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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED STEWART EVERY FRIDAY f & CHAMBERLAIN mi Battalias a TKRMS OF 8UB8CMPTION JW eopy. per year..... mmt oaas. atx uocUw. IS 00 1 00 I 00 10 htftt MM. WW I Uajrte ausaber.. ..... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a nnw. . r. oKAMmxjii. FLINN 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORN KVS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. ssjjrofflo in Fowket'o Brick Block.- vlSalBtf. R.S. STRAHAN, Albany. Oregon. TiRACTICB IS ALL THE COURTS OF mr thM State, They give special atten tion to ollaeUoua ana probate matter. Ottos In Footer's new brick. I. BL MONT ANTE. ATTORN KAT I -AW. Notary Public. AlfsSMSf. Offlee upstairs, over John Brigge etore, lat street. vISnSBtf J. BL WHATHERFORD, . (ROTARY rVBUC.) TTORNEY AT LAW, AUKAXY. OKK4.UK. YlTttA. PRACTIC Ui ALL TH It COl T8 Or THX If run Spsiitsl altenUou ffn to ixUeUon. and tafeUPtiWe Tl nil (14:1 J. C roWIU. W. K. MliTBD POWELL & BILYKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 44 ktoikiters in Chancery, Coils ion prompt7 made on an points. , fn Foster Btt.-Wt Vi4ttlfef. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBAKOI ORtGOV Witt Matte in all SM attentJon Cl ,eyaos-We?a.i1i1 the court of the Stat. run tr collections, non- inaUoo at Title. Probate tasla K ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, Collection promptly made on ail point. J5. R. SKIP WORTH, ATrS 4 X t OIIVAKtOK AT LAW A.VR ssoarv muc. WILL prctL is ail courts of the State Ml business intrusted to use prompt ly attended to. Ofire m O'TooU't Block, BrwuUUbin StrtM, 45 jl ABmmg, Oreqo. UWIS STIMtOM'S FEED UTABLK. First elaa vehicle, fine horse, ejaod feed, accommodating proprietor and rea aonable charge. Give them a call. Stable near Revere House. eyt mftVMISTS, Book. and Toilet ArtuHea, A and Low Price. Large Si OIT X. DBUQ- STORE, tyl AX ART. QRIXO. fOSHAY 4 MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEGOI. LO0I8 CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Campean haa purcba-ed the barber hop formerly owned by J H Snrle, and will continue the buRines at the old place and guarantee satisfaction to customers. REVERE HOUSE, SferM aMl EU wortn AlBaay Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r f iajisStOsdap In MHim style. Table wSbTUm best tRP Sartre aCord. Bprinf A toad Ssfiiptf UOBfm tor uom- HtL- ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB1ST, OK. Ti First Term will open on Toes diy, September m, J?t., for (wrttcoiani eobeerniay the ouutmm of rtudy '.fa pro of fcaitioo, ajity to RET. N. te.Mtil. reat4at. Aloany Bath House. 'lHf UNDKHi . NSI WOULD RJE8PBC1 J faiiy .aform the citissoa of Albany and ri iaity that I haveenkao charge of this Rstabhab neat, and. by keeping oisan rooms and payia (trie t attention to baaiaeM, ex pacta to suit ai So who may faror u with their patronage tyieg aertefbr a earrisd on nothing bat First. CKae Hair ()resing Saloons, expoeta to gim tira xi'fetioi to si SF OeUdiea aaJ Ladies' Bt., naatly ahaaaeoeed. JOS WKBBKK. The Great English Reme dy. Ilea newer failing eure for Nervous Debility, Seminal Wcakneaa, Exhausted Vi tality, SpermaUirrbcs, LOST MAAH01, Im potence, Paralysis, and all terrible effect of Self Apus, yopthfuJ foJJi,and xceasea in puturer para such as lose of Mew, Lassitude, Emission, Aver, won to Society. Dimneaaof IVision, Noises in the Head; Kam7 am. a vm YOF CL: 3h sSfl Hbbb arfintla bbkbsbbbbbbbwVih BIBS' 4ifESs nasaSH the vital (raid pasainy unobserved Into the urine, and many other dlssssss leading to insanity and death. M SUSTSR wi agree to forieit Vlrt Munrtrrd this kind the Vital Reafara- advic and treatment) will not Uve (under bjs or for an n i impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mlntie Ueau ail private dUesae sueosasfully without mereury. naulttlon free. Th rousrb ex- ktioo and ad ice including- atiaUsisof urine. S6. of Vl'al Restorative, $$ a bottle, or four times the quantity S10, sent to any address upon receipt of arte or C. O. D, obscure from observation and in pri t if ruin" by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney treat, Sea Fraaeisco, Cal. gampte bottle free. Sent on application by letter, eta ting symptom, eex and age. Communications strictly confidential. Dr. Mlatfe's Kidney Remedy, Jfepbretioum, cures aQ kinds of kidney