FRIDAY JUNE 30, 1882 BKlUIOt DgPIRTUHT. EDITED BY THS Womtp'. ChrUtiiM Tea peril cc EaUi The power woman holds over man to deter him from drunkenness is not easily estimated. What would be the resell in this, or any other city, if every mother and daughter would form a compact and pledge them selves not to associate with, in any respect, or admit to their society in anj form any man who sells, uses or coun tenances in any way the sale or use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage ? Every one can see at a glance that if this influence nd power were brought to bear en our young men before the habit was formed and their power of resistance weakened that the remedy would be effectual. But let a young man know, as he does, that he can live a life of debauchery and degra dation and then by some freak ef fortune or temporary reform can at once enter the society of our best is dies and marry one of the leading daughtewjof the land and all incen tive to a life of temperance and virtue is at ence removed. Men hold wom en to a strict responsibility, and nev er allow her to have but one fall in this world. Let women hold man te the same responsibility, and the de partures from virtue will be as few aiuuug lut-a as 11 now is among women. They were standing at the gate ; the moon walked in beauty above. I ion eyed 'words were kerne upon the quiet stillness of the midnight air. We halted, and soon we heard a gen tle, yet sadly sweet voice say, "Well Lee, if you prefer a beer keg te me just take one and get married to it" "Why. my dearest Lillit, what do you mean ? ' "Just exactly what I say. I don't want a young man te come here evenings eating parched coffee, and chewing cloves so as to kill his beer-tainted and polluted breath. Now, Lee, seriously," she continued, "if you love drink better than you do me, just marry drink, and no longer divide your love be tween me and rum. Now, do you understand what I mean ?" A few more unintelligible words, the door opened and closed, the gate ditto, and the curtain dropped. A young man answering to that name signed the pledge the other evening and now wears the blue ribbon, and a bright-eyed, happy girl was by his side. A wedding will occur soon. and the Afestenaer is promised a fine supply of wedding eake, and such 8 notice as we are going to write. In conclusion let cs advise every young lady to put her foot down flat and square ; either have his entire and undivided love or none of it Be firm, be loving, and your life need not be damned with a drunken has- Hant nira .an a i vn mnra rnnnif uauu. j i i kJ v. .. . j w c I menbytuingweirtherwerendia- flaence the possess than any ether mtaas knewn. Then girls, look weil te your influence, and always cast it for sobriety, thus securine your indi- vidual happiness and your country's sal ration. -Menenger. Rabbits are net poisoned by belle-1 donna Sr Stramonium. I A niece of iron is appreciably heat- ed in being magnetized. It requires 2000 blooms to yield one drachm oi attar of roses. The silk-spinning spiders, epeiridoe, inhabit tbe hottest countries. wis a 1 -S - xnreaas oi siass are maae mat can be tied in knots and woven into cloth. The right luog of a human body is generally two ounces heavier than the left one. lhe conversion of radiant beat into sound wan one of Prof. Tvndall's recent T lectures. i Per manor Ana te of potasb is said to be an effectual antidote against the venom a a a. a. . . a of serpents. I In India eucalyptus wood ia uaed for tbe sleepers oi railroads, because it de fies the insects and climate. Late experiments on Lake Zurich show that light will penetrate water to the depth of at least ninety metres. One of the most important of recent chemical discoveries is that of a practi- cal process for the artificial production t j I of indige. Acorns will keep for centuries pack ed in the hard ground, and many seeds taay be aafely kept or transported in honey. It is said owing to tbe highly electric I properties at amoer, tnose wno wont it i nro subject to violent diseases of the nerves. In France it is observed that there are 100 species of insects living upon tbe maritime pine, some of them with out special injury to it, and