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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1882)
FRIDAY J A N U A R Y 6 1 682 0. H. STEWAET BUIter mid rrirlcr. O. e C. R. R. T1MF. TABU!. Albany Motion. ocr ikti si: or tr ti. 0t SOUTH. ALBANY EXTRKKS lV.rtsat -rfcKIUHT TRAINS " " f.:80 A. M i:V A. M. II :4ft A. M. it as r. m. y All. THUS i Arrive m 1 J i t - at roc so sorm. MAIL TRAIN I Affixes at 1 1:4. A. M. I W I M. . S:S0 P. M I". 54, i i1 . . t rRKIOHT TRAIN AI.RANY KXl'KKSS Arrives at All Trains Si ally, r repi Kunskty. N'oTicR.Or. and after thin dato regular ticket will be sold at our ticket ofroo far following pointson Columbia river: Upper Cascade. Ihtlios. Umatilla, Walluta, Walla Walla ami Ainsworlh. Wilu it Rtfs, Freight and Ticket Agent O, C. R. V. Co. Albany. June isth, e. It Q X A WD stay be foutxt on flU t u.v l , m St L wl wA.lo f.u it IN MCW ( h. tr t l tWj i oim. HOME ABROAD. SkiJegate for harness. V M. French, jeweller. Be tare and write it '82. Skidegate does aet freeze. K. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany. Or. 8kidcate the beat machine oil in the matkei. Get samples of Skidegato at V. - . Ellerts. Washington's birthday and St. Patricks Day come neat. The next Congregational social will be held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17th. The noon train from Portland now ar. rives tea minutes earlier than heretofore. 298 deaths ocearred to the city of IWt. land hut year. 53 of these were Chinese. Dr. O. Willi Price, dentivt, orhee in Odd Fellow ' Temple, over I'luuiroer Drag Store. Montague eeila goods cheaper than ever at kia store in Ibaaun, Call oe hint for bar gains. Oregon mists have been prevalent, but in quantities to make the roads look sickly enough. The latest curiosity observed on the streets was a Republican who advocated free trade. Per Cold, Coughs, Bronchitis and all affections of the Lungs, take Ayer's Cherry PectoraL College opened Tuesday under very au spicious circumstances. A successful term s expected. Mr Smith, cf Oorvailis, was in the city daring New Years, and was a guest of kisser. Romiily and Home. E. W. Langdon took possession of the Drug Store formerly occupied by Plnmmer and Go., oa the 1st, of January. This week is the week of prayer an. I it has bean observed by anion orv:cri in the M.E. Church every evening. The Prinevirie IKwh comes to hand, and ta n decided eradit to the people of that city. Wa are glad to welesmte it as an exchange. There was a large attendance at the dance given at the Depot Hotel last Saturday evening, and a good time is reported by all who attended. The Ladies Brass Band had a candy pull ing at their ro ns last Friday t renin, and several invited" guests took part in the pleasures of the evening. If yenr old insurance is about to run out sail at the office of C. H. Stewart and j,et t renewed and placed in a reliable ompany. He carries the nest c-'npanie. Cja of onr jewelers" said that he sold more rings during the holidays thaa any other kind of jswelry. Engagements are evidently en the increase. Some California men have keen exhibit ing a tile-making machine in this city for the past few days with the view of selling the manufacturing right. A limited number of New Year's calls was made here, but those who did call were met with a hospitality which kept them from feeling ieueaome. The Holland Heading Club next week will begin the study of Jnlnis Caesar, and will do well if they don't murder Shakes peare mere than they do Ca.-ser. One of the New Year's callers presented a card bigger than hi rnaelf. It wouldn't have taken very many calls by him to have To ftqeed a marked rick in pest board. The Ladies cf the Presbyterian church will give a social at the residence of Mr, Thomas Monteith on Wednesday evening of next week, A good time is expected. Music will be furnished by the ladies Cornet Band, J On accoaatof this b-nn i the w jek of pray ar the meeting of the Blue Hibbm Club has en postponed until Friday night, of next I weak, when an interesting program will be rendered- The Women's Christta i Temparanee Union meets next Saturday at the usual hour at the residence of L. F,. Blain. All the members are earnestly requested to be present. Harjur Wrekltf ha a sketch of Speaker Keifer, which is the exact picture of Prof, L. 4. fwntl, itsto Sfcper.&teuu.out of Public fqttruction. ifr- Eeifer Is to be congratu lated. Frank Cooper won i hat off of Ia Stim- sou this week. Wo won t tell you hew it was done. If Lew had put the date at the Fourth of July insteat of Christinas, ho probably would have won. Do not forget that Conrad Meyer bakes fc; the people the sams as of old. His big holiday trade did not prevent this, and he is new Better prepared than ever to meet the demands of the public. Quarterly meeting services will be held at the M. E, Chnrch on Saturday and Sunday, ntas, ctrsauctoa oy vae preniuiug i'.;ur, ney W. T. Ohapman, Preaching on Saturday at 4 o'clock. All are invited to attend. , CoL T. J. Long's lecture at Knox Butte will be delivered oa Saturday of this week at 7 o'clock p. in., and on Sabbath morning at He clock a. m. The residents of that vicinity are reauajtel to take notice of this. A. (Jesm;n brought down from Leb f,aoaiQt Tuesday and after an caintuation py Drs HiB and Jones, was pronoqnoed in sane. Sheriff Charlton took him below the same day. The man labored under the preesion that he was Jesus Christ. mi Diphtheria is getting a hold in several different localities in our valley, A grown womsfl jd child died with it above Leb anon last week, and Dr Foley's little child at Lebanon is very ill with it now. It has not yet mads its appearance in Albany. 