The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 10, 1882, Image 3

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    f RID AY FEBRUARY 10, 1882
Kdlter and Proprietor.
O. A C. It. It. Tim: TAI1LE.
Albany Kttttfon.
80103 JMSiTti.- '
rftstoiiT TRAINS
r: A. M.
l:00 A. M
Arrive at .
Depart el
both torn.
Arrirws at
11:48 A.
I M P.
11:43 A. M.
1 J 0.1 V
S:S) P.
:k P.
ALBANY EXI'RKiS Arroesai -
All Train Caltv. corp tnmliij .
Nortca. On and after this date regular
tickets will tie sold at our ticket office for
following pointson Columbia river: Upper
Cascade. Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula,
Walla Walla and Ainsworth.
Wnb H. Rica,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O. & C. R. X. Co.
Albany. June 18th, 188.
SHU fa W a UPTJ mar tx foal on fih av
XMUS3 rATAA Bo writ X tVs NwtIrr
F" M. French, iwller.
Business is dull in this city.
(Jo to Meyer's for vegetables.
Valentines at McCoy and Eilert'..
E. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, 0r.
Barking souths aro the order of tke day.
Next Taesday will ho St. Valentino a day.
Brawn broad, white bread, all kinds of
broad, baked at Conrad Meyer's.
The wind as a reirs made things craok
Blackassiths: Who are blaokasnitkeT Gil
maur aad Johnson of eonrse.
Considerable dried fruit has boos shipped
this week from this city.
Yon ess got your prescriptions filled say
hour el the nigkt at McCoy 4b Ellen's.
E W Lssfdoa 4. Co., have just received a
fine lot of staadard popular author?.
Buy your flower seeds of Redtield and
Irriaf . They hare a choice Jot for sale.
If you Talus your life doa't aay "wood"
to Will Rise this week. He's dangerosa.
Wheat has sdvanced to 7? cants per
bushel and holders aro correspondingly
For yonr droas making, oattiug aal5tttng
go to the M.mi Ban'ainfhs, over Mell
wsiu'e. Valentines of all dss'gss at McCoy and
One msa is Portland hot 8200 on the
Sullivan Ryan fight.
Frank Cooper hss s a;s horses afflicted
with the epizootic.
A sew paper is to 1 o started at Harris
burg by 8 S Tram.
Mosey te loss is f stall or large nasalities
Csll en C. H. Stewart
Four parsons mads their escape from the
Marion eouaty jail last Wednesday night by
screwing off the bars.
Tas Bmmatmm State Central Itn.miitee
moots ia Portland on the 22od.
The uses! nsm'ssr of sidewalk Urstnea
Wars st the Ire Suaday aaerniag.
The offioo of Dr T W Krrii is with E W
Lsagdos in the Old Fellow Temple.
Both tho Jacksonville aad the Ashland
Poet-eft - wore out of stamps last week.
Messages is asking the lesd st Lobsasa
sad his fair desiiag has eatitled him to it
Ws heard several inqairies as to where
tho sSsffee Clsh was list Sunday morning.
Dr. O. Wdiis Price, dentin, office in Odd
Fellow's Temple, over Plammer' Drag Store.
The "Hooks" are being appreciated. They
are s valoableroaipaay in our Fire Depart
ment. Qilmsar ssd Johnsoa are getting qaits a
ropststies for shoeing horses with contra:
ed feet.
Ssftat pare aas warn bsptissd aad msie
mers'jsrs sf the Baptist churc'i last Sab
bath. Remtnbsr tkst Ca:al Msjer keeps the
freshest and the best stok of groosries is
the city.
There is s registered letter is the Poet
OSice for A B Seaith, which remains un
called for.
Ths Msgis 5 vl Ors'ucstra is to be com
plimsated os the ne a. icsrsnee of its
me nbers.
Oeasting ia la-ge susntitus mJscksoavil!e
sad vieisity has v.riei the mo .maj tf
dall times.
Tho Y PC a, prayer mestings hare
bees ehsagsd from Weisesdsy t Setur
dsy evaaiag.
T P Kackleaaaa baa two spas of horses
far sale. Prise one span for $400, fad
the other $300.
The Imperial Flsariag Mills, of Oregon
City, gross 420,000 bashels of wheat
dnrisg the year 1831.
The freedom of Utter Cry, Coos county,
a a a SS. a .-
sas been tendered oeesr v. nae. I sis is
"too too too" utterly utrer.
Lyon street is being improved, two roil
wsgoa loads of grav.l baring been laid st tie
bridge, corner of Lyon snd 3ih.
S.CYsasg's new boot aid shoe store has
been opesedand is a rery attractive addition
to his pop alar establishment.
In spoakiag of the shining lights is the
College Band last week we nezleeted to
mention "onr little drummer, " Ca. Cssdiff.
Dipatneria z been rsgisg st Junetion
latsly. Ser..U refugees from that plsce
haTO been stepping is Albany (in week or
Agais some one aks the question, "Whsn
will the south prfc of the city bo drained ?"
It's preseat condition is raising the price of
un t tercet taat t ran Kenton reeeires
subscriptions for all the leading publicstioss
of Ansrioi, fssaissi ng tbem st the publish
srs pricer.
A . 1 ... ....
A-esiaetictsm is n rsge, ano taat ac-
eoaats for the many ennfiwer countenanees
and lily cemslexieni we observe on osr
Hall's Vegetable .Sicilian Hair F enewer
it most reliable article ia use for restoring
gray bsir to its original col r snd promotiag
its growth.
Bsy Robfc L Stevens is nttonly a preacher
of considerable ability Vut he is an in r en tor
as well, hsvin pafc-iits I a'oat a dozsa dif
ferent things.
Iff it i t i' .- . .
amw snav sue m ror puttiag in spring
gram is drawing ner,aloag comes the epizoe
ucagaia. it is in rats er s mtld form yet,
bat msay get worse.
There are 10,404 volumes ia the Portlssd
11 m .....
uerarj. ise nnmber of bocks taken oat
daring 1881 wsa 18,401, of which number
14, 17 were actio .
H.eUs aeul E lort s assortmat of vslen
tines, and the pricji tUsy sell thm at, will
sait every eae, aad there will be no diffi-
culty ia making a selection.
Co to the Y P 0 A seuarUisatsat to
sight The program hss beea JmprsYed
greatly, aad it will be rendered with )
csafusion than ea Taesday night
Tat faUawiai example vreaesed hj. aa
es change ws give ear mathsmstlesl readers
to selre i "What per seat dees a man
make waoaslli a harts far $100, whioh was
given to him ?
