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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1881)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 10, 0. H UUtr STEWABT antt lrsMrr. O. C. R. R. TIME TAItl.K. Albany Station. SlftrAKTI : TflAlN". 6 A. M. y no a. M. It A. M t I. M. n : A. M. H M. S: P. M. . P. M. V K r KJ1IT TRAINS MAIL THUS lVvuUtU re. at.VU. TRUH ' SUlruU ... Mi at ad PRKitiliT TK ' j. ALBANY KXPKKSS tnwl All Tealwa uiir. eaees smsTay. NotioK. Oti and aft or this date regular ticket win be sold et our tick omee for following potoUm Columbia river: Upper CmscaJea, Dalles, Umatilla, Walliila, Walla Walla aud AUwworUs. Will. IV Ricrx, Freight ami Ticket Agent o. A O. R. R. Co. Albany. June l&b, ISS' . a-tottXV'St 0.v THla r AT JSU. P i r ha raAtiV 'or it IN NtH home: ABROAD. Chr'-stiua U co utuf. And so ia New Yew. US81 is on its last Iwg. F. M. French, jeweller. Hi mud stretched out. Wheat is down again, K R. Skipworth. lawyer, Albany, Or. Politics are beginning to be agitated. J, L. Cowan the popular Lebanon Mer chant. The (Mirer Chilled Flow is the best plow for d ry ground. There are 339 pupils enrolled in the public schools of Eugene City. The rain is bringing along the second in oice of geeas and ducks. The cheapest holiday gxxls iu town at the Farmers' and Mechanics Store. New holiday goads just received at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, Fancy toilet -no? for sale at McCoy k Ellert s for 40 and 50 cents per box. Fine dress boots, shoes and slippers at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Handsome card esses just received at the Farmers' and Mechanics Store. Ueota fine dress gloves and 2 button at the Fanners' and Mechanics' Store. It is time to begin turning ever a new leaf, and thii'titne mean business. Bargains in oreroeats and ulsters at the Farmers' and Mechanics Store. (hying dolls and dancing monkeys at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Men and hoys fine hats and caps cheap at the Farriers' and Mechanics' Store. Foster lace, and Coupe joowin kid gloves for the holidays at Samnel E. Young's. The Washington Lsjislatare has rstn i - i to exempt church property from taxation. linen and silk handkerchiefs ia pi si J and fancy for the holidays at Samuel E. Young's. Dr. O. Willis Price, den tort, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Ptnmmer' Drug Store. Racking!, collarettes, fichues. and lace collars for the holidays at Samnel E Young's. Lsdie and gents fine kid an J embroidered slippers for the holidays at Samnel E. Young's. The State Temperance Alliance will can. vane in Salem on the third Wednesday in February. Mrs. Martin will sell millinery during the holidays at cost. Don't forget to give her a call W. B. Scott and Fred Barkhart have lately been fired into the Odd Felbw LoJge in this city. The largest stock of gloves, mitts and wristlets in town at the Farmers and Me nhanies' Store. The very host of domestic and- imported extracts for the handkerchief at the new drug store of McCoy & Ellert. The largest and best stock of ladies', misses' and children's boots and Shoes in Albany at Samuel E. Young's. Baby Wagons ! Baby Wagons! Just re ceived an invoice of baby wagons, for sale at low prices at Samuel E. Young's. The present term at the College closes on Friday of next week. That institution is very prosperous this season. Redfield & Irving have anytning you want in the line of family groceries and provision and will sell cheap as the cneapest. Wc have acme of the most tatty calendars ever printed, sent us by tke Hartford In au ranee Company. Call and get one. A large assortment of groceries, dry goods and boots and shoes for the holidays too numerous to mention, at Samuel E. Young's. A writing school is in fall blast at the Central School house, Mr. Garrison is the instructor and he seems to be liked very mich. Ladies fine kid button shoes for the holi days, a better stock cannot be found in Oregon or at lower prices than at Samuel E. Young's. Purge out th morbid humors of the blood a dose or two Ayer's Pills, and yen will hare clearer heads as us! I as healthier bodies. By far the largest stock of canned goods in Albany can be found at Reifield & Irving's, Any Piling in that line you can ask for they keep. Jas. L. Gilmour au 1 his. partner, Billy Watkias, are buying tons of furs, hids and skins. They visit every corner of the county. A psotracted meeting will commence on the first Sabbath in January in the Baptist Church iu this city and will continue for some time.. The streets of Albany begin to present quite a lively appearaace, and we should judge that ear merchants are doing a thriv ing business, The number of books being sold by our merchants already would indicate that our citizens arc getting up considerably of a literary taste. The small-pox is now raging at Hepner, and there seems to be great distress in that eity. Eusinsss has stopped and the town is almost deserted. Joseph has sold off a great number of toys, but still has agool stock left, and the re mainder he will dispose of at prices away below what is usual. McCoy and Ellert begin to present quite a lively appearance at their establishment, and there is every reason to believe that t hey will work up a reliable trade. A new post-office has been'cstablished in the Wood River country, .named Gimlet. We Buppcee this U on account of the num ber of bores there. Iu t ie late election in Union the two tickets were designated the "Water Works," The former carried the day, Sixteen Russian families in Portland without food. This is a sad spectacle, and oue that should meet tho ears of the Caar immediately. The excitmcut over th eity rlcctiou has about died away, and defeated candidate are working extra hours to pay up thru electioneering expenses. S tolling schools are coming in vog'.n in the Southern part of th State. 