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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1882)
AET RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED ETBRY FRIDAY CLAIB H. STEWART. BWaTwSwJCe TSKatS Or SCMCKirTION: taTt eopy, par pu. OS lajt oopy, tfx atontha "00 eapy, tkrw bmmUm 00 number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u runr. o. r. chambbri-.ix. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. sMsrOfBee la Foster's Brick Rloek.-est; Tisoistr. S. HmUHAS. t.. BIL.TRU. 8TRAHAN & BI1YYEU, iROUm ft 00U1SEL0&8 II LAW Alavaay, Oregon. TRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF J7 this State. They give special ntteev tton lo oolleottona and probate matter. Office in Fester's new brtok. 4f L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY. AT LAW. ANI Notary Public. Office upstairs, over John Brigga ntore, let ntreet. Tl4n28tf J. 3L WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ILL PBACTICB IV ALL TUK COURTS OF TBI eaajaitaaUoa gtran W aaawSSBBB m la Odd rritaw" Tempi. 144 1. O. PCWBIL W. . RILYKtJ FOWELL & BILYEU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Aod Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY, - - - OK eft OS. Oolleotiona promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, jaV-Offloe in Foster's Brick.-a Tlialfjf T. P, BACKLEMA,, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .iLBAST, SMUMtSHI . sTOffloe np stairj Jn the Odd Fellow 'a lemple."wa Titoae F. M. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBAMOX OatKGOfc. vriu I pracUoe in all the court of the State, Pro pt stSSSSSSa given to eollacUoat. con- reraaeM Md mm ssssa oTTUJaa. Probata easiness s speciality. TllnSJU J. A. YANTI9, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW erui tn all tha Court of the la the Court Hones vianJSvL ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PSOEYIUS. eiuex. Oollectiens promptly made os ail points. E. R. SKIP WORTH, ATTOBXEY A SB CetTI SKLOB AT LAW Ala jioyaky rrtuc WILL praotJea in all eonrts of the State JM on illness intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OMrs is O'TooU't Block, BroaJMn Strtst, 45 j 1 Albany, Ortgo. E. G. JOHNSON, M, P., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Office ia Fromaa's Brica, two doors East of Conner's Bank. nlO DICKEY A STIMSON'S L1VBKY AID FEED STABLE. First class reh idea, fine horses, good bed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Oirs them a call. Stables near Revere House. 6yl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office st OREGON. BCnfiA J. A. DAVIS. M. D. Ilijy'Hieittn, Snrgfeon and OBSTETRICIAN, Oases ia Odd Fallow Teaiaie, on 5th a tree t, two bioeka wst of House, Albany, Or. lUsaiifBOS the Court E. W. LANCDON & CO., DBVttGlBTB. Books. Stationery end Toilet Articles, A xare stoos nnu iw races. CITY DRXTO- BTOBB, tyl 4LBS Y. OBtXO. FOSHAY & MASON, f waouaou ass kstabv Druggists and Booksellers, ALB1SV, ORKtiOX. vMrfUtf REVERE HOUSE, iracr First and KII. vrrti Albany, Ort-gum. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Holal la fitted up ia OrstcUa. gtvU,. TaMaa SurSw supplied with the beat the market afford. Beds la rry Kootu A food Sample tUnxtu fur Ca- l Trareiar. Ceaesttaajul from latel.1 Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KEriPECT rally Inform tha eitisene of Albany aad rl etnuytaM i sera insane barge efthii EatehUA stent, sad, hy keeping elean rooms aae payis etriet attention to bnsinass, expects i wit al hose who may fsrer as with their patronage Having heretofore carried en nothing hut First-CH ass Hair Brassing Saloons, we ezpeets to giro entire sstisfaetion to al BhTOhfldiaa and LeeJs' Hair neatly on adshastaoeed. JOS WEBBER. aaagaaBsws Mate VOL. XVII. MRS. M. BAUM, Lebanon, has Just opened a nice selection of General Merchandise AND BENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, which she will be able to prises. sail al reduced HIDES AND PRODUCE of all kinds teken in exchange for goods st the highest market price. All are invited to call bafora baying else where. 