The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 24, 1882, Image 1

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I ! S s fj 1 . 1 ) ; V t : l Y Ktt 1 DAY
-tv- .
M Mx-Gsa on i i:-in Pesneceal :: .; mu:.. .01
:' i i. . . Hired.
Igaanj or MTMcauraoM
lujtl. n, Oct jrrtu-
tivrle Saaatiba
iaA Wi tlirw hi mina
Uj uutrtUur.. .
?3 00
a oo
.... l oo
FI.INX & v1IM!U:kl.I
Albvt, Oregon.
jsfMsee in iVs.erM iiriek idiH-k.-o
v st f.
K. S. SIV.AII.W. I.. 1US.YM'.
Albany, Oregon.
this Stale. They pive special nttCCV
Hon to enHsCttOBS and psnbate matter.
Otlkv in Ko.t r now brick. 4tn f
Notary Public.
Mbany, Oroon.
Office anSBlira, over John HriviijH store,
tat mwt viSntBtf
W'n.L rsutTwi iv M i. n;K . : ;. ok tme
I? Stv fiiu: ati.t.1. i (tucii . ".is :i -n :uul
probata matter.
UTOiRe in tXi.i PattaW Ti
J. O. POWKl.I.. W. K. HI1.YKU
FOWKLIi ft liHA Kl,
And Solicitors in Chancery.
AIJtlM. - - - ORI'UON.
Collections promptly made on all points.
Loamt negotiated on reasonaMe terms.
.sSrOffleo in Foster' liru-k.-S
ALntNY. otftov
CTOrne up .uaira '-u the Odd Fellow's
W'ili nreatlea h. all the eo-jrt of St ite.
trmpi atta'irttoii Kivn to eoll el con
veyaaos Tami:ativa o TitN s. Hoijni
a a - t v t Ft;
p-R:cf Ui a8 Hm Oonib of tiic Bteta !
VOfllc-in i.' fourt liiw
gf.os(;k .maEs.
Notary Pufoli Vj ;
. ::ii.!;i ir, u;; on.
Collections pronij-:ij made oaai! joints.
Wlf.T.practi :n allronr of theSMi
SI wttfaewhiHuOaii io n:"j rcr.ij t-
E. a. JOHN90X, M, 1).,
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany, Oregon.
O.'TJoo in Kroman's RiicK, two doors
East of Connor' Bank. nlO
First elasri vehicles, fino hotne, good
feed, aeeeaimodatlag proprb tor and ra
Mnable chart;.'.. tfaoBi a call.
Saldj-s rear Raven IJouite.
rn. r. o. 11 yd :,
Phician and Surgeon.
Oflloe at
& A. DAVIS. Si. 0.
ndj '
Oiif!e in 0 Id T.:i:;'!i . ils.ii.ncc
on 5tii h'j ivt, t v i'i ;'- i .v - i of i!u Court AHney, Sr.
L W. GD OH & GO.,
Books. !jS- nrry and Toi!ct Articles, A
LaUelSUMMC and Low I'ricea.
city idtito rj::oBE,
21 '.. ;. . esscx.
Oraggiteaad Booksell-erg,
a i. ; i 9 v . o i : s:c i .
Chas- Pfeifler, Frop'r.
Tuu iw llolel is fitu 1 ;ij in firev ofnw tvt. TatifW
a!iie-J with the lt tho market a:r..r.:.-t. H,.rii:2
!Jod in every Baaaa. A gi.od Swb4fl f.Hm i. r
MMM Triivelers.
tf frre oaeli l as.. .'r :n jrre ."
Aloanj Bath House.
fully inform the citu&na f Albany ar.-i vi
einitjthat I have taken chargo ofthis Establish
meat, and, by keeping clean rooms and payia
sttiet attention to bunine, espects iu uit a!
these who may favor us with their patronage
Having heretofore carried on nothing but
FirstOiass Hair Dressing Saloons,
xpseti to give entire saiufaericn tn ai
J Children and Ladjes' Hair neatly cn
hampooed. J03 WEBBKR.
1 ebanoni
banjusl opened a nice selection ot
General Merchandise
winch the will t able to tell at reduced
ol all Idnds batten in CVcbSBgC ur H00-
the highest market price.
All ar invited to call before buying else
where. ttmS
Tlu Studebaker Wagon
Is the IttXTsnd C II K. VP EST.
Batchelor Vangelder Spring Har
P. & F. Wood Pumps,
Boy Presses, Paining MilK etc.,
Bmm aa mew w mj
, "
. ,
t'onirr Terry and krroad MrrrU.
m w
: ...r.:
I!. A. CLABK, 1'ioprietor.
' fv.Ti:. or
Toiab and Grave Stones,
Mantels, Table-Tops,
Washstands, Etc
Ai: L.ii!t fiioctf irk 6m Sti aUritls, Frea
ad Tmaa Ail aork ta trt. otaaa t)ta
tad at i:.- ! ,vi ritct
(WTWaat '.c . Krrry trtrrtt, bctaean SeeooiJ wmJ
i. S I aat analM anjr litcxparlaBaai
ri. c.itonicrt Uia bcittflt ol liw
aaasadaakai aUaail tur mu-b wurfc.
