FfelDAY... JUNE 30, 1882 STue California State Democratic Convention adjeurneJ on the 24th iast. Gen. Oeo. Stonstuau heads the ticket for Governor, and John Daggett for Lieut. Governor, A f RnRlBL'fi accident occurred u;ar San Francisco last 8unday Several young people were riding along a high road, with a deep ravine below it. Through the gross carelessness of the driver the whole were thrown down a deep precipice about two hundred feet to the grouud below. Ten out of twelve will probably die from the effects of the catastrophe, mist of them already being dead. It is pretty generally conceded that Gen. Sbeneman's nomination is the strongest the Democracy eould have wade. he strongest opposition to his election will come from the great rail road corporations iu the State, for the reason, that Gen. Stoneman ha?, during the six year of his service as railroad commissioner of the State, taken the part of the people in all railroad ques tions. Taking the whole ticket togeth er, it is without exception a good one, and, if the democrats of the State do their duty, victory is assured in the coming election. Whilst the republican members of the next Legislature, are discussing the relative merits of the vaiious aspirants for the United States Senate, would it not be well for the democratic members to spend their time considering the wants of the people T There is much needed legislation, and the time which intervenes between now and the con vening of ihe legislature, will give those interested in the welfare of the State, ample opportunity to prepare such measures as are most desired It would be very mnch better for all concerned, if the laws, were so fixed that the Legislature eould only meet once in ten years, and then be confined to repealing acts already pass ed. But such is not the case, and, in asmuch as we must be at Hie ted at least once in every two years, let the mem bars set themselves to work to amend those of our laws which are known to be most faulty. - : tw weexs since tne liepuoiica! . a t .a ft in the House of Representatives, re fused to seat Gen. Chalmers, elected to Congress from the shoe-st dag District in Mississippi, and gave his pi ice 10 John K. Lynch his cob red opponent Chalmers jumped at the conclusion, that if the Democrats in Congress had stood by him, all would have been well De termined to rule or ruin, he has an nouneed himsslf a an independent cndidat3 for Congress in the new con srreesional district, and intends to olahoazie Mississippi. Strong to say, the men who kicked him out of the : a - nil is st uongreas are now nis sworn friends, and are aiding him in his new departure. We think the people his district are too smart to be hood winked by such an arrant traitor, and Chalmers will ere long conclude that the way of the transgressor is bard. At the present writing, there seems to be no hope f r Guiteau, and he must expiate his dastardly crime upon the allows. His very name has become a stench in the nostrils of the civilized world, and a synonym for all that is degraded and unhallowed. On the day that this paper i3 issued, Guiteau will dangle, at the end of a rope, a Zt termi nation of a mis-spent life. The wheels of justice in this particular instance, have indeed moved slowly, but the majesty- of the law will finally fee vindi eated. It will be a source of some con aolatieh to the people, when in a few days they met ta celebrate the anni versary ef the nation's birthday, to know, that the miserable wretch, who one year age, in his dastardly assault upon iht President, aimed a blow at the life of the Republic, has at last been offered up as a sacrifice te apjiease the wrath of an outraged people. - Elections will be held in twenty three States d uring the present year. Shod Island and Oregon bare alread held tf.eir. and have bath gone Repub lican. L August, Kentucky will elect B clerk of hn court of appeals, and Ten- . iiessee and AlaVn i- will choose Go vero ors, anrl Lpgismtkires. In September, Maine will eiect a Governor and 7gis- doiftW"?, 51,1(3 $e latter, will choose a suc issaqv to Senator Frve. In October, Ohbiand Lwa will fill seme of their minor oJEces Colorado will provide herself with a Governor and Legisla ture, and TFeit Virginia will select an ssembly, which will ehoose a United 3 8 States Senator to sncceel Mr. Davis. In November, Connecticut, Delaware, Jtansaa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ne licaska, Nevada, New Ham psb i re, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and New York will elect Governors, while Iiltnch will ejeci a Legislature, which will chose , a successor to David Davis. Delegates to - Gmgreaa will be elected in the various Territorries Kovember. 