2"-5 BUY THE BEST. The Stodebaker Wagon Is the BEST and CHEAPEST. ' MORRISON PLOWS Batchelor Yangelder Spring Har rows. STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & P. Wood Pumps, Hay Presses, Fanning Mills, etf., For Sale at Lowest Rales by W. II OOI.TR A, ALBANY. - - - OR. ISyl (eassarss vas vnu, isrtft. ) SAUK BY ret, BA I at to JAMES 15 ANNALS, aAjrt'r 40tv aa FURNITURE OREUOK. vMBAlyl Oregon Marble Works. H. A. CLARK, Proprietor. -aAor MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Waahatands, Etc- kmdsot work done In Marble, Free aatf OraaBa. All in ftnrt akee style ad at tha fcaweti wt mUm ut Ferry Street, between Second end TUrd. ALBAS V, eiEfiSi. P. S. I Se aot emptor ear inexperienced outwe ar. anS ft ear omteeaer tiie beneSt ef the 26 per cent, eortmlenw aUovea for men worn. .rEOCTABlJ' TO been In u by tho public for orer twenty years. and is the best preparation ever invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND It supplies the natural food aad color to the half gland without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent Its blanch Ins; mtt off. and thus AVERT BALDNESS. ( Itching, Erup tion and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving the hair a liken softness which all admire. It keeps the heed dean, sweet and healthy. WHISKERS wifl change the heard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one prepnratios It is easily applied, and produces n permanent color that will not wash off. BEDDING j n PREPARED BE R. P. HALL h CO., NASHUA, N. H. Sold by sti Dealers In Madicin. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's Castoria. Mother lino aad Pbyal ins tead it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR 1.1 Nl M KNTS ; tho World's tcrcM .Vulu-ie -1 loving remedies. Tliey lietd, sootho nnd euro Bur its. Wounds, Weak Bock and ilheunuttlnrit upon Man, nnd Hprnlns, Qnlls nnd Lduuenens xpon noasts. Cbeop, quit K and rellnble. SPURTS of dingnatina Mucn, Snuffle. Crnokliag Pains la the Ilond. Fetid Breath, Xleafaees, .tad, any Catarrhal Complaint, .ta be eatermlaated hy Wei Do Jeynr'a Catarrh Care, a Conati ntioaal Antidote, hy Absorp 4 Ion Tha nod Important XHa uovory hiaoo Vneelnatien. Thw Basse of Bostattef e f t-mi-h YV era i heard in tery :. u a - a in tri7 houM-ho''t i I . i ees ountii !arOUsU''i'. tie v " v.;n Heui'iihe n a a! n- n't a it's :or t -4 he '-.. 'r.' v f v sod soar a . o in i . an e ef en " ' i'p:i:st Sad CS s re-rn"' . ' t:' tt. Ittt ic ani . ad red u.a. F.'raa'el-r a I V -cc k anil Pra:s AN AKESIS ML . KUABKfTH RXTKBXtL PI IK IO.MI.D1 OWet laetsat Relief, aed e lnfH.blo CURE FOR ALL KINDS OP P!f.?S. hvilil bv UniinrfsU everywhere. I'ric ,1 tirr box, prrtxiiil, by mnll. eawiptea M ti to rhaaiolans ami all atlerers. by Veutaednr A Co., Ifcix laWA Kew Vta City. 8le manufacturer Sf A N A K l! I Mr J. H. Batw. Newapaier A lv-rtt- ing Agent, 41 Park llow (llmsn Kulldlntr) New York, Is suUiortel Ui omitrwt AvrtimtuntintM tn the DKMoCBAT at our hast rates. Kiag of the Blood I not a "curt altr It Is a Mo4 po rtru-r and Unite. Impurity of Wood poison tbe yte. Owaage Vim? clrrUIoon, anil uiui iuuyi tumnj . . . w known by dtnwnt name u dUtttngnaii them o cordlas to effi-ct. I Mil Ik-iiik rrelly branch i cr pSaaeaof that great generlo dUonicr. I m partly Of Bleed. SocWepiWjrpei". blljuutntM, Uvr Complaint. Cuntipation, Senw VISSrSTSIf, II Unbul (ftwral Wmknrna. Hi art DfteiiM. f's&l fcW; teeteuwenr or tne Biooa. rwiiunH unti jiiirsn iiuni rallina lt"ttirtnot Ktnuiiu- sad efitciiiprepa nnWrortlte wxtvrM,." Blt tiy DmsKtn. SI per bottle. nnftiiMniN. direction, .. in unnt phlet. "trvull'Wi ou OIm-hh of tbe Blood, wrapped srrtinJI ci h ' tiV. 1. tUXSOh. bt S VO.. rrens.. Buffalo, b. I. DO Send for our New Illustra ted Price-List No. 30, for Fall and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal snd family use. We deal directly with die consumer, nnd sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. tt TTjrr Tu iianpnriinTfl ME or have any business to transact with me, are hereby notified that inj' aliairs ara left in the banns or Mr.wnnou aeiieuouvu, of the firrn of Aionteitb A Beitennacn. Li. KblNE C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAWS ALIt.tX V, O BE UO.V ILL practice in nil courts of the State, ana give special attention to collections. Office in OToele's Block. -SaalaaPJsaSa?' f lights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY -47, 188. Holeelotl Story. The Minister's Surprise. A portly, oomfortnble oi t of a tuaa ia a ohoodlsto-brown overoost ofwued tbs gato of Parson Howe's oottnge one ahnrp, oold morning when n henry snow lay apon the ground. It wns Bqiiiro Olver, one of the "pillars of the church," nad ho wns ooming to coaault bin