The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 17, 1882, Image 1

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Ol SIM Ol H Ela Ucmorrnl Untitling on
Krondainin street.
TKK i Ol? 8U08t"lUlriON:
i,u(ta5 m. per yr...., , $3 00
Ifttf nv, mx tauntus , t 00
Injrto copy, thrt month 1 00
u3 iHor , 10
U n.lNT O. K. c:i AM ni:ni. V! N.
Albany, Oregon
frotneo in Foster's Brick Block.
1.. Btt.YKU.
Albany. Oregon.
lC tjhal 8st They give apodal at ten -Iron
to colhvi!on anil probate matter.
Office in Foster' now brick. Mtf
Notary Public.
Albany, Oregon.
Qttee upstair3, over John Brljjtr "tore,
1st street. vHniStf
1 f State. Spatial Sllattn gi rst) W- BaBaaOOSS ami
probatu iMK
X Office iu OUJ FelUw's TcwjiJa. l:2
J. C. rbWKU. W. R. H1LVKU
And Solicitors in i'hanrerv
OetiesttOBS promptly made on all points.
Ians negotiated on reasonable terms.
Oriioe in Foster's Brick.-Oi.
ayoffiee up atalrs in the Odd Fellow's
WiU practice In all the courts of the State.
Prompt, attention civn to OoUeoUoaOa eon
NBHK ami examination o' Title. Probate
business a speciality. . . :. i r.
j. a. irjurris,
V;:: pnJv !n all the Conn of the State
mjr OtBce la the Court House "Va
Notary Public,
Collections promptly inade onail points.
NuTtBT rrsur.
WILL practice in all courts of the State
Ail basiness iutraste-J to rue prompt
I y attended to.
OjRr M 0' Too?'' 'i Ji'oeL; Brtn.lal:n St reel,
45yl Aihany, Qrtt;on.
E. O. JOHXMOX, BE, !.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany, Oregon.
OfSee In Froman's Brics, two doors
Fast of Conner's Bank. ulO
First class vehicles, fine horses, good
feed, accommodating proprietors and rea
wiable charge. Give them a call.
tVnbles near Kcvtre House.
DK. l O. HYDE,
Php3ieian and Surgeon.
OiTice at
J. A. DAVIS. H. D.
Physician, Stirj;eon
o BST irrix i c i Aiv,
OJ5 in Odd eVQowa TempTa. Iti If nee
on 3 th strt, tw htMck w:t of the Court
Honxe, Albaoy, Gr.
Bks. K?i.".encry and Toilet Articles, A
I.;ir. e Stock and Ixnv Frices.
rl 4 1 5 1 ST. OBSGO.
Druggists and Booksellers,
( -.rocr First and UUwcirfn Albany, Orcca.
Clias- PfeiiTer, Prop'r.
Thi i new Hotel h nttftl up iu Arst cai io. Tiile
s'.; ; .--I with the test the market atfonis. firing
TibA in ery Hojm. A good Salt: Kmm t.r Cotu-m-.r.-iii
rcrce Coach lo and rrmi flo tlfi.'A
Aloany Bath House.
folly iaforn the eituant ef Albaay and vi
cinitf that I have taken charge of this Establish
meat, sad, by keeping clean rooms and payin
striet attention to basinoM, oxpocts to suit al
those who may favor us with their patronage
Harteg heretofore carried on nothing bnt
First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons,
ezpeets to give entire satisfaction to al
JChildten and Ladles' Hair neatly ca
shampooed. JOS WEBBER.
has just opened a tiico select ln ot
General Merchandise
which he will be able to reduced
of all kiuds taken in exchange for goode at
the highest market price.
All are invited to call before buying else
where. 22m3
The Studebaker Wagon
is the BBT and CUKAl'BsT.
Batchelor Yangelder Spring Har
P. & P. Wood Pumps,
Hay Tresses, Fanning Mills, etc.,
For Sale at Lowest Rate by
ALBANY, - - - OR.
suurcrACTcasa avo orals a
Corarr Ferry and &rral wrrru.
Oregon Marble Works.
H. A. ( LARK, Proprietor.
AoTAiTva or
Tomb and Grave Stones,
Mantels, Table-Tops,
Washstands, Etc
All k.rxU of rcmrtcry work dot in Harhie, Frm
U,tte ami Granite. All work don in Bnrt mm tI
;nl at Ui iwsl nuca.
ttrVtett tuie A Vtrrj Htrect, bet warn ScokmI anJ
P. S 1 i., i.t cmi.luT an, inexparienoad ean
era, aiui fi.e my customer the benefit of tike 'Si per
cet.t. xrtuuuei.n aUuwed tut mieh work.
iHkis ww ' Lj
Hair Vigor,
It is a most agreeable dressing, which
Is at once harmless and effectual, for pre
serving the hair. It restores, with the
gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray,
light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep
black, as may be desired. By its use thin
hair is thickened, and baldness often
though not always cured. It checks falling
of the hair immediately, and causes a new
growth in all cases where the glands are
not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or
otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality
and strength, and renders it pliable.
The Vion cleanses the scalp, cures and
prevents the formation of dandruff; and,
by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing
properties, it heals most if not all of the
humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp,
keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under
which conditions diseases of the scalp and
hair are impossible.