0.1, A CARD. . . To &U who are suffenng from the error fBd indiscretion h of youth, nervous'.ls T eaknes . early decay, loss of menbood Ac. 1 will seed a recipe that will cure 3QU, FREE OJ CHARGE. ThU great remedy was dscoered by a missionary iii South Ameiica Send a self-addressed envelope to the Ksv. Joseph T. Inmajs. I5m6. j lf?ONUTFT i It is very amusing to observe how the editor of the Orfgo aapu-nlH over the result of the city election re oontly held in Tcu-tland. Advocating as he does the principle of personal independence in jtolitics, and drnouno ing at all times in the strongest terms, "ftoMi Wnd machine rule, no sooner is an attempt made to carry into exe- cntiod his teachings than bwwt eaee sets himself to work to show that the Re publican party is in danger and that the regular Republican nominee aro the proper men to support. It will be re membered, that shortly after the regu lar Republican ticket was nomin it' ll in Multnomah count;, a few hidden I ent Republicans, inspired, no doubt, by the teaching of the ablo editor of the Orsgonian, assembled in eonven. tion, and the result of their delibera tions was a ticket selected in great part from the nominees of the Republic in and Democratic parties men whom they considered to to free from the in flueneo of ring rulo and jierty Ikh.M!s. The Oreyontan forthwith came to tho rescue of the Republican ticket, aud a s whilst it praised the motives which in spired the boltors, it denied that they had occasion to abandon the party ship at that particular Juncture, and leut its influence to the election of tho reg ular ticket. It was supposed that .he result of the recent election in Multn malt county would forever put an end to bolting, but not so, as witns tue city election held in Portland just t wo weeks after the general election As the Ocrjonian of tl.o '23rd iusr, sorrow fully puts it, boltinst "got a grand lift in this city on Monday laat. Good seed had fallen upon fruitful soil, and the harvest was ituim-nse. They who had been accustomed to stickle for party regularity bolted en masse. The i a it. t wnoie machine aoanuooen me reuiur ticket, and su parted irregular noraina tions. It was highly gratifying to Cod among the bolters the chairman of the Republican State Central com mi tie, the secretary of the said committee the chairman of the Republican county committee, the postmaster ef the city the District Attorney, and all the sub- bosses, workers and whippers-n, whose business it has been fiom the time the memory of man iunneth not to the contrary to "whoop up the regal tr ticket, to denounce bo!tr, and to dis course with a vehement eloquence ujton the necessity ofaftsVa&ng by the grand old arty under all circumstances One of tho verv men whem tho Inde pendent Republicans of M ihnooisb county refused to endorse for State Senator from that county, far the re. son that he was connected with tthe machine, was Hon. Sol Hirsch, nmciint diainriftn ctt thai R!U)i'ii' i j'a wa-.- .....'. w. .... - - v- ..... State Central Committee. The ': nian with a fervor that would have been commendable in tho strict eat party journal, denied that Mr. Hirech wan ti ant? wav Annn atA Willi tlw nun SU WMUtJ V 9 J was w a. . aa w Q9 endeavored to re f ate ail charges brought against bim, and did all in its power to elect him, and now in tb-. abort space of two weeks, such a c' .! has come o er the spirit ot brother .otta dreams, that this anm chairman of the Republican State Central Commit tee, is ranked with st idlers for jnrfy regularity, machine men "ucl Lonsci, workers, and wa'pjteis-in, wiosc busi ness it has been from the time when the memory of mn runneth not to the contrary, to "whoop up'' the regular ticket." And all this because tLe good citizens of Portland did not care te have Mr. Thompson for Mayor. How ever much the jeop!e may doubt the justness of the Oregon Lau,' cJafm to being the "only paper in the S f -m" we think everybody will concede that it is the most inconsistent one in politics, as well as in everything else that- c n- eerna the publie welfare. Ah au acro bat, the adipose editor of that sUc-t is a decided aucceas, and can turn the moat complete somersault from one side of a question t the other with die ease and grace of a New . . . Zealand monkev. acAjLTos Hoae'a wise. 11 U17 ft On the steamer Coli' i , which .iiled roui San Fraueisco for Pan.ania on May Gib, says the Ex tutinrr, there was shipped, by prominent Chinese u:rr- chants, of thin citv, a large ounH y et wine in crises, addressed to ?flo. Ceo. E. Hoar, U. S. Scnati, Wftahiuut m, f C! " n'A ti Jr. If on i.f tiXpMM m.d friendship, in which -beTaKeM ly the Chinese S'.x Cuini a.;ie4. The go-xin were taken to the whatf.by a Oiiinrsp expressman, ine is.nator im?, no doubt, received them by this fciiuc, hikI has tasted their merit. As lie sips the daiuty liquid, we do not gupsfcn that he congratatata.himielf upon bis work in behalf of the CoolieH ; that he re members the Oregon elcctfons pleasiint-, ly ; that he agreea with the fn ion, that opposition to free whit; labor does not drive votes from the.Rpuhli- Can party ; with the Ohronidej that a few hundred thousand CWHes miht In distributed throughout the Ea-st it bout injuring free white labor; with th Argonaut, ,th6 OfUce seekers fchoMldi not be'asked wietber tliey mpiy Qhi Hv. Without rpiestion, he enjoys the --vij,. Yet the honest Senators and Inirejgen tatives, who stood by free, labor, may find the approval of their eoctt ierKva and the gratitude of lh. 