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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT TiSuED STORY FRIDAY -ST STEWART & CHAMBERLAIN. hi in t;v ot ri( K-in Mawmi nuiinaaa nwlttMa Street. TCRRS OF SUBSCRIPTION copy, per year.. iafcfs copy, six ninths. . . tnle copy, Uiree mouth. jiiU number ......... . IS 00 00 1 00 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FLINX dt CHAMBERLAIN, 4TTOR3EYS AT LAW, Albany. Oregon. xafrofnee In Foeter'e Brick Blook. vi5nlStf. R.S. STRAIIAN, Albany, Oregon. 1 1RACTICE VS ALL THE COU RT8 OF 1 thte State. They give special alteu tiou so collection end probate matter. OBaee in Foster's new briok. SOtr "IlThTmONT 'ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, A Ji l Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office npataire, over John BrtgVtore, tfet attest. vl4n28tf J. K. WZATHERFORD, (NOT ART PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AisoY. objecox. WILL PRACTICE IR ALL THR COURTS OF THE Sut. Special kiuatiun gh en ta culWetiun and probate Mttv. CTOttc in OKI Nassrs Temple. f . e. mwiu. w. a. BILYKC TOWELL & BIIaYEU, iTTORN EYS AT LAW, Aid SeMtart in -haBeerv, ALBANY. - OtiKWOM. Collection promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jgTOmce in Foster's Brkat.-n vMnl9if. F. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEB AXON OetEliOV Vffi practice In all the courts i of the Rial. P rotuot attention civen to eotlecllon. eon veyaace and examination oT Tttlea. Prohate rnsiaw- -i '-'"r TttnlCU. UEOBA1K V. UARXEs. ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public, rRI.NEYILLF.. 0nA4VSL Collections promptly made on ail points. 17.- SKIP WORTH. ATYORXCY AVO Ol XFtOB AT LAW AND &OTAKY PI BUI . WILL practice in all courts of the State iJl business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofet la 0' Toole' Block, BradaZLln Strtmt, 45yl Albany, Oreoan, LEWIS STIMSGN'S LlfEXV JkW FEED STABLK. First class vehicles, fine horeea, good food, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give then a oali. Stablea near Revere Houe. yl. E. W. LANCDON & CO., IRl tiGIST. Book Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Largp Wiock and Low Prices. OITT IDIvXyO STORE, frl tLt!il. OttRfcPX. FOSHAY & MA80N, vBoutLAte an f.miu- Druggists and Booksellers. ALBABY, OKEtiOH. vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Campeau haappnrcbaaed the barber hop formerly owned by J H 8urlea, and will continue the business at tbe old place and guarantee aatix faction to customers. REVERE HOUSE, ora. eirat and EUawarth A thaay, Oregon. QiL&a FfeifEer, Prop'r. ThU r Hrdel : flvted an in nret cie rtyle. Tabic with tbe beat the market, afford. Spring in every Ro-tn. A good anaaple Koom for Una mcrciai Traveler,. Coach ta aad flraaa ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB A A Y, OB. Tii First Term will open on Toes day, September 12th, 1?2. r.-r saarUeuUre crmserning tbe cowm of study taa prioa of tuiUoii, apyiy U KCV. ELBERT A. OiMiM. ru.ldtat. Aioany Bath House. rilHiC UKDRKrii. ei) v, 0ULI BBSPKC1 fallj inform tbe oitiiens of Albany and ri eiaitvtbat I have taken charge ot thii natablub meat, and, by keeping oiean room and payis BtrietattenAioa to baame, expect to suit el those who may favor us with tbatr patronage fUring beretofora carried on nothing ant First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, znaot to riv entire 4tt(faeYio& to aJ JBPaChUlien aui La-lt' Bbir aaatly on tamponed. JOS W BBB8R. The Great English Reme Ilea never Uiliog our for INVrvoua Debility, HatatneJ WknMi, Kxhauaten Vj. Jity, Spannatorrbflta, t,tta'A NABea, Un lotittKcy, Panilykia, and aii li-mhle tOecta of Ben lAbuec, youthful folliea.and xcetsbca in matuier jeara- ,iteh ks lone of Memory luaaeitude, KmUaion, Aver. Iuou to Society. Liumn of v'ibioii, Solace in the Head; th viui fluid paaem.' nnobaerved iuto the urine, and many other dieee leading to ineantty and death. Da. HITIE will agree to forfeit Five Iguadred UMtttara for a case of tbje kind the Vital Realora MFB '(nndcr Ij'oj special aJr:' end treiuinent) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. RintUt treats all priyate dica.?cs teeeaf ally without mercury. O'lisuliation free. Tb irousrb ex amination and ad ice including analgia of urine, S5. price of ?iai Rcetorative, g3 bule, or four timaa the quantity Ate, scut to any addxeae upon receipt of price or C, u. D, o ucure from observation and in pri vateif desired, by DH-A, E- M1NTIE, 11 Kearuey street, San PrancUco, Cul, Sample bottle free. Sent on application by bitter, stating symptom, fex and age. Commuuicatiout strictly coufidcutifc.1. Dr, Mintte'a Kidney Remedy, Nepbretleum, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder compiaJiite.goiiorrbaea, fleet, leouchorrbuea. For sale by all drugguts, gl a otUe or six bottlea forf5. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pill are tbe best ard cheap, est D"epepaia and Bilious cure in the nou Let. For aale by airdraerriat. , dy EaS OTB1 State VOL. XVIII. CermahrehedY FOR RHEUMATISM, Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings mad Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tenth, Ear and Headache, Frosted F set and Ears and all other Paha and Aches. So TissjsbHmsj mm eerie, eaeae) St. limM On a , asre afswe-fe and cAeajs Rnjeei K.miy A trial eoiaile bat ta e mmnAr trlStan eodffr of 10 Oats, aad nr so Marwi lib pais c&& tu 'wiiin;- al pieiue tu4 ul tu snRnv QtrcUasta Bb ftaSQSSfS SOLD BT ALL DRIJG0IST8 AID DEALEL3 II nTDICIHX. A. VOOELER As CO.. ,,UU ,V.S A. W. H. GOLTRA DRALER IN Farm Machinery, WAC0BS, BACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, m ANNALS St WOO DIN, SAXcrAcrctaa nt aaaiaa m FURNITURE a BEDDING. Caraer Ferry aad aeeead Btrcels. ALMA XV, - OREGON. vtfniTi NERVOUS DBBILITy. A SURE CUREJUaRaNTEED. TVR- E- C. WF.VTB X EKVK ANH PRAIN TREAT If nwnt,aiafc. for Hytuna, Vitfiummt, Con vundorw. Nervous Headache, Mental Uepnmtoa Loan of Ifaaaory, Mpcrtnatrhnea. impofaney, In voluntary iiuikwdi na, preeaatare old age, aanaad by oear-eatrtton. aatf abnaa or over-indulgence, which lende to raieery, decay aad death. On box will core recent Ulneea. cam box containa an aniai treatment ; on dollar a box, or six boxes far five dollar; eent by mall prepaid on receipt of price We e-aarantea aix boxea to L-ure any caaa. Wito cana order received by ns for aix boxea. accempanWd with Ave dollar, wa win eei ine ptxreoaeer oear arntten gn&rantas o myrn trie money a to wane. aeeea doe not cswt a cur. UiOiraataeo uero only by Whoieaale and Retail DruafiaU, PwrUand, Oregon. Order by mall at regular prtoee. Dr. S PI WE V, NO. 11 KEARNY T. Treat all fRf-B1 ful YOUNG MEM WHO MAT BE aCri'ERI4i IROM THE effew of youthful totliaa or hiriarrHion, will do welt to avail ahanwelraa) of thla, timgreataat boon ever Laid at the ir of Buffering hunnt DR. SPfRNEY wiU guarantee tpmrft fiMOfor every caae seminale weakneea or private dieeaee of any kind or which be onaetraaea ana nuig i eorw. If iaPLE.At.BP BE- TkiM aew minr at die are id Udrty-ireto ty who .r-tr,.W-d with too ffonuirut evacuatbaa of th btad- der, often accouxpantea uy a anuni, m.rung or ournnig einimtlen, and a weakening of tbe eyetctu in a meaner dMndtat cannot account ior. on examining toe nrlnere datxariu a row eediwent will often be foo ind tnmet'nvt email particiee of albumen will appear, ffme to a dark and tonid afipcaraiMa. There are many . ,,. ..L.r m ill la id a Ulln n.tllrli Ki. Mn cbaUV men who die of vide difficulty Ignorant of th caune. which t tbe aeeond alage of aeauual weakneea. l. 8. will guarantee a perfect cur in all nca aaeee, and healthy restoration of tbe genito-uriintry organ. Ornc HOC 10 tp 4 aad to . Bunaay e inm 10 to 11 A. a. CkMiautatioa tee. Tborougii exiuntatio arul utviM. SJL - For privet dlreaaee f abort eUnding a full enrec of medicine suffieient for a com, witnan inetra:uoue, a til be gent to any addrtaa tt receipt of gio 00. Oeil and addreee, ag. ri-TET at .. 7 l it Ko. II KnnrBt. aa Prancieca, Cal To the Unfortunate ! DR GIBBON S Dispensary. 00 oorffoiannr' dal street. Ban FVancUco Rstabliabed In IBM, for the treatment of BexuaJ and Seminal Diseases, such a irttaerrfcea. tileet, Hlpltnre,ayphlllainal na fonns. imisateaey aenatnal Weak . iiiirlit by dreams, pirn pies en tb faesatad Iom of osatiiiood can positively be cured. The sink and afflicted should no tail to call upon blm. Tb Doctor has traveled eatenaiveiy In Europe; aj)d lidpeptad ti'rmrhiy the varipaa noapi tahr there, obmfpng a gr,at ueai ui v (Unable uuorma rAon. which be is competent to impart to those In need of bi erficei. DR. GIBBON will make no charge nnleaa he effect a cure. Peraoua st a distance MAW kk CUBED AT DOME. All eouuuunwatton strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor. uanA ton dollars for a package of modleinsv Persons writing to th Doctor will pleas state thename of tb nanerthev see this advertisement in. Charge rav sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. r. OIBBOK, Box 1967, Ban Pranekico. vWM Ear Bale. A sash and door