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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1882)
BIDY SEPTEMBER 15, U82 Tub favorite hymn of the Kobeson i Congress : "I love to stal awhile eU, ttc.H Very appropriate. Arthur's flag, remarks the Boa ton PoM, floats proudly from the roast-head when that distinguished gentleman is aboard a government ebip. Pretty noon Mftkone will have a flag of his own. Dorsby, remarks the Philadelphia Chronicle, ia still Secretary of the Na tion Republican Campaign Comaiittte. It will be unfortunate for the party if Djraey ia compelled to write hia rraig nttion out on the note paper of tome Federal jail. The Atlanta Constitution ia reajon sible for this : It is now said that the Hen. Charles Foster, of Ohio, the groat temperance champion, orders hia soda water with one thumb up and three fingers down. Surely this means busi- Whbn President Arthur returns to Washington after his tramp on the high seas, he will probably find hia little flag so tattered and torn, that the only use he can make ef it will be to weaee it into a crown, place it upon his majes tic brow, and proclaim himself, Cheater the First. Wouldn't that make the immortal 30G happy 1 J A. C. Stanley, of Jackson, received the Democratic vote for Speaker of the House. We congratulate him on the honor conferred upon him by the mi nority party. The Democrats couldJ not hare caat their votes for a truer aad nobler gentleman. Our fellow townsman, T. J. Cline, was similarly honored, and received 20 votes for As sistant Clerk. We regret that he fail ed to make his election sura. We are net doing his more fortunate competi tor an injustice when we ssy.that "Jeff" can discount him when it comas to getting op a nice record. A BtiTE PAstTf INDEED That was a grand old speech deliver ed by ex-Senator Blaine, at Portland Maine, the other day. H reviewed the history of the Republican party for the past twenty-one years, and eulo gised the patty and its work in Lis usual glowing style, claiming that the deetinr of the United States during all that time had been in the keeping of the Republican party. lie for got to tell hia audience how a Democratic Congress ha 1 cut diwn the expenditures of the government; unearthed the frauds of tie Grant administration, prosecuted Babcock and the whiskey-ring, brought to light the peculations ia the Navy Department, explained the mysteries of the credit Mobilier (in which last Mr. Blaine played a conspicuous patt,) aad all these little aide issues which though peat are not forgotten. He failed to mention how the Democrats elected a President in 1876, in the pei- of Samuel J. TiidVrn, aad bow he counted out by Returning Board, ipuUted by visiting Statesmen of the grand old "party of moral ideas." Oh ao! It would not do to dwell on aicb subjects as these. Like the old negro preacher, who declined to tell his congregation how wrong it was to steal, because it would throw -'a kind of a dampness on da whole ni?etin'," Mr. Biaine could nH afford to remind hie hearers et the crimes in hia own pirty, for fear a redui of them migiat throw "a damper or on da whole mt-etio'." He waved the sanguinary under garment in the most approved fashion; he told ah the f and that had been dane by the Re publican party, and wasted a good deal of fine rhetoric in his efforts to do so, and claimed that there was at least one thing that could not truthfully be said of it: It never can be said that it was not a brave party. It never can b said that it bad a drop of cowards bleod in its whole organization. Nev or. Hardly ever. Can it be potteible that Mr. Blaine, ef Maine, has not hesrd sf the exploits of tiubbell and his ex tor ion committee? A party must be judged as well by the men who are its acknowledged leaders as by the prin ciples which it advocates. Applying the teat to the Republican party to-day, what becomes of its boasted bravry? HubbeU is chairman ef the National Republican Congressional Committee, aal BjS Djrsey, its Secretary. Fair representatives indeed of a party that "haa not a drop of coward's blood in its whole organization." Their raids upon the little waea in Congress, upon the widows of battle-scarred veterans, poor Iv naid cletk. life-boat crews aad the like, are bein j denounced throughout the length and breadth of the land as mercenary indecent and cowardly. Their only d feeders are to be found in t ie ranks of the Republican party. T-iey are mti already high ia office or fattening at ti e public crib, if the method adapt -d rv Hulbell an i hia oerroptk bin' h to maintain a paity iu power that ha outlived every principle, entitle it to called a brave party, then no one ii I dispute Mr. Biaine'a claim. A report comes from Pennsylvania that the leaders of the Irish Land League are npgotialang with Republi cans for the sain of their vcti s to t! at Darty A BUCBMeNB) IN TUB FIELD The close contest in the last election ia Marion County had the effect ef bringing to the front one men at least, who haa thus