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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1882)
FRIDAY..,.. FEBRUARY 1863 A few days ago cowslips were found growing in a meadow In Albany, Thero are ve difleront kinds of wood growing on one farm in Giov er, Vt. It eost thirly-one New York milk men $1090 in fines for watering their milk a abort time ago. Oats grown on clay land make the beat meal, keep the longest and criog the highest price. Australia has a larger acreage of wheat than Great Britlan, while our acreage la twelve times aa large. Mosi of the fine imported Italian olive oil uaed for making salads is squeezed out of cotton seeds in our Southern State. Some dairymen estimate tbat,but termiik is worth to A more. and oth ers 2 times as much, as skim milk. Now is the time to build and paint your farm gates so that they will be rradr for immediate ate when the proper season arrives. A tahlespeonful of carbolic acid in two gallons of water Is said to prove aa destructive totho i currant worm and rose bag as kellcbore. Nutmeg trees boar for scventyo ei gbty years, having ripe fruit upon them at all seasons. A fine tree in Jamaica has ever 4fe0 nutmegs on It every year. One dollar's worth of food when the cew is dry is worth $1.50 after she comes in- An animal in poor condition eaa net digeat as muchfeod as one in good condition. W hen a farmer neglects or refuse oe-ope rating with his brother farm ers ho strikes a blow at the advance ment of his class and becomes his own worst enemy. Prof. Riley says that the heat and drought of the past Summer have killed off the Hessian fly, and that immunity from its attacks may be expected for some years to come. . Do nut forget to blanket your horses when standing in the street this culd weather. Horses recently dipped andjblanketed in the .stable hould(not be allowed to stand in the street uncovered. A black walnut grove, that was planted by a Wisconsin farmer about twenty years ago on some waste land recently sold for $7,000. The tress are now from sixteen to twenty inches through. Carbonate ofammeniais nearly as volatile as liquid ammonia. t Sulphate of ammonia is not volatile, but easi ly soluble. Muriate of ammonia, sal ammoniac of commerce, is less solu ble than the sulphate. The garden should be msnured and plowed in Winter so as to give time far the fresh manure to be changed into plant feed and to kill the eggs of insects. It is a prime necessity to a good crop of garden rege tables. The erop report for Michigan pub lished by the secretary of the state, complied from reports made during the present month, Indicates jtbat wheat has been sown 03 1,934,529 acres. The condition is better than It was last year at this time. Frank P. Abbott of Stetson, Me., a short time ago killed two pigs 7 months eld that weighed 340 and 35-H pounds. Me killed another st the same time 13 months old that weighed 4921 peunds. The latter was kept last Winter and Surameron raw potatoes and apples. w neat eon tains about 69 per cent, or neat-preaacing, and 11 per cent or flesh forming, elements. Indian corn, about 70 per cent of heat pro ducing starch and oil, and 9 per cent. - a m - . w - vi iormers. Deans ana peas, about 52 per esnt of heat -producing on ana starcn, and 25 per sent, of flesh formers. To those contemplating the drain age of land, it is a good time to haul the tiles and place them beside the ditcfeei already dug, er where the? are to do uug, muring tho Winter. At events they should be ordered early and hauled to tie farm, so that there will be no delay when Spring arrivef. Selling milk at less than two cents per qnart and buying grain at from ?50 to $40 pr ton is not a very good outlook for farmers Jiving where taxes are high and the land mortgag ed. It requires pretty good cows to make milk enough, at two cents per quart, to pay