factory ; located at Stay ton. Will be sold cheap. Cintom work is sufficient to ran mill at full capacity. Call at this office for further particulars. tfA sBR ,;.fi TMK OR A WnniOI.K RKEl'KU Dredttr, oraw-brkigo kecptr, otMtl Ulu TH daiiferwu gto to lot the , I through . ill Hill mm u aUmltittf by hi ali, Abavs Pi ante RUcr deop tnd llut, Wbibi la taa dhtaaea, Ilka a moan at pain. Wai hoard lh whltllo at Ua coining train. At one brava Draesar worked to awing It back, Tba gata-llk UH.Ig, that aeanu a fata i( Uaaih, Naarar ami nearer, on tha alander trai'k, Carna tha swift angina, t tilting It whlu hreatli. Tlian, with a ili risk, tha loving father aaw tii lUTUng boy tail headlong Irvta tba draw. Either at anoa down In tha atream apring And tare hla eon, and iet tha Uvtag trvight Kttah on to death, or to hia work to cling, And leave hie b y tmhalned to meat hi, fata. Which abaule) be dot Were fan aa he waa tried, Wovld not your lore outweigh ail elae beaut, And rat the child to Alia waa full a detr Aa jroure majr be to you tba light of eye,, A Ilka s brighter alotoapbara, The bouaehold atar that abaae lu bjve'e nul l .km Yet aide by aide with duty atara and grini, Rten hie child beeatue aa naught to hlui Par Dratkar, aatag great of aaul sad true, Ileal ta hia work, and did not aid bie boy, Who la Uaedeett, dark water aaak froto view. Than from the faihera Ufa went forth all Jo) . But aa ha fail back pallid with hia pain, Acreea the bridge laaafety paad the train. And yet tba awn waa poor, and la hie breaet Flowed no auoeetrai biuod of king or lord. TrvagreainaaaneedanoUtloaad o ereat. To win trust aaa Juat honor and reward. Mobility is not of rang, bat adad. And ta Inborn aad eouunou la our kind. Ha ta moat aeble whoae hsnsahy la leaat eormpaad. To be Juat aad gnwd Taa birth right of taa lowent bora May be. Bey what we aaa, are are one brother bood. And.riaaot poor, or taatoua or unknown. True heart are noble, aad true heart aioae. iissav ABBBI a tram man. "Nu, my mar, I 4o lot t-ounlon-anc tratApp, and you will greatly oblige me by leaving lhe premisea Tha nktt, a portly, well ilrt-a-t d, well fad man of midtlla age, turned iinjmtieotly from the Intruder, and re- -onjuieiK ed I he peruaal of hia atp. er. The other, a allm, gaunt, hullo, eyed man of knub three or lour and twenty yeara of age, drew hia tat tor. ed coat over the ragged shirt front aa a lovely girl approached, anJ then Bald, ' beg pardon for intruding, but you tooked to eoufcriablo hem that IIthe fact l, I am not r tramp ; 1 am" Never mind ! Leave at once, or I will call tbe fjutnun," angrily Inter rupted the other. The raggedly drerjeed individual, after ghtneiog caauaiiy at the girl, ut tered a low "Rood morning," and urned to quit the grounds. 'Wait, please ; hero is a half dol lar Jil I have with rue. Take The girl wont and banded the poor feilow tbe pleee of money. A aho glanced up at bla face her eye- caught auch a look of heartfelt gratitude that aba felt herself doubly repnid for the charitable act. See here, Tt, I thought I aaid tbe ether day that I did not wish any of my family or attendants to encour age tram pa f If you eontinue to do thla eort of thing, the pac will he literally over run with the rng-tng and lBb tall Bwarm," Now, papa, do atop ! 1 recdlect quite distinctly that yuu said we must not encourage tramp." Precisely ; and here in the very face of my Injunction you give alms to one 1" interrupted he, as he strok ed the sunny trotsoa of hid darling. ! saw j hat about blm which be- apeak blm to bo other than a tramp." 'A a well, I do not know jmt what ; perhaps a p .r, unfortunate whoso lot (n tha world has nut been all sunshine. Papi. who can tell 1 He mty be a prince In disguise." And Tot Huptrl laughed heartily at the romantic Idea, Nonsense I Ho is Just what be looks a tramp,'' r apmidod her fath er. "Rpallv and lionostl". osim. an - - m w a s v awer me truly ; could you not sec gentleman in thoo big, sorrowful eyes of his V The only thing about htm that I could find redeeiMiug waa hi Ian. goage," mid Mr it ipert, and that Was uu tramp like. Btill, 1 don't wish auch as he is encouraged in the slightest," Tbe two went In to breakfast, and perhaps before the meal was over, both had forgotten all about the tramp. Mr. Hupert waa not a hard- hearted moo ; ho was tike tntny o hers heart; Uy tired of Rutting band la pocket and encouraging tramping beggtrg. ?Let thera work," he said ; yet I dare venture to say that be would not truet one even with a.i axe to dj a days chopping for fyar tbe tramp would steal the a Tbe afternoon had apol along and the evening shadows began to fall. Mr, pd Mrs. Rupert were sitting upon their veranda talking, when suddenly the abrlll cry of a boy's voice emote their oars. Miss Tot oh ! she's gone and falh d clean inter tbe water !" And Billy, tbe boy of alt work, dashed up to the startled pair. Mr. Rupert sprang from bis ehalr ; HanRSnRBlIiBonn Butts ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, HEPTEMBER 8, 188. grasping the boy by tha arm he ask ed What ? Quick, Hilly, tell me ! Who fell Into the water f no .