The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 08, 1882, Image 2

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    fa twmt
j. .. II,,1 J i m-x-tj
Stan lev Matthews has gone to the
White Mountains, and the New Haven
Re jitter is tare that no man ever need
ed pure air more.
Amoxc the notables at Long Branch,
the Pittsburgh Pot notes Read Com
missioner Hayes of Fremont, 0. Mr.
Hayes will be remembered as having
resided ;nr Washington from 176 to
The products of Texas for the year
ending August havo been carefully
computed at $07,380,458. Within
the same period 1 ,40 1 miles of rail
road have been built at an esttraat
od cost of $4520,000.
iM people of this country, the St.
l.oui AVwW'om observes, know that
tip's Republican Congress has appropri
ated a round $80,000,000 more than the
last Democratia Congress, and no waste
of figures will belittle or excuse this
monumental fact.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury
French, has rendered a decision that
Chinese merchants residing in the
1iiUed States who go to China axe
required, under the laws, to obtain
certificates from tbeir own govern
ment in order to return to this coun
ty, the same as Chines merchants
coming here for the first time.
Last week ths East Oregoiiiu came
out uader a paitially new management.
It is now published by the Eaet Oregon
an Publishing Company, with C. S.
Jackson as Manager, and J. P. Wager,
who recently purchased an interest in
the paper as editor. Tha E. O. is one
of our sprigbtiiest exchangee, and we
ein only wish for the new management
t'iS success which has,in the past , ra-trk -el
the progress of that paper.
Presidential junketing, inaugurated
under Grant's that administration, is
dropping into a custom that threatens
to become part and parcel of the "law
of the realm." The trip of Hayes and
his cabinet to this coast in the latter
pan of 1880, when tbeir services were
much needed at the national Capitol,
is yet fresh in the minds of every bod j.
Tue little political speeches dished up
alorg their route to admiring audien
ces, were partaken of right Leartily,
because they were something new to
the people. Even those who deprecated
the custom and a bo could not relish
the politics! menu, could not resist the
temptation to tum out en masse to see
a lice President the great American
Jumbo. Gradually the habit has been
insinuating itself into every department
of ths government, until the present
time, when the heads of all the Depart
ments at Washington are a way spend-
Z a i a - ,
uj me ouinmer at me numerous re
sorts. In the meantime, subordinates
Lave full swing at the Cspitol, and pen
sion and claim agents are taking ad
vantage of the opportunity afforded
them of making raids ujwn the Treas
ury. The salaries of the absent officials
goes on without any deduction on ac
Boost of Jqss cf time. Free passes,
fire dhiniis, and wine are the order ef
the day, and those who lo lavishly ex
psnd their money for the enjoyment ef
the presidential Junketers, in nine cases
out of ten, expect some return at the
hmds of those in power, and if they
happen to be disappointed, the laws o
human nature will be violated.
The attendance of the Senators and
Representatives toward the close of the
last session of Congress, is a notable
instance of the pie vailing tendency to
bientevism at the present tUy. Un
less some measure of great political im
portance happened to be uttlrr discus
sion, it was frequently the rae that no
quorum was pr sent.
Millioni of dol;ars were voted out of
the Treasury whilst many States were
wLoll unrepresented. When the Riv
er and Harbor bill passed, one hundred
and eiit Representativesand uineteeu
Sena tot weie absent from their posts,
or one-third cf the former and one-fourth
of the latter. Where this dangerous
custom is to end, it is impossible to
tell. There is no denying the fact that
it in on the increase, and that it is a
custom greatly to be deprecated by the
An old time, prominent Republican
fNewYoik, Mr. E, N. Chittenden
says an exchange, Calls the Republican
party "the jurty of monopolists the
rich man's party" and adds: Chauncey
Depew, Blaine, Cameron, Collector
Robertson, Robeson and beir allies
control it and shape it policy. All
are well-known railread monopolist?.
These men made Sranley Matthews a
Supreme Con Judge. It does not re
quire the black, uncontradicted scandal
that Jay Geuid paid for this appoint
ment with the money wLich defeated
Hancock to make it the most fatal blow
wbioh monopoly has yet struck."
The picture is well drawn, and Mr.
Chittenden completes it by saying:
'The Republican party lives upo.i mo
nopoly spoils , monopoly shapes its poli
cy, selects its candidates. It defeats in
Congress all attempts to recover the
forfeited isilroad lands ; it obstruct all
attempts to cenUol the Pact he railroads,
or to secure the people's, money loaned
o them.
next legislature convenes on
next Monday, the 11th tnst. It is
sincerely to bo hoped that salutary and
needed legislation will not be lest sight
of on account of the fact that the duty
of electing a United States Senator
happens to devolve upon the ensuing
legislature. From present indications,
however, such a state ot affairs seems
to be highly probable. The much valu
able time that has elapsed ainoe the
general election, has been consumed in
discussing the chances of the so vet si
senatorial aspirants, instead of in the
preparation of Wills looking to tbo bet
tering of the faulty legislation now on
the statute bojka The press of the
State, with few exceptions has neglected
to discuss measures most needed at the
present time, and has confined itself
chiefly to- abusing and eulogizing is
turn, one or the other of the gentleman
whose names are mentioned in conneo
nection with the senate. This it net as
it should be. Whilst it is all-important
to the inleresta of our yet yonng
State that we have a man to represent
us in the national legislature of known
probity and integrity, it it eqnalty, If
not mere, important, that matters near
er home engtoea our attention.
