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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1881)
Wkt tmvmt FRTDAY DKCKMBEK 16, 1W1 Young cows do not give as rich milk as do those of mature age. A lean cow gives poor milk and a fat one rich milk. Aylesbury sod Rouen ducks have been exhibited weighing over twenty two and twenty three pounds (he pair respectively. A farmer of experience in wool growing says that there Is more ruou ey in growing wool at oven twenty cents per pound than in loaning mon ey at ten per cent interest. Keep sheep dry under foot. This is even more neccessary than roofing them. Never let sheep stand or lie In mud or water. The cotton States consume 42,250,. 244 more of wheat than they raise, and pay to the North for wheat, cornr oats and hay $10,000,000 annually. Wintering beet, in cellars appears to be an improvement over wintering them outside. The bees consume less honey, have less loss and are Wealthi er in the end. if the owner of a cow will realize the fact that unless she pays him in clear cash $44.50 yearly she is kept at a loss, he will soon become interest ed in the subject of the improvement Of COWS. Both for its effect upoa fattening and upoa health a small amount of wood ashes should be given to swina The food without this Is rich in phos phoric, but has little lime, and the equivalent should be thus supplied. mmm To much attention cannot be paid to the cleanliness and ventilation of stables and pena To insure the health and comfort of animals they must be kept dry and warm aad have plenty of light ss wall as pure sir and Water. A sow with three rings on her horns is six years old ; with f jur h is seven. No new rings are formed after the tenth year. The deeper rings, however, and the went appear ance of the horns, are pretty sure in dications of old age. Any farmer who desires the full benefit of the manure to be applied in their crops next year must begin and spread it on now, and continue to do so during the Winter, unless the land is on very steep hillsides, then it should only be spread as it U worked in. As floors to poultry horses, boards are, not good, especially if chickens ar to be brought up upou them, as they produce cramp. Concrete or brick is better, yet nothing is so good as deep, well -pulverized, dry soil, which is really the least expensive of anything. To pinch off the tip of a shoot is net to produce a shock, but to change not impede, but gend the flow of the sap in other directions, by which the fruit is benefitted, white the leaf power is not materially interfered with, the axillary leaves affording the needful supply. Wheat is now sown nine months of the year in England ; that Is, from August to April. October and No vember are the principal months however, for this work. The advo cates of thin seeding prefer early sow ing while it is advantageous to sow thicker as the season advances. Farmers should endeavor to sell a nttVno8s!-r-riiiit which comes mainly from the soil, and as much ea sm m . a as possiote or mat which comes from the atmosphere. Butter and fat stock sold will improve a farm while cheese, milk and lean stock sold will keep it lean unless ma nure or fertilizers are bought. Farmers cannot afford to use com merciai fertilizers at random, and it is time they understood the reason why. The right materials in the right places bring large profits. Artificial .fertilizers rightly used must prove among the most potent mean for the restoration of our agriculture. The only way to find out what a soil wants la to study it by careful observation and experiment. The best way with all grapes, aad . !