The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 17, 1882, Image 3

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    aw g - nr-T .. jijl-j-t:
Fltter And rroprh U r.
Albany Million.
rkKioiiT trains "
4 ifrlM -
MAIL TRAIN ?wtr..t -
I Ari- at I
A. M.
A. M.
A M.
j nee p. M.
: IS
S A. at.
1 l" M.
P. M.
133 V. M.
All Trains stallr. cvcrt Sun dev.
KoTick. Oa and after this date remihtr
Hekets will be mU at our th-ket offtea for
following pointson CotUMW river: Upper
scades. Italics, Umatilla, Wallula,
Walla Walla aud Ainsworth.
Will. B. RlOS,
Freight ami Ticket Agent
o. A C, ft. v. Co.
iklbanv. June ISth, 183.
N. Baum went down to Portland yoster
dayto rplBvsU ho can ge
to San Franaiteo. Hi WNl B r1
deal of goo la.
Tha feailve drmniicr it now making a
raid on the valley towns, ami our motel-ante
aud clerka are patting a uaw auppiY of can.
uauinini, jokea, etc
Cher;y aad Farhs I recently raided
au.h isaehiaery and male ucU ltttars
aaanta in thoir foaaJ y ao that they can
now tat a out brant caetugi.
Alcohol w; 1 ilean out fis leBsde !
btaud. It will ale clean OB. th i :aide
lJ a peset-keek !ttiokr and mere doiougb
ly thsu aaytbiug u!ie oo reC'vi,
Tfe are uulr- obligation sTaa H
Urowaiot tho proteat of n Bt veai-oa
ham lait tek. Bill s lata te Wo tho
but hunter up ia tkat locality.
The Stata Temperance Aluvjce e I
in Salem ou Wadaea.l-y, nod Rl lett eovr-.
allays. There waa a large all aJaaco aud
ceuitderab'o iatoreat mani'tatcr!.
"Vf hen I dio," said n eJaiu.- 1j I t bi".'r
ksdf, J la f VMM WN oa no
flrra to tuaka." Sl.c BftOBtfpUy tkit
alia p-aaantsd W iindaul-te lly wc .'d.
Craffand froan turn out aotno btil'.ful
wood work. That M lc- U ta j
Mad ia abasdanoo.
K' M. French, iawaUwrj
Happy 55aw Year, Joha I
R U. Skipworla, lawyer. A1.' .ny,".Or.
A baak haa bjea oraa::i at raodL-too.
Tol wanted at tkla ffic3 on paiuofif.
White clover aacd at Kjdfloid aad Irv
ing a.
Tberoaraaa i:aaeu'o aauihar ui il eeldj
Boa Haydaa, oC Polk 0 aty. L!:ta
by a dog last taturday.
. Dayton claima to hare v.a beak bay
Waabingtoa Territ J
Maaey te lota ia s Ball or lrg u t ttitiss
Call on C. H. StovarL
A full atoek el fauna otle, gian ate, aav J
at MeCey aud KQarfta.
Ckartera have fallen lc;;'i aAUliaga, 'nut
wheat ia only 75 ceata yeL
"Skidegate," the batt haraaw aiL lla
Coy aad Ll!rt, aola Bgemta
About an inch of anew ie.l btal IVida
Bight, bat a bright aun assa aeltei tt
Mot. Joe. Emery will preach ia Ik Pal
Ckarch aazt Sabbath Koraiag at 11 a. M.
You caa get your pres3rip:i i. , BU 1 ary
hoar of the night at McCoy fc K: rt'a.
Tha office of 1).- T W H irna tt am i ;I W
Laagdea ia the Old Fellow Tcuiplw.
4 That iron front ia tha Bwrlfiwrt bcQdlag
will be about taa hajitlaot ta tha city.
A f!l doacriptioa of Ktr 11 L bteveae
aew pateat will be hmmi OB tha list aje.
E. Y. Langdonand Co., harcjast rcceir
ed a haa lot ofataiidarJ pdpalar aat)
Dr. G. Wdlia Pries, dentwt, ia Old
Fellow a Temple, orr Plutnoir iJr .- 9
For your drcta ankaag, eattiag a'i :u:.:.'t
go to ta Masai Ut-n jiihi, arar M.'..
wain's. Potatoes are up again. You eaa fat fvr
thesa about now about 05 oenta in Lui. , or I
7 sacked.
It wdl pay you to gt aatiantai on ua-
tarial for year apnng p
The next ana OT i eg
ig at Ucv'.y aad
f the Bimm UibUa
Club haa beun as; doan for l.i.ay aijLt
of next wrak.
Mr. Thos. Maataith has began lata akmaa-
tieation of 25 qaail. There ia ta be ae toast
ia the bosiaess.
fj Ed Langdonand Niwi. Han tea am both
aick, aad Gaa Carr;.- it pi-opriot..- o1' tha
tore at present.
Abraham Leweia'a birth lay was ealebta
ted ia Prtlaal lat Saaly with appro
priate exercise a.
Tha receipts at tas dnae given by tk
Ladies Aidaaciet Waiaad.y aeon tmaicS
ed ke a early
TYilaaa allaia has bean gilaT areaad with
a blaofc eye lately, bop be r he g: it wa are
unable to say.
Meatague, of Lsbanoa, is epatlBSially ad
ding to his stock of goods, to tkat every -thiag
is always fresh.
Any i ;hool district wieluagta eigaga tLe
eer ices of a lira t class teavher, ca doaet.y
dropping as a poaU 1 car J.
Geo Pattersoa and Jos A'!son are petting
ap a fine resiueaee far Jol.-o Bridge. Walk
ap that way and look at it.
Ted Marks has received '.he position t
teller in a railroad efSee ia C'L eag. Ala
Harris knows all abou; it.
Cearad Msyer has gained the rpakatioa,
of being tho West baker ia tha city, an i n ia
because be understand his batiaeat kst
Go there lor ya broadatj?.
Auother band ia ioao te trjousiiai ia!
... .... ! mentt '. tin
Aloany, an J from ta wterestad in it
jadga tat it will 'es tagaesa.
The ot the 8eagrfgal vail Cuureh
will gi aaetkor of tne.i p.tpejai1 aoctatl
eaTaeaiay area'ag. March " ,
Tae t.r Groaad arc to be ranted by the
Soeiaty. If you waat t bi4 on it, uad
their adeertiaeaaeat tbie week.
A leag corraepoa-iuuca receival (rem
BrewaaTtlla wi l be published next week,
spaee aot permitting it twa weak.
Heffmaa and Joseph are in receipt of a
la: go nambf of bot t eorki, eta,, mis 1 aie
making preparatiun for doing a large sola
business daring tha coni'ng eeasoK.
A fiae aew atek of crockery anil glaas-
ware haa just been received byCverad Meyer.
fbae of
the Masaoaia Mil's is frea tlu-ir facU y, tad
they aBTtttaa tavara own i-i Peftlaad.
Xbere arc a r.i.'.Iioa mo.o msles than
females in tho Uuitel Statea. This is ao
counted for by tho groat uuniber of inv la bj
Orea ;n proportl-Ki toths eppa : '.
"Fu'l ntij a rose is bera to bl.-k cr.
seen, and was'a i.a awae'.at: 00 t'jo depart
air ; full aiany a pound cf batter that sesss
t.aan is tut ahiiiui n'aaa for yallow ta r.
