The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 30, 1882, Image 3

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    lite gtmoctat.
E.itered at the Post Office at Albany, Or.
m as second -olaw mail matter.
FRIDAY JUNE 80, 1882
Miter ami rrwprtrtert.
Albany Station.
..! xosro.
situ, train $2ZL .
OOt'KD eocvii.
A.RANY KXI RKS3 Arrives!
ft:Sfl A. M.
11. 46 A. M.
12.1)3 f. M .
11 45 A. V
13.06 ' M.
SL30 M.
KB P. at.
Alt Tralo dally, except Sunday .
Notior. On and after this date regular
ticket will i sold at our ticket office for
following point: on Columbia river: upper
CawdoH, Halloa, Umatilla, Walfula,
Walla Walle and Aluaworth.
Will. It. Rust,
Frehrht and Ticket Agent
O. A V. It. tt. Co.
Albany, -une IrtU, l
F. M. French, jeweller.
Nolan Great Bargaia Store.
Repairing a specialty at French V.
For a geod time pieoe go to I'much.
K. B. Skipeo.-th, lawysr, Alhuiy, Ckj
Fee a good pair of pecuclM go to French'
Don't forg.t that MMt Tuosday i the
Aaeihtr weddiug Ualjout ripe enough to
PoriLnd price at DubruilU' harus
CtuitletaVe wheat is MM! being bauKd
into town.
Instead of a riling to jour fiieitda east
aea 1 a copy ef the DlMOflO IT.
Old Scrofulous aures and bad nicer re
moved by Oregon Blood l'unrier.
The old Board ef County commusioaers
bold their last meeting to-morrow.
A new able walk in front of the Sl t'harit a
is an improvement worthy of notice.
Yen can get your prescription filled any
hear of the night at McCoy & Etlerta.
Dr. G. Willi Price, dentist, office in Odd
Fellow's Temple, over Plammera' Drugstore.
Bakers A. A. Castor oil and genuine win.
ter strained lard oil $1.40 per gsl at Mc
Coy & Ellert'.
R v. Buss will preach at the Baptist
Cnarch to-morrow at 2 o'clock and on Sab
bat i at 11 oMjck.
A Stern V-erg no drive one of the
iaras in the city, both horses
perfectly black.
No Two's wiU have a big time on the 13th,
at which time they will bouse the engine in
their new engine house.
A ne 2-year oM cow, with hsl f blood
Jersjy calf for sale cheap. Address J P
Gilmere, Millers Station.
The prospect is now that the ere?) in this
section will be a little short, but the grata
ill be of extra goad quality.
Ike M K Church has been paiuUd light
color, S3 that it presents much more at
tr.'Ctrviappearanc than before.
Tie funeral services of ficbt Berwick
were hel l in taa U. P. Church Wednesday
as 4 o'clock, Rev. Irving officiating.
If yam have aaytLiag to sell advertise i
in the TsecenaT, and it will rt ach the eye
ef nesily ev.-ry cit: ei in Jinn County.
C. E. Echler a few days ago purchased
for his i hop one of the fattest sheep we
nave seen It we;gted 190 pounds alive.
Lewis imp job Lai had his livery barn
treat jd to a new cet of paiat. It now puts
on considerable ttyle and carries it head
The c'.rcui is comiog, and as tbey do net
ox'aibet en stages wilt probably be at Al
bany. Hi, there, yon small boy, save your
Two horses were stolen in Clackamas
eenaty a few days ago, and it is thought
wer brought np this way. Read the adver
tise -neat.
On the Pacific Coast, coagha an 1 colds are
invariably eaased by a deranged liver and
stem ach. For a sure remedy use the Oregon
Blod Purifier.
Why do Peter A Sox 11 so many Deer
Lug Taine Binders, many have asked. The
answer is, because they are a good machine
and just suit the fanners.
Boys, do you want some white linen shirts
chea?, something that will wear, then go to
Moateith A Seitenbach'. Tbey will sell
yen one for 90 cents,
A homicide occurred at Grave Creek, in
Josephine county hut week, in which W m.
Fox was killed by Henry Lane. Liquor was
at the betton of the affair.
Bay your soda water for the 4th at Hoff
man A Joephs, where a first class stock of
groceries can be found. Everything fresh
and of the best quality.
Mr. Michael Kobbett, 77 Sargent street
Coho.s, K. Y was cured oi a very severely
lnjared knee by St. Jacobs Oil, ssys the
Rochester, Y. Sunday JUrald.
C M and J D Burshart, living uear this
city, have an endless-chain thresher aad 10
foot header for sale. Both are in good order
and will he sold cheap.
Persons dewn from the mountains repre
sent that the blackberry crop will be ex
tremely large this seasou. Get your cans
ready and i..-psre for a raid on them
Ayers Ague Cure i an i-if i!:ible cur for
fever and Ague- in pll MS L.i'i.a. Thepro
prietors warrant it, Aad their wo, 1 is as
good as a U. iS. boud. Trial prove it.
We Rndorstaad there will be no services at
any of the church next Sabbath evening.
AB will go to the Court House and hear
Bishop Etther. of the Evangelical church.
A tree Agist occurred in this city lost
Saturday, m which roar parties were engag
ed, ail receiving wnw heavy shoulder hits,
and one or two of them gettbig pretty well
mashed up.
At Senders A Sternbt rg's you eat get
wall paper trimmed all re uly for am with
out extra Cost. Tbey have a tnchioe which
ia five minute will trim enough to oaper a
large house.
