"S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVKUY FRIDAY ST STEWART & CHAMBERLAIN. Ill ! FH EU BfMrrl Bsltdtases Urwadalbta street. TKKMS Of SLBSOUlPTlON at ." lutfe cjit, per year asw l .v.J- .-.. .1. I ha ............ IW ingle eufy, thrae wooUm - "J uiH number 1W PROFESSIONAL CARDS. t. MJSIX. O. . CHAMBBUI-AIM. FLIKN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT JLAIV, Albany, Oregon. irotlire in Foster's Brick Blook.A vl&nlStf. I'lKAlTirEIN ALLT tins Slate, Thev el tin to rollwUon and pi U.S. STRA1IAK, Albany, Oregon. IN ALL THE COURTS OF ulve special alien probata matter. . krti.-. i WWir'a new brlek. at viuw saa - L. H. MONTANYB. ATTOHNKAT I -AW. Notary Public. Albany. Ore. OrBee urwUlrs, over John BriwrVsAora, utmwt vltnastf J. K WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) .TTORNEY AT LAW, UIUW, ORM.OX. liriLL PRAOTIOK I ALL THE 00A7MN OK THIS VY Suu. Special etteutiuu itin U colleeUous aad robate B"r. ' in OJU FeUa" T!mj. J. C. rOWKLL W. H. HIUYKU POWELL & BILYEU, wTTQBNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors iu t'bancerv, ilAANY. - - - OHlfttOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reaaonaoie terms, narotfice in Foster's Brick.. Hul9if. F. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBASOK OUI UON. Will praotiee in all the courts of the Stat. Prompt sttentlon Rlvn U eollectionf. cod veyascea and exsraluatiou of Titles. Probate business spe-namy. GEORGE W. BARSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXI- Notary Public, PRIftEft ILLK. Collections promptly made on ail points. nights I. 1 luch 2 s M 4 1 wk J 00 200 300 400 6 00 730 10 00 aftrcRTisiva mATEs, 1 mlm A 00 .1 (JO 5 00 6 00 -LA1 I 1 yr 1000 I 8001 1200 00 I 1200 18 00 109 I 22 d. 700 1250 1800 ; 27 00 0 00! 1500i 2500 j 35 00 12 00 ! 1800 3000 I 4S0O 15 00 25 00 ! 4000 AO Mi 0000 I 100 00 ! 15 00 20 00 j 4000 VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1882. NO 7. 5 II GERhaAremedY. FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sot Throat, Swell ing ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint ana Aches. .No Preparation as earth eqoale St. lkcm 0 a aV, tmrf, afaafafs sbSSjS) Xir. . H-mrJy A trUI eataAs but Um euaiparmti.); trifling; outlet of M fasts, ass ry cm eMSartng ttW paia at save rhear sod pasiUe fm4 vt to IMS MrecUoas in Daren Tasyeafsa. BOLD BT ALL DKUQ0.IBT8 ABO DEALE2J IB sTEDIOIBB. A- VOOELER k CO., ptimmrm, Ma, V, f. X MILAM WIUHDhUIKl Wh u Silas Wagg nude hit fatuous bargain as tba ''literary mail" of the Golden Dustman, he insisted (list his feelings should b takeu into account. Droning prose and "dropping into poetry" wore so much, and uncle John, sunt Mary, snd the other gentlefolks in the oig ho ise opjtonit lm cms in j, weiasimucb more. It Ul trtM tha he kad never sokon to sny one of llstsjl, and that the names ha knew them by were entirely of his own de vising. But they were proNTtios to which a crossing sweeper bad as ranch right ss a dustman. And, of course Mr. Boffin reoognitad the fact, and pl.h naturo. ft oMIimkh trim t tbtt nu for the abandonod proertiea of his "literary man." Now it seems to na i list Mr. I lick en n used Mr. Wegg rath er hardly when ha bald him up to de riaion M a grasping old knave, who imposed on his simple patron with his feeling, aMwx'iationn, and much like in tangible entities. In reality Silai wsi only atiifle abead of bis age. Every week Teutonic GToeattses give tbounsndM f jt worm-eaten cabinets, which without asaacialion, might be Jsarly appraised at the price of bouscrxm. Maria Antoioelte'a writing able biings the salaries of four ourates capittalized, simply because Mr. Wertbeimor ie aware that aasocisUons are saleable. W. H. GOLTRA IKALER 1 . R. SKIP WORTH, iffSStC) 4D Ol AT LAW JkXB kOT 11 rcstuc. WILLpractioe in ail cogrts of the State J.U business intruatsd to me prompt ly sttended to. Ojtce is O'TooU'a BUrl DHxulatbik Srr 45yl Albany, Oreqom. LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVERY AKD FEED AT.4BLC. First class vehicles, fine Lopips, trao! feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. SabUs near Itevere Houte. 6yl. E. W. U.CD0N & CO., DRI'GCISTS. 