others with the worst effect. The amount of heat poured down annually on the surface of our earth exceeds a million times the beat pro ducible by all the coal raised, which may be estimated at 280,000 tons a year. Medieago and heliotrope hare been iaised from seeds found in a Roman tomb, where they must have lain 15C0 years, having been put in a bag, under the head of tbe corpse for a pillow. Some one wrote to Horace Greeiy in qu ling if guano was good to put on potatoes, lie said it might do for those whose tastes bad become vitiated with tobacco and rum, but ha pieferrsd gravy and butter. iiivroaicti In 1765, free trade with Spain waa conceded to the West India Ialands. much to the benefit of the latter. Gen. Lee lost in his campaign of fourteen days 49,000 men, 25,000 of which had become Union prisoners. The market in England called Con vent Garden was so called from its having been, originally, the garden of the convent of St.JPetsr. The Romans a eld peculiar views about ducks, they ate only the head and breast, the remainder being, according to Martial, the cook's, perquisite. In 1793 the first fugitive slave law was enacted. It was thought quite un important, and many States (tossed "personal liberty bill," which ronrieteu it a dead letter; In the time of Julius Caesar, quar ries ot white marble were opened on the coast ef Etruria, and thenceforth Kotne drew her supply from this place, to the exclusion of Greek marbles. Authorities agree that the earliest date to be given pictorial representa tions en window glass is later than the year 1000. All colored windowa bo fore that time were ornamented by small pieces arranged in geometrical patterns. A great comet, believed to bo that of Halley, appeared ia England in 1066, the year of the Norman luvasion. It was looked on as the forerunner of the conquest, and produced universal alarm. "The new star means a new king, ' was a common expression of the day. After the battle at Lotzen, Napoleon saw en the field of battle the dead body f a young Prussian color-bearer, who had clasped his flag to his breast, where the dead hands still held it. Napoleon ordered that funeral honors should be pain him and regretted that he did not knew his name, in older to writo his family. On the 9th of May, 1776, foimal tidings were borne to Amaiica that France weald form an alliance with her. The treaty of aliance was read aloud to the at my at Valley Forge, and after the singing of "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," shouta and hurrahs for Louis XVI., France vaab ingten and the Republic followed. Governments previous to and duting the Middle Agee hare been in most oases hoarders of metallic wealth, a ro suit of the theory that tlie masses bad no right to property. As far down as the reign of Frederick of Prussia. Henry VI. of England and tianry IV of France, accumulation of public , wealth marks tbe progress ot most ot the k ngdems of Europe. A popular delusion, illustrated by the following note from history, ought to have died long ago: "In the days of King John, almost all tbe great bar ons assembled at Runny mede, signed Magna Charta with their mark, a cross." Every one should know oy this ttmu that the barons did not sign the docu ment at all and that the king dd so by affixing bis seal. Ill HWiSUl T1 411 I.K. A good motber and an old llipfMM make a spanking team The store maple sugar is now known as the oleomargarine of the iorett. A hen ia a model fur dancers. She never lea es her set exe:t to cat ami drink. Vanderbilt takes excellent cate of Maud S. Tbe old gentleman likes to water stock. Men who would net steal a mule will glaelly take the chance to stesa umbrella Tbey h . e no - 11 If i ou can ten a uiercnui larmer as goonjuhe,U) t a t lu takett the blanket off his wife's lap and spreads it over the ieor horses. Young man, don t marry a "gilded outterny.' marry a goea looking gin. a ii i -mar a a a s The butter will fly last enough when you get to housekeeping. The new moon was pointed out one evening to Johnny, who was just learn ing to talk. Being asked if he saw it, : he said, "Yes, I see a rind of it" .