5 immm WS& n Dr Wilson, of this city, had his left shoul der dislocated a few days ago. It was caused by I loose board m ne of cur sidewalks throwing bitri down violcaUy. Pre Harris and Hill reduced the dislocation, and the patent will be all right in a few days. The ortleersof Willamette Lodge A. O. V. W: were installed last Monday night, before i 1 ... ,. nnil wr rn tho satuo heretofore published except that Dr. J. A. Davis, oo. upiotl tho position of Unaoeier instead of C. H. Stewart, resigned. Tho installation of tho ofllccrs of Albany Lfidge No, 4, 1 0 0 F, occurred last Wed nesday evening. The hall wai packed, ami the ex.neisos wero of the most interesting . . it... character. After tho installation m ssn officers a social time was had by all present. Our readers will take notice that about tho tlrst of February they will ha t an opportun ity auordod them of hearing ce of tdie tinest elocutionist's in OftgOO. Mins A. II. I. use has Uen engaged to give ono of her rare lit erary entertauimeuU to onjr. cibxens aiHut that time. Tho holila)s nre over, but tlio trade at tho Star brewery is far from it ; on the coutrary it is better than ever, although tho rush at his establishment dtiriug tho holi days was QMeouracJnK. Mr. Itolleugsr's wholesale trade has become reliablo and ox tensive throughout the Willametto Valley. Mr. 0. H. Montigne. of Lebanon, begins tho Now Year with tho moat eucouraging propocts, anil promises to do for tho people of Lna ctnutty more than he has ever done in the past. Ho sec the necessity of a ttrst class general merchandise establishment in lA'buiou, and he i oug to eo that his sltalt be such a one as to please tho masses. Watts and Godfrey ordered a magnificent lot of Now Years calling cards from New York about two month t ago. They failed to put in au appsarasM until Monday noon, yet within a very short time, such is tho lighting speed of those gentlemen at their business, the whole lot wero disposed of nnd printed in first-class style. Tho Centrjl scho.d oik-iuh! Timrslay with two new teachers, Miss Mattio Hamilton has bceu enigd a one and Miks Turrvll, as another. Miss Turrell has nt yet ar- rive.1. out ; expect. I in a lew Uav. i" the meantime Ml Eiraort i iilltui N place. Theso two ladies take the plaeo of Mri. Serafford and MLs l.aur.t Itottk, who have resigned. la another column wdi bo fouud a weather repoit for the year lssl. It will be observ ed that the highust thermometer was only M while tho lowest was 22. The total rainfall amounted to ."'.' ui inches, and the total snow fall ll.ii inches. Tho number of days on which it raiu-d was I'd. A bettor record cannot bo show n by any Stl in the I'niou. D P Mason has nuo and will get settled to-morroB' evening. hsndsom-t and bsst Zeyss and Hochste!! the goo 1 carpenter e I into hi Ucw houe down comfortably by He has one of the da tilings tit this city. St aro re .jonil.lo for irk dono on it ; Clem. ent dl I the painting and Cot and Sprenger plastered it. A better job throughout has not been done in Albany. A shooting aiLtir is rep rUd having taken place at the Lower Bridge cn the Dcshutteii, a short time ago between Ike Moore, and his brother-in-law, Al Boyiagton. Moore shot Boyuigton in the itomach. Dr. Rich ardson says the wounded man e.-uiuot live. The above report was obtaiu.d front a private letter .Uted Ti e Dailrs, Dr-. 'J'i. PtimrilU .Year. Marx Stoker with several others went hunting after ducks two or three days ago. They came tu a creek, and as Marx isa't the biggest fellow in the world, oue of his companions volunteer-.! to tarry him across When in tho middle of tho stream he slipped causing an involuntary baptism of Mars, who says now that he ha 1 rather get w et than not, but nevertheless dorsu't like to have ruach said on tho subject. Albany probably has ths bett factlitiet for mtnn.'a ;l iriu- biterests of any city in the State Its water jts-er is rarely exeelled, and a the Portland .sV iu irf justly says itf capacity is ample t ruu all the manufactur ing enterprises uw in existence in the State. Notwithstanding this it is lying almost dor mant, and the wheels it ahouU be taming are not yot constructed. Our pcophi cannot do too much to enliven these interests for they should eventually take a prominent part In our city 's traflic. "Bury Me Near the Old Home' The 1 ,t- eat song and chorus by Will L. Thompson. Siacs the death of President Oar Held tho sentiment expressed in this beautiful song has become, universal. The melody is very sjrc-Uv, 'd a'.n-aly the pieca become a great favorite Wc advise all lovers of pop. alar music to sen 1 3S cents to the puhliehers and receive a copy by return mail. Pub- lishsd by W, L. Thomson i. IV Kat Liverpool, Onto. Col. T. F. L mg, lectured laat Satqrday an 1 Sabbath overtime 's at PC A. Hall. en thi tnbject of temperauoe, and in the interest of thoorJcrof Oood Tu.nplars. Ho wa graote 1 Sabbntn uvenieg by a largo and appreciative audiooco. The Colonel is said to Le a forcib'c speaker, who deal with facts, an 1 is a man who thoroughly under stan la the subject he is talking about. After his ad.lre: 29 new members were obtained for tho Good Templar's Ixdge in this city. The Knox Butto boys says our corre3 pon- dent ou-ht not to have given sll tho eredit of getting up that good supper to Moses Miller. Bob Chambers hal just as much todo with n ana is mc oest coox ot tnc two. it is supposed by some that car correspondent was a yonng man who did not want the Knox Butte jdrls to know what a good cook Bab was for fear of spoiling their own chances. The holiday number of tho 'Californian" come i to us this month in a very ueat dress, and is a decided credit to the Pacific Coast, typographically as well as literarily, Jas. O'Meara has a sketch on Capb Aubrey, C, T. Hopkins on "The Restoration of Ameri can Shipping," B. B. Budding on Immigra tion and how to promote it, Senator Sargents daughter contributes an original story on "We Wi Ping," and there are several poems and interesting articles an