'rkigni. n' and women, tobeeven bcUev; iau Ua wine ef the Six Companies. DR. MOTIW Liver Pills are the beat 'mm tbartie r ijrulators. rmLftKiim'K neroKM. itaeento ,k4 no mm toe publican pafly nrn, 0t ,re have a law on Uk Ajtntv booUa,taaUiag It a criminal oifencto rvy aafismftnt uion tho olUce-hohlers of the country for political purposes. NotwithaUnding tho fact, that Gen. A. M. Curtis, trees uierof the Republican Hiate.Couinuttee of New York, was tried, and convicted, a few week sinee, in m iederai -uourt, for levying . aaseaampnta, and collecting money fixim Government employee', culls are still made on the offiob holders for contributions to help the glorious cause of tho republican jmrty. From the little pHg"s in Oongrem, oftm the sons of poor widows, to the hlglu'st. psiid ofticial in the land, exorbitant de. mands aro made, varying from ten dol. lsrs to hundreds, in proiortion to the nut nf iinv received. No matter how small the pay, or how needy, and worthy the employee, a refusal to com ply with the demands of the jarty bosses and machine men, i political Auieide. The circul if recently issued by J. A llubbell, present chairman and treasurer ot the Republican Utgres Bional Committee, and a uember or Congress from Michijan, bear more tho impress of commands, than solicita tions. Following is an extract from one of these ouricus little documenta, that find their way into the bards of every eflicer, clerk, and employee in tLe service of tho United States : 'Under the circumstances in wtich the country finds itaeif placed, the com mittee believes that you will osUwm it both a privilege and a pleasure te make to its fuud a contribution, which it is hejaal may not bo laa than $ . Tho committee is authorised to state that such voluntary contributions from ftertont employed in the uervic id the United Mates triU ut be objtcted tt in any official quarter. I'leaao mske prom and favorable response te this letter y bank check or disft r money order. J! The reciiMenu of these oiraulaxs can real lietween the line, t!et refuaal to reepond, will tnnire a prompt diHmiassJ from service, and cfTgo their political heads. It U not to bo wondered at that in nine ca-srs out of ten, ' prompt and favorable rvsponee' is mad to these mandates from the national re publican commitb-e, when taken into conaideraiion, that avch proceed inu have tho sanc'ijn of the adminis tration at Washington, anJ the tax ridden ofiicials aro openly and boldly assured, that such "contiibuth ns from persons employed in ihe service ef th Cnited States will not bo objected to in any official quarter." The law forbid diner thcMA a.iu-Mmpnl.. wast ur I in 187G by a wicked democratic congress baa been suUined by the federal court and is heartily eadoraed by the p pJe at Urge, and yet, it aoema, that If hi not entitled to any respect at the hands of the republican congressional committee. Shortly after these circulars were issued, Mr. Geo. We. Curtis 1'rwl lent of the Civil Service itMform Association, issued coimtercirealara a ldreased to many of the employees of the United States, adviaing them to re frain from complying wiUi tue demands of the republican congressional commit tee, on the grotmd, that a compliance therewith, woulJ subject them to criini nal liability, iiut Mr. liitbbelt, in op en defiance of the law, in an open letter to Mr. Curtis, eayt, that he is willing to meet Mr. Curtis on thii question, any where or at any time, and to unif eitk him in rcqaettinj th-r l i la asl: an opinion of Uui tUtvnicy yenerul as to the liabilities of therarti'-M in the prem ises. The magnahimlty of the " cbair man of the republican congressional committee can Uj fully appreciated. when it is remembered, that iu his ad dress to the emyloyees of the govern ment ho expiessly telfa them thin con tributions from them will not be nb- icct'vl to in any ofiicial quarter. He does not reckon without hi host. when he calls rrpon the pteaent a lmin- istration to coitistru'; the law. liis efforts to segure money to buy u, wata in oongresa, are warm'y seconded by Lhe president and his cabinet and he knows full well, that in this et cud rpuvrter, nothing will be done to inter fere with his corrupt practices. Thcr is a great lesson to be learned frr ui the manner in whiqh the lopublican party maintoinH iuelf in jajwer, and the. soon er the peojde learn it, the bettor it will he for the perpetuity of free -govern-mont Tho very Uxefi whlcu t)ii poor pie pay, are caaverted into a powerful weapon iu tho handa of deg raided ticians to defeat the popular will. The power is yet in 'the hituds of the' people to remedy these wrong", and unless ihey aoon avail tliemselvea of it, tho pp jKJttuoity will be gone. oarxo atiomrr t.tsv.. ... ma :ti'. .aiyd) --uh ' .-. Tie Oregon short line of the Uniiln Pacific railroad b buillin raojdly to- i.i ii I mi l n it waru ine racmc. me. line jgem uran ger to Wood ri ver has already leon op ened to traffic On! the fk)i im raite. 'were'laid oh the Wlddo 'linfee river at 'Arty , WifJ juwo. taousantl .feet beyond, pN$,lmtm '"W the daily rate io) prort-.