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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1882)
- ttmtut FRIDAY MAHCU 3, 1882 DE XtT! STATE lOMKVTIO. A Democratic State Convention is hereby culled to meet at Portland, cm Wednesday, April .1 $-', at 1 1 o'clock a. M., for the put pose of nominating a candidate for Chief J ultice, a candidate fcr Secretary of State, a candidate for State Treasurer, a candidate for Super intendent of Public Instruction, a can didate for Prosecuting Attorney in each of the J udictal Districts, and to tran sact tuch other business si may cone befose the convention. The conven tion will consist of 202 delegates, ap portioned among the Various counties as follows : ffeker . . .7 Lane 11 Un IS . 8 Marlon 1 -. S Multnomah 9 ....J rulk . -. T TiUamook S . . 4 UmatiUa W .12 Colon . . Wasco . 12 .11 WehllOO. .... Yamhill 10 lis t Ulp . Columbia a Curry lv.ujbvi Oram Jackson JoaSBhiue Lake Total The committee surest, unless other wise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries be held on Saturday, March 24tb, and the ('aunty Conven tions on Wednesday, Msrch -VUh. By order of the Democratic State Central Committee. O. F. Bkatik, Chairman. Oregon City, Feb. 3J, st mitiKOSKiun A meeting of the Liun County Den ooratic Central Committes is hereby called at the Democrat office in Albany, on Wednesday, March 8th, 1 ;30 o'clock t. v., for the purpose of issuing a call for County and Precinct Conventions, and for transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before it. J. II BuKKliA&T, Chairman. Ma hunk's fellows in Virginia aro at loggerheads already. When repudia tioaists fall out, there is encouragement or honesty to lift up its head sgnin. The initial cumber of the Denton Lmim arrived taia week. It is pub lished at Corvallk by Hyde & Mans field and will le Democratic in politic? . The Democrats of that locality have long felt the want of an organ and now they should rally to tUe support of the Leader. Villa rd stated a short time ago in t'le East that there was not over three f jet of water on the Yaquina bar, but a c irraspondent in the New York World promptly nailed the lie by quoting an item from Villard'e mouthpiece the Orejonian in relation to the recent trip of the YaquLna. v iys the Admioistratisn organ at Washington. We are glad to ace that you at last admit it The II 'publican party has been a treasonable organiza tion for a long time. In 1876 its treasonable nature was manifested in the nullification of an election and the stealing of the Presidency. Ex Senator Saruent, of California, Las failed to get the ooaition of Secre tary of the Interior, but has lean given the German mission. Thin adds snother to the Hat of stalwart leaders provided for by our stalwart President. Dy the time of the next presidential elec tion there will not be a aingle half breed in office in all our bread hnd. The O. k, C. R. K. is now to be puahed forward rapidly to Redding, Cal. It may bs news to some of our readers to hear that the money for building this road from KosebUrg te the State line lGo miles was once paid in, but Holladay, with the help ol persons now in high positions in oar State, got away with it. Why no in dictments were made by our grand juries is a mystery. By the Apportionment Din, as it pass ed the II ouse, New Eagland loses three Representatives. There will probably be an effort in the Senate to save them by amending the bill. Miuy people will be sorry to see the representation of that section reduced. It looka almost mean for the young and vigorous States that have grown up of late years to, make the oi l founders of the Union fall to the ear. The office of State Treasurer is a "fat take," and among tha Republicans there is a grand scrabble after the nom ination. CA. Thos. Monteitb, of Al bany, is gaining ground fast and stands a good show providing his opponents do not put up a job on him. Within the last two weeks an opposition to him has developed hers in Linn, on account of W. R. Kirk aspiring to the same pcti tion. Ed Hirsch has put up a nice little job on his rival in this county for the nomination for State Treasurer. Every one supposes that Earhart and Hirscb have "pooled their issues," and during the past two weeks they have ascertain ed that Col. Thos. Monteith was devel oping too much strength to suit them. Some means must be taken to weaken him, and so wa find Riley Kirk, of Brownsville, E irhart's brother-in-law, putting in his oar for State Treasurer. This, ef course is intended to divide the Linn county delegation in the State Convention, and is a real nice little job. Any political dodge that the Salem ring cannot think of is not worth taking. snotiorouroRiTioNH wintiiri orn. UKUUIIUIH7 This is a vary plain question, and we unhesitatingly say they sbeuld wot. That they aro at variance is not a de puted question. What is the cause tf this unnatural relation between corpo rations and ths people, stronger in some esses than in others The pewplo for wise ends create corporations, or provide rules of cotduct at their birth that shall govern them. Dot no soon er than they come into existence they aim to cripple the power that created them. To do this every means is Med. Tho Court and press are courted, und, too often. purchased. Thus it If that the rights of the people are outraged and to such an extent that the severest tmth ods of tevonge aro provoked, lleaco