The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 11, 1882, Image 2

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    FRIDAY AUGUST 11, 1882
Tve New York Herald advises the
republicans in congress to go home M
quietly as they can and pertinently
adds, "that is their best chance to save
what is 1 ft of their depleted populari
ty." The Wasco Sun has changed hands
as well as politics. The last issue con
tained the valedictory of its qu om
editor Chas Y. Draper, better known as
Bjy 0ator,' anl also tha salutatory
of the present editor Cel. F. S. Lane.
In his Utica speech Conkling re
marked that "old party issues have
largely passed away." There is a grain
of truth in the remark, but it seta the
leaser lights acoz. ant the little organs
of the featherbead persuasion are
emptying the most discordant sounds
upon the head of the great New York
er. Says the New York Time (republi
can) : "Republicans outside of Penn
sylvania who are anxious tor the over
throw of the ''boss" influence and the
introduction ot reform piinciples and
tnothods will regard with . com placcncy
the prospect of Pattison's (Democrat)
election. Defeat in one important state
this year will be a slight ealatnnity
compared to a general defeat two years
hence, and if out of it shall come the
impulse of a vigorous reform movement
it may be made the forerunner of fu
ture triumphs."
It seems strange that the execution
of fifty million people would weigh the
political out-come of his exercising the
veto power, against the public welfare.
But Arthur did this very thing. It is
reported on good authority, that while
discussing the propriety of vetoing the
Hirer and Harbor Appropriation bill
in the Cabinet the discussion always
drifted towards the effect it would
have on the party and Arthur conclud
ed finally that it would hurt his chan
ces more to sign the bill than to veto
it. Hence the veto.
While the senate was considering
t'ae bill purporting to be a bill
reducing internal-re venue taxation
Senator Bayard, objected that a
reduction of $8 per ton on Bessemer
steal frails would not be a sufficient
reduction to meet the wants of the
people. In the course of one of the
ablest addresses we have ever read he
said : "The payment of a double pi tee
for steel rails was no more voluntary
than the voluntary payment by the poor
clerks of these political assessments
to Mr. Hnbbeil, It was involuntary,
it had to be done or the railroads could
not be built." Senator Bayard showed
conclusively that certain members of
congress who voted to increase the duty
on steal rails to its present high figure,
were among the few who enjoyed the
privilege of the process by which such
rails were made, and that members, by
so voting, dishonestly used the public
trust of legislative power to enrich them
selves. It was proved a short time since
in one of the courts of Philadelphia,
that a yearly dividend of 77 per cent
profit had been declared by those who
controlled the Bessemer patents for
making these rails ; and all this because
of the high protection afforded by the
government in placing a tariff of $28.00
per ton on this commodity. How many
farmers are there who have made upon
their holdings a clear iacome and divi
dend in Jive years of 38 per cent ? Yet
when the proposition is made by demo
crats in congress to reduce this tax from
$28 to $14 per ton it is voted down.
It looks very much as though the pres
ent congress is interested in all the
monopolies in the country, judging
from the result of all efforts to leduce
the present taxation.
An Eastern Journal figures it out that
Jay Hubbell will have two millions
of dollars on hand before the last of
the assessment circulars are heard
0 r 1 1 a m
xroas. ne win also be in possession
of a reputftion that it will be north
two millions of dollars to carry.
Crop reports from all parts of the
country show that the harvest this vear
will be a most bountiful one. In
Kansas, Missouri and Texas, the crops
are already harvested, and at no time
in the history of those States have the
crops of all kinds been so large. In
Nebraska, the yield is unprecedented,
and good report come from Minnesota
and Dakota. Ohio will produce more
wheat, but less corn and oats than
usual. In some parts of Illinois the
corn crop will be light, but probably
the yield will not be much below the
average. Throughout the south the
promise of abundant crops is most flat
tering, and even in Louisiana, in spite
of the floods in the spring the product
of sugar and cotton will be as good as
the average. In all parts of the coun
try the strikes are substantially over
and all the lorms of labor are receiv
ing good orices snd constant employ
ment. Every thing; indicates that
the year is to be one of unexampled
prosper it v.
A row with .cowsboys at Phoenix,
Arizona, resulted in tbe killing of one,
wounding another and capturing a third
bv an armed posse of citizens and
AiniW AXDIT w sr.
Albany has been troubled more the
present summer, and rtast spring,
with malarial fevers than ever before.
In countries whero chills nntl ngue
are of common occurrence during the
warm summer months, it is rare that
infants and small children aro over
attacked by these debilitating troub
blos. Here, however, there aro no
exceptions, and babyhood is M sub
ject to visitations of this scourgo as
any other period of lift. This Increase
in the prevalence of malarial troubles
is traceable to some source, and it
b ;hoovos the t'ood citizens of Albany
to find out tho source, and if possible
tako some steps rid themselves of
this evil, by making use in time of
proper remedies. The present Mayor
and City Council bavo shown thorn-1
selves enterprising gentleman and
safe custodians of the property and
health of tho cltlzans. They have
done all that could bo expected of
them with tho limited rovenuo at
hand, and the work accomplished
has been such as will be a permanent
benefit, both to the appearance of the
city and general health of the people.
We do not, therefore, intend to find
fault with our present efficient offi
cers or any body else, but merely to
call attention to a few fasts of very
grave importance to our citlxons.
It is now an established fact that
tho health of a city is good or bad,
as the sewerage is perfect or imper
fect, and the first thing to consider
is, ha Albany such a system of sewer
ageas is necessary to meet the wants
of the present population ? It is well
known that in the early days of the
city, the system was inaugurated, of
digging a ditch along under the
whole length of every sidewalk that
was put do wo. Tan luistaKen sys
tern is fortunately growing out of use,
but even now the efftcts of errors
now abandoned are being felt. There
are many places in town whero the
waste water, and slops of every kind,
are run off into these ditches
under the sidewalks, there to rot and
offend the nostrils of passers-by a
well as to endanger the health of
whole neighborhoods. Whilst this
is more noticeable in fome places
than in others, it is only because of
the extreme care of mtrst of the peo
ple that the above remarks cannot be
made general in its application.