1 mined ;ale tops ought to bo takeu to stop the spread ing of this terrible plague. New Silk handkerchiefs, nook wear, col lars at.d cuffs ami silk suspender for the hol iday trade united this wek at the Farmers' and Meehauica' Store Exempt certificates were granted to Chas. Wagner and Henry Snsrns, of Albany Engine Co, No. 1, at the last meetibg of the Hoard of Firo IMcgate. Crash iu plaids. M?ntcith aud Saiteti- bach are now Selling the most elegant plaids forty inehoa wide, for 7. cents per ysrd. former price $1 per yard. People who have wondered a hat keeps the two political parties so far apart a ill ho relieved in finding out that it is bveause Darid Davis stands between them. What a magnificent stock of tobaccos, .f n...t ....f Kvj ll.lfTllllll nll.l I... ill VIKtHI :,, I (1,11 " mm.. , i i in. -J- ut.u;.t,u.i at. ..," the lieAil-iitiartern all those who" the weed. Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! Rccuived by steamer this week for tho holidays, an in voice of ladies line cloaks direct from th manufactures in the east, at Samnel E Young's. Such low pi ices for cashmeres have never before hecu kr wn as are sold by Moutcith aud Soitcubach. Black, maroon, nay blue, bottle green, brown, and etc.. for W cettts per yard. The Oliver Chilled Plow will ruu and do good work in dry ground when a sUel plow cannot be kept in. They are jnst tho plow you want for summer fallowing. For lc by Samuel E Young. The stock of the O. U. A X. Co, has been raised from $12,000,000 to 1H,U0U,UU0. The stock-holders will be aaststcd to the amount of 50 per conk This will mako t cm friend ly towards .Hard. Celluloid toilet seta, odor cases, fancy work (rackets, picture frames, albums, and a great many other articles suitable for holiday presents can be had at McCoy A Ellert a new drug store There is no place in Albany like Hoffman and Joseph's for candies. All kiuda, fancy, assorted, stock, red-hot taffy and any kind you want. Remember this when you want to boy for the little folks. The College will close its fall term before the holidays with a splendid record- It is in good cenditi.m, baa a very large attend ance and a corps of teachers who arc giving universal satisfaction. A letter from Mrs. A. L Grey, written at St Paul. Minn., about the first ef the present m6nth, sa, i the streets there are dnety and that the thermometer marks degree below zero. Read the addri of the Anti-Monopoly Ixaxue of Salem a the urt pae. It is to the poiut. and as it is but au expression of most of tkc people of Greg n, it shows that business is meant Montesth and Seitanbacb ara solliag ell w--d shood cloth in all colors, forty -eight, for SO cents per yard, former price $1 per yard, trimming to match. Don't fail to call and examine them Gave Horlacher has sold out his meat market here to Fred Gseiz, and gone to Seattle, where Le will engage in the same bustueas. We regret to iw him as he has been a reliable steady bntcher. A special lmainca meeting of the Y. P. C. Association will 1 held at th' ir hall on Wednesday evening. Dee 21st. All MM bers should attend, as busioci of importance will be up before the meeting, The biggest, the best, the moat consplc te and tho most intelligently selected stock of toys in the city is to bo found at Conrad Meyers. Go there and yon can get exactly what you want and at bottom price. Alaska wauls to become a territory. As she can ouly learn by expsrience what 1 .l a a ouracnstie woui.i nave to carry, tjive Ur a chance, aud she will soon wish sbe had nothing but shipping furs no her hands. A correspondent of an exchange says the little village in which he lives is "looming up," aud gives as the reason, that they have a new shoe shop. Verily some people must have stinted ideas of what looming means Jas. L. Cowan, Ibanon, is bound to offer christmas bargains which arc bargains, ts.;ar this in min i and go tuere lor your goods. Everything of the best quality and at th-i lowest prices will be fouud at his store. The Hartford Insurance Co was orgtnized 1 1 1791, and consequently is one of tho oldest companies in existence. It has de posited in our State Treasury 0,000 and began business in Oregon. C. H. Stewart is the agent at Albany. A nice young man at a party the other aight,in speaking about a certainthing,said, "It was funny enough to mako a goose laugh ; I laughed till I cried." He couldn't imagine why everybody bad ecocasion to smile violently about then. On the front page of the Arrfmn'jel, a paper published by the students of St. Michaels College, Portland is a very fine wood cit of the most lie v. F. N. Blancbet, D. D. He came to Oregon in ! -..' S and is well knowu all over the State. We have reduced dress good, as follows : 12i cents to 10 cents ; 20 cents to 1G ; 334 to 25 cents, etc. Samples can be ordered by mail. Our entire stock ia reduced at this rate, so that better bargains cannot bs obtained in tho city. An eastern ticket agent said a short time ago that passes were granted only in con sideration of some service or faver done in the past or expected in tho future, and that there is no sueh thiog as a complimentary pass. Iet some or our readers digest