As a Dressing for Ladies Hair
The Vigob is incomparable. It is color
less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will
not soil white cambric. It imparts an
agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an
article for the toilet it is economical aud
unsurpassed in its excellence.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Ic Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mats.
Does the best washing aad ironing te AJ-
bany at lowest rate.
(joatrmennnaae iot
Chinese laDor. i sundry
street, opposite Marshall's
oo Washington
Livery Stable
a A Circuit Court of Staff oOrryoufor
Linn County f
Otto Fox and Ignat?. Kox,
Leo Fox, Samuel For.Kil
ward Fox, laadoro PWt,
Ida ltlrachbaum and Kr
nt ; lttrachbaum, her
husband, Jullua Kox, K In
r.. Friendly and 0. II.
Friendly, her huaband,
bannv Nuitbaum and A
hand, leua r Iimviht an I
Siinou Fleiacher, her bvs
band.HoMa Sternheimand
band, and the four minor
children of Amelia Well,
the sister of the ptatottfla
herela,whoaei;iviu uatneM
are unknown t I heat
nlalntiiVs. but whnaeNur-
naiuo In Well, Detnnl- I
ante. J
To Leo Fox, Snttiol Pax, KJwsrd Vot
Iaadore Fox, Ida Ulrat hlaiui umi I n,. ,i
ilirschbauui, her boaband, Jit'.ats Fox,
Klara Friendly and t. H. KrU n lU . In r
husband. Fanny Nusbauui and sldtuphua
Nuabauui, her bnebesd, Lena Fleichi
and Simon Pluiaeher bet hiubstnd, Komi
Stern brim and Samuel Stern beltn, ber
husband, and the four minor t-hiMn n of
Amelia Weil, the aletec of tbe phtlnUilni
herein, whoaogivon namea art) unknown
to these ptalntirfs, but bow aurnan.o U
Weil, tboabore itamod dercudauts:
Or eon, you aud oaeh of you ar her.
y aummoaed and Irttiukretl to bu mid
appear in the above named i unit ami an
swer the cvmnlalut of the pielnttini In t be
above entitltMl suit on Ale against you with
the Clerk of aaid Court by the iirt dstj
of the next regular term of said Con it
after the publication ofthl summon fur
aix weeka, to- wit : the regular March term
of smid Ckiurt to be leKuu aud holdt u on
tbe aeoond Monday iu March 182 in I. 'mi
county, Orogon. or Judgment for w an' of
an answer will bo taken again. v..u, and
you are hereby notified that if em fail to
appear and answ or ibo complaint of Uae
piaiutUTa herein aa abovo ic-ju r. I
I'laintirni will apply to the Court for tbe
relief demanded in the complaint iu th;.
suit to-wit: That the court order at'l
decree thai Uo following duacriUnl Mresv
leee, to wit ; Commencing nt a posit on
tbe North boundary lino of First mtm4 m
the city of Albaoy in IJnn county Ore
gon seventeen feet cant or the South W(
cerner of Lot No 5, in n,...-k No. i, q the
city of Albany In I. inn rountv Otenon
and running tbenon Wet along ih
louushiry liue of said Fuel HUreet twentj -flye
feet more or lem to the c-n:er of ihe
brick wall the aame Iw-ins a i artttion
botwouu the property of J. II. Foib r u
Ahe West and the nronrtv of the hlaln
itta ami dufomUnt on tlio 1 laat : Ibeneo
Northerly alou th center f ami I osrti- I
risn trell enel poinHel with tbe Fssi tins ur I
Ijot o. o, in eetfl BlOOa Mo. 4. OSkl him
dred f?et to the lley ; theess Eeai nl in,
tbe hovth beundtry line of aaid alley
twenty-Ave ieet more or low to a poinl
seventeen fee' Eaat of the IU.: Ime ol
said Lot No. 6, in block No. 4, aforesaid;
thence Southerly and parallel w itti th -east
lino of Ixt So. k q aahl block No. i,
one hundred feet to tho ptaee of begin
nlng togethei with tb rtgM to maintain
aud uae tbe iron column now Wnrlhlf no
tin? South end of the partition wall en the
Kaal aide of said premises alcove !erilM,d
be pajjitoned among the reaK-ciive own
era thereof according to their ref it...
atively conaidcred if the aamo can be !
interenta tnereln quantity uni pia:ity ret
done without prejudice to am-h owners,
otherwino that the Court ordsr and docro I
that aaid real property be soul and the
proceeds applied Ant to the payment of
the coats and disbursements nf this suit;
including reaaouabte attorney' Isae and
that the balance of such prooeeda be
divided among the owners of said reel
property according to their respective in
tereete therein:
This hummoiw la published by order of
Hon: It. P. lioise, Jud of aai-1 Court In
the Statk Rioiitn Iirsm-iiAT, for els
succeauive weeka, which order bcara dat
December 181.
I'j.ijix A
AttyV for 1 Ifs.
MR- J. II. BATKa, Newspafr A lvertia-
Ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Time Hull. tin.' .
gfMit, 41 Park Knwr (Time Huiidimf)
New York, la authorized to contrai l for
advertiaeniouts In the Dkmockat at OUT
beat rates.
King of the Blood
Is not a "curtail?" It ts a I'iosvl-parUli-r aral tonic.