The result of such a state of affairs
is inevitable. The air becomes im
pregnated and infected by the pro
ducts of organic decomposition and
putrefaction ; and thus impregnated
its devastation; fruits are observable
in the various f irms of intermittent
and remittent fevers, and as many
authorities claim, of putrid soro throat
and even of scarlet fever, mid the
like. It has been proven beyond
cavil, that the mere opening of
sewer in districts subject to malarial
trouble?, when the general health of
such districts is good, frequently en
genders the mont frightful epidemics,
What riski then mm' we incur wh
spend our day walking ovr and
along these frightful sources f dis
ease, suffering and death ?
The remedy for these eviU Is with
the people. Pleasantly situated in the
finest county in the State, upon the
banks of the beautiful Willamette,
Albany is in a position to teach the
cities of the State a lesson in hy
giene. No town or city in this or
any State Is so favorably locttji for
the most perfect drainage, and this
is more particahrly tho casa since
orae of our enterprising citizens
have placed running water ut the dis
posal of all who de-ire it. Without
such drainage Ailiany must soon lose
it, prestige us the healthiest location
in the valley, and the water works
which could so easily be turned into
a blessing, will hut add to the causes
of our trouble.
There is one obstacle in the
way of effecting the drainage of the
city. The council cannot levy more
than a five milt tax and the revenue
raised from so small a levy, Is not
sufficient to meet more than the ordi
nary expenditures ; In addition to
this the indebtedness -wf the city can
rtbt exceed $1000.00, so that however
much the council might desire to
improye tho city they are restrained
by a faulty charter. The only thing
left then is to discuss the mutter
thoroughly, and have the charter so
amended ut the next session of the
Legislature, that the council will have
some discretion in the matter of
improvements. The sooner the city
is provided with good and sufficient
sewerage, the sooner will the citizens
be relieved from malarial fevers.
An individual may be ever so partic
ular, in the care of bis person and
big premises, but if he habitually
breathes an atmosphere loaded with
malaria, he will almost certainly at
some time be prostrated with some
form of fever. Yerbum sails mpimli-
Of all the curious publications which
appeared in the reign of Queen nne,
in reference to the Duchess of Marl
borough, none excited more interest
than "The Secret History of Queen
Zarah." The writer was evidently
well acquainted with ull court scandal,
and plainly indicated celebrities of the
day, though under such innocent
phraseology that no one could complain
of libel. The book was ..published in
1 705 and is very rare.
Congress will perhaps adjourn in a
few days more, and it would be edifying,
indeed, to have the administration or
gans point out somo of the great meas
ures that have been passed. The people
demanded relief from exorbitant taxa
tion. They demand it yet, but no heed
is or has been paid to their wants by
the present Congress. The chief aim
of the party in power seema to be to
find new objects upon which to lavish
its generosity in the shape of enormous
appropriations. The country is troubled
with a too plethorio treasury. Cjrru p
tion and extravagant legislation with all
its attendant ills aro the results. Insteud
of applying ibo pruning knife at the
source of the evil, and reducing taxa
tion, tho only thing the American states
mm of to day seem to think of is, how
can the surplus moneys inthe treasury be
oxpemicd for the best interest of the
pirty in power. No steps have been
tiken that will afford any immediate
reUef from taxation. Tho tar ill" com
mission is a subterfuge and a sham, and
the result of a desire of the present
o ingress to delay action against the
great protected monopolies of the coun
try. It amounts to nothing, and no
relief will be attained through this
oh inuol. The house, in an attempt to
quiet the clamor of th tax-payers, did
originate a measure, apparently for the
purpose of reducing taxation, whilst in
truth it was simply gotten up in the
interest of bankers, proprietors of pat
ent medicines, match manufacturing
monopolies and the like. The Senate
committee, alarmed at the popular
outcry against this measure, attempted
to give it some show of plausibility by
aiding steel, sugar and other items to
those alieady contained iu the bill
This opened the door to other amend
ments in the Secate, and gave the dem
ocrats an opport unity of testing the
sincerity of the republicans. Needed
amendments were sought to be added
by the democratic members un I. in the
discussions which ensued, the musk
droped from the faces of the party in
power, and let the world a that the
qffurti to reduce taxation were all bun
combe. Measures to reduce taxation
bare been abandoned. Tho wants of
the farmer, the mechanic, the laboring
man, and all, are left unheeded and
nothing bat disgrace awaita the present
oogres for their neglect of the eople
The task of relieving Kypt of thread
ened anarchy, and of reestablishing the
Khedive's authority, has devolved upon
Great Britain. Ne assists ace is to be
looked for from Turkey. So evasive
and unsatisfactory hove been tbe an
swers of the Sultan and so tortuous
bis diplomacy, that Eagland without
further negotat ions, is proceeding with out
regard to the claims of the Sultan.
France on the other band has declined
to interfere in restoring order, snd
will conSne herself to j rotecting the
Suez Canal.
The other powers for reasons best
known to themselves, do not seem dis
posed to take part in the struggle, and
it is even claimed by a mie writers, that
the possibility of war between Kng-
iand and Turkev tnaket some of tbe
mni ntiPl v.Z uni, ,tr,l 'M f
Turkey to English rule would mot
certainly conflict between the two po-
era, and snch a termination would be
for the best ioturest of those nowets
that are now looking on from a safe
But aid er no aid fiom other sources,
the British have determined upon de-
cided action. Tbe English are pre-
pared to furnish the necessary men and
money, to subdue the rebellious Egypt
tians, notwithstanding tbe fact tbst
.hey are well- prepared with all the
munitions of modern war. Gen. Stone.
the American-Egyptian Pasha, claims
that 40,000 English troops will bo
necessary to quell Arabi Pasha. Be
that as it may England is prepared to
furnish all that is necessarv to accom
plish the work she has begun, unless
evpnta now tinfnraMn. intrfrA tA mm.
nlicate matters.
