The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 10, 1882, Image 2

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    FRIDAY.. MARCH 10, 1SS2
xw 01 a atic s r its. o, i j ion
A Democratic State Convention is
hereby called to meet nt Portland, oa
Wednesday, April 8,1883, At 11 o'clock
a. v . for tho purpose of nominating a
candidate for Chief Justice, a candidate
for Secretary of State, a candidate for
State Treasurer, a candidate for Super
intendent of Public Instruction, a can
didate for Frosecuting Attorney in each
of tho Judicial Districts, and to tran
sact such other business as may eorae
before tho convention. Tho conven
tion will consist of 22 delegates, ap
portioned among tho various counties
as follows :
r..-x . . .
r'vki'nn .
Clatsop.. .
Columbia . .
7tv It
I l.inn IB
. Marion IS
. . . C Multnomah S
-.3 Polk 0
. . ? Tillamook 2
. UJ Umatilla It
ri Imon
. Wasco It
..U Vahifton
...t Yamhill 10
The committee suggest, xmlesj other
wise ordt TihI by the local committees,
that the primaries be held on Saturday,
March 2 4th, and tho County Conven
tions on Wednesday, March 20th. By
order of the Democratic State Cantrai
C. F. Bkatie,
Oregon Oity, Feb. 33, 1SS2.
A Domocratlc Convention far lann
County, for the pnrpoee of eleetlng 16
delegates to the Democratic State Coaven
tion, will be held in Albany, at 10 o'clock
a. in., on
Wkdxs!ay, Mwm ii 29, 18S2.
Primary meetings will bo held at the
voting places iu eaeh Prccinet on Satur
day, Marek 25, ISSi
A Democratic Convention for Liun
County, f-rtho purpose of uouiiuatiug a
county ticket, will be bald in Albany, at
10 o'clock a. aa . , on
WwwckattAT. May 10, 1SS2.
Primary meeting? will be held at the
voting place in the several Preciut ou
(Saturday, May 6, ISii.
Precincts will be entitled to representa
tion in each of the County Conventions
5N"ator oLatK maue a
speech in Congress last Monday on the
Chinese bill, fie is an ablo speaker
and his remarks are always listened to
W ith marked attention
RePc'dlicaxo talk of the great num
ber of candidates fur oflice in the Dem
ocratic party iu this county. The truth
is we do not outnumber thrOi in that
line but very little :a tb
"Honors aro easy."
SiiERin Ciiaultox would like vciy
much to be elected a second term to the
office he now hoid,and is doing his lev
el best to secure a re-nmination at the
hands of his party. He is opposed by
several strong men and the fight wax
t-th warm.
If Republicans can settle the fuss be
tween Joe Simons and D. P. Thompson,
the latter will vet hi their candidate
for Governor. .Simons can't see it yet,
and probably wont. Ho can't forget
that contest for tlr Mayorship of) Port.
The Samlay Oreyairictn we must
say is a Dae publication and worthy
of a good support. It is exceedingly
intere-jiini. We would like it still
better if the managing editor vould
treat all parts of the State fairly, and
not pour out hLs "vials of
upon Yaquina Bay.
The recent tragedies in Portland
have jjnvn people such a scare as the
will remember f v a long time. Iu the
light of . developments the ques
tion that puzzles us is what are th
delegates to the two State Conventions
going to dt for amusement while not
engaged in their duties as delegates.
We advise an extra session of Itotli Cen
tral Committees and a change tf place
for the holding of the coming State
The Grangers and Anti-Monopoly
Leagues of this county h'tve appointed
two coramittees from each organiza
tion, whose instructions are to confer
with the substantial men of- each pre
cinct with the object of securing as del
egates to the Ojunty Conventions none
but honest, upright and representative
men. If this is c.irrbl forward success
fully and without fear or favor the re
sult cannot bat bo good, as such man
will not nouiinite for office any one
wh is not both mentally aud morally
ditalitied to fill the different offices.
Con'Klisu has declined the appoint
ment of Associate Justice of the Su
primi? Court Ths half-breed howl will
now cease, but Conkiing's declination
is the werat thing that ha happened to
them for a long time. His acceptance
of the olh;e tendered him would have
completely "shelved" hiui politically,
andtit is probable the breach in the Re
publican ranks in New York might
have been hea'eJ. As it is now, he prac
ticably gives notice to his political ene
mies that he is still in the fight, and
before the next presidential election
is over we opine he will make it decid
edly int3refcting for hi3 jwlitical one-
tuoi ht i on mttU o(ti:RATto
The niasc3 of tho people are becom
ing more familiar every day with these
things which concern their social and
political welfare. Tho farmer roaches
out and grasps the hand of the mechan
ic and laborer. Representatives of all
industries claim reciprocal relations.
They aro becoming more expannivn in
dot-ail, and realize their dependence as a
whole in commerce in order to prosper.
No one branch of industry can expand
and become profitable by itself alone
Every one is dependent on another for
a. a O W 1
success. It there is any inuM.uu
it is in tho producer and there it exists
oaly to a limited success. Capiul in
always dependent. It is independent
in nothing. It may bo used with a
hand, but it is not certain, but, ou the
contrary, very uncertain. The far.ners
... . i ? . i
crops will reproduce mouiseivti wun
but little aid. It is the labor of love to
call from the earth its ar.nual products
and the husbandman feels free and glad
when ho beholds the fruit of his toil.
It is not so with capital. It is a cold
serpent, heartless always, and never a
friend. It seeks at all times something
around which it may coil his cold body,
or into which it may throw 'its poison
ous fangs' It is a blight w hich eats up
everything it touches. It drawn its
life from the wants, misfortunes and for
tunes of men. It will take tho advan
cage, iu tho ordinaiy affairs of life of
man's misfortunes and crush him. but
seldom aids him in hia enterprises. It
may be used, but it is dearly bought.