Those whojwioh to mike m.-u-y by sav
iug en their purchases aid dn well to take
notice that Moato L lihijiiiifMifc have
made a general re !ic.iou on their good aod
will actually ; u.em ;it ltt -in rates.
A luus uatui. . Mack Mootmh iuf.rms
us that Johnny Irving p.awoel somi gold
fish at bis place a few day ago, mnithig
that ha never before happeae! ii Oregon
If yoa don't believe it call arunl and e.
Yen can find Griffin & MeCtbe's dental
office at Mcllwaia's building, where tiiey do
good work at reasonable prices. A nice set
ef teeth for $1.", Gold uuJL silver filling
from $1 to $3.50. Tcotb extracted 50 cent.
Peters A Sox, havd just received an im-
mene invoice of rapes of all kinds, probably
the biggest stock in this part of the Itate.
Their stock of baling ropes is particularly
large and ef a splendrd quality. Call and
examine it.
J H Surles has sold hit barber shop to
Louis Campeau and will shortly lesve us.
Mr Campeau is an old hand at the buriues,
but has not followed it for several years,
Mr Surles will stay with,, him until he re
covers his dexterity.
"Men of the Hour" columns are appear
iog in many of oar exchanges. Second hand
cuts sre obtained from the East at small es
pouse and Arabi Pashas are dished up here
several week after they have boa a in the
illustrated papers in the East
Carraa has had one of his celebrated fruit
dryers erected on the lot opposite the Poet
office, where all cau see it. He claims to
have the best dryer ever offered to tho pub
lic. It has So square feet to the heater,
while the other dryers only have ulne.
Yestesday A L Bridgefartner came into
eur office with a pail of a tine cheiries as
we have seen. The girls demolished them
in short metre. Tbey were raised on a tree
4 ft. 5 inches in circumference and S3 feet
across the branches. Bigger ones rarely
Mrs George B Reynold lately received from
at ewi a m -n . ... - a I
.Uaurauvr.v o.,ovwvnea..lwut
ot the poi'cy on her beauanus me. it wm i
uo u.av llc ''J "I
Seattle, W . J . oy an unfortunate ascidenL I
N J neuton is agent lur the company iu tnu
xne icauiiig insurance company is in
Hartford. o company in America ha
gone nnugn groar ore auu come oUl on
a. . m . m a - I
top. it u penecwy saie anu u on oi tne
l . ..i.e. l - i : ,v. I I i I
"7 ...pau.e- ,u M.e wwr.u. v .
n. Stewart agent in Aioany. tau
mm ,or insurauce.
inenr5 or mo weea wni.e
-wvawsej a su o iec .vcviung. wa. r,u-
ing norsonaca nc.r tin city in nor,e oo-
came ingmeueu ana wr .. r.euwjr
th. groua.L He .truck on his should.,
:.L . . i. . l. : . . .....
imm a. v rr. v ...
f. l: .. 1 .l . . . I . I ... I
if i. mil avi. kilo n J an unwi i i
goon couu.wou,
p.. . i . ...:n -ii - . i : . :. . .... ti... I
w . ... . -6 ,
itn an.) tlidv ) .nil in-,'... i n.iiiit i i lfWik I
, . r- -
' ... 1
1 . I . ... 4 . I . lk.. ... I
mh viirui. iu unit! u u m
, ... T
to li!a;u a and he will dreei you up in
, , r
we ueai sou oi eiaine lor mo least money i
.-. i i . .i . i. .....
Tne u n-ner num'wr f SMtA iaea
J.. 2
'"Y""" J 7 r"
iu.1 Mjr .j i w 7-
miug nouueia, me iaws euwn iu parasoia,
t 1 - -i . .mi. - - - I
- y
........ .ten th. (MtoVat.
i? i. vi . va n-n ...... . u. I
"j j ' sr-
star lire ery. ii j repatati-n a a or.wcr ,
T ...
"l,w",uw,7 4U
"rI"r ,
. sL. ...a.. la IkAa . a... a tr lk.. I
' , "7 J 7 ,
beverage can go and find a pleasant place.
Hu large wholesale trade speaks for him
throoKhout the valley.
Mmheer Grose, of the Depot Hotel, wear
a plnaaant saule these day. Travel is
pretty good, and the iraepU foe the com-
ptutnm of the road Utw-o Rcaebarg and
iUd are better than ever. That eveat
means .uneased trav-1 aod locraaatd pro-
parity not only among keeper., but
eerbdy in the lorthcat.
It wa. Aibany v the For the camp-
" J
from thi. city in their aiuarteat Ue, d
two other young lad tea frntn the Frx, like-
wise in tlKir smarteat teams, got into . war
of aorda. and aoon becsme the center of an
imme. se crow.l. who wituesaed their tongney
contest, not much to tbeir credit, be it said,
The new Kngine hou of Engine Ce, No.
2 is now completed and preacnts a handsom.
. ' , , ,
appearance, lt u a ubuntial buildinr, aod
r,. . , .
will do the cum :utny good service, eyes A
, . ,, - 7 , . . , .
Hoehsted'.er are entitled to much credit for
. . ,
the thorough work tbey have put tote it.
.... , , u . .
The painting was done by Bob Bowman, and
. .. t . v ti u i
the lettering in front by Henry Sueu, who
bar, in this ease, shown himself to be a good
workman in this line.
