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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1882)
I l' i . ' , ' l cmwrat. Knterod at tho Post Oilice at Albany, Or. a second -!uss mnil matter. nun.w .MARCH 17.1882 C E. STEWART K.IUnr nwl Proprleter. . Safe '. K. It. TIM K TAIll.F. Albany Station. OKPAHTl RK OS TKU. MM 3 KOETII. AUUNV KXVUKSS lVisots st KttKlU'.lT TKAINS " - 5:30 A. M. KO) A. M. 11:48 A. M. i;o:. r. at. 11:43 A. M 11 M l M. 3:30 P. M. Man r. m. VAIL TKVtN i .arrive at - ROI'NO 8l Til. MAIL TKVtX KKKlc.UT TRAIN ' EXI'KKSS Arrives at All Train !nlly. ccepl Sunday. Nottcf. On and after this date regular tickets will Ik sold at our ticket otUo for following point, on Columbia river: Upper ObVmIhv lulled. Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Alnsworlh. Wiu. It ft Ira, Freight and Ticket Agent O. t 0. K. V. Co. AlKany. June ISth, 185'. fiTTTP TJ A PPTJ nanr J.o f.wis-' n file at (Vxv IXllO 1 iiJriA JV Uowrlla tVa SvWuapM- AriverUslta; Uinau i W Nir-i.- St !rv -y ;.rtlJ kjj ulrvU lW Ik- ihSUo to." li IN NKW OKtC. HOME m ABUOAD. F" M. Freueh, jeweller. Johu Doe vs. !: Uni Roe. R. R. Sxipworth. lawyer, Alhaiy, Or. This wjek has been a harvest for boarding house. r'ish invoice of garden seeds at McCoy and Lllert's. And stilt lh;- arrive -qiscteclea at Franca". New supply of knives, farka an t spoons at French's. A stcaud baad bu;iy in good condition, for sae. call at this odaaea. ltef re yon art jot tick KSa bean invalid, uso Oregon Blood Purities. RemcxiKjr the entertainment to-night and to morrow night, at Y P C A Hall. Th.- orB-s of l.- T W Htrr.i it wW'i K W LMHjAM iu the 0.1 1 Fellow Temple. You fn get your preicriptio is Hm any hoar of th night at Mo J y an I FJIert'a. O! Piax s-l -A ui.-d lot for by A. Uiap'irey, at his ft-a Ml Center Precinct. Dr. C W.HU Frio?, denltt. oh.-e in Odd Felloe's TaafaH over ntmatm? D.-ug Score. Dr HiTs now raddle is abnircd by every -b-ly. Is ha no trouble in keaping u? with bis baSse. Cooper Tu'n-r his sM his proprcty. on the corner of Frst rnd Lyen street', to D li Monte;.'. t i i :. i . l See on ubu ri;ti-n. sul now is a time to bring it in. The Art Gallery at toe Dii.v r otike ia great!y enhanced in L-eauty since the arrival of some painting, from abroad. A fiae?wss pUt-n vi've F. tl at rn-t f r sale cheap. Call on or address M J M u teith, Albany,'oo. New t-jtatocs are pat'.i.j' ia an appsar anc?. Frank "A'aotl liavi-ig th- hanor of ea hibitin the firt nitci. SteaJrcrs arc b" le slsvpsldMI I between San Fraswiaae and r.rlanl every four dsys instead of Sva as now. Get yar Skidegate oil from McCoy aud Ellcrt a. thy are th-s agents for it and can giv yoa b-ttar pr;-ir than others. Westoa boasts e a suietde, a lone, youaj mm. hy ths mn.! of Boyd having taken his own life by the nsc of morphine. Tlie (Steel la Sohool District voted a tew EchT! house at th? list meeting, the rote stan dins 30 to 12. It i to cost 1308. The ladies el th Presbyterian Chnrch srill give a s'w'aton the4'.h of AprTl. The plac3 will be annonic.l next week. New fubscribers for the Democrat pourln? in fast. Over a hundred hare been add I to our list within a short time. The action of the Common Conned in rais ing the city licensi- from 00 to j.X0 waa the psiaetpal topve of conversation Wednes day. John Bfi' has just received a large stork f bird cages which he will ssll at j.rios eiusid jrably lower than ever. J 'rank i 'o l iiis heesi fchow'n up the Tnerk water mater this wesV, aad th ma chine is said to work in a satisfactory man ner. A Knights of Pythias pin was baton our streets last Tuesday ; the finder will confer a great favor upon the owner by leaving it at this offica. The. If. C. T. U. wi'd meet to-moirow af ternoon at 3 o'elock,at the Congregational church AU the member i arc requested to be previa A la'g span of work horses for tale. Taev eeatle. trae well broken and suita ble for heavy work For particulars call at ! Jurymen will ret ur a to their hones lo moircr full of boarding heus3 L?sh, and hm-c will hi in splea K I rendition f r re newed labors. Tao Tf tllsmette fe'l to fa3t after the late high vs'er that the McCidlj was unable to g up the river last week ab;ve Corvallis . Qiiti a c!i:r. I'a -bark ' liilwtrk" sailing f ro n China f .U!uered in the Pse'tie anl oi.!y three men suppose I t., hare been save I Thsy r.- inh-i I C ms Bay iu a boat. T.lo Tunperaoci Coaveatiea held in this city Tuesd ty and li'cd-aesday a'as well rep resented, aad termtaate I very satisfactorily to tho.Je connscted with it. ABir Anoeiitt a h m lately ben f jr.ned in Portland. It is composed of so:n ) of the best attorneys iu thateity, an I will evident ly become a fixed institution. Tni statement in ths Esen nj T Ingram that tha funeral of Miss Aonie M irny would he strictly private was entirely incorrect. It waspuhlic, an I ff o well attends I. Attention U cdle I to tho a lv of the O P R Caipiny. which appears in aaothvr cdanin, calling for sebd proposals for miterial and work on foar tunnels between Corvallis and Yainiaa. Any persons votMag to buy, tell, or ex change milk cow, licef cattle, fat or stock ehesp, fat or stock aogi. will find it to their advantage to call en John Elder, at Jason Wheeler's in Albany, Or. While assisting in fighting the fire at Independence, lsst week, Dr Smith, lately of thia city, f j'.I through a hole which had b?n baraal, an 1 scorched on s of bis hands, Hut not soriously. Remember that Montagu, of Lebanon, is offering botr'z-jr 1 a -gains than ever. He in tends to tnal e thin s lively this spring, and those deati ig with bim can depend on get s'.aj lirst class bargains. (The g The Star Brewery wilt keep running, aa in the past, notwithstanding the rite in th license. Mr Bellangar will maka it a paint to deal out a better W than evtr, and kta cuitomers can depsnd on a irat elaaa artiola. On Wednesday application was made to Rsoordor Henton by several saloon keepers 'or