- a . - especially wun tnose not quite hard v. Is to prune in the Autumn as soon as practicable alter the Ml of the leaves. If the vines are pruned and trained upon the renewal system, it will be a very small matter to lay them upon the ground and giva a covering of iwo or tnree inches or earth upon the shortened cams, which covering should be loft on until all danger of severe ireezing is passed in the Spring. The seed k a storehouse of concen trated plant food, intended to nour. ish the germ till the root and the leaf are developed. In the seeds of the cereals, and of many other plants, the chief ingredient i starch. Another class of seeds, of which linseed and mustard-seed are examples, contain no starch, hut in its place a large quantity of fat. A seed generally contains a considerable amount of albuminoids,- its ash is rich in phos phoric Hcid and potash. Some dairymen say that milch cows do as well on ensilage when mixed with about one quarter of its bulk of fine cut dry hay or straw as with meal or ehorts. Perhaps the straw serves to distend the stomach, as cob-meal does when ground with corn. For sheep with lambs, sows, and mares ensilage is especially pro fitable, and also for ' fattening sheep. For Summer use when the pastures are dried ensilaged June grass will keep up the supply of milk as nothing eke can. bart'h Dlrrrlsri. Y. I. C. A. MwU st their room in Fos ter brick building; on Wedneedav evening at 7:80 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoon nt 4. Business taeetinus are held on the even ing of the second ' Monday in each month. Kveryliody invited to attend. U. P. Chorch. Preach ing every Sabbath, t II a. m , and ?f.M. by Rev. P, O. Ir vine, 1. I. Sabbath School at 2uK) p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvASnaucA'.CucRcii. -Preaching on Sab hath at 11 a.m.. and 7J r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. V, Kantner, pastor. CoNOttttn Anon AuCnc rth. Servtoeeevery Sabbath at 1 1 a. M. and 8 r. M. Sabbath School at 2:3t. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week, f. W. Harris, nattor. M. K. Ciu m-M, atocTH.- Services every Sabbath at -St Paul's M. K. Church, South, at II a. m. and 74 r. b. Sabbath School at 12 J P. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day erenng. M. 0L Miller, paster. M. K. Cm'ROH. Preaehing every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 71 r. B. Sons service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 v. m. Prayer meeting every Thnrs- a W t . it . a lay uvuing. i. muon, pastor. Presry tkiu isl I in tu n. .Service every Sabbath mornina ami evening in College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rfter the mormtig sortie. Trayer meeting every Thursday evening. Iter. Haao H. Uomltt pastor. Executor's Notice. XTOTICR IS 1IKRKHY tUVKN Til A 1 flte undersigned have leen by an Of df r or the County Court or Leva county Or.dulv aDDolnted Rxeoutors of the last wft and testament of Wiu. H. liiarrebaiu, de feased. All persona having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same witn the proper vouctiers to tne unuersigueu, a tho law efflty of Jhn t Miller, at Leb- auon, Or., within six month Iroiu the date hereof. October 27, 181. tiKORi.K Kl.l'M. II I It AM Kl.l'M. rlx ecu tors. NOTICE TO PKBT0K8. A I.L WHO ARE INUKUTBD 10 MK J. or have any business to transact with me, are hereby notified that my anairs are ten in the hands of Mr. snnoti Heiienuaeh, of the firm of Montoith A- Seltenlssch. i NOTICE Am HAYINtt disposed of my business in Albany, all persons indebted to me are requested to eome forward and settle by Nov. 1. 1 can still l found at my old place of business. 12tf BUOBNE RUt'll ANAN. 0OSTETTERJ5 In Meat ! rasstllr lluMtettci's stomab Hitters is as much re garded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this Is that yearn or experience iisvr prove.! It to be per fectly reliable in hoe cases of emergency where a prompt and convenient remedy Is demanded. Contiiatioe. liver com plaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are oven-omc bv it. For sale by lrngglKis and Dealers, to whom apply for HoMetterU Altnstmr for AIM AKESIS ok. s, sxLsagrs extekxal pile ekxi ot -' I .l . i RjJ, -J : nwBW nfHfi m vm mm MnPli CURE FOR ALL KINDS OP PILES. .oldny Druggists everywhere. Price. t.' per box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent f.t to Physicians and all si'fwrr. by S'eufctaedter A Co., Box 3W,. NVw Y.rk City. Sole manufacturer of A N A K K 1 & Ma. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Building) New York, Is authorized to contract for advertisements in the Dmx'Rat at our best rates. King of the Blood U not a "rurr alir it is a bkxx' partner and tonic In.