tins : One of the rules of the Y. P. C. A. Library is that no books or papers or magazines shall be taken from tiio room. This has been violated several times, and those who have any books or magazines belonging to the library aie requested to return them immediately. The low prices at which Plummcr and Co. have been selling their holiday goods has caused an immense rush to their establish ment. They still have a fine lot of holiday goods and books left and now sell cheaper than ever. It will pay now to give them a visit. :jA few days ago the ferry boat left the bank on this side, while the ferryman was out on the slip, and crosoed the river and made a binding on the opposite side with out the aid of any one. What's the use of having a steam ferry boat wheu Pearce can run the old one automatically ? The supper given at the Revere House at the reception of Max Bumgart and wife is said to have been a grand success, and is highly commended by all who were fortu nate enough to be present. Mr. Pfeiffer and the "Anti-Water Works. is becoming justly popular and has the repu. tation of setting as good e table and keep ing as well conducted a house as any one in tho valley. "Time and tide wait for no man," but lvl. BoUeuger waits on his many customers at tho Star Brewery, with all tho courtesy and civility imaginable. He hss bocoinf one of the most popular browcrs in the state, aud ho merits his impularity by giving a first class bor to hn customers, and by his straightforward dealings with every hotly, We have scon more than 0110 young man eyeing the Christmas gifts in tho different stores in the oity and hoard wto of them ejaculate in about this style, "1 11 do it, by hokry. if it takes my last rent." So the girts may Uok (or something lino on Christ mas. And tho boys, what will they g t ; why a box of gum, a nigfw dull, or'a pair id mittens, and they will le thankful for eveu those favors. If business men havea't already taken advertising space in the new I. inn County Ptraottry they should do sa at once. It will pay, for it will have the largist circula tion t any directory yet published in thi county, and kwiklci the paint vhich Misr. Watts aud God (sy are taking iu compiling it would indicate that it is to lt ( th aft interesting nature ami a i lity in ry ten . The attendiuort at th Bine Kihhon t'lwb Friday night was larger thaa usual. Wtftt the exception of the mivrcllancouN I uins0, which no one stctmd to be able to under stand, the program was excellent. IU I Irvine's address was sensible aud to tho poiut The pLjiitg by the I suites Cornel Bind was butter than we expected to l.csr aad we would commend partiruUtly the duet by their leader Mac. Mnntiith and Miss Did lie Houk. The Christmas bells are being ru-g wit It a vengeaace at C. B. Montague's, Lebanon. Everybody in that vicinity has hold of the rope so that Mr. Montague's store is crowded from morning till late at night. Uo is doing a rushing business and deserves to, because he uives the people of lanu County bargaius which thry canned obtain else where. Ilia customurs shontd appreciate tkis fact and if they owe him anything c-mo forwa.d and give him a Christmas present by pav in op. Oregon stands seventeenth as a wheat growing State, Illinois first : but here the amount per head is considerably over twice what itii iu tV- latter State. All that Oregot. needs is farmers, an I smaller forma, li as much wheat ran be raised on 100 acres well cultivate.! as can be on '.'00 half cultivated then it is policy to wcrk the former numb.", for the re -n thU it coats loss, taacs are smaller and it places land I interests in better txmdttimia. In order to bring this about immigration must be en cooraged in every manner possible. SOCIAL 396 PrEc-ON A I. Mr. T. H. tlUhie, of QBiTillii KfeJXl IbsJ Scnd.xy iu the eity. air. J. . Clark oi ii ui xu m the city Weitnesday. V. R. IJyde, K.j.. of SaUm, did our city the forepart of the reek. Mr. J. W. Churchill, of Sbm was will. our ciiiens oa Monday. Wm. B. Hays, of Hart. .berg, died tt the 9th, aged alwut SO yearn. e m m " - mm. Air. Jas. Williams ol.n, was oa our streets Wadnrsdsy last. Otto Vat went Uaek to Sj Pianciscotn Wedncsttay of last week. Mr. U, au Horn, ot Koie.t baa been in the city aevera! days. Ww uoti. d Mr. A. X. SMith, of PortlaxeL on our streets a few days agi. Capt. R bt. A Potter ka-i I. i iu Port land several days this week. Dr. Ugc Irvine has gone te I' Tiland to attend a Medical C.dlegr. Mr. G. W. Mtavsr, of Portland, register ed at the St Charles, last Monday. Mr. Jas. L Curanaod Mrs. He. Hagaa were in fr m l.?banon yesterday. Mr. f). W. Campbell, of Salem, htk Wen ia the ciiy several days this week. K. U. Baldwin came up from Jeflkenssj Wednesday, aud remained a few honra. Mr. B. II. Barker, of this city, v m, Portland last Tucailsy and Wednesday. Mr. Oliver Hyde of Itarrisburg, sUp,;d in ths city a sb rt time a day or two ago. O. li. Irvine, Ks., is assisting Peters and Sox daring the rash of the holidays, Mr. Gayton Klltot, of Aurora, was in our city Saturday last attending to basincss. Mr. J. W. Cusiek, one of dbauons worthy citizens, was in the eity Monday. Mr. II. A. Clarke went down to Portland the latter part of last weok and remained a few days. Hon. M. C, George has been admitted to the I'nitel State Supreme Coutt at Wash ingtou. Th- wife af John F. UMDxJ&f died at Harrisburg ou Wednes 'ay night of last week. Mrs. B. Brenner, of Portland, is up visit ing her many friends and old actiaiutenanccs in Albany. Mr. T. B. Chuckett, of