-over by tho Island In the lake. Sho'n that city feller was in ter a boat It tipsat, an' he awam anhore un' -an" " My (lad I boy, whtt of Tot, my Tid V tw)tilt k ! Speak !" A feller what wni ior -deoplu tbe hushes Jumed li ami sivnd bar. By golly i Mr. RttjMft, ha dai did." Two men with a limp, dripping form between them im iih Into the yard; Y", It W Tt ; her goldcu hair bung down, wet and str t gttng. The parents met the m mi, and ere Mr. It npert could ask for explanation, MM of them naitl, Tho lady Is not beyoud recovery. Some hot drink, warm fUnuels and rubbing, will bring her around all right, I know, for I have seen many cases of the like." It wae a tramp, the man whom Mr. Hupert had ordered a way but Lhll very morning. They carried Tot to the house and loft her to thu women. After dis patching Hilly for a dxdor, Mr. Rup ert went to the tramp and aaid, Arc you the min who saved my child f "Just 4 chaoco ; rtpjrely a fortunate thing, my being in tho locality. You need not o gto your room to-night with the pangs of a childless mm In your heart." Uod knows 1 am overwhelmed with gnatitudo t Hto are a bun. dred-" YExcaso mo ; I do t t counten ance tramps" doing such aata as I have done for money." Jbe word were proudly spoken, and Mr. Uupert gaaod into tbe speak erB eyea and aaw that which Tot bml seen a gentleman. Pardon me. Cao I do anything for you." i.fea." 'Name li. ' Do not always Judge a man by hla garments. When next a poor, miserable tramp applies for aims, just give him some of that money which you offered me. (lood morning." The stranger turned upon his beet and left. Tt Hupert aoon recovered, aud what became of the tramp ? I can not say as to that ; but 1 do know that the money ho told Mr. Rupert to dispense flffurHl up to nure than a hundred doltara in na end. . ,V. AViVr. 1UC UORRStlOr. Wbrn tbe gases arising from a cbar- c ial dust parting are to be avoided, we may use sifted asbes instead, some times soap and ashes are employed, but soap will produce gaseous products. Pig metal holding about two per oent. of o ppe gives sharp caaihazs which ara deoae and soft, if there has been no chillina, Tha outside coal ia frequently of nearly pure copjet . It is asserted that articles of iron or brass may be bronzed by dipping ttem into malted sulphur mixed with lamp, blaok. Tbe surface, after beiug drain ed off, will taxe a beautiful olish, and presents the antienraneo of oxidiaad bronze. For cleaning bottles emery powdsr is suggested in place of shot. Ns. 5 or u is the beat, It can Ire used alory with dilute acid. It works ranch more rant Hv than sbot en account of w its sharp angle, and it in in every way an economical susitutn. If hen it is do dred to give a smooth surfaoe to larga castings in green sand, tba dusting with charcoal dust is dis- aensed with. Instead ot that tha v. print is pointed over by means of brash wit h a mix turn in water of 1 piantic cUy and eharooal dtiat. A furtlicr rirjlUh mv Ht civen with an - - - m mw iron too'. For burning efT oil paint troni car riages preenre ten or twelve feet of rub ber tnbing (which oomes of proper size for such purpoHes.) slip one end over tha eras burner: nut a burner on the m ' Other end, light the gaa, and bold the flame to tho work. One man ean bum off more old paint with gas than two WStb hot irons The following is found to be a most srticienl cement for leather belts: Equal parU of common glue and isin glass are placed in a gtua pot, water being added siillioieut in quantity to pover the whole, Afr some ten hours' soaking, the mixture is brought to a boiling heat, and pure tanutn ad ded, until the whole becomes a ropy consistence, or tike that of the wbito of eggs, and apply wane. The plan is to buff eff the grain of the leather where it ia to be cemented, nib the joint surfaces solidly together, let it dry for a few hours, and it is ready for use. If suitably put together no rivets are required, the cement being as strong as the leather. tMITORS Durirg