Ague Cure
b a purely vegetable bitter and power
ful tonic, and is warranted a speeuv ami
cr rtain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills
and l ever, Intermittent or Chill Fe
ver, Kemlttent Fe'er, Dumb Ague,
Periodical or Bilious Fever, and nil disorders. In miasmatic dis
tricts, the rapid, coated tongue, thirst,
lassitude, loss of appetite, palu in tlie bar k
and loins, and coldness of the spine and
extremities, are only premonitions of
severer symptoms, which terminate in tho
ague paroxj'sm, succeeded by high fever
and profuse perspiration.
It i a startling fact, that quinine, arse
nic and other poisonous minerals, form tho
hasis of most of tho " Fever and Agua
Pn irations," Specifics," " Syrups, and
'Tonics," in the market. The prepara
tions inado from these mineral poisons,
although they aro palatable, and may
break the chill, do not cure, but leave tho
malarial and their own drug poison in
the system, producing quinism, dizziness,
ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and
other disorders more formidable than tho
tlisease they wero Intended to cure.
Avek's Aoub Cckh thoroughly eradicates
these noxious poisons from the system,
and always cures the severest cases. It
contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing
that could iujuro tho most dclicato pa
tient; and its crowning excellence, above
its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the
system as freo from disease as before tho
For Liver Complaints, Arm's Acrr.
Ccue, by direct action ou tho liver and
biliary apparatus, drives out the )Kisotis
which produce these complaints, and stim
ulates tho system to a vigorous, healthy
We warrant it when taken according to
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Cnemlstf,
Lowell, Mass.
Tes the bet wahing and ironing in Al
bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for
Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington
street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable
V'V LTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaBaaBaaaGl
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chost,
Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tvuth, Ear and Headache, Frost
Foot and Ears, and all otb.r
Pains and Aches.
M i lNMaalBM i'i rrth rual S-r J t
m a . trr, ifiNWr m l rkeitt I i
1: ui 4y A trial rtitaua lul iHo aaaaj in
t.iiV f ..utlat . f M ('rat, a 11.I r-r i, .1 .
nh alu caa aao citaaji . t '
Mrvctiuae ta Cto I 4- .
Valtimorr, , U.M .
We eetuiaas Ui art as Sc Uritert for ratcnu r4.r-.
Trade Uxrxt. vfpyrietiuLet., far ibn i mini hui.
CsnavU. Cuba, England, rraoce, (..-niian v. rr. y, ,
bars had tfalrta-ttve year riprrimrn.
Patenlaohtalnad throagb u aro tv4iMd in iijn So
sarnnc AeraiCAS. Tu lanrn and nirui: i i .. .
tratod wlypapw.$a.OayeaTlxi um ii.rv
of teitfor. u ry InienNrtiDg. and has aa inurui-14
clrrulan.. Adrfrwai Mt'XV A n. rint h
Juia. of h i.Ttric amkrii'ax, st fws Bow,
KrV T rt. Hand bi. atHit fautita frot.
Mr J. D. Batki, XeWKpnjior A l. - rtia
ing Agnnt, 41 Park lbiw (TUMM Bttikling
Now York, ia authorised to eontrmet ha
awivertLemeBtt in tho DKMocmAT l oar
best rutas.
King of th.e Blood
U rot a Vurr a:i'" It It a Maad-porlrtrr anrt tonlo.
lunur:iy of bl'jod (Klia lf; intiii, !-raiiK'-
tlM ctixuiittlou. fctwl llru tnOu-j niai.y diaurilcnt,
known by ilincr -m r: v.,. 1 to .1; .1 iiif.Mii-'1 tli'-tnoa-t-onllatf
Ui rff ( i. t,ut twiit rraJlV Lrnnrhaa :v
that (irtai KCrtC dW rili-r, Impurity
tf lilaod. Wan utf vy, . MUminim. 1 .1 rr
i 'umitlnlnt, f'unMilHtlUtn. St r iu. lfimrtlt rr. Until
. . . '.'a. 1 .,' . ,.,, 1 1 Wmknct, limit THtrttnti,
Pnipmy, Kitlmrij I'm.w, ISL-t. lihi-itmntlnn a
lorrfc, rTtuUi, Sli t I r. lmjilr, Vfoen,
SierUtn0t,iir .a-f. Klnir af im ftloud in vi nu
1. h i turii tic ty aita.'ku il,- itu-r. fiiiurliy
t.1 t:is Hinrid. 'I'rmllb BPti hyalclnii. ryrt tt n
toi.i: ,c :c " i 1. I r- nrul ftnulnit J riffm
rUui fo"! BoM hjr J)nv-!iiv fit v
lAtiti. h tilaaaaiata. dtrrewom, Rft, la itii.
iStlct, Tra t a itr U.- UUi,'
7l,;f fJt l-.m iiu h loll! '.
t. st.rt.yM. so: it to.. Nsfta. r.uavjo. . 1
v Bend for -n
k k Kewlllubtra-
M M ted Trice-List
WKB &LW Fall and Win
ter of 1881. Freft to any ail in ss. Con
tains full desei iptiun of ud kindn of goods
for personal and family Die. We deal
directly with the consumer, tod sell all
goods in any quantity at vholewle prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
227 and 229 Wabah Avenuc.Chicago.lll,
or have any business to transact with
me, aro hereby nctillod that my att'air aro
left in the hands of Mr. Simon Beitenbacb,
of the firm of Monteith te Seitonbaeh".
