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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1882)
lite FTltDAY APRIL 28, 1882 f'TATE irttftS. Mr. Win Cased? of Canemah, tvu has hwrotoforo borne a character abeve reproach for truth and verael ty, furnishes US with the following: figure. : He has twenty-five hens, a cross between the Plymouth Kock and Lechorn, and from Oct. 15th, to 2iev. loth, they laid 300 eggs, the next SCO, the next 300, the next 400, the next 500, and the last month end ing April i "ih, 500, making a ttal in six monthtnforw 2100 eggs. The price averaged 27eis per Jesea, bringing the sura of $54, against which mast be placed $0 the cot of their feed, leaving a profit of $45. Or. dVy Enterprise. Ou last Monday Nr. Taylor, the miller In Harrisburg Mill, met with a very serious accident. One ef the elevators, being out of fix in some manner had been stopped aud Mr. Taylor went op to adjust tho belt te start the eicvrttor at work again. While busily engaged in this task the atep or stay, ea which he was stand ing suddenly gave way, and ho fell to the floor a distance or some twelve or fourteen feet. His hold came in contact with a shaft in faliiug, which gave him an ugly gash on the head but somewhat Iroko the force of the fall, and perhaps saved him from worse injuries. Tho most severe con tusion he received was upon tho hip upon which he struck. Mr. Team, who was the only person abwut the mill at the time, and Mr. Taylor's wife, who came in immediately after ward, went to his assistance and helped him home. He is able to be about and oversee the work but not to make a full hand as yet. Dis-temi nator. The author oi is follow. Dr from Or should write a the East novel : To anyone who was fortunate enough to have been eut as late as half past eleven on Sunday night, a sight was presented in the firuiaaaent which to the eye of the writer a beautiful as it was uncommon. I have witnessed the sua rise and set in many climes and on different oceans, and have seen comets and the north ern light in many fantastic shapes and colors, but never anything like the phenomena of Sunday night Anything like a description i3 out of my power. It seemed like a canopy and the centre was directly over Pen dleton. It was in a circle, from which ptoiaate of different colored shades and lights spread eut in all directions. It predated a resemblance te a Japa nese umbrella, with all the gorgeous tints of the rainbow waving to and fro, and glittering stars for e back ground made it a sight never to be forgotten by Xed. autre Directory. Y. P. C. A Meets at their rooms in Fee tor brick building on Saturday evening! at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons at Easiness meeting! ere held on tho ovon- ing of the second Monday in each taonth. r.veryixxty luvitod to ntlcutt. U. r. CmraeH. rroeching every Sabbath, at u a. M., and 7 P. st. by Roy. R. U. Ir vine, I. D. Sabbath School at 2:. r. M. t rayer meeting every Thursdey eveuing. KvaiomjcalOhcbcii. rreaohincon SsAV tati at 11 A. m., and 71 r. u. Sabbath "school 12:15. Provcr mcetimr evorv Thiira. j . i. . usy ovoiutta. v . t . Kan titer. tsutor. v uniinMiAni'?(,i,t Huarii. services overv Sabbath at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. HahUith I BeaofH at 2:3a Prayer mootinir on thuraday evonutg ol each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K Cmnou. Sortlf. Services evnrv .-ju.imm as i-aul a Al. 16. i'buroh. South. at 1 1 a. 11. and 7ft r. ML Sabbath School at 12J p. M. Prayer meeting every Thu re lay erenug. M. U. Miller, paster. M. E. t'nORCIL Preachini everv Snbhatsi at 1 1 A. H. and 7 P. M. Sous servioo tit the evening before sermon. SabWth Sohi. it .V.JO p. m. Prayer titrating every Thure- tay evening, i. union, paetor. i BMBi i muan inrKCH. Sorvico evrrv Sabbath moriuna and evenins in Colloin. UliapeL Sunday School immediately rfter the morning service. Pravcr nientiiiL' ovcrv -in iT t oureuay evening, nov. Isaac H. Uondit pastor. naoorai. Cur rcii. Services every Sua- Mioriung ai u a. in., ivemne at 74 m. nolv communion . v. rv Snml V - i - . . , ..',. l. r II IE W , Jr ... . Tneitay ,.au p. m. uout. u Stevens, pastor. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS, $30,000 WORTH OF NEW GOODS. Edes & Adams Woven Wire Beds. They are light, clean, durable anO i'lieap, and any one whe haa used thorn will have no other araund. ly perinlN elon we refer to the following named oltlitens ef Albany who have used theao beds ALLEN & MARTIN ARE JUST OPENINC ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF RF Hox Nam Altbouse nm A Oox ('has PnetTer Kv I Dllllon Jos Webber Oeo W Young John Rogers A E Rainwater A Dsokard L II Metitanye (leo KHImpMon lAVtlm Stimsan. These beds can be fosnd at (leo F Blsspson's at Albany. Ito snre to csll anil see llieni If yoa want anything in that line. J. n. WAY, 3oau3 Ageat. GREAT INDUCEMENT! MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON 1 PS PILAR tIX K. EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN ALBANY. . K l U II, I H I II 4 El I Si V. 1 1.1. ... SJSV SB.B.lIf lUSi .. j.uui auu uniuiuiR are useu in the ananufactura of rubber cloth The delicate perfumes of molilot and woadruff are made from teal tar. Loionnff matter kuown as caulito S beea obtained from the red cab- oage. Diluted in alcokel. in the nronortien of one to 100, nitre-glycerine can be kept safely. A. river moving with a velocity of iwo mues an hour will move pebbles sa targe as Hon s Sggs. t lists is no organic reason wbv fisbes oo i!d not breathe air if the rills M V-t m. . m an i i ue xept moist aud tree. 'ri . - i no uauv movement at the great 8wiss glacier, the Mer da Giaca is lrem seven to thirty six inches. A bar of iron seventy feat long at a temperature of 93 Fabrenkeit, heated to 212 expands one foot. it ha. been calculate that tb. ffoU Il5DtPARTIIEHT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW i runninrn iinnv iiissauwiif ta ... . third of cwowiuwJWJiWdl tvtHT I nlNU THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING DRY AND FANCY GOODS. CUPPED FEOH Ttiv TaQtSSA TOsT. .oe "ra-j? r tre snov- tt't f : ' ,!r:tiin home week. er, was down trom iu the front ef the I W . . , ' . 1 - rrvt I asre were no lass than live p-rs.-nal encounters wir.hia the iuoi mutton ol two 2 sn addition itta. to accom- tido of emigrant.. ia in town r.Tai:iag luscious ? bay. By a back it 'A rtf I - - t -- - - .1 w. jwiu aw is out more man a a millionth of an inoh thick. ia tne rvaga ware the red is first baked ia, then the geld added and the porcelain again submitted to the ore The ordinary werk ef a horse is stat d at 25,500 poanda raised one foot ia a minute fer eight hours a day. TUm. Bu. f T : I . sssjsisBi lmiiuuii nave a great in- a.tecce on iU steath rate, wbicb in- ss?aaaM with their heaviness and fre quency. X r&rtsinf . .'. - J I " mm i u ippea nanus is a :, .- ?,- in f.m i r " biu m waiiy.1 molted with half a cupful r.f tauow. I liiir r-,- C ..muu ui a vonng spiders tbr5 .3, whicn are not st large as those of a f;rewa srislar, are not as large as a single human hair. Tho alabastri!. marlieof theaneieate weie not marble proper, but a hard carbonate of lime,irlentical with stalag mite, the modern alabaster. A vegetable green, perfectly batm less, for the us of cooks and confee- tieners, has teen discovots1. It ma le from the grains of raw coftee. It is laid that a lead tank will spoil petroleum in a week, ceasing it, when burbed, to choke the wick. Stone ware or slat, is suggested for tanks. Hard rubber, fer ornameets, is made from the eaoutcho.e by mixing with it a large proportion ef sulphur, and baking at a temperature of 360 . Nothing is so fatal to oysters aa a sand storm or covering their beds with mad. The mud and saud sceumniulate in the ojster's delicate breathing organs ana sunecste it. u uecc mi a aiec ot usfi seems to be sedative, qmetin. producinir dul- ness ratuer ttian intelieetualitv. That 1 1 f m m puo&pnorus is a Oram rood was one of Agassiz s few mistakes. Darwin feand that of eisrhtv-seven kinds of seeds sixtj foer aerminated I I r. ; : r .... sitting cn bis back or stand- T ' " ""J"'gbt days, uv m iow survives an immersion in salt waiter ef one hundred and thirty- seven uaja. Pulque is made from the agave or American alee.. It is a popular error that trees belonging to this re quire a century toaniveat maturity. The flower is sometimes put forth in ten years, in hot climates. v. . . .. . . it a piece el tissue of mixed wool and silk is plunged into hydr.chlorie acid thesiilc is soon dissolved, while the wool remains, so that by careful weighing befor. and aftar th. operation the perportion of the two fibres iseasilv . i aaccriainea. All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc. A MEAT MANY OF OUR COODS WERE PURCHASED IN nfw york ens- SEQUENTLY THEY ARE OF THE YERY LATEST STYLES. AND THFRF IS ndt k rM.imx,..., . 1 . dlftULt KltWt IN UUK 5I0R IHAT IS OUT Or DATE. PERSONS RESIDING AT A DISTANCE CAM HA VP SAMPIFc nr naro nnnnr un -r.... " - ur uiitoo uuuuo inu I iimMinuo otrl I IHfeMPRttOF tAPtrlSE. FRED WILLERT, CARRIACE AND WVGON JUAIVUFACTUREU, Corner Second and Forry Nta. Albany ,t)r Is prepared tomanitfaure nerrlaitea and wagons at abort autlne and or the v r y It KMT MATKBUL. Ho makes tbe preuilum carruiK d ntiKKine or I tie Htate. REPAIRING AND JOB WORK OOn. at shortest notice aul lu the most SKILLFUL MANNER. His work ami materia) ia warrant! I nrst 1sm. 2ilt To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND ESI'KCIAI.LY Thme Suffering from Debility, Nervoax Projelration, Lsh of Vitality, Sexual I nlh raitirs, Etf., Ktc. OinUI NKEP TBOtt IUVK h . iir.r.i,, f(UR, SKXL'AL AMP M:klr IHMI'I.Al.Ni TH i.ft i-lMi!n who aw Cii.i.f cht il Uiat'r iltiMtiU i.a SBj fully iml theni Tlw s""rl i.racUUncT U no uflKientir kllle4 In IhcM SSMsSR trouble do an, n it muM Iw Ml U the txrlalUI, a bo by cdurit,,n. l;,,t ,tr Ucm, lkarU(b k ifck-o j, l autuprobctuit It rofi lw uro Utmtm on. j. e tot st. rur.i b now olbnt ItMUtqu In H0 I .r lb vr)mm uf tho ifRirurf uM cwrUinly of t.rbla mm! aklllfnt UastSMttl n.l parfaci ul,l nwUraUan. bj (ur ur Vi inn 11 I,.. iitAiil ih llntt nnk unit ttiM( lb. 1 jmaA but lartrttfhutit Ibr rirllUafl aaruj I an. '.kil bdaall. tia ntvi. a. Hf.lti.iiU. a ISaVjSSt fese Jaojr ofsusl irUor lb la-t..raiil may ar. my tnuilva but lb Uatra U intoi-iu HBSSS Uv aa luRarlaf lhr..u;b l(i..,ru-r and WB.J bf ..r want kiwniladara (hat a ctira can ba had, ara not emit barrytna UmiumIm iu " unlliiwly yrsta. but flvli.f satutJ voakrwaa . an mbatllaam la tut ara f anaraUtfiia, la sa fJMI HI ltxnrnU to iHmutl BJg to ba atlstil. Hyia plana " "SSJ ara tafferlnr from nia-ht loaara. t.arr.KMn'M. f. .-hi 1 nilij. sssjssaeaaaj ssssasssa sassa aiigbi i at.i, urxicr airitmral. atUb! l.mii, Uewblinir. ili.l. ISUon, fluahaa, A , ..r if you bat prartimj aalf abuaa aan In Iba ...,-hioat jhuu jlar you a.o auSar io- trntn tl lr-d Cartsi ef man Life. And abattld tA besllato U aaak st cm baajlb .. 1 lflnaas In a ur. i-ruM lit'AkAsrrEKP. tee. mopkkatk '"NsfLTATlON liY LETKEK OR rTllt.UWAK Wtwr. Karlaalvaly tr5rUblr SVssrdlra I a4. IS. the T1MU TO Circitt itedndions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARCEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of the way for Golden time coming. ICVJ:itVIOIV BUYS OF the IL-VlLJEl-YJBOTDir GOES HOFFMAN k JOSEPH, a'KDPItlHTOrW OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ANI DKALEiLS IN Imported and Domestic Clgari, Tobaccox, Groceriea, Piovieions, Candicp Nuts and Troj.fcal Fruits. Oreifon. OWE IXKII JJKIXJW JOHN Ilitlfj'JkV STORE. sjwt Albany, AT TIIK frAD, FIRST rTRKKT, II AS AKHOUTMCNT OF OJf flASl AS WOOL boars. Allen Parker ia erecri w aa wua to h:s Jarge iieasc at Oa modate the rusliinff Billy Br sick vent". a.uwnia was wr.a tne su vev- 1 a . a ors wam us' heard irom. of A hanv. Cirn VVr.l :r n work at Or-eatta Seals are plant ifnl ia t! the bey. r.!:ii;se lheaa!'es ing at tlitfTt as they bhow above tLe water. Mr. Abbey is btiialia a? sone to THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF COODS EVER BROUCHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, ANO ALL WILL BE SOLO AT PRICES THAt I bj i:ir , aod sboet a a neads an adiiiioD to Lis hotel, the popular Bar View liensf. Pete is gattioj rea-Jj fer the grand rush ef Tuitcra. Uo Tea IiKe ovstrrs. fair, iuicv snrl ' j j 1 come, on kerse- au mexDerienced vouth 3 df Mrf v .mioacro tt a g a ... . . - pel ue tor ibg on hb head for a rest .1. T Jl. 1 -iiuii.-.,oe 111c vy. X. UBCliS at IOW wxier, the water is twenty leet deer a a lew teat away and it is forty feet. V i a- a m wo Jricndaj, the ietb mst , Mr. J. W. bbsfford anived here frira Cor vailis, his being to look after tbe erection of a telegiaph from Ysqunia to Corvaliia. A tidegranb w irrmerea avsoiuteir ecaasary ieeapei;e tne building of tbe Oregon jracitic, a-either Mr. ilegg or Mr. "XJ" l r i 1 . . au wui necessarily to eempeiled to remam at this end of the roa i contin- nous.y dtipng almost tbe entire eum mer, and they mast be piaed in closer connectbn with the New York efHce than mud roads afford. The oifice of the Post is located at JSo. J. cr! oer of Butch and Hammond Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere, WE ALSO KEEP A Fall Line of BOOTS AND SHOES A Vr KI(; OF Ci.DES TIME. The complaints of our moralist- ! a new building erected for that reSar(1 to th constantly increasing AH Uranus oi moaern necessities of life are, like most of these lamentations over the indulgences of the present hk, principally lounfltea upon an utter want of knowledge of the past wnat, lor instance, was done In the way of w.ddiner extravagances in former centuries, and not only amon Princes and people of high rank, hut humble citi- purpose and fyr no other reasyn kiads of sai'.iag eraft lsnd at tbe dok twenty feel from enr east windows. Whenever beef in high we have only to Sfcnd our duvil tweaty feet away, whn, by throwing a hck atlacbed te a fttcoog Jme iu tbe Bait chuck, some forty feec rjess at that point, we are soon furnished w ith flounders, sturgeon, cod h" till stay r crabs, ate. We i.iar.e-e evea among the plain, IIS here. It is a good place ! seas, aimost aefles credulity. A re- per. 01 tne marriage of the daughter f a baker, which occurred in th city of Augsburg, Oormauy, in the year of 1493. irivaa lha faiiini.M 1 he Demo rm of Umatilla county particulars: The bride wore a blue I'Sf atsxl.v utmatAttBM. have made tne fviilnwln nominations: silken SblfP Spnainr Q A Dt-4 Which ' ' a aa , w l C ll WVl . D S . a ress, tne single parts of were sewn together with geld t . ' I nnn ann .aa 1L :.. , i . ... lV'?preKePtaMves-L:ij.m and rfnprrv Iavc una sain with a Oierk Joe Keeaev. stana mado Sul Ame&ior Kei t h I?y. Trr-:i -iirer Sam Bothehikf. OOWI- 3000 A ful' font i.f Japanese type prises 50,000 cb factors, of which are in conttant use. Bich Japanese word having a distinct character, th. telegraph has been useless to that na tion, and the telephone is likely to rove a blessing to tbem. $1500 l-r vear ran be easily made at home w., iking for E. G. Hideout & Co., 10 Biclay St., New Yorfe. Send for their catalogue and full jmrt "culars band, A second heavy gold band served as a waist. ribbon; the bracelets were set with precious stones. She wore shoes with heavy silver trimming; the garters were woven of solid gold threads. After the marriage ceremo ni.s had takon place, tbe guests were dined at sixty tables. There were in vited altogether nearly 800 persons. Tho wedding festivities lasted more than an entire week. This festive week demanded from the bride's father tbe sacrifice of 20 oxen, 80 deer, 4 kids, 46 cslves, 05 pigs, 25 peacocks, 1,096 geese, 515 game-birds and 15,000 fishes and crabs. JFho nowalays can boast of a father-in-1 iw who wouid supply halt as much. HATS AND CAPS. I A III a. You ara aanaciailr Hahls ta mRrHi,. frH oertlou .foatraUo;i All Tour pacultar om- BSMSM ara i.rr.oj. ta I hair arvtn aal .our auSrrltur ar. tarriUIr S SSjSJ ur Inaapraaalbl kaan. Tha In his raaasrchm atul r. i.. c al tarou Uohla hsa mail rmar urntilatin a aparial .lu4y sikI la thus anahtau trm hla arl I anca atol knoalodfa lu ala and rura ma In any 4 mm irouu,. asjBBMBj ltr..1f auJ .tt.erii.tfa i wuicn aa a mi you ar. liable. CdTlou will Ai.S In tha U- t-.r a (rirn.l uion whom ) uti can raj I) tor ootnlort, akl aol cura lr 1.SBM I'rsaslc Btrnarlr. .1 lalnnd a rafUUUun lor rih- i.i.. unaiuaJoU b. ajir tor. ur lraacribln ei.r ..lf..ri The. ran be aatil Ur mall or aiira Ttiuaa itealrlnr rraonal rara mnd atunllM r hare alt n ry seoaimMUUiis 1 aa4Va tXlrrs, Throw a h. ran not rlall tlia .Ur ran h Ihalr .)n,.toi, , thalr own s, racoira sivaMu anl ahon aa.lra.1. Ucalinaia at liotna wlih ... u ran. . of a cura. LBTTKRS Ut.Tt KSKI. OK UESTBOTKD. Ailtlrsss, Ir s. r. 1 Ol ,., Mrdlral Inalllulr. NOTICE. U. 8. 1 Md Omce. ) ItoaeburK.Orrgon, I April 4th, 1882. J empialnt bavins; been entered! at this OlHce by Josiah Weddie asrainst Kiiod. M Cave for ahaudonlnK Homes lead Kntry, No. 2tm. dated February &th. 187H mun theNK teeUon 8, Township 14 Hetith, It 1 a asiiit . . usage 1 rjmi wuiamette sr.eridian la Linn ooanty, Orvuen. with a view to th cancellation ef said entry : the said par ties are hereby summoned to aDnoar at this omce oa the 13th day of May. lHj at 10 o'clock a. resDond and furnish testimony oonoernlna said alleoed ahan. atamini. W. P. Bkk jam in, Register J. C. Ku i. i.khton, Reoeiver. COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. A. njr house la the mUty. Me mo Import, and uiaiiufactui ei TH, SHEET IR0H AND COPPER WARE OK F.V RU Y nJOJwA UE EMM 0S GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. Aid. OF WHICH flK OKFKRS TO THK PUBLIC AT PRICIW, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair v; ork done at reasonable figures. v i.'tnjr, 14 .aaa.a-1 (Sa Ovisf i . I , - a ,4,1 A4 I'lTTF.n V.'SXIJ COHISINATIOn t' - CH A TMEY Wilt COSiJECT AJO pflEsrBVE TH Ktff. PKDa.ERlTc-A.NMOT GET THESE GOOD, rua s n s oxtv st 3ECi X STARTLING DISfiOVEDYT LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of TOXrtbfol lmomdanoa oanaina hwu. ton Dsoar. Ifsrvoas Dsbtutv. 1 at i at . bsvtaa triad In vsln everv known ranxW haa Mm. oaarad a atronla aal cure, which bo wiU asnd FRM 43 (Jhatham at., K. 1.. WE SHALL HAVE BUT 500 ONE PRICE FOR ALL. 1 r - n zt AN vrr. - al sWsVlf WE INVITE ALL TO COME AND SEE US. WEHAVF nnnnSTHAT WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW IT. WE WILL sm A mfap aq aJv ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO GIVE US A CALL. AND WHFM Yful nr MKuty BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS-THAT IS WHAT WF ARF hp J rnn nriiriinrn wuraiaaa.. . uaiibi . run. ncRicmDCn Int RAmt Anil PLAUc. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 FUST STREET, BURXHAr BLOCK, ALBANY. initial? etc. Price, HEALTH. Le Blehasi's Oalden Balsam Nit. l. Cures Chancer., flint and second utafes ; Bores on tha U'irH and Htwly : SvDliilitic ( alarrah. dla- Bsaed Ins MB, and all prlmsry forms of the dlmsc. moe, so.uo r lvittlo. Le Mlehaa's Celdra Balsam No. a. Carss Tertiary. Morcurial, Syi.hllltic ItheiMiiatism. t-ains in the Bones, Uloaratsd Throat, Syphilitic Kaih, Lumpa, etc.. and eradlnataa ail .iia... from the ly.tem, whether caused by bad treat ment or abuse of marou.-y, leaving- the blood pure and healthy. Priee.f&.oo Kir BotUe. i.e Kicnnn's .ollen iimnuh fnr the cure of Oonorrhu iiu.t 2.50 er Bottle. ' Blehan's Cnlilm lu.i.a ----- fa1?? curVof "J-et. atricturee, iTUeoae " f the Urethra and Bladder, at iri a. aa 12 BotUe. ' " i W ' Le Blehan's Cieldesi Olnim.x M sfective hcalingr of Bypsilitio .oroa r.d Erup tions. Price, 11.00 per Bottle. Also Ag-enta for he Blehan's Golden Fills, for weakness, loss of physical uewera an. I arUnj- from abuse and excess ot over-work. Price ao,uu ier uox. Sent everywhere, C express. C. V. SCI Ml A RIM at CO. Air... 157 aoq Sanaome street, Corner Clay, Sail Francisco, Cel. 0. D., securely packed pe McOOY & ELLERT, DRUGGISTS and CHEMISTS. )DF.ALERS IN( DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, ETC Oompleate su-k of Paints Ol a Olase, also a fall line of Stationery. Nolo ag the celohrated machine oil Skidgato. Froman'H Block, Albany, Oregon. i m O. C CKKRIiT. Ckm. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successor to O. O. Ckerry Machinists, Miilwrigiits, and Iron Founclsra. WK HAVE OUR ?WftIIOP8 AuL completed, and are now preps red tr JiandJf n 1 kinds of heavy work. Wa aril! manufacture Ntfiarn KtiKinea, Oris, and Maw Mid Machinery, anti all kinds tsf Iron and I rasa Castings. I ATI Kit S M4BK O MBarBT XtmOk Special aUodtion given to renairlaa aQ kinds of machinery. Will also maansaav turo tne irnproveU Cherry A Wbisa H!jarator. nop nabrr ftt. Offlre a Albany, Or., Dec. l, 1800. law'i'r Tarrl. IK! ALBANY FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. i Hi i BLINIIKD By A. R CHERRY, jtua-l ai ortrner of hir-.t and Montgof..ery .Streets, AJljasssr, On.-gon. . IfjfiBf 1.1 f arg'!of theafv named Works, v.e ar yrrcd to manufacture Suiii Engines, Haw and Oris Mills, Hrl-svorkiiitc Machinery, Pninps, Iron anl I: roan OaaUngs of every dew-riyOoa. Marrhlnenr of all Jtinils rmssirer. flpe cial attention rcfaiiiii2 farm n-a-ch I nrry. run. , MalitMa .esse tsi all Ms forma. l'-Alyl A. V. CHEUBY dc M.N. Ast tlKn. Ilrfrar (tai. t'aUarrti, OvkpcjaI i. Hradsrhr, i?Mt ny. nruaiKia, KMninailHs, sud il Chrenir d 'cr..i;i , Hiaortrrs, Psrk. Z ma b; ranmlntiiy atat fcy rx prraa, r , ' r for lsisiriUale sne at homo. fvi-rd for irrc fventiae oa the ersjuto t.-TJtnT. AHr. st),r proprlrtorv, Itess. IIi:t;irn: dSlwt, Phtln., Ja or Jl. i M Vtlll.WS, lvrtfle Isrtoaltoo, oee Uoiitsciiat-ry Kt.saa Frasieaoess. CstA JOBENT BZUEGOS 72 ti i,1 fcH illC"riaI M pew. ae4 fa: I mwaoftkma, fnmmwa SbatalaaaE fjaaSW UaTi aiS iln af V ni 1 i i aaa nw Saait. fhaa. rra Iran. Me. laralaaU. to an. MuUjmm rm SB to bas4 tva. ftoto. fir tJaattof la Wa. r.naafaStoa STLmf-'- w -fr KaiaM OafSaata. Saaim. D. JL TERRY & CO., Detroit, Kici. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBA.W, OR. Tbr Third Tern will open ci Wo Jues dr.y, February 1st, 18S2. For particulars concerning tbe courtss of aSBKrjr ttta jr:c toitaon. apply to Bt. t ! Ul.t: . . t ONBIT. I'mldtM. To the Unfortunate ! 'm 'i rs " a. - c Jk at . DK- GIBBON'S Dispensary. rMtBMl Vrakarv., i i'ia ob :ltc face and loss ol tual. Ibrtiik uh! iffii ujmoi lii:u idSOt ! Kttruue, and iroprctoJ Ut Uala UM-re. abtaiitin a cr; umi. si,h:. '4 hi. acrytoea. 1)1;. QIBI ssdsss ha effect a core. Pi BK lfcil AT BO! .trictl. - .: u-i(;: y..u Heixl tea ,l..lUr f r a jm- a wntins; to I pair tbr v a. e tail auvrr unable. Call nr SSrlSS. A Bos 19&7. Sa-i rar.usc. trcxt. ban IraaoiKu. liabed ia ISod. Ir M aSSj etntil ll-a aa. u1i iBtftrbfj. fc!er. 1nrr,f pblll iu a. raae, ItaiSMteaey 'jqs hy ssassSj jss Kd can !-.u-rC be l;ol.i Bv! tad U. oai i vsad ca: sKTtjf a. lH tn varioi:. W44 "f talttalils Hi." rraa iTrt ?! ma in aauS no Jaarge f tae v-lioii ST ( HARLES HOTEL, OBEOON. - - Proprif4of. AlaBAUT, MS. f. DOTH, PbyaklaHsProacriptions.aepecialty, and none but tho purest an,' lit compounding them, at Roaaonable pricta. in. -I MOMEY TO LOAN The departure interfered with I am now better prepared than ever; before to negotiate loans on crood ininrnvflti?fnrrii iorio w - - X w ' awuuiJ, of my late partner has not my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can cMain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. OLA IB H. STEWART. Thia House has boon thoroughly r. n fmn- tea, w uumiiB, a. hi i. now jn a!emtn! vufuliittsi Uie entertainment of travelers. Tbe laBS U tt.,- j .! with everything tht- n;ar kat affurds. Sauutle room. lor cotnmarcsu men. CorvaUl, Lebanon and Isallas Ma- onii-e 15n5U Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEAItXY ST. TrraU aU Chronic and pecial Diseases. YOUG MEN WimaaJPHS THE ever laia at the altar of Buffering DHsanitr T Sennnalc ikncM or private diaoaae tfaa-T 3wT oarsctsc which he undertake. aad fao aura. MIDBl.E-.if.Et SKfisj. There are mar.)- at the ae of tMrSr4va,,uti t aru troubled with too fraqncr.t cmeuisi.a ThML dor, often sceompsruod by a aljhtatrfJ,: eususn .sad a woakeauiff of the fn a usu'a the paUent cannot account for. Os aw.mlni"- X arinary depositt a ropy aedinent will t-ftea k f... i BsisasasMssss small psitklss of mhtmVwVi tag to a .oark .d sjrysdsjT,.,,, ., SS sVsssa? ?v tdle 01 thu assaj ignorant , tbe aasssi which ia the second atasrv of awuinal weakuef 1m. i' wiSf""! aperftvtvure in ail -ss. a, nealthy rertoratioti s the gtmi to-urinary Orncs UorKs : j t t ad 6 to 8. Sunday fit m fas toll a. m. CouauhaUon free. Tborcufb eidrr tio. ssm sdvieo, $5. ror private discaecs of short standby a full oonroe Of sssdioin e sufficient for a cure, with all intni jooa. '"V to any aOdrca, on roouipt of 10 00. Cas a&. addreaa, DB. SriXNLl .V !., 7M2 No. 11 Kvarry St rsn Frsncasxi, Ol YHTG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Doea the beat washing and IroniBjf hi Al bany at lowest rates. Coatracts madn fi- Chinese labor. Laundry on Washincton street, opposite Marshall's Llrery StabloJ jnr.irttr NEW BARBER SHOP 1 J. H. SMILES, Prey'p. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goeo wilheaoh shav. Prices for shavins' and hair-cuttina same aa usual iinnn,., opposite McllwAiu's store. Koonis ltnf NEW YORK SH0PPIHGS Everybody delighted with the tast. ful and beautiful selections made bv Mrs U mar, who has nerer failed to' hor customers New Fall Cireular just taaued. bend for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 877 UroAiiway. Nee YoHt. 15:7tJ NEW FISH MARKET. On comer opposite Senders A Sternberg, Will keep constantly on hanri all kind, of fresh and aalt fish and oyster, that the market affords. the heat kin,S for rummllllJPoh ifBrCBrc PETER HENDERSON & CO. on application. RLLl 35 Cortlandt Street, New Yo-k onirhiv ta i.,V:..,:ir.V.VI?If IT vecetaoie eroD.(whPthe , K , tmpioyiii- an averago ol Roventy men th rouKbout the vilr ublic Thirtv i knowledge as to enable us tojudK not for or Commercial Gardening), h PRACTICAL i ociy wnat are I utalaotthor- M. Hyde,