busines entrust, e I te him will be promptly a' tended to. D. V. 8. Keid, County .Surveyor. - a- A complete stock of Inflate' robes and dreisrs at the Iedies' Emporium. Try It. "I like it better than any remedy I bare svjr used, because it leaves my bowels in bitter condition' is the remark made by everyone whea referring to Syrup of Figs, Tiiat is one of the principle reasons why Syrup of Figs is faking the place of all the liver medicines and nauaeoui cathartics heretofore used. Try it. Foshay A Mason Albanv, Roctoi- A Son. Ualaey. otto Fox's remnant sale Monday at 9 a m , mmm - - found. A pure containing money and other valuables, wbtfeh tbe owner can have by calling on th undersigned at Ihe Court Mouse, proving property and paying charges. Geo. Humphrey Otto Fox's remnant sala Monday at 9 a at. tland Lever Vralt Hres. ' The mot speedy and powerful little press in t ea. Try one of them, you will And then at Andy Huatssbep, Albany, Oregon, Y. P. &A. HALL Monday KvoAig,4 Sept. 18th. The Elcquent and Popnlsr Hpeaker, ANNA M L POTTS, M.D. Of Ike F.n sh Mr dlcal Cclfrge of Penmyl ' vsula, will nommenrc her cr,nr- t Medical Lectures! liiscnes log - Physiology Health & Disease These I ecttirsn will treat of tbe M'nietnres snd lews of the BRAIN AND NERVES. Cause snd cure of Nerv outness. Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Catarrah, EFFirrs of 4LC0H0L AND NARCOTICS, THE KYK, Km ASO tOXtiVV., FOOD AND DIGESTION Haw tot ore end Avoid Dyspep sia lite Liver and its Disease, the Lang and on so nap tlon. njtrnrtnre and rare ef the Mkln.thr Huselrs anal IbelrVl nrk Iliualnsted by s Maamlfhvnt Collostion of OIL PAIXTIXt, Tbe most aeeurate and baautn nl irt tbe world ; ooutainUur maov full Inrunh and Lllfe stze flgurrta. ailh ehow all tho Or- Kef tbe esSe. Tilts rhction orn M leant If ii I Mbrow!opo Views SBld Chsmtosl HiXramr. It ahv indulin lerestltig K-Hrra of HlvtcricaJ portrait. FIRST LECTURE FREE. Jf oim ' Having ilUxi-. .f oor t,sbMsa te Mctsrs Smith & Met 'art . lUnj.J nrr. all taase hoowinc ahsassvssi itNbrhtsd iu will please call and settle im mediately McCor & Ri.i.rnr, ii- Tbere are il, u,i paptrs pnOrisOrd in the United SUtca Verly, we sre a resUlng jsjc pW. 1 1 sn -- m i N 1 1 a at sa - resrBeS. AU kidney snd urinary complaints ts- peeUlly UHghCs Maesse. iMshesrs snd Uver troubles, Hop Hitters will sorely snd lsstlnif'y cure. Case exn-tlv like your own bavs been cured in yon r own neighborhood, snd you caa find reliable proof st home of what Hop Bitters hss nnd an do. mm m . . m iiorseuack rtuing is becoming very prcc lar among oar ysnsg people, snd ws owlcr stard that aevaral of osr yuat 1 Jies sre be ooaing stpsrta withoat being tied ia their horses. i - ... , , .... ,1' InllsTlBres,''ofPhilsdelpbla,ws ob serve. Mr. John McOrath, 11T4 Christian I street, wss rored by St. Jscobs Oil r.fsevtre rhawsBssassB. Both printrnx at Cof-tailis, we an- dcrstaed ecre completely out of ink last seek, sad it wss oaly by hard scraping that tltey got enough to ran their pas srs t ff. K ery truth has two sides; look at btb sides before committing yourself to either. Kidney- Wort challenges the closest ecru- uny or its logreutenu and he grand re sults. It baa nottlne to fear from truth. Doctors may dimgrr eaa to ths best meth ods srd rvinediea, for the cure orccnatipa- Uoo and dlaordral liver snd kidne; . Itut tboao that bsve used Kidney Wort, agrse tiist it is by far the best medicine knsun. (ts action ia prompt, t'loroiigb and laatiog. Immigrant begin te oou.e into the valley to hud them hemes. No hrt:ir idace t.'isu (inn couut) can he found. fell) ia Waiting. Il ia folly to wait until you are iu lied with disease that may last inuutbs, whou U00 mn " 1 urwl b UraeIr U8e ol sickly families made the healthiest by it. 4 Observer." t tBUKsts iok lit ter. thi. yemr? flow much osr. ye. paid 1 1 lata- msnv Ititalasslsi rf wild Sisaa-a urn to thresh, harveat and draw to warehouse? How much time has it taken to prepare the land, and how much use of your land have they cheated yon out of? Taken all togi th er yon will find they have cost you more than one of the Brnsh Panning milU manufactured by Juo Brush & Son, Alhan) Oregon, the nae of which will toou rid you from all foal aeed. Bi t k 1.1. s atlKir A AlttK. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruis es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, let ter, cheiiped hands, chubhnue, corns aud all kind of skin eruptions. This save ia guar anteed to give perfect stif action in every esse or money refunded. Price 3.c twr I ox. For sale hv Foehav aud Mason. wholeHsie sgts ; I) Moore, Nolo ; V r nicy, Lebanon . - . - Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Redpath and Mon tague. Jefferson ; U M CaJhreath, Dueaa Vissa ; 0 Cornelias. Turner ; R A llainpy. H-rrisburir villa Starr and Blakely, Prowna Otto Fox's remnant aale Monday at 9 a m mmm rresB Hub. Every Tuesday and Friday at liydes :ish market cor of Broadalbiu and First St. Administrator's Notice.J Notice is hereby given, tnat the under- si Kned haa been duly apnoiuled sdminis- Ktrator or the estate nt ft. M . i.iUer,Uece is- ed, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons havinn claims against said ewate, are hereby notified and requir ed to present the wane, properly veritied, to the undersigned st his residence, near Shodd'a station, Linn County, Oregon, wunin six montnsoitne Gtte hereof. Sept. 22, 18S2, D. P. PORTER, 8W4 Adminietrstor. WALLACE GENTRY. On Sabbath, Sep tember 17th, at the residence of b.ln- bath Gentry, by Rev R C If ill, V L Wallace aud Alice K. Ckstky all of Lebanon precinct. FLYNN HEYNE. On Sabbath, Sept. 17th, at the residence of tbe bride, in Al bany, by Rev RC Hill, Josiau Ftlxs and Ukstbr Hetne HAINES MOWX. Iu Hslsev, Sept. 18, 1882, st tiie residence of Rev T J Wilson, bv Rev T J Wilson, Mr Gaa M Haines, of Portland, od Miss Libbie Browv, of Halaey. DIED. I BALTIMORE. In Washington Territory, m- aleoro baltimouc Mr. Baltimore saaion of Mr Philip Baltimore snd was a all I now in this conn ty. ; Hs leave; a wife and children. ADIEg EMP0RiUM I RESPECTFULLY ANNCUKCE TO THE LADIES Of ALBANY AND VICINI TY THAT I HAVE JUST OPENED A COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN ANO MER INO UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, RUCH IHCS, COLLARS ANO CUFFS, LACE FISSUES, ANO SCARFS, INFANT ROBES AND DRESSES, CORSETS. HO SIERY. SEWINC SILK ANO COTTON, ZEPHYR, CARD BOARDS, BEADS SATCHELS AND PURSES, CELLULOID NOVELTIES, BUTTONS, Etc. HC. THI8 STORE WILL BE DEVOTED EX CLUSIVELY TO THE LADIES' TRADE. RESPECTFULLY, J. M. NolaN SerenS Ser ti I he rai MerB&a lea' tre ST. HELEN'S HALL. sssssaasssM ART DEPARTMENT. The corps ot teacher long enraged J St. Helen's Hall has Just been rtiofoj.-. by the addition of six new teachers, five ot them from prominent sdoestksssl institu tions of ths JCaatern .States. Two of these are engaged In tbe M oah al department: three iu ibe Kagilab, and one. M -a Puilrck m the Art deperlinenl. W ma Pollhdc is s hwly of KnglKh birth, but educated In this couniay. hds wse graduated at Vseasr Collsse, sod hss since pert ii. uch time to the beat private . St u lios in the Kaatern State She comes with the highest recMnmendaf ions for her st talnmenu and skill as s tesefaer of feint ing aad drawl ner. 1 bene cover the whole ground oTJnetruc tlon In tbe beet Art aceooie embra?lnic (nl PalntJng, Learl-eape, Flower and MtHl-t-fe Miodtex, t'myou. Charcoal, Water Colors. Pencil, Pen and Ink and Decora tive Art in ail j'a b rancher. Mr Pul iok is a I al v f liberal sdnoa ihwi and aopertsrr eultnm. and the Kector and PnnHpal of St. lieitm's Hell recotti mend this department f their ahess to iu rsl nitre, uh entire conOOeace, beinrt eu I a-turod thst ii waa