If ire look over the field we find here
and there its victims. Our once pros
perous people thought that capital with
a low interest was what we all needed.
Il came, and the blessing proved a mis
fortune. How many there are who
ctanot escape the net they havfi volun
tartly g me into. Capital ia the hardest
master they have. How can capital be
reconciled to labor or the wants t f our
people ? In different parts cf cur State
the relief expected has np.L 6MMC
tho C08rT5rJ, dtaapjointiuent on the
one hand, and the exactions of capitalist
on the other, havo drivou miay
hardy pioneer to realize the pang ol
want in the years of his decline. Added
o our taxei may be that of interest
n loans. Suppose wo say in I.inn
ounty there id about $'300,000 loaned
nd secured by mortgage. Sixty thou-
nd dollars jr .nnum in interest that
es cut of the County and perhaps
tate. This interest tax overlats all
tilers and is the last 3' raw that breaks
the camel's back. Do we ever think of
this question and the way to Nafta it.
Is there any hope to save tho prr-rty
to the old owners. In the discussion
of gieat commercial questions we should
not forget the intercsv monojKily Pel would take five doliaas pci head
c Minting every man, woman and child
ia Linn County to psy the lateral due
anauallv in this countv on loars.
is searatc and apart from all othir
sixes. We groan un let taxes. We have
had failures of crops and other drai
backs la imnOvei isfi our neoi! Hut
i , .
the greatest evil is borrowing money
when it ran be by a little a-!: 1 mial
avoided. We are too gH 1 to ourselves
sometimes. This question may be ask
ed, but who will answer it I In ali.
fornia there are failure of crops and
they are looked for. Semetimes they
are Very disastrous, but her farmers
prosper notwithstanding. There are no
farmers sacrificed in consequence of this
ftct. Farms are operated for leas
money in Oregon than in California
But when there is a short crop here, or
our sales are h1o, many of our eople
arc driven to boirow money to bridge
over. Why ia this 1 Can any one at
swer 1 There are many reasons far it.
and they do not lay in monopolies, nor
can monopolies beip the case. We find
many things to be considered which
will engage the thoughts of our readers
s they may our own in future articles.
Tjik New York Time says that there
is no necessity for the coming anti coolie
dem mstration here, bectuse, if thero is
any opposition to the passage of a bill
restricting Chioesa immigration, "it
has not been manifested." This is an
error, ilia I tni':n an i other lournals
ave recently publishel articles calcu
1 it-jd to discourage s ich action. A few
piterested schemers have bon circulat
ing at Washington pamphlets claiming
that the best sentiment here is oppoa
ed to action. Congress has beea in ses
sion a long tim.3, yet nothing has been
done. Attempts to take tin the bill
have been successfully resisted. Cer
tain Congressman have proclaimed their
antaionisoi to it. The corporations
which defcire an unlimited supply of
cheap labor notoriously oppose it.
Meanwhile thousands of coolies are be
ing Imported into this State, and when
our people, growing restive under the
cruel delay, begin to complain,tho Times
cooly inquire'., "Why, what's your hur
ry V Exxnuner.
Iowa is now wrestling with the
temperance question. Alter much
debate the State Senate has agreed
to a constitutional amendment pro
hibiting the manufacture or silo ol
intoxicating liquor-, and the maasure
will now go before the people.
Foayearj tho Etstern States have
not been visited by such freshets "as
now prevail back there. The Mis
siidppi ( specially is creating sad
havoc; the levies aro breaking and
the loss of I:'fj acd property U enor-,
Ot ft (O! M Y ItVIIt tl OMMITIKI
The Democratic County Central
Committee met at tho I km iiat office
on Wednesday, March Nth, every num
ber being prctumt. It was decided to
bald two primary and two County
Conronlious. The first County Conven
tion will be held for tho purpose of
electing sixteen delegatus to attend
the State Convention, and will bo held
according to thu recommendation of the
State Committee, ou Wedntuday,
March 'J'Jth, with the primaries on the
Saturday previous the 25th. The
second County Convention, to nominate
a full ticket for tha county oflicos, will
bsbdd on Wednesday, May 10th, with
the primaries on tha previous Saturday
May (ith. Tha aportionroeiit was
based on tlm vote far flou. John Whit
eakcr at the June election in 180
ao vot was given far eaeh precinct,
one for overy '2't votes, au 1 one far v
ry fraction of 1" or over. The appor
tionment will be found in another col
umn. Tha member! of the oommitteo
were all enthusiastic, ami were unnnt
mous in tha opinion that Democracy
would again rule in this county after
the Juue aleetion. Tito ball is now
open. It ia sincerely to bo desired that
the Preainct meetings be well attended.
Our party came out of tho last fight in
this county in bad shape, aud to prevent
such a disaster again wo must work to
tecuie tho greatest uuaniuiity and har
mony, &nd one of the best plans that
can be adopted is to bogin in the pri
maries by sanding up as delegates yonr
ttuast aud most intelligent men. Sand
up t'aosa who will work for tho best in
tardts of Un party --men who will sac
riuco po-sonal preferences in tho inter
est of harmony and MNM Von can
all spato two half da. this apring. and
you cannot iuany y accomplish more
for vour county and iouislvia iu tha
aT af
ami length of tUM than by attending
thi p.iiniti" m;d select iiq; aod dole
gatea to vtr ' ' 'St.,') t n . : You
havf plenty of tiane betwoea now and
the .riuiaiiod to raxt atKi:t you and
make rovr neloctioM in a judicious
mtancr, and if yoti iinnitive your
Oppo;ta: tty w. knjw tit remit will be
sin ir To in :
The "Ind-j einlcr.t," a llepublican
pajierat RIRflboro 4oetat like to see
Mallurv 1 , ' Iii heat", and gos
after Julg- Vfmtwtm, the succCAnor of
i! .1 . . in thU kind of!r.