licenses under the old ordinance, but as their licenses do not run ont till tho first ' pril .hoy were refused. Haat will be the reku -t we can not say. Those wuhing work performed by John lioaeh, the nurseryman, can leave their orders at the DtCot RAT otlce, Hoffanan and Joseph s or at the Pest Office, a slate hsving been left at eaoh of these plaees sew this purpose. The enterUiument to be given to night and to-morrow night by the Readiag room and Library Association, are for worthy objects aud should be liberally painmu. Reserve seats can be obtained a i- Blaia'a At a mectiug of Albany lxdge Ko 4, I O O F. held last jredaeaday evening the fol lowing representatives were elected to the R IF G ldge, 1 0 0 F, whtoh meets in tne city of Salem May the 16th. 182 : Dr J A Davis, F C Tweedale, Ed Zeyss. VTalla Walla kaa passed an ordinance forbidding persons under lfl to be on the street after 7 . ro., from Oet. 1st to Aprd 1st, and duriofl th remainder of the year after 8 p. m. It will probably be enforced the way oar curfew ordinance is. It wdl be noticed by the Coanty Court Proceeding in another eolntnn that a new Precinct has bsen granted, to be called the t'rawfordsville Precinct. It will be made up of the present Precincts of Mabel, Brush Creek and part of Brownsville. There was Unite an opposition to it. The gathering of Odd Fellows ia this city last Friday evening was a big affair. Or geau Encampment are to be congratulated on the sucess of the meeting. There was a largo delegation here from Harriaburg. Brownsville, Lebanon, Eugene and other places, and everything want off very satis factorily. Oa the fiat, '-2nd and 23rd of this month there will be held in St. Fetera Episcopal Church a mission atteaded by Biahep Morris of Portland, with live or sia other clergy from different parts of the valley. The evening services on above evenings will be at 7 30 p. m. Oa Wednesday and Thursday there will be morning service with lioly Communion at 9:30 a in. All are cordially invited to attead. Dun IFaguen thinks the Dtxo. mr and the other city papers did him injustice last week, aud wo are not sure but be is paitly correct. One thia is certain, he did not attack his antagonist wbca be was unprepar ed, as Mr Hunt tells us he was ready for him and thought he could whip hiss. Dan sys the reason he bit was that Andy was guu ?.n,' his eye out. M'e don't know w'aet'ier this is true or not, and don't care. hut it will not do to let it occur again. Oae of the Portland papers gives a sag gestion made by a correspondent and calls it a novel one. It is that all persona who wish v d: ink liquor as a beverage be cam i . tto i ttsa been matlo for Tears in dtnereat parts of the Ucitt States, so it is not very new; but it has never been oonsiJered any where with enough seriouaoesa to produce leg slat ion in its favor. Tha fire at In depeuJencs last week pro- ia'-.!y originate! from a Lamp, it having started from the place where the lamp was usually placed oa leaving U.e store at night. It is Uiought that it was net entirely put out ami in onse ueace exploded after stand ing sometime. The fire was extinguished bofore the "building was burned very much, leaving it ia s ; :' a candition that it can he repaired. The principal damage to the gods resulted from smoke an 1 water. A fire occurred H'edaeadsy eveaiag about half pait five in the residence of A B H'oodin. It started in the attic from a defective chim ney, and had spread considerably when it was put o it by the "Hooks." That is Joe Allison, foraman of that worthy institution was on haa 1 ani with a little water extin guished it before it hd done any damage. No bells were rung, and everything was ac complished that would have been if the fire men bail rua through half a mile of mud. To day is the greatest of all days among our Catholic brethren; a day on which the rue Irish hsart beats with warmth ia memory of their patron saint. It it kept in festivity, aad celebrated by baving a univer sally good time, all over the face of the world, wherever ths Celtic tongue is hoard. Particularly ia large cities, tbo excitement runs high, and the good will which exists between the members of the Catholic Church on this occasion is unbounded. Wear a rib bon, even if you don't believe St. Patrick urov.t venomous creatures out of Ireland. JFe received a call from Mr John Long yesterday, wlso wished us to give hie v arson of the altercation which occurred last week between himself and A B Morris. Accord ing to his story Morris had taken part of the hos out of log's let and driven them into his own, and part of them had been marine 1 v. ith Morris's mark. Long went after them with his son, taking down the fenc;, and wasgoin, ti drive them through whea Morris got iu the gap, aad on Long's approaching, reached bis band arennd as if for a knife, anl said he "would rip his out." Then Long grabbed him, and tnrn- ing him around struck him on the hack with a small stick, aliout the size ef a cane, which he had iu his hand. This is his story, which we give tnaunuch as we have already given Morris'. New goods have been piliag into L E Rlsin'd large clothing establishment at an immense rate, and more are to arrive in few days. He has leceivel a stock of fancy and substantial summer shoes never before annroachetl in this city. They embrace a a o several varieties of elegant designs, and are the verv latest. His whole stock is fas ahead of anything else in the city. A large lot of p lka dot shirts have also been reeeiv c-d, aad are of a splendid texture. The new Hue of boscry, neok wear, etc, is complete and takes the lead in this city. Another new feature is the introduction of semo Brownsville suits for boys', youths' and men. They were made particalarly for Blaiti, ami are a first class stock of goods. Call and examine all these now things and you will be sure to bay. Messrs Phil and Louii Co, of IFaitabarg-, W. T., made us several oalls this