Tramps, which are a somewhat lata ae
qiiaitie to Oregon Society, are quite numtr
oas They should be "sat down os" in
aneh a maaaer as ta rid ear State eemplete
ly ef such infamous bummers.
As will be seaa ia another column the net
earnings ef the Sheriff far the last half year
were $1205,60, an amouut worth stritiag for
although aot as muoh aa many are always
imaginiag the Sheriff makes.
Tka Masoas had aig time last areaiag ia
thia city. The last degree ia Reyal Arch
Masonry was eeaf erred apea W U Btlysu,
Q Chamberlain and L Bilyea, aad Us
brethren assembled here from all parts ef
the valley.
Although the nights have beea rather
ehilly for out door love making, ws notioed
a couple sittiag bareheaded ea a eertnta
piasaa about tea e'eloek at night This
"takes the oilr," aad Bunch Crass "sqailla"
are innocent.
Wa ara under many ebligatieas to Q. W.
Sill for the preseat of a Tare seat aad tasty
msp of the City of Albany. He exeeated
the werk himself and it iesaperier to a great
deal we have aeon turned oat by those claim
lag to be skilled draughtsmen.
Last Satarday we aotieed a oeuatry
school tesehee staggeriag aloag the streets
with s brisk ia his hat. He anted as il he
ware lookiag after a new method ef teseh
iag the young ideas hew to sheet.
The following persona were taken iate
Rssoas Hook aad Ladder Ce Me 1, at its
Isat meesiag. R P Cean, W A Cox, R R
Creaky, A W Carrie. L F Fees, i I Cod
frey, O H Irviae, Was Me Lane, Tracy Por
ter, R L Thompson aad H D Wheeler
The attsadaaee at the M K
School eeneert was verv barge.
Sabbath U
aad like
thoee hold ia the past, it was ef a very in
teresting nature. The exercises consisted
of singiag by bath the eld and ysang peo
ple, reeitstioss, etc , among which were
two or three eeleottons read by Miss Lass.
Erervbodv helieres tho verdict ia the
Gaiteaa csss ts be just, as firmly as the
people ef Lebanon aad vicinity believe that
C B Meatagae's is jest the place to bay
dry goods aad groceries ef the best qaahty
aad at the lowest price. That is ths res
sen they sU go there.
Tbere is great demand sew ia this locali
ty for female help, sad girls who are pretty
good kwase-keepers sad can do plsia
iag, can goe fro
We advertised
$2 30 to $5.00 per week.
mat week, aad had aix
or seven ecu is ror aer is n nay or swe.
. , t . . I
Air brakss are new ased os the O a C R R
east aide, pasasagar traias. Tbe Albsay
. ... I
express came in with them ss Men day night I
for the first time. When the exhsastedatr
was let off ss old gsstlesaaa from Lebanon I
theaght the engine had eel lapsed, sad same
very near breaking his aeek try iag to get
eat of danger.
Ills a German eastern, s Jested quite
generally by tha Aaterieaas to driak beer
aad talk ever the events of the dsy. The
Star Brewery has become qeite a resort for J
tk:s asrpsse. As Bstt Mr Bellsaase u
ssid to raak AI. Hs keens a tdeaaaat
sstsbiiskment and snares ae aatss ts msks
these who esli perfeetly st hems.
Wattdsnnd Gedfrey hsvo just pris ted fee
Eider M. M. Kertoa. el Swset Heme, a
'collection ef Hvmna for the ase ef the
Church ef Christ." The werk sneaks well
both for the printers and ths author. Aboat
sixty of the hyasss are Mr If ertea's owa
production, and chow come poetical abilit y.
, If yon get a vsieatias asit Tassdsy km
afsrresces with seatimeata aad ferma ia-
imieal te the imperieuc besrisg yea hsve
arrogated to yourself, do ast fly off ea
tangent, but just coolly pasts ths lof emcee
document on the wall, cill it a hair-brained
joke, sad rseervsyeur ire for seme import-
sat cceat oa.
Tho CaMorula for February is at hand.
sad esmss to as this month greatly issprev
ed in evcrv respect. It is a decided hosor
to the 1'aeifie Coast. It appears for the
first time as sa illustrated ssagszias, aad as
such will rank well with Bastcro meaftahee.
ts centribatima, this month arc of a high
leas and shoald be read by all I , vers of geel
The ladies Aid Society will bold their
festival on Tuoedsy cvesing sect, Feb. I4tk
ia the bedding recently eeenpied by ahe
California Store. Sapper will be served
fress six nntil nins o'clock. Tbere will be
fancy articles aad aprons for sals, also a
Post Offise will be kept, shresgb whieh St.
Taleatiae will aend appropriate messages
te sU, fsr the s snail sera of fire coats easb.
Addssissisn 25 casts, laseb, 23 cents, ise
erase., 25 costs.
The 8eUnljfi- America sf Jsaaary 2Seb,
ssstains sa illestretioa ef Rer. Rest. L.
Stereos new patent far re istag aad lower
ing the wbeela ef steaeasests, with a fall
aesenptioa or tae asms, it SS a raioaaie
. ... ... . ...
ase-sisitisa to the stosasbeat aad will faoili-
tats rirer aaTiestion to a wonderful extent.
By tbe ase of it tbe weight ef tbe load caa-
not effect the morement of the wheel, ae it
dees nsw, it being arranged ae ss to be ad.
j sated to any draft sf wetsr.
ereffon needs s Nsrssal sohool, sad it is
the doty eferery citiscn wko fsrsrs tbe ad-
rancament ef onr edneatienal interests ts
eadoras all measnrss which wdl brine sbant
khm. A.t.hli.hma.t af anih m. Tt U tv-
eeming mere ana more cement ereryaey
that tbe elsss of teachers ia our publio
schools needs to be bettered Taia eaa esly
be done by establishing a seheel in whieh
Yssar men aad women are trsiasd for thol
basines the sams as they are ia order to
enter aay of the professioaS.
uuu .p.t ,ew sys sa nmany test
-: . ... .
It F Armstrong spsut s day or two st
koaas this week.
Mr Sam May, of Harrisburg, paid ns a
visit yesterday.
Mr. J. A. Bilyeu of Snu, was in the city
sa Tuesday lsst.
Stsnlsy, the blind pianist, was in tke city
a few days age.