and bladder enmpIaints,gonorrhjsa, , leouehorrbeja. For sale by all druggists, f 1 a a or six hottles lor to. Dr. ffiwtie Oandation Pills srd the best snd cheap eat Daspsssjls and Bilious cure in th market. For ele by all drawixts. VOL. XVIII. CERiRlEDY. FOH RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, tmroaose mi the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swott ing mad Sprout, Barm and SceJdt, Sonera Bodily Paint, Tooth, Car and Head a c ho, Frost:. Fit ami ion, am all other Palm and Aches. Vn Peaaislls oq wtk equals Sr. Jom o IT iiT nuXt as Xatrrru tn"noatMjrle feat, aa eessTfS'seBc' with ptm cm save abas 4 aenUr proof ul K COLO BT ALL DIUOOttTB AMD DLMLES3 IV MEDI0IIE. A. VOG2XER. CO., u.a. a. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery. WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS If ANNALS & WOODIN, stiarracm FURNITURE Orger ferrT aad ALBANY, V flOatlyl URKCiON. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I SURE CUREJiUARANTEEO. Ta. E. C WETM N'KKVK ASD BRAIN TKKAT tor iiyataria, INolhaM. Coo- ruMooa. Herou H CSchc. XanUl Depri Ion Low f Maainry, flitiMti,eam. hwpmwry, In votestary wnixinru. j.raotar M ago, c&uaed by orer-eztrtxm, wif iue or wrr-ladalMOce, hick lend Ui alMr, detr nd Utb. Oo bos will cor rent Utaot. tcn box naulnt one moath'c tnatant ; on dollar a box, or at for iv doOan; aant by nail (cepakl on receipt of prto. W guarsntra six box to cur any oaaa. Wit eaeb order receivad by a for aU boxaa, aocempapUd wit five doUara, we will mmd the purcbaaar r writ tea guarantee h return the Kary if the treat ment da dot effect a core. Onanuiteea laauod only by WOODARD. CLAKKE A CO. I Wholeaala and Retail Dnnrfiat. Penlaod, Oreoa. Jrdara by mail at regular price. Dr. NO. llKEABNY T Treat all t tareale ad 'f YOUNU MEN iirseiiT be acrrRRiRc from If eflflta el roathful fofBea or htuacretkm. will do wei! to avaU tbemaeives of this, thegreetest boon t trie altar of saaonag Btnaantty. UK. V win guarantee to forfeit aaoufor every e s waaknoes er private dins si of any kind oaracter whioh be UJirisrlaa s tsJlg to ear. BUOULE'ACRD MRR. There are many at the age of thirty - veto sixty who are truqraea wno toe ireoaea evnieiion os to mao. der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or hunting sensatum, and a weakening of the system i in a ma. the patient cannot account lor. uti utner the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found utd sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, .r the color will he of a thin nulkiah hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, whioh is the second stage of seminal was kn sea. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such aesss, and healthy restoration of the geni to-urinary organs. Orncs Hovas 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exminatio and advice, Ob. for private diseases of short standing a full eouree of maeioine rutfktent for a' eure, with all instructions, a HI be aant to any address en receipt of $10 00. Call and address, tm. P1RXBV t to., 7 Wt No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cl To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Disperwary. 0O HB4RT ST., U4tf earner of Cotnmer rial Street, San Francisco. Jighed in issf . for treatment oi oeuw Seminal Hisaaaes, snefc as Uonoartoea. iilMt, rlrtare.Hy phllls in all its forma. Imwotcacy Seaalstal Weakness, night losses by dreams, pirn plea on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured, The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and Inspected thoroughly the various nosui tail there, obtaining a grsat deal of valuable informa tion, which he Is competent to impart to those in need of his services, DR. GIBBON will make no chaw unless be effect a cure. Persona at a distance MAY BE CURES) T HOME. Ail communications strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor. f Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1057, San Francisco. v!5o43 Far gate. A sash and door factory ; located at Stay too. Will be sold cheap. Coatom work is sufficient to run mill at full capacity. Call at this office for farther particular. SPKNEY vaJtswS wSf i and RY B. K. It. It Is not a pleasant story that I am going to tell, bat It Is a truo sue, and I ttll It Because there Is a warning in It. When Arthur Wlnfleld secures! the position of station-agent and telegraph operator at the little