The seventh article of the O.ogon
State Constitution preacibea that
judges f tho Circuit and Supreme
Courts shall take an oath iu which
thoy swear that tho; will not accept
any othi r office exc?pt judicial efficee
during tho term for which they havo
been elected. Nataithslanding Judge
J. F. Watson, now ciieuit judge of the
second judicial district of thia State,
has be n nominated by tha President
for C. S. District Attorney, to take
the place of Jlufua Malhry, whose
term expirel last December. Oaths
are small things to tho inveterate oflice
seeker. If Watson accopta ho ought to
be prosecuted and sent to the peniten
tiary and set to mnkiug brick. No le
gol quibbling and hair splitting should
allow him to escape justice.
Tiii. genua crank If not confined
altogether to the Cnitcd State, as
ont might suppose aftr reading the
editorials in tiie U'V ..-(, and hear
ing "Col Ilawkln.-, of Tennessee"
speak. Great Britain now competes
with us In line. On Thnrsday
of last week some rival of (Juiteau
drew his pi-itol and shot at the car
riage which contained Queen Vic
toria but although liiit wilt might
have been good, bli aim was horrid,
and Queen Victoria was not hannoal
in tho least
RlHBUCAS luinngcrs aro now
looking up a dark horse to
jjrvo as candidate for Congress
next Juno. George h n killed him
self by hh action in regard to the
Yaquina liiy appropriation, and by
causing (be removal of Mallory
Mallory wanl- tho place out of ro
vengo on George, but tho managers
probably .sot both aida and take up a
new man. Tiicy will of conrso hunt
up somo ono whom they know will
work for tho interests of Portland at
tho expense of other parts of the
Tiia diplomat, awarded to Air. II.
D. Bsaborn of Portland as Oregon's
representative to the international
exhibition of sheep, wool and wool
products, under tho auspices of the
Pennsylvania Stato Agricultural
Society, held ' in Philadelphia, com
mencing September 2 1, lSSD, having
been appropriately' formed, have
been deposited in tho oflico of the
secretary of state. Oregon secured
two firit prize?, one being fur the
best collection of Cots wold fleeces,
and the other for tho best collection
of samples of wool.
The Commerce Committee in the
Senate has reported favorally upon
a bill Interdnced by George for tho
same object, the new district will in
all probability be organized.
It is expected that a now bank
ruptcy law will bo passed at tho pres
ent session of Congress. We ought
to have it by all means. A certain
class ol our citizens who wero in the
habit of going into bankruptcy once
a year o. oftener have been entirely
out ef business since the repeal of th
bankruptcy law.
tmTMrT or t A4tmt.
I an M, C Ccorge from the Commit
tee on Commerce, submitted tho fallow
ing, report to Congress which was refer
red to the House calendar and ordored
to be printed :
Tho Commiltti on Commerce, to tbom
tea rrsnac bill (If. h'. 8578)
amend srcltens twenty five hundred and
eighty six and twenty-five hundred and
eight if seven ef the Revised Statutes of
the f iti(r,( States, restectnl; retori
That this is n bill to cioato another
diatoms district in tha Stato of Oregon,
to be known as tho district of Yaquina,
ami to create tho oflico of collaotor
Vour ootnuiittoo hud that theprnpna
ed poit of entry is about midway along
tho line of coast of the Slate 01 Oregon
that the general government baa inado
two annual appropriations, amounting
to .U,00t, for tho permanent improve
mant of the harbor entrance, and that
the United States engineer ofllcera in
charge hvo recommended an additional
anmupriation. This recommendation
approved by tho War Department
Tho legislation assembly nf the State
of Oregon in their memorial to (mgreaa,
ronioaontN that "tho harbor of Yaquina
Hay ia now of great import mice as the
only available outlet far the central p r
tton of the Stato ; that its adoption aa
tho weatern terminus of the Oregon ra
citic Uaiiroad calls for the iintuoveinont
of tho entrance at the earliest oaaibla
day ; that tha completion of thia lino
will necessarily attract to the harbor a
larco and ever increasing number of
ocean-going tbipi : that tho aoven coun
ties diirctly arTcctol produce nearly
six-KOrentha of the wheat crop of the
State," and that the district in quos
tion yields a very larao proportion of
other products which ate now the ata
pie exports of tho Slate.
The railroad company herein referred
to are now activelr eni:e"l in builaiuz
a railroatj from this port into tho heart
of the State of Oregon, and propose to
extend it at an e&rly day no as to make
a transcontinental connection.
y aM
committee aro informed that rails im
ported by this company -which would
pay a duty to the goTrrnwnt of 1 6
e44T are now lyiug in bond in the city
of San Francisco awaiting an opjortuo
ity for shipment to this hailr, wbiah
is now neither a port of ensry or deliv
ery ; and tint other large importations
are contemplated which would yield
during the present year a cusUms rev
enue of $120,000 additional.
The views of the Treasury Depart
luont nKn the f .; i bill aro em bod
ied in the following latter of tho Trees
urer dated Kabruaty 9, 18 1 :
Tauaseas PrATaaT. ; titwjr i, liax
8s Ibltf UM h'tnnt U Mknjtlfv lh rKl
of)ur letter ,f U .tMU ututou. lnutUitf , tt
the tutsailcrliai of th J. ; .rtm, c, ut Hvuta
kal Sj. tin, MlitM "A till le m'iW t ,uu twen
y Sv kuiMlrU i4 eighty at bun
ArA moS tnghl, icrm ,4 U U1 Sttul u tb
I nil 5 J S'.aLr
Tbe btlt l quait. fw A 1 .- tlu rUUUblMetil
in ti Sut aiOrrjoa a4 tlx fORifteV i WmhiBlot'
ol flrc !! ti ,n .l.'.tt. int'.r,! , I (. ur. a t Tc
till utl.,: it-.1.
