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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1882)
FRltTflY JANUARY 6, 1882 Vermont has an increase in her wheat crop this year of 55,000 bushels over that of last year. While the Rngllgh farmers use large qnantfties of bona dust upon pastures, they prefer superphosphates for til led crops. At a roeent sale of Angus Polled eattie i a Scotland an average ef $275 was obtained, oae anlaial selling for $1125 and another for $00. California estimates her wool crop this year at 54,000,00 pounds against 46,074,164 pound last year, and 20, 472,669 pounds in 1S70. The first Hereford cattle brought into this country were imported by Henry Clay in 1815, and were kept on his farm at Lexington, Ky. Caiadi farmers claim that barnyard manure Is better for sugar beets than phosphates. This Is contrary to our American ex parte ""The English requirement of wheat Is about 10,000,00 bushels a year. Oalrd gives 28 bushels par acre as the average wheat yield of England for 30 years. Cornwall, H. T. , boasts of' a horse 45 years old, which can trot a mile Inside of four miautea. His record In his best days was two minutes and 28 Mconds. Tie Hawaiian erop of snftr is esti mated by goad judges in San Francis co at 42,748 tons, or 87,496,000 pounds. Of this year's crop about 70,000 lbs have already boon reeeived in the lat ter efty. The empire tf Japan raised 38,900, 000 bushels of wheat this year, ail If inter wheat The only Improve ments In wheat culture and separa tion over the practice of semi-elvilis-sjd nations were introduced into Japan hand red years ago by the Holland- The great difference between Baet- and Western farming is that While in the latter the dependence is n one great crop, wheat, eern or cat tle the former rest on no one or even two things, hut on about everything Whieh the soil can raise or the climate allow to be produced. Some large and important sales of Sferopshiredown sheep have recently held in England. The sales large attend and highly suecess- ffli. Some of the most famous rams brought astonishing prices, one of them going at 410 guineas $2050 j. Prices ranged all the way do"vn i to a lew dollars per head. The Sbrop ahires have won "universal favor for themselres. Btoek should be well sheltered dur ing the Winter, for when unprotcted from the cold winds or snow storms a (rent deal of the food consumed goej to maintain animal heat, instead ef aiding pounds of flesh to the animal. The scarcity of grain and the conse quent high prices will make this Winter a good time,totry the experi ment of economizing feed by shelter ing stock. There are some common sense roles in fattening stock the value of Which every tanner must acknowl dire. The animal must bo comfort able and contented to do its best. To Insure this condition they must have plenty of good, clean water, easily ac- ataibie to drink, plenty of good, pal atable food! which they can eat in quietness and undisturbed, besides as v log quiet, pleasant companions ia aae field that do no not hook or bite. In Denmark, in the manasrament f the dairy, rape cake, eats and wheat bran are reckoned as first-class butter foods, palm-nut cake and barley aa aeeond-class foods, while linseed cake, peas and rye are placed aa third class. By the employment of first and see-ood-class foods, with cut straw, hsy and roots, an abundance of excellent hotter ie produced throughout the Winter. Since turnips so strongly flavor both milk and butter, mangels are esteemed as a better food for milch cows. The English weights and measures In common use in market reports of agricultural produce are thus defined: A truss of straw 30 pounds, a truss of Old hay after Sept. 1, 66 pounds, a truss of new hay GO asunds. Thirty, aix trusses constitute a load. One atone of butcher's meat is 8 pounds. Aa ordinary stone is 14 pounds, a quarter is 28 pounds, a Hundred weight is 4 quarters or 112 pounds, a tMishel of flour is 56 pounds, a sack of flour or 5 bushels Is 280 pounds. In dry measure, 3 bushels equal 1 sack, of grain 4 bushels ; 12 sacks equal 1 chaldron ; 8 bushels or 2 sacks equal 1 quartet, and 5 quarters equal 1 load. European newspapers are talking of the possibility of American wheat being eventually driven out of the markets of Europe by grain from Tu nIs.arLand can be bought in Tunis, it Is said for one-half the price it costs ia the Western States of the Ameri can