-i.urnr at bkKxi piUons tr, system, dsrangee the ircolatijo, sod ihw Inrt nxm ntanr disorders, kr.frn by dUbirpnt nsnu to dJstlncuwl) tketa ae mrdl&a to eftYcu. tmt beviu n-ntlj branches or ph.-MMof thst BTst seiier..; rttardWr. Issperitir f Bleed. Sncb sre Dprpwia. BttUmintm, LM tr t mnptnM, ( 'ututiptition, hfrvtmt Dtaordert, lUaA actv. Baekache, (frrwni Wrnknetm, Heart Ditto. lr. nV, KLhvy Disease, Piles. Rheumatism, Ca tarrh KrroftUa, Jilrin, IHsordrrt, JfmpUs, VJetn, SmtlllngH, e.. dr. K I n of I he Blood prevents .:ni cur they iy sttacking he cause, fmpurltj of the Blood. Chemists sud phycielans nicree in rslllng; It ' ttt" mMt genuine and efficient prepe ratiunfnr the mrfxn." Hold by DrssxUU. mt twtl. flee titlrnonlsia, dlrectionn, c, In pant phWf, ' Treat le eet Dlaeaa-a ol the Blood,' s-ra.f.pcJ arotute each l.ttl. . R t.VSOM. S0.N a CO.. Props.. BefMe. H. t. Ar New Illuitra- 1 tcdPrice-List J-mumfAW kmmdW No- 3' for WmmW wWr FnllandWui- terofl8Sl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kindt of goods for personal and family twc. Wc deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wleUaalc prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 387 and 229 Wabash Avcnue,Chicago,HL Si 500 per vear can be easily made at home working for E. G. Rideout Sl Co., 10 Barclay St., New YoA. Send for their catalogue and full pArt 'culars POR SALE. One Racine single buggv in uso throe weeks. Original cost, $ UK)." Will sell it for $130 cash, or $H5 on time. Two seated Racine hack, for either one or two horses bought new last Slay. Cost $170. Will sell it for f 145 cash or $153 on time. Two sets of single harness, bought last May and July. Cost $19.50 and $20. Will sell tbem for $15 and $16 cash. Enquire of C. H. STEWART. FARMS FOR SALE -RY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following is a partial Hat : 170 acres lone and a half mtloa west of Tangent, Oregon tnd u luilesfrom Albany. 8ft acres In cultivation ; 40 acres more can be nut iu cultivation easily: balance good ti tuber and pasturo land. Boll, rich black iiralrte. Uood house and barn, good board once, all In good repair ; young orchard of 100 trees; good well and running stream for stock ; good school, church and ost otllco : Boot! neighborhood and irood sck'1- ety. Terms ftdb per acre : ft?,000 down, rest on easy tortus. 280 acres on Nanow mlloa from Albany and 5 miles from Mcio. and 7H miloa from Jeffei-son. 11& acros gtod farmins and. 75 acres In cultivation; ro mainder in timer and brush; house 18x2V, with 10 foot walla, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22xS4 wl t h 14 foot shed on ono aide; good fencea and water. Terms ia.00.caah down if tKWstble. Rather than net sell will take 2000 down, aud balance on 2 to 8 years time, secured by mortgage. 190 acres H of s tulle west of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation aud ts acres oak and ash timber,good wood land; all under feme, board and rail, some good aad H bad ; about 7 acres In orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat K acre on average; good two -story frame ise, plastered, 0 rooms, built In 1H73, and cost $300; good barn, 28x40 and twc sheds; well arranged for farm puroses. Terms, fSOOO, 2 years time on $5000. 150 acres Vi miles west of Tangent; 100 acres In cultivation; all new land, clean aud in good order; good two story house, t rooms, nearly new and iu good condi tion; good new barn 80x30; tine young orchard, 10 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water, 20 acres of good Umber; rich, black soil and very productive. Price 52o0, cash and balance on lime. 100 acres one and a halt miles northeast of Albany; 1ft acres in wheat, rest in fair average; woodland; good land; nosjly fenced. Irlce flu acre; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast of Bods Springs; fair firming ; smalt house; 300 acre fenced. Will he sold In small tracts or all together, good school, church and post-emce at Hodsville, also the Hods springs. Price o per acre; easy terms. 103 acres lying 8 miles above Lebanon on the Lebanon Mountain road. No fan ces er improvements. 