J s Kelly and Chas T Bell, of Salem,
were np last Monday.
tnps. cass taamphrey went down to
Portland last Friday.
Mr. Simon Ssitsnbaeh spent last Sab
bath in Portland.
Miss Luse was a guest of Rev. Dilloa
while ia tbe eity.
Mr. J. J.Dorris, of Sei was in ths oity a
day or two Ibis week.
JaJg.Strah.awa. in Junction city lest
l i 1
wssa en icgai oasmsrss.
Mr. M. D. Ballard was in Portland Men
day and Tnesday of tbis week.
Mr. Nat Red path, ef egoren, was in
the city Tuesday of this week,
Ws aetleed R S Mesa, ef Lebanon on our
streets Monday Of this week.
Hen. tssrgs Waggoner, ot Corrallii, was
is the city the fere part of the weak.
Mr. S. 1. Young was confined to his bed
last Sabbath and the fore part of the week.
Mr. Fraak Wood, of this eity was in
Portland awhile the forepart ef the week.
Haa. Jon. Keisay, of Cerrallii, by the by
was in the eity the fere part ef the week.
J A Yaatis, has retired from thsCorvsllts
OmMtt whioh ia new ran by Mr M S Wood
cook. The charming Mrs. McAfee of Salem, is
visiting her sister Mrs. W, It, lUrr of this
Miss Auaa Powell spent several days ia
Baleas, beiag there ever tha Sabbath. She
was a gueet ef Judge Piper.
Miss Fcttie Monteitk, who has Uea
viaitiag is Csrrallie lor seme time, retaraed
heme the fore part of this week.
Rev A M Acheaoa and wife lost their
only ohild on tha 3d of this mouth. It was
aboat twa aad a half years old.
Miss Lily Rsdpath, of Jefferson, has beea
visiting friends ia tho aity. Wo acknowl
edge a very pleaaaut salt from hor.
Mrs. I. M. Thompson, who baa besti
visiting with hsr daughter, Mrs. Tetnpleton,
ta Portland, returned home last Tuesday.
Charley McDonald, Engineer of the Al
bany ezptees, feele big over his air brake.
Ho makea a Sret-elaea ehort-etop now.
Jadgs Fliaa is also ana of tha lawyers in
the canal sait bow pending, beiag associated
with Strahan sad Bilyea oa the defense.
on Enoch Hoalr, ef iisrrisburg. oalied
ea us last Tuseday. Hs was 'down in com.
paay with Hiram Smith and otbera on logal
Loaaer Ilalatoa returned to Albany last
Meaday, after aa absence of eeveral mouthe.
duriag which time he made a trip te Wash-
iagtea, D. C.
Mrs. A. Comptoa, of iebaaon, called
Satarday and subscribed far tka Dent.
ocaaT asyiag tbat ahe could net do without
it any longer.
Miss Mary Celdsan leturned from Port
land last week, aad will continue her busi-
of drees-making witA Miss WUIaft,
ia this eity.
M r. H. A. Clark, ass olosod his marble
hop in this city snd will go from hers to
CslifoJaia, where he will engage ia the
same basineaa.
A R Quinn and family left on this weeks
steamer for California, Mr. yuiuo having
disposed of hie interest in the Champion
Frait Drier.
Rev. O. W. BUck. of SW rattle, was te
asvs preached at the H.ipiut church lest
Sabbath, bat failed te keep hie appointment
en aeeeaat of aiekaess
1 L I - . m .
m. wiw, ag "i cio p-op c ev:ii over
hut Tsesdsy, among whwos we aotieed A J
. .
Board, Jons Board, 'has. JoLason Mr
Taleott sad s there
airs Megan, or at. Pael. Mirj. . wl.u has
beea spending the wtuter sub her sisass
Mrs Jsdgc Miller, st I.ebs a. ep&t set oral
days is town this week
Jadge Beaham, of Salem, oas ef Oregon's
CBS CSv ' - Bh m - -
mM' popalar Uwyers, has beea ia ths
I a n a . . mm
7 eeveral days sttoalmf to aa imsartaat
uit Psadiag sefers a rsferoe
J Br,B Creek, was d wn this
w" vooniy wenri. Vc are
Trf N'S o him for s new sub-
" wh be braogbt aa
n a w tumms, I essty Assessor, was ia
A ...
lb oday snd Taesday, aad made
ns several pleasant ealU. Hs will begin the
assessment sf sur county absal the 1st ef
Mr Arthur R Sloan, manager sf the
sardian Insurance Company, for Oregon,
made as a p! eases i esff s fe w days ago. He
is a vary pleaaaut gentlemen, something
peculiar te most insures ce sgeate.
Mr. Cemsteck. ef Syrscese, R T , travel
iag agent for the oelcbraUd gun mssafac
turera. Baker snd Co. was is the aity last
week, when he made a bis sals of their
Sda to ear papular guaamith, W B Scytt.
Nat Kedpath gave as s pleasant call this ;
eek. He hss sold est his business st Jof :
fersoa aod is now font loose. From whet
we have been heariag lately we believe he
woald like te looat j persnaneatly at Scio.
F II Kizsr, spent n day or two la Athaav
thia week while es hie way hmni I m
the moetiaf of the Linn Coonty Bus;
MCwemsdi, V of II. He i. one of the
aohd farm.resf the opper end ef ths county.
Lest Tusedsy s whole horde ef isauranee
.J :a . fJP J mm i arm, K .
j-.rrre i.u OSK, Vol nttSR, Ilarrv Boyd.
othtn P th ro1 o Jaaetiea
to settle ap fur tbat fire Sueh fires as tbat
bring considerable "ou' eapilsl" into
ear State,
Mr. Tbes. Orsrstsa, was to l.-are tbis
ntsrnlag in tbe interest of the Chats pics
Froit Dryer Company. Ho will go first te
Washington Territory, where he will assist
la disposing sf tbs seanty rights ef this
ralaable frait dryer.
H J Olark snd Ed Zeyss west up Ie
aUrrisbarg last Tassdsy to got ths nsc-
eseary information te enable thera te bid on
i . l. iii uii m . . . ...
saw vsa renew lempie te no built ap
ihn season. If tbey get the contract
w w ncb for it that the work will be
well performed.
A large & amber of Masons arrivod here
yestsrday te sake part in tbe meetiag last
Among tbeaa wo aotieed R B Coeh
nu ol -Wfi ! "on J F Schooling, Sam
na w" aseonusca, of HarnsSarg ;
i m e ear . . . , .
vr 1 u OJp ana Judge fiper, ef Salem.
