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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1882)
FRIDAY MAftCH 17, 1889 THE F ICMKU'H MM I it blockheads sing ef regal atate, Of lords and ladles fir, Who on some haughty monarch wait, And homage to him swear. Their pomp and prido ws all de ride, We'll nerer bend tho knee We're farmers, and we're free '. 'Fit truo we labor for our bread, And so did Adam too ; A little toll vre'll never droad While we'r so well to do: Then raisotho song throughout tl:c throng, We'll nerer bond tho knee To mortal king or corporato thing We'ro farmers, and we're free. Who lead our armors on to reap Their harvest of renown, When Briton' w.. dogs crossed th' deep To hunt our birthrights dowu? A Farmed: yes. he taught mo'.his To never b&ni the knee To mortal king, bat boldly sing We're fanners, and we're free; Wten wiatry storm iago long aud loud, The far mer,t his lire, While sons and daughters round him crowd, Feels joys that never tire. With suck a band join he ait and band, And never bend the V-nee To any king or corporate thing. We're farmers and wo'r freo. Hut there Is one to whom we'll bow With adoration due ; 0 ! may his blessings crowa us now Aud follow us life throagh. To Him we'll raise the song of praise, To Him we'll bend the kuee ; He is our king to Him we'll aln, 'Tis he who made us free ! liens seldom pay expenses tbey are three years old. after In Sweden, as well as Norway, rye cakes aro used by all classes as a com mon article of food. A colossal pine which was lately uprooted by an inundation in Oulais, Finland, was icund to have 1029 an nual rings. Keokuk, Iowa, shipped, during the past season, 10,500,000 eggs aad elalzus to be the biggest egg market in tho world. The firat esgs laid by a pullet or hen after moulting may be .-lightly blood-stained, bit i; need not give any cause for alarm. i eg Tho special advantage of green manuring, or the plowing In of green crops, is ia the large amount of humu which the soil acquire;. At Elgin, III., the ;aks of butter for the year lsSl were 3368,525 pounds, at an average of elj ceais per peund ; and cheese, 11,337,535 pounds, at an average of 0 cents per pound. Iiaumania excels all other countries in Europe in the production of Indian corn. The average yield is thirty four bushels per acre, tho total crop aggregating about 108,000,00 bush els. A j old orchard can never be made young again but by g-jo J caie, pr'ii. iag aud cultivating it can be mxde to bear a fair crop until a young orchard ean be sel out and brought into bear lag. The general effect of lime is to ren der available the plant food already In the soil, without itself supplying any significant amount Liming can tor, therefore, be snceofully repeat ed except at considerable intervals. la 187G, France had G;32,i0 acres in sugar beets. It is estimated that tke cultivation ef the sugar bets baa increased livefold sincj IS40 and doubled tince 1862. This culture was many years in securing a foothold in i'ranee. Enssia raises l.&66fQ3AtGfi bush els of grain annually, of which GJG, 938,76a! are of rye, 539,776,616 of oats 221,300,442 of wheat, 124,051,126 of barley and 97,905,8009 of uatiiet and ether snail grain. The average yield per acre in wheat is 17, of barley 26 and of trats 32 bushels. In 1880, in France, 88,000 acres of Tines had been attacked ; this year 650,00 have been infected by the phylloxera. This insect together with unfavorable climatic conditions, re duced te vintage of 1881 to 743, 000,090 gallons, or only seventy per cent, of the average of the Ust ten years. Potash for grapo vines is being tested in Faruee. A variety of tho black muscat has been found defect ive in color where potash is defect ire in the soil, and a writer recom mends that one vine of this grape be placed in every grape-house to show by its full or oy its deficient color whether or not the border for the roots tiis a butiicient supply of pot ash. Tho village of Oaknam, near Worcester, Mass, boasts ofja time par tridge which has been the pet of the old mill for several seasons. The