ThojT'fWiUa impuflante ol Y' tin. Ui li tc
u luuti! in the bill Uinlcr conaiarratin M lh rt ol
milrj Va the prtoU nr 4Utri !. a4 hleh -
e.i'i i ifli."! kalbur I ilttu-e, t' l . U war
rani IU ftablthiiie.t aa a iwtl ; uliuh ti'.r.c !
imjrtei itrrchtnllc mar be- rnwlc . ami the !
lrUMol, thcrrf rr. acr. ;i o'jJf.U.i I . tlir :. jrc
al th hill
..; ... H'tV-:, cua J fOUUHtj
aav u. C. t.r.jai t,
OBSOOl lefft enUtlrr.
In view of the foregoing onaidera
ti jtn. yonr committee are of the opinion
that the public interesta require that
this district ahould be creased, f A few
amendments were recommended.
With these amendments, which in
volve only a alight change in the boun
dary of the proposed diatriet, the com
mittee beg leave to inport the bill back
to tho House, with the recommenda
tion that the bill do paae.
Upon the return homo officii. A.
T. Williams of Topoko, Kansas, who
visited Portland in the interest of
tho Oregon Short Lino about two
months ago, ho wau, interviewed by
a reporter of the Omaha Herald.
That paper Rays :
"Gen. A. T. Williams, of Topeka
who is thu attorney of tho Union
Pacific rail road J.-1 Kansas, Ins re
turned from a trip to Oregon and
Washington territory, whore he has
been looking over the ground with a
view to tho extension of the Union
Pacific's Oregon line to Portland and
Puget sound respectively from the
present terminus at Baker City, in
Oregon. Tho newspapers of Oregon
and Washington bring accounts of
bis ttip, and stato tho necessary
papers havo boon filed for tbe organ
ization to build thoso extensions.
Tho pooplc of that part of the Pacific
northwest aro reported rejoicing in
the prospect of liavlngtho Union Paci
fic cuilt into and developed their
country. Con. Williams oxpressod
himself m much pleased with what
be saw, and considers It a great
"Tho general divl not hesitate to
express his belief that Puget sound
will ultimately be tho outlet of all
routes to the Pacific Coast north o
San Francisco. Tho routo to Japan
naturally starti from the coast at
point nearly as far north aa Puget
Sound and tho current takes sailing
vessels in that course, while steam
ships also find it the nearest routo
The routes over which it has be en
organized to build in Oregon arot wo
In number, both with Portland for an
objective point. The southern route
leaves the Union Pacific's Oregon
main line at the junction of Malheur
river with tho Snako on the eastern
boundary of Oregon. It runs due
west to the center of the state.
From this point to the mouth of the !
Santiara river cither one or t wo
routes is proposed through tho Cas
cade range, the lower following the
Willamette river and the upper
Santiam to Salem, from which point
thero Is a single route laid out north
to Portland. The northeastern route
starts from Baker City, the terminus
of the Oregon short line, and runs to
Umatilla, following the Columbia
west thence to Portland."
It is reported that twenty tl ouiand
people in India in the year 1880, were
killed by snakes and tigers.
HOII 1 1 tmUl 1T5IKM.
Under popular govtrumcnt the
highest moral ((tialittes ef the human
mind should be Inculcated, cultlvat-
oel and honored. Maananlmltv.
generosity, disinterestedness, aeif-
acrlnclng patiietlim, unyielding
sense of Justice and right, and devo
tion to the country and its truo in
terests and welfare aro qualltios
which never fail to command tho
admiration of mankind ; wbllo set
fl'hatns, cupidity and sordid ambi
tion always show pusillanimity and
meanness of spirit and untrustworthl
mow. rose) fish lovo of country and
devotion to the public good must pro
dominate with public mon to nnaele
tho people fo preserve their liberties
and froo institutions.
The noble Oroek, IVdarotu!, gave
immortality to bis name liv the cir
eumitance, that having aaisaed the
honor of being chosen ono of the
three hundred, who had a certain
rank of distinction In tho city, ho
wont homo gratified Indeed, highly
ploaaed, .saying, that although bo
bad himself labored faithfully to
ierve his country, ho gloried that
there wero tlueo hundred mon In
Sparta more houorablo and deserv
Ing than hlmaolf.
If our public men shall la-come no
sordid as to be uuablo to conceive of
or approei tio the grandour and moral
groatneaa of Washington's example
It will show groat dogenoracy in our
people. American ReyUUnt
naiiixt Miasiaaim
The high water of tho Mississippi
is causing terrible suffering aud large
loss of property all along thu river.
Tho following dispatch will glva
om9 of bu statu of affairs i
If KMi-ius, March 7. Supplies wero
sent tbis afternoon to points ou both
sides ef tbe rivor between hero and
(Greenville, lilssisslppi. Kvery day
brings lutolllgoueu of widespread
suffering and destitution of people
within inundated regions. Tho leveo
In front of Helena, Ark., Is still In
tact, but backwater la encroaching
upon the business portion of tbe city.
Lovoes between Viekshurgsnd Hole
na are covered with stoek In a starv
ing dondltlon. Sovural rafts with
whole families aboard havu been
auen floating down stream. The
situation has become desperate In
sumo localities, and now it Is oaly a
question of previsions or early starva
tion to both human beings and stock.
Tut. minority report of tho Huusf
Coanmltiea on Kindlons In tho case o
Cannon of Utah reports that the elec
tion was fair aud that Gannon Is en
titled to his seat It Is signed by two
Democrats, two Republicans and one
tu nta mow the r.iuniu mews
Is Prineville going to organize a
Ore company.
Tho first part of this week real
Wobfoot weather and a general thaw
out visited this suction.
Thu question of lowing a tax to
build a now school hoaso was discuss
ed hy the veturs uf this district at
last Monday 'a meeting.