never under more coin patent instructor, or one oe mors varied acquirements, Summons. Im '!,- CIrrvU Court of Utt jSSafa of frf -jo, 'Or tttt rovntu Of Linr. Edith Smith, PlainUif, ) vs George Pt Smith Deft. J To Uiory k Hth, th okWe.irweJ J,tm- On ml. In the name of the Stale of Oressso. vou I sre hereby required to sppear and answer . I the eees plaint ef the nlamtirr. fitad srs use yon in ths above enthied suit in the above- named Court, ou. or bet ere. the Bjsh dav f the next rerjrular term of nsid Court, to wn : jo, ur nosers, toe XSrd day of oeto- ner. isk; sou, u yon rait no wassrejer. f.r want there'if the plaint iff will apple u the u iw woe i cue i IBeriD. to- a: fwr lbe dresolution ut use IS tS matrimony now existing lM wuen pbunt itt DU o'cnuani : max piaiuun have tbe csie. custody and control of toe minor children Jessupamtth, vv illhun Swith aasft Frank Smith end for tlie c -sb tod diabura - menu of tbta suit Ut be taxed seaini ib dofendsnt This summons is publlabed bv order of the Hon. II. I'. Itoi-e, Judge of said Con r, dated at Salem, 6texon. September 9th. 1982. " WaaiBKaroBD Jt Black sea, v. Attorneys for Plain LT. Final Settlement. Notice la hereby riven that ths undv. signed administrator of tbe ewate of H H purlock dsnsassd bss merd Jtia .final sc- ixrunt sa such administrator in the Connty ess m as w a m. i onn. oi unn county, uregon, and v or der of said Court, Saturday, the 7U day of jctooer, iiyja st toe nonr or nine o clock a. mi. or said day ts as for bearing objec tions to aaid account snd the settlement there f. Any person interested in ssdd estate in hereby notified to appear and Ale nts or her or-yecuonn to said account and the settlement thereof ou or before aaid day. A. 2. Sears, Admmirrtrratnr. DONACA'S STORE AT Sweet Home. Keeps s full stock of Groceries. Drus . Medicines. Liquors, snd every tbinx tbu t mountain excursionist require, at prict s very reasonable In connection with the rsUre a feed stable, where horea will be fed heyj ai d oats over night for SO renta Oaearen horesa one feedP grain . 2i or nts. In suing up to the mountains) eou will crooathA creek before coming te say store ana stSBia. JOHX DOIf ACA. 9999 FEED STABLE' IT Sweet Home ! Parties going up in the mountains are hereby notinsl that they wi 1 not bere- after be compelled t. pay extaelkawss i . . , . . . . nwsror nursj reeti ai r- ucsneau in sweet Home Valley I have opewrl up sfeed stable snd have redoee-l the rates ts s ngure so low that all inn aflbrd it. Give me a fair patronaae and thus nreveut s return to the old extortionate rates. GEO. R DWELL. tf. Executor'sNobica Notice Is hereby given that tbe ucder- sUned, by order of tbe county Court of Linn.t ohas been appointed executor of the lat will and testament of A. K. Cherry, da- inid!L "Llrl1: the proper vouchers, win tin six snenths to the eaecutor at bis residence, o M set- getnsry street, opposite tbe fbtindry, Al- "-any, uregon. J Ames P. Chkbbt, Kxeiutor, 8w4 "KTei.. 13M,te n.-- W 0L1C6 tO J? IUlt WOWerS. The undersigned hsvine obtained tbe exclusive right to make and sell tbe Eua- mer Hot Air Family Fruit Drier in tho counties of Linn, lane snd Henton takes the present opportunity toinfrom pernors wno want to save meir rrun crop, thai he Is prepared to receive orders fcr the beat fruit drier in the market. Floaemer Hot Air Family Drier, for parUcossrs ad- drees. John Brugge, Albany, Oregon. HAS BEEN PROVED thaUtTtJsllfor KIDNEY DI8EA8E8. Xtsss ansae bask or disordered crtna taU sSstSst ysa see a vietba f SSBrooSBT nUtTTafBi use rtdaay-Wort at csute. dnc wsiTirsiniaisnil in ml it arttlsjaisiUj esse- ' -ladCiiOSa tortwm, roaslsspstS m siSBisnss.Tliliiij TTurili sssswisssiil. a tt win set sraasStr aad ssatfy. BIBnrSsi rawmUasraas.iWaiiltuii cf srfae, in Irt msn ii iniiTrtrunaiu ml nun ilistaliii mint, mil apeedlly to t earaUee 90mm nv sou) sr axx. pauaajtare. mtbb.