On a "aturday we ware t.-aa'4
with aue'.ksr !a''. wi suow to tl-e depth ef ta
sack or ae. Toe ateaataini afenad ua arc
yt f.::' of it, waick makai tl- . . i
V? H Browa aad Grlggi Hamptaa breogl I
dowu and sold to W!j Wik!s laa". ". huts
day 1103 poosda of deer hides. The deer
were killed OO the Sati-u tWtra tiae'
V M Milsei a ;d bit wtiTaBhe !.dy, oi
asebaao'3, wareui town : lay a-; gan
us a ploBiaat call. S!uc t tap il f
Jadgt Johns, Mr. !: 1 -r is tle ' i y ttt n v
at Labaoea.
TkeVy a" ad I baa aeid oat te A
ffaltaet aad Mr. K !.. Briatew, as tkal tea
kaa DaBy aad Weekly will l under one
lasnajs ?. sal cl I .-.imiri.s i
tail taio.
ikeaidswavik in f'out I tk-j 'radwoo'
b-.lvk Lev a ' mi 1 aa tat
tearing dewa pmOBQa :t,
ksriokaare d.-r- r ta any aaa
or nbtatiaaa
.iT.ra! dishes, pl'.ci, e'. ; ,
akip ia a t ka.-wn. wrra .Vl at is .
tbeaap.- r. I ' atl raa bj l.e
lidflaaiaty Tbey ar. be bad by -s
a M s Ui .
vVrx U pa
a .a Kjliim towar ii t: as'ru '.
r.. raaJ, ar.n (iaera .
believe that il vu.l be as
!.' i: .Ss e.T::.c3 KUinaiar.
Aayaacaami arlibiag te bajr, i'., er et
nbaaga anllk c t se: aattsaj ft r stock
sbse;-, fat cr t'.'i k bogt, w..l Sod it t j ti:e:r
ad.eutaga tt aeil Hi John Mils.', a? Jaeeo
TTteeler'a ia A!i,x .e
Ab'eett'a Biw se r v l-i r: t j i:'
at Kuctheai, i i Bacet Heme YeBey, a i
oe doabt it will prove to be e aableda
ef prejterty. Tha dam aid for lea i ia
tkat lo'-ty ia lactaaaiag fast.
Wm Meekutteeh a l 'i L" PaBat, rrpra
settlor the Bank cf loa :..n Ftiu
clacr, sre-o Lctj laat Tae:day pj pat the
OUt !
f Ike
Pa Ue
real a te
A. B. Millar and S.m have recaivad the
contract for building the bridgea, treatle and
apile work on tho lirat thirty miloa of the
O and 0 Uailroad aoutk o." Roaaburg, tha
aoutraottobo c-mpl led by June 1, lSbl.
A!i.'ttt '-VCOO.fXK) feet of lumber will be used
ia Ihe work.
A BMcllwnin ia Bull aolliti goods til tin
way from lU t '-' per cent ohuapor thait any
ether k us8 in Albiuty. Ho can giva gofnl
barftiaa aaaejeiaBj lu clotting aud teota
aad ahoc a aud you will find it out by calling
on aim. After learning pii.'os rlsowkrro, ge
around and evo Iniu.
Mr. E. BstUaVgeri , a lb. Star I'.rewery,
haa ararfced , I joj1 wliolaaala trade
bkeoaajbeut the Wniaatatte Valley, and we
deraUid that hia beer ciree aatisfactien
generally to til levera of that buversie, not
ouly ia Albany, but in af! the citiea in the
Valley where it ia need. Star Brewery bear
rauks at iV top, aji tliat acseualt for Mr.
B'a latgi aalati
A Sweet Horns family w.ulUtsid '2 grand
.tcj:a. "J nuukers-iii law, D motbora, 1
;rcaeia i nsatbr, 4 t'aughtura, 3 grand-
daagktera, I great paaiiTdiagbtai, a atatefi,
9 auata, 1 oMOtj 1 aiater-ia law, I grand
fatter, .. utksrs, 'J uncles, 1 tiehow, '2 aoua-in-Uw,
I brolhi r in l.iw, 1 father in law, 1
bcaibar, '' catuias, - wives, '2 liuabauda, 1
c . graadvon aad 1 aridew, The whole
fa i livoin poena aVroa&d ose flra plaos.
Barbed feaeiag ie aad a new thiug in tho
111, ut :l is I,-:.-. l'stcra ui.d S-x Lava
ie'd aoeie l.ere, aad the deiu.acd ia nw in
atcasiag faat. Tbey usually erderrd it by
the imH, bat aew ileoanal bytbolan. The
kind tbey hive for st!e is ma-la fietw atel,
tad beiaf galvaaiatd i ireot ! weakeord
bj rati. The bsrba a'laa are tapering and
io u-jt daajeroas ateek, as thay will aet
la foot it it a aott aheap
ael d i ibla feooiai an I jut v!at our
fArmera uri. Cal! ou l'' ..Ti l So iad
et eatiuiataa ef vat.
r:. Valeatiaol dr wa ebeervoi by
the aeatiiag of the aaaa siaUr of atokly
aplatlea ihtnogb the attihb if aot aiakly it
wa ea'y Ss '-ute thty we-o tee riSienlnue
wo ! e. Wa dida't get ana, ao it ia aet
from aear grapes that v.e s;eak. F.ui a
grsatt maaw did. The grtcer get one rvfre
aoatiag a aaaa Ktfttag aaad into euar, ibe
T;.-. tv t'. log asmsaaaiaoa, the lawyer
J .-. tuM.intli, well, wa wea't tell
l w a t.ajo. : tea ba ; sa :c aeeral
w. ' . . s. (.:t 'istur-, ihef. rg.,1 te
boy theaa up this eii ; tha young phrea
ategftt Fawb - .J. WeUl b.d in proper
.4.T!-.: .. '.v. sasiisb . ' ' piOfllifl
liae, and the fat gi ,tsa)eu ir!, the ex
Lravagal gicf, wr all -.' -..1. and
al went t bed Tooadas Ois iated
with the foeitaV tat9M aod who iaal 1
The ".i J ' tsa A reporter
'; -: i Iagat t.ll eeaab
liahaaecta yeaterdey aad bold a oqv.-a-
.sr. ten base a
great tah," rannrkad tooraf ertm 'Yea.'
replied the opt ar. I t ruh partly
bectaae it ta holiday aaatop, bat ataialy ea
a aenat a! admtonag, "Haw eaa yen tell
raeuiir awvswtteiog paya, aaa wtt payers
- , ... :i:t.l . r. I ean te'l thsl d-
vcriisise; pata by ateppiag any aiverttaa
meat. EVe tried it. Trade drape, aet at
ti :-.-rs :'.,m loot
J.nUlea' Aid Moilftv
i' ..A.. LJL.
ef London Fire Iaearaaca Oemptniea, apent
laet Tueaday in Albany. He is wall pleased
with ear city aad thiuka we are remarkably
well Mxad for taking care of Urea.
Eugeae Buchanan tad family left tbia
aity, last Wednoadty for Walla Walla,
where tbey wilt mako their reaidanoe in the
future, Albany anciety haa loat two of ita
brightest ernamonts and we owngratalate tha
Walla Walla felka on reooivingauoh a valua
ble fteejaiaitiou to their numbers.
iSrowaaville aeut down olgbt delaaataa to
the Maaonio blow-eat which occurred on
Thursday evening of last week J V flal
braith, J M Meyer, K f Jaek, W H Kirk,
A C llananian, J N Thompson. J B Irvine
and J M Howe. Iu earning here they aliased
the conception nut on the Nartow Gauge
and had to walk through the mud quite a
distant t.
mm m .. . M '
ttlabellrat Mttntrr.