, , ....
The situation is rendered a little
t t . . . .
El Medbi, called by unbelievers tbe
"False Prophet," is hastening toward
Cairo with a large following of devo
t :d adherents. Should the Sultan pro
claim Arabi Pasha a rebel, as is de
sired by tbe English, this new move
on tbe patt of El Medhi might play
an important part in the impending
truggle. The Mohammedans of Africa
India and Arabia have never conceded
that the Turk has establiehed himselt
as the head of Islam. But let the
Sultan disown Arabi Pashs, ana the
Mohammedan hosts of tbe countries
mentioned will make common cause
and enable Arabi to make good his
threat to proclaim a "holy war" againat
all Christendom.
The mention of these matters is suffi
cient to show how complicated are
matters in Egypt. As yet, with the
exception of destroying Alexandria,
nothing of any moment has been done
Four elephants belonging to a cireui-
escaped from the managers recently at
Troy N. Y. and several persons were
injured. One elephant entered a roll I
ing mill at the iron worksand cleared out I
the mill. He knocked over the bloom I
containing red hot iron, but finding it
too hot left the works and made for
the river. Three elephants were se I
cured, but at midnight the moit infari-
ated was still at large.
Following is the reduction of the no
tional debt, of the debt per capita and
of the interest per capita, since 1805 :
Var TuUl iiitrot ttu ir int. iir
I !.... ....... ...I... '
."a mmw. vt'it. vail. I
IHttt-Auff. tit ii.MI.MO.HM.tW MM It M
1WS July 1 v.... ,M',!MI,7 SO 74.1W 4 I',!
18MT ,4H.0I7,!W7 tDI ffl,2rt ft hi
im s,soa,OHH,7'47 m n 4
last .itM.ono10M.e n :. ,i'
1870 f,04n,4M.72J.aU fM. in M OI
M71 ... l.Wi.M,7Mi.iHi i,, i s:i
U7t M14,TM,100.0S r.JUHi a.wi
M73 1.710,48,M6,0fl S0.63 .fl(
11174 l,7iW.u:K).7MMi 40(7 j,;u
117ft . l.TW.070.100.00 47. M 8 J!0
IH7S I.71U.IIM.-..4MI i 4 A. (HI
1177 1 ,7 1 1 . " ' 41.05 I DI
l7K l,7tM,7!WV,-t.00 41.01 l.ou
IhT'.i. I,7V7.H43.7U.W 40.WI 1.71
m, 1, 7 114 S, 100. 00 Sft.1'7 . Ml
Ml t.lWU.rWJMMM 3.VS4 1.44
mi I,4tt3.t0,400.00 81.74 I.Oq
The Iowa Slate, one of our
inoRt valued exchanges in commenting
upon the reduction of this debt truth
ully says :
"It wjli be seen U ' the Interest per
capita declined one half iu the his veari
of democratic rule in the bonne, where
as it had declined less than one. h ilt in
the eleven years preceding. The dem
oorats passed a bill eighteen month
arn whti'li wmilil havn tttill (mil, 4f I i
duoed it. but Haves vetoed it. After'all
tho democrats have some virtues not
shared to an onual degree by their an-
m m
The way the present republican con-
tress has been diving into tho Treamny
for the the past seven m-mths vih pen
sion and naval appropriation bills and
the like, there is little probability th tt
the debt will lie decreased much tfcer
coming ytnr.
tii:uBii. HBWa
England is crowding forward ItTOOpI
to reinforce the army in Kgypt.
Heavy rains in Michigan bavo aeri'
ously damage the wheat crop.
The Harmony wills at CkfkofM, N.
have reopened aith only 7' oja-ratives
A new railroad hridg anoiei the
Missouri river at Itlair, I rwa, in pro
jected, to cost $l(000,0Mi
Grant and Trescott have been n
tinned commissioneis tn negotiate a
commercial treaty with Mexico
It is reported that the British have
' - - - J ' . -
e ii. i . J. I
. aaua u me mmm.
Ferest fires have destroy e I n-nrly
$2o0,000 worth of ptojs rty in Sooth-
ern New Jersey.
Seventy three strikts hate return
ed to the Pennsvlvmiia railroad dock
at Jersey City.
'! . . or a a a
iae new ioiic auc!t marse'. is rr.
Krted as excited, and somo tocks tap
idly advancing.
Arrangements uro being m ide for
a six days meeting of ex confederate
at Bedalla, MUsourl.on the lith lut
Judgs Sdbultt, of Austin. Texas, an
editor and poli'ican, wai abet and
killed by Hiram Heat, a "bad citirm.."
on tbe 2d int.
The California departnnnt of the
Grantl Amy of the K.-pub!lc wilt
hold their encampment in Santa
- o
Cruz, Aug. IS, 13 and 1 1.
Yellow fover Is prevailing at La
redo, Texas, as well as at Browns
ville, and neighboring t;wn are en
forcing quarantine.
Gen Sheridan and party pasaed through
Omaha on tho 2nd iust en route to
Fort Masbakie and the Yellowstone.
They intend returning via tho Noith
ern Pacific.
Chinese agents are preparing ti pur
chase crown land 4 on tho northwest
COAHl OI KtlCjUVCr JHUtlJ Willi lit
l jr . s s l.i .a
view of colonizing them with a large
numl,er oi hmnm irom China
Tue wrlff commission on tho Gth
M051 to srguments of persons
Intcroted 1,1 tuo JuU trja('' ttml 11,0
importations which enter into rannu-
future of paintt.