week, and returned home last Tuesday. IFe sre tol that they came down for tho purpose o either making us retract oortain statements made against them, or else bringing suit against us for libel. We sre not in the retraction business. It is our custom to never attack auy oae unless the proof is strong against them, and then no retraction can be had until v e are sure it should be made as a matter of justice. Tne Cox broth ers deny in tyto the reports which have co-Jie down here from IFaitsburg in regard to their trausactisn with Mr Canon, and it is simply a question of veracity between them and tho many others who have put ths reports in circulation. While we make no retraction whatever, we must say in jus tioe to the gentlemen that while here their condnot waa net such as to make us believe they were suoh rascals aa we had supposed. Had we known them personally we might not have been so severe in our remarks against them. HtALinritt ii Fred sties hss been in Portlandjau bile this week. Miss Ida U'ehber has returned from Portland. Mr J Sutton, of Seio, has beou in the city this week. J S Morris, of Scio, came to the city Tuesday. We received a oall from Mr Jas Williams, of Seio, last Tuesday. Jas L Cowan and wi.'e, of laihvuon, were ia the city Tueeday. Dr E O Hyde, of 8oio hss boon stopping ia tke oity a few days. Rev Joe Emory, ef the C-jrvallis ( ullage, was in the oity last Friday. Geo. W. Smith, Keq , Ubanon'e bos t.n- tier waa in the oity Wedneaday. Charley Wheeler, the obliging postaiattcr at tihedds, made ue a oall last Saturday. Hon, B. F. Bonham of Salem, lias boon in attendance at the circuit court this week. R 8 Bean, a lively attorney, of F.ugeue, was in attendance at the court this week. We received a pleaaaat call from Dr. K. J. Somervilleof Pendleton, last Wednesday. Judge Burnett, successor to Judge Watson has had busioeas in the court here thia week. Dr B R Freelaad ha been in the city several days atten J ing to seme dental lnei District Attorney Pipir, has bi-a on at his oat iu thi Circuit Court thia. week. Col S G Elliot, who has leeti for Aati-Menepoly, is makiug Albany hi head quarters. Geo H Kaiier, formerly of this oity. is cugaged in the furuiture kuaiucaa ia Junc tion City. Miss Alien Iav, one of Htriuburg'e fair eat yoang ladica. has been vuiting friends ia this city. WtlsRayburn. pretty giod looking lawyer from Corvallis waa ou our streets the first of the week. Geo B Dorris, a succeaaful disciple of Blackatone, ef Eugeue, has had business at Court this week. W E Kelly, a thorough temperance mar, f Scio, was ia attendsnce at tle couvLi.t.on held here tkia week. George Piper, of Sale's f reserly clerk in Fex Bium an I 71 st we. In !- to tVe city this eiesik. Judge Cheaowilii aUMl lkrTallts' oblesl attorooys, has been i.i tits ity ths week attending court. We are very sorry to bear .:. Mr I. Stitee, of Harrtaburg. haa t a-o children very ill with the fever. sv. tl. Ulcll. pr.irnter. I the a'mtm StiV'tm im, has jest returned from u eslcml tone through the east. IK. R. Kirk, candidate for the State Treasury ship, on tae Rcpubltcaa ticket, waa ia the city last Friday. M. D. Ballard was in For'.lau I last Fr . day and Saturday in the ii. Uresis ef toe Red Crown Floer Mills Mr W A Weus. wliosi wrnn: was ssceatly burned at Corvallis was in the city the fore part of the week. Mies Lizzie Cbenowith. daughter of Jndge Chenotrith, of Corvallis, has been in the etty thts week visiting friends. Simon Settenbach sailed last ni'it for Han Franciaco, where he goes to buy h e spring stock of goods. H C Hautphrey, a .a ids -m young attor- aey of Eugene. aa ia the city ovar Sabbath and the- tirst if the week Bart Allen aad Rv. T. J. Wilson, of laleey, were delegate to tY Temperance onveution from that city. Urn A Hyde, wbo has been iu the city a few weeks, has gene to East Portland, and will opea aa oBce ia that city. Prof L J Powell, State School Superin tenueni, ieciureo at ssarneuure tact .vim,. slay evening, on educational matters. Miss Laara Heuk oanie up from (ervias last Friday and remained in the city over Sabbath, visiting her folks and friend. Hon C. V.. Beattie, Chairman of the Democratic State Central CoinnuCVe, is dangerously ill, at bis home in Oregon City There are over 200,000 sheep around Uepner within a radiue of about twenty miles. The wool from these yields about $240,000. D.W.Wakefield was elected 1'rcsidenl of the Y P C A in Portland last Monday He received the unanimous vote of ths Association. S. R. Young was to sail on the ttea.nsr that left Portland last night, for San Fran etaco, where he goes to buy bis spring stock ef goods. H ft'.ir f.f iKik II irri.l.Mr'f - " " DUvnunator, was ia tke city Tuesdsy and Wednesday, as a delegate to theTemperance Convention. Saturday Mr. H. B. Derrick, Craw fords villa's blacksmith, was in the city. aad daring ths course ef his stay, paid the DsMtMsUT office a visit. Mr. Hameu Sheltou, of Jour Jan, in tl;i ouuty, was in the city Monday, aad made us a call. We admire his taste in a-ibicrih ing for the D curs -rat. Allen Parker, of Onoatta, spent several days in the city this week on business. His mill at Oaeatta is no being repaired and will start up soon. J. B. Irvine, Peter Hume a id D. H. Put nam, of Brownsville, mure iu the city Tues day and Wednesday and attended tho Temperance Convention. aUlesG Hughes tbe welt kaowu railroad lawyer, of Portland, has' been in the city this week looking after the interests of the Oregonian Railway Company Capt J E Denny, of Yaauina fame, who has received so many uncomplimentary notices from the press of the JFillamette, has been in the city this wsek. Mrs Dr Hagan pent several days in Albany last week. She will end her visit at Lebanon oa the 10th of nest month and will depart for her home in the East. Rev Clarke Pringlo, of Eastern Oregon, who was visiting last week with friends in this city, left Friday for Buena Visvs, to attend some revival meetings in that phace Mr. F. S. Mills, formerly ef Brownsville, is now located at Pataha City, in the famous Garfield county, W. T. He expects to be back to Linn County sometime next fall Mr. J. W. Reed, Jefferson, an old Kentucky Democrat has been spending a few weeks in the city, and Monday had his name adora the subs ription list of the Democrat. 