pnator oonearn ing some ohvrch matter. Jut a he wns about rapping at the door it opm ed, and WilRe Howo enmo out. "Just wnlk riht in, tqunre, an! ait doan," lays Willie. "Ps'll be in direct ly." A Way ho ran, and the iqtiiro stepied in, nnd sat down in the little parlor, waiting tho spnrnnce of ilia pastor. Presently ho heard steps sud voices in the adjoining room, nnd thru a child's voice aaid : 4,Pa, juat look nt m elit e. It's all ripped." ' I think ii La, ltura," snawcred the paroii toi.os. "Let roe see perhaps -no, it is too worn to bo mended again." "Well, "i, plenae, I'd like to hnvo a new pair. Won't you grt 'em for me f As soon ns pa can, ho surely will, iaughtar," said the father, in anid tones, "Be good nnd waitn little, Lauia.' "I have waited, ever so long," ssid l.aurs, "nnd Willie's shoes are worse thsa mine, snd ho haan't got any nut tens, either." "Laura," interrupted n voice which tb aquite knew was Mrs. Howe', "run snd feed yout chickens, and don't worry papa now." Tbs child ran out, snd the parson, never dreaming who wsa in tho next room, bearing every wotd through the crack of ths door, said ; "They can't worry me more then l am worried, Mry. I dott'asay much, but I fed all our uoeds, not for myself, but for you and tbs children. It made my heart acbe, n little while ngo, to bear Willie ask if we oould never bnve meat fur brcaklast any more, and know thai thrre wasn't n pound of went in the house." "Nor nny augsr, either, and knrdly sny Oeor, aad not n dime in the purso, John, but for sll that ws won't starts,'' aaid the little women's cbevry veiee. "Hsveyou loat your faith, John t "No, Mary, l boje not," came tho answer. "Hut it duea seats bard, when my sslary is ao small it can't be peid, eo we Could hnve a luw comforta at last. R iuntirnea I thiuk I must gW up here, snd try somewbeto e!ee.H "Ob, no, ne, John !" pleado.1 the wiiV. "Nat yea. any way. wv g.,t such a Hluasant home here, snd 4ur eople are so kind, don't give np yet. Let s try on n littio longfr, and maybe help will come' ' Well, 1 dou t kuow from wbrncr, Marr. I'm sorry to aay no, but 1 ye lost heart, lately, till I'm really not fit to preacb. If the I- n I don t help us, nnd tbnt soon, 1 don't know wbo will !" Tbm tbere wsa s sound of n nun'a itaing sud Hmiire (i lover, feeling ss if be didu'l want to aee his paat or juat now, up snd slipped out bnfore Psraou tftowe came in. A nd when tho good squire got ssfe ly out of tbe gate his faee waa red, snd ko was pufltng for brentb. "Well I wail ! God bless my soul ! he wanted, as be trotted on. "Here's n prstty atnte of things ! No meat, uo a w shoes why, God bless my soul 1 "I'll see tbe deacons, nnd if tbuy won't, I will, out of my own pock et, too. God bless my soul ! That brave little woman ahull have some help to keep up her husband's heart, or I II know the rcasn ! Racing along, flushed nnd excited, he met Deacon Jones. He had the deacon by the buttonhole and in n minute, nfter n short consultation they both went off to Deacon Robinson's. And that afternoon there was much stir in Glenvillo, little groups constant ly meeting snd consulting in every store and on every corner. While the dsy seemed to uloeo in dsrk nnd cheer less in the pHison s little eottase. A fresb suow fell that night and . . -i -i served to make nmesiws me mtui which drove softly up to the unnistei's cottrtgt) with tho very tirst unit streak ofduwn. The inmates of the little d uelling were nil sleeping soundly, but one awake and tisteuing might have heard utufflod footstens, whispers end cautious shoving and pushing of heavy atucle. These, however, soon ceased, aud all was quiet until the day broke clearly and the villagers aroae. The weary parson and his true-benrt- ed little wife had lain awake late the night before, for heavy hearts utnke sleepless eye, and they slept a little later than usual this morning. But at last they were all up snd dressed. The simple breakfast, con sisting of codec, warm biscuts and but tor, was nearly ready, wben wiiueenn Laura took a notion to run to the front door and see how det'i tne snow was on the front porch. Throush the little imrlor they trot ted, Willie first, and Laura following, to the front door winch, with ajnie little trouble, they pulled open. And the next minute the cottage rung with their hearty shouts. 