Tho farmers of Lion conuty need to
realize the fact that to make themselves
safe they will have to branch out and raise
something beside wheat, an article the '
price for which can never be depended on
while the present extortionate rates of trans
po ration are charged. Tin-y ahould raise'
atock, potatoes, fruit, etc, in abundance. '
It will pay. The market for those article
will be food for many years to come.
Among the attractions for the Fourth '
none are greater than those to be presented
at Scio. If tho bill, of fare is carried oat a
big pread eae feast will be bad. A-aong
other feature is a barbecue, of the old
fashioned stripe. The ping uggs will reign
supreme. Hen R S Strahan will make the
speech and D P Mason will read that time
honored institution tho d of i. Can you
resist going there.
Andy Hunt and Moat Monteith returned
from Hick son Springs hut Tuesday after an
absence oT alxmt two weeks. They had a
good trip. These springs, which sre owned
by John W. Hicksou, sre known as th old
Belknap Springs and are about forty mile
from Eugene. Tho water has splendid
medicinal properties sad there ia a good
place to bathe, so that no doubt under Mr.
Hickson ' charge they will obtain a good
Thi week Pt-ra A Sox received the
twine for their hinder which they have
sold. If stretched out it would reach from
3fW '"rauciaco te New Tork and over hal
way across the Atlantic, m other words
5CS0 mile. If made to cross Linn County
each way it would out it up. from the Will
lamstte to the Cascade, into blocks of Ire
titan a mile square. All of this i to be
twined around the grain of this county.
The College Band left for Dallae Tuesday
evening, and will hm gone till Saturday.
They have been working bard, and marked
improvement i noticeable. Although not
intending to enter the contest tbey have
been furnished with the music and will
play several time. IT have ne doubt they
will surpass many of the bind present, and
would have liked to have seen them enter
the tournament.
The Fourth mt July celebration at Lebanon
next Tuesday sill draw a big crowd there.
People from all parts of the county will be
present. Speaking of lhnnn reminds us
that C B Montagu 'j is the fading general
merchant there, and it dui'i a thriving
business. People th wrfch of their
money by trading w:th h'-n. Hu believes
in small profit and big ealn, awl thus
works for both bimsoK as I hio customers.
The member of r'l Ladies Band posses
considerable Bpan': They had made com
plete arraugementa to g to Dallas b way
of Kalem, aad were to be met at the latter
place and taken over by tem- sent by the
Dallas Band, bat when t'twy learned that
ho train could run, they hired a rig and
Tuesday night went to Ce.-valli taking the
tram north at eibt o'clock. Their playing
wdl probably be the better on account of
their tribulation i,
t These patent lawn sprinklers, attacked to
the water works, ma; be a good thing for a
vegetable garden, but they won't do in a
ehiekea yard. We set one to work after
dark a few nights age, arraagbg it as we
thought te play upon a bed of carrots, but
in the morning found that it had been throw
ing direct into e ohioken crop. It takes less
okioken feed now on our ranoh than It once
did, and our boys have a ohicken cemetery
In one corner of the lot with twenty-one
graves in it.
Monday quit an interesting runaway oc
curred, the team of John Sohloeser being the
principal actors in th event. Starting
near First street they beat the "Hooks"
best time down Furry street till they saw
th County Clerk-eUet ahead of them, wheu
they turned up 0th street and ran along till
they came to the ditch, and there being no
bridge on that atrest, imagining themselves to
be a oonple of school boys they dove into the
stream, going nearly out ef l(jht, aad ef
coura stopoed. No injury was done, the
homo net even tumiag their harneses
wrong side out.
Matt Scott called on as the Hint of the
Judge Reabani. i f SaUm wa iu the c ity
N S Baber, of t orvallis. was iu the city
(J0 tt-4Wy uf Hvm iJjAlbaay a
IUv J R N tell, of CrvallU. wae ia tb
iu lmm Saturday.
T i wUrki i ihv Su cherlea,
He nxAn fc flrt oUm clerk
Q oorkinK for K Young.
,nd well reraaio with him until
Mf j b y pilUogw oC East Portlau.l.
WM io AJUay the firatof the week.
Ur. John Parker ha been visiting ft leads
kU b we-k Qf lw
Otto Fox, who wa, mam,! in New Vurk
UrJ wi horv j. ,w mmmktt
I' "
J,IiM Uurm , vtkmm Jwwn from K
. ,
gen lat Monday, on a vtait to her parent.
, of M VhmmM, b
l)Mt) Uj thU lwt ww ..uini! Utter
- ... . .
lt w,j, b, Jasttce Skipworlh after nett
Monday, lie liegin buinea u that day.
, ., , . ., ,
lieorge Hardy ia tlegrsph operator at the
, . . ...
Dalles now, and we hear is a frolicsome sa
Messrs. L. Fliua, D. S. X. Blackburn and
H H.witt. E.q., left AlUny Tuesday
mrtf-.iB- nr L'ul,n, flr-tfan ,K. Urn
Charlie Pierce was in th. city Tuesday,
Mr and Mrs K Urey wer in ( orvallis
, . ,
th. hrat of the week, coinc up on tb 0M
loW Tuesday moraing.
JaeM.rriek. an old ciliaeu of AlUny.
left thi week with his family totaaeup
hu .