0 P Tompkins aad his mother, Mrs. Lister, came down from Harriaburg last week and are now comfj rtably situate 1 ia the Brenner dwelling boh se opposite Peter Bchloscer's residence. DrEOHyde, of Scioi was in ths city several days, returning home Titrnday. He is doing well at that place, and proposes to remain tin re, as he has found no locality he pikes so well. Jas H. Foster loft Albany Wedussdsy noon for California, with the hopes of im proving his health. He will remain there some little time, and it is to bo hoMid that he will hi- bonatltted hy California climate. Mrllobt Berwick, lately from the east haa purchased a farm in Linn county, and will tako possession of it next fall. In th menu time hi will renisin in Albany aud give his children tho advantage of our ex cellent school. B. A. Cathcy, a gradiialo of Albany Ceb legiato Institute has snnouncod himself as a candidate for School Superintendent before the Douglas county Republican Convention. He is now Supui iutendnnt of t h Itosahorg schools. Ssmaritau Lodge. So 31(1, I. OCT. of Harriaburg, elected the following delegates to attend th temperance mooting iu this citylaat Wodnoedey: Dr. HA Davia. A Blodgett. T J Anderson, A L Morris and S S Train. While tho Odd Fellows had charge of Albany last Friday and Saturday we received calls from Hon F Suhoolir-g, M IF Canter and Jas Hiley. a part of tho delegation from Harrisharc. Thoy report that their place will improve considerably during the coming snnimor. Frauk KUcrt and Tom Curran returned Da Baikers it at Brownavillo Sunday. Tlmy b-ft this city early iu the inerniiiaih bjmg astride a quadruped i f the genus h me. They returned llomlay morning looking haggard and wait, tho mere ahadows of ibo healthy pictures they usually present. It will We a longtime liefvre tney attempt another such tuietic ;' !. -- - o i hi Htii.t rmn It will be roaK-iiilxTod that on the Tib of lanl November thie oatimable young man was drowned whilo eroalug tbo Santlam. Stnee then every effirt lias been ma le to illscnvor hie remains, but they all prove I fruit!. -as. until last Friday, when hie body was found near Waterloo, about thirty-live miles below wbero ha entered the rivor. A dog was obaorved to a?l strangely along Hie river, ao much so, that lie was followed lo tho remains, wbleb, with other doge, Uo bad lsn die turb'ng. Tho body waa only rocognlaed i by the pants, which corresponded with the coat and vt lluacell throw off before enrlng tke riser, and by a pair ef socks hieb hie motbor knit far blm. The romams wrro brought to title city last Sabbath, ami bunco? a. to o'clock In the! nf.emooti In the city cemetary. Tho eer- riooa wore :ondurtKl thoro by Rev. I. H. Cordit. asaieted bv Rav. H. G. Irvine. land although abort were very tmpre;vo They were witneeed by a largo concourse of trlenda, relatives and citltena, who will r as in!, r u ;tli sadne a tho Jan', rites over lJB b. lVof onowho when living waa lovod by al! near to bun and res j mm to I by every lod v. A aurprlae ran. Actnwd four citlens, on Thursday nuiit, armed with atindry baskets and a'ch' Mi i ! I Umj residence of O. P. Tompkine mi t!ifr, to glva a visit, aa they were on tho eve of depart ure for Albany. Thoy found barbolur Ol entertaining a parly of young ladica who had eonio toeuadolo with him on tho mborlea of aingle Moeelne; tho tables wero brought into requisition to Jrotd Ibo megtiifioriit fal prepared. In a abort lime the atrains of muii ? from the drnct Band wer beard and tbo Loye were brought In. Supper waa soon announced and ail di 1 it ample justice. 1 he evening passed in very pleasant social intercourse ans ami m iai.-. At s la'.o hour the ihrong t,w,f mve fHy ovln-ed to Ol that ho ba a bait of friends intbisplace, who are sorry lo ace blm tetve. ' Harriaburg Diaseuiinal t." (hlnrae t'estla. Toes lay Jo'oi Dmny, of Peterson Butte, receive 1 at this city several f.iwls, ahipssd fraat hie brother O. N. D-nnr, cons-il at S'xanghai. An account of them will be found in the State No t on the lirat nai;e. 12 of them were Chince fowls of different kinJ, ons trio being of jut black, Very large and hbdouie. These will bo doaruati.-.stcd e by Mr. Denny. The golden phoasants will In let loose on Petersons Butte, for the purpose of Unereas ing the epecieo. It is earnestly requested ef sportsmen that they be let aloue for tke pretont until they becoms fu ly established here. One or More aeirrsne. From tho Pacific Surgical Institute, 30' Koarny street, San Francisco, wilt bo at sue oi. liar..-- Hotel, Kugcno .ry , Maron 21st and -Jd ; at the St. Charles betel Albany, March gftJi and ttttl ; and at the ChomekoU hotel, Salem, March 27th and r..ii., i ... . i ,i .u. .11. ' "J 'V1, , , , ,UJ Ul" eases and deformities treated at I Is institnto, such as spinal dlseaaea and all disease of the Joints, rupture, nasal catarrh, chronic rheumatism, lunu- dls- wwet paraiy,, nerv;ous diseases, piles, fistula, and female diseases. This is the on'y authorized branch of Ibotireat North- western Ktirulcul Institnto on the Pacific Coast, an I desires not to le oii,onmied with any otbor institute. (rand Jar. Tao gra;il j.iry closed iu laborH yMtenJay noon. Two indictiut-nts wore found against 11 1 Watu.iiM, one for suffering gaming ami the other for keeping open on Sunday. A truo bill waa found against John Lang for as- Multing A D Mom, iso bill was foumi atfainat Win L iwis, who was charged with Btoulin-'. Two or throe other iudictments were liandcd in, but they were not public property, ROLL MP HONOR. Tho following pupils of Liberty Sc'jool District 59 have netthor bean ab gent nor tardy during the month end in j M arch 11th, 1881; Jerry Banks, Chester Harris, Dayton Harrifl, Joseph Griine.Jerom? Skelton,Hoiner Manloy, Idla Manley and Vttriana Skelton. S. Hornard, Teacher. Al lirownsvllle. Dr. C. It. Tcmpleton.of For. land, of the firm of Clark and Templeton, Dentists, of Portland will be at Brownsville, Match 2lst, and remain about 10 daya. Those desiring first class work, will do well to give him a call. The tiraml Jury. Following are tho names of the persons, chosen as grand jurors for the present term of Circuit Court: KTT Fishor, Ben, Hardmaa, TP Goodman, F M Daniel Wm P Anderson, F M Helnhart sndli Cheadle. 