bird responds to calls and will fly ut of the bushes and light on one's shoul der with the utmost readiness. Ho takes special delight in making new acquaintances, and is so well known to the sportsmen in the neighborhood that thus far he has escaped being shot. Reuben Chadbourn,North Berwick, York Co., jite., has raised and now owns what he claims to be the cbam pion pair of steers in Xew England, if net of the United Slates. The steers ar8 two years old, one on the 16 th of last March and the other the 23rd of the MOM month. Each girths 7 foet six inches. Thoy weigh .'WOO pounds, with u tlilteronee of but - pnumls iu weight between one mid tho other. They are grade Durham, dark chestnut in color ttnd woll train ed to tho yokn. ' Qulnby,' theiwell-known Writer on bee culture, say : "If there is any ur-1 tide that I wouUl cultivate, especial-1 ly for honey, it would bo catnip. I ttud nothing to surpass it." This is high authority, and ought to entitlo this common but Utile utilised pro duct of nature to a place among the valuable itotn of the farm. It h hut another instanco th it goat to show tint our people fall to utilize tho na tive resources of their farms as they should. They have t learned the valuo of the thiags they tread upon, and ofcon ruthlessly destroy. A celebrated Irish firmer give this advice to one young in tho busi ness: "As a breeder you must bo careful not to loso tho calf flesh. If yeu do so by starvlug tho nnlma! at any time of his growth tou ioso thu cream, tho covering of Ileal, so maeh prized by all retail butchers. Where da all tho scraggy, bad lleshcd beasts come frem that we see in our market, and what is the canto of their scrag" giness ? It is because they have been stinted ande&tarvcd of their growth. If the calf llesh is once lost it can never be regained. A groat deal of tallow may bo got imernaily by high feeding, but the animal cm Revor again be made one that iil he prized by the retail butcher. ri'.sTOEM II. The Egyptaln mode of attaching horses to a chariot was to have one trace on the Inner sideot each hojso. In tho time of Julius C:ear .".0, 090 poor people received, onco a meuth, a fre gift &" several boshell of corn. Antonius and Marcus Aurelius dtV. dicated to tho memory of tin ir wives instilutiocs for the support of girls. Cards are MpfMMd to Lave been introduced into Trance for tho MUM ment of Charles VI., v.-ho Tas deranged. Pope Sixtus inserted into the MAM the wonts, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lorn Gcd of Sabaoth !" and he entumar.d ed that no woman beak! tcuvh t!ie vessels or cloths of the altar. A basalt monument marly six i ; in height, having n-vcnd lines in hieroglyphics inscribed on ono side, has recently been sent from tho Eu phrates to the British Museum. . The quicksilver mines of Almadsn wero of peculiar inipertineo to the Spaniards at the lime of the discove ry of America, for without this me tal the gold and silver of the New Vfrld eoold not (be extracted froM their or"-'. It was one of the laws of GooahMU tine that on "the day of the sun" no servile work should bo performed except agriculture, which, being de pendent oa tl-.e WMltliW, e- i.Id not, it was thought, be reMonably post poned. In the la(tT p.rt f tho oihUciith pentury Spam M''ifil ltalia with Tripoli, TowJfl ami Algiers, tod, r - the fire: timo in ten rentm ij, Icaod herself at peace vi;h oation - In-! formerly abliorrcj m.d believed It her duty t extirpnte. Among our lirilish a:ie -t M the 11th of My was eoosiered ibe most unlucky dar in the year, tad null., incr of consequence VM evr done upon it. In May and January Ibpyl did not mairy. T 141.1 . James L bated tobacco, 4 wrote , , ... T- , a to lc against Its use. JPvpes I rbnn VII . and Innocent XI. i-ctuei bul.'s against smoking. Tno priests of ihe against it,and the Sultan Amu ret IV. cut off the noses of those who used it ; vm or ImpiovfinentH. or afrwi tlrn i lor, tad an eO rifb pmirid land. Trice Jbl A postscript from letter written jr acre. CmL P.utlcr of tho Amoriean artnv aiter me naiuo oi thrown, nyi : j I think I may now with propriety ; congratulate you, my friend, and,1 conutry in general, with certain in- ( dnn,ndan.a nJ tl. lnaJn , . v proach Of peace." mmm Tha Xnw York rxj.t-f ifliu '.i-.