A dispatch from Lowell, Mass.
AuS- r,ln W : Th0 antral bridge
acro8s tne Morrimac burned this
oaming $34,000. Whlio work-
,n on ino mc ,our Drem9n wero 'r('
cipltated into the river and seriously
0en- Q- K' &rv"n la critically II
at h,s residence at Newport, 11. I.
has H0en greatly depressed of lute
on cnt or tBft re8Ult of ni- rtct-nt
CO"1" of inquiry, and but slight hopes
ttro now ont"taincd of bis recov
tA CirCUlttr f invlUlluDS to Knights
Tompiar to visit Han Francisco in
, ,
August, 1883, is issued by prominont
Knights Templar, who state th:;t it
Is desired to make the programme a
memorable one.
Clara Garfield, an eight year old
daughter of John Q. Garfield, of S in
Francisco, was accidentally shot and
fatally wounded u few days since cy
Nellio McAuliffe, aged fourteen,
while playing with a pistol.
U. S. Deputy Marshal T. G. Hew
li tt shot md killed Sandy Bvnum
VCOIorouA pruiumeui repuoucan
heador at Huntsviile, Alabama, on
I i .a ... t a, a. sa
the 6th inst. A mob of neirroos con
gregated vowing to kill HewUtt, but
were finally pacified, and Ilewlitt
Philadelphia Times1 : A move
ment is on foot to put a third repub
lican ticket in the field in that State,
on which all republicans can unite if
thjy wish, leaving sectionalism to
fight it o it among themselves.
The Railway Age shows that the to
al construction of main lines of rail
ay for seven months in the United
States has been more than G000 miles.
Should the proportion hold good for
fche remainder of the year, the total
noage for J 882 would be nearly
18.000 miles, but it is not likely to
ra over 10000 miles
Tbe Governor of Missouri has just
pardoned three lottery men after serv-
ing sixteen days in prison. They are I
pardoned on the strength of their prom
ises to hereafter rnfrsin from gambling.
In old Union n Jew never nuked
interest of a brother Jew, but took it
out of tho next needy Christian that
e nun to hint. 1'iihi way money no
. , ...
uiiinui." itui in .iuwiu iihucm. tor f. tiey
nnvir proved upon otis another,
Tli M;rehaoH 1 1 ;l :i )jp of St.
Miin sent Iteprfooittativa lr of
Beers tarv Chandler h m taleoraulioil
L1H (;. K MlnUtet at Bt. Ptterabnre
Lnt provliia
'4 noff made, for bring
injf the
i in i i :s of DeLong nnd bin
putty hem", and nikr-d that h" tele-
Urapli Uiettfti ut. Irkn-I: t.
have ilodgea built to brfog tb' bodlti
to Orenburg where tnetalic r.r t wi'l
be found limiting,
It is a foregone oonolnabiu. dfdans
ll " ' :
cany oil tic- credentials to re pr ent the
oro.inue l Wvomine la thn bom!
u - J m w mm
Congress loiot weur tho bia.s eollai
with the t'nion stamp," At
present it !oo!:b a little a though thi
ne t Ki-uatur fri'in Oieyon would wear
the bra tit c I ! . r with tin Northern
pcHoc and besides be lab iltod. "I am
Hettrjf Vibatd's wmf mh m m nre
you f
l Slttl slKiN
Al.uwy, AO H.
As the tin." appronelws for the us
Ni inbliug of tie) Legiil.itun, it oc
curred to me, that u hUK. ;WUoa Ut
who would bo Hit! pcrtoti seleetetJ by
the f)e(uocrttha p. rt of the Legltlu-
lUrt to reeelvo ttu lr Vote-; for United
St.ites Senator. A wii or two iu
regnrtl to tho sumo would not Im
HUtivt. There nro liUilit-nms iJcin
era's vaii'So Bouiiy uni huihoiiii: in
l.llti.. B ... It
t ivli life uou.d Juitlfy t!ieir seleetioti;
But, after tunvaHilng thin iu'tIon
with Democ rats from all purts of the
State, 1 bt iieva that tho majoritji
f Demia rats would prefer Col. W,
H. Killnger to unv other person
l bi r -net ins to b it general foeliug,
Jf nny n,m rli,leU to t oo
LiaeratlOII ! the bands of the Do
inara y, t ' oh KlUinger li (ho man
His reput.t.l 01 a in to of honor umJ
Integrity ; hi ability to flil til tin
repiiiite looked for IU a Senator or
Uepre-H tita ti Vu li ni lioilt nue-ilioli
V lu-n w eoii-vid-t hit 1 iJ.orw iu the
las' l' tdeetioll. as Well u-
Stuto election : hU cxt: titled md
iMoroUh estiva of tho S'.ale ; that
fiin iliMiiioneo nnd ithlo itriumeut In
,M.,,(,,f uf DtaoeneyjMll la refutation
.,f ..n miM pro nt itiou .not
supblstiy ; that hi challenge s.. to.
otily one sent f uth that he would
meot in joint di-it uiou of tbe lsuw
Which liividwd the two grout ledili
.ii ptrtte, uny orators whom the
Uf public tli linjjht e til to put III
the field ; that the g40 of oi.tlu
was imt accepted all Well kuoSing
the aliidiy of tho mutt they hud to
oieet ; hu Kffj the only DsSMO
r.: wh mudou canvass of the Hlate,
while Ul6 ltpublicuns h id many ot
their bel SjlSSlklCl in the flehl ; that
throUKb unlflh patriotim ho gve
bis time and ability, and boro bis own
iravo.iiig SSSMS04MS ; that lie nev. .
has been au uftieo seekor or usktnl
favor or pulitieal prefefflMStt ofl ttie
Democrucy of Oregon. When we
eotiiider ull ttitw things, is It to be
wondered at ttut the getierjl muti
merit of tho rank ued tilt of tho De
wjcrucy It In favor of OA EtUnger ?