1ft or 20 seres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Trice 13 per acre. 80 acres 1 't miles above (Hieetia, on Ya quina llay, known as the old shipyard. It has s splendid frontage or. the Itajr, and will ! seld at SI t per acre. 107 acres lying below and within I1, miles of Letasnon, all under fence. 3U acre In cultivation, and the remainder lain Umber and brush. Itox house, story, 2 rooms below and one above ftartt, not very good, (lood well ; small orchard, t'roes fences to the amount of "Q00 rails. Sufliclent rord wood can be cut and floated to Albany from this place by only a few laborers to pay for it In two J ears nly mile from canal. Possess m given by the I .Mb of October. The land is rich and will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. HI acre, lying 0 miles due east of liar risburg. A good one storied box house. 2 rooms. Ilarn, 2ux22. The laud has heretofore been used as a suture, but can all le put into cultivation. No grubbing mjulrod. 1 1 ; miles from school. Terms I6 per acre. 1 ,rasb down, balance al most any length of (line assured by mort gage. :S00 acren, lying wiiltin a milo of Mon roe. In Iienton county. Al umler fence and divided into five fields. All good farm laud and half in grain. iood house and barn, aplendld water aod a fine orch ard. It la one of the best farms in that section of the yalley. Price S2S per acre flOOQor 11500 down and balance on time 202 acres lying 5 miles north-east of aarrisl.urg and 1 mile east of Muddv Station all under fenesj ISO acre in eultf vaUon, balance in pasture, but most of it can be put incultlraUon. 14 stoty bouse, barn, good water, etc., 1 mile to schocl. Price fJOuO, 123 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent. 75 acres In cultivation and all under fence, 25 seres more can be put into cultivation tv out lay of $100. House, barn, splendid water. A fine young orchard. Priee, $30 per acre. 483 acres in Center Precinct I miles from station on Narrow isngo. 100 acres is culUvaUon. Good 14 story house, wood house, barn, and splendid water and fine orchard. All under Priee Sift per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles east of Albany. All under feuee. feuee south- small orchard, no buildings; 5f acres has been cultivated, but It is all now used as pas ture. Price $10 per acre. ' 243 acres lying 3 miles from lirandon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence, loo acres in cultivation. Large 114 story frame bouse, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, $20 per acre. 111'. SIMWEV, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Tresis all t hreat and iSpeelal Disease. VOlJlVGr MEN WHO HAT BE SI I EKIXC I HON TBI'. eflcU t youthful Miles or huiacretlon, will d" well to avail themselves of this, tin:;; rosiest bees ever tavUI at the altar of suffering- humanity. Oft. MPl.VNKY will guarsntee to forfeit SMOfr gverj ess ininaJt wsakneas or private diaeaee is any klitd or carscter uk-h he undertake and failg to ears. IBBLE-ACiEB NEK. There are many at the af of thirty -flvejto sixty ehe are troubled with Uk freruetit evacuation of the blad der, often sccoinisuiied by a altirhl SBSttBSaTSt buniin sensaUen, and a weakening of the system In a manner the fsUicnt cannot ire Hint tar. On esaminitijr the urinary defaadt a ropy sodlsient will often he found ind srsnetiinc uudl su1k-les of albumen will, r the color ill be of a thin milkiah hu. airain chain;- isif to s dark and torpid aiipearanc. There are many men who die of thi difficulty iirnonuit of the causa, which is the second wUge of seminal wosknea. 1 k. h. will iruarastee s perfect cure in all such esses, and healthy reefas-atiisi of the genito-urinary cs-gan. OrrtCR Ilet'a 10 U. 4 asd 0 to 8. Bundat from 10 wo ii a. s. uonsuisMion ire. Thorough xaminaUer atil aiivice. S5. Por private disease of short standine; a full csra ot meaictn e sumcient lor s eur. with all InttrueUotia. will be sent to sny slilr(S on rcceip'. .