the Centeunisl year, we were sitting together one beautiful afternoon on his piasxa smoking and talking. While ws were in the midst of our ooovirsatiori, 1 observed two men and two wotneu coming toward us across the laon. They wore obviously New England country folk returning from the Centennial Exhibition. The men bad tbe slow, deliberate, rustic walk, and were droafed in ili lilting blaok broadololh, the vry look of a Inch made one pi capita. The womeo, who were leading the way, had an ap pearance of pluck and enterprise, as if they were deteriiiiuad to oooeusr the modest diUidenoe of their companion. Mr. Irongfellew was aittitig with Lis back to the street, and did not observe them until they were within a yard of of the piazza, tie looked a 1m tie sur pr'.ad, but s rose and saluted the in truders with his wonted courtesy. "Be yau tbe (see, Iangfllow C asked one of the wotueu in a vei e that was incredibly unmelodieu Yes, lam Mr f.-mgfellow,' hesn swered. There waa an awkward pause, dmiug which the visiters stared at the poet with unabashed glances as if he Lad been a Cenfenniat relic on exhibition. "Now, bow old a roan might you be ff qtiaried the other nnodn abruptly. 'I am sixty -nice yean old, madam." "Pears to me yeu lo-dc coni Tally older," said one of tbe men looking up sideways at Mr. Ingfeltow's fc with a crittoal air. "My look may bciJe me , 1 am no older." I could not but wonder at the ex treme urbanity with -huh he answer ed tbaae blunt questions showing no annoyance ia bis face, and ao reseat meat. And when, finally, at their re quest, he conductel the atny through his house, be sa Waa it taxi with the same gentle oourteey to a oat ex tminaticn regarding hia family an I pef sonal af fairs, which won). hafi trie I tie ja tieaoe of tba auli-aogel tiabnel. When, at the end . f I alt u hour ho returned, aiedogu: tor ht aarnce, f made a remark which wa-, jieihaps, a little diareSM-titful to bis 1st w.noa "They nieaut h qtitapat lo pa by thuitijunalion," b0 aliawerwsj, with that beautiful geotleneas which was so characteristic ol hia manner. "It ia perfectly proper where tli eaeaa from to interval one's aslf in the personal af fairs of everybody ,H 'But it must bo a great inconven- teass to you," 1 obaerved, "to jt so frequently disturbed by such excui- sioutst." "Well, during the present tear I admit it baa baeo a hub- trvinc. Nevertheless, always dislike sending a man or woman away who has coma out here for lbs purjoae ol seeing mo or my bouse. Of course, I have to do it occasionally, but it ia alwajB diaa greeaSie to ma needleaaiy tu disappoint any one. Those women whom you saw are a good staunch Nw England tyie, and I like them in spite of their lack of tact and their abrupt manners. They are geod( hard wot kin women, who make good wivea and good moth ers. And yet, the other day, I was a a a aa - a greatly amused a l one ot toe same class whe came here with a large basket whether she bad anything to sell I did not ascertain -apparently for the purpose of telling me that aha bad read 'Kvangelii.e' from taginntng to end, and,' abe added, 'there ten't many folks can say that.' I am con vinced new tbst she bail no intention whatever of being rude to me ; she was merely awkward and nervous, and aaid what ahe did not mean to say. I aaked bar if she had found the reading of 'Evangeline' auch a dreadfut task, 'the question seamed to surprise her ; sLo grew embarrassed, and showed plainly that she had no recollection of having said anything uncomplimen tary." It was, as far I can lamembet, on tbe same occasion that Mr. Longfellow told me of a yeuog nun from somewhere in New England who wrote to Lim, saying that he was in love with a young lady whose name was given, and a de scription of whose apteatarjce was also subjoined. Tba writer bad been do rating himself far a lung time to the task of winning this young lady's af fection, but she had so far given lorn no encouragement , aud be bad arrived at tbe conclusion that "nothing but poetrv would fetch her," New, would Mr. I,ongfellow, whom lie understood to be a poet, write some suitable stuff, for blm that would appeal to tbe young lady'a heart, and would be first let him know bow much be charge! for a poem of this kind ) Whether Mr Longfellow burlesqued a little this in cident in relating it I am unable to say ; but from the gravity of hia man ner, and Btill more from his tempera mental inaptnesB for burlesque exag geration, I concluded that the incident had occurred exactly as be rejvorted it. Ifrefi Bryton in