different topics of import an ce), D. D, Prcttyman, Esq , whose name and reputation alonj aro suggestive of interest in the cereal productions of tho state, and who has contributed more than any other one person towards raising and preparing for exhibition at home and abroad Hpocimens of Oregon's grains, has at tho request of Hon. M. C. George, Oregon's energetic member of congress, sealed in glass bottles for ex hibition at the national capital, eightmagnif icent specimens of Oregon wheat, which will of course speak volumes in praise of our young state. Ike Denny is making a very efficient Marshal. Comely says that shortly after Ike got his star he saw a locomotive eoming up the side track on Water street. Ho grabbled his cans and rushing down headed the thing ot and told the engineer he had never taken oat license to run such a ma chine on oar streets, and he must get right out of tho city Bmim. The engineer got soared and took a short out baok to the de mit by running his cars up Brosdalbln street. Coraloy lef t fo r Pass Creek as soon as h tol l thf. 1 SOCIAL MO PERSONAL- Mr. Thou. Monthoith spent last Sablath n Portland, D. V, S. Roid, of Harrisburg, spent Men- day in tho eity. R. W. Wright, of Shedd, wa in tho city tho forepart of tho weok. Mrs. O R Helm, of Corvaltis, spent Now Yt-ar'x in this city with friends. Geo, H, Nutting, Esq., of OorvalU, spent tw or threo days in the city this weok. Miss Not hi Piper spent the holidays with her numerous friends in this city. Fred lUuuiberg has bean in Portlaud this week, and was expected home last night. J B Conlaj left for Pass Creek last Tues day to have a mouth hunting m that locali ty- Al. Hester, of Fox Prairie, was dowu this work on business connected w ith tho County Court Dr. IL A. Davis, ono of Harrisburg popular phyatuiaua wis in the city this Week, Wm. Oraes, proprietor of tho Chomekcta Hotel. Salem, was in the oity awhile on Monday. Mr. Frauk Paxtott, of Independence, was over New Year's and is as livofy ami jovial as over. Mies Bridgoford of gsja, spent the holiday -in this city with the family of Mr. D. P. Ma sou and friends. Pr. T. F.Smith talks of moving to In dependence. Wo will bo sorry to see the Ooctor leave this locality. S. M., of Portland, a brother-iu-law of Phil Cohen, has recently invostod about ot),0(4) iu oetToe on a speculation. Mr. Jno Roach, of Knox Butt-., who is to start a nursery ocar tho oity within a short time was in tho city Monday. Mus Lmily Turret!, wha is to teach ia tho Central School ia on the ateaut.r which sailed bom Sau Francisco Wednesday. Mis Annie Maustleld was iu baleui ou New Year's, and eu Monday assisted some of her fto-udt there in receiving Now YeaCs calls. Mr. J. 11. CamnWll is baildinir a Hno now dwvUing iu tho lower part of town, and when fiuubed up it will Ih tho handsomest building in that vicuity. I fae lav loo .. ' toys mat J. i. r.lutr and family left for this city ou Monday of last weok with the intention of making this their future home. Mr. Will Utdeoat Cause up (rum Portland last weuk and rets rued on hUidt.v. Will has a gssj I postiiou there, and deserves the best of succti. Ytnon l.. ts. r.umroy was over here a week or two ago ho booght a wsguit load of iron pipe to eondnet water from a spring to his reidcace. We had the pleasure of iactmg Mr. T. Ktttr.dsa, one of lientou County s u...t prominent farmers, last Weduesday. Be left for h obic ou tho noou stage. Judge Burnett and daughter passed through the city eu Tuesday on their way to Salt-m, where tho Jadgs has considerable legal baaiuost in the Supreme Cout t. Mr. W. Ogleaby, head clerk of the ustab. tishmoni of Jno. f ran A Co . ml Portaad, .-auto r.p Mo;. Uy noon aod remained a short time. Ho has a go d many friends here, who are alws)s ghtd to moot him. Mr. Will Murphy, formerly . .unacted with tho hardwaro eatabliahmeut f Mr. John Brigg. in this city, spent a few days of tha holidays Btth his ft tends here. W are ghol to la ar that ho is well loeatod in Portland. Harry Walters, late of Astoria, is filing up rooms in Mrs. Cboadte's building, and wdl open out a now saloon in a few days. He will have tho eaaio MOM recently occu pied by Qexa, Wcller, who has retired from the business. The singing at the installation of the officers of Albany lxtlga No. 4, I o O F, Wednesday ovt-niug ia very highly spoken of. The principal features were solos by Mr. Q E Chamberlain, Mrs. J H Burkhart, Miss Annie Powell and Miss Lottie Mon teith. Mr. E. A. Torreoee, one of the leading eiti.eens of Dat ton, W. T., was ia the city Wednesday. While hare bo met one of his old sch-ol lualus. Mr. Kittridge, whom he had not s en for fifteen or twenty years, but whom ho recognized at first sight even though that gentleman had changed ma terially iu the meantime. Eugeno Ruchauau, who for several years baa been located in Albany dealing in agri cultural iiHol.-meitts, is going to leave us. Ho has been made '.uperiutendeut of the affairs of Knapp Barrel 1 and Co., iu las tern Oregon sad Washington, but for the present will have his headquarters at Portland. A large circle of friends here will be very sorry to see him leavo Albany. lies i on i j Ulrerlerv. i he new Liun County Dlreetory is eat, and cannot be too highly commended. It is a credit not only to Watts and Codfrey, its publishers, but to tha people of the County The typographical work is as good it not the best ever issued from an ofilec in Albany, and speaks in the strongest terms of the skill of its printers. Its arrangement is good, and Vu srattcr jest what is needed by every man in tke county. Every business man in the County will find his same there properly clarified in tha city or town in which he resides. Tho descriptions of tha different places in the County are good and reliable, ao that the whole work may be co;. -oiled with eonii'leuce. Bubiaess men can purchase 't ol the publishers for 7" cents. The following officers were elected by the M. E. Sunday School last Sabbath: S. it Skipworth-Supt Lev. h Dillon -Aas'tSupt. J. 0. Ooltra Bec'y V L Kenton Ass't Seii'y Chan Hideout Treajs. . OT Porter-Chorister Mss Ada Simpson Organist. Tell This to Your Friends. The season is now getting late and L. E. Blain wishes us to anneunco that from the present time ho will close on t his winter goods at reduced prices, Bargains can now be had at his ntore in heayy ck thing, over coats, ruhbee and oil clothing, umbrellas, hats, etc., aod in winter boots and shoes he will make still better reductions in prices. Don't conclude in your mind that this is a mere advertising dodge, for it is not. He has still a good many winter goods on band, and must get lid of them before spring. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure, We guaran tee it For sale by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; E. A. Bampy, Harrisburg. IB NKW COIN I L. The Nph Clly OiHeer a Nwsru la llr key's address -flnaMr 1st on il HI on of HI). Mayor On Monday evaulng, Jan 2nd, Hip old City Council mot and wan called to order by Mayor Froman. No buNlne. of any moment wa tranaaoted oxoept tho ooniltleratlon of tha report of the offlcere, nfier which Mayor Fromnn made a neat little ftfieeuh to the Council, reviewing lotno of klu-lr anllnua during tha pant year, and thanking tht ni for the klndnosH shown him while praid- lug over them. Tho old Counall then adjourned thi li Tho now ofllcorH wore then aworn in, and tho Hat of olUcota anil Council now stands as follow. Mayor I C Dickey. Recorder N J Ifentoli. Marshal I O Denny. Trcaauror FredMttllar. Council -First Ward, I'RN Black- hum and M at Harvey. Heoond Ward W H Scott and John HofTnmii. Third Ward E K Piareo and E J Jnnlng. After Mayer Hlckey had called the Couuoll to ordor he prooeedotl to give his viewM at length sa to to tho manner Itt whhdi our city governmont ahouUI be run, and II waa so plalu aud rxilated, d wan in Much perfect unison with tho opinions of the majority of our citizens that wo wish wo had the room to publish It aa It was delivered, but we nre compelled to condense It te aonae evtev.l. Ho started by any lug Hint aa he had been elected ou no particular Issue, he had no fixed policy to an. ueunee, but waalu favor of administer ing our city allalm in an economical manuer, and of eu forcing our law In aneh a way that the rights of oar cltl xcnswillbe maintained uulinpafred. Taxes should not bo any hlghei than the actual wauia of our city demanded, aud drdura should not be Issued ou the treasury without receiving due consideration. It waa of vital import ance, but, that Hie oity laws should be rotnpreheu'lve aud just, and then they should bo strictly enforced by tho propei oiiicer i. Duals aux in his recommendations to the Coun cil ho staled that the health of Hie city la of the greatest Importance, aud that alt reoaouablw means should be em ployed to see ur this priceless boon. He waa not in favor ot wringing from ike pcopio large sums of money ta be expended la doubtful experiments, hut wished te ergo upon the Council the propriety of using i vory endeavor to give our city a first alaaa system of drainage, aa it waa his opinion that that would conlribate more to the health of ear people tkcan any one thing, aud hoped they would carry out the plana of the preceding Cueacll on that question ao far ae possible Fin a M xT-ran. Knowing that a well orgaulz-d flro department was oasoutlal lothonecuri ty of property, he waa la favor of using every means iu the power of the Counall to maintain our Fire Depart ment iu He preoont efteotivo condition. As a large majority of the fire 1b this cltv tad been caused bv defective flues, ..I.. ,,,.! antes mmiliik - through the roofs of bulldlugs. he ! tbermomelvr. 7S ; lowe t. oO thought special legislation In that dl- & a- Direction of wind H. rectioa would bo bcne8clal. As a j menu furce or velocity, t ; prompt alarm of tire at the dead f1t8 rainy days, 10. nightie neeeaanry te enable our fire-1 July- Highest barometer, mon to combat the llames before they , lowest, 2i.v; ; mean, 29.7 V snrcadtoanv extent, he wan in favor of employing none but resonsible aud faithful men to keep watch over our property and lives while wo are ail wrapt in slumber. Poi.u k Mattm;. Mel tnt police regulations aro of vital Importance to the peace aod web far. of the city, and all proper lawa wltbie the seopeof the charter should he enaetod at oneo providing they do not now csbjt among the ordinances already in force. Strju:T Imi kovkmsnts In the matter ot street improvements U- hojied fairness and Justice would rule ia the deltbtraUons or the Council. He was In tvor of improving the streets as mach as practicable, aud as work bad already been began en First aad Second streets by fermei Councils, he waa in favor of continuing and com pleting this year their work Iu a way which would subserve the best In terests of the city. Strket Lionm 'lie thought our city waa not at present stiflleieutly lighted at night, and recommended that two additional lamps he erected on Lyon atr?et, on the way to the depot, and also that the lamps la front cf the Court Mpuse and jail he put luto uat He then closed by admonishing tkq Council to spare no labor to ascertain and meet all the wants of a thorough and complete eity governmont, and promised that Uls chief aim would be to faithfully ceoperate with them, in maintaining goad government aud in securing protection for our city In all matters. The following committees were then appointed by tho Mnyor. Warn and Afrau Scott. Hoffman and - w w Harvey. OreUnonce Blackburn, Lanning and Harvey. Accounts and Current Jjitnet Scott, Lanning and Pierce. Hlrtttt W i'tdl rry Hoffman, i'kree and Bmokburn. Lkeni Harvey, Pierce and Black burn. Fire and Water- Pierce, Hoffman, and Harvey. Health fiud Polk -Blackburn,Harvey and Lanuing. Following is tfco financial s.atement mado by tho Recorder and Treasurer for tho year 1881 : Sscsirys. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1--! .. m Tsxss eolleyJ4 ...., ar. o:t 6M4.80 513,3S Lloenses rines Dog Tax Lelns settled Rceeivoi (or old bridgu tiiuU rH. 144.00 8S.00 6.00 M.-5-2O.O0 liI8laSl8i:tlU.VMTH. dty T'easurer's salary $ 100.00 Mayor and aluornteu '10H. Oo Marshal's less 810.84 jlttourdcr'a tees v- vi 040.90 Nifht watchBiiui ami iifloeei lWW.Od rirs Departttsnt I0f.fl.58 I Sew en ,....;.. , 15M.40 Lumber 3S7.0U Ally's, wi nesses aud lurora 77.00 Hekate'ou license and ta-; 33.50 Judges of Election 80.00 BaUuies due Recorder Ualter 110.90 ppsopeauon tor July th... 150.00 Oity Surveyor. ; too rirsl kUresl rUlv HM! BBVMt work...7T 8W.I0 HhMtu ilOii 1'rtmmrsr R. .tfleld. 44 47 lppul Msrahala siul fmm fcS IX) ilsll rsnt Inau ratios 11 00 17. 0 Mill i , ., , ,wH)(l, en-, oi urJur ami Intersst. :;i, t.i --i'H 117 aSCAriU-LATIQS Tutsi snioiiiit rscelve.1 . . , Tuiid i mount UUhurwil . 'IS. Hi JajuW oil hsnl 71 :ci Tho delinquent tan list amounts to S'.MK). 2-t, and the amount of licenses dui the oity is IfKl.UO. Thetahle abovo shows a balance on hand of $7I.3.'I, while tho imlehtodnnsa Jau I, 1881, was about fcio-j. This reduc tioti of expenses was mado in vsiious ways. Tho alloaauco to IJiui Engino Co., was cut down from SU'.'H :0 to $ I (MJ pr quarter $1 14, Tlio Treasurer un to the close of IKH0 rr. oivod his pay by getting a certain per cent. on tho money which passed through his hands, and tho last eno paid iu that man uer (Mr. Rediali) received The Trosturer now receives a salary of Moo, which i another saving of at least 915.1. Bosidos this the salary of tho Chief Fiigiutor has been cut dowu from to 00. wh'eh sdds auothor hundred to the geueral fund. This is not all tho retrenchment that eau ho made, aud although tho .now Couitod may not have as good aa optortuittty to cot dowu expeusM as the old ono, they will probably do ali ia that direction that is do sirahlo. I-'rom the tono of Mayor Dickey's address wo are lod to Wl i.'Ve that his indn v will be to run tho eity government on an oconotniea! basis, and to makual! substau. tisl imprevincnts needed, their number of course being governed by the amount of money available. In this he a ill receive the wsrm support of the Council aud a ma jority of our rjUuruS. ' i s tfeteoreloay. Summary of Meteorology for ll.frorn obaervutloiiM taken at Albany, Liua 'o. Or, by John Ilrlgge for tha signal Service of the U. R, lor tin, benefit of agrteulLuro aud commerce.; oaiiuary iiigiietii Darotnetor 10 Z'J lowest. J'.i.U'. ; mean, 2 mi. Usfglu Ht tin ruir meter, ol. lowest. 'M 4031 Direction f wlud, snean force or veloeily . 11.71 I lichee ; an w, lu nt rainy .Lt:. , Pi. February -Highest barometer, o 7o, lowest, 'Ji'H, mean ,. Highest thurmomeWr. j lowest i, mean II.- o4J. lllrt-t tioti of wind rt. S V. iiioarn fore or vtloclty. 4. Itaiufall U.0fl Inchca, snow, 7j Indies j rainy days, is. March -Highest burometer. M ui : loweet, 'JO 00 ; mean, i.74 ; highest thermometer, TV leweat, 3'J . mean. i Unction of wind, 8 and X ; mean fereeor teleolty, a ; rainfall, I iS; suow, .in; rainy day a, 17. April Highest barometer, :'ai ; low est, ISi.tT, ineait, 71 ; highest thcr mometor, 7H lowes J mean, M 17. Direction of wind, H and N ; mean force or velocity. 3; rainfall I ISj rainy days, 1 f May Highlit bxroim-tcr, L".i h ; lowest, Skit, mean. St, 74 J highest thermometer, k-i. lewt-st. P ; mean, 50,07. Direction of wind N SW ; mesn force or velocliy :t ; rainfall 7 3,k, rainy days. !. June Highest barometer. Jtt , .lowest, ; meal), -',;. Highest ; mean .N W ; rainfall, 30.(12, Hixnc.t j mean, N. 8W j Hainfall, j tbermometer. s.,, loweet, .1 tfctt. Direction of wind, mean or Velocity. M ; rainy day a, 8. August Highest barometer, 10 16 ; owest, WM ; Mean, TI Ulchest thermometer, sr, ; lowest, rg) ; mean, 6Lr4. Director of wind, N m.-an f. rce or velocity, .1 ; rainfall L2 . rainy days, h. September Highcd barometer, SA. 1 ; lowest, 20.40 ; mean, " 7J Hiirh- est thermometer. HO : lowest. mean, &m 40. Direction of wind, N. Mf-su foreo or velocltv. n. Itnufitll. 'ZA, rainy days, a October Highest thermometer oO. 10; oweat, 29 37 ; mean, 29.72 ; highest thermometer, nt ; lowest, 80 ; mean. 0. Direction wind, N and S. Mean force or velocity, a. Ualnfall, 7, November- lilgbest baromoter, 30.- 8 ; lowest, 2.i IU ; moan, 29.89. Hlirh- est thermometer, 66 ; lowest, 28 : mean. L50. Direction of wind, 8. SW. moan erce or velocity, & Ualnfall, 164, Ihtlny days, in. December -Highest bar,30. Z; lowest. 29. IS ; mean, 29 7s. Highest thermom eter, 50; lowest, 22; menu, 42.44 Direction of wind, 8 aud N. Mean force or velocity, 4. Ualnfall, ti.78, taluy days, h, ttlnehaloBC DebattBg t lub. A lively ineitltiK was held Tuesday ovoniug, when the Mormon question was debstod and decided in tho nogativo. Tho qeestlan for discussion next Tues day ovenlng ia the momsntons question, Reaolyed that the Indian bureau should be transferred to (ho War Dopartment.' It will bo participated in by Messrs. Mat- toon, W. R. JBilyou, L. Bllyen, H. H. Hewitt, Charlton, Wiplvarton and Imvis on the aOlrmativo, and Messrs. Smith, Skipworth, Irvine, Chamberlain, Nutting Clomentand Fllnn on the negative. By a special motion our citizens, and par ticularly the ladies, aro requested to bo present at this debute. It will be held at tho usual plaoo, tho County Judge's Office lu tho Court Mouse. Balling Usye. Tho stoamors, "California," "Oregon" or "Columbia'' will leave San Francisco for Portland on the following days in January and February: Jan. 4tb, 9th, 1 1th, 10th, 21th and 29th and Fob. 3d, 8th,, 13th, 18th, 23d and 28th. Deer n Ides