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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1882)
Ik gcroat FRIDAY.. ..FEBRUARY 3. 0. H STEWART S4ltar aad Proprietor. O. e C. K. K. TIME TABU:. Albany Jitatlost. DKP4BTIKK OF TttAIS Ml St V'UTII ALBANY EXrRRSS Dnrrtsnt FfcKlUHT TRAINS " MAIL TRAIN ggjg " . M SOCtU. MAIL TRAIN nruVt PRKIUHT TRAIN " AUUNY KXPRKSS Arrhesnt - 5:30 A. M. :00 A. M. 11.45 A. M It OS V. M. 11:45 A. M. U:03 I M. m so P. M. H;S5 1. M. All Trains Uallj . except Sunday. Nonca. Or. and after this date regular ticket will l sold at our ticket office for following polntsdn Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walluta, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Will. B. Rtcs, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A 0, R. V. Co. Albany. June 18th, ltSi. Tins paitoWa $A?P HOME ABROAD Pine weather yesterday. M. Fsench, jeweller. Yalaatinaa at McCoy and Ellert's. Oo to the YPC A., eutertaiamnat. K. R. Skipworth. lawyer, Albauy.0r. Valentines of a" designs at McCey and KUerta. Montague, Geaersl Meghan. Lebanon, Otegoa. Sara money by trading with MoCoy and EHerts. Fresh brown bread always on band at Con rad Meyer's A ehoioe lot of valentines for sale by I aag don and Gr. Oearad Meyer, the leading baker, keeps everything ia his line. A spleadid stack sf dry goods and grocer iss at Meatagne'?, Lebanon. Tha notato baoss has baited. J auk Frost gets ia his work toe lively far them. The offioer of DrTW Harris is with E W Laagdoa ia the Odd Fellow Temple. Kcmentber that yoa can gst a fine class crockery ware at Conrad Meyer s. Oil flax seed a nice lot for sals by A. U sa nk rey, at his farm ia Center TrecincL Aaother matck hnat was arranged for yesterday, bat it was again postponed. Dr. O. Wdli Price, ieatirt, otfiee in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Plnmmer' Drug Store. Jeha Brigi;s is rebuilding his residence which was lately damaged by tire. It will be a twe-stery building when finished np. Tke "meat hei(e)y" place ia this city is en Lyoa street, leading out to the depot. Vehicles a. e beginaing to avoid that street. Recorder's office kat Deen remove from the old Orsdwohl Drick to Odd Feb lows Temple, nA Hoor. A new taHe hat been put in and it has improved generally, to that ft is row a decided credit to our oity. The Oregon Paciflo Railroad Co has pur chased the new steamer "Ya.uiua," winch was pnt sn tho rsuto between Portland and Yaaatna Bay a fews ago. Hereafter that vassal will havs no trouble in getting into the Cay. During Deoember last tho amount of money sent away from Albany through tho medium of Wells, Fargo and Cos Express was $43,353, aud but mouth it amouutod to $41,538. Our folks must ho paying up their debts. Montague lead in mercantile business of Lebanon, lie does liecauso he sells the beet goods, foj- the ohe.ipest price. He msks it a point to keep a fresh stock ou hand, and when you buy of bim you get jnst tke article yen pay for. Qiimour and Jehason are w orktng iuto a spleadid blsoksmithing business, and they deaeve it, too, for both ef them are experts in working iron. They gave us a "cricket" this week which is a beautiful apecisren of their handiwork, Potatoes are weak in San Franciaco on ae oeunt of Urge arrivals from Oregon. In tkat market "Garnet Chilis" are wmtth EroabfLM tofl.60; "Peaebblows." l.TOto 1.70. Ia Albany they are worth from 40 to 50 cents per bushsl sackrd. Lovers of good beer should remember that tbs Star Brewery is the best place ia tho Valley to get tho genuine bevorage. Mr. Belleager has made a special effort to manu facture a frst-class driak, ens that can be appreciated by people of all kinds of tastes. It is diifisult now to threw Bteue in any direetiea without hitting a candidate. They earn to like to congregate out at the depot, "jtst to sss who comes, yon know." Mr. Gross and Will Rise sweep up enough let Ions oat there to supply a first elass tailor shop. There was a good attendance at tbs meet ing of the Bine Ribbon Club Isst Friday night, and sensiderable interest was mani fested. Tke address delivered by Hea. 0. H. Hewitt elaborate, aad showed a great deal of thought. The other exercises, sf a mnsieal and literary nature, aro higkly spoken of. The only secret abeut Avar's Cherry Pectoral is ths selectisa ef tke best ma terials for the cure of eosghs and colds and, skilfully combining them by shsaical processes. This all medieal men are a war of, as they are furnished with ths formula of its preparation. A special meeting of Redone ileok and Ladder Co. No. 1, was held last Friday night, far the purpose ef electing a foreman iu place of R I. Wilson, wko had resigned on aeoouut of moving to Oregon Oity ; sec end Assistant ia place of R. A. Hill who has left ths city and Tilisrmaa ia pleas ef S. Krape. Jea Allisoa wae'electod Foreseen, Fred Geetz, 2nd assistant, and Wilsea R. Blaia, TUlermaa. Tke new College fcani is improving fast M.iekie Men- teith, Id. Taoaptea, George Fuster and Jokany Geltra, of the old Mechanics' Band, 01 arch, this are its shimag lights, and as thsy hsve had coasiderable experience, the Sand will no donbt iu time become a fcrt cla-.s iastitu lion. "Cray Comet." a tins racu marc, belong ing to C P Langford, died laat Sabbath. She bad made her ball mile in 4'J second' witnont anv tr&taiae to iptik e:, au was considered a very liae ar.isu.,1 Mr. I.sag ferd has four othar aie'x hatacs, two of are But expected to live. Ue is not sure, but thtnke it probable that tkey were all poisoned. B. Montagu and Jan. U tjowan, Ubanon's wide-awake merchants, passed threagh tills oiy leal Wednosday on thsir way te Portland. Gee. C. Blakeley, one of Brownsville's most, prominent young basiucss wen, was in ths oity the fere part of the week, aud made the Dkmovkat office a pleasant call. Dr. E. tt. Barker, of Brewneyille, spent last Sabbath ia ths oity. Tho Doctor haa obUiutd a g ood etart, and