Selom, paid Al bany a viatt on Mouday, and remained a short time. Mr. P. C. James, ef Knox Butte showed us his good-will this week aud loft us in splendid spirits. We are glad to learn that Mn. C. U. Templcton, who has b-cii so seriously ill, is now recovering. S, K. Gray has returned from Indepen dence to Albany and is now employed at Paxton's gallery. Mr. Eugoaa Bucuaunu has rotnru&d from the Ivlieki'a. t u: I looks as if his t 'ip agreed with kiin. Jas. Settle gave u a pleasant call this week, and reports matters as quiet out in the vicinity of Lebanon. Ala Harris went to Portland last Wed nesday to attend a surprise party given down there in honor of his sister. Julias Joseph and Ignatz Fox were in Portland Last week and were present when Marx Baumgart gave up single blessedness. Misses Tilla and liena Harris of Corvallts, sisters of Ala Harris have been visiting their brother and friends ia tbe eity this weak. One of the Gradwohl dwellings bom s is being extensively repaired, and who i finish ed up will be occupied by Max Bauingar and wife. We received a call from Mr. T. P. Devan. ey, one of Jefferson's most worthy citizens on Wednesday. Such visitors are always welcome. Kemernber the Congregatioual Hooiable next Tuesday evening. An excellent pro gram is being provided and a good time is sure to be had. Mock Montcith h&i returned from Cor vallis for good, and wo may now expect to see his pleasant countenance on our streets for some time. John M. Pittcnger, Esq., connected with the Marriage Insurance Co. , of Portland was in the city Tuesday, looking after the into; eats of the company. Mr. W. 0. Steel, one of the proprietors of tho Kmt Mrvss of Oregon, was in the oity last week looking after the Interest of that exaeUut publication. 8. B. Biggcn, special sgtnt snd adjesttr for thn Caliioruia Insurance Co., and O. N. Hall, representing the Now Zealand, faavo been doing our city this week. Claib K. Stanard and 0. F. Cothow, Jr., two of the rising young men of llrowusvills, called on us lat Tuesday, (lotting mariied h.v 11 t made much change on Kd. (eo. C, Davis, of lehanon, mode us a pleasant visit 011 Wednesday, and if he had not left us considerably richer we would have bteu just as glad to have seen him. A. Nottncr, editor of tho Portland W'Lly 9tmtdtr4 was in (be city last Tuesday an. honored us w ith a call. Uo don't exactly "hitch with tLe propiietors of the Daily Stunttuf-.t. Bcujnmitt I. Cohen, Etc., the vary ener getic so'ictor for Corbitt and Msolrny, of Portland, favored us with a call last Satur. day, 1 rem .ui. J ov.-r Hi .s,h!nlh tWid left th.i city Monday morning. Mr. L . t'riraos, rinntcUd with the 1 .an sataVJishweatt of A. W. 0.0b ... . , I'ordiil, was in thn cily oil btisiuass, the forepart of the week, and took koveral tri; t'.n fegk the mud out into the c miitry. i .. .. l it secured a sitiwn in Mr. loiugdotin drug ,'.!' in one of our Uit y.tiimen, and mi expect to see him become a If! claws drugest ami have an eiUl!olumiit of his own some day. David Burkhart was in town the ether day aud was taken for his cousin He, who win married recently. Gave, you should I follow your cousin's example, and then such mistakes won't amwiint to anvthim. , , ,, , , ,. n . . Sir N.ll nl 1 Vvrv .1.1.. . . ' 1 - w MI.LU I 111 town Mr Sill two I'm. I in to .1 , ' w 7 " xtos leerti , amt wiih.1 . thorough ttrput ! van. and tho Itepubbrans of Una .; . . i . m . " .. . . . iiiiuv im a grai ueai worse man ; vonsni XV his recommafldatiooc before nominations next spring. 'in '.ji.r.irr. The ladies of the M. K. Chureb will gives social at tho Old Masoiiio Hall, in Porrish's I trick, on the evening of the -gth of Ge- cembcr. This will ho one of the plcasaatest affairs ( thu holidays, aud you should by alt BsjejM make calculations ahea-l so to be present at that tunc A Kteel enjoyable time was had jMt Friday night at tho M. F. social, held at tho residence of Kev. I. Gilhou. Tho at. teudance was very larj;e, but the great tat paiaa was taken to make all at home, BSj thst not the least confusion was observed. It is sraro tbin that sacb an eiee)lnt repast is spread at a social, and still a rarer thing for people to take hold of it a if they rehab hat thy are catin Mrs. Mary A. Gray, wifq ef the venerable tn.. II. Gray, died at her home ia ClatsiU I mty at halt pavt nine Thursday morning. I Mrs. Gray came te this euutryfrom tlbaca. I 11 i - . and has remained run- mnonsly oo lb s coast ever since. She wss one of the first white women in the present state .1 Oregon ai. l passed through all the tu and privations of pioneer life in theee 0y. hhe was a lsl) of e.ilturo nad hue a... . . r nstaral aWy and had a large circle of i - . . ! . 1 ; I a a e e a I - . I W,M ""I"' rar" t'" "" dath . i.rzrums aiabi Jt will nut do vo-ir heart i lank At that inawnirieoiu OUidav of boltela oo,ls at I : wort's, tho Jeweller. It riiekos no fiMiurene, how murb you think of your wife or your sweet-heart, you can fin Is-iuiethinrr nice enough for her there. I u.mldii't dof irmt" l.iiuto onumer ate what lie ha for it would take nan our Bwpsx w n',.i , om uon I you buy n Millie, mi'tiur prraent until you have flrt ealli d to see his atock. J Gradtiohl in a-w a ent for the California luM.r-necCo. esr . - m John's : ir i. n. At a meeting ot Ht. John's fledge, No :, A 1' aud A M, held 0 o, the following oflieers wcrotlected : ( eo r ge 1 1 u m ph rc y W M George K. Ctianiberlxln S W Jas K Weatberford J W I) V Mason Treasurer 1 Manstlcld Sec. f. ( Marshall S O L Bllycit J 1 J HcpU Wxtsjii Tyler. Fred Muller alna ly has a Christmas tree at I I- ( aiil.lfhllil III. ifcli, Titr Beits Is Wheat ha, again dropped to Te'il cents, and Is dull a that figure. Oats Is now 35, and qttotafiens indicate that it wilt yet go higher. Butler is worth ceuta. Kg havo been up lo 35 cents but are now falbn ; MJ eeuts can still lo had for them. Machine dried apples, 7 to uu -dried, ; conU. Plums, 10 lo II cents. Greased hogn, 7', to 1, Our elcgaut stock of ties, ruchings, ribbons etc., for Christmas presents at Fox, Baum and Oo's. tlreut Rargalas la Millinery. Go and examine Mm. PoweirVSl.OO I.I.I. mS - ..