-i a man whose business for tho ptll twenty-five years ha been to deel-1 1 ober had address TTo hna collar-fed ' dirccttousof the various eiiies of tbe coantry: and is said to know all tho streets and a great number of the residences of New Yark city. Somo lime ago a foreign lettcrenrne direct cw to "Patrick Mboney, first house in America." Theletrer wa from Ik land, and after the ipquirie, i f 10 per acre, iicaab down, balaoos nl the clerk learned th.; time that the i leDgih of tteaa aeeored Tbgr nvrt vessel bearing the le'.ter arrived. As i eaJ , .:., , -L j. mf. an experimeat, he pUced it in hands of a carrier, wh was Instruct ed to deliver it at tho end of pier. The house was a sailors' boarding house, and strange as it may stem', Patrick Mahoney wr.g foucd. When the letter was opened, the only eon tents were found to be a draft for $400. While Chase was Governor of Ohio, the following anecdote u rflated of bias. Soon afte" be asBumf.d tLo guberna torial chair, be ia&ued a proclamation appointing Thanksgiving Yif, To make sure of being oi tbodox the Gov ernor compoae l his proclanijion almost entirely of pasaag.g from the Bible, which he did act designate a3 guota tious, presuming that 'verv one would recognize them and admire the ClmttS ofthewotdi as well as his taste in their selection. The proclaasaiioa race;ing the eyo of a Pemocratic f dit&r, he pounced at once upon it and declar ed that lie had reid it l.e?"orc cou'd Bo', exactly say whtra hut he would take big oath that it was a downwrifht phiiarim fiomthe beginning to the eud. That weulal have been a prettj fir j oke; but the next dy a republican elib r ra ae out valiantly in defon cf tha Oevernor, pronout.ced, the chtre libelous, and chalened any atw living ti produce one single line of the pro. that had appeared in ptint -f .if.. 3593 p61 ycar can ensiiv a id at nuiue wo.kinp; fur E. (i, Iiideout &. Co., 10 Barclay St., Nw York. Sn 1 for th?ir c.italOjjue and full part cular j Tli e lone t tun of yeast is starch into IttgM nnd that hoi. Cm trun is Huitl tu be ivi rurnnlo to crtKin gancs at high tmiiperatures, anil to bydragitgM even when cold. There Me hpvoihI thousand d!MB0M known, anil the nuiubrrof MtivettBM may be Ht down hh Mullrr UNKcrtM tlmt certain hutb r Hies will only init bloMMH t pi iuii tivo tint.'. I lirt been ttllflMttd that aim iitmi(t foot of auil will evaporate ix timre na mech IMoillttffe !s thn MtM ittMHH ef loaf M if tut Oerda etretehed la retwork near the ceiling luivo been Batinfectni ilv trtotl for deitrtyins e.-hoM in elnuc'ies and public halls. The aviTHo lu ight f tho JapaBM is live feet three inches. Climate omu Varcely account for tlmir amnlluaMii, inco that in temj crate, though KMbjrrt te violent ekttgM. The ue ef char coal bMlitW (OV boaUag may aflet their growth by causing tlu tn te iuhelu the carbonic oidcs. UookbindinH efRoMM, calf or MMfi a'usorb ftuljiliurio acid whan rxpomtd to tho products cf the combustion of illuminating ;?is, an they nie in nrily all librarie, and aro liah'o ufVer great in jury. M. pMteur ha i,ucc?edctl in pom municating rabictt by inoculatian frem tho brain of dog dead a ith the dN ease. It if about MUlod in the minds of experitneuurs that planta absuib vrry lilt'c moisture through their leaven, by no meuna enough to krej tho p' tnt alive witlicut the aii! of BTtSiOM at the roots. FARMS FOR SALE CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALHANY, OREGON Ti c fellow I , i --a:Mi lut 1 . 0 acrr-n a i a I n'.' milca at TanyiT.t.Or :n,ail . mUeefkOM All airv. :."j ir' tn cultivation ; 40 a9M more can la put in cnltivatkMB easUyi halenti good tiuiiM-r end pasture Ihc.J. Soil, rich l.a 1 pra:r . . - t lr-i" r.:. 1 !nrn, h b arl lenee, all iu good rc-pir : yecag otoMad r too irui; -, d xvii I aud running atreaflai fur frtock ; ;uuvl M-liool, rtuin h nnl j t-:tl-e ; I n-ii?bbortuioi tn l ppood tnxi cty. Term f.K) pt down, re: on easy tc i.m. 