lite gemwrat. Kntered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or. as secend class mail matter, - " gag FRIDAY JUNE 18, 1882 tsiu. - .'-m 0. H. STEWART Mil or and Prsprlelnr. O. . r. r. rmm table. Albany station. ncrAarms nr taiss. 90t9 SOTH. ALH4.NY KXPRs'SS IVpart at FKKIUHT TH.VIXS " MAIL TRAIN j gJJ ' HUM" otnn. HAIL TMAlJt Arrive at lHiru at FIlKh ItT TRAIN ALBANY EXPRKSS Arrhs a hM A M :00 A. M. M:6 A. M. It P. M. 11:45 A. M. 12H6 II. S SO P. M H :8s P. M. All Train dally, except Sanaa-. Noticb. On and after thla date regular i.icVot will lx sold at our ticket office for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascade, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla aud Alnsworta. Will 11. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent o A- O. R. V. Co. Albany-. June 18m, 188'. THIS PAPER riXTJtp HOKE AKD ABROA P- ,k.1s 25cts. F. l. French, jswelkr. Picnics tkieker tn stones. E. K. Skipaorth, lawysr, Albany, Or. Pawer ael durability combined Andy al sermon, before the Albany College, at the Oolleg Chapel, last Sabbath evening. He took for hit text the Sad veree of the l(hh ohapteref John, and handed the subjsct iu an able manner. Member of the Independent Order of Chosen Friend are requested to hear ia mind that there will be an eleotiou of of. licersjto serve the ensuing term at the reg ular meeting this evening, Jane 16. All members are requested to be present. No eleotiou news ha been received ia this city with much mere joy than the die patch that Mr Holmes majority was 17, Wheu it is remembered that Piper had the advantage of about 1000, there is every rea son to congratulate Mr Holmes on the com plete success ho has obtained. Dan Morris, a young man of Sweet Heme, was arrested up there last Sabbath by Postal Agent Simpson and taken to Portland. The charge against him wss that he has been circulating obscene letters through the mails, and the proof against him seems to be very strong. Strawberries to the right of us ; straw, berries to the left of as ; strawberries ia front of us, eaten like thunder all through the valley. Attache! jrith spoon sad shovel, drowned with cream and sugar, auiokly they disappear, between ths open jaw of some mad eater. Frank I she's Sun J ty Mijaunr for July js full of interest and eonmeods itself to all readers. Always lively, the July number is up to the usual standard, and should be in the hands of everybody. Single numbers. 23 cts ; S3 per aannm. Address Frank Login-, 53 Park Place N. Y. City. Prof Condon, ef the State University at Kugene, has beeu tendered the Presidency of the Washington College at Seattle, and will probably accept the position. If so the State will not only lose his valuable Hunts hay press. Dubrulile is telliuj harnesses at Portland services hut as woll Hi i splealil cabinet ef price, and no mistake. McCoy & Bl'ert are the sole agents for the celebrated Skid -ate oil. The Firemen at Astoria ill give a grand tonPoameut en Jaly 4th aud 5th. We are indebted to Mr J P Otta wa for a setting of Plymouth Hock egg'. You an get your prescriptiau Bled any hear of the night at McCoy & tttart'a, Br. G. Willis Price, dsntist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple. or et PJcruwers DrogStore. geological specimen. A few days ago Kiv K I. Kisvess met with a curious scoident which proved rathar unfortunate. In staking a match the phos phorus dew into oue of hia eye, burning the lids aud the ball ijuit badly, but not setio si , Iu cot; sequence Mr. Stevaua' ar ticles in the Behch-hai will not appear for a few weeks. "There May be Eyes a Brightly lVuv in, but we doubt if K is passible to write s Why is it that every one who bays syrup I tweeter or prettier song than n beariag at Mount's goes for it again ! You may guess the above name that has just been sent to Q W Shrivek will give a hall at Scio en the evening ef July 4th. A big time is look ed for. us by the publisher, Sherman, Clay A Co., San Francisco. The music is arranged by H M Bwurth, th aong being the aam as Dr. J. L. Hill has removed his office into snug by XI r Digby Bell, ia the original key the rooms directly ovr French' jewelry store. Walking hos and sandal slippers in splendid varieties at Mouteith A Seiten-bach'. When you want your machine oils go te ef Rat. The price, poet paid, is only 35 cents. This i the season of the year when the most beer is drank. Where do the people get it ; of course they obtain it some where. Considerable of it oomes from the Stat Brew- McCoy A EUert's far tbem as their prices are ery, if we are rightly informed. W hare low. 100. COO lb of wool wanted al Monteith A Seitcnbach'a. for which the highest market the Vaihejl cash price will be paid. A new and pretty m.e of parasols, just the things to keep sho sua off these warm days, at Monteith A Seitenback'a. Fresh strawberries, peas and groccrie of heard it said of tea that Mr Bellenger manu foe to res the best beer in the city, if not in You can easily ascertain the truth of this by sampling seme of his make Lebanon is