eurocrat. Fob red tit the Post Oln.ce nt Albany, Or. as who m) cSasn mail matter. - : mrr- i: KIM DAY APRIL 14. 188S C- K. STEWABT EatSM ami Iruiri lr. r? I IOME 0 AHKOAI). Want. .1 At this etace Ob Seb-vr ij.tiiiu. f' M. Fiench, jeweller. Bm does the ticket suit you ! Stu di baker at Paten and Sex's. B. B. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. I. a.l ' a :. 10" uatho'VP.k Page." nNtfVIN recliing. Fox. Bav.ui L Ok Suutiowar hma 1 1 do out of straw are the try !-;t.t. Our carpet can't I Wat. Fox, K.uin and Oa, OtM price w all at tha ParaseaV and Me clianis e tore. tr4Mathaao and Araiour ehtth at Fes Bauui a;u Co" a. Our m tt: no true no t thew ; da, Fox P.taU. a:ul Co. laspeet oar water! it tri. aia . Fox Fauna aud Co. Petora aul SX eg fr tin Stnlo bakcr wag ca, Too utterly! ottoc! our ujw i Fox Damn Jt Co. All kitt l ofS.-w.-i Masai v.! at French's. B jt-Ii-.n Pebble latJtadat I ;a;- li fcai b French has them. Lit-. S tereaaa brnap stoppsd aft the St C'.i.'! lute here. 0 ml forgiS that MiBM I ar.- agents for Studobakcr wag a EU silk fr LxnWrqaiM an Fox Beam A Co. IWiii; iterie trinis.'.a; ,w 1 at Moo tejth and Saitihaehu Octal to'.stceo at .V)ot. per lb curtains at gJ loo: arm- trs' .-;..! Mechanic" assWO. OtfTSfcoek of tic aid eU et NHf i hn BteAtse. Bus, Saam ad Co. T.. - r.'Vtv,.!1 fio Ai:ii .!! i - ir Is2 i:l aggregate $tx. F.a an heittg eangbfe in qoiloJ urge tpaaw t.u. -. Uit!v tri't end chub. A t ;. " iou u c..ied :u If H .. new A Ivi . ::.-v.-iii--ut. iu a lotucr -o.iiini. As thing and everything hi tha l y ' li 0 at Fav ii um aa.! Co'. F jr Sue fiM -ir ctlTer italk or a l raUable o'odt, cii at F 11 fraaoa'a. WmSUuig r.Kii o . i Im ol Sooit at prioaa ruiii fro n Jccut toti.oJ cv;ii. V j -.i- tat. C B Kahlef ts varkiag una soal irali iu the neat t laiaaaa. A 1 , -i i 1 Baa lot of ImttnM roaairai this a.-iiat M uteit': ud itaobacV. M. Vut !".i!it-u h 1j -i hi- yrl, f iu-ii, et- , u; ia 1 s:yi o rtfa at. Y i i 4 -: ynu prateripio u !ii I asy L-aar oi ti:-. aiat at Ua 0 y a-l Uart. OJ flaa sj -.lAii:-e lot for ai'.j by A. Uiopury, his T a i . Center i'n-i iu-:t. La-M : all kjl-v asnah, GiaipaMTb D icbf . etc , at il aataiiB a: I gait t oaa L.-. ti. W.liu l':c , "l.-auit, oi ioe iu Odd FeU's Taoaple, over Plawir' 'ruj Store, Paoera all orar the Suat oniiilamn the veto c: the Chi iee bill ia th- inot exnphat c trju. 20 aVatta ti'k lliadll Mil llUifa --" c?at each, worth W ct at ths Former's M.-chanica tvr. To: l.rdit cock of inuiiu damus, .wi, ao l ilcirs ta t'li city at Fox, Daum A C. Ivrata. V'.h barn ao4 H.varl anO re bui'd ta Ja:i-.i.j Ci M.1U lt;l bariii a'; that iz. Tai Rriaaa trf taJayaadaaaa aro making a do- rrato c:Tit to get a fire ball, aa I w& ijf d -ihi auevMd. E 'J u, of Lsbaa .i, hai jat brought ou a largs atock of fundtare vrhich hi wdi eoll at Albany pricea. $10Ji."33 haj be 3a 8ut apart iu Eajpaa for ta-5 pirp io of p! ia tluir fire dtpartmant ia a better an ditto. . gaaiijia Ua terribly haaaaly fellow on th street, Wt kaaaa flat wl! s i t:h to make up f r hi lkK. T Ooof reauoaa aoeiaaIa bja bcn po itpaaad jeeaa ttla a raaiaj t April 2S, lav wcek from to-ni4ht. The fire department of Salacp are petition ing tii C'omaiou PaaianTI for a tv;atn fite aagiaa They n'jed ona. There waa a aligiit fire at tha St. Char'ea lait Sataiday morain, bat it aa imawidj ately extinguishd. Mmteit'i aaJ BaitaabaeVa is the plaaa to ct y ar so tea. Ii in a f ics lb it th -y have the bzit ttaea ia the e;ty. Ii wo il 1 taj i apoaaibla f r aay ooa to be badi in aaare-ntiar enntaipt taaa Artaar ia OB th Fin i Caa:. Saba why. Turn oity araa fullof plttiaiatta VFadaea aay. aVvaaal fdlo.1 ta fro noaiiaatad who waatl ti be. Th'n i a!wya tha e-i83. LtliiH misi j aal c'ul l.-ea'-t hoi'iry, ..jverythiaj that i inw and novel received t't we--k at M nteith and S :iteu'ach's. Taeao:ia' a-i eatartaiaaaaat "ieu by t"h-a L idien' Coffee Clnb was a aacceiia ie every reapest, anl everybody bad a god time. Tne vi-'e oi M'ohal Dmahai, mmiio'.ind i the DslfO -.'.T twe week ap, was taken a tbe taaaaa aeytaaa !at THovedty noon. As a p iriSer of th Vo 4, Avar'a Sirsipa riL'.i has no eq-il. Is isrud'jrfu!ly i.aproves tha complectiou. and tringx to old aad youn; tke bloom of health. There were two aeis of delegates run iu the Itup-iblacan Primaries, in thi city last Friday, te rnperance iud ar.ti-tempcrance. Ths ltt-jr cinn out abaad. I nfKrteil and domestic cigars and fnbaraa and makart artaalea. Tae iarvt an 1 heat tock iii town u at Hoffaa and Joaeph'a. they defy all competition. Aatjrahaag paa want in tba groaera line -fa be h id at ffo.Tuia' and Jaeepfcal an at fair pricey too. Go and ace titata rba yea want aaythiag in line. Messrs, N. C. CMaJ aalScices of llrria bar are getting iu briok for tlu 0 id FA lo w's Hdl, ready to be us id aa soon as the exevatiou for Che f m ; m-m u eompUtad. T M Draper, th. "iiy Orator," w?a a candidate for St e pr inter before the late Djn jcratie eouveuaou. Hj st.l aceoud beat. For a stylish an I neatly m Ij d.-4 or wrapg t Miba Itutnbaagh', over Mcll waiu'a store. All work war rati ted ta ive satisfaction. Pixloy'a ariijle3 oa the Ciiius ij tjatioii in the) Aiyinut, are being d'iiirod in tiiu city by aerybody for tadr poiated, out apoken style. At a nieetia ; tae othar niUt a young -mMj qavtsl from bhakaru ir., tbiukiag it me was from the Bible, to the amuaement of theao who heard it. uill be nleaard to kuow that Mr A L Kinoear. who wm iu this city a few weeka ago haa arrived aafaly at his home in Waitsburg, Tbara was considerable excitenicat in the eity Tueaday moruing over the arrival of a laigs number of cane fish polca. auitetl to a'l abtaa of men aud hoye. W e are requcato.1 to state thai the topic for c moderation at Y P C A meeting next Sabbath afternoon will be fouud in BatMVI IJ,h Chap. 3oth vorsa. The largaat. liuoat ana beat stack of tiah ius: tackle evor aocn in Albany or any other town in Oregon outside of Pattlaa