A I.U.I V, OKl l.M V
WILL practice in all courts of the
Stato, and give special attention to
collections. Office in O'Toslo's Block.
Custom Boot & Shoe Maker.
TIOOTS AND SHOES made to order.
Jfj and repairing done with neatness and
dispatch, end at low prices. Call and see
him. First Street, Albany. 41yl
4r i v !t u : ot I'ASI.
Vh.t thlnj't dun'l go loaull you,
And Um wtuld HMfJ iptlflt down
Don't mute ycur time In futtlnp,
Kill i'iin away that I'rotVB.
BtaMt life In oft perplexing,
TU iiiucli Uia wioat plnu
To beef all IrlaU 1'i.tvaly ,
Vtnl ntiillo whtiiicvrrytiii ran.
Why kIi' uIiIiii dirad lo RMMfOW,
And i In: . loJoil to day?
For v. Urn mui hoirou tioiiWlr,
You ntul oxpeot 0 py.
It la a O04 Old llllixhll,
Wliirii hhollhl ht ofl 'il pmrtird,
"poti'i even tu brtdft beftwe you
Until ih" t'j 10 bi pMohod."
Von BSlfht tat eNUrod BIMh rilthlng,
II you unitld I . Ifl utlnd,
Tke itioiixhi that Ml and ll
Ar alvs h befO t.uihlnrd.
'I h, to itttikt be noinotliltiK wanted,
A:i I Ih nili viu lull tn woalth,
An 1 iitiiH from Otlt fOQf OfttllOl
That rotdoua Jowid -hnalth.
An I t!rn b JTOOre tn.n an I
You inuy lift e an empty ptirio -And
WMXih I iimny Irinla
Whlefa l ron-ldi r ttorao.
Bttl whrt hn joy or soirtiw
Fill uponr noMl pati,
'Twill aaaU i ymir pathway lf igklaW,
To amlla whonover you rati,
-' a ;
ilif Uncle's Will.
K frr your saUr
Itotert, 1 did
"F.if in y lie untwined ths
clinging linger acorn full v. 4'Kor my
hake ! ! 'n then Unow mo so little,
l'.!earor I su little, an to dream tint
ui jw v in north IMVi to BM than huti-
Sho bowed !i r !i. n I in In r t w.j 1. 1: k
in; Lhtnis.
"1 never thuuyht vai
w ml I
hrnl it otit," hlir in ji ruined.
At thut MNMIll I ho BtRtt's bos low
vrr-1 i l in .t talkie Umo lfvio.
'Anl fu would ln. ; tio kllfOtUfh
ilff lV
iv sUle itb ibis tceret between
Ivvatior, Kleawer, bb4 obi boaey-
i.t ('. o--. rr .
loi not. m S!it
1 1
wiibont !okint; at biBj :
w.-.a V) -. . I tl.OUjI,
)nt wife, Itobert, that your
itii:-! it-.! jo, A Bel wbea 1
Hfiil !in- uii.ilrrdii tiio lebh
iitn- Ir dis
sew tlifi
. It a rm
d ; eBBJF tO t it istO th tire. itat
jroBBiibt hot b L.f .j, , he
Tho Uuiptation RM SO BtftBW li.o lic
was so near - -"
Robert aglui iiiad, boeldB biai
. : ir lib po8aioBte j.ain : eleeltB bo Vet
r. onl I 1 .i i i.4:! I .!i I
''Nrar I it WOBlfl ORVe beBB aa fi
ulF an bell tire ftui n hsmest hand."
Tho u uMi did i. i t tBewes. Har
Vowed liMid o-i'y nik ihf lower.
" did y. t reed ibe will IsMure
ir t oid tt ! h a:ktd Blttf
BBBte, i i. 1
i ni s-.ti tlrv it
lujf lo miJv wi
i be
to ir, .. I
I.b idt-tl frf (- en ibo beeeUi, ivbteb
wan ell f at to BfticoJ of '1 will ui th .
o: i bmb deed tit ihd
did not reed it.
1 a dd ) "'i lt 1 ' Btd i
I ct hi Svl BtO -'V Ir
I u a . r.
', J UU k BB
mm v. best
.i be did,
th. ratals.
ibat bo bod not tell ou
i ,t fi!i I ;at' pittance, beOBBBI
ou hal BlRrried i lgar, oi worse '
He Mi uck his hull li tOytlief pautiun
MWorsa worse ! A
at h-SAt have U:on honest
She dro;jsd her hand-, ami lo.ikoJ
Oi him with her palu Hot face.
W;:i 1 ev. r trained to he honest V
tbe raid tUfarjr. "Wmh tnv father's
lodglBg tSe loU for kU.:h n jrswth as
bOMBtj t Yet you took me out ef it,
K BBM t IuIjh. YoB uiilit havo known
what frnit w'oil.i -io' from meb
"i miuht l.avo known," bo oebood
btCoriy, stid turned iiton : . Imtd nil
left tbe ioi:i
it jilt Hi' d to htm she Kpoko in utter
boflteivaVj calloutBeM ; be did noi
know it whs tho oeldneeB of tliair
that BaBRsnred bor wotdo tbse.