improriag fast, and ia ad van ing in more respects than oue. Among its leading institutions and oa to which much erodit is do, is the general merchandise all kinds, bound to give satisfaction at Huff, j store of 0 B Moutague. in it can be fee ad man A Joseph's the leading grocers. There will bo a ball at the city h!l in Lebanon on the evening of the 4th. The Magic Spell Orchestra will be present. Gentlemen whose beards are not of a p'ea ant shade can remedy the defect by the use of Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. The wool-groweri of this coaoty are mak ing ap a larga peol of wool ia this city, which thiy will sell to the highest bidder. The brick at B W CandifXs brick yard is now nearly ready to place in the kiln, and wfll be burned by at least the first of Jnly. Do you anffer from bdioasneas and lirer complaint? Nothing equals Plunder's Ore gon Blood Purifier in rehering theso diseases. Some new novelties in dress good at Moo teith&Seitenbach have been attracting con siderable attention on aceonnt of their beau -ty and texture. J P Gilmore, living near Miller' Station, baa a fine large thoroughbread Berkshire I UoMj 8acijil thu Mvuu- boar for sale. Some farmer should bay it and improve his stock. Ths Sweet Home school Louse was burn ed on the night of Saturday, Jane 3rd. No one know how it occurred, a there had been no fire in it for weeks. Allen A Martin has just received a new line of trimmiiig silk; satina, and bantings of all shades, also every shade of tarlten. So the ladies can keep cool. The last Mercury tries te create a sensa tion about several of oar young men. asiog only their nick -names, but these are suffi cient to give the whole business away. If yon want anything ia tb hardware ine, from a twine binder to a nail, go to Peters ft Sox. They are taking the lead here and are doing a rushing business. At a meeting of the Hook A Ladder Com pany mot Saturday night, Wilson It Blain, who had been elected Assistant Engineer, resigned, and O H Irvine, wm elected in bis place. People who wish to get the best clothing at the cheapest price, with the pririlege of knowing what they ar buying, should 30 to Blain where a complete stock is always found. Th? reason that Allen A Martin are selling mure elothiosr than aov otLer tore in Al bany is becaaae they sell better gioda for less money than any Stere and that is what's t ie matter. Watts ft Godfrey are printing 200 copies of the proceeding of the State Crange. They hare just finished a handsome pamphlet for Dehertv't Charopiooriuit Dryer, and are being rushe 1 generally. Last Mends y evening N Condi' S 8 class callei on him at his residence in this city, ani takin j posessiou of matters, had their own way for several hours, which, we are told, were very agreeable one. Yen can find Griffin ft McCabe's dental office at Mcllwain'a building, where they do good work at reasonable prices ef teeth for $15, Gold and silver fillings from $1 to $2.50. Teeth extracted 50 cents. Everyboly should have an accident policy in ths Tiavelers. That company paid ns 320 on aconnt of the accident we received at the baraing of Mr Woodiu's residence. No wor'ainmaa can well afford te do with out a policy. A Lumber of our citizens went to Corral la yesterday to witness the ceremony of breaking groaud on the Yaquina Railroad. Democrat, May 18, 1877. This is refresh ing news. Wo .are waiting now the same aa we were then. We have on our table a late number of the College Joirnal, published at Salem iu con nection with Willamette University, Prof. Wm S Arnold is editor, and is entitled to much credit for the excellent make up of the Journal. J. M. Nolan has started another store called Nolan's Bargain Store, just east of his . old esta1 liahment ani does indeed sell bis goods there at a bargain. By patting prices down to the lowest notch he has worked op a big trade. Rey Berry, of Salem, preached the aanu- SOCIAL AND PER80NAL- Jndgo R P Boise, was ia the city Satur day evening, Dr Savage, of Hslssy. ha boon in the city this week. Rev, J. W. Harrt preached injHhedd's last Sabbath afternoon. Mr C B Montague, Ibanou'a popular merchant, was in th city Tuesday. M L Wallace, Joe Kwblor, and C F Moist started for Crooked Iliver yesterday. AlafHarris returned from Portland Wed nesday evening, after an absence of sevtral days. Martin Payne and wife are on their way back from California, and will make Albany their home. Little Sadie Ban in wn lost Tuesday but was gnally found taking her dinner at th Depot Hotel, as cooly as you pleas. Mr Duniway, souier editor of the X Sorihu'rut was ia the city Wednesday and attended th commencement emrci. Mr Edward Failing, ha been iu the city thia week , and Tuesday night attended the meeting of the alumni ef the Albany College. Rev J R N Bell ha returned from Nash ville, Tenn., where beatteuded a conference of the M E Church South held at that city. H011. F M Kiaer, member elect from thi county te the Lower Heua of th next log. ialatnre, gave us a friendly call last Wed- neauay. Tom Curran left