3uoks. Blationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT "JD'RTJCMr 8TOEE, if l its 1ST, astaa. FOSHAY Sl MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, 4LBABT, OREGOH. UCu41tf Farm Machinery, WAC0NS, NACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, H4 PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. MrCsnspeau has purchased the barber shop formerly owned by J H Snrles, snd will continue the businesH st the old place and guarantee satisfaction to customers. IAMNALS & WOODIN, saacrAcrsasa uu ssalss is FURNITURE BEDDING. tfsewer Perry mm, eees Mresis. ALBANY, - OREGON. T)ealyl NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUeijUAtttMTEED, f-Vg. E.C. wr,THXERK AXU BRAIStMRAT M.J mm, tiftc tat Hjmin, inmfinmt, iu BA1)N MTATK PAIS. To the Furmert and Mechanics of Oregmt : The undersigned Board of Managers of the Oregon State Agricultural So ciety, deeire to state a few facta in re gard to the Annual State Fair of 1882, to the ead that its management msv a better undet stood. The speed department of the fair baa for years been a source of vexation and trouble, not only to ibe II rd, at its usual meetings, but to the Riciety iu general, and tbe argument for yrars baa been, on tbe one aide, that too much attention waa paid to it, sod too much money offered, and on tbe oth-r band, that tbe Bnard have give!, no encouragment sufficient to induce e tine dtaplar, of tba beet horses. At the annual faceting, Deo. 1881, it waa finally concluded to assign this dcj.ai t tnent to a committee, wh i should agree to pay the money they might offer, and they should receive certain re ceipts especially derived it otn that de partment. But aa additional induce ment to make this ebange, we site the tact tbst tbe premiums tor speed have been given for years at a lose to the So ciety, while those interested bava urged that this department waa not projurly managed, aad that it ought to pay, iu expenses, la order to satisfy our selves in regard to all these matters, no money is offered this year for sneed trials. If the exberitnent shall prove tod run "P " linw I0" on l eonijMjuml successful, it will have coat the Society interest. Mr. QuariU-h draws aatoml nothing, and will be a basis for their iof cheeks Tor faded foltoa, solely be- further action, and we deem it just to eiampa on too cover aay that our course was not governed tho volume was onee on a by any committee of koreameo, or aay lme nanaed by Cardinal Ricaeiia, agent of a committee, aad that there I Mme Ju lJrrJ Aurora von Konigs- no dictation on tbe part of aay one mk or on,a lelly emiaeut patron It waa the carrying out of a desire H" virtue anJ P,iu ,etUr- Mr 1: " ofKntinrMsJ ht fLrA. sett's admtists rush to bid 4. 10 for sad ssasssBsssi of Am, " ' - in chint? curUins, for which H'srdour I ats a . . gard to the receipts, we feel asaured lrwl woulu bve to have paid l ... . , a a that they will U iiroaortiooately as I shillings simply because they were good without lbs speed depat tinea t a!"" w,in ouso oi the (aet with it, and that the plan adopted will muutr ,n nvne w,lt Mr J I i . i .... insure ae moob awaoeaa and as muflb m r'P ,,rg oneylo pay tbe premiums la the W I"lco an the most other dapartmenu. aad the eipeneea I sW0" c"n ln lue Burlington Aica'lo of thn Fair, as if no ohaagw bad Wen or lbc ''lw,t tri,,aih of lb m SB J a . at maerensum carvers art. Indeed, thero a s . aa a The premiums of the Society tben. "r ,oW W19 run "J"" m the for this year, are offered to the farmers P8 of brt or a "gntion who ad meobaoias of Qregoo, Waabtngton Mr9 not, at aoroe i m ih.ir nie, f i mm . . l. t - -. . - . and Idaho. Xa the departments ef M,",ou 10 lw,,r l'00"u ror inu cattle, abeeu and .wise, as wall ss t- grstification of some aasocUlion in the 1 i aa av . .as agricultural implement, we are quite "I 01 cn,,r ' w, or I J I a a m a ae .a certain the die-lay will be a creditable aofr Mr i. " w- . .k. . , I fote, must Le accorded the honor of meefasaice. then, to uaa eserr eAi.t to 0QW,B enU,u !'ut wn m lnr- make their department attractive. If We oommodity, which c slwsy. you dislike the coarse wbicb bss been r m.goin- gT s.i M. . SF m J -ww SW - w W WV pw-'f the remedy st tbe annual election is an easy one, but if tbe Ntate Agricultural Society ia to grow in favor and patron age, tba friends of every department ust so;k to mske iu annual fairs at t tractive, While we are freo to admit that in some instances, tbe premiums are not as large as tbe? shot. Id enp- IXPLIKS4 km poa iiaoa. Among I ho Instltutlona of Portland no one In uvro creditable to tho city and thonUte than thoachool for glrln known as St Moleri'x Hsll. For thir teen years It 1ms ben a router of culturo and refinement, and the 1c B SB noes which have gono out front it to every part of Oregou and Waalu Ington have boon of the very best. With all tho Hplrlt of a pioneer It ov. on - hi,., tho euiWr uting nocosslllej of pioneer yotth, and fnmi early struggles Hud Ufcusa bat not learned too wu!l tho IsasVtn of thrift. Begun as a Christian cfT rt In the cuuae of what Is beautiful tsnd ti&at in human rill hsng on the hsucK l.untltin tyorhj, Lovcanv. some others, there ean be no At sl! events we REVERE HOUSE, 4 rae. rtrn sad Ellsworth Albany, Oregam. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. TUU new II'jIcI i flttol up In ft rut daw tio- Tble uiJiiod with tbe beat the market ajforda, Spring U& in every Room. A good Huiij4e Bourn f.r Com otereUl Tisveksra. IWY rrt Csach to aad from Mr Batel.WA vuimm. fiery una UmAmmt, Awstal loirusrius Um of a on inn, BrwrsattoTssca. uapoteucr. ia '.!Zin:JiJl or complaint. 1 to mlawy, Omcmf Mai 4SU). be will curt acted SS VA tbOUCbt OCSt for the n bos eonuiu mi, mooih'e I ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB XV, OB. t . i - f , The r'ift Term will opeB on Tues day, September 12th, 182. For jrtlculTi concerning the courses of tttJy Ibv price ul tuiUuu, S1)' to UH ELSEKT a. elIT. Prrldra(. Aloany Bath House. raU5S UNDKiiM - NKb W0LrbI KBSPBC1 felly laforo. tbe oi'.iteof of Albany snd rl cisitytbst I havetahua c-.arge ottnts bsiabUSB ujDt,n4,bj keeping olsss rooms snd pay in itrictattatition to business, expsote to &uit a! those vnc ay favor us with their patronage Q7iu heretofort carried on nothing bat JPlrst-Olass Hair Urettng Saloons, xoeott to entire tUfaetiac to el SChH-iiea jJ Laltes' tlk.r oestly cs natssooed. JOH WBBBKR. have it. rtcent iltneen. Each box eontaine one nouih's " treateueat ; one dollar a boa, or aixbosee tor Ae j tOlfWtS ot the SrScisty, Sftd offered ftll w "r e-r-" i ... ... .. .... we raarnte nx nosee to cam any ua was I we Densvetl It OOUkl SUorU to pay, -. : " r - . . - - I . m . . . , .. . wttb nv donsrs, aw wni aeaj me puroosssr oar I atore IRSn tuts, you would not expect US written guarantee to return the roonry 11 the treat- I , , , roent doee not cflevt a cave. Unaranlees ieeusd I ta do; less (ban this, we feel 01 1 '), baa oniy oy WOODAKD, CLARKE et t.'O , Wholesale and Betail DntgvteU, PerUwiJ, Oregon. Order by mail at regular prices. Cau man reach aad pats the age of Kft) years 1 is a ueation ooncerning wbicb uhvfcioIoaUu have diffjrciit onin inne lliiffVin area tba Bear, nt.a in tainly in the dVpsHment f aralim, -.id lhe nf . mmr . m m a . S I WMw ssassev VI HWHtSMi . and aaraeit lit It. How ifrenU bss boon Its InHueuuo for goxJ no man oanauy. Hut certain It Is tb tt wher ever tboy Iriv am. IU daugbterx aro " uj the p dln d e irnera of the templo." Itia gratifyiug to know that this really good wdiool, in Hulng ha door for the fourteenth yaar, U in better condition every way than at any provlofs time In Ita hlatery Ita staff of teacher baa been increased and greatly Improved, Thirteen ladies of the hlgboil educutlon, most of them aolected from eastern schools of high standing, compose the corps, while tholr vricl aiinlnuiuiits cover the wbolo range of achot irly and or Italic aeeompllalimcfit. Ht. elt. Hall is now better than ever tWom able to give thorough Instruction t'i tbe full extent of lis course. Muny older and richer school. In other tates have finer ttuildlng and more spacious ground, tnjt none in tho character ant accofiiJlsliQenta of its teachers affords bettor facilities for tho cultivation of the minds, tho morals and the manners of girl than doesHt. Helen's Halt. Tbo attendance of boarders and day pupila 1 bteter Ihla year which commenced on Al-ueUy . than ever before, the former t-iml .g from al meet every mvibm of the state and territorj. Tcom, Siellaco-im, Jack sonville, Uuintt o,uuty, litker county, Wasco county, Clatsop cituuty, D la county. Sin Francisco, Mlasoul anI many qtlu kdtWwi aro pepre. senteJ in tbe Hail family this year. The Hall is located I -i the high ami healthful part of Portland, directly opposite the cky p4ar.H, and its grounds, though limited to the space of a single block, ate lightly and cheer Ail. It offer the boat of educational facilities, the special sd. vaotHge of city aaaooUt Ion and cut tore and the comforts and guardian ship of a refined home. Scarcely lee Important than tbh admirable choil for girls, lathe boya school, which, llko It, I tender the general management of Biebop Mor. ris tho Bishop Scott (Jrammar School. U opened on Monday with an attendance of boarders larger than AAiail'l LTP8AL ITCMa. the total numb r in the whole country, 12,44.193. Illinois bsa tC5,9 1 3 cows, Iowa 854,187, Pennsylvania IMtfi snd (;bio 7Q7.048. The disesse thst bss leen creating bavoe among the cattle of Pennaylvan ia is a form ot splenic iuflaramstioa caused by unwholesome food. As it ia not eagily msusgi d, prevention is let ter tbsu attempting to cure. Ouu pro.li ices upaards of 000 oonds ..t wo.. I, or nesrif one si a th of the whole product af the United State. 