far shown s spirit worthy of emulation by his compeers in the Senate. That man is Senator Jaoob Voorheea. Hs began hia eareer by plainly tailing his Republican brethren in caucus, that he would not, under any circumstance, vote for Mr. Hirsch for President ef tLe Senate. This had the efleot of driving Mr. Hirseh from the field, for the simple resson that cot even one vote could be thrown away in the organisation ef the Senate, where the Republicans only have a majority ef two. Mr. Voorhes has perhajie not forgotten the course of Mr. Hirsch in the last Senate, and how on a certain occasion he put himself to the trouble ef handing over his gavel to a (el low member, in order that he might take the floor and most glaringly misrepre sent the Willamette Valley. Be ides rewarding his merits as a presiding officer bj gallantly leaving him alone, Mr. Voorheea has provsn that the Wil lamette Valley haa one Republican at least who darea teach its traduoers a lesson for future guidance. Whether McConnell, will do any better than Hirsch is very doubtf jl. As a mem ber of the Senate two years ago, he showed a disposition to toady to wealth, railroad corporations, and monopolies generally. The great ower of a presi ding officer 1 y in the appoint ment ef atanding committees, but here a check was thrown around Mr. McConnell by a little ingenious parliamentary engin eering. Before the adoption of the rales, this same Senator Voorheea, of fared a resolution authorizing a com mittee to appoint standing committees' naming as such committee Starkweath er, Havenpert, Hall, Prim and Clow. The machine men opposed this resolu tion with all their might and main, out with the aid of the solid Democratic vote and sis Republican votes, the resolution was carried. This unez pec ted action of the Senate created great consternation in the ranks of the "truly loyal," and fell like a wet blank et on the Mitchell faetion. True it was net very complimentary to Mr. McCon nell, but if it servee to take the orgasv zation of the committees out cd the hande of ring peliticiane, aa aeems like ly to oe the caw, a vast stride nil have bean made in the right direction. The Democrats in the Senate, as well aa Senator Voorheea and hi five Repub lican friends, are to be congratulated upon their prompt action in the matter. 4 tUFOBMt BtriBLH t MOBIttTIDR. Following are the nominations re cently made by the Republican Craven tion of California : Governor, M. M. Etee ; Lieutenant Governor, A. R. Conklin ; Secretary ot S at-, F. A. Pedlar ; Cjotreller, W. A. Davis ; Treasurer, Jhn WU Attofuey-Ueaeral, W. Minto ; Sup. eriniendent of Public Instruction, 8. D. Wa-.ertnm , Supreme Judge, S. C. Denson, and Juhu Huut, Jr. ; Cm' grueamen at Large, Honry and W. W. Morrow ; Paul Noumea, BL F. Pag, J. J. 0 Haven and O. L. Wood were nomiuetod for Cengreee in the four respective dtHtncts. The gentleman uominated, with but few exception, ant ni.knoan outside of their respective loC'lities. The result ut i bo labors of the couveutt.n ia not entirely satisfactory :- the great ru -. of Republican, an 1 the Republic m press, ia decidedly lukewarm in its sepport of tli ; nominees. At no time in tbo pant six year have the chances of the Democratic pa'ty ef that State been better than now. As yet there are only two tickets in the field, and the probability is there will not be a third to divide up the vote. With united effort on the part of the Democ racy, succeae is certain. The Democratic ticket represents the anti-monopoly sentiment, and the position of the sev eral nominees is well-known, whilst the nominees of the Republican jarty are creatures of the great railroad cor porations in the State. o; M cuter the aesAra ssd msi'se. Following are the permanent ollicers of the Senate : W. J. McConuell, of Yamhill, Pres ident. Austin Miner, of Djugia, Chief Clerk. William Gibbs, of Multnomah, As sistant Clerk. Wiley Cbapmar, of Clackamas, gbr gaant-at-Arms. C E. DuBoia, of Multnomah, D or keeper. Following are the officers of the House : Qeorge McBritb, of Columbia, Speak -a. J. W. Strange, of Douglo, Chief Ulerk. G. Irvin, of Benton, Aaaistant Clerk. J. C. Hadaway, of Yamhill, Si-geant-at-Artus. B. Caliph, of Clackama, Dorkce( er. The Speaker appointed Ey E Hewitt, of Polk, aud FiankjNtcklin, or Lane, pages. It Is astonishing the number of intelli gent people who, regtr.1 a cold or ouga as trivial matter, something uonectesa'y to py at-entioa to. Uow tusny tim s have you heard the expression, uo nothing the matter, only a alight eold." Yea my friend, and nine-tenths of the m m y thou sand consumptives who wlk theoarth to day doomed to a premature detth, atld the same thing. We pay attention ton cold, and promptly too. Oar remedy is Am men's Cough Syrup; some other prep arations are good, we have found it by far the teit. IMI.e.tT4UH AND TSWittl. As a rule, members of the Legiala ture from different portions of the State, nave in former years, looked upon al most every measure with suspicion thst had