will no doubt work up a auocsssful praetiee in kis new Hold of labor. Mr. tt. D. Wilson, who has bcon lad milisr in Thos. Msntsith and Sun n Millr, loft laat Saturday for Dragon City, whero he has aceurcd a position in one of to mills tf that oity Empire Mills. As soon as the blookado on tho Columbia is raised Eugene Huehauau will go direot to Walla Walla to atsums tho management en ths husinsss of Kuapp, Banal) and Co. i Eastern Washington aud Oregon. J. D. Palmer, editor of the PtMk hm came up from Portland to attend Wil lamette's sociable last Monday. Ho gavs us a vary pleasant call un Tueaday. From first impressions wo judgo he is a rcmirka bly good conversationalist. Geo. C. Blakeley, Dr. Barker aad Joe Coebow spent last Sabbath iu this city. They came dewn the Narrow Gauge on a hand kcar to its junction with tho Lebanon road, aad thcu walked in on the tie. Hereafter they will not aspire for any notoriety as pedestrians. Boh Newcomb. Grand Recorder of the A Ol' W, came up but Monday sveniog to attend tho sociable given by Willamette Ixnlge No. 3. Judging from tlie way m which the members of the' Order speak of bim, it is our opinion that his lease ou the office ef Grand Uecorder will last for many years. tJrellng of tonal fesawlllr. The Democrat Central Oomtuitteo of this county met at the DWaXMeaaS office ynster day in ana war to a call by tho Chairman, Jehu 11 Borkhart, for the purpose of filling the vacancy in both the county and Htatc committees caused by the death of the late Gn. M. V. Brown. D. P. Mason held tan prosy oi Sa-n l May, and 0. K. Stewart aud l P, Crabtieo were appointed te represent OL B- Montague and T. M. Munkera, J. J. Wkitaey was tbeo ehoeea as member of the County Central I ommitte. and C. H. Stewart was elected to represent Linn county en the State Central Committee After transacting some other business the Committee adjourned. A fine selection ef perfaraery sad toilet goods can be found at tan store of Laagdon j aad already does good w..rk and Co. Be sure and attend the readings given ly Miss A. R. Lose, in the M. B. evening. A Blue Ribbon Clab was organized st Skedd last Wedaesday evening by f . P. Sssklemaa, Esq. Eugene Buchanan has a fins lot of house hold famitare which he will sjll cheap. Call areaad and secure a bargia. The G gaatic Mmistrsl trosp htve been detag this state, hat there is no deader of their stepplsg at Albany ; as Hall. Wheat is new worth 70 here, end as th o indicatioas are that freights are weaken ing, tke chances are it will advance soon. Will Raise a Big CtnffU it, Tho people of Albany have held a inasa masting and resolved tkat our Hsnators and Rrpreeoiitativu demand 1200,000 for Ys ijnina Bay, iastcad of the l(i,(MH) recom mended by Col. Gillespie who in in charge. This in a plain iutimasVon tkat that omei'i den t knew his btiniarst nnd (he n solul u n will i.i: - a bi)( gsfinw in the Wr Dnpiitt meat. The next duntand frem AlWuny will bo for the knvn of tke Nntitoinl Ti nioory. JacktyHvillf timt'mtl, Thnre nllt be no guiraw at Washington at all, particularly in the War DiptrluiMit, ae it haa t.othing to do with the matter. Tbu recamrneiidatiiMi of tho St-ito lisla turo, which nked for morn than f c'.0'' is above Uiat of a mere Enxinner ; mid titer is ui: doubt t!iat Col. Villespie over mado euuh a roaouiinuiidatioii. But above even tke legislaturu is tho doiunnd of th peo ple. Kvery ynrnon who kuows anything about the matter is aware of tho fact that Y equina Bay oauait be tnida n harbor for the termluns of such a road an tho Orujon Pauilio will ultimately (Mtoauts far a les sum thin e'i).0W. i'i!o of tfm - w mm WillamoKu Valley roalimg this ilo perfect ly right in asking of Cotigrrsi for this m orcasud appropriation, and if it is uaoosnary te sees re the keys of the Treasury to ob tain it, they will dmnatid sven thrtn. f. I. A Knlerlalnnenl. We publish below Hi - program fur tbe entertainment to be given Tuesday evtninn, lek. Tin, nuii I u A Hall It speaks for Itself, and should bring out one of ths best nudlutirr over gathered together iu Albany. Two ox erclaes will begl n nl 7:.'U), nud li e ml nslsslou fee will beonly Mipeuls. Fol lewlng n tho 1-aouitvM : 1 "Jnpili-r Ijtdles'Band. t-leelnuiatloii Prof A M. Mattoou. 8 Mul Msgle Ketl Orrhentra. 4 tjunrtel U L ColU-glnto Sorlaty. ft Rending Prof N Cou hl 0 Mulr Ondieetra 7 Hno Mr. s. K. t hauthrrlaln. M Debnle W. R Mlyou nnd L.Bll veu 0 Mnele Orchestra 10- Kaaay F. P. Nulling. 11- -Music . On heslis. PJ Kesillng Mrs.C K.Wolvnrton. 1J Quartet O.T. Porter, A. If. furry. O H. Irvine and II. C lenient H-"Knmereldn" Utflf' Ban !. ' sT - - inj niarhtlnae ttrbaltaz fluh. ienete Mis Besf. It Is our sad duty to ohronlole tbe death ofone of Linn County's oldest and host eni.fittej Mr. Wm. T. Tam plo on who departed Ibis life on Thursdtv evonlng, Jan. PJlb, nl his ronldnnw) ticnr Bttwar vlllo, iinod 7 yoarn. Nc bud boon ura'unlly falling In henltli for two or t I ron uioiiMih p it. his dl.ene holug dropsy of tho liomt. I'" bnd bruu unilcr umdleal trenUruiut f ir h fow weekn, and appeared to be regaining bH lunl stieiigt li vory fait, no asauolt , that bis family and frisu li enter btlnud HtPCOf bopon iit'eottip!to recover'. Ontknoveii log nioutiusird ho eetuud BBtOtIj bright .nid lieoi ful, looking over the tinwit papers arid letters when tbe BTtH lug mail was brought t hint. ;;,, n nfler bo was nltauked wi;h vry tovoic pulus In tbi. region of llio heart ; tbe usual ronardleii uud stltnulutits wero resorted to, but all q no avail. Tim Aairel of Death ( onto to his crliof and nm his spl'it awny. So sbart wns the- ntrnrgle, and i.n unuxpoeted did It c oine to tho u who worn with hlui, they tearenly snetnod to reiUt.e what had happ iro-d until a bo loved father utid friend was no more. The fuiii nil look pluet from bis renl ipMieo on Haturdsy, wber.