I and Astoria, can uow bo found at . Ik Suatt a. Daytou, NY, T., isaurwly an unfoitunaU citv. Not only haa it been aoourgod by amalbpox, but the fire fieud placed the loa ef property 011 a footing with the lato loea of life. F. Carter anl Co., have on baud a good aa- . ... . ... ii 1 ..1,1 ortnuat ol tnair r.xcciaior uarro . v.o crushera, which they aoll at radiued pricta Call at their Suah and Door 1 actory ana aoo theiM. All other cuterUii.mcuts had to giva way tlua week to Shetidan ; but thia dooan't como up to Tiscinsie. Thay aJjouraed the legiaiature there latt ly te aee Booth aa BaaUai There will bo ouo graduate at the College this liaair so that there cau hi uo hard contest for tko position of aledictoriaa Orator, lliitoriaa or Feet. 0f will have Lie own way. N T Moore ha jaat finished paml.n the residence on Fvrry Street occupied by Mr 0 H Tampkiaa. It aJJa wonderfully to the geuetal appearance al the placa. aud spaaka wall for toe artist. Wo were shown soma Chiueae paiutiuga on rioa paper a fw daya ago, sent by Con sul Daaaj. at Shaahai to tha little sou of Mr li'oi lUUtoii. Tiiv-y exhibit consider able taste and t-kiM. Harry Water was arrested last Thurs day afternoon for selbuu liquor without a ttaaaat. This is gotten up for a test cae aul will probably be taken to ih. Supreme Court Ufore it is dropped. an t'levo VtU isauo the tirt copy of the Yatpiiua .'V-.' next week. Il wn reported that he cou!d uot gat aa thee, but lie baa HMO load a place, and will new 0 to ureik tua'.a things i ' in tor the lky. "A.y biad of aa eujpue would hate atappad it,' i'o:s wa said aliout the big fire at Daytaa, which should bo a waruipg t all ptaaai that think it is e.-ou :ny to got elon without fire companies. Tlu following per so as have bwa ttomiua lad by Qraag No. 10 tu represent lane 1 .u ity m the next SlatJ Orange: FM Ivi-r. lira. Mary Kier, K A I r sine. Mra. S J Irvine, S . Tram. Mrs M J Train. Thomas Maata, the author of Iaiila Bookb, smi aroeated ia Sbbtowu a day or taro aj Ear a.ssuhiug his satbaft Hio Ho):a!. i Inch has Wen readitig that aaaaBaat potm, should go to his relief. ih Caottal DaaaaCfWJ ia the name of a aaa papal published at Salem by Chaa B ' : d.. v. a brother ef oar io;aur loo prio - ter. It preheats a Rood ap(earance aud B be a credit to tin Iem cray of Mariou aoaaty. Mr, il H Aawaatraad baiag abaai te move ta Baattfa, V. 1.. to se.l her farui- taraae private aat BcaBtag oa her yaa can bay any or a1! . tae suns at a bargain. As aha wuh.-s t bwta uett w ck call as ear ly as possible. Way are we a'ck Itjcause wa allaw the Liver, the il wela, and the- Kidneys, these groat erg ins, to '.,-. a clogged or torpid, and poisenous Lumr. are forced into the blool. Eapel than by aabag VVm. l':uodcrs ii, ... fti ..1 : ak paaeh dahearad by Col 3 G EBiat at BjaOl Batte aa the 11th of March k&a bet-n priutad IO p.iinptiit term, a.d Uu thousand copiea a.; Ieiag distr.buted over the Ftate. It ahId be read by eve.-;, body, as it is aa able, aasetesij apaaab. ia.s-; novelty iu drs g aas is moire d the anti i'is, rad r , wki is . greatest variety ed c.i'.-s, with trial Ming. buttons etc., to match at IfaWAWitk aud'a. Tit .re is geMg tj bo an in. ixtenso run ou theM goods. Beweaaabar th.t akllaa awl lisartia, of Albany, will open thrir store for tho per - posu ui sclliag gavdr. aud they guaraatv to aaflyaa gaaJa m abaao as you can buy in Pevtlaad anJ avea yetxr n-uiht. ii. ing on your Purtlsnd prl4 list aad see. 1 1? caie ol t.i : eity a.iat; J. A. (ir-ass for aelliag li'p.yr aitboat a baaaM svaa btwagbt ui kefoca baaatrawe Ilcutaa last Motsday uaruing aid, as Mr. tjra;, had paid his UeenM it araa dreppd. 'ibere were sevo.-ai roaaotii given why it ahujid not be ntada a taat cato. I. Gt Dickey hu leaaai tkeSiaapMa waaa baaaa m thia aity and will cuter th grain baiiaeaa. Waaaad aay aatbiag as to his oBnin.-is ipiaiihcationa or integii'y. Fvory ba.Iy knows him, aud be fa sur to grt all the rahi ou ator.t ;o that ha can taka caro of. 0.-.-goiiis arc great waiicen, aul the placa to got their araibing sheaa, i .:.!!. nud elippera iaat Matuith ar.d ' a a & a ' 1 ney nav jut received tb s Hciteaahaab'a aaek a large qaaatify of the prottiaat fctis ever stu ia the State. - ahary will c.uae a a. aaatiou. Tha ni.; . of g da laaeieesl by M NateiSk and SesMaMwk thia week is the largest ever brought to this city. This is 110 gam mu, but au actual :..., as van b- aecei taiu d by oaliiag at t'air store. Fr variety and splendid quai.ty of goads it caun t bo Waf passed in tliis city and this isth truth, Conral Mior hti secarsd th service of a first clasa b&Ucr fro:n Sau Franoisce, who is probably tho best in the St v- of Oregoa. You can naw get brnal, pies, ca'aas, o jokiea, etc. of hiai.uot cpialied in the city. Ksgi li ning with aeat week he will bake Bjsten browa breai 1'uos lays aad, Fii lays of every waak. BaaaaaabM this. Haoerder lie it .j his cjinpieUl hia at seaarnent roll for the city, which preaunta the following fouting : Koal eitate, c, 0S1 ; perconal property 8o01,030 ; total, $1,173,021. Thataxat 5 mills am omits to j,88S.5 Tnis is now due anl all tax payers should make it a poiut to pay theirs at one, an after tho -, of May 8 per cent will t ad l i l. K:us:uhcr this. This paak baa been ahoat the pleasantest so far thu ycur. Trio sun h is begun to pour down its leaning at iu its iiarcast way, ac it bshoovd t'u lilies t purchiao their parasola immediabt'y, sr bj;.s aa black aa sin. Montoith an I Ssttea'ttoh hiv tin best and prettiest variety oVsir brought to thia city. They aro prfeotly "soleiidifarons." The Chinese b m 1 1 bi atay, C.iiaesa Ax-to-jrind Arthur has said ao ; but thay wiil not Btay aa lcng as Ed. Belleuger'a cuatomara atay by hire at the Star Brewery. They kuow that they can depend on him for the be.jt baer ma do, and ae tbey go there in prefereneu to any other place -ia the city. Hs haa a repatasio i that extend through thj Willamatte Valley, and which has given hira a splendid wholesale trade. Exeuaea for absence at meetings of tbe fire compainea have always been eye aorea. and although siekueaa and abaaBca from tho eity are the only exeuaea permitted, under uioat of their oonatitutiona, aomo tnnst ridiouloua onoa are areaeuted at nearly every meeting. last week aa exouae in ana of theomnpanioa waa that the member had engaged the company of young lady from tha bunch grass country to attend a public meeting bsforo he knew about the drill, an. I of oouree had to stick la his en- gagemoi.t. lie WM tmed. The aanual meetiagof tho Y. P. C A. was held Saturday evening, whan tha new elSoera took their jilacet: attar which enthusiasts apeachea were made by Mesira, Jackaon iradhajna and Wakefield, w he had coma up from Portland, for tho puroo or aamettng . . . . ... I ' 4 . 