its origin in the oity of Portland. In some cases, perhaps, this is a safe rule to be governed by, for it is generally the case that jobs in the way of legisla tion have their inception iu the Isrgsr oities snd towns. There is no doubt but that much wholesome legislation has been defeated for no other reason iu ths world than that it found its ad vocates among the Multnomah delega tion and oitizsn ef Portland. No good reason csn be given for this unjust suspicion of our metropolitan neigh bora It is traceable, no doubt, to imprudence on the part ot gushing young statesmen from the city who go te Sa'oaa to teach their rustic friends from the cow-counties important lea an in farming, a well as legislation. Instead of attending to business that properly belongi to that body, they go out of their way te praise Portland and misrepresent other portions of the Slate. But the good citizens of Portland are not to blame for the gibberish of their mis-representatives. There are men in Portland (and their name ia Legion, who have the interests of the whole State at heart, fer well they know that in proportion aa the State generally ia developed the wealth of the metropolis ia increased. We believe that the Board of Trade of the city of Portland, are with few exceptions, representativea of the best iutereats of ths Stats, am' as such, their opinions are entitled to some weight and soma consideration at the handa of the Valley members. The Beard hss fer some time (Mist been urging the importance of divorcing the towage and pilotage laws, which in daya long gone by were framed togeth er for the purpose of pi electing an on terpriae that was then oonaidered ven turesome. Since three la w a ore pa uted grea strides have been made iu the commercial development of the S ale and it has become an imperative r.e :cv sity to put down the great monopoly thst controls the shipping in and out ef the Columbia river. With a view te thia end, the B jard of Trade have had a bill prepared to he introduced at the present session of the legislature, which it isclaimei wi'l meet the ends desired. At yet we have not aeon the bill, but it is said to be a good one. It ia the duty ef the members of the legislature to gito it their attention, and if it ia a meritorioua measure, pass it L t prej udice be laid aaide long enough to remedy aa acknowledged evil. One thing is certain, it would be didioult to pass a law that eould work a greater hardship than the law now regulating pilotage and towage. Let us have a change, and if it be for the worse, a change can be effected two years hence aaTQBaBBkSeeeiBaM? TDK DtTV Or Tit DBBOt BtTS. UatU after the election ef a Heaator to anecesd Boo L V C rover comparatively eoth tag will bo accomplished by the present Leg ialatore. There is no question, bat that li.htaieg will strike ia the Republican ranks somewhere, hut whether it wUI strike the man moet desired by the whole people is extremely dotthttut. The duty or the Demo crats in this Senatorial contest ia plain They have nothing whatever to do with the present tight. TW .not afford to form a coalition with any ef the factions for the pnrpaee o' furthering the interests of any caadidata Tney have been elected by Democratic votes to represent Democratic pnueipies. To fair ly represent their constituents, thry sboald meet in caucus, nominate a Demuerat whose integrity cannot be questioned aad cast a solid vote for hi in. Any other course would but be establishing a precedent that, iu after year, would prove dangerous tu the extreme. Lot Mitchell aad all other Keeutdieaaa alone, and no blame can be attached to tbo Democratic party, if Oregon happens to be represented in the next Congress by railroad attorney. aaewxavitLE I IT, MA. II r. Martin one of our ah comakers, returned from Lcwuviile last Monday. Mr. Clifton, who has for some time been suffering with the bronchitis started east ef the Cascades on last Monday sseking health. Mr. A. P. Bonzey formerly of Buena Vista, was in town last week. Wood is selling at. $2.25 per cord. Potatoes are scarce. The Rev. Mr. Black, last Sanday proved that the Millenium will come at the close of the six thouesndih year. The,Kcrth Brownsville sehool open ed last Monday with twenty-eight pu pile. On last Sunday an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson died. It was buried on the following Monday. Til T ill- 1 ano rowusvme acuoci opened on the 4th inst with a good attendance. Messrs. Curl & Morgan have a se- ection of panthers, elk and also a three lagged calf that they contemplate taking to the state Fair, ibese animals, though natives of our own coast, are seen by but comparatively few people. Everyone should.see them. -OSH A WOSDBBFVa DISCO VKtt V For the apeedy cure of consumption and all diseases that lead io it, such aa stubborn coughs, neglected colds, bronchitis, luy fo- ver, astnma, pain m tne srae anu cti:t, dry hackinir couir h, tickling in the throat, boarse- uees, sere threat and all chronic or lingering diseases or