last Tuesday for th Bay, going overland. It ia te be hoped that a change of climate will be of benefit It Tonis health. Judge Milton Shannon, of Monroe, drop ped in en ns hut Monday whit oa khi way to Salem. He is on of our eld Democratic wheel horse in Benton county. Prof. Mattoon, of th College, left last Monday for Marietta, Ohio, w hete he form erly resided. He will return in time for th fall term, boo oro pained by hia mother Mi Maggie Foster, of PottKud, a-rive I iu the city Tnraday for the purpo of at tending th cniiimeucement exercise of th College aud tin; meeting of the a'nmni Tuesday evening. J G Kvaas, formerly mi the Pkmix iiu, pout last Sabbath in this city witb his many Li-mle. He Mill return to Hood River with a band of sheep, which be will purchase in the Vallry. W C Doberty sailed Tuesday for Gaslifaf uia, where he goea for the purpose of intro ducing th Champion Fruit Dryer. He do serrea uooes, for he ha one of th Lest and perhape the best dryer manufactured. Mia Bertha Neugase. Mies Kat Carlyl. Mice Kda Jacobs. Mr Wm Mansfield. Mr Mo Nsngaas, Mr Frank Kfilnger war orer from Cereal! ia at th Commencement inr- cises Wednesday raing. In a few week, George I Foster will leave far th East, where he will enter Princeton College, ia which he intend taking a thor ough coarse. Hs graduates from Albany College with honor and will no doubt keep up the good reputation at Princeton he has already obtained her. Allen A Martin bar sold 4 wedding suit oet of oaa lot of clothing, and if you don't want to msrry, doa't bey that kind tor tby are sure to get yea a wife. PBINTMta' MCNI. A tiraael KaoesaAllMBy Ha. the Prettiest 1'rlnler. sis Homeliest rrlaler. Ike leanest Printer, t Last Friday was a day long looked for by the printer of al lany and their friends. It came and wirli it no encouraging eky and the steamer "McCulley." About two hundred of our cltlxona boarded the nald 'McCulley" and she steamed away for the Capitol at 8:80, with music tn the air. Amoug tbaae in the company waa a meek representative ef the Dkmochvt, who every thing usually kept in a first-class conn try store of a better quality than in meet stores, and at th lowesrt price. By call ing on Mr Montague you wul tad this to be th fact. We loarned through Mrs W K Price of 1 accident happening a few day ago that eame very near reset ting fatally to Joe Cox. He, accom pained by W K Price, were creee ing th Santiam, on horseback, on their way over the mountains when Cos's horse Sound ered and threw him into th stream, and it was only through th greatest exertion that he succeeded in getting safe te shorn. Be sure to go to the strawberry ami ice cream festival to be given by lb ladies of the Congregational church, thia evening, June 1C. Strawberries and cake, S5e ; ice cream and cake, 25c ; lemonade lee par glass. Doors open at G o'clock. Admission free to at). This will be the last Congrega- Ali are invited te be present. Last Friday a runaway occurred that caused considerable excitement at the time A hack coataiaed Jas Garrett aud wife, of Peoria two grand children and en or two other, the horses became frightened near First street, and breaking into a run dashed down Ferry street at full speed. Mrs. Garrett becoming frightened and jumped from th back, receiving a good shaking op, bat no serious injury. The team was stop ped near th residence of D P Mason imsHsrr t lofrllr. A Chapter mt Raaawajr. Orleans beats the world for runaway teams and Republican majoritiea. Laet Tuesday Dare Jenkins bad a runaway but neither himself nor his team sue taiaed much damage. On Wednesday Squire Coon's team took a spin, damped the e'd gentlemen off, and hurt nim bad ly, brake the wagon all to smash, and seriously Injured both horse. Tester day C. S. Smith's team undertook to keep up the reputation of the preeinet aad did it effectually. Very little ef the wagon is left whole exeept the king belt, and one valuable horse is badly cut. Smith came oat all right, although the team ran over blm. arheel RtH. Ilepori of 4th reader grade for the closing term Emily M. Tnrrell, Teacher. Total number of scholar enrolled 48, average attendance 36, tardiness 45. Roll of Honor (sttendance) Lucy Westfall, Carrie Pfeiffor, Zala Winn. Bertha Resist, Walter Harrey. Roll of Honor (deportment) Walter Har vey, John Charlton, Martha Charlton, Sarah Sternberg, Vliuerva Monteith, Zula Winn. Following are nameaof scholar who re- A nice set I coivod over 90 per cent in th final examina tions : Zula rfinn, Lucy rFestfalL Ffaltei Harvey, William Matthews. teller fijtsJt. The lonowiOK Is the list of letters rental jlng in the roitt Ufncft. Albany. Linn oounfcy, ore on, June 16, 1882 Persons calling! tor these letters must give the date oa which they wore ativeniaea. Clerk, Mr Nellie Magui, Joe Clark, Capt H Richardson, John Clark, Nelson B Mpirry, John Given, Samuel Thompson, Jonathan , Harmon, Mis Kate Young, Mrs F P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. The College Chapel was crowded Last Wednesday eteoing with an enthbsisstic