'Cdifornia lollowa next wiib 1C, 798.036 founds, snd Mid igan thud with 1 1,858,497 pounds. fn deciding whether to ma he miik into butter or cbeeaa the farmer will note tbe feot that butter takes little of the vsluefrom tbe lend, while c'jeese removes from tbe soil tbe iu aaj cveAj and valuable properties ef tbe milk. There ate 40,000 acres of hope in New York State, The crop i gener ally light, estimated at a little more than two balea per acre. Farmeia are genet ally holding for higher prices, tbe probable outcome cf more serious, fail urea in Europe. The first f rests are already report d in the Northwest. This is slightly earlier than usual, and what is more miofiant the corn crop is less advanc ed. In the section wast of tbe crest lakes the extremes of temperature ate Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treaf all fHfP aa .apeelal YOUNG MEN not beau done. Let there be a strong effort made tbeo, to increase tbe interest aad at In bis opin ion, man becoming adult at sixteen, ought to live six times, tbst age or to ninetyaiia year. Having born called upon to account for the phenomenal attributed by tbe Bible to the pa. tr larch s, be risked the following aa an explanation . 4,Btore the flood the earth waa leas solid, less compact than It IS now. lbs law of ore vitntiAn l,a.l tract irenets of all tbe departments at I . . ..... 1 I . . acteu xer ony a nine viute j tne pro wreo,ngr..r, ana let your aim auctions of the dobo had lea. consia. w"a-M puin, PnuuV..oe Unnv and tb t.,lv f in ,n lin.f ,n e J we we 0 ''S IMVI V Society, aad to assist in placing it upon a permanent foundation. If the wcatb WHO NAT K PlrrEsltt. laOX TME ... . . . . . . effctaof youthful fotnea or hoiecreUon, will er shall prove favorabfv, with an early f ... II .- 'I il....u. i.. j. eKiai t a i ,i,iS . I ever laid at the altar oi uAeeae; uhwuiiu. na. and abundant harvusf, nd fair cash aMVWW III -- - - ... MM... I a i i- . 1 . L.v.i . I nncea f.ir ths iirodnaa or the ootintrv. I .... .... i. .-"r.1"" " . " " ' i ' mat tne anciHrttu ilid not ilivul.i aupple, waa more suaceotibla of exten lion ; being able to grow for a loturer time than now." Tne German, Ileus ler, has suggested on the same point time do. a r i . i . . .. ...... . earaiAer wmcn ue onoenaaee anu aui w eure. , . " " " II I uierei ia no reasin tn .it lit llie all -f iiita I ainLtASBP Stan. as wo . ., ...,. . . 1 .1 n .: jr , ton are troubled with too frequent evacoaOoo ot Um blad- ... . I Abraham, tU year among some Jer. irfUn cnianied by a allftaniarungernundng weaeem it out list to Say mat orlnary depuetta a ropy men who which ia tbe will guarantee healthy reeton eaues. OS. S. "Txeiiaacaai WMW S X PSSlta i sssj Issl III 111 I SBSSaaS9SaBBBBSSBBal The Great English Reme- U s never failirur cure for piervoun Oebiliiy, Ueniinal IWrHknsn. Exhausted VI- ity, Birmatorrhcet, I Lf t MA.HU. Im- I potency, Parai ykia. and all Iterrihle effect of Self- ALue, youthful follien.aud xcesbea in uiaturer yeart- mch aa loan Memory. IUMMtudc, fcrnisaum, Aver don to Mociety. binineaaof I Vision, Noises in the Head, the vital fluid paaniug- nuo6served into the urine, and many other diseaaea leading tn insanity and death. Ma. Ml.vriK willaai-eeto forfeit Plve UaaSred. bullsra for a case of thU kind the Vrtal Mentora llve (under hi special n 1 '-.- and Oeauuent) wid not cure or for anythint; iniore or injurtoa found U it. Dr. Hintie treats all private dieafieS aucoewf nlly without mercury. C"rt9ultaUiu free, Th rouvfa ex. Aiaieapon and ad lo including anal) Kin of urine, S3, fence of Hahtorativa, Ki a U.' tie, or four tioftea ttie quantity f 10, aeut to any addreaa upon receipt of prine or C. O b, objure from bsr a ion and iu pri vate if deaired. by UK. A. E. Ml NT IE, 11 Kearney atreet, San Franeiaoo, Oat Sample botUe free. " S-nt on appcaUon by letter, ii:.' cyiiipt mi. eex aud uji. CVKniquuicatiu Utr;ouy eoucaeotial, Or, Mintie'n Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, eurea an ki.ku or kidney and bladder eimDlaliita,aonrrrbo, K'eet, leouehorrhuea. sale by all driurg-ista, $1 a Dome or inx outoea for &. Dr. MioUe'a Dandelion Pilli ri the best ard cheap est Oynpev! "id BiSiuii cure in the uuul.et. For sale by all dnwibta. ruvioU't to tbe tig of peo 1.1a of tbe V. im1. wjm ikf.lff IK I aJS trwtw t ns aeaeatten, ana a weaacainy ot toe iyiein in a manner . . , . . , I " - - - 'J w" " v ' ..v,,v.in, Uie patient cannot account U. On ejcatuwloa the through the florts Ot the Speed Um- .... . ti..,t ,vv ili4i t. Vt4.r urinary depoaita a ropy aediment will often be found I . t " , , , . . . I .. SCaSUU SO lUUt lllfcy had H J ear uu aotnetlmee imail DartieJee of albumen will appear, miliee, tee largest aumoer Ot hQ-WI r0T of suntiucr one of fall ami r the ilor will be of a thhi milkish hue. atnin olMaa-- I . . .. airing, una oi suuiuei , one oi tail, arid iHg to a dark sad torpid appearance. There are many ruaning BUU UOtilag ever seen at our Fairs will be praaent at the State Fair ef 1882 M. Withies, Pr. sident, Lane county; John O Wi isb:, Vice President, Mar ton county, C. P. Uurkhart, Vice Presi dent, Linn county; E. M. Waits, Sec ret sry, Marion county; Jos, Hamilton, Linn oountyj Jobn F. Miller, Lake i. n tii t n i muiy, vce. a.au.w, tau. couy, v,. erninent Frewh phyaioloxiat W. Sceggina, Washington county: J. T- t?u tx,inr, TIT) ITTlnaT'fi a rrt...i. .... r L ' a . aaa- Maa.wM Al'l"' v.waauiaa uuuhvj, ..onn mBn, f mAn ..wnnlv traaro lbn TA : xr : a. TT -MM I T . 