And ibert hho alette, ri ,
Llaukly into tbe BlW, where li.-.- srIus
lay tbo BobeB 6t llBT bBMBBBll Mini
BBftes, bWmt out and dead. Was it
all 0T9T lloheri'a love, that hud seem
ed to eone into her life to wtttu ii
forever Juol Le put it oot once for
all witli this rash niid fi'tiity h-ind of
h era I
And then tbere OBme to her other
pictui BB lit the fire BOBBM of her steji
tathor's "home," now one loJoing hoiiae
and now RBOtber, in thronged citten,
wbere soe was required t3 make thr
place illicit and ettliring wilh bor
beauty had ber ebltdieb gaiety, that
her stepfather (who hud been kind
enough to her in hi ORTeleM way, and
who was tho only per BOB in the world
on whom she had a B'lit of c laim)
should gather la 1mm viciius to be
fleeced at a quiet gBBM of cards.
Kleanuv had been .s.y and childish
enough until her eyes wero opened to
the sort of use her step father waa put
ting her to.
This was after ono evening whim
Robert Inglis came, not well aware,
at first, of his host's charactur. After
ward, whin ho letnrned again ami
again it was for the girl's saUe, and ho
married bet and brought her away
thinking to lr?uve every thing of I he
pat behind her.
And now the honeymoon was not
yet over, and it wan the Dilute that
was dead and gone, and the past wits
alive with a horrible life that seethed
reaching oat after the poor girl reach
ing out after her, trying to get bor
into its drsaJful clutches again.
Had it succueded ? For hon U )h-
ert lnfflis came to look for his wife
later, all he found of her was a bifc of
scrawled note upon his dressing-table :
"Tell them it was 1 who did it. It
will not surprise them. If you cin
ever fnrive me, perhaps God some day
will let uie know.''
The snow was falling slowly, one
winter evening, some two or three
years later. It might have been pretty
..n I airy uul pure, out in thu country ;
but thsii in the heart of New York it
Wits dismal enough. All tbe n.oro
MMOB, one might say, that yonder
minitUtring spirit in the bUck diu ,f
one or the sisters of vharily, thottU hi
abroad ou her mission of love. Kim
ha! a basket on hrrarm,uml was hurrv-
Hi", along, wti, just at tho .rrmt,
Itader the lamplight, a mm brBRllI !
titist bar, faus to I. r !.
Katui to fart., m. I under thu UuBII
Hgh ; t lan they might BevBff have ree
ofBliod taah onhnt.
As it was th'i wum tn di.-w ,t r
breath with a quicl. gs.p.
Itibcrt P
Us mijht havr p.Bii- l, unii'ctguif
ilig thu black inulllitd IgBrB, tho oalt
favosuuk in its efBBBJ ffBBM, Dot
that voice !
Us turned BBaraljr, mi l ca 1 ; ? t both
her hsirls in his, nniihrr of thofli la - - I
ing how the lias'nt I
the iwohiBBi of lee sn 1
out into troddmi a iow.
"Klnanor ! At Jant,
Tiiy slosd for a loBB
ut in
h!I ut v
in ) uent tliux.
Thus shs said softly :
' Your striking ("
'Ah, iuv darling, BO JfOB fan-, I
could loss you ami not a.-rk you I i
wis vory cruul so ysu, Kicaear, bat I
wa half nail with my 1 sin half iu 1 1
anil bluidod. elso I would hsva k
it was thn Totnlr. not my BlaBBOr,
who did that dorti. '
itut Klrauor did h, at.d IBptlrtad
ofil.shssaid g ntly. "1 think (tod
has forgivsn her, and if vou ran
"My darling, 1 forgsvu you loeg Bad
hmg ago."
And then hs looked at her bVmBj
with a swift terror iu his - -1 at iit
blackness and the cross she wore.
She answered his glance Midi a
"Nay, Robert, l have BOt l irgott
that I am your wife. I um i.ot boaad
!y v,s to part fioin you if TON ah mid
care to rlstia vour own." Ami there
she faltered. "Your friend., ' .h
aid ; "what wit tin r think V
Me t ibl her hen
There was a ltr will - one written
the eery boor aftar tho aid io.m', ntt
v ,t w with bar. It waS fouti.J.doi v ain
smi attested, stufl';i iu B Baler 1MB mi'
trrs of the bad in which I wl I ni :n
had lain Shil tiibiat l t I rh:r.
nefhawai rum.
Thitlsst will road sn I 1
st-ar-h after tin-i i tier on. BtJ i - rs-
ttiatitetl It.dit-rt D.rhf. Mat Ihai awab Leii
J bersusf, as she o d Miser
own crai. I beBiwri ire
"It seem t bar Kdnr. Ii:...'
choice in a wife i 1 1 mi we to la fan
fault with than K :rj: CofdaetMa's
in f 01: i' Ifa,
i hr K"r.tti as written ( 610,
The '"bale BsaVBrf Bret - -t- uit ii.
the Us7 of I'.i v.. in the ...! h oan
1m est vv iit.t aVMneajMcai I in
Egjettt, Tbe 0eeLe and lnmii!i !. !
BOt HtBMMM it.
o,.a bBMlrvd and
i:na ' ! iisi
1 t to .r l r
of ID art V.
