STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY or OLAlH H. STEWART. VinUXBtS rCK-l DfUMHl Building on Breadalbtn aircsf. ok suBsciumoM: i IS 00 9 00 1 00 10 opt, uv m.mths . . my J, Iknt month , ssr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. s sua. o a. chambkhuin. FLINJI & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany. Oregon. TOfflw In Fbtrr Brick Blook.-m& TlftnlSif. R. iTIUHAX. U BtT.TMtT. 8TKAHAX & BTLYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. z RACTICE IN ALL THE COU RUB OK tfcts Stat. Thew KIT SP O.Mai all(n- n to collection! and probate matter. Office In Foater's new brick. AW L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANl Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. OfBeo upstairs, over John Brifrgs store. let street. vl4u23tr T. K WE ATH ERF0RD , (VOTARY PUBLIC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, AlBASY. ORtUUX. Win. nucnoB in all the courts or the State Spect-l us ti fircn to collection tiul aAels matter. JaTOflke to OdJ FoJUwl Tvojpls. (14:1 J. C. FONT W.I- W. U. HILYKU POWELL & BILYEU, iTTORNEYS AT LAW, And solicitors m i nance rr. 4LB.4IY. ... 01-flOH. Colleetjens promptly made on all point. Loons negotiated on reasonable tonus. aTOtce in Footer's Brick.-Ofl vUnlOtf. T. P. HACKLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY, OBKCOV JBTOffloe up axalra in the Odd Fellow's remple.-B Tl$n50 P. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW KEBAMOX OREUOV WT11 practice ta all to courts of the State. Pwapi atSeotioa alrea to collections, eon vara eaa aad oxaen mat ion of Title. Probate again a apaetaltty. v!2oJ0tf. J. A. YA.HIS ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELOR AT LAW OOBTAUUfgv OREGON. la all the CoarU of the State ia the Court Hoqm "TBS vl2vL OEOIOB W. BABSBA ATTORNEY AT LAW AND HFotary Public, railBTILLB. osteon. Collections promptly made on ail pointa. E. . 8KJPWORTIL, ATTOBSBY AKB COCSSBIOB AT LAW ASB botabt rcBur. "fgriLL p rococo in all court" of the State fT Ail BBBtBBBl intrusted to me pronipi- ry attended to. OJIVs in 0' Toole's Block, Broadalbin Strtt, Aeyl Albany, Oregon. B. . JOJECSO-f, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Fhysiciao and Surgeon. Albany. Oregon. Office fa Froman's Brio:, two doors ox tenner a maK. niu BICKEY & STIMSvN'S filYERY AID FEED STABLE. First elaas vehicles, fine horses, good , accommodating proprietors and rea ls le chars, aire tnera a call. hiss near Revere House. Oyl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Fhjwierian and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. JISfatrA J. A. DAVIS. M. D. and OBSTETRICIAN, Offies in Odd Fellows TvmiJe. Rei i nc ea 5th street, twe hleeka area of the Court HeaM, Aibaaj, Or. E. W. LAN GOON & CO., DaUCGISH. Books. fWaffsmarr and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OIT-2T DRTJG 3TOEB, 9jl ALBtTT. OKXOf, '.. F08HAY & MASON, WOOL CSI ASB KSTAKr DraggiUand Booksellers, A LB A S V, OBFGOIf. REVERE HOUSE, C'erarr first aad EfUrrerf- AHmo, Orrgoa. Chas PfeitTer, Prop'r. This new Holel is fltu.i n in first cisat etyio. Tshles supplied with the bet the market sJford. Spring Beds In every Boom. A good 9am pi. Aim mi Ut Goto uerdsi Trarciera. ASTFree Coach ta and trn te lff.l.-3 Aioany Bath House. US RelOltlD W0UL1 RAsrHC'I 1 fsJly Is fori the Risen i ef Albany and vi laity rtat I kaTSUkea charge ef tkis Establish ateat,aad, ky keopiag eieaa roomg and payia ssHsisrteatUa to hasiaess, sxpeets w suit al i lata who nay farer us with tkoir patronage s r erg heroWfsrt oarriea oa nothing bat First-CktsA Hair Dressing Saloon, we expsetf to giro entfere atisfaotion to al Br Ckildien and Ladles' Hair neatly ea ad shampooed. JOS WEBBkR. State VOL. XVil. MRS. M. BAUM, I tln non. has Just opeiuui a nieeeloUo ot General Merchandise AND BENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, which the will t able priec. . to ell at reduced HIDES AND PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange fur gHhls at the highest market price. AH are invited to call lwforo buying else where. 22m3 BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon l the BEST sod QIaKAPEBT. MORRISON PLOWS BatciiBlor Yangeldor Spring Har rows. STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. 