Christian Union. lOStlPRLAOW a ejri.R Bfmorrat. Plain Talk, Oa Mala Basjeete, RV. A. PbilK Oba. Oooaira. Oh, how people love to talk about their neighbors. Nine-tenth had rather have a Juicy chunk of gossip than a colicky watermelon In mid. summer, and, without regard to sex, it can safely bo aaid that a now bit of social news, that no one has a right to know but yourself, ia more gladly received than a dve-ekwaed circus. Albany la no backslider In this re spsct Lovely as our eity is, It baa enough genuine old K'"ipcrs In It to mo a New Kiirlsnd factnrv. Vmr imagination they cannot bo excelled, jr eavesdropping they have no su perior, allhougu wo presume equals, for all place are alike lu auch matter, that la, If tbey have not at tained a certain population. In tbe last mouth and a few days there have been eevon, marriage la this city. The gossip about those seven marriage f, if place d lu volumes, would aurpaas the Pandects, aud for Ilea aad chimerical narratives leave Dm QsjIx. ote In the shade. Bat they oaa stand it now, (ot they are pat too Rublooo, and Mr. and Miss Ooasip have turned their attention to green er fielda. New, look out. We have already beard of a yeung laly with several diamond rings, who ia on. gaged to three or four young moo, no doubt about It at ail, and too mar rlagaa are going to take place la Sep tember, O.tehor and November. Nor is there a shadow of a doubt about this for Mies Victim had a tuck lot out in her drees only teat woek,aada few days ago bougl.t too yards of cotton cloth and a foot tnd a -half of ribboo. Babe ? And then there la Mr. Slim, who has taken to fixing hliuaelf up ta each a, fastidious style, when, everybody knows that uutil now ho never eared a picayune whether he looked liko a sturdy granger or a Pino Street law yer, lie ovldeotly meatus business, fur Miss Waggle-her, pamjue aaw him hanglog ovee the gate with Mlse Plump, xud the very next day ahe was observed to hide tor hand whoa a friend cal!e I on her. Significant, tha! Aad so I: gue, but would as oait believe that a whale had drank .up the Pacific Ocean as half of this triah. There la no bottom to It. Wo wjn't willingly believe half tho ugly atorlee told about cur neighbors, aid and young. We are golcj to think well of everybody na long aa wo have a cent In our pocket ; at tho aatne lime, miod you, we propose to keep bold of that cent aa long as our mus cles .main firm. That story about a certain young man helping himself to another's man's property Is all ad - de ral ; he la aa honest as tba day Is long. Nevertheless I think I will lock my thing up o' nights. ou can't make me behove that my neigh. bor, fJtrr beat ht wife with a broom the other night and throw a basket of potatoes at her head. Whv, only a few Sabbaths ago L aaw him put a shining half on the plate, aad he never refuses to pay hla debts. At the same time, I am human, and wheo I moot him with anything In hla hand I almoat voluntarily ahy to ono able. But of course that atory was all a lie, and Juat invented by some ono who heard Critu'a cat ami dog fighting to talk about. You can generally tell a goosipper at double range, but as yon are (a miliar with their llkenBoaea, 1 will not atiom,p.t to portray their features For my part I had rather bo a fly In tho web of a spider or a eat with do at my heels, than to have a fukl- blooded gosslpor in my fleet-tracks, It is no pleasant thing rt ho pictured as riding a windmill aa clitublag laadet feet first when you never thought of either. So do not gossip. If you have anything you know to be true toll it If you are Inclined, but, for the aake precious firesides, tangible aad ac ticinated, do not iuvent mattei for the sake of having something to talk about. Some people will believe it. Te make a cement for gUsa that wtl teslot aoids, take o;;nda of pul verised stone and gutsM. and mix with it 4 pounds of sulphur. Subject the mixture to such a moderate degree of beat that tha sulphur melts. Stir un til the whole becomes homogeneous, and then run it iuto moulds. Whan required for use it is to be heated to 248, at which temperature it malts, and may be employed in the usual man ner. It reals s the aetion of acids, never changes in tbe air, and is not affected in boiling water. At 230 it ia VsaM to be hard as stone. 