-What hi vour income t was once aab - avJ ni a nrawl Pn.iaian RnKnin "It is hard to tell," was tbe reply. "but in good years I can borrew at least 10,000 francs. There are man? remedies advertised for the purpose, but the best way to make hens lay is to post up in the chicken house a noties that eggs are going down five eenta a dozen- every day. A bibulous person was iutroduceil to a ladv wlie nad been repreaeult:'.! to him as quite a talented artiaf. kits greeted ber by saying ja - a a a .a. ! underbtand. midatne. that von Pamt . i a. a... w a n - . w. w m a a started, wtiaiied iii'ejriy, aim te coveting herself after a few seconds, said with as much acidity cf tone and style as she could command : "Well, if I do paint, I don't nrko any mistake and put it on my nos A farmer who was boasting cfhis respect For man for man pure and simple, was nonplussed by his wife's saying: "And yet you always count f?c,ttI b7 tbe boad hired servants are only your 1 aada. 4'fa IriA TioinVi lint -tWaaal murrVt Unlliopprl with cats?" asks a gentleman, who wan negotiating for the lease ef a housd. "It used to be," frankly answered the landlord, "bat since a French restaur ant was opened round the corner there hasn't been one seen." SBILOHS COUGH a&d Consumption Care is sold by us on a guarantee. It carea onsumption. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mwerable by that terrible cougb. Shiloh's Cure ia tbe remedy tor you. WILL YOU SUFFER with. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. o Not Fail to send for (our Price List for 1882. Free to any address upon ap plication. Contains de scriptions of evervthinc required for Personal or Family use, with over 1, OOO illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in America who make this their special business. Address MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. ST aad 89 Wafts Areiw, Chicago, IU. ' NEW STORE. $30,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPtNINC ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER FOR SALE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVt OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUOIHG All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc. A GREAT MANY OF OUR COODS WERE PURCHASED IH NEW YORK, CON SEQUENTLY THEY ARE OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT OF DATE. W PERSONS RESIDING AT A 01 STANCE CAN HAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS COODS AND TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OF EXPENSE. THE CLOTHING IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF COODS EVER BROUGHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES THAy Defy Competition Either WE ALSO A Fall Line of ROOTS AB) SHOES HATS AND GAPS, jEZ O C3 3E3 3E8 X 3 WE SHALL ONE PRICE ssr WE INVITE ALL TO COME AND SEE US. WE HAVE GOODS THAT WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW ff. WE WILL SElL AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO CIVE US A CALL, AND WHEN YOU DO SO REMEM BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS-TKAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. ALLEN & MARTIN. 57 FIRST STREET, BURKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. NEW GOODS. OF NEW GOODS. MARTIN OFFERED IN ALBANY. DEPARTMENT Here or Elsewhere. KEEP HAVE BUT FOR ALL. & Adams Woven Wire UedH. Thty nro light, clean, durable and o and any one who lias nned thoua will have no oilier nrjtmd. Ity pormls slott we rotor to tlio following named citizen ef Albany who havo used these UtKla ; I F Box Ham Alth'xiMo tn A Cox Chun Puoflor Kovl DWfofl Jo Weblmr Goo W Yooof John Rogers A K I lain water A Dockard L II Montanye Geo l Hi in I'Moii I,cwi4 Htlmsou. Those Urdu enu ho foiiid al Geo K Simpson's at Albany. Ho sure to call and sen thorn If you want anything In (but line. .. H. WAY, :Wnt ' Agent. FItKI) WILLERT, CARRIAGE AND WVCON MANUFACTURE!!, Corner Second and Kerry 8ta. Albany ,Or In prepared to manuf.M-tiire carriage and wagon at nhort uotlr urn! or I so very IM S ! 