station of Wned- vllle, In one of our Western States, very one who knew him was glad of It, and his friends a id he was starting out In a career that would bo a successful one. He wis amMtloas, energetic, prompt and attentive to business, and hla mental qualifications were un usually good. He had been the beet scholar at the village school, and had always showed a disposition to make the most of himself. Here was an opening fur him In the direction te which his likes and i awl (nation most strongly urged him, and those who knew him all agreed that If any boy weald be likely to succeed, that boy was Arthur Winfleld. The station was at ne side of the town, away from the business part of It, and It was not often, except at such times aa trains ware expected n, that the nboyV pollocted there But one afternoon sever! boys of the rougher class gathered In the waiting-room and fell to having what they called a "good time" there. Cigars and whisky were circulated freely, and soon some of the boys were so much under the influence of the lltjqer they bad taken that tkey became nggrraivs and nytaf them selves into Arthur's aftoe, which was partitioned eft from one eorner of the waiting-room. He pushed aside hi book as they came, and said, pleasantly : "Good-afternoon, boys." "Shake r said the leader of the Invading party, patting oat bis hand, 'You see, we fellers have beta di patin' 'bout yon. Some on 'em said you were stuck up let t big, yv know an' bettern us : an4 1 said I didn't b'v ve It, an' ul tbeea fellers -didn't ye, boys t An' they dared us in to ask yon out 8sJd yot wouldn't ceme, 'cause ye dida't think we was good 'noogh for ye to 'sociato with, an' n let o such trump ery. We know better, don't we, fellers 9 Come out go' gat 'qualnted. Good fellers, them, when ye got used to 'era. Kinder rough outside, but the right kind of m'leria! inside." Arthur healttted. He did not want to jo out among them. Neither did be want to have the Impression go out that be felt himself hotter tm they were. He know they ware net fit associates for blm, but they would not appreciate the reasons by which his decision was made on this score, and to refuse to maketheir ar quafctaoce wee to oflfcmd them and strengthen the belief that he frit "above them." So be accepted tholr Invitation, and went out of the office with bis visitors. In the waiting-room he was introduced in bluff, good-natured fashion, to the "other fellers," and, anxious to make friends with, be tried to adapt himself to their ways, and show tbem he did not feel him self "too gcod to 'soelate with 'em.'i "I my, cap, I guess wo were kind, er mistaken In ye," mid one of the young men. "S'posen we take a drink, hopln' for a better 'qualn tance." He draw a bottle, partly full of whisky, from hi pocket, a h spoke, and held it out te Arthur. "I thank you, but I do not drink," mid Arthur. "No ? Well, I didn't s'poee ye did, much, from the looks of ye," responded the other. "But this Is jest for the mke of friendship, ye know. Don't want to git ye drank, do we, feller ? hut It's cast' miry out here to drink with f itks when ye git qoaloted with 'em, an' 'twouldn't be treatlo' each other fair not to, would It beys f "Of course not," chorused all of the "boys." Arthur hesitated. He bad never drank liquor. He had boom taught to fear ft. He knew that he ought to my No, resolutely, and the words came to his lips Just as one -of the young men, who saw his hesitation, said, In an undertone, to hi companions-. "He's 'raid to drink." Arthur heard the whisper, snd the No he was about to utter was unspok en. Afraid ! Did they take him for a coward ? Was he afraid of one drink of liquor ? N t he ! He would show them that he wsf not to be dared, and he took the bottle and put it to bis hps, and swallowed the draught which brought life-long mis ery and remorse to bis soul. If ha bad been re illy brave he would have mid No,' and sank to it, for to de so he knew was right Ms Mil .mjJeVJ Banal ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1882. And to no what we know is right ts always a proof of bravery, while to do what we know la not right, Is cowardice. Let others think as they will, tod Judge your actions ly what ever standard they nave mt up for themselves If you know the right, and are true to It, you are a here. Unaccustomed to liquor, the draught bo bad taken flew to bis bra I u rapidly, and In a few minutes