fer the grain thev con bume, if they are fed liberally threugh tne whole year. This much should be settled with an farmers, that they raise all they can with the least possible expense. which they never can do by slighting tneir work. Fields should never be rnlf-cultivated to save tho expense of acing it well ; and a "mall quantity premises better paying results. The various trades and occupations depend in a greater or less degree upen tio farmer for success in their different callings, and where will yoa find tho professional man, the mer chant, artisan or mechanic who can say he does not measure bis success or failure, in a greater or a less de gree, by the prosperity or adversity of tho farming commnnity ? $1509 per year can be easily made at home working for E. G. Hideout & Co., 10 Batcluy St., New Yosk:. Send for their catalogue and full pftrt ;u?ars Chart Dlrerlttry. Y. P. C. A Moots at thoir room in Pas- tor liriok building on Wednesday evening at 7:90 o'clock, ami on Sabbath afternoons at 4. Business meetings are held on the even ing of the second Monday in each month. Everybody tnvitctl to attend. U. P. Chvsch. Preach ingovrry Sni.Uth, at il A. St, and 7 r. u. by llev. tt. Ir vine, t. 1. 8aMth School at 8:30 P. M. Prayer meeting ovory Thursday evening, K v anuki.kwi. 1'nrin'ii. lVoachingon Sal bath at 11 A. M. , and 74 r. M, SabUth School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. L Kantner, pastor. Cojfti a ) ATtos al Cm v boh. Scrvicsssvorv Sabbath at 1 1 v. v. and 8 r. M. SabUth v.;,.,., 1 at :tO Praver meottng on Thursday evening of oach wook. J. W. Harrisf pastar. M. K. rnrnai, kiotTti. - .Vrvicrf evory hUl a.t at. Paula M. E. Church. Sou tit. at 11 a. ii. and 74 r. M. Sahbsah School mt 121 p. is. Pravor minting every Thurs day evenng. M. C. Mdler, iator. M. E. Chvimw. Preaching every Sabbath 'sit 11 a at ni,l 7 r. m. Sous service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. J. Prayer moeting every Thurs- lay evening. I. lhllon, pastor. Prwuvteki vn C in iu-u. Sorru o every Sabbath moruini; and evening in I tilbice Chapel Sunday School immediately rfter tlie nwirumg service. lracr meeting eery nSSSSflaf eveumg. Iter. Isaac it. totiau pastor. KssaosrAi. Qwest Bestiaaa every Ban day, morning at 11 a. m., avemes at . p m. rioly communion crsry Sunday morn ing at Ml a. m. Wednesdsy 7JI p. m Ivobt. U tttevons, paator. Summons. a the Circuit Court of the Matt s Orrjott for Linn Coiwtay ; Otto Fox and I gnat z Fox, Ptalntlfla, vs. Los Fox, Samuel Fox.Kd ward Fox, Issdore Pox, Ida Illrschbaum and Kr naat lllntehbaum, er husband, Julius Fox, Kla r Friend! v and C. II. Frtendlv, her husband, Fnnv !$usb3um and A- dolpbusNnlaum,herhuH band, Iiena FMHOBSI ani Simon Fleischer, her hus band, Kusa Sternheiiu and SamuelSieraheiui.berhus band, and the four minor children of Amelia Weil, the aiater of the plain titt herein, whose given name are unknown to ine plalnUtft, but whose sur name Is Weil, Defend ants. TO Leo Fox. Samuel Fox, Kdwsrd Fox. Isadore Fox, Ida Htmehbauml ami KrneM Miracbhamn, uer nusoanu, Juuu rox, Klara Friendly and O. II. Frieodly. her husband. Fan nr Nusbaum and Adolphuii Nusbaum, her husband, Iena Fleucher and Simon Ploiscber her husband, Kosa Sernh-itii and Samuel Stornbeim, her husband, and the four tumor children of Amelia Weil, tho aister of the plaintiffs herein, whoao given names aro unknown to these plaintiffs, but whoc surusmo Is Weil, the aboro named derenOaula : N THK N AMK OF TH r. STATK OF Or . lion, vuu and each of you are here by summoned and firtiutred to be sud appear in the above named Court and an swer the cvtnplaint of the plaintiflj in the shove entitled sail on file against you with the C lerk of said ( otirt by the Urat day of tbe next regular term of said Court after the publication of this aommona for six weeks, to-wit : tlie