Union, and it is so fertile that it Melds two crops in a year. The quai mr of the grain, moreover, is equal 80 hat of the muek prized Hungarian vfheat. Eagland and France are de termined, if possible, to secure mere -than one source of foreign supply of wheat. However they do not yet real ize the enormous possibilities of American soil in wheat growing. Do a mean act in a mean way ; so it will have a keener sting for your own breast. But better not do it. csttciee MAHNima. The book of etiquette is always in order, and the "Ubii of Depot trnent," now just issued by Tyler & Uo. of Chicago, is tno latest authority. The course of decorum follows the star of empire, and we are to get our manners after this from Chicago, Some of the specific instructions of the fay green and gold volume are manifestly of value. The new student of behavior is warned that it is bad form to drink from the finger bowl, or to wash his fingers in his goblet. This is solid sense. It might be added that even in hottest midsummer it is not advisable to bathe iu tho ice pitcher. It weald be too cool, and also it would not be strictly decerns. An important question of what to do with your knife and fork when passing the plate to be replenish ed is adroitly disposed of by the re mark that in polite society there is no going a second time for the same thing, if you drop your kniia or fork en the tleor, you do not, aceording to this book, piek it up and go on eating with it In this respect also, we may ob serve, Chicago civilisation agrees with the barbarism of New England. Kaivea aud forks, though, have their draw backs. Thar are liable to misuse. But "it is almost impossible to commit any unpardonable rudeness with the spoon," says our Chicago authority. We beg leave to suggest that the sur reptitious removal of the spoon by a guest is still in the east, perhaps, in one Massachusaetts Congressional dis trict regarded as an "unpardonable rudeness," and, tor adoption here, the broad general rule given above requires so maoh limitation. Leaving the table, we find many rules for other phaaes of life. There ate chapters upon the proper conduct of widows and widowers. We are told that a man who has lest his with must wear a heavy crape band en his hat, and not go out socially at all for one year. In case, however, of the Ices of a child, instead of a wife, a man's eon duct is to be guided by "affection." This is a neat distinction, which is especially at tribe table to the divorce market in Chicago, where this authority preaches. As for a widow, she ia to seclude herself from society, hot should "drive out daily in a quiet way tor her health." Ifahe hasn't any horse, we suppose she bad better borrow one. We find here alee a multitude of directions for increasing one's personal beauty by little atten tions to the eyes, the nose, the nails, the toes, and so on. There are model letters for those who know how to write letters, for instance, of condol ence, with apt quotations gentl j dropped in, letters of congratalatioa, with the proper and natural words of the poet introduced gracefully, and so on. -ffmrt-f'onl Courant. t-eeo tonne. A Galveston man deposited 10, 00 In a local bank and drew en It aa he needed it The oth er day be hap. pened to meet the banker, and that gentleman atopped and said, rather, excitedly. 'You have overdrawn your account by several hundred dollars." "Well, what of It ? It is my account. reckon I can do what I please with my own account. This is a free coun try." "Tea, but you owe roe several hundred dollars." "Well, suppose I d. You owed me ten times as much for ever so long, and I didn't make any fuss about it." The depositor passed on, leaving the banker standing on the sidewalk in a very dazed condition of mind. Galveston News. ALl BLtjeiiUKTieS. Always tell the truth : you will find it easior than lying. Always do a kind act in a kind way; to do it otherwise destroys its val ue. Whatever you dlatike in another correct in yourself. Better be upright with poverty than wicked with plenty. Time never rests heavily upon as when it is well employed, Mind your own business. starch Directory. Y. P. C. A. --Moots st their room hi Foo ter a brick budding on Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons 4. Business meetings are bold on the even ing of the second Monday ia sash Everybody invited to attend. J3. P. Chu bth . Preach ing ery Rabbets, at 1 1 a. m. , and 7 p.m. by Bar. F- O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 1A9 r. ml Prayer meeting every I trarsday evei Evangelical Chuech. Preach tog on Sab bath at 11 a. m., and 74 r. at. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. C. Kantner, pastor. CokokeoatiosalChukch. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Church, South. Services evury Sabbath at St Psal's M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. m. and 74 r. u. Sabbath School at 12 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. M. u. Miller, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School it 2.-30 F. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs- iay evening. X. Dillon, pastor. Pbesbytekia! Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rf ter the morning service. rrayer meeting every Thursday evening, Kev. Isaac ll. Uondlt pastor. Administrators Notce. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 111 the undersigned, baa been by an order ef the County Court of Linn county Oregon, duly appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate ef Elvira McFarland deceased, and all per sona having claims against aa id eel ate are hereby required to present the same with the proper voucnere to toe under signed at his residence near Tangent, In Linn county, Oregon within s'x months from the date hereof, December 16th, 1881. D. C. McFarland. 20 w 4 Administrator. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the un designed, administrator of the estate of Silas Powell, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, his final account aa such administrator, and by order of said Court, Saturday, the 7th day of January, 1882, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day ia set for the hearing objections to said ac count aad the settlement thereof. Any person interested in aaid estate ia hereby notified to appear and file his or her ob jections to said final account on or before said day. J. N. Rice, Dot, 7th , 1881. Administrator. FARMS FOR SALE -BY- CLAIB H. STEWART. Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The follow lug k a partial list : 170 acres tone and a half mllea west of Tangent. Oregon,and 0 mllea from Albany. 8ft aorea in cultivation ; 40 acre more can be nut In cultivation easily; balance good tlsnber and pasture land. Moll, rich black prairie. Uood house and barn, good board lenoa, all in good repair : young orchard of 100 trees; good weA and running stream for stock ; good school, church and post oftloe ; goon neighborhood and good soci ety. Terms ISO per acre : 2,000 down, met on easy terms. W0 aorea on Narrow Oaugo road, 11 miles from Albany and ft mile from Mclo, and 7H mllea from Jefferson, lift acroa good farming land, 7ft aorea In cultivation; re mainder in timer and brush; house IHx'Jt, with 10 foot walla, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22x34 wl th 14 foot shod on one aide; pood fences and water. Trm 3:00.oaah down if possible, llathor than net sell will take 82000 down, and balance on 8 to 8 years time, secured by mortgage. 100 aosee X of a mile west of Albany; 100 aorea in cultivation and UP acres oak and ash timber, good wood land; alt under fence, beard and rail, some good and bad ; about 7 acres In orchard, apple, meetly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-story frame hones, plastered, 0 rooms, built iu 1878, and ooai $W00; good barn. 28x40 and two sheds; wall arranged for farm purposes. Terms, 8090, 8 years Umo on $600. 150 aaree IX miles west of Tangent; 100 saves in culUvatlon; all new land, elean and la good order; good two story house, t looms, nearly new and In good oondl ttoat goad new barn 80x80; fine young orchard, ISO plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences In good order; plen ty ranaing water; SO acres of good Umbor; rich, black soil and very productive. Price 80260, cash and balance on time. 100 aorea one and a halt miles northeast of Albany; lftacrae In wheat, rest In fair average; woodland; good land; neatly fenced. Price 81ft acre; torsos easy. 800 acres 1 mile southeast ol Soda Springs ; fair farming ; small house; SOo acres fenced. Will be sold In email tracts or all together, good school, church and poavemce at Soda v tile, also the Soda Springe. Price Sft per acre; eaxy terms. 108 acres lying 8 miles above tabanon on tho Lebanon Mountain road. No fen eea or improvements. 