- . , "I""' oi iMiu;mi.:y I rj III III 1 lllla, JUSt the nrtlclo you want fsr a Christmas preaitnt. Buy ono and make some heart happy. Goods of all kinds are now sold at cost to rcduco tbe now large and choico sleciion of goode. Instruction given in the art of steam painting. Call and oxntniua specimens on ozhinitlon and for sa'e. Como one, corns all. On account of having a laige slock of dress goods, cashmeres, camels-hair, etc, ou hand, Fox, Baum and Cs. will sell at greatly reduc ed prices . K::!iil Itlttxe (cmeter-. Thoro will be n meeting of those In terested In tho Band Itidge Cemetery, held at Sand Hldge School house oh the 7th day of January, 1892, at 1 o'clock i. XL, for tho purpose of letting the contract to fence the irroiindn. -J. B. ItoBEltm r, uimmiuce. French is rallling Off a tine gold watch and nhiiln B;i... .f..k !.:.. a i nn pays for a clianceto win one or the other The chances are going like hot cakes. Far II illilny Tr.nle. Silk handkerchiefs, lino mxrfs, elegant suspondera, nobby hosiery, and a splendid assortment of gents scarf pins, cuff but tons, etc., just received aud now on dis play at li. E. Blaln's clothing store. If you want bargains in over coats and winter b.-ot and shoss call at his store. lab tut. J, M. Xolan, of tho Farmers' & Ms- cbanics' store, has Juit received by ex press a job lot of thosa red handkerchiefs, which he 1 i offering at tho low price of 25 cents each. They are cheap at six bits. Call and seo them. A Cartridge E plosion. Ike 1 hint si, who Ilvei upon Cutler Flat, above Lebanon came near blow, log himself Into tUo "Happy Laud of Cnnan" Mt Friday night. He had loailed up a lot mt cartridges for hU rifle ami then commenced capping thorn Homo one lu tho room remark ed that tho process of capping car trldgea w daugsroua, and while Ban ta wae explaining that It woe not In the leuit, an explosion took place and llante wtva auddenly stood up on hl head In out corner of the room ; his father In-law, Mr. Williams measured hie full length on the floor; the lamp was put out and things generally mix ed up. Everything wax still for a momon' ortwo afterward and each oc cupant or the room thought that all the others were dead. Upon oxamlua tlon It wax found that ISantx was the only one that was hurt. A largt part of tho thumb on his htft hand was blown nway mid bll Index flugrr was buMlmi open llfreaftcr ho will not conn iiowu Mo 11 nw (in ,,. cammr wht-n li iiml rt 11 h t lllimttnt xurh m w pule.ts la Mia eits ' , .... Itro. Hlewart In t weuk in the I)km 1 ic vi said, 1 11 rather a sarcastic manner, that tlita two ex-Kalonilios made t he smallext score of any hunters In tho into match bunt. All right, cialb wo know where tho unod liuntina ground le now ; If you think we are ne marksman give us a chance to get vt?n- r-XHengo any romtor J" y ,H ,11 uiiio 10 a lumen IT . .. . . .... .. .. 1.. 11.. .. .. .....1.. 1. uuni (iiiiionow. uu, l 01 iitantrr. . ... The local editor r the RwUr la a btm9 Ml notwithstanding the fact , ... mai wo i au e-Haleralto. Knowing thstall ths compueltors on the Dxmo. -isreofthe gentle sex, who never a gun, he has no hesitation In challenging them to a match hunt, But the girls think that they oau at least hit a barn door with the mu..le of (bo guu against it, and so have no scruples In saying that they are ready for this gallant hunter; and for fear that he will wxxt too many points the youngest one In the oOico, who Is about fenrteen, will enter the field against lum.and give him a g-.oie te start with. tllarXsleae DtUallai tint, In the debate Tuesday evening It was derided that taxpayers should not be allowed to take any indebted teas from their assessment. Whether tho next legislature will be Influeoretl by this Is yet to be seen. The follow lug question waa selected for debate next Tuesday evening : Itesolvcd that the grand Jury ay stem should he abolished.'' The following uetitlcujeu will spread themselves (he subject en the aihrmxll ve. Messrs. Sk in worth. ' W W. It. BllyeU. Maltootl, Clement, Charl ton, Davis and Mulil. on the negative, Mewsra. Nutting I. I.'llyeu, Haeklema. irriue, av..i,eriou. ?n ami tliileout The meeting wilt bo held in the County I ouice s olilce tn Gie tourt House, and one Will be refined adnilsn The lrlnrr The lecture given by itev. Wm. Tey lor was a complete success. A large aud enthusiastic crowd gathered to bear the distinguished rt'-nllman. HI descriptions of missionary work In Africa end otfeer countries were in teresting and Instructive, and showed the gentleman to have been a hard and ladefatiglble worker In this field. It is a pleasure to see and bexr any one who has had the varied experiences he ha gone through, and we hepe that at sonic time In the future the reverend gentleman will again favor cur citlzeus with another lecture, Fox. Baum snd Co. will clcse cot st coat the majolica ware in their window . Go net