1 ... A I. - m ' M 1 in inluiing more tne iuv' me trii.,uii. These gentlemen took charge ef tho two moetiiiga on feiabbath afUruoon nud evening, tha laat of which waa prolmbly tho bigjoat ever hold in the 1111. Last Friday night alien the eity slumber ed in its inuoconce, Warm Spnng Johnny. well known to our eitiseus, game into the aity fmoa his heme ou th- ba.ks of the Calapooia, and hnntiiig Marshall Penny and Constable Montoith, gavo hiniself up, j stating that he had ahot a man nut by tha Cemetery. On going out there with him 110 indications of spilt blood could bo found, no man shot, aud every thiug aeons. d iptiet aud :.! I - : eerenc. Aa mere was eviuciinv moi.n' ia the matter aoKcwhere, or if there had beea aay aheoting dene, nothing beiu as- oertaiued aa to the facta of it. Johuny was diaeharged next tnorniug. Nothing lis ainea been learned thst is new ia reference to it. awn 11 tM rsBawAi Judge Strahau Was i 1 P .ti I 1 F day en buaiiu-aa. Joseph Wuddle, .f Saert It me, ou us last Wedmsday. Wesley Oravee and wife, of Sahn-, in been in the city this week. Mr J K Davis leaves this wc-k fr Can tervillr, where be intends raainiag. Miss Mau 1 Haley, formerly of tins ;y, ia now living in J auction City. Mrs. Dr. T. F. Batilb, of In dapaa 1-u. , U visiting her paind urar tlo oitj. Ala Harris aud RaM Fost'-r spent lat Sauday with frini Is ia C Mr Charles Harming, ef Qf lain, was a guet at the St. ('harlea on Wadaaoday. K B Saieerlli. li . a a a atiawl la b roa n a day or to the tirat ot th werk. Miss Mary Miller, o4 Bovk Rill I '-n apandtng aevar nl ia Ibe aity viailing friamla klr. V. Jic'.-. n. al Pari 11 1, n t of Mr. Ik IS. ill .1.1 lu. i in. toy here over tin S ibbalh Mr. Saaaaal t. Yisang rataraaJ irom laa f rineia w laa' Ifrtday, .'t r an abeaaaa of lwa or three aaoka. BwWMI SviCetiliaeh relutb'd from Sau la l Tu.sday, briagiog a ilk hiai an tiii.iiei.Au tt.H'k ef g Hl. F. M. Jokaaan, Ki., ol i' r'. , 1. rwa niug for Judge ot Batstssa i Maty, ou the Kepubl.cin ti.k't. ! Bush Wilaeu h-a bsu renominate 1 frj Cierk aud Ss;l KsWg f r KhentJ by tlo? Pe publicans of Banten aatwty. U i Wests nT mt tlassiaker i a. ... lies e7 iUr.wT sassj r.e..aa-. ... s. rs..c i as a ia . 1 . .... at the Repubhoan CjUiity mn, . Mr Jid.ii Bwaab want aa Cereal Be Wed ucsdav to attend to wnratal . aagaga meat in that ate. Hi wiU bj au. tba ftrt of neat week. Hon John Kelssy. of Cocealtte, . as la the city WsHincsday. Ily the by he ha friends here Wh WWal I be glad to s e lain aaceeei Thayer. Wm P. rt.r, f Oaaatta vo iu t; . ' last week and pad al thia u, And of eeurte went up t. JJanotMa ei'y bafasW I tarnitiK ta Ike Ttay. Mr. Jhe Itobb. fofm:l, m lha en;' at Blnak Paarl d (.'..., ol Mahay. bM p .--chase J a farm ia Barriabsxrg Precnaa! aad gone to : k i.i earnest. Mr. H'ih, Wadbama, al Poitlmd. ws in attendance at the Y. P. ('. A. meetings. SttarJay evetdng and Sunday, and was a gaaat at Dr. 0. WiBai fti wmle m tha city. Wm. Bimpaea, la'oly elitor of tha li'--.'- spent a few days ia the city, - irn . ing tn Portiaed Monday. He w!l i 1 meiubeied at the yaung man who WMM aeaad by tlie Dj ii j ' awhile ago. At iraaaot It ia in the real estate buaines. flaiaaetal aaatMaawt. Tiie pseeaaaael Ebi aaMMJaaaaM ;.- A!tssy at tim IS4C ui ae Teaaaare liKtitu-.-j Ma-.u aoth. sSK, were as tsSksaa : i..r taaarvad su g:j Collection at ibe .-. ,, T. s;. a" ; , EmmMieaaa TrsTlint.exwiise4 of tl.e i.iinij; Ivliss ElWjej Cr valliaand lT.4 MsWrSJ mmd Knir.y To Jamtiir .r aervice at eUucattoiial BesMj I anl aprinx. .SI 00 aoo 3 6:1 . 1..HJ .. I. Ml ,. ISO .'..lJ lari . a :.o 1.80 . . 2 .7 '. . 1.40 2,00 . . .25 .ni.a:. 1 niiiinjf Bill at at Charles li.ael ftervicoaof jaoitor at I 'on f e .1 1 ua ! clitirt li Ktatiuiiery , lirayairs Mis Hall's fare (rum Nalem to Albauy Pro UllherU hotrl hill st llivere Hmt Uir fare from OfaXM 1 " f anU rcluru For VFt'A Hall Miss (.'hainbciiain's laro f-ota Salem au l return MIom lnereoce' (are fram Salem an I return Mis JoHu4n' la e Irom Salaaad reluru ret Jantto.- aervluea at Court .use , Prof Mil nor. exinse For tn'.vinir ehalra..... eiil Minr ajsjll Orclittatra balance lianpectfulb Huhn.ilt I, n. j. TUe ae.lrr efCkaaoii rrleads. Dr J M McCay, of Kast Partlanil, A a 8 stan t Deputy Grand Couuailor of tbe Iudepeiideat Order of Chaen Frienda is now in the ci:y, an I on tlila (bVi rl ty) a vaa in; earl M n tt ths aiMxawi at the Hall ef oa.sty iasnj ; A 0 U W, for the purpose of ahewing up the objects, aiinsaad condition of tho order with the view of establishing a Council ia Albany. The chief okjot- oT tliis order ia Ufa insurance, and its wlwi In ,oiae reapeete we UWe better thai that of the A) U T. da out thia evening a id hear the doctor, and be aura t ) ttltn your with you. Mrs I'arrlsh's Oiiealn. Probably the fi noat aud at least on of tlie flaint apriug epeningi ever wit nessed in Albany waa t!iatorMra, Par- rlali on Wedneaday. Her nea- quarters tastily and hands m-i arranged pre sented a magnificent appearance. Tho tlasplay of new Mlilia try goods was really graud and cauaed the meat fa vorable comment, by tha many who visited