8c P. Wood Pumps, Hay Presse. FsVMiBg Mills, etc., For Sale at Lowest lUtea by W K GOLTRA, ALBANY, - - OR. Idyl (rTS30tXl4t liia, lac.) I OB SAAB BV 0. BAI 1 A JAMES DANNALS, aAxrpjunvssta xt r. a j B FURNITURE BEDDING. C'erarr Ferry and crnd Mrrels. ALBANY, - - ORl.tiOX. Mottyi Oregon Marble Works. H. A. ( LARK, Proprietor. uxMvrxcrvtJL or- MONU M E N T S . Tomb and Grave Stone c, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kinds of rneter work Ai In VrtV, Ml irtlVe tit. An work ! in ttrst stass njie sad st the kiweal rstca. ASTWest side of Ferry Ktrcc-t, bet necii r il sud Tkird. AtMXSV, OBiltiO. P. B. I do wt BBsB y ine potlentsO SSSMBSSS era, sad fire my customers th tucflt of itm B seal. lsBntSQaa sliowsd fur socu work. THE BEST REMEDY yon Disease, of the Tiiroat and Lungs. J! xr it vts'-n In dlwaaca of the pnl- AAAAkA monarv orcatis a safe and reliably rflherdy Is invaluablo. AvEtt' CgJEBBT pECTOBAf. is BUf h a remedy, and no other soctuinently mt-r-ita the confidence of tho pttblic. It n a Bci c-ntiOc comWnation of tlic medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of the finest drags, chemically united, of such power as to insuro the (rreatest possible efficiency and uniform ity of results. It strikes at the foundation of all PECTOR pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, tho effects of Ayeb's Chkrrt Pec TOBAL are magical, 2nd multitudes are an nually preserved from seriouv illness by its timely and faithful use. It should 1m kept at hand in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some ol the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs cleinand active and effective treatment ; and it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use Ayeb's Chebby Pectobal, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine inanredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BY ALL DBVGCISTS BVEBYWBSa;. !?l!!!ff!!SSl-r ALT m .. . . ... B-isTAlsW alwa"j Curoj atnl uovor dlaaj uointa. Tao world's neat Paii Helievor for Hau natl Beast. Cbeop, quick aad reliable. PITCHER'a CAJSTOBIA irt uut Kurvnt C'hiU!.' fjrjTOW fat upon, Mother Mkt nutl Physit luiiH roco:umood STt)lti. ItisrlttcJtho ; ) N, CWTGM AVInd 4 'olio, bIImji lVvcrllincNH nml do sitroyH VrniM. WEI Dii METER'S CA TARRH Care, a Coastltatioaal Aatidotesgor tUi. terrlblo mala I j . litfppwPlorptlon. Tho most IsiposVunt Discovery siaee Vao einatlon. Other reuneolea auny relieve Catarrh, this euroo rtt any t.t;o bafora CBBSBBsBtoa sets in. 0 at E8a3n ftlffgftS Tbrumcof lloa'ptreiNrtornarB Ilitfera it lear I jn . i n ry l S d0lll'n-. t( fiiidsa ls'e in rery hou"l rnolu, and tj i soundtrd throughout tho wli lltni'hers as n Ki'iicrRl in"oront, rnr- lure.'.. In 'hs. A SJBOntflti fbr ttp uU'itrv and Mur suuuncb, n uuy-t it.a stomachic, an exee.'Attt ti"'l defrttrti ami certain remedy fur intermit:. nt fv and kind rid die.Te. 1 Vr a!e bv a i f -n IValns ANAKESIS Ag. . WIAIEr.N r Vrr.BJML PH.t Kf lil'l Q.t Inrtsst Retisf. sn4 ts sr. litaV -Lh CURE FOULl. KINDS OF PILES. S.ld by DrussrvsU! every where. !'r' ' ' net iT. jirrji.'f. bj mail, rait ..r to I'hysit ianannd all ,tr- :i . '. XeBAtaedtrr Co., Bog " Ho fity. F1 :,.ntjfaturvtiof AN A k. ":.) Ma J. 11. IUtks Newsrsper Advsrti - Ing Agent, 41 Park Krw(Iini- IttH .Jlnf! Niw York, U ButhorMuwi to CMiiraoi mr adN-rrtisfiicuU tu the UKiu:nT ul our BUl rales. King of the Blood 1 not i "rurt alt-" U In s bieeS1 ' an't t'.rlc. J.i.j.'ir.: . "f l.l'f.d i Uw cln-nlAFHin, nntl Ujii,-" 1' ttiowt. by Aflf!-ui Main. rorillr-s to oftTt", btn jitiy.';-. of that Krtat gmqr at ftlaod. Such are hyf i'ontpUiinl . irltw. S orAs, Uaehtutkr, amend W Iripty, Kulru ij hl(u. tarrh, KeropuUi, Skin llu herUlin)t, . rv f nu cut t)iwj' ty siuick f th' WHl. ( ! ,U .. tal'ltiK It " fh" infrt f-ttu; ,i, iti-ranKrs t tisuniri'S, It ifrvtii w- Impnrliy sacs. .Iiiv tier. Head- ' y m rottonforll..- i.mixHir." S;t'! tiy Jni!l,t. aps t.ttli.. KjW. l.nttliiK.llilvl (l'ri i tidltn. c. In rntii ir. for phict, "jiasrHe i Dleafs of thu EI-jo!,' stsPP1 nr'.ii! 4 -'-h I oltl. . k. iti.'V.iO ri. sy.A 'J '.., nufTaie. s. I. DO Send for out Kew Illustra ted rricc-List No. 30, for FallandWin- ter of 1881. Frcc to any address. Cou tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. W'c dcnl directly with tho consumer, a.ul sail all goods in any quantity at tcAofcaofe prices.. You can buy better and clwaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WAKD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue,Chicagd,lll. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A T.Ti WHO AUK IN DEHTED TO M B A. or hAvo any buaiuoss to transact with mo, are hereby uotillod 'hat my afTalrM aro loft in tbe hands of Mr. Simon Soitenbach, of the firm of Montoith & boiteubacb. Li. KMNK. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AL3AM, OttEUO.V. WJB.7ILL practice in all courts or tbe 1 Sato, and give special attention to ' coUoctions. OtTlco in O'Toalc's Block. uflll Rights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY la- MonvUWt Tli,t. t" 1 1 uf ii 4oHBaaroBi'.it ii. PuRTt.ANi., Or. Jsu. 14, lrM2. Mr letter to thn Titnm nmolisse siscs hss had ihs oil's. I af slirriag ap quits t brcszA in aoliiicsl circles, esfooiallj smong h members af that lose usrporat'otr known as the "rHate IIolss Cliqst;' At lssst 1 sm led to beiitva thAl si. -h has been tho tfTsct of en-latter, by ths maay trip wbtob the chief ef the clifjtt has made to ot:r it ? since thr sppesranrs of tha tfj stlfl. Itsoior has it new tbat tho fACtf brought to ligbt in pay letter hsvA also Had tbo ofleet of oaanisf (ho otos of on member of Iho corporation to the fael that he ia iiltelf lo bo aaorificeil a rdor to promote tbo nomiaation of "Uookj, tho oily tongttod." And lot me whiiper in your ear, Mr. KJito, that rumor is not afc faalt, as "Hocks" aad his man FridAy bars Horormiaoi at all ha.-rda that thoy will fill tbo Seero Urr of AtAle's OtHfte another torm with out roganl to tho lAtorest of the people of tho Slate, the intorotti of bin party, or the corporation of whieb he ta tko bead. And let tno say to yen now. that URliM a n is enal rbano to made in the t" gram sf "Rocky" aad his n. vs IVidsy, Mr. K Ilirsh, canJidato for ronontisation to the oflco of 8tste IiTitnrer, will meet with igr.erainteus sud ttndorved flofoat At lM bands of the next Itepubltesn Ktuta convention. I say "undsorrrl," boemte Mr II. nil I. -i. sicca ho wai ettvtsd Rtato Treasurer, establiahed a reuta'ton for "real An"bai!itr af chAraekor an 'i gon'.la iSAnly doportuient, which haa ran.ler ed him vor popular among I'amocrsta whose esvalial CfBtd is, that an efli. w is a trust place 1 in tbo hand of an ff tiai to bo ad:n:oiatorod aad ooAdect oU la tho tuorcst and for tbo benefit of tho aoopls, an I aot te bt held aa tho property of tbo oflicial. Aod thfa briagaus to tbo cause ef the "chief ' making go many tiifs to aut city aioco the apoarnse of my letter. Your rentier are i!oubtlrs awaru of tho fid that Mr. Sol. Hirsb of this city is a brotborof Kd. U.rsb, protoat Ttoai uror of fJwSlBto, that tha Hirtb brutb art or Joat snd tbat tkoro ate a largo numbor of rv'ers af tbat elaas in tbil city; thst lbv are uaotljr ail Uopu' li rajos. tod that ."!. Iirsh it thoir ItaJ vr a 1 Bpoluansaj). H-l. Hr..!i is a ' wily, throw J. c fvUitcian, an I j ',i i... l.uu best i s Jaep tliiakiog b 0.t.9 whe rial ejil :iely scru ;..ivos in polilksi Xow, the bighsst aad an! BuiiticAl Atabttion cf So!. Hirsh is thst bis hrotl ar l.i. si . I ba reBomiftiftlftl acd jeo'.ocied .Ule Trsi'rsrr and will renblloso u all his tail power of pollstos,! si. OUABH.g and WUISSS4. rest tndrsnco :D'h s wiol- br virtue ut I t , tan rs the hS ft or BBSS l m Vs sw as I wbnh he u i, to stM-tirn b's biolbtl 'a eloAtoB. That he sriii be able same tho de'o gatas from tlila EOVaaj to tss I lop v. ah can State comvftitoB admiu aos ef a dsnht. '11.', ibejr wjll be f r El. is aoloss cert..-, aad Sol. will thos bo able to aat to ' y ." ' Ton in us. b-io sour friends Id the sunaort of Ri , ar you tkall aot bao a ajng's rota l om this Bounty." This, of course, i . pinto " Hock' betweea two tiros, at it is pudei stood that bo has be.Mt j nareliatins with Tho. afontoith ef j A bAr t wbj is a caadidato fur Biate T.fasJrex u i;.ite tLotr inioreata. and eur oorroBpojuien is infenaad by a keoobiieaa fjuan Albany that the bo towatiena have bees concloded and that tha Linu cauaty deJeaitea to tbe esxt ty (Jelejatte fisp;.biicaa Su'o convention srtll aup port "Kockyr for "oeretary of SiaU Vlaut-ith i'.jr Hisic Treas'iror. oml W. l. Hare for 'ioeeraor. This is sow said to bo the "alato," o far as IJnu county is vncorned. Vour cor- respotdnnt is i tier mod that ' Kocky'a" friends claim tbat the ' alate for l.aar county will be the saw e, except tbe namo of Menteith will be orasod snd the namo of J. i Gray, present Cofitttf TresB uor of l.sne soeottsated. W'i.i; tt it as cortain thAt hi. IJtrtb ill rccoivr tbo support ef Mnltnumsh county to Lbc tate convsntien as say political aveat that has net already bap 1 4f. v.c i h'. i t.i a:'-'' ?t e,. isiiv sertain that tho snpnort of tbat eonnty illtot bo sr'lhtous to fiocere him tho noniiuatien, ufileis Mr. Hircbs frtsLde now come to ihu ftnt and use tho vast BIOABO which lhrj havg in tboir j wer to .c..:e his noininatiati. Th" Jea-iab ?aj in ill H.alo is cotnparatiely largo, and mostly J'.epuolican; but even m tae lasp, cr mat jsct, as ib other fast that tho two political parties ia