The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 15, 1882, Image 3

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Ihe gtuwctat.
Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or.
km second-class mall matter.
"-fp"'""' " mil i i i illinium ii i F
UUn an Proprietors.
Albany Station.
OtlViBTl UK Or
f:30 A. M.
H:O0 A. M
M:4 A.
12;Q6 P.
( Arrive el
Dejeurls at
11:45 A
1:06 P
:30 P.
8:5 P.
All T.-alas dally, eases Sender.
Nemos. Og and after thts date regular
tickets will be aold at our ticket ottW for
following pointson Columbia river; UMM
Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walluia,
Walla Walla and Amaworth.
NVn.i. h Rica,
Frelcht and Ticket Agent
t. A C. K. E. Co.
Albany. June ls;b. 188'.
T m circutktlua tt Tmk Dwiocaat to eteadlly triereee
inc. sad is tbe blffest ef say paper in th State oil
efcie of PoetaaU. stasia tetheeest medium to sdver
ttoala. Xo ad vsttiasoisii tsars run after thtr ume
isou: to ill up No sdesrttssraauli ara Inserted
tu 'if lanits Nm adrarttoaraaaU art doubled up.
Uptetimeof going to preee, yeler
day 335,000 buahela of wheat had lean
dei vered at the mi 11a aad warehoasee
ia this eity. 75 cents aad cab premium
of 3 ceuta or 4. ceato In mill fad ia being
paid at the mi lila. Tbe market price U
74. ,
' Irrnt.
Itwaa here lastThureday aad Friday
nights and showed to large booses tbe
receipts for the two nights being $1042
Of i s merits we have heerd few apeak
otherwise than ia praise of it. Nearly
everybody declares it the beat ever ia
the Slate. Abuttae only objection
are have beard was that made by a
yeoag lady who never attended a a J reus
before, who say) she didn't Ilka it be
es use the young mea whepe .formed on
the bar. trsoezs. etc. wore tights. A?
sroabiya one else, thought of this te the Mechanics Fair,
grave ohjectieu we will lei it go fr
what it is worth. The display of lutein,
gene in dumb animals always excite
the greateet mtereet, particalariy in the
ooblast of besete- the horse. "Tommy"
aa I ' Barney'' are not shore many of
th hofst-s in our own vicinity, ye
gra ning has made them eetial to sum
jrae a. The tricks they pet form e -ds
ful, aad we are unable to speculate
well enough to tli how t ey a a oUe to !
aaawer so readily to the command
made by word af month ratbort .n by
motion, as is customary. ,l J ',' the
elown borae.wss folly ecus! to hi asoc
iateaanddid many womierfui in a;a
F. 14. Freneb, jeweller.
Itead the aaw ad vertieetneate.
Bertietpeare teed the laaxket.
Bargains at Moutague's Lebanon.
New invoice of docks at French's.
Yesterday was tha Jewish New Year.
R. R. Skipworth, lawyer. Albany, Or.
Salem ia to bays a I Delias' Coffee Clsb,
A new church ia being built on Oak Creak,
aad we aaderetaad ia nearly com plated,
C B Montague General Merchant, lab-
Portland ia te have a paid fire depart
went. A 63 peand water atelaa is reported from
Butte Creak.
Qe to Mallwaia'e far big bargains. The
beat place ia the eity.
It is aatoniahing at what lew rates yea oan
gat geeda at Mcll waia's.
LE B'sia received 114 different kiads
of cases a Jew days ago.
A alight fall of rain tha first ef the ek
refreshed matters a little.
Mrs Honk a goods went off at a fair rate
at the auction sale last Tasaday.
Goods at cost at Mcll wain's. Beet chance
for bargains offered ia the eity.
There ta a fifteen mil hen dollar inortgsge
in tha clerks office ia abas city.
$1009 on good security can be. Bad by
calling si this ofhoe iaa mediately.
Some splendid comb aad strained honey at
Hoffman & Joseph's. Call sad get soma
Hare sating ia about completed, but wheat
will continue to arrive for some time yet.
Dr. O. Willis Pries,hieaiUt, esfiee in Odd
Fellows Temple, over Leagdoe s DragStore.
A gen-1 assortment of eeiluletd uellat aad
eutlsat LK Blaine. They save wash inc.
For s good, reliable time piece cheap, go
to French s opposite the Odd Flkw's Tom
Get yoar school bowks at K W Lsndoa a
CeV H has the heat esstvtaseai to the
llis Mschaoioa' Fair opens st Pertlaad.
ou Tharsday of unit wefk, Sept. 21. Ara
you going ?
A large stoek, an J excellent variety of
oeroU it L K BUia a, the vety beat
One day hut week Mr. J as tVilifaabby,
of Peoria, was kicked ly a bores, so badly
tbst his nose was Uoiea.
Go to tne Cangiegatioaal concert tils
eeeniug The program is flrat-cUaa and will
well be worth the admission.
A few days age Mia Faauie Weak was
thrown from a pony, receiving severe braises
oa ths right side of her feoe.
A t eduction of 40 par cent ua th tegular
passenger rates has beea secured for
Jim GUmnar is maitiaf i miehty hot for
the Chisese with but steam wood aeo Lb
is uniting a beat $0 cards a day.
From twenty to twenty 'Qm too ins have
foes noticed in front of sumo wf tha lla
tats week waiting for their turn.
Captain landing haa found the locket
which b lost a eneide of wkgo ; Was
)iceredBeVertbe fiVd Cruu Mdbx
The ehdd uf Mr W V MiCa ley. dto4 at
(m.: f m liala lt 9fU y bortty after Mr
fflllrj rcicke-; homo fiom this city.
How u tb tbaa te vl li'er ander
r4i,aad whiio )U arB g,tUug get SO .e
sbtau ga-d. 1. L B!ain haa n spWubtd stouk
Dm Mu'Usllii., iaoaf-'rated ia ths prisoa-
by hiding
. i . i i r . j.
.rik. .af n.sei-....- .,f which . wyt M i j.
was to carry a little g rl ttmty-.r j x J'ove t when n-b
.uMAtHi with the same ease that he
be.w. Ha. Miteiinoi mouthed i nwrn6
Th.- performing on the bar. ground,
ajgej aad tra pese wjs lirst :1s aad aa
gawd aa ia often seen in the asrgeel e-r-cuse
ia ho east. 5el gist has su
periors his rape walking being the beet
wa have ever seen, and bis ground
tumbling above '.he so rag . It is ir
that the circus as a whae lack the
rariety ef asms ; hut what there is
it, and there I a en uj s, leas faaej aa
often witnaaaod.
C.Hmtv t1rks ofjeo in ica dy this orsk
T-iia ".s a good utdicarian and speaks well tor
'Mir yonag people.