the existence of the anti moueoly feel ing. The people are educated usually te look on the piess of tho country as being honest in all things ; that it w3l stand by the people and adrocalo their rights. But when it is found that this is all a sham, and many leading presses of the country, pretending to favor the people, but in realitj condemning them, are enemies of tho producer and wage class, it is time that something should be done to correct this error. Corju t ute money is an arrant coward, and its cowardice makes it corrupt. Fearing tho (toople, lest they keep corporations honest in dealing, the lending ress through which the wunts and tights of the people should be made knoau, is too often captured in the interest of cuonoy power. Instead ef going to the people direct and dealing with them frankly und fairly, the press and Judges sro boldly captured as far as possible to further the ends of these amenta ot oppression. Every dollar that is paid to stained ermine, or the guilty knight of the quill, or the hand, conies out of the pockets of the victims by the most bere fac-d and direct meth ods. Firs: control the courts if possible, is the motto, then tho leading press. Tho latter d . a double duty. It ! fends the court and corjoratin and rid icules tho rights of the people. We make these remarks as a warning to all courts against temptation, but not as a charje against out State courts. We do not want tube misundet stood. We desire to talk aa our honist yeo men talk - -the producer, aud wag--cJrK on this subject. We have in Oregon a newspaper claiming to be under obli gations U no Klitical patty, though it is Republican in body, if it is nothing in principle. It claims a larger support from the j)eop'.e than any other paper and fights for this support. It is owned by corporal power, ll rl runts the fiflhy evidences tf its crime daily before an incorruptible reading com munity. It feels be.ute in ita unblush ing jerjdy .thinking the people are quicr. cent In receiving this betraval of trust as the editor stealthily pockets the earn ings of his sin. The public havo nnoth er press, and the paper is taken by a! most every farmer, aud taken because its only claim to favor lays i. its pre tended devotion to tne intercbta of the producers and wage class egatoet inon ted power. This irew4 is no occd by corporate power. The oor ruisera ble editor goes about like the devil's spology for deat'u, claiming that the right to take money fur any purjf-ae is paramount to the success of any dctei adnata principle fot the benefit of man kind. Sold in both cases for pottaz and every reader knows the price o it. If there is a Judge who has in his pocket money thus extorted ft MB the hard earnings of the people corjorate purchase money no matter by what disguise he got it, our picture for the present is compute. We call on the people to look into this mutter ftom their own stand point. Every dollar that corporations pay to subsidize these men, whom live and act on a principle net a whit above that of a pet y larceny thief, is wrested from the hard earn ings of our farmers and wage clas. We want our people to teach corporations that while they may oppress the people, they shall not pay the villians who aid and abet them, whether on the bench, ia the editor's chair, or starving at pro f hional ttickery. Mr. Ben Holladay came into Oregon with the belief that his success depended on his ability to run courts, editors aud Legislatures. He secured the services of a few Bohemians to do his Work, and well they did it for themselves. There was one editor (not now a resident of this state) and some of his train in sub ordinate positions who are excepted from '.his statement. All others were a corse to him and a disgrace to Oregon Holladay squandered no leas than half a million of dollars on thenc men in newpaper and other schemes. Crimes of tho worst character were perpetrated under this band of plunderers. We can date our first election frauds to these men, when bribery was an open thing. Who paid for all this? Tho bond holders and the people. This system Was inaugurated to cheat the people in everything connected with Railroads To obtain power that would enable Holladay to carry his points was all that could be done, and all that was intended. Holladay would have been better off without these men. Had he come into the state isolated from all schemes, paid strict- attention to busi ness, kept out of politics, and trusted the people, he could have been not only a resident of Oregon now, but would be under a full tide of prosperity. He could have succeeded to political prefer ment. His tarifi' of rates could have boon such an the p9oplo would have ac- . , , , .. . , . cnjui'u miu at) count nave nccomu uio greatest man in our state. 