( fio 00. Call and address, DB. gPINNET at t O., 17.12U to 11 Horny ft. fan Prandsco, Csl WSSk for fonsnmnt lou. An! limn. Rrnnr-M la. nrrirrn, vyspepsin, iieaoaeliCt Debil ity, Bfuwlgln, Khenmatlsm, and all hronie vad Mervons Disorders. Pack aces eenvenlentlw sent by ex- nrrss, rcswrv ror immediate use at h ffosid for ffee treatise on the Oxy - S J m - sr gen treatment. Address the proprietors, now. in i Hirara street, rutin., Pa., or H. E MAT HKWft, Ptaelfle Depository, 06 Montgome ry ft, ftan ran4a-. r. RED BRAZILIAN ARTICHOKES. 1 have a large lot of these artichokes for sale, and farmers who raise hogs should have tbem. Price 75 cents per bushel ; large lots at lower figures. J. B. ROBERTS. Miedds Station. Slaven s Cherry Tooth Paste. An aromatic combination for the preser vation or the Teeth aud Gums. It is far superior to any preparation of tho kind In Lbe market In targe, handsome opal ots, price 50 eents. For sale by Foehay Mason, Albany, Oregon. GREAT INDUCEMENT! And Htlll tin4 1'UhIi rout ImiPM til the ONE PRICE SQUARE DEALING FARM ERS' AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. JiiHt received by lnnt Ktenmer, Genfs Furnisliins Unns AT LOW PRICES. ."0 Dozen Men's While Hltli VleUQt Men'H Notch!liiHliiPHH HuiU, worth sl-I.OO for SH.SO. MenN Fine DMt MuIIm, worth 85.00, for s I ;..'(. Look at otirHhukrr HocUk, 5 forSl.tNr. Look nt our Overall, l( qentH a pair. CjOOU. Look at our Brocaded lrcsx a yard. ss Look at our l aslimei eM, fur ."Jc a yard. Look at our Iadi Colored Homo, 10 reuti a pair Look at out riiiltlren's Hone, Id reut a pair. Look at our rush for tiolden C, Sun p. 20 barn r renin bo. LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins, Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. 8END ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WA II! Mil HI! 15. Prop'r. HARRISBURC, ORECON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ON RAND AS FINE AM ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, 4s fiBjr bousr lm the Mllc) . lie so Imports aad luanul c 1 urct TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF EVERY DKSt'RIPTTON IN STOi'K OR TO ORDER. AIHO, HE KEEPS OB HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT K GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. A I.I. OK WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PDRUC AT I'RICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORBOON. Repair work done at viSnlft CHICAGO AND "NORTH WESTERN is um ougfrltrS5f wjisVructkd. DEsT KOUIPI'KO! ami hones Uw leaSim5pt,Ralway WEST aXD NORTHWEST. It H UM SHORT. SURE ami HAKR RmU hetwean COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago, Milwaukee And aJI rxWnls KA8T, urh a Niagara rails, New fork. Ifalfaalphla, astsa, Wsslilagtaa, Bslilmsre, ritu aarg, Montreal. Tnraato, Uetroll, rievclsaa. At Council Blufu Usr trsls of tho nhicstfo and North Western and um U. P, Ry dopart from, ar rive at and us Um same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago close connec tion are mad with the Lake Shore, Mkhitfan Central, RaiUmor and Obis. Ft. Wayne and PennsylranU, snd Otitcstfo and (Jnuvl Trunk IUilroada, and Uie Kankakee and Pan Handle Itoute. PolmiB Palace Drawing Boom Can Are nin on all through train of this road. HI the ONLY ROAD between council Burrrit amd hh aco, l pou which is run tha celebrated PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Ticket via Mil road. Examine your Ticket, and reruse Ut buy if they do not read over the Chicago and North VV'eatern Railway. If you wish the heat trarcliug accommodation you will buy your ticket by this routear'AND Wll.t, TAKE N(NE OTHER. All ticket agent sell ticket by thi line. MAatf lM ai'tiUITT, Sad V. I, and ttea'l Maasr, Cklrago. EA8TWARD. nm REVERE HOUSE. Corner First and Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeififcr, Prop'r. This new Hole! I fitted uu In first class style. Tables supplied with the best the market afford. Spring Bed in every Rmhq. A good Sample IUhhu for Com ntercial Traveler. Aari'ree Conrb f o and from tae Hotel. l J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoo Maker. SOOTS AND SHOES made (a order, and repairing done with neatness and Mich, and at Tow prices. Call aad sea him. First Street, Albany. 41yl ii iUdu i'm U, aetiiiilly worlh $(i.