The original bbbm of the 1 Iv of
AJbanj, whoa fbnaded by the Dvtch,
wai Dca r ieJf.
Psrcrtit in saitl to havo cured a
leper by koeping hist for sixty hours
in a bath of hot muJ.
An inventor named Cool, who dird
recently in Saratoga, tund to loast,
whrn a yousg man, that hv WBJ tn.ttar
of twenty-six trades.
Tiie ancient INieblos wrtl.o only
aboiiinal people within the limits of
thn Cnitcd Scalea ho pose.r I the
art sf g'aing their jmttciy.
OeaiBr waa one of the be 1 1
ol pr.uls th:tt 1 vr lived. lie coo'.d
at once tell iho w sul value of
a peail whrn hs took it iu his hvtd.
Thois i a (uiry mythology, nitntlai
to t I :' iCnrefM, arflotis the autire
tribes of A.'jmi0B, wbiOB embraces
fVBB the nuprirituioti of the changelings.
Iu thn reifB of Titus 110UO mm
were cempcllsd to fiyht ns bvf fait Ore,
sod 10,000 during tho reign of Trojan.
Both emperors wero noted for tliwir
Acconliug to Spaiiinh biatOriaBl
eijbt ceatariee of welfare tlepeed. and
3700 battles wero fought bsfore the
Vlooiifch kingdoms iu SpBia suhruitted
to Christian arms.
Phillip Strozzi, when a -cused of the
ussassiaalion of Aloxamb-r I. of Tus
cany, killed himself through fBBV that
torture might extort from him revula
tions injurious to his friends.
Iu their general besrtug toward
seciely and in the nature and minute
ness of their scruples tho sarly Chris
tians bore a greatt-r resemblance to
(Quakers than to any other existing
There was a qaeetioa, among the
oarly Christians as to tho jiropricty of
wearing, in military festivals, laurel
wreaths, because laurel was called aftar
liapbine, tho lover of Aaollo, a heath
en god.
In 1 500, David Iilack, a Protestant
minister in Scotland, delivered ft aor
mon in which he aaitl that, aa to the
queen of Scotland, they might aa well
pray for her because it wns the fashion
to do ao, but no good would crer come
of it. As a consequence he was thrown
into prison.
In Peru, as soon as a o -oars,
"tries are strewn on tho floor of the
room und the door fastened. Next
morning tho ashos aro carefully ex
amined for footprint and the soul of
tho dead is Baid to havo passed into the
body of whatever animal t'.ie imagina
tion traces in the marks on the ashes.
Tho Philadelphia Eaay Hour muii
Hons Mr. d. A. Waltos, of 1245 N.
Twelfth Street, that city, aa an en
thusiastic endorser of St. Jacobs OH
for tho relief and cure of diseases of
24, 1882.
Of the 2.VJM school teachers iu
towa, only 790Saif men.
The richest in f 'onti'ss, Krnator
Kair, live in Chsrlea Hnmrnri 'a old
oiisrhMS iu NVaahinton.
It is itaid that there are moro natives
Of Vet rnont oecup ing public positions
than from any olhr New Kugbind
Slat; ,
A fdllougth portrait of Hannibal
riefllllB is ltt hi hung iu thn Maine
aWnatB eham'ier by tho side of thai of
i'Vstemleu and hot Morrill.
The "Pmnoer," tbs firs', palace car
built by Mr. PuilmsR nineteen yesrs
ago bj still in orriot. It ost $18,000
tinJ was built for tho (.'hi 1 110 t Alton
Tho bill latrodaoed Into the Htnate
to giant a ens n to Mrs. (jailisld
projutex teprovidn a BBBSMMI of 85000
par year front BbbA lo, 1881, for the
ifeoflu.i late Pruaitbut.
Madame l.i I 'a sleeping-
.ni at Vaux tta Oornary is la csrved
-ik, rapietontiog jjsrhiud. of flowers
and fruil. ilr hath tabi uro lined
with choice p ittery and ii'.mi.
Ianisl Wabatet aaeer used "big
W0BBB. II is language was p!sin and
inp't, and his sisechrs wots easily
underalood, even by the h mblest in
dividual .1 fact that enr public tnsn
houid not loigvt.
Senator Jones of Florida, who is
about to many a wealthy young lady
of Nowburyporl, m aaid ta be unusual
ly woll read in tho erka of English
itaatSSBSBB. He is a tall, robost, psle
eyol and sn:idy haired widower.
A bronze statue ef JJanicl Webster
is to ha arreted is Washington, on tho
triaagulsr pak, OppOsitB tho Xatioaal
Thsatre. Btilnsn Hutchins of tho
WaskingjUm Paef, who originated tbe
plan, baa SSenrBl $IO,I0) for the pur-
XttOtiet ilorsce tirsy lookf lure like
nn Knglishmaa lhau an American.
Hi i-. t!ie tallest uau on thn bench of
tie Barwame Ownrs, lli height is
i. bsehsSOVer t!x fa-:t f:versl inches
"in 1!. .n J ostioe 1 1 .1 -1 at 1 1 Hseies.
IfJtfiatl ut a; its at 1 eii r
KVf r
.V i;.,'. r 1:0.
N-v. r li:t :t iBOtlaBf".
Never bvtnv :i conil iel.if.