hefhegan to tool Its bewildering ef fect A dick of the telegraph luatrument announced a message, aad he left he boys to sttead to it It was this s "stave the two o'clock train wslt there until a special panes" Thorn was a two o'clock train and ton o'clock train ; the two o'clock, a paasenger, the evening, one a freight. Bewildered by the liquor he had drank, be made a terrible mistake, and wrote down ion Instead of ,, thus making the massage apply to the night-freight, Instead ol the af terooea pasaengar-traln, which was near at band. When the whistle sounded, be want nut to the platform as usual, but be was so dared by the liquor thst the conductor and expreasvagent not Iced It, aad made the remark to each other that "young Wlnfleld seemed to be a si f drunk." "Any dispatch for me V as ed the conductor. "No, air," answered Arthur, while all the hissing of the engine' escap ing steam mom ad concentrated in bis brain. The train went en bearing Its frejf bf pf human jifg to n swift and terrible death. About two milos from Weodvllle, the rend swept around a curve. Both sldee of It were hidden from each other by a chilL At this carve the two trains met Suddenly the monsters of the Iron limb and breath q (ra cob fronted each other. Thorn was a wild, awfu eraeh, and beyond that death I Thirty men, women and children were killed In that disaster thirty souls sent, without a moment's warn log, into the other world I And It came about by Arthur Wlnleld's taking that one first drink of liquor that bad set bis brain on fire. The operator who mot the telegram declared that he bad made It two not ten o'clock, In IUa dispatch, Op orators oa the lino betwoon the point of Its transmission and its reception whom instruments were, nt that, time, connected with the main line, had heard the message go ever the wire, and they testified that it bad been sent correctly. The mistake bad boon made by Arthur Winftekf, It was clearly proved. He Is a young man, in years, but hie hair Is white, and there are Unas la bis tace that makes It the face ef aa u4 roan, Itogaorse Is always with him. He calls himself a murderer, and ha toils himself and all tboee who will listen to hla story, that all this misery came about because be waa not brave enough to my "No," sod refuse the first drink nf liquor. van nrrcsiRR si lt irr We clip the following, in reference to Butcher suicide, from the Benton loader. It gent to confirm our Idea, that he actually eommlttood the deed : He received a letter en Friday ev ening from the Clerk of Monroe school district, that the school which they had Intended for blm to teach, was given to another. Tbs school r. Butcher bad depended upon for financial help In in the coming trial. After Ibis news the first word then heard to escape his Hps, which point- ed to a suicidal mind, theee words were spoken to Mr. Lang worthy, of Curvallis, stating that he was tired of the world. Friday nlrht he went out to Mr. Lewi', where he had been working In the harvest field and res mrined over sight Sat'irday morning be started for Albany, via Soap Creek. He took dinner at Mrs. Vance's and remarked to Mrs. Vance, while In conversation about his trouble, that be bad about made up bis mind to kill himself. He went from there ever to Mr. Bialey's, and, In conversation with Mr. Risley. be stated several times that he thought of taking hla ewn life, and thought of drowning, and stated ho waa ted Mr. Ridley to walk with him a ways. He crossed the ferry at Albany about two o'clock p. u and started up the hill on the Albany side and when about half way up the hill, gaaed around over tho river, re turned picked up his satchel and want up town Children in Austria will hereafter be ol..ged to attend ssbool for eight years. Irastruotion in field and garden work is to be given in the ratal schools to Russia. saw vena rsssness RSjSI MalrrlaL VLwrrrd Wla... Velvets Shoal! you desire to establish your claims as a lady of fashion, invest forth with in a sentache embroidered dress, poassssed of which', not even your next doer neigh bor can controvert your si lion, If you sot promptly too, you may feel yourself on an equality with the most advanced New York si y Ins, for as yet these novelties are n t seen upon the streets, but in th wholesale repos itories of leading Importers prepara tory to a display oa retail counters for tbs benefit ef the fashionable, wrq now begin to return