bar establishment on that day. e ' Important te (he latilles, Mra E D Sloan has leased tha build ing one doer above Thooipaaa and Ru barta harness store, and next week will open out ia it a dresamakiag establish ment and ladlesaudcaildren'a furnish ing s '.ore. She ia a lady of decided good taste aai considerable experience ia dresima'dug, and will givo universal gatiifactian to her customars. ni;iiiii,i n mi n font i:tiom Conva-Jtloti was nailed to ordor at V o'clock a. M. on laat Wednesday by David Frnman. Itnv. T. J. Wllaan, of llalany, WM olioaaii to actus; tamparAry tilmiriuan. and 11 H Hewitt aa Merrotaiy. After onm 111 llleoa nti eondenlials, order Cf biialnosa and (tariMauoiit. orgatiiaalbni ami rraeliitloua were appointed, (' nivn teiitloii ndj'njruod until one oVlnek. At mm o'clock tlift Oon vent ln w is call -od to order ami tho ( 'oiiiiultteo or Cra lan itals ropjrtod the foll iwlug ptaWUM WM titled toeeats : Kast Ai.iia.n v 1 A DftWwM, KlWd Mull er, A M Hoop. Win Yulgt, .lohn I Walla . Joan (.eiaeudorfer, N II AIJou, MOolua I v II II lies lit, proxy. WawT Ai.Hanv II II llrwltl, K M INd field, A I Ubomj, m M Harvay, i u Men lei, H Frlukaou ami A N Powell. HAMKr-u M Rabartaon. Toaatili P';,n. ,!,it,t?n' TJ Wllauii, T 1 No, Uh aad I I. Itobs-rta. llAUKISPl 110 Will D.iv.dsou. I tlKle, Jobn H Robbumi it A Knnipy. Mpwnvii.i.i; .) M Water, C W Ja.-h , K W Kreaao. w it Kirk, A bi Tompleten, A IlauHiuaa, by iempti iou, proxy. : ' ' " " V Porter, Al. x itiau.loii and M Aeliosoti. ii J -A Q Cbrlsinat, nod It f Ashby. Mix aii.kv- P ;,riy by preay. J Ashby I'atWHfonnvji.i.K - 1: J OmWsWd. 1 'ri.kanm- lot Yates, Jas SdaOaf and John IKeviue. 0 M k in.-. P.. !. W Panl.b tan J Job Ha i:v.i itii. M J Duncan and Frank Desk- MW ... .... Fiu.n H U M y Ariiabl l.i BSWOJI- John Jieiiuv. Jo. . V.' .1.1. I . 1 . W in.iln, ' " ron 1.11 an w .U8II11 A Ives. BWfR H Ml John Btrnaaw l'i:MTl:h T C T. ns. e, U11J f K 4 Kaigbt, 81 aetmai- b : J mmb, I. in' RTt o j,, logreiii. ii . . r A tUgga, by t INwtM pioxy. Dri mU t'ri:f .. -in.l J. HagtiWllttM on Kwsaliitton Wpatiad Hie following, wblob wire adopted : .- ..-'.-- 1 . That we are J 11 fa i of aa boiiet, H-onotiiii-al und eii .n; uJm.i... t ration el Uia ollb-os f I ho eon 11 v . g, I'hal WW ere in faswrnf ne i.hIh.-'o.h rihe remum-rstlnti of HbarBTand Clark t. aweb emu aa sinji i.. eni'.ab; MMpaaaa- limi fer set e ea rendered. 3. That wo are In f t voi'uf ti MgwlathMI by law of ile iraO) - by WOMWMW oar Hare in tha inter uitao of aafpOIWilaWa ;i l ibo I i'na' wo arc in fsvor ol (a thig in r". gagM ell real estate in the .-vonty s IMM .i dj iiKiriuneuu r rcoordrsl. 6. 'fhaA wa ara lw flavor of atsah amend men. f our ptWMWI eobo: lew as will IWWMdy 1 Uffivta, par tl- ular. v Willi rwlbawaaw la UM fTriiuaiii s.f laal bowka. 0. That wa atw ia favat of aatjb msn for alU o in DM "lis anap.irove I UHB i anaa laeard, and farthwe, or me nttbotla- IJW tea vole Wftkw p",elr lee i.. t leKiialnre ot an MM I neat to our (fca u Utaaardtliilou pruhibl ing the traill j in in tratMtiwg Hqawra. Tho lolloaiut patwawsj who ebn-rv.d daltgatawlo th s:st Cm rant low 1 J.. i'ear!, R A Kampy, W K l euip.e. J M fVatera, U W Saahh, if IV I'm..:,, it k Asbby, Johu Dana?. & A DaWWWS.0 I' Porter, L I um and 1 rod Miller. Ner.l ainetbo ii'Uiina: at MldlJatWI for ouutyoP.1 es as follow, Vi.,-ioin. Ut bwllal S A Daeraon. :.t ; Bat T J VV.I- 3 I Jrwi It I rvme, j : Ueb'l ilM)t 2 Tha two farmer wefo dv-inrrti 1.0c aaslul. BwriiWAaty rartt , 1st balM- Wm P Augers .u. M ; Wm .TulLut; ""k'i uiaaa, aa 1 t h .,.is. ii . t il fNigle, ."i, J M V .r, u-i . tUmutlWmu, rfj i w WohMaUaaaV 31 1 lo o 1 L gaettlsj 14) Ii m i$mm, U t He u arW t'iiea lit. II ; v m Ueioiium, v ; A Lirauduit, 1 ; Joe bix, riti at wmiw n,nu:iaie J. Outaw, ...... . . . ... II... I,g 1 V JAi , ,7 . U ; . . fain 1 -O. BaMaiwe. 1st bwlbjtJoa j (Ami, to 4, 38 j W Onatefc, 1 1 j He rwo;i, m ; j c j.,i,n v.n, i.aiKoii re louiinaioa. T,tt:aCBKi:. law ballot I M Battwa. n , ; n Puritm. V. BtWaMJ riieiiii.a-,eu. CwMMtsaaoKwaa, ut baltat A 0 ChHaWMw, Zi ; Jos Va ea,. i ; Jon,, H.niir, 1C; DP irlrr, li; W U lnns-a, II; pur SobJosaer, la; Waiter Ksu-Lu.a, u. a1 I ballat Cbrlsrnan, 27 ; Yata, 17 ; Dasaay, I7j Porter, 17; KatehnM, 14 ; sssbtoeaer, g, Cbriaaaaw aatd Yaie wwaal aattodu AanwMW, 1st ballot A H Morrie. 2S : Tbos PlO- man. n ; it w liraaaa, I ; win Iwltoatt, I Trtn .!iy Kigga. 3 ; ftiauk, i .11 ballet- Morris, gs ; Froinin. 8; 1'ailcett, a; Kigg. I . Merri su. 'cestui. H'ii.oi. Mi i-;:;!in.xiij.s i. Pro J LOlibatt by a- lama tiaw on WMttoawf M M Harvey. Bpnasush Let b!:.. J VWsrner, It; 1 ; r..,or, Plaliar tioml Laud. Co noxcit. BS D.iuuinK nominated by a plantation. f i sirtit, Covmii r.k. Orlotua-John I '.lev ins. H-niaburtr -J A Kobb. ilalsey-T F Smith. East Alhriay Frank Wood. We.t A' ban v II H Uewli:. Syracuse WHaou Johuaon. r-antiam Wm A Pael. Fi iHklin Ituue Wm Talb- . t -J U .lohuaen. Ilrusb Creek A f Kin. Brownsville B W Juris. isweeit Heme John Donaca. naedd DP Porter. Waterloo 0 m t''uui. I cs Waaaom, Pox V'alley-.J It TraaW. Liberty Wat Iniirnm. Crawferdsvllle -K .1 f rnwfr.r I. Center F B McKaight. Mabel T A Higga. Oa motion H II Hewitt was mado Chair man of comuaittee. A motion waa tnado to Lave a ra liba tion mooting at 7:30 Carried. 