1 1 in sad ex perience should bo a warning to other! who aro following in his footsteps. TJie poople demand that purchased editors and Judges shall bo diapensod with. These ulcer on the body imlilio shall be removed. And criminals in high placo shall no longer overido the dfl mauds of the public for fair dealing The press purchased by corporations is usually tho high moral orgines in the oommuuity. They draw the lire of in dignation from thrmaelvea on to some uafortutmtca with a holy hoi nr. They keep tho reader in a happy stato of ig aoranco as to what is going on in refer ence to the condition of labor and capi tal. The inside wwrkiugsvf the gigan tie bodies that control our commerce and exact the life's blood from men, womou aud children, are studiously kept from theso victims by this vend prcsa. This subsidized ptusa and thaSMt mu.lod courts aro to out couutry what the EsV glish courts and prM are to indatid. The time is at hand when this aystatn of extortion should he crushed out. We mnsi havo an houesl press-. Tho edi tor who will sell htinsilf to outragn the ights of the people or to deceive and embarrass thuni is a criminal in the sight ef both Cod and man. a .m . sj . . A I.OBIfll!. M M.ll. At the present time a strong effort is being made in Congress to secure an appropriation sufficient to remove the bir at the t ntr .n.e to Yaquina Kay. Of csurse this i meeting with Cleat oppo '.tion from Vtliard and his lackeys, as t'icy do not want tho Willamette Valley t) have any outlet for her com uteres except thro.igli Portland, Every in fluence that it is poaaiblfl to control is brought to baa en Cjawooa to pro vat t'to appropriation f. ,;m being made. The latest MOVe of this kind which has been Made out here in i tatg Mi apja-ared in the aat Sttniuy ( hrjnwin. It was a very t ieiona attack on the ISay aud Upon the OftfM Pacii? lUilruad, which road has its west-rn terminus at that p !!', aud '.v.n evi h ulU intended to be n ad in tho Eist instead ef this State. The principal postal ma io in the article is that whea lhi blo.uur TmptimM nali her ftrat trip around to the Bay, bar Captain wotUd ao oreai the bar for fear of wteckittg his v ease I. Now rile ft well known del that aevt r al roaaets drawing no lens water than the riowHuta havo gone la there a, the same stage of the tide, and one made the entrance during a severe storm af ter she ha I bean eaeiplefely dismantled. It is the opinion all who s-.w the )' fKMb off the bar on bofO tiiat trip that he could have eutnel wi.hout aai difficulty std they were completely sur prised to re i her go away and not mak a trial of it. We will not ptesuin to give tho true rent ui by Capt. Denny it-turned to Astoria wi'hottt entering the Bay, but we think it probable that a man who can secure the cooperation of tho (Jxejonian in his battle with the citizens of thj Wilhuneits Valley, eau also, and no doubt in the same manner, bring to his assistsncd at least oris sea captain. The Orfjor.inn't article was written nimp!y to be used by its mas ter before ongresn to prevent an appro priation for tho liay. The 0trj0nnA charge that the man agers of the Oregon Pacific Kiilroad had ' floated their hoods upon Wal' street ujwn the statement that Va quina's bar had an averago dapth of feet at low tide." is as false as the rap rcscntation made itt uw York a few weeks sgo by the Oteonh master, Viliard, that Vflfjuiua bar only had 3 feet of water on it at low tide. The managers of the . P. It. EL make no statements thrt cannot be proven by the U. SL Coast surveys. Of course, there is not sufficient water 'uu the bar at present to catry ovei in safety even average size vessels ; if there ws there would bo no need of asking raon. ey from Congress to improve it. Friends of Yaquinu do claim that on lyja nat row rock bar MparatOJ the bay and the ocean, and that there is 30 feet of water on each sido of it. All they want is for Congress to make an appropriation to remove this. The ruilroad will take caro of itself, whether it pays or not, it will make no difference to the OxqpotUMn. Ik Yaquinia Day does not amount to anything, and the Oregon Pacific Rail road is a myth, why is it that Viliard spends so much money in lighting friends of the Bay at Washington Why is it that his organ in this State niekes such unreliable and fabo state monis in relation to the Bay and the Oregon Paotfic lUilroad ? Why is it that the Yaquina did not enter tho Bay when reseels of greater draft enter it without difficulty ac the same stage rf the tide and during just as stormy weather. Why is it that what is now the Viliard ring made such strenuou8 exertions to break the title to the land grant owued by the managers ef the O. P. R. R 1 Why is it that the Oceanian upheld and even championed them ia their unlawful schemes, and afterwards raised its voice in favor of the gigantic land steal now being attempted by the North Paci6c Railroad Co 1 Next Wednenday our Democratic County Central Committee will meet fer the purpose pf issueing a call for conventions. It is to be hoped that all members will be present, as matters of great importance will bo submitted for their consideration. The members are John H. Burkhart, J. J. Whitney C. B. Montague, Tho. M. Hunkers aud Samuel May. THI KT.tTI l OsVtTlOX Cur next State Convention, to bo held in Portland on the 5th of April, will havo UO'J delegates, and will bo tho largest Convention over held in our State. Una county will be entitled to Id deletes, and our county ouvention should exercina the graatc-l caro in thoir selection. Select only thotc who say they Can attend iu poreOD. Tho (Convention is so largo that it will be very difficult to got all jmmtn to utteud, but wo hoo there will bo no proxy scfit from Eton. Potidai tfcfa mcu should 1m selected who fully tin dcrstund the political 1 ustinu iu this valley , and who would fully POffJ out the wishi-s of our poople in tho prepare, tiolt of a platform ami in tho selection of cat.didttes. Tho exeiciae of the ul most earn an I disuindnutioti in this sBOMOl mv prevent rave Of evOO fatal errors. At thy present tim I th RofNll Uoan putty ia not, to ay the Ueip bar raeuiaua, und by : -' tint? out :i good tteltot and f inding abotildet to iti Htldor in the fijjht, we will h oc a -i d pr peel of success at thti election. OOwMBBH "' i m ii r roll . i inar. K'l. )-tnocrit Tho WUUtmdU Farm? ban always favored the formation of nnti monop oly losgttes and 1 am earnestly inter ostotl lit sustaining 'he people Ifl all tbolr rights ; ctnut iuolo a word to tho contrary. I bnvo la a fair and dlguitlod HMBIWI shown that r.iliot was qareaiomhle unit doing morn barm then good, and insisted that your farmers do. not A00)d outside naslstanco of a questionable character, in your last lsuio you did mo Injus tlee and I aik thU brief boorinjc. 