The road laws of the State are sadly
in need of improvement, A law tsxing
mortgages on real estate in the county
where such real estate is situated
and the moitgage recorded, is one much
needed, notwithstanding the position
taken by a few leading journals in the
State, againat it. Such a law is in
teres in California and as a result much
property is tsxed that would otherwise
Maps taxation. The fees of Clerks
and Sheriffs should be reduced by leg
islation, and a good registration law Js
much desired by the op!e of the State.
A law regulating inter-change of
traffic by common carriers was defeated
in the last' legislature, but will be
again brought before that body and
should not be neglected longer. The
argument that there are no competing
lines of railway in the Stats, is of no
force it is the dnty of the legislature
to encourage competition by the enact
ment of wholesome law.
There are many other measures of
importance that might be mentioned,
but it is not our purpose at this time to
enumerate them. The members
from the several counties know what
legislation is most needed, and we only
intend to remind them, in as few words
as possible, that there ate other things
as impet tsnt as the election ef a Sena
tor, that should jot be lost sight of Wy
t met ftMJca sLtnw
The rebel Siigadiers in Congress have
s! ways been a source of great annoy
snee to the editor of the Polaris. And
now his "undenominational and inde
pendent" spirit U greatly perturbed
over the reunions of ex -confederates re
cently held st SodVHs, Missouri, snd
at Sherman, Texas. He is of the opin
ion that these ex-eoufderate cannot
consistently lay claim to being legal
citizens snd st the same time, hold as
nual reunions to talk over the inci
dents of many a hard fought battle-field
"We confess," says the editor of the
Poluris, "if we were sn er: -confederate,
in order to be consistent, we should be
compelled to do one of two thing. If
we rejoiced in confederate heroism snd
pluck we would stand by the '1 et cause;
for when you condemn the cause for
which s man struggles there is not
much left in the struggle over which to
hurrah. On the itber hand, if we had
truly repented of the wrong and had
given up toe cause, we should be
ashamed to peddle over the country
any part of the dead carcass." Th
position be has taken ia as untenable
as the sentiment be gives voice to is ill
timed. To say thst heroism only ex
ists in proportion as a cause is just, is a
new theory, and that is substantially
ths position taken by the editor of the
Polaris above. And yet, as if by way
of apology in the ery next breath he
say: "We. are perfectly willing to
give them all credit for heroism, but
prefer not to see them bid for it in
these public self-laudations." How ex
tremely consistent! According to the
limping logic of the erudite ex-prcachr,
he dare not give the ex -confederates
credit fot heroism, lest he be charged
with standing by tbe "lost eause," and
be condemned out of his own iniuth.
It is a source of gratification to kno
that there are few indeed of the brave
bovs wbo wore the blue as illiberal as
the editor of the Po,arift. Wrapt in
the solitude of bis own iuiaguution, he
stands almost alone in the nar
row opinions he gives utterance to.
Knowing the position be has held in
..da- k 5 - a e
uays gone oy as no active worker in
the vineyard of the Great Blaster, one
would naturally expect to find him 'in
all things showing himself a pattern of
good works, in doctrine showing uocor
ruptness, gravity sincerity, sono
speech that cannot be condemned' and
telling his readers, "be ye kiud one to
another, tenderhearted forgiving one
another even as G d for Christ's sake
hath forgiven you." Instead however,
we find him cherishing up malica. Un
like the host of conquering heroes he is
unwilling to "let the dead pat bury
its dead." With a spirit that better
becomes the w ird politician in the beat
of the political campaign he keeks to
widen the breach betweenthe two groat
sections of our common country which
memorial days and reunions of federsl
and ex-confc5 Jar4t9 officers uojn hi
tetie battle fields have done to much
toward bridging over. We are not
alone in the opinion that these reunions
to muoh dreaded by the editor of the
-Polom, tend much to cement the
friendship of the brave uen who onee
measured swords with eacb other.
Whet er such reunions be ef federal sol
diers or ex eonfederstrt, there are always
present those who participated on the
other aide, and we have yet to hear of a
word ever spoken that could offend ta
moat fastidious. Those of the ex-eon-federates
who do not cLeerlully submit
to the result of an appeal to arms, ere at
few and unmanly as are those on the
other side, who would deny them the
pleasure of meeting once in a while to
talk over the incidents of their herd
fought battles.