this 8tato are rather oronly dtvidsd, we liiid mauy nartow lasnueu, know- aofh'mg flepubli:,t s who tuMst that a Jew should not be elected to so impor tant a position. Hew mocb this ob- . . . . siisa ' oar t I i isctn.n WW atlsct Jar. Uirsns cnascos inr raniiwinstioa on. romatua o hs eton. Mr. lisrhoart fealii perfect! certain ef ksine r-nmiai.1. as no eth"r candidate has pnblisly aanonnsod his intoatieri ot eontejttta fcr tee pr.o with him. U has latoly ben whispsv- ed Abont noions a cortAin cIabs ef know ing ttapablioA-ns, kesrevor, that if Mr Earbeafl and bis risnds shall throw obstacles in the way of Mr. Hirsb, by formiu rombinAtiona with other eanrii dftte'e, then will a formidable candidate for Sorstfii'v of State be annsnncod fcem a raest unexnected quarter. tv ib now known that tho ffie of Secretary m A 1 f Kls'ft hat net heon ndmni't-rM in that pure aad oroaoniical way that has beon craims! for Mr: Earhart by his Is. and this fart, it is said, will bo effcred in justification b'thoss above nn Iran of. who will brine out another wf ' - candidats. It seems 'that Judge Lotd will prcba blr bo re-nominated without eppsition It ia sa4d, heivever, that there is thane feeUaz tbrU2huul all tho in teriwr vTillnmstte vaIIov counties tha the Sjunrsmo Bsncb ahewld not be mads up from one pidUival party oa.iis r; hoLoa it is ory eommoa talk, espto "cially among farmers, that it will be bettor fur tho people at large to have, at least, ono Democrat on tho Bench; and many of this lame olaso af mrn say thAt tho olicea of Oo? ornor, Hooro tAry uf St Me, St Ate Tresssrer and SuperiAtendeat of 1'ubiio laitruetion, should be divided up in like manner, OKpocialiy the oflieea of (iorrvuor aad BOtreUtrj of State. The anti monopoly movement lately isnugurAtod in this vsllsy ' annat, in the natuto of things, assume foi inidabls pi ..portions, as Dsrno. rsts bava nl ways PMfl Modorstootl to be the. friends of tbe people a againtt the unjust and baneful influencee of corporatieaa whea flttemplitig to modif and eoaliol tbe logislatiea ol tho country. Tho general la 1 prevailing aentimoate amoag Uomo crala is tbat af friendliness towards tbo building of railroads new going an in this State. There is no well-defined diopositiou to srek legielation tbat will cripple or retard such railroad batldieg, hnt whed tho railroad corpora tions step In to control tbe legislation avd politics of tbe Htate, tboit will tbe united voien of the UewuwrAcy and thousands of Republicans be beard ia fnvor of leginlation to restrict the powers of such pnwnful corpora tioni. V'our correspf n-lent is ceuvinoed from the outlook cf things bow that Mr. i lard will enter tbe Gold of p !itics at the coming cameoiga not becauao be is personally inclined to do , but becauao bk advisers will induce him to believe that it will bo Utter for ihe rail rf ad companj U do s. As you are awarr, J. N. Delpb is a candidate for U. 8, Seaatm; tbat be is closely allied with tbe O U & N ., snd being not overnir.ein politics, he will not hesitato to plnnga the railroad into tbo filthy pool if ia. will promote bis political aspirations The people ol Oregon will rue the day if they permit the railroad company te elect the next V. 8. Meaator, rape ially if re 1 e s-.cb a man as Dolpb or Mitcbell. rCBaOS 4LA. 1 j ;bie i'hes lo li designated as tha Cauatcs di lirr-fousK Tho .Sultan of Turkey otdy chirget U.i for aaahlng . ou a cheraller. Ljrsl Ijtidndcrry l on6 of t'.o Inrireot ovvuvr ef 1' mi new lu Kuf land. Prince Wlitaos bjti sull lioa dttllar'a WoriH r.f tiiur0a bit Keasi hi BaiMiaB Annie I.euUa Cary Is t year old ar than Mr. l,rilUrl, whutn ' lo about to marry Baren Gu-tav lLU-;r d h e bnlUl a c'.ittetu ntr Cuj on land f r whleh he pt l i ii' Uol- A BU4fa4clfaTtfslly vt oma tines amok ad I y tr. Uelniottien. Hh eystetn was olsont l with nico tine. A r.elliuure (irm receaiiy shipped 3sl bairtls of Califwroia ataloue abolle twa l'ren h Mrm to mauufactuta into artieles of Jewelry. MIs 8'tsan Teal more CDBB0r is now seventy yaars old. Sli Is Hv lag at Capers town, wacro ebo ia very active iu charltiee. Alexander EC Hie van-, wha Is now eoranlv year o u, nevor reaa a lAiry . a l . stery, and uatil the other day nover board of Cladoralla. At a Ball givoa la Atlaata tbo other day la honor of l!it Jula, daughter of Htoeownll .lacksan, orory t-'tate In tbe Union xae repre-ented. John Anderson, the New Yerk naillioaara toaaceonisl, who recently died in Carle, left over one miltien of dollar ia personal properly and many million in real relate. A Montreal man who coti onee draw a check for 1,000, 