MujMi. PoeUr returned from Port-
mJM Mooa4y ch o( b
bflan MA04,liA Milu
mium M.yer, of Salem, was
w aUy (orB o tb-
oar . pleM4ot j,
Mr Jm ludfafU,t OM of m .a-a,
mMt u WM io ue city Tnealay and
,FadlJlky mru several plaant
; A j. W0taUirVf Yj., of Ci.cion.ti. Ohio.
eerreeponJeot for the tlnrim iff si. was in
city TueUy. when he pud n. . f rater-
j -a-aa
j M mUf mf (jf C9twtillM Toc-.
; f wM rmAio y m ft
; (f M (.
j HooUith
. Mr Da?nul(,ycr wbiJJ of
.., , . .... . .
Olympia, V T. are vuiuni in thi nty, sad
, . t . ,
'are gueet .f Mr Loui Milltfr, the father ef
Mr Dofflemeyer.
I Mr. Kuchanau, who this week married
. . . , . , . .
Miaa Ma Uunee, we naderatand is tne own-
. .
er of th Steamer .iy oOe''y. which ulya
. w ... J . ' .. VJ
) ummmm w iii.iuc.w mui i uiumuii,
Prof. Robb, of Forat
Orove, who has
been teaching at The Dallas baa been en
gaged to take charge of the Central School
in this city. He is very highly spoken ef.
Chester A Arthur registered at the
Revere last Sabbath. On bis trip hera he
waa accompanied by his old friend So. t itea,
but it is to be Imped that be never iutained
his vie ion habit from I uu.
Geo Waller aod Jas Waga.r l.ft Xuwport
la.t Sabbath evening at 4 o'clock, and on
Tueeday at 2 JO arrived here. Pretty good
walking for fellows that have lived on a
clam diet a long a they have.
Mi M A Moore, ef Well Station, called
en as last Saturday. He had received quite
an injury to one of his eyes by bavin r. coal
dast blown into it, and ras ia the city to
obtain tho assistance of. a doctor.
Charley Rslstoo, Joseph Nixon sud Bill
Read, Iebanoa muldoons, were down last
Tuesday making arrangements to bag our
whole town next Tuesday, and we guess
they came near being successful, as every
one seems te be getting ready to go out
Mrs. C. C. Cherry presented us with
some strawberries, raised iu Marion county,
all of which were really oiamtnoth ones, tho
biggest measuring 0) inches in circumfer
ence. We are willing far neoiile to try and
beat it, for we are very foud of strawberries,
particularly big ones.
Rev. D. T. .Stanley, publisher and proprie
tor of the ChriMtaln JUrald, published at
Monmouth, was in Albany the first of the
week and was to have spoken here Tuesdsy
evening on the subject of cduestton ; bat
the lecture had not been 1 -dvertisod snffieent-
ly to liog iit in n'i',;e tee. so it was given
up Wo aiik 0ortig0 a fraternal call.
Sabbach Rv, If L, Steven, accompaoied
by Mrs. Stevens. Miss Rodney, Misses
Bessie and Emily Turreil. Miss Bertie Knos
and Miss Putnam went to Browusville, ar
riving there iu tho afternoon. Ia the even
ing Mr. Stevens preached in the City Hall
to a crowded honae. Tlioy came back Moo
day, and speak very highly of the kindness
and hospitality ahown them.
Wednesday occurred tho fiftieth anniver
sary of the marriage of Andrew and Mrs
Robb, near Shedd Station. It was celebrat
ed yesterday by a golden wedding, the
particulars of which we have not yet heard.
On the same day, (Wednesday) the 0th
anniversay of tha marriage of John and Mrs.
Robb, net Ida Pearl, was celebrated in
Halsey, so that Mr, Andrew Robb has just
fifty years to a day the start of bis son in
the race of married life.
o 1
suddenly Weakened.
' I suffered with rheumatism of the
back and hip for a number of years,"
eaid Mr. Tbemas Morgan, Superinten
dent of Streets. "I was waited en by
pbsieiauR, but they gave no perma
nent relief, and I resolved to try Ht
-Jacobs Oil. My rheumatism weakened
atthe ftnt attack of Its great enemy,
St, Jacobs Oil, and soon I was well."
CiiiciiinaMi Times-Star,
A Bridge vea Way nasi Vaahrs Rteven
tar lalo Ik vfalrr.
The first accident of any moment that
baa oyer happened on the 0 A C R R oo
ourred last Tuesday morning at about V
o'clock J ut beyond Aurora. The freight
train was coming south, and wan on H e
bridge crossing Padding river, whon one
of the wheals broke completely In two,
letting the oar down with such ajar as to
shake the bridge (which eould not hare
been very ntrong,) from Ha foundation and
wending It with nix flat car loaded with
rail lor tho oxtonalon south, anil fle
empty boa intra, to the bottom below, a
distance of about thirty foot. Tho bridge
was a alnulo span Howe truaa with treat In
approaches, and wan l&y feet long. Tho
engine rosta lr poNllion at an angle of
about 4o dogrooe, while the tender lianga
or the odgo. The former will Ih fUtew
ed end tho latter out loomo and allowed to
drop to the ground below. On tho other
end two mom cara hatiK MUSondod or
Pri I v mo. Theeo which i II with the
bildgo, are a total losa, and wh undoiatand
part of thorn will bo burnt d. The direct
loos la probably $30,000 or $10,00). Iho
Iron oau bo saved with tlttlo daiug. At
! the tlino tho train was croMlitK thi brake-
man, It F Harvey, wo hetweon to eara,
and wa Jut Iu tho aet ol piilllag tho
ooupliiig pin le If i Oto car run on
lOtlstwWltoh at Aurora, which the oiiglueer
Mr W II Whtto, wan intending to turn,
wheu tho accident occurred. M r Harvey
wont down with the car, aad by a won
derful piece of good fortune K"t Into the
water and awam aokore, not though with
out considerable Injury, lib head waa
quite severely rut up, and he will probably
lose one ear. The engineer and firemen,
after stick lug to their pot as long a
they eould do any good, crawlwd llfflMgfc
the I'r ml w.i i i of thn o"glno and got
on) an right. The noon train from Koao
burg hurtled to the woouo of tho accident
and brought i w tho OKiig ir and
mall from tho PorMend evpnm. Since
then only oiiit train ha- btmii running
south or Aurora, tho frelttht an I ex proas
bolug dbieitcxl with. The railroad an.