Tlie a count gl ven by the Portland
I up ti of tin' inardir of Juhn Neltnn
Brown In that eit v mtkra 11 one uf tha
iuot horrid aflalra ever rrcordi-il, and
oueiiiaomu roapctta likaly to eUaI
Ih1 great (Canaan tragedlea enacted by
tko Bendere. Three Off fnur month
tgo the body of a dmd mm wai found
in the WlilamcU Ulver. and it wai
a . a a a ass.
aoppoaau luac ne wai urwwneo. it
notv turna out that it waa thv murdered
body of John Hcl-ou Brewu
It aoemathat Brown wna mtiltHal
a witaras lu a aie ngainat cue Carrlo
Bradley, indioted for keeping a benae
oflll-fame. The day boforo tho trial
be disappeared, and Dollie Adami on
accampllce of Mlas Bradley now telle
ti i lrcumatance of hie disappearance
By tho aaaiatanoe of a man by the
ntni" f Pole Sullivan ha waa taken
to Brndle'a house anal drugged lu
auch a tnanuer aa to eauao his death.
Aud afterwards hia hotly waa taken to
the river by Sullivan and two ilea
peradooa nmel Hamilton and
Mahoney, aud thrown In. where
BO waa found a on after and taken l i
tho laorgtio. The dctaila of thleabew
aluioat 9 total depravity oa the part
of thu ootors. and la terrible In the ex
treme. All three of the Men. Kulll von,
HaotiUou and M i -n v left the State
Immrdiately after, aad nothing la
known of them, Carrie Bradley left
fur California ou tho ateatner ' Idaho"
that a-tlled a few day ht foro the d a-
mearsp. and srlll kni'snturod
rtoraa r. rw.rt-d T,.-.da t!,a t w ' together, tltry Were Coualdcr .bly of a
dead kadlea am fonnd ou the promt are ooe principal mistake waa In
of Haodley. kut It terns out that there ,,avlu-i on he'1' lo,Uad of a,,ovT
Is probably no truth iu It, although ,t Ik the a-veral Moeletlea tho privilege
I. believed that other murder- were , "f ihlr fZ "ft
committoosl. ae being that of a man w' An M'-Htnoal and oao whleh will
named Welch. probably net bo tried again
Mnne writlnw tho abas, L'st.l. llrad. i Tltf atl'alr bga Impre-eed the fa-t M
ley was arrested lu Sail Frs ce. as
The auppor and entortaiiant trlvon
ky thli worthy eooleto loll Tteatlty
night, waaaauoceaa, aid Ita manage
ment npnaka in tho hlghaat terms, for
the ladlea connootnd with It. Thl
taklea were spread iu tho room lately
vacated by tho California Store. While
thin la not a largo plftoa It in very com-
forlnklo aud jirobakly tho butt In iho
city at the preeeut lime. Moat of our
btinluesN men with their bott r half
and numeroaaorlaprUigt woroon hand,
and for the email aunt of two hlta par
took or a repast that would have done
honor toa Delmouleo. The leo cream
manufactured hy MofTinau aud loarph
waa praised hy overykody. Thero
were lean attuda for tht tale f fancy
artlolva tbau ttaunl, prohakly hectuao
moat of the woimu think tnojro isa't
muehicetry m making apron, ete.,
which they hare to purchaae them
telvei. But the I'oat Ofn o aeetned to
bo well patroeized, It wbb rnn by Mr.
Valentinp, assist I by two of Albany's
moat charming yanng ladlea, and waa
tho onnter of attraction after eight
Weduoaday noan ipothof 2'inoh aaa
served up. and was well patronized.
.Tbo aiet recidpta of both Tueaday and
Wedneaday amounted to about 9124
The Brread Uatertataete at.
The V. P. C. A. entertainment KrideyH
night waa in many reapeeta a decided
mi pre Yemen t ou the OBe of Tuoatlay
ulght. Tho progam was changed In
nearly every respect, ihoes who were
were put down for a repetition nt their
Tueaday nlghPo effort having aome
thing dlBeroul, whllo several additiotiB
were mado which added to ita Intei it
Mr. Pota's rendlltou af "Hchnelder'a
Wide," In the eharanter of a Dutchman,
was excellent, aud untitled him to the
encore be reoelved. but it waa the
general opinion tkat the "Kcdaurant
-'com tnisrht well bavu Seen omitted,
in in thinking it cut of pla'o is a V
P. 0. A. euterrolamer.t
Home erent Inclined to crltfclM (ha
two entertainments aud even g fo-
aa to eall them failures. Tee mora
unprejudiced, though, wo think, are
charitable in admitting tkat taken
I'nnnly t'enrt Proceeding" reJirtntrv Tee
lb mattar of eppUcatioa of W P. Kirk, et
nl, for uhaoge'of County road, coaoty pays
V'iQ damages aad road establish I.
- Iti matter of application ef T J Cooper.
at nl, for change of oeunty road, caaee con
tinued and viewers and atirsoynr'a bill al
lowed. H Nixon's dewtlflatfoa as anpurvisnr
of Dili Ne. Hi, acvpled ail K .tlfnrd ap.
On'.ered that $40 w. r'h of necessities be
boitstht for Job Gray and wife, indigent per
Ciaisn M John Wil'.ia, min-.r panpsr, dia
allowo I.
la msiUir of hiid;p over Sautiaui Hiver
kotwreo this and htari tu OOttaty, Coort
OrdVred MO 6f 1207 9) bo drawn in favor ef
Marion county.
0 l Morns resignation aa 'road aaperv iaor
waa aeooaassl and attd D 1'ilysu appointed.
J Bilyeo'a resignation a read euperviaor
of Hist. Sn. 5, a.:e";ited tnd J Shdliag ap
A I' Nye's declination as road supervisor
of Ne. M, aocoptsnl anJ U'm Phipps
appoiute i.
lu taattiir of (I W Mardoy'a offer to
build bridge on road to Price and Nicker
Bm'e old aaw mill (of 01 57, 0 "irt ordered
oeceisary lumler ami apikea be allowed
aotil wor pn formed by road la'-r.
la matter of ti W Manloy's fTar to build
bridge on Piper F.-rry It" 1 f r $I0U 'JI.
t'ourt ordered nocesasry spikes and lumber
kea! lowed and woth perfotmed by road
nppln :atln ef P A M orn an! etbera to
chat-'ge Voting placs fr on part of llst and
t cat Albany ami C. M r Pmeioet. te TotV
Conrt ordered that fO.orv) f u:.r
aul aaoeaaary spikes b farntahad Noah
9htoka, for Diet. No. 10.
Cbaa P.irLhr rOOsgantaaa as a per visor
of Dial. No. I ", aecapted, anl A Bleen
n aiattar af apptimtlosi at M llurlheet ln tin- ChrtMii Umrt alla y u-. a Ortgm
f r oiiasi.;') of r mn1.- roal. t!..urt appointed
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Va
lises, To naceo ana uigars,
Table and Pocket
a t ae .
ria.a, w ri.nnm an. I a II ;.aoer viawera.
DafUanlion of I) Kromsn, as aparvieor
of Diet, h'u'io, axopud, aad C It UaUr
api inti d.
d Hay north a realgaatien .i ep?rvior of
f'ist. No. Uk, aseaftad anl W D l'-rter Bp
P 'lilted.
tl A Toosp!oaen OMappoiata 1 1 A supcr
visur of Di.t No.
i.' ti : . . ..