purchase your Holiday present's until you haveexaminsd French's stock. Memorandums and Diaries OVl93 J C V Osborne s. aw i:ieriloa ef Oflieers. At a meeting of Mcl'kerson Post, O. A. It., keld Ixxt Saturday evening the following cfllccni were elected for the ensuing year : Commander D K X Blackburn, Senior Vico Conimatider - Win M phi Hips, Junior Vice Com mender F M WadH wo rth, Hurgeon Dr. T F Binllh. Quarter Master F Muller Ohaplaln-A Howard, Meetings are held eery Baturday night, at which all soldiers are Invited lo alteud. Christinas is ouminf sud Pov, Baum k Co will sellj their stock of ladies cloaks and dolmans twenty per ceut less than any lnuse in the city. Masealc Kleetloa- The following officers wore elected and installed at the lost elated meeting of Halsey Lodge Xe. 16, JL F. and A. M. S. A. Smith W. M. T. L. TorUr-S. W. John MoNell-J. W.J W. P. Smith -Treasury. Francis Leo per Secretary. A.S. Basset -S. D. W. E. (lit lions J. D. Col. Garrett-Tyler. Mate's Hant. Anedier match hunt took place yester, day, but we went to press to early to hear of the rusult. Tho following wore th 8ldes J I Hockleman, D D M -hi. .Mill, Dunk Hcott, W 11 Watts, C W Maussy, Wallace Hmith, Dr T F Murray, Jas Conn, P Pfeiffer, Francis' Montcith, MS I Hewitt, c 11 I I . II.. t I itulisru,' Oreu I Stevens, II I, I t'srk'er, M I ii ....... ...i i lUvmond, P II Sorbin, J K Letter Uat. Tbefoiiowinc is the list of letters raw a I jlng in the Post Ornce, Albany, Linn oouhty, Ors eon, Dec. 14th, 1881 Persons calling tar thess letters must give tbe date on which they were advertised. Campean, Louis Price, Wm Johnson; George Taylor, Mrs C P. Hfc RAYMOND, P. M. ' 4'hrlstsaa Tree at Tangent. Ths M. E. Church at Tangent are making arrangements to have a Christmas Tree at tke Church on Saturday evening, Deo. 24th. Rev S. G. Irvine, D. D., of Albany, will deliver on address, there will be other interesting ex arches. He Stele a Claefc Tut idxy evening about seven o'clock Mr. I. O. Jackson discovered that a lady'x chxk hsd lieen stolen from the front part of his s'oro. Ho had been In the back part of the store and so did not notice when It wii taken. Marshal Hunt was not! fled, and Imtnodiately sot about hunting up tkc thief. After some Investlgstton he found the leak In the possession of ono born Blake, who claim ed that she had paid 92.00 for It. From hnr description of the man w ho sold It tho Marshal bail no troublo In ptoklag out the thlof. He was taken boforc Jiislic Haven Wmhiasduy morning, when In gave his name as James Ames, and ad- milted tho takiug of the cloak. '1 lu. Justice bound him over to await tho aoilou of the Grand Jury, and placed his ball at fm Ho was taken to the county jail, where ho will bo apt to remain for somo time, as he la au ontlrn stranger here. According to his story ho has been work Ingat Yaijnina Bay for a monitor m having gouo there from Pogct Hound. Ho name to Allmny from the Buy, and finding himself de.tltuto ho holiMd himself to lUe eloik au 1 Mill It, at w-. havcttlnody fctiod. Amoh,n minalwui 10 au 1 la not x very bad lonlung custom er. . Til Of MISS ALICK SIOXIKfTM. lt week through negligence wc failed to mention tbe death of Mbm Alma Mon teilh, which occuired on Wodncsday evening Nov. 80ih, at hor mothcr'e house InCorvallla. Ihc funeral aervI'MM Uwk place on the Filday auccoedliig, at the rosddenoeor Mr.Tboe. Montelthln t!..n ,- K and her remains were followed to tho grave by a large number of mournlne fiinnda. 51 las Alice was bolovod bvi all 0 w no auow bcr, for she poaacsard a noble character, a generous disposition and a 'aUbfulnoas to duty rarely aitnaaed. Univeraally kind and levlng, she made friends with all, emmtty with none, Her pure life while here will ensure here aim place initio memry of sll who know her. Kfeet la I far i . John Myer, a young f ierman, living about f mllce north-caat of Iebanon, shot x charge of buekslmt at a pheas ant lat Saturday and killed it, but his father happened to he on the othrr side of the pheasant, end r c I ved ono of tho shot lo his lea log between the calf and the ankle. It struck both bones aud was flattened out consider ably, and was cut out ou the opposite side of tho leg from where It entered I lie old gentleman we understand Is the father of Mrs. Ed. Zcyse, of this city. He is getting along nil right, al though the wound Is paluful. The young man say be had no Idea of getting such large game when be drew sight u the bird. A line new lot of majolica ware for Christ- mas presents will he opened out at Fred Mill er's next week ; Gon't buy uatil yon sea it. The v era sae a 's aarlahlr Saftty Ixlge. Xo 13. A. O. U. W., gave a sociable at their hall last Wednesday evea ing which was a very pleasant affair. An a 1 Less was delivered by Hon. J. K. Weath erfoid, and there was music and other eser- ci-e. A splendid lunch was spread by the Lull -s. and all who attencvid had a fine time. LetxtisOX an i Tsgmt ledge were rcpre- J, wed ae Wdlainctt tin. ty Call at French's. Violin strings at C W Oaborae's. Christ ma. randies, the finest lot in town at CWOsboniss. Call and examine Fox. Jtaum and Co's stock of silver plated castors, knives, forks, spoons, etc They will sell cheaper than any house iu the city . an. i Ktall. Those who "trip the light fsnUvitic too' arc gelling up a hall to be held at Parrtsb's Hall oft Christmas utcht. It will be 'a Mi;., affair. Sll I LOU'S CL'KH WILL immediately relieve Croap, Whooj iag cough aad Broa chitio. FOll DISl'KPSIA an.i Liver CompUint, yon hsve