HITJT M. C. George, M. C, hss lately re
turned to Oregon, and this is the wsy
Djitnan B. Eaton speaks of hit extor
tion Committee and its work. "Ths
mandate now Wing enforced, breathing
the very spirit of despotism, insults an
intelligent people. Without pretense
of justification, if a majority was sure
for the dominsnt party, the turn to be
extorted is measured by the need of
bribery, extraneous influence to carry
the districts. If two tier cent, on the
national pay-rolls may be now taken
because needed, then a party which by
ita infidelity and outrages ahall have
become so unpopular as to need a bri
bery fend of ten per cent, may, for the
same reason extort that aum. Th
principle is this; that every party in
power may rob the public servants in
theratio of ita own folly and corruption, I
and use the p! under to bribe the voters
and deceive the peopV" George is
young but be is sn spt scholar ii. learn
ing and practising the ways of stalwart
Further on, the same writer describee
the Committee snd tbeir mat hods thus
"These minions, book in hand, are
hunting the official corridors and track
ing the public laborers. They mouse
around the bureaus for names and
salaries which all high toned officials
contemptuously withhold. Neither sex,
age nor condition, u spared by tbeee
eaot It-system harpies. Tbey way-lay
the clerka going to their meals. They
hunt the Spring! eld Arsenal and the
Mississippi laborers to their bumble
hemes. Tbey intrude tbeir imperti
nent faces upon the teachers of Indiana
and Negroes and Hampden School and
Carlisle Barracks. Tbey dog navy-yard
workmen to their narrow lodgings
The weary scrub women are persecuted
to their garret; the poor office boys are
bullied at their evening schools, tbo
money needed for rent it tsken from
the aged father and only sen; men an
faoblod on the battle-fields are barrio J
ia the very shadow of the Capitol; life
biatcrewa, listening on the stormy
shires for the cry of the ship-wrecked,
and even chaplain and nurses at the
bedside of the dying, are not exempted
from this merciless, mercenary, inde
cent conscription which reproduces the
infamy of oriental tax farming."
An 1 this is the system openly adopt
ed and publicly defended by means of
which the Republican petty hopes to
prolong its power. Lost to ell shame,
every principle abandoned, utterly
rank and rotten in sll of its ramifica
tions, it now proposes bribery of the
individual voter as ths last means of
perpetuating its miserable and purpose
less existence. And the biibe-money
to be taken fram the public treasury
through useless officer drawing un
reasonably Urge salaries, msde s by
these tame congressional harpies to the
end that the officer would have mire
-ass m - a m
to commute lor the lniamoes pur
poses of the Committee.
stKiir rrrrsut rest the sot xu
An era ot prosperity is daw mug up
en the South. Her people are gradual
ly realizing thst tbey can no longer de
pend solely upon the culture of cotton,
and are turning their attention to other
agricultural pursuits to which the toil
and climate are so admirably adapted.
In ante-bellum dayi, cotton a as king
and all else was lost sight of in the msd
desire to raise it. The people with few
exceptions, paid no attention to the
culture of staples tbat entered largely
into every day use, and they depended
upon the north and west for articles
tbat could have been produced cheaper
and with better results st home. But
the times havo changed, and shipments
ef wheat are being received in Balti
more from southern -porta. The exam
ple set by Georgia is being rspidly fol
lowed by other of the Southern States,
notably Mississippi, snd cotton factories
sre springing up every where. The kind
and quality of goods turned out there
is ssid to compare favorably with tbat
turned out by New England mills. Be
sides, railroad enterprises upon s lsrgs
scale are beiuir embarked upon, and a
greater number of miles of railroad have
been built in the last year then ever
before. Inducements are held out to
turn the attention of immigrants to the
agricultural resources of the South, and
with good results, as the gradual it.
crease in the rate of immigration
The fertile soil of tbe South cannot
always escape the eyes of tbe immi
grants, yearly seeking homes in this
country. Once turn tbe tide of immi
gration tbat way, and the future pros
perity of the country is assured.
Subscribe for the Democrat.
Most of tbe campers on the 1 .ebinon
mountain road are at Upper Soda. It
is a warm camping place, but Mr.
Keith is so kind and obliging to all
who go there that it will alwavs be a
popular place so long as he stays there.
At Upper Soda we found N. B.
Sprenger, lisle Baekenato, H. 0, Clem
ent snd Dock Conn end wife from
Albany. Sprenger had killed several
deer, Hack eus to had tried hard to do to,
but had failed. Clement had killed
one end wtt ttill ranting around over
the mountains banting for more meat;
Dock Conn wtt the boat hunter at that
point when we left, having killed nine
deer and one bear at eleven shots. The
morning we came away he brought
four yearling drer into camp, and wt
tre indebted to him for a nice bam.
Nearly tbe whole of Polk county is
now camped at Upper Soda - vsyne
Williams, Kiggs, Hums, Stump, Mort
Staa Cm and several others whose names
we do not know. Tbey are a jolly set
of tallows and don't allow a stranger to
ramble around there hungry.
Wm. Riles and wife, Mrs. Orpbs
Wheeler snd Jos. V essoin sre stopping
in one Of Keith's houses st Upper Soda,
and from appearances we judge that at
leaal some of them are fca 'iug s good
John Mendeuhall and family are
camped at Alder Creek.