'J- , Disperwary. woB. wnni7 , u.urf wh. tnt te 8uoui e ave times aa long ss - II tru V J.TST. TV T , I . 1 II 1 .1.1. A - ier, JUHivoomsn couniv; tu. u. oeiotSBa I v tsaes una to ueooiue hu auiut. ac of rk sad torpid appearance. There ar die 4 thU ditlJcuHy ignorant of tU second alas of aeminal weakneaa Sea a perfect care in all such janes. y reatsntlon of tbe genito-urinary orirana. Owes Hocss JO to 4 aad 8 to S. Sundays from in toll a-s. OonsuitaUon free. TooMui exmuiatiu and advice. S3. For private diseases of short standing a full auare of medicine sufneieut for s cure, with alt Uwtru Mai S will be sent to auf addna . receipt sio 00. Call aud address, sm. anxxET at to., 7 1'.ie Ko. 11 Keamv St, Ban Francisco, Cat To the Unfortnoate ! one of winter. The year waa extended so aa to consist of eight months sfter Joseph. Voitaite rejected the longevity a- signed to the patriarch.1! of the ilibly but accepted without iuestion the titories of tbe great ages attained by some men iu India, where, bo as! 8. "it la not rare to see old men of 1 20 years.' Hi no. UO,t a MATTKas Whan a iu til cb oaei a ina'.e she fre quently turns out to U, the uust r. "You sro weak," said a woman to ber son, who waa remonstrating sgainst her marrying mK tin. "Yos, mother," be replied. "J ant so week that I can't go a atopfetber." An old "bach" wanted to get even with the widows of Willia utapoi t , Pa. who bad gossipped sbou', him, and so be left them 148,000 iu hie wi'l. I let knew they'd fight over il until the last dollar went to the lawvet. A gentlemsn sjasia a rookery in fiont of bis bouse, in al.it-b be placed some heautilul ft-rus, snd having put ap the following notice found it more efficient and less extensive than spring guns or msn-lrsus:' "llewarr! goolo Mndium and PolyiMMliums ire kept here." "My frens," said tbe the officiating clergyman st the insninge of two colored ieraoti near Cincinnati a few Suudsys ago; "uiy frt-nn, it am a serious thing to get mairiisl, 'specially wbeu ixife tho parties is orphans an' luintgo no parients to (all bawa ", ss sm de presort case.'' A noted physici.tn says tbst many persona simply by di-ep sn. rapid in balationa of p'tre air, can become as intoxicated an oxygen ss if they bad taken a draught of ajuohlio stimulants. Here ia a point for tbe man who has been walking rapidly home irom the club iu tba nighUair. A ii. w nuise-msid bad been engaged for tbe family of John I. ech. 0a ber apearing in the aafajajf. she waa thus u. Idiusaed by Master r. rcb: "Nurse, papa says 1 am one of those children that can only be msnsged by kindness, and I'll trouble you to fetch some sponge cakes and oranges at once." A marble group represents an old man, Laving in hu arms a child, who ia pulling bis beatd. A little child. - l.-.l ' i l :. .i - - - - - I mor etlrtoVn ml H.nuin r thin ,), i. . . 1 1 .. 1 1 i . i I a tuvuUHuiir, mien in y lurneu rounu a;lire 1 i i : .i .., . 1 aim ru nn muinor: - i ear, uiamma. ij... i , ,- . r r ! oaunin a. mailt oi r.oaat ine, one m. . ..... . ..I ' wcy uoea tne o.., man maae gnmacei of tU Urgttt MmtMnf growers on It cannot hurt btaa ainoa ho'a a itore 8uUjn UUnJ h- U(jri . ... . .s . as e .i TABS Meaa tots wu, auvr.uianumg vast many ot toe early blossoms were killed by the frost, A story shout which tbete is a faa- picked about 20,000 baaketa of berries ctutlion wbicb it i impossible to resist I from bis patch of two and a quart r i wbeo you bear men tdl it is that of i seres, from which he realized f 1100. ills "Uomi of Gold.1' Somewhere in I A jocose explanation of Ibe hih south wr toi u New Mrxico, in tie I pnoe ef lef is tbst consumers took it Sierra Madre, it is said there is a won- aa relatively cheaper than jauu derful valley. 