'jsO rctohou Mri.jw i road, 1 1 nines from Albany aud 5 mda-i from .'scin, and 7' mile trom Jt-r.Vn-.on. z u-rj good farming land, 7 i arca in cultivalieOJ re ntaiiuler iu tiuirr an J brunhj Iiouko 18su, with lsJ foo wall", ell bix'JJ ; BOOd barn . -. .; I v. i tli 1 i r t vi.-l c :i .u itl; i;o 1 f -ij.-ea and ft tier. Ttnit fiJ0eah dow n if potttlble. ltatbrr than nt m!I u dl take $mWrj uo.tll, hum I Ainu. ij;i irf . y. ji, time, MOMOd by BMttj(age. lU'J aerOI of niilo went 4, AJany; icy acre In cultivation rnd tH aeren ak and ah tlmberLOOd Wpol land; all ttsder ft-nje, board aud rail. aoMO KmhI aud .', l :i i ; alout 7 aero hi omberd. apjlej. tnootly itai; good w -o uusiic jh w-jicat Lou.x ptatmd,nooM, built in 1;.'.. and ccjl -0, good Ittrn. 3Hm to and two nn-.Js; v. hi arranged I-r fdrm 1 rr . m. mm i h j , .... .'jum .-..-1- ealilvatlon: all now la.d. dn ImaA In pood otderj go l two tory l, nv, roomt, inrriy new n: i ' I in i: "-l ' :n!i- tion: j.'f,0'l ,"vv tarn ex lino youn; orchard, HO pluifi tnd frutio tr oca, fair appUi orchard; f-n'ei in p xl ordor; plen ty running :-.U r; U a.r- of good tlmlvr; rn-b, blank sfil and very prod ietive. Prtofl :m-'A), ri ca.di ahd balanco on lnio. lf)0 nrros no and a l.a!l mile nortlir i of Albany; l.'iaTc In w boat, rl in fair average; woodland; good laiul; ncaily I'. .' I ii S.- acre-; terms t-.usy. rnA . ,, . , - . WW acre 1 mila aontboast ol Soda Sprtngaj fair farming : amail hou r; acres fenced. Will bo wdd In small V1" nr Lto,?55 KO'1"1 ftffl ""l" ' j m am lying :i mllas above Lebanon on tho Lvl-nn-m Mountain rood. N' n- ! ,!r- r,-l! " ai,f,v" noata,on a- i,.. i ...... ,. .... , ! .. ,.. .... . t a splaodld frontase oc the Bvr, and win .:d'.t ill jnra ro. jot a-r Jj-i:u I .!ow and wttbte 114 miles of Lebanon, all under fcm. m acres in cultivation, audtiu reniaiinlcr i Is iii timber and Lriudi. Boa nouae, I)., latory, 2 rooms beieW and one above fUirii, n t very good, (ioo.l well ; m.-. - :i ' orchard. (Jron lout to tho amount of i H t4 il i tilUi.!..rtl t t k I i.rt.fl ,t, I... .y- ml'fio.itoil !o Aibrn from thii DtAM ... . br oaey a'fm laborer to pay for ft fa two ' veaia. Onl y niilo frot yeais. (ly mun trout nal. 1'o.s.v, ! Ion given by the 15th of October. The land is riob and will iiirn o;t wbeat 4o , and CO (-u-;,:! i to the atro. 121 acres, lylnii (5 mllna due caist of rlsljiir. A Kod no atoried lox honae, 2 room. Barn, ZOxUJ. The land hai heretofore lecn used ana pasture, hut can all be pL'. Into cultivation. No grubbing rt ntiird. ! ! mtlea frum bmIiaaI. Tnrinx ooont y and divided into livo fiolds. All cood farm land and half in grain. Good Iiouho ; and barn, splendid water and a tine orch ard. It lam of tho boKt farm in that f?cft ion of tho valley. Price $& per acre 10OJ or $1500 down and balanco on time 202M acrea lying fi miles north-east of 3arn5bur and 1 milo cast of Muddy Ktation all under fence; 180 acren In culti vation, balanco in pasture, but mot of it can be put Incultivation. 14 atoiy house, barn, good water, etc., 1 mile to aehocL Prico S0O0, 123 acres Jyjnj; (I miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent 75 acres in cultivation and all tinder fence, 25 acres more can bo nut into cultivation by out lay of S100. Bou -e, barn, splendid water. A fine young orchard, Price, ?30 per acre. 483 acres fii Center Precinct 3 milea from etation on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Good lj atory house, wood houso, barn, and splendid wator and hne orchard. All under fenco. Prico 16 per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 mllea south eat of Albany. All under fence, annUl OMtnard, no buildings; 50 acrea haa been cultivated, but it is all now used as pas ture Price 10 per acre. 21.1 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Preciuct, all euder fenco. ItiO acres In cultivation. i.argo 15 story frame houso, good barn, several outbuilding, orchard and good water. Price, f 20 per acre. 125 acres. Jvinar4 miles north of Albanv. 