Duncan Monteith, C. W. Watts and
K. Hyde are at Builder Creek, aud
Scott, Huberts and Hackleman srs at
Alder Springs. All are In pursuit of
the festive inowitcb snd have been
successful to a limited extent.
Mart Payne and family weut into
tbe mountains last week and now nre
probably at Kiah hake. He gees pre
pared to have a good time and will
have it.
There has been a small fire along
the road a few miles below Vine Maple
Bottom, which caused considerable
alarm among campers
but baa not
spread to any extent and probably will
not. There are no others out any
where on tbe road. Gillileud want up
last last week and took all tbs
logs out of the road.
Tbe road is in splendid condition
from one end to tbe other. Feed ran
bo bad for horses, snd board for the
traveler all along the road st reason
able prices.
Indians have been passing over the
mountains in large numbeis during the
lui throe weeks on their way from
If arm Springs lteservstion to the hop
yards of this county snd Laos. A
party ef them stopped at Summit
Prairie and killed about 1 30 deer and
several elk. Capt. Smith should put a
stop to this wholesale slsugbler of deer
by his pets on tbo mountain road, as
that is the principal bunting ground
of the people of ibis valley, and they
would not bo allowed to kill any gsme
on the reservation.
At the Lakes, Buimester A S warts
sre doing well. They are so kind and
obliging to all. that everyone pawing
over tbo mountain road makes it a point
to atop with them. Fiabiog at this
poiat will be just at ita beet next week,
at which time Fiah Lake will havo re
coded into a channel.
No one has yet ben successful this
season in fishing in Clear Lake.
Several emigrants pa sued over the
read last weak bound for Alsea, Ben
ton county. Tbey were relations of
Mr. Slate who formerly resided on the
Gala poo ia near Blovine bridge.
E. A. Freeland, fur many years
Albany's postmaster, but now s resi
dent of Ochoco, spent a week or two
with hit family on the Santiam and re
turned home last week. He is afflicted
with lung disease, and is very frail.
There are no campers at Lower Soda
for some cause, although it is ons of
the pleasantest places on tbe route.
W. H. Brown has been bunting at
Snow Creek snd bat boen very suc
cessful, killing some fifteen or twenty
deer and licking one Iodian with a vine
maple grub, trespassing on his illabeo.
We could testify to tbe fact that ho has
killed some very fine deer, for he fitted
our party out with a nice lot of juicy
People still Uy to cross the road
without paying toll, but they have been
closed out by the establish meat of a new
toll gate about a mile above Dutch
George's ranch. Walter McGhee col
lects the cash.
P. If. Baymond went up to Upper
Soda a couple of weeks ago to see Mr.
Freeland. While out buuting one
day be ran serosa a large black bear,
hat after wasting one abot on bruin he
left him snd came into camp. He at
tacks beans in a mere hostile nisnner.
'Have ye any meat," Perry?
A men living st the head of the
Ma to I us killed five bears on Lake
Creek a couple of weeks ago. This
creek runs out ot Settle Lake and
empties into tbe Matolus some five
miles below.
'o one that goes up as far aa Pieu
Lake should stop without going on
over to the Matolus and Settle and
Blue Lakes. It is one of the beat
camping and fishing grounds in the
U H. 8.
Lebanon Hep. Oth, 1882.
Ed. Democrat :
Up to date about 30,000 bushels o f
grain has been stored at tbo mill and
warehouse. The storage room will boM
about 100,000 bushels. From present
appearances it will be filled. The
t f a
wneat it uncommonly good, and, in a
majority of cases, over weighs the neat
For several days past there have been
fires in different places sround here.
Dr. Ballard lost a mile ef fence, by tire,
on his stock ranch. Also, Mr. Wilson
has suffered quite a loss, as well at Mr.
On Monday Mr. Cowan began in
voicing his stock of goods, preparatory
to delivering the same to Mr. Johnson.
The value will not vary far from $10,
000, There is a feeling thst the board of
Coumissionera would be justitied in
coming to a satisfactory arrangement
with tbe bondsment of ex-Sheriff J. lv.
Herren. Public good might demand
that tbe amount should be fully paid,
but when the circumstances are fully
considered tbat Mr Herren was elected
by a very respectable majority, (hat be
fore he could possibly exercise tbe
duties of tbe office it wan necessary to
give the required bonds, that the lands
men received no consideration whatev
er, but simply incurred ths risk for tbe
puolie good snd then to demand thst
tbsy should sofTir the entire lost, is a
little more than should be required. It
is hoped that ths board will view this
matter in a reasonable light and not
follow in tbe footsteps of Shy hick by
demanding the full face of the bond.
K. II. Powers snd family, oho have
been reaiding in Weston for tbe last
three years, have returned again to
tbeir old home. The 'squire bas many
friends wbo will gladly welcome him
Mr. .Teh a Settle, on Tuesday, took a
trip to Portland, on business connected
with ths warehouse.