'Pit 1 na ! mamma ! mamma ! do come here ! Come auick ! Run here to - - - a tbe porch, quick, both of you 1 Greatly surprised and slightly fright ened, not knowing what had happened to the children, the good paraam and his wife lushed to the tront door, up- setting tbe cat and carles poo in their haste to reach it What a sight nwt their ev,:s ! No wonder tho children fchotitrd ! The snow had been carefully swept from the f uorcb. which was set out - -- -g'F I with a tempting array of various arti les. Right before the door stood h anel of flout, on top of the barrel c ere laid two juioy henm, and astride u o hams sat a great, fat turkey, all eased ready for cooking, at which Willie and Lsurn set up a grent about. An open barrel beyond wsa running over with plump rod spploH, and a seo snd bsrrel full of big, comfortable looking, potatoes and a row of crisp oabbags-heada kept guard all around tha barrel . Thau there was a box, packed with papers of sugar, eeffee, ten nad rice, a asck sf dried peaches and several cans ef fruit. Aad another box, when opened, difplayed two new pair of shuts, just the right aia for Willie and Laura ; inadry i alls sf flaaael, muslin and ealica, wares atockinga and mittens, and aevsral mall articles, not forget ting a well Ailed basket of aula aad caadlee, which proved that somebody knew what children love, and which set Laura and Willie to dancing, like little Indiana. In ths bottsm of a hex was a thiuk, warm gray ahawl, with Airs. Hewe's name pined in it. Aad when the shawl was uefohkd, there diopped out an envelops directed to PartwS Howe, Inside ef whish ther fonad the asnout of ths delinquent sslary in good, new greeabaeka, and a card upon which waa written "Will our pastor SQSSfl the little tsrptisa gift wbtoh nocompsuist h.s sslsiy, with tbs Ufa of a grateiul peo pie T "Ob, what a pleatast, pleasant asr prlae !" cried Willie and Laura to get her. "What a wsadarfut mercy, rntbei I aaid the mother. "Jebn, tttafss't 1 tail ysu the Lord wonls kelp ua t" "Yes, Mary '.' aoswered the pastor. "Lot us thank 11 im for the tneiceiea of this morning.' Aad is the little parlor tbey all rev erently knelt, aad asvsr a mere fervent rhnakagiving went up than ascended from the little circle in the psreou's cottage that happy winter merulug. ii i.e. n i i in, t aeaot n 1 1 it.n. Out West ths ugonta titko earn of (ho Iodlsns, sad tho Indiana reel pro oallr taks balr of tbe agents. Iu proof of tho Baserlirni thai ( ttlilo will stray Intostrangu places, wo have soon a cow hldo In n nhoom tker'n shop. Tho man who buya Confuderate bonds will mako a fKTiM inent Invest tusnt. i hey will bs Jan aa good In ths year 2000 na thoy uro t- day. A ull man having rallied a friend on the ahorineas of hh bjjf.lho friend replied ; "My leg laugh Iht IfMmtfj what njorn can yours do f A Tennessee girl wo:tt ou. f ir all with a man who was BsituJnf t i Jle for Ucr. A - g - i u;ot lb" I and he panted for the mutt uud let nogro isscus her. A prlost once ak ol ;i r mdomned criminal In a I'srHjni! : kind of a contclonro hevo you P Iti m Kood as new," replied the prUm.T ; for I hnvo never ftd It." What Is ths action uf disinfec tants V asked tho examining board of a medical a.udoat. "They smell ao badly that people open the tfoofl, and fresh air gets In,,' was the re ply. 'Thst's wbst I call n finished ser mon," aaid it lady to her hutband at they wended their way from church. "Yea," was the reply ; "but do yu know I thought tt never would be.'' When the girl who has encouraged s young man for about I vo years sud pealy tells him that she never can be inoro than a sister to him, he can for ths first tloso see tho freckle on her nose. A French artist gtvo his last work So a porter to convey it (o the silon. "Be careful, he careful," said, ,thc picture Is scarcely dry." "Oh, DOW r mind," exclaimed the porter ; niy clothes ars old.' "Does our talk disturb you V" s tid one of a company of talkative ladies to an old gentleman sitting in a rail way station tho other afternoon. "No, ma'am," waa the naive repiy, "I've boon married ulgh on to forty yoars." Villago postmaster to his wife : "Here's a poettl-card to Mr. Jones saying that his brother and live chil dren will be ere on Saturday. Now keep that card back till u.en and I will bo st tho depot, and when they find uo one to meet (hem I will lake them all ever for $X "Friends," once sid a clergyman to a number of people who had enter ed his church for tho purpose of get ting out of tho rain, havo often heard of the