4 l Tf I I' M Ti lt I M l. COMlKVriON. Nrrllact In tbls : Tnesilay nnil w-r-neaUii) rrorerillNxa. ate- Fiirauat't to a call lMSiied by tlm BlunJ It li. h., ii Club of this city about thirty dole gates appolnUtd hy tho different flood Templar Lodges ami llluo Hlbbnn Cluba of ih mm v, met at tlm V. F.C. A. Hall, last Tuoaday ovonlii r. Tlmlr objocf wuw the establishment 04 I 'onmy Allinn o and Nystemalln wort, for ihpurpmn f putting lemKiraiinr mow In ollleo. J. It.lrvlno, of Brownsville wsa olecltd ohnlrmntt, and R K. So, of Albany, Nr rotary. A comrnlt'rvi on err donllalH Waal ati imlnled, who reported In favor of I ho fol lowing (lolcgiitr x ; moat of whom were present : llalany AMUtieo Mil Allnii, Key 1 J Wilson, II Kobcrtami. Valley l lge-. J Wlndmn. Freedom Lodge -F M IttaaAlH, 9 W' Davie. Shedd n II Club D P Porlor. AUiaiiv B H t 'lub -T P Hacklomau, R W tlray. W B Scott, U Iv Binln. Mountain Lodge. f BrownavlllaV-.1 B Irvine, P Hume, Dr Barker, D II Put nam. Hantlam ImIko, of Solo - J C Johnsrtn, J L Miller, J DSutUm, W I Kolly. v A I ban v LtdfM - !aa FottiiiRer, Itov J W Harria, Jos Tyler, C II Hewitt, It Fox. Onward IhIitc, of Knox Butte--J E Kimx. Hold ( li.uu i ih, Mut Chambers, John Itnaoh. Hsnllam IxMtge, of Harriaburg fir 11 A Davis, A A BbMlgott. T J Ati lerion. A H Morris, S ri Train. A oommlUoeon const ilut Inn and by-lawa was appointed, ctinaltlug ef T I' Hackle man, TJ Wilson, J L Miller, D F Porter and S Train. While the commit loo woro (.reparlrg a rejiort oiilliueiaatlc remark" v.oro matte by Bart Alien, John Conner, Uiime, i W Orsy and R A Irvine. Tho committee on constitution were given till Wednesday nmriilug Iu wln li to report. K. F Sox ofTwiiwI the fillowlng r. ae'.u- lion, which waa adnptod. ra.-fcrif. Tha' Ilia the aetlso oflhl- en vantion tl. it when we nmr.t',A lo ira to our separate procliurU wn go to work arid uso our influence) ;n nominating ome lenl, imUpendciit, unpledged, pronoun. .1 and tried temerams men. In our resje. live parties, to represent our prtx-lmia lb the i?emlug cuuniy eniiveulloue. On motion It was ordered thai cons' It u Hon should preside fr organlaatlon as a permanent Tomperatico Alllan e, au.r dlnate to the State AHlano. Dr G W Gray, D II Putnam ami SS Train were appoints I a l ommliti c o pre pare an address to the votare of the county Adjourned U'l t o'eloek W MsasMatssJ morning. Ibewmmlttse on ronstlttr.lon and by- law a reporto'l, and their rs,ori with sMh changes, was adopted. Ibo conellur.lmt provides for a periaaiieul organize'. inn, to be called the Linn I'.n'.y Alllan ', t meet tho lirst Tuesday in Febru try of each year. The object ia tq carry for lb tho temperance work in lh ounty. The following otTi rra w r. t.'.-.-texl. President -T F BnkttaWsW Vico Presidents -1 W Qrd,T J W I Mi and I Hume. ti e-retary 11 F Sox Cor Iter S H I rain. Kse--ntUe CoinmUtce I ..ikmiu:, J L Miller, Dr II A Ioiv.hsiiJC 1u.i; Roftnb iicans, L K Blaio, J B lriiM.aiil Ja I'oiiingor. The Kte.Utivo ' nil n. ' mr . Sjaj powered Iu ss.riai if eatul ir. se- rp:able tn Alliance, if Mt to obtsiu di liuct candidates). Tho commtltoo on a.drai rOiaortSsJ tbe . lolbiwing, wbU-h was ad'ptn : To tUt tf .isaCV'Oiy r9o t In view of tbe terrible efTVte of intem perance and the contro'llng Indues.- tbst It sways ever our apbttfl atTalrs-Us In liuencsiand degrading leudeneisw bblng appaicni tn a:i ueparimenta oi our grt rm ment, local, atala and national, the Linn County nariioatly reiioals ane trrvsiev. Ivsf pi y amiiallona, lo usotboir bsat ctforts lo havotiiod and true tout peranco men ptacad lu nomina tion far tb various positions in ii..-d .' ferent depar:nisnia Of our govennnc?it. Believlnn that tbe tlrao haa arrivoj when the minds ef tho pp:e are fully awaken ed to the iieeeaallles of tbe caao. wo snott epn tally urgo active work at tbo pres ent time, as the harvest ia ready for the sickle aud It needs but tho reaper to gathor it in. Tbe eseclat plac for efleo- llvo work win us at in primary meiinge. II tbo foundation Is solid, thesMiH-ratrurt- lire ts firm aud complete" Friends of temperance, com to tho front and make a firm stand and bo trus to your pfttv tides, and let us eudoavor to make ;i sue- ocstsful caniilgti. iliro. v. uitav, D. II. FUTMAK, H. S. Train, Com tail tee. entptetely Faltr La4 Sunday's Mcrrur;, auibUio is to be seusatioiial, libela the character of J A Gross of tbe Dapot tfotel In a most shame ful tnaunor. Honry Elb'tnbord haa been n the employ of Mr. Oroas for asoverul years, ills wtro nas tiean living wsui him, ani la'.oly gave birth to a baby. Tbe Mercury states that on tho next day the proprietor of the hotel peremptorily ordered and compelled hor to move out of hor room, and adds that "tho Inhuman prooeoding has aroused the indignation of tho whols community," ate. Wo have t from Mr Kigonbord that those atato- nieute are absolutely falso. On account of tbe noiao at tho depot ho ha t tils wife removed to tke rcsldonco of Mrs Rhiner u this city, where she oould be taken uaro of, and Mr Gross know nothing about it until It was bsing done. A complete retraction is duo from tho Mtrcury for thus trilling with tbo character of a respooted citizen. Klae Ulbboa Club. There was a large attendance at the meeting last Fihlay evening. The pro gram as published last week was well rendered, and thediflerent pieces were receives! with oonslderahlo enthusiasm. After tho regular exercises an eleotion of ofllcers was had, when the lollowing persons were chosen to serve the club for the ensuing six months : ED Haven President. C C Hojue-lst Vice President. A M Mnttoon 2nd Vice President Q I Foster Secretary. Miss Kate Cenner Treasurer. tcbaol lleetlus. st v Little interest Hjomed to betaken in ihn election of school officers, held Monday, only 87 votes being cast Following was the vote : CLKRK. J. H. Burkhart f L. a. MonUnye 25 Scattering .. 