the throat ana luniks, Dr. King s New Discovery has no equal aud haa estab lished for itself a world-wide reuutatieu. Many lading physicians recommend and una it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and the press have complimented in the most glow ing terms. Go to yonr druggist and get a botte free of cost, or a regular size for $1. For sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale agents Alb--oy ; D. Morria, Scio ; Dr. L Foley, Leba non ; Dr. J. M. Powell, Lebanon ; D. M Calbreatte, Buena Vista ; fteafetto and Mon tague, Jefferson ; O. U. P. Cornelius, Tar nor ; K. X. Rampy, Harriaburg ; 8. S Hayes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Hflsey Starr and Biakely, Brownsville. O ORBZSPONDENOE SKD&NDM KDTDS. Lkbamon Sep. 13th, 1882. Ed. Democrat : k boy of Mr. Morris, living near Sweet severely injured in the eye by the bursting of a oartridgo. A portion of the shell it is thought entered the eye nad double are entertained whether he will not lose bis aight. The fine Messenger and Morgan stallion of the McK nigh t boya is thought te be dangerously siok, They have brought him to town and placed him in obarge of Dr. Ballard. The decto', while ablo to tell with a degree of cer tainty human ail somewhat at a less to prescribe in auch oases. Mrs. William Elkina, ef Dallsa, is visiting relations and frieuda here. Thia uaed to be her old heme, and all feel glad to see her again. Mr. A. Dodge is making arrange menta, and will, in a few days, begin the erection of a large feed and sale stable in town, if everything works well, he expects to build a rather Hue resilience and m ive his family in from bit farm. The Pall and Winter term of the Santiam Academy begina on next Mon day the 16th. The School ia in charge of Professor Gilbert, sn old snd experi enced eduestor, Ths School is deaiia hly located, and can offer as good in ducements aa any other high Sohoo'. Those desiring te attend should be on hand. Also the public school under the charge of Miss Liu Anderson as princi pal, begina the same day. From pres ent appearanoea the attendance at both aohools wilt be good. Since ths ears have been running to ljobaaon there have been eold 230 i tiokets Io Albany . It ia nee ilea to say the oeunty seat haa not been benefitted by the building of ihe reed. The pas sesger and freight tratic is constantly increasing, and it is a eusstion whether any other portion of the same length of road pays or will pay the company bet ter than the Lebanon bianch. From recent word from Manager Koehlor a change in the time will likely soon be made, in which the train will arrive an hour sooner and depart an hour later. Should thia be done it will still further add te the receipt of the company as well as to the better advantage ef the people. The republicans are somewhat di vided on the oandidsncy of J. II. Mitchell for United States Senator. Meat, however, are inclined to think be ia the beet man to send. The aem ocrata, wuh but few exception, are net in favor of elevating a man to the highest position within the gi't of the lgislslure, with the record of J. II. Mitchell, especially after the strong opposition against him and hia methods in the jaut If he is to be vindieatod by another term, let it be dene by tbe republicans. The demo crats can ill afietd, if bait of what haa been charged against him is true, to aid him in an election. To any, aa so mo do, thst he is the only man that can represent the Bute is rather a peer admission of the honesty, integrity sod intelligence of tbe citisens of tbe State. Lsh. at IO BOTKS Scio, Sep. 7th, 1AS2. The Seveu f)ay Adventiate are hold ing ear vices here m their large toot. Considerable interest manifeated by tboee who belong, but aa yet do new members have beea ebteined. They have recently obtained an organ which sdds greatly t- their services. Mr. Alexsnder is having a new building erected which will be uatd for a livety etable. Mr. Pete Bilyeu ia having seme ad ditions made te bis hotel which, when completed, will make bis a large aud ftommodious entertaining house. Farmers are busy working aummer fallow preparatory te aeediog. Some, however, that have no fallow land are waiting patiently for rain. Since our last tv i children have been buried from Scio. The children of Rev. John Oaborn aud Mr. Leigh, respectively. The Scio sehool will soon open again, and in consequence the town will pre sent a more lively appearance. A great many in thia vicinity are preparing to attend the coming State Fair. The Ferka will ef course receive her share of the premiums. Mr. France, is building a nice addi tion to hie bouse which adds very much to the appearance of hia prom- Hon. T. M. Munkers, living near town will soon hsve his new house completed. Verily Scio and vicinity ia looking upward. C'ives. Ed. Democrat: Thinking that a few items fiem this place might be of some interest te some of tbe rerdeta of your paper, as to what we are doing and what we are going te do, etc. Business is vsry