U.i U, rne)icat iectares at Mrs
Poti, th s Bi ie P.i.'h n Club will pee puno
jlf .:'. aUl! an.iilier w-k trtof Priday
5ir E l warn Mwiia.itir i usg'ituttintf a
aalo ul his brw.ry to Mr. Wa Paher, W
v. fh tr .m -. , ....... I
ch .oiling U4.US.
Iiiiaf oMm tai as UUs raxe-4
yeiptoas aeamiag to indicate that 11 died
from tha effect ef poison. The colt was one
of the finest we have aaea this season, and
Mr. Moist had refused $100 for it.
The Adventists have pitched their teats
ia this city aear the residence of B Mcll.
wain. They commenced their meetings last
evening aad will eeatiaua every afternoon
aad evening. Children's meetings at 4 P at
They are under tha auspices of Riders J C
and 8 K smith.
"In tha Twilight, " Gavotte, by J. Oettl,
is one of the latest and most popular pabli.
cations f i em tha press of Sherman, Clay A
Co., ana Franoiaoa. Tbn composition M of
the kind that dings tooaa after being heard
The price is 40 eanta, for which it eat he had
from any music darler.
1 . B Blain does not pretend to sell goods
for coat Ha does not run his atom for such
a purpose ( hut ka does sell tha meat as
sirahlo goods, gssds that will girt the boat
satisfaction and asks only a reasonable profit
for hit trouble. This ia a business priaoiple
that can be depended en,
One ef our most estimable women wa at a
French dinner s abort time ago in aVtn Fran,
ctaco. After it was finished aha waa asked
which meat aha preferred. She pointed te s
dish aad aaid she liked that bird best. It
waa ao leas than a frog, which fact she
ascertained somewhat to hsr dieosmfitore.
Instead o' resorting te the old sty I- ef
spelling dowa the bays have taken to the
electric battery, aad forming circle, ga
down ia the order of their endurance, aa
e oh oae cries enough he takes k's seat, it
anas much more fan than the old spelling
Judge Strahan s building opposite the
Revere House will preerat a good appear
an oe whoa it ia completely reaevsted.
Zeyas A HoobeUdler arc ahoviag the plana.
No better place ia the city ia presented far
s good barber shop, sod ao doubt Gaa lag
Under will seeks it a popular puma
A haadaoane clack with a musts hoi can
aected with it is attracting ooeeidereble
atteatiea at Heffmaa It Joseph's By pay.
iag 10 cento for s stick of gnm yee ataad a
ckaoca ia taia cleek and also ia soots pretty
jewelry. De aot lose this epporteuity to
gat a valuable cloak cheap,
The oeot evenings do not affect the sale
of Star Brewery beer. The dsys are
warm enough ae that If r Bellsager receives
bis usual number af visitors every day, Oae
would he aurpriayd to notice the ssteunt ef
beer which leaves the Iter Brewery for dif
ferent parte of the Valley, abowlag that filar
Brewery beer baa a big wholesale trade.
Times are evidently aot very bard, for
ear citisees had $1012 te pay ta see aher
m art's eiroas two nigbte. Wa have ao
donbt that every semen who went gut the
worth of their money, for it was sn eieellcut
shew ; bat we osa't help woadarisg hew
many ef tboae person would give a dollar
towards s women mil, lor (hie eity. ara.
thing that weald beef groat vales 'sr the
whole county.
Sb sr nan's Girotta. wss good, hut it
aot without its drawbacks. When it
about haH e it several hair brains I )eaag
asaa with Vodn jews, began selling
tickets for aa after uoaorrt, wbteb waa
buceot milk aad water affair ever
0 of these yonag men was the same
entte hcedisl fellow who s ted ss advance
agent for Weatmaa's afd ebow.
Prtunk JU'k atadto f r Gate-
bar ia everfi i wing with gaol thtaga, there
Uiog raaay of which that it ia impossi
ble te net ice sll Tueae dasirmg a first
clam magasiae, abeaadief with exeelieat
triers tare, eheald not fai to sea the ann.ber
and it will nay any one ti become a regular
subscriber. Priae gfieaate for a single auei
her ; $3 s year post paid Address Frank
LesUe, 6b Park Plao M Y City.
Everybody now adays is looking for bar
gains. Albany is a t the only place by any
maans wbpua thgy aap be obtained. Jab.
aeon is not bebiud th t, as oa eaa
easily aaeerUln -f oalimg oa 0 B Montague,
the leading merchant ef that eity. He to
selling good geda chetp, and yon eaa net do
tod fed this fact
aaiaan or its PLKtauBsa.
. bun) up, as t,is aMd era boiu tbjaned wot ! oat by actual expeheare.
Ore aet.
at a t- rr.b; r (JU o .y af i get
choice ui the lost gomls.
One of the saddest CaOw of drowning G U. tUv -uUl u be gira by the ladie'
w aave ever hid to rbronicle occumd te t'r-overrun chiroh at Ur J W Al-
in thiafeity hut Monday forenoon, tboev, msaMssaaat w-nday evening. Admission
the four year old nan ef Mr. Withers, n 25 ceur ; rtiieahweata free,
brother of Captain Withera, ot the Forks, T. Jjm U nfCymn-rc, of Pertaad. in
waa playing near the junction of the mlo giving advice to soiUrs ef prodejs, aaya
ditoh and the lateral ditch ruuniax alemc arm that does not advnie should be
ander the aidewalk on Fe'ry atret, when
ha accidentally fell in the latter, The
water being quite swift be . was carried
downstream, strangling the fint thing.
Abbey's sister, who waa two years older,
Immediately rushed sad taj i ber mother.
t 1 A ... n 1. n m,t .A.t Kill UfU
I IISSHPIH'W U'WU l.'in ifu m mrm .... i .
oWer Mcllwaiis, sad get ffice set ef artti
nnable to obtain sny aasistance until she ' ' . . ' ""TT !.
i ,...i. sic .. an. a l
Pu: nffl - .n,l nld d: ci vvo, '"'J Oi. -w-.-,
Botbingberae If ae the sidewalk was com. j4 -If wrrut4
lei wjverciy alone, a it is a bad indication."
A turbine water waeel for tils at this of
gee ; a 12 iaah uol, in aplendjd condition
wtU be sold cheap. Also ft) feet of inch
shafting and about 12 feat wf If inch 'shaft
Go to GriAo A McCabe's deoUl
A terrible msrder occurred ia Salem last
Snadsy merniag. Mrs Jthn C Ieag waa
shot thro ;b the head. He' hngband, to
Whom she bad bean snaeriad only about
three months swore before ;he enreecrs jgry
that she shot herself, but tha oirt i.-nitanrae
show this to have beea Impassible. efeejo
W Biugbain, occupying another rm test i
fled that aha committed suicide ; but the
genera! opinion is tbst Long and Bingham
killed her. Beth of them ka vs been erree.