1uiU amber from Kugene whose
BnmCS WO Old net Jearfl.
The social at the at E Parsoaaye Friday
ereaiag after Miss Fuse's readings, was aa
aajoyabJa affMir. Roe sad Mrs, Dillon ara
very painstakiug in their efforts to maks
these socials plsasaat, aad bare succeeded
aeyead a deebt . Oamss wsre played snd
a substantial tmpper had, of which old and
yeuag did jaatice.
Miss Mattie Tester was twenty -one last
Moadsy, aa important period in everybody a
life. Rer numerous friends appreciating
tkis fset, determined to eelebrafe her birth -dsY
ia eroaer stvle : so hs- rreeonfta-tl
.I " " -j r
srraagement, they thronged to the reel
donee of Mr Jss H Fester, at a given hoar,
aad gave Misa Foster a pleasant surprise (?).
Several hoars wsre passed ia amassment
and conversation, and when all left far
kerne it was with the common verdict that
a geauiao good time had been had.
A Fatal Aer Idea t.
The wife of Floyd G. Vaughan, living
, in Lane county, 10 milea from Harrisburg,
met with an accident last Saturday which
terminated fatally. She and her hus
band had been at Harrisburg trading.and
while returning home In a wagon, some
dogs scared the team and started them
forward se suddenly that Mrs. Vaughan
Jul ?SUL
U-a IhMtrn . ii.. .
I a J - " " vausou
I death ahonfc tnnr V
- 1 was a'siater of W. H. Bakr r x-n
and Mrs1. Wm. Davie, of Shsdd
Aastfeea nlneto flrr.
About 5 o'oloek last Sabbath morn,
log our fire department was brought
out in hurry by lbs olanflng sf tha
Sella, and ti a fire waa soea found to
be Id tha two-story frame building ea
Ferry street, owned by Peter Sohloeser
and occupied by the Chinese Arm of
K won Mow Ce. No. Dues were on
hand first, but the bettor of puttiag
out the Are thle time belenge to the
"Hooks." NoTwo'ewere also tbere
on time, but aa the Are did not amount
to much, as Artentas Ward aaye, they
"kindly refrained from squlrtln." The
firs waa the work of an incendiary It
had beon started at the north east
corner of the building, but aa to
whether en the Inalde of the room or
tiuder the lloor there waa some sIlflFer
enou or opinions. Tt looked very mush
to us ai if a email board had been
taken oil Inside the building, a let of
well-oiled rags Ignited and then drop
ped la, and tha board replaced. It
wa diaeoYeretl before the rags were
entirely eonautsed, and whoa the
boarde were forced ofl from the out
side, considerable kerosene ran out
and stood on the surface of the water
noarthe building. The Chinese hare
told several of our oltlxens that their
steok of aaerohandioe waa insured for
$1000, but In conversation with us
t In yduated that they had nay at nil,
Mr sch lesser baa the belldiug laeured
In the Fireman's Fund, and haa been
awarded $15.60 damaarea. It looks ta
us very much aa if eome of those
Chinese are guilty of arson, nnd if any
ons will ferret out the guilty pnrty and
cause hie conviction, he can get $600
from the Board of I'nderwrltere of thle
Bwrwrlao fari.
Last Friday night tho many neigh
bore and frUuds of Mre. It. W. Cundlff.
without any warning, walked Into her
pleasaut home, and took possession of
matters 1 1 was a oemplete surprise, al
though au agreeable eae, and waa given
In honor of Mrs. CandifTs forty-Aral
birthday. Whoa the company had got
settled down Into friendly terms, Mr.
Wm. Tweedale, In behalf of tboee pre
sent, preaeated her with aa elegant
cake basket, butter knife aad pair of
spectacles accompanying the gift with
au eloquent speech Then n general
god social time waa bad, and every
body went heme at a seasonable hoar.
wlehlBittbat they had birthdays alao
Wa noticed tho following present : Mr.
and Mrs Wm Tweedale, Mr nnd Mrs
Hurst, Judge and Mre Strabae, Ir aad
Mre Davie. Mr aad Mrs J M Nolaa. Mr
and Mrs N Ratim. Mr and Mrs F. PKoz,
Mr snd Mrs tt E Yoaar. Mr and Mre
H II Hewitt, Mre J W Harris, Mrs Opp,
Mrs C A Plummer, Mrs McWain. Mrs
Dr Mlllor, Mrs IilalB. Mine Mary Cold
eon, Miss Kara Alexander. Mleeee
Hettiaand Ollie Miller, Mlae Wlllart,
Mies Clara Blaio, the Mleeee Hsrrls,
Mr K I) Havaa, Mr Ooarley, and Mr
t rank Coansdsa Milled.
I. set Tuesday morning, says ths "Oregon
inn" Frank Comptou, a bndge sa-penter.
fell from the bridge at Kibblin's ferry, ea
the Ssady, and was hilled, living only two
hours after ths fall. Hs with another m
was eitsated in cuias a heavy niece of
timber, whou the rope broke and both fell.
Compton a companion caught held of aaase
timbers, tbue caving bis life. Mr. Comp-
S '.on was a hard working msa. lie hss s
wife and child living in Dallas, wlh Ce. aad
: and a father in Lebanon. Finn eaoaty.''
Deceased is the came young man who wae
mssticd up fearfully when tBb bridge across
the North Ssntiam fell. His father aad
othsr are among the most reapestod
eituens of labsnon.
1 ' "
AaeiBer Ik II tin Jiaien
Another rifle sheeting match wae
hebl last Saturday, this Urns at the
Hale farm, acrosa the river from thle
piar(. a beef, valued at abont 1 30,
: WM Mitod nnd divided into five parte.
aD4 oflsred ae a prize for the best
..rL.m,, p It IU m m.i mmn ike.
; flrBtf t la i rsat and fifth choice, and Wm
Hale the eecond and fourth
Severs! purses were made up and con.
tceted for, and alt ware wen by either
P H Qowmanor H Stevens. Bow
man aeeae to he the "cook of the
walk' in thia locality wlien It comes
to rifle) ehootlng.