100 under fouco and in cultivation. Fair house, good barn and good water. Land ralies from 2a to 30 bushels of wheat pr aero. Price, $3,500. Yilt take JI500 down, and oalanco on time. QAQ area of land la Marion e;uuty, OvlO in ilea from lhtena Vista and raven miles from Jell'crson. 80 acres in truUivation and balance L. light brush and iitubtr. House, bam aud t,ood orchard. PLuur:ng mill wiihin 2 nnles. Enough wood tan bo K.!d at the pottery works at tfuena Vis a to pay for tho faiin. Call on C rl. Sqrarw&?i at Albany. -Mk ' CI ri h m at l -c. Ia n f. v m sft. ' R .. n . . m WW I mmm. mm Mmm. U change I Wr 'U U-V KTlIf Hi 111 III d into ah,. ' PR ODCT ATT For Ono Y All ol 0Z- who . ill pay thoir subscription accounts to 0- . r v h U to date, and ono year in ad vance, will bop ( ; . y v-.r's cubscription to the 0HI0AGO WBffiKLI IlffiWS, PftBB. Tho OHIOAOO W.-!JLLYKKVrSia everywhere recog nized na a p nil the requirements of American J . In .:; ; nicuous among the me tropolitan jc a id ofthocou completoNows-paper. Its telgfaphi i . all tho dispatches of the Wostcn A i a tho National Associated Press, -be ri'.'. .3 1 . . ; .-pocial Telegrams from U import . ;papor it has no supe rior. It is T .ting all political news froo f; bias or coloring, and absolutely without fear . Ic U, in the fullest senso, a FAM1L7 PA! - ( utains Several COM PLETED BTOI . anunnc' . dustriej, Lite:; tiono aro'cc: as an enterpri : ILY NBWSPA! ofilco. Th;.; c. pect to t;.:.' . Sneo .. AT TllK OLD STAND, 72 II'.T RTRKFT, If AS OH UAND AS FINK AN A8SORTUEXT o:' COOK, 1U)X AND PARLOR ST0VB8 AND RANGES, g m Si : Iu the vallAJa II k u Importa nnd itiMna!urlurra Tli, SHEET IRON OF ICVKRT DHBCRIPTH R IN STOCS 11AM, A i i 1.1. ucNU?r:r qramite ifjon ware. ALL or vi:u n we orYXfffl : HUB PUDl.ii' at piurw, that dkf COMrETTTIuN. ALL AT 72 ITRST STRUCT, A I.HAN Y, oiiKuoN. Repair work done at vtSafll CHICAGO AKO NORTH WESTERN , Tl T'.AIT.WAT r . oLir-r ' a.-T i ' IPMM LEADING RAILWAY u WEST AM) SORTHWCST, H U th SliOKT. H HI) SUK K- i COUNCIL BLUFFS ANt- Chicago, Milwaukee Ai d jl. ilrtt t,.ST, riJ !i Mtjjni nlU. bow Intl. I'hilnlrtpl4l.i,, Wuihiujimrt, tsalUaaMrw, rui bora. IIi:r-iil. lorn, IrVroli, At Cowr-a tA tli eW2" hA th Vi'tnUvrn tl th r. I' h U ;o.i I U:m,f rm t aiul my tu. r-v.c ! ul ri.i'.n Ik -W At ( l.loojro nlia cmiMMtliaH 'V n..t'! r. tth tho I hbs-, Hkklgaa ( vint, mttlaww i OWa, I'l. V.'twic tt4 l'cnn raa, MM In. ,; MMl ' IrupA 'I ruftk iuilruult, MJ tM . . Van l!.t:i. Rmiiaa Pnlraan Pabcc Drnvriii lUmn Tart Aro mn imll thriioi'ti .f tl. Uli Uii OXI.Y llAl b. . . i cot sen. mi i is am Hie see, I imji ulix-h la nm ili. frlclrll PULIMAN HOTELJiNING CARS. tnaUt un Tlc'-e A jont ;!. ri yi T;clorta 1 Utl MaA Kxwiiirwj Ttckat. stmI rafinw to (.tijr If lley ! imjI rtbl u'f tc t Jl.h h1 Nmth YVeatrrn Idail irmy. If you vrbli th liMt tr-tntlitijr ui i mill l,uy vmir tirkrU l, '. iii IDataaVAJIII V 11.1. J'A K U ROMS m il Kit. All Ukot agents toll tirJio. lv ttiU Hiiv. MAKt :s lit Kill IT. t0 V. V. and Crn'l ii.ii. i , MUwaga EASTWARD. Wl FRED WILLERT, CARRIAGE AND VVVCOH HlANVFACTtJRli.U9 Corner Fccond and IV rry &t. Albany)r Is prepared to manufacture farrlagea ntul watjoni at ihort uoMct; and of tho very Hi. ST UATEUIJLV. llo makes (ho premium carriages and miggio oi me suite. RKPilWNG AM) JOB fORI dono at hhorle d notlco aud lu tho moat SKILLFUL MANNER. Ills work and material it be first-c' warranted to tr-itf Guardian's Sale. N OTICE is horoby given that tlio un deraiirned, guardian ot'Thox. It. Yan tis. Anna Yantis aud Mary Yaulix, pursu ant to an'oidor of theCouuty Court of Linn Co., Oregon, made and entrrcd ol record at tho February torm thereof, A. 1)., Ik82, will sou at public auctiou at tho Court Ilouae door, In said countv. on S;iturdav, the 25th day of March, A.l., 1882, at tho hour of ono o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, all tho right, title'.and iritorest of tho said Thomas ft Yanti, Anna Yantis and Mar.v anils, minora, tho same hoing one-eighth undivided interest of said mi nors, Tn and to tho following described real property, i-v Tho north half of the south