from country resort. As a writer oa "clothes pbiteaopky" 1 was admit led to an inner view of the stock at Lord k Taylor's and can tho tell you what is to b. The new em broidery is not open, hut consist uau elly of pattern formed ef narrow aoa tache braid or sometimes besey stitch ing. In general the colors are iden tical with the material (chmsre, oamsi's hair, satin finished oleiB, etc.,) hut agsla ws see harmonious shading with the addition perhaps of velvet put on in sppliqun. Often the entire front breadth is adorned with embroidery but there are embroidered bonds put on in Tlrienj wsys. Then there ere wools where the lower skirts constats of wide flounces woven in bold FLORA I. P ATT KBX S white the poloraise is of plain good. Here of course there is no embroidery but these dresses are not vety bright beeaoeo the oolorings have a chin like indistinctness. Bat bright wsven wools are a feature , some shewing pronounc ed designs whegp large fruit look lus cious among autumn tinted leaves. Those flowered wools will for the moat part he marls up aa polonaises with plaia underskirt. In the upholstery department of the same firm, I observe fall lines of Fashion Drry cloth whioh daring the sumaser at wa'ering places haa been in ivr whh Ifdiee who em brvidered it for table cover, lambre quins, etc., and now thst sutumn hss omna, select it a so sdui nment for many a fsaLiouable apartment, timing In all th eew solid color this stylish material closely resemble plush bat is more moderate ia price since though sisty-two inches in width it is sold for ninety rent a yard. It ia used not only for sit upholster purpose but svsn g covering fur wPs th en tire roam being lined with it The long, silky looking nap conceal tb Joints snd in unbroken expanse it stre'ehu with excellent effect. PI. AIM OOODB. Satin will stil be faabionable despite the coming up of wide repped and groa grain silks while velvet is of extreme importsnee. ftpecislly in demsnd sues nonpareil velveteen which now that it's admirable qualities have been tried is more tLsn ever sought sfter. Jt hss every quslity peculiar to fine grades ef Lyon velvet while the cost is much loss as it ranges from on to two dollars per yard. Handsome cos tumes see made entirely of it or t ia combined with ether rich goods as for example in two elegant imorted toil ette ; one rubv, the othor olive green : the form r ofa onpareil velveteen unit ed with satin ; the latter with velvet een skirt laid in plaits and having a coat shaped polonaise of satin finished cloth. But be sure you see nonpareil velveteen stamped en the wrong aid of every second ysrd aa otherwise yon may be impossed upon by a counter feit. MILLIRBRY. Leaders of fashion for a month past have worn turbaus of feathers or straw turban trimmed with fas' her. No come wide brimmed strawa with crowns covered with velvet to which additions of birds, ostrich plumes, etc., will be made while later on will be seen felt bat in all extensions of brim and colors to match dresses. Cipote seem gifted with nine Uvea and through ohangee of tins fatal to all other style, show front once more. But now become larger and often the front grown to the digni ty of a cornet. Birds upon birds He ready f jr use. Many little ones crowd ed together on a hat or very large sin gle ones. Luct Cahtkr. A lawsuit at Aadover, Vt, involves indirectly the right of a public schsol teaohei to read the Bible in school. Farmer Hazelton didn't want his chil dren to hear the Scriptures, and so th prudential committees arranged with them to have devotional exu-cises a fsw minutes before school opeuod each morning, attendance being optional with the pupils. Hazelton informed the committee of his intention to stop the religious exerclms entirely. With that end in view be instructed hi chil dren to attend them, and to get up and leave during the reading without the consent of the teacher. This was done, and the children were ex polled. The case will" go to the C urt of Appeals, tmwmt Plain Talk, B VLSI SIBJCCTS. By A Flair Chap. SLARO. I once thought that 1 would never be guilty of using slang, hut I hsve found out by experience that it is aa ay to get in th habit of It as it i for Hoodlums to smoke cigsrettes. One might as wall attempt to make one hundred cents out of trad dollar to try to evsdo lb use of slang a hen surrounded by it It is all very well to tail of moral sum ins; but it