Bant and hsc Blare'
Having added externa ively to my boot
aad shoe atook aud aecu rod aaother build
ing for that pirpoae alone I shall In the
future endeavor to carry a more complete
and better aeleeted stack of boots and
shoos than has ever beea kept In thia
place. I buy direct from the manufactur
ers far cash and sell at pricss that will de
fy compodtlon and will always try aad
keep goods of merit ; no traeb. We always
aim to represent goods just as near what
they are as our Judgment and experience
will admit.
SA MITEL a Youno.
Msw Mill ha used Hands
On last Saturday the proprietorship
of the Albany sew mill changed hands,
Messrs Allen and Martin retiring and
F E KoerBson assuming entire control.
The sale ta Mr Kobiason includes the
mill property In this city, the logs In
tke boom, the Calapoola boam right,
and seme valuable timber land on the
Calapoola above Brownsville.
linporlant ts the Ladles.
Miss Mary Goldsea has returned from
Portland with a oomplete knowledge
of ell the latest stylee ef dressmaking
aad is again ia business In conncetien
with Mlse Annie Willet. Ladles will
find It to their advantage to call on
them at their roams over Tweedale's
Blaven'e Cherry Tooth Pante.
An aromatic combination for the preser
vation of the Teeth and Gums. It ia far
superior to any preparation of the kind In
he market. In large, handsome opal
obi, price 50 cents. For sale by Fothay
If a tl 4st. . w
jxiaooii, Aiuany, uregOen.
impure blood Symptoms : Sluanish
circulation, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
ompiaint, Diinouaneas, uonatlpaUon,
l ues, iamutor, weaxneis, "the blues,'
skin disoraers, Pimples, Swellinajs, etc
to. rurly with Ling of the Blood. See
dvertisemeut. - &
V M. r. A. alenalameat.
n account ot the bad oondltton of
the weather Tuesday evening the en
tertalnmenl given under the aunpices
of the Y. P. 0. A. wae poorly attended ;
bnt thoee who did go wsre well repaid
Whlb It wae not a brillltnt affair,
there were parte to It of genuine inter
est, and It certainly did not lack in
quantity, It would have taken even
better than It did I it bad gone ofl
more enteethly aud there had been
eae oenfusien.
The playing by the Ladlea' Cornet
land ie to be commended. They are
Improving fast. The muele generally
wae, If anything, extra. The Magle
Spell Oroheetra Is a worthy Institution
aud made a good many friends Tuee
day algbt. Ho alao tho regular orches
tra did good playing and received
Bearty encores. "The Three Frogs,"
by Messrs. Clement, 1'ortorand Dugger
was received with a great deal of ea
thaelaem. They quaoked well. The
meihey song, by the IX L Beclety was
well rendered and deeerved the ap
plause It received. The debate between
W. K. Ullyeu and E R.Bklpworth wae
anintereetlng affair, and one that wae
thoroughly appreciated. It would no
doubt have been encored by Keeratet
and Napolecst had they been living
and present. The read Inge by Mre.
Wolverteu and Prof. Condlt were well
received. Prof. Mattoon's rendition of
"The gladiator" would have beea o
tralfhebad only had it better com
mitted. Arrangement have been made for
repeating the entertslumeut on Friday
evening of thle week. The program
will be changed somewhat and aa extra
effort made to make It more titan or
dinarily Intereetlng.
frank Leslie's reenter Meaini)
The February another Is promptly
before us, with Its usual abundance ef
eatertaialng aad Instructive reading
and flae emhellleb meats It opens
with a meat Interesting article by
ltlchardH. Kimball, "London and its
Lord Mayors." with twelve llluetra
tleua. "The Albnmua," by N. Kebiu
eon: Spiders' Wsbe." by Arthur ii
Butler: "The Great Tone- Foots," by
Noel ituthven ; "Fashion la Deform
ity," by Prof. Flower, aad "The Manu
facture of Boap tu Ancient nud Modern
Times," by Prof. Charles A. Joy. are
replete with Intereet aud infer m . tlan.
and are profusely illuetrsled Cardan's
aerial, "I-eonle, Fmpreas of the Air."
is continued ; and there are Short
Btoriee aod; Bketchee by Themsa B.
Collier aad other favorite authors
The levere of post ry will bo delighted
On, fit. a a aoe a . B . .ess
wttit tno iiiacirstea poems. i n
Willow Pattern' and ' The Diser," n
ballad; etc The mlst-vllaneouo nrtieles,
paragraphs, a to ., embrace i lar;e vari
ety of subject, amusing and nte reel
ing- A eiaglecopy ie OOlj IS ' ente, or
$3 o year, aent p-ti ! Addreaa
FaK, publisher. and
67 Park Ha. o. Kow York
Mlse Lnr' Str4lacs
There wae a largo cr wd at tlio M.
K. Cbnreh laet Friday ulgbt to lieten
to thle talented eloeodneie'. Her read.
Inge ara epoken of ia the hl;hsst
terms, and seem to have given ueivcr
sal satlsfactloa. Miss Fuse la particu
larly good In the comic ffr rendi
tion of "Money Musk" wae sicelient.
and was evidently the favorite with
her audience.
Foe a lWire" waa
read with good spirit and expreeelou,
aa alao "floating a jfcooe," "To
Late far the Train," and one er two
ethers. Wo knee beard "How He
Saved St Michaels'' read bit t.r by
Albany talent, aod we thought ahe did
Injuelloo to herself la tba "harden
Sceoe ;" hat taken as a whole the
readlag wae far above mediocrity, aad
deeerveethe hearty commendation II
By epecial request Miss Luse read
again night to a good audi
eoee, giving aa entire change of ffro
grasn. Hhe was met with the aame
favor that she waa, on Friday eight,
and if atiythiug laereaaed her popular
Ity. ftrw rroreas I lur
And now the Magnolia Mills come
to the front with a new process Hoar
and claim that no mill on the
pacific Coast can excel in quality
the nrticlo they tarn out. Tholr
millers undorntaml the process thor
oughly, and feel that they can please
the most exacting customer. When
you want any flour do not forgot this,
and he pure to call for the Magnolia
MM brand.
On account of continued ill health, I
ntend leaving Albany as soon as I am
able to travel. I therefore respectfully
ask all (hose knowing themselves lobe
iudebted te me to call immediately at
my place of Business and pay the
amount to Miss French, who is author
ized to receipt for the same and save ex
Mns. L, J. Powcll.
re ens metis.
J. A. Gross, aroprietor of tha dene
hotel, keeps one of the beat public houses
in the State. Ills rooms are kept scrupu
lously neat and clean, and ou his tables
can be fnnnd the best food tbe market af
fords. Parties going off on the morning
frain can get coffee and cakes or an entire
breakfast before the train leaves. Here
after the hotel will be kept open all night
or convenience of the pnblic.