west tpiarter of section twenty-six (2d), and tho north half of tho south-east quarter, and the east half of tho south west quarter of section tweoty-sevon (27) in Tn. 12S. of R. 4, wett of tbo Willam ette Meridian, i'i Linn County, Oregon, and containing 240 awroa. Also tho north half el the south half of tho southwest quarter of acction twenty-six (26), and the north half of the south half of tho south east quarter of section twenty-seven (27) in said Tp. 12 8. of It. 4. went of the Wil lamette meridian, in Liuu County, Oregon- and containing HQ acrea, to tho high cat bidder. Terms of 8 tie Cash ia hand oa tko said day of sale. JOHN A. McBRlDE, Guardian. Powell Ullyea, Attyer Every Subscriber. fabliorbing interest, c n Pashioas, Art, In- , etc. Its Market Quota It iu unsurpassed , : - worthy GENERAL PAM- pies may bo soon at this I cubacribors who ex- should act scon. :3S3T BRZGGS AND COPPER WARE U T ORDKB im 11 n k i:i ox .vsJ'..!l:T reasonable figures. Lure b Ulrrrtorf. . 1. ('. A. Moeta at their rootna ui Vm. Ivi brick building on Katurdav evrmoKt i.t 7 o".bn.k, niil on Sall.ath ftrmoon sJL C Umiiiwi iMtUflfit ro hold on tho ;;. -1 Mon.Uy iu each roofith. l'..rUJy invit.d to attend. I". P. Cat7ftr:t. Preaching every Sal .bat n. at 11 a. M. , and 7 l. H. by Iter. F. V,. lr. .!.!. Kb)tth Hrho. at 2:.TO v. m. i't r moettny every TlmrUiy evening. l'.VA'i'.ri n ti m i.cti. Prcacliuaon Sa1. bat t 11 a. ., and 71 r. m. iatteft Beaaol ' - Prayer aaeathig eeaij Tbura- day eveniox V. f. Kautm, jwwtor. 'tLVTiitrjiATtof Att'iieiu-n. 8rrvio every Wubliata at 11a. xj. and 8 r. u. SabUtii oI at :.1U. Prayer meeting on lliurtLy evening A t-ath wck. J. V. llarrw, Mtnr. M. H Caeaoa, liotTii.-Services evory SabUth at St. Paul. If. B. t'burch, Boatfe, at 11 a. v. at.! 7s i-. m. Sabbath S.h.v.l at 12 J r. tM. Prayer meting every Tlmra day cv..-.i.rj. M. V. MilUr, ; - t-r. M. II. Ciit' Preaching erery Sabbath at 11 a. si. and 7J v. . S.nx unux In lrc " K bvforu acrnx.n. Sabbath Scluxd t - 20 v. i. l'ray.r meeting enery 'l'imr by evening. I. Dillon, iator. PlMI lllill Cut itai. -Service every -ai. ..ti, iiKnung and evening in (.,ollc.c aapeL Sunday BDhnol ini mo. I lately rfUrtlic iiiuruuig ae-rvice. Prayer meting every 1 haraday oveuiug. Rat, beta II. Cmd.t paator. I'l J "i vi. Cm i: n.Sehicea every Sun- ..-jr, uiorning at j . In.( cvt.ul at ;j p m. n.,iy ooaranuuoa eran Sunday mom- Mf at MA a. ta. Tcdnetday 7. .TO n. m. buljt. L Stevciu, naator. NEW YORK SH0PPINC! Kvorvbody delighted with tho Uwteful and Lk Ktlections made bv Mm. 1. hmii n.n nr..r failml to pleaie her l ' ..uuiTi. rtpw mil t ircnlar Just iaaucd. Sand for it. Add re Mill. KM.KN LAMAR, : Ur..i.Uay, New Y'-rk. l-:5tr NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SURLKS, IMop'r. A GOOD SKA KOAM Mil AM PCX V with taon ahavo. Pi-kwn for al ami naJrottUlnn eaoM aa ui.ui. i POO goes r'ii tlinir aaiiitj an uhu-tL f(,u... oppoaito Mcllwaln'a atore. iof QTARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A rtulitn of youthful Imprudence eaoalnir Jrcnav rtins Veatf, Kervooa Debfuty. Ixnt Manhood, otr. Ian lag tried In vain every known remedy, haa dav cuven-d a ImpJi! e. !fcun, which ho will et-nil FHtB t.) l..s fitlow-iiiflefeni, addruaa J. al. KUEVHR. 50 1XwBf 3l f n A HLALTH. Uirhau'a UolUrn UaUant So. t nriK haiuwr, llr.l a:ul fecoiitl ht.itret ; on hm lp and Hotly ; s.vphilitie l aUrrah, Jia t.iHtu r-jii, an. i 1111 priinarr Iji'iu of fnea, t:..ou ir hottiti. tho dUcaae. I.e lllcliau'a fioidfin l:alaam No. t t.nr4 Tertiiirr, Iton urlal, Rvjihilltic Rheumatimn, Tains tn tha honea, L'lcartud Throat, Syphilitic Kaili, humiw, etc., and eradicate all disa from the tyitein, whether eauaod by hail treat ment or abtUM of iiioreuvy, leaviag tho hlood pure and tiMlthv. per Dottle. I Ulrban'a ;olilea tpaalah Antidote tho euro of Uouorrhua, Uleet, ete. Tiic' j.or hottle. ' L BIchnn'H Colden Spnnlah liijcrllon. a wanli i.,r euro of tlleet, atriuttirca, hiveaae yf tho I'retlira and hlmlder, etc. IVioo, ia)r llottls. Le Rlrhan'a tiolden Ointment f.r the fCeeUve lioaling of Hypliilitte Sorus and Erup tiona. 