- . i iro nnmlMT offrieri'ls and relatives ;''liied to psy tholrlsslltlbilteto the hMOfCd dnad. Rev It, Polio (rok ebnrffn ol 1 1 - . ., Ilverlag n brief hut very ab!o n i l hn prcesilfa aidicsjssjiihfinalrig his toil rn,ni 1st Kings'jlud eu up. '.'ml and Z4 von-es. Mr. Teinpleton's Jong lifo ha been tbt of mi exemplary rhiUllau, having crv( J up lief lime of bin death over i9 .v ars nn an Kldurln the 1'rot.bytcrian 'lnir. h. Ilo kaew and realized Hint the eitomooM of his lifo was far w nt, and that aocjel Iho shadows of eternal night wiM encompass mm forever. n often ex pressed himself as folly prepared and only wn'.ilng lor the msstoie suimnotis. Dcaajtsed was Ik.hi In Yirgmia in 'lkJt. Ue livnd ftl a numk r f years iu Crsrn field, lad., whr. at the ae ef '21 ycur, he wan iiinud in msrnage to ITHflbeth Um.n; tiisn ho movd te.Misiouri, wheru he remained a few years. Dating the spring and summer of IS17 he crossed the plains, arriving here Sale in the fall, aad an dorg'iag many hardihipi that early j m. expunarnced. Toe nosi year ue purchased tkm yfcssw ajspff) aWcei mw tit, where be has siaoc resided until his death. Hit wife and - Si -i .... . an lis cnuur m escrpiiug i:o ntill surtre him It MtaitQI RT TAX UT. Following is tho list of dsliii(uent taxes doe the oity of Albany. If tbey are not ottloil within 90 days from date tho proper ty will lie sold to estisfy the sme : tax m. Aiiiw.n J. leteTssd w i co li.-r un, W N. Iu 4, li..k 'tit II A t.M II !.. Klot I, block :i Rredfey. J Kstate,, M-sik n il - t N He !', .1 O ttcfSesal ftnnrriy I I'r.isfool, .1 IV. mnv,n rnmry tf Ibse, Mn J W, li.U ft ami II, LI'" k M 4. 00 i la i mm Mncry, sul iHhsrs lo.'ie Dhaeeh, L v, lea 7 sad s. Meet ......... 20 Orsv.U, lailsm o iltm 1.00 UHHIn. Ir lot ' :i nnl 4, 1.1.x k 7.00 IIniiiioii, J, vr4, l.l'H'k f.K iiimm 4.7S ll.-, llalllr. lot 7, bl.x k 2 8 " Hwlu. i II, part ..f La r, and . Ii. k :o a oo lluhii, I' i: K m o; nnsr ri,i.t4.rv I. Ml Leeg, Mm. 1ms.-, lut 7 sod H, k IS7, II I A., x.oo haybai, Mr A ' lU 7 nl K bf.xk 7, V. A . . I '.' Morjfsn, J h lot I aud 'I bl;k 103, II lA A :iV.l Hleliler, W m . ni.iinl .r..jrt f Hi Inn., r., jr- sul j.roj..Tt , 3.60 W.-tf., K M I- rxsisl .roK,rty 1-7". Will ..if,, A M H.r h.iisI .rpirty I M Ntrilmti, It S Inlsmw diM 7.1.0 !JT TAX ISfd. 1 sil 2, bl.xk at. Z. 3 and 4, blx:k lot 7, IO.00 4. ' COO 7 ?. ' 4 01 1X6 I n Itrxwii. M V ! ll..y, . I , Mr .1 I .la ami , l,M k :tl KUx Mrti)'iry, J W Cbwedsfs ih! oUWra.... irtein, lr K A loll l.lmk Mil II M A i: Hi, II part of I..U .'. and , block 60 It" ilt, IrsUitrtj dun Kulin, 0 fj n r nar uumeterx.lnUsn. dns TAX IS79. Orillln, I'r E II I .i. 2, 3 slid 4, bl.x k Ml. lota 7, bl.xk tel. II i A 7.071 Keno, ' '.' 'i ncms inmr omttntUrry ,o Price, It lest 7. Want '.' K A LSI Kim M IStdtM r J A ( r ford aixl tbors ItVIs lly or.ler d VtHH.nm ''on it. I u ii::vY. AiUf, Pb, 3rd U4L 'U Mar.bJ. Kill. Basel, at Ssp reek There was an interesting rilte match at Seapl'resk a few days ago, up by JoaT Creel, the prise beiag a beef, eatcst aats were there from Soap Creek. Uog Town, Albany and ether places. Tbs shouting was lively, and resulted as bdlows P U Cow man, first and fnrtb ehoieo. Win Ralesse osd snd fifth choice and Wm ! VTaltoe, third eheice Afterwards there were several pony parses, meet of which srstS earned off by Mr Flewmaa. be tkm two, VT N itrpk ens one sad Wm W Alphin one. rr.iul a ni Vnteatlar- la . The Ladies Aid Society are now msk lag arrangements to hold a festival audfalroa ths evening of Feb liih St. Vnleotlno'a Pay, and oar citizens an look out for something very fine. The donate last Tuesday cvsnlug on tlta euoetlon as to whether reason and revelatloa taarh otcraal punishment was a apicy afTalr, mud brought out some curious armaments, (twasde elded ia favor of tha negative. Tbe following Uestien was soleateil for de bftto next I nos lay aveulng, "Ueeslvod, That tha existing diversity of Intellect among men is ruiro tha resu't of per aoual axartlsa than of nateral endow men'-, Messrs. Hideout. Porter, W K Hilyen, Irvine, Nutting and Marshall will spank en ths afYJrm stive and Messrs Chariton, I. Illlym. : .eiueat. Mttttoon, Dagger and Mulno On the negative. Arrangements will be Made to seat all outsiders visa niar wish, to ntteud A i,,,.t..1 MsJk Srrldralntly tslltrtt. A progran has not yet been made oat, but will bo probably in time fo: Last Stiurday there was n slxioting niAteh at Hnlbert's. iu ) irleatis ps emet. which wne participated hi by n creat many of our heat nt rksmen I m m, - . .-sAsveraf eattlo were Lllb-tl. nud beii-g I .JJi I 1 I A . . . our . wiviieoi mi. wnr;er, xvero glwn an A dny or two ago as o.;e of our most peeled rlti.ons was walking by the bank of tbe canal, be utw a dea l body lodged against some bru.h. As ibere weraao m- af oeeonipvislttou, and judging frora appear.ineei. tho k.liiug must have oeourred within tnrve boiirs of tha tint of finding i he body waseviJeutly that of a foreigner ; most probably a na-lvo f Plraieh Colombia flo had been living n the prsjrlo slnci hie arrival l t fall, sad h.i tecn at work aio-.Mg the grain lleldn. lie wae re.- -i..z. di; -ersl , . ... . . "i ui u u in in ' e , no v:. wi (. body. All caul, to th eoiii'mninn Cost ho wan a victim of fowl j 'y. f.- th-re we.o Irani efa man wh I. ad advanc ed et.aithlly behind t a epposl:,- l.