Impurity ot MixkI Uurti the tytU-tu. fli-rutiiea
the ctrcu lotion, and tbu i:ni !- mnny ltaor0vrs,
known by tlUTrrt-nt nain to litiii-u'-h tin in so
curding to etfect. btit tieins ail- bmneaea r
phaaas of that a real Kenrric- dUonlcr, Imparity
of Illaoa. Huch ar- byrprpawi. Jtiltumtm, lj,vr
CvniUainl, CvtimtiMKUiofi. Srrvtu ItiiTtlrr. II u i
aetit. Backaeht.O-nf'it Wrtiknm, limit IHmtaim,
Isrtrywy, Kutnry lltfutr, lU. Mit umiitltm u
tarrS. Bcmfutn, Ait-lt HaaRsfi . Jtmph-t, Ulcrrt,
!nji,, Klnv ol the Itloucl jrreveao:
tn.. carr thr-f- l attncklrti( lh- caumr.
or t.- it -) Chfitiinta ana hy1i Uui uurt-c In
t ul'ni( II " lh ino.t aenulii1 end -IT!-l-nt ."rr.i
ra't-mlortl-.v SU omm SjuM by DnMSrJsta, 1 par
bottle. !. notil"'. dtrecttiin, Iti .tiln
pl!st, "TlSSI I a (j lM-eu'- of gwedf,
. i. soil, :o. k to.. !rep.. BsfiSsle. n. 1
Bend for our
New Illustra
ted Price-List
No. 30, for
ter of 1881. Free to nny address. Con
tains fall description 'of nil kind of goods
for personal and ianiily nse. We deal
directly with the consumer, aad sell all
goods in any quantity at wholcualt prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
227 and 229 Wabash AvcnuejChicago.IlL
or have any business to transact with
me, are hereby notified Uiat my alfairs are
left in tbe hands of Mr.Himon Meiteiihit h,
of the firm of Monteith A Seitonbach.
Lt. KMNJ5.
WILL practice in all courts of the
Slate, aud give special attention to
collections. Office in OToele's Block..
Custom Boot & Shoe Maker.
QOOTS AND SHOES made to order.
l and repairing done with neatness and
dispatch, end at Tow prices. Cell and see
him. First Street, Albany. 4lyl
Hi. flits
ii!i'uunttvi t an. iniiocra
We clip tlio following from the
Si-ifiitijic Amtrimn of Jan. 28tli,
in reference to Hov. Ilobt. L. KtevetiN
now patent for tlio mixing lower
it -g of Stnaml-oat wliruln:
Mveiy boatman Luown that tho
unglo end depth at which tho wheeli of
ateumcM sttiUotlio water ufftct very
great) their wptoJ nml power of pro
pnion, invoking ai u cjs.McquoMrit tlio
queadone of ttsne end consumption of
fnrl. The loading end tMiloadiug of N
-v 1 all.T the .1;. i f the mili!u ;
ihti heavier the h ad tlio gitatr thi
dip mi I angle, dottrajiog tho ifbeUft
power of tlto etigiue. To remedy thin
dillkuity muiiy dovloee havn" Won
planned, the beefc nf which aro only
pitrJt tlly t (fectivt ; all n;oro or leaa com
lilie.Ui ,1. an,! tho athlitii.tiAl menhineaMi
' ' ...... w j
being terr lUoli to get out of order.
The rnoet oommnn plan for ide wheel
boatu ia tlio feathering wheel, winch
mat. each puddle Ktrike the walcr at
right engtee, bot when deep iu tho
water the power in applied at u gtc.u
diea4veatege, nml too moth of the
wheel fsut'tm rged for eflrutive uae.
A wheel Inge in proportion to (he
i re ol the bobl an-1 oopociftj is generally
ti j.ted an a Holtitioit f th difficulty:
the veeeel being cotiMtrurted fo thut
tho lend il! n't hint her lelow a liue
of effective working power, In otoiw
wlio"l b att the 1 d is mainly cariied
on tho bOW,f0 that they do not run on
q even I. ce!, a n I the reeJotoooe of the
Water through which tliy plow tht.ii
way in giaa'l inereeeoxf. pthec orwJt
ef thin kind mlti and loWOC the whtola
bysettfal devieee not enplienble to
Lro sjni powetfnl boats.
!r. Bohert L. Kb Vena t A!tanr,
Oregon, hae recently pntentede owviee
uv oh miflee ir.d loweis tho wheels of
either miu on stert.-wliii bcalr, M 1
that wl.ut!i-r lhori,lbo Ioadi-d
oniootled (he pneMle will strike nt the
BMOt tfleetire engle nn4 depth, aecur
J'i the gnsnteet ipeod with a minimum
of power, while the Uriing engines an.
notintotierod with. Thi ia vfleoted
y a varies of ctw shafts arrehgeri fyr
Sunul'.4t4eei..i mu anient by tho driving
engine, en j they do not detract troni
. . .