Ni-vi f nrantonly ftftfbtan bIImhdsj
Kevet soenn wtlh unkind
B .ids.
3 ever
neglect t mil ujHin your
l-.ttgli ai Um mUfortuuee uf
Never glvi
. fartl !.
a orutnl as imtt you tlo
Never mhmI 1
pre si
hapbig for
tr:' 111 roiuin.
Nev.,t ti... i.itt -i. wf y ir own por-
o.n.. i:.i . .
Never fii loin iNtnetaal nt tic
tiuMi appoint! if.
Never make yourself tbe hern of
your onrn t. rjr.
finvet pick yon r mefh d
nails in coutpanjr.
Never fail In civ.' ; pullic
ri your 1
1 1 a Civil question.
Never quosiion u sorvunt or a child
concerning faniiiy matters.
Never present 11 gift, s tying it D of
no ue to youreIf.
Nvvrrread letter i which ym iu:iy
flntl addrcsctl toothers.
Never fail. Ifn gentleman, of iw
Irg civil and pjliio to Staters.
Nover call itttoetion t. tho features
wr form of any otio present.
Never rider to a gift you have m.ido
or u favor yon h ive rendered.
ypver BSSOt'lStS wit ti hid eiaipany.
Save goad company or none.
Never look over t.!i s'tjuldor of
nsHhef vh? Is rustling or wriilng.
Hover arrcr.t the Bttentlnn of anno
qaalntance h a totsstt. Ebjassk to
Never appear te notice n B6BT, or
deformity, or defect of any BBS pres
ent. Never punish your child for 1 fault
to Which yea are addicted your own
O.m method used
by the
Baxaaa for aaocrtaiuiBfl
the lnteulions
ot fats was to tako slips of wood from
some fruit-hearing tree, ai:irk thui,
and after a ualemn irayer, shake t!i--m
together uud throw them lata a hite
garment spread f r the purpose. The
number of marks lying uppartnoSb de
cided tho greater or L-ns degree of
fortune to come.
In 1386 ioholss Lilliugton, Abbot
of Weatmiaister. though naarlv savonty
years old, prepared himself with two
of bis monks to jo armed to the Sea
coaM. to assist in repe'liug a threatened
invasion of tha Ftcneh. One of hia
monks is described as largo that
wbtrt his armor was afterward offered
for ante no one edttld bo tcmnd of suffi
cient size to wear it.
The Louisville Commercial citos the
ease of Capt. Chas. N. Crrl, of that
cltpt who was cured by St. Jacob's
Oil. after suffering for years with
rheumatism.-- York (Xeb) liepithli
can $1509 Por year can orally made
at home working for . G. Rideout &
Co.. 10 Brticlnv St., Now owe. Send
for their catalogue and fuH pflvt'ctilars
The llianiplon Fruit Brier.
Having now ebtaiaed complete con
trol of this celebrated fruit drier, 1 am
prepared to sell county and State rights
on reasonable terms. Call on or ad
dress meat Albany, Oregon.
i. 0L Dohkriy.
27 wl
NO 30
TI13 Eplssopal Church.
It is a quettim: of vital interest to
very believer in Christ, whether
hrist and His apoath establiahod s
form of Ohaiwh gavanMBSat with an
eaalssrahhi aiBistey or net. If they
lit!, it iniist be at BM 6 viJ nt that tbo
ChatS SBMaot ha secure without it.
lie sum) thofts sfho are la tSSeh Divine
Truth BMMa) have a Divine roiuoiiasiwn.
It is a rule of com mm as well as
of eemmon prscticsa th-tt over wsll
directed sl!'rt bo, and ws
would naturally cxpeet i 'ln istianity to
be so organized that its efTrti might
bo directed to tho best advantage, and
not weak sued by the diviaimi now a
unhappily appareat. It csn Wo mad
plain, to hoe who daaire to know
the truth, that sueh a form of govern
ment has the Divine appointment.
Christ came te ostal.luh a apiri'.ual
kingdom not a tepublic. K-pent, fr
tbo king lota of has en is at hand," was
tho .irsl Satenca of II if preaehtng.
Th is kingdom waa to In a moral fiovir.
1 1 was not to drive men to do right, hnt
to teach them the love ef God as tbe
motive of right action. Its real fjres
lay, not io uisiug laws, but in -ecltirn-ing
loin from error by the infusion of
right principles of action. They weie
to know tfca truth and "the truth was
to make thorn free."
Hut all power has an outward and
viaiblesigo. Wo knew there is life
by tbe foraa it takes, and while Christ's
kingdom was in tho heart of rasa it
was to how itself in tho Church. Tho
Cbareb waa te bo tbo visible sign of
this moral power; she was to bo tho
visible moans whereby tho truth was to
spread; all lovers of the truth were to
noils themselves to bor and baud them
sol vso sgsinst the powers of evil. How
Christ intended His Cbureh to be a
vixihle organized socisty is shown by
aflcli director; as these. "Tell it te
the Church," "It not tbe Church he
sbsrged," "At that titno there wus a
greet peraecution sgsinst the Cburcb
which ws st Jerusalem," "Tidings
of t seaelhieg came unto the ears of tho
Shnreh vLieh was in Jerusalem" "Being
brought on tb-ir WBJ ty the Chuisb."