Tho taking up f t .;. EfUng;er, by
the Democruey, will h tvo w good ef
feet ujon the party. Of Mil men he
is the leas: ot j ctlonabio to any
clan or faction never having arrayed
himself on the i i. of uny fiction,
always having been a good scbilan
ihtl Democrat, and conducted him
aelf in a manner ns wotiltf wrk to
lhebrst Interest of tne party. Hop
ing that the Domoci.ttie members of
tho Lxllaturo will tit tho aptness
of these remark.
f sign myself
a. -
OoWMfl lriirrcllDga.
l'roseu'.' Mayor, Itccordor, Marshal,
A Ida. 8cott, Blackburn, Uolt'man, iteroe
Harvey and Iannluff.
Comtnitteea on atreetsand pnblic prop
erty were granted further tlmo to report
on conditiou of sidewalka.
It was BSOTSd and carried tbst tts lil
bullsllRg wf No. Vi bo fitted up for tbn
aen ' .n -.- Club. Carrlod.
K K Pierou presented his ro.iltfnsllon aa
Council ruan from tho 3rd Ward. Accept
ed aud Chas l Rideout was unanimously
elected in bla place to till bit unexpired
torm ending Jan 1st, HHi.
Mattor of ditch under Conrnl Meyers
sidewalk was referred to committee on
streets and Public Property.
nn.i.i oniKKKi paio.
EW Iingdon A Co., 13,30; VVGTwse
dale, 7.'!t; I Denny, $27j city vs P yle,
12.16 city vs Uennen, 1,35; city vsOloa-
SOU 'i. 1.1.
WW bo paid for tbe detection and convic
tion of any porson Kellinpr or dealing in
any bogua, counterfeit or imitation Hop
Hitters, especially Hitters or preparations
wltbtheword Hop or Hops in their uamo
orconuoeted therewith, that Is intended
to mislead and ehoat the public, or for
any preparation put up in any form, pre
tending tn b lbs MfeS an Hop Hitters.
Tho genuine hivo clustor of Green Hops
(notice thi) priwtod on tbe white label,
and aro tho purem aud bt st medicine on
earth, oapoelally for kidney, liver and
nervous disease. lioware of all others,
and of all protondml formulas or leoclpes
of Hop Ultters pub hbed in papers or for
sale, as they are f ran Is and swlndloa.
WhoGvor den) in any but thegonuh e will
bo prosecuteql.
Hoc tuTTKas iVft'O. Co.,
14 Itoehestor, N. V
We now havo ticket for said at our
ticket efilce in thla city, good for railroad
andatagefor tho following points. Le
land, Kook Point, Grants Pass, Jackson
ville, Pboan'x, Ashland and Yreka. At
considerable reduction to former rates.
Wicr, B. Rtob,
Agent O fc C It R Co.
CROUP, WrtJioViHur C0UQH and
Rmnnhitia immedLatel v relieved hy Shiloh'a
curo -
k:ii::i itkun.
Threshing commend. llmiJe tcareo
r.oite to be had.
Shodd will soon Imvo a liotel.
Mr. 7)ivid Porter wants to hire more
men with tail.4 on their had.
Tliedinco given ut Shedl was a
gruad success. Many thanks to Mr. E.
I'.' vunt for bin kiodnss. Why Im on
ly brought eiyht with him. Boss
lady's iu u
Tho Htato Mights Democrat is a
welcome visitor to thU place. Hjme
thitig fresh nnd re'iiiile always.
aliKS (leorttta I'.dmor is visiting
friend i near this ntiflt; a I ways glad to
sen you (ioorgia. ! again end be
lltl'i'V. .
Mr. V. M. Klder, one of our enter
' i -i i j I'u in' i i. is making an abundance
if bay for his large band of cattle; he
also is getting ready for threshing.
TwoofHhedd yurg mnn emtem
olato i tiuniii'f the larui ofVr. Knhart
the coming season. Wo feel for you
hot wo can't reach vou, vou ato both
too tat gone. Several other eases
'hiM kind round here.
A run 4 way occurred near the S;a-
Hon tho other day. As Mr. it. I'ry
ant was driving a wild hone across ihs
railroad track the home became fright
i-ned and rati ccei l humlred yards
throwing the seat down; -Mr. Bryant
t his ootion and t-fore he could
regain it the horses w-re under such
sjaed that be could not check them, so
lie turned the mad detuoas into tbe
fence. After tearing down quite a
lUtMf of lenco (tanuels, he managed
10 ftJtOB t hem, Ix-ing aasiato I by John
'ori. '. who was t nihil willi hilt)
Pick Uasvlk Du-k.
mmiui am in.
Santiam, August Cth
Hilitir Democrat:
Harvesting is in full bleat. Machin
cry of some kind is a, work in nearly
cvory field.
ite a largo crowd gathn-s at Wat
erloo on Sunday to Mnd tbe dav, and
dunk thewxla watrr.
A barn bwlonginif to Mr. Kckhtrt
aa horned on tbe 4ih. Cause, burning
brtmh near the barn. !utbiug lost es
c-jit the building.
Next Monday M Wui. Cyru, and
Mia. I'eter Powell b'svn for PortianJ
lo re they will taks a sUuaiu r for SmU
Kranciaco. The former gMja to southern
I i to visit relatives, the latter will
StOi in California for the moo purfK).
H .th will reditu in tho Call.
A sou of Mr. Hurreil was last week
dir-iwii from a hnra' and aeri jus! y hurt.