-1 , n Lien abonfcjt mileiaJaVtfWsTi.UrV'itj itfiW rato the'rail. JirilfW . UW . &HtkM yvoott river. a rpf y. ,&V3)my upon wJiich rails weftjltrtv. IMHK tho Snake rivei, the railway - freight n gent at Blackfoot wa"oTdHred to chango his bise to Tocatelio, and maje'e preijmVai tiona to atop &l river freight sjent to Blackfpot, at. that point, jcjid for-J ward it to American falls, where it will be loaded on wngons- fer ita.' destina tion. ' " ! : J AQI IV4 1t 7e clip the following poition i f an editorial In the UaWy titem:,t of the J th lnst. in answer to nn nrticb; in the last jasm of this paper, criticizing Mr. George's action in lelatton to the appro- priation for xTauioa I y : 'Two years ago tho Democrat a woie very anxious to have Hon. dohn Whit eaker returned to Oongraas, holding that he wan an able Cjngri smimu and a friend of Yaqeinn Hay, anil yet Cov. Whiteaker was fortified by the petition mon tinned fresh from the Legislative Assembly, and by his hvrcuh an efforts in a .Democratic Congress loqosojdad iu getting an apropiiation for the Ya- quina Bay of 8 1 0,000, allof which waa due to the labora of Col. II oca mateiul of Congrensmaii Whfttakef, for it in truo that Whiteakvir nevor went before lite committee to urgo any ippeoMrW tien, and when iho bill caoqe ui from the proper commitute for action in the Ilouae. Whiteaker nevei ruoved to amend the bill so an to giyo a lirfel sura to Ysqulna Kay.'' It is a oor apology for Mr. (Jeorge to say, that because his predecessor did not du more foi bin constituency in ne ooring a larger appropriation for V quinu Day, therefore no blutn j ought to be attached to Mr. Ctmrge fur his neglect of duty. lion. John Whiteaker deserved more credit for securing nn appropriation af $I0,00 tor the pur posea mentio:iHl, in the lat (Jon.qreun, than dooa Mr. fJaorgefjr securing $oJ, 000 in thia, for the very simp'e renton, that Mr. CbtOtgl m placed on the ooaa taittee, where he aould have hud $J00, 000 inserted in the mrr nnl batbot appropriation bill as eaxily aj not, WiUi Mr. Whiteaker, the ce was different. Ui wuh not a meet her of the commiUeu that virtually had the fratu jng of the bill t o yuir ago, anl win n tl bill finally wm up for action iu the House, it was no late in thi K'MMin, that it was folly to at Out, t to amend It Acting upn the piiuc j.ie, that half a leaf was better than none, Mr. Whiteaker was forced to nubmit to tho inevitable, and Uke what be could get, and his constituents have given him credit for wbat he did. Had Mr(torge been similarly situated we would not say a word againat him. The idea that to Cob Hog is due the credit for obtaining the appropria tion secured by Mr. Whiteaker, origi nated with our esteemod otemporary, but, if report be true, m OeltfSiel, im hiaearneat endeavors to further the in tereata of the central vaby, ha do te considerable uiging to kee Mr. George's interest in Yaq tirift H ty aotew ed up to the working poiot. We nre not h-pw)-J to do Mr. CJeorgo any in justice, but his acts, as a servant of the people, are open to criticism, an 1 we th'nk we bavo dealt with hiui fait I v. ei"H n, mi s Tlic followjng is a list of tho mcmbera f tho next legislature. Democrats are marked with star ; and Indepen dent hi italic ; the rrt are Itepubli cans. ICVatj:. j D. Haines.' Beaton Tho. K. Cauthorr.o. Clackamas John My erj, V. A. Surkweatket. Clatsop, Culumbij aud Tillamook -T. C. Iteel. DouglalJ. W. Stearns, O. Cwlvig. Grant Henry Hall. Jackson P. I. Trim. Josephine- -Ww. .Sii;r ra. LaneT. G. UeoriokV B Dorria Linn Kuoh Houltt4 W. Et W. BU yeu. N. U. Humphrey. Mtrion W. H'aldo, T. W. Daven port, Jacob Yoorhecp. 3lultnomah Sol Utrsch, A. W. tVa- tera, Joseph Simon. I'olk J. D. Ix. l'olk and Canton - lUb't ( "low. Umatilla- -S. M. Penning - i Union iPuihm vrighi. Waaco and Uke--N. II. Cat, u. Wiibingtn--P II.Tyaon. Yamhill W. J. MaConnell, E Jeesnp. IIOUSK. Baker L. Ijon, W. It. Curtis. Benton -Allen Parker, W. P. Keady, T. Carter. Clackamas P. S. Ny-V Hharp, Til la monk Juspor Moses, Wilbur. Clatsop and Smith. Coos- Wm. Morras. Cooi and Curry Stewart. Columbia George McBride. Douglas W. A. Perkins, IT. p. Ifobb, John H. Hunt, HI Q. B:own. Grant Pet kins. Jackson A. C. Stanlev Ktinuel Furry. Josephine --H. Thornton, like S. J'. Mohs. Lane It. M. Veach, John toast. IX. M. Mulholland, S. B. Mikir., Jr. Linn G. F. Crawford F. M. K.i;:- er J. A. Itobnett, Henry Cry us, J. J. Whitney, J. N. Rice". Multnomah O. P. 8. Plumtnyr, J. C. Carson, R. A. Marouam, A. 11. Tanner, -P. Kelly. W. II. Harris. D. MV CI Gault. Polk F. A. Patterson. W. Smith. John Hawley. umatuia j. li. je.rry, 15. Wtanton. Union C. M. Jenni'son. J W. IV Ilindraan. Wasco U. Jff Nicho!s, . S. II 3n- oet-t. Wanhincrton J.eor Luce. Dun- Lar, J. W. Sappington. WJ. I mi li I r n t x aiuiiiu ji. ij. j.uarton, r. . 'anlconHT-. The following Senators hold over for ho J-egiletvtce:Qf;l84, Haines Tho. E. Cauthorne John Myers, F. D. Rett!; Henry Hall, 1. Prim B. G. Duma Enoch Honlt R. Bilyeu W, Ua'do, 1. W. Davenjtort, Jacob VootheeH, Sol. Hirsoh, H. Ml IV.nnington, E. Jeisup. Eight DemocwU arid seven liepulli- DURNQ'S CATARRH SNUFJ' cures catarrh and all atf'ecJons of t'.-.a mucous memlrane. i rutNON NQTBs, a -k J ime L'Hib, USX Ed. Demon nt ; Fvery thing hoa b en very quint f the last lew days, owing to the tat met a being busy getting ready for hay har vest. The hay crop in not going to be as largo ns common. The fall wheat generally loj!ta wall ihugh them are a great many fields that will fall below tho average. Tho early spring gtuiu promises better than usual. The late owing without more rain will be short. Mr. William Uidgwsy baa quite a curiosity in the form of a chicken that has four legs. The second pair in lo cated a liltlo behind the usual place fer legs of a chioken, and aro not used in piking. They ate well formed in every lospoct and RMoial enre is Wing token to raiso the little fellow. W. B. Donaca has his new and fine In iIImh salittffcSffr aaaftjtlavsift I I t ia very h.uidsome appearance alrea.ly. DfJfoJ tc:Tt Hf in iviiiii ny hi, inn roiinilU- tion