8taall, irloaed in high, I It is an undoubted fact that ior nutri rooky walla, and accessible only by a I ment jKjtatces are dearer than meat secret passage, wbicb is known to but other anic.ea of feaal, tbetr large pre- few, is this extraordinary place. It ia I portion oi water and waste in cook- I 7 about ten scree in extent, baa run- hug adding to the coat of what nutri ning through it a stream, wbicb tion tbey contain tare it tborouublv. and makes it a per- I The Present season baa afforded feet paradise, will, iu exqniaite floweia some remarkable inaUnoaa of fruitful aud beautiful tmea. In it are thou- neas in wtieat beiaa. A farmer near sands of birds of the most beautiful Rod Cloud, Nebraska, reports a yield of plumage. Running across it is a lade 1 171 bushels of Fall wheat from 3H of pure gold about tbiity fret wide, acres of ground, being at the rate cf for any term within tbe past five wbicb glistens in the aunlight like s forty-nine bushels per. sera. Theavti- years, and with the bunt proapeote lor great golden belt. The stream ctostea I age for the State is estimated at from the year, It is a point which business i the ledge, sud, aa it raaa, murmuta twenty -five bunbels per acre. HlarbnaJaea notices in fai fi. uinas sm eesua par line. Regular loesi notices 10 cents per line. For legal snd trsnslent sdvertisementa E 00 P"r squsra for tbe first Insertion snd i rSJto PM" inre for mch heeqiteot TEMPEEAHCE DEPIBflllf. koi ran by rum Wtaei's Clirittin TeaperiBw (Jiiti paeaiaiTfev Jeaa. The New York JMaiUr, liquor pa per, which help frofn time te time fo ewell (he chorus against prohibi tion aa "a failure," affirm of North Carolina that it would have bcea "no Illinois has over 1,000,000 farm horses. Mr Edwin Atkinson tflirooklin is keeping three cows on what be raises from n'3-hslf an acie of land. Tbe system of ensilage does it. In Scotland oats occupy threw times the area of wheat snd bsrley .oether, and in Ireland the rstio is four to one. IJok" fur tbe peeple in that Slate If In tbe north of England sfso the pro- prohioiiioR had Won in tbe late elee Krtion of oats is large. lion, it suya New York haa 1,437, 8f5 milch "Had tho teotoul fanatku succeed- oows, or upwards of elven per cont. u ed In blazoning their horrid regula tion, upon the seroiU of tbe old Nertb State, not only the negroes, but all the people there would have found themselves in the position of slaves-kelpie, fettered, impoler.t creatures of tie will of a few nar-row-minded Glgwts.; staves of the miserable crew there that cannot drink without becoming drunkards, and therefore forbid all others to touch the convivial cup. What differeace ia it whether one has hi go to his employer for permis sion to get a drink, or whether he haa to go to a physician for the same permission ? Was the slave worse off in North Carolina in slavery days than he would be now if the majori ty had not voted against bigotry ? No ; a thousand times better eff was the wretched chattel." We may conclude, after all, that, when it has the opportunity, prohi bition does prohibit. men may appreciate, that the dU-bur-ements In Portland of these schools last year was above $."0,0U0. OraoMum. i imu.it u t wkLi. hodlc Ta asuxavi xc tbk wpx ste When we cease to have moderate drinkers we shall have no mor drunkards. Wa challenge any op ponent of prohibition to show us a single inelanee in which one baa be come a confirmed drunkard without having been a moderate drinker. If they cannot do this, let tbem admit that there is danger in moderate drinking, that it is the foundation of all drunkenness, and that; the sure preventive of drunkenne.-s Una In re moving the beverage from us that tends to produce this unhappy snd un fort o.nate condition. Kellog (Iewa) Post. a paxAscw T PVCCCatXT. It is most gratify lag tc le m that at one of our foreign eoosuiate?, at least, tbe United Stales flag can not be employed to shield dealers In spir its and opium. The Stam Advertiser of July 3rd contained the following : "General Halderman, Consul -gen eral for tbe United Slates In SUrr, haa refused to grant consulate p refec tion and the use of the United States flag ta dealers in spirits and opium. The radical measures Inaugurated by him for the suppression or this traitc have been entirely successful." All honor to the General. e tmnrm ski mrm w nr. . i ,.., IjZd ourasVcomn mutt, Polk county, Wm. Walloway, oormag to mis autnor, tne raament street, san rranciano. i v . n . . t e xw . a compwted Ueveioiineiit in a v be rec- lSSe, ior naiuuiu wuuvyj ui uuu oi uiananiri. J l f , L. ..: f waunu .J y i-ll r: i ni. , ui mo 1 1 liitll1'! I ui ! clal uT ahd rim- t.lUnad fn treatment ef Sexual Seroinai laaeasea, sueb Uaaarrhea lrrt. At the preliminary examination HtrirMrr,hypaillainall l f j Q Ct-ntl. nf ftL Tainla. f.ir mm. tts lorms, laipeirnrr I ' ' TT ' HeKBtaal wealteiees, niwrht losses by dreams, pirn plea on the face and low of manhnod ean positively he curen. ine stca ana umictcu snouia not nui to can upon him. Tbe Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected uwrouttly toe various rtoapt tala there. ohtaliiUur a ereat deal cd valuable auonaa a bo ebarye MAY Oicii vuUM e wmh hi iBumuiv asasvs.aSBii e-hicb be ioooipeent to iniiart to tbo B service. DR. U1B1J0N will as of bUeeryfcses. 