I. was thought lor a Lile be could
not live ; but atrong hoja-s aro enter
l uied of bi t recovery niw,
Rev. Miklea who has ieen preach iug
monthly at Happy Home school h toe
sad Liberty church is likely to be coll
M awaf at the muit meraing of the
UeJ.odut Conference. Wm hosa he
i.l continuo the work ha has be-
a a 'tor ai
gttSJ ; nut it ne is c tile i away, we wish
'itin tccem wherever h may be placed,
ISsi also that aorox- one ele mar bo com
iuisioi.ed t tako the place bn now eo-
eopisti While . nothing perceptibly
gnfsU has resulted from hia work, yet
It'--. Miklea i und mbtediy doing
much gsd at. d hm work should receive
the n. ist Ciruen support ujf the body
Wales) hst it in charge, and of the com
rnuni' v as well.
Can a bt av.
v. rt cioo irr-fls
WATrb, A4 th JSt'J.
Ed Prvirrmt:
I do nor think it is fair to have all
(Kiinta of the county advt-i tiaed liiroogh
the Deuocuat, exopt Watecloo, so i
will givj you a liitle batch of items to
begin with.
For many yeara our little place has
been in the back ground as a watering
place and hoalth tesocr, but a change
has come o'er the spirit of our dreams,
aud wo are now favored bv the call a of
a groat mauy iieople. Tho Soda water
r .i . ,
taken -fr..m ihtM- spunks baa remarka-
bio lu altli "ivina i-rot ertira. and the
surroumlinas are last at if til and roman-
. . ap a ! .
Ceo J. tiroes has oionLl out a bot-jl
,,l .l ,i.i.. .1
the pleasure-seeker in good atylc.
Sir. t;fltfer also kreoa a nublic hooae
,.nd rnna f.l iitbln in Mnn. tin
- - - - - - - "
win: ii.
1 1 11.. ,1.. l.-- 1 .1.. : 1 1
w. ' jjito una jMiitnaacu hue UJili
01 .ur, .Aiimarsn ana m now uastuff
..w .Mtll laiain . t 1 .a. la. au I ....
. woi , v .11.. u .rH., wMU..,, w ueu
oompletod will make this one ol tbe
I . Ml : ..... J . . .
ocst saw run it. in uie oaw,
Aim. B. I . Sox, iirn. hits Iirewn
aud.Mi.s Libbie Irvine ef Tour cftv
I t I " I ... c t .1
naro wen ncro since iiiesnay oi ias'
week, and seem to have enjoy, d their
visit. Wo untie
iiu) iturn
boms this evouiug
P. II. llaynio id. your handsome
Postmaster, and jrruf liobb, of your
citv, havo innL'i' l rooins ut (iiosss
houd aud will bring their fmiites here
Mr A Marabll of Albany arrived
to-day and will leave bis family here
for a few da, and Mrs. Barr and ber
two little boys are alto here.
II. Stewart, county clerk, and
one of tho editors of the Democrat,
see,; etc,, brought his wire cut and
almaii all r.ii.1.1. kiaK. laai. l.'.-!Ja i I J ..
wwmJTmm ft"' ""JI o
i t.. ..f .....-kf....!.. All
1 T 1 t wilt I 1 11:0 wi i-i w tua Al ' NUV
5 l a . 111 c J
..wi, .juutunie wuuiu uuo uewii more
it left when he went a any it his I
.r.nior ...... Wvh a.,
.M. 1. ISIlani ant a whole host ol I
ladies vim ted us on Friday last.
Wo frrft very nmeh interested now
on theRtiljct of bridging tbe Santiam
at thia oint. There is a large coun
try acrosn the river item this point
that is verv much inconvenienced by
the lack of a bridge, and if ono were to
be builtathe taxable prejiertv in the
V lcimty aonld increase fcUtboieutly in
two years ttne tp pay for tho bridge in
increased taxes. We hayo ,'ood banks,
above high water, and there is not a
better building point on the river.
There is a splendid road all the way
from Albany to this point we have
beautiful camping places, and produce
eoetablea chickens etc can bo had
egetabies, chickens, etc., can n nae
Come nd see us.
DR. MOTT'S Liver TUlsare the best can
t hart o regulators.
m:s 1X04 xsrre.
LISA Aug. Oih, 1H82.
Tut first grtin was brought into the
wm eUoute on Monday. The threshing
machines are busy on every side, and
quite n u rubor of hsnds from town are
out with the threshing crowd which
makes it a little dull just new.
It is proposed to write up cn ac
count of tho reoeut trip ot Jjc. ttaJlard
across the idoaritams, with snch eu
gravings as will bring to view even the
most sinking incidents s) tho trip.
One of the most interesting of iilustra
noon-will show the i.jclor with his
U rod BBulotesvm ascending sand loouu
toia. Ai living at Ibo point where the
ascent is near 45 degrees, tbe faithful
team with all tho st length left is just
ab.e to ki-ep tbs wagon from rushing
aud falhngdowii,toam and al Vo the deep
gorge bJo sr. lispjnly as ail are thus
suspended betweeri life and death, a
friend approaches with additional horse
power, and alt go on then way rejoic
ing, it is thought tbe book will be
neatly bound with tho Doctors old sad
dle bags and will be sold only by agents.
Hrot. Gilbert may add an introductory
chapter giving Lis opinion of the con
structing of wajon wheels and of tbeir
From reports and comments by those
who were present at the recent fire ie
Albany, one would come to the con
clusion tbai tb burntfC of tbe Hi.
Charles hotel, was the reault ol bdd maw
agemeut on the part of the firs com
pany s chief than from any o b r cue.
.Several hove expressed themselves as
perfectly satisfied that proper urt
would haVe saved the building. Ureal
praise was bestowed on the fireineo,b it
tbe directions aud management ot I be
engines was where tbe fault ley.