audience. Th program rendered ha re coivod the heartiest praises 00 all sides, and the exercises passed off in a manner to confer only credit 00 the faculty ef th College, who bar succeeded in placing it on a sound basis. They deserve the support of erry citizen in the connty. The exorcises were opened with prayer by Rer. Irvine, followed with some excellent music by th College Band. Mum Magifi Footer read ae essay ou "life's Rewards.'' a thoughtful,; well written production, in nirins on to noble actio and purity of life. The instrumental duo by Mioses belle Menders and Lisxie Conasr, waa well render ed, displaying a delicate touch, with good harmony and expression. Miss Htti Millers reettatioa of Scott' "Jas Fitzjames and Rhodrisk Dba," broaght her many flat tering compliments. Mr. M. J. Moatoith executed a cornet sole in a manner very creditable to bin. as the leader of both our bands. Mrs C K Wolverton in her essay en "The Proper Study of Mankind m Man." kept up the splendid reputation she bad aa an essay )t when a atudeut in the College. After a song by M iss Aoui Pencil and tbe "See tar overture" by the Ijulie Rand th rent of th evening occurred, the oration by Geo I Foster. We ar sorry that space will not permit an extended acennnt of it. It was a careful, original effort, showing taste aud study, aud we say much iu stating that ws believe it gave promise of more than ordinary bterary ability, when th excellent course pursued at Princeton shall have had iUiafinence. He was followed by another song by Miss Annie Powell, when Prof. Condit, with a fow appropriate words con ferred tbe certificate of the College on him. The exercise closed with music by th ladies Band, after which nearly every body showered their congratulations on George Footer, who deserved them all. The Mnwataln end. Jason Wheeler,returned from theubunch grass country" last Monday, coiuieg over tbe mountains on tbe Lebanon road. Be says there 1 yet about thirteen mile ef now on the road. . It commence nea Hackleman'a Pass at the top of iho8evenr Mile H'll, and runs about five miles to- waidu the Lakes. It commences again ar the tbe foot o.' Sand Mountain and runs over that mountain for a distance ef about eight mllo tn H. vicinity of Crater 4piog. Isxsswne :! It is yot nineor ton feet deop, bi is molting away rapidly. Mr. Gillitand in nt work on tbe road, and is clearing away fallen timber and putting It in good shape. Mr. Wheeler met Mr. fiamford near Fish Lake last Sabbath with a small drove of cattle, and he was getting through without much trouble. Mr. Wheeler says horsemen and stock can get over now without difficulty, but would not advise any one to undertake to cross with teams until ab ut the 25th of this month. soon Ntnwed himself away In the pilot house with Captain Sanborn, who by the way, Is a thorough geatleman, and etie of the beet, if net the bent, Captain that navi gates the Willamette, itelow all was life and bustle, which, mined with tbe fine music furnished by tbe College Rand, snade the ride most enjoyable. At Inde pendence we stopped and took on about thirty, and eame very near shaaghaing Charlie Pierce but utterly fallod in the at tempt. Awhile before twelve, Salem ap peared In view, with an Immense orewd efHalomitee lining the banks, eager to witness the spectacle of two hundred curi ous looking people vacating a river steam er. On reaching the wharf the printers were called for and after etumbllng over Percy Flak's big feet, succeeded In getting iu tbe front of a line which was forming. We might remark here that Mr Flak after wards very Justly took the pri&e for being the biggest footed printer In the olty. In front of u wore Hon A Uuah, President of the day, P H Deroy, Orator, and the Second Itrigade Rand of Dallas. Follow ing us were the Naloin printers, who are entitled to much credit for their courtesy and gontleman'y conduct. Then cams the Capital Guard Rami, the Capital Guards, the Albany College Rand and oltltns. Wo ;r.s. inted a beautiful sight an wo march 1 aevoral blocks through the' dut, gaxed at by men end women, th tatter of whom, in Salem It ban been re. marked, have a rJaeliy style of droawlag peculiar ouly to tbemwelvoa. At Marlon Square w ere given a seat on the stage, whore we lUtenod to a really excellent ad dress) by P H li'Arey, dealing moatly ia ' pereotiei rcmtulscencee connected with Salem prlii tors, D'Arcy, afterwards suc ceeded In ta'aiug the prise for being the young men who wanted to got married worst although it waa hotly oouteeted for by one or two from Albany. Committ were appointed on the be different content for prises, and then the fun began, although, aa a matter ot tact, this prise business was a 00 tn plete farce, the awards being made In many ansa without regard to merit; this though could not be said eftbeee received by Albanians. We only got seven out of eighty, which were given us simply becaueo no other coarse could be taken. We should have had several others ; for Instance the prise to the young lady wanting to get married