Mr Ohm Keif or waa la Portland last Fib
Senator Wid Bllyeu left for Balem last
Jadgs Hon ham of Hal em, waa ia tha city
Dr. Oeary, of Kngene, was in the city
Taaaday forenoon.
Nat Redpath, of Lebanon, wsa io the city
iset Monday.
Orange Morgan and wife ef Lake county,
is in the aity this week. .
Oo to tha Presbyterian aoeial aext Mon
day evening at J W Althoaees.
Kngioear McMillan, ef the Oregon Pacific,
spsut Iset Sabbath In thia eity.
Mies Nellie' Maok, of Newport, ia attend
tag school at St. Helena Hall in Portland.
Simon Hsitenbach re turned last Monday
from a three weeks trip to Han Francisco.
Brace Prion and family left for Pnneville
laat week, and will reside there in tha fu
tore. Jss Charlton returned to the eity last
Saturday, sad began hie studie in College
last Tuesday.
The Miasea Colwell, of Benton county
spent a few daya ia the city last week visit
iag frienda.
Tom Cnrran has returned te thevity fram
a few weeks rustications among the wheal
Holds of the county
Treasurer Jsa II Peary's family have
moved tram Mcio to this city and will aew
make thia their home.
Od Footer when mat heard from was in
Chicago, bet by this time has probably
reached Princeton.
Mum Agwss McCornaek. Mia George
Terrell's successor in tha College arrived
ia the city last Saturday.
J. L. Nye, ef Keeet Horn-, waa m the
eity Tuesday ssd called on us, He will
tar . Ui s few daya fee Baaterp ()regea where
ho will probably locate.
Mr. If m MoMeekea aad wife leave this
week for tha Sundew country, where they
go for tha beaefit ef their health
Mr. J. J. Kelly, ef Seio, wa in the eity
last Wedasaday and called oa ua. He leaves
in n few days for the Oebooo country.
rrel. J. M. roWell, of this county, is pre.
feasor ef matbematiee and physical
a the normal aeboolfiat Monmouth.
Gun Curria waa compelled to go come last
wash on account wf pour health. We hope
that a tittle oeaotry air will revive him.
Hoa. O. N. Deoay, Consul Geaersl st
. a M a a e.a a . S . . . awa
assgnai, is it mat piece ea tne am, ur a
visit to relatives and friends in thia State.
Freak aad Charley 11 eok lent a were ia
Newport last week esjoying ths sea brwexaa.
H. F. Hansard, of Lebanon, called oo
US last Wednesday.
Mum Flora Rnmbaagh returned this week
from sa extended visit te various parts of
Yaebi0te)o Terrery, looking yery much
beefdtted by her trip,
Mrs, D. W. Wakefield, sf Portland a:"
tired ta this eity Monday evening, and wdl
apeod several daja hare with hr mother,
Mrs Dr. Miller, aad (needs,
Waa Parser ef Ones its, was lag tne oily
the first of the week. HdJy sxeltaas good
Ha aad hta brother Ted have
eat ef the merehaodire business sod
are aew working ia the mill.
Pruf. J. B, Homer, haa Ueo engaged to
tescb, the ltrowasville aehoui tbg turning
winter. He ha ths repuUtiuc, of betag a
firstuass teacher. The people of that place
are to be oengraiuleted oa having secured
km aervises.
Mr Chtowell, s brother of Jaa Cms well,
head milter ia Thee Mee,teitb njills, has
jnat arrived rcom at bouni aad will go
work W thsaa muu. u is sn old sa ax
peneaeed miller, so that now Mouteith 4
Sou have two ef the bet mdiers ia the stats.
Lieut. Weed Geary, s,-n; but Moa Jay
fa thia city vpnting hi M aahu l mates and
frteuds. fir left en Tuesday for Browns
ville, Tessa, where he is ordered to report
oe the 90th of this atoe'.b. This is the cen
ter of tne yellow fever scourge, and ear
lauuly not a very eaeouragiag puiQt fey a
ruing Lmteeaat begja his acljvs MllUry forf
total W. r. Bnleber Take Sreente
Plaage la the Wills mette ?
a 14
Sunday afternoon while Jim Smllh,
a machlalat, waa strolling aloag tha
riar baa ka about a quarter of a m
below (halted Crown Mills be dlacev-
red a aatchel that preaenled a auapl
oleua appearanoo. On top of It waa a
hat. and heelde It ou a rock waa a wna
glass, with a little araeulo In It, and
close to It a paper of the aatne deadly
"tutr. Heoameupto tlieolly not atop.
plag Ui look further and told Ed David
son of the f-i.-t. The two got Marshal
Denny and accompanied by oae or two
others went (e the place where the
aatehel was. An examlaatloa of It ira
vaaled the fact that it contained a pair
f overalls, and uuderahlrt and t jump
er, and an envelope. This latter told
tha tory, lu It wart two pestale
notifying Mr ilulcher of an
mentnythe Kndowment Desk ef tha
Knights of Pythias, and receipts nhow-
tag that they were paid, also the fol
lowing letter from the clerk oflheMoa
roe school, which It wsuld eee.u Mr
Butcher had been engsged to teach i
Mommok. Herd. h. IHh.'
Mr. W. J liut.hrr .
Dxattrtin : Cod-r the alruumetaaoee
w.. think It not Prudent for yea to teach
eur nch.vol. We have lalfed to the
pal reaa of the aebool aad they say they
will noteead If you leach.
r h xi.uiiiRk,
lite. Cierk,
Uy arder af Director.
Asa ae,nol to t lie whole was the fol
owlog note, which explains itself
My friends may ie aurarlssd whea
they lours of line lec. bet life have
been shorn or sll its pleasure a and the
stream efamblliaa turaed I tito a pool
ef gall, has became wearteotiie and I
lake thia mode of rid ih.g myself ef lie
burden. 1 have rontracted some dhte
which st the tints I ipetd to bo able
to pay, 1 had engaged the Maaroe
school at $00 per month and thought I
waa in teach IL till lat night when I
received the letter (which will be f,uai
with thia note), alalia; I coutd not have
Is. I have worked in the harvest fUlds
till my haeds are btletered and my
bones ache, veo sold my overcoat to
pay my dabt. l iters are yet some ua-
paia. i ui" i regret wnt can not lie, p
laaouarsre maio ngaioat ma i
and I ewubl bo aeouitted by the
but the atlgma would follow me
life and I would be ahuiiued by -ay fei
lawmen, whom I have ever tried .t,ae
slit, aad I prefer death toauch a rfe 1
forgive Btaok even though he la aot
here to aak it of in e. All I ask la thai
the manner of my dvalh bo kept from
the publlejearaalsao that my dear old
mother may never knew It. To the
kiad hearted bamnsitsriana who aloud
by me In my trouble I retora all have,
my uimJefMl thanks f am aat afraid
oftbTacap. I will driek it aad plunge
my body into Cc river aad nae the
i r..
sfTKR Mia wit r.