3 be uiReeron. K. F. Sox 38 J. J Whimsy s-i Chas Welffar 17 nuuly Ceart Proceeillna sjsrrb Term L Ulnn, JaJfe ; M. Cunnlnh on, L. n,tiila', t'ummtaslonera. Application of Mark Hulbort and othort for ohangnof County road was granted, road ordered established sod fees of viewers and s.iivoyois sllowud. Application of T J ("...,.! sud others ("r chugs of County road granted, road order el ettahliahe.d and Mm r mi ity pay $40 damages. Declination of A V. Pdoon sa road anper viorrf Dist. 14 accepted ami I OafafafW sp pointed. Declination of B W Cooper sa rosd snper-vi-or of Dist. 21 accepted and Jhn Denny appoinbd. D -i linstion of Bailee sa road ausrvis.r of I . at. '.'(I accepted and A J Olio appoint set C -mt ordered that $4 a week be allowed to whoever will tako charge, of Alb-jrt Hays, aa iu-bgont person. Ordered that $4 a week be allowed Thoa Humphrey from February 10 ustil further o ders for taking obsrge of Cbas ii Miller. Declination of J Burm-tt ss rosd super viior ef Diet 1 1 n c. pUd.sud John Orobaid appointed. Application of J L 11 ili, ct al for change of county road grauted, and following viewers appuiuted B W Cooper. J B Itols-rtc, Wiu Bartowa. Petilion of D H Glaasand others asking t make CarwfiiriNville ss Cr.i wf .rdsville Pre Sestet fer voting was grautol. Oidered that vsrrant he drawn ta psy Mrs Smith's note, principal aad lotereat, '.'10 Court ordvie t mterr at on $700:j due the OA W M S.B. March la, to be paid: Court ordered that Judge Siraban Is) ap p uted atb.rney in ease of J .1 Charlton va Liau cunt) an I tint ho In alljw-d g3 for hie services Court allowed Dr J A Davie ea eacb of the Briga and Haggerty it -juoaU. balance d ir. Court ordered that plans and specifica tasS be received by next ter.n of casrt, to sit on bedding f bridge at WiUoa'e ford, ou Muddy. Application of A 3 Powell aud wthers for location of county rosd grssted, and D ea rroman. O.-orge Humpure.; and W U Ooltra wrro appointed lew ers. t a l. . OS ' . . . m . , "iwi noi ;eeiii .-aiioaa oi j j ji.rr.i We forwarded to J L Miller, aupervisor of 1 1. os Creek Bn.Jb-e, sad that said Dorris make pLm a cording to speciticatioas and hsvc it adrrrtise.1 ae as to bid on it by March .10. tbdrrod that Cljrk have aide-walk built fr am court house to water teSVfOt Or.lerrd that i, rk have all of decJc aud mortgige r. cord hooks sad books b ued. eit.i.s ai.uwi . ran, Bmm and C. fUM ; F I ILdiert so.i, Cl.S i. lumUr ; WatU and Godfrey, $i, printing ; X IVaum, $H'.' 0. Clerk fees ; John Oithlahd. fc'JUO. fr k MIllll'J It-Ik.- - ' m Hutclona, a pauper a year ; Wa M Allen, gi. nails ; Chcrlotte E Charlton. $30. for keeping J W lu,,, a pauper, a quarter of a year, ending March 7. ISS'J ; II Bryaa flo3, tnaktug county inpt. r.a-t districts aad Mb. J. Funn. $', I uioulbt salary ; t Cunningham, gi'.', aa Commissioner; L P eUglaat, gll.CJ as Coaninieaiooer ; J J n olto.j, i, .Ujs attendance on Court. tv.o! m nsvrr. SJ The National Surgical Institute of In 1 iii3H51e. with braucbesa. Philadelphia, Atlanta, lis., a-i I Sn Frauclaro, which has a nation ii reputation, will permanent ly eatablUb a branch at Forllaud, Or. Twosf the sklllesl surgeons of Ibis insti tute, prapa.-od with every nwl apparatus f.r the au.cesaful treatment of cripples, willmoetsll the old Mtients and suck yr ni tho following places: Portland, t., April trh. I0:h and Uth ; Albany, Apill IZih and '3th ; The Dalles April ;7lh; Walla Walla, April ltt.b and Nth ; Seattle, April 8Rh and 2rtth ; and hcaeafierat Forllaud, Oregon, on tb first Iwo w eeks of May and November of eatli year, comuionelug November, 1532 Itswaro of all traveling doctors ffalo in i v claim to rcprosen'. any olber Instl lute, for this is tbe only Surgical Institute ou this coast with facilities sud experi ence for the treatment of deform Itiea. J. M. llism.t, MftfT Gko. W. 11 aver, M. D., Surgoon isrgo, Natioual 8urgica Insti. Hush St., Fan Francisco. tiranse Conirntlen. T1ij subordinate Granges of Linn County are hereby requested to elect at their next regular meeting three dele- gute to attond a County Convention, to be held at No 10 Grange Hall en tbe II Saturday I u April, for the purpose ('selecting representatives lo the Stat Grange fortha ensuing year. H. A. Irvine, State Deputy. Y. r C. A. oarers. At tho business meeting of tbe Young People's Cbristian Assoeiation, held last Monday ovonlng the fsllowlng ofTicera wero e'.orted for tha ensulug year. Presldeat Ir. (S. Willis Price. Vice Frosldent-E. F. Sox. Secretary Gas Curry. Financial Secretary Mrs. L. E. Hiaia. Treasurer-Jay Wain. Organist -Miss Kato Connor. Business 4 ennell The next regular sesslou of the Linn County Husiness Council. P. of H.. will bohuhlat No 10 Grange Hall, on the first Saturday in April. Jos Powell, President II 0 Powell, fc'ec. Put. lie ICiatnlaatlaa. The public examination ef teachers for Linn county, will be held at the Court riousoin Albany, on Monday and Tues day a. in., Maroh 27th and 2Sth. 1SS2. J. Ia. GlI.nKRT. ThoMenasha (Wis.) Press, a88"8 A uranc:er, Eq., or mis city, uses St. Jacobs Oil on his horses with de cided suecess and profit. Dissolved. Tho partnership harstofore existing under the firm a mie ef Allen, Ilobinson at Co., is s krd uini p this day, dissolved by mutual consent. F E Itobiuson caatinuina: the nusiaess. N H Allkx, F E Robiksojt, J A Mabtix, FeV 4th, 1SS2. 