0C0 Is now suiting wood at fifty rente per card. yne miter i otiusnii; a -, white the former was a nrodarn la- fifaoeo. Oliver Brothers,: Phillippa, a flraa ef Pittsburgh, employ women to manage mrchtnee ia the nut find holt lepartment of their Iron-ivories the first wemen, it is thought ever em ployed in Iron-work. Noah Webster, according to tho Baltimore American, ouce foand him- aelf iu Baltimore without a red rent in hjM pocket. He started a eioging arhael and soon had money euongh to tako 1.1 ia to Tjottnn. Judo Putnam of tho Maasachu- i Avu Muarama Court, who died on the 6th inat wa.s born in Hartford, Vi, lu 1817, aad was a grad 14 e of l alo College witb William M. Evarts aad Chief-JtiRtke Waite. Mr. Jaraaa Jeneatof Kane, MeKean ne-ad G vears. says that no ns dtirine; hla life in that part of Pean BFlvanla shot ana Ktiteo over aoow - - . . , t s 1 , - VAk deer, M 25 bears and aneeuntetl game of other variotics. The weddlnjr gift of one of the Barons Rethscaila to young Mrs. August Belnaent was a jewelled pen dant of two united hearts formed of onfl enormous diamond with a lnrge, 5oar -ahapad pearl hauglng from It. All intoxicating drinks were ox- eluded from a teconl dleaer previded by tho Dako ofJArgyll at Iavorary Caatta for tho workmen, where tho Ladies Kary and Evelyn Campbell and tho Marquis of Lome wero pres ent. Olo Bull wound up his geld watch on his death-bed, and haW 4 hia wife : "When my band is pour ideas to do this again," send this inithful friend to Pref. Derejaus, with the request that he will wear it himself in memory of our friendship." Oacar Wilde, tbe apostle of coiihet iclsma recently arrived injthls coan trywes born in Iielaud, and is a eon of Lady Wilde, a poetical contrib utor thirty ytars ago to tho Dublin Natloa. We steads six foot ono la stock! Qg considerably taller tban his poetry. emarmt 3, 188. Tho Episcopal Church, 11Y UKV. IIOBT. U mVEVf. II. Joba Wesley iu h sorroon on divis ieas among Christians, rays, "Many persona who profess in nefe religion," "hoes not tbe loasl eeaeeption of this mstter, neither issagiaa such a separa tion to be any aia at all. Tbey leave a Christian society with aa mueh nn sonoern ea tbey go out of one room into aaether. Tbey give oecasion to all this complicated miaebief, aad wipe their mouths and aey.they have done ao evil." a tbe other band, many cling to their poouliar aeet, aim ply because it is what they or their friends have long been members ef. They admit thst people may do qnito aa well ia other denoviinstiona ; tbey are not members bsueuse tbey consider Christ establish c I the Chuieh in the form they bold te, hot because thoir education makes them better suited, wbero they hnvo been accustomed to worship. Can there bo any limit to tbe number ef deaeaiiaatioas oa this principle of cheieo. Tbe word "bsreev" comes freia tbe Greek mooning "a choice" end is aow applied by all Christians to mean, an evil choice, regardless of all eatab lisbod epioiens snd fseta : Th us tbe I nitsrisns aro heretics for denying tbe Divinity af Christ. Unlese Chris tians search for tbe will of our Savioar ia tbis par tie alar there ia ao limitation to anmbsr of tbe divisions ; self will mast yeild to estsblishsd usages o a less tbey ere elearlf eeatrary to soripture ; ohsrity is impossible witbeat a opirit of accomedatien. Doctrine aad cus toms wbieb have aloea prevailed ia tbe Ghurob, will bo accepted without scra pie by those eadeevoriajr to keep peaca aad unity. There are ever two bua dred diflereat seats ia tbe Uaitod 8tatea to-day ; tkoro have boon more ; bat after dividiag maay bars died out. Tine protest against divisoa comes with more farce from tbe Rsiseensl Churcb to-day, because hardly years ago, aotwithataadine the aiao mast saraest presentation of tbe brethren, ad in dieoct vielatiea of hie ordination vwe, Bishap Casnmiaa served bis eaa sector, with the msia body, and start d what was called a reformed Kpit-e pal Chareh. Hs wss fallowed by abont fifteea out ef three thousand oiorgy men. snd joined by disaffected members ef other deaosaiaations. This sm though Lot nine years old has separat ed iota thro orgaaizations already. It was watcemed with tbe right bead of fellowship by ether doaosai natioas aa m e'r'ert accordance with the principle ef ef tho:ce, instead ef boins condemned ss a vialstioa of charity ; tbe avil frait of division bss m stared very qaiekly ia this esse. Sarely Chriatiaas mast have some guide or rale ia this mstter. Whea an evil has reached such a fixed pooi- tios, it is sad indeed. Only devoted eelf denial nd oillingnem to follow