- m srsr- mi u ir i;i a
copies of town in i i now nlo. J A Wiar
BOW, flSd i U li -jai.i. -V ; a led to tl
Orcharod that budge bohailt aeroeal
1 r k st Boio, d 1, Mdler appeiulcd to re
1 raseb af that 1 ank ari
brtlaa I in & few ereeke.
cadier buslne.s of
al.y. "
nd if j' .
poet v. tea
a;-. . taring
eay, the
tt a Is
abc li ft tho ttanter, and on a loog In
tursiew with a rcpurtcr denied all
knowlcdu of tho ui alter, and asserted
U'.r entire lotiocoaco.
UeAib r I arrell
John ! arrell, formerly of this Ity, was
our uiiu Is tbal we need mora entertain,
meets fur th- a r pose ti developing
local talent, and il la to be 1 pe 1 liitl
tUeee wl'.l be follewcl by olbtri
ami uatue.
BJ Ul?J2 - Bb
At a uteoting f the ColUgo Idtera-
..-.; gir up ad-
Ta meet ke- the botUral
' Btaam. h ycu tank
n tiara la f.r. ep.
the st-asa whtoh keeps banh
. i - t,'.:ar."
altaa, Cehio -b
at Chb, at aow coaslactod hy M.-. Ke
Heeara. Albm aad llartia bot eg ahpat te
open a rioaliing atore ia tae Oradwnbl Fh ah,
which is t;rar! toa W for their nee.
hack fr rn Qraata Pa .s
... . , i ..i miu, -rn ! tot e:?y
'.Ve !a ?e i ty.
BOiiead W I IK. .A I.eba.ut., i0
tha aity yeoti rdaj
B lCoopor, t laalepeassleosc, oaaae to
y and
J si C imle g
last weak. lie will return there a'.io
then g-: cat on the rnitroad to wevk
Uttereatod in a bridge eoai.-act on t
3D :i:i!j cf the railroad e eta sales.
Jaa Com ateek liaa the mntrtct of anpp!y
jagtiaaUtnher used ii oMatraotiag t'.a
bridges, OBltrortt, etc , oa the fim miloa
ef railroad eztentic-n ia .'iitkarri .Mi,i
He will pat a miH eeath .' Koaaborg.
The orgaaizat:omt interested in n tiiia
inj the library kra ir.aking arrn ,'tutiita to
fpvo ootortaintaantt oa the !7ih l Igtj,
of March, wk :Ii ?ri I ne doaht b? the beat
of tho taaaoa. Mi s Daae ari! ta e ; :'.
io a saloon ron ia Cntcrrila laet trt.
bet we i twa is-o bear.r tk.- apropriata
aame- ef Sweggort :.nd C'eyl-:, the f mntr
ahet the latter kitftog htmalatett u ni 7.
Centerv.i's i- fa ! of exeiteraent ia eonse
Tre Ho! --
s eity t Ws-!i-. dot
We icireda -?iy pleasant c!l from C.
W. 'r.i ,t. .;' f. ..bau'.'B. lst Fri inv
Vv. h. J, Powell retuumed home las'.
WOI fr at a visit to .' ai .
A .. 3ey, I Iweet Hoow, aroa dawn bat
we---, He L.s recently w-n bis -and suit
.a ;- C'otirt.
. s a .void. Naapy,
has be j; a jb
dipbthertBi ia
ana ta 10 b-.- cob
ia i. t h. it a -
I :. A. euvtr da
ft Wadrertoa
.-t ':en-
I a ; '.; a f. ' r
JHe baa all the latest a. viae ta those
30S vsJentiaea paxsed tbroogb the Post
Office here for Albany a'oae. Not a bad
shewing fcr oar lorn of the ridicaloaa.
The topic for consideration tt the Y P C
A meetiag next Sabbath afternoon will be
feaad ia 1 Cor. 2 chap 4th and 5th rsrati.
The net aarainga of tha Sheriff of Polk
county fer the aix nvnths ending I)o.
were $11 It. 80 ; those of the Clerk $1000.45.
Nothing definite can be Kmertaiaed in re
fercnee te the baraing vessel ; 1 the Pacif' j.
-All skips of any impartance are accounted
Tke moat noted men ef modern times
have pnbliely attested Io the valae of Ape a
Cherry Pectoral as a cure for coughs and
There have been a gre; nisy wild geese
lighting near the city of laic, and quite a
-number of them hare been ahot by amkitieaa
A gold watch key was found in the build
ing aaed by the Laidiea Aid Society in giving
their aupper. It caa be had by oalliug at
this office.
The first number of the Ilarrisburg
Disseminator, published by S. Ti iir,
earns te head this week. It is a credit to
ike pabliaher.
Cootractora w'a bi I os tke Odd
Fellow Temple at flarrisburg ahenld centult
the adyertiament publiahed by the building
-0 araittee this week.
1 grat.i.a:; -r th . ir-a-. r
ir.t- .1 s- ; 1.- i .
te;n res j
ai le: -s I the -" part : ! .f th 1
Tha t; Il , 1 . -st ., S I
near 5 idarill , waa sob!
f 18li, but -. pt'dttoa o
E A Irvin", i; was n-t eovt grated. ' 'i ;ks
9tk ins, it van agaia put up at aaeUot, rnd
tkia time it aeld to W Tooa "fot .' -00.
Ahoat a dsYnan couple went fri.rn tke city
UatMcitday Bight out ty tko dense r.t Mr.
Wadaeea, neir tue fr.:r grand. V' un
aerstaod they had a pl-sat time, fitting
bme r;ite swK's a.e- mom i'i sflreB
rekea had aked bet light ewer tie Pacrfie
Oae ef the host u:uc;s t-oigas ste bava
hoard ef lately will be pat N a.-.cution by
Laagdoa afaortly. lie u KBptea tha
building formerly sused by P'u-neit'. aad
ke is going to have Uoatia was;- spc ctar' s
ta hold Plr.3?'aers trade. li'a a (,'d
Aad nrsr Lawia fit.'assoa i aa pceh. aad
Dickey's kaif iatsreat ia th ?'re y atablo
aad WtU ran the busiaes ajoae. Mr. Dickey
haa aomo inta poasessioa of a b-.nd of l.oraat
whiek belavgil to Stim3on it Eastern Ore
gon, but will not move up there. YTc look
for fcim to hs iu lUsincss Bgaio shortly.
"Murder will out," and oa t :i other
hand it is just as true that honesty will out,
yon can't keep it from tke psopla. Every
body within miles of Lebanon knows that
C. 15. Montague is oat of tha fairsat deal
era in the county, and ctu be relisd en
every timo. Co there fer bargain?.
A promising young rata o: this city as
aertsthat he would sooner lug an "Anny-
condy" around in his pockot than a "Beadle,
dims novel." BtgisCcr. Tho young man
might have added tkat hs would j refer
carrying either to a paper that writes sea-
rir.i. ! " 1 bt r . ;ns wuh
very macfa improved.
At. J. (I. !:. i.,.t .11, trcmaa of the Waat
Oa-.t 1' -.1 Mills, wasi.t Portland the fore
part el t:.e week.
IC Dickey bss withdrawn from tho livery
firm of Dinkey as. I fffiaaaaa, aad the buai.
BOaa i new iun by Mr Stimson.