The Trowble Experleacea Uy a Worthy
Hen la I ladles; Mis Wife.
i. p.
ta idS
m Jury
i all my
was j wwrsv a wr e s - e swewwa an
public the expeuaf a burial,
wail, W. P. Btitn-
W. P. Butcher will be temembered
tha young taas uafor enate enough
to be con a' o ted with th na scandal
at Philemath, a full ace mad d whlak
was given ia the P.aftlead Jfarewga On
an otsmlaatloj nt e rallis be as bld
legwalt t!e H"Moi , .ml Jury
and planed ua -i Se.e U, rtiuoe th'ti he
has bean wa si lit tU-? hivet fad
tie oaly oa:a t th - a nb tuts year
ago aadhasbeoe iu ihi -c ly aoinataW
ably 1 ace thru He ha 1 b- e u iutatc !
Imst May there came to thin county a
man who wont by the name ef Will lama,
whose real name waa Wlllard W. Poland.
He waa accompanied hy two women.
Purchasing a farm three milen beyond
hedd Station on the Cataools, the three
went to work, living la Mormon style
Nothing ws known about tbem then ; but
now tb matter Is made dear, bringing to
light an unpleasant store. One el the
women wan the wife of Frnuk Plxley,
a wealthy bualaess man of Delawsre tOM
ly, Indiana The first rf the veer she and
ner neshand were living plows truly U-gcUi
sr In i hat Htate,when by nemo mesne or
other she was induced to losvo hsr h one
with this man, Poland, and a w rnsn nsin
el Warner. Tlisy toik with tbem $500
of Mtoa Warner s, with part of which ther
purchased the Newsham farm, inentiool
above, also a note sigaed by Plxley for
$i0 payable to Mine Warner. After their
depsrture from Indians Mr. 1'ixley, who
bad no clue to their where shouts, offered
S rewsrd of $300 for information leading
to their discovery. The occurrence wsa
nlanprbllaked lo the" Police Gexette," with
plcturea ef the parties. Uv thin means
end the shs asaleUncn of our efll
ctent bhsrtff, George Humphrey, Mr.
PiSley laund where th.-y wor,-. If la prin
cipal object was to got hie wife's nsrns te
an hiiortant 'docunieul, oarl g meie for
that than for her, but, by tbe time be lied
reached here, aba waa pretty wolf dmgu.
ed with mattere, and was glad enough to
return with ber husband. But ho would
only sgrse to takn her back to her par
auta, not" iahlug to have anything met9
te do with her ass buoban t. Thwv ..ft for
the hast atoturday, and had h mght their
ticket, whoa on Sunday Mr. t'.xUy was
arrested by order of a telegram f-otu this
eity for larceny of the note wo b tvo men
tioned. Monday morning the 4bei iff wet.1
to Portland aud returned In the avenlnc
w lib bis prisoner. An hi voetigatlon f the
matter, Tuesday forenoon, divulged tbe
fact that Miss Warner bad rejueated him
io keep tbe note, as she I. ad t.eooiwe aa
liaguated with the wretou they were llvlag
with aa Mrs. Plxley. He was spending
every thing ho got end ahe did not wnm
him to get the benellt, of this. Plxley waa
thereupon mleaeed, ami. lueedav ueor
left for IVrttand, frm walth plaoe be
aad hie alfo will deteii eu tbe real
steamer fur their Indiana beuio, wtitob it
Is hoped they will reach uujisturbed.
Mr. PUley appealed lobe a atredghtfot
wsrd, upright in in. aad .t rertaiaiy Is t
be regretted tbst ho an ci',i hi .tra..j u to
su j'i s eenaateunal n.Tair.
Meat Mi air Traaoottoo.
Following ia a list of the real estate
"twwa in tine cun:y sue eur
last report ;
Jaa A Wlleen. by Thee T WOSM
gusrdia-, to I M Halfear. au uadlviej.
eu uae-aevaath inOreet la taeeaet half
or chain 44 I p. i. i H, s W. t.Vnsld
aratleu, SSOU.
ValtedB ateate Jean 8 Uurwen aa 1
Wire, apaU-tit t ill arreia'Ipli alt
1 want.
Y. P. C. A. HALL
Monday Evening, Bert. ISth.
The Eloquent end Popular Speaker,
Of (he FamaleMidlcal C ol lege oi Penoayl
vanla, will a in me rue her eourne oi
Medical LettnresI
Physiology Health & Disease
Thsse la, tures will treat of the Structures
and Laws of tbe
Csuao and cure of
Nervousness. Neuralgia, Sick
Headache, Catarrah,
TIIK EVK, Kilt a.n i, .ONUt K,
How ta are nwU Avoid Dynprp
win. Ilm 1,1 ver and its Dlsessat,
the Lnngs aad vnwuoap
tlen.airurlureasdfareal the
HUln.ihe jHaaclen and their VT writ
IMn IlUnFReVFiR RlRRftyfi DllPr.
J. M. NolaN
reJ aer TrmtH I fee I arwiert ae4 Neeaam
lr Sire
IhuatriUd by a Magnificent Collexr n of
Olle iVilTIMe
Ths most accurate aad besutuul It! ibe
world ; coounrilue irtanv full Un.u. ...w
hmVeaml figures, which ah us mii ikr. raw
aris of the Hooy. This oasaasaiem
braces iwautlriit fir.-,,, v,lt.
Cheoiirwl loawraia-. It also in- u l,. in
tercaUiig group-, wf rlUtoriual Parirni'a.
Ce'irl Vgi,te.l
A KOediflrl it wiiiK. 1 i ih. rt n-
as, imraedmuii v. a: ,...., a i
paid, and Uslt ui.iiinu m... ...
right person.
a ii l
Haviug disposed f aur Lu,iaoes W Ifsnaas
Smith Si McCartney of Harti.l.ark-. aJ'
'lioae Lf BBaasBSi . .a O L. I a s . a
" vueuiatiees lDUo't-il to Ur
wiU please esjl and settle imme.litelv.
McCoy k Kiutnt.
The carps of teachers Ion eniraaed in
at. lleleu'a Hall has just been reiuforuMi
hy the adstitiori of six new teeehara. five ol
them from prominent edeca'iom! iaotltu-
loriH of the Ksntern HtMUn.
Two of thewa era enzased '.n the Mosh-al
b.psrtnient : three lu tbe Mnaltah, and
ne. M:e FulLck in the Art deusmuetit.
Mbw Fullhrk N s lsdy ef English birth.
iut edur-atrl tu ibi enuatrr. Hhs was
trad u a ted at Vaar Collage, and has since
'l' t ixui-ri urue in tbe best private -
I Ih th K i-n-rri Sle'e-s Mbe OUiee with
the highest rNfnnieedeioiN for ber at
tainment and klll ea a teacher of paint
ing aad drawing.