1 am not willing to bollove the Dno tout doslrcs to injuro the .ir.?r which only atks for fur treatment from nil lis nvtoclaics of itio preet. Yours Truly 8. ACi.mik. Ki. of ''nt tiff . Porthind Oregon, l i b. II, 1832 Tom one right, Mr. Qtark, al least In one particular -wo rtunt qOOtt from vour DMlOr a stafflo sentence now to show th:tt you ur; oppOOtd to the auti monop ily ut tVemMt for the simple n as n that our ttfuiory ll not the b.nt In the w r! I and wo do not keep (hi Ft mti o:i Bit, Hut we have read your articles on the quAs tion very ctooolj, and the opiniuu formed after re iding them was ohad owel In our remarks In rd,iUon"to your tMper two weeUs : '. B sides this, a majority of your readers In this county we thluk hold the mme opinion ; at least thev do , f tr :is we have lizard thorn express thciitudves. t PSUUBS oi nr. UUMM, Poo, ! lJ. Court tnt at 1 1 o'clock, a. tu , pnr suaui to ad'-ottramont. Present, bead, CL J , and Watson. J. Orejonian Railway Cmpany, ,k,1 linf, ts. Thomas J. Hill and othurs, respondents. Jitdmsnt of ths i jurt Osln affirm"! Opinion by l.irJ, ('. J, Under the constitution of this State the I.ngisUcitre cannot attthorio, by any process, a private corjoration, such as a railroad 0 itnpany, ) to appro priate the property of an individual without just compensation fimt assess d and determined. Under our Stetaiea, the initiative in the exercise of of the right to eminent domain, lies exclusively with tha cot poration, und their use of lurid taken is OQide dependent tijion proriottS payment of the composition an reruin d by ths firocesi given. Whenever, in pursuance of any law, the property ef an individual is to be divested against his will, there mutt be a strict compliance with alt the provis ion of the law authorizing nu-:h proceed ings. It is upon ih payment Into OOOrt of tbe damages assessed by the jury that the court is authorised to render judg ment appropriating the lauds ; nor can the court render any other tbau tin" particular kind of ju lament authorised by the statute. nOStOE t OXkl.11. This gontloman has been appointed to the position of Associate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. A more worthy selection fot that place could not have been node. Oreat ef forts havo boon made to disgrace him by monopolies in the cast, and this was carried on so far that ho was defeated for U. S.Senator of New York. But he has achieved a victory over his ene raios in ovory case. Mr. Conhling brings to tho bench a good character and great legal attainments. He will no doubt ba confirmed unanimously. The pople are secure in their rights with this Judge. I'L-siiiNfi Ahead. The Silver Stat; published at Winnemucca, Nevada, says that the railroad now being constructed from Granger, on the line of the Unitn Pacific railroad, thence northwesterly to Soda springs, Fort Hall and down Snake river, is beiug pushed with tho ntmost speed. The road is now nearly eomplcted to Fort Hall and will pass tha Wood river mines Gi miles south ef Bsllevne and 35 miles north of Silver City, Idahe, and thoaco to Baker City and the Columbia. It is intend ed to have the road completed as far as Baker City by the cloas of tho present year. t . Dissolved. The partnership heretofore existing uader the firm name ef Allen, Robinson & Co., is this day, dissolved by mutual ooascut. F K Kobiason costuming the business. N H Aclew, F E Robiksos, J A Makiin, Feb. 4tb, 1832. OOKREBPONDBNOB , . . H " V .. r mm. nanv ro "rutin, "I to ill l ut ill I kwmv. mnl I, It lli tjanow." 02.1 lafi BaMnraviLLt, Feb. I Ith, 1882. I'd. !mwrttt: In hit ne)te to Dro. Haoklewaw of a low day no, it rtci ias thai "I btiilded better tiian I know" whon 1 icnnrknd that to li" v n little more common stmso and indtpendencn as TotupOrOBOl work ers iu the qoailaa political campaign would likely olcnd the "average polit ical nq-irant." My remarks sown to especially Owrttd a certain "Kiuity"ef this pisco who has necn fit in last issue t give my name together with that (if onn of our most estcomcJ citi zens, An uiring, the main fe&tUm uf which ia absenco of truth to start with, ignorance uf facts, or a poor uiomo ty, I do not know which ; tho rest is oboeli I In abusing Teoipataaet Itepttb luans for ,4do(ea4irMrM liro. Cishow iu tb hint lection. This for my part is the f.rt I knew uf hia claisuiug their support at that time. And as Tempor anvo itepublicans we at that trims seem ad Ui t'.:.