Wo Wusld t.ot think it uecesiary te
tefur to this idea of a visible church
o-it it is aomstiuiea deaied thai tbo
('hutch ofChria-. is a enable body, sad
eons 'inently tb t it tlova not nsoo
thoas wMtait 1 aagRS Bi order SSSMMa
to trdmarv sociti".
TLo word "I'hureh'' means aa
assembly of met.: aa now used it msns
tho sssemblud or congregated bodr ol
believers ia Chi let. As loag at the
Chutch is composed uf men it must nf
necessity bo enable as loug at tbo mso
aro viaible.
in tho Sciipturts tho '-liurch os
oaitl. is spoke a of as viaible. 'T wrata
. . .1- n 1. ... 11 .1 1
nil 11 i:ip nuroii, .mis -5:. iium oi 1 am
wrote h'S lettera to (bib-rent Churcbea
ill difTarsat. p!a-:sa, cad thy certainly
msi havB bera risiMlo orjioiratiiaii
Tha Bits BintS thai h-oe lm nit !e I
BfOVS he Cht: b of i It istWj k a v.
oa!y hionjht o il mora u caiIv the fawi
f her BM iotSllos in ii f.jrut
All : .-i powers dttSiee of the
Church imply this. The power o iu-
fiict diseitihiio, an 1 sxeoni uunidSte un
worthy mombii s is an outward act; the
miaistry, Saoramcats, prayers, praises
aad thabks-rtvings, hav their visible
forms as wo'l the-inward r-raee movin?
Because the Church is a visible body,
it does not necessarily imply that all
who belong to her will be saved as t aay
may neglect their duties, and fail te
reach the Church triumphant in heaven.
Only those who endure to tho en-i
shall bo saved. In the visible Chu.-V
evil msy be mixed with the gsod; and
So Christ likens tbs kingdom of heav en,
(by which tho Church on earth it
meant,) to a net unclosing flshss bad
and good: t a Held in which tares sad
wheat grow together; to a lipase ruiod
over by faithful an 1 unfaithful as t van Is.
Tho ssd evils and disorders that msy
nrevstl ia a t U.ira sua yet not causa
it ta forfeit the naaio to a Chnreh of
Christ, can be seen in the seooad sad
third chapter of llevelatioa.
The Church being the kingdom ot
ded upon earth is specially dear te
every one who loves Him. Tho prayer
Tkv kiufdom Csas, shows that earo
for Coriat's law is aesonl only to the
hallowing of Hod's nam. It is a pro
teat afaiiutt anarohv aud disorder, and
an exeressioa of earnest desire that the
ministers ef Christ shonld preach with
auch power that mea might be rescued
from the dominion ot batau, and come
under that of Christ, under whoso
government is the perfect law of liberty;
true freedom eoasisting in obedience
to the revealed truth.
As every visible society must bo
organized and have its property ap
pointed officers, what appeara so nave
boon tho form ot government when tha
Churjh waa first established! Tha
Christian Chflreh was organized before
any of tho Now Testament Scriptures
hi.:. --- - : m a
wore wiltttn. ant uuivoiaauj uiw-
mitted. Most of the books of the
Now TeBtatnsnt were written between
the years forty-five and seventy. The
Church was ruled by the Apostles
through word of month, and tho mem
bers are constantly exhorted to hold to
tho word preached to them. Thus
St. Judo exhorts tbe brethorn to hold
to "tho faith onee delivered to the
saints." Si. Paul tells tho Theasalonlans
(2 These. II. 15) to hold to the tradi
tiena they had been taught.
The Church then waa organised
under the directiona of the Apos
tles, and when they wrote letters
and histories, it was not to be
expected that thoy would give minute
rules and direction, for things already
established. When the histories were
written, they take it for granted that
those who read them knew how tho
Christian Chureh was arovornod. Tho
lettera of St. Paul were not written to
nUiavAn hut to brethren in different
Churches, organized by him, and under
tither his personal direction or under
thoso whom ho sent; (Titus I 5.) The
7 " 7T wkT 1 nT 3 m T saTTyT
1 Inch I 00 8 00 5 00 1 8Sfe 12 00
2 " 200 i 00 700 1200 IS 00
3 " 3 00 6 00 1000 1500 22 00
I " 400 7 00 1250 1800 27 00
jOI 600! 900 1500 0500 55 00
k " 750 I "00 18 00 3000 4000
k " 10 00 . If 00 '25 00 , 4000 60 00
I 1 Ii 00 j W 00 4000 J 60 QQ 100 00
only fair way to interpret the referen
ces to tbe ministry in tbo Serlptates,
ii to aL how tbe Church nndersteod
them at that timejand it ia oatrnthfui,
to aay the least, to attempt te fore
them into corrsoKodoneo with sny
syatem that did not then prevail. This
rule ia allowed by all, and tbe practice
of the estly Chmch ia made tbe guide
ia auch matters. For example, Sunday
iaoBi versallr obaerved aa tbe Christian
faWbtnath, though Saturday waa tbe old
.Sabbath commended br God. Tbere
is no command in tbe New Testanent
to observe Ssndsy, bat as tbe first
Christians with oue consent observed it,
all good Christian people will ob
serto it to-dsv except men like
m m
the Seventh-day Adventists, who will
listen to no arcumsnt from hlsierr.
area though the .Scriptures themselves
earns to us aa historical facts beaded
down by a historic Cbareb. Bet son
sbts rna cannot ba expected to aocspfe
tbe Fjriptures, nnleaa they have as
good or better reasons for believing
them to hxvo betn properly banded
down to ns, as tho other groat faeto af
tho world'e history. This neglect of
the oarly history of the Church is a
great cause of infidelity: Very naturally
those seots whoso historic continuity
eanno; bo sbowo, sre unwillieg to bring
them to tho teat of history.