is no sign ol a lack of will tor a dock to be drifted down stream when the current is too swift for it to stem. We can see thst there is considerable truth in this when we observe the number of really excellent people who pollute their lau guag with t hi bad habit. Now, there is good old Mrs. ay, a purer woman never lived; bqt in talking with bar five mjuutoa you might eonut at least a score of mixed expressions; and that warm blooded sou of hers, who is such favoitte of bis Saaday rknool teacher, generally give vent to slangy expraasion at a rate which oold discount th patter of the feat of a race hoc a. On would hard I v think thst Miss Fastidious eould so far forget herself m to say "you bet," yet it is fact, aad I have heard much more ob jectionable expressions ooze from be tween her lips. The truth is we are becoming so used to it that wo hardly notice it any more than we do the rain during he winter month. It ia just saturating ua through. We wish ws eould ssy that it stopped with th younger "fry," but, alas, it doosn't Gray hairs do not stop it -ty more than a locked door kep joy from the preset ve dish. We have some magnificent old people in A'bany, bat every last all of tbm, will embellish their language with crooked expres sions. n,teu our miaisters. our sutdea. are far fiosa exemplary in this respect, and to bear oar, or an pcraoo, any "yon net" in answer to a serious ques tion is, to sr It least" decidedly ridic ulous, much mwe so thn to hears tramp speak in refined language. Have yon ever thought why you taruiah your word with, s!ang, Be cause other laseulo around you dot You are going to lay it to association, Ss . . a , ors you. Well, 1 think to a certain extent, yon are right, aa I have already intimated, but when yon come to th bottom fact nd face the truth you will find that this habit sttacbes itself te many because their vocabuUry of good, expressive fingliah words, is so terribly small that they cannot make themselves understood without resort ing to it It Is just the same with wwe w n a sweanug. wnen i near man send ing forth a Willawstts river of oaths I always my it is because he haa only a' Senium Ditch dictionary ia his brain. It is a difficult tbing to make soms people believe that slang is st least a first cour in ol swearing. In fact you cannot do it They consider them selves virtuous, and while they look with abhorrence upon the Ukiug of the Cieator'a name in vain, and very Cotrectly too, they will e'efile their tonga with exressions which com very close to the blue tint. You know this to be a (act Kou can't squirm around it because you do it yourself. Th only wsy is to sdmit that you are wrong, and reform yourself. It is in this as it is in drinking. Tsking beer leads to whisky. As eemNtred to each ether your slang is about the earns aa the beer; it is sure to grow on you, and If you srs young and of the sterner sex tea to one the first thing you know it will just naturally slip off into an oath. If w pretend to be above the latter we ought to be ashsmod of ourselves very time we give vent to a slangy ex pression, and for my part I am. I have said tbat it is almost impossi ble for a pron to keep out of the htbit when completely surrounded by it The thing for ns to do is to break down the surroundings, and by work ing together improve ourselves if noth ing more. The using of slang ia not refined, it is not gentlemanly nor lady like; if it was it would be taught in our schools, our Sunday school teachers would encourage it, our publio speak era would resort to it and you wonld hear it in the pulpit and in the school room. I believe you will admit that it is wronir snd will consent to olace it w among the bad habits which need re forming. Our social life ia th best part of ua, and we ought to be aa par- tirtiiiar in it as in our business habits. Tho English education Department has just published a circular in which it lay down th principle in instruc tion in English thst ss a general rule, but especially in the lower stan dards, the examiner should be careful rather to ask for tho meaning of abort sentences and phrases than to require explanations of single words by deSni tions or synonyms. NO 1 CKSRUAL BRWB ' I ' 1 I A ado ponce oi new York are raiding me gambling dens of that city. Mrs. Kte Brown, of Phildlphu noue-xeeper for ex-Sursmuteident Phillips, and ex-Storekeeper Brown ha been arrested for complicity In alms bonse frauda. Business fail urn fur the past seven dsys are retried at New York a 119 114 occurring in the county and live in Ne m York ci ty . 