"mmxm" 1 compucniee, ai.i
ards but eouporttvoljr little to the
Tho ai ititag ! of tiiii improvement
are many. The w he's end engtoei of
large loal can he made Huai!et and
driven (isoter, eeoooiehdng weight and
f.iel, the destructive jar of an over
loaded boat and ite poworfel ongfaM
obvi tt-d, increasing the d iiahility tf
bedh. They cm Of deeply hraded with
OCt changing the ptddtoi to a smaller
diameter, uv. is oftan done on Ike
1 lit v ean be huilt dienoj
aru longer, doubling or trtrding their
-, ; . V ,
'"I" - . . r, Willi light
lo&d ti. v in inn Op the ahaPow 1
liVert At full sneod, nr. I thus avoid ex-
ftonotTO irea Etre of freight, end tlitir
tlran!il onljf limitetl by the depth of
the liver iu wkjeh the dr. K.r ex-atnjiN-,
a VeOtel dfOfriofl twelrt? feel of
wntt-r When leaded with I.H00 totis,
0Oi Id start from !70W Oflonttf, leare
j 'lions .f ht r freight at tho great
rs of e n nerfle, nil I wiih a li'ht
1 id h tr.i.y 10 tons, and drawing
tbtOe :d e ha'l feel or less, mount the
swift and shallow tributaries of the
Ifieeieeippi, eerrying frr-iht directly to
Its destination footend of tflBlfeilillf it
to a steamer of lightei draught.
The i uddle wliael and its nhsft are
supported at tlie strn of tho ves
ncl, as shown in tho engraving,
Ity boxes which are formed with side
flnngei entoritti grooeei formed in
fined poste, so that the boxes are free
to bo raised and lowered. Screw
ohnftfj Mpported .it the top and bottom,
pi is through the internally threaded
fTkiie i f the boxes no tliat the boXOt
with the wheel ami shaft ai! sustained
ly the screws. u the lower ends tf
the jCrtfW, r.t each ii -h there urn
bcvyl lent Wheels meshing with sitnilsr
genrs onshtfti thnl nn fitted lougitud-
ntl v of the ves 1 at each side.
The cylinders am hong for oscillation
on tronnione, and the slSdol are coll
nec'.e 1 to the ej linders so as to H-tain
their nroi r telittivc position. A ciew
is fitted iii COBneOtion w ith a nut on
each slide, fvr wining '.lie elide Hud
cylinder and sustaining them. All of
the H'.rews nro connect ci for siuiulta
neoui operation. The movt ment being
in uu ate from the trunnions, the
screws and bevel peering are projior
lioncd to obtnin tlm variation in Jiove
ment. To ellow vertical movenient
of tho boxes the piston and eccentric
rotls Hie tilted wih right nnd left hand
screw turn bnohlee, xo that tho rods
ean te lengthened end shortened.
The in'. uritiot! ran Vie applied in con
nection with sido paddli-whrtt-ls nnd
baui engines by changing tho relative
position of the parts.
The IbUowInff is tho languago of
John ltandolph concerning the Biole;
"I was raised by a pious naotber
Cod bless her BMBaryl who taught
mo tlio Gbrietien religion In all its
requirements But nla ! 1 grew up
lo bo itn infidel ; if not an Infidel
complete, yet a most decided
deist. But when I became a man,
in this as well Ot lo political and all
other matters, I resolved to examine
for myself, and never pin my faith
to another man's sleeve. Ho I bought
that Bible ; L purod over it ; I ex
amined it carefully ; t suogttt and
procured those hooks for and against;
and when my labors wero ended I
came to this Irresistible conclusion :
The Bihlo is true. It would have
been as eafy for a mole to liavewrltten
Sir Isaac Newton's treatise on optics as
for uninspired men to nave written
the Bible."
51593 Per yir can no esdy made
at homa working for E, O. Rideout &
Co., 10 Brc!ay St., New YoV. Send
for their catalogue and full pAt'eulars
ag"gB"g"ggWff i . sassssssssssaeMBssssssssjsanasssssi
voi.tu nKta.
A, britnary Kohool teacher sent
little girl to innu're why another
scholar was absent from school. The
child returned with the news that tho
absentee had a bad "uhiter'' in her
throat and couldn't come.
A little foiir-yeur old girl was caper
ing around bffg mothet 'n kuce the
other day, when tho mother i tmai ked,
" Why, dea,r, you are costuinly In-side
vouratdf." The Jittb? gill rnpliad,
"Why, ma, 1 lot I was bostdo ,ou."
Little Klilh was lif rthli hleopy the
OthOf nght. Hho blgjM her cuatomaiy
prayer upon rctiiin, lut when she got
"m fur aa 4,()ur Fatlin r" her cym olosed
and her head tumbled onto tlm pillow.
'I t; n't try it tonight," ifci eeki,
l'i4 'ift i.leepy. IL knows the est
f it."
A teacher was trying to make .1 ohuny
nn Inrntand tho seicuee of aimpl diia
ion. "Now Johnny," Oho said, "if
7011 had an nrangu which JTOO wished
to divide with your littln sister, how
much would you give her I" Johnny
thought it ovcrf.-r a momr.t, and re
plied ; "A suck."
'Whn 1 grow up I'll he . man,
won't I V asked a Httlo Austin boy
of his mother. "Ye, my son ; but if
you want to be a man yen must bo in
dustrious at school and hmrn how to
bohavo youreelf " "Why, mamma, d
tho ls.v boy turn out to be WOOMO
hen they grow up T"
In Paiis the ChOOolntsI inanufaeturetK
priMluce n groat variety of figure io
their toothaome mixture. Kaid a
mother to her little Ikv, "If you are
very gojd, lierr, on New Year's )sv,
I shall go to Meiiinr'a and tny von
Faith, Hop and Charily " "J
rather have the Twelve Ajfor.t'ea," re-
pliod tho uttle ty.