Lion County lluslaees Cennoll.
Tbe regalur meeting of the Linn County
Business Council, P. ef H., met at Knox
Bntte Grange last Saturday, aad we are told
the attondanoe numbered eensidsrably over
ADO. Tbe meetiag passed off nicely, aad was
profitable te all who attended. The nsxt
mssting will bs hsld on Satarday. March,
4th, at Harmony Grange.
IjsBtter JLlnt.
The toiaDwwtft Is the list of letters reenaiji
in the Post office. Albany, Linn oountcr, O
con. Feb. 0th. PJ82 Persons catling: tor these
letters must give the date on whksta tbay wove
ItcClure J M.
Murphy Jena 11,
Miller John W,
rum aaicnirrs erricst.
Wksl ft Pays A mple(e Mat or the
Rrrelnfs nd axpenaitnres or the
Sleriff Charlton gives us the fwllowing
list ef the rcoeipts and diabarsemeuts of
the SbcrilFc eUlcu for tho sis inonthe (lad
ing Pec. f.l, ttt :
Kees lu Cirouit Court, S3VJ 11.
Fee earned from iadividuala in Circuit
Oourl, Il0.3l.tf0.
Fees from Ceuaty -Ceurt, f Jt.00.
Feos from iudividusls in 'canty Coart,
$'JI! Ofl,
Fees aad cmolamosts as Tax Collector,
Fees aad emolument from Htato of Ore
gon, S70. 19.
Fees frsm eeuuty on miscellstieeus busi
asss, f MH.'J.'I.
1'ses from all other sotirocH, f 17 1
Tetal gross fees snd emrdumente during
half year, ffiO-M).
Kxpvnsee ef eonduetir.r office, iaolnding
salary of deputise, etc . $M8 0l).
Total act earnings for halt year, $ I 'JOS CO,
T. T. '. Knlerlalnmrat Ie Ur Brnvaled
The entertslnrurat glvn Tnoaday night
will bererestsd this (Friday; iiiKbt. the
Blue Itlljhon ( lul huvlng been past pos
ed ene week. The admission fee has
boon pat down to 26 route. Doors will
tie op. ii a) 7 ..Clock, and eaUirteinment
begloe at 7:30. Everybody should go.
Pellev ing Ie the
Young Fadiee Band
Prof. A. M. Maltoon
Magle Hpel I Orchestra
U. L. Col legate Boclety
..... I m l VtllUnir
Itoeiiioveu'S Walt f,,r ihroo Klataa
lr. Irvine, O. T. PeetOf and Dr. Price
Itesdleg Prof. E. N. Oondlt
Music Amnion r Orchestra
fWOlng Mre. ' B. Wolverton
Mnok Magic Mpeil Drchestra
Comlo debate
Mualo Amateur Or'-heatrn
Ittv-ltatloa, Nherlden'c It.. In YV. It. lilala
Mineidor'c Ride (In Dut. h character)
... If F. Foes
Ksraorsida Young Ladies Baud
Ths whole lobe eeeJosled with the
laughable sketch ontltlel " The Kostaur
aat Scene or Two Hires? Barnmere."
nix t i now dcitm
The lol towing e'.aieruont of Wm. J:
(Vjiiirlilin. of Hnrni-rvlllo. Mu. I r.
marknblo that we hsg to nek for It the at
tention of our renders. Jloaaya: "In the
falloflH7tlI waa taken with n violent
blooding of the lune, followed by ase
vore cough. I tsofin lognn to lose my flrab
and apcmo. I was so woak at one time
that I could not ovo my ol. In tho
nsmtanar of I1?? I wsa mlmltodutho "it v
H.MpiUl. Whllo there tho .!. t .r eai l I
hail a holo In inv left lung as big as half a
dollar. 1 expended over a hundred dollars
on doctors mnd medicine. I waa o far
gone at one time a report went around
that I was doed. I gave up hope, but a
friend told me o' DR. WM. H ALL'S BAL
SAM FOR Till: LL'NfiH. I laughed at
my frit'tida, thinking that my cans was in
curable, but I got a botllo to antlfy them.
a hen ta mv aurpriee ami gratiQcaUon, I
lgan to feel bettor. My hope, once dead,
began to revivo, and to day I feel In better
spirit tiMti I have the (mat three years.
"I write thU, hoping that you will pub
Hah it, eo that every one amV'ed with die
ec I hinge will lm Induced to take Dr.
Wm. IUH'hj li!am for the Lung, and be
convinced Hint CoNM'MITlDN CAN BE
i'URKD. I have takea two bHtlea an
can positively any thst II has done more
good thsit all lbs other medicines I have
taken aineo my sick none. My cough haa
almost entirely diaaprnared and I anal
- .mI" ablo to go to work." i-old by
druggists. 1
It ia a painful Might to see young ladles
in their ueni with wrinkled nud pretns
turely old fnces; nsrortheleas It is quite
'minion, and ! anv nn who olprve the
iiKua of ths t!m tho reason is verv atma
rent. win to the tlamlng ad vertUHuact! t h
and togu certiUuates, In which are used
tho name of eminent phyaiclana and
ohemUta, the unatiaioctinir. and cn-doloos
hac lw-u lndufd to umi moiiic or the so
-ailed liquid bee minora, all of which are
Knows to In Jr lniiiloU!, and
irnnd fur anv length of time will dentruv
ai a. s n i. a a a a . a
tiic ewinpiexiuti. mo iui u win ic next t
imiMiAMiLla to restore il. Mothera should
be very careful to see that their daughters
do not nso ili" preparatinni, but ask for
and obtain Maven's Ilaruilcas Yoaomite
Kai-e l'owder.the suly harmless tteauiirtcr
For asle by J". -! A Mm, losier'a
ltr;.-kr Main St., Albany, (Ir. 4
The partnership hsresoforo existing uaJer
tbe hrm name ef Allen, Kbtusa A C ., is
thia day, dieselved by muiutl eea stint.
F K R !iusen esnlioiinc the njiioess.
N It Allb.
K K IbnurcHOV,
J A Mabtix,
lib dtb. levi.