the worst, the printer with the finest mus tache, etc. The only thing that barred thooditoi of the "Herald" from taking No 61 was that H read, "the printer who eould tell the moat lie in the fewest wards" In stead of the meet words. The repreeenta- tive -f the DaxocaaT came very near carry lag eff the prise for tae tantont ran ing printer, and probably would, but Just ss be nos rod the goal ho re me tn bored the reward was for a keg of beer, something he never drinks, so ho was satisfied u come in second beat, which he did with ease and a red fee. The spar ring match attracted considerable attention, aa well aa nereral other eoateeta, which we need net mention. Th prison take by th residents of this city were as follows : To the boot lady rowel let on the ground, a est of Jet earring. Ml Ixilti Mon teith. (Mist M. wan In Albany st the time.) To the handaement lady in the ball room, onedosen cabinet pictures, Minn Annie Msumneld. Te tbe swiftest lady eompvWtor in the city, a pair of flower vans, Mlse Bertie Knoe, of tne ussoi sat omce. To the beat looking printer an the grounds, a pair of kid glores, Mies Bertie Krtoa. For the homellet compositor en the grounds, Col ( ha. A Godfrey barred out, one ham, J M Petti nger. The content for thitwas between Pottlnger, George Hawkins, of this city, and R P Boies, Jr., of Salem, but waa very Justly given the former. To the leanest printer, Geo MoClaa ex- neptei, a bsndeome ceae, Jim Godfrey. One gallon ef pickle to tbe meet heert les coquette oe the grounds, Mm Annie Mansfield. Among other attractions wss a game of bass ball near the Court Houe, end aa Engine contest at eeven o'clock, the latter of which was too hate for us. The steamer left Salem en its way back at I and gat here at 11 ; buttbe meek represent ulvo of tbe DsMocaAT waited for tbe eveoing train, which he bearded, after having an. Joyed the hospitality of Pi of. Arnold, of the Willamette University, and his pleas ant wife, In company with a friend, for un hour, and arrived In Albany at 8:80, ready far another affair of the eame kind. - ias Wall, ' Cntas Weeding Thursday of last week waa the twentieth anniversary of th marriage of Judge and Mrs. J, 0. PoweP, an event of much Im portance and one worthy to lie celebrated. Twenty years of wedded happ'nees Is cer tainly deserving of commemoration, and enough china cannot be showered down upon couple's head to omke J the re ward they deeerre for sum constancy. The party given Thursday night In honor of this eveut In the life ef Judge and Mrs. Powell wss a grand affair and a complete success. Invitations had been sent out several days previous, to their many friends, nil of which, where possltdo, wore responded to on that evening. Conse quently there ws a large gathering of our beat people, who oamo with their beait fttll of good wishes, and Jisuds burdened with china, of which'there were msnv beautiful a well as useful proeente. Ths handsome parlors of Judge Powell's mai den 00 were decorated with flowers, so profuse at this season of the year, and ev' erythlng was arrangod In an elegant man ner, outside, the lawn wae brightly lighted, so that croquot was played as ouvenlently as In the day time, aud seats were plenty for those who preferred to sit with the sky for a covering. To n atch these wore the nicely attired gueia ho docked with all the taste of the metropoli tan, with tbe advantage of Nature's own flowers for ornaments, and countenance not contaminated by dirty lanes ami mur ky walls. At the profier time those pre out wore asrved to a bountiful repat, complete Ui Its make up and delicious In quality-evldenoe'that twenty year has at least made Mrs Powell a flret idas cook and tbe Judge an approchtfor of Ann rook- Ing. At a reasonable hour iho guests took their departure sad Judgo powotl aud Mrs. Powell, r Kate FinlayMiu, were left to begin married lifo sgaiu ..' .her, deling from their china wtrldmu Ws notlood lite Issffowhsg jj-r.o pTOS out : Judgvsud Mm. Mion. Judgs and Mrs. Mtraunu. Mr. end Mi. L F. Ml tin. Mr end Mrs S K Young, Mr a,l Mrs 1' K 4 el vsrtoii.Mr n-d Vs N v. and Mr Harris, Itsv acj Mrs irviii, Mr m. (Mis Flnlsyson, Mr and Mr John ithofao. Mr and Mrs Hitiul Allhooe. Mr. and and Mm P II Raymond, Mr nod Mr. A 81 tiger. Mr and Mrs ay B ain, Dr and Mrs J T. Mill. Mr aud Mrs K F Hex, Mi and Mrs Paters, Mr and Mrs W II Hearst, Mr and Mrs Duncan, Mr and Mrs Kggstt, Dr and Mrs Prion, Mrs Dr Usrrln, Mr Walter Monteith, Mr Dr Miller, MrsTaoe Mouteith, Mrs Blain, Mrs K M Robertson, Miss Clara Rlain, Mures Lottie and Tina Monteith, MUsos Jennie and Lulu Clark, Mioses Mary and Amanda Irvine, Mine KHaabeth Irvine, Mis Mary Gaston, Mine Olite Miller, Mis Ross Banna la, Mass Gar ringer, Miss Mary Allhonao, M Us t'oudit. Miss Mr Daniels, Jas H Foster, Rev I N Cendlt,GasCurrie, Tom Callahan, KW lAngdon, U II Irvine, F. R Mkipwurtb, Esq , p. p. Nulling. 01bTI 01 UT-.-JJ t On petit ion of citizens Joe Lane, was appointed to repair bridge across Muddy on the rond leading from Fran Ferry, also the Cbaetain bridge on same river. Application of Frank Propst for a semper for Dlst. 47, allowed, Application ef A H PowcM nul others fur location of county revi grauf d and, Jos Moist. JVto Hohlosscr and I) B Montoith appointed vlewct . Application of A L Harnett and ethers for location of county road granted, and Frank Sliedd, Gen W n.iv, and John A Uonnwtl, appointed viewers. Geo W Luprr allowed oU00 U- l of lumber and a r mi per. Mart Miller allowed semper and MM fct of lumber for Dist. 13. Jacob Huber allowed MOO f .-et of lum ber for hist. V Fees of Coroner over bodies o! Adulr, Mtrange and Johnson, allowed. Sundry foes amounting to 181. 11. al lows!1 Noah fthaoks supervisor of Dial I) Bllyuu allowed 201 feet of lumW and scraper for Dist. 8. Wm Churchill allowed J'mm float of lumber for Dist. 22. Wm Drinkard allowed MM fet of lumber for Dist. 34. ISeah Hbaake allowed IMO feet of lumber far IMsl. 'Jh. Richard Cheadle allow,. I t . purchase fj,', worth of ue cMin. for Jnsfirav ar and family. 20 JO feel of lumber allowed John Denny for Mot 27. Ordered that contract with M. John Stone Is) build bridge n ro h Muddy, ltev. Aeheson Miperiufrmh'Mt, bu eel aside for fraud and said nperiiitnehsni removed, and no fsrthir orpctsdlsnas w sar OUR PRICE LIST. AYER'S SARSAPARiLLA, 75C. QSECOrJ KIDNEY TEA. VECETIME, $1.10. KENNEDY'S DISCOVERY, $1.25. WARNER'S KIDNEY & LIVER CERMAN SYRUP. 60C. CURE, $1.00. AUCUST FLOWER, 60C. HOP BITTERS, 75C AYER'S VIGOR, 75G. H. N. LINIMENT, 75C. POROUS PLASTERS 3 FOR iOC. CENUINE FLORIDA WATER ,0C. HALL'S RENEWER. 75C. ST. JACOBS'S OIL, 40C. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, 76C. Z0Z0D0NT 00C. LUBEN'S EXTRACTS 7:C. CONCENTRATED LYE 4 BOXES - OC. CONCENTRATED POTASH 4 BOXES CC The above i a part la' list of our new prleF, co nn fo give the readers of this paper an idea of how wa sell goods. We have tn-id "x!enire reduction ou the regular price of our stock and propose U sell at prices lower than any alitor drujf house In flu- Htste, an'l if a sarin? or 1" to 2 cents, on every dollar's worth you ley In our line Is any object to your trade with us aud we will guarantee to satisfy the meat skeptical as to price and -uality. McCOY & BLLERT, t'lobjan':. Blcfk, Albany v Ot-egoi. d bridge. o Madsfjr hlibrloa for a I M i e o had by him in rsjst i'd to Contract to lot1! f 1141 at WHoou Ford, n t i- tJBiS), to h eouip elesj i . cM Ward v . .ip of Diet 'JO Wa'tcr Hmmum allow d 7jUU fWl i lumber.od lbs or nuils sod luforskdl d ab'ir, for rcptrin lrldv. i McKluuey nlluwtxl lb O.Hl f.-.;t ; h-'Uiber. etc , lor Dit Iu It A Murphy alleweil.VsiO feet f iaui bar for Dit. II. Clerk orlered to prrajw list of stailoa ery, etc., for onauiag t ynsr to be furnUheil to various dealers, and bids be received and spenedon Jnly 1. Notion ordered publi bod f obtain care ler certain indigout ihildres. Ill IA.H AUJOM'KU. SHELF WE UH M IM'ORII mVm Ca7Tam THAT WK II K OH hand a full stock of AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel. While at our warehouse opposite the store we will Uke pleasure to show yon tbe Eh 1 17 IP J Is HARSH TW1IHIDER, THE DEERING MOWER, THE CELEBRATED STUDEBAKER WACO". r K lUbiason. bills forlumW $10 U7, ITW UJ. r.7; Wm Watklns, claim of 2J5 wlfn'or witLoss fees. $; Mrs i P Snydr. binding rsoorrl. flO'f M ; ' VV I'hilbrlck. olnn of .rui sec., ri j X Em a7ZBgB3Lra L nV r X THE .1- I- ( a hi : agitators AND SHORT APRON THRESHERS. PORTABLE AND TRACTION ENGINES, Woodbury- Dingee Patent .HORSE POWBB. Our Implements Fully Guaranteed. KJ. aO - - ALn rr, Ijnejo -. inkl Wo bavo wstchod mtU ni.ural.:s lo tereot ihogrowiag twde of the he young Arm of Peter A va, nu i wntlo wo knuw thai much i daa u los If jh oSid rpn;a Uoa for inlsgrity an i sllwuliwn tn tus:nes, stUla gmsX -loal is Ut ls cro l.taJ u U.e foot that they have beeu fort una u iu -A. tainhag for sate iho rery axrh-uUural Isapleinents la th inarkl. Farinsr are f ajgjg to use the best rnn-lnue overy lime if it ia to le f jund. Thai is 'in auuple rta aun why ibla Arm bas heal uch a i.n sale of the 1 string Twiu hinder 'I he farmers hare tried The ditfereni b nderx and they And the booting to bo th beat by fsr. Only three or four of the other make of binders hare been sold here this year. Tbiseaplalns Itsef. It Isasignlil eanl fact that In local lie whero ouo or tvo binders were used last year of different makes, only the aeering is bought now. Far the eame reason the J 1 Case Agitator thresher has bean the principal one bought hare thia year. Farmers have found that It Is the best, and so they pun-hnse it, the eame as they will tbe best goods in any ether lioe of trad. Peters fc 3s, we un derstand have sold a larao lumber of a. . . . '. n iiaignt, rur nnats, in f U lUy. tnonil, postage tamp. $iuu7; J L Cowan, nails, gli ; Allan, Roeunmn ft Co., lumber, $1 in L ftmlth. wltnosa fee before grand Jury, $5 ; B W Lang don, stationery. $10 s i J W Anderson, work on fence, $3 6o f Hryaot, draft ing town and eoui ty plats, Slot ; A w Wsrroa. work en Jail gate. $3 ; MllUr ftforirau, briNK-Jntfiu r iort of viewers, f-2 . J J Charlton, fees f$l ; Mt John k rtloi.e. r pniri'ng .1 bridges. $300 j Frank Uroe. plows, $J0 ; A L Itridt'efanner. wiinras fe a, $8.40 ; J L Stewart, board I stairs dale and children, $JK: K Uohln on. lumber. $Ks 7h ; Fox, Han in A Co. Ml dee. $4i.0o ; Jas Mady meals for juror, slh ; -St. John 4 hteue. huihlinu tU li nab hrhlflre. MQ0 : M Cunnlnehaoa H j; I.IKiiig'a., $lftu; . Flinn, f7o. J J Charlton, !v. In n.ostana. while other throshers have bad al moot no sale at all. Their Bales, too, of the Btudebaker wagon have bceu surpris ingly largo. It la a fact we have gleaned in an unprejudiced luwunr that thi wag on la being considered tht m ui ro table and the beet constructed. On aoneuat ef their large trade iu agricul tural Implements, they have been obliged to take possession of two ef the Isrge atares on the north aide of First street aud use them as warn! ouscs. If their business oonUnuasto increase as it hn they will soon rwjulre eonelderable more room. A 1'AltULIl. Kew siooUs. Mrs. Powell has just received a large Invoice of very fine and stylish miliaery sroods for late summer wear. Ladles should call early and see .them. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL, Samuel S. Young want a 60.000 pound ef sood wool, for which he will pay the highest market price in CASH. Three-fourths ot the educators m Wasbicgton coun'y are women. & HarrisburK's4tb. Great preparations are being made at Har risburg fer a big time on the 4th. Interest ing contests will be indulged in, and there is no end to the fun to be had. Following are the officers of the day s Presideat Dr H A Daris. Vice President IFaltsr Husteu. Orator 8 S Train. Header Sana May. Chaplain ft O M Whitney. Marshal J Y Schooling. . , -e Bedaetlenln Fries. From new until the Fourth of July Mrs. L. J. Powell will sell all her old stock of millinery goods at greatly re duced prices, ia most cases putting tbem down 25 per cent below cost Re mem ber ladies that you can get a bargain by calling there. Last Friday afternoon If las Minnie Altlsoa, teaeber of the Est Ward school, with ber pupils held a pionio at Hackleman'a grove. A most enjoy able time was had by those waa at tended, and the event would have beeu a pomntt-te success, had It not been marred by an nnfortuuate aoedeaL Harry Englander, son of Gum. Kaglan dcrf In attempting to jump over i ditch, fell and broke ane af h.a arms near the elbow, tbe fracture being qolte severe. There is a possibility of loav ing the arni crooked. Oa Sabbath afternoon. Miss Ilattie Hess accompanied by the pupils in har select school and aeveral friends, pass ad tbo nay in the same pleasant grove in a rery enjoyable manner. Saturday tbe Babbath Schools Shedds held a picnic at Roberta Bridge about the best arranged plane for "plo nicking" in the county. There was an Immense gathering, Keveral went up from this city, and all report a good time. On the easae day the member of the Tangent Grange held a picnic near that place, and if report is true there waa "a feast ot reason and a flow af soul," besides lots of eatables and any quanti ty of good will thrown iu. of A letter received iu this ci y a dsy or two ago from Ga. W. Hill was dated at Cabinet, Montana, aa the N P R R and is full of matters of interest lo many of our readers. George I traveling fer the Pacitlo Mutual Life Insurance Co. ami is doing a rushing business. He writes Hint Ted Whitfield is there acting as time keeper on tho N. P. It ; Jim Reed, formerly telegraph operator in Albany, la there, broke, but is going lo slartaginrsilL "He waa tired from tbe FRR on aceonnt of 'shortage'.'' John Crane, formerly la the twine factory in Hue city, is In Cabiiu-t, in the freight office but Is arose. ,,Bulch," formerly a tough character in thia city, is there keeping a d'-adfall. Mad Urigham is running a aaleon and Ah v Shannon, a. horea trainer when here. I In tbe eame buslnesaix miles below. Paul D'Heirry, wl.e waa in the uewspaper business when here, ia ddns; well at Kliiftport. Kverythiag accordlog to tho letter is orerdoae there. Bill will U bak to Portland Id a few weeks. PBTBIiS SC SOX. Piir.rrA.mfl8 TO HayvlEV. L'ODD a tO-. First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, 1MPOKTKUH OF Tt.q-nT STCD STEE3 AM) Fiont, BUCKEYE FARM MACHINERY. We are Sole Agnt for tbe foUowtas Celebrated ImplemenUi : MOWER -AJSTID ttttJrtHXj. e Ut'CKK.VK ON TfJK XA!. W . ... aa W ii tn II. f i' I -1 1 ' " 1 f ! : I T 1 1 . them an.l all ak if lliera wiib praiM. Tbey are In every ar uie aaacIUnea. We are also Hole AgeaU of I tie BUCKEYE REAPER. Tbnoeands of toners here hare used Aloansl Sfsettuc aise aibbea t -I so. The annual mooting of the alumni of tko Albany college waa hsid last Tuesday even ing at the residence ef Mr. Edward F. Sox, en the corner ef Washington aud Fourth streets. Eleven members were present, together with the faculty of the col logo, Mr. U. I. Foster, who graduated Wednes day evening, and the husbands of several of the members. A moat enjoyable even ing ia reported, oue