William Cox, of Albany, has got the
contract of plastering Dr. Foley's and
W. H. Honaca's new betises. It will
lie quite a job, and, without doubt, the
work will bo done ia (i rat -class or
Our fritftd, K. hleebler, will know
from new on the price of platform scales.
Tbe other day he borrowed a friend's
scsles to weigh some wheat, a .', forget
ting to at in the end gate of the wag
on, the scares rolled out and broke ail
to pieces. Kb. aaya be don't care so
muoh alaitit the price of tbe scalee as be
does about the carelessness of tbe
William F. Shaw, of Boatoo, mem
ber of a loading leather firm, has
died, leaving a fortune of ono million
The deaths from cholera at Manila
average 300 dslly. At Hulls 4,060
persons have died ef cholera In tbe
Isst fortnight.
Geo. Merrill hss assumed charge
at West Point. Howard goes to the
department of tho Piatt, with head
quarters at Omaha.
Cholera hat appeared at Tangier.
The Spanish suthorltlei are taking
strict precautions to proven t Its Intro
duction into Spain.
A St. Louis dispatch says that
some damaging revelations tre mads
rogsrdlog the order of Knlgbls Of
the (iolden Uule. It Is said tbe or.
der la $60,000 In debt, and quite lia
ble to fall to pieces. It It understood
that charges will bo preferred against
seme of the supremo officers.
A. M Sullivan, Ute member ef
parliament, and family, sailed for
New York on tbe 3rd. .Sullivan will
lecture in tbe principal citlee on the
condition of Ireland Sullivan has
with him an Illuminated address to
tho Mayor of Chicago from members
of the Irish parliamentary party.
t. O . T.
I w leh to aay through your so! a ran s, to
your many temperance readers, that tho
time for the County Ledge of I. O. CI. T.
which waa to be organised at Ualsey on
toe 20th has been cbaagsd to the 27th
that U atay not conflict with the time o
the State Pair. Alt Lodges In the ceuety
aie oordiaily iavltod to send delegates.
Mem bora of the various Lodges are In
vited to attend as vial tore.
Uy order of Com. or Arrangement.
H II. alls, Choi.
Halrny, gaps. 4lb, ltflt.
Awey !
Tbs-Vc Xorthuxtt commences lit
twelfth volume on September 14th.
and will then begin the publication of
its $100 00 prises aerial. "The Way of tbe
World," by Kllsa E Gleena. Tbe pah
Ushers have Inaugurated a grand prise
scheme for canvas rs, and will givt
swsy an elegant upright piano, a lino
organ, a new nlehel plated sewing
machine, Webster's Unabridged Dic
tionaries, and other articles Drop a
posUl card to the Dual way Publishing
Company, Portland. Oregon, for a
'ample copy of the AVw .VortAmaf, son
talnlngthe first chapter of the new
story and full particulars about the
Aoswer This.
Can you And a ease of Brigbt's Disesa
of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver
Complaints that ia curable, that Hop Bit
tern has not or on n not cure? Ask yoar
neighbor if they can.
It Is tbe province of ministers to do good
therefore we think every minister should
inform himself in regard to Am men 't
Cough Hjrrup, aad after being satisfied that
it is sli tbat Is sis I mod for it, recommend
It; thus lives can bo saved and then taught
hosr to save tbeir souls. We are told that
tbe proprietor la alwaya willing to giro a
bottle free to any mluiator o family wbo
wiabos to try It.
Fully Ui Waiting.
It ia folly to wait until you are io bod
with disease tbat may last months, when
you can be cured by a timely use of
Parker's Ginger Tonio. We have known
sickly families m tde tba healthiest by it.
Messrs Foshay and Mason, tho live drug
gists of the towo, are always op to the times
and ready to meet the demands of tbeir many
customers. They have just received a sup
ply of tbat wonderful remedy tbat ia aston
uhing the world by ite marvelous cures, Dr.
Kings New Discovery for Coasmnption,
coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever,
phthisic, croup, whooping cough, tickling ia
the throat, loss ef voice, hoarseness or any
affection of the throat and lungs. This rem
edy positively cures, as thousauds can testi
fy If yon do uot believe it call at
and get a trial bottle free of oust or a regu
lar use bottle for one dollar. As you value
your life give it a trial aud Im couviuced, as
thousand already havo been.
Foshay and Mason, wholesale agents Alb
ny ; D. Morris, Scio ; Dr. L. Foley, Leba
non ; Dr. J. M. Powell, Lebanon ; D. M
Calbreatte, Uuena Vista ; Reafetto aad Mon
tague, .Jefferson ; O. H. P. Cornelius, Tur
ner ; K. A. Rampy, Harriaburg ; 8. 8.
Hayes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Hah ey ;
Starr and Blakely, Brownsville.
The best salve in the world for outs, brats
es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fuver sores, tet.
ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all
kinds or skin eruptions. This save is guar
an teed to give perfect stisfactioa in every
case or money refunded. Price 36c per box.
For sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale
agta ; D Moore, Scio ; D Foley, Lebanon ;
Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Redpath and Mon
tague, Jefferson ; D M Calbreath, Buena
Vista ; 0 Cornelius, Turner ; B A Rampy,
Harrikbarg ; Starr and Blakely, Browns
smith & McCartney,
&c, &c,
Froman's Block, Albany , Or.
Phyejieiixiinj preescrlp-
tioiiN carofully
prepared 1 v
or night
ad Vt.rihU..
sre never imitaud or counltrmud. This Is
spssaaUy lru of a facaUy RMdieioe, and it t
postUvo proof that tbe remedy bnkmkd ia ef
toe highest value. As soon aa it bad beast
tested and prove by tbe whole sresid that
Rep Bitters was the poreet, heet aad mo1
valuable family medicine on earth, maay
imitations sprang ap aad begem to sosal tbe
notices io which tho press sad the people ef
tbe eooetry hsrlpiTprsessd the mente of U B ,
aad ia every way trying to induce tuttenng
invalids to try their stuff issued, espeeting
u mebesaoaey oa tbe credit arid good asms
f,H. B. Meay other darted BooSrume pet
up iu similar style to B. B. with variously
devised aamea ta which tbe word "Hop" or
"Bops" were need ia a way to todace people
to believe tbey were tbe some as Hep Bit.
tees. Ail such preloaded rssnadise or ouree,
oo matter what their style er aaaee ta. sad
sepoeianT voces wttn the word "Hop or
"asps ia their aaaae er ia aay way con
nected with them or their aaaae, are imita
tions or ooesterfeite. Be ware of them. Toaeb
none of them. Use nothing hot gsoaias Hop
Bitter with a bunch or olaotor of green Hop.
oa tee white leheL Trust urtlrine: ohm. Drug
gwte aad sisal era are warned againat dealing
as tmitauosM or eooatcrfmts.
Hotel Furniture.
All the farnltaro belonging to the old
9L Charles Hotel will bo eel J at tbo old
building on
Tttoadnay. tept. 1, lftSS,
at 10 o'clock at public auction so the high
oat bidder. Too property esmsiste of
hsistsads, bedding, oarpnts, stoves,
mirror, table, ciwcaory, kitchen furni
ture, etc. Terms, cash down.
Mae. An a Hoca.
All persona knowing beruoel von Indebt
ed to the late Ursa of Pox, Bourn A Co.,
Ill please owme forward and settle at
esses aad save no to no say bsmsaoas ta
the Willamette Valley worn be oloeed up
isa mad lately. tft.
Took Up.
I took up, July lth, and havo
tore ono bay mar with bi
white bind legs, waits spot oa right fore
foot, branded a tl above aa A oo right
boulder ; one sorrel metro with while
epot in forehead, same brand ; one any
colt and one sorrel cult, yoaxllngs, branded
S on rig b taboo l dor. Tbo sorrel main bao
a sacktug colt.
War. O II .Kiacir,
WaUoo's Honest, W. V. aad C. JsL
Sheriff's Sale.
In tVs County Court o Law County
Oregon :
Too Oervallis Fruit Uooapauy, a corpora
tien duly orauized under tho Laws of
too Mate of Oregao. Pitt.
It A Newman, Daft.
By v rtneofen elocution and order of
sale leaned out of tbe above -fl-art Court
to the above entitled action to me direct
ed aod delivered, I havo applied tho fol
lowing doscribed real property, heretofore
attnubed la ssdd aeaina, to-wit : nil tho
rigUi, title aad internet of the avid defend
at. t In aad to tbo southeast quarter aod
the south half of tbe northeast quarter of
section etgftt : also a tract of land bound
ed and doaurlbod aa follow, to-wit : tie
ginning at toe southwest corner of the
eoutb east quarter of section eight aad
running tboaoa wast 6 07-100 chain ;
thence north to cbaias ; tbeuos east 6
tMVO chains to the northwest corner of
tho kouthweet quarter of tho northeast
quarter of asotioa eight : thence south 00
chains to the place of beginning i nil ia
lisn county, Oregon, and in Tp. lOfet. R
west of the Willamette meridian, aad on
ttetturday the 7 th day of October,
at the hour of one o'clock p. us., at the
Court House door in the etty of Albany.
Liaa county, Oregon. I will sell said
real property at publto auction tor cash
la hand to the highoat bidder, to eatiafiy
tbe demand of tbe Plaintiff iu said writ,
to wit: Tbo auaa of Bas i la V. h gold
oeiQ, with Interest thereon, In like ecin,
at the rate of one per osat r month,
from tbs Otb day of March, lSei, and tbo
further auma of $18 45 costs aud tbe costs
and espouses of sale.
Dated this 8th day of September 1882.
Oko. 11 UMi-unsY,
Sheriff of Liuu county, Oregon.
Csa nod profitable and psrmsnent snudoVBSsat by
wriUague. tosa ladiea Sara besa werkbnjtsr on
year making from r 6 to tft0 a mouth. W, saotmor
nay agsnte-oee iu yry county.