good, taking all things into consideration. Johnson & Sheltoa have received. this week a large invoice ef new goods tn the line of general merebandise. which in addition te their already large stock ef goods makes it quite complete. A. J. Houston is offering to sell out bis entire stock-in-trade, consisting of dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc., etc. Johnny Morrii is still iu the drug business en the eorner and is always ready to wait on hia cuatomsra and it makes him smile to see the caah. There are Talcett & Kelly further duwn tbe street who also have a neat stock cf drugs, oils, paints, tohace , oigMi-a, etc., and are receiving a f. ir portion of pat ronage, I hey alee keep ut Hoffuniu dc Joseph's manufacture of Koda pup h tienh supply aud in the rer can he found a brat-class barber shop. Johnson, Epley & O. ere doing a driving business iu tt.e livtry busi- nese. N. Young I giving general satisfac tion In making good fl ur at the Scio MM. Wo liaveu't time to notice all of the departments of business st present, but will st some future give you a mo-ft minute account or the business of Scio. J J. Kelly and family, who have resided in The Forks sine 1852, will start, noxt Monday, for Eastern Ore- go n for a visit to friend sod relatives In that section of country, snd will romsln there until next Spring. Beard, May k Co. sre taking In an linmsnas q mutity of wheat und osts at the Weal Hclo warshouao. Tbe district school will commence on next Monday In Scio, under the tutorage of Prof, Mamli, w o taught our Isst school here with hu -m end gave good eattsfiicilon to uM. The flood Templar Lodge is In fine working order, nnd, a few meetings ago, elected a full quote of delegate to the county Lodge, which will meet at Hillary on the 27th Inst. Delcgu tion consisting of seven, nsmely fors. K. E. Pentland, Mrs. Jennie Coon, W. K. Kelly, Miss Jehe son, Mies Florence Montgomery snd Mr. uud Mrs. Talcolt. There will be qulto a number of our citisens attend tho Slate Fair. Aa time turbid our further remarks will close. Asost. ssir.M osnKsretDKii'K. SAI.KM, Sept. 14, IStf. Hditort Vetitvcrat. The 'ci(y ef churches" is jubilant. It is ell bustle and uacitemonl. Tbo dolons ate here where they do hienual ly oongregite. The tan, nervous a is am M a wide-awake law maker irom tne me tropolitan city is here aad on tbe alert. The thoughtful, honest, unsophisticat ed granger ia hero to make honest laws for his uoustituenie. Ihe uncouth, but active and rugged law-maker from the "cow counties," the aiming re giena, ibe nooks nnd oorneis of tbe coaat-wise counties, snd tbe hills and valleye of Kastern aud Southern Ore gon te here, all together forming a heterogeneous conclave of legislators, where notions of legislation will prove diverse, dissimilar, and often conflict ing. Hut above all and more peteut than all, ia tbe "third house," the lobby which te here in the full vigor ef its )ower, earnest, determined hoe ful, sanguine. The quention ia often naked why tbe lobby that attenda upon the sessions of Republican legislatures is tatero bold, powerful, "cbeekv," uu blushing, uusci upuloua, and successful, iban these of Democratic Legislate ree. Thia question io fully answered te each sbtewd calculating person who eitenda upou the session of one Republican legislature end one Democratic Legis lature. Every move made bore, uow by any Kepubiicau member of either house, and the lobby, u design ed to af fect in aomo wsy tbe election of Unit ed States Senator. Tbe senatorial queaiion is tbo all absorbing one, and all others are tnaae te sink into insig nificance, and are made eubordinate te the maiu one. The friends ef Mitchell came up with the determination ef mak ing Sol. Iltrcab president of the Senate hut there were some obatreperoea Re publican Senators, who declared in u n mislakahle language that they would m l support him even if ho were nominated .a caucus. Tuts tbteat 0 impelled the stalwarts to withdraw liiracb and put up ieConnell ef Vsmhill. This was dene and "JSH was duly elected presi dent. Tho half-breeds consented tn this because "Mo, was ouderstsod to be anii .tttchetl, but it is said that in lees than an bour after bis election he developed into a full fledged stalwart. No body but a etalwart could get hie ear, and he was being buttonhole by stalwqrte, aud atelwerta only. Tnu opened the eyes of the half-breeds and they wore aeon made aware ot the fact that they bad "president vnlli a Je wish aign for a president J i h in everything but the sign" at waa face tioualy remarked by a. venerable Repub lican J ndge. in otbur words, tbey had exchanged a atalwart with braiua for a stalwart without brains. This at once produced a lack of confidence among such half-breeds aa Voorheea, Waldo and Davnniert of JfassOD, Humphrey ef Linn, Joaaupof Yamhill and Stark weather: ef Clackamas, whereupon Veorbee intreduood a resolution in the Senate providing for the appoint ment of Slaikwether of Clack am .s. Hal ot Grant, Davenport of Aferteo, Prim