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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1881)
Ik FRIDAY DECEMBER 9, 1881 0-4tEBATI0. The season for the acilve Winter work of farmer's rlubs is about at hand. These organizations which cost so little are yet of great value to the farmer, yet it is a misfortune that those who would be most bene fited by them the most seek them the least. The same is true of every institution connected with agricul ture; those who would be most bene fited by the discussons in the Orange, the debates in the farmer's clubs, the essays read at farmer's institutes and at the meetings of the different State boards of agriculture, are seldom at tended by those who would be most benefited by them. It may be true that some of the es says read at these gatherings are of such a character a to be beyond the comprehension, of the ordinary farm er and consequently of little value to him, yet the fact is that it is not the ideas which are above his comprehen sion, but the language in which they are clothed. These essayist? should bear in mind that those who should be benefited by their writings are neither linguists, philosophers nor scientists, and that it Is useless in this connection to write essays which will require as much learning to un derstand as in the writing of them. At the same time we should expect that those essays would be in advance of the majority ef their hearers, or no one would be benefited by them. Our idea of a good essay or a good newspaper article is one which con tains great ideas and important truths, eiothed in correct, but plain, simple and intelligible language. To the average individual the farmer's club and the Grange ciub are of much more value than any oth er institution, because farmer talks to farmer of questions in which they have a common interest, and in suoh languftje that the speakers and hear, ers can easily understand each other. It is much easier to comprehend an idea clothed in simple language than when mental effort has to be made to understand the language before the idea can be reached. On the other hand, it is not very profitable to. con tinue year after year the discussion of old and stereotyped questions, al though they may not have been ex hausted, yet living issues are contin ually presenting themselves, of which the club should take particular notice. Such subjects would have a reviving and stimulating influence upon tho members. Again, it is possible to revive old subjects under new phases, and a iive and a lively and healthy club cannot exist where such subjects are ignored. Among the many subjects for dis cussion in such clubs that of local tax ation is an important one. Docs tax ation bear on all alike ? or does the poor man, the farmer of small Means, have to support a tax greater than bis ability compared with menofaflov ence ? Another important question is, How far can farmers cooperate in the use and purchase of improved im - piemen ts, which are highly impor tant in reducing the cost of labor up on the farm, and without which the farmer of small capital cannot com pete with the one of larger means ? In the first place there is the roller, a very important implement, found up on few farms, and perhaps only want ed for a few hours in a year; one of these rollers in a neighborhood would meet the requirements of a number of farms. In the matter of large break ing-up plows, necessary upon every farm and yet enly occasio u$ed upon any, one implement wo meet the want af a number of fa Even a mowing machine can be to do the work for a number of far by a little judicious management ; with seed sowers, planters and uure spreaders, each of which eo be made available for several far These are Important motters must be considered by the small fa ers or they will find themselves in the race for saccesi in farmi The largo farmers of the coun'ry eventually swallow up these of mod erate means, as they have swallowed be 'iimll farmers in other countries, unle through being forewarned the latter are forearmed. The strength, independence and prosperity of a na tion depends upon the prosperity of its small landholders, and if they do not take care and protect themselves in this free republic they must not expect others to care for them. Large landed proprietors have their interests to care f r, and if they are not true to their own responsibilities, who wit! assume responsibility for them ? Between the large and small landholