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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1882)
V y.i rod at the Post Odlc at Albany , Or. tm seindolass mail matter. FRIDAY.... ..AFRIL 28, 1882 J. H, STEWART Ulilar an.l Inirlrtr. O. A C It. It. TIUK TAHf.K. Albany Mint inn. DRPAKTI KK OF Tfttl. MM attttatt, ALB NY KXPKESJ lVirts st newer nuim AlbTttAlH ( r.:30 A. M. tt:0O A. M. 11 IS A. M. 1J .. P. M. 11.45 A. M is-us P M. . P. M I I P. St .'Kill MAIU TRAIN Arrive t 1 l ' i rt st PIUCtOHTTIUTN ALUANY KXPKKSS Arrives st All Train dsttjr. es-orpl Kanday. Noticr. On an ? after this date regulnr tickets will sjM at our ticket ortW for rras.Ms.I-s. Dalles. Umatilla. Wat III la. Walla Walla aud AinSWOTth. Wtub iv ftaea, Freight and Ticket Agent O. O. It. Co. Alliany. June ISth, 1SS'. artTTCf tj a tt?T tan a f-ms i in file at Ore lOiO X iXJL Xti Huvvll SCSI I AJviWus Bur."n 10 Sjj-h.- St A wist m ,tri taar b n3.K for II 1 NfcW .'s N-w,.jer you HOME Cm AHUOAD. F. M. French, jeweller. EL R. Skipworth, lawyer, Al'ntiy. Or. Cash paid fr bc-.aawas at f't'shaj ami Mason', Newport cm Utait of fee svleOM in full operAtion. Trade bas be n uaasaally v" 1 la t!? city thU week. Democratic pri.-iiiriss a w'.-k from te rn orrow. SpUndid lot of labtaidariat .it M .-.t- ith and Ssitanbach'a. Extra stock of walking tboea and sauda'a at Mouta'.th and Seitenbich's. Full line of new picket eatfary aud razors at the Farmera' and Mechanic btere. You can gt your prescriptions filled any hoar of the eight at McCoy and F.!!-rt'.. Many new and besutiful pat in car pets, just received at Samuel i" Young'a. 5me one asked whe Eli Farkias was. We supposed everybody knew abnt Kli. John B Stetsoa and Co s Sue ' ir hearer hats at the Farmers' aad Mechanics' Store. Dr. ii. WiHia Price, dentist, offiee in Odd Fellow'a Tcmple.ovet Plummer' Drugstore. For good cooking s'ov and ranges and nice tin and copper war.;. g. to W C Twee" dale's. Ladies', chiltlreu'.4 aud iufanti' Lose at Monteith and Suiteuiiaoh a. Beaatifol e aigoa. Mr. H. C. Ciemv-'. !.as jojt ha l patented a curtain bracket that i qnite a credit to the inventor. Rainy weather with cold disagreeable featnrca mixed up nith it has been the or lev for some time. If yoa want wafcat pipe pat in yiasv gar-len or hoaso, doa't for;t thai W. '. TeMaeVak ia prepared te'do it. "Nimrod" and "O. l Jinlge" tobaccos the best brands in the anriui far sale at Max ' i . :i ; i- . - Fob r dozen washbiardi, which lrve alaays been acid at 50 cents each, wi'.l In? closed out at Grahwohr at 30 cent. Painters should take notice tint jraJwoh will receive a a few daa a lar! lot of At lantic lead and oils of all kinds. Don't forget tbit Oicar Wtldo or some other wild fellow will speak at the congrcj;a tisoal eatertaiament to-aigkt. A game of baae ball in Waiiaburg last week resulted in a sore ef 93 to 34. It was spoken of as a lively gam;. Wp understand that ene of oar young marble cutters is a candidate far deputy assesar on the Republican ticket. Groceries of evtry kind at llffuvn and Joseph'.4. A better selected atosk cannot be found at aay toa'n in the valley. Considerable dissatisfaction has been ex prised in reference to the Republican Stats ticket by members of th t party. Remarkably cheap. What ? That ladies muslin nnderwear at Monteith and Seiten bach's. It will pay y in to examine it before baying. Oar old friend P. H. R.jwman, of Soap Creek, while catting wood lat Tuesday, missed his stroke and cnt bi foot Tury severely. A lare lot of gnts shoes jaat received at Monteith and Seitenbacb's. Young men fshould call aud examine thpra Ijefore bnying elsewhere. The soda baMMta m i it be prosparfag. Hoff maa and Joseph receive I this weak, direct fro.-n Piatebeug, Cj) d;ri so.U water battles. There will be a totd eolive o; the sun on May 17, 1882. Get out your telescope and watch for a new planit ltweeu Mercnry and the ann. Hoffman and Joseph still take tUe lead in cigari and tobaccos and emoker'a articles. Ihey have an enfrnoas stook, and their prices will suit. It is useless te groan with rhesmatism when a bottle of 8t Jacoba OH will cure it, as everybody knows. Calum'jui Ohio) Dailtf Times. t Remember the Cenregatioaal Moid this eveaing, a splendid pregram will be reader el aad a geod time had; adiui.uion 25 cents; r dreishments free. The British steamer Mary Tutham, loaded with Chinamen and merchandise was wreck ed eff tha oast ef China a week or twe age. No lives were lost. Roie Moire, Satin DShanp, Persian fan cies, and an innumerable lot new styla dress goods in all the new shades can be found at Monteith and Seitenbaeh1?. Bead Dodd and Cos new adv. in anether eelamn. They have a big business in Port land and are bound to obtain a good trade from the Willamette Valley. Have you seen Monteith and Seitenbacb's new lot of dolman? and walking sacrjues ; tha very latest ; styles aud colors new and the me3t attractive to be found. Dlegtes from this county to the Repub lican State Conventi n are very jubilant over the fact that tbsy succeeded in getting a member of the Stato Central Committee. There has been cousiderblo sickness in the city the past week. Several bad cases of sore eyes have been reported, and it seems to be catching. Be careful of your self. The finest lot of baby carriage! ever seen in Albany are now for sale at Grad wold's, at priees mnch ckeaper thau has been known in this State. Don't buy until yon go arornl and see him. In the case of the State ataicst Eli Wtm I ins lor scUmg liquor te minors the defen BBBsjmBjssBBs dant wu acquitted en Wednesday, the nrinnitwd sritaaaa fer the presoctttioa being impact ml. Smokers are giving Max Bantngart a big rim lmu .MICH ho opened out thnt fancy little hooth. Th domotic and imporUd cigar told by him aro all th rage. It is unlawful to kill grout or haaaaat at thi time aad toll or give them away, but any ono can kill them for hit Thia Irchoeves you to keep on tho good tide of buutem. K. Carter and Co., have on hand a good aatorlment of their Kxoelsior Harrow aad clod crushers, which they aell at Walip prices. Call at their Rtwh aud Door Factory aad aee them. Columbia river feeda the world with sal mon. Lt year 650,693 caaea were ship, ped from thia State. HMi dirct Knrope, and lTO.OtH) to vnrioua poiata via San Kranciseo. The Ps Moine (lews) VVMIViy Tri hHMc aaya : "A Ifarrisburg, Pa., journal mcntiou that Mr D Bousingr, No. 4 Market Square, that city, was cured by St Jeool Oil of a violeut attack of rheumatism. All aubacribart to th Demim uat who will pay their aubaariptien account to this paper in full to date aud eue year in advance will be present ad with eue year s sahscriptlou to the Chicago 2r0W, a first-class family pr The Yaquiua W put ia an arpearuuoe last Saturday meriting. It preseuts a good appearanf, and is a spicy, iatvrestiitg sheet. Cell propoaoa to grow up with tb '' and Ya i iiiia, aud Intends working t make both fixed institutions, Tho skirmishing between tho C' Drmorrt the St.ttmmmn and County ftasV tral Committee at Salem ia quit interest ing. It is to be hoped that the party will not be obliged to father some ef the state ments of the JMntCNsf. The body ef Win McBrido alo a as drowned inCroek ed River a few weeks ao, has not yet Won found. His bruther, J.-hn Mclbide. nill start for Eastern Oregon in a short time, to make a thorough search fur the remains. Frank Leslie' 'si!y has a foolish car tom ef Arthur settiug his brogtns down on the Chinese bill and Uncle Sam upholding him. 301 to 37 doesn't look very mueb ss if Utcle Sam, who is only a majority ef the people or their representatives upheld such ignoraae. Lewi, the defeudeut in the late mur der case, is a aleepy leaking man uf abvdt fifty, with sandy hair aad gray imperial beard. The leek in his face it aot eae that bring cenldence; yet wore looking men are seen on our streets every day. Ik has aaea sttriv impoaate-ie fr the m m people here to gas weod ef aay kiad ; bat weuadcrataad that aooa the farmers will Le.nn coming in with it ; whoa we eaygest that they briag soma to this eflic to pay subscript:. with. We need it. 7Vm ThHAatl Dollar ia boots aud ahoea at Samuel E. Veung'a ahe tterr, Ladiee,' Misses,' aad chtblreaa' school shoo for boys and girla. iron lad shoes, and everything kept ia a diet class beet '.ad shoe tore. Cheap shoe if wanted. ii . ; Ung, an account of whose last Celestial thieving afair was given last week, waa brought up bsfore Judge Beise iat Wdacsday. and plealing guilty, was iyen a froa pass into the penitentiary for rive years, th extm of the penality fer the offense committed. There were very few at the Bine Ribbon club Friday night, on accooat of sever storm, &c, but those who wnt listened to a vary good program, the address by Cev. Uolleabasgh bsing excellent and evidently appreciated The miseellaneou business waa decidedly apicy. Astoria has been thoroughly agitated. Monday seven vags were arrested, also three rioters who took part ia the attempt to break inte the jail last week, and John Bain for the reorder of Ixwrie Alxaudr. Such things are not much of a recomnten datioa te a city. Attention is called to Peters aud box' av advertisement ia aaothcr column. They ar now doing the leadiag hardware busi aess ia this city, and are entitled to grat praise for the enterprise aad spirit they have displayed. Their a!s of tb Peering Twin Binder alone have been very large, and certainly eue tt raging. Sanmel E. Young has ea ezhibi'.i m at his Agricultural Warvhotise, one of .b Nw McCormick II irvesters, with t!te AppUby Twin Binder. Farmers wanting a bindar should not fail to ace it before giving their ordcrp. Mr. H. Iampmau of lowi, who has lad years of experience with tha McCer mielt machines will be pleased r show up. Orders solicited. Ilarvestera arid IVuders gasranteed as represeated. Mr J.C.Mendaahal, formerly oi this city, it aboat te oen on of the finest imlltoery establishments in Line county, in the St. Charles Hotel, Lebanon, lier grand open- in will take place next Monday, when ab wauls all of the citiztns of Ixibaaon to call aadece what she has and ia capable of doing She proposes to keep a flrt olass stock of goods, and t di as tm)1 trimming ai can he done in the ooanty. A heavy r.msway oeearreel Wednesday evening that ousel some am iismcut. Dr. Gray's pony was hitched tousled, on which was seated his two sons, when the pony lie coming tired of that kind of play, atarted on a ran leaving the boys aud sled behind. After a little skirmishing along the wlk en f irst Street be waa stopped near Foster's mil!. mere is no uje of talking, it is a settled fact, an indisputable fact, the unvarnished trutri, no we are informed, that Star Brewery beer is taking the lead everywhere thrr.ugh this part of the State. Mr. Bcllang-r l as succeeded by industry and a thoroai knowledge of fats business, m placing his beer at the top; so that it is now being called for in preference te any other xnanu factored in the valley. Remember this when you are thirsty. "Lackaday, who would have thought it?" taid Mary Kelly's mother last week, on see ing that her daughter's bean was in the city, "who would have thought that C. B, Monta gue, of Lebaaon, oould sell goods of suoh splendid quality as cheap as he does. "Bat it is a fact and the poople of Lebanon know that he is to be depended on for the very best goods at bottom prices, hence the lead he has taken in that citv. Willio, the magic, presto, now-yon -see it and-new-you-dou't-see-it actor, performed in this city last Friday aud Saturday night, to fair houses. Those who saw him speak very mgniy ot mm as a magician, lie possesses good powers in deceiving and is ahead of many performers of bis class. Magic actor labor under the dif&cnlty of acting in a field generally over done, and against which there exists quits a prejudice, very few being able to oyercome it. One of the delegates to the State Con vention last week tells of a little girl about six years old, on the train, who is evidently a prodigy. She repeated the declaration of independence, told the names of the Pretl dent's cabinet and their previous business, t ... , head with wonderful rapidity, and did several ether things as ronfarkable. She is a lister of tha "Bey Orator." A young mas, with health shining, out from hit eountenaaoe and a tralle on hit lips meandered along First Street the other day in a bran new tuitof oletuea that acemcd to fit at if mad by th meat expert tailor. Ou iaquiry w feu ad be had juat bought them of lllain, whe keepa only first elass goods that are a sure tit and of a quality which will give latttfactieo to all. If you would know what you aro buying call on him. BIM-11. AM) pr.KnoMg. Mr B Mom. of Brush Creek, was in the city Monday. D Y Wvdcl, of Btfweft Home was dotra the fare part of tho week. Hen W 9 Ppr has bmm in the city this wt k at tho apocial session of tho Cii t tiit Court. ludgo Chcuttwfch, of Corvallis lias been . . i . , . 1 . t A .1. t'l attoiMaiiu at inn ip'ou mm iris Wok. Mra I'm '.man, nr Rati l.yU, ' Port land, is now visiting h-r sMUtar Ml this V I . i ', ; '! tin w4 eon lined to bit home stvrral days with a bad throat, but was out again Tud;y. ('.II Van Clove .'lmu oyer frm th Hay l .1 ... l3 L .. - ou n cay us pony. racuuig tins miv .-ii"r dsy itn-rnig. Jndgo PhiiIihi, of Salom, was in Mm city the fore part of tho week, bat lug Insintsa ia the Circuit Court. Judgo Boise came up ti the oily tat tint of the week on bis free po to take chrtro of the Circuit Court. Charley Mindntsu h is arrived in fVt rill and will remain in Eastern ONfJM during th driving aeaaou. Mr S U Young has Im n alllicte! with sore ... .... t t 1 1 . . ees so ba Jiy trial no nas men imamo is but they are nrw improving. Isaac II Ixing. oa 'f tho solid old t ntc 0 rats of Laltauou Pr oinet, bonond i s with a call thia wk. Squire Rowetl, ol ItTl ILottf, sissppesl In on us this wee!;. We aro very plad to htv Bias! his aecpiaiutance. Hon W D Ftfitton, Dt iuoor..ti.- lioiniue" for (,'oagre will sneak in thu eity a wck front to morrow at lo'elock in the afUruoon. E Palmer, the handaomu young repre santativs ef Palmsr and R v. f Van Fran- eiaeo, called oa u Ust Friday and again on Tuesday. Revising, w!ie has bern holding servic in Prineville, a.-e-)nlini U the .Vir left that place for this city about two weeks ago. Miss . Houk ry nt aevcrsl days in the city, returning to Gervaia I ueaday. Sh was aecoMi'ianieVl hcr Iy Mr Harding and daughteis. Hon John K!ey has bee ia the '.y part of this. ek. '"Owing to trickery at th State Convention ho fatted to l" bom- :na'.. d at Wovsrnor." T l fugger and Tip Hsjmjdirey arrived home from the iUy Sunday uorn na) alUr having walked the whole distance. The stood their trip well. Prof E B McElroy for Stat School Superintendent os the Repnld can ticket, passed through the city Friday on bis way to Corvallis. Mr J J Wb'tnvy started East last r. k ou a vi tit to iter reUttves in Il.iaois, aul ill be gea evral sMssttW The Judge doesa't make a very g e-l widower. Robt Graham, junior member f the htm of Crabam k Sou zpcts to leave it a short time for the Sound, where ho will probahly ocato for th benetit of In health. Rev Robt L Stovru left this city Ust Friday nooa for Portland wbeie ho was joined by Bishop Morrii. From there they went to Eastern Orum, s lurs they will rmam a mouth or so lu the interest of the Episcopal church. Tom C Grant, of San Fraueiien, general agent fer the Pacific ' 'oast of the Korth British and MerranVil and German Amtr. lean Insurance Cempsiiies, was ii the city but Fridsy, accompanied by the Nw York agent and surveyor of the latter company. Mrs. RoWt of BrowuevilU, mother of Mr. B. W. Cuadiff, ol Mm city, wis Ukeu bliud last wrk at her hwme iu rorsaei place. She bad already lost tor si at in one of Imt e es, so that new she eaj4 see at all. R'iutuatism was the causa of tho misfortune. Mrs. McKride, wife of Wra McBrido who was drowsed in Crooked River a few wtek ago, arrived in Albany last week with bor ohildren snd Mr John McBride who went te Eastern Oregon after her. She is uow step ping with uer ratner m law near "Shedo Station. Chas Deubel, who lor several year baa been running a tailoring establishment in thia city, has goue to Portland. Charley is a tine workman and vary industrious, and beside that it a pleudid fellow generally. W are very sorry to see him lesve our eity. Henry Main. Jr., came in from the Bay on Shanks horses, arriving hero Sabbath meriting. He says Newport ia full of peo ple waititg, like Miawbr, for something to tern up. Rvery bouse is occupied and everybody keep boarders. All aro depend ing on the Vaquina road, aad withoat that there is little hope of anything big. Itirtlt'siay Surprise. A cotnpiuy of friends a t hered at tb residence of Mr. P.M. Crosby In this city on last Tuesday, for the purpose of giving bltn a surpriso party In commemoration of bis birtb-dsr a i i: irsa ry. Itev Mr aud Mrs llama, itav Mr and Mrs Dillon, Mr sod Mrs Jmmm IClkinn, Mr and Mis Flindt, Mr and Mrs Ilooh steelier, Mr and Mrs It Conn, Mr and Mrs Coll Van Cleve, Mr and Mra P M Wostfall, nd others got word of the intended plan in good time to be on hand about s o'clock, p. m- They caught Mr Crosby in his shirt sleeves, a good condition In which to re ceive the time-honored iisgellatlon in flicted on such occasions Iuttead of this, however, the friends proceeded to discuss tho merits of a splendid dish of coffee and a great variety ofdolicions nccornpanin ments which Mra Crosby and her friends had adroitly prepared for the occasion. Then followed a congratulatory address by Rev I Dillon, who closed by present ing to Mr Crosby in behalf of Mrs Crosby a handsome family Bible, gilt edge, Tur klsh Morocco bound. Mr Crosby replied gracefully in Gen. Grant stylo, short and to the point, with many tharku to all for the kind demonstration of friendship thus ahown him. Music followed and ploas ant conversations till a late henr when all returned to their homes delighted with tne success or the birth-day surprise. Mr Crosby having gone through tho Mex ican war and participated ia the conquest of that country by Gen Scott and his bravo army, and having been a resident of Oregon since 1819, has a host of friends wherever he ia known. In common with all wo wish him many ropLi tions of that pleasant anniversary. 1MOT Cilll.TV. J- II. lwl arqnltted at far ef nunlrr. rhurar The tiinl of Jim. M. Lewis for tho murder of John Wyn brfran I nut Tuesday mortilug aud la.Ud a couple ofdnya. Much less iuterviit thau usual In murder case, wa manifest". I. ah (hough thore was couNldurahle In the case to excite attention. Tho prnHteu tlon waa condurted by W. U. Piper and llumphrty ami Wnlverton, while tho wriMitner wat ably defen !i"l by lion J. K WeaMiorro-d ami fudge Keltay. I nvi full tho prisoner, (be ihceaod and another pintl worn In partner mIiI under tho firm nasin of yun. Lewis m Co, (rolling otit buhr olestfJ ttl Swfcot Iloiuc, fot n.illii: ; piliptiso. As Is often the cuo enin ilifOciilty nrosi) I rtweon the purlins, L;wlx bedng unnblo 1. Ret a copy of tho ooulrne! of psrtnvihhlp, whlsh leintlle t In the Uefviidiiot. going to ChlfVallll to OOMlVH hi iittoruoy, Judge Kelsay. On hlx rotura thebroauh becatuo wider and u quarrel of Homo kind m utic-l, which re suited In tho killing of Wyuan by tho defendant. There aeomid to be ho dlsagrcofsKal as to these fuot. The result of the cane hinged on the rlr cursstancesconaected with the killing. Th principal vitlencn uf the prose n lion was tho dying statomcBt uf the deceased, made lu the prcHsuoo of several witneMses AcoordiDg to their I Will M0 By Wynnn stated la connection with the quarrel, that ho followed Lewi to drive hhn from tho tinrryt but with no weapon, when LewL lurnr.l ami fbei Uitn. Kvldonco was aim) in I reduced to proved tdut Lewl-i had made threattoti the life of Yvynnu. saylog 'hat he would get away with liitu, sc. perhaps the strongest was that of Stewart EstWllj nbrothor of the prlacuor. who appeared against him without being tuhpoenaed. It weut to shew thai tho killing vean d. -LI i r ate and hi ooM blooo. Tho cvhlenco of l.swis wat that whoo Uo wm to theehop lu the morn lug ho vra greeted by Wyuan with "Jim ! e-v. s. you il l s. of b. leave litre. a . . a you are no parinr, or roiiieiiKti ; i . that olfert wbleh ho rtHated overal times, and followed the prtniltff with H club, who when he fOft leo fJoti i him In self difen turned and hof, and then ran to tho village, teHinc several that he bad abut Wynau. ami fsrthem to go and help him; and then gao himself up to the JtMttoi ol the peace, by whwsa he was atlcrw..i.' discharged on an e apainal on. There was oooaid.. uble conHJottfttr ws lon a lo wliotocr 'A yuan had n dab Lcwiei own brothor '.oetffytHf that he eeareh'd the gronnds and ronld ftud ncne, wh'de tho Justbe testified 'iiaine sjm nnl ou'-. r.Vldonce e-as giveu by gsjtSJfstl witnesses to show that N'yna had r.a dlT.-reot ocrasloo thri at ue I Lewi. two , - stated .hat Wynanoabl to litem shortly afiorrdiot ItltM words "i sj fr a bVm a. . a as tor ; in i.- is a:one : i uiw ; i v. us Iki wrr:.g."' lisu Hobrt. testHUd that Wjmm firered him VS0 tw hill lewis ; !wt aoTofal wjlnoftss t. IMvJ t the bad elmrarter of Rohan for tho urjM so ..f Impen- h n;; his ttilfgsfl tor Eialiorale uruiaents n ro b the Cuuiisfl, and VtetiiH- !ay aileruoon the ua" wat given te tll j y ufler helug duly charged by JoJg0 Holt M to tho law iu the maltc-r. After being out ubout half nu hour tho jury came iu with a vordb t "not a'uL'ty,' a result e-.peetd by i-vorybinly wiio luard the cni, and the prisoner wa I t at liberty, A Ireaa of Suletr DrtlfJP Hedge brought into our of nVe last Wednesday something which completely "stumped'' uv It waa an :u. or rather two ogge, without any shell upon them and onarctud togeth er by a small, round substance about an inch long, tough, and leaking exactly In oolor like the two eggs wbi. ii it connected. Thl was l!d by one of Drury's hens, and had It be n hatched out would have no doubt pro duced a pair of Nlamese twin in the poultry world. This knaokof'throwlng a nan seems to run in tho Hod-re family, Ills old Democratic wife pro. sented him with twins many years ago, and on tho 12th of thia month their youngsst daughter- Mrs. Sum- nor Hoed - gavo birth to twin boys. ICo'irrl KaniaeU' Siprot'to. Perlutpa every true Irisbn -s, wh t, to day stands ou Ansricau soil bo heard of the exidlin day, wbsn at tue Mh40JU1 House in Iiubiln, Kulierl Hinniel was tried for high trsasou, buin charged with goin ? as an emissary Ui ffttsMH. The oat ire days trial vas cf most liitouse intf rost. A iewminuusM after the Judge'.i charge and without leaving the box, tho feroinan of the jury thin addressed the Court: 'Aly lord, I have consulted with my brother jnrorn, und we aro all of the opinion that the prisoner i.i guilty. " Mr Kmmot, tbrOHgb his counsel, u !.! that the judguiontoftbo Court might bo post- ponod uutll tha next inornlngt This ro- quest was not granted. Tho e'erk of tb crown read the indictment, and stated tho verdict found in the usual form. He thou concluded thus .'"What havo you, there fore, now to Hay why ibo judgment of death and execution abouldnot be award ed against you according to law ?" Bob art Etumot upon tho instant, exhausted as ho was by t; o trial in which ho had taken an active pir , undo reply in ftpooch, which may safely bo pro nounced to be ono of the most splen did and powerful BflaakHU of Impassion ed eloquence and patriotic devotion which evvr foil, Impromptu, from tho lips of man. Messrs Watts fe Godfrey bavo neatly printed this speech on card board 14 by 22 inches in size, ready for mounting and will send it, postage paid, to any ad dress for the sum of r0 cents. It Is rell worth the money. Haoks te Bo Returned. Auy persons having any of tho fol lowing books will greatly oblige the Erodolpbiaa Society by returning said books to the Library as soon as possible . Macauley's History of England Vol ume 1, Mntlc and Morals, Sketch Book, Jean Iugeloa'a rooms, Scarlet Letter, Benlah, Secrets of Convent and Confessional. LtBtta.BI.AK, E, 8. W""!t?W!S!!!!?s Heading Koom Offlrers. Following Im h list ol tho oili rs for May. all of whom have agreed to not. If tho.v cannot thsy nro requested to got a mm one In their place . 1 -Mr. J. W Ulalu aud Miss KUn Marka. Z Mr. K f) Haven. "I Mr M K Young aud Mr K K So v. 4.MrC Brails, o - Mr Ktta Hrown nnd Miss Llbble Irvine. ii. Ir . W. Prb-o. t Mra B W Co ml if! and M isa C i'.lisio W. (JeoFish. 10. Mi , rish Hud Mia Opp 11. Mr aud Mrs W H Peters. I J. - Miss I". W Condlt and M i OmsIo Turndl. IK Kit Skipworth I i L Thompson. I& Mlam 11 Mottle iwhI Gllle Miller. 17. aln Wood In and Ifm 0 MoHleltll. 1M. Mark Motii.-lth. H. DM It iu 'JO Mrs L H n i ud 1'V.d Nulling. Mlsni s Lotti Monteith ami Lulu citrk. 28 - A M Mat toon and Will Miller '.'I KN Condlt. TfallnhnR. Mioses. lei ule Cl ir'J nod r. Mr. H f Morriu. i if Harris. Mr and Mis A Stalfpr. Ceo Fish. "ie awiil 2(1. 80. no Ul Msfftlo I nd i Hi" supervision of Jaa.u Whuehir thu . .ii, .J ban J .., wtdsnod considerably aad cleaned .tit from tho Crowu Mills around to the residence of Mr. Footer, It is gej in fOOsl ondition, and w Jo nut think eur oitiaeas will bavo te growl agatust it asy more. In clfsuiag it out svry thing in thu world HHN t me.iey was f-.und in it, and it would bo a good id a now for eur counetl to pass su nfdtnaHflt proven'.ii. any 0M from throw in trash or rubbish into it. INK t'l. M S Whofe they keen tb largest and lt . IciU.l sl.t of g.-H' ntrf. It.iU'll-n in tlia y, and tliu p'acv for all to go tODIi Tlnor dry geods, Clethiug, l'.ot an-1 sIkm t fancy uiesn, notions, carpets, Od Clolb, GreeeriOt, Crockery, snd, in fad say kind ol coons. t.'-tu rally kept in a first Uss store. Cur sto U is now . om; ;te in all dsparlinf nt ef tin- tatt-st st) be an.! tsaltioiis, arid wis ar fferiiio tin in ok soi MM Murothan a living profit, as we to make small profits nnd .pi. .!.; thero foro call AT ' '.- iatpect ... uii, iy birgs sto. U, sod ysj will thisl it as rasrutd. Thankin" yoi far past favors an I " In iting a cunliiiu iii. o o! your i.ttrouai- we at It-!" -tfully yam io Kki ns itt, CtJKIKD rSOB IM.llH. Tho following sU'.-ii.. ii'. ..f Will aui J Cougbltn, of s.f:n'rvil, Mi., Ihssj re markahlu that we lM-.r to ask for it tho at OMtflon of'ur rsdors. liefcas: "In lite fall . IaTl I waa ukeu with a violent IiI.kI iii; o'tlui lungs followed by aasrvoro catiith. I nlrfsii I.. my appUe and Uoeti. 1 was sa sewk il tw Wine ( hal I on Id nut iv. n j In I o nnnner of IH77 I wavtadmltiesl to thoClts lopUal. ffhllo tssotw tho doctors at id I ' I hole ha tstjr loss lootr an btaj an a half dedlaw. I exfs-ndixi ooof a hot drod l.i)isn in da tors at:l Htodk . I was v .i - ss one lifts, n rofsots Went lirOHOd 'It'i I K tltsvl. I sptve Up iaopo nttt a friend told me of In. V in. II :1 Ratoartt f sT the lonys. I btnhl al in ' fr.ui d. tl.lnklHtJ ilis: my -.t usi htcorMlo, i.m I ixittM io s.s!ifv fit. -nt, whoo to my sur .-n'SMi gralflisifcsii . msiHHaoatj in Jd lesUer. aly h--. mim sd. Isran III rex ivo, audio day 1 !- m bwCH -piilU Itttttt I bavo the sait llin-- VOaiV ' I silio tills bssgSHMgyOH wilt pstlslbth it sr that every one afflwiesl Willi iHsseaaod I Mill's w ill be indui-.t to Ukol-r. Win. Hall's llalam for the liiiic. and I"' CW viih ! dial iviitsijniption -an In iurel. I bsri Uk u two bOtUoo and ran iltlvely iy tfr.t: tt ias done more if" l than all lltnotfi.-r nndi'lnes I havo taken since BUT sickness My ivmiitIi has at most o larely dbsappoarou and I distlsoon bj a lo go to wurk. Soot i tit Lii.. ! ihr rahtle. J. A. r.iots, proprietor of ibo Vjo B0ttt keepsj one of the beat . ;b I - houses In Id Slate Ills rooms are kept s.-rupu-Ion, v nuat and -losn, and on bis tables VMS le the leat itnl the market af fords. Parties Roing ofT on the morning frain can uet -ofre and -ak'S or an entire breakfast iK.fnnt the tram leaves Here after the hotel will be U neu all rilt or roMvenhunss of tb public. To Farmers. You will ssvo ine.ney by calling on W. II. (ioltra, of Albany, before purchasing brother, binders, wagons, plows, etc B0UP, WHo()qM(TCX)lKli and ilroBehitis imtnediaUly relieved by Kbiloh't Cure. .101$ LOT. J.M. Nolan at th popu lar Farmers' and Mechan ics' Storo has just open ed 1 case (20 doz) merino shirts and drawers at 50ent3. Regmlar price one dollar. Stock Holders Meeting. A tnaeting of tbe Stork lloldera of tho AiLeny Farmer' Co. will bo lield at their olllce In tbe elt v of Albany on Tuea dav tbn Kitb day of Mav, 16K2, at ono d' lock i'. M., of said day for tha purpose of eloctinK seven Directors to serve for tho next turning year, and hocIi other businoKN as rosy eome boforo the msot tng. Full report will lo prnsisntoil of business transactions. A full attendance is desired. Attest M. If. Wir.ns, Pres. D. Mansfield, Hec. 1)1 OK EY. On Tuesday, April 25, 1A8S, to th wif of IIiu, I. 0. Dickey a bey. Itwtighed 12 pound and ia a soreamr worth having. Ik was thengkt that it would ee impossible, te find a father at elated aa Dave Mason bat Mayor Dickey leadttbe van. According to lost acceants his pulse wa in good running order. ALLEN. On Wednosday, April 27, 18B2, to tho wife of N. U. Alloa a boy. It is difficult to tell whether it is the big eale of goods or tbo boy that makes Allen so happy. RF.ED. On Soap Creek, April 12. 1882, to the wife of Snmar Reed twin boys. 1IEI). I1U0BES. Near this eity, on Monday, April 24tb, 182, Miss MiirsriE HuortES, aged 18 years. Miss Ilnghcs was a daughtor of Mr. George Hughes and a sister of John Hughes She was held in high estimation by all wko know her, and had a great many relatives and friends who will mourn her loss. Her funcrsl took plaoe in Albany on Tuesday, and her remains were buried in tho ceme tery on the same day. TWO GREAT SHOWS IN ONE. The Standard Minstrels Combined with MULDOOON'8 PICNIC. rlret from Kmorson's Hlniidsid Theater, Han Krntwlsco. 4 END MEN A The following Is a list of this celobnUo-l company : CHARLEY REED GOV. ADO RYMAM PETE MACK BURT HAVERLY The Celnbrated Oalifornia QUARTETTE T II. hi vum J rRBETH W I ins ii or a w hAWEfKmm t sss Dotrniiii: O'i'tt Mleielee iivo. Illultc ll'srry Nhlrley J roll It h llcliisnii John HitlN r H in fiicer l H illiisiiis) ti- . i . . .t1slJHs IsJrallo vfrsrl I. .!! 4 erf lori W, IU LITTLE FLORA WALSH The nrA test children srtlo in.ibn w.i mI TMATDONKSY JERRY Hon program and get vlied. .Iloudtsy. May lit, IHH'J. ll'.Ndrved nea.M at Md'oy ,t Kilert'. PoOforoo's Sale. In Ihr I 'in nil Com I uf th' Stulr if Urrym for I, inn family : Olio Fo a ami I gnaf Vnx, I'lHlntifTs, vs. I,o rinr.fTamiifJ Pttr.Bd ward KoX, I . Cos, Ida llirschbnuin sod I'.r nest tltrschbaum, botr biiHi.aad, Julius I'ox.KU r.. Friendly and C. II. Prlendly, her busband, Fanny Ntibanin snd A dolplms Vuslrsnin liorlius Issnd, lena Flelv-ber aad Sltunu Fleischer, ber bus- band, Kosa Sleriiliriin an I SuiioielNternheim.linrlHis Imnd, and the four minor children of Amelia Well, the alHler of the plaintiffs liT-iii,whoaegiM-n mio. s isr uiiknovtn !. Ui-s p'ainllir, hot w!io Miir usois la Wll, Itofond anus. N0TICB II HKEEBY UfYJQI TIIat l.v irtU"of s .1. 'i . . aSsfatt order of sale duly rendereil by the ab ive entitled Oottsi In the above eiilitlud fauso, on the i'Uh lsy of March, l-e.', dirv appointing the iinderMlirnel referee in said 'Ttusoand eoramandiiiK me te make sale of the fob oe tng iles:rifl real property, to-wit : Com in. nelng at a point on timtiorth luu daryliuhof First siroei. In tbe eily of Albany, l.inn mnty, ir-..n, Mtveiiusen frvt eaei. of the south wat corner of Lot N. I) in Itlock No. 4, In said city ef Albany, and running iMttttt west sb,ng tbe north boundary line of said First trent feet, more or Utsm to the center of Ibo brb'k wall, thu srn being a partition wall between the ropert of .1 II Fnwter on the went, snd'.be proj Cy of the j aln 'ilts snl di-feadent on tbn -ai ; thenes uorthorly aloajg the renin af said parti. lion wall and parallel ss it It the test line ef 1x5 1 No. c, m said HI - k No. 4, ie hundred feet to the alley; then- east along tbe south boundary line of aald alley twemy-nve fei more or least to a jKHiitsiirrniten f.-et east ef the eat line of salt! yt o. o, to lUexk No. 4, aforesaid ; liteoeje southerly and parallel with the oaot lino of !t No. 6, in sold Itlork N i. 4, one hnmlre-1 fort to the place ef begin ning, together vtltb the right to maintain .tti.l nthe irr.n oluma now "landing at ihesoulh end of the parti! ton tvali 2" the east I tn ot .ul . .-mis. a alMiv dss-n. -.!, ald priTOitses lying and Isslag s'.tnst- od In tho city of Albany, Unn county, Otswaeju I ffwi hf Hfttttt of eaid douittl no onli-r of ! snd the poster thereby in nu. v'o.,on Kai irday, the Sh dsv ol Msv. ! ! el the hour ol one o". !- . In ihn afiornooii of itaid day, sr the Court ll .iise; dMr in thccily uf Allmuy, I. on itneuty, M'egon ; aell sid rai protiertv tnd r.jrht above describ d a: public au . lion, to the iigln at bidder, fer rash iu liait'l. in gold oiu of tho l.'nited Mai-. Ir.t. I thl I Ith day of April, H& (i. II. InvisK, Itolhroo. . nin4A m. ll will 1h apparent to any ee wko will examine a ai i-l golti watoa. Utal aki'lo front tbe nceeseary thiekueat for -ur :iv:ij; uusl poli-htai;. a laro pro pOfilOtt of tUo precious metal otoU ia IsWsftd only te -..!, aua hold the on ;ra vest fiortiuns ia pla. e, auH sapply tbe neee ary solidity aad stresjjt . Tin-surplus gold is ttually a edlet ofar aa utility aad beaety aro con cerned. In Jane Boo' l'atent Isold Wateh Caaes, ibis waste of precious mcal I overcome, aud the aaae aolld i t y and strength prodm-ed at from oa third toeae-balf of the usual coat of svdid oaitea. Thia pieccai I ol tho moot simple nature, as fellow: a plate of ulckle composition metal ipeially adapted ie te purpoee, has two plalea of olld gold soidersid ene oa isach side, The three ar then passed betweoa polisbrd steel rollers, aad tha result ia n atrip of heavy plated cempeeitloa, from wLIck the cases, baea, ooatroo, biels. etc., aro cut and nbapd by sui table dies aud farmer. The gold iu these eanes ia sumeleatly thick to ad mit of all kiutla of chasing, engraving aud enamelling ; the eiigra.ed eases have beea carried tiatli wora perfectly motk by time and uc witnoal re moving tho gold. This It tho only ease aaado with two platen of aolid gold and warranted by special oertiflcato. For sale hy ail Jeweh-ra. Ask for Illustrated C'atalegue, aad to moo war rant A WOVUKttML lliOtKttT For the seedy cure of consumption and nil diseases that lead ie it, such as stubborn coughs, neglected ceM, bronchitis, hay fe ver, asthma, pain in tbe side an. I chest, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat, hoarse no, sere threat and ail chrnuic or lingering disease of the throat and luita. Dr. King' New Discovery has n equal and has estab lished fer itself a werld-wide reputation. Many lading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. Th formula from which it ia prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and the prsa have complimented in th mt glow ing term. So to your druggist and ; t a botto free of cost, or a regular nis for $1. Fer tale by Foahay and Mason, wholesale agenU Alba ny ; D. Morris, Scio ; Dr. I Foley, Ieba- sax se war s saw ss, non ; nr. , ai. rowou, iettanon ; l. M. Calbroatte, Kuona Vista ; Iteafetto and Mon tague, Jefferson ; O. II. P. tornelins, Tur ner ; K. A. Ilampy, Harrisburg ; 8. S. Hayes, Halsey ; Damou Smith, Ha! ry : Starr and Hlakcly, Brownsville, HolIowya PillMnnd Ointment. Wrecks of Humanity. Indiscretiona of Youth. No object ia more soul appalling than the premature sensibility or youhh, daily witnessed among the habitues of our public promenades, where may bo Keen i ne lerrinie reNiiiiM 01 in in most frightful forms of the ghastly and oandaverou wreck ef manhood, tbe de luded victims of un principal scoundrels, who, hy pernicious nostrums, have im pregnated the systems of their uususpeot ingand confiding patients with mineral poisons. For all ulcers and impurity of blood consequent upon such imprudence, Holloway's Fills and and ointment aro powerfully efficacious, being composed ofraio balsams and vegetables that are antagonistic to all dlsordeia of the blood, and ulcers arising from virus In the body. They contain not a particle of mercury or other mineral poison. " 191 iMrynTAWTOAUTiejr. None are'flenuine unless the signature of J. Hay mock, sur rounds each dox ef Pills and Ointment. Boxen at 25 cents 02 cents and f I each. tt There is considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes. Hollow ay $ Co., Now Yoek. 6yl. The Hay Press. Those desiring to purchase will prait by taking aotieeof Andy Hunt's rapid aad powerful Improved bay press, at Albany, Or. It has the best record of aay press in Oregon, aad is equal to the bee: pr?s In Ctt iftrni, aad is uauoei cheaper. Wl WOn-D INFORM OUR 1 HTOKEUH THAT WE HAVE OM baud a full stock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel. While at our warehouse Oj.prmib, the store wo will take plea-ura to show yon tho IHKEXti MARSH TWINE BINDER, THE DEERING MO WER, THE CELEBRATED 8TUDESAKER WACON. X 22 Tin: J. L &JLMJB1 sss9HHHnttlka v sss," -sl m' - AND SHORT AFRON THRESHERS. PORTABLE AND TRACTION ENGINES, Woodbury -Dingee Patent---.HOPwSE POWER. Our Implement 7W Successor ro Hawley, Dodo a Co.. Fiont, First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, JMPOKTKU3 OP FARM MACHINERY. &g w! are iutit Aicnta rr tlie 1'iUov.lng (x-lfbrau-.l IiupieuieiiU : BUCKEYE MOWER -eVTID REAPER. BUCKXTI ON TJIE KOAI. Tin-ItM-nt. a Mariiiu. -s fire loo writ known to need .k ..I tif-m srtih praiv. Thry jlt i- s1m Slr Ak nU of the THE MfLsBBBsalBPs!. tsrtaL- ' on jsaaaVy sIHd9SbI91 'sH seLsrf ' EX3sJBMMtMt LsLsLsaLsLsLsBiBlihK. H BUCKEYE TWINE SELF-BINDER. Hi!i-IT i:i:mi- i ft. t lu 1881. llaru lei ind tlu- i.- miruv Twin- IbikIit. aud eomtiines all that is excellent and worthy to the a seek :t sii.ti- f Hi.- iNihilc p-ttroii xae. It h.s txn tboroucblv tested In oar own inan i'.i nlets tti tarr of tli- iiil!ie pttrom tiarw-t iMv m my titiiir-.w-iu -n' - ii ive i - . - luttloti iIh t-ri : r.imliru) Hirr. jr, i-t trul:L We Ate Also Sole Agents for the CANTON PITT THRESHER, MONITOR UPRIGHT FARM ENGINE, Haines' Genuine Headers, 1 chuttier Farm Wagons, John Deere MoGne Plows. r.-- Sun for Sttrrhil circular S882 HARVESTING MACHINERY. We wish to call the attention of the farmers of Linn county to th8 fact that we have established a Depot at Albany for the sale of D. M. Osborne & Go's Harvesting ma chinery for the harvest of 1882, We have rented the fire proof buildingcor First and Washington Sts, Albany, and have employed M. M. Harvey to take charge. We shall keep on hand for the trade a full supply of reaping,mo wing and self binding machinery, wire, twine and duplicate parts. This move brings us in closer relation to you as man ufacturers. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND BUY ONLY OF MANUFACTURERS. Don't be induced to give your order until you have examined our improved twine and wire binder for 1882. Remember aT V our machinery is warranted to do good work. For club orders special rates will be given. D. M. 0SBCRNE & CO. IS. S. Burgee, Manager. - aaaaaaBsaasasHsasBBSBSSBHBMBHBBS Administrator's Notice. "ttvTi OTICK IS 11KKK1JX U1VH.IM ItlA'l tt the undershzned haa been duly ap pointed by tho County Court ot Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of A K Breodon, deceased, s.ll persons having claims against said estate are required to present them properly verified to the undersigned at his resi dence near Crawfordsville, Unn county, or to their attorneys, Weathorford fc Blackburn, at Albany, Or., within ix months from the date hereof. J. N. Rice, Dated April 13, 1882. dmr. To Contractors. 8oalod proposals will be received at the oflice of A Wheeler, in Ahedd until Monday May 1st, next, at noon for the construction of a school house ia School District Ne. 37 Linn County, Oregon. Contractor to furnish material and complete building on or before Sept 10. Plans and specifications may be testa at the above place. The right is re served to reject all bids. Bid should be addressed to District School District No 37, and endorsed, "Proposals for School House." F. Shkdd, J. C. Data J. B. Coknkt. Directors. The morning son shines brightly for th man cored of that relentless tyrant, Dys pepsia. King of the Blood never fails wlion ithfully ated. See advertisement. c AGITATORH Fully Guaranteed. , Mil & GO. " r sUMALljfBflfeMasHC BTJCKZTK REAPER. comment. Thousands of tanners here have la every way fce aj pott ultra of It is a combinauon of tbe Boekevo 1 I.l.- I for 12. and a now offered. It Is bevwod ami Price Ust. A. A. C.&me S882 I Trotting Stallion Edward Everett. Will make tbe season of 1862 at Lebanon, and Ridge, Shedd Station and Peoria. Mondays at Shedd, Tuesdays and Wed nesdays at J as Garrett's, Peoria ; Thursdays at home, Sand Ridge ; Fridays and Satar days, at Lebanon. Season to commence, April 1st, ending July 1st. Edward Everett is six years old, of a beautiful dapple bay with black points, good disposition, 1G hands high and weighs 1350 pounds, waa awarded first premium at Linn Co. fair in 1881 for best stallion of all works. Pepigrek Fdward Everett was tired by JohnCrawfead's Put Smith, he by Pathlnder, dam by Comet ; Edward Everett's dam wa by Vermont Terms Season, $12 ; payable at end ef season or secured by approved tot. Iaiur ancea, 16, paj able when mare is known to bo in foal Aay party teliirg or other wise disposing of his mar is held responsi ble for service. Doe care will bo i akaa to prevent aeeidenta, lot no liability aesamed aicKmexT Mas.