The Church government and ministry
then wero a historic fact before thn
Now Tastamont Heripturea wore writ
tea, as when St. Paal says, II Cor. V.
18-21. "And all things sre ef God, who
hath reconciled us to bianself by Jeans
Christ, and hath givea onto as tbo
ministry cf reoeneiliatioB ' "Now
thea we are ambassadors for Christ as
though Cod did beaeeeb you by as; we
pray you ia Christ's stea l be ye recon
ciled to God."
It vonM seem that th logic ef this
taxi was irresistible, aft. Peal opsalto
ef tbe m'aittry which waa already
established aa coming direet t rem God
through Christ, and the form it waa
estahlisod ia was under the inspiration
of God.
How wore ministers instituted into
their ofiice 1 In every ieatance the
Church ordained to the ministry by the
laying on cf hands. Before St. Paul
vent n bis first missionary journey
the Chureh ordained him by the lay
ing ou of hands. He in turn exhorta
T.mothy (II Tim. 1C; "Whereforo, I
put thee in remembrance that than stir
up tbe gift which is in thee by tbe
putting on ef my hands." This text
tsken in connection with (I. Tim. IV
i 4 "ueglfcc. not tbe gift that is in
thee by prophecy with the laying on of
the hands of the Presbytery," would
show that an assembly of Presbyters,
with St. Paul presiding as an Apostle,
ordained St. Timothy a minister.
This same practice prevails in the
Episcopal Church to day ; every pres
byter or priest is ordained by tho Bish
op and preabytera present, tho rubric
or law of tbe Church reading than :
"When this ptayer is duo, the Bishop
with tbe prit-s'a present, shall lay
their hands severally upon the heed of
every oue that rsccive'.h the order of
the priesthood." According te tha
practice of th-? cry Church the ordina
kija is not valid unless a Biahop is
uesenr, as one succeeding to ta place
f AjaocaJe.
.Soi3 p.juple bare made themselves
. . i :u-rTv ov. r the idea that tha iay
ut ..f bo-ad abostld bs aafaaasaoJ
nee an art o oatiae ihs Canatian
sfraia ry, . , that thoac apt-iitted
t.iuul.i have aaaotal gif s. It hardty
BBetBaary to swfar te I3te fact .hat
the lavimr ou of ab-i Aottles handa
j the gift of tho llo y Ubost was the
' result. There ia a complete misuoder-
! standing IB tiie ta:aOs ot many peisnes,
o the intention of outward forms.
which are nocessary for every visible
airintj All societies have their es
tablished rules and regulations for ad
mitting members and electing officers.
Thus Baptism is tho initiatory rite to
the Christian society or Church ; out
wardly the communion indicates their
continuance in it ; thus the Church ap
points her ouleers according to Apostol
ic practice.
Wo readily jercaive the evil results
if a disregard of established forme, in
matters connected with tho state, and
wo lid do so just as easily in matters
connected witheVie Church, were it not
for the studied efforts of those who
have been educated into a total disre
gard for the'established ordinances. If
a governor or sheriff refused to go
through the forms pieccribeJ by law,
he would at once be isjeeled and one
would bo installed who was willing to
tako the oaths of office. Should such an
one claim that tho peeplo had eleeted
bim and that was all that was neces
sary ; and attempt to take by force
his offico, it would bo termed rebellion
and his arrest v. juld follow. No atate
or kumsn society oould exist for s
mpment unless the regulations of auch
laws wero carried out. How nearly
docs this come home to ns, when we
remember that a few years age the
votes for Hayes and Tilden were near
ly a tiej and the Demeeratie party felt
itself wronged by the reanlt, and the
xauttsrings of a disastrous war were
heard. The love ef law and order pre
vailed ; the country was spared: the
agony and suffering of twenty years
ago. Had not tho forms of law been
regarded civil war would have destroy
ed Union.
This principle appliea to the Church
as a visible society. Tbe only differ
ence in her casa is that in event of a
disregard of practice and Apostolic
law, moral force and persuasion must
be used in place of physical compulsion,
trusting that tho people will lore tbe
trnth enough to be won back to tbe
old ways, whoa it can be ahown that
they ieft tho Church under misappre
hension as to her acriptual character
and Apostolic origin. The laying on
ot hands is like a signature to an in
stument of writing. The jmper and
ink in themselves amount to nothing
but the forms in which they are used
being prescribed by law are absolutely
binding. The lack of a proper form
will cause a man to lose his inheritance.
So in the Christian Church lack of the
proper form of ordination mar bring
; many evils, which at first sight may
! not bo apparent, but which ia to-day
! a eause of raanv unhaunv difference.
Let the rules of common sense appli
cable to every visible society, ba ap
plied to the visible Church.