tbori'.lo claim that :!.- will l ave train
onrea tho P iddUig galn by nxt Men
day. Will le Certain
Kngino Co. No. '.' and Hook A I t dder
Co No. 1 have made arraugementa for
going to Corvelllaon tha 4tb. They have
the rwfuwal of "Little Nell" which boat It
was expected would bo chartered yeeter.
day erening. It will hold 70 and can
carry that nnnibar eailly an I Dsnki ftlr
Tne boat will leave here in tho morning
at 7:30, and In returning leavo Corvallls at
6 o'clock In the evening. Tho fare for the
round trip will be $1.00, and only 70 tick
Ma will be sold, so that tho. who wiah to
goM have to purchase their ticket early.
The H. A. L. Co. have not yet decided
whether tbey will tak. their truck and en
ter the contest. In which a prise of $40 ha
been offered. Those who wish a ploaaant
ride and to see a goo 1 celebration cannot
do better than to go along with the Ooya.
tl Silas
A luwderu Jouah, whom pi .-... tim
ooinutunllie would do well to avoid, has
jmt shaken the dust of Nevada from hi
feet. Heforo atari ing thence fur rvfo ho
mode this concise but comprehensive
tatoment of the Ill-luck which ha hound
'' I him : "I went to Maine and the Ice
crop failed; "I went to Florida and Iho
frost killed all the garden and the or
chard ; I wont to Mlaindppl and they
had a nVd ; I wont to California and the
President vetoed tho OMWM bll1. Kino
I struck this state tho Comatevk mine, never paid a dividend and if I go to
Oregon I aw willing to hot thy will have
a drought." Wo ore glad theVhap ! eom
Ing Ikl. way, as hb experience here will
a-tonUu him. No rulo holds good In
Oregon, and lntoad of atrtinga drought
f-r u thai blainod f k1 it lla tde to bo
Slaoeat Oraw bh!
Laat Monday while Iter Driver and
Wood, Prof Latnbert and so vorak young
lad In, among whom waa Rov Driver'
daughter, wore attending a camp meeting
on tho McKlnxle, Mi Driver fed In the
river and camo very near drowning, and
wonld but for the timely oaMlatanco of tho
gentlemen above named. All three Jump
ed In after .her, one of whom strangled
and only got out himself with an effort.
Finally Prof Lambert succeeded In get
ting the nearly exhauste-d young lady to
the shore, In a Monaoless condition ; but
one was eoon Drought to, and wilt come
out of the .(fair all right.
Attention, hotel keepers table linen and
napkins, immense stock at Nolan's bar
gain store. Such prices.
(From th Salem Htatamtn.)
Twine Bludrm.
The Ooborne Twins Hinder has to day
made the finest record of any harve'er
that over aUrted tti Oregon. Read Mr. K
I. Walker' aiatemont to the Termors. Mr
Walker came to Oregon two years ago
and purohnted Mr. Witt llerron'a farm on
Salem Prairie, paying $16,000 cash for it
Mr. W. i one of our best farmer", and a
most reliable citizen. PasiRJR June 38, 1883.
To my fcft farmr :
Drar Sir : I have heard a great deal
said about T. vine-binder an 1 ihir rela
tive merit , and I havo thl to aay, that
I have to day Marled my Oeborne Twine
biuder in barley, and It ha done tho bot
work of any maohlno I ever aw. It never
ininaod a single band In the ten round I
have cut around a five aero piece. Kind
iog light and nice. E. R. Walkf.ii.
From I toe 4'uaradea.
Jim Murray and Nick Rprengurar
rived io Albany Monday from a three
weeks trip into the Cascades. They
came back by McKlnzte road, and re
port it in a fair condition. Never
wagous buve already gone over, as wel
as a large tl ck of sheep. There was
about six feet of snow on tho summit
but it did not Interfere ranch with
The citizens of Albany am hereby t ot -tied
that the delivery wagons will not be
run on the Fourth of July, aud thoy m ust
mnko their purchase on the day before
to lusure delivery at their hmiHes.
Vrnau. Pabkeu.
A 2 year old Iron gr.iy Alley, wiih spot
j in forehead, with tail cut off njuare just
above the hooka ; branded U. E. on the
Rhoulder. S20 reward will be paid for
information of the wherabouts of tho
addon Death.
Last Tuesday morning a little before
eleven, tho report was circulated that a
man hail dropped suddenly dead at Robin
son's mill. A largo crowd was roon con
gregated there, when It was found that
Mr Robt Ilorwlok wa the unfortunate
Tlotlm of heart disease. Coroner Davis
Immediately colled e Jury before which tho
proper teottmeny wa takm to ascertain
the urns and circumstance of Id death.