a priatcd gaaraates every bottle of Slitloh s V itahasr. It rasver fails to care. A NASAL INJKCTOH freoof charge with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Itenedy, Price 50 ceuta. - a . Tm a lassi Ceullem in A certain young gentleman who owes me between (40 and $.'), and who has been repeatedly asked for the pay xaeiitoftbe account, Is'hereby notified that lie most call and settle the same wltbin 15 days or I will publish tbe atlalria the city papers. XfaaX BaumqakT. Administrators Notce. VI OTTCE IS If F.rtKBY GIVEX THAT XH the undersigned, has been by an order of the County Court of Ltnn county Oregon, duly appointed aumiuistrator with the will annexed of t he estate of Elvira McFarland deceased, and alt per sons having olalms against s id estate are hereby required to presont tbe same with the proper vouchors to the under signed at his residence near Tangent, in Lin n oeu nty, Oregon within s.x month from the date hereof, December I6tb,lS81. D. 0. MoFar:.anp. 20w4 Administrator. Impure bload la shown by skin disord ers, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, Ac, also by Liver and Kidney Complaint, Consu ltation, Piles, Indigestion, .Billiouxnexa. Despondency, Lassitude, General Weak ness, and many other symptoms. Purify with King of the Blood. See advertise ment. 8 BAUMGART SILVERMAN On the 8th, of Dee, 1881, at th Esmond parlors, in Portland, Mr. Marx Baitmuart, of this city and Mihs Sophia Silvkrman, of Poitlaad. The happy coaple returned to this city on the noon train Thursday, and Saturday evening a reception was given them at the Revere House, which, ws understand was a very pleasant affair. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Baumgart all the happiness imaginable, and hope the bride will find in her husband the qualities obsorved ia the name she gave op. SMITHCLARK. Qu the 14th, of Dc. 1S81, at the residence of the bride's parents in Albany, Or., by Rev. J. W. Harris, Delxvax S Smith and Mis Car 2kie M Clark, all of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Smith have sar heartiest congratulations on tie life voyage they have just b.gsn. They hive started out'in ear nest and we think fie proper way, by im mediately beginning house-keeping, which they did the same day on which they were married. They ha e our thanks for a sup- ply of cake, which speaks well for the cook ability of somebody. When you need anything in Gent's Fnm ishing Goods como and see us. Don't buy anything in Wbito Shirts, Colored Shirts, f Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, itockwear, 3raeee, Suspenders, Over3hirtn,Clov-, MittensUm- f brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you ezaxn-1 ine our goods and geotir prices. Ijargect i stock in the city. rr - itrr-' iss isu sulViir f " r -r,hi it tmtnn ,Kie ft , ' v mm J fnrsweewsispBvaeeoMaai n i nwmw y .i -r tM- mm '1M rttm. wo !". TK,, l M Saaav "fl "' " '2'"' ' tmmt a Smm Mai sssssx mm isi rs ass sassara Xaai Sw ' t x -s by kino X new tyftrtM A2XD I'lTTI'.n WITH COM IU7IATIOK PIvCTACX,: , 1HVf WILL C0SRECT X0 fHEtVC THE 0MI. PXDLERS CANNOT .S ; roe an r. McCOY DRUGGISTS -;DEAU:?.S fS(- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Froman's Block, I'hjM. iariH 1'roHPriptions anprlaUT, and nona btxt tbo purest au.lfrolica drags acd tn cciiijoiindlnK thc-rri, at ItiaaonaUe prices. T. Otrt Xray. Julius Joseph still haa some toys left and as he want to get out of thf t i Hiss will sell xt prices whleSl ot!: r dealcrs cannot toucli . He hmm larg" stock of dolls, doll head and 'loll bodies. Also several doll buggicp and oUk r mUvdlan ous Chris'.nm toya, Don't forget 1,1 in. WaatrJ t- l.wrjbtr Mr. Tho. Mcliee han enirjmcnf 'l the canvas of this county for the life of Ccii. Jamex A. CarfiLdd. which cou- tslns a full account of bin cnriy life; ilsstiugtes with povoriy end efforts o obtain ar, ct'ucatlon ; his XfjnleiX n the war of the rebellion ; his elec tion to the Preaidwicy, together with a comphte history of his assassination. Tlu book Is Study printed and co:;taii nearly 700 page, and is eld at toe extreme low price of $ 1 "iO and ?3.CX1 according to tdndiug. LooV out for tho ok i.l lturl8Ht tea J and t coCrr The Yaqulna i.!;. must Le built In 82, and Chas. It. Montague of Lebanon mu l colled all arcou.rji an-l nctos au? him, during the nrmthof Doccmbsr, 18.l. Owing to severe Kltkuc i in any fsmiiy I have been unable to give that personal ottentien t r-r ft ions so necessary t5 ths uc'ea!ful conduct of a int rcatitilo husl- Xflf, I now re pcctfully r.jtice. tlio-c indebt ed to me to pay np, as tho season fvr gen eral MvltlcmetiU haa arrived. 1 need my money and do not wUh to b) delayed in closing up my annual busings :. i the enJ of tbl 4 mouth. Chas. B. Moniao; e, Lebanon, Dec. lot, B4S1. k II t nil IUtaXUbmrnt A nioer establishment than Uiat kept by Mr. H. Ewert in this oity cannot be lound anywhere in the State. Ke hss amignificent stock of gohl and silver watJics, diamoads, silver sr.d platexl ware, jewelry of all kiads, clocks, and in fact everything nsnally found la a first-class establishment tf the kind. There is ao such a stock as his anywhere in the State outside of Portland, and he sells at such low prices that his trade is tapidry increasing. Call around and buy your m. day presents of him. 1nj.illra Wsre. A fine aassortinent ofms.j-.lici ware has 1 just been received direct from tho Ist, cape- Mm - - . aa " a daily suited fur Christmas presents, ca:l ami see them at SAUt r.L E. Yoi Nc'.