15 or 20 aorea lim ber, balance rich prairie land. Price f 1.1 per acre. 80 acres H miles above Oneatta, on Ya quina Bay, known aa the old shipyard. It baa a splendid frontage on the liajr. and will be seid at fit per acre. 107 acres lying below and wllhl i mllea of Lebanon, all under fence. Sft aeree in calUvatlon, and the remainder lain Umber and brush. Ilox house, story. 2 rooms below and one above E . SF m . , a a . a Barn, not very goou. uoou wen ; amait orchard. Cross fences to the amount of 6000 rails. Sufficient cord wood can bo cut and looted to Albany from this place b v only a few laborers to pay for u in two years. Only mile from canal. I'oso ion given by the 15th of October. The laud la rioh and will turn out wheat 40 and 50 boabebt to the acre. Ill acres, lying 0 miles due eat of liar riaburg A good one storied box house, 2 rooms. Barn, 20x22. Tho land liaa heretofore been used as a pasture, but can all be put into culUvatlon. No grubbing required. 1H miles irom school, lortn f IS par acre. cmh down, balance al- any leogtn or ume seeurea ny mon- 300 acres, lying within a mile of Mun- roe, in Benton county. A I. under fence aad divided into five field. All good farm land and half in grain. Oood house and bam, eplendid water and a fine orch ard. It la one of the beat arms in that section of tho valley. Price fZi per acre 91OOO or 91500 down and balance on time 303)4 acres lying 5 miles north -coat of S arc-labors and 1 mils of Jhfuadv Station all under fonoet ISO arrea in culti vation, balance in paatoro. but moat of it nan be put in cultivation. ia story noue barn, good water, etc, 1 mile to avhocl. Price 9000, 123 acres lying 4 miles south of Albany and 3 mllea from Tangent. 76 acres ia cultivation and ail under fence, 26 acres more oaa be put into cultivation by out lay of 9100. House, barn, splendid water. A fine yonng orchard. Price, 130 per acre. 43 aeros in Center Precinct 3 mile from station on Harrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Uood I'A story nous, wood house, barn, and splendid water and floe orchard- All under fence. Price 910 per acre. 240 acres lying about 29 miles south east of Albany. All under fence, email orchard, no buildings; 64 scree has been cultivated, bnl it is all now used as pas ture. Jnee Vie per acre. 243 acres lying S miles from Brandon's Station ia Center Precinct, all under fence. 140 acres In cultivation. Large 14 story frame house, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good wster. Prioe, 920 per acre. Summons. In tike Circuit Curt of tJu C0unig o him iu ale State oj Orvyoa. James M. Coon Plantiif, ve Thomas Chriataia and Ida 11. ( hrlstaln hla wife. aad R. S. Strahan and L. Bilyou partners doing businoea under the firm name of Mtrahan s BUyeu, Defendants. To Tkoam ChriHain and Ida B. Christian of the ooovs named Defendant. In the name ef the (Mate of Oregon you aad each ef you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ol the above named plan tin in the above entit led Court, now en file with the: dork of aaid Court, on or before the first a ay of the next regular term or said circuit Court, in and for Linn count , Oregon t -wlt : Monday, March 13th, 1461. aud you are hereby notified that if you fall to an swer said complaint the plaintiff will ap- Sy to the Court for the relief demanded bis aaid complaint, to-wit : That plaintiff have and recover of and from Defendant, Thomas Christian, the sum of 94390.24 and the further sum of 92&O.OO attorneys fees and costs and disbursments of this suit That the Court decree that the mortgage executed by aaid defendants rhomas and Ida B.Christian to secure the same be reformed so as to inslude the following premises, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Jamea M. Coon's donation land claim 1 thence running south 37 M-K0 chains ; thence east 42 8-100 chains ; thence north 40 30 100 chains; thence west 7 89100 chains thence ; aeuth 2 80-100 chains ; thence west 34 19-100 chains to the place of be ginning in Linn county, Oregon, that said mortagage bo foreclosed and said premise be sold to aatlafy said claim of Plaintiff and that drfts and each of them be for ever barred and foreclosed of all their right title andequity ef redemption in said premises and for such other dee roe as may seem meet in equity. Published by order of Hon, R, P. Boise Judge, made at chambers Deo. Oth, 1881. Humphrey Woi.vkrton. Ally's for Fin. RED BRAZILIAN ARTICHOKES. I have a Urge lot of these artichokes for sale, and fanners who raise hogs should hare them. Price 75 cents per bushel ; huge lota at lower figures. J. B. ROBERTS. fshedda Station. A BARGAIN. CiQ acres of land in Marion county, S fcS VA miles from Buena Vista and seven miles from Jefferson. 