(H fur tioodH, worth JJfle. lor Me. reasonable figures. NEW YORK SHOPPING I Everybody delighted with the tastetil nd beautiful selections made by Mrs. La- msr, who has never failed le please her customers. New Fall Cireular Just Issued. l ' -S m . a a m ossau lor iu Auaress MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, -U 77 ttroatlsray, Nsr York. NEW BARBER SHOP I J. H. 8URLES, PrNFf A OOOD SKA FOAM NHAMPOO goes Im wun sacs suave, l' rices ror sbsving antl hslr-outtlng same ss usual. Rooms opposite Mcllwsln's store. lokf ALBANY CITY Flouring: Mills. LITE have already agreed with Uie f t farmers for the storage of one half our rapacity, inn we can yet store about j,uuu nusneis. First como, first served. PREMIUM, 4 CTS. PER BUSHEL In mill feed as usual. T1IOS.MONTEITH fc SON. 61 MAGNOLIA MILLS. WK aro fully pieiaiod as imual to fur mIhIi htorag.- and sucks nu the most favorahle toruiH. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magor.Ua Mills. Vl7ul S TARTLINC DISCOVERYI L08T MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim ot youthful imprudence causing Prema tare Decay, Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, etc, having triad in vain every known remedy, has ok. . i - i . h. mMI &wa wsai oovereu a tiiuyui mm tun, nuw wm. m to HIS Jeuow-sunerem, auarsss af. a. 49 Chatham Mt., N, I.. WHOOP FOR MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON I IS the TIME TO Great Redactions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. -! 1 f A Pavement of the way for the Golden time coming. i:m:rybody buys oi' AMD EVERYBODY U0IFM4N k JOSEPH, -PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candies. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. A 1 briny - - Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart to Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I c?nget it for you. CLAIB H. STEWART. WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, If ANUFACTURERS OF SAIL, BROOM. SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO XjICTSIXT Y-rVK-lSTS Foot of Jaakeon Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P. O. BOX 168. NOTICE TO I ARM EitS. We would respectfully lutorm the farmers of this uction that we are permanently lo cated here, and are prepared at all tinea io pay the highest market price for lint llsz. We will gladly furnish parties who Intend sowing flax any Information they desire. Dependlnir Ifsrccelv nrxn tho farmers of this section for the snoceas of our enterprise and the raw material we consume, and believing flax growing to oe a premauie industry, we respectfully task you to sustain a home industry that promises to become mutually beneficial. Albany, Or., Aug. 25, 1881. yl WEST COAST FLAX MILU9. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase PI u miner dried fruit at full market prloes ; Will send a compotont person to advise fruit growers as to cultivation of or addi tion! to orchards; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prices ; Will sell Flummer Driers through Linn, Benton and Lane comities. Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fro" Com pany, Corvallis. Iienton County, uregon, WALLIS NASH, President. james kkapman, seo'y. January 1, 188T 24wi fPATKKTED JV'SS 13IU, 1WC ) FOR HA LB BV FOX. BalM at CO FOSHAY & MASON, VHOLIUUS ASD RSTalb Druggists aod Booksellers, ALBANY, OKEOOM. Vl6n41lf CHRISTMAS I GOES JOHN BR1GGS' STORE. Myi TO LOAN RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0X & CO., PKOPR'S. Maw raocaas vxoca scpkkior rou rABiucs AKD BAKKBS L'SK. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. a ALBANY - filyi - OR. JAMES DANNALS, BaaTTAcrcasa ass skauu ui FURNITURE t BEDDING. Csratv Ferry aad seeead Streets. ALBAliY, - - OREGON. vMsdlyl SALTMARSH & LANCDON, DB17GGISTS. Books, SlaUonery and Toilet Articles, A Aarge moon ana law rricea. OITTT IDRTJO- STORE, Tt ALBANY. OBECO. Oregon Marble Works. D. A. CLARK, Proprietor. -aAsmAcreaaa or MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kkuls ot ceracUi nr work douo In Marble. Free 8un(t arid OranfUt. All work done in nrt i-Usm ile and at the lowest rates. SaV Wt aide of Ferry Street, between Second and Tliird. ALBAMV, BEOX. P. 8. I do not employ any