of his residence, when completed it will be (he finest in town. A in-.v biifjnevi house inept t.in out on main Street in the building former ly occupied as a store-room by S. Baurn. Mr. Burns of Salem contemplate ijmn iug n bahory and in couneelion tlu ic with a small atock ol grooet ies. The arrangement for the 1th ta pro gressing fnely in every respect. A Mjwcial train has Keen chartered for the accommodation of the Albany t Ak. Tbo fare f.r the round trip will In- 73 rents. Kvery one should procure their ticket na early as possible aa the coachcM wdl le limited in number and an early ticket will aeenre a comfort able ride. The committee on lireworkn have etvefftel a full atipply of pyro techn'a fiin Hughes of Portland, which will be one of tho chief attrto tions of the d lebration. On lant Kriday the public school ohxwd. An previously NtaUol tho ex ercises were conducted in tho grove near town. The cloning exerciaea on ninted of SO! g and I tM ltutioUH. The pupiU all did apletididly and reflected great credit on themae vea and teach ers. MiS Anderaon ban bven in charge of the school for three years. During that time Nettie Ainaa hat never miiaed a day nor even baa aho bem once tardy. Mina Annie E'kina wm preaent every dav during the lost year. The patrons ef the whiMil ns well hm the ditectoni, arw no well pleased with the conduct of the school that they have employed Mis And'rt'ju l r the coming year. Mr A. lteod ha been In the prim u v department ainl haa given very geecr! a tin fact ion. Mrs. J. L. Cowan ha been called to Cbrvallu to attend at he sick bed of her father Mr. Hamilton. It i rather douiut'ul wio'hcr he will recover having rrceive.l very sever stroke of j . t'.y- Thn CL P. Sunday School elected otlicerson laat SabbtL. The f .Mow ing ate thcelbccm. J H JohnHton Superintendent. J WHom Secretary. Ida Welch Treasurer. Jennie Blodgett Organist Arthur Roberta -Chorister. K v, Hu vons of your city ha iiind ly left an apKiotmcut naf services ncx SiVnth evening. qti s Bit vti . We glean the following news from the, Vajuiua L.iy y'wr.ofJunn 2 1 st: A bras band hat been org mixed at Newport. T.ua Qnraan ftt,,l MulUn, tlio "Sing er Man." from Albany, njiem a few day at this placo lost week, looking alter pleasure and buaineK. Mr. llob. CroSbj and Bob Drown of Albany, arrivid here on Friday, bringing Coll o CietS ami family a nd household go da. Hon. Allen Parker is said to bo im proving quite rapidly, but at beat, it will be several week before be will be able to move around with aiy certainty. The polcH for the telegraph linn be tween Corvallis and Yaquina are about all placed, and the wire-stretchers com menced werk tho first of the week. In a few days we shall be in communi cation with the outaide.M Tunnel work is lx ing pushed both night and day. From parties who ar rived hcie during tho week, wo learn that tho workman are under ground on this end of the tunnel near Tiapp. A number of white men wero dis charged from work at the (oint on Saturday. Their places ate to be filled tiy Chiaamen. . Last Friday, Mr. 0 rant, the gcnt'.o man who conduotothe nic houes on the O. P. It. K. , loaded a scow with ten ton of provisions and took it up to the Company's works. Paymasror James Reedmin, who left for the vail y on Monday's boat, after pwng olTlhe t. P. Tt. K. hands. . . ritiM.tu.LK appni Wo dip the following itora.s from tho Priuovillo Xcws, of Juno 21th. Snow foil on tho mountains nud high hills laar ,1bnday night. Andy IK.irren, of Brownsville, ar rived In to wo uu Tuesday nftornfon. A number of stockmen from the inilamette are here, leaking after their herds. Several parlies carao acnwH the Ctfseude, by the Sahtlam road, this week, eud report tin aiiw fast dlmip pestingi Jart Taylor i to pay up old scores with tho pooale of l'rinevilh, by horelng them with one f his entc-r-tainmottts. Ho is billed for the Fourth. Joe Honklo U at pmsent fencing a pabturu fur atnu of his htock. Tho pasture will coutain about two thou Mind ucres of flue grass land, anil is situated on Willow crook. Upon the completion of this entcivriso Joe will to the happy possessor of the byt pi u;o la tho ojury. Ait tho:i what uext? Tho botly of WHIiaui ,1cBrlde, who was drewned in Croaked river Ufit Jarch, was found last Thursday try U brothor of deceahoU. The boly w-js parljy out of tho water, and had lodged against a drift In mid-stream. The condition of the corpse is not yet known, as it wu.s not taken from tho water until a coffin could bo procured. Tno ro mains will bo bronght to town (o-dny At tno tltnn of tho drowning a (Bill gent si mi re 1 1 for his bod was made, but owing to high waters, and the muddy condition of the at roam, all efTorfs w-ro unsuccessful. ! ftoi r -. S:iO, June L'Jiul, 1H8J. Editor DsmocrtU'. PlSave give room in your valuable paper fur a few items fiom thia part of the County as I baen't seen any fur - -i.i time. The weather i fine and grain look well over here. Tho laut lew rain done h ereat deal of (J ! in 1 .1 little more wouldn't hurt. - S The political campaign in over and wo aru rejoiced that tho I uex ratk) County ticket wuh elected. One Ucmo ct at was so glad that ho burnt bis oi l, hat. Wm. Jenk a Democrat borrow- frU ef J.C. JohliHcn t.oiue tirn. 1m - htid on Juno ilk JotiMHOU wanted Mr. Jeuks to vote the Republican ticket, telling hint if he would hu need not pav buck the -u 1 U. That is the way the lb publican party got n great deal ol even tire mall vote which they polled. Mr. J. L. Miller, has jurit rc i J from the efiect ofa-un atroke whiek they received n J . ... k :i ,;. Mr. Kd PelilUnd Wa lown from lh bound a few da h mi viaiting liia father in this plucv. J Piatt, 8uervir of rond Di'. 