1 he only assignment in this city of much importance s O. W. Vallman in the tobacco trade. On hundred and twelve vessels on. tared end elesred from Port Town send the past month. A Harrisburg. Kentucky, special ays : Speed Talor, a magistrate, shot and killed Jama Brown, st Coomb, ill, Mercer county, Wednesday night Conflicting ktorie are told of the occur rence and fiicnd of each j-sity claim th othor was diunk and tbreatenii to kill. TbeO. It k N. (Jo's stock in New York on the 8tb went up to 157. Tb charge made that the star route party has Wen tampered with apfiear to be a m; -Ury to Kub rb proeontion and defense. The Democrats gain 28 members in tb House io Verntont Th difficulty between Jape and Co rea has been arranged. Corea ha agreed to pay 500,000 pound a compensation to Japan and 50,000 pound to relative of th Japanese subject. The subscription for tho Panama Csnal Comjiany of 250,000 bonds of 500 franc each is eonsiderd a so Th choltra continue to rage m JiauUa. Severe earthquake shocks wero felt at Tokio and Yokohama oa August iota. Col ltd ward ft. Sejifvrd, Vice Presi deat of Adams' Express Co. and Direct or of th Western Union is dead. . o majority in Vermont is stated at I J 15. Barstow for Gov err or receives about 20,000 msj srity. A volcano named Shiramine, in tbs centre of Japan, which has been silent for 70 yeata, broke into an eruption August Gib. A severe eatthqusko visited the lath mus of Panama on tb 8th. Th dam- a If a a age io railroads alone t reported to reach $100,000. nam. a. wssso an am to tsj mmm r Hon. Geo L. Woods, ex Governor of this State tuts been nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the fourth California district. Gov. Woods has had wide experience In affairs and In many station of high trust has proved able and honest. Bregonian. The above from that thoroughly independent journal, the Oregontan, Is in keeping with Its usual independent course. The ad ministration of Woods waa the most notoriously corrupt of any that has over afflicted the Stole. It was during his administration that Sam uel . May robbed the State treasury of $8600 of the moneys realixed from the care and keeping of insane pa tients, and for which a jndgmen t was rendered against him in tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mar ion County. It was also under his administration that said May robbed the State treasury of $10,000 of the moneys realised from the sale of school lands and other sources, for which a judgment was likewise ren. dered against him in said court It was under his administraton that a num oerof the Republican members of the legislature, with the consent and connivance, and' on the advice of Woods, broke up a quorum and fail ed to pass the appropriation bills thereby leaving thousand-) of dollars in the treasury unappropriated for two years and mora, a vast sum which Woods and his clscqnera and backers handled as the spirit moved them, against the interest ef the State and to their own aggrandixoment At the termination of his guberna torial career, no odious had he be come to the people of the State, that he folded his tent like the Aab and silently stole away. And yet, the independent editor of the Oregonuzn endorses him, and recommends him to the people of the fourth congres sional District Fortunately, that district is Democratic, and that fsct may be the means of saving the people from the absconding ex-Governor ef Oregon. The agricultural college at Hanover, N. H will admit women pupils at ita next term, who will be given a sjecial course ol study, mclu ling butter and cheese making, and dairying and all ita branches. Teachers in the public schools cf France are now paid, on an average, but a trifle over $150 per annum. Thirty-two thousand women ani 50, 000 men employed in this way t nder the Republic receive this salary. Edu cators were better off under tie Empire and the old regime. rVSfftTlKIKO K ATI nmmi rc iyr 12 00 1800 22 01. 