The many fro nds of Mrs. Dr. Llsgan
will be pleaded to learn that shef with
her husband and family, ate comfoite-
bly located iu Honolulu nbt laiber
prefers OregOu to tbe Islands and ber
home in At. raul to etttoer. he re-
porto tbe musquitos a terrible torment
both night aud dav. it has been ber
pleasure to meet iter. Ciuan.
Those desiring chickens would find,
ii expensive to indolgo mooch a luxury
as they are only I . each or $ 1 5 per
Prof. J. D. Gilbert has egin been
elestod priodpsl of the tsrttai Acad
emy for anotbor year. The first term
begins about tho 15th cf 6-ptembrtr.
It woo s happy tbosifht that 2el u tbe
prodrcioo of a ewneeetmte-i 4Vou syrup,
on ba inloso in Us nature lbs; U may bo
fivoa either to the mother or her babe
rollehel milk Or bvtbad of soeb wonder
fn! r jrv that all who taics it feel bright
r aoO Uapjaor. FOahoy 4c Son. Albany,
IVrt r A Hon, Hs'ser, wfll fttrnfsh anyone
wtahbsg Syrup of Figs a trial boulo free Of
eoarge, or se'.l St centa and 1.00;bo4t!ea.
'Twill core oer eoid.
An Extraordinary Offer.
There are a number of persons out of
employment la 6 very country. yet eaer
Kie men wiring to wurk do not need to
Tboeo willing to work can make from
9 tOu to S600 a saemb elesr, workiog for us
in a pleaaant and jeroiaaent brndneaa.
The amennt our mnta make vari,
aome making aa buu as Sow meotb,
while others as low aaSIOi, a-1 dspancing
on th eoergv of the aeont. W nave an
arflele of groat user it. It aboubl Im aeld tn
every Honeo owner, snd poya oeer 100
per ceit prohf Kaeh sale b from $ ) to
I10.ce. One agent in Peocaylvania aold
SSin two -lays, and elearod S0l.0 An
agent in New York mad S45 Ot in one la .
Any man a tb energy enough to work a
full day, sod win do this during the
n make from fZ.000tofd 000a year. We
only want otu man to each oouutv. an 1 to
btm will give tbe exclusive sale aa long as
be continues to work faUMnlly for us
There hi no competition, and nothing liko
our invention nia'te. I'arUex bavuiic from
f-JOOio $1 Oootoinvt-at, can obtain a ti liter
al Auency for tu couutiea or a atate. Anv
one can make an Investment of from to
to ft.oui' witaotit the least rlk of To,
our ciroolara will show that those inve
Ing- fib nn after a 80 daya trial return tbe
goods anaoid to. us and got tbeir mony
ueca, ii tney uo not cear at least f 1J00
They show that a General Agent who ail
take ten counties and Invent fiU oo can
after a trial of 90 days return all goods un
Isold to us. and have tnaaev
irthoMu clear at leaat fTTsi O in
that time. Ho are not paying soiarioa.
but want man wiUing to wdrk and otain
torn-o to
as their pay tho profits of their enetirv.
"T. . w,",nl worn on our term
I aa -.1111 I . mw-
w.11 uuv wcra on any. mose meaning
ft a i . .aw
uuaineaa win receive our larre dnacrin
Uve circular, and extraonllnary offer b
.rr"uB lBn awmp, wim iii.or
terms will secure the county or counties
y wisu 10 worK.
.... .T..f - . . t KAnrmso i O.,
1 inMitirnn.iii n. p a . . . . t . 1 . w 11
. . m .
1 Fer Sale.
A sash and doer factor . locate! t St.,
I .
too. Will be sold eheaa. Cateai work ia
.ufTicient to ran miU at full canacitv. Call
- ,u, .tr.. f, inHk.. -i
I m wanaarv a aa-a a vaa pMalVUtOISi
I fooad at
An .greeable dressing for the hair, Uiat
viu p iu tailing, baa been long sought
mr. Parker's Hair Balsam, istinauished
for purity fully supplies this want.
' o
Uhea Ladle are Attractive
All laUes know their faces are meet
attractive when free from pimples. Par
ker'a Ginger Tonic is popular among
them, beoaooe it banishes impurities Irom
blood and akin and makes thefaee glow
I wk hfli.v.
I i alWOI 1 a
Ioa't Waste Moacj
On trashy extracts when you can buy a
lasting perfume so delightfully fragrant us
"orsaton Cologne
Tl.. . i 4 lJ ...1.1- ! ,
fvuuuuj w.m uirvuiara oi
I 1 ' w a at' j v
quacks and thefr nostrums. Do not be
..-u, hv fliaM .ijii. u ....
-.nh aIa
a Scieotlbc basis. SS the Oreoon Rlon.l
Furiflex, batfpduoed by a standard house.
Notice to Taxpayers.
To whom !t may concern :
Notice is hereby arivn thai the Hoard of
eqnalhsstion of Uxes tor Linu count v Ore
gon will attend at tne oirloe of the County
Clerk of Liun county, tho last Monday in
August, HW2 and publioly examine' the
nnuAawnianl mlki fno 1 and oA-ar...t nil
flrrors R valuaUon.tWriutioe or ouulities
of lands, lotsor other property.
Assessor for the County of Linn.
August 8irJ 1882.
Theaonual moetlng of the Capital Gold
and gilver Mlni (j,jmpanyi of Ulem.Or-
egon, will be held at ita ottioe in Salem on
tbe second Thursday (the 10th) in AuKUSt,
ma-, at - o ci oca. l'. m. or mat oav.
See'y of said Company. .
Salem, Oregon, July 24, 188.
f 4 -SammmWMmmrWMLmmWmmmmmm
1 OH
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Sorenes of the Chest,
Gout, Quint, Sore Throat, Smell
ing$ and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
t soih, Ear and Headache, Frost
Foot and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
' rr-:ri'i oa rrh 9lt Sr. --.