regular March term of said Court to be bsgun and holden on the second Monday in Man-It 1U in Inn oounty, Oregon, or judgmsut for wan', of an answer will be taken against sou, und vriii irn hefnhv notified tha. if rnn fail t appear and answer the complaint of the plamtiii hsrem as above reqn.rea tne plalnutEs will apply to the Court for tho relief demande 1 in the complaint in this suU towU : That the court order and decree that ti.o following described prem ises, to wit ; Commsncing at a point en the North boundary lino of First Street in tbe city of Albany in Lfnn county Ore son seveutscn fee: east of tbe brutb West corner of Lot No 5, in Block No. 4, in tbe city o! Albany in Linn county Oreir'-n and running thence Wot along the North loundary line or said First street twenty five feet more or less to the center of th brick wall the same being a partition waff between the property of J. U. Foster on tbe West ana tbe property of the plain tiffs and defendants on tbe Fast : t hence Northerly along tbe center of sai l parti tion wall and parallel with the Kasi fne of Lot No. 0, in aaid Blocx No. 4. one hun dred feet to the alley ; then-. Ilit along the South boundary line of said alley twenty-five feet more or loss to a point seventeen feet East of tbe East line of said Lot No. 6, in block No. 4, aforesaid; thence Southerly and parallel with the east line of Lot No. 5, in aad block No. 4, one hundred feet to the place of begin ning togcthei with the right to maintaia and use tbe iron column now standing on the South end of the partition wall en the East side of naid premises above described be parti toned among the respective own ers thereof according to their respectiro interests therein quantity and quality re! stirely considered if the same can be done without prejudice to such ownors. otherwise that the Court order and decree that said real nronertv be sold and the proceeds applied first to tbe payment of the costs and disbursement or this suit; including reasonable attorney's fees, and that the balance of aush proceeds bo divided among the owners of said real property according to thoir respective in terests therein: This Summons is published by order of Hon: it. v. noise, Judge of said Court in the Statk Rights Democrat, for six successive weeks, which order bears date December 23tb. 181. ..ys 6l Cuambkri.aIx, Atty's for In s. Summons. In tlu Circuit Court of the Counitj of Linn m the State oj Oregon: James M. Coon Plsntiff, vs Thomas Cfaristain and Ida B. Christain his wife, and R. 8. Straban and L. Bilyou partners doing busmen under tbe firm name of Mtraban & Bilyeu, Defendants. lo Thorn ChrUtain an I Ida D. Christian of the above named L fendant. In the name of the State of Oreaon vou and each of you are hereby required to appear ana answer tne complaint ot tbe above named plantiff in the above entit led Court, now en file with (Jsot elork of said Court, on or before the first da v of the next regular term of said Circuit Court, in and: for Linn count. . Oregon t -wit : Monday. March Kith, 1802. aud von are hereby notified that if you fad to an swer saia complaint tne piainutr wir. ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded In his said complaint, to-wit : That ElaintifT have and recover of and from efendant, Thomas Christian, the sum of 14398.24 and the further kuui oi 8250 00 attorneys fees and costs ana disbursments of this suit That the Court decree that tha mortgage (executed by said defendants rhomas ad Ida B.Chrislian to secure tho same be rsrormed so as to include the following premises, to-wit : Beginning ut the northwest corner of James M. Coon's donation land claim : thence running south 37 50-IC-O chains : then east 42 8-100 chains : thene north 40 30- 100 chains: thence west 79 100 chains thence: south 2 80 100 chains : thence west 34 19-100 chaius to