ef Jacksen, and Clow ef Benton and Pelk,aa a committee to arrange tbe standing committees of tbe Senate. This, of course, is an innovation, aa tho custom hss been, "fer s long period ef time," for the preai Jent ef the Senate to appoint all standing committees. Tbe Democrats, thinking this res olution of Voorheea right In principle supported it solidly. After a per llsmentsry fight of over two hours led by Colug of Douglas en the part of the stalwarts, and Humphrey aud Starkweather on the part of the half breeds, snd Bilyeu on the part of the Democrats, the resolution was sd pt ed by a vote of 0 to 20. This par liamentary tilt developed two things. One Is, that McConnell, tbo president of the Senate is a Stalwart of the Stalwarts as shown by his rulings In the fiarht, which In one case was so manifestly unfair, absurd, and rid leu lous, that Mr. bilyea ef Linn bed te appeal in order to maintain the rights snd dignity of the Senate. Tbo other fact developed In tho fight is, that Senator Bilyeu is the lesding dobater and parliamentarian in the Senate. Linn may well be proud of him and Senator limit, who will ably and conscientiously represent tho interests confided t their keening. Mitchell's friends claim that be wil have 24 votes on the first ballot in caucus, while the opposition claim tnathe will have but 21. It will take 27 to nominate if all Regublloan members go into caucus, lt Is claim ed by those opposed to Mitchell, that there are 10 members of the Hause and Senate who will not go into cau cus, nor abide Its nomination, nor support Mitchell under any eircum sfanevH. Rut Ii Ma netttf? vtry prev sternly expressed, that cruiu lo'jby. i.itw ar. here prepared to raiko w-e i ctd but se uctrf ttlyeice, wnicn tvepuuiu' him uu niiucreraiiti k r h . j i a -i a i well hw tu u-te, ami which thry nu.v use in sll iht-ir eonteets with Demo- era IS, irwm thr elicin ti . f President down to Sheriff, nnd muny Democrats and Heput limn, w o are not direct Jt n the fight, rtiiiik thid "influence" (a sp"ad Preddeut Arthur called il) will bear fruit m euttkitut half breed votes to elect Mitchell Much legislation ii proposed, as u shown by the notice of the introduction of bills. But your correspondent feel? safe in saying that not much legisla tion in the Interest of the people will be accomplished. Time will tell however. Mrs. Dunnlway is hrra look ing sftcr tbe Interests ef woman suffrage. She Is quiet, serene and apparently happy, She informs mo that he.o amendment will not be pressed until after the sons tor Is 1 con test Is determ ned. Sao confidently expects Its passage by a large major i ly. The temperance folk will anon appear In force before the Legislature asking the passage of a resolution, submitting a prohibitory amendment te the people. It Is ssld this move ment Is oacked by 6QJ)0Q jmUliorvrrt This should bo sufficient to Just I fy any and all members te vote for tho resolution. Ills purely A marl- can, thst the people should hsve tbe opportunity to vole upon sll such questions so grave sad Important. No Democrat can afford te veto against the resolution, as It is a funds. mental doctrine ef the party, that s majority shall rale, and that the au thority to govern is derived from tbo consent ef tbe governed. A member might consistently vote In "the Legislature for the passage of the resolution, and then against It when It Is submitted to the people, . . a ai -. a . . as, in tno nrst instance, ne acta in a reprssentatlve capacity, whilt , In the second place, he acts io a personal ca pacity. Tbe retiring Governor, . W. Thayer, delivered his message te tbo legislature In Jelat convention yesterday at. 10 o'clock a. m. It meets with almost universal commendation, as being the sbleat snd moet com pre hedalve meaeage over delivered to an Oregon legislature. It merits a careful and studied perusal at the bauds of every voter in tbe State. After Governor Thayer had finish, ed reading bis meaeage Governor Moody, elect, was introduced by the fresldeut of the Senate, when the oath of office waa administered b Chief Justice Lord, of the Supreme Court, The Governor then read hU inaugural address, which la said to bavo been well lecolved. Tho ap plicants for office are Innumerable. Dozens of boys were here, from all parts ef tbe State, wanting to be pages In the Senate and In the Houre. Great, stalwart mon, muscular enough to be good rail-makers, were hero In great force, wanting to be Be rgean te at-arms and Doorkeeper. Forty men wanted to bo private Kecretary to the Governor, while but one, C B. Jeree, of Salem, could receive the appointment. Thirty six men want to be Superintendent of the peniten tiary, aod as many warden, but ne appointment, baa, as yet, been made. A lesding Linn county republican, who canvassed tho county last June, is an earnest applicant fur warden or superintendent, but we fear his hepee will not be realized. Such a hungry erowd has never beore collected In Salem. It is fearful to eonteraelute the condition of