4 uewe cover me whole ground of isstruc-
Vkm in the e-t Art spools -etnbradas:
m l''.u ing. lnd-rmpe. Flower and Still -
lie HtuOiOe, Crayon, (:narcoal. Water
Colors. Peoi il, Feu and Ink snd J)eorav
.ivm Art In all La hrancaee.
Miv 1 ui ktk is n ladv of liberal eduea-
lon ii I superier culture, end tbe Kwtor
ltd Frinctpal of SL Helot's Mall rsoarn
nen-l tnia aepariiueux u ibotr aebool to
ot patrons, vi a entire confidence, hems;
s!l vured that it waa aever ander a
more com potent iuatructor, or one or more
rat led acquirements.
iiieyisi.l of bepe la Lne c-mnty tbi.
ar will iiMaut to aUut '." nni-.
tbe largest of any eoeaty in the staU.
fm th CitrUM Conrt of tke SttUt o Ortgct,
for Uu rvuxty oj Ltnn.
Ivhth Smith, Plaintiff,
Iiiabetee. Rrlgbt's Iiaesa-, Ktdoey,
Uriaary or Uver Complainta cannot be
oentr acted ty yen or your family If Hop
sorgo L. smith Den .
To U'Orj D. SmmiiX, fee choc- Hjmr !rf , .
In tbe name of the State of Ores on. you
tm herebe required to appear and answer
Aw eem plaint ef tbe ptatntirT, filed against
Biuara are used, and if ou already have I you b the abova-entitUl suuhj the above-
anyortneee dlaeaaea Hop rtitmra is lb
amy masamfgM that whi po-iuvely cure
you. Horn forget this, and dot aat
eeme puflbl up stuff that will only harm
ias county ts to have a new Cearl
Hcnso that will . ,, $3Q.00a Lots of wind
has been waatci. ba the a SBsea in tht e,an'
1 . s MO . t eSM . wm -m
tw lauaeree te ap tm o it t eaaU
Meyr Johosea ti W ll K Cummlnga,
a aoea tor a oaru to lovtacg in rp
K 1 weea.
t bualey to Alferd Frwgwaiag, lota 3 gists
Fa led artl-km of nil kinds restore! to I
hir original tesu y by lmmood Dyes.
Psrreut sud simple. IS caata, wt all drug-
to praellca law before u rwsng hero, la I sa l 4 In olook TOIn aalbany : block 7 In
A resmtgr elabllhmsal
pletely dosed up, there being no access to
the ditch except through imp doors at in
of be. I'
The rush still oesdiuanf st Otto Fox's,
tsrrsle. Vanny Smith went down one ef beir large stoek of geeda ia going off like ho
places (n front of Dr. Grey's, and cakes. Ibis is beoanss they are doing aa
immediately after tbe body came floating they said they would,seliing everything at or
dowa, under the water, about half way te I below east.
tbe bottom. He pulled it oat, and It was Last Sou lay at Jaeksoavdle, Charles
placed on tbe groun J and an attempt at . II ana wsa shot by Wis Colwell aud after
reaaacitation began, Dra Hill and Davis j wards bad his threat eat by Cbsa Dedsen.
and aeversl others working hsrd for fully u u tha bt be Ur. u WM the re-
i i . Mr J. - , I I
an nour, usiuk every ew w unug me . .
bey to, but life was extinct, tbe body
having been in tke water about fifteen
tninntee. Tbe grief of the hoertstrtcken
mother was great, the oight of ber eorrow
bringing tears to the eyes of many.
Abbey was a bright little fellow, and it
certainly la to be regretted that one so
young and promidag should be taken
Tla WeeWtan
It was a large and happy company that
eathered at the pleasant residence of H i
Flindt laat Tuesday evening to cotainemo
rate the tenth anniversary ef the married
life of Mr end Mrs Flindt. Few such gather
ings sre mors heartily enjoyed than was
this oae. AU restraint waa thrown off and
everybody proposed that, slti.ough this wsa
s tin affair, it skoo'd be one to conloiae fresh
. e e .1 .m 'mm a
in their memories long alter tne Unun naou
lstkm of their death kneiL ConvrssijeM
was tinted with food aill, and no one was
sfi'aied io their eongratu il :.:, for Mr and
Mrs FiioiU. A i ast was served
that maie the p f'ngio with .Might.
The presents takea we- man.' , a a a
rule not vety tiny Ibi ntt" d.-cilfdiy t1:tny
Tbete was a fine 'd rtrfm s-t. among tin
list, and otlw-r pres ' rf .ru u&'ur .
T .: t ...
for anyifiiij bill te attend t.- -i i
This ia th-te no with Men'oi i & .--i
Ha h If you wonld nee h vs ai"iui y
lotdod dowa with mf-rcnanilinj call and
Siauiins their tH, the higat and best
ia tbis jiart of tha S'ale, and a better wort-
ed stock, ene better sa te I to the dmandu
of the peofte, cannot be found anywhere.
tat iTi t ot at
Iow, we tblaW he tld u . t not be
lag overburdened wit in iey had gone
to teachiag a heol.
The last aeea of him was by nptain
Iaauing whe saw hiiu psnsj l ie house
Saturday sveatng about 7 o'olook aa
dig wjr toward the river. W hether
hasotua ly oomta ttd suicide is a mat
tar of sp calatlea. ftiini think this
coarse has been Ushea to relieve his
bonds m-a, aad that ha baa left t ties
elate, ba we prediet l.t U WlH tore
t4ut that be has actually oeaeaitted the
duialdae gaoerlly take plac
uader Itk elrcutaataacea aad there
waecctalnty material for a first ol
one In thia esse
I II. Uu.aJ 1 k b J .. L (.
ewiisideralioa, ShilO.
Jehu O Elder to Kobt Elder, an ua
dtvidad one-third Interest in the west
half of Mm Ianatioa Land ( iaita of
lUbt M Klder ; consideration, glUOU
K Woody to it M Klder. an undivid
edoae third Interest in the West hall
P iysllap Valley m Washington Terrrtary,
r a .
IS 0e obiu a q nu celebrated even in the
Eest s a rreat hoD raaahae -
as wed Court, on. or before, tbe hiwt day
f the next regular term of said Court, lo
a.t: ou. or before, the Lira dav or Octo-
oer, ViSZ ; and. If you fall ao to answer, f - r
awnt thereof the plaintiff will apply to taa
Court for tbe relief domain' ed
ait: fir tbe daee'.ulion ef bonds of
-natrurn.tjy now- eziating between plaintiff
sod defendant : Uiat plaintiff bare tne cre,
matrniy aad control of toe minor children
Jeasjn Smith. William STrrth and Frank
'ui. th and fsr the rewte end die burs -
-rnu of ibis suit to be taxad arain tbe
This suuimona i published by order of
:ne Hon. H. F. Ii tie. Judire of eaid Cvur,
ta'd at Salem, oieon, aeptesnber btb.