Robt. Darsoy has sold his stock
raach to Messrs. Monroe and Lou
edges considers! ion $000.
C C. Haling intends starting his
saw mill in a few days, when be will
bo proparod to furnish any amount
of lumber of the host quality.
ur genial friend, Rob Graham,
loft on Thursday for Ban Francisco.
He takes his family with him and
oxpects to follow bis trade In that
Tho Occidental hotel hat changed
hands recently, and is new conduct
ed by Messrs. Meal nth & Marble.
Tho hotel will be refurnished, suppli
ed with now carpets, and bo run on a
style entirely now for this place
Our enterprising merchant, Mr.
Hahn, started for fan Francisco on
last Wednesday. Ho will return in
abost four weeks with an Immense
Spring stock uf goods for his increas
ing trade in this place.
Tho pluck uf some of our girls in
crossing the muddy streets forcibly
reminds us of tbu determination of
our doar cousin Sally.
An old physician, retired from ac
tive practice, having had placed in
his hands by an East India Missionary
(ho formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and perman
ent cure of Consumption, Bronshltis,
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and
Lung affections, also a positive and
radical euro for general Debility and
all nervous complaints, after having
thoroughly testedlits wonderful cura
tive powers in thousands of cases,
feels It his duty to make known to
his suffering fellows. The recipe with
full particulars, directions for prepa
aatien and use, and all necessary ad
vice and instructions for successful
treatment at your own home, will he
receivod by you by return mall, free
of charge by addressing with stamp
or stamped self-addressed envelope
Whales are rarely over fifty feet long
Fourteen kinds of dogs can be dis
tinguished in tbe Greek and Roman
The pearl fisheries of tho
Galf afford support to about
Impure blood la shown by akin disord
ers, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, Ac, also
by Liver and Kidney Complaint, Consti
pation, Piles, Indigestion, iliilliousness.
Despondency, Lassitude, General Weak
ness, and many other symptoms. Purify
wilh King of tbe Blood. See advertisement.
A llTTKli i now yiu AMI.
I From jiriml hect ol Ike Alliiy "Ifiajati r.' j
Eu. llsunTKR: Of com re some
friends were kind enough to send mo
copies of the Sunday Orqjon&an of
February 20th. It ia a pnin wbieh
comes very rarely into this section of
country: perhaps wo aro not heavy
losers by being Spared the b-uiptatinu
to read it. The mire wot of bums,
oalled tnamce in the article which
elicits this letter, would net havo in
duced me to trouble you with it, fn
two reasons: First, J freely admit the
Oteoniayh "owed me ono" for tho un
vaiuiahed character I gave it in the re
cently published book, "Tvj roars in
Oieflon," to which the articles fa quent
iy alludes; and, second, because 1 have
a vivid remcmbranco of the aui' nities
which pairscd Imtwrrn Mr. J. Hippie
Mitchell and Mr. Harvey W. Scott
aome short time- ago, when thoso grn
tlemon indulged in personal controversy
of tbe baser sort, and I have no deiite
to bo led into a like position; and if
New York were a little nearer in pciut
of time, 1 wonld lve hft dl. Hogg to
take up the cudgnls, if Lo felt inclined
to do so.
Still, though I am i.ot either tbe
"attorney" or the resident manager" of
the Oregon Pacific," yet, as forn vice
president of that read a year and more
past, its interesta urn to aome extont
committed to me. Theicfore, since
iho n t lid.- in tho BohcUy' Oregdnian
may do some hurra unless its tniar.taU
aients aro exposed, 1 IrouMo you with
tbis latt' : .
The Mm, ly (h'goiiln.t makes itsoif
responsible for tho following asset I tufts
I will try to answer, but not to dis
tort, them
1. That the M min i Y'upn .hi , .; ;;oo l
modol, and "well owered as to hi i
machinery" (where did ho horn his
English)") and "thus equipped uh
fuel and stores" ti did not mpp-o that
"model," "power" or "machinery"
wore pvepS rly described nf 'ithor "turn1
or "atoiee," but we live an 1 learn.) left
Portland for Vnquinn liay on ti e 1 3th
of Jauaarv, and arrived off Vatpiiea
bar two days Liter, having laid ever
one night in Astotia. That aho lay cil
Yaquina bar with fires tanked ond
ateam up Tin tix dky, fiii-lir.g toe bar
eo rough that it was iuip.ih!e t?
enter the harbor; that eho then return
ed to Astoria and ' lay" there 'HI tle
aouth-weateiiy weatLorwc rnc , ; -.J
then taking in more fuel, started out
landed her cargo at Vnquine, a largo
portion being freight for the O. P. R. K.
That dept. Henny, being interviewed
in Aetoria by an A 4 rei rttr,
gave aa ihe re h p. fir hia inability to
enter tbe port of Yaquina, that the
water on tho bar was too shallow, and
brvko in a depth of fourUmn Jrt at k&ffk
tide. This last Statement, tin' (
ian aaya, is true usjaaajej eajeaJtoej.
Now for facts: Tho Ya-t"i.i lrft
Astoria on Friday; waa ofi
eight miles nouth of Y'i;;:.. :. S r
day morning early; atcawd Op oppo
site tho bar at bigh water, not fur from
nine o'clock, and iuimct'.attly wont
off out of sight to the north and west
On Monday mornii.g at 1 1 oVlock aha
was away off to the north and west cf
Cape Foulweatht-r, so far r fflhut it vi a
a matter of doubt if h wore tho Faquiaa
or tho Tillamook trbocnor, though
pretty good glaasr -a rre diiected at her
from the lighihouso point at Yaquina.
By noon on Monday she vns out of
eight, and, by Tttei btj morning '. t
was back at Astoria. S i i:r:ch !' r ly
ing off Taquiun for six days v. able to
The bar nt uquin i on Bttttdaj mUffaV
ing was not nearly so - as thu
Colombia bar on Tu-..i;; .