1 he mo tion waa thou MCOWaMafad and voted down. Adjourned sine die a Crand Ji:itjj. Mis Powell opened up her atook of ntllli uery last Weduusday, and aonaeqiiwutly the ladiua uf thia city have been onjeying tham aelvea immensely. H:r stock ia very larjr and haa lieen aobicted with her usual good taste, and tho prico chnrgad ara very mod erate. Her ateo'i embrace i all articles that aro usually found in a city establishment, bonnets, hats, etc., ef all si.o, ahapen, colora aad atyla ; trimmings, feather, silks, etc. Her sales have been heavy this week, but her ateek is not run down by any means. Mrs. Powell wishes ua t- aaosaaoa that her spriug styles of patterns are now arriving, and all who want them should call early. I A esv Invenli.m. (has A. Carrau, of this city, has latt re ceived a patent upon a fruit drier which juat "knocks the persimmons," aud every farier will aay so when they eeo it. Ho will com mence tho cinvaa of tha county immediately for tho aale of it. and will fill all orders in time to dry thia season's fruit crop. By the way, Curran is also agent for the Singer sewing machine, and sella tUem on every hand. Try hira once aad sea what a "dicker" yon ean get out of him. SIIJ IUIt. Tho old Masonic hall waa oaaplelely full last Tuosday oveatng with an eudl nnco of our Ixml oUI.ns. Ho far as wa leurn oarybody waa eatlafled with the porforuntiies, nud aooiuod to Oil 11k Hh rl dun an actor ol no aBtM HtaudUig,whlu!i la In a ciinl itirn with hn reputation hi ponsossos. Tho principal parte In Othello wen. Hclcd, and Mr. Hharldan aanuiod to Interpret tho eharaclor of this Moor with laialHgiaoa, adthougii not c-n'octiveiy as It Is by Mcthillotigh. Ho waa well matalaadi particularly by Mr. Chapman, as Iag.i. Caa'do, Ibough, evldi ntly mltci rd bi aalllttgi evou If bo lias no ambition ta l.o WMtW Hiun u Cii.slo. Wo think "sberlduii j etillllod to a placn among t(i drat af Slutkrspi ureau autoiN, und WWttld nut ibow ft a poor ailvautago ovan bwttfi Uootb, at b ast I . MWafl parte. In the nIaaalkaBaaWl part of the pro Rruiu Mia Auuiu Ob'itsou was Ibo favor ite, Kbe has u powerful MptWJM vohw, of wonderful lldxiblllty, WhhM aim controls nith easo. ;he wse encored twice, end shows bar good nensa In alnplng only nlinplo pi,-,.e4 wbieb all can appreciate. Tim entertainment was eloaod with u "in. .y, iiieJnrul. wl ao aa to prenorit IWWM funny asjK-els. Mr. Sheridan showod off to asplawdld advantago ns Oitl.n :s,ingrroiil, which wa have never aoen ox ollud, and ('hspnutri makes an sacellont flown, wMhl Mm Iveiiorl was go nl as Paulino Wedassday nigfit Sheridan gave an-ther Komi er.leitainiiiPtit t a fair an timce. Mil . . awdpw tun am. two ye.ira ago a murder oc curred In the northerly end wfCRwakaV mus futility iu wlii. Ii Mrs Jlugar, a reapectnblc Wniimn, bjul ber 1,. I aplll opea Wish an nac Tha deed was done under peculiar ircnratanca nu I It wa regard.-.! as a hltwa af roc lly. lrot wiaHtgUBt was produc.-d all over Claekamaa couaty, and, in fact, the entile State, v!u u Ibe details of tbe bh ody net wero inado klUrab Ut nmrdtr una (MmittJltad for the aik al n.hbi ry. and among rtbrr IkwgatwIUNI by ti e wretches, was h valuable gohl W7aMb chain. Three in p vrm- snr.bil sti I tr.ed on auspb l. h af beim; lApiiaatwd la tha mardar ih.-y w.-io a anted r.-p file!y Kernord, Fair, h id nud Klwg TtM tWW IWwMf were nfl.julned, but Isia;- vraa MWl M blato prl nn '.r l.fe Mi. re WM a majority of people w is tUo glr bin IPtoOaaOt nt lbs tlm ... and at. II tb nk so. Williis few day 4 bao's fome new facts hv- ta light In rej;nrd to Hie !ragJy. A g .b aa'cb chuluha.le.a ideutltied ns tha one owned by Mra. Hnga-. Is u w', la the paaMaaiwa wf jrowng mm at Oragww Cltjf ta v.!:o!u t was iajb by A if Bprwwla. Tha lattM vaa atigagad) aa a vo'ii Bbwppar an John bfi Idi im'a far a. and t the time w.s a'r-- gig Uifjici ." .f h iving 11 band - murder lie has left far piria anko-sWY. ttstma. n an unr. TUssN ....: Invi.u'o ..; I a- i I aiiiodis, w tb f.'aa -a '.at I'jjila I. !:.bla. - -a w . AlhanU, tit., m i l Sei l-'r in. i -co. wbteh ass a ni-: n r rp 1 tall 01, a , M WMM -.t- : Ijawtahn h a bawwwh al Pwh awst, r. . Tw - .f tb. skilled surg'oasi,r ibis ie.stl-1 - prptrotl with avery t, .-I ap,-.ara aa lor th.- m ivsssful trei'm ut of cripple, artu inc.! all t ta old pa huts aul - U WOWWWMWa nisy desire trratmsnt this yesar a: th.. following plas-s : Portland, Hi. Cflta rU s h Mat, Ap il h. I0:h and llih; aJbtaarj April 18th nud ath ; ThwDallwa April IT.h ; WaMa Walla, April ISbh and "Hh ; Baal April BtW and SStb : and ; herraf or s I'ortlan I, irrgou, on tlie first two w ',. ( M v ami Novhi'mt of vrar. m ui'-lng Novornb-r, IsSJ It) ware of all tr&fWiaOg d ,, rs 7B0 m tv f'.i. u t eprfs.-n". any olh.u- i natal twAa, f r this ie tho only Bwrglaal iwatltwta aw thia eaaet with raciiitUa and aspati i n.- , for tha trra!mrnt wf doformltiwa. J. M. HiSKi.t:. M. D., Otw, IP. Hawwr, IL D., Kuroons In rhargo, National Surlr-a lawtl.ata, 818 Bush 81 , Baa Prawetaea. e aaaaaaw oearti Apr.l 11, 1888 P.-cat-nt-Mayor, K.Tordcr, Marshal Bwd aids Bwoit, Blai'.tiurn, rioffman LaWWalag, -'nd Piaiwe, Absent -Harvey. a ofL M. Montanyc, an I iu TL on v r.ty rvferred bat k, the 'attrr to ad Blaokbsra, to invttlgaic. L, ii. Ifoatawyw, was nliowed ?67 o0. CotnnltMa on Kirunud Water rcport- ; e l p tltloji of KuglneC). Mo 1 back, ur 1 1 hoi: f not Inn i,.. -j .L.4 ,i i . . . ..- ...... .uoveu mat aitirsnai puousrt notices to have alleys cleaned. import of Treasurer refe: red to com- nlltas on aaowaati mid eariwl et pmtM. HI l.i s l.l.o l.: I ; bwttap, 814.7d, X J tfattton, 817.09 I. (). O. F. 818-75, I C Dickey, 814. Blaab burn, 812, narvey, 814, Seott, $10, Uotf" miin. 819, Pierce, (idi. I.nnuing, 81B, Minaw,888,Gwo B irkh irt. 888, Hudi icH and frel ghtfS8 !i HTOt THAT CO a I. If yn are suffering with a aaaWM Oeatgh, cold, asthma, brencbitis, hay faver, can sumption, Ions of voice, tickling iu tho throat or any affection of tlie throat or lungs, use Pr. King's New Discovery for ConsuitipUun. Tbhl ia tho gn at remedy that ia c.auMug so mil' h excitement by its wouderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless cases. Over one million l..ttb of Dr. King'a New Dia covery have b0M used within Die last yoar, and have given perfect Hntisfacrion in every ieatancer We can unhesitutingly say that this is really the only sura euro tor throat arid lung affection, nml can cheerfully rcc ommeud it to all. Call and g. t a trial bottle free of costs Of a regular sio for 81.08. Bar ale by Peebay mid Mason, wholesale agents Alba ny ; D. Morris, .S. io ; Dr. U Foley, Iaiba WftW ; Dr. J, ML Powell, hehaiion ; D. M. Calhrcattc, Bwawa Vista ; Reafetto and Men t.iguo, Jclb rson ; O. II. P. C'orneliua, Tur ner ; It. A. hbsMPy, Harriabiirg ; S. S. Hayes, H alary ; Damon Smith, Halney ; Starr and Blakely, Brownsville, Ke.v Nprlus Dry 4.oods. I nra now receiving my Spring slock of merchaudi-o consisting of dry goods, notions, carpets, boots, shoes, house fur nishing goods, etc., including ull the latest uovelties of the season in eaeh department. I personally attended to ray purchase, aud bought strictly for cash, and am prepared to oiler my goo Is at Hiioh prices as will defy coai po tion, audguarantea everything as rep resented. Sauusr. F.. Tovxch A torpid liver has to wake up and attend to busiacas when King of the Blood gets nto the circulation. See advertisement. Cwtfff roint. April Term. The appllentiou of T .1 H!l! and nthera ferfhanga of county rond was grant ad AppMcittion rd A H Powell for loa. I latl of county rond vran illsm. --.-' Declination of ii F Calbarl ns mad auperv lior neeepti l and I) 1 I'unlup nppolnlod. AUa nS fowd t I04 It Murphy appointed. JuMtra Dyer waa nUowei! Ui l-ay oOOO foot of lumber nud ncrnpor far l)lt. 0 ii H P.aberwaa nllowe.1 to buy I09Q fa--t of lumber far llat. io. 1'fllllouof I'm in. : I'erry Bawl Com pai ytornn Ferry ncroia ITUlgawwttf'i granted for o ) cars, to ps.y 10 n j'ear In advfiuce. A H Stoi.e nllownd 4000 fe t af inm bar, eto Ordered thHJlO be paid Mrs Opp far botietlt nf Annie Price, an Indigent p r .on. lHOOtVet t-f lumber gnuifed J M Phil pnt Johnn 4 Stone were awmd 4 roatrac! of building bridgo across Th' ma CrWak la ta.rn of Bglw. BIJ-dMS9, Also for building Ibn-e bridge lileviua. White and Turner, 1800, J . Miller waa nut hricd to receive bids for repairing Hnnnali bridge oa Thomas Creek. Ordarmi that IG'i'I 0 bo refunded Jesse Hurrou Tyreo Alley's landaale. Report of allicrirf waa allowed except aata rertain lifl I itit an I dou .'e a weaa meut. Mbton a Rodgara wm awpolwiad sb-ep inapeetor. J.ttdi.' Aid S.-i.ty vei. nliuwed .V far certain iwdigawt parMW, Ordered th it order be drawn iu lavor of 0 and W M Bs Bawk institution, when nolo la due. CI rk dlrw.-ted to have rwrtadw iua U'o.etuotits made to front steps, tc. Rabl lianlson. O Afr'unrt. II Mor gan, us vlewere. each eJ ; I M Bruce meatlia aalary, p.neatage disbursing aeliool funds fioO 4n ; H E Veiiug, ludae, 114 08 j I', t it -i b au-J BWa, bran, etc , $' l; J L Nye, a-ul, f7 l'; P W -j.inl;. w . i ,0. I B Mou eitb. h rvlcaa as baitiaT daya. 18 1 A M Raop. . iv..,-. tW bail Hi 8 days. 818 ; T i. ll'. kasrfdwg il Davis, 3 mniilUs, t.2 ; Ati tValllog! far Jros-oids. 8tj. f ii Blp w, $1 ; Wm Noa'. 8tt0 ; b e wawt body Prank Wib son, i 'io r. t J I.Oilbort .; inossdary.l Vi; t-C Hogao, examination of tWMltwn t d.iya, (7 80 ; J H MarUa. huh.., 55 .7". j R Mtat, bis. 8108; J W A ab-raon. lu ; Oc. I'm, sawing WOO1 ; witatsses ;:ral Jnry. Bt71J8 wituias. s case ,( H ate agt (Hlebrlai, Sg ; wliwaaaaw, BUstwaajt Watains, c:::: Patitjurys March term 1 l ; grai d Jurors 888,10 ; 0 T C ofi, keeping K fo!a. iV. J 11 Irvlu . tor boaul .,S I. I. Jewell, ke piug A Hayes, KM - : Mrs' awfwriwg ftWsf repair ' ' rrt-ir.iijr?ailT.W; JKO Jafawaaat, V il'ert aud ui Cuoa. far tsm Wge-a to bu ,'gy by ereaiag bridge, J" f E Itobinsu, Opi 72 ; li H Hewitt, Dr J I. Billwwd ir : 81 Jours. awabOS e, rvb ea far Mra Doualme. aa issiue i rlaau I II itaVluend. Tit. lni.l:..'B .mm . . . stamps J J Charlton, projataga to. lawtlaTMi for isi, ii .i Ut aaSMaSwlwt XMpwiSSMM 8118, matiug tlaHwajwawt bst M. Shcrih'. f.-vs ( irouit Court, ete , 888 80l LVttwa salary. $7.. I. iuuglaa. 17 88 ;M Cannlagliam, ; J J Cunrl ton. Panrt aHenilaiaoe. ji ew Jm Ifira ,.f tttrrlloM. Following aro judges BtWetaeW ap polaawi by Cumcy Court for ele-iio:t o ba held ou BfWl Ifaw lay in him . Hast Albany -Sam It A. .bo . J&s-.n J Wuoidor, 'iii is ProMaa W.-st Albauv - D PfOtaaW. I n k Tar- tou, on Batnar. Ilrownavilla-J M Water, Jam-a Bake, ly, Sr.,J W .MfKmn-y. Brush Crcok B Pwtl r. . B MaM, " Baggw, CvMCi.r-Win K Tent;' -, Joi n Jta-lon. Jehw McKnitfht. 'rawfardsvills ti F Calbert. it 1 1 uaa, Franklin Butts -J W Ku-hatdtou, J W I CkMaWtwWi A hi BfWWW. 1 . V"x Vi:' 1 ' !: Trak, Tti.-bt: 1 lh;o, j i iiviry. Rartiabarg - J F Mc'artny II A on the west, and tha property of the plain Davis. A J Witfle. . twfs and defoudsut'a on the eat ; thence Hal---Caleb iir.iv. T J B'.a h. T r.randoii. I.ibssrty -Wm Iniah-ui A P tfjT, Furniau. . . imanon - j n aivmi C i.i 'i n, S . V jt smiih. Mabla-Jos.str.wart. K It Cow-rill. J I. sir. wart rhuis-J li Conev, Jos II sniilton. Jos yifrf S.-ia K G Cusiek.J L Millar, Kobt Pent land. Sweet HwaM .V Iliues, I 0 IlllaaL O II Bnaiall. bhedd-DP Porter, J A Botdwatt, DC Currir. Syracuse S P Janes, W Johnson, W II Newman Santiam -C T L-avjr, F M Smi It, J Daniels. Watsrloa Jas l.ln.lley, Jacob rfew man, I Saltmarah. Wlee ttltahon C'l.ta. A amwStlvg af this dab WM held last Friday evening, and was ell attr-tid-ed. Tho songs by tbe rial., lead by Mies Jennie Clark, were exeellcnt, Miss Idllie Robertson nail a MhVCttaa from Toat Sawyer, with gand effect. Dr. Dillon's address was one of the moet sensible, practical ones we have beard. T. il. Raymond Mag a ao'o to I tho satisfaction of all, and Miss Clone-1 viove (lenrge recited "From the Corner of Her Eye.'' ia a very pleasant man ner. Several new names w i . added to the pledge, aud a resolution pas ed endorsing tho action of the Common Council ia ralalug tho license and en forcing the ordinance. Sablte's Ibe Bill. "Ilello, Jobu, you aabbe Chinese bill?" "Me heap aabbe It." "Well, what do you thivlc about It, " "Me think President Arthur is heap good man. He stick by chinaman heap long." But he doesn't stand by them as well as C. B. Montague's customers ntaud by him. The people of Lebanon know they ean dopend ou him, and Arthur can't on tho chinamen. Two d lUrt vit it, when 51 W 81 buy bottle of Kiog of the Blood containing 40 dosos or a dozen viaits ! It was the favorite prescription of a physician of 30 years ex erieuce. , CMHEftE VKLL Hesr pe r.liiiiese yslla, IlliJeous ysils, Hew they Waf I. HiijJs, tlnfU, With an awfal jinfl That stu MhasMW sliif's Bsaear d tb yell. An I a, 1 th, while man UlU How l.e t, aal the yells; Hut the oily Clutial li. Not the aaataagel i.nysii. of his MBe, I'll, yells, rt his nnr twiii',, sever e-idin y. IU, Oh, If Ahur e- nl.1 hat steel), 0MM Ml :a !l Tasio afe th.y yell, yell, yell. Me wnu' J t!t iiiilsawees tail Va reiaals la h,;r QWsMat eeil. Mot a yell. Vk. Uitiiar'ie miielal trials, ak 'Ull a . .ot to etna ti rtml, A. I Isarn out tu bs aueh a fael, M Ie vele s fount rule, S'iiiei rui", r-ls, rol. 