91 ITERI AL lie mak tho premium carrlugoa and buggies of Iho State REPAIRING AND .JOB WORK hno at hortcl notice and In the iiiom SKILLFUL MANNER. HI work and material l bo first elaxs. wnriantI to Mtf To the Sick and Afflicted ! AM KSI'teiALLY iliosft Snfffiiug from Debility, Nervous .'roxtration, LtM of italilv, Sexual Inflrraitif, Ete., Kir. O T 1HU.KKVT Sl.tU tllojt: 1IAVK m. ara fr..m af.M 'Al. ANI NKIl- ("MII.M .ht.Uu who cart f nfraaattd U tr a .u. ovaaf all thtn i m Ki ticnU rw tlU'twr la ix't attW-ientty klllatl in tbcav !aM "I Idrulil. U Uf mtfl U in.t.l W lafl i MM rrliUI. b" bf rluealion. "ti4 .rar tl... ;h !' I --n ftt lrti.otiil, 4. i. ! I ol wx orv lhM. un. j. let Mi.l ,U now ntct.ratv4 InAtl'iU In t .0 th IMtrpuM uf kSonttM lit ittlctcl Um crtaU( A MM MM MMl ' ' ! tfaallK't ant fwrtort and rnuiiFi,( iml.i allvn. ait'l I r : .'.. I Mttatiae4 ll Srrt rank twl-mlv uj-rfi U.U I'UMl but liiti-ughnitl Um cal w,tU. I tn laa'. In .J-lI. ..- U-fi aq Ullnllif ul'jctl . tho OtK-ay 4 Minal lj' t Ida iytfanl MaJ a.rae my uvAlMv tut lha cUalra to lufortu ih... alwi ara auflritts' tt.ruh kfttofanaw, aiul h hj anlk-aanrt a uf aant ut hnualclfa thai a rtiTm rait to (tail, ara not rtily htirrattitf thamarliaa In an u'iUnMly yra At. Inhcfltaur.- t.. MU nil lUai ' aa U W" iftcal all il nc Ui ba aio in j t II ' ars aodcf.c.,- fi..M. ni.'hl nrri.uana, aoaiincaaaa. onful"n 4 Rillxl, allit biaana a hon un-lcT i itmcal, aru.b!a U)tnj-f , lrvttb!itK, paaW Utbut, & .,f If jtrtt Iwiio rmrticrd Brjf .' tl. j.ariit-ii'.ir )u afa i.flar .. Ifvir I. UrraU I arm j r RM1 tlTr. m4 ah ul4nl bra. Lata to aack at once baailh aiul hajfi tniaa III a cufr. 'I im.( '.iMiANTEKn. rfA MortKRATr. niSht l.TATins J;V !... Kll oH ifTULKU ISK Vrrr. i:dualvrlr t C2 rUI!r K' nir !lr. t -. I iiii - frMi nrf .iu lainta ara n . - a kei, Tha Mriroua tr ai- -tai tuj fiict aitJ k r liable tn mS.rlnf J -Air k-u1m aiaj. fin auil lie ma njf ir Hi. j.r lia alMl irar: wl rrt laa Uaa tuaile , our organ :tf mi a l la Ultra aia--! rnm til akfasri lada IS ail ainl 1 urn ti-u m ati. I tba triiuliUa. aiakiina, lt.lrra.lug art luSinugi to a lit. ii aa a ur iu air lUtita. SafVuU IU fiiul lu Iha h-t-ir a trkrtM UJMMI ) "U nn rvyly t' t cotufurt, ait tnA ctiro tr aaaasa lMAr Krntf-.llra ha. a at iiri rri'uiatiim I tr rm.-lcacy uiicuiiajrd I aMSatar, or Inaalii-al reacrtiil.ti ot rt.r I v nan bo ami hy utall nf rl.trM Tboaa tlavtrini wratna4 rare arxl att-nll.xi bate ail ricieaar a ati..tta (uriuab. RsttMSj Thoac ahocaii nt tlail thn ciy"cn bv tfing Ih-ir in ihcir uan wy, rvraite atltlca, ai..l when alrl, trvaluiuitt at hutna IU a vat) aa. tiraticc ot a vxirr. URM ULTl NKl. Oil tilCSTHOVED. Aiklrcas, IV J. r. faHBaWa Mrdiral laalllulr. ... ... Xa. 7 aiorklua t San I raii.iaco, fK, CI. lbSS. BEE HIVES FOR SALE. I hare about on hundred of tho rele liralaT I ; , . itoo Hive fur sale choap ami also havo Home of ttie Julian U.-k which I will dlpoHO of on eaay toriu lioth hi van and bees will be ohl for )e iManeoat. W. (. 1oii Kit HTISELL 10 000 Pianot 1.000 Organ. -aa Half II.-. 'f Maiiularlurwr. F'.m(1l.. lis Cli. Krai or Iutaliriinta Oataluma Fraa, ANTISELL v.' , u i, aa i in laa.. QTARTLING v DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A riottm of vouUilul imprudence canning 3rotuv ttira Lnay, Norvnua Dfbilitr. Loat Manhood, etr.. liaring tried in rain very kniSVn remedy, baa dla cuvcml a aim pie self cure, which be Sill aend FTLKJt to Lia follow. ailfluryrr), addreM al. 11. It KEY KM. 43 CliuiUaiu hi., K . 506 G a n Tn HEALTH. O I at ASK. If Rlrhaa'a Goidnn Unlaatn Ma. 1. Curea ChiuuxT, drat and tcooiid ataaaa ; Sort m the Uu and llody ; ayphilltlc Calarrah, dia casod Scalp, and all primary forma of the dtacano. l'rica, &5.00 tor Uottle. 1 ttlrliuu'a (.olden Ilalauni No. 9. Curue Tortlnry. Mercurial, 8pliilttic Rheumatism, I'alna in the Bonea, l lcurated Throat, Syphilitla llaah, Lumpa, etc., and eradicate all diaaaa from the tyatom. wlmthor cauaed hv had traat. meat or abuae of mercii.y, leaviiif; the blood pure ami healthy. l'rlro,4.r,00 per Bottle. (nll.l ,i titr the cure of Ounorrlima, Olett, eu. 1'neo. .&0pcr Uottlo. I.i- lltl-linu's .Idrn ihalaaaa.a. a watth for cure of Olect, Stiicturoa, IHmiuw if the Lrethrii and Ulaildar, etc. l'rice, fl.W) inr UOttlH. afMOalVC healing- of Syphilitic euroa and Eruo tiona. Price, fl.00 per Kottle. KI.Hl fr.P Ilia Also Atronts for l iricliaii'a .oldn Tllla. for urun L'liuia I...... . t . L. - . . 