WaATHEBpoao Jt BbaCKBCfcS.
Attorneys far Plain. HE.
aWfta the Brooklyn "ISa-?!.,." Mr. la-IC.
Moore . of Meoj . Veroa-n A Co., 34 Nee
etreet. New Yo ik, was slmost inalantly re
lieve.1 he Ba. j... ,ba fill of hAVhri. t.iin r..l
oona uerstien. so o. act1 like masrie.
Sax ounjij qaa repleoutbed hi stock ot
shoes tor hnlus, muses and children and
can now please all.
Tbero will be a transit of V'i4 serosa
tit. son's disc oo the 6th ef seat December.
If you ever expect to see each an occurrence
fOft ill bare to be eo head ss it will est
oceur g.n fsr 129 years,
W ll Ciraham A Son have received s aptoo
aid let of suitings to be made up into
It paya to gst clothes that will
wear, aad Graham A Son are tailors whe
can make them up in good style.
Lian county ia entitled to five free
scholarships te ths Momaientb Normal
.Scho.,1. Applications should be made te
Schooi Superintendent P A Moses, en or
before Sept. 20, at Tangent, Or.
Ju esse the weather proves unpleasant the
Lawn Social to be given next Monday even
ing Sept. I$th at the resj.ieuce of J W Alt
house will be an ia-do r social instead. Ev
ery one wilt be heartily welcomed.
lusare your wheat against loss hy lire,
rfarehou a ailj born and this is the pnly
safe w y t fwo&sct yoar property. The cat
ia very uomiu&L ' all ol C H. Stewart, who
reirHUiH some ftrtt-elasa eoeipautes.
A full iiae oj bemfc and nreaa suits at
L 1? BUbi's. Y u I ve tn to wear ctotb a,
aad it i policy every to g-t a clsa of
oods tnat will rer,'j ia rc"g nixed
as the beat plac- t obtg'n ach oeds.
Oa Tharsday of iaet Wook aar Peon I dr.
Chester PUkcr while driving was thioau
out Of a w&gea and feu e.i a euuin
Ho suit blood tousid-o-llv. iut we under-
stacd the conauoueooos wilt not bo very
ThoStAo L-aisituro 4 in big bysiueM
voting appropriation to proeido each mem
ber with four or rive newspaper a, and 15
worth of stamps. The next thing we hear
they wili be eupplyine tbe memlrers with
tooth bruhes and tobacco rexef.
Laat week Joseph Moist hsi tbe mi for
tane to lose a very fine young colt, the
It would be a please re fur any of our read,
era to pass aa hour ar two in looking through
the mammoth mercantile establishment ef 8.
E. Yeueg. (t ia one of the old eat houses in
the city and ia very papular with the peo
ple. I a the main building yon and sa ssor
mess stock af dry and faaey goods, grocer
ies, ete. Going out ef tbst room by a side
uoor yon come into another well-lighted
room tilled with boots and sboes.caqwt and
ladies cloaks. In this department Mr. 8.
haa no equal this side of Portland Be
keeps ths celeb rated Hoi brook A Ludlow
sheas, which have gained nuce, a splendid
reputation. Resides bUOargs stack of Cali-
foraia cloaks just received he will get from
I tbe East in a few daya about S1300 worth
mere. He oan then suit any hdy ia the
State. In tbe rear of liia mercantile aalab-
ishment is his Urge warehouse 60x100. and
completely filled with agricultural imple
ments, grocer iea, produce, crockery and a
great sssny ether articles, PI ere is where
tbe celebrated Bain wtgan hi eo'd, and the
Buffalo Pitts thre.'Mru oatfita, the McCor.
mivfc barveaUug Machinery, the 01iver
Chilled plow and a splendid line uf other
farm i in pie meats and machinery. Seven '
hogsheads, see barrel aud three large eases
of crockery had arrived' put lefore we ea
tared, and other goods were piled up high
on all sides. There is at) age alhiug, it is a
grand establishment, a credit to our eity and
a great convenience to the public. Mr. 8
has a Urge patronage now, hut can still take
J H lame, allowed 8435 lor Hector bridge.
X 0 Clement allowed $130 (or work oo
U L liamdtea wsa appointol Cons la! la
for Seio preeinct.
I Q Densy waa allowed 23 for building
st iewalk aronad Court H ouse, aad balsace
of bill (- cestinusd.
B D Murray allowed $10 75 for hauling.
Msateitb a Seitoehaak (ar goads faralsb.
ed.Smsad ebddrea, $10.
G W Manly gwvicei as Supervisor, $24.
Mrs. Hobart, for boar J aud work dtae for
1 child ran, $17.
Tha Clerk waa iaatraaUd to let tl e paint-
Mgry A Welch ta G K Hardy, one
half aa a re in Lebanon . eaualdera-
itaenei iiogga to k w irraaeia. SS
aerea la Pp 12. a it 4 W ; consideration,
H BtUeu to J J Haaiinb. SO
consideration, t'JXi.
Kllzahatb fearl to Jaras rearl, Z2S
aerea ; oauetoarattea, tuutKi.
eai a a -
1110 Margu: oi lnree. (iwveroo- of t ana-
OA, sad Prince .a Louisa, are at Victoria,
where they are receiving a warm reemdtoo.
a: res
4'agreaateeal CWaeerl. thanks ero due to him who onlv
givesaway what laofne use to hlnueelf."
Ib. thtnks ef invalids the world over are
being showered on the inventor of Kid
ney-Wort, for it is Btvln.' health to all.
Jos Pearl to biuaneiu Pear', '.! ; aerea; Kidney-Wort moves tbe b .wclireirulei'v
Tbe Cboir of C mgregatiuaal Church will
give their coacert, aa announced, ia
I'alted f ates to Mlltaa V Owen, pat
out to 200 aerea.
P W Heeler to M Alexander. Ms I
Church on Fiiday evening P l&h, at 8 aad Q In Sola s eotiaideraliou, $100.
iag of the Court 11 aia to the lowest binder ia
aa Seat 15th, ths painting to be en tbe
aeath end and west aide only.
The Clerk waa iastrsoted to bars a railing
built ia front of the J edges beach ia the
Court House ball.
J J Whitaay, bdaaee f fos as Deputy
District Attorney, $2.50
John Uosj lor examining bridge, ffi.20
Mileage an I per diemeef Ofieera; John
Ieem,$0.$0; SK CUyred, $S; L Fliar,
aalary, $75; Geo Humphrey, $15.