the place of be ginning in Linn county, Oregon, that said mortagage be ioreclosdd and said premises be sold to satisfy said claim of Plaintiff and that drfts and each of them be for ever barred and foreclosed of all their right title andeqnity of redemption in said premises and for such other decree as mayeeem meet inequity. Published by order of Hon, R. P. Boise Judge, made at chambers Dec. 6th, 1881. HUMPlIBEY A WOLVERTOW. Atty's for PJfl. Impure blood is shown by skin disord ers, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, dx., also by Liver and Kidney Comp'a'nt, Consti. pation, Piles, Indigestion, kBilliouaness, Despondency, Lassitude, General Weak ness, and many other symptoms. Purify wrth King of tho Blood. Sao acvertise- m eut. 3 FARMS FOR SALE BY GLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The folio ing lo a partial list : !70aorM aawand a half miles west of Tangent, Oregon,and 0 mtlsafroin Albany. S3 awea in cultivation ; so acra niwro 'u I nut In cultivation easily; balanco g..i Umber and pasture laud. Noll, rich bluck Kane. UooU nouso ami nam, wki iwr rat. mil In irood renoir ; vouBg orchaid of 100 tree; good woil aud running stream for atnok ; good school,. ehuroh and post olllco ; good neighborhood ami good soci ety. Terms fao por acre : fa.UOO down, rust on easy terms. 2H0 acres oa Nanow Gauge road, 11 milos frem Albany and 5 mliae IrOOB Moio, ami 7X miles from Jofforamu 1IA aertw gonl farmlua land, 7S acres in euuivauon; ro maiuder In timer and brush; houao I8x-S, with 16 font walla, ell WxW ; goodbm n 22:i4 with 14 foot aluMl on ouo side; good foin-eo ami water. TfcrflN ;i.'i00.oash down if toaaibto. Hat her than not sell will take f jismj down, aud balantMi m 2 to a years time, soon rvd by men gage 190 acres K of a mile west of Albany; 100 acrea in cultivation and Of aero oak and ash timber jrood wood land; all under ajSMMh board and rail, some goml ami hd : abotit 7 aorea In orchard, aimhw, itiontlv iNStrs: crorsl soil; 20 bushels what isjracraon averagot geodtwo story framn (i(itiM. nlastcred. S rooms, built in 1H73, mid aaol 12000: insxl barn. 2Mx 10 and tw o sheds; well arranged for farm purpoooa Tonus, SSOOO, 2 years tlmo on fisjOO. 150 Acrvm l '-' miles west ofTaiiKont; 100 ncrvn in cultivation: all new land, ultsui and In irtHKl older; irood two iavry hoii, H routiia. nearly mw and in gtHl ctiudl tlon; ihkkI new barn 8030; lino young orchard, 1H plum and prune trte, fair apple orubanl; feucea to good order; plan tv rtuining water, 20 acres of good Uuiber; rich, black soli and vary produotlve. Price 62:0I S cash ami balance on time. 100 acres one and a halt miles northeast ofAlbauyt 15 acres In wheat, res in fair averagot woodland; good land; neai!y fenced. Trice $tS acres terais eaay. 500 aorea 1 mile southeast of f4uda Sorinira : fair farming ; small hous-; 300 acres fenced. Will ho sold In small tracts or atl together good school, ohun h and Kjet-of&ou at Sodavilla, also the Hixla Springs. Price 6 per acre; easy terms. 103 aorea lying S miles above tahanou on the Iabanou Mountain road. No Mi isw or improvement. 15 or to acres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Prk 18 per acre. SO acnM IS mllea atiove ntta, on Ya quina Bay. known aa tbe old shipyard. It has a spieadid frontage on the Bay, and wl'l be sold at fit pera r.. 107 a?rea lying blow and within 1? mllea of Lebanon, all under fence. S8 acres In rnltivatiin, and the remainder lain Umber and brush. Boa h, l story, 2 rooms telew and one above Barn, not very good, ciood wall ; recall orchard. Cross fencea to the smount of . rails. Sufllclent cord wood can be cut and floated b Albany from lhl plan) by only a few laborers to pay for it in tero years, only mile from canal. YumH ion given by the 15th of c)etoler. Tho land Is rich and will turn out wheat 10 and 50 bushels to the