Wbo la nsreetie and wtUlnir to work osn do eouajlv
aa wli. W bsv rood nuiUbl for itltr x to sail.
WaMsrsAtM permanent oiploymnt. AN UTBA
KM BABY oergB wai mate in oflerinf to itsrt
Annie in acuinf lor ua without Halt we to
m osce an rooea uuaois ol flrat order, ana w erui
till do it.
Use keen msd by sons Ac as who were nerrtic
sad bu-bt jrooda in aucb susntiti a to slwss hr
a aupply. W od fooda O. O. Dv whan s isnall sd
vanoe I 'aad ou them to Inaure tfood faith. W want
very reader out of employment, to send and rvt our
circular, snd go to work to teat our buslns st our
risk or loss. Address.
XS. S. Manufacturing Co-,
Pittsburgh, Pa
urin iadi-f
asu thst you are aTiottmP TH3
SLBBlTATXi a Kidnsy - Wort si
nksa leeoaaaMaStOaaA IS alUew
SrtHpdllr errs. I
1moxb ta diss si
m Ladles.
wrrkrrtnr TraontlTawiia.rsiiilloa ufuiliia.
ketch dnst or ropy depeaa, sat tall draaaliiil
ra h i o liBnKY.rg at 1 As j
a lit Clrfvii Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of J Ann :
Kettle t Spa'ki Bontrzieery, )
vs V SumttKina
W. SL MontfTftoary, )
To W. U. Montgomery the abCte named
defendatU t
OK&UON. ycu are hereby r.wulred to
aepeer and answer the
tbe above named Plaintiff, la
the above
Court, no or on file with tbo Clerk of
said Court againat you on or before tue
flretdayofthe term of said Court next
follow 1 nit tbo sixth publication ot tbta
numinous, to-wit : oa or before Monday
tbe 2rd day of October, IMZ, snd if you
fall to answer sold complaint, for want
thereof tho plaintiff herein will apply to
said Court for too relief demanded in sold
complaint, to-wit : For a decree of mid
Court dissolving the bonds of Matrimony
now existing between yourself and thta
plaint Itt, and tor the core, coated y aud
guardianship of Nathan Mark Monem-
err. the minor child of plain)!:! ami l
m m a av e i a Jlt
ndant, anu for too coot anu uiaoure-
onts of ibis suit and for such other re
lief as shall seem proper to equity
This nummone is published by order of
the Judge of sal I Court, made at chain
bora in tbe ;uy or Albany, una oounty
Qreaoa. on tbo 2nd dav of August, A, U.
Powab A Brcrav,
Atty's for Pin.
In the Circuit Court of tht .VaU of Oreon
for Lima County :
mot L Ceven. Pit. )
0 0 Burse, Deft )
vs. . r
To C O Boras the dt.'ondsnt nbore
named. In tho name of i u mat of Ore
gon you are aorosry required to appear
in the above entitled coon ami answer tho
complaint of i ho above named plaintiff in
ha aeove oouuoo aottoa by tbe tret day
of the nest regular term of anid court ia
and lor uon county, to bo begun and
hold on tbo fourth Monday of October.
iS2 And ye ore notified the, if you
mil to appear ami answer seid oomp aint
as above required the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you for tbo aim of
tso and internet t nor eon at tbo rale of
m par eoot per month from Nov. 1. 1S70
end for tbo oooU and diebumements of
tbls action.
Publlabcd by order of tbe Hon R P
Boise Judge of ssdd court, for ai z weeks
In tho "atom Rights Democrat " which or
der boars date Aug. zzod imL
Fun a Cham ass lai,
Atty's for riff.
Guardian's Sale.
tho undo elgned guardian 1 1 tbo par-
and eotato of Daniel Hmlth. Ixatie
smith, Edward Smith and Laura Smith
minors, will on Friday, tho 29th day of
September, lUh2jU tho boor of one o'clock.
p. of said day at the Court Dense
door a tbe city of Albany IAoo county,
uregon, aeii at public auction to tbo high
eat bidder, all tho right title and Interest
of said minors in aod to the foil owing do
serihod premieae to-wit: Tim undivided
four alxths of lot numbered seven (7j in
block numbered fifteen (16) In tbe City of
Albaay,Unn county, Oregon, as the same
w Jsaajrjuisl. num bored and dsoeribed on
tbo map and plate ef said efty oo 0Jo In
tho oOoo of the County Clerk of Linn
county, Oregon,
Tanas or aauc: One half cash in
hand, the I alaarw on a credit ef twelve
mouth, v rib iniereet at ten par coat par
arm i mi -the deferred payment to bo ao
roo d i.y utortgageon the premises.
i'ut August Slat, 102.
Uaoaoa SisoLrro.
w4 Ouardlan.
Final Settlement.