4, i workiug the road ami is putting them in good ah. Alfred Piatt ha j out returo'-d (VfNl Albany whetthe wh ernj'ioyed iu the Oaiiy bniinesa by Mr. A. J). Barker. A routing timo i i exjnreted on the fth of July at Hcio. Cxneone and all, aud njry yonroelvea one day. Lsguu of Dayton wb in town one d.y laat week. (Jim t. TUI. I OIKTM AT alio Scio, Juno L'7th, l.c'J K-titor 'tnocroi : Wm learn that the rejiort ha been circulated that Scio was not doing much towards celebrating the coming Fourth of July. Such i not the case, nnd is s grand miatake. Wo havo not been blowing much, but htve been bar 1 at work and have ma le arrangements to accommodate all the atianger who may come to our town on that day. We intend celebrating in the true old fah ienod way, and will "makn Heme howl." OsmrrnB. Referee's Sale. rOTICK IS UKRKBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to Ui Itsi ( the i'-uit (mirt.rtli! MaU (hni. r f Mnn iUtunty givea mm! ViBitsai on Xhm Wto Amy t OouW. 17-. hi mtM thn r"xUng In mud ' urt twrcin Wm. J. Tn.mnm mod Mnitwa i. Van ? im moTm psUasMh ftii Oeasjsi u. Tssasjaeat Asaaa v. ihfr .i Jnhfi M. n.'.(.ii. Jjci A. Th -oij.", I'rftn Ha W. Thiiii, Kllubrth M. Walker anl Menar TtvmiMn Klartttunuf Uw UM will fx Ustincut t SmmA Th'Knifwi Oor'd. wmr OefcndinU, th. ua :-tik-i.t Jc Ht:4m lii mM ii !!! b if.iw mi.,i r.ulh'rity nf Mid tlorrtm, an th it'tA dy alj , Xbni ml the tuAtt rt nno o (t-ft In the ittaniuuO a( mxui Oftr, at iIm dun h"um door Hi U illy d Albmnjr, Unn I oonly. tHrvM, mm in iartU Ui lite htgixiA taaar I it Ihe nrKe rf prtlli.j a-f Kur l!i- iwrtk Oftt I '. Inwing saSSassj raftl peapmy tlaUl In Unn CMKUAy, rmx WvH: ThaWeet tiajfiif lb llrnell.m I -J eWm J Jmepli Tbiii(.m mr.-i V. bein; latin S . V.. aixl Uimj- rt ..f eciLjin jr.. j;t jj ,,j iu T-tMlii IS, hoolli 4 fUnge S, Wort nf Uw WUUnuOtc Merulian. mnUlnlnf IM 100 mvm ; alo tlie Kaat BSV i4 Uk JS irth Eat qiurtar, mtd the RaM ha. I . t h uth Kaat qnarlwr id aUi f I, tn Toonati 1 X - It .1, Waat nuatainltur Ht arm., mlmi Um trftetkitial Weet half id Ihe South Eftat ruar.ef mt awliti 16, Tutruahlp 13. H. K. S, Waul, emuli.liigr Til DO 1 Mil St. aliw. the fracUutiftJ . W. i 4 the S- 1 d tav -t-m 1A, TWnahip IS, . It. a, Weat. ontitaintn Ti f I im. alv 00 aoreu In a muara ("i m, Uie uh4a ai a. ruaa dl the Ifcmlh nd -4 the Weet ha'f rd Uic V W lUarta-r (daarthai , In To naluj. It, K. K. S, Wct, aUK thu Noffth Kaat .(irtec nf Mt-iMMi tst, mmd the t'jtmt laali uf the .Ni U Wat Uartr d auction 2Z, in Tuwnahip 13, . K. 3, Wust. tajtiUlhlna; tVt inv. alautha NurUi Weat ffSaiirtST id the .NirUi Weat ijuax- lT id I He South l-Uiet jltarter td aerti.IU IU, Tuariiahii ia,K. H t, Wca aatlng an.l cai-cplm fri;n Ute atarte the lull-. i:irf tharitittiltif ml Ihr H-tuth Kat onnaar td artUui XI. T. U, M-'Uth llalifu J, Wuet WiilaiiKate M. OiHaii, running fr.tn ihrtin- N rti., ' -i ( Uun., thenae South raT il Wst, St.tf3 rhaiua, tSaorw . " 10.06 chain., thuncu North m' 41 Will, 'J-.on rhalna, UaMtua South v ihaiMa.lhrm e amith ' 41 Kaat. - laj . li una. l.i Ihe placr id t-ctnnnj. rs.ntahiliig 14 m. rrm TttliAr HaLft : Om third uaah i i tawai, una Utird in ana year frwoi date wfeale and uttethini in lnaar (roan date id aut h aaie -lata aefirrnl mrtiU tudraar InUruat at th rate id 10 rf cent ;..r annum fnun theilale sfssto. Uie amine tu le atiml hv taartaTaZ tin the irnirty. To he a.i.J In jir waft to aoit ns aMSSfta r.u iBOMfaog. Ihttrd Ju. r lutTi,lH42. lUfine. iu m i ui tios it ii ;i The following statement nf Wm. J: Cooahlln, of Somerville, Mutt, is so re markable that we beg to oak for It the at tentronofour readers. He nsy: "In the fall of 1870 I was taken with a violent bleedbiff of the lonas, followed by a vera oou(h. 1 noou liegan to lose my flesh and appetite. I ww ho week at one lime, thst I oould not leave my bed. In tbe Mummer of 1H77 I won admitted to the OHv HoHplul. While t bore the doctor said 1 had a hole in my left lung sn big a half a dollar. I expended over a hundred dollar on doctors' and medicines. I was so far gone at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. WM. IIAMS UAL SAM FOR THK LUNGS. I Isughed at my friend, thinking that my caoe was in curable, but I got a bottle to ssiify them, when to my surprise and grati neat ion, I began to fuel better. My hope, on;'e dead, began to revive, and to day 1 feel in rener spirits than I have the past three year. "I write thin, hoping that you will pub lish tt, so that every one aftllcted with dls coitod Innir will hn induce:! to rake Dr. Wm. Hall'it ltalwim for the Langs, and be convinced that CONSUMPTION AN BB CURED. I have btkm two bottles nnd can positively my thi. it ha-a done more good than all the other me i- ines I have taken since my nicknf sa. My eotih hsa almost ontiraly iaapesr4l and 1 Hhsll soon be able to go to work " ; r!d I . druggist. 