things that would ex ist, if the republican party had no ttateor federal patronage to dlstribu te among tbe hungry horde who con stitute the active, energetic as I HP I ef the party. S John Millard loft Prinovllto last Kalur day and arrived bore on Tuesday even injt. romtog from 11 tack iiutte, a distance of 102 ml lea ia two dsys Schmoor r .id Senders arrived at Prlne- ville all r!,bt about noon last Saturday, making tbe tf b :woen Albany acd that point in three and a half daya. Mart Payne and Dr. Alexander aid their Camiilea. and W. a4. Smith anti wife. have lioon evor Ui tbo Matoleua aud n to arri- o heme on Wednoa.jsy or Thura day of la la week. Uncle George Hughes and parte are earn pi n at Alder Creek aa-i have killed several doer. Wrn Baltimore -ad family and Anthony Baltimore are at Waitm . ... but pursuit of the festive mowiub. While two yoang men named Abbot and Morris, frou Mwec Home, were hunt lug uu Moeee Crek a tea daya egp a cart ridge was dropped their ramp lire and enpledod. Part f the shell struck Morris ia ii fjce r dut'ng a severe woune. Dr Powell, ut leieinon, went up to attend tbe wounded man. Setly la Walllaa It ia folly to wait until yen are In bed with disease that may taet months, when yon oan be cured by a dmoly use ef Parker's U lager Tonic. V. e have known alekly families mide tin healthiest by it. Observer." reaalar Kscrjrwker. Every family should have a Lottie ol Syrup of Flga constantly on hand. Its pleasant taste and boneookd enact make It popular everywhere, and the results are bet'er health and fewer doctor bills. It may be taken by old and young, by mon and women, under any and all cireutnaian coo. For ado by Foshay 4 Mason, Albany, R. or 4 Son, Halsey. Aaewe This. Can yen Had a case of Bright's Ptaease of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary .r Liver ( 'omplainte that IS enrabte, that Hop Bit tore baa not or oan not cure? Ask your neighbors if they oan. The aad Worthless are noror imitated or eounterftitetl. Thia ia oipecially true of a family medicine, and iti positive proof that tbo remedy hnitatetl is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tasted and proved by tl e whole world the Hop Bitters was tho purser, boat and aiest vsJeable family medians en earth, many imitations sprang up aad began to it ;al tho notices io which tho press aod the people of too errantry nsopxpresscd the incuts of H. B., and ia every way trying te induce sufferinc I 11 J. s. it as W invauas te try ineir stun instead, expecting to make money on tho eredit and good name of H. B. Msny others started nostrums pat up in similar stylo to 11. B. with variously uevieee names in wntca too word "iion or 1 1 rv it t r ... neon were useu in a way to indace peopl. to oeueve tney were tne same aa Hop Bit tors. All suoh pretended remedies or cures, no matter wnat tbeir style or aatae is. and osBoonuIv thoee with tho wnrd !,..." . "Hops ' in their name or in any way con nected wiin tnem or tneir name, are lmita Hon tor oouuterfeits, Beware ef them. Touch none of tnem. Use nothing bat eonaino Hon Bitter with a bunch or cluster of ereen Hons on tho white label Trust nothing else. Drag gists and dealers are warned against dealing n imitations or count) i its. Assessment Notice t ;i m iiiur of the Board of rireot-a n o on tn i fin my or Aug. iss'j as a QVo lit Sdoiii the c'Hpiial Gold and lir r vt-nina (.Vripenye Sa em Oieaon levied m aMutraoit en It capital stock ef one ami one halt miiia. payab'e and aem pient Ootobii 101b, 18S2, 8. P. Chat wick, secretary C. O. & s, M. Co. An. Mlh, 1882. 5w4. Took Up. I took up, July 14th, and have n nv turo sne bay mare wuh blaze e race white hind legs, white spot on right fan root, branded a a above an A on rig u shoulder ; one u rrel mare with whiu spot in forehead, fame brand ; one oa colt and one sorrel r oit. yearlings bran dec S on right b oulder. Tie sorrel nuue hs sucV tug colt. WJC. U. 11 .KIACH, Walton's Ranch, W.V. and c. If. $10,000 I GENERAL MERCHNDISE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. Have your money sod come prepared for the day. I will commence selling st auction Monday, at 10 e'clodk, in Parrish'H Brick Buildiug, corner First snd Ferry gta., Albany, Oregon, the entire stock of genersi rnerrbandlae owned hy Mr. 19. Kellaky, and continue the same every day until the entire stock Is dis posed of. SAMUEL COHEN, Auctioneer. X. O. DIG Has lesuseel the Dim peon Warelioase and entirely overhaul, i it, placing IS la good condition, ao that ho In prepared to atere grain with perfect oaffety. He will alto pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE For wheat. Tho.e wlahiag ear ko eaa have.lheaa hy railing at ihe Final Settlement. NOTICE la hereby given that tho nn derstgned Administrator of thoee- uuo ot t aeanaa aammeref doceaeol, baa Olod In tbe County Court for Linn oeunty Oregon his Ileal account ao each adminis trator and by erdsr of aald court Monday the Sod day of October 1S82 at the hou r ef one o'clock p. in., of said day