Yeujulna'i paaaengers. When ahe was
off the bar on Sunday the tide gauge
at Newpirt, set up by the U. S. lit
gineors, showod 20fSss4of water on the
bar. At high tide on Monday the bar
waa quite smooth, and it was in n like
case on Tuesday and WeduesJay. All
thia doea not rest on my mere i-tate-meuta,
but can bo !e;iosed to, if nec
easaiy, by at least fifteen witnceSoS.
2. I pass by tho account of my cor
respondence with Mr. Hatch, too own
er of tho y;u'; .', bccsiuj, though
grossly misstHttd, it has public
3. Hut tho Ore jo ii fe:t on to ny
that the real reason for my "outbuiet
of senseless churlishness" was htUaUOS
tho "negotiators of the OffUgOU Pacific
bonds bad tl 5Sted tho same in Wall
street upon tho statement that Yaquina
bar had an acrago dpth tf "1 ftet of
water at low tide, whieh is Just twu
feet deeper than San FmnctSCO." Now,
the writer of this statement waa either
utterly ignorant of what ho was writing
about, or else lie well, suppose we
say, misstated. The published circular
of the Oregon Paeifio is U lore me,
giving the depth on tho bar as "about
18 fet't at high tide, ' and it m on the
baaia of thia that CoL Hag; ia now, as
is well known, working at Washing
ton to try to favotable re
sponse from I'm - - to tho prwy
er of tho Oicjon LegisloAdrs of
of 1S80 for an appropriation of $200,
000 for tho Yaquina improvement.
4. Again, the Qregonian has the
good taste ami wit to assert that
"Colonel T. BdfSJ ton Hogg and Mr.
Nash are floating their "untamed fe
line" stock ou tho Now York market,
on the representation that Yaqnimi bar
haa 21 feet at low tide and the
Oreyonian then asks why tbo atoainois
with onr steel rail3 did not go direct to
Yaquina instead of trains chipping at
San Francisco ?
As Yaquina eras hot tkttva port o
entry,, Col. Hogg could not have had
the rails landed thero when they ar
rived on this coast. As to tho ' un
tamed feline" epithet, tho people of
Oregon know beat where they apply,
and can judge for themselves of the
kind of opposition through which the
Oregon Pacific has passed on the road
to its present strong and successful
'). Tho On-gontTin thi n proceeds to
phropbeay how far the Oregon Pacific
will bo built, and to ridicule itj pros
pects. Well and good : it is a conso
lation that the Orrgomim thinks the
road will he built to Albany, and may
bo carried across tho Cascades. It was
not so very long ago that it predicted
a total failure of the enterprise. There
is not a much more contemptible r-osi
tion than that of the prophet whose
forecasts come to nothing. One thing
the Willamette valley may be uro of
is, that the men who are building the
Oregon Pacific have fully satisfied
themselves about the harbor before
they cemmenced work, and that having
"put thoir hands to the plow, thoy will
not turn back" until tbo enterprise bas
reached its completion, let tbo Oregon
ioi' sneer, prophesy, or misrepresent as
much as il pleases.
One thing I am very idad df is that
t! ' pup r ban returned openly to its
origins! position iu regard to thia rood.
I, for m e, gladly prefer a declared,
even if a vtuomou and unscrupulous,
enemy, to the Narno enemy trying to
wear a mask of candid but cord friendli
ness, li nt ww bear no malice. It will
bo a pleasant duty to send the Oregtm
( tiokets for tho inauguration ttip
from Cervnllis to Yaquina early in tbo
ceniiiijr, full. The Ovgrnnan can then
judge for iUolf on this fourteen feet al
nigh wator business: for it is evident
(hat at pieent il is badly confnsed be
twee, the bar at St. Ifelens and
Ynqui e. Walms Nsn.
tfari !. 1, 1K82.
i i v.u iri:-j
LgaUSUtt Match, 7th, 1882.
EUUot 1 myral :
Twenty yr-ars ago today closed the
im (Durable battle of Pen Kidge. It waa
ono efthe BOOS het'y contested battles
of the war. On both sides were found
tbe bravo t men of the west, as well as
som ui the Ust o (beers. Moat of Hie
prominent Oi nerals on either side havo
passed wboro il inniahaKng of armies
and tl.o terrible ehtah (( arms disturb
thoni no hi- r . of ihogaDaut men
who survived ttustl feArful field bave
! ! :i vt. v. A f,-w still live
O 0
ar.dustlo! !ay cemts round memory
brings up tho senses anew and paints
roeiin fmpeloodsOS valor of the I rive
men upou that bloody held.
0 IT friend forgo ilnrnphroy passed
a tew eajiej eitfa us last wefk. Jlo was
nrout.d ( Ual what '.Ah chances are for
tho nomination cf Kheriff. Without
doubt ho .'iau4iatiy warm and personal
fiionds who Aould like to ore him aet
this honor from the evo .ni, Ono
thiag that ran bOUOid in his favor is bo
aa teiagto ti e discharge of the duties
of tho offtps rijr (xeoricLice and a
oloarOf undciAfandfir.g cf its lequire
oaeuiii hn soy of hia cotnpetitors.
if iw the con ri-ntion should decide is
an iijijiortr.nt question and great care
mot'. 1 i.trci-o. or tho victory will
lo U It 1 4 fore thn tight liegias.
Miss A. B. I .iv- under tLc euspices
ojf the J.ibmry Aa riatioi: gave the en
rtomn !: 1. t oek, of udect and
dtamati' i ad ing, moet of her selections
wtjo w c il tndcted and highly appieci
stud by ts.r.a present. Tho weatber be
ing unfavoia' 1 tiie audionco on neither
nccasion was as lurge as it should be.
T.'jO caUH" fr which she was laboring
ns ir! a the reputation of the reader
should i.uv'j f j..ri I more present even
if il wa ft njcwbat diaagrreable.