church being used ass cloak for one's sins, bat ibis is tne first time 1 ever heard of its being nsed as an umbrella." A yoong man proposed tot the hand of a beautiful jrlrl. As she hesi tated about replying, he said: I await your answer with baited breath The girl, who Is a good deal of a hu morist, said : "Well Mr. Man, you will have to bait your breath with Bomethiug else besides high wines and Limburghrr cheese to catch your humble servant. (Juid evening. covuMrrioft iui:. An old physician, rotlred from ac tive practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and perman ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for general Debility and all norvous complaints, alter having thoroughly tested.lts woatlerftti cura tive powers in thousands of eases feels it his duty to make known to his suffering follows. The recipe with full particulars, directions for prepa aatlon and use, and all necessary ad vice and instructions for successful treatment at your own home, will be received by you by return mall, free of charge by addressing with stamp or stamped Holf-addrcsed envelepe to DR. M. E. BELL, 1GI X. CALVERT ST. BALTIMORE, Md. cm o r rem in m iimi Volcanic rocks having pn-cisely tho asu:e chemical composition differ in texture, accoiding ns they are cooled slowly or rapidly. Tetanus lias been successfully trvatfd by tbe external use ef chloroform, fails sleep is iodueed by the use of oMoral hydrate and morphias. Tbe steamboat Isw requiras ths use of six pounda of block cork in life pre servers, that btiug antlicient to sua tain a man of average w ight in the water. la iufauta the wsigdit of the brain ia more nearly alike in the two sexes than afterwsrds, being eleven oiinnSS for the male child and ten for the femnle. " Psfffin has been recommended by s French authority aa t'ie best material for tbe preservation of eggs. On kilogramme t said to bs sslh' iut to cent and prSBgreg '000 eggs. The greet equatorial telescope at the new observatory in Nice will be oi.e of the largest ia the world, naviag an oh ject ghiM three foot in aUaaaetst snd a foaai length of fitly feet. Hsrning of aulphiir i said to he vory eftcacioua in prevailing iWJBtstjioii Irmu chelate. I hs use of carbolic s.-id alone doas net produce a 4 eflot oosi parable te that of sulphur Times. I a tbe msjerity ef soils lime p-r ceatage is greater in ths subsoil than the surface soil. This 1 dee to the easy solubility of oslciu- car bens te ia tbe soil water, which canieait down ward. Borne of Df Hrewn 8jtirj'a famous experiments in relsiieu u the Irene asisnien of ehsracteriaiica prove that gainsa pigt are eflaeted by ejertiosa on the nerves of tbwss in the preceding genernticu. Ilotha bsving been iintnrssl iu snlpherie ether will reeoref sfser the SVBBOffStlsB of the etbet ; baatles will recover froBI the alTetsof ehloro fertn, ami flies sfter having . . . whole dsy in a bottle of wiae. rds sspbtba is aeparstel by re distillatiua inio gasoline, kphths and benzine. Kroseue oil forms the haart f the crude e:l, petro'ess, fruni which thete several products nte derived, of which it foruis about fifty-fivs per oent. There have been found al Vers Cruz. IfsmtwB and Usvana auti-ieut eidtagse to variant S4ieutisis ia ataling that thesn leclilies sre SOBTOBI of a poison catuiug yellow fever. Tbe agent ia dvrivi d from apecies of in fuaot. . M. l'sllat raeSBtl declared that the I . . i . . m . a s lueaaarv vo warm a tttaarauiuie at 'at. r no degrae w.ulJ, if convert iutu the energy of elctrio eurreut', i L'. . 1 4 produce in a ttlsphone an aBatiUs h ut I for 0,0v3 years con- llnBIIBSi. ii hi ii iii ii Sj SB S i i a ii wsj it tar rnoro.BttHi.n tro These wbo have been through tbe experience will recogni.e the fellow log : "Sit right thsrs." "Move ever s little." "A little to tho left." "Ah ! that's too much. " "Hold your chlu up." "Look aboot tkars." "Drop yuur left hand." m . STW . T S e a a .at a rui ysur leei juai a utile cloesr together." "liot me bruin those hairs saTyesr shoulder." "I must fix your head again." 'Now 1st mo see." "Drop your right shoulder a tri fle." "That's good. Now lower your chin." . .w a a a a ow looK ns pio.8tnt as you can." "That right foot Is out loo muck." "Look out for your chlo. There just so." "New yoa are all right. Let me ?ss." "Now think of something fanny.', "Guess you'd better look nt this photograph. Keep your eyes wide open nnd wink a often as you like." 