:.i ..s was!, list Tuesday from
vt Home, and aot a .lay er te ia the
city. Ii- is . jo'Iy fallow
.. at Aaaenrieth, wr.o hrre last
(all, i- al le to U oua f.f L a ev a. Me ia
ia eon rra u bob awn kayiag thnaa treated.
-eo . loin OveinaH base coao
''js'i iifctoo conaties
e GsWaasseoa fruit
aco'ideutly killed last Friday near his aaw '. ry Scclely li f.ill bjaj rraolullonB
Oatll, al.out h tnlltxt from Orejcen tHly. were ptsuied lu tnotrtory f Jolt 1 BfJaB),
Ho was dotting iu an eatbankment for ' a worthy member t,( tbat society, u
died on Monday, FVbnitry a.
Viiciu.sH, Aa all-Wieo Provident'
haa rVmovrd from our ml dot nor Sou
ored ttrother, John ilryan, and
Whkbeao, We, the inr-nber-i t tin
Albany t'olloge Idtrary .vv ;ety, w.tuM
ylold ut lite will of lite r j!.t oM is uol
tho purjoao f gatttog eartb to n-pair a
tain, aul tbo earth Oawtasg auddenlv
onfMbt blut. One leg and one nr ta were
rnaahd to a jallr and bis bark badly ka-
jure I; he only lirtnl about two bourn alter
tbo a--'id nt hsppaneil, and waa burled at
Oregon "Ity on Saturday, tllsbrother In
law. F, M. P.cdrlo'.tl. of th a c'ty went
down end a". ::dsrd tbo funeral and a'so
fl-"d np tbo bnalaam atrdrs of tha des-oas
e I. Iteoroaed leaves a wl low aud f ur
children, tsko wi l remove to this rlty in
a foar v.ctkt He was 0 brotber of p. If.
Farrell, of I'ugone, and Mrn F. M. Pod
I I, Of '.hi eity.
for Ihr t 'utility of I. inn ',
H. J. ArflhlhaJd PlalntltT. v. a. i.
Mlcbael and Margaret K McMkebavt 1 bda
wif Defeudanta.
To A. D. MeMkkatl and MaruarH ML He-
JatacAonl thr oasasn natfJ wrfswuAt,
OKKtiON, you and each of you ar?
Iierony rtiuuiorei inn rosjiuroa to ,
anil Bulbar lu thsl alove tianio Court - .-i
answer tl roin plaint of the plaint uf in
tbo above entttie! auiton uio agiunat ou
wltb tbo t'leik of aajog Court by too Urni
dy -f Hi" BBBat n-nlar Urui of
Court, alter Ibe piiltlieatiou 01 latta auiu
inoun for aix wks, .s 1 :
1'Iim n'gulw March i,eirui nl said 1
to lo lxguu and hold 011 the- assoond laton-
aslday iu .Marcn, i iu i.miii ' dbuij v're
uu, or Judgment lor want r an anatver
ami you are
1 1 t m .... 1 noi ""J .--'- - --
oeiv. o.q, ,0, coisrc 1 ana u:icvere.l utin; i.ttrebv ootitied that if you tail to BopeB:
r F Ootvdotta appnsntod roe-! aeperviaer I and asaia'OaT tsaO eoonpfalnf of tbo plaintiff
o . . . ...r.0.1 i. '1 ri . .'01 li'a 1 T u
or mat ao. n ""si" r.. . . ' .1 - . 11 --T
... ai.idv to the oun lor in reiiti ai-man
0 n 1 eoper was pav :nted rwad enir- J iutbo cs.mpia tit tu ihTa sui1. to-wit
vis x iwr Cat. '21. I'hat the otiriora-r anj u-ro iuhiiuu
It araa aalat. i iK&s I i 1 i. . u . i mortttages in the -oi-plainl cescr bed
exvtile 1 bv A. 1 M M. i..- olid M ir-
uH-.y niu in rgreer. .ase in regttd to .rarwt K. M Mi -bael h;s wifo on tho fol-
Utu betwem 1. 11.0 tuuniv aad lirownssilla lowing, dirvrilxrd proutlw-. to -wit : The
Wojlta Mills Co. for ucit Ctrcsit Court.
X laasa).
verae, yet part from our brother wtth
sorrow; and
Wita cas, We doom it flltiug to give
cxprraaion to our sorrow, the i f-To be
.Wi I. That our hall he drapr dfn
th.. usual badge ofmouruiMg for thirty
daya. aad t'at our ayinpalhloa bo n
teinhd to the bereaved family with
which our br; her waa oennerUnl; a i l
rVo.'rv.. That a copy of theao reeola
tlona he aent to tha family am to eaoti
f tho county papers for publication.
J. O. (hNnu, 1'ofs.
B.T. l)w.t.t.. let Vice.
J. K. 2nd V ea
Oar Aeatbellr rrlntar.
Am t telling runaway occurred last Mon
djy raorniog. whiuk waa a circus for the
r ;'e along First street. A team owaed
hy Ffanh Butcher started from near Foster 'a
afilh, and ittsbed down tho atreet, taking
thieK their own wy. Ae th-y paaaed the j Wbt u lhlt ccmlag down the Hlver ?
Revere uae a young man named Bowman u ,xkt jjike lt waa the,,IsfcC j!ly." No,
wanie np from the ferry on horseback, aad jn. g Corvallle (slrta Shoe.
when he aaw tha atate of alfairs, atarted in
pursuit, aud succeeded in captBfiag the
flying team when opposite liallard, Ieom a
C s Milla. Mo injury waa done, and aa
there waa no collection taken up everybody
was tatistied with tho perfortnanec.
Join Vsb. r was ewtoioted -alitor of
CtBsrt flonse fer 6 ir.ot.tbt.
B!Lt.l ailflBJ M .
Caleb 'iray, gravel Uken ty Bsaajity S 2.";
M i.ruse exprstaeage on alate t.i
dnh t'aher, g'o, ;i innntita aervi.-ca
u tssi 1 u t aajuta liuuar; C A I lanaeaoxf
f-.i CV Bradar; A il Bboltoa, an road aunertis-
A U 1 tl I I .!
. .. i i.iw.-.i.n ,i.iawn ior a 1 ;
1 -uV.trton as Mad aui-aov-aor ; A
fi .'d .ir , aaOOOd supervisor, gli ; il il
k !.!.!, a.-.; , arlou U'.i .a pauper
.1 rr.ontba, A D Oardner, k-epiog Uob
coat.''., a J - 1 r, invjoti., g-t. i at Ha;gli.
melt lurBta't.rd Mra U.Ltnntti a:i i u Ji t
w.t hair or asset ion n.uruen in iowniiii
fourteen Hotilh of Kauge f ur Woat of the
Wiluunetto Meridian in I.iun County
Oregon, containing -0 acre-, to as-cure thai
luavtnent 01 luo eveii notes aim tue m-
ierl tbereou aa in Iho aaid cotripiaiiit
herein utenliono 1 and a. I forth bo
foroelofisKl tiU that said u!crtaged prerc-
bo aold to aalibfv aud pay tuo
amount d e on the dobu ie:ured Iherby
and thu cost of thia autl, to-wil:
the siuin of illl'J 00 with intete-t
there u at Ibe rate of ot:e ier OOOt per
mouth as Jollowis to-ssit : inter.t on $iU)
thereof frotu Iweuiher Kt, ;.-. iutetea;
ou 1 1 50.00 thereof froiu June lt, lv?:
mleieat on floo.w t t rvot irom wvinur
it, lHH0,iutaree on gl'ioV.cO therwt troaa
ttoivniber lth, l'.'J, and the further r?uui
of ajn u.oO with lutereat tht roon al lk-i
rate of ten per e-nt im-t onu.uu trout t'e
-emler 1st, Im). tho farther wain of
B.M;0 eoets as aU-ir:i s I. and tha:
lio.s vttrtnr.i tnt: 'im;:.