A little Ctrl was presented wi.h a
rauary ou Suinlay, nnd. sfter Ket.,w
irifftbn gift, her une'e said, "Well,
I.:! 1 suppose your turd will sing
oidv hymns, to-day f ' I know he
will," said the demure little miss, who
hnJ recently ben reading aiaut aong
birds aud their habits "What makes
you so -.jre ef it I" auriottsly akd the
giver. "Cauae it'a a him bird," was
the Batten reply.
1 1 was praising her BSMWttfol hair,
and hogging for one tinv
enrt. when
her httla brother sjd ! "On, my !
'taint nothin' now ; yo-i just ought to
have seen how long it hangs down
when she hsji 's i on th" aide Ot tlm
table to cir.ib It," Then tLey a-.ifhd
and aha called hOf hfOtho a ente little
angel ; anl when th -oung man aras
gone away, and Iprd the ly yelling.
nr iii-n. . i ii. v in i w u , ;a n 'ii inn.
an i lsiigerrrusly ill
A v iting .ter in 0'iis eiiy who ha I
hoBB pot into BOOffBSS? the BtBOf div.
for sundry atrocious BtlsdeOSSOBOl I, was
told bv her mother that if sh was not
n goc'l giil there was reason it lelieve
that she would not go to heaven. In
stantly the query came : "Why, does
everybody have to bo go I in heaven
all the Cine P "Yes,' was the reply.
"Well, then." aaid the culprit, "I
guess I dOB't wnut to go to hfaveti.
I'll stay here, and Uod needn't look."
The little girl who was not far ft u
right -st story hy the I'ort Jervis I'nio:
A gentleman of this village has a
family of thro or four little girls. Not
long since the children wero talk
ing about a pair of twins. One of
them, an elder one, turned to her father
and said : "Papa, what do they call
it when threo babies csmo at once V
A little one, who was much interested
in tie- coiiversavtion, and who hmd
heard talk about the small- .)x, at onco
interrupted and said with BMMB anima
lien : "I know, papa." 'Well, what
do they call it '" said the father. "An
epidemic," said ih- l'ttlo one, proudly
display in her knowledge.
vosvaiPl i tu ton tfii
hVwtOO riling selsejols hive in is
qooffBdoe 00 BOfBttslCh.
Oid LtBgtry, the proprietor of the
professional beauty, has mtdo $10,000
a year from I he sale of his vftoe
Tho women whu pi iced Mrs. II lyes'
p rtrait iu tho White House, lad by
Miss Franco F. Willard, are to hon
or Mrs. President I'.dk In the Hims
0Mr Wilde thinks Amerie an wom
en uru the most beautiful ho orOf saw.
ll should not lio surprised," said Mr.
He wit i, hia manager, df he oarriod
back to England an American girl m
hit wife."
Tho war between tho Astors and
the Vanderbllts continues. TheVsn
deibilts have prevented the election
of an Astor te Congress, and the Aa
tors retorted by staying away from
the great Vanderbllt reception.
Mrs. Langtry's oxcollent elocution
on the stage is said te be durl vod from
her father, tho Dsan of Jersey.
Much of her boauty, too, corner from
that exceedingly handsome digni
tary. Julie Feyghlno is the young Rus
sian girl of extraordinary talent and
beauty who is about to make her de
but nt a Paris theater. It is expect
ed that sho will eclipse everybody
and drive tho theater-going world
wild with admiration.
General Joshua L. Chamberlain
who Is now in Florida, hn bought
nn orange grovo, and it Is said that a
party of capitalists are urging him to
resign the Presidency of Bowdoin
Col logo, Maine, and take charge of
their property In Florida.
"Perley" writes from Washington
to tho Boston Journal : "Mrs. Nellie
Grant Bartorls is enjoying the Ger
mans after former English life, but
she somewhat horrified the ladles at
the last one given by the Bachelors'
Club by appearing i.i red kid
J 7, 1888.
sslMmes The Bed uf The tiny
Cle Coiffure.
Ono must have color. Pink- that
is a genuine bright, having yearn since
been haninhed, red immediately took
its place. This reign of red has beta
long one and at present we have a
whole tovhI family of reds. Th. re m
I'auie and cardinal red; damask aud
dull aesthetic red .cinnamon and Indian
rM whiln in eloee kinship come the
vsrities of gsrnet. Chiefly in evening
aawmblieft do tut so rrda show forth
their supremacy w hen Woosen of fuah
iou delight in parading unn red dress
after another. l)ivrsitii-s. of fabric
give a change ami lookers 00 can draw
'9Dipsiison among rich plushee, rolvetO,
satina, or bt ocade of hug; design
Thst mateiialaaio mixed and iiAei
twimwi in evry conceivable wsy, while
at times the West poih!e results ac
cruo from over shadintrs of luce either
black or white. Fancy if you wilj the
ohitrmiug eflV-cta btOUghl alout by
softly falling caacades of line white lace
upon velvtt, plush, or satin. At times
it is set in flowers or pee pi a a oetie
bordering to hrocsdr. Then too, Low
extended mo tho poCMhtiitiei where
black lace is intrtxluced. How skill
fully ln.iv not the middle aired bell
make all thinjs ptoprir, ul lightens up
her waited OOOjplosion by a red coa
teme, provided she tones it down by
adrnixtuw of black Isc. Otherwiae it
might he Ioj glaring "too t..o too'' as
our fiier.d OeOM WilJ.: saight say.