Beta. Ill aorea, lying 0 mllns due eaM of liar risburg A good ana storied box hou-M-, 2 rooms. Barn, 20122. '1 he Und has heretofore been used as a (stature, but can all e put into cultivation. No grubbing required. V miles frem school. Termn 10 por acre. cash down, balance al most any longth of Umo iwourod by inort 8KO. 300 acres, lyiug within a mile of Mon roe. In Benton oounty. Al. undur fence and divided Into fivo fields. All good farm laud and half in grain. Hood bouse and barn, opUindid water and a fine orch ard. It Is one of the best farms in that section of the valley. Price 2J per acre $1000 or $1500 down and balance on timo 292 acres lying 6 miles north -east of 3arrtburg and 1 mile east of Muddy Station all under feneet ISO aore iu culti vation, balance In pasture, but most of it can be put In cultivation. ' ' stoiy house, larn, good water, etc., 1 mile to schocl. Price itoua, 123 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent. 75 acres In cultivation and all under fence, 25 seres more can be nut into cultivation by out lay off 100. Iloaee, barn, splendid water. A duo yoaag orchard. Price, $30 per acre. 433 aorea In Center Precinct 3 miles from station on Narrow Osage. 100 acres In cultivation. Good VA story house, wood bouse, bam, and splendid water and fine orchard. All under fence. Price 1 16 por acre. 240 acres lying about 29 miles south east of Albany. All under fence, small orchard, no bulldinirs. 5S acres hss been cultivated, but It Is all now used aa pas ture. Price $10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station iu Centor Precinct, all under fence. 100 acrea In cultivation. I-up story frame bouse, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, $20 jor aero. 125 acres, lying 4 miles nor h of Albsny. 100 ander fsn-o asd In cultivation. Fair house, good barn and good wat r. I and raises froaa 25 to 30 bushels of wheat pr acre. Price, $3,500. tVlli take $1500 down, and balance en time. QQ acrea of land In Marion oounty. OU(3 1 miles from Buena Vista ana seven miles from Jefferson. 80 acres in cultivation and balanes ia light brush and timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 milos. Enough wood can be sold at tbe pottery works at Bnona Viotu to pay fbr (he farm. Call on C. nj&rvwAKT, at Albany. Final Settlement. TtTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned, Administratrix of the estate of Asa Taleott, deceased, has filed her final aeeonnt for final settlement In the matter of said estate, In the County Court for Linn county, State of Oregon, and Tuesday the 7th dsy of February A. D. 1882 at the hour of 10 o'clock, in tbe forenoon of said day lias been fixed by said Court fer the hearintr of objections to said account and for the retllement of said estate. M a iu a G. Talcott, Administratrix. Strahan A Bilyeu, Atty's. Final Settlement. In ffie Oounty Court of Linn Oounty, State of Oregon : Iu the matter of the estate of Daniol Brio- gle, deceased. NOTIC1 IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT on the 3rd day of January, 1882, tbe undersigned, administrator of the above entitled estate, filed in said Court his final account in ssid estato and the Cour appointed February 8th. 1882. at the hour of nine o'clock, a. M.,of said day, to hear objections to said account, and to settle the same and for the final settlement of tbo same. R H. Wbioht, Administrator of said estate. Powell & Bilyeu Atty's for 2 Administrator. FOR S ALE. One Racine sing'e buggy in use three wedks. Original cost,? ItiO. will sell Hfor $130 cash, or $145 on time. Two seated Racine back, for either ono or two horses bought new last May. Cost $170. Will sell it for $145 cash or $153 on time. Two sets of Bimrle harness, boaeht last May and July. Cost S19.50 and 120. Will seU them for $16 and $16 cash. Enquire of C. H. STEWART. GREAT