of the pleatantest fea ture ef which was the alumui supper, an elegant affair, demonstrating the fa t that education has served to . umkn the young women first-class cooks as well as good students. (Several toasts were responded te in a happy manner, with Mian ileum Miller, preeident of the alumni, as toast master. When .he members separated for tbe evening it was with warm feeling for their "alma mater," and kind re gards for each other. The following mem bers of the alumni were present: Mrs. E. F. Hox, Mrs. CM. Stewart, Mrs. Dr. Sav age, Mrs. Edward Failing, Mrs. C. E. Wolverton, Mra. Henry Merrill, MisSKate Conner, Miss Rova Alexander, Miss Mag gie Foster, Miss Anuie Altheuse and Miss Hettle Miller. atock WStipoesrtuK- The BUCKEYE RurV.f Hlrt.ler m4e 11 HarvoM-r ih' Hi.- A.i'iy Tenii-1 i many Hinder that -k a nr' ' l hsrvest HelrR smi! iitnv lm ir --rii i . nneNUon tbe ' Nel! Unthiej eAarroN pity TMRE8EJT, Haines Genuine Headers, hutt Farm Wagons, .Srmf for Spn i.i' 'rrueu$'s an 'rice smm SE LF-BIN DKR- v.ji it u n mmhtnatann of tbe Baeaere nil Uin ih vrelnt and worthy in -rhiv flKtfi in t ' 41 .V - V U sa s .sw uuh " " - - - l..-. n a.M.1 for 1S2. anil as now nereu, is neyoou isnriit W :'.i? awo Sole ArchU tor the UOMITOR UPRISHT FARM EMOIME, John Deere Moline Ptows. A.A.AC.. Sterm. A Clear Csnsplealsa Can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger Tonic. Regulating tbe internal organs and purifying the blood it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom to the che ek. Read about it in aeothcr column. fsr lib it Lebanen. Lebanon will celebrate the 4th in big style, with ail tbe spread eagle imaginable. Following are the officers ef the day : President Jas. L. Cowan. Orator Col. W. H. Efflnger. Reader Hon. W. R.Bilyeu. Chaplain Rev. I. H. Oendit. Marshal- Jos. Nixon. Tho regular meeting of ibla society will be held this eyenlng and tbe exercises will commence at 7:30 sharp so that those who Wlah can go te tbe Congregational outer -talnment afterwards, Following is the program : Prayer by chaplain. Heading of minutes. Song Meats Fannie Weal, esta Mason, Msggi lUrkor. Allle Powell. iiecuaiion .ritsa Maud lit nui -on. Essay Miaa Frances Chariton. Solo Miss Emily Turrell. Addreas Rev I D Driver. IteHtittien -Miss Esther Marshall. Quartette Messrs. Uus O.rrio. Charles Rrush, M I Monteith. o.ivei Irvine. MhtccllanooiiM BusineHN. Aaetaor Inspmreuiesl W C Doherty, ths iurentor s tlie Chain ptuu Fruit Dryer, has just tecurct a patent on a valuable improromout nude ou the drsft aud furnace of hU uineliino, whioh greatly iuersases its capacity, giring the sam hett as before with one-fourth less fuel. This machine now ranks wry high, and is well liked by all who use it. 832 Mr. Jason Wheeler, who has Just rs- turned from Eastern Oregon, says that sll the marketable cattle hare been bought up over there, and now buyers are after horses. A good price is paid , and even the spotted cay use has beeu bought up until the Indians refuse to sell any more. Our readers should profit by this knowledge, and raise as much stock as they possibly can. A Tentperaare lrule. A grand temporaries basket picnic will be held at Powell's Orore, ona tail from Halsoy, to-morrow, te whioh all are iuvited. Music, speaking, eto., will be the order of the dav. The Ladies Cornet Bead, of this oity, will furnish music for th occasion. Quite a largo number of people from this city will attend. JL large warehouse is soou to be built at Coburg, Lane County. Society Belle Are loud in their pralso of Florestou Cologneon account of its r.-ui irkubl v deli cate and lasting fragrance. Anoyance Prevented Gray hairs are honorable but their pro- mature appcarunoe is annoy ing, 1'arker't Ilalr Ilalsam prevents the annoyance by promptly restoring the youthful color. nonv. CLINK. Near this oity, Jmo 12, 18S2, to the wife of Geo v Clmo -a son. MAatttieu. COOPER SWANK. On Sunday, June 1 1, at tho residence of the bride's father, by Eld 8. Williams, Ma, J. F.Coopkr and M na Emma J. Swank all of Linn Co. Oregon. Frank and his handsomo bride have our congratulations and best wishes for a life brimfull of happiness, the prospects for which are so good at the present tim. HARVESTING MAGH1NERY. We wish to call the attention of the farmers of Linn county to the fact that we have established a Depot at Albany for the sale of D. M. Osborne & Co's harvesting ma chinery for the Havest of 1882. We have rented the fire proof buildingcor First and Washington Sts, Albany, and have employed M. M.Harvey to take charge. We shall keep on hand for the trade a full supply of reapmg,mowmg and self binding machinery, wire, twine and duplicate parts. This move brings us in closer relation to you as man ufacturers. look to youb jnterestjand BUY ONLY OF MANUFACTURERS. ; Don't be induced to give your order until you have examined our improved twine and wire binder for 1882. Remember all cf our machinery is warranted to do good work. For club orders special rates will be given. D M. OSBORNE OO. S. S. Burg, Manejror.