1 NASA!, INJECTOK foe of charv with each battle of Hi Moll' f'stirrh Remedy price, 20 cents. nnni'n ( iKmu n mtn:. fs ttio bent salv in tho world for Cu's Brulaes, sores, Ulcers.balt Rheum, Totter ( happed Hands, ( 'hllbialna, Corns and ad kinds of Nkin Kruptinna, Freckles snd i'imple!. The uuive is guarsntoed to give perfect satistsctinn in every csmo or monov refunded. Be sure you got I fen ry ' t'ar boliuWalve, ntt all other are but Imitations and counterfeit. Price -." cents. tleultt K c.ni.iiieiiil. Dou'teondemn a good tbng becau eyru have bren deeelvoil by vorthless nos trums. Parker's ClinRor Tonic has cured many in tfcta SaWtleo of nenrotta disorders, and wo raecMDIMOd It heartily t in h suflbrera AVaw. Ta trhaasr II Hay foar All p.T-i nis having c'aU. n aniuat the eounty will plea present the same Et nneo. aa thorn will yet bo one more meet I ng of Ilia oldXkrar J of Co Commia-uInner-4, to ha ho'd on Friday, June 3 , 188$, .RAUM, County Clerk- i DU. CBRBSCa OXVUb.NATEU BITT1 US is the oldest and l eit remedy, for Dyspep sia, Billiousness, Malaria, Indiirostioii, all disorders of the stomach, and all disease- indicating an impure condition of the Blood, Kidney, Liver, Skin, etc. SHILOU'g CATAitKU REvI EDY a ositivo cure for CatUrh, Diphtheria and Canker Moutb. CHAMPION FRUIT DRYER. "aBaMHHnrflaHflr IfOTV v t:Hi- ACK NIK. It will be apnarent to any one who will examlni a ao!id gold watt-b, that ahle from the nect-aemrjr thicknea for HBgnvtBM and !iti!rlw, a lare pro port! n of Hie prei'lou inctal une'1 fa NdVI only to ntlM'.-n and bol theen erave I porti' ir- in f la. e, and HUpply U neeeeaary awildity an U nirei gi. The eurfilu K"ld N usually ntedlee no far a utility aud keauty are eon oerned. In .laui'M 1Uh' Patent leld Watch (aea, thi waele of p reel out melal I overcome, ati'l the oanie eoHd Ity and aireitottl prwdueed at from one tblr4 to one-half of thn usual coat of aoiid aateAi This piocea I of the moat irapl nature, a follow ; a plate oi ulckle competition metal erpeeially adapted to the purpose, bat two pla'e of solid gold ao'eVrf i one on each tide, The three are tben peed tetween polihef eteel roller, and the reult it a atrip nf heavy plated compaction, from which the eaaee, back ft, wntre, b .el. tc, are cat nnd shnrMnl by sui table die and former. Thegald In theeca.fte ia euriheutly thick to ad mit of all kind of chasing, engraving aud euamelllng : the engra.ed caoe !ifiv- In -n carried until worn perfectly moth bjf time and use wUuoet re moving tire gold. ThN i the enl y case mode with two plate of solid gold aud warranU-U !v -peeled certificate. For uale by all Jewelers. Aekfor Ilhihtnited "valgue, and to fee war rant. IfoIIowaj's I'll Is nnd Oint men:. WrerJcaof Hn inanity Indiscre Jona of Youlh. No object ih more eoul sjipailin titan Hie premature seautibility of youth, daily wittiest! among the habitue of our public prornenndee, where may be neon tiie territi: requite of diseaa to ii most frightful forms of tbe ihaMtiy and eandsveruu wroek of rnattOood, the ludtsl victim of uiirinKpal scotmrelH. who, by pernk'touM noKtrumn, have im precna't d the svuinui rf their unHUspect Iiitnd cimndrog uttieuls witk mUicra! polKUUH. Kor all UU-nt-avri'T Oi.f.--ii' t Hoilowsy'a PlUs fsed and uiunnunt are powerfully eflleacioua, being eompotted of rate balsams and vpj-jab?ea that are antagonistic to all disorder of thn blood, snd ulcers arioing frtm viruv in the body. Thry contain not a par.ie!a of mercury or other mineral poison. 191 Imijktavt( airriuN. None are genuine nnlca the tigualure cf J. JIaTocs, sur rounds each Inn ot l'ilbt and oiuimcot. iioxea at 'L. cents M2 oenU snd $1 swh. jfct-There i oonaidaraolar waving by tal mi ; tho lurer Mine. lloLXttWar A Co , New York. 6yL l a cc r t enrr. Dr. King New Duoovery lor Cunump i tK'hi and ci'IOm, oathma, lir.aiclnt:, u given sway in trial becdes freeef cost to tlie alHtcted. If van hv a aan-ere oD2li, com, iiiutruny : nrfaiian, nosnxasaa or other fJTectioti of the thrnat or lungs by all meant give this wond. rful ramdy s triaL As pou value yoar cxbtunce you teams! sf biru to let this opportunity pus. W could not afford snd jrimld net give this remedy sway nrdeaa e knew it would Sccompltah what we claim for it. Thousands of hope lea casta hsvs n'.ready. been cared by it. There in do medicine in tho world that will rare oae-holf the cases that Dr. Kingft New Diooovexy will cure. For sala by Foahsv and Mason, wholesale agent Albs oy ; D. Murria, Scio ; Dr. L, Foley, Ijebs non ; Dr. J. M. Powell, Ihanoa ; 1. M. Calbrestte, Ruena VisU ; Keafetto and Mon tague, JcUVrson ; O. H. P. CtwneUan, Tur ner ; 1L A. Rampy, Harriburg : S. S. Hsyca, Halsey ; Damon Smith, ltahcy ; Starr snd Biakely, Urownsvillo. m iai.rvs armTI eaxre. The best salve in the world for cuts, brats es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns sod all kinds of skin eruptions. This ssve is guar anteed to give perfect stLsfsctioa in every case or money refunded. Price 35c per box. For sals by Koshay and Msaen, wholesale sgta ; 1) Moore, Scio ; I) Foley, Lelstnon ; Lt lVA.il. Lebanon : Led (Kith and Mon tairue, Jeuerson ; D M Calbreath, Huets Vtnts : O Cornelius, Turner ; R A Rampy, HarriftUnn; ; SUrr and Blakelv, Iwowns viile ALiIiAN Y COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AI LMXV, OR. Tlu' Firjit Term will open on Tnes dny, Xeptrmber 12ih, 188?. For nl.