-ati It to commit the m furious de si. The patties who did tho :ooling n o ur.. known. With very eoiauiciidsblti Btal the oilizett above referred to, to nxv he TO WHSH IT MAY 4 i4l M I havs heard suvoral reports iu regard to nay place of business, which, althosgh they eaannt bo traeed to say satisfactory sonree, I still thiuk it proper to make a reply so tbat tke eersoa mar est the full benefit of it. )mns low r sndal inoeigsr, r-nck an on be found in any twn, ha beii l.uay fabri cating seus.ttioasl reports in reganl to the kind ef piece 1 ks--p. Therv lis been a rspeit tbat tbsre han len pinm isik i&j nad UatrSt dnakixg ia my place f busi ness, which is a williully tenMip Jio and I dsfy tbe parties to prove their chsrge. There alsn seems lo be eoanstning said nboit obeaene li'.srnrure. There te eeae iu my house ualsas they ckoee te call the city paper and the Oreyomon, by that name. And iu regard to thn dice ebakiag it is done the same as in any 'cigar and tobacco atore ta towo, on the counter in view ef the deer. fatCM say that the yeung laea reM.rt to mf sftsjre evcBtugs, which is trne ef some of them, as well as of older men, sail sraonf them sre some of the Lest nteu la Albany , bat what is in tbat, as I have no sard play- mn or any ether gs'nes. and maiutaia good sjwjaf it uartiee who are waV-kinz my plane venld wa.a in hks men testsad of pesksf slyly by the deer tbey won Id have no occa- iwa to rai'ltr a as they have been dome And 1 o;-ea!y defy anybody t lind that any thing out of order is going on nt my store hlch is onen for ini.ectiun from T a m.. to 9 :U to 1 1 r. M. Whoever save thai any- Iking wrong in. or has becu go ng oa at my store 1 pablicly biasd as an falsi fier what I kawtessy i w.ll costs out nud nay like a man sad not go eseakiag srsuad bektud anybody's berk te tell. V. w. Omen. 17 first Street. . SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF ALBANY AMD VICINITY. HAVIHCPiHCHASED THE EHTi3E SiOH 5f"(JSftD3 57 7HH FIRM OF I i JACKeON, CSSSISTDiO'trf 5TPUi FANCY dress MOTIOrtS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, TRIMMISICS, LACES, ETC.; ETC., ALSO CLOTHING,. FURNISHING GOODS, MERINO AND CAHTON FLAHNEL UHDEHWEAB, CASHMERE OYERSIilRTS AND A FULL TINE F WHITE AND CALICO SHIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL DESCBIPTI0H3. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Va lises, Tobacco and Cigars, Table and Pocket Cutlery, ALL fiF WHICH 1 WILL OFFER AT COST AHD AT SAU FRAHCtUCij PI CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS MUST BE SOLD. RESPECTFULLY, . MIM K4LISKY. Summons. KIlt.U IKOtJ lI. til!. aentlesoe. Make your arrangemsnls tl la gla- bn'.: nhoatiug I B loWH m9m9 cx?n' ' 1 '.-ii Mooiolth won two . ,uarters. .'a lines j oroaer, im anr li",v,ug tlie llulbert. two. j mrt r.. and llr an un I , nm "tlllej to by thtm vrh . rQf Austlu Hnlbert out ..uarter r-a.-h i- : Utl bim. ho hiirkd t'j ho ly nl his rifle shooting, T It Ilowtuau Wun two qifarters. and W kfilli-r iSioe-el, un 1 i.H'rpii;r a litllo sptrrl' over tho ni.j of tho , C srgo used ia glass ball ahootlagj everything pasafd nf uleely. seld tkeai, be was cooly informed by tko parties, tbat tkey gusesel they wenldn't ge beans till moraing after all. We emitted te tell last week akost Mr. Deekard's fire. His wife want into a closet ia wkicb their cletfaiag tmag and lighted ber way with a casdle, aad wbea she caae eat, closed the deor behind ber. Soon after a deasc smoks was seen issnisg f r ,m tbs sloset, aad apoa epeaiag ths deor the clothing kaagiag iaside was asen te bo eom pletely wrapped ia lasses. A fie beokots ef wtbs-jadieiensly administered rjoeqclisd tke flames, bnt it couldn't restore the old geutieroaa's pants, sad he had to bay a new pair. Few heeses, in aey hao of business, have extended their trade all over tbe entire eonntry as have D. M. Kerry 4 Co. , tke jeelebrated Seedsmen, of Detroit, Mich. They famish employment to about 1,000 MTMII ILflll hi.n 111 ratlm.pniJ -.. . I . y ..j. v... ea the read, locking after their interests. They grew en their ewa Seed Farms a very large proportion of. tee tisede tliey sell, new amd beautiful Seed Manual fos 18S2. A few nights aoa tt-jod l'kian clerk wan Tko letter from tke Jaeksonvilie Timtf cslUd up at just the boar el nudnigbt, by pabliiksd ea tbe first page, is creating a j parties wko were after faaeral apparel aad ia great deal of oxsitsnseat in poUlteal circles, j a horr u Je hma Wh-a Uey Tks Y P Q A. eotortsinsssnt U bo given rMck4 M ior, ke f Jlu(, tb- h . - - ....It., will k U..L .... J wan tee a pair of gloves, an 1 after be a . O . m ty, aaa taere eaa eo no aoaoc or its siccess. Farmers eheeld plsat the celebrated "atarbaak teed tag" potato it it the best variety. Rsdfield aad Irvtag have them for sale. Aay oee waaticg a girl to le general housework eaa hear of one that will snit them by calling at this office. She is well reos as needed. Tbe Lisa Ceaaty Beninese Cesaeil meets ia regilar session at Knox'n Bntte to-morrow. If the weatker is fair there will be a large attendaaee. Tke beys began fixing np their skates tks first of ths wssk, bat tbs weatker ef Tees day knocked all suck things completely in tho head. Cbas E Sishler and sob opened their new meat market to tbs public oa Wednesday, aad will ae donbt raa oae of tke best mark ets ia the city. There will be a meeting of the Ladies Seffec Clab aext Tsesday sftcraoea, at 3 o'eleek, at He. l's Xagias Hcuse. A large attendance is requested. MefJey aal K isri's asso'tmsnt ef valan tines, aad ths prieei they sail them at, will salt every ene, aad there will be no difh enlty in making a selection. Ose ef tbe best features of the Y P C A., entertaismeat will be a nkort debate be tween W S and L Bilyea. Ye onderataad a lively subject has been seise tod. By reusing ths eorreegoadeuee en the third psgo it will bs observed that there is a debating society ia the city to which tbe Blackstens Clsb "eaa not bold a candle." A large quastity of wheat and Hour has left Albaay. During the past three weeks it has averaged a beet thirteen cars per day. A great deal of frsigbt centers U this point. Seme ef tho store windows already pre sent fantastic appear .uees, caueed by the anticipated viait of Mr. Valentine, who in expeete I here about the 14;h of February. A correspondent is ene of cur coutem psrxrie last week devoted a half eo'.amn to answering a pid local, seven lines long, that appears A in the Ukhoiuat fie week pre vious. For th oa.' yea- eadiag Djj 31t, the net earnings of the County Clerk of Marien eounty were