inexperienced eanv- era, and give iny customer the benefit of Uis ii6 per cent, commisaiun allowed for such work. Aloony Bath House. THE UNDBKSIQNKD WOULD RESPECT fully isfortn the cititsni of Albany and wi einltythat I have taken charge of this Establish meat, and, by keeping clean rooms and psyia trio t attention to buaineat, expect to sait al tool who may favor us with their patronage Hayinej heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Ciaes Hair dressing Saloons, we expects to giro entire satisfaction to sl JaT-ChildieD and Ladles' Hair needy em ad shampooed. JOS WEBBER. '' ' " Ml I ! I II ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, OREGON. STAMiKR BROS. - Proprietor!, MONUMENTS, TABLETS. aWD IIKADHTOMig Bneatod in Itsllsn or Vermont Msrbl Also, very rsrlety of cemetery nd tiir stone work done with neatness mad dispatch. Special aUntlon sriren to order from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. J-fAll work wsrranted. 1-JJ. sa ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- SHOP. KNTABLIMIiED IS63. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at errner of First and Montgomery Streets. Albany. Oregon. Having taken chargeof the shore named' Works, wo aro prniwred to rnanulasttire Steam Engines, Saw and Orist Mills, vri-worklrig Macliinery, furap. Irofs. and Brass Castings of every des ription. M;.' h.r-f rv of all jkinds rspairc-d. 8po elal atlntion glvenU rejsunfig farm ma chinery. fmiiern Maklstc aeeme 1st all Ma reran. Iftllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OK Tli First Term will open on Wednes day, September 7tk, 1881. LBEBT . a)XIT. rrcsMeat. TH76 SAM WA'S LAUNDRY I! Does the beat washing and Ironing in Al hany at lowest rates. Contracts made for 'binese labor. Laundry on Washington, afreet, opposite Msrnhafrs IJ very Stable. iffcstr C C CHERRY. C. a. PA ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKES, (Snoceeaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machifiists, MiilwriglitsS, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now prepared to handle a 1 kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine, Grist and Saw Mill Mschinery.snd sll kinds of Iron snd brsm Castings. r itTI B 1 IDE Sf SBOBT XOTIOL Special attention given to repairing all k.nds of machinery. Will also manofao-tn.-e the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. shop mm Baker fM. OMer a Lsrssbrr Tar4. Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880, 18tf It can look ulI liu.h 1 I and sneer. It can woo or (UblUrcU-. trflMl or spas king' onrao can also be mlsf rsssaai, or htui eorreeUjr aod i oor oyes carefully fitted sriia tits Toit-ecopic Ey Tusssr. Pstsstt SALTMAR8H A LANG DON, Albany, Or. To the Unfortunate! Bispwdary, ST.. San rssartsso. ss ISM. for of Sexual s (rir tat rt-.STDb Ills in ail Seas I na I SnliaM. - ' 7z or. the race and Jos ol wasVnrtd can posiUrai b. ctrrwl. The iclt and afflu iwl sboald rot fail to call up. si him. Tb Doctor ha traTeled estena.y In hurone, and asssacfM a ihoroughlv the variou hosss talt there, obtaining a ureal deal of valuable iniorua BSBj which he iacoinpeient to iniart to those ia need uf acryice. DK. GIBBON' wfll make no csarro unless he effect a cure. Ferson at a distance MAT BR CIBKD 4T BOMB. AU conuuunicauou atnetly fi.trdeiitial. You see no one but the DocUr. Send ten dollar lor a package of ntedieine. Iatmoas ri ung to the DtMtor a Ul 4eas state the nasi of tb paper they ee thi advertisement iu. Charges rea soniihle. Call or writs. Address La. J. F. OlBBOM. ijo , ?a.n riuncrsco. V ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MRK. C. HOUI, - . . Propriitoi. Thi House baa been thoroughly renovated from tor f. WIm. I. fc .... 1 1 . i- j ... . w ..'h.ui, .'iu a. mow in ienuia OSSSBbhSsb SSv the ensrruinrnent el trsvsiers. The tabl . U n polled with everything tbe mar ket affords. Sample rooms for comroarciaj men. Csn sUis. Lebanon and Bellas Stage Ofllee. THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. BE8T TOHIO IN U8E, sass mm tssa saf aaaaai sttas Baa wsserrsd. Harts IBIBR cial Street, 1 KshllSsa BBaPaaaaaBaaSaSBaaHBIakV ' lsrBejsHpaa b saaaeBs. '