'Thero ! that'll do- No; your chin la too high. P wn down dSwn down that's it.' "New smile." "That's It." "Chest out. Shoulders up." "Drop your hand." "Oneo more now--stnl'o." "There V "Stoady, now." "Well Ihia is a pretty f.ti- picture, but I kuoj you had bettor sit again It looks blurred around the eyes." IKB0) tt. Miss Mary Howard of Cambridgo, Mass., eeiensraleal her oas bandied and first Csriatmas last year. When Jenny Lind was once told that same parsent had paid 28 to hear her aiug. "What feeds !" lahe aaid. sir. Davie1, a wealthy rial estate owner, and Mr. Oeddee, aaCock broker, ef Montreal, earns late'v to (istiauffa over neglect of an invitation from Lord Lome to the Isdies of a lawn tenuis club to visit Ottawa. telephonic soirees avj at pre-ient the rage in Paris, and it is said that Mr. Edisou will aoen have a telephonic apparatus by moans of which five hun dred people can at once b placed in communication with a theatre. The Russian emperors eldeti aon il fourteen, sad far advanced in his studies. The imperial famiiy speak Kussiau when-together, but when with tktiir toachera the bova employ French and English on alternate days. Dore, who has been reported to work in his atelier, e-ren in oils, by srttticta liyht, says now that n good pamtiaj; can he produced by such ligbt, and thai the electric light applied to pictures fads to bring out their colors properly rat NO 26. Tho Episcopal Church. I1Y UKV. I50BT. U HTKVKXS. I. Th ie rjiiH(.nt.., i.burh in th f ,;.! as - . m - Slates, ia that bratich sf the Caureh of Christ which I, , .. a lus-fol ministry of unbroken descont from Aprsttolic times, snd iu the form inatitined by the Apostles ur.-lrr u,., ggidsnsc of i.ho Holy Spirit. Beasalb tyoumH run to repent, to believe IB Christ a the nnl. .-,, . r - f ' 1 - l . wwui i hum K Ul'l, tOJla J i I a L ion i in i.iti t ., , , utid woruhip tl to partake of iija .Sacrarseuts. ir heavenly RaawSff in iiiibau4 ill iruill. When A met icn was .Irst settled by an BofUsb colony, a church of England minister accompanied it, and the lirnt religions service, in the KnglUh Inn gustje, held in the New World mm the Hams winch we ,ve to-d- i,. rl.a Kpiscopil lrrtyer book. When the revolution separated the colonies from the mother country, and tbey became an imiepend i.t ustion, tbe ministers of the Church d K 'island living in tb. a mm f BasBSBa l.'nited SUt, formed the Koiacotwd (;hurch. The Scotch and Koalish Oharaass cenvcrated biSaaOfsj for it, and thus her orL'aniznlinn waa mtmrn. mmf - -mmwrnmr mmmw ry pletvl. While bhe is independent of tho Church of Kagland, this indepen- iauc was no hur-aration, but rniinlr an outgrowth as ths daughter fr :u hr mother. As tbere Was no remit aa tha lipisofrpal Church has always bees in communion with the mother ('hrrh Her ministers and ours exchange p-ilpitS and are received br eac-h othnr on the baaia sf equality as "memUrs of tbe same Church and household, aad her laymen upon coming to this land are received as members of the Church. The object of this series of artielea is to call the attention of those Christian brethren who may e them, to the claims thii Chnrch baa tbaJr mmm i i mwrn-mw ' V W t llegianse; and by apreadirff abroad s knowledge of her principle!, to further the cause of hriatiau unity sod brotherly love. To remove tbe preju dice BBjaatiy no iri-.h -l against her and by w akirj'' the truth In I am Ln iudme the lo who lor, tlaaa Maair t make every effort to heal those divisions by which the Church of Obtist Is to unhappily rent nuuder. 1he separation cf Christians into various denominations if right must hsve tho wsrrant of .Scripture; if wroi g wo should esaeet to find them con SaSsnad. Lava is the foondatinn aaW cipln cl tb r Cbureb. Tne U (!'(; ,1 .;..! tt,a tneansof win ning bats mankind to Himself b 'he Saviour, the iove of the Saviour ina Him esUbiiah II , ( 'Lurch as the means of apiendmg a ku Vde of salvation, and this Ciiurc'i is lereseMtel as His Hride. He ears for her as the bun band lovea his wftm He purchased the Church with Hia Hlood. "That He mljhi rmnt it to Uiuvs' lfa a glorious Church not hurl It I i. if ftr irrf'' Ma aatjf aajeA thmj; but th tt it thotdd It holy ami without hlemUh' lain tbs word 'Ctbo!i. " -in its proper senae, all Christians profess a belief in the Holy Catholic Church, and as this is called "fA CAMrcV. of the lidag O'oJ tJte pillar unljrou,d oft ft -trnih,n to