1'rico, 91.00 per Kottl. Ahto Ajronta for Le Blchan'a Golden Fllla, for woakucaa, loea of ihaicai owra, and all ulbUMun arii from abune and cxcbai oi over-work. Prloe 3,00 per Hox. ' Beat cYcryahore, C. 0. P., iiaircly nackod pa hxprcas. F. UlCnAUDa A i a. Asrnfa. 427 a 429 Sauaoino etrctt, Conur t lay, San Kraiiuleeo, Cal. HEW PISH MARKET. On norner ipc5te Scrders it Steinberg. Will ko.-p coustanily on hand all kinds of frah and salt tlah and ysters that the market aliord. MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! 18 the Clreat Redactions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of the way for the Golden time coming. EVERYBODY IHJYS OK C3- 33. EVERYBODY HOmiAN & J08KP11, pitopniKTORs or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND HMUH 1N Importod and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Provisions, Candler Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albitiij', - ... Oregon. ONE DOOlt f IK LOW JOHN BHIGO.H' STOItE. SJk ii When you need anything in Gent's Furn ishing Goods come and see us. Don't buy anything in White Shirts, Col ciccShirts. Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Braces, Suspenders, 0 vershirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and gez our prices. Largest stock in the city. P7ID ' I r-r.i. it !.j.ll m, n? in r- r.u- i ...r at- .m4 - i !"- "mmA. Iii.. .rtwc iu. . .-l .. . u r ih . II-... Ui. U..' II ...-.! - .... Ih.ii. ..... .t i. .1 .h. CY MVS NCW iYSrtM TTTBO lfl COSSDIXATXOX 6lr.trrACl.KO. THCY WILL C08RECT 4M3 PBESEJtVE THE SIGHT. PliDLEnSOANNOT GET THESE GOOD roe sat c cm.T r AM) McCOY & ELLERT, DRUGGISTS and CHEMISTS, )DKALERS DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, ETC. Oompleato stock of Palnta, Ol a, (Haw, also a full line of Stationnrx-. tho celebrated inachioe oil Skidgate. rromaa's Block, Albany, Oregon. riivsleiatis rrescriptloiiM'aspeclaltr, and none but the pure at an d i, In compounding them, at Reasonable p ricea. MONEY I am now better prepared than ever bfoo to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, it for you. CLAIB YTSQ SAM WA'S LAUNDRY S Does the beat washing and ironing m Al bany at lowest rates. Contract inadft for Chluose labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery StableJ vi. .....i.j id. America, i CjT We send oar Illustrated Catat ;d Cataloswc c FREE, "Kvervtlif ntr fnr the Garden, on application. INDUCEMENT ! TIM ft TO ! GOES -lWA.Y ! . I I- ! TT.9m -r.n . t 1 l. r. k.i riiu.a ti.,r . j mm ctmrnmp I - . n.v...i". ...... I. mm I : . b ...'-. l -4 tt. i. .;. . j .11 jt.i i. , . Uu4 Sola age 11 TO LOAN remember that I can get H. STEWART. HARRY WATER'S In Ch;adle Building, opposite Graf & Fromm's. All kinds of pare wines and liquors for sal A pleaaaut. oosy place to spend a few ehoura.Call often and bring jour friends. ii V ii OT .'a,w cropa (whether v.. . oniu auu . .uu. vurureennoaiee covering upward of four acrea. aohd In claaa, employing- an PETER HENDERSON & 35 Cortlandt Street, New York. 0 OIFKRY. ft m ir w y m rm r t w, ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEKBY ft 1-ARKK.S, (Huroomaom to O. C. CWry.) HaohiBista, Ifflwrights, and Iron Fonnden. WK1IAVKOUR NIW HHOPf ALL .rniltwl, nd mrm now nrMu-ad to bMldlc a 1 kind, of Uemry work. W wUl ""hHt,J!" f Bnglnw, Ctrl Mi Stow Mjl Ma!hlnory,ui nil MnJMtflrcm and lira.' Caatina. BAif niK ov ansBt nrnmn. Kj-ial MtmOom givn tr, rtpatriag ajl klnAi of wiMhlnfy. will alao moufc.. tlie irnnrovMl Cbtm A Wkito ttaaio Hepvator. "l -M Rikrr M. ouirr m Alhan, (Jr., Dec. 1, im Tar. UK ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- flUIME SHOP. Da a. r. ciiKitiiY, ajtaadad at aaaaw atf Ho and Moijlgoii.iy f !rtf6, Albany, Oregon. Having taken kargnof tbealove named A.-iU, we ar (r-pared o man n factor Stam Knirtnea, Mw am irt Mill, W. working Machinery, I'uinpa, Iron an.l Itraaa Canting of every dea npUon. Marbinorv of all Linda rejaii red. a-t-ial attcfiLion ivi-nto repairing farm u- eblnery. Paller-a 3fakiaB 4 la all Ua feraa. Mdfjrl A. K. C1IEIIRY A SN. Tnrfrtr.rzmyt: ,ti. '.