80 acres in cultivation aad balance ia light brush and timber. Mouse, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 miles. Enough wood can be sold at the pottery works at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C, H.'Sikwabt, at Albany, GREAT INDUCEMENT I And si i 11 the rush continues at the ONE PRICE SQUARE DEALING FARM ERS' AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Just received by last steamer, an i n n i r 1 1 dent's Famishing Goods AT LOW PRICES. 0O Doen Mens White Bhlrts, actually worth $2.00 for $t.OO. Men's McotchiHushif sb Suits, worth $14.00 for $8.50. Men's Fine Droits Suits, worth $25.00, for $17.50. Look at our Shaker Socks, 5 for 91. 00. Look at our Overalls, 00 oentg a pair. GOOD. Look at our Brocaded lress Goods, worth 25o. for 10c. a yard. Look at our Cashmeres, for 50c a yard. Look at our Ladies Colored Hone, 16 rents a pair- Look at our Children's Hose, 10 rents a pair. Look at our rmk for uolden C Soap, 20 bars 65 cents box. LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins. Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. SEND ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WACHENIIEIMER, Prop'r. HARRISBURC, ORECON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT THK OLD HTAN, 72 FIRST MTRKET, HAM ON HAND AM FINK AN ArnOlTTM KNT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As njr bouac In the valley. He TIN, SHEET IRON (K KVKKY DrWCKIPriOX IN HTOCK 11 AND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO Tift COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORJEQON. Repair work done at CHICAGO ANO THy WESTERN Is Om OUEOT! Btoff CO VHTH UCTED . BUT VAJVlPVUi and bono U LEASING RAILWAY VEST AND KORTHWEST, It U Um 8UOKT. eVRK snd KAFR R..UU bstwtsa OOUfcOIL BLUFFS -AND- Ohicago, Milwaukee An4 sunolnt KAHT, such ss Niagara rails, New York, rfclls4Hpbla, Bsstsa, WMhlmlon, sltlassra. PUIs tnru, HssiSraaL Troii, VeCroU, CtorelaaMS. At OMindl Btufa tho trains ol Um Chksffo ind North Western ml Um II. I'. Rys densrt from, sr rtvs ttsa4 us Um mom Joint Union Depot At Cbiosffo (dose connections sre nsds witti Um Lko Hhoro, Mlchlgen OentceJ, ftaJUmot end Okie, Ft. Wavnti mod Penttaytvanta, and Uhlcecro aud UrartU Trunk luilruada, and Um Kankakee and Pan llandlo Routes. Pulman Palace Drawing Room Cars Are ran on all through tralaa of thia road. It It the ONLY ROAD between N NCIL Hlim AND CM HA CO, Upon whtoh la run th celebrated PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Inaiet upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets vis thia road. Examine yeur Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read ever Um Chicago and North Wee tern Railway. If you wish the beat traveling aoonronvxlatloni you will buy your ticket by Utle ruuteAfAlVD WILL TAKE NONE OTilKK, All Ucket sgHMaieU Uckete by thin line. MAetVIN HI C II ITT. Sad . r. aad ea'l Maarr, Chicago EASTWARD. 17ol REVERE HOUSE, Corner First aad EUswarta Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thia imw Hotel la fitted up In first class style. Tables supplied with the best (be market affords. Spring Heds in every Room. A good Sample Room lor Com mercial Travelers. gyrrce Conch to aad from Mis lfotel.-fa J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. f) OOTS AND SHOES made to order, tj and repairing done with neefcaess and dispatch, and at Tow prices. Call and him. First Street, Albany. 41 yl m Import, and tuanuf art uras AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. AUK). UK KEEPS ON PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY reasonable figures. NEW YORK SHOPPING I Everybody dallchtod wKa the tastoral nrui beauUful sslsotlons snsuL h Mr. Ia. mar, who has never tailed te please her - sha mm nn . . . a . " w mm rail circular Just issued pi wmm iv. ue MRS. KLUBaff LAMAE, aT7 Bread war. New Terk. U.ll NEW BARBER 8H0P ! J. H. 8URLBS. Prtp'r. A GOOD SKA FOAM SHAMPOO JA with sack shav. Prions for shaving mu wui 'uuiwu am me ns ltYsai rvoou opposite MoHwalna atom. loaf ALBANY CITY Flouring Mills. WK have already agreed with Use farmers for the storage of one half SHJtMtMi we about 45,000 bushel. First oomi, first served. PREMIUM, 4 CTS. PER BUSHEL in mill fowl uiuuL TBOS.HORTBITH SON. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully prepared aa usual te fur alah storage and sacks on the most favorable term A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. vl7nl S TARTLINC DISCOVERYI LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotim of roattelnraesaos lore Dsesr, Ksrvoos MUUtf. Lost jiti ManftQfA sic, bs wm ssad ptn J. VL fltKBJVKfla bsviag tried m vsu sway aaown coTcrea s sunpas mmn oure. wau to us reuow-sunaran, aoMi 48 i bathaui St., X, Y. WHOOP FOR MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! IS the TIME TO Great FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARCEST AND BEST IN LINN A Pavement of Golden time coming. KVKnYltODY UUYS Ol' O. AMD EVERYBODY HOFFMAN k JOSEPH, PROPR1RTORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ANI DEALERS TV Imported and Domeatic Cigari, Candlca.. Nuta and A.lbajiy OVB DOOR BELOW MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart ft Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB H. STEWART. WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OF SAIL, BROOM. SEWING AND BALL TWINES, LINEN TTwA-HISre Foot of Jackson Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P. a BOX 168. HxTOTICE TO ARM EES. -We wonld 11 respectfully inform the farmers of thia section that we are permanently lo cated here, and are prepared at all times to pay the highest market mice for lint flax. We will gladly furnish parties who intend sewing flax any information they desire. Deoendlna lanrolv uien the farmers of thia section for the success of our enterprise and the raw material we consume, and believing flax growing to be a preltable industry, we respectfully Mk you to sustain a home industry that promises to become mutually beneiolal. Albany, Or., Aug. 26, 1881. lyl WEST COAST FLAX MILLS. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Plummer dried fruit at full market prices ; Win send a competent person to advise fruit growers aa to cultivation of or addi tions To orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved aorta at moderate prices ; Will sell Plummer Driers through Linn, Benton and Lane counties. Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fru Com pany, Corvallla, Benton County, Oregon. WaLLIS NASH, President. Jams Reamaw, Sec'y. January 1, 188T S4w6 (rTSTSD rcwa lwa. 1-) BAlsl BY VOX, BAKU mt CQ FOSHAY A MASON, vaouajua in aarAib Druggists and Booksellers. ALBANY, OREGON. vlftnlltf CHRISTMAS I 1 s ! STOCK OF GOODS COUNTY. the way for the GOES Tobaccos, Oxoeeriea, Fro vlaiona, Tropical Fruits. ... Oregon. JOHN BRIGQ8' STORE. S9yl TO LOAN RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, I80M & CO., PROPR'S. a w raocaas flop a scrasuoa roa raMiuu md maxaaa use. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY - 611 - OR JAMES ANNALS, UAMVt FURNITURE t BEDDINC. ALBANY, OREGON. Tieaalyl SALTMARSH & LANCDON, DRVUGIfiiTI. Boeka, StaUenery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT BTOSB, tfl ALB IN Y. aiMSj. Oregon Marble Works. H. A. CLAR(, Proprietor. aumraevcaas MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washfltands, Etc AU kiods of osnMUry work don. in MrUa. oa and Orsalte. All work dons la arat sSiss stylo t aid. ol Ferry eumm batwasa Bssoad and Third. P. 8. I do not employ any inexperienced canvass ers, and give my customers the benefit ef the Sft per cem. commission auowsa lor Aloany Bath House. rpHJt UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT 1 rally inform the oIUisbi of Albany sad vi cin ity that I have taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping eiean rooms and payia trie t attention to business, sxpecu to salt si those who may favor aa with their patronage Having heretofore earried ea nothing bat First-Odasa Hair jflreseing Salooae. we sz poets to givs satire atisfaehioa to si jarChildiea sad Ladies' Hair neatly ea nd shampoosd. JOS WEBBER. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, ORKSOil. 8TAHJKR BROS. - Proprietor!. MONUMENTS. TABLETS. ,AT; Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every rarletjr of cemetery and wiiir Huiw wutk uooe win nsaineas so a dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. MT"AH work warranted. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND ACB SH0P- KMT A HI. I ft II ED IS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of first and Montgomery Mtreets. Albany. Oregon. IIsvinK taken charge of thesixjve named Works, we are ore pared to man u factors Steam Engines. Hsw end Grist Mil la. Woed-wrrkinic Machinery. Pamna. Iron and Braae Casting of every description. Machinery of all 4kinds re Dai red. Boe- olal attention givenfto repairing farm aa- ruinory. raitera ataalea eUa la aU lis fsrai. 16:1 lyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. a T T a r r COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AI.R1IY. The First Tera will opei oi Wedaes A aTV A I m t a tmr a a ay. nepieniDr u, iWl. For parUrulan eoncemiitg kb price of tuilUm, apfrfr to nr. . Btaorr . YUfQ SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Does the beat waahlna and ironine? in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. laundry on Washington Hreec, opposite saamnaii s uvery cxauie C. C rHIRRT. C. a. Pal ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinist, Millwrights, and Iron Pounders. WE H A V K OUR NEW 8HOPS AIX completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Kn&rtne. Oris anri flaw Mill Machinery, sua all kinda of Iron PATTKeTXa UN HMT ISTK E. Special attention given to repeirinjr all kinds or machinery. Will aim manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Urals Separator. a La Tar. Htf Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880. It can look and laaf h sad nr mi.l Uifr. t I subluxata. saaUot orran can also b. raina.1 ..w HttA - .-J Hava oar ryes carefully lud Uh the iahnstoa Pauut ---- m - SALTMARSH A LANCDON. Albany. Or. To the Unfortunate! BR. GIBBON S Dispensary. 23 UsaJtinr t , corner of aal Street, San Bataouahert In the treatmeni of Saxs and fleraiesl Dieesa as Csasfltif s. Clert, Strlrlasr.aeailUifiat. Ita fonas. IslsaeirTT pies on the face aad lose of manhood oaa poaitiTesybe eared. The sack aad afflicted should not fail to caH upon him. The Doctor has trareted ssSsaei lalj sa urope. aad inspected thoroughly the various hospi tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable in turner (km, which he is competent to impart te these in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless be effect a cure. Persons at a distance AY BE CTKKB AT All eoaunuaieaUeae strictly iwlasstisl. Too see no oae but the Dorter. Send ten dollars for a package of medVniss Persona writing to the Doctor will please state the name of tee paper thsy see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Ceil or write. Address DR. J. K. GIBBON, Box 1967, San Francisco. len43 ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. HO CI, - - - Praprietoi. This House has been thoroughly renovated from top to bottom, and ia now in splendid unt for we uitercauuucm Of u-avssera. Tae isnle to supplied with everrtataar the mar ket affords. Sample rooms for Carvallls, Lsaaasa aad Balsas Ire. Dr. SP1WEV, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Caramtc YOUNG MEN "VETal MAT U WrriaUfi FlOff THK YY effcta of youthful follies or huisoreUon, wiU do well to avail themeelves of this, Ibigiiaissl beea ever add at th. altar of suffering humanity. DiU SPINNEY will gmrantoe to forfeit SSOtifcr every case Semlnale weakness or private disease ot any kind or rararser easua ne iiiasisisai ana nuig to i MIDDLK-AVED BTKJf. There are many at the age of thirty-ftvaV) sUty who are hvuuiw wiui wu iroqueui. evacuaaon of tae aer, often aooompaniea by a slight smarting or 1 sensation, and a weakening of she system ui a I the patient cannot account for. On stsssfal urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be I tad sometimes small particles of aihwmen will appear. jc the color will be of a thin milkiah hoe, agaia chaag' tag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of thia difficulty ignorant of the causa, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. sdll guarantee a perfect cure in all such oases, and healthy restoration of the geoito-uaiaary organs. Ovncs House 10 to 4 aad to 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Thnssngh y-"'iititr sad advise, $6. For private diseases of short standing a foil yiio of median s sufficical for a cure, With an iutru-un a, will be seat to say addrtsi on receipt of $10 00. Ceil and address, ml. srarxcr et c lTtifftf No. 11 Kiatny St. San Franessso, Cl the eeenses ef mUtdj , HWT. PrcsMeal. daae. and Ut retnal or trtaaam. Thia iiiis ISA.