I ' you not see fuithernnrc the
practical uai of lacet You can chenge
your roatumes a'moat md Jinitum. It
comes in anywhere, ft!' ny; tnkes
away ; do0any thing vou want it tudo
You caa twiat it and turn it; catch it
up er let it fall and having eervrt its
purpose as ane dress is vnuaMy good
for another. The combinations are
well nigh invariably fortunate. Hut
woe betide when rads are unfortunate
ly hi ought together. The worst ef
such woea is when a rod fl implex ioned
woman selects a red costume. I can
not decritc it. You can imaeino it
fc, ourU
And yet such errors are
-tnmiu"d not by by tho i UQlBBll
need the thoughtless but by ladies
who have made the sciatic, of droas a
study. The -olutijn is that when
looking i.i th? g!-is they wer the
wrng spectacles. Pot OC the right
aperwtcles t o I pray you w h-n choosing
batw-eeu nn rdfect of lace or artificial
llowers. Ifveuare ofuncettain ae
hcitate before a'ecting tho 'atter.
In nine cases out of ten th lace will
aottnn the traca of time and make yoa
reallv look vouner thitn it ll iral adorn
ment which j ir
spring time of life.
. Ut tic lUs the
The favorite necklace is a string '
bead, peirl or gold in several strands
drawn tightly around tho throat.
Earings, selitairen of dismonds nor
or pearls or w rhaps soma one of the
same precious atones. Alexandrite,
pink or yellow topaz, chrysoiiesyl etc.,
th r are no fashionable combined with
diitn mls. ear!s, sapphires, rubies cr
arm-raids. Hut the design is always
short and dos' to the ear. Bracelets
however are the distinguishing mark
of a fadiioanhln lady and in jingling
collections of froot two to four or live,
all very BOfftOW thoy are allowed to
rattle over the long glove Whioh also is
a in titer of peculiar pride and really
ef more importance than the arm it
covert. PdOidti who understand the
right aud wrong of things like espec
ially 'iho Foster kid glove, hecausn d(
its adaptability to any arm sinoe from
the peculiar mode of fastening it can
be drawn clese or allowed to bo accord
i to onliou. Then acain it ia of
elegant inski aud tit, cart I ally
seamed by baud while none but the
best quality of French kid is employed,
in jonsequence of which it U very last
ing. A wildeism progresses, in suoh
proportions do aesthetic coitTuies grow
mere aesthetic. If you ask what these
may , I answer a Huffy front piece
extending from ear to ear giving the
wearer a decidedly poodle dog appear
ance. They arc worn chiefly by young
ladies yet sosmingly would bo of advan
tage to such ma tare sirens as might
wish to conceal the ooming gray on
either side ef the temple. Tho word
"fluffy" must Lo understosd in its
broadest significance for there is ne
moderation in these front peicoa. They
Hare to every point of the compass and
every day grow fluffier and mors
flu fly.
Lucy Cart Eat.
Parafine, rushes with equal parts
linseed oil, is nasful for ceatiog iron
eil vessels, which in cktmical nianufat
toriea sro otherwise veryspt to rust.
When the moon irradiates a body ef
the purest white en earth, ita bright
ness is only the hundred thousandth
fasrt of the brightness of tbe moon
i her aelf.
no y.
Tho Epiaoonal Church.
v noiiciu in our Jsrt irfir-. r tl
the LrOwniuts, oi Jodcpend -i.ts. s the?
snnre Mterwndo eailed , wes tf... sense
of the hist din-i ,,! among ; tglUk
l'rote.itanta. from tfee)M mj. ti... Can
gregetionalists of N. Bngfamf. Theif
fundamental priim,,! uMt wn,.
gregution boBtlilesl to ehese h own
officers, and is responsible to BO s
thority,saviiig the htij,tt1(; H, , l tJ( (h
Church, Christ, t, way th y rrll
It, was somvthing Bnhoerd ot in X rip
turo or hitory. Tney have ffhtererl
the idea, that SJ th- people are t'n
source of all civil puw, r, no shfts thaL
Bit nnlselseiftsd power conn s Cross the
peop'o who Ulteve in Christ ; who can
if necessary, appoint their o ir minif. rs
ftud give them charge of IteBgirisslI mjsj
without the essjOatfgBBOl or h-!j, cf the
ministiy einsedy established. Thus
every effort to prove the Chi is? inn
toiaistery as ap.,itive and uutlb.rable
institution of Christ, is leoked m SSI m
an sttempt to wrest from Otniotioa
eople ono of their inaJiensblo riehle
Oeing to the comparatively small
number of Kjuscepalians in this coun
try, any attempt to call public atM,
tion tr this question of m Aposb
ministry has been looked nj.r. as r.
fit subject for ndielue. lieny we ...
btr Of different iBBOBiiBOliui s have
I.- I ... - . .
.wJK, up in ignorance r: t!,-
.-.v . .mhl inn in alien a BUBBftsy. I M
children of Sunday Schooia tiir k'u
ed into a settled jBijadiiQ sgstni
which in after times r Seders th. m in
capable of setiwetif, la anv (,r w-v,
the truo force of the evidence f r what
Is tho practice of the rart majority of
Christiana thronghont the srorhf.