1503 Ier ver can be easily made at home working for .0. Rideout & Co., 10 Batclsy St., New York. Send for their catalogue and full part'oulars NO 6. T1IPEBAICE DMRTIEIT. ROTTKD BY Tltk team's CarlMlaa Teateriite liisi i i, i . . . j , ii I. wwrstrrioR rx rabbah. frriTK or Karsas, Kx'tivr Dxr'T. Mr Dksr HiR:Haee juat received your letter of the Gib instant, enclosing clipping flora tbe foH which says: "Ea-deeeinor Uabinaon of Kansas a prominent teas man, in rejdy to tnqatriea r-.,esetieg the prohibibay t itt that State, aaye that ibttery so end meet to the con- is a mistake, and tbj lag Is more eemraen now ia Kansas than ever aefere; he quotes leading newspapers aad Utters te toetaia hia position." aiter tbe Temperance campaign was fairly epawed ex CJoeernor Xobinaon came to the front aa one of tbe most active aad untiring opponent kf Dr. bibUien. and was at one the ackuowl w eaampioa, af lineaai J drtiavakapa, and hia eerse waa eatbaaiaatically an deraed aad eheered by e,fy distil let, brewer and aaiooi-kwat in Kaasaaa. If be is kuowaia the state as a 'press. . beaut teaoeranc run. J am not aware of the fact Ha aaa iset at an time during toe great struggle with the Wbiaky Ring in Ksuse, for five year peat, affiliated with Uie lemara. workers of the State, althmiab be tr . ... ciaiaas to oppeaa peabikstien f. temper anoa standpoint. If tioeerner Robtoaou, befw stat- log that "driaktng U mere eomraao ia Kansas than ever before," had exam in ad tbe reeorda of the fiirn court ia the eity ot Uwreoce, near which be r sides, be would have found that the butt five aeantba under tbe obi Itcenae eyatom fernJahed 214 ceaea to that tri bonal, against only 109 the first fire taeatba under prsaibitioo. The city of aaawum, to uarrey eouaty, containing about 3.000 paUtiest, bad not a single eaaa of drunkenness in the police court from tbe 1st, of May (being the date that the prehibitery law took effect en til tho 1st, day at October; ami tbe District Jmt the esmveaed there about that tiaae, for tbe first tiamo ia the history of tbe Bounty found not a single ertsBtnal case vpoa tho docket. Ottawa, containing about o.OOO pop ulation, situate ia Franklin county nukes equally aa. good a shewing, and tbe (aregeiag cities present no better reeord than may bo found in acorea of ether towns ia the State. Even in the rum-cursed cities of Kaaoaa. probdatioa baa been a k I rani as Tbe last four month under license shows 102 aaaae of di unkoneata in the. Leaeenworth city pohoo court, aeainat only 78 esses tba first four taentbs na. dor prebibitioa. Daring the same period in Topeka liconaa furnished 139 lor drunkenneea, against only 93 under probihitioa. We are leceiviag an excellent emi gration aad Kansas waa never mere prosperous than aba is to-day Tbe valuation for 1861 of personal pioporty ia tbe sUte waa $10,348,000 greater than it waa for 1880 under license, and a little ever $4,0u,0( grantor than aay previous year. Tbe earnings of the Atcbiaaea, To peka and ssaote Fa Railway Company for the BBoaUt ot Juno, 1881, wore $438,000 greater than tor tbe corres ponding Bsonth in 1880. Tbe first ton months of 10, under free wbiaky rale, seat in ear htato wn iteatiary 254 convicts, against only 148 the first ton months of 1781, after wa bad adopted our Inhibitory amend For every salesn-keeper that has left Kansas su account of prohibition, wo have receired a sufficient number ei sober, industrious, law-abiding citi- sens te build a school-house, and K an sae can afford te exchange saloons for school -houses. Kansas may have made "a mistake," but if so, it is certainly in tbe right dit action, snd our people are aa well pleased with it that if tbe question of returning to the old system of licensing dram-shops was submitted to them, it would be defeated by an overwhelming majority. Gov. Robin am will point you te Aetbtaea, Topeka, Leavenworth snd a few ether cities where the law is hourly being violated aa evidence that 14 prohibition doaa not prohibit" but bs fails to call your at tention to the faot that those places are an exception to tbe general rob), and contains only about ono-twentiiith of tba population of Kansas, and that ia tbe remainder of tbe SUte the law ia aa honsstly obeyed and enforced as is anv ether law prohibiting crime. Prosecution are being vigorously pressed, and violators of tbe law ara convicted sad severely punished. At Salinaa rum-seller wss convicted ia the District Court on thirty -three charges, tba fines amounting in tbe ag gregate to $8,300, and costs, and thirty days imprisonment in tho County Jail. This man is undoubtedly convinces that prohibition ia not a failure. Tak jug into consideration tba fact that oo the soil of Kansas is to-day being taught tba battle of prohibition for tba AbVtSTWXO HAT TTwk" J t'l Sa I la 1 foci, Too