S1.9S9.31; the net caning of Sheriff ia the urn, length of time was $598.96. Bight tickets far San Fratmiso were seld by W. B Rice ont at the depot last Monday. This is something like it will bo when the present line connects with the Cal ifornia liae. The Revere Hons buss Liledto reach the depot last Taesday evening until after tho express bad left, and the average small boy enjoyed himself homely by giving the drive1 considerable game. We learn from a friead of Pjtsr Wilson, who left this eity for Idaho a few meatus age, that be hat bought a third in terest in a mill near LewUton, and will probably make a good thing out ef it. Two men by the nam is of M. Greenlaw and J. Howe were arrested tweor three days ago by Marshal Denay, for being druak and disorderly, and upon being taken before the Recorder were sent up for 4 day each. logo. The lad lea la this Society are doiag a good work, aad all money I they reoelve It need to a goo I uurposu Letter I. let Thrf...'.wwif utbn lint .r irtt.r ruj aa . . g,.r ., ....i. no, rab. fotl. IVrnr.nn milinx lo- ihrn iiorn mo stvo. unlaon vhWi ihef wve Meeattsssi. own exponso, ke.jin th olothes his oidv rensun rtlioi. Though ills Blskely. OeeC i rawferd. V M C'rawferd, Kvaa ( lark, Sarah 'J Catterlin, iielle Hartsr, Bstclia Kmble, Leo Kimble, Q W, I. f Mertit, Elizabeth MoArthsr, A A NickoU. J 0 Pyburu. Laura K I'esrl. SAJ Hmitbson, A J Terhuoe, Win t lawlcsxnene la n wtdl Whavrd cotamuulty, titer? will be no Turther exsnunntion 'b re oialnn were Idvntltlcd an thoso of Mr, Mallard. ( Weodwarc, Hon J I! P. H. RAYMOND, P. M, tn Iwipertaal sail. Oo Wedaeadajr last tke taking tt testimony in the oase of L Fdkias et al a John A Crawford began before B U skipworth, refers. The caae Is teds cide the owaershl? of the Hantiam Canal. The plalatWI have secured B FBonham aad Powell and Ullycu to attend to their case aad defendant has Strahau and Bilyeu. Sew Proems near. tf(tm InUa Telesrayt? aairr. Oat Hardy loft for I'ertlai.d last VYeaV nssdsy. am tbs Company has appponted Will P.. Kite, agent nt the depot, to na na mo nspsmsteu as Manager. Tks Man ager will still r.'taiu WiSIid Huiiiiihrpv an - . : aporater, who is efficient aud prompt ia , the cfoojiargo of hJA dutirs. sad Lylo I set eatere tho otbee at tnrsssngnr. The will rsmaia where it aow is. Just tsn years age this month, if wo remember light, Will II Rice, rsnigned this ogico to enter ths employ ef the (I snd 0 URCo.,snd sines thst tune he haa been gradually pro moted from operator to chief operator end finally was given tbe BOSstlea ef Agnnt bore st Albany. Now he controls all the light ning aud railroad business iutltocity. Veri ly we have a monopolist among us. A ratal Arrl.ii al And bow the Magnolia Mills come lo tho front with a new process flour and claim tbat no mill on tho which is probably ene ef the principal ea- PaclllcJCoast can Cgcel is quality one why gooln aro held ia such high the article they tarn oat. Their esteem all over the land. We would adviss millers understand the process thor- all our readers ecekieg information regard- j OUghly, and fvel that they Can pfeasu iag seeds to send aad arocurs a ennv of their the mest exaction customer. VI hen aw w you want any Hour do net forget lhi, and bo sore to call for the Magnolia Mills brand. koticr. Pol. On account of continued ill health, I intend leaving Albany as soon as I am SOCIAL PERSONAL. F. M. Smith was in town yesterday, itics is bilin' out in his neighborhood. Jn.tge Bonham is spending a few days in able to travel. I therefore respectfully Aioaoy tnis ween on legal busmeee. j- 14n those kimwjr themselves to bo sre Cm rws it a .a 1 vv aicer lurreu nas gone to Sau trsncuoo indebted In iuc to cull immediately at "to see his mother." fie i a dutiful son. nlAo nl kn.,... j .. . l . I mms J . "i"-i una 'y tuU Jacky buttle and Luther Likins of amount lo Miss Kreneh. .Mih. lenanon, spti.t last Wednesday m this (nr.ini fAriu....n.i. Mr. Adam WJthorow, wliom io auentioneU last week as having been shot iu the arm, has since died from the effect of ths woaad. On Wednet day, the 2oth, the aeoitlcnt oecurrod, aad oa last Habbath a? died, gangrene havlag et la. Tbo wound was much more serore than we heard at first. The oharge of shot tore nearly all tbe flesh from the arm between the shoul der and the elbow, and also cut the lean lightly on the side as it ranged oaward. Over slxy shot, as well as wads aad a part of his blouse were taken from his shoalder. The deceas ed was buried last Monday. Man A-t4!a B l.o.r. Thin t.i'.-nted elcotitiou V. v. id tender her aorh-s r.f Ueadlngs l? thtsrtty th's evening (Friday Feb. 3rd.) in tho Metho dist !'lsropal Church. From all wo have be.ird of ibis lady's readings si Portland aud other p'.acoe we cannot but anticipate to-night a rare treat in elocution. Bar reading wilt be after the following PlrMlabtaT 1- IJow He .Saved St. Mirbaeln. 2 - Too Lnle for tbo Train. S-Fca'n Uelln. A -Hunting a Mouse, ft "Harden Scene." Marv Igtlren of Scnttn. a-Monoy Muak. 7 Ko'k of Agon. H -Phillipa' Firxt Baby. 11 Wotnan'n Fear of Lightning. Tiokots ef adinlanion. T- oontn, for sale nt the Drug Store's of l'oshuy X Mnnen, and McCoy A Klloit, and Langdou d: Co., Itesding will cininnnco nt 7 o'clock, und nt the ulose a nochtldo will x bold by tbo lsdles' oftl-.s church at tho parsoiinge ndj silling, l u which all are cordially Invited. Tlie fallowing statement or William J. oughllri, of Soinervlllo, Mann., tn no re tnnrksble that wo to ak for it the at ' n'.t-.n of our rea:leri. lie says : In the fall f Ii7w I mn utkon witn a violent ! i ' H. Iimii: f .Ilo . -d bv a nevorc foiifh. t suon tiean to loao my aj.peiito aa I llh. I w an no weak at one feme that I easjM BOt leave eny bod. In the summer of 1877 I wan admitted U tuet it v llottpiul. Whlb there the doetora naid I had a bole to my left lung as big an a half dollar. I expend."