-1 that wo had a man on our own ticket who was an active Temper ance man, iMin jenerlly nK'Ognied as nob, And If "Kopiity" or hi frimtda knew to tho contrary why did they not i.o Utforoi us. instead of that iJro. Coshow oame here from Albany st a certain tloM bofbfl that electiuu, sad Headed lhi formation of a "Lagion of fionor" in this plnco.ihou publicly coin unmdiaK the Toinpuranen works of such men an M V. ItrowH, L 0. Dickey, Oeo Huinphny, N. U. Humphrey, I). J'. Mason, Ceo. C. Chamweilain aud Oibore, mr urn I aware that auy word was ipoboa daring the campaign warn ing us iu tho matter. If "Kpiity" knew tho iiLtiJr at that time he ought to havo spokon then or over afttr held his eace. Knowing the history of that MUM Legion of Honor as I do it looks as if there is some otban bcaido Krpub 1 1 ins who are "Temperance only from toe teeth out," Indeed I doubt if ii ver goes in or strikes anything as solid as the teeth. There seems to be Some tolerable hot vhcstiiuta right hire and if any one does not want to be cat's paw in the matter, ho had belter ' look i h edle out." Now as to the Hi own ritlo Blue Kibbeu Club two years sgo. let mi .ay, there ware no such resolu tions patsed then nor at any oihsr tim 18 fact, ai i Mr at I jhOMO, political and partiaa exprssatoaa wuro specially avoided as their work was aimed to he palely local. I can tell though of s resolution pasted by tb Club about that time (the only one) criticizing the position ot certain so called Temperance persons here whtch drew down upon no OOVorl abusu and annwance, aud m w n i tfrt (0 break down all trim Tain M-raiice work hero by creating diotOff banco an 1 ridicule at all matiugs of the Club. VYbr were ''our life lone IVmpu-an.-a nn" aout thst tiot t Perhaps tbej w ronot siding or thst ling tho op .nit m to Temperance work which was rampant here then. Cor uinly they were not doing much te strengthen the hands of tho few who were trying to bold tho young to Tent porancc ideas. 1 might say more bete on this, but refrain. Bo much for the Blue Kibbon Club, and hsing bon secretary to it for a good portion of the time,! know where jf I speak. Now as to what 1 would do in is, '.rut let mo say that I have nover ben whst is called a strong patty man, but lo claim to be honest even politically : not to be erfect by any means, but to have ordinary common sense and per ception, and to be independent. Nevet mere so tht nt present. In 1880 1 was elecleJ to n lojal office, which 1 surren dered in favor of a worthy msu, he being a staunch Democrat, petitioning bis apKintracnt thereto, and have re peatedly voted for Democrats at ths general elections. Can you or your friends say as much : and is not the contrary yeur boast I At that very election I heard a prominent Democrat after asking a Republican to rote for hia man being told be might return the favor, aay he would vomit if hn did it. A in ui is gnurrally respected a little mote at last, when he demands hon esty, nad liberality of his neighbors, if he leads a little in the same direction himself. Aud thu sneers aud flings which Temperance workers in this placo havo received from certain quarters for tho last two years are not calculated So wiu the political good will and support of those Republicans which Y. piity re fers te, should similar cases require it. Indeed a suspicion might prevail that "office is befere life long Tctniierauce principles. The remark that no goesl can come of this movoment is unjust to the many good Democrats who 1 know are as sincere :a any others in this work, and will not apply to the coming campaign as well as it might years ago. And my friond will be safer 1 think with thu progress in his party, than with the fossils ; for the time seems to be near if not already at hand, when "this movement" will enter into our politics, and "games" and "jobs" will beattempt ed there as elsewhere. For my part I am ready to stand by my friends in this causa, oven if we should differ in other matters. And will repeat what I said to Bro. Hackleman, that I know ef ne hotter cause on which we all can unite. But if party glory, (Jack O'lantern if you will) is to bs considered first, the sooner we know it the bettor. Even if it takes a "public discussion" to find it out let us bear in mind that our eause is not in any one man, to bs gained or lest with him. And it will bs mere te tbe purpose to get true rton, who will stand by the cause, whether we fail to elect them to office or not just no With many thanks Mr. editor for your space, L am Respectfully lours. FsTEu Hum k. .nU.lRON 1TB1I4. jx Fob. 23, 1882. EiL Democrat : Sheriff Charlton was in town a few days ago, looking as halo and hearty as ever. Ho was out sura- J moning those drawn at jurors for the coming term ot tne Circuit Court. While not seeming to take nsucb interest in tho coming struggle for the nomination, yat his frionds ob served a troubled expression that seemed to foretell that all was not well. To say that he is certain of the nomination would be a doubtful proposition, but to say he stands no show would be farther from the fact. The wave that carried him through before will never rise ns high aguiu. Fortune inny favor him In the con vention hut will fail him in the race. A fronMom.'tn from J nh lako ro ports that snow to tho depth pf ton feet Is there and that on this side II Is nil tho way from fifteen to twenty llvofoot and still snowing. , floury Burmo-;ter was in town a few dnys ago looking nftt-r bli chance for tho notnlnatioti of Sheriff, lie Korim to (mi n vory clover man nod his friends aro highly p!oa-ed with his proopoctfi Ho DaOPy ged men being out for Hut ptoitloa anuktis 11 