Witness f,r example ikese qu-si i-ms
in the Cor.gregAtionai Catechism.
tnesfiesi 1 ;. Whete does eii
aiaaticai power and author it. '
r'.i e
nu. Jiiwariiv : tl... .
j -smvj iii'ji? uiue.
neiBioBillee or local Phinihw.
Ji,lion I:d ordination c mvt v
t the ptr,un ofheial BOwen whioli B0
could not otherwise pBBBssl i A
2vo. The ordination was rather a rec
ognition Of hBSJ as ens nlrsady clothetl
wuholljcial powers hy virtue of his
previous election or aottointment w
ollice. "The .j'Jt, question end itir;r
atato toa. ;xw-ei lay iu
those who ehtse their officers, and
esMBfton ... i)4d the efliosrs of the
pumitivechurvh hf virtue of tlttir or
a . a m
dinalton income n distinct older of
men, etc t" Au No They did B
become distinct order of men, etc."
. mi '.uc ine.c Hiatements w .'.h me
following texts, retuemberi;..-' that the
a mm mm. 1 - - I .1
wy" w,n unknown nt the
. . ..... . .mi icj . j i .: .-.e- ai'. t 4
j.ower primarily n sides in Christ, and
in tlftii tw whom He commits it : S
Matt. A A Y 1 1 1 lft-0 'Ail
is gtvnn unto me in h-aven and o:i
earth. to ye I herwfare nnd iarh a.i
nations, birtizinj them in ti e oToBM
of the Father, and of the Sor- asasl il
the Holy Uhoit : tMCiiiiii iliew to ob
BBfB all thingt w ha's.overI have cam- i you and 10 I am w ith yoa al
way, even unto the end of the Weil I.'
And 8t. John X. J l And when
lie had said this He breathed ou them
and said, receive yo th Holy Qlaost.
v hosoever ins ye remit, they arc re
mitted unto them, and whosesoever
ains ye rotain, they are retained."
These verses show that the first
minister of the Christian Ciiutvh were
net chosen by the people but by Christ.
And that their ollicial powers did no'
come irom trie peep e a', alt ; were t
not a trace that this order was to ;e
They heeease invested with a power
entirely out of the people's ilt : nam-i
ly "to remit sins." While thai words
'liO, lam with you alw.ty neon utito
the cud of th,- world," shows t jt tho
powers deputed tilhem were psrisiteal,
and could only U a! toted by ChlaSt
who gave them.
In the sixth Chapter of Acts, WC
read cf the first Ordination ot deacons.
Verso 2. "Then ihe twelve called the
multitude of the dbciples them,
and said. 'It is tot reason that we
should leave the word if God e.nd
srrte tables. Whertfoif, breihien,
look ye out among you seven nin of
honest report, full of tho Holy Ghost
and wisdoni whom ics ISMM OjaoeisB
over this bui ne." "And the saving
pleased the whole multitude und thet
uhei-e" tho seven : "WhoBi they set
befere the Apostles; and when thei
had prayel they laid their hands on
them' From this we clearly so-, in
the light of established usage, and all
ordinary methods of interpretation,
that at the Apostles' direct'on the
people sehcted seven good men, whom
the Apostles endued with their powers,
ond not the people. .
Thia Apostolic method is precisely
similar to what is practiced iu ihe
Episcopal Church to-day. Tho deacon
must have the recommendation of the
congregation before he can be ordained
by the Bishop. Every minister, of
whatever rank, is chosen first by the
people, but his fitness for office, while
attested hy them K must also he tried by
those who make the word of Cod their
life long itudy in the higher orders of"
tho ministry. They have powers con
ferred on them, not front tin; people,
but from Christ by means of His ap
pointed ministry.
If the AjiOBtles established a certain
form of Church overnment, under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it can
not be altered by the will of man. It
must at be evident that no union
among Christiana can take placp, with
out this Apostolic government. If
such an order in the Christian Church
ean be made reasonably plain, does not
interfere with any spirtual attainment,
or the exercise of any gift, is it not a
binding duty to submit to it, if only
for examples eake t Barely, if an ap-
r . l a . . .
1 tr. I 3 m
6m 1 yr
IN 600
tOO 7.00
6 00 1000
? no ! rsao
0 00 i I u
' no i i soil
13 GO
1H r;o
JuK) 22 00
1H -27 00
2e0) tfOO
10 00 I l.'.OO 2T00) 4000 j 00 00
Mpecial busineaa notices in Ixicai Col
umns 2 cent per line. Ibfjular local
nollcos 10 cent per line.
For legal and transient advertlsefnciitn.
It 00 jsr square for the first Insertion and
Ml cents per sruare for oaeh subaeqnent
peal 1 as any force in urging men to
tako a stand for examples Sake, it
must have it here ; that for tbe lore
ot Christ, fur unity among brethren,
and a love of law and order, Apostolie
practice be observed.