INDUCEMENT! And still the rush OOBMMMMI at tho ONE PRICE SQUARE ERS' AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. J iiftt received by t Miier, hii iiumonte Htock Gent's Furnlshins Goods AT LOW PRICES. GO Dozen Metro White Hhlrtas actually worth $2.00 for ftl.OO. Moiih NcotchltaulaMii HtiltH, worth S14.00 for 88.50. Mcii'm Fino Dreui Balls, worth Stfrt.OO, for $17.50. Look al ourHhiikrr Korku, 5 for 8I.OO. Look at our Overalls, C0 cent a pair. GOOD. Look at our ISrocntletl Dress Goods, worth 25c. for HSc. a yartl. Look at onr Casbmerps, for r0c a yard. Look nt our Ladies Colored Hose, Hi rents a pair Look it ttrCklldrei! Homo, 10 cents a pair. hook at oar rmh for (iolden 8oan0 bar T conUboi. LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins, Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. SEND ON APPLICATIONS FOR 8AMPLE8. Don't fail to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WACHCWElMERa Prop'r. HARRISBURG, OREGON, OCT. 25, 188! . AT THK Ol.I MTAN, 71 KfKST HTHKrTT, FIAH ON UAND Afl FINE AN AMtiKTMKNT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. Aa any liouae In tbe "alley, lie a ao Import and naavaaf tact area TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE Of KVEHY DKM'KirnoN IN KTfK'K OR TO ORDRR. ALSO, HE KEEPS OB HAND, A FULL AifORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AI.I, OF WHICH HI OFTOS TO THE IOIBUC AT PK1CEM, THAT DEFT OOM FSITTIOV. OA LL AT 72 FIItHT 8TREET, ALBANY, ORBOON. Repair work dono at reasonable figures. vl8n26 lar '.gig CHICAGO MIUy WESTERH KWl'IPl'Kli! mini kw tiw LEADING RAILWAY WEST m SORTIIWEST, 1 1 m um BfioRT, aval ai aArS Itomo brtoaoi COUNCIL BLUFFS AN! Chicago, Milwaukee And annotate EAST, luof i m Nlacara tattft, Torlt, rblladrlpbla, Boiiton, Wahlntfln, Blllmnrr. Plrt bava, Montreal. Toronto, Drtrott, At Oimdl liluffa tbe tralon nt thm Clilcajro wvl North W(um wl th U. V. V.y' (koart from, r rlro at and use the mmc Joint yajOaMaoi At Chioaffo clone mnoccttona tro ma da with Um Lake Hhnn, Michigan Contra), llaltlmoro an (Miio, Ft. Wayno and PeBiinj1ana, and Chicago and MM Trunk itailruad, and tho Kankakee and l'on Ilundlo Itoutoa. Pclman Palace Drawing Room Cars Are ran on all through UaiM of UiIh read. 1 1 in tho ONLY KOAD botween corscfL BLirfta Asn t nu io, Upon which U run Uio celohrausd PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Inaiat upon Ticket Airenta celling you Ticket ria tbii road. Examine your Tlckete, and retuae to buy if they do not read over the Chicago and North Woatern Railway. If you wiah the bot trareling aoeommodaMVm you will buvyotir tickeU by this rmiUitfsrANT) WILL TAKE HOVb OTRXa. All ticket agents sell tiokots by this line. MARVIN IILUinTT, Htil V. P. and Con I Nang'r, CUIcaao- EASTWARD. W Final Settlement. NOTICE! hereby given that the un designed, executor of the last wilt and testament of J. B. Huston, deceased, has filed iu the County Court of Linn (Jo. .Ore gon, his final account as such executor, and by order of said court, Saturday the 11th day of February, 1892, at the hour of nine o'clock, a. in. of said day, is set for hearing objections to said accoant and the settlement thereof. Any person interest ed in said estate ii heroby notified to ap pear and file his or her objections to said rocountonor before said day. WALTER HUSTON, 24w4 Executor. NEW FISH MARKET. On oomor opposite Senders & Sternberg. Will koap constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt fish and oysters that the markot affords. M. Htdk. DEALING FARM HEW YORK SHOPPING ! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections snedo by Mrs. La mar, who has nsver failed to please her customers. New Kail Circular J net Issued. Houd for it. Address UM. ELLEN LAMAR, U:7tf 877 Broadway, New Tor. NEW BARBER 3H0P ! J. II. SURLE8, Prop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO eoes J with each shave. Prices for skating aud bsir cutting same aa usoah Rooms opposite licit wain's store. MM s TARTLINO DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Ttouin or roattinu InprodSDe canutim rroro. iujt Decay, nt-mmt pstoQny, Umi stsakood, ess, htnait trird in Tain etrry known rsmeAr. hss ds cvroml a slmpU- our, wMcb as vfll smd FKKH J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. OOOT8 AND snoBS made to order, JLt and repairing done wMi nsstuessand dkpasoh, and at Tow prices. Qsll and see film. l-Trst Street, Albany. 4iy ,.F,rlnV,m;1Ion' Asthma, Bronettitls. catarrh, Dvielir, Headache, Dehll tiy, nLaH!xln, Ktieumailam, and all hronle 'nl Xitvomh Hlsordrrs. Park RSs auiv., be conveniently wmt by ox lr '(', roK y for 1 mmodlnte nso at home. Send for i wo trentlne on the Oxyses I rent nun t. AddreMM the nroprletonT tlO. lUKJlrardaireet, ilillaPa or II. K. M A i III S, Pacific Depository, UOU Mon tuo Die ry (it, Kan l'rnsilsf . CSll 82 W 111 bt malUd ran to ml'. .nnlleuiU. mrA ' ' .--. C33 mm mJJA 18 crdertB( it. It eoatatai fiv colored platM, 00 sagraTlBft, about SAO pm, and full dwerltXloni, prim tad dtraeStat fer ilullofciyKTut.iUMrVjs&atoaaa ftoiMr li4i, PUaty Fruit Tn, fie. IuralaabU to ali. JTbUsea pm wui b oind mors rtlUbU or plutlag to tbs Twimi thta tkrton fartutt South. Ws S tuucUlly of sumjutog Mvk Ourdntn. Addrns. 0. a. RBBT 00., Detroit, Woo. WHOOP FOR MONTACUE LEADS IN LEBANON I IS the TIME TO tireat Reduftfons ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARCEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming. i:v i:ryuody hijvh or ASD BVEEYBODT GOES WjTST I10FFMA! k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candieis Nuts end Tropical Fruits. A.ll:m.v, - - Oregon. 0XE DOOR BEI.OW JOHN DRIGMS' .STORE. 39yl When you need anything in Genl Fucs- ishinff Goods come and see us. Don't bur anything in White underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Braces, Suspenders, Over shirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and gez our prices. Largest stock in the city. w 4 rt.. i4J W Hn 1iiiUt toner ,. t if ptmmttf Il mrams lie i i ( le min b rt- u latn Itnili. Jul ,.'. I i W Hii I,, hiti t r" ' A SSSS i4.u OY KING S NEW GYSTtM. AMD FITTED WITH COMBINATION BPECTACUU3. THEY WILL COWaECT fO PRESERVE THE SIGHT. PEDLERjTcAN NOT OET THESE OOOD4 rot SALE OXVY ST McOOY & BLLERT, DRUGGISTS GHSIVtlSTS, )DEALERS ( DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, IfTO. Cemplsata stook of Paints. 01 s, Glass, also a fall Hoe of Stationery. the celebrated machine oil Skidgate. Frtinau's Black, Albany, Oregon. Pliyaielaas Prescriptisns aspeciall f, and none but tho purest and freshest drugs is ceaipeunding them, at Reasonable prices. MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I oan obtain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. GLAIB The Corvalliu Fruit Co. Witt nurohaao Fin miner dried fruit at full market prises ; Win vend a onmpetent person to advise fruit growers as t cultivation of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit tress of approved sorts at moderate prices ; Will sell PI u miner Driers through Una, Benton and Laos oo unites. Letters to be sent to CorrslIisrruK Com pany, Oorvallis, Benton County, Oregon, WAJAIS KaBH, President, J a mps Kbaax. 8eoy. January 1, WW 34w6 CHRIST MASM OOUNTY. the way for the Shirts, Colored Shirts, . 1 r an W .ick. at be lir rmt mi. 1 in t 0 wmj. k M '.! Bale ..