It will Ixr appaent to any oao who
will ixnmli e a ao'id troid watch, tat at
' naiie from th- 1 c .ary thickuaa. for
engraving ami poltabtag. aaas-saj pro
Hirti ti o. r ,e pres-b u-i metal used is
..ei d- d only to atltTka aad hold the ou
jpnwved pejftiooa in ';- - , ai.d sapp y
'ne 1.. v-M-ar ro jfinv umI atreagth.
i -i rplus K-dd U uciu. y B'.-ediean
ofar aa utility aud bnaaitj are eoa-
rood, iu .isiiu'' Bastn' Patent .Cold
iVatcfa Caaes, thin waate of preoious
11. ov4 rconie, au l the tmr aolid
Itj and ntreugth pr-nlueed at 'ram one
tbirsi lo out-half of the usua coat of
a !i i eaat a Thie pioceita is t the moat
ioipsO nature, a follows: a plate or
aick a OOWBaoaltlon metal erpeojally
I adnptt d 10 the purposo, ha two platen
j of r-.sliii ''ld eeodered one o.j each ride,
j Tbe) three nre then Bsgamas between.
! lioliw'iwl kti-l roller. ;.i J ti.a raatall I m
sttrlp of bi avy pluted 001:110-; L:ori,
from which the caaaa, backs, centre,
bceN. 1 tc. , are cut end shaped by sui-
aole (Jiei and formers. I be gold in
tttcae ca-e i- udi jieutly lui'-k l ad
mit of all kiudri of ehttai g, cueraviuar
and atjapneUing ; the chgra.-1 easea
nv4 been wora .-fn t v
iuio -ttt by tiute and oe withoat re-
uiov in- the troM. This i the enlv cas.-
uaadt with iwe platea of solid gold aud
warranted bv special certificate.
ror sule by ail ewel ra. Ak for
llaatmtod CkrtaJogoet aud to see War -
i tuat OtK ua Wilde moandering hither
ward He Looks Like he might Ho a sun
flower. No, It le lady P. Oscar doa't
wear Sldoburoa. Hotr easy One can Bo
person, f PI 2V; R E 'ai.' mds.-, furnished ibe defendants hivem and every prn
Mrs. Matthana. W: d I. Nu. 3 montba clalsnin hy ihrougii 01 t.naer nent or
i.ii..a.r 1 i ... is t 1.1 lira 1 y 1 ar.i iiiiru
rent, -or Mrs M-lthswr, 51; J H Marks, to from claiminK anv. righUtitlOOf m erest
'2 days attendance or. teael.ere examination, in, or lien uon laid j rem -. or any part
U: 0 C n.,,-ue. d , Jtt. L kl.lhr. repairing thereof, andlhat the IT havs i tuJ re
' Zr 1 ... . roser iiiduient ;ii. iho -aid uen-ncani
A. 1 .l-.Mu liae: tor too surum .- "
and inlereat thereon as horeiubofore sot
forth. Includina Inl7.L0 costs an attorney
fees and for tbe cosit and d.huraemsiis
of this .uit to b taxd.
Th.s Suuimom It publihd by order
of lioa. K. P. Boise, Judpt or aa.d Court
lathaSraTK Biaim Dkmo'hat for aix
7 o2; auconsative weeks, which ord r hoars date
AUy's for Fllf.
sa'r 10 SKir d a l'o, Clerka
fees, 17s.i.; JiNiu Oeiaeuiierfer, g'Bvel,
.$." 3; Put I'.i.ut A C.i. tndsc fur doa Cray
and fan.dy, S'.'s S3; W W P.ichaidion as
supervisor, g3.i.(l); P H Ka;. not.d, pt stage
stamps 8I Bg. j j Charlton, hoarding
prisuuaia, $S5.70; T Alford, gTaval,
gg7.S3 K B Cochran, agt for O U Ceehtaa,
taxea refunded j 7 1 ; L I n. u, 1 u.eatha
Btltry, 7'; M Cuoninghaui, as ceuaty co
mieoonor, fl4,G0; J d Chart ion, G dsya at
te- lance at court e'l l
W '-- V BV V ' HUV Sw-SIS W mt ww -tr- -
Steer, raedical attendance, Chaa Morgan f danuary 17,
I; d I. lrviue boarding said Morgaa,
Another tntlMneoI l.ea&itr
Ih the Couuty Court of Linn County, m
of UrrtjvM.
In the matter of tho Kstatc of Tboma
Summers, dsestased.
To Jane Coyle. Wllliaxn SOBaaaera. Ab-
1. that a IJoy kicking Up a How? No, It J sa yol.(.K , h,rcbv ,Teil (ka lhe L,nu nor Summera, Iaauria Fanlsh . Ida Pri
le a Hoodlttan. Are thero Many hood- PfJ rjemntn Agrbuiiural AaeeoUtlon ia vott, itHir at . . """"a
... . ..... , . .1 1 - r..i ,j .Irx-oaoed BIK1 ;o an o.iicia koiwo unu
, Aitoiiiy is run 01 mom. van ,r ""-- h Bi..u..m-. -i iu .
- !..,. ..ii. in ti.i 1 1 I imlriiAa 11. It It
TI19 following Kissmt-nt of Wm. J:
Cou'hliii, of Suniervi'de, Mi'jt, Ls so re-
inarlul'lp that we 1 ;r lo ak for tt ih at
lenttou of our readers. Heaarac 'Jn tbo
fall of l-7n I wa-s taken with a violent
bledin f the lims, followed by a se
vere couch. I noon besan to Ioe mv flesh
and appetite. I was so weak at one time
hit 1 eould not leave mv toI. In the
:muier of l-'77 I wa.s adinitu d to the Citv
Hoopital. While lltere the drr-tor said I
lutd a Itrde in my left luntr as biz as half a
dollar. 1 ex ponded over a hundred dollar a
oat doctors 'and m-rdiciues. I was ho far
ionr-at one time a repor. ent aronnd
that I aaaa dead, I anew up hope, but a
fr r:d told in o DB WM. HALL'S BAL
SA M FOR TUN LTJKC8. I lauphed at
my fr;iidi, thin'i: c ?h.v my rav wa fn-r-urab.e.
but I got a bottle to sa ify I hem.
when to toy aurprbse and arralilie-ation, I
it",-an to ft--f l :u r. My b . on- e dnad,
beffan to revive, and to day I fgti in tr.t-r
Kpiritn than I have tV pan. thtee year.
I write Ifaja, hopi:ir .Uat you will pub
Hall it, .o that cvery onsj afflte eI with dis
eased lunar will tie indue ! to take Itr.
Wm. llalPe Italsam for thr Lone, and be
ro!'in-rl tlKUNr.Mi 11 N ( AN BL
ri'.KD. I have tnlrrr two bottle and
can i'.isitiv-!y Fay tdst it has done more
good than ali th- other ire 'L ines-1 have
taken n'tire my r-iektiea. My uijh hat
ilmovt entirely d:s3pf-srrsl rind I hall
dooo b aide lo mP to work." -ld by
druggists. 1
Fair Groottd to Rent.