He had gone to work for Mr Robinson
thatasomlng awhile before ten, and had
boon running a buzz saw whon ho foil
and immediately expired. The first to
observe Mia after hi falling were Mr.
Roblnnon and Mr. Metoalf, who oupponed
ho woe Axing a belt when they first observ
ed him ; but on examining blm they dis
covered he woo uo!d and clammy. Mr.
Iterwlek had been troubled with the heart
disease for never tl year, and for two or
throe month hail been consulting with
Dr Hill for that disease. Tho Jury found
la accordance with the above, that deceas
ed came to bio death from the effect 07
rhoumuto neuralgia of the heart. After
ward hlo body wao taken to bis home
near by. Ho leaveo a wife and throe chit
drou, and had a brother-lii-law residing
with him. lleth famlllc came to this
0UU1 from Canada last spring, when Mr.
llerwlok purchased the John Thomas
farm near Tangent, and Intended to move
on to It next foil. Mo leaves his family in
fair clicumatance. Ho woo a steady,
straight rorwartl man, .ml a nwinUiraf
the United Preabyterlan church.
A tunperanoe service of eong wan
held In the f'oajrregatluaal church
Habhath eveulug. Iiwaao.uite Interest
ing. . Rev. Achesnn preaclb d In the
the M. K. Church Hmtlh Habbeih meru
it?. He will be there the n4 iM 1th
Sabbaths of each month. In ll morn
llig A Hsbbuth N litd I b InftJteJd
t Mrs, Paiiuliig' feel ajf ac, 1 car the
city, nt - o'clock ; f. II. Tewii-nd n
Sujierlntfudeiit A M.thtmlh ho I
wa lately organised at tho Kmi nrd
chnot, hut only a fen who do 1 ot nt
teiul other aolioo. h- i rearul
an an yet. It falN to mi I'm o'j'd H
wa dganlzed for.
A Mother lire nl rrllri.
Saturday afternoon another disas
trous tire occurred at Portland, result
lag In the aluioat total destruction of
the PacISc wharf and warehouse. The
entire lots will amount to about lou.maj,
moat of which is covered by insurance).
'ia.ldur.bto blame Is attached to the
Are department or some body for alow
MM in getting to the -fire, and It is
eaid iliat could they have been on bond
on tim. much of the loos would have
been prevented.
We lake pleasure iu announcing that
the endeavor to produce a perfect rem
edy, agreeable o the fa? . and prompt,
palnleae and elective Io it action en
the liver, atom toll n I hasweil ho been
successful, and thai t id ter, RsUMtMN
medicine furm-rly iim .1 .'or ihe purpose
are rapi:'y 1 - u ng iniue.a m ine
pat Syrup of Pig Is the new ai.d
ploaaant retiu dy ami Fosh.y Maon
have been apputc d.agen f .vlhany,
snd Hector 4 Son fur Hul-v.
A rtraanl e-tl.
Waterloo Is now ta'ti g tuk an on
of our fercmcRt pleanrr n-aorte. Ill
pleaautly located on the ftaulinra,
here there Is a beautiful waterfall,
plenty nt shade ami n of tb - beet
soda spring in the Mote. CreisBroa.
tave op-nod out a hotel and a store, aad
thewayfiyer can now get flrat-claao
accmino'tatlonM there. It io a very
pleasaul place teapend a f- w days In
reotln; up.
See that surging crowd all wending their
wsyto Nolans great liargain store. All
happy. happy.
V) rtltea After Callus a Uaua.
The reason that the "meek represen
tative' of the did net get o
prize ai the Salem printer' picnic was
b cause of tho Inability of all iheicar
In that eity to tell what the thing was.
Its like had never been seen before and
no work en zoology could he found that
had anything like unto It. Perhaps
before the time comes 'round for an
other annual picnic, it will have been
ascertained to what order of beings the
thing does belong Ifrrald.
C'eososoR 4'a.rll.
At tho mooting of the Common Council
Tuend.y evening numerous bills were al
lowed and other reported. The bond
of the saloon akeepero were oprrovod.
No. 2'e new engine bouse ras accepted
and turned over to the company. Ordia-
ance No. U0 as amended pssaed and will
be published next week. A petition of
E Carter A Co for opening Water atreet
was referred to committee on striets and
public property. Other bualness was
transacted, but of little Importance.
BUsos Csker.
B lsbop J. J. Esfc4Mr, of the Evangel
ical church will preach In the Court
HousM In tuisclty, next Sabbath even
ing. All of the churches are cordially
Invited to join in tho , and
give the Ulhnp the reception be de
serve". Vf anted A Farmer.
A man led in in wh ios h id oonilder-
able experionoe a a farmer can get a
good situation on a farm in Benton county
by applying at this office immediately.
lirMleral to Invalids.
Florelon Cologno 1 grateful to invalids,
as It Is refreshing without the sickening
effect of meet perfumes.
Removal Notice.
Dr. J. L. Hill wishes ua te annouoo to his
patrons that he has removed his office from
its old locatiou to tho front re- mi np-stairs)
'n the Peterson brick hsildiug, optieno the
Odd Fellow's Temple.
SHILOH S CURK WILL immediately
relievo Croup, Whooping cough and Bron
Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself snd
wife owe our live te SHll.OH'S CON
SUMPTION CURK." For sale by Foshay
& Mason, Albany ; R. A. Rampy, Harris
org. HACKMETACK," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and f.O cents. For
ale by Fosbay and Masou, Albany ; It. A.