1 ttjless M afssta cure. Persons at a he ciaaa t momk. ah aUteUV oosBdentuu. You as no one bet tbe Doctor. Ban 1 Um dnuara for s naekaM tU madleina. Peranna writing to tbe Doctor ail! pkaae state the name of the feSSiOO of JAXi in the CfimO. so'nable. Call or write. Addceas DK. J. P. Ui ISBON, Box ld6? , Han lpso, pllcity In tbe robbery of the Frst National Bank, at awenne, J. W. Bratt, assistant cashier, admitted that he took $6,000 in gold from the vaults the Saturday previous. Ed ward N. Welsh alao, made a fstll oqr- vtssiA lor Sate. A Kentucky editor, evidently newly married announces with great glee that t i j: . j i -a t A sasb and door factory ; located at Stay- u" u" uuuvwu WD7 wmn leaves ton. Will be sold cheap. Co-torn work is Dlg margin at toe ueaa aaa along tne sufficient to ran mill at full capacity. Call j aide of the sheet on wbicb she ia writ at this office for farther particulars. I m It ia to finish her letter on. tbe bones with their apouyseH. This junction taken place iu horaea ct five years, and tne horee 4oes not live be yond twenty-live vea.ni ;.witb tho 0g at tour yeers, and it does nut live over twenty years ; with the cat at eighteen months, and that sniuial rarely lives over ten yeaa. When t is effected at twenty years, ha only exceptionally lives beyond 100 years. Th same phy siologist admits, however, that human life may be exceptionally prolonged un der certain conditions of comfort, so briety, freedom from care, regularity of habits and observance of the rules of hygiene ; and be terminates bis inter esting study of the last point with tbe aphorism, "Man kills h ill self rather than dies." Popular Science Monthly. A bitter war is going on between tbe stalwart fnd blf Weeds of New Yerk, ijtid the indications are that the present fight will result iu tba defeat of Cor nell, in ease he geta the nomination fer governor. It la charged by Gov, Cor nell's paper the Albany, N. Y., Even t'ng Journal, that Mr. Jay Gould, through Kv Senator Conkling, attempt ed to secure the governor' a signature to a hill relieving the Pacific Mail feiearu ship Company from the payment of back taxes amounting to upwards of 100.000, assuring him thai "it w mid be greatly to his political interest" to do so. It is further oh.,rged that tbe governor was told that he coull msUe that bill not only an instrument fur closing the breach between bimaelf and Mr Co.uk !ingk but a lever by which his renou.inatioii could be msde easy sod bU eleoti-m sure. As yet, Mr. Cjitkling has not seen fit to deny these very gravo charges. They come with such suddenness that they have tilled, tbe public with amazement. 1ihe antl stal wart (rtctv inn are calling for a refutation of these charges if they be false, and the strict silence maintainfd by Mr. Conkling gives color to the charge that no proof of his innocence will be forth coming. Mr. Conkling ia a private citizen i and i? the personal organ of Governor Cornell baa charged him with a crime without evidence to sustain it. tbe courts are oan to, h''n. and it is bis duty to vindicate bitaself, At present, however, be chooses to ramain quiet, only promising at a recent inter view that he would, in a week or two, read Ibe Journal's article aud give it his att'ention. In tho meantime tbe fur of the half breeds is flyicg ; Cor nell will, in all probability, fail to se cure tbe nomination, and will certainly fail to secure the Stateart influence at the polls, even though he secures tbe nomination. It is a pleasure in three dsys tf disaster and careteaaweas to reprint from the instructions cf the Grand Tiunk Railway Company to lis em ployes, the following : "There Is no denying this, that a railway like ours, wi.b a very heavy traffic on a single track, cannot possi bly be safely or satisfactorily workt d unless the operatives of every chvs can, at all times, be depended upou as being steady, cautious snd vigilant. around blocks of yellow metal aa other! Orange County, JSL i., fanners say streama do around abb The ledge 1 that tbe cow haa been more profitable ef gold is supjKsed te solid, and to ith tbem than the fast horse. A few run dowa into the center of the earth. very fast trotters have brought much Tbe legend is of Indian origin, and money luto the county, but it has around it clusters a number of Indian nsuslly gone to second-hand buyers stories, ia which the usmc of the illfat- ther than growers of the stock. The ed Monteauma occurs frequently. The good dairy cow haa, on the other band, desoendanta af tbe Arteca believe firm-I brought her income into tbe j-ocket of ly that tbe day will come when Men-1 the farmer. tezuraa will return and free them from I A fine sample of clover, which bad tbe dominion of tbe descendants of tbe I eu in ensilage for bay, was exhibited j No otM wno j3 addieted to drinking Conquestodorea. They believe that tbe on tbe ew ork Produce Exchange habits can be considered reliable or money necessary for this work will be one day last week. Wbeu taken out 1 Mfa When a man has imbibed - . . 