If the brethren dosire tbe Lard's
pi ayer to be answrred, "That they all
may be one," "that they rosy lie mode
perfect in esse This must be the first
point of agreement. Why Because
th- vhsI majority of Christians to-day
hold t he three fold ministry, n I
little m thil subject has len thought
if. h following ft'steuvnt put forth
he e h-arned bUh,p will t-how this v
'ut't'- atite.tla. Bishop Bvdcll sys
"Ii v j doubtless surprise many pei-
onef Who sotnetimrs cll the Epinorv
jstl CSrsjroh ti.e i-maHrst of tbe etts,
io ieiu:, shnt eight tenths of the who!.
of CbrietendoBi sr K; isrooMisns in
tbshB bfOS fold minis'
of Hi.. hop., pr e, i, and deacvn, i-l
ihe pTwer of ordination in the highest
order." These hUtisti -s are ffiven br
iJisiK:. RsndeJI. "Of two hundred
millions of Christians one hundred and
eighty rat sen the dree orders of tbe
The BtsaSeeesa Cbur. liex are :
1. The Oriental, (where Christianity
was first preached;.
Th" Kornan Church.
The Anglican, or English
4 The Chnrches of Sweden. Nor
way and Denmark
fi. The Moravian.
At foot of 'hem churches are ow-
. 1 to tie. U'.m ii j.. rch, it will im
seen that the grant Majority of Cbris-
ttflt.e opp i - lluui&nifitu ate Episco-
Nor hi to they any tendency
t- srbite with er long as she main
Ur.r.fc :i;r.i.
force h'-r peculiar
rfd. or claims
d'-Ctli.'th OS ' ii
has r.O light I o
II 1MM. II tA.
l.-t ..': . '. tr rwindiubei thnt there
is a light and sroi ws- of ha.d -shak-
w . m mm . t m
tnz- I is liOinnie wi uu-i-
lending digits ace seized in tbu sharp
oosm res el a kind of viae, aud wrung
ane a jneezed until you feel a if they
were reduced to jelly. It is net le&3
horrible wbea yoa find them lying in
a limp, nerveless clasp, which makes
no response to venr hearty greeting,
hot chills y eu like a lump of ice.
Shako hands as if you meant it, swift
ly, Strenuously and courteously, neither
neither using an undue pressure nor
falling wholly supine- Yon may judge
wf the character f a man from the way
tn which ho shakes hands; 'there is the
shake lymphatic, the shake aggressive,
the hhuke suK-rc:liou", the shake
STmp-ttlx tic, and the shake emotional.
Charles Limb desccities also, pnmp
bandei shake, which is oxeca'.ed br
t i r u :.
lasitii: a iiiuii'i iiinu huu iuikiut iv
ui) and down, through an arc of tifty
legpoee, for about a minute and a half
To fthow its nature, fore?, and
ehoraeto, this shako should bo per
formed with a firm and steady motion.
No attempt should be made to give it
jra -.1 still less variety, as tho few
instances in which the latter has been
tried have unifermly rosnlsec! iu dislo
catidg tha dhoulder of tbe . ssu en
whom it has brox attempted. On the
contrary, persons who are partial to
the p".mp handle shake should Ire at
some p.tuis to give an areeabie, tran
quil movement on tbe operation, which
should on no account be continued
after inspiration on tlio part of your
friend has commenced.'' Then 'v40
is tho iendulum shake which s .
whet resemb'cs the former; but a? it t
name implies, tne movement is in a
; horizontal inttfead of a perpendicular
direction. 'Tl u executed by sweeping
your hand horiz e, tally toward yonr
friendV, anl; ft r the junction is ef
fecttd, moving with it from one jide
to the other oeoooding to the pleasure
of the pai ties' Her BaOjt the tonrti
quet shak;! b forgotten, which derives
its nam! ftom the mgtrunieut employ
ed by 8 ireons to atop the cito tlation
ot the blood in a limb about to be
amputated. Yen grasp the hand of
your fiiendss tar as you ean in your
own, end then contract the mussels of
votir thamb. tjiigera :t:.d pulss till you
have induced any degraa of w.impressien
vou may prop'.t iu 1 1 i ;nd kf your
friond, Particaiar Cre ouiht to be
taken, ifyourh .nd be hard and big
and that of rour ftjnosl smalt aud soft
as a maiden's not to make use of the
tourniquet shake ta Mich a degree that
it will emah the small bofles of the
wrist out cf thair pine. It is saldom
cfe to apply it to -tuity or ha -tampered
Vou will see si.e petions thrust
forih their Land with a sudden jerk
like that of a !trn sngine suddenly
set in wetion: and i. tkay have taken
possessten of your own utid are doing
with it ss they win befaie you have re
earered breath. Others put ferwaid
their fingers with aa apparent timidity
er lelucttncc, and compel you to
p-duuee upon them and draw them
toward yon, in order to perform an ef
fective shake. Others, again, extend
tkeir hand timidly, partly withdraw it,
and again extend it, until yon are un
certain whether er no tho act ef hand
shaking will be performed af er all. As
for tha cold-blooded creatures who
austerely offer one er two fingers, I
recommend you to ignore them; look
loftily over them as if unconscious of
their existence and their fingers.
But when a lsdy (and more particularly
x fair one) does you the honor to offer
her hand, take U with an air of grate
ful deferens which wiil show how you
appreciate the honor ; do not drop it
instantly as if tho touch scared you,
nor hold it so leng as to cause her a
feeling ot uneasiness.
In cbcm'ca' analysis cefie yields
sn alka'cid, a. first named cafftine, hut
longain:e dttirmined to be identical
with thalkn'oid theine often.
1 Inth 1 NI
2 " 2W
1 " 1 00
4 ' 4 00
I Oil 'i
t " 17 m