87 frexram Linn "'. lastllate. . i m i a Siipt J. I Gill srt, Marixgcr. 'l'tll.T r 4 Ma hi 24, OraiilnM'oi. f nutltuUs Wort- n- Powell Kim I (ley..,. . .Mm. H. S. Tr a Dally 1'r.sram IJounly UhH.I Sift. J. 1 Olib rt Itsvlewa an I iailneliin Kvssis'i, A1 rase ef Welcome AiUrese Wsiisssnsv, s. n ' r-1 l-.i ; i ik'.- lessons Hills Orainnis' pfbriary t'omjsSkU?i AJfam-eil Oetllli iCMIc'i. Mrs, K. 0. Jolinn, Su,a f i VUani ?. Mm. S H. Train . . rtui A. i. L ;i!rrt Miss K. TorrslJ , ttev. K. 9. oielli I'rimary Realiii7 Aevau.syl llea-lhu irUtarapli)- , (J . . .i ,. JBaS M; m . r. r ...Mis, M. "urttack Alllaer. A H i Sis. l 'r-- KltN'uti .ii is - a. a P. M. Martin Ju Ife MrFa.1 len Ms' ii 34 US '. Hnt. 1.. J. OHWt Mies M K. Oasjam Mental ArUlisiatle Primary Arithmetic 'rriMpelr.':rn ar,.l I"-Wri:. . Ilsnasnlnale euiuhers . a 0. ii Tar wO. M Pa V. M Pare tu Ujr r4 bivr'tl Anatreis uf Arith-se'., - r -iei lud'j innU t , stuJ) Hlstery tvssieo Kntertainismt PaiiiAT a. n Mas.; M.-hMiJ Uuv. rtnuA'Ul M Tel Culture SaUtraJ Seleie a Krs.-t.HiJ (-alsSbenPa V.. C. H M't.M ' . H'AfU Mu Jess crsislsM I SI. la-'. Haut M. rjr.,j ttv. J. W. Harris aat;a. Peedl K. A. M.laer aasOsssSMt s . i. sbtjA P.eefT. r.HUcrt. Ks I'-wo. E r. Sos. (.'salranan K itertal.iru'iit QOsV Tke exercises wilt be enlivened by o rs. siaual music, re. italioae, olc. af.ntertisian.ent haa been provid.d fer about sixty teachers, and it ia . , e' . . that all wsating entertaiumeat seed their rabies to F. Hex. Attention it oallasl Ml Buie '.MJ of P.ulea and ilegslatiens which rsquirss thestVsnilaocc of aWf public scUa'd tvsehers at Teacher' Irtti. lute a. The eutertaiaairiit TSursdsy eve w,'l Is for deft ay teg cspeuaec, and MSaM f (Jte beat talent of ialui, Corvalh-, LataassSSs, S tl 5 and Albany has lca secsrol. There will be a public trsisiui'.i mi of tescbere tbe same week. rim it.o I stem NME Th followinsr Uetement of William J. Coughlln, of SeimervlilA, Mas., is so re markable that we tssg to ask for it the at tention of our readers. Ho says : "In the fslloflH't) I wm taken witn a violent bleeding of tbe lungs followed by a severe cemah. 1 awrttii ts-gan to ioawt my a p petit: and flesh. I was so weak at one tine that I could not leave my bod. In the summer of 177 I waaadmitled totheCity Hosp. a! Wbilo then; the doctors aali I had a bole in my left lung aa big as a half dollar. 1 expended over a hundred dollars in doc tors and modieim-s. I was so far gone at one Urn a report wont around that I was deavi. t gave up bop, bat a friend told iue of )r. Wm. Hall's Balsam for tbe longs 1 laughed at my frioud, tl.iuking I bat my ease was im-urable. but I .-,. s le-atio in satisfy them, when to my sur- nriwa'iO t'ratilj.-aiiou, 1 c .m 'iimced lO feel b-Uer. My lope, onra dea l. tsgn in revive, and to-day I feel lis better spb iti than I have the past tlire yearr. I wrlio inis boi aitf yt.u will ir.iM.mi tl o (hat cvry one silli.-tl uii I.ungs will Lh9 indu.ei to take lr. Win Hairs I Va 1 s ui f,.r tho Itinas, and bo con vineed tbat rnsiuuilUii tan be csirl. I ha taken two Uxtl. a ami nn t....iive.v ay that it ias dune uroro y el than all lb otber iiu.-uieitM-s I bavo takc.i strict? my ntckness Mv -i.uh has almost rn Itrely dlsappred and I shail soon l-i ab lo go to work." -I i s tit ts. Leeltcr I.l-sl The (ii.meiia la the list of e!ie . reeuaw aw, aonty. Vtx, .j. u.e . m4 UTW. AiiMsny. lann ton. Vlr U'.li i-: I"er.,r.a asstl i. to- lh m l -sa- i SSSSSS sve U.e Ute 0Btxri Kin w rc a. ' rniw-.l nartrr. J., VVti abSsnsj Mr. A. llaUer, Oee. 11. rW L. I . iUiklu... M.Hi:-, Meura, K. K. , Wnutaau, -U. V. H. RAYMOND. P. M I . rraaa ut-0aa, baeiu. M;llrr. iLr. Seu:i.oTi. Lcl Mr ParrUta'a Menses al Mrs. L.J. Parrtsh has removed her millinery store from her old lunation into tbo Froman brick opposi Iv VounV store ane is now ready thero to receive her friends and customers. Alio has a . . 1 ntock of millinery on band and keeps adding to it constantly, not allowing it to run -! ii. Her prices aro lower than ustiat and our traders will do well to give her a eall. A mother aud sou killed by King ol tit Blood. The mother waa Dyspoiaia. thm son Coneral I'nhappincas. See adver iae- m?ut. A CARD. To all who are snfTrlug from the error and indiscretions of youth, nervous Is weak news, early decay, loan of menhood Ar. 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, l-'KMK OF CM A KG E. This great remedy was discovered by a mlwuonery in Mouth America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rsv. Joskpii '!'. 1mn, sluuion 1. New York City. A torpid liver haa to wake up and attei d to busiucss when King of thulVovl (.eta nto the circulation. Sec OAlvertiseineut. O. B. P. t .leiasro xaaca 23, 179. BJMeUBiffi Is the fwepte's popular reniedy it Is warrantee to give satisfaction, M yeu srspt teatlmonlals call at tuo oeice We den't publlah them, but ref jr yeu to the blealtr snilJVjcnsuniers. It has r.e equal, tl per bottle or d bottles tor 0. DI BREK&EN. At Grass KidjeJu this coonty, on March 5th, 18S2, of heart disease. A.. R. Breeufx. Mr. B. was one of the Gregon pioueers, having come to this country at an early dsy He leaves quite a large family and many friends to mount kis loss. J BUCHANAN. On Saturday, March 11th, at Walla Walla, of scarlet fever, Frank Bcohahan, aged ten years. Frank was a son of Eugene Buchanan, lately of this oity, and was a bright, manl' boy, who made friends with ovoiybody, and was loved by all. Ths nows was received in this city with great sadness, for it found many to mourn tho loss of one, though young, yet possessing so many good qualities. NOTICE TO RAIL ROAD GDNTRAC" TORS, I ' aled pro . muIs wi'l te ras elv k sii l ofJu o of the Oregon Pacific Hallr t i I o inny, Corvtilis, Ornuron. umll noon April lst,lKii and will then be ttymttt tor furnishing the materials aad doiisg the rfork en eo :i struct ion f ieur tunnels on tne linear tbo Oregon 1'acifl'T