Rrengat In. Last weok Al. Swartz brought down from the mountains 300 lbs of deer bides and sold to Billy Watkins In this oily, and on Saturday W. B. Don lea, of Lebanon, brought down and sold at the same place 215 lbs. This shows quite a decrease in tbo supply of "venison ou foot" in the fiantiam country. better lAut. The to; to wm is the list of letters remassasng In the Post Offlce, Albany, Linn oouutjr, Ore gon, Jan. 5th, 188-2 Persons canine tar these fetters must give the date on whKSs they were advertised. Hall, Mrs Mary Musgrove, J H Markhaui. Milton Morgan, E M Niver, D K BcrlW, John H P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. a f m a u, Pfj and & KjIVali. lire Ins ; Tlicpentlae efWI. a-gajggssssssjpja LaatHaturday night ocrsurred the do miao of 1881. au old fellow, who had usodenough people well to merit a little attention. There has always been particular notice glvofi to he Intt wbnls of great man. Much has depended on them. Boat that flmo all over the land parties watup till midnight for .he expren purpoae of bearing what "81 had to nay when ho gave up the ghost. Tho citizen of this city were not behind the Uggag, 'I I f members ol tho Ladles Cortx t Hand aud their gentlemen friend found HieuiHolveaat the home of Mr and Mrs. J..X. Dtmen waiting for hi departure. From tho iiulverssally Kr,0. time had by all present It might he surmised that thuy did not feel very badly over tho matter. While the event might have auggoated mrlous tboaghtfl to Mime, with moat audi things were kept away by light feel and gay heart. Iu fact neatly all l -cams ho engrossed with the go-nl time they were having that they wero only reminded of I ho death of '81 by tho toll ing of the city belle, which maJ much iielao that It was Impossible to understand what he did asy. The Bevena" thought n good place to watch would bo Komo where ou the raging they met with Tom Overmin aud wiled away several hours In some at-milne fan Among other things was a Hanta Clau, who had been delayed one week, and so only had mock watch, p dato ekaTK miniature drums, etc., to give away. Twelve o'clock arrived, when tho old follow was distinctly heard by all of them to say "Letter go horn,' and they went. A lively company met at lb M. K. Parsonage with Raw. Diller. aud wife, and several tery eiijoydhje hruirs were passed, (times were played snd socia bility rsigned supreme. Aftsr a re past relished by all, the company watched the waning ntiiiutcs of the old year and theu went te their several homes, with the impression that 'Ml had said semethlug to them but un able to tell Just what Bltetlil 4atl-ToBOSMl fvsjur. J This LcagdsNict ia regular session Mondsy, and aftPrtha usual oosniiitr last busb com- av ST iieas was transaeto'l, discussion wm menrsd on the folio wini; iueatiou : "Resolv ed, That tho mode of fariniPi precticed in the WilUmetio Vsller at present ie a greater drawback to the -r-.j. i .t ui the country than tho ei orbit ant charges made by traasportatioB oompaaics." DC Curtio snd Jonas I 'avis wore tho loaders of the two sides, and tho question wss decided in the negative. Tke resolutions lately passed by tke Linn County Ihisinesa Council, containing inter. mgabrioe to b propounded to candidates at tho cowing election, were ores'-uted, snd after speeches were made in their support hy Moaars. Anderson and Brock, the notion made to i arriesl, Tho geerolary read a letter f torn the Salem l-eatgue. whiuhsUteil that Mr. S. Q, Elliott u now to stamp the valley ceun tisa in tke in ten at of the aiiti-taoaepoly movumsat, and would visit our Iajrao if the Mt-utbors wished him to do so. Oa motion ho was iuviud to ad.lrtst this Club n .fan, 9th, at I o'clock p. m. A resolution was adopted favoring the improvement of tho harbor at Yauuina Bay. The Secretary read the constitution aud by-laws of tho League and three new mem bers signed the roll. Tlo Ieaguo then adjourned to meet oo Monday, the 9th, at 1 o'clock p. m S. .. Taw-on, Sec I'ru. Uiunllun. Tkil I'oheu makes the tollowin proclama tioo to onr readers i 7e Whom ( .V'ly Comrrm : All who aro dissatisfied with their former plaeea of trading, or who have no regular place of tradiug, will (ind it to their advan tage to call on me and ascertain ray prices i t - : 5 : .1 . 1 1 can sell ckeaitcr than any one else, and my ! reasons are aa follows : 1st I buy my goods oVtreo from lirst hands. 1. 1 ..r .. my business without the help of any one outside of my own family. .Id. I pay no percentage to any one "legipng" or drumming for me. I do my own drummir.g, and give my customers the benefit of tho ercentage I thus save. 4th. I will also give more for produce than any other houso on account of being able to dispose of tke same to i summers direct, thereby stfriag 6 per i ent eonnnis son. This is no hsuibag. Come and price my goods and satisfy yourselves. I subscibe myself, Your obedient sorvant. Pmi. Co'tssv. Daatatr Snl4. Col. Joreph Teal ths well known capital iat and stoukman of this State is about to oommence suit in tbo U. 9. Court at Kansas City against Mr. John S. Belby a rich ctti sen of Nodaway county, Msssouri, for dama ges to the amount ef nearly $100,000. 