-i. t learaare Sale. To clo3e out oar Isrge stock of CloakB, Do'niAiiH and Clsters before taking stock I will offer them at greatly reduced rates. ThU is a rare chance to secure bargains, Sami'kl E. Ywsa I arm For Hale. A splendid farm and stock ranch for rent or sale. Enquire of Fox, liaum & Co. Mollday Coed at Sato The people of "the Forks" will not have to leave their own "illahee" to get holiday presents. If they can't be suited at Morris's store at Scio, they can't get what they wont anywhere. There they can hnd beautiful books, of all kiuda, albums, picture frames pictures, fancy goods without number, per fumery, toilet articles, and almost every thing else. No such a Btock was ever opened in Scio, and our readers should all call there and see it CAUTION. I hereby caution any one to not buy two notes, for f 155 each drawn by me in favor of D. M. Osborne dt Co. as I wH4 not pay the same EDWARD Y7ALDEN. Albany, Nov. 18, 18S1. 17v4 A CARD. To all who are suffering from tho enor and indiscretiona of youth, nervous weak" nesa, early decay, loss of manhcod, Ac. I will send a recipe that will cure vcu, FREE OF CHARGE. This great rtmedy was discovered by a missionery in South America. Send a relf-addresscd envelope to the Rev. JoaxvH T. Ikmax, Station D New York City. 15mG. "HACK MET ACK," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For - j a'e by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; R. A. Rampy, Harrisburg. SiM i i"" ,f ty" - i 11' "V OKT Till I E3E OOOD3, im v tx 15 ELLERT, and CHEMISTS, PERFUMERIES, ETC. Alliany, Oregon. n.uaxc. ri.i(iii- Defective Watch Ca-ti are ene ef the chief caaca of so many '-vatches not bciug good lime pieee. The cases being thin ami not lilting well, admit, dnstand fUrt to tin raovetaent, which oon intcrferca vt 'Hli tlx; russdssg parte of the wateb Bccoa itating cleanings repairing, dee., and tbo amount thu paid oat if applied toward buying a good case ia the hegtoniof, woald have aved all this trouble and x- penj-e. e ixave rcroniiy necn a case tbat m. all theo r nla, :rrr Ixx'ti carrif-t for over ktill remains perfect. J. VS. BOSS PaTKNT Cask, which has becon articles ef the Jewelers an ft docs re many at other watch cacs, be heavy ptatoa of ol!d c comiKw'tion. and wo ad to oak their Jeweler for that will ezplaia tho I t hey arc made. It ia the ouly Stiff with two plate of gold, s:id center, wdid jninla. nty years and b refer to the rPXKF.D Goi.o ce of tbe 4aple ide, pcKaoing ttagoa over ait made of two over a plate of all our reader : ird or catalogue titer in whi-h . a plecei Ai all of which sre covered by letttr- patent. Tb'-rcforc buy no case bt-to:e c- r..u I tiejr a Jeweler who keeps tho JAS. BOSS' Patf.kt Sl'iFffflXato UesJD Casf, that you may learn the diffdreoce Ic-iaccn it and all Imitations that claim to be equally as poosL For sale by sll responsible Jove'vrs. Aektoacethe warrant that accouirK.niea each cae, and don't be !cruadea litot any other make ofms in as good. I; is certainly gratifying to all true American to know that of late year otir export have largely exceeded our im-fort-, r.ot alone in such articles aa v hi ai S!m1 beef, but in alraoit every lni'fb t T ir.dlistrv. Ten veara bso ntir'v :it ! untiy were i.ntMirte.i from I'ur.pej to la v v, u ecl uu!r monufae.iira f r our- ssjfatx, but are large esportera to South America, China, Japan, and the Colonies. The immense growth of this i a. ti ular in dustry cn tne I aclnc c-cast is aimpiy oa tonihhing. rVIaven, who is now one of tbe larjfe-it makers in tao world, last year exported somo - 000,(00 bottles of hie famous YoMcmite Cologne. For tale by Foshay A Mason, Footer's IJric Alb. Oregon. 2 r Coad Farma ta Brat. Wc have two ?rod farms to rent in the vicinity of Tangent. One is 1G0 acres, with 00 acres already seeded to wheat aud GO inoreto go in The exher farm is a 150 acre tract. TRolh ar? splendid form, informatian. STRAYED. A brown yearling horse colt, la-red on the legs and striped ou the back like a mule, strayed from my place In CV titer precinct during harvest. It went sway with a couple of stray marea rt e liiacc and ono eorrcl, tho latter of which hod a yoke o.i hor neck. A liberal reward will bo paid for the recovery of the colt. O. F. CnawroKD. EICKIEVS ARMC t SALS.,. The beat naive in ths world for cub?, bruia cs, sores, ulcers, salt rheom, fover sores, tet ter, chapped hand, chilblain?, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar anteed to give perfect stisfaclioa in every cose or money refunded. Price Soc par box. For sale ly I V r.y m d Ma"n, wholesale agt8 ; 1) Moure, Scio ; D Foley, Lebanon ; lr Powell, Iebanen ; Rod path and Mon tague, Jefferson ; 1) M Calbreath, Baena Vista ; O Cornelius, Turner ; R A Rampy, Harrisburg ; Starr ai.d Iilakely, Rrowus vilie. NEW PISH MARKET. On corner opposite Sem Will ko?p const all kinds of fresh and sal! that tho market affords. lers & Sternberg, mily on hand fish and o.vstors M. Htpe. MONEY TO LOAN. w TE HAY 2 JtlOIYLY TO LOAN g and Q ror 0bb hmUm est on time of six months t i ten vcars. A'0 ArT01iXErSFS CIIALGED H tf BURftHART BBSS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Having sMd and rxpectitg our drug s-stnb iabmn t li-any on lie to ! Mm rave at of Jauuary, wc wish a!l who ow . i a 1 como forward aud settle upbv that date. C. . PLUMMLll A CO. Despondency is somctluit-s called ti e blues," because the latter term describe at once the color and tliceU of impure blood. Change it to "rose colored health'' by using King of the Blood. See adver isement. I