! .vor a hundred dollars in dec -IsJre and mediuinca. I was no far gone at one tl-nn a report went around that I was I 1 1 gave up hope, but a friend told uteof tir. u iii. Haifa Rslaans for the Ittaaa I iaughvl at my rrlend. thinking :h t iuy . wan Inciratdo. but I got a I sul u mtlafy them, w lion to my nur peine aad gratitlastlon. I eomnteocod Ui . t rr. Mv h K'. on ., dead, begs u t iv.', and to day I feel in batter spirits than I hate tho pant throe yosrr. "I write thtn hoping you will puldinb It o tbit every OOO eflbaed with l.aeaeod Latma will bo indu.od to take Dr. Win. Hall's lta!mm for tho tmsssj, and bo con vlneed that connuuij-iieii -nu be cured. I have taken two rto'.th-n und can positively inoro not tlian all the 'irrult i'o'irl e tt m mi 'J li for thr ('OHllltf ft) Li m B.J. Archibald I'lalnlitT. vs. A. i. Michael and Margaret K McMtchn wife Defendants. To A. P. McMirhiu! -iwl to ir,tr.t K Mirfut (If ttbor- uarnr.l il'riullnt. N T1IK NAMK UF TMBeyTATE J Ol'.LtiON, you and each of you ate hereby summoned and rcjulrcl to le and appear In the above nauie Court ar.d answer tbe complaint of the plaintiff iu tbo above entitle! suit on tile ay;ainel you with the Clerk of naid Court by tho Ur, d-y of tbo next regular t-nn r.f k:l Couit, alter tbe publication i tnis t-um-tnone for x weukn sacoeanlvely, lo m it : The regular M ir h term of Maid CoSafft to Ijo begun and held on the second Mon day in March, 1--, in Linn .' uty 1 Moil, or jmlgu.eiit for vant cf an amnwer will I lakou aiCiinm you ; ana you are hereby nottlied that if yon tail to appear and annaer the complaint of the plaintiff heroin aa above required the pliiiti!f will apply to tbe Court lor tbe relief dem:tiid etiuthe complant iu this Tbat tlie Court order and cVtso thst the 1 mortgages in tbe '.omplaint dascribed . exaeulod hv A. D. MMn hae and Mar- FRED W1LLERT, CARRIAGE km WVCOH 1IAMIACTLRE1.5 Corner Seeond and Ferry J'.". Albanyr In pr. pr I lotnanafac-" carriage snd waoiin a: Saert notice anl of tho very WmgW 9I.TEBIAL. Iff makes Uie rremium carriages mctl b ;j3ik of tlie Stale. REPAIRING AND JOB W08I dooa at her text notice and in the tnont SKILLFUL MANNER. Mi work and material be lirnt-c'.aK. warrxnted to Met N Administrator's Sale IS HKRKBY G1VKN TJI TOTli.'F. bv order of tbe Omntv Conrt tho lot- iv tb u it has done tbe '.titer medicines 1 bavn taken nince mv ..ickiicnn Mv cough ban alrnont en tindv ilinai'tnrod and 1 to go to work." Sold vi. 1 noon be ab iv .it ; irar- t K. M Mu htsl lib w ifo . 1 , 1 ... . , r lolUii Ucscrii'U j'r-iiiiHH i'j mi.; nil went half of section fourteen in Township fourteen South of Range f ,ur West of I bo Willamette Meridian iu Linn ('buntv Oregon, contn.i.i?!.' . acrceslc nccure the Mvnent of CiC teeial not t 1 the in 'erVt tberejn an ia lUe naid complaint I and to tke follow inn d-c:iled pramtaea. t lor;n r - to-wit : kmwbstp nxii t'i3 oriziaat donxtion land e.a:m I " i mors, it beiag claim No. scored therby o. in jownsnip : n'lit. lo-wit : 1 two we- in Lir.n County lit won rmm tC4tnm?nU u. - of the-" palate of W. B. Oihaoa, decea iSt BI on the &vb day of l ebrnary, iaS'2. at tbe hour ofone in the afierncn tl day, on tbe premises hercicxr er deni ed at Hat public anetion to tbe bbghest btddcr. all the riht title and inters! of aald a ceased at the time of hi death, hu bcrela mention, foreclosed and tin 1ms le !d to na'infv amounts d e on the dt-btx and tbe coats nf this iortnu;cd preus- nud pay th origin a a. am notifieation L ete ! nn.led and deaetibed ving at ih? no Jan. Dissolution Notice. KNOW all men ly theae presents Uiat we, William C. Doborty aad Jams Hum, have this day dlaaolved partnership in bun! n-an of all kinda and nature and we both releano each other of all and any claim Of wiiVn. c. r iiituro that msy have existed between us and we hnreby release each other and acknowledge Hallnfaction in full of tho aamo as witness our haudn the 2Ut day of Jan., Jambx 0lata1 William C. Dohkktt. Mm the num or i . iv w w.;n 1 a: eras ; there n 'at the rate of onoiKr c nt r I'l month as follows to it : inter..' on SUO ssid cl .un. runr tbereof from iKso.nbor Jnt, i.iteres: i thence so-.: on f 150.00 tbervr f Iroui Juno 1- interest on $150.CO tfcereof frm liwr-;:!!-. j . .ialnanI 1st, ISsO.lnterest on Ot'XO thereof fiom ning. - Dooember loth, isl'J, and ibe fuitbcr wn ecms 01 saie of gjtHp.oo w ith intoxoat tbemm a: tb j i n 10 11 rato 01 ten Jei cent per a inui irom in comber 1st, lso. aad too farther sum .! gM7.0 coats an attorneys foca aad tip tbo defendants herein ami every persou claiming by tbroagh 01 under theai Sg either of thm be loreclool ;in 1 b.irr. .l w U 1 m-i.m 1. 1 in ' - f irOIIl Claiming ,' -v:v : j In, or Hen Uon naia preuinw. or an (un thereof, and that the naatasVff have and re cover judgment against I be said defend A. D. McMichael for tho sum of A and iuterost thereon at hereinbefore set forth, including $-') 17.0 eotfas auomoys fees and far tho costs and disbursements of this suit to bo Ux-d. This Summons in published by order of Itoa. R. F. Biise, Judge of said Court la the Statu BlOafta Democuat for six sueoosaive weeks, which afjar bears date January 17, MH F.lSK CaAX!ISRL-IN. Attv's for 1ML Interest, a.ured by moitjf ..- u e:-.