'lbs. .. relieve aa of a UsI. I VI. r 1 o: an awwraATM9 Tim Pawagfata of IstBw county LUtWO WWOllMIWsl the fallowing tirkct : l! presa.ntativo - S I Mt"a. J dmrllT-.I It Hnk 1 owrh -B B llaiton. Treasurer A MeCallen. OajdMlaWactiiri J t Hmmn g it U F At ah I re. BOBwOl Suiwri...:er..lent T 15 Vrr ww8b OtrgBfr J W Howard. Tho Leading Milliner ! Mrs. Martin has taWaaW 1 the aervinae of Mra. Minnh Mcl'oy, ,,,, JebnsMi, as trimmer far the eoiiilaaj ssMMon iu b.r milMnery ...(at l.shtuent. feimnent on Mrs. M.foy'e ability aa a trimmer ia un nrseairtry, as it u well-known that ahe aawat lo sarpasao.1. Mrs. Martin will baawaMwah laiwarataeh thiaaeasn than svei bsafolW, anMprlalag Una aoorla that will bwU the taste ol the moet faatldiaua. rKa I I ltOS ULlltl liio following ehvemant of Wm. J: f .ughlin, of Somcrville, Maaa, ia so re markable that wa tag to ask for it the at latgaQB af OOT readers. lienayn: in the fall of IgTfl I was taken with a violent Pleading cf the Iwatte, followed by a se vere rsnigb. J sh.ii Is-gan to hrse uie rleh and appnUM. J was o weak at one time tli t I could not leave my fd. In the "tiumier of Is77 I waa atsWaWW d to tha f ite Ifanpttal. Wtillo bal a hob. in mv Irft lung as bur as half a dollar. I ejwn. .!! over a hundnl dollam on d'x-'ors an l iii'dieines I was eo far WMM at one Unit, a report went amnnd (hat I was detl. f gave up hope, but a friend told ni-or tilt. WM. II A f 14 l! Al, SAM FOR THK LUNGS. I laughed at Bay Trimt m, ttnnking that mv caaei was in autwksa, but I got a bottle to ant ify them, alien m aay aawpaiaa and gratificaUon, I tsgau to frsel lK;tu-r. My hope, once dead, le-iran to revive, and U "day I fet In Isetter spirits .han I have the Msat three years. "I write tbi., hoping that you will pub Ibtb It, aa that every one afflicted with die . 1"-I lonur will m induoetl to take Or. Win. ileii's Hal mil for the Lungs, and le oomii I Hi.f. foN.'sI'MlTloaj CAN II K '1'IIKH. I baea lahaW two IsaUlea and an p -. iv. l v "ty fiat it lias done more . d than alt lwa other wawJaWhaWB I have baki u ataww mv sMtnwaw, Mv 'iij.Ii ha alaaanl anttraty disappeare.1 and I shall um m able 10 go to work." told by druggist. 1 ss 1 1 ' Referee's Sale. imtke CiremU Court of the State eOreyea Jbr (MM lwa and gaa I Fox, PlaJtaUBa, ( W, Lao K..x .Samuel l ,r.KA- i ward Fox, laadoie Fws, I . If . 4 mm . , I . s r. MM nllia, ei. 1 Ba. ' ""I - ' I i husband, Julius Fox. Kla- r . Fr.i-ndly aud '.. II. i IranUlv, ber l.n-i..m., i panny Nusbaum end A- tloIpanaTlwatiawM herhue y baaal, l-ua PMlsobM and i I t M i . a t . "Pinion r inwiivr, ii'-r uii- , tiand.Hosa Strn helm and j Saui'ae.Sternkeim.berhus ; naitd, and tho four minor rhiidrvn of Anulia Weil. tbe siur of ttaa plaint itr heredo.w hissei n uanaae ' aro unknown to theae j p'aintiir-., toil whosa sur- I'.uii la Well, Ihrfi-nd- j ants. J N'OTICB D HB8UE8Y t;irES THaT by lrtuouf a dcree and an order of salad i'y rcudored by the above entitled C "i rt la the above entitled -suae, on the .4 h day of March, 1ks tJaly annrdntiaa the undorsiuuvd referee in Nitd cause and roiniiianiiiriK m to make aale of tbe fol io wing dcHoribed neat property, to-writ : Commencing at a point on the north boun dairy ttaaa af Fimt street, ia tbe city of Albany, l.inn county, Oregon, aeventren wwl iii of the aoutb watt earner of Lot N 8t in Block No. 1, in Mid city af Albany, and running tbenoe weat; the north boundary lino of said First s'rew S3 fHt, more or h.-s to the center i i... brick wall, the aame being a pi aattttuw wn.i between tln i.ronertv of J. II. i.ronert of J. It. hOMter irin.-t.y a-nn-iu eenier ci ain parti lion wall aud j. trail.. I with the seat line -f Ixl ISo. u, in said Block am, 4, one hundrotl foet to tbe alley; tbenoe oast ulonir tho aoutb boundary line t f said a. lev iw.-nty-iive i.t more or less te a I . . W . .A mm. mm. i polutreventeeu feet aaat of the eaat line of aedd Lot No. G, in Bles:k Ne. 4. aforesaid ; ithen.-o southerly and parallel with the ' ," f N,- J" nioc.k ,N't, i .one hundred feet to the place of begin- : n.', I i.'::ht wua me ngDl to Ullliuiaiu ami iiseine iron i-oauna now Hiauoing mi the south end of the partition wall on tbe east line of said premises above describ ed, said premises lying and being altuat- : in the city of Albany, l.inn county, Oreajoa, I will, by virtue of said decree and order of aale and the power thereby iu me veaMdyOa Saturday, the 'JOth day of May, 18s I at the bour of one o'clock in the 'afternoon of said day, at tha Court 1 louse door in thoeity of Albany, Linn coanty, Oregon ; sell aaid roat property and rights above described at public auc tinti, to tha Iua best bidder, for cash in baud, in gold coin of the United States. Dated this llth day of April, 1882. O. II. Invites. Referee. PHII.I.IPI Oa April 2, 1S82, te tbe wife of V. Phillipi daughter. l'AKK KR -POIN DEXTER. At Jnactiea Pitv, April 12th, 1883, by Rev W M Houston, Mit. Wm. H.Paiikrii ofOneatta and IftM BLUU A. PotMPEXTER, of June tien City, The happy cnaple arrived in Albany on the neon train Weduesdav, aad will remain here two or three daya, when they will be gin life together iu earnest. Will haa a u.auv friends hare who are full of o-iagratulations, all ef whom unite ia wiah ieg him a long life fall of pleasures untold. DIKJ. YAkTTI. -At Walla Walla, Apnl 9, 18S2, of consumption, Jas. A. Yatrris. Mr. Yactia lately retired from the Cor- vallis OazeUe, on account of ill health, and since then has been spending the time in Washington Territory with tbe hopea of recovering it ; but it seems that eonsump. ton kad too strong a hold on bis ayatem, lie waa well known in All any as a temper ate, industrious yonng man, and had i good reputation in the legal fraternity, of which he was an honored member. Ilia leas will be monrned by many throughout tbe Volley. G0IN April 12, in this city, Mr. R. U01-V. " NOLAN'S CORNER. The last oamprehewsive lireicws of new riothin?, Fornhbioff OooOj. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Silk Haatl kercbiefi, Overalls and Blaase ( i;arn, Tabaceo, ete., etc., received hj J. M. Nolan, at tbe Kramers' and HeehanirV Stare, enables bin to oadersell all Competitors tmi Sapply hit Cmiomer with exactly the artiele reqnired His stack Is ma eh larger than ever before and be will be plea-ed to have bis num erons patrons rail and get aa fa sight to low figures. Nolan does bujtiness oa tbe time honored of Cash down. No grumbling and everj body hap py. Call .ironr. 1 a:.d see bim. Pino Trotting Stallion. Edward Everett. Will make tbe sae:'n of 1852 at Lebaaon, Baaal Kidge, 8hdd Statiea aad Peeria. bfaaaaya at Mbedd. Tueadaya and Wad riealay at Jas (larrett'a, Peeria ; Thoradaya t home. Sand ilidge ; Fridays and Sater laya, at Lebaraoo. Heaaen to eesassaesaee, April lat. ettdiag Jely 1st. I'M wrd B vara tt is six years old, of a ijautiful dspple bay with black points? wood diaposiUon, lr'.J hands high aad weigke JgaO p.urds, waa awarded Seat prTutam at Uan Co. fair ia I SSI fur beat stallion of all worka. PKMOaaw Fdsraed F-eett waa sired by .bjboCraafead'a Putgumb. he by PatbSader, dam by (;wnet ; Ldwasd Kvareat 'a data waa by Vermont. Trulls Seaaoo. g!2 ; payable at end f sssson SW aecured by apn-oved aote. leear aaeee, IS. My able wb.n snare is knosm ta le ia foal. Any party ealliag sr ether -aiaa dispoeitg of his snare it bld resjsMae bie fur aervice. Dae ears will be taken te ; r . . ut accidt-nts, bat aa liability assamta. McKaicarr lie... 3C 2. To Contractors. S-alvd prapotals will he received at tha office of A W heeler, ia Sbedd aatil Moeday May let, next, at noon far the eonatrwettoa of a acboai bests in .beel Diet net Na. ZJ Linn Ceaaty,0regoe. CesitracWr to furaiab material and eoiaple'e hai.dir.g on or befera ajpt 10 Plans aad soeciacatioi.s easy be -.n at tbe above place. Tb tight is re aervad te rejeet all bida. bMa should b a, id. -eased fee District g cheat 1 strict BwS7, and eaursci, " Prop asala fee HeHse. P. Saaoo. J. G. Davia. J. B. Coustr. Directors. Ede3 & adams Woven Wire Beds. Tuey are light, clean, durable and rbrap, and any one who baa used the an will have no other araund. By permis sion we refer to tbe following named citizena of Albany who have need tbaaa hods : E P Kx Geo W Toong John Rogers A E Rainwater A Deckard L U Montanye Geo F Si in peon S.ioisaa. H&m Alt house V m A Cox Chas Ptieffer Rev I Billion Jos Webber Learta These bei can lo to and at Geo P Sim peon's at A.binv P.e sure to call and see them if you waaat anything in that lino. J. II. WAY, - Z5m3 Agent. m wircazt tti atwe. It will be apparent to any oue who will examine a so id gold watch, that aaide frena tbe necessary thiekuesa for engraving aud polishing, a large pro portion of tha precious metal used la needed oaly to stifles and held the en graved onions in place, and sapply the -neeeeaary soitdtty and atrsagt . The surplus gold is uctually acedia a so far aa utility and beauty ara con cerned. Ia Jamas Boats' Patent Geld Watch Caaea, thia waata of prMieaa metal ia overcome, and the same aalld Dy aad strength produced at fram aaa third te one-half af the usual coat af solid oasea. This pt awawa is of the mat simple nature, as fellows : a plate at nickle eeruposition metal tapeelally adapted to the purpose, has two platen of sedid gold aeidered ose oa esach aide. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, sad the reaatt ia a atrip ef heavy piated eomnnaltlaw, from Which the cases, backs, centres, bezels, etc, are eut aad shaped by sui table dies and forMem. Tbe gold la these oasea is auffleiently thick to ad mit of all klads of ehasi'g. engraving aad euanaelling ; the engra'ett eaaes have beea carried uatil worn perfect w amoeth by time aad use without re moving the gold. Thia s the only eaae ade with two plates of solid gold and warranted bv speaial eerttflcate. For Mte by all Jewelers, ask tor Illustrated Catalogue, and to sea war rant. WlCkvLKTS A R. MICA KALIS. The beat salve in tha world for eats, brtue aa, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorea, Mt ter, chapped hands, chublaina, corns and sal kinds of skm eruptions. 1 his save is guar anteed to give perfect stisfactioa in every case or money refunded. Price S5c per box. For sale by roe hay ami Mason, wholesale agta ; D Moore, Soio ; D Foley, Lebanon ; Dr Powell. Iebanon ; KeUpatb ami Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Calbreath, Buena Viata ; O Corneliua, luruer ; K A rtampy, Harriabnrg ; Starr and Blakely, Brewaa villa. SHILOHi COUGH and On umption Cure ia sold by us on a guarantee. It cares consumption. CROUP, WHOOPIXG COUQH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Sbilob'a Cure. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Skiloh'a Cure is the remedy 4 or you. WILL YOU SUFFEil with D.apopain and liver Complaint ? Shiloh'a Vitaiizer ia guaranteed to cure yon. raw to r. snvjr't7iB ar lL JT Maaoak kaoli '. A. V. llM CSfawa Tr, aarUat StMilc SHIMM fwu. a aaj,L urp uiaaamaa aim Soak. d imSS, srha toUava taSeaa; Ststansf OMkifSlr laaratlaa aaasinisaaal a. SL bXOOJNOa CO.. al raslasaia ta Maaabrtw.,., , -l ttat.;, .saw issa.