-rm. Broen'HK aarrt, B)npt pmi liraaarlir, t?nil 15. f.n "Ikii". Ui. "jiiiailM. end ...1 I h row ir ! NVrvo.v. ilMrdms fark -..-t eon t-:i;-tjtljr wai by eaa iw ti ' p tor luiMVUatf eteat hniae. Feead f-r . irrs. Se an the rx cta tr. .t'. ni. .tlrf.. t:e provrit r. It - ). 1.! . Mr.u;Mreet, Fhll.-... II v. K t r-, -oh-j , t J rs .. . t 1.1,'ay . " t ,mimU , ..i D. K. IXE.BT c CO., Detroit, atkh. ALBANY nni i fiMifti? ixx'Ti'ri'Tn I fj 1.10111L1L ALBAKY, OK. Tbi' TLii dTrm will opfB on Wednes day, Febiaarr 1st, Ibvi. For fru- alar a wing lit cuttraea o da-!jr mJ tiw i ior td tu li..t. to Li t. i : l.: : i ft. t om.: :. iv. .i.'. ; .. To the Unfortunate! BR GIBBON'S Dispensary. ,'.)-) .t . ) - O wnt' of Outumcr- cial mm;, haa la..uo.. in la-VI. f..r of Mr lrl are. pkllla ta ail tu funs. laiilriiT "omiuiii nrikirtt, lowct b cr.aiua, ujn. pies an tbe fare aad haw of manhood can pomcK he cured. The isck and afflicted ahoald a fmil u call 0,-kw bun. The lXwtor hu traveled aw.teoa.tely in tar... an.l ni.;t trtl th.nuvhly the taritaa mmMpi- a!a Ui. it., ublaiiiiuj a rrvut o.-l uf vahtablc uuurua lni. vi.ii i. he Ucu;- u i.t t. imrart to tltuaa in iftd f t.. . ji,t-. l)U. v.lUll.iN tll make no .i.,-.-t aaleaa In. cllcv t a inre. reraona at a diaaaiM M A t Br. IKKU 4t ROME. All euk-way lri. :l . entiaJ. Viai ace to tme hot tha Duotor. Ncnd t u duUara f..r a cka9 4 medicine. IVriys writing t.iho Ivtur mill pleaae atatc tbe name f ibe par they mr this advcnivrBwnt tu. i haivrs tea-otial-lr. tall r ante. Adr.reaa DIt. J. K. UlBIMlN, Box tafT, San Franciaoo. rlia3 ST CHARLES HOTEL, AJ-BANY, OKZGOJI. Mas. r. Hms. - - - frngmm. ThU H 'Ue baa b m thomohlr rvnopalnl frm ur to N.U .in, and U now in .4c1k1h1 c-t.HrtoA.f tbe a:.:crtui..ittit of iravskTa. Tbe tatfiT hi ktnwilied with eerUtiit- the :uxr ktt affi rda. fai i.Io r d.r Ciiutituux-hu Ben. Corvallf's Lrtaxnae aatl llalla stae Oflrr. riseeel Dr. SFIXXEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Trret all Chronic aad prr:al Mra. YOUNG Wno may ur. nmmt neon rtir. eff eta of youthful t i!:e .i :.u, mti! iloweil to avail ilivntaclrea of thin, tbcsnu-t b. t crar aM at tbe altar 4 uffcriii hnnauaty. Nk BPCC1CET will truarantoe to forfeit .hXp ee caae eminale woakucaa or private diecaae of any kind or caracse which be undertakes and faikf to nm SnttUlK-AQKO MEN. Tltere are many at tha as of thirty-the si tv arho are troubled with too frequent eTaeuaOee uf the !:: tier, often armmpanied by a alijrht aoiarttna w hurnitijf aiuaauun, and a waakntiav of tbe ayrteta Tin a uuu ttr ttte tUent caiwti4 account fur. On aaaauudnc th j urinary uepata a ropy scdiau-nt will o.'ui be hn.m i dkI MiieliuitJ ntfcl! partidca of albumen wtil ai'.-rwr -r Ute color vill b uf a thin milldih hue. atraiu ciuva. lap to a dark and Utrjtid apjaaranoe. There an Baaat man who tha of this ditncully inorata of tha cmitae, which b the aecoud atae i4 aanihial wewkne-a. la. . wdl gTUirvMtec a rtect cur in ail such avast, aud healthy rcuraUou . i tbe gniutrinary urxana. Omca lloraa m sit a u 6, Sundafs tnm. io U - a. ''.a.;. vu UM. Tbvrou.-h ccafaaataa aed ajvico, (&. fur pritatu dbwaaea 4 ebort ftan.lin a full oursa of ntadtcht mfBcicnt for a cure, w.tb alt lntru-.-tfona, w ill ha aaut to any addnu (Hi reoehx cf fin co. Call mi addreaa, urn. svi::i a r., tltlt 'c. U Kruit,v ga. tan Kini-cisc... Cfej Fair Ground to Rent. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Linn County Agricultural Aaesctatiott in tend leasing their fair grounds one year to tho biRhest bidder. Bids will be received by either tbe President or Secretary up to 1 m. on April 1, 1882. Bids should spec ify whether the laud is wanted for pas ture, or w hether it v ill be plowed up. N. P. Paysk, Pra. R. A Fester, Soo'y. Vuartlla TTli-tW vamwrn w ru.i.t..n PUACXICAlJ hat are I lorlTlvate or Contmercjai Uardenhig), but alaotothor- ai u i raiiae s tn kersey euy.ara tLe ii av -rage of seventy men throoirboui Uic CO. 'uwnaaiailit9ii,li.iannaMl a. n . nil ni iMn, ii in Imi. i-ffa)ft4.,iHMpiai. rr mfcr - a mmm t aaifcrtan W TWiwaM