the sruth when revealed can kelp the Cburek ef Christ. St. Paul gar a rule ia Rem. XVI. 17. ' Now I bo acccb ycu bresbrca, mark sham which cease divisioaa, and ofleaoee coatrary to the deetriae which ye have learaed aad avoid them." These divisions are doing more for the cease of iafidelity then the attacks of aliinfidcl writers eomblaed. Letaay one consider tko differeaee, in the ia flneice ef Ckriatiaaity in tkia country, now snd fifty years ago. Sectarianism wss bet and evil results aot then ao ap parent. Old men will tell yon thst tbo nation as a wkele bss passed from ander the intluenco of Christianity. The appalling fact meets aa that not only are two thirds of our whole pops lation unbelievers, bnt that popnlar sentiment is in many places atroagly opposed to tbe inflaeneee end teach ings ef the Christian Ckorek. Tbe number of members in larger new than formerly, bat the growth ef Chareh in fluence has been ia no proportion te tho growth ef the cesntry. No general movement towards a real unity caa be eapeoted. Too many teas parol interests ere at etake te cr poet that any eaa denomination weald give place so anetber ; tha lave af many ia too cold to expeot theai to take any special interest ; very few have the eander to aeknewledge that they or their forefathers may have been ia error, though error ia diriaioa there eertainly ia ; others will prefer their own way, right or wrong, and will ridicule what tbey neither aaders'aad, nor wish to inform themselves a sons. It remains then with eaob individual Christian, to do his or her duty for the sake of Christian unity. Of truss the trnrh is not popnlar with these whe make the loudest professions of being perfectly free from bigotry. Ao a rule those whe profess to be free from ail prejudice and narraw minded noss aro tho most illiberal, because they do not recognize tbe truth that those two qnaliiios are natnral to the hitman mind and only overcome by wide extended observation and practi cal Charity. The spirit of perseeution ia net dead yet, aa any one will find whe attempts to run counter to popu lar sentiment, either in or ont of the Cbnrch. No fires will burn, nor blood bo shod as of old. Men to-day can make the weight of pepmlar displeasure felt in many other ways than by blows, nnd tbo pAtient conscientious eonl, whe tskes a consistent stand in this matter, will have te bear hard tbisgs for Mis sake, who endnred much contradiction of sinners attaints himself. Where was the starting point of divisions among English speaking pso- Plel At tbo Reformation Henry VIII severed England from tho sway ef tbo Peue. This kiaa. not beiaa keir to ike throat', was brought uu for tho Church. Mis older brother dying lei' him heir to the Crown, aad though young At tbe time of kia accession te NO T. mo kingdom, he herauc ,ont cf the most loaraad Romsa Cathelia TheoJo giano of bis day. B.fng tery familiar with therefoi ination BsOTtpSfnaV wbieb woe than agitsting the continent, and at first opposed tv it, he wotea book agaiaat Lutker, aad for bis zeal, the Hope gave him tbe title of "defender of tbe aitb." When lbs Pope refaeed ta grant him a divorce from CsthArino his wife, Henry decUred tbat 00 she prin eiplcsofthc 001 If Cbrch ea foreign eecleeeisatic bad An right ia England, andtakiag advantage f tbe diaturV aneee in Europe, ccinrAKd Kegland from the pepsl territory, and oesatitnt ed bimaelf hood af tho Chorch. Is was simply an act of tyraanioal power is which tbe people bad no voice or ckoice, yet had tbe Keglish nation sa a whole been opjoced to this step it eonld never hsve taken place. ag land had always boon roost restless un der papal oppression. WeliflVs llible, smong other things, bad helped to pro per tbe way for a retnrn to the ussges eftbeeerly Cbuicb ; tbe v the Keformora had spresd far and that notwithstanding tho tor hnlonce attendioa such rhr,- ii W BBS mm -w p VliW nation sabmitted in tbis msAtar to Lha dictation of tho nrbitrarr Ki. mmA took part with him in disregsrdmg the menaced vengesnce of tbe Pope. Tf S WO uaaor nenry the Church af land bad no power, bnt cimply had to wnis mo turn ef events as ordered kv an over-roling Providence. The most important cbaesas wi however gradually ejected. The Bible was trsneiated !ato Eogiisb snd placed ia tbe Churches Tbe Chi.rrh ..r.. were also translated end read ia the ether tongue of tbe peon la The re formers ia England corresponded with those in Germany ; Melancthcn waa specially invited by Henry snd Arch- toieuop crsmner to come over to Eog iaad ; while ss a result ef tbeee nog tiatiaas, a bodv ef thirteen