The kenuul AcLod meeting waa bold
or: Monday. Ti.e rjx;rt cf the Cierk
aboard there ate "lio childien of school
age in tLe liis' ict, also that orer and
abovo expenditure there was a balance
in : - i of the diattict.
Gitrj' r.'ik-ly of Ibownsville Una
iu ton j, f be s ring after bia prospecta
for ties nomination of Clerk. George
is a very stosrst and sociable young man
and han a hapay face'ty of making it
agreretde yhele test be goes. His qua!-'
lantionl for the )osition are good and
with hie social qualities and fctanding
wiil make a cont.vt in the couventi-n
for the nctninat'on.
Arran;;f .:r :;t-4 haJTi ien faliy ooin
plotod as to the sale and teasing cf the
W V. h a M It Cos landa. All do
siriag to obtain any land can aecertain
full particular by calling r.t the oiboe
of V. ti. Miller.
nnovfaat itu cwa.
BaowKsviTJOa, March 8th( 1-.
El. Ln:i"Tiit:
I sec I havo amused our "Prohibi
tion.' He reminds mo in hia bursts
of eloquence of a couplet cited by a
down-aU orator:
Tiie UioaScra raw, Uir liitiuinji Sali,
AtiJ ?raaT' liv . sent t.' autaah.
H bad better do aa 1 will do go to
the primary convention and aaeist in
sending up good delegates to the Coan
ty Cenventwi;, and then stand by tbe
tt kot, without any "by the Kternala"
about it.
Hi. me talks like a man must be a
t.mj-en.te man if ho belongs to a so
cailed temp society, and vice itsa,
erhicb is 1 osh to my cevtain knowledge.
Kirk is doing an en.rmotis amount
of bi talcing about him carrying the
State by 10e0 majority, and says tbe
ofiieo of Suite Treasurer is worth $24,
000 in four years. He hasn't got tbo
nomination yet, and it looks now like
he will get very few delegates eveu here
in hia own countv.
The high water of last week did con
shterabie damage in thia locality. The
bulkhoue1 waa carried away from the
wagon briatgo which connects us with
South Brownsville, which laaves the
ai ! ;. ;o e-!i condition that ft aecond
riso veuTd cany it away if it ahould
occur ltfore tl.o i.eeded repairs are
UadaX 'i'.1! Narrow Gauoe Railroad
waj also
sKghtJjt damaged near the
cf the Oalepooia. Tbe oW
road abovo town was aIko
washed out
coubidtrabfy. i i
Ii. Ti, Standish r-tumed home from
the Essj last Fritlay. Ho looks well
and n poi i.; having had a good time.
WAITsntB:; IT KM a
W l bc, W. T. Mar. 1st, 16S2.
Ed. Democrat:
Ever vi tiling is iu a flourishing con
dition top here; farmers are getting
ready to put iu a great deal of wheat
ibis coming spring.
Snow is duotatr up iu iho mountains
this winter than it hB been for over
fifteen years.
This country doscn't look much like
the Albany pra.rie, btilt it is a very
good graiu growing countty.
Wood Bells at all the way from four
to seven dollars per cord, and pino at
that. There is not any hard Wcod here
at all..
t iti le and h jrsoa h-ok very well,
11. W. J.
Slavrn's Cherry Tooth luste.
An ammatic combination for the preser
vation of the Tooth and Cunts. It is far
superior to any preparation of the kind in
o mar c. In lar?e, handsome opal
la, price V- 50 cents. br sale by Foehay
Mason, Albany, Oregon.
I have about an knnilnwl r.rihA nala.
biased Lauigstrotu Bee Hive for sale cheap
and alto have aome of tha frallmn baa
which I will dlflpofte ef on eaey terma.
Both hives and beee wiil be sold at laa
tli an cast.
31m2 W. C. Ikjukuty.
Mosara Foshay anS Mason, the live srajj
gUte of the town, are alwaya up to tbe tieeee
and ready te mjt the aemands f their raaay
onatomers. They bava just received a ao
piy ef that weneerfol remedy that is aatoti
leSHSf the werld hy its tnarvalooe cures, r.
Kings New fhscevery for Oneerspiien,
Oaopav colds, aethata, broachitia, hay fever,
plithiaic, croup, wheerdae; eoagh, tickline; ia
the throat, laea ef voice, ho ana Beee er aay
aAeeiien of the throat and lungs. Tbis rem
edy positively ceres, ae thonaaade can testi
fy. If yon da not believe it call at
and get a trial battle free ef eoet er a rega
le eize bottle for one dollar. As yen vaiae
year life give it a trial and be convinced, aa
thousands already have beea.
Foehay and Mason, wholesale sgente Alba
ny ; II. Morris, 8cio ; Dr. L. Foley, Iea.
nn ; Ir. J, M. Powell, Ixsbanoa ; D. M.
Calbreatte, Boena Viata ; Itoafetto aad Men.
tague, JcfTurson ; O. H. P. Corueliaa, Tor
ncr ; ll. A. Itampy, flarnaburg ; . S.
Hayee, Ilalaey ; Iamoo Hrnith, flalaey ;
.Starr and Blakc-ly, I'rownsvi)ley
Holloway'e Flllaaad O I ((.
Wre.-kaof Humanity Indlacvetiono ot
Youth. No ohject ia more ooul apperflibg
than the preuiaauro eenaibility of youto,
da.ily witnoaeod among tbe tiabituea nt
oar ptmiic promenades, where may be
SOOCj the terrible reeultn of disease In Bo
moet frightful forme of tbe ghastly and
'amlnvoroue wreck of manhood, the de
luded vicUnaa of un principal anotmarebi,
who, hy pernicioue aoatruma, nave tm
M'aKTtated; the ayaiema of their nnauapeai
inxand oonlidtng patients with miueoal
poiHonn. For all ulcer and impurity of
blood oonUfnt upon such imprudence.