vory tlltlicult to deehlo which one to Select. Our friend J, W. Cuslck has beetl summnncd us a Juror in tho i. B. Court nt I'ortl.tud, he went down Tuusilay. Mr. COsiek has Home aeplratlons for the nomination of Bberlffla the RepubHean eonveotion. His parly may go farther aud faro worse by passing hlw over. The golden wedding of Mr. a:vi Mr. Thomas Cmphrey was oelebra ted on thu J'tnd ut tho residence of their son Ab. Horncthlcg noar a hundred assembled to witness and take part In In the pleasant gathering. Fifty years ngo Jn the 8tato of Ohio tho honored couple started In llfo to PttlliA For near thirty yearj they havo llvod In Oregm ( hlldren ami grund-chlldron, wero all In attend anco and helped swell tho nurnbor to Osaka this occasion what it should be, a joyful one to tho aged and honored pair. i in sens una gratui tous uni ted iu pffjeratlnf tho veoswoble groom with a very handsjine gold headel cane, which was highly prized ttytho r. eivor. Thonged bride was kludly retnfm!ercl by her daughter and grand-daughters and by friends with in my and variou presoits both valuable, ornamental and ti'-efiil. Tin festivities of the evening ecutinue 1 the night long. Ttto supper wis magnifi -cut iu "very particular and wa-, indeed a kingly OssOL TM MitJc SjmII Orchestra' was prefenl and diaeoofoaal ewtti muilc rHeUfaa tho nidrtihai i tiier wero pros-jut from Albany, Mr. ff Fl i t k A mm trgn rarser, win- ami ro ther, Misses ltoo and Clad larker, frem Salem, where th'-y Hre atti Tiding stdfotd at tho coav.'rtt. Mr. and Mr. Fraser, al of Ssloui, Ted I'arkor was over from tb'j Bav and Mr. aad Mri. J. Softie, MtsU Lilly IV-dwath, Sr. J allies Cowan, Mr-. Dr. I lagan end F. M. Milhrand l1re WOvo tkere froai Ld,'atton. rtams men rasvasr. .1. w. Kiwecanb has bought the old Bpawglof Mackamlth shop. I), F. Spangler and wifo havo gjno to California. Mr Spangler will g on to the ' i-t Iri the lo'.crest of some iuveuiims h bat :n tie. (Jeo. Crimes has purchased the MCluur property iu Tangent. Billy Jenktis starting out in lift right. Hs and hU wife commenced house keeping d ty or two aftr they wore m trriod Mr. DeArnaond has dried 1000 pouruls of fruit during the past winter. Other Ctmoera ihondd follow his e&smpii for it p i. - Tangent is Smc to hwn n meat market. John Beard h n had or 10 acrri of land grubbed ou t thbl winter and it add- con-idr r il to tho !'sWs of his place. MiM Mmcs, of V twford villo, re turned home a few dnjFI Ske ha- been visiting her ut ! R v. P. A. Ifejjt, of this pl.t- . We had a lively rtmaw iy in town a fev days ago. A team took fright, ran two or threo i,;. ". , btoki down a fene?, ran through n garden, broke the fence down en tho other sido, and fluitlly fetched lip on an oak grub. Tjo Fanners Warehouse at this place still contain: abo;t 80,010 bushels of unsold Tho cilifceiH of this place feel very badly over the misfortune which re rccently beMl Mr. Mo, and a subscription piper being circulated the following amounts have been s9 cured for him: John Luper, A L Bridgofarmer, A Dlevins, M Wertz, L McFarland, and J U McFarland, $3.00 each; 11 W Settlemier, $2o.00; OW Luper, S.C; J MGhee, J H Geasntanes, W Y llendrichson and Daniel Ilouck, $2.00 each; A F Bry an, Mrs. L McGhoe, Isaac McClung;, A F Wyro. W 0 Mere rand C Sharp, $1.00 each; W A MjCoo, J W Wheeler, F II Mcllheo aud J F Fagan, "0 cents each. Daniel Miller, who sold hi-firm ad joining Tangent eight yearj ao nntl went back Fast, is here ng.tin nnd wnnts to buy a farm iu Oregon. This speak-i well for our state. Thcro Is 8upport hero for -.till 'another god country tore. O. H. awRur noiiKLKTTKn. Swkut BqMB, Keb -oth, 1882 Editor Democrat. I wish to corroet somn statements made in a letter from hero which ap peared in tho Dtmovat about two weoks ago. The ohurch did not try Otto Lubker at all. A charge was preferred against him on account ota personal mutter between hitn and Elder Norton, and at tha requoat of the latter it was withdrawn. A charge of profanity was also brought against him, but as ha could not have been proven guilty excopt by tho use of outsido testimony, and as there was aomo doubt whether it could ho secured in time, this charge was alio withdrawn along with tho other. In regard to Mr. B. C. Russell I will say that ho presented Hie church rec ord to Elder Norton in my presence and ashed to have his name taken off. Elder Norton told him tho church would have to do it. It rested there, as Mr. B. never presented tho mat-, ter to the church. Tho reason that the three persons wero dismissed was that we believed they were trying to destroy the chnrch. One was circulating Seventh Day Adventist books and tracts, another was talking ngainst the church, and tho other said In meet ing that he believed in the "ago to come doctrine" and intended to pro mulgate it. As they had desired to leave the church, we let them go in peace, and no charges were prefer red except against Lubker. Mr. PeVener, tho writer of thp letter In tho Dcm(h:bav to Which I have roferrod, claims thcrt; wae n eriotts misttikn in it; that it did not rend oa h hnd ttttonovd. Can you ex plain It? Newton JtcssKfcf,. i is rlglit. His h'ttor ar rived Itie in Hi wetsi; from some catifo, end as w I crowd' d for Mpice, ire undertook to shorten It a littlo. In doing mo in error was mode which WO diA not rtotiro until the pupcrwas pflftted, Wo hofM now this matter will reat, as both sides have had hnaring. Tho "threw" are out of the i hnrd: ll w, and nr g',at of it, but don't they think they cro "rired" aceordin? to law. Mr. Unveil eaptatoa how it w brought aoout,Hnl although it looks to Bf u Hltlo lrrcgu!ar,lt hmt ti e deeirod effect. E;. 