BtC-fe.LV-t tK.MI sit-i
The best aalve i:i th-.- w orld for catar
I 1 . . !
eoie-1 u . r. rn. un, lever
Oa Tuesday there wan a goodgathcr
I ig at thu cowan School House on Oak
lumw T Yea
they Ito madoltoya ? Yra
How ? Den't
la that a Honkov ' tii c 1 m r" He
a :
p .1, K. ; , b n b( a io
ak, on haainaaa, and wc pre
c atteuie-l t'.ia Temp- rancs
il N. IT sank and dtagter. who have
satioaal artioles on the seventh oornnsand
msat. Fox, Ban it and C ., have jnst received
and are the sole agents for a new stylo of
overall which just ''knocks the persimmons.'
It does away with jumpers aMstill protects
the vest aud ia about the beet thing wo have
seen for mechanist and others. Go atoar d
nd ace them..
dte i nt j Via' Ell aa
to sa'.i tha i iglrt el
lr r
Mr :
--a a
an. is
bom viaatiOat in tbia city three or four
months, returned la their home iu Colfax,
W. 'I'., laat Saturday.
Bryaat and Hewitt haeo moved thair
office into the Ihenncr buildin on Ferry
atreet, and are aery comfortably fixed in
their new quarters.
Stephen Dc third haa boen coidiu;d te bis
bsd f'.rt'i- p-at two weaks 0IV1 the t pbeid
fever. IT is etid belfost, nt aems to be
unpmriag all ;luy,
1 sapt N I' Humphrey, L FKna, C K
IFoltertoa and C H Kewitt, wers all in
Si!. :n the fore part of thia we' k t ending
to I-gal l uBinetP.
Mr. MeL Oatrandsw left Iaal Monday fer
Portland, wh-ra he haa aecttr-d a peaitiea
in the weU-kaow marl-la warks of Chtlmara
and Holmes.
Cao. W. Burkliart's youngaat child, Lilly,
has been very iil for BOOM time and yester
day tko eAteadiag phraiaiana atatud that
thare was ne hope for her life.
M. 8. Moateith left laat Friday for fort
land, where ho took tke ateamor "Yaquina"
for Newport, lt has boeu storming ainco
and we expa-st "S. B." has had a beaatif ul
Miss Hoja Danaals is now book -beeper
and chisf cbtrk in her father's furaitnre
establishment, and tboss dealing there will
find her an accommodating, agreeable
young lady.
The Holland Roading Club enjoyed tha
generous hospitality of Mr. and Mra. S. I.
Yoang last Monday night. They fatatad
both intellectually and otherwise, and re
port more than an ordinary good time.
Among the Morgan-killers who called en
as lasi Thursday wera Wm McCuIloch and
Jas P Schooling, of Harriaburg, and J P
CraJbrattb, W B Kirk, J M Howe, H II
PeweU and J B Irvmo, of Brownsville.
W. E. Thomas, apccitl agent and adjuster
of the South British and National, and City
Creek, for the purpose of orgmidng y)kl, ijUo he Might bo One from His Big
an Anti-Monopoly League. The meet- .km And mouth. No, It 1s tho "Spookon-
iog ad IruKS'd by Ctl. F.iliot. and dyko Dimoerat" who lluu ov..r in Laat
afUtrwnrd an organization partly prr- week's ho d Does Ho Un In the f .ix?
feetod OSdnr the name af the Oak No, bo Bums in Albany.
1 . . 1 .. - -
the hhrheat bidder. Kids will be rae.ivad untnoati, iiui-.o o , .. ..00-.
w -- " B t . S . . . 1 v . i . .-v .
bv either the I're.ident or Se.-r .tare un to V riara- ay isco.c v .i-n
1 in on a 1.1 il 1 . iko HI l mIkviUI Moa. Yon and oai'li of you Be hereOy Cll-il
llv H-lwllirtlitilaiil 11 vvuiitt'd foe aa. ami reouircd l tie and apinar 111 tho
tore, or whether A lll be plowed up
N. r. Fa ni:, rren.
It. A Foi'er, S-v'y.
Notica to Contractors.
Crook Anti-MoiioBoly league, by the
election of tho following officers i
Isaac Hays, President.
N. B. Fry, fclecretary.
Tho next meeting will be held next
Tueaday ut the aama place.
To aba rabUe.
J. A. Oroae, troprletor of tho dope
hotel, koepa ono of the boot public hoaaea
in the State, Hie mount are kept aorupu
loualy neat and clean, aad'ott bin tahloa
can ho fo'tuI the beat tood tbo market af
ford. Paruea going off on tips morning
fraisi can get ooffeo and cakea or an entire
broakfant before the train leaves. Here
after tho hotel will be kept open all uigbt
or convenience of the public.
Btetl ef lienor.
Following is a list of pupils who
were aot absent during the mouth
ending Friday Fob. 10th, at Liberty
Bchool, District No. oth
Nevll Philips, Hayton Harris,
Geo. McCalllfder, Wra. Carter,
Tbisla a chinaman. Ho liana OHlh hi
hia Hand. Will ho " It. Yes, If l o van
Catch the Bad boy-t Who have boon Snow balling
loot attt elsee Blare-
Having added eatennively lo my hoot
aud hIioo at x-k and aocured un it her build
ing for that p-irpose alouo I Nhall lu tho
future endeavor to carry a mote complete
and better eoleotod Mtock of hoots and
ahoos than ban ever boon kept in this
place. I buy direct from the manufactur
er for cash and sell at pricas that will de
fy compel Itlon and will alwaya try and
keep goods of morit ; no traah. Wo always
aim to represent goods just as noar what
they are as our judgmeut and experlonco
will admit.
Sam uk 1. B Younu.
Morgan Williams,
hello WlDiama,
Varlna Kkelton,
Mlla Manley,
B. Howard,
i.tter Islnt.
The ronowtfiK lathe list of letters resuat aang
In the Post Ofllce, Alhaay, Linn county, Ore
eon, Feb. 10th, 1882 Persone railing lor these
letters must give the date on wbioh they were
Crookct, Sarah Jane
Dfcvos, Mlsa Clnra 2
Kianor, J A
Lvston, Daston
I'une, J II
Price, Annie W
l'owell. Mra M
reeling, Andrew M
Wiley. Mra A.
Whither, Mra
Tempcrnaee Mecllng.
Au op-m meeting of tho Y. C. T. U
of thia city will be held en the 3rd of March
in tbe Y. P. C. A. hall. An iatereatiog
program haa been prepared. All are invited
to attend. Sec.
Sealed pr ipoaal for tke con tructian of
I. O. O. V. brick buildings al Harrbiburg.
will bo received up to March 3 o'clock
p. at. Com in it lee reserve tbe tight to
reject any and all hide. For plana and
Mpoc.itinatlon-t apply to Oc-mmtllee.
J. P. Schoolixo,
W. J. lltUNWKLL,
L. Dot.'ULAB,
Buildiug Committee.