K:ai AHnoLi4io
I'hu lKMt Halve In the world for Cuts.
rtrulses, Sores, Ujccrs,8alt Kheuin, Tetter
Chapped Hands, Cbllbiaine, Corns and nil
kind of Skin Kruntions. Freckles and
Pimpton. The salvo is guaranteed to glv e
perfect KiliMtactinn In every caso or mon v
reluntled. Ha sure veu get Henry 'a Car
bolic Sake, u sb others srb but huitaliouu
and counterfeits. Price 25 cents
n u .Ri:r. vs oi t.Kv vti:d rutfiik
is the oldest and best remedy, for Dyspep
sia, Uilllousness, Malaria, Itidiirestion, all
disorders of the stomach, and all diseases
indientinir an impure condition of the
Blood, Kidnoys, Liver, Skin, etc.
Dissolution Notice.
KNOW all men by these presents that
we, William C. Doherty and James
(mm. hsve this day dissolved partnership
in business of all kiuds and nature and we
both release each other of all and anv
claim of whatsoever nature that may havo
existed between us and we hereby release
each other and acknowledge satisfaction
in lull of tbe same ae wltuesa our hands
the 2lst day of Jan., 18S2.
Jambs Quinn
William C. Doherty.
Impure blood is shown by skin disord
era, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, Ac, also
by Liver and Kidney Compia'nt, Const!
pation, Piles, Indigestion, .Billiousnesa.
Despondency, Lassitude, Genrral Weak
aces, and many other symptoms. Purify
willi King of tbe Blood. See advortiso
DAVIS. Near this eity, en Sabbath, Jan.
22, 1S82, to the wife of J K Davisa bob.
D ALTON 8TAATS. At ths residence of
tke bride's parents by ths Rev, J. A.
Hellenbsufh, Mr. William K. Baltom
aad Miss Mary I. Starts both ef Polk
county, Oregon.
1RYAN. At bis home, near Tangsat, en
Monday, Feb, 6th, 1881, John M. sen o
E. L. Bryan sad wife, in the I6th yea
of his age.
Hats and Caps,
lises, To hacco ana uigars,
Table and Pocket
In tt f'irruit Court of tltr. St-i
for thr tJouiUtf of Linn :
. J. Archibald Plaintiff, va. A. t.
Michael and Margaret E McMicha.i Ids
wife Iefendnnts.
To A. It. Sif itichul an t M'trtnrri . Mr-
Miefuul thr aw namrl dJ iiiLinU.
OKKUON, you and ench of you are
ttoroby sum mored and n-'jinr- l to be
and appear In sue above name Court ar,d
answer the com plaint of the plsii.t.-'l in
the sbovc entitled aiiUou Uiu sgainal you
with tho Clerk of said Court by the first
y of the next rt-rular b-rm of - ..u
Court, alter tbe publication ot this sum-
toons for mix weeks aucceeslrcly, to wit :
The regular Mar h Term of said Court
to be begun and held on tbe acoond Mon-
Fiv in March, tn Finn County Ore
goii, or judgment for waut cf an answer
will i- taken again you ; anu you are
hereby notified that if yon net to OwMOO
snd answer the complaint oft be plaintiff
herein as BBQVO reiuirel tho plainutT will
apply to the Court for tbe relief demand
mI lathe complaint in thia so It to- wit :
That tbe Court order snd riocrso that tbs
mortgage In the '-oraplaiu; described
executed by A. I. M?.Mi haei nud Msr-
gsret E. Mf Michael hi wife on tbo rl
lowing docriled premises to-ait : Tlio
west half ornoeiion luuriyii in lownanip
fourteen South of Range f ur West of the
Willnmetto Morid:nu tn Linn Cuuntv
Oregon, couta.nlng a'iO ncrcs.lo secure the
(ayuvnt of toe eeretsi notes sua tue in
terest thereon a lu the said complaint
herein mentioned aud st forth be
forocloaod and that said mortgaged prorc-1m-s
be sold to Nstiafv sud psy tbe
smounts d e on the debji secured therby
sud tbe coat Of thts au;t, U-wit
the autu of flTlV 00 with interest
ih.r. hi at Hmj rte of one ner cent tier
month ns follows to-wit : interest on fi.'-O
thereof from Decern bar 11, 1iU, interest
on fil&O.UO thereof from June let, 1880;
interest on f 150.00 thereof from Lecembcr
jet, lKHO.intareat on f tlWO.UO thereof from
December loth, I87tf, and the further um
nt aso- 0.00 with iuiereat thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from Ie
remher let. 10. and tbe further wm of
SolT.O'J coets as attornevs fees and tha:
the defendants bereiu and every person
rlaiailinr Ijt through ot under them or
either ol tiivtu be fore loed an 1 barred
from claiming any. right title or interest
in, or lien upon said prrmiaea or any part
thereof, and that tbe plsiut tf have and re-
eorer judgment aga.nni tlie Mtid ueTHiidar-.t
A. I McMichsol for the Mum of li.Itl B0
and interest tber-jon ss hereinbefore set
forth, including $ i7.50 co-dasn attorneys
fees and for the eo-t and duburseuasuts
ot this auii to be taxed.
Thia Summons ie published by order
of lion. K. 1. Bohse, Judge of said Court
In tho STSTK KlUllTS IlKMOCRAT for six
Kticceasive weeks, which order bears date
January 17,
Vi.:S A CdAV.lHRI.A1V.
AUVs for PiflT.
Ih the Couufv Court of Utm Luntj, .V.i t
of Urrion.
In the matter ef the Estate of Thomas S.
Summers, deceased.
To Jane Coyle, William Summers, A Li
ner Summers, I anuria raxrish, i ta t'ri-
vett, heirs at Isw of Thomas H. Summers,
deceased and to all othets known and
unknown, interested In aatd estate.
In tic amt ef Uu Stmt oj Vrtjott :
You and each of you .aro hereby cited
and required to be and appear in the
County Court of Lunn county, Oregon, a
tbe Court liouso in tne city ni Aiosny,
in said -Coiim v. on Mondsy, the Gtb day
of March, 162, at the hour of one
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the
same being the first day of the
regular March term 1K2 thereof:, snd
then and there show cause, if any eaist,
why an order should not be made direct
ing and licensing the administrator of
said estate to sou an mengui, iuih ami in
terest of said Thomas snimmers, deceased,
at the time of his death, both in law and
equity, in and to tho real property here
inafter described, as prayed for in tbe
petition of L. Bilyeu, administrator of the
estate of said deceased, which petition bj
now on file In the County Court of Linn
county, Oregon, which said real property
is deseribed ss follows, to-wit: Begin
ning tf.SS chains south and 16.48 chains
est of the S. W. corner of Secton 30, Td
12 8. R. 1 Woit Willamette meridian, ana
running thence West 23.85 chains ; tbenee
south S97 chains; thence East 23.70
chains: thencs North 36.97 chains te the
place of beginning, containing &8 acres
more or less. Also the following describ
ed lands in said 1. inn Co, to wit: Begin
ning at the South East corn ;r of the dona
tion land claim of Thoe. S. Summers and
wife, Not. No. 2301, in Linn county, Ore
gon, and running thence West 22 25
chains; theuoe North 10.36 chains : thence
East 22,25 chains; thence South 16.36 chains
to tbe place of beginuing, containing 36
bytah more or less.