Rampy, Hamsburg.
a tower.
Without any exception Albany has
as geod proopecta before it at any elty
In the Htate of Oregon. Its location
tmJIcatea growth, Itn ou rounding
peak or its posalbllltlra and tell of
what It may become. An a more
agricultural city It cannot lor k for a
very large population ; hue- It water
power In evidence timt enterprise,
eorsethlng that the people of thi city
are lacking In a very 111 irked degree,
would eventually place It a a manu
facturing city In a lead. mr iMtsltion In
llih state. In n short time railroad
will come Info the 1 orthwest fiom at
least three point. Our climate, and
the fertility of our soil and our great
natural advantage generally, are cor
talu to All hl beautiful a ction of
eountry with a live, active peoplo.
What will It benefit our citleo? It
will depend on their manufactur
ing facilities.. The number ef firm
in the valley wlJi not increase so very
mueh, oo that ia far uo we are concern
ed those coming lore will go shore
there are the greatest man ifuctuilng
advantage, and if Albany will only
put hertelf forward she can become one
or tb- largett ciUeo in Oregou. Just
tbro icji this channel. It U true that
it is growing steadily ami xurely, but
like all agricultural cities It will he
limited by the number ef people in the
couuty ; but make it as well, a live,
manufacturing, commercial city, and
there lo no end in its peeslbiiitle.
lilies' ulsters $l.o0st Nolau'a grrat bar
gin a tore.
i aparloeraklp tlrr
Nothv I hereby given th d the nrnier
Ignml Ji4V JoiiK-d ltafass teSbeda
portnetH, iilidr H tit m uaotO mil tlytf
of Danu.'.M A V.'-, dm, f" 'tt, pr'"eo ol
carrying on the buky0 i ihaiaeittclBf
and I'nu fui riirr.. .1, 1 rtg other
g nersl wwd wr' . f f .i-, v am!
nlenrexMM ! nb -; 1 . u u ot i rry
and .,weiiid atr-Ml , n , lainy
I. Da - 1,
I w 4 a 11. Wi o is.
For 10 oi.t you uau bay
Nolan' grrat bargain ut
bit sbeSt at
MlSfaeal Kmh.
Made from bsimle materials, and
adapted U the need of feding hair. Par
ker's Hair Balaam be taken highest rank
as a reliable hair restorative.
Oae block florae, 11 year old, with ball
fa-, two white hind foot, hand high,
with saddle and collar mark. One bay
bor, 10 years old. wliu collar mark,
with one white hind foot up to pattern
i'ii ni, alao Mcaron left hind foot, between
psatorn loint ami hoof.
The above describ IsOfMS sress Mnlen
from tho farm of J W On bran, n Kliou
Prairie, f lackatna Co ft union oulbeal
of Hubbard MtaUion uuNunday night, June
XMh, Itss'z, Any perwou that will give
any intormalio-i lh.t will !.- 1 to iho r
vrv of th. atxive dorri.jMj h irat- will
be MiiPaidy i v. .d
J. W. Corn raw,
Hubbinl Station,
4Hw4 M.riou 'o. Ur.
Barber Shop.
Mr. Campeau has purrmeed tbebarbfr
ih p lormerly owned by J II Smlea, at d
Abo utimio tlm hulnt-s a. the old phve
ud g taranteo saUdactioii 1 1 cu.omet.
ROa-re, 4 mile nortb of Albany,4
ml e troin al illoraStation, on iuin road
ioJeffraou. Cft at-rea uuder fenue and '0
in cultivation. Ninall bon-j and barn.
flue v.ung orchard, good water, and the
noil l of first quality. Convenient to
church and school. Knqtiireon presnboa.
4Mw4 R. t5. Owe.
Order to Show Cause.
0,0 Couuty (Xurt n LfM Cmmj,
O Urryon.
In tbe matter of the Kttste and Guardian
ohlp of !)auiel Nmlth, Ixttie Smith, Kd
ward .smith and Laura Smith, minora.
Now at this 'Joth day of Juno, 192.
oomes CJeorge Vlngleton, the guardian of
the person and estate of atd minora aud
prewente to tne Couit hi eiition duly
verified by hi own inth praying for a
lloonae to sell the following deicribed
real proiierty belonging to bt aid words,
to-wit : Tha undividtel four ixih of lot
No. 7, in Block No 15, in the City of
Albany, Linn county. Oreg.n, an the
name bt designated numbered anf des
cribed en the mane and plat of id city
now on file end or record in the efhee of
the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon.
And It Appearing to the Court fretr said
petition that it would be beneficial for
said minora to sell said Real Ksiate and
place the money artntng from oacfl sale at
intereot for tho benefit of asil minor.
It is ordered by tbe Court that tho nrxt
of kin of said minor, to-wit : (Jeorge
Singleton and Charles Ningleton and all
other person interested in earn estate do
snd they are herebv ordered, cited and
ran ti trad to be snd .1 neir in thi Court at
tho Court House in J to my, muii county,
Oregon, on Monday tlm 7th day of August,
-r --jl. t z . . .
1882. at tlio bour of one o'clo.-k. p. 111., 01
ald day, then and there to show cause, if
any there bo, why said )icene ahould not
be granted. It is further ordered that
service of thi order be made on the next
ef kin of Held minora, by puelication of a
copy thereof iu the Stats Riouts Demo
crat for three ucoosdon week.