io wet for bearing objections tu aald account aad tbo M tlletnent there?. Any person Interest ed In aald estate in hereby notified to ap pear and file bis or her obleeUon u said final account on or before aald day. AOguat IS 1SBZ. .', Admlnlatrator. Dissolution Notice. The partberehip bertofore exl-alis; be tween the nndemlcnod under tbe firm name aod style of V-.r, lUurn A Co is thia day dissolved by mutual oonaent. Tbo buaineos will be continued by Otto Fez, re whom all debt a should bo paid, aad by whom all Indebtedness wilt We settled. trrroKox, N BiCM. Albany Aug. 21ot, lggi Notice to Tax-payers. To wAoas it may eomrem : yettooia hereby given that th" Board of oquaJlnulon of laxoefur Lioo county. Cro on, will attend at the ofhee of ihe County lerk ef Lien county, tbe last Mon lay in .September, 1HSZ, and publicly examine tne aoiisesmoat rolls for !-.', and correct alt errors in ralaatl a. doe hptinn or qua! It lea or landa, lots or other property. Iltaan H. V iu r st-. Assaaaar fur tbe County of Linn Aug. serf, iac. THE MKT POPULAR WHISKY -CT isj TUC UADIfCT lHanw" ,n ,nt 1 ' -ZmntT ABOUmfOTT A GREAT FAVORITE.!11' FN MBCslFAMLY USE IS WEI AS W A mtmjmm atjBaiinnamiBTt OID JUDGED JWSAUB7AUQrUKSiUQ9QnDtAllS. KANE.0LEARC9 WHOUSAU UQUOR MERCHANTS, FRED REISJ Wholesale and Retail Agent ALBANY, OR. smith & McCartney, tiii SUCCESSORS TO McCO Y & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c, Froman s Block, Albany , Or. PliyaiieiaiiaB prencrip tionas caveltilly prepared day or nig-lit- IFOR THE PERMANENT CURE 01 CONSTIPATIONS No otter StrseOses eqnsllsd the lstrsacthsBB She i sll ktaosor rasa eesa i have I o tar It ywrheeeotasseort pRicTe. uoMJtltjlPAlN D S ET All potaona knowine bomsolvea indubt- d to tbe late tlroa ef Pox, Baum A Co., will please am farwaid and fottlo at nos aad save aetata aa mv in be Willamette Vslley must be closed un named lately. fft. rurTnJOCY BOdRRflH Hit -Mir illssssii is so prsTsloat ta this ooua niasrina. snd ae lesssajrhss svei Vbm osas, this rsnsdywiU mmai It. pyBSsfctjtisss tofc" 71 USE lonssiaittf1 WORTH OF September 11, 1NN2. H.J. H0LBR00K & CO., UTICA, N.Y. ladies' and misses Fine shoes, DUNBAR, SMITH & CO, PHILADELPHIA, PA. LADIES, HISSES AID CHILDREI8 FINE SHOES. LILLY, BRACKET! & CO., BOSTON, MASS . Gents Fine BOOTS and SHOES Tb fall style frea tbe :bne celebrated fai toiies are jit teipg epeiea sat at SAMUEL E YOUNCS and ar supei vv to aaythins Beiav ttfore brought to this market. CKILDRERS9 School Shoes in latge vaiirties and st)!et 'fe cial attentioB bavin.? been givei It ibis line. Samuel E. lot m. NOTICE. We hae ihi dsr Of, o td Mr. RoU. A. Foeur, srut oil w O 4&rdisn A sour boo Co , of London, fur Albsxy and vicir.Uj. Sxaoo!r, Chubcii A Co. A us. 21, Qonoral AgenOt. BUAHQIil ASSUlilCE CO., OF L8ID0I. L 1 A BL1SHED, A. D. 1821. Capital snbscribasj, ... Capttal id up 10,0u0,0s0 . 5,000,U0 Nortt,' Thlo otmpany baa tho Urges t paid up capital et nr oosnpa it truing b jsinesa la the Units 1 States. Inscraneo avxpd by Fobt. A. Foam, Agtof AJtanv. Sheriff's Sale. a the Cooary Court f Limn Ctmmtg, Statt of Orejoa . Tbo Oorvallis Fruit Cosupaoy, a et rpora lion duly oranized under tbo Laws of tbo tato of Oregon, fiat ve W H Newman, Deft. By virtue of an execution and ardor of sale u-sued out of tbe above namod Court in tbo above omitted action to mo direct ed aud delivered, I have applied tbe fol lowing described real pi open y, beretoiors Attached in said action, l-wu ; ait tbo right, title and inioroot of tbeseid deiaJ sit iu and to tbo soul beast quarer aud Use aoulb half of tbe northeast quarter of section oigbt : also a tract of land bound ed and described aa follows, to-ii : Bo ginniag at tno south west ouiner of ibo south east quarter oi section eight snd running thence west 6 87-100 chains ; thence north wO chains ; thence east 6 oMUO chains to tbe north west corner of tbo i out h west quarter of tbe nortb-ast quarter of aoctiou eigbt ; thence south 60 chaiua to tbo plsco of beginning : sli in Lian oouniy, Oregon, and in Tp. 10S.U I woat of tbe Willamette meridian, ed on Saturday the 74 It day oTUetobrr mm at tho hour of on o'clock p. in., at ths Court, House door in tno cny of Aibaey, Linn county, crcgHii i will eel s- 4 real ptoymv.y a pm. as auotiou lor cash u baud t u j uvueet biudor, to eatudy tbo deiuaua of tno i'taiulitf in wtiU writ, tOWli: t ho MUat of Ail is U. &i, gold oet., with inlenvM teou, in tike o:in, at the rate of one ji coet r month, from tut b U of alarca. lvsx aud tbo further sum ot io 4t ooota aud the costs and expeua.-s of ante Dated -bis Sh d.v r Sptemlier !SS2. Usx. HUMfsf hot, bbertff of I Jun couniv, untgun. ts4. I stall ke if) the ver.. bast br in Ja of liq uors to bttkiiud iuui suarkot, aid will as 1 a. wuoloseit prices. Aieo tne BEST OiGASS AND TO&AO COS, POCKET-KNIVES AND NOTIONS. I wilt also sell resa estate, merchr-ndisj uaeboid gooda, stc. at aucti u Pet" aD v a , in the city or county. bttro opi ositi Meveta liouoc-, Albaay, or. 6ii VJIM COI SN.