--. :h, mi. II. A. Ierus uiriiatratcr. . with v.i'l annexed. - ri 1 ntirwiu abs ::K. 1TAT0. Hrhoel I'.xhlbltlen. bome from Mid a ill ro pe nscs. Mas. L, J. P0WKX.T. To Use 'labile. J. A. Gross, proprietor of tbe lepet hotel, keeps one of the best pibllo hoaeee in the State. His rooms nro knot icrunu- lously neat and clean, aad ou bis tables can be fnmd the best food tbo market af fords. Paruea going off on the morning frain can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before the train leaves. Here after the hotel will be kept open all night or convenience of the publ Ic. city. Miss Mattin Allison arrived Portland laat Monday evening, main in Albany. E. L Kaatman, Kscj , a prominent lawyer, of Oregon City, was in tbo city oa Monday of this week. Mr, John Hannon in iu California, whore by a ehange of climate he is in hope c-f re gaining his health. m R. E. Hannon and family started for California last Monday and will hereafter reside in San FrancUc . Mr, V. H. Brown, of Portland, camo to the city Friday, and tuned several pianos, to the entire satifaetioa ol their owners. Phil Smith, our old County Assessor, gave us a very pieasaai can a iw nays ago. ran The following names of Sand Ridgo is one of the rustlers over ia "The Forks" .rkor.1 TW 5W w mmUtUA . I -f wwj w-m v vuwww vw wm trtavu ua sirs. . a, nernert, the natr uresaer iclt the roll of honor, for first month of term be for .Salem tha latter ptrt of last week. We I gining Jan. 2nd, ISS). anderstana that she gavo entire satist.ction RQby Fronk, Dera Snyder, Jebn Fronk, mail ber worn. Jane Snyder, Eatnta Freak, Ira Bafdwell, W a v . a -n-k . n . I juoge ieaay retained te rortiand last Mj'aiig Bardwell, Harvy From. wea. aiver qune an exieuueu wip wirougn 0. A. AacHIBtlD ioc citiwu ouies, auu vim prouaoiy re-1 Teaehor mtm in vregon. . . , u I f 1 lie T Trr t r rrrA i a. air. A. wacheuh3imer, one et tiarrui- Dn"n o mALiicit is what yoa berg's most enterprising young merchants, nd for Constipation, Loss ef Appetite, was in the city Wednesday and mado us a Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. pleasant call Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Boll of Honor. Oe Friday evening of laat voek an exhi bition was given at tho Knox Ilut'o school hanso by tho school children, under the management of the teacher, Miss Kvn Hat- sett. The exercises wero srdendid and ran along as smoothly as clock work. Miss Bassctt has given perfect salisfaotiolr, and tke patrons ef the sehool consider them elves very lucky in having ecure.oS her services. Work en tlae o. V. C . K. It A. S. Miller Jt Son., have received the contract te construct all tho bridges, trestles and culverts on the tlrst 33 miles south of the present southern terminus of the 0 & C K. II. at Rosebarg, and are to have tho work done by Juno 1st, of tho present, year. The railroad company is now going to work ia earnest on their extension to the California line. 160 Chinese and qaite a number ef white laborers havo been taken te tbe front lately. Losacs at Hnrrahrt(. Followiuu are tho lo-s.s sustained at tin lat Ilarrfhburg fir : ( ali for a in. IHM Hartford, $8V Imperial, Louden, N in and (neen, Slf0. Hamburg-Brcotcn, $2'0. Conuectiout $l'2oo, Liverpool and London and Clobe, S31.-.0. Home Mutnal, f780. Horneond fhoenlx, ij.77. Tho Commercial .f CaliTorula sus tained sonic loss, bnt we have not as certained the amount. Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVKN TflAT tho undornignod, Wm Kinder, Ad miniat rator of tho estate of Robert Carter. doaoaaoLbas tiled hU tinal account for seltlonient of naid estate Iu the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and naid Conrt livs appointed Tuosday the 7th day of March. tei-L. at the hour of ID o'clock in the foronoon of naid day for hoarlng olfactions to said aouount it at.y thbie bo, and for tho setllemont thereof. Wm. Ki.nnaa, Adiniuistrator. Albany, Jan. 55, 1W2. Pirn plot and othar skin disorders ulckq ly yiold te that thorough Blood Puriflor and Tonic. Kinp of U10 Blood. See adver tisement. 2 The t'liainnloa Fruit' Drier. llaviaguow obtaiaed cemplote coa trol of this celebrated fruit drier, I am prepared to sell cnanty and State rights on reasoaable term". Call on or ad dress rue at Albany, Oregon. Wm. C. Dohkbty. 117 wd SUM.) I 1 COUflH aud Cjasamptioa Cure is sold by un on a cuai:u.tcc. It cures coneumption. CROUP, WHOOPINO COUGH and Brouchitii immouiatcly relieved! by Shilob's Cure. BLECPLBK1 risOHTS. made miserable by that terribU couub. hhiloh s Cnre u tht reiinnly tor you. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspope a and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Yitalixer is gtiarantccd to euro jou. For huBS Back, Sido or Chest uss 81dloh's Porous Plaster. Price 2o cents. For sale by Foshay and Mason. Albany ; R. A Uaiupy, llarrubnry. Mnrrlnse Licenses. County Clerk Baum informs us that during the year 1881 he issued 102 marriage licenses, The number of divorces granted in our county during the same length of timo will probably net t.uile reach thalflgvre WRINKLED FACES. It la a painful Bight to sec young ladles in their teens with wrinkled ami incma- turelv old faces; nevertheless It is (itiito common, and to any ono who observes tho ."iixns of the times tho reanon is very anna- rent. Owing to the naming aaveruomunts and bogus corUlicates, in wnton aro used the names or eaiinent unysiuians ami uhomlsts, tho unsuspocting and credulous have been nuluced to uso souio ot the so callod liquid boautltiorn, all of which aro known to bo positively injurious, and if used for any length ot time will dostroy the complexion, so that it will bo next to impossible to restore it. Mother should be very careful to see that their daughters do not use these preparations, but ask for and obtain Slaven's Harmless Yosoniit Face Powder, tho only harmless beautifler. For sale by Foehay A Mason, Foster's Brick, Main St., Albany, Or. 4 tke Comtty Court qf Linn Ommk Stai or (Jrvjon. In the matter of the Estate of Thorn Summers, doeeaaed. To Jane Covlo, William Summer- w j ii- . i w i 1 1 : ner .umuiws isauria u.inn, ma in- vett, heirs at law of Thomas B. Summer-, dceased and to all others known and unknown, interested in said estate. In tlu nam tht State oj Urtjon : You and each of von aro hereby cited and required to bo and appear in the County Conrt of Linn county, Oregon, a the Court uoufe in ine caxj i aiwht, in said County, on Monday, the li dy of March, INw, at toe nour or one o'clock in tbo afternoon of eaid day. the name boing tho liral day ta the regular March term 1?J2 tUercf, and then and thore