27 00 MM mm 1 Inch 1 00 2 " 2 00 3 " 3 00 " I 4 00 i Col 6 00 S 7 50 " 1000 I " 1500 Too 5 00 gag 1200 UtO 6 00 fi 00 700 900 1200 If fig SSjSJg 700 10 09 1250 1500 2500 i lOUV It 00 2500 4000 1000 4000 men 4 100 00 in Local Col- urnae 24 assr aaaa. HMrnlir ,m notions 10 cento per line. For legal end transtont advertisement ti us per square for the flest insertion aad M cent per square for seen subseqnent insertion. TgMPmiQg DiPiETMElT, KUITBO BT TUB fsaei't Christian Tmpenice Ciisa The first temperance meeting ever held on i his continent took ptacs just twenty eight year after the landing of Pilgrim, at a email trading poet near Q'teber. The orator of tho dsy waa aa Indian chief, recently converted, who plea, that all hi tribe should at'ce the total aUtinence pledge, met a hearty response from the swarthy icd wen who had already learned fom dire ful effect of fire-water. Of tbiee hundred idiot in Massa chusaetta, Dr. Howe referred one hun dred end forty-fi ve directly to intem perance. A like proportion of inssnit v finds a similar reference. It we sdd to theee all the J agrees of wea knees, imbecility ami deaMtniion which lie between these extremes oi idiocy end insanity on the one aide, and sour.d manhood and sound mindedueae en the ve W ue BrWWfW BBmTw 4 other, what a dreadful an d unending entail have we as the product of this ne votee, A large jwrt of the drinking begin in jrrivate bouses. The home is the fountain bead of moral infioence. I uadarln-n both the ebureh and the cemmoowoslth. The parent's influ ence comes first; the example af a fath er count more than- the preaching of any pastor. And it ia n undeniable fact that thousands cf booses ore trail ing schools of tippling, end the primary department of alter druakeansaa. There seems to be a sort of satiaaate reUtioaship existing botynsaa she vices. Ia a great msjerity of cases, th man who so Car forgets himself as to get drunk Vinrnma profane end vulgar. We snw recently a striking exhibition ef this truth. Three man st a late boor of the night were staggering heme from some aaiooa or othor place whet tbey had procured iuora. They were all of them aa drank as men could be and Biaiatam a perpendicular attitude without help, and ail of thorn were a profane aad vulgar aa they wr drunk, aad tho thing about it was that they to think thssir profanity and vulgarity exceedingly funny. They laughed so as to be heard blocks s wsy, over re mark that wool' doubtless have brought the blush ef shame to their faces under sny other circu mats noes. Set ''Men who drink ram and use tobac c 1 might consider inshHiifirm an in fringement upon their personal righto, but they would be glad to knew that their sons have such ideas snd view of these indulgences as will for'. id their ever using them. It is with temperance aa with religion; Men are quite satisfied that their chil dren shall have religious training, even though they have no religiouR convic tions of their own. new rmosi sateen. xi Old shoe are used tor mvjsaA pai peeea. Those not worth patching up are cut into piece; th worthies bits, the solos and ciacked "uppers' are cot - verted into Jasnaica rum by a process knewa only to the msaafaetnrsra. It is said that vhay are boiled in pure spirits and allowed to stand for a taw weeks the product far surpassing tbo Jamaica rum made with essence, burnt sugar and spirits. A gentleman who doubted the truth of thi story stoppeo recently at a low grog shop in the neighborhood of the factory spoken of, and inquired If they bad any rum from o'd shoes. ".No, said tbe barXeeper, "ws don't keep it much now th drug gists, who wai.t a pare article, all sell it, and the pno has gone up. Uua have bad it, and we can get you somw if you want it" How many old shoe go to a gallon oi rum could not be as certained. Record. . rsamexai- The gifts -f the me Edwin B Morgan to Wells College, at Aurora, Y., foot np about $364,000. Although still strong ii body, ax Seaator Eugene Osasidy, of Oahtornis. haa entirely lost his memory. The first tim thst the king of As- h an tee ever drank liquor in public waa ia celebration of Victoria's birthday. It is said that Dickena wan by no mean a ready writer, aad ti manu scripts wer almost illegible from inter - lineationa. Th Prince Louise has a canoe, made in New Brunswick, snd goes canoeing with the ries-rega party oa the St Charles River. When Sir Garnet Wolaokey sailed t r Egypt he was suffering from erysipelas ia the face. This explains his embark a Lion with his head covered. The white school population of the Southern S'atea sad the District ot Columbia is said to be 3,899,961 ; tho colors 1 scboal population ia 1803,257. The earolisaent in all those States ia 784,709.