P H Raymond, postage aad envelopes,
W M Davis was granted right to ran
o'eloek. The illneea of Mies intern will
necessitate a slight ehaogo in the program
which will be reudere.1 aa fallows-,
Ptasto Hole. Mies Klla Harris.
Solo. Mrs K W Uagdeii.
Uutt. Frof Rebb and Mr Raytnea.1.
bole. Miss Kmity TnrMI.
Qosrtet, Miss Powell, Mrs Htatger. M
Hubb snd Itaymond.
Instrumental Duet. Senders
Dust. Mesdamea langden and htaiger., Miss Annie Powell.
Fmno Solo, Mine Belle Senders.
Sole, Prof Davie.
Solo, Mrs Lsagdon,
Admission, 50 cants) children, half price.
rAKWsata 1.0a a Kate
How many bnsheU of wild oata have yon
raised this year? Mow much have yon paid
to thresh, harvest and draw to warehouse?
Hew much time has it taken to prepare the 50,
land, aad hew much use of your land hare
C II toodd to P W Seeier, Into in Sci !
coualaerat oa, 91
John e Uurgea ta Joha 1'ewull, 2u
a?res ; eouaiueration, e-iu.
Albaay ( esuetery Asa-n-inti u to M
N Keck, lot 15 in Albany ( emelerv :
.a .a aa a - sr
eoaalaeraiioo, ai..
M Brown to Abrwiiam Slack, 200
Lcrea ; canaineration, 9.(1x10.
A i Uilyeu ta Peter I. Bilyeu, 271
seree ; consideration,
Nancy Riggereet al to A Faad Green
Beard, u2acree censideratiau, $5000.
Thea A Klaftke et al to rr r Kirk.
about U noes; coaaideration, $2500.
11 A Johnson aad H Enley te Peter
Smith, aone-third tnterent in lata 37
and 3S,snd parteof lata 31 ami S2 in Scio;
conalderatlen, glOoO.
Pater Bilyeu to Ii A Johasou, H Epley
aad Peter .Vmtth, let 1 In bLeeJt 2 and
paitof lot 8 In block 26 in Scio ; eouaid
eration. $2880.
J C JohOfQ.1 ta rl A Jebneon. Iota 55
TO ana v? !
TRIehanUen et al to R Peatlknd
300 aerea of the LC Richardson estate
clonnaei the bloed, and radically cures
kidney diaease, gravel, piles, bidieus head- j
ache and pains which are caused by dis
ordered liver sud kidney. Thouaaad
have been cored -why should you not
try ll.
lieen streets, good sidewalks and well
kept yards speak volumes for a eity. Al
bany is ahead of mast cities ia U.i. rvtpcct,
but there to lets of room for impr iveuieut.
"' o
AmmeuS Cough Syrup never fade to
cure If used iu time aud according to direction.
Final Settlement.
Notice U hereby irien that the uo.hsr-
dgned administrator of the eeate a
por leek deceased baa Died his tint! c-
viunt as sui's ailministrator in to cunty
xurt. 01 1 .inn count v, Oregon, and tv or
lor ef aaid Conrt, Saturday, tbe Tib day of
Hrteber, l2 at tbe hour or nine o'clock
i. m or aaio jar is set ror neanna oomo-
Jons to said account snd the eettlement
bereoC Any person interested in said
tale la berehv. notified ta aprar ad tile
bis or ber oMeotioun to aabi a.-o.unt snd
the aeitleuieel tbeieor on wr before aaid
Sweet Home.
Keeps a foil stock of Grocariee. Druire,
Medicines, Liquors, and everything that
mountain ezouraioniato require, st prices
very reasonable
In connection with the ator a feed
stable, where homes wiU bo fed hyl and
oeta over nhtht for 50 cents. One span
horeas ous feed to ejraio. 25 cento.
In going up t the mountain you will
croaathA creek before coming to my store
and ate vie.
Scle ; consideratiea,
they cheated you eut of lAen togeth
ferry beal oa tbe S mtism snd hie licssse sr yon wUl find they havs eafc you mere tbas QOD,idratia fi00.
waa planed at f 10 per year wbieh he mused oae of toe Brusb fanning mills mnuiaoarea
to pay. by Jno Brush A Sun, Albany Oregon, tbe
aae of which will sou rid you from all foal
Pf ii mler'a Oregon ttlood rurlfler in the
boat leuiedy for that dread diaease, dyspo.
sis, far it reg nlates tho lymphatic ay atom
aed bad secretions.
verlaad Heathl.
The Aral number of tha united 'Call
fernUn and Overlsnd Monthly will con
tain a critical study, by Professor E. R.
A Film WANTf D.
Wn have a wuitotner who wants to
care of mere aad our readers will find it
profitable, to giye bpn a call.
Selling Off,
Sill, of tha doctrinea of Ralph Walde ohaae a farm in Una ooaoty of from 80 to
Engeraon, Rev, 8. II. Willey, pioneer er-
ganlzar of the Collega of California, will
100 acres. Would like to have the greater
part of it in cultivation, and s dwelling
oontributi an lutorcstlrg aketca or what house on ir. Any ene wishing to sell a place
WW proposed by tbe Trustees at that time that wiU coint near an,wering this descrip
tion can find a buyer hy applyiug at this
office on or before Tuesday of uext week.
(or that (mutation, sle a Story from the
pan ot W. C. Morrow; poem a by EiUabeth
Stewart Phelpa and CarloUa Perry; 'Mod
ern Ethics and Egotlemf" a philosophical
paper by MUioent Washburn 8hlnn; of Early California by James The members of tbe WCTT are hereby
O'M-mra a pathetio Poem entitled, '-The notified that the regular buaiueas matting
W. .T. f.
Mrs Powell has Jut returned fraau
Portland, where she, with Miss French,
r XAinined the Fell millinery and madg
tucli Mlloctiobs a will enable her t fur
nish her patrons with the latoot and most
ttibiouable otyle of Fll and Wiwtor
aiillinsty. Call snd piuchase while you
tray obtain goods at h bargain. Whi
'here goods are going cheap they aro got
ten np wish tha usual skilland tuto of
former season g.
Milliners in the ataal I towns would find
to their Interest to cull and select from Mrs.
Powell's large stock of staple goo Ja. hhe
offers to them extra iaduoemente, as ahe
ia-very anxious to close out her bust neea
In Albany and j la ber family, who have
just started for their future borne In Seat
tle, The goods are for sale and price no
object. Call and buy.
Baby on tbe Wall," by Dr. Gaily, which
will be welcomed by the many who fol
lowed the Interesting obapiere of 4 Sand"
and "Ulg. leak Small;" a history of "The
Vigilantes of Montana;" besides other
st rles, Poems, Sketches, Au.
tors. P,tite Lecture.
will be held to-day, 13 inst,, at three o'clock
instead of the day followiag at Y P C A
Hall. Mrs. W H Hioes, of Portland will
be present at that time an I address the
Union. Full attendance is requested,
Hy rswtwr Pres.