Alao tho following described boot of
land, to wit : Beginning at a point 45.35
chains south and 19 50 chains west of the
north east coiner of section 36 in Tp 12 S ot
K 2 west of Willamette Meridian in Linn
Ooupty, Oregon, and running thence v est
37.75 chains: thence south 16 34 chains;
thence east 37.75 chains ;tht roe north 16.36
chains to tbe place of beginning, contain
ing 61 acres more or less.
liv oruor ot me court :
"Wnnovs my hand and tke seal f said
Court affixed this 11th day or Jan. laiC
N. BtUM, Clerk,
per J. il. HiCKLSSiKt
L.S Deputy
Notice of Pinal Account.
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned,
exeeutor of the last will and testament
of Jamee A. Porter, deceased, has filed
hia account for final settlement In tbe
County Court for Linn Connty, State ef
Oregon, snd the Court has set the 7th day
ot March, 1882, at the hour of one o'clock,
p. m., for the hearing of objections, if any,
to said account, and the final settlement
of said estate.
I Executor.
Weatherford A Blackburn,
ttys for Ex.
Trunks and Va
'orner Second and Ferry Su. Albany ,Or
;.ir. ! t., manufuro carianaB
ws ;nii s? abort notice and of the very
He maxe the premium carriages aid
b igios of tbe State.
lone at abertent notise and ha the
Ill work and
material is
I jo first -class.
Bevy WATcaEs abb a tan.
It will be apparent to aay ana
will examine a solid cold wateh.
aside from the necessary thle sues for
ngravlng aad polishtag, a large pre-
portioi of the precious metal ased ia
needed only to stiffea and hold the an-
grave 1 portions in place, and supply
the neeeesary solidity and streasTth.
The sKrples gold is tctnally aeeeUees
ofar as utility ana beauty aro eea-
erued. In James Boas' Patent Geld
Watch Cases, this waete of preeieus
melal is overcome, and tke earns solid
ity and strength produced at from ene
third te one-half af the usual coat ef
did cases. This pi eceae ia af the meat
simple nature, as follows : a plate oi
nicKle composition metal espexdally
adapted te tbe purpaae, has two plates
of solid gold sexdered eaa on each side.
The three arc then psssed aot wean
polished steel rollers, and the reealt ie
strip of heavy plated com pool lieu.
from which tbe cases, backs, eea tree.
bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by sui-
table die- snd formers. Tbe gold ia
these casea is su&loiently thick to ad
mit of ail kinds of chasing, eagraviag
an I euamellicg ; tbe engraed trust
have hern carried until worn perfeetly
uioth by time and ase wlthonl re-
mnvdug the geld. This is tba ealy cans
made with two plates of solid gold and
warranted by special certificate.
ror sale by all Jewelers. Ask for
Illustrated Catalogue, and to aoe war-
aUsrm&aurn a auric a saiabv
a o
T4ie beet salvo ia the world for eats, brant
ee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tever sores, tat
ter, cbspped hand, chilblains, corns and all
kinds of akin eruptions. This save is guar
anteed to give perfect stis faction in every
case or money refunded. Price 35c per box.
F r sals by Foehay and Mason, wholesale
agts ; i Moore, Scio ; D Foley, Lebanon ;
Mr Powell, Lebanon ; Red path and Mon
tague, J-tf-Tson ; D M Calbreaih, Boons
Vista ; O Cornelius, Turner ; R A Raanpy,
Harrisburg ; Starr and Blakely, Browne
In thr ( 'irotU Court of (As UtoU of Oreeow
for Lin Count tf :
S.H. Althouae, J. F. Backansto and W.
M. Ketchum, copartners in boelnaea,
under the firm name and style af Aia
houee, Backensto and Ketehnsn, Plfla,
va John at. Meszter, uert.
To John Jf. XrmHer Uu adorn wnsaed defend
OHEUON, you are h-ieby required to
sppear and answer the complaint ex
the above named PlainthTs, ia the above
Court, now on file in tha oaVw of tho
Clerk of Linn county ,on the 1st day ef tho
next regular term or aaii Court tar L4nn
county, Oregon, to-wit : tbe 2nd. Mesaday,
vbe 13th day or March, 1682.
And you are hereby notified taat if yoa
flail to appear and answer said complaint
as herein required the plaintiffs will take
j udgment against veu for 51 and 66-100 dol
lars. In cola, with in'areet at tbo
rate or one per cent per aoe nth man
June 20th, 1879, and for costs and
bursemsnts of thia aotlen to be taxed.
This Summons is published by
of Hero. K. F BotSe, Jadge of said Court
which order is dated Jaaaary 94th, 1
L. H. Moist ajsT a,
26w6 Atty for Plfla.
FOR D1SPEPSIA and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every bottle
of Shdoh'a Vital iaer. It never fails to ears.
NASAL INJECTORJfree ef charge with
each bottle of SH'.oh s Catarrh R sens' ay.
Price, 50 ceuts.
ARB YOU MADE miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dimness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shilehs Vi'sliatr
is a positive Care.
HACKMETACK," a lasting aad fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For
sale by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; . A.
Rampy, Harrisbnrg.
Bonrboo, Lid., rays s "Both myself and
wife owe ear Uvea to SHILOH'S CON
SUMPTION CTJRF." For sale by Foshay
Si Mason, Albany ; R. A. Itasapy, Harris
poaitive cure for Oattarb, Diphtheria aad
Canker Mouth.
SHILOH'S CUBE WILL immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bron
chitis. WHY WILL YOU cough when Sadoh's
Cure will give immed at: reliuf. Price, lCc
0 cts. and $1.
DR. MOTT'S Liver FUbsare the beat
thartic regulatora.