1);:.mocjit. t.f : ivr.n fa: rut: sai sf.?:.M: liv. ta lu'tt Saturday sitdKon l i liior.r ings the etefoary was down to i iht decrees Indo w ;. ro. aw Fawnattls bave dit i on the yct.Bni '.y re; ,r I in a fair wsy to IU ' mob t M ' t !iri Hoon. The ktoooatof baildin and in ocve mmts c Mstootnlated for this town ny.t sumtner, rc far obood of tbootrof any prcviou . year. Ike Nichoh.on iias Hold his t&tereot in the stable business nn. I in a heel tioas f jr the Vail j Tbe ptincipal topic Ji tr hi :i.- dirt soon of wasoo Coantv, and making Prinorilaa tbo capital of a te c ni to be called OJioco Win. Jordan, whorls living at I)r. IlaldwinV, on Ha Cfoek, bi Ujgbt to Ibis eflice tbe ssd news of i!.! sodden, and horrible death of .Mrs JohttSOO, who lived with h'.it h ir.'oan 1 fa':. '. on tho doctor's fat !it. On la-.t Soji.'n v about neon Mi. !.i : o. l.tistj; very otddt sat down in front of the fire wUfa m a I . .I a a m bir back to the h: :.!.!: , !. . Iv Kho was a'irii,. 1 at dia.wiraiinf bar i , - In as to on tin. t..' iao bo .nt the room ridding borne!! of nereteUiing nsfhsi i" ruabv toe nly sure cure for vnr.t ra puny ss xmuui.!', nna ournir. mr hands vory badly. Hiig on t..any Hoths. it ' in; an extremely cold day, aud thy burning very fiat, she wa soon rendered heJplestf, a&d '-very hhr d woe burnt on bor body. Tbe oofocta nsjUrwornan was alone with b r small family, (four littto ebildi n M . J hn son Win;; away a; the time, and a little boy wam K t.t t ! r. BsddwtA's, about a inilo away, bstt ih-ui of I.: . BSOtblT1! necUant. Uelp h re. n as OSHiblf, bitt tht r: s :uaa w! burni M badly ti.nt otmld not Hve, and altr twd.u bo iri f iatensw snfl r ingdoi'h irtr.i to EMM feliflf TblS in tbi ro r :-;. i. :.t lint br.M m baesj rneordod la thai neighbor baud. oiHtitu: ii t u-. Oax Carr e, Grand Prairie, F -) i'7. Editor JJrmocrat : . 1 thought I wo-aSl etro fasr items from here, as I havo y., . ;t, o.i- denco ffoin this seetioa. l ' . a . . The ami m opoly Lca-'i b .n tho alert for the canting con cnti'.T.s. -WJ calculate to Irs U help to roprrswrt th. : . ' 1 county in COUTentlOnO, The ce.mmtit'-' ; from the dili' n ut organizations arc n. vited to meet,a Crond Prairie tiran- Mall, on Thursday. March, h. at 10 o'clock, A.M. Wheat looks v. : y w, II on the north side of Oak Creek, but the duels bare eaten it off pretty short on tbe 1 do not think though that fnry baVe in jured tho roots, but that it ''1 corae out all riht in the spring. Tho hunting club of K ; need not thiuk their chaaipiou cock, Bob ChambciS; will eapCttre a preit assistant from thi pari of tbo caanlnr, for the boys hero carry wrapo: s lo de fend the lair ones Iu their iiarx diat neighljorhaol. Ho has qot I.C ac?e? grublc-il and his Lara timbers on bit juarter auction of laud. Tout iccind mo that Olney Try, jr., hel 1 acre grubbed this winter and has ,t most of tho brush burnt, and has taken the chinamen back to Albany. They are to proceed immcdiitoly to aTanjalnn Hay by the way of Astoria, to cent mecce Work on the Oreiyrm Pacific rail road. VlTV. a at BCTfK ( aast LMVM K. March J, $$& No plowing doao yet and ft cm the amount of water visible (rem the Duties it is hkoly to le some time, before the gronnd will be in oondiiion for lie plow. Hob ( hatubers barn lo nus up and i03"3 iur ou at a uisiancv. it is now rot Iv fr ihs bhingles und the aork js boing pushed along by that snccesaful carpenter, Mr. Doe. Conn, of your eity. Mr. Albert Bond and f. rally frcM Umatilla Co. havo moved down to spend the cominir summer with h:s father and help him run his excellent ranch in this vicinity. Mr. llalston is getting np a writing school at the Butte School house. The Knox Batte Literary club will give a grand entertainment sometime ia March. Josjo Archibald and Mr. Fisher have each a bjOttd of chinamen grubbing. A Phrenological bilk bilked us a few nights ago at B. B. school house near Millers, Ti.ow Boy. BEE HIVES FOB SALE. I have about one hundred of the eele bratoil .Langstroth B e Hive formate oheap and also have soma of tho Italian hoea which I will dispose of on easy tonus. Kolh hives ami bees wiil he sold at less than cost, Iilll9 W. CL DOHKRTV. A STOCK BANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acres, with good outside range, located neair llridge Creek, in Wasco county, together with about 2C horses, to exchange lor land hore in the Willamette Valloy. Now, if you want to sell yt.ur farm and go into the stock busi ness in Eastern Oregon, here is a chance for yoa. Call on or address C. H. Stew art, Albany, Oregon. J'ln? Mazntinr. Thi North Amyrirtn HMfa jt March presents a striking arra arlielef, erery one of which pew es the cli ar.u icrlstic of contcmporin-OOU- Interest. First w. have n eon- trlbatlofl from Senator George F. BdmnUds, on 'Tho food net of the CuibMii Trial." Ex-l!inlster Ed word F. Noycs communleatrs tho r'-'uH nf his obosrvstloasl of M-i; tic.ii affairs In France under the title, The? Progreae of the French Hi. public." In "Trt tl by Jury," Judgo Kdtrard A. Thom-u deserites the svKriul conditions under which our jury tyatma hod its r-ricrirr, and notes lei lef" Js In view of the altered rc lation of modern life. Mr. John Fieke makes an ablo nii ingenioun nfiiyals of that great inieile' tual movement, I he K'formation, rduein thcrcfrfm the "TriO Lesson of rrwte.stauti ,n." In jtir for the Indians," the ll ;v. Willi am J'j-din Elarsha cdoavora to detnonstiitt thai t;. -one rsttlooal and efftuil euro for our wiv Uroatdof is to ex Wid the Jaiiadlctoa etfihe dvfl and crimlu d COO rut over oil the tidl ss bttfoneof tho red mm. J'rof. A. B. Pnieaer v. rlti-j on ilio "FIi ttles of Hon. ojr-tihy" Kindly, tin Hs.i. il Door cantrtbatef an article en ' I; iiMa Prohibitory Lgi'da li u," h rtt ;i-;r t'.ing tle ;icce-s of th t'.''ni li :ij.p;e h til" ii pior ' r l!8 In .