- : TO LOAN H. STEWART. RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0M A CO., PROPR'S. SW FROOBSS rLOUR SUPERIOR FOR I'AMZLCES ami bakers ram, BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Caen for Wheat ALBANY 51yl OR. o. a. raasraa. AIM AW (IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, "(Sacoomor,, to O. O. Caorrr.l Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron WK If AYR OU H NEW HHOPS JlAj oomploUKl, and aro now proparod to baridl ail kinds of hoary work. Wo will man utmrX nro 8toam law Mill Machinery, ao aJl klnaa of lrtja j i and Bnm Casings. flnOOilll MitAClf ion Hvn hr. rahalrlna mft klnda of machinery. Will aao man rata turo tbe improved Cherry White flrato aop ou ftalier nt. Offlre a fiutu Tard. Albany, Or., Doc. 1, 1880. MM ALBANY F0UNDRT -AND- SHOP. EfaTABLIftllED 1S65. By A. F. CHERRY, floated at oornmrXJ Vint aal Monte-ornery .Stxeeta. Albuoy, Oregon. Haviatc taken oarireof theabore namod Work, we are proiared to rnanufaotoro 8 team Engine, flaw and Oriet Mil la. WOiMl-workina Machinery, Ftunne, Iron and lira Catting of every description. Machinery of all Jiinds repaired. Spe cial attention given jto repairing farm nea- cbinery. Pallrra Nafclac drar la all rU fmu. l:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SOU. ALBAJTY 1IARKLE WORKS 1MIIIT, ORP.COI. STAI0EB BROS. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADS rONE Ex boo ted tn Rallan or V Also, ersry ran sty of ether mono work done with diffpateh. Special attention siren to all parts of this State and Washing Territory. afar All work YWG f AX WA'S LAUNDRY I Does Um bast washing sad Iraning hi Al bsny at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. I-eundrr on Washington street, opposite Man haM's Lirary fStabi laaaaf ALBANY COLLEGIATE LNSTITOTB Tha TbirdTerm will open an Wadnaa- day. rearnary 1st, ISS'i. Far particular coBcminj tba counaai oi Atuij --- Su jricB of tuition. ajy! t KLT. ELBCBT It. ( !(!T. rreaidraU W OPT)". ve H eaa look and Wash ac4 daac wmi iav mUt an J snaar. Il ma woo r n it u "jurat. reSraaa or trhnaan. Tan ia tpaaking orran ruine!, or bttert ma alM b mf r. MrmUv rnmmt ml Im Teaaaoof Kr Tcatai . K W. LANG DON A 00. Albany, Or. To the Unfortunate! DB GIBBON'S Dispansarj. 623 sUUJKTT co rear of eia.1 Strwat, aw Bstaa)Ubd ia issa. 5sitBaI YVralinrs. Mtht !m bv plas on tbe face and !oa H maahaoS eaa cured. The nek and afl!icta4 tnoaM I upon Mm. Tha Doctor has trarelad Europe, and inspeetad thoronf hly the i taia mare, ontaimng a irraat oaad aff ' uw, which ha i competent to iapan as I (4 his aerTicaa. DR. GIBBOX win n unlaaS be efeot a core. Prntoai at a i nn ccrfo at nnr. an strictly confidential. Ton sea bo on bsrt ah 8nd ten dollars for a packare of medlefa. writing to the Povtvr a ill plaaae si at tksnaasa f fa paper roar aeetba adertisenint in. aoualje. Gail or writ. Address DR. i. f. Box 10W, San Fraacias. ST CHARLES HOTEL, . ALBANY, ORBOOIV. MRS. f. flOCK, - Frapdatw. This Rons has bean fhorvnivtilv to bottom, and is now ia STlsmTliI the ntrUtnraent of traialwa. Th ia rappned with erai i aSji tha sb kai aSorda. Sample Semi fS comniareial man. rorvjtlila, LvUanan asd Dw flSoStf lias arsx Dr. SPINET, KO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats mil Chronic asd Special Bissau YOUNG MEN r no njtx hk srrrfmno rnsn w y eBcta of yeuthrsi folliaa or do well to araiTihemaet vs f this, err hud at ha altar ot rtiffrr-nc h SfTNIfEY wiU rusrsate to crfelt faK Seminal wvalmesa wr prtrau riisa s ml sat caracasw wnson na tauertasa) and mtg t Ther ara many at Svs ara of are tronbled wtth to fr sua tat dor, aftam Sfnyiipanlad by a sttgbt MSMtUMn, and a wiaSasiing of aa the patietst casuaot aeeount (or. Oa nrtrtary deponn a row sdiaant Ad soroetsma small jmrticlm at J tbs eotor will be of a tain lag- to a dark and torpid arTsaifs. man who ds of this dl Scalar kaas wbvao is tea aaacaad bum of w4U maraajs a aorfsct tor bs all fcaajthy rssssrsisew. of ths OrrsoB Boraa W to 4 aaad so t. kjlUa CorssuJtartaat tr. sasl adrtsa, fsV For pdrwaa SUissss of Sbort will b asast toaay Oafl aad Va, 0. 0 CHKRRT. b9 m ah a saasas auT Jj w wra, wuaaa saaasMussas. KraJCTlpf. Saaratjsadssn, OH lTWtf asad cr Lfjaaj s