articles ei Religion were drawn up neailv a rac ing with the confesaicn of Augburg. King Edward tbe sixth was brought np nnderitbe influence cf the reformers. and whan be succeeded to' tho tbroao in 1547 tbe Church the first opportnnitv to set a kodr Al the Kings command to define the j aectrtnes of tke lUfetrned Chunk ef a m Englaad, Bishops Crsmnor snd Kid lev. assisted by others drew op articlea ef religioa. which forty-twe were sub- muted to tbs whole coavoeatien ef clergy and scce,id by them ss the Church e doctrine. The priaeiple oa which these articlea were framed can be jadged from the sixth , which reads, "Hely Scripture eentaiaeth U things Boeessarv to sal rat h b ; so that wka - -at .... SOOVer ts aot reed there. r. ror tut ptovad tnerobye, (although it bo soma-1 throe miles. Mas 88,000 dmckords ttsse racoived of the godly snd prof t-1 ennuslly brought before iu magls abla far sa arder aad comeliness) yc trstes. Sas aa maay paupers as woald MiBiuigiKiH consuaineo so ao lieva it ao aa article of faiih " "It" is. wnat is not in ecriptcre. The abject et tha reformers was aot to fauad a new Church, bnt to rector a sa Us eld. li wee aot a division, for it was a national movement, nor did the Momsn Catholics sep Arete from tbo English Church, until in tho reign el Elizabeth wbaa the Papa put forth a ball forbidding them te comsuuae with km ; tbefiist divisiiea was mad when tbe Romanists withdrew from ker com mnnien. Edward was auoeeeded by Mary and Romanism was far a short time agaia forced opoa tbe English people. Then wea the trial time of the sroformed Church. Her leaders such as Crsm aer, Ridley aad Latimer were burned at the etake, others" were banished or found safety in flight. Hume gives tbis account of the twe last named : "Ridley B:shop of Leaden and Latim er formerly Bishop ot Worcester, two prelates celebrated for learning aid virtue, perished together in tbe letmo flames at Oxford, snd supported each ethers constancy by their matnl ex hortation a. Latimer whea tied to tho stake, called to hia companion "Be ef good ekear brother ; wo shall this dsy kiadle each a torch ia I treat in Oed. shall never be extinguish ed. The exeontioners bad boon ao mercfal as to tic bags of gonpowdsr abont these prelates ia order to pnt a speedy period to t heir tor tares ; tbe explosion immediately killed Latimr, whe waa ia extreme eld age ; Ridley eoatinued alive during seme time in tko midst of tho flsmea." Theso men are bat examples of many such mart re heroes who purified tho English Caureb from Romanism nnd paid fot their zeal with their deaths. When Elizabeth succeeded ts tbs throne, the reformers again oktciasd the ascendancy ia th Church. The Prayer-book and. article of Religion issued in Edwards reign wcro revised aad accepted by the clergy in convoca tien. Parliament gave its sanetion. and made those tbe national faith and practice of worship throughout tbo realm ; and thus the Chnroh and state la England have continued to this day. Tho Church cannot make a law with out the eeaaent ef the people, through their representatives in Parliament, nor oan Parliament, er the Onsen make a law for the Church withont the coo sent of the clers y. Two extremea were diaatisoted Iwltb the eatablished order. The Romanists. ho deaired to restore the papal au thority, but nsver regained the ascen dancy, and tbe Puritanic clement, which crew stronger, and cal mine ted ia Cromweli'a time in the overthrew ef both royalty and the Church of Eng land for a abort time. While the Romanists were th Irak to leave the Church ef England, the first diviaion that led te moat dicastreas results ocme from Puritanism. Its followers set tbo example of such an inordinate self opinion that wore thoir wishes not carried out, thoy preferred to read the Church of Christ. This seff opiaioa was net tempered with any respect for the opiaioas of others. In tbe spirit of tke age thoy weie prosecu ted ky the Church tbey attempted to divide; and when they got power, perse- JITCS. 1 wk ! 1 SI 6m I Ve ; is 06 is 00 2 00 2700 95 00 ' 48 00 , 90 00 Brnl 1 Inch 1 () . S 00 : 2 " I 2 00 j i 00 3 " 3 00 i 000 4 400 7 00 Cl 6 00 ! 