-Ter rutr ex; on. If j v9 untTurtsr with a Mri4tjv av'.lnns, lnf(:kitis, uy fercr, vuu i.t.. cf voir, t:-kli0g ns tlae tUnat .r :;.y a;!. . ti.m-of th tWroat or lui.t, ei I r. KjoV N.-w ,'vt Ty tt Cvnsaniptii ::. This a tSte Rri-at rttntcty tliat is auing mu ; uciit Uv it wodr .... ii.'.,' t !;.. iant! of kjei' ca-. tlvrr " 1 ' "' ,,f- on; s Nt :.- cut r !av.' Xr " Uv1 ttim. U' I a.U'1 Ja'c "ivi-ii jhtIci t i'uta";i . i:i ny : n VVu can un!iuaita.tL-"ty lLx aret long :.l.ix:tunt, ami can cLotiriuliy RSM - otnnlenH it to alL ( -U j.-t trial U a '.It free of cot, or a r tu'ixr siasi iwr $i.0X K.r a! j tiy P'fShay Ri Ma.u, u' lfei AlKa ny ; f. ..!..r. . St-i. ; I ir. I f'..S-y, lt. I'.-. . II rVSfSfl, Ijebav.nn li. CalhrtaUe, i.u.;.a uta ; Jltaictto aai Muti- test man ; t. B. I. CWselimt, Tur n r : I:. A. I'......v, itarrtaburf : )i. S. Have, Jil-y ; EXsoOSn Smith, Hal ty htarr and Btsi , BfSMnSwSlsL lioltuwa'a I'JIlMasttflOiatmeni. Wr lunf liamanity.- Jndiwr-ta,D X YORth. So i .. t W mmv m.uI fSk.liitg than l be presnalnri ssaieibifltjr, f yosttss, ilaJy v. i '. . ! aueoig IIih ...:, ii.t of jur pnMi" prr.n. n-t't j, whre mar to --.. Hi rr.'. .. :-. .:: .;M-aw in i riij t nrixbtful ffosrsna A the i.atly and eandavcsxxxs wrack ef manhood, ih - I viettrosof uuMrincipal woutitui. r. tii, ly purnicions nostrums, have fm i reanati J t;io hs t:iis sf their t:a.-tisp-;- acand ror.tidtog patients wuh iiotru! r. .Is . I. tl Ul a irnniiritr .f uitf.i conaaciBeni i:tonsuii :n.prudrv.c , :i . .'.:ty'a Pills and tuul Oiutmeat ana powerfully ctaca-ku, bcinir eompoatHl i u;.s and veaetabiea thL: ant antagonistic to all diaordeia of tho Masai, and oieara arisii:-,; from vru iu th Udy. 1 h-y -.:, not a pari 1--to of mercury or i ths mineral p-jotou. ' im I ii : jm a vt ei en o?r.?CoTje are apt. u ioo rounda each box nf Pflia. and Oiiitmtait. f J c:,,iUoJ l , -CTTneie is rossnlt-rao. sarnie l.v !ak:n.' Uw larger aisaa. iiu:e.-s mo i;uro H J. litYOocs;, anr- 11luwav Ai'o, Nrn V.k. HOLMAN'S PAD, I.I V KB, ma M m: Kiiliiejs. Halaria iu ail its Tpc:. iv.'. ntuvA CImIU. Kt. i nun PmA a..:irTC. - sa rM Bt.t l.itir C. i.i4i ut. 1TWVU IU1 i. ..!..: t K h i i r n l tSC; p-. . fx Z3 ot uubml Liat fcuu iW .' -. . .t ,rn 1. Ir A. Li . u u!:i.i au i Om ssfasiuls .-f xli 01 U 0. .utit B awaaa i Mrs : It i ixro m un.ttnl t in nni..i " 1SU ia . f ! hi-h lf. li' ine mi;u Irme tulnfiouatt. F.- r:1 witt:v tcoi sifs uw a. n..n.tL'. li.-rwi ... K. j.i ; ,.A iu IhI retanlT iu ltu ml x. ... huu.i i..Ul li t W mi.Ty ! I. ii': bf;h a::k ;f i:ogi w r ww. H iiana ivi ur um rcn ui KtCXI St NTSWr .4 tU- lliilaiM MCiiih iiluu:: it, FOB litC 8T llDKII.;rv Pr. ll.-lmm. 1 ice U inc. fill tMU nut fi on j. Ikatk..i. a.l-iivaa noLStssj rtw o.. :M UruaUwajr , Ifov Yutk. r. c. eeii2 ilw 500 I: Kirbau'4 r.Ur Balkaaa V, I Catv I. 'n4 vrs, ftrt ukI t eooud m ; on th lgt ana nady ; seaattHk l autrrali, Oav o-i. j S.'aTt, ami all iniuar (oriua ul the litarase Pria. So uO tcr ivatlc. Le Btchau's Clan BaUaat : t. I'jrva Tartiarjr, Mercurial, Sv'lnlilic l;Uuinai.Mu. Hin in tha itoiiaa, t Icaravai! TUrxm:. Svphilttu- Ksh, l.uni. ;lo.. a-td ( r&J.calaa si lnj(j (rui thr t kiara, hintr gauvol y ba.l rwm nwtit or abate d maro't.-jr, 1-ivia the blood pure aJ hcalihv. Ii wc.if j.00 pr tk:U?. J Ir u. m'. t SpaaUk AalMlr for tho iuti' ol Oo:k..Oi.. , t.ioal, IVhx.- iJiSJi'er JJottlc. Lc RlrhusN Golden Srwi.iih lajrtlaa. awash f.r cura ! : . ft ri tares, Itiatatae ul m Piatoia u 4aUt-r, u-. Price, Sl-i-0 ur hottle. tm niraau' ' Galdra o.r.lm ul lai th vS?dL-tid healing ul Srihilaiv tkvj and Erui, aaaa Mss, $1.00 j. r utu3. Aao AgenU for If Slchta'n Calden PUU. lor wcak:ca, ! of physical :-. and all uikeaavs arin iroui abase a. id eev-s ot over-wutk. IVice 3,00 per Una. .Sent everywhere, t". . p., securely i-ackc-l m e i". uit s: ibbs v ra. AC-a.. ; Sai.souM tlrcet, Co. iucr l lajr, Salt Fraut nx, CaJ. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. f R. K. C WKST'S N KUVR ANP BRAIN TRKAX J nicnl. a upc-iflc Ijr Hysteria, Diaziactf, Con' vulsious, Nrr.ous llcadaclie. Mental PcprtMsioa, Loss ol Memory-, Spermatorhnea. Impotence, In voluntary emthaioaa, premature old mgr. caused by ' ovcr-extrtion, elt-abuat or over-inuluoce, vhlett lead to m SJry, decay aad death. Oim U- v. .11 cure recent illness. Keli 1kx coutaimi one month' tieUment ; mm dollar a Ux, or mix boxes for Ave aullars; ent by mail irepaii in :e t j-: l p-iea. We iruaruMdo tix boxen to c-um nv w,,.. aeh order received by ua for ix boxes, ac ta:aiin-d wiui nve ucuurv, we win aead the purchaser our written (ruarante K. return the uioaey if the treat uent des not effic. a cure. Cnaranteaa umad only by WOODABP. CLARKE A CO , Wholesale and BaUil Urujfyi. Portland, Onou. Orders by uiait ul regular price. 4