love this Church is to love Christ, ta aid it in every way is to honor bar Divine Mesier, nor is there salvation without ber; for 'the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. The Church while represented as ene body with many members, was not te be split np inio soparate societies. "For as the body is ouo and hath many members, and all the members of that one body bein manv are one bodv. as nlso is 0 iriit for by one Spirit are are all baptized into one body." Ia it right, for the different members of tho Cuuroh lo form separate organi zation, an 1 digosrn responsibility to the one Church? In the same chapter (I Cor. XII), we read "that there alioulJ be no schism (or division ) iu the body , but that the members sajuld have the sam a So great a sin : r ia j one for another." a divided Church til i Of all til Het errors into which the Corinthians h 1 1 fallen this is tha v Bt, Paul; for aa a Irst dealt w.t'i ireaefa ef CHtnrity it ws mst. dsruct- Htrnctivt' tt I ii'nUaa growth. 1 C-jr 10. "Novo I 1 e cch you hiethreu by th X tHl ) uf O ir L rd Jes is Chriat. that vo all apeak the same thiu. and that there lu no divisions among vou: but that ee bq nerfeefciy ioina I t-vgethcr m the sa n mind ant IB the gimi jnrteosaent. Tbase fjiniili.r with the Scriptures OaMl ree!l many such pass- c.tllinj u n Clii-istiaus to keep the uuity of th fiith io th bond of peace. People hnve beoooae 3 familiar witti n aiYiaed stai ; oi juris:euaom, mat it is looked iu :i as a mUer ef eourse. It is tlsoagiltUy m inr to be a goed thing to have so many different opinions to suit different minda: ths omptti- tion for members is sopited to keep alivs sarucstnou and xeal; tha churches am expected to watcn eacn oiuer care a. .a s it fully and show up the weakness snd folly of on ing members; it is asserted that men cannot agree oa subjects of a religious nature; while exibitions of sectarian bitterness sre oftentimoi seally enjoyed by the participants, aud spectators. Ths folly and wickedness of a spiritual kingdom divided agaiast itself is almost forgotten. Why should not the arg ansuls for unitv iu ail other mstters apply to the Christian Church? Union is strength, division is weakness. Tbe old fable of the bundle of sticks, which when united could not be broken by tho strengeit arm, yet which ono by one were easily Inappod asunder, has becoms a proverb, and why will not com aim sense urge brethren to see that a lack of Christian unity is a pitiful weakness in tbe cause of Christ. Lit auv Chrisi aa with a teachers Bible . turn to lbs index of subjects gad read tfifta rtf jrencss on "Uridn with Chriat' "tnity, and be will find that unity comes from love, and divisions, from hatred, emulatison 6m "&&" 1200 IS 00 J in. ,. 2 " 3 ' 4 ' I CM I " I " l on 1 00 .; Ob I 00 t; 'k 7 90 10 00 son S00 son 7 00 W IM) 12 (X) J.'iOO SOU 700 fOOO 1290 1600 1800 2,', SO is I .00 2i 00 I SO 00 4f00 i i i -. fxl sew i 3 .A) L'i' 00 mm u-oco pecinl bushioas aotic nmna 29 oenta r fine noticea 10 eenla nor line. in Ixx-al Col Kearnlsr locnl For legal and tmnaient ndvHiamente. f 1 00 per square for the first irirtlon snd 50 cent per square for each Mut-eqnent Inaertion. aad strife.. Some people tbiak that ths unity of tbe Church of Christ ia shown wben lbs different deneminaticna bold anion meetings, study the aame seriea of lea eons, and send representatives to aa Evsagslical Alliance. Is it a true saityT Ia it sot simply a deception in the aame of unity ? The Allinuce can not teach doctrine nor enforce disci pline saaong its component denomina tions. They can iecoauand a week of prayer, nod topics to be considered but it in simply a rScommsndstion which may or rosy not be followed ss eaeh w ' hoses. 1 he sects then J; not merge their differences ao that tbe Allinnce becomes a united Church. 