(Signed) L. Fusn, J udge.
I herebv certif y that tbe foregoing 1 a
true and correct copy of tho original order
in tho therein entitled matter.
In wltneaa whereof I have herein'" set
my hand and the seal ef said (Jour, udllr.-
ed this 23 day of Juno, 182
. HAi:r. t'lerg.
t, !. per J. II. An, Deputy.
KNIGHTKN. -Near Tny.n .a Satnrday,
Jane 24, 1882. tc tbe wfe nl U l Kuight
en adatijliter.
FOX -BPPINOKB On Yesterday. Jnae
21). 18S2, at 4 e clook, at 10G West 43rd .
Strret, N. Y. City, M a OtTO Fox, of San f
Freneitoe, and Mia none l.ppingr, of
New York city.
We join with numeruti fricuds of thr
groom here ia extending wur congratulations
to the newly married couple, and wishing
them a long life, blossod with haniness and
young roynards.
BOUBPEAUL. t)a Wcdn- wl ,y, June
28, 1882, at tho M. K Church In Halsey,
Mr, Join Rons oud Miss Ida 1'saiu
John is to lie congratulated on the pearl
of priceless value which he has obtained,
and Ida for having robbed bachelordom of a
good husband. It is to be wished that thoy
inav live together till they celebrate their
colden weddinir. after tho mr.uner of tho
parents of the groom.
in Halsey Precinct, Ma, Johm C. Bham
wsll to Miss Ida B. Sukvi'ard.
BUCHANAN ft AINES. At the resi
dence of the bride's parents, in the Forks
of the Santiam, on Thursday, Jane 20,
1882, by Rev. S. O. Irvine. P. D of Al
bany, Mr. Frank Bcchavan, of Portland
aud Miss Ida Qaines, of tbu couuty.
YECETINE, $1.10.
CURE, 31.00.
B ' i
The alwve is a Mrtial list of our new prices, sooa U gKe ttof remtftr of this
paper ari Idea of now we sell goods. WV have mode fcxtennive reducUoaw on
tbe regular prlee nf nnr atock and pfOpose to pw-11 nt p'rlce lower than any other
drug Imuoe io th Htate, and Ha osvinff ofgr, tn elUnir very dollar's worth
you Jay In our tin- is aay oldest to your trade ilkus tufl w. wi guarantee
to satisfy the ml skeptical a to price arid uumllfc:
Flumritt't IiiH'!cf Albany Of f ;on
enasaaesaesPaasjsasas f ... t
Wv. fioi i.o ivrortu writ d HTonprtK that wk iiae ox
hand a full -t.-k of
Iron and Steel.
i ', 1'insm I .nt" ;lt buc tr'tnAiA: . '.lit n . i'
While at oui wandiouae VpowUa (be s(or
Tliii: .t. i
oa si:
I I ,. B lifj
IPB99sa4BEaHsDBi iBBSssfl&&b ' '
aBlWPPljjjSj8JS iYEWmtSim&
Woodbury -Dingee Patent.HORSE POWER.
Our ImplcEieattj
Successors to Hawley. Dodo & Co..
Fiont, First and Vine Sts.f PORTLAND, OREGON,
We are Sole Ageut tor the fallow Ins Celetwaied Implements :
ThM mihlKM rv tetn mrril knuv n ! (..'
and all MMk nl teem alUi praise. Tracy
We are alo H0!- A gen
The lliackrye J'.i.oler MtKdi 1 i!5S,
Hnet-r mut (tie A ,ntelV Tt.i Wsiife
manv lllitner iim aoliare taf i u tr
harvVat flelrts, nl iu vev lirv im u - 1
iiutiin th -f .f a . w. i
Haines' Genuine ilexiers, dultlsr
Send for SMcittt 4'-:ixutors
ne . '. v :
We wish t o call tho attention of
the farmers of Linn county to the
iacL tnat we nave established a
Depot at Albany for the sale of D.
M. Osborne & Go's harvesting ma
chinery for the Kavesfc of 1882.
We have rented the fire proof
buildingcor First and Washington
Sts,Albany, and have employed M.
M.Harvey to take charge. We shall
keep on hand for the trade a full
supply of reapmg,mowingand self
binding machinery, wira,twine and
uupiicctuu pitiis. x nis move onngs
us in closer relation to you as man
induced to give your order until
you have examined our improved
twine and wire binder for 1882. Remember all of
our machinery is warranted to do good work. For
club orders special rates will be given.
1 f
CEBMAff SYRO? L fiflC '
AWniSTftOWER, 000.
ST. .A006TS OIL 40C.
i we wfli take i!eaure utiiw jwi the
I.Ul'lOf &I1J r'f'jn;;, J'jii
Pully Guaranteed.
vftnmnuh. ThnillSnikl Of ISIIIIHH
ve ned
arc iu every uie ru pro wm o
.r.uirf t-i ist. It la, a eouibinatton ot the Buckeye
a. 1 continues all that is (-xrerieat and worthy la the
Itamniare. It ha ta-eu theradgaly tested In our own
Wen aJifcii for lfteC. and a- now offered, it is beyond
ie MMrJ'f. We are also Solo AlKsmUjor the
Farm Wagons, ,
John Deere MoSne Plows.
uul Prioe List,
a. i.t, orw-
Bi S.Bnrg, Manage.'