1 1 is alleged by Col. Teal that in November, 1 s90 he contracted with Belby to feed 1,500 head of cattle on the letter's farm. Belby to keep them and return them to Teal in tha fall of 1881, with 450 pounds added weight. Th plaintiff alleges that at the timo set for de livory 1271 eattle wero missing, and the re maining 1,229 were so poor in Hcsh as to be almost valueless, on which account he brings suit for the 271, amounting to $20,000, and for seventy odd thousand damages to the others. The attorneys for Teal are Edwards & Ramsey of Maryville, I.. H. Waters and ex-Governor Woodson. The papers in th ease are filed and the suit will ooine up in May. A Fine Dr ug KKiiiMiskuioot. This week K W Laugon moved up his stock of drugs into the Odd Fellow Tcmplo aud is now snugly ensconced in his now quarters. He will carry on the drug, book and stationery business in tho future under the firm name of IS W Iaugdon A Co., aud will bo ably assisted by our popular young Recorder who ia a first class chemist. Bo sidos throwing together tho two stocks of drugs formerly belonging to Salfcmarsh and Langdon and C A Piaramer aud Co., Mr L. will bo constantly iu receipt .of fresh stock and will aim to keep ono of the best establishments of the kind ia the valley. We recomond him to oar readers, BOBN. HAOKLEMAM On Thursday, Jan. 5th, 1882, to the wife of D, D. Hackleman a boy. When you need anvthiafir in Great'. ishing Goods como and anything in White Shirts, Colored Shirts Underwear, Collar ii, Cuffs, Keck wear, Bract,' Suspenders, Ovorshirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and gez our prices. Largest stock in tho city. mm Ho It CY K'M.VS M'.VV iVt-TtS AMI 1'ITTri) WITH COJiniNATION gel gfl TsbW, THV WIJ.L COfiHECT vTESIRVE THE SIGHT. PEDttnOaNNOT GET THESE GOOD sob aau oslv av sees? McCOY & ULLERT, DRUGGISTS anil CHEMISTS, .OH J W9 II DRUGS, CHEMICALS, (' ajtok of I'n.X Ol s, Ola.a'va I bo rolcbrsted macbii o!l MilRate. I n man's IilfH-k. Physh ians TrnTljti'ns a specialty, and non in notnjtounding Hum, Administrator's Sale N'OTICK IS HKKKKY 01VK THAT by cder of tho County Court oi Liun ""ounty, r-yoa, duly nsato and enUWesl of record, the undersigned, administrator il Konit no ram teMamrntr wkttXQ f the easaaecaf W. U. Olleasa, deoeaseel, -ill on the fth day of February, IS.!, at tb hour of ono o'clock In the afternoon af sid dsy, on the premises hereinafter desv rib ad. sail at public auolioo to the hitfhest bidder, all ike right title and interest of said deceased st the Urns of bis death, tn and to the folio wine desvrrtbesl preoiisos, lo-wlt: Tho north half or the original donation land clsim ot Tbomas K. Hum mer, it beins; laim No. TA, BBtifiealion No. 5ie( !n Tewnship Vk S. R. ecu anJ two waa. in Linn County. Oregon, and bounded aud desrrlbod as follows, te-wil : Cemmeneiag at the northwest corner f said claim, running thence east U0 rbalna ; thanes sButa 53 cbams and 33 liana ; thene-e west 0 chains; thanes north 53 ehmius and 33 links, to tbs p!se of begin ning, containing acres mare or leas. Terms of sale : One half the purchase pries caah ie band, the balance en a credit of twelve months from Ibe dsy of sals without interest, secured by anottgajrc on the premise, Jsn. oth, '. U. A. InviSK, Administrator. dr Uma non wllb the will annexed. Administrator's Sale. WQTICI IS lir.RF.BY GIVE THAT bran order of the Cosustv Coaurt Of Linn County, Oregon, dul v ma le a'dte lorod of ronord, the underlined, AdipiniH trator ( f tho ostste of James Km on in ereosed. will on tbo UAlU day of De;tbir Ihhl t the hour of ono o'clock in tbo air noon of midday, n tle prtmleB bereln alter doacrilvd. w!l at public auction to the highestt bidder all the rtgbt title and interest of said dtyeaaed in aud to the fol lowing described premises towit : liO aeros of land on McDowell creak, Ihrco and one half mllea above I'ices saw mill, in Idnn County Oregon, bounded and de scribed as follows : The cast half of the northeast quarter and the northwest quai toroftho northeast quarter, and the norlb east quarter of the north went quarter of taction 8 in Township 13 S of K 1 east ol the Willamette meridian. Terms of sale: Ono half of the purchase prioa cash in hand, the balance ona credit of six months from the day of s to . without internal, the deferred payment to be secured by raort itbko on tho premises. J. P. Simotb. Nov. lr'ih, 18S1. sduiirLstrator. KKAI.VPTIS. Kucalvptus has of late years been found very use'fut for a great number ot ilk .hst flesh is heir to. It's latest application is in the shape of Slaven's' California Pine and Ku alvntus Torous 1'laster, an articio that ia ttossi-ssed of ranch merit, and is fast su- ..... . . . 1 m S. perseding Ute out tastuoui pi'.cn ana iranb. lncease piaster. It is endorsed by t'; ' n. Il eal profession throughout the land. For !? by Foshay and Maf-on, .re, Mwtt stret-t, Albany, Oregon. FOIlSAIiE. One Racine aing'o buggy in io throe weeks. Original ct, flno. W ill Mdl it for M ca-Hh. or 314'. on time. Two so&lod ltacine hack, for either ono or two horse bought ucw last May. Cost ?170. Will sellit for 145 cash or 153 on time. Two sots of single harness, bought laat May and July. Cost f 19.60 and 20. Will sell tbciu for $15 and flfi cash. Enquire of C. H. STEWART. Important ! aad Teatler: The Yaquina R. R. must bo luilt in 1882, and Chas. B. Montague of Lalanon mu-t collect all accounts and notes dne him, during tho month of December, 1S8J. Owing to severe sickness in y family Ibavobeon unable to give that jersonal attention to collections so necessary to the successful conduct of a mercantile busi ness. I now respectfully request those Indebt ed to me to pay np, as the season for gen eral settlements has arrived. I noed my money and do nol wish to be delayed in closing up my annual business beyond the end of this month. Chas. B. Montagub, Lebanon, Deo, 1st, 1SS1. now to si:t i itr iikalth. It seem strango that any one wilt suffer from the many denuvseioeuls brought on by an impure eon 4itionot the blood hen SCO V ILL'S SAIWAVARIL l.A AND 8TILL1N01A, or Blood and Liver Syrup will restore perfect health U the physical organiza tion. It Is iudood a alronsUteniujr ynip, pleasant to Uke aud has proven Itself to bo the best blood purl fior over discovered, cffootually Serine Scrofula. Syjle lllatl.. .lin.r,lrr. Weakness of tho KkUlSarS.ITlJSI istas Malaria, all nervous uisorucis anu oemovy , vuwus complaint and all diseases indicsrting an impure con dition of tho blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, akin, ole. It corrects liidhtesuon. A single bottle soil prove to yon its merits as a health renewer, for it ACTS LIKE A I'll ARM, especially when the com pi .tint is of an exhaustive nature, havinsr a tendency to less. 11 tho natural vijror of ihe brain and nervous system. I A CARD. To all who are suffering from the error and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak noss, earlv decay, loss of manhood, Ac. I will send a recipe that will otiro you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missuonery In South America. Send a peir addressed envelopo to the Rev. JoaiTH T. Inman, Station D. New York City. 15mG. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Prico 23 cents. For sale by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; R. A. Rantpy, Harrisbury, S8e u$. Don't btsfr ww PERFUMERIES, FIC. full I no or .sisiioniry. r ole a Albany. Oregon. 1 ul tbo inrw.tnn-1 fn-sshoat dri; at I'.eas outb.e pricis. . --l-r--nrraBssnsaBBi ft 1KIM. vi sTtsvea. ItftA ctivn Watch Casoe are one of the -hl"f causes of so nsauy sxat:hes not lieing grrd lime pieces. : being tbtn nnd not lilting well, admit, dust and diet to the movement, wliieii md interferes v. ith the running parts of tho watch neces siUUng cloaajin'4. repairing, otc, and the amotmt thus paid oat if applied towaid buying a good case in toe beginning, would have aved all this trouble aad sjs p:. . Wc liave r"-:r!y w-n a -a Ibat moe. all these re'iuiremetits, it bavins iK-eii -arriei for o-v;r twessty yeaxa and still rematirs perfect. We refer lo the J AS. W aSS I'ATKNT STirrS.XKD Gul.O Cabk, which has become one of the staple articles ef the Jewelery trade, possessing as It does set many advantages over ail other watch cases, being made of two heavy plates of sol'd gold over a plate of composition, and we ad vise all our readers te ask their Jeweler for a card or catalogue that will explain the manner in- whk-b-tbey arc made. Itis ths only Stikfp.bed Cask niroW svitfi two plate of gold.aenmleas pendantat, snd center, solid jointa, crown pieces Ao., all of which arc covsml by letters palest. Therefore buy no case belore mnsubjas: a Jeweler who keeps the JAS. EOr?' pATtirr SnrFKKKO Oolu Cask, that yeu may learn tho ditrerenoe 1 etweeu n iluJ. all imitations that claim to bi equally as good. For sale by all rej oaaib e Jewc'ers. Ask to see tlie warrtut ihtt accompanies each case, and don't be ler.aaded that any other make of case :a as g tod. KI1S4 I KU I BOB til IT II. The following s tatem nt of William J. Congh'.in, f siomenrille, Mass., is so re markable thai we beg to ask for il the at tention of our readers. He says : In the fall OS 1870 I was taken with a riolem bleeding of the lungs followetl by a severe con eh. I soon began to lose my appetite aid Mesh. I was so weak at one iime thai I could not leave my bod. In tho summer pf 1877 I was admitted to ibe City Hospital. While thata the doctors slid I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expended over a hundred dollars in doc tors and medicines. I was so far gone at one timo a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. Hail's Balaam for the lungs. I laughed at my friends, thinking that my case was incurable, bnt I got a bottlo to satisfy them, when to my sur prise and gratiGcaiioo, I commenced to feel lieUcr. My hojo, once dead, bean to res ive, and to-day I feal in better spirits than I have the past three ycarr. "1 write this hoping 3011 will pnbliah. it. so that every one afuicied with Diseased Lnngs will bo induced to take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the lungs, and be 011 vinccd that consumption can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has done more good than alt the ether medicines I havo' taken sineo my sickness My coach has almost en tirely disappeared and I Hhsil soon be able to go to work." Sold by druggists. ni t HI.I.Vft ABtMBCA SALS, C Tke best salve in th world for cote, brais cs, 8re, ulcere, slt rheum, lever sores, tet ter, chapped hand, ehiibhuns, corns and ail kinds of ski u vruptlous. This save is guar anteed to give jierfect stisfactioa ia eresy case or money refunded. lYiee 35c per boa. For sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale agta ; D Moore, Scio ; D Foley, Lebanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon : Iledpath snd Mon tague, Jefferson ; DM Calhreatb, Bueca Vista ; O Cornelius, Turner ; K A Kampy. llarrisbcg ; Urr and Blakc-ly, rrowna ville. NEW PISH MAR KBT. On corner opposite Senders x Sternberg. Will keep constantly on band all kinds of fresh and salt fish snd eyetors that the market affords. M. Hide. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho under signed has leen duly appointed by tho Conutv Conrt for Linn county, Oregon cdmiuiatrator of tho Estate of Francis Berry, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro reqiirrcd to present them properlv verified to the undersigned at his office in Scio, Linn county, Oregon within six months rem tho dato hereof J. I.. Mil. U.K. Administrator. Dated Dec, 6th, 1SS1. Two ceod Farms to Beat. We have two good farms to rent in the vicinity of Tangent. One is lbO acres, with 00 acres already seeded to wheat and GO more to ge in. The other farm Is a 150 aero tract. Both arc splendid farrm. Cail at this office for information. To tbe Public J. A. Gross, roprieior of the dspot hotel, keep? ono of tho test public houses in tho State. 1 1 is rooms aro kept 'scrupu lously neat and clean, and ou his tables can be fo""d tho best food the market af fords. Pa rue going off on the morning train can get coffue and eakos or an entire breakfast before the train loaves. Here after the hotel will be kept open all night for tho convenience of the publie 4tf Farm For Sale. A splendid farm and stock ranch for rentorsale. Enquire of Fox, Baum & Co.