1 . a .... arianjf from aouao and exceaa oi over-work. Price aa.OO ier box. ' Kent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed fcxpreaa. pe V. U1CII.1RDH A t o. Aa-nta, 427 a 480 baiuoiuu atreet, Corner Clay, ban t'ranclaoo, Cal. NEW FISH MARK BT. Ou corner opposite Senders fe Sternberg Will keep constantly on banc all kinds of fresh and halt fish andoysters that the market affords. M. Htik Kilos m IT PIANOS UKbUb as a es fife T'. -4' GREAT INDUCEMENT I MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON 1 18 the TIMI TO Great Redactions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming-. EVERYBODY IIIIYS !' -AffD- EVERYBODY GOES HOIT.UA 7 vvjn-mirrvvji or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AM) ii:alkiw in- Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candier. Nuts and Albany, OJiK IXX)K IiClXW AT THE OLD KTAND. 72 KIRVT NTHPPT rtAi AKKTIKXT OJ COOK, BOX STOVES Aa j Itouac In (Ite wllcj . TIN. SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK KVKRT ICKIPnON !! KTK'K OR TO ORDKR. ALWO, HK KRKFM OS HAN., A FULL AKHOKTM KNT F GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. Uf. (iKfKIC, TO TIIK ITIIMr AT I'Klt'f, THAT DEK. COMPKTITION. CALL AT 72 KIIWT MTREKT, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at v.Sn2S w 4- mm. ttA ar- icanlr It luar a vaat M ta.'taa a- itui iMinr a. . . 1 f " wl pi. irt anawi. Ii a a t ! i aa If ti- I taa mmm .laa 'I'll Ii hi ail j.i 1 II Ha4 i .uat' fcM i iiut -II.U-i l" i 8Y RING'S NEW SYSrtM. ASD FITTED WITH COMBINATION HPCCTACI.E3. THEY WILL CORRECT K) PSESCKV6 THE MOT. PEDLERCANNOT GET THESE COOD& rot auic oxtr at i hurrh Irlrrrtnr. . Y. tar 'a P. C. A. Mc.-t at their mom in Ft hrick buildins on Satnnlav avMiinn at 7:-'W) o'clock, and on Sabhath aftornoonaat 4. BuainetM meeting. are hold on tha even ing of the second Monday ia aach month. I.verybody invited to attend. U. P. CHtrsrw. Proachingevery Sal.bath, at 11 a. m. , and "p.m. by Rev. . Ir. vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 Si m Prayer maeting every Thuraday evening. Evakoelical Chubch. Prsaohing on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 7i P. M. Sr.bUth School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. liollenbaugh, pastor. CkNOBBOATiONALCuuRXH. Scrviccaeverv Sabbath at 11a. m. and B P. at. Sabbatn School at 2:30. I'rAycr meeting on Thursday evening of :t srssk. J. V. Harris, pas tor. M. U. Chitrch, orrra. Sorvicea 2nd aud 4th SabUths at St. Paul's M. K.Churoh, South, at 11 a. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. sharp. 1'rayer meeting uvury Thura day ovonng.t Jos. Emery, pa tor. M. E, Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 p. m. S ontr service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs tay evening. I. Dillon, pastor. Presbyterian Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in College ChapeL Sunday School immediately rf ter the morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Episcopal Chitkch. Service cvitv Sua- day, morning at 11 a. m., evening at 74 ix m. noly eommumon eyery Sunday morn ing at 9.45 a. in. Wednesday 7.30 p. in. Kobt. I. Stevens, pastor. NEW BARBER SHOP J. U. SUKLES, Prop'r. ! A GOOD SKA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each abave. Prices for shaving and hair-cutting aame as uaual. Rooms opposite McllWAin'a storo. lOtf NEW YORK SHOPPINCT. Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just iwnued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAB, 877 Broadway, New Vrk. lr:7tf YVSQ SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does tbe beat washing and ironing In Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for cninese labor. Laundry on Washington &iUa.a . I i "a a a fi a a i . atrvst, upposus marsnau's 16:35tf Livery StableJ COUNTY the way for the & Tobacco, Groceries, Provisions, Tropical Fruits. ... Oietron. JOHN l'r' J ' . . v SJTORK. 89y ON HAND Ail FINE A N AND PARLOR AND RANGES, lie a so Intporls anal tn an u fact urea reasonable figures. . - wr - (a. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAK.ER BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY, OKEGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AND HEADS lONES Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatdess and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. Jaw All work warranted. 17:42 Executrix SaleT Notice la hereby given that, whereas, the last will and testament of William Fhi.ippi ueconseu, wea oy asu unier oi tne tOUUty uoun oi juiuu uounty uregon duly admit- tetl to prooate on me 3lst dav of .Mav .a.-,., i i i 'aa r ion-, ami wuBreiw, me unuersigneu was duly aiuwmteu oxecutnx ol said will by order of said court, duly mad and enter ed or record on aald day. Now, there fore, the undersigned exeoutrix of tbejlast win hhu ieiaiiieni oi w uiiam fbuips, de ceased, by v.rtue of thepiovisious of said last will and teatamen, and by virtue of the authority therein conferred upon me, will, on Saturday, th fir' day of July, 18S2, at the hour often o'clock, a. m. of said day, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn Courty, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tbe following described real property wit; The south half of tbe south half tbe south west quarter ef section four. The north west quarter and th north half of the south west quarter, and the south east quarter of the aouth west quarter of section nine, all In township eleven, south range one west of the Willamette Meridian in Linn County Oregen. containing S:o acres more or lea?. Terms of sale, cash in hand on i r sale. Dated Mav 81st lf8J. J??"trix h bwt will snd tesunicnt, of ilham Philips, Dece wed. ID. j FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON Tho following In a partial lint : 1 70 term nn and a half miles wct o Tangoft,OrKon,arM 6 mi Ian from Albany. 86 area In cultivation ; 40 acrea mora can ba put in cultivation aaallj; balanoa good timber and paature land. HfAl, rich black prairie. Uood bonae and barn, good board tenon, all in good repair ; young; orchard of 100 traea; good we I and running atream for mUxk ; eood achool,charet. and poat olllco neighborbood and good aod' ety. Term 30 per acre; $2,000 down rt;-t on eaajr torma. 2H0 acrea on If arrow Gauge road.l 1 milee from Albany and 6 miles from Mcto, and 1 miiea from Jeflernon. It5 term good farm in : land, 75 acrea in cultivation; re nraitidfr In timer and brnub; bouae IHxU, with 10 foot walle, ell lx2 ; good bam -".x i wl tb 14 foot abed en one aide; good fn em and water. Twm $XjO0 caah down if KMaible. leather than net aell will take jpX) down, and balance on 2 te S yjn Ume, mecured by mortgage. 100 acrea J of a mile west of Albany; 100 acrea In cultivation rnd ON acrea oak and aab tirnber,pood wool land; all under fence, board and rail, eome good and I , bad : about 7 acrea in orchard, apples. inoetiy jx urv; good aoii; 20 buahela wheat tervrmm average; gooa two-atorv rame iiono. piHAV-rf-'i. o rmn, umu in i73. and ofMt 'Z K good barn. 2nx40 and two ekeda; well arranged for farm porposea. Tenns, fHOOO, 2 years time on 96090. VJd acrea VA mllea weaA of Tangent; 100 acrea In colli vatton; all new land, cl and la gorxl older, good two siorv hri n rfjm, nearly new and In good condi tion: goOd new barn 30x36; Das young orchard, ICO pi am sod prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water; 20 acrea of good timber; tirh, black soil and very productive. Pri' t-ViiO, caah and balance on 109 acrea one and a hall mllea northeast of Albany; r mrrtm In wheat, res in fsvir S$ woodland; good land; naaily Iri'-: : mcrtr, terms eay. 500 acres 1 mile aoutbeaat of Soda Springs; fair farming: small bouae; f.W mere fenced. Will be sold in email tract or all together, good aebool, churcb and i office at Hodaville, also tbe Soda Spring. Pries 5 per acre; easy terms. 103 acrea lying S miles above Lebanon on tbe I-banon Mountain road. No fen ce sr Improvement. 15 or 30 MM tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Prtoe $13 per acre. 80 acr 1 miles above Oneatta. on Ya qulna Bay. known aa tbe old afaii yzjrd. it lute a sfdendid froutage on tbe Baiy, and wll be aoad at fll per acre. 107 acrea lying below aod within f4 miles of Lelaanon, all under fence. 