Mrs. Dr. Potts will btteJ i her fltosg at
Y P C 4 AU Mnaduy oveuiiijj n-txt and
ooatigue every evening during tho week
The afternoon lectures will be exclusively
for ladies. For particulars see ad. in anoth
er colum i. Mrs. Dr, Petta is spoken very
highly of by the press ef Califeruis; bet hor
best recommen istion will be her lectures,
fresa rises
. W I V- I
IViata : t) Uorhelius, Turner ; K A Rampv.
Every Tuesday and Friday at Hydsa Mali f Harrisbarg ; Starr and Blakely, Browns
market cor of Bres Ulbm and First St,
The beat aalve in the world for cuts, brma
ea, sores, ulcers, salt rneuui, fever sores, tet
ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all
kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar
anteed to give perfect stifactiort in every
case or money refunded. Price 35c per box.
For sals by Foshay and Mason, wholesale
agts ; D Moore, Soio ; D Foley, Lohnon ;
Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Redpath and Mom
tague, Je tier son ; L M Calhresth, Buena
MI Smith to Peter Smlt, i, lot' sad
pail of let 4 ta block II In Set,; consid
eration, $000.
DJ Hayes to kHizabeth Pearl, lets 7
and; la block 17, lu Haiavy ; eousider
atlaa, $121
Enooh Cyrus to Rnbt Miller. 342 aerea:
aoiaiderauoa, $3003.
etleSweffle, by J J (htrltoa. SharifT.
ta Milton Male and P luitiuaere, 155
acres : oaoalderatioa, SJtHKi.
Chas II Peach to Allee l May, lots 5
aad din block 3 la iSUedd ; couaidera
tior.. 850.
Andrew Hi to ta Nancy J Brown, 21
aerea ; oonstaeratiau , 2-o
V P Morrow to J J Dome, lota 2, 3 and
Uiftblook 10, in Soi consideration.
Walter Huston tu Th m T Waggatocr,
of an acre ia Hai risbur. : ooaaidera
tioa, $1000.
Eneah Hoult to Thoa E frltvf S
aerea ; oeusid-railoo, S-V
Halter Hugton ta Waa S II u - ton, 724
acreg; aonsideratioti, $4000,
Meroer Thompson to B A Stafford,
SlOaores ; consldt ration. $1.
W II H0nromlMga to Major Johneia?
cone Ideration, $2mi
JohnH Cochran to Wm Cochran, all
internet in tbe estate of Caroline Coedt
ran ; consideration. $-m
JaaD Fountalre to Jaa p bfltaotin,
all lntere-t in the estn e of ii K cltool
liag; ceusiderattan, rvidd.
Jnsli Stuart to Jan Htoel, 33.9 9(.vs :
OonHlderation, $26,000.
It Is the common eue. a i w the
ntandsrd of natural heal.h and normal
activity, among American women, bt be
ing lowered by tbe influen ce of fitlse
ideas and habits of life, engendered by
fsahloaable ignorance and Inxrtoua living.
It la a happy circumstance tbst Mrs
Lydfn K Fiakhsen, has come to the front
to luatruct and onrethe enfferers of ber
, e
Entlrelj natlaractrT-
Lad lea wishing a perfunv combining
novelty, and excellence find Floresten
Cologne entirely satisfactory .
Tbe youthful color anl a rich lustre are
restored to faded or gray hair by the use
of Parker's Hair Balem, adreesiug highly
esteemed for its perfumepurity.
- ' ...
Sweet Home !
Iar;ies going: up in the wimtntaina are
herobv notified that tiny wt I not hare
after be compelled lo pay extertionat for horse ied at Uu -khead in 8 weed
Borne Vslley I have oieue-l up sfeed
stable and have reduced the rates to a
figure so low that alt can au rd it. Give
me a fair petronaae and thus prevent
return to ths old extortionate rare.
Parties who hare purchased the Curran
Frui: Drier, and have the brieat on the
eiound, nbonld send na word i mined late
ly and we will go out and net np the ma
chine. To the public at largo wo wish to eav
that thoee who have beam testing tbi
drier during the present aeaoon eay that
it gives the best of satisfaction, doing more
work with a smaller quantity of wood than
any other machine in use.
D B Moxnctra A Co.
KOYUS Ml KK HART. On Sept, 12
1SS2, atthe resideaceof Mrs. M. A. Burk
hart, by Rev. J, W. Harri-, Mk. Georu
Koyce, and Miss ITblue 0. Bt'RXii.utT
all of Linn eeuaty.
sepk I2tb, 1S. st UtseesWendeof ta
bride's parents, ta Albaav, Dr.. 1 v Hev. T
B. White, Ma Dbloa DoLLa&niuc, and
Miss Anna Bauca. ail of Albany.
NANMY WRENN. On Sept, 12. 1882,
at ths residence oi the bride e mother ia
Linn Co., opposite Coevs I tiH, by itev S G
Irvine, D D., Ma Ja. Na.vky sad Miss
&PITR Wrun n" all of Lmu cennry. .
Ths happy con pie ha- ooV iieartit cen-
ijratulatioua for raultifori ua i kasinpi
BRAND PEACH -In th e uitv Sepi 11,
M&UU by the Rev. Caia.o ,., Mr Homer
H. Hra, and Miss Sarah J P i n all
of Linn county.
Miss Peach m to be coo gratnUtcd upon
e e a " ' w -
oemg ctiangea to a i titer braud, aid
Braud Uion securing aa a liLi nari
a delicious fruit.
The art connoisseur enhlhitor, Prof
Cromwell, was cured of rheumatism bv
St. Jacobs CdL "Norfolk Virginian."
i rr
CUERRY.-lti thia
osloA a hi., Mr,
5fc 1,1 iBWe. Jf
Notice to Fruit GroworF.
The uadersigned havia? obtained tho
excluaive right to make and sell tbe Pluna
mer Hot Air Family Frnit Drier in the
counties of Linn, lane and Kenton takes
the present opportunity taiofroea
wbo want to save ineir iruit oyop, t
he is prepared to receive ordeea for
best fruit drier in the market,- Plasm
Hot Air Family Drier, for paxtleolara a0-
johx DRioaa
Albany, Oregon.
1 rm H Bl ?B B asBaamw!wsasmsla m ssmtl
for alt diesaaae of the !5wam
Pit hi
enabling throw off terpmnsr 1
tte bowels ta firoe
mo BOe. and by keepms;
mslolmrlo ifyoume.
malaria, have the ebObv
sse bfiioos, dysveaSie, or eoaafaSsdstmaaw
Wort will sorely nolieve aad .ucWjr ones.
o- OLD av DKUOOIaTTw. tattaa 81.