I 3 00 606 a oo 7 00 11 09 15 00 I at 700 1000 ISM 1300 1100 2500 800 1200 1500 1808 2380 3800 4800 800 300 400 e on 730 10 00 12 00 1100 2f fci 27 69 35 80 48 Oo oOOv n 1.1 20 00 4000 80 80 loooo rpeweai ouainosa notices in Lomi Coi ii mas 2 cants per line. Rorular hJli rSsJrtl.P' ,UM rjl"M,t Nation, and that la this struggle wo have not only to contend with ex Gov -entor ItoUnaen and tbe wbiaky ting of this Ht.te tbst so heartily support and applaud him, but tbst Urge en ma of money are from time to time famish ed by the distillers, brewers and saloon keepers throughout the entire country to aid aa far ss possible to break th force of prohibition in this State (tor the rum o wer tealbses that the su scene of prohibition ia Kansas assess vent ually an BBSS throughout tbe Union and overthrew of tbe greet..)' evil tbst ever fastened itself upon anv people, it will bs aeon that we have made a very satisfactory degree of pro gress. Kansas will never I holier, sgsin be guilty of giving tho sanction of law to the traffic in intoxicating liquors snd the destruction of human souls. Yeu mar rest assured that oer people will faithfully continue tho good tight, we shall take no steps back ward; we are consctwts tbst wo are bs the right, we know that God ia juat, ami it a g but do our duty Ho will lea the homos of Kansas with a gb rioua and lasting victory, and the rue power will ho buried out of sight, and beyond tbe hope of resurrection. Very truly veers, Joax P. Sr. Jon A esse of surgical taatruRseats wss lately found at Pompeii. One New York firm bandied 37,. 00$ bushels of peanuts last year. Aa AOaatat Gs. ighf , the other day, waa a sort drawn by two tame sliigs tors. Ills said s loo hoi equal to that made from grain ean be produced frees scenes. Tbe last week of June wss the first week for nearly three yeara that a death from small por hsd not occurred ia London. Children living on the Hyde Park aide of Kagtewood, s suburb of Chicago, have to to cross sixty -three railroad tracks ia going to school. Tbe first appearance of cot ton sa an art isle of cosneserca wss a shipment of seven sades from Chartaotoo in 1793. In 1880 91 the crop was fi,o00,00$ balea. It is stated rhst a black of ere ess. ed pine, in use in tbe street poveesont nt Galveston for seven veers, waa recent ly examined and found to have lost but an eighth of aa inch. The British Museum has began tho printing of its catalogue, tbe Jumbo of catalogues. It is done because tbe vasnuseript voluntas, 3000 folios, are getting too big for any room te hob), and the museum ia printing them aa aaeb gets to have about 2800 pages of print. Tbe volumes are sold st $15. In a lofty doable basso in Berlin 1258 psfseaea make their borne. This outranks anv New York tenement bouse. Its lababitaeta would ho a community of themselves. Tbey are single and married, grass widows and widowers, and their religions snd oc cupations are every imagine ns Rind. The yak ia found in a wild sa well aa a . . at - am R a domesticate! state, rormony very little was known of tbe wild variety. Nothing ean bo more dissimilar than tbs two varieties. Tha mild ono tu ba bits the loftiest peaks, seldom ventur ing below the perpetual snows, except during unusually severs weather. It is a fierce brute, and has been known to exceed aixteen bands ia height. Hue records crossing a stream ia which a wild herd of yak bad been imbedded in the ice snd frux-n to death, their forms being perfwily disttngntsbaV, through tbe ice. nt w OROt has ran. Man proposes and tbe girl weigh his pocket book and decides. BrighamJ Young's grave Is kept green from the jealousy of his num erous widows, A piece of steel la a good deal like a man ; when you get it rod hot it loses its temper. "Don't put la no muskeetor net tin' for me," aaid Aunt Hannah. I don't want to breathe no strained air." "Don't you love birds, Mr. Prose -man, and all their sweat little ways?' "I do, Mies Gushington, dearly on toast.'' FttBy :" No, you cannot rale chickens from eggplants. Yon might as well try to raise calves from a cow catcher. It Is curious that tha pig must be killed before ho cao be cured. A yacht ean stand an a tack without saying naughty words. Blast furnaeiaisg mixed with line stone in tbe proportion ef about four to seven has been foiled te produce a vety high grade mortar. Experiments show tbst after three day a this mortar waa harder than Portland cement; in seven days it wss as the semen t after three months, aad ia twenty night dsys h waa harder then tbe cement steer seven, yeara.