11 1 A 1 . i a S I taken from tbe Msdte d'Oio. The e ciover was iounu to ue in goou uai freely, he fears no dan- secret of tbe entrance iwto tbe valley is wholesome oooditiea. The trisl took i an witn our Work 0 hand, s ft S 1 1 t . " s ft - 1 e.laaaa eft r Wir taftwlftn X. i m. 1 I TT I . a. csreiuiiy gartteu oy a iniw oi inuians r ... s. u, u. that is tne very time when aucn a living near it, and among them it Ui Urown 01 tbt l,WCf. 18 tbJ f ntleman only communicated to the oldest men, wlo has made the successful exper- amid the solemn ceremosVaa oi tho ment. Medicine Idge. Having such a atory One small town in Georgia Uaa ship- to work upon, there is little wonder pad this season 102,000 me leas to tbe that the vivid imagination of the Mexi- seabesrd cities, the net proht upon fdCe9 the demand that ail the rai'- eaus should have built upon it tales of which w8 ,3aa The profit to tbe way offlcUig and employee be or be- men who have found this wonderful county ia wuicn tnia town is situareo, total abstainers. place. One is that a certain Jose Ala from r,Jr Iwtfcow melons and cucum- tiers sent iMertn oy ran this year, ex- TflE contest over the prohibitory oseds $100,000. Other counties have amendment Is fast losiaar all line and a a a wa oeen more or leas fortunate, according I of aartlsanshlp. Democrats, to the enterprise of tbe inhabitants. RenuU leans and Greenbackers alike a one is most dangerous to himself, and to others whose absolute safety may jdepend upon his steadiness and his ieare,'' This argument very naturally pit - varaz, while wandering through the mountains in search, o game, aaw the valley irom tba top of the wall. Find ing that be could net hope to enter by climbing down, he took up bis abode with the indians who guard tbe canon leading into it. The daughter of the chief fidl in love with him, and betray ed the secret to him. Kxactiy how she found it out they do not tell. Having been sbowu the entrance, Jose went in, and would possibly have gotten away with some of the gold bad be not weighed himself down to such an ex tent that he could not get up tbe de clivity at the lower end of the passage. He was discovered, and the Indians sacrificed him on the golden ledge with all the terrible ceremonies of the old Aztec religion. She, in despair at losing him, threw herself from tbe high walls into the valley below. Hundreds of prospectors have spent months of toil trying to find tbe Madre d'Oro, but, it is scarcely necessary to say, without result. Las Cruets Ijiubli can. California is credited with 4,152,349, are fiMnd side by side, forgetting or one tenth of the whole number of party and eveything else in common sheep in tbe United btste ; and the 1 for this noble end. Indeed, fc Pacific States and Territorios stand many communities in Iowa the load- credited with 6,51 2,d8U, or fifteen per advocates, a bleat aad meet in- cent. of all the sheep in tbe Luion ; dustrious workers for the amend- and tbe production of them haa been ment are Democrats. The twa Judge the work of leas than twenty-five years. jjcHenrys, the vrey and old lime The cash value of California's fleeces haadara of the Democratic party in per anuum will average, one year with Central Iowa, are at the front in earo- another f 10,000,000. est form, as our readers know, and Unwashed wools are figuring more now Judge William Phillips, another prominently in the markets this year leader ef the Democrats, Is out on the than usual. Manufacturers seem to stump doing valiant service for the regard them with increased fever, aay- amendment. The Judge, who thus iog that they are much more uniform shows his courage of conscience and than tbe washed fleeces, the latter be- convictions, is one of the moat pope- ing cleansed in all degrees from clean lar and effective of speakers, and will and bright to a condition little better do telling service on the stump. than if not washed stall. The great est difficulty about washed woola ia An accomplished wbrttler intends to that much of tbe so-sailed washed make a fac-simile of tbe A merican navy staple is net washed. i during bis Summer vacation,