j;ai'rrd, fet wien Carvsltls and Ya'ptn?, varyintr In length CfOaTl 400 lofM feet, a eerdmg to plans and ;t dl iis no- n fie in tbo oafjee of ths t'bir P.nuieT cf tbo Conf pa iy st Corvatii. Tne bldt ISMM4 bat MM ! on b anks v.,: i will i... o Com on upp.tea'.ion. The Co n pa ny reWaYrrO Ut V m the rigsi as reJe t g v or a'l b d. Mr. M. HoA;. "loneral Mamssr, O. P. R. CJIvatUs, Mtreo I S, UBt. lf VT4IC AXS sf I it will be apar to an? who will examl i? a i I go' I ...lath, tab at astiiofrem the oeo sarjr auuac fev engraviiig and t Witag, a large prav portMt of toe j -clous metal aJ Is ucede ! o ily to stitfua asal held tbeen grava I rcarii ns in place, aud sapply tbe ncncH.ary solidity aad strengt , The scrplos gold is uitualljr n'edies so for as utility aud brauly are con eerned. InJasncs i'oa' P ut sia'd Watch Canes, tbin wastar of precious uv-'.al ia ovi-r coins, and tr sam aolld !ty fiti'i -'f :igth produ-vu at fw I oa third ta eae-balf af the usual coat of olid can's. This pieces is of tbe most simple nature, as follows: a plate sjg nlckle composition metal erpacially adapted to the purpoee, ha- two platen of solid gold aoiderrd one on each tide. II." three are then pasaetJ between polished steel rollers, and the reaalt Is s strip af heavy plated coropositlea, from which the eane-a, hacks, centres, ' els to srn cut aiot - .'od by sui table die and former I to gold fa these t-ases is sufflcieutly thick to a4 niitofail kinds of chasi engravlos; and euamelliug ; tbe c?igra.'v aases iiave been carried Bfttii wont perfactljr uio th by time nod nsr. witkmet re moving the gold. This a ths only ease Bade with :we piaUn of solid gold and wnrrant-t -v sptcial vertiflcale. For sale by all . welere. Ask for Illustrated Coialgue, and to see W0t iu nt. Ri.M 1 1 as rmnn dlatm Thn following nta'smarr. sf Wn. J: Ccuxbiin. .f Soai'-rville, l.tss, is eo rs innrksbtc H it v. - teg to for It ths-. at 'trioti nf " ir readers. decays: Ic the fall of 1875 I was taken w.:h a violent l-esJinK f lie? 'u: .. to lowed bv a se vere rsoih. I noon be ra . to low nay flesh and appetite. I was no -.ven at Cue time tbst I could mm loseo my en. Ju tne luinmer of lH77 I wm admit'. t it ha City lLt.ital. Wlilie there ho f.tor wUd I had a bole in mv loft lung as big as half a h.llar. I f-xtjcnded over a hundred tbulars on dcx-tors and me-l.t ines ! waa so far K'.neat one time a report -.nt around that I was doad. I gave up hope, but a friend told me o' Ilt. WM. 11 ALL'S IiAI M KUt Tti K LCNOS. I iai.trhed al my friends, thinkiug thai my cae was in curah.o. but I wt bottle to aav'ify theui. wben U my surprise and srtati neat ion. I laogan to feel better. My h.-p . onee dead, boiran to rv-. ivo, and lo day i feel in beater spir ts I ha ve the past ttuee year. "I v. rit- Uii , hoping that you will pub Hsh It, no that every one aMiced with dta easel lone w ill tss ind-.i .-wd to take Ir. Wm. Hail's Italsam for ih- Lung-, and be eA-invirtei tlta-CtlNSUMPTION CAN BK CVRStX I have taken two Isjtilee and can posit ivelv nay ttiat it haa done more aood than ali th- mber me-tickies I have utken s'-n-t! my eleatoesis. My cotub has slmo entirely disappcard nid 1 Nhall BOSSJ loab!e ii o lo wort." roM ty Uuggtats. 1 Notice to Contractors. Sea'e ! p-nsa!H for tho con tru -tieis of !... b. brick '.uddings nt Harriaburg. will Is? received tin to .March l.'i,at 3 o'clock I-. M. Commute r-. rve the xight to reJeaM any and all bids. For plans and pssAeswOM ajj ly t. ' omml'tee. J. i - aooia. . v '. .' . iu i .. orsx&t .. Iai-t.s, Fuilding Co- miltee. lit t Kl S .nit . st-,E. Tlie licst solve in the world for col i, eoree, ulcer, salt mroci, fever sa i tet- U-; , happ d r at. '.-. ' ibiaina, vor' - . nd all ktanla cf skin eruption. ais 1 u guar-ant-.-dm ivc perftw-t rii tc'.- .n every rjki -r mo.My rrfuuded. Price 00c per boa. For ale hy Pesssay and Mason, wholesale agta ; DM tMS, Scao ; 1 Foley, Lcl anion ; Ir Powell. Lebanon : Uedpalh Mon tagno, JetTerfion ; DM Calltrealh, P.uena Vista ; G Cornelius, Turner : R A Ratnpy, Harriaburg ; Starr said Blakely, Lrowna riilc. The Ccwpinu Irnlt Drier - Having now obtained complete con trol of this celebrated fruit drier, I am prepared to sell county and State rights on reasonable terms. Call on or ad dress meat Albany, Oregon. Wm. C. DoueriY. To the rnblie. J. A. Gross, roprU-'o.r .-.f the icpe hote!, keeps one of the ' ss x-iVi.- hoases in the State. His rooms are kept ncrupu- lously neat and clean, and 011 his tables can l-e r.."'d the bo.t : ' tbe market af fords. Pariisrd 'ointr off on tbe morning frain can rret c ffx) and -ukos or an entire bmakfast before the train leaves- Here after the hotel will bo kept open all nigh or convenience of the public, at to Tins it i i.'iu.j. Samuel li, YOatasfJ has thr Cliaiox Seed Wheat Cleauer with sjsse hurdle, an le x prcssly for cleauwiu' stajd wheat and tak ing out sfBd oats. Guaranteed to bo equal to any in the market, and in -o-.n - respects superior. A trial is solicited by those wishing a good cleauer. Terms reasonable. SMILOH? 00179 H ail Consumption -Cure is sold by us ou a guarantee. It curss oonsumptioa. CP.OUP, WHOOPING COUGH ami Bronchitit immediately relieved' by Shiloh's Cure. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Tare ia tin reniody tor yon. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize is jjuarantoed to cure you. For 1 tme Back, Side or Choat uso Shiloh's Porous Plaatcr. Prieo 23 cants. For sale by Foahay aad Masou, Albany ; R. A. Rsmpy, Harrisbury. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shi! oh' a Cure. We guaran tee it For sale ly Foshay and Mason, Albany ; R. A. Raotpy, Harriaburg. CATARRAH CURED, health and sweet breath Bccnrred by Shiloh's Catarrah Ilemedy Price 50 cents. Naaal Injector free. 8HIL0H 8 VITALIZFR ia what yon need for Constipation, Lou or A; petite Dizziness and all symptom i af Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents jer 1 ottle.