8outb Carolina held abe bad joined s a .a aa t . S) . t a eon federation of States, and test when she chose she might withdraw from the Cnkn. Tats principle if al lowed would have broken up tbe country, the war tested it and the union of the slates as one country was saved. From tbe Evangelical Alliance any denominntion can withdraw when il pleases; its existence is not fn tho iesst imperilled; it is ss much a Cbnrcb out of the Alliance aa ia it. The Alli ance ia a confederation not a union. Much attempts at union only bring out io a more clear light the differences snd unhappy divisions. If tbe mem bers of any aeel feel burt, they with draw, and bold their own service tbey most jeslously divide the datieej and, any extra zeal is looked upon as an at tempt te proselyte.. When diffetsnt members ia tbs country unite to erect a obsrob building, by what tricks and dodges worthy ef the corrupt politician; doas it become tbe projerty of one sect whose members perbss have contribu ted least to its coastractiont In n small country town like our owe. with hard ly three hundred members of all de nominations, there are eight or nine organisations struggling for aa exist ence, which instead of showing what tbe Apostolic Cbarcb did on tbe dsy of Pentecost, a congreg alien, united "with one necord and ia one place have eight different hjuses of worship. Kvery Sunday which should be a day of Pen tec a. sees tbem divided, some singing hymns with instrumental music, others leaking upon an organ ss en abomina tion in .he sanctuary, and other differ ences ia is era far mare important, make il aa i . evident, that the Chris tian C'uUr.1- Joss not present to tbe iabdsl work1; a picture of biethern endeavoring te keep the uuity of faith ia ths bond of peace Wore tha Biassed Spirit to send s direct message to tha Curistisai of this . . . a a a . community "1 besoe ;a you, bretbrcu, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all en-auk tbs 9nr thir.' etc hew could it be received and obeyed. The incongruity of - m exu Usiea wtb existing circamtanj ;., ail tbe difficulty of putting it iuto exajutioa would "tagger tbe rnosh zealeua. Yet this direction was dictated to St. Paul by the Spirit to all wbo iove Christ to day ss well ss in the liana that are paat. Why should it not be followed out I Is there aucb a trtal la;k of Charity that this meisage must ba slighted ! It is with tbe hope of do ing something towards bettering tuts unbsppy state uf thing that the writer has undertaken bis task. Tuass arti cles are not designed to provoke cSa Iroversy, but sre writen in all charity te those who honestly diffr among themselves. St. John'a exhortation "Little Children love one another" can only be carried out by those wbo are striving to heal the wounds of a torn aad divided church. The writer claims that ths Episcopal Church or Church of England ou;ht to he heard in this matter, aa I hi will doas by stating a few reasons why h? is entitled to a fair and naprejn icel attention Th9 Holy Scriptures ns rea 1 by the vast majority of CorUtians in this lsnd have been handed to us by tba Cnnrch of England. It was ber schol ars aho translated it, aud her convoca- ! tioa of clerarV who aJootad it aa the Bible of all Euglish syeakiu psople. a v a If any particular sect has attempted to revise it, they have accepted its words in the main even if they oav changed such words aa' 'baptise" into "immerse" i to exhibit their peculiar doctrines. Her scholars have always stol a:noug tbe first both fr learaiag aad piety. Their works are studied aa standards in all Protestant Tneelegical seminaries and tbey are accorded a bearing by all inteltig. nt people of whatever nationality. The late Revis- ion of the Naw Tesment aud its i si-. mense circulation w&s a vtork under taken under their auspices. While American scholars aidtd iu ths great undertaking, their eouibiualioa wi.b the sahelars of the EagTish C nireh, shows in what high estimation the' latter are hal I among tho m -ii1? arnsd American teachers r?njenting the widely different sectsIn this land. The writer (an American by birtb aud feeling whosa ancestors fought asrainst E'igland during the Revoin- ' tioa, while they held to the Bttj Church,) propcaea to asivnnca ao opinions ef fcii own. Ihs n'-uneu::-nre old but as they were unheeded, they will be new to those wbo l.avo never given this matter thorough atteatiea. Almast every divisian among C'uris- liius aaa inau n uci lira nmo heated political strife or sy!f ooin- ien ; or designing men have taken ventage of that characteristic cf many people aa well aa of the Athenian of old, a desire ti hear somsthi; n wbon tho old was better. Additional precautions have bt taken for the aurity of the late Trii Consort's mans denm at Frog u ri aii the diacevory of t he sacrilege eomi J . t.i n i m . V icn at raicarres ja'Jiif. x" r'eu I of Frogmo e would indeed be wortl kings ransom. If a dime with a hole in it is w: five cents, a dime with two holes it ought to be worth ten eect. Tiwk Is, 3 ts l a