NOTICE far ooroby given tba' the an
dereigne.1 administrator of the es
tate of Thorn a Hummer; deceased, bas
filed ta lbs County Court for Liou oounty
Oregon hie float snxvum m each admJats
traior and by ordtr ol said court Monday
tho tad day of October 1S82 at tho bur
of ooo o'clock p. m., of said day la sat for
bearing objeotiooe to said account aad tbe
sottlesaeut thereof. Any paruoo Interest
ed ia said estate is hereby notified to ap
pear ana nie nis or her oojeeuoo to
nuai account on or before said dav.
August 18 1BB2. L Iln'rao,
Dissolution Notice.
The pertberablp heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned uoder tbo tirm
s and style of Fox, Baum A Co hi ibis
dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
as will be oontmued by Otto Pox. re
all debts should be paid, aad by
all indebted neea will be eetilwt.
otto Fox,
M. Kaca.
Albany Ang. 2lat.
Notice to Tax-payers.
To whom it may rearers :
Notice le hereby given that the Board of
equalisation of taxes for Lion county, Cre-
goo, win attend at the office of tho County
Clerk ef Linn oounty, tbe last hioodav in
Haptsmhsr, 1884. ami publicly exam I no
the assosament rolls tor 1882, and correct
all errors in valuation, description or quel
Ulce of lauds, lets or other property.
lit RAM S. VVtU I M,
Assam or for the County of Lion.
Aug. 3rd, 188s.
Assessment Notice.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors
he'd on the 19th day of Aug. 1882 at ha
office In Salem tbe Capital Oold and Silver
Mining Company of Salem Oregon levied
an assessment on iu capital stock of one
aod one half mills, nayab'e and delin
queat October loth, 1888,
S. F. Chaowick,
Secretary C. G. A M. M. Co.
Aug. 24th, 1882. 6wt.
rRT in TUC HIDlCT'v.
fftsaZr- in l nc remrmc i
ULLT.rlOAMT Jfi B Wf LiAi T9 M
FOR m BY AU ttOttftS I Vm DWER8.
ssasi a aaa aaeaeaas aa essaa rs i uniaan a i
cvuasae awaa ai saainaaeew m
Wholesale and Be tail Agent
A Wise riaa.
Everyone wishing to try the bow remedy
for billioaeaese and constipation Syrup
ofFiga-osn obtain a triil lottie fioeof
charge st Foshay A Mason's Albany, Roc
tor A fon Ha'sey.
fine shoes,
Oent Fine
The fall fctyle frtn lie atove
celebrated factories are joat being
opened eat at
and are saperior to aaythiBg beie
Ulere breagll to uit market.
School Shoes
ia larjfe varieties aad style, spe
cial attention haviBg bees given to
this HM.
Samuel E. Yoi vt.
Moat Celebrated
Will exhibit ia this city
Thursday and Friday Eves
Sept 7 and 8.
Friday Matiaee.
Also at Lebanon,
C, and J. Sherman take great pleas
are In announ cing that in aduiiiuu to
their woodorfai
Tbey bare 'h a year added a
Corps of Aresic Sttrs,
UmBpuaed by any h wing visiwd this
aj as. for vcare ,x.x :
kflaa gal Creea,
Mrs. r ilssi),
t srrt Si
Mr. rrat Mecssy.
Mrs. SMSTuA,
Mr. Jo WUhBs.
Mr. lkBerre,
BtefTWsa Dura),
aStara ZurUl
iU $ Ajhsw
Sherman's SiiTor Cornet Bend wit
p trade the s re ta hi tbo macnloecnt chsi
tot, drawn by mix noble
A I mission, $1.
Chdrrjr, 30 eta' t.
We have this day apro oted Mr. Kobe
A. Foster, agent oi the Ii ant an Assur
ance Co , of London, for Albaxy and
SrBso.t, CHrrcit e Cr.
Aug. 21, ISSi. Qeneral Agenta.
ESTABLISUED, A. 1). l&i.
Capita) subscribed,
Capital paid up
t io (ioo.i mo
Nor K.r-This company baa the Urgest
paid up capital of any company doing
bsusioosa ia tbe I oiteJ States. 1 n so ranee
accept ea by -
ROBT. A. i'Tf .t,
Agt of Albany.
Notice to Fruit Growers.
The undersigned ha viae obtained the
exclusive right to make and eelt lite 1'lura
tner Hot Air Family Fruit Drier iu tbo
eountis of JJnu, ane and benhm ekea
the present opportuiniy to inf rum pemms
who want to save their iruit crop, that
he ia prepared to receive orders tw the
boat fiujt dr-e-ir the aiarkot, Pinianier
Hot Air Khuiilj; Drier, fur psrtici Jr ad
Joun Pxiuoa
AJlatay, Oregon.
I shall kesm ths vrv
brands if llq-
uorato befouudintbe snarket. sud
ell a. wholesale prices. Also he
I will also sell real estate, raembendie,
household gooda, ate., at am-ti mi for aay
one in tba city or oountr. More opposite
Kevere House, Albany, Or.
Knowing Sjrupul Figs to be better in
its effect and store pleasant to tbe taste
than any other remedy, the California Fig
Syrup Company has adapted a wise pas
lo make its menu L caara to tbe peoj la.