''. turf, aiwptr md aSxaji
1- nt-Af A trail rauib tot fiW omjr
. iSlug tmfm,y r4 it Crsils, a4 tt on mm
villi pain caa totm cb p n4 poatOva ftuuf U
BaUimrt, MA., V. S. A.
Strayed or Lost.
ti dark mj horse, about twe!vo jesrs
eld.e rl mane ar.d tail, from 14 to 5
ha.Kla hifch ; ooe Isty bores shoot live
vra nlrl with arnaW Lar in ih. r.r.l,...l
a llulo lame in the left fore foot, cauwJ bv
. t a a m
Ksei rope. ixv. nont lour eg
m the premlaas of J.O Beotio st v,
Watertoe. Anyone fumlahins! loforms
tlen of their rb-reabit, which will oa t
to their recover j III be proporly reward
Two course for arodnatioo. Three
lescher. Pepilataagbt accord b g to the
boat metboda now ba use in the Kant. I'm
term Sepu 4.
For citeubtrs and catalogue addreaa
Iwl Dtroutor.
Aa I mm prepared to do mt;i of
carpet on abort notice. I aoiieit tn
ftronse of tbe ptople of Albenr and
viinity. Tboat having earpot So wea ve
will please giro me a call at my reidoe
two blor-ka aoutb of the Fast A I bear
acbool house, on Sixth stress.
Ma. W. H. Warm k.
For a eoogm or cold there is no remedy
equal to Amman's Couch Sy rap.
The Great Eoglish Rem
dy. tea eater 'aJJia, cor, br
tiiiisir. aw,.i
Wrkiia. xhaaa ,
suay, SSuiiawn aitoa.
VJ. rala, Mi mil
e aa km f Uf 'taaty.
o to Soewtr. bwuM , 4
raSao, Moiaaa to lb Hnc' .
ta rai SomI fwmrs tamtoetrmi iato the urii., anU
anToUr tkrjn lead our t iaaaaitj mmd OMtS.
ttftt. HI NT III ill arre u trial nvc Haodred
Ittara tor a ewa 4 ihw kiod th Vital e rat ra
it" (under his pvcial aJriee aad traauaoat) aul ,.t
cure or tt aaj-thtog; Impure or injuri i lovod ia
l. '" n J' llii iBjiBaaJJij
oftaoot iseysar. c-wuiuiioo trae. Tairoucfar-'
an.iaaO.rn aad inrtodtor xmU-Knt onncao.
Pneao. Vital KeatraUT,, fcj a toaim, ar mr umc
Ota quanuta S10. arnl to aajr aotlrcai apon reretM J
iric fC. o l, obacar (ran ooaarvauoa aad in pr
atr U thatred. by PR. A E. MINTIE, 11 klcararr
treat, aa 1 L m
Samc ..l -I free S -M rm
Uiinc er..a, i; xj:
artrtJ) ruwA4aUaa.
Dt, Vfntie KMaey Reanedr, Ttepttretlcctn, rurea
all kioda t4 kidney aad bladder,r.tb4 a.
tet. laouch.iiibaa F-a- aal br all Uruziu ftj a
bwuia t m aSSSka tor as.
Ur. Mineea UandaUua PiUa are Uar beo aad ber
PrTv " v H.liooavure it. vb 11.1 Let. fvr
a b all urutgriata.
Notice to Fruit Growers.
The undersigned having obtained tbe
exclusive right to make and tell the Plum
suer Hot Air Family Fruit Drier in tl.e
.vmrrtiVs of l.lnn, one and Kenton i&kes
tbe present opportunity teinfrom peroi s
who want to save thvir fruit crop, that
he ia prepared to receive orders for the
bma. fiuit drier bs the market, Pluinmcr
Hot Air Family Drier, for paitlculara ad
dress. JotTX Fhioos,
AHatny, Oregon.
Notice of Assignment.
NOTICE is hereby given t uu under
and by virtue of aud in aooordame
with tbe proviaioua of an act of the Legis
lative Assembly of tbe State of Uregru,
entitled "an Act le secure Creditors a iuat
division of tbe Estates of Debtors who con
vey to Aaahciieoa for the benefit of Credi
tors" approved October 18. assign
ment for tbe benefit of all his creditors has
beon duly executed by A Wehenbeimer of
llarrisburg, Oregon, and filed in the
.tboe of tbs Clerk of tbe Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for the Cdlinty of
Linn and the undersigned has been ap
pointed and has qualified as assignee f
the estate of saidVacheuheimer.
All persons having claims again paid
estate are hereby notified and required to
nresont Ihe now dnlv rriml m nnnin
ed by law, within three month from th s
date, to the undersigned at. bU plsee of
business in Jon-Host Oity, Idme courtv,
Oregon or to Weatberiord k BlaokL urn
in Albany, Linn county, Oreiroo.
T . 1 . i i . a a . a a .'. .
j' utss isiu asy or July, isia,
Josi:ru STanNnrto,
Assigm e.
Will avail FREE their Caa-
iftt5jf!15K iia:
fan deverlesrva Price - ,.
Xioivei, yield aod tivda ?
. Bulbs, Omaaaanral Orasaas,
H,A? 1morieUa, oiadtobu
LjIUs. Hows Planta. r.nnt...
l-15f3 Ust RTtJa 5t T00-2O6 Rs-do teh If
1 roa
rjaa It U iiLMaoOFJLils- tic
It miiamiM ihe o4an aT Vsa aand no.-.c:-
that oausea tho dreadful auSterif w'Su.
only th Ttattaaa ef BhairmaUaw eon refcUse.
Of th -worst forms of this territ a diacasr
havo been nuieltly rUoved. aad ia aijrt .f
race, si. uqrro or bkt, kolb bv tarccim.
Oct eaa be aeat ayaaiL
IITTT A r.T)3Qy U Co.. BurUngton Vt .