9 00 I I " 7 50 12 00 4 " lOUOlloOO) 1 Is00t9u00 600 8W 700 i 1200 1000 1-250 1500 1800 25 00 1 1 M 1800 5 00 SO 00 4000 40 00 100 00 fsiecfsl buelneea noticee in IxmoI Col- nrnrjs j cants per linn, notices 10 roots nor line. Hefralor local For legal and transient d art ieemon te, II 00 per square for the first insertion ana 50 cents per square for eah sabeeqnent insertion. cutod ethers. Thus while claiming freedom cf opinion for tbemeolvm, they would not sclera te it in others. Rsacroft in bis U. S. History Vol 1 Cbsp. X, gives an account of the laws of tbo Puritans (ia America) against sectarianism. Under tbe laws referred to, four Quakers were put to death and many others baaished and otherwise persecuted. Be tampers k is eulogy on tbe Pilgrim Fathers wit's tbeaa Words. "It baa been attempted to excuse tbe atroeity f tha law, bee see tbe Qoakers avowed principles tbat seemed sabver si re of social ardor. Aay govaramcnt might ea tho same grounds, find in its ttsrcoaoaabl fears, an excuse for its cruellies. The argament jasticcs tbe 01 pulsion of the Moors from SpAin, of the Hegeeaote from Era ace; aad it forms a complete apoleey for Laud, who was boAost in hi bigotry, porse- e lttag the Puritans with the same good faun with which he recorded r.n draarn." If such then wore the spirit which ar.imsted th tinv- who:, divisions had their bagioing, wo. Id it not be weli to jok hack, and see whether some gr( m a or ; erg wen r-t .-nae wni-'i ar row bearing their f in a wce hmexl mi divided cbris.iaouy I cawo or los 00 a. London is tbo greatest eity the world ever saw. It is the heart of the British Empire aad of tho world, it covers within tho fifteen miles ra dios of Caaria Creee nearly seven buadred square miiea. It nameorc within three boundarioa 4,000, Ootj iehabitaata. It cemp:.sea 100.900 foreigners from every quarter of tbo globe. It con tolas more Reman Catholics than Borne itself, more Jows tkaa the whole of Palostiae, more Irish than Dahlia, more Scotch men than Edinbnrg, more Welsbmoa than Cardifi, aod mora coantry born persons tkaa the con a ties of Devoa, Warwickshire, aad Durham com bined. Has a birth ia every fro minutes and death every eight minutes Mas on aa average twemty eight of new streets opened and ' 000 sew boeeee boilt ia It 9very year. Msa 12$ aoreoas every day and 5,G0o added to its foBBla tien every year. Maa 1,000 chips and o.Oto'aailors ia iie port ovary day. Jiaaa 117,tCf habitaal criaa Laaia ea iu police register, iacraaaing at an average of 30,000 par asaam. Mai asore than one-tbird of all tho crime In oeumry eemmittod in it. Has as maay beef shops cad gin palace as weuld if placed side by eide. stretch from f harlar Croon to Tnannb itsa,. nf istsstv. Perumeuth, a mure than occupy every hoaee in Hrirktoa sis uawarda of 100.000 habitaal ceglectars ef public warship. Ac siatj mliee of open shops: every Lord's dsy has a cad af 900 'cknrekes and 200 additional city rcisaienaries, Haa ao Influence with ail parts of tbo world represen ted by tho pearly deliverance in it of 2-, 600, 000 letterc BtBoacr t BAvrai "A pradent maa," cays a witty Trsncbasan, "is like a pia. Hie head prereats him going toe far." "You seem to walk mere erect than ocasl, my friend." "Yes, I here straightened by circamstABcea." "Prisoner, kave yen ever been rioted t" ' "Xe, yenr Honor. I bare always employed first else Iswysrs." - Mr. Smith,'' said a lady at a fair, "won't yen please buy this beaqaetto preaeat te tbe lad v von leva f Twoutdn t be right' said Mr. Smith. "I'm a married man." "Hew could yon think ef soiling auntie stapid t Cleto her iesjsediateJo and tell ker sou s rrv." w r , ar A dectoi, e ' .res. ea apothecary a. ss a and the aaan a .10 taxes year pketev graph sheald all be persens of a cheer- fr.l turn ef mind. Refinement unacoempaaied by wealth is like melaasan with oat beck wheat cake. At all tresB, tkes is the host thins we con tkiak of At tke present moment. grsea wilt be tho fashita&Mo telor . - - r wo! be the fsiis n :r far t faces of the men whe hsve te pay thsm. Indignant Boarding-Mistress -"Why, what arc you there fcr V Ft bey on table "Mr. Hewlett pet n bore. He says it's his birthday, ai be wants te sea something en tl table berides bash." coast nrnex 1 red. An old physician. . etiretl from 1 tive practice, baviag had placed his hamls by an East India Miasioat tho formula of a simple vegeta remedy for tho speedy and perm: ent cure ef Consumption, Broashit Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat a I nno tf a T 1tma a lark nallitra a radical euro far general Debility tivo powers ia thousands of . - leets 11 nis auty 10 maxe Know a -1 . . his suffering fellews. The recipe aatien and use, ana ail necessary treatment at yonr own home, wll received by you by return mail, of charge by addressing with su or sfHruaod ssir-aauraasftl uvai to DR. M. E. BELL, 161 Y. CALVXBT8T. BALTIMORE, Ml Aiterney-Gencrai Brewster rafilas ef tho s:y la of 7.) years af Iodb waistcoat of biiebt tuff at blue, swallow-tailed ccet with buttons.