show cause, if any eaist, why an oyer ahould not do made direct ing and licensing tho administrator f aaid estate to sell all the right, title and in terest of said Thomas Summers, deceased, at the time of his death, both iu law and equity, in and to the real pte pc-rty here- iualter ooecnoeu, an iirajeu iur m mo itition of b. Bilyeu, administrator ol the ostateofsaid deceased, which petition :s now on lilo in the Couuty court ot lann county, Orogon, wfateet said rjal property is described as ioiiows, wen. iogin It will bapparsikt to any o .e who will examine a soli j gobJ weoh. iiut aeide from the ntcesjary tl;ictie for engraving and polishir. irge t portiotio!' the precious metal osed la needed only -to ttilLn and hold the en graved portions in place, ntd supply the necea&asy solidity aud strength. The surplus gold is txiually noediess roTar as utility cud beauty are con cerned. I:i James Boa. Patent Gold Watch Cases, this wsste of preeious is overcome, and the same solid ity and strength prelaced at from one thinlte one-half ef the uual cost of solid cases. This piocess is of the meat nimple nature, a follows: a plate oi nickle composition metal etpe. ially adapted te the purpose, hat two plates of solid gold soldered one on each side. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, and the result is a strip of heavy plated composition, from which the cases, hacks, eeatrea, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by sui table dies and formers. Tne gold iu these cases is sufilaieutly thick to ad mit of all kinds of ehaal-'g, engraving aad euameUiag; the engra .d eases have beea carried until worn perfectly smooth by time and neo without re moving the gold. This is the only caae made with two plates of solid gold and warranted bv special cert'iflcate. For sale bv a!: Ask ftx Illustrated CaiaUr : , and rant. e war- niCkLfcLV! AKMM Haiti uiug .iJ chains south and ll. chains V est of the S. W. corner of Sectou SO, Tp ia sn i Went Willamotto meridian, and tm GARRETT. In thin city, on Saturday, Jan, 2. 18S2,to tke wito of Robt Garrett a boy, weighing 14 lbe. MA1UBED. RUEQG HUNflAKBR. At theresidenoe of Rov. A. J. Huasaker, ia McMinnvtlle, Mr. J. J. Rcaeo and Mihs Ella V. Hrx iaJCJOa Mrs. Ruagg is a grand-daughter of tko Cev. R. O. Hill, and has a great many friends in this city. Wc extend to her and her husband our congratulations, and wish tkcm all the prosperity and happiness possi ble to be obtained here. runninc theure Went. 23 85 chains ; thenvo aouth36 97 chains; tbenco hast 2S.70 chains - thencs Worth S6-7 chains to tbe place or beginning, couiainina oo acres more or loss. Also tho following de rib ed landain said Linn Co, to wit: Begin ning at the South East corn?r of the dona tion land claim of Tboa. S. Summers and wifo, Not. No. 5B0I, in Lina county, Ore aon aud runuing thenco West 'i'25 chains; thenoe North 18.36 chains : thenco Kast 22,2 chains; thence Sou thlU.3t chains to tbe plsceof beginuing, ooT?tainlayl m. mnro or loss. iyn iHa foilowins described tract of land, to wit : Beginning at a point 4o.35 chains south and 19 0 chains west of the north east coiner of section 36 in Tp 12 S ol 11 west of Willamette Meridian ia Liun County, Oregon.and running thonoo v ast 37.75 chains; thence south 10.3 chains; thenco east 37.75 chains ;thtrce north lG.i6 chains to the place of beginniog, contain ing 61 acres more or less. By order of tbe Court : "Witness my hand and the seal fnaid Court alllxod this 11th day of Jan. 1882. N. I'. v I'm, Clerk, per J, II. lliCKLKU.o-, L.S Deputy Tbe beat naive in the a o-ld : r i 1 r brats ea, sores, ulcers, sJt lever sorts, tet ter, chapped bands, caiibiaiu, corua aad all kinds ct skin eruptions. i -is iave tsgaar an teed to give titi-feet sti-f actios in every case or money refunded, f rice .ioc per dox. Ferale by Fonhay and Mason, wholesale agts ; D Moore, Scio ; I Foley, Lebanon ; lr Foaell. Lebanon ; Redpath and Moa taexie, Jefferson ; D M Calbrewth, Duena Viata : O Cornehus, Turner ; R A Rampy, Harrisburg ; Starr and blakelv, Rrowne ville. Summons. y Oreeoa DIBD. RB0D1S Iu Mohawk Vallley, Lmn coua ty, on Sabbath, Jan, 29, 1882, David Rhodes. , , I Notice of Pinal Account. NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may oonoern that the undesigned, exoetitor of the latt will and testament of James A. Porter, deceased, has bled Ida nnennnt for final settlement iu the Cmintr Court for Linn County, Ptate cf Oregon, aud tho Court has set the 7th day oi March, 18S2, at the hour cf ono o'clock, p. m., for tbe hearing of objeotions, if any, to aald account, and the final settlement of said ostate. .t T. I. PORTER, Executor. W9athorford ct Blackburn, Attys for Ex. In the dremtt Covri qf tht St for Linn (. ouy : S. II. Alt bouse, J. F. BackenV.o and W. M. tvelchum, copartners in business, under the lirui name and sty e of Alt h.ue, Backers to and Kdtbbuaa, PlfBs, vt Johu M. Mclzler. lort. To John 51. Mcti'cir the odor aaaed dtfod ant. "fN THE NAME OF THE STATE Oh t ORlfiUON, you are hereby re;uired to aptear and answer the coin plaint at the above named Plain ti :!', in tbo above Court, now ou file in the offlne of tho HI 1- f ln nAlln. w h A Is nf thil next regular term of said C-mit tor Ltnn eounty, Oregon, to-wit : the 2nd. Monday, ihe 13tn day of Marcb, lbi. And you aro hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer eaid comr '.aiut as herein required the plaintiflfk vi 1 take judgmeut against you for fifty-case mad 68-100 dollars, in U. S. gold coits, at the rate of ono per cent per snoutli freai June ' Ola, 1879, amd lor coats burseinsais of this action to be t This Summons is published I of Hon. U. F Boise. Judge of as which oniet U datov! . nc.ry L H. Mas 26 al Atty THAT HACKING CQUaM qnickly curol b; s wc. tee it Fv-r s..!e by Fo.:ny i Albany ; R. A. HaarlJInaab C ATARR AH OU 1 1 E 0- " breath securred by Shi! s Catar Price 50 ccntd, Nasal Injector