County Court of Linn eouuty, Oregon, a
tho urt House iu the etty af Albany,
in anid Coutuy, on Monday, tho otii day
of March, IMS, at the hour of one
o'clock in 1 he alter toon of aaid day the
tamo liont iho tin; day of the
regular March term lti tiierc l. atid
then and there thow any CAini
why an order ahould not ie maile dircc
IiiK and lioenslng iho administrator of
said estate to noil all the right, lillo and in
terest of said Thomas Summers, deceased.
at the time of his death, ooln 111 law ami
eouitv. in and to the real property born
7 - . It I .. 1 -. J . u
matter ucHcrioeu, as prs-cu sua iss asasj
uerition of b. Bilvcu, administrator of the
estate of said deceased, w hich petition is
now ou tilo iu the Comity t ourt of Linn
county, Oregon, which said real projerty
is described an follows, le-wu : ii.'pin
. .. In 1 .. .....: us .....1 all
kind ot akin erupti.-tis. i his save uuuu.
BaBanna to fajve oorfoet Bttaf. l: -n m.esary
case or Money relur.' t t. I rice 00c tsr bjx.
F.-r f Jc by lh;. r.d V. - on, wholeeale
.sifts ; O aloon. Eh ; i 1 .. v. Lebaaoai :
ih Powell, Lehauou ; Bed paid au ! Muu
tsiue, .lt-iK-rsn ; 1 . 1 z cna
Yiia ; O furaclius, 'iuruer ; K A i lam nr.
Hsrrlt-LuriT ; Starr at 1 t lakrlv, hroaae
Intparlnnt te the Ladles.
Miss Mary Gohlson has returned from
Portland with a complete knowledge
of all the latest styles of dressmaking
and is again in business Iu connection
with Miss Annie Wlllet. Ladies will
And it to thoir advantage to call on
them at their roe-ms over Tweed tile's
Dissolution Notice.
WT NOW ad tnou hy tbeso present that
JV.wo, William C. Doheny and James
4UU). have this day dissolved partnership
iu buaincaa of all Lmn aud nature and wa
both release each other of all and any
claim of whatsoever nature that may have
existed between us and we hereby release
each other and acknowledge satisfaction
In full of the name aw witness our hands
tba.2ist day of Jan., 1883 .
James Qui.nn
Wa 1.1 AM C. Douertt.
SHILOH'g VITALIZFdt ia what you
need for Constipation. Loss of Appetite
Dizziness and all aytnptoma of Dyapopsis.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle.
Dissolution Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby given that the 00
partnership heretofore existing be
tween I. C. Dickey and Lewis sVtlmson,
under the firm name of Diokey fe Sttmson.
is hereby dlsaolved by mutual conaout ,
I. C. Eiekey retiring froaa the Aran.
Albany, Feb. Mth, 1862.
CLFMKNT. luthis city, on St. Yaleatiaa'a
Day, to the wHo of H, C Clement a grl.
SIMPSON. Netr thia city, on Wedrfeaday,
Feb. 15, 1832, to the wile of Dad. bimpaon
a girl.
JliNKS MOSES. On 8abbatb. Fob. 12,
1882, at the residence of Rev. P. A. Moaea,
in Tangent, by tbe Rev. doe. Emery, Mr.
Wm. D. Jknks and Miss St mie Moses
all of Tangent.
Mr. Janka ia eae ef Tangent's beat
young men, and Misa Moaea, a daughter ef
Rev. P. A. Moaea, is a moat estimable young
led v. Both are entitled to our heartiest
rf -
oswigratulations, which we give without atint
We acknowledge tho receipt of a wedding
cake which apeaka well for Mra. Jenka
i .... 1 1
ability aa a cobk.j
Iu the Circ.tU
j'or Li ( 'u
0 th
1 u
.0 ted W.
e of Alt-
!-L II. A i I lior.o .T V
M. Keiel'.nm, d in1;
mder the firm n-itue rod
1 u', isacKeuAto an Kctuhuai. ciir..
a John M. Mel.-. ir. ie!'t
To John af Mcbier Al ao!aoa "med defend
ORBUON, you are hereby required to
1 ourt, now on hie in the om to of tke
Clerk of Linn county, 0x1 the 1st day of tbe
uext reirular term of said Court far Lmu
county, Oregon, to-wit : the -nd. Monday,
the lath day of March, IbeJ.
And you areherebv notified teal if vou
fiil tn nnnniir uo.l i&fwn-ir - I MituIalnt
ulnir at tbe aJeitth Eaat corner of iho dona- 1 M hsssslii raanimrl niainiitTa vi i tira
llou land claim of Tho-i. S. Snminers and I judumem atrainst vou for ol and 68-10v dsl-
wifo, Not. No. INi, In Ua county, Ore- lara lQ -j s,gold coiu, with in ercafi at tho
gen. aud running thence West jam rate ,,f oue rust cent per anemh f.ra
chains theuoe North lo,36 chains : thence juno h, 187t, aud for costs and dl
ning t.8 chains 1 south aud 10.4 chains I appWP and nnswer tha csmiplaint
V est of theS. W . corner of Jxsecton :;d, 1 i j ;he abuv named Plaiutiffs, in the ah
1 1
t- . K. 1 West Willamette meridian, an
running thonco West '23 fo chains : thenee
south oi u7 chains: thence iusst X't.iO
chains - thenc North 80 U chains h) the
place of beginning, eontainm.- te seres
more or leas. Also the following dea rib-
ed lands in aaid lann Co, to wit: Ite-'iu
liaist 22.25 chains; thence South 10.36 chains
to tbe place or noginiilag, coatainmg 60
aeniM more or leas.
Also the following described tract ot
land, to wit : Begmninu at a point
chains south and 19 50 chains west of the
north east coi nor of section Sa in Tp 12 5 01
R'2 west of Willamette ler:dian m L.inn
Oouutj', Oregon, aud running thence v eat
37.75 chains: thence south 1G.33 etiains;
thence oast 37. 1 0 chains ; tlu rce north 16..b
chains to tbe place of beginning, contain
ing ol acres more or less.
Bv order of tho Court :
"Witness my hand and the seal said
Court afllxed this 11th day of Jan. 1SS2.
N. Bsum, Clerk,
per J, H. HCKLrmak,
L.S Deputy
bursenisuis of this action to bs taxeri.
This Suinoa ms is published bv ordr
of Hon. H. F Boise, Judm of said Court.
which order It dated January Stth, lftoi.
L. 11. Moni anyb,
26vv;5 Attv for Piffa.
SH1L )Ii C )J i 1 and Couaumption
Cure ia sold by us on a guarantee, lt curia
Bronchi; h immediately relieved! by Sbiloh'a
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miaerable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure ia
tha remedy lor you.
WILL YOU 8UFFER with Dyapepaia
and Liver Ceinulaint ? KlolrtH'a Vil.lw ia
NOtlCe Of Final ACCOUUli. I gn&rantetd to cure you.
. . a l . a. l. nirt (.in r W . 1 ' T . L l 1 1 I "
aTflTIPK is horabV Clven IO ait Whom 1 "u,c -, ouie ur uei use aiu:on s
in it mav concern that the undersigned,
exeuutor of the last will and testament
of James A. Porter, deceased, has hied
hut account for final settlement iu the
County Court for Lina County, State cf
Oregon, ana the Court has aet the 1 th day
ol March, 18S2, at the hour of one o'clock.
p. m., for the hearing of objections, if any,
to said account, and the final settlement
of said estate.
Weatherford fc Blackburn,
d.tys for Ex.
Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents. For
by Foshay and Mason. Albany ; P.. A.
Rampy, Harrisbury.
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaran
tee it. tor sale by rael.ay and Mason.
Albany ; B. A. Rampy, Harruborg.
C ATA 11 RAH CURED, health and tweet
breath securred by Shdoh'aaUrrah Remedy
Price 50 cents. Nasal Dajector free