Hullo way a J'iila and and Ointmeet are
powerfufly efficacious, being com posed
of rate t! sauna aud vogetabioa that aro
araagoniatic to all diaordere of the Mood,
ar ,rt uh-ers arising from virus in tbe body.
They contain not a particle of taereory or
other mineral petooa. 191
I .' r 1 1 r a wt CAUnejf. Xone areoaar i u ine
mien the signature of J. II v not it, aur
rounda wh box ef llflo and Oiotmeett.
Uuxea at 2i cents 62 cent sod f 1 eevrfi.
sUr There la considerable aovlsg by
taking the larger aiaea.
Uoi.l.wa v A Co , New York.
I.I V Fit,
la Um orjljr mim aiul raUabla i
j tor
in all its
OOBSS, Pevera. Iuil Aching luua. toemiturct sod H
Urrmttlrtit RsBSOJ l Oumb Afu. Ihlr Im
llaadariiea. tin pmd-lj tbe wurld
ok Or. Holnaii'a It aaoihu
air Liver Complaint,
Irppia and BU
Till, it Ih- nnly Inn raaie Ir that puaiuralr e
pel erery oia at malarial Uidt Irum thm ijaaa
I r rf Dr. A. lyv.mU aaya ; It la
'ua.-ra than Mythins in n
i ha iriiri4 4 abw.ruOon,
la.i hi tbe onlj fer.attM aad Una ei
For all klBXBT TBOI BUS ass Dr. Ilnraata'
Banal r K. lney pad. tha bast renvedr ia Iba worl
a.r - mime-i.dcd by the medical facalty.
Beeaj prnaiM Boimaa Pad bear the PBIVATB
Bttr.MRmSpy tha Hnhaaa Pad Co.. ita
th-abr tra la ajark printed in g-raca. Bsr mm
WlUfMit it,
wm a a lb bt all dbi ccit.
Dr. Boiman'a adviee Is In. Poll traatiea aeni frea
on BsBSSaav Addraaa
molhiv ri o..
744 Broadway, Haw Turk.
P. C, Sax till 1 W
S Blrbaa'a Call
lirra I liuvm liat
on im ami ttady ; SypaUlttc Catarrab, dU
eased Scalp, and all primary forms of tbe diieaes
fnee, S&.UW per Bottle.
L Blrhaa-f Caldea Balaam . f.
" ir Teruiy, Mcrcorial, SypbtlHtc llbeaiaaal ieni.
I'dns lathe Bunea, I leer tad Throat, SypalliUc
iUsh, Lumps, W., aad ssesisslss all aUaeaaea
baei the vsttn. whettter caaawd by bad treat
aaeut or abuae morrw.-y, leariae tbe blood swsje
and baadthv. per Bottle.
Ir Blrhan' (.eldra asaatah AaUda4e
' ' the cure ol, Cleet, etc. Price.
J.6e ptr IA4Ue.
Le Blekama tloldaa isaal.k iiriu
s -a-sab fur cure of Uleet, atnrturea, laawase ef
llc Vrethra and lUadder, etc. Prloa, SI Ml par
Bl.-aaa Caldea tataaeat for tbe
ifforlite htaliuj; of Syphilitic Sores aad Lrup
Meea. frice, 11.00 per Bottle.
Also Afeata tor Le BleBaa'a Caldea Pills, for
.ew, m BTcai power, ait-i ail aueases
..-!..- from abuse and excess ec 0ar work P.ioe,
$t,i r Boa.
Sent cver a bore, C. O. D., securely packed pa
C W. SirRlIN a CO. Aseata. 417 a 4a
!iiiouie street, i 'ornar Clay, 8au Francisco, tL
am. s. siLSBsrs eitebmil nu kxbedt
Gives Instant Relief, aad le aa Mattel
Sold by Drujcgtsts every where. Price, $l.0
per Im.t, prjid, by mail. Samples sent
'it to Physicians and all aofTerere, bv
S'eustaedter & Co., Box 304ft. New York
City. Sole manufacturers of AN AKESls
roeut, a apooiSc lor IlyaUria, Umiaeas. Oaa.
ulniou. Ntrveua llaaaaobo. Mental Ttspresstosi
Iiea of klemory, Bprrraatoriinea. laiputem-y. In
nlimtary t-iiiisaiotis, plOmalurc old age, caused by
overexertion, ull-abnsc or nrrr I nihil, sen . which
lead to in a tv, decay aad destV One box aill cure
rvcent iUiicas. Kach box .-muiBa one aaonth'a
i-eit.iwm : 4ie .1 'It a box, er six boxes lor Bvo
dollars; sent by aa.l j rci I cp of a -ice.
We guarantee six boxes to core aay case. Witn
t 'h order received by us for six boxes, access! penied
with Sve dollars, wc will scad tbe parvbaser ear
written euarantec K return the money if tbe treat
ment does not effec. a cure. Cnaraateea issued
onry by
Wiinnipn rt. trrra vk
vnio essie and Ketatl Drurrif, Natfaad,
Orders by mail at regular pnees.
Dissolution Notice.
VTOTICEia hereby given thai the co
X partnership heretofore exiaiing be
tween I. C. Dickey and Lewis Stlmson,
under the firm name ef Dickey dfc Stlmson
is hereby dissolved by mutual consent,
I. C. Eickey retiring from the firm.
Albany, Feb. 11th, 1882 '
.ah .nt.- T.... .. I M ....
4 which Dr H .lmaM ,
' O laCABE.
lea Balaam Ha. I.
Tin artaerakip heretofore exbtiog a a ler
the arm name ol Allen, Robinaea A Co , ia
this day, dissolved by mntoal eens at.
F Hoi ins an eeatinai i tha euau OSB,
N H Alutx.
F Rom OBf2
J A MAarrfc
ro .th, 18). "