-nlara wivti the hi-v ui lu.tinn, ai- if rtudy KKV. nniiMT M-IT. t rrtaf. THE fOUKTfilK HOUSE AT SODAVILLE. lias reeuuily Ijoou thoroughly refitted and put in order for vhdtora to the springy. A neat veranda has been sdded, a con -modioli dmin hsli built ; aspaleioui psr lorfor ladles fitted up and a eomfortab'a ininir snd saioking room is to ! foiLd at their mi turner rexort hotel. The ho u.st. is situated wit hi n fi'i vards of IheNnrinc and coniifctcd Ly Rood walks. Meals fund -bed n. parties with the Lest tbe market affords, based reas.i,HkiIe. I. P 1'OTIi frnpnetpt?. Final SeLtloniDnx. sav a , . lift a VI i.l' rl-4 I.CruDV Si 11 :evrjneJ, Admlnj .... il . . a . a i i'i.h t'.u un iur With tho f KlvirA Mp. win nun or ii; ; rar.a it aeoead. h s bied iu the Connty Court h Iin;i rennty, Uroton, his tlna ac ount as fiioh mlrniuMrator and by on'er f fnld LVurt. M.lsv the 7th day of August. !.', at t!i- ho ir " ft. no o'clock, P. in., of i ai 1 duy, i . I I f-aringohjeo tioistastl a cunt nd ti o hc ii lomcn' thereof. Anv rnrson in ertsUnl in said e4iHie in Tere 3' i otiri m! to li near nd file li s or hoi objections t saLl linal i count on or bafore .-.-: dsy. D. C. .M( FAwr.Asri ' AiiministraN r. A torpid aver me ui w ak up aua st cua to business when King of tho Blood gets nto tho circula'ion -tiee adrertisernen"!. LARGEST, Cheapest, AND MOST CONVENIENT It has more drying surface than any other dryer in the market. By the elevating process, which no other dryer has, one half the labor is saved. No changing of trays burns less wood and makes more heat. By means of the pat ent draft and ventilator the drier is under imme diate control. Buy no other until you exam 1 ino tho Champion, E. D. SLOAN, U pra tiled by Tbo. J. Overnaa CASH ! CASH I PAID POR 70,000 POUNDS OF WOOL ! WOOL ! AND 10,000 POUNDS OP BUTTER IUTTER' ! AT- PHIL. COHEN'S STORE- furahlch an extra price will be j aid. HOLMAN'S PAD, roit LIVER. VWP Ml do e. Is Um oolj safe aas rslissli reaasj Malaria ii all its Tjm. ISCUJDIXG Ct lla. l'erera, Doil Aciuug Paina, RemilUnt aJtat to U i m.tvni r arera, tranrb Ago. iieanacsm so pma tt um worm Us Dr. Uulataaa Hi Urn Mm Urer Cooapaaint, n petasaaad M0- TUU ia th j n! y kioai m ly that rvaiUi aiy x lla erarjr veatia of l I rial uiut frucn tbs syssass antSuqaeaflssstsliai bealUi. Prot. Irr. A. Uaomto sars : It Is near a universal pai-area. than aarthinc In saifaifssm This Is somm tha iwinrivls .if ba.ption. cat which Ur. Hoi nun . Pad is tbs otuy isaalai sosi tros expsriaaent. For all KlBftF.V TKOCBLKa ass Dr. Bahama ite.l i Kidtmy Pad. Um boat naiily ia aha awl t"- .rramcuiod by tha saarlkal faculty. BEWARE OF BOGUS PADS. Eafti sraltH Botaaaa Pad boars Um TPSI VATB Rlltur STATS t of Um Hsiaaaa Pad Co., wits ' e travie aaark i-rinted la a nasi. Day anat anthoath, OB AAJLB BT ALL DB I C4.IST. Dr. ITolaftaa's aJrW la free, roll lisatira aaat firs a a-'liastiis- Ail Iraaa aeuiAS ra ?.. ?44 Brnealarft), Horn P. C. fx ?11S ItVM Final Settlement. HaTOTICE is hereby given that tl the undersigned, AdminUtraiaar de xni.s non with th will annexed, of the estate of Woolen Davis dooeaaed, has filed his final aeeonat as such Administrator in the County Court of Linn count v, Ore gon, and by order of aakl Court, Mondav tbe 3d day of July, 1882 at tbo hoar of oim o'clock, p. m.. of said day Is set f.,r the time of hearinjrof objections U said ac count and for the settlement thereof Ail Krsons interevted in said estate are here j notified to file their objections to said atrcount and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Johm J. Davih, Administrator de bonis nen wit n the will annexed of the estate of Woolen He via. deceased. Notice to Fruit Growers. The undesigned having obtained the exclusive light to make and sell the Plum mer Hot Air Family Fruit Drier in the counties of Linn, Lasne and Benton takes the present opportunity to infram persons who want to save their fruit crop, that he is prepared lo receive orders for the beat fruit drier in the market. Plum in. r Hot Air Family Drier, for particulars ad dress. Jon Baiooa, Albany, Oregon. RKER'S HA B A TdtS A Itfs only that are beneficial to tbe scalp aad hak aaaahray sstkhirtaatawFaMBAlr ParWa Hair Balsam is finely perbmed aad ia lar of the hair aad to re srwliarhraa- Hrsow fk Co, N. Y. PARKER'S G I N G E RTO NfCj m If you are a 1 ever work, or a mother run down by faauhr or hold duties try PABBXa'S (atMoaa Toxic. If you are a lawyer, miniatnr or boainaas n aanassd sysasstsi Kran or anxious cares, do not t intoxicating ttimulants, but use Parker'i Ginger T if you xkare voasmnpeton. Um. Kxlney Compiamts, or any disorder of tbe ht. stcanach. bowels, blood or Berres,PAtucst,S Gracaa cane wm cure yoa. jtistaeUreatestlflood If you are ny disease wasting away from are. GiNGaa Trmc at once : k a take Wflia Mllau tH ftn, ilriaa - buikl It has saved hundruda of avast it may vau nu- i KafaaasB m 1 - M - r H il ia i all fa t a nil. I Ii f laaiiatftaaaiiiaiatliaaAaaalaai. aaaSfareSai I UWCo..N.y. ate.aajrtaia,MSaalantadraia. grxat aAvnra nmn dqllaa sax. Its nch aad tastaftg delightful perfume earaaxHngry u aouuag use is. insert tow Usocws snd look fee J99 is pnserrcd by tbaaa BBi whoharc used k. to any similar article, oa ac- Mt of its ll ill haawSb Rfatsmtssl imaMceihi.1 IMBMar. There I unoa harms: Fioaas. .JmSP'l B rary katUa. Aay traftalil at saaaw ta sailisiaaj I MMlyyea. tt aad Ti TtaaTalaau - aaai LARGK SAYIKQ SPTUIO aft, arrr