35 acre In cnluvation, and the remainder ia In timber and brash. Box bouae, I story, rooms below and one above Harn, not very good. Good well ; amall orchard. Croea fences to the amount of 5OO0 rails. .VnfBcient cord wood can bs cut snd floated to Albaar from thi pi acta by only s few laborers to pay for it in two year Only J mile from csnsl. Ifcmmmm km given by lbs 15th of October Tbe land U rich snd will torn out wheat SO snd ' o buahela to the aero. Ill acre, lying 6 mile doe east of Har rlbburg A good one storied box kouwr, 2 room h. Barn, 20x22. The land baa heretofore been need as a pastors, I Kit can all be put into cultivation. No grubbing required. I VS mile from school. Terms l per acre. Kcaah down, balance al '4;oat an v length of Unas assured by mort gage. 700 acre, lying will n mile of Mon roe, lu Benton county. Al under fenco and divided into five field. All Rood farm land and half in grain. Good bouse snd barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. It ii no of tbe boat farms to 'bat section of tbe valley. Pries $& per sere flOOO or 1500 down and balance on time 202'4 acre lying 5 mils north eaat of Harrtaborg and 1 mils east of Muddv Station all under fence; ISO acres m culti vation, balance in pasture, but mot of it can be pnt in cultivation. IS atoty house, barn, good water, etc, 1 mils to achocl. Pries i000, 123 acrea lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent 75 acres is cultivation and all under fence, 25 acres more can be put into cultivation try out lay or f loo. House, barn, trniesMUd ws A fine young orchard. Pries, S0 S3 seres in Csnisr Precinct 5 miiea from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres In cultivation. Good VA story bouse, wood house, barn, and aplsndid water and fine orchard. All under fenes. Pries 15 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. Ail under fence, small on-bcrd, no building 50 seres ass bees cultivated, but it is all now uaed as paa ture. Price SiO per. acre. 243 acres lying S miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence, leo acres in cultivation. Large 134 story frame house, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, S20 per acre. 125 acres, lying 4 miles north of Albany. 100 under fente and In cultivation. Fair house, good barn aad good water. Laud raises from 2o to 30 bushels of wheat par acre. Pn. 1300. v. til uke $1500 down, and oaianoe on time. 3Q acrea of land in Marion courty, IJO i'4 miles from Busna Vista and seven miles from Jefferson. 80 acrea in cultivation and balance La light brush and timber, llouse, barn and good orchard. Flouring mi I within 2 Bails. nouh wood can bs sold st tbe pottery works at Buena Vista to vmy for the farm. Call on C. U. Stlwav, Albany. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. ICQ acres -K miles north of Ht!ev, aU un. ivr foaice; 1,'i story box house painted. on the isrui. good barn and several other out buildings, gold water, the finsat orchard iu the county, $400 worth of fruit sold from it last year. It contain l kiuria of pears, all kinds of apples, a splendid and large assortment of small fruits and berries. Iho l bamnlon Fruit Dvrer Is on the place. 160 acres of lbs farm is under cultivation, balance paature. Will sell sell for 13500 clear, and can .rive lime ou 11500. Possession this isll or sill sail crop cheap. Failing health Is the cause of selling. A belter bargain has not yet been cfie:ed. c. c CHEKKT. aa. parks ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMnists, Millwrights, and Iroa Founders. w E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now ure Dared t handle all kinds or beavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist snd Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTEK.8 HIDE OX SHORT XOTECK. Special attention given to repaJrinir all kinds f machinery. Will also manufae ture the improved Cherry A White Giaiu Separator. aaop on Baker Bt.-eo.ce a Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. Lumber Yard. mr 56 K r Ci)A Pr day at home Samptea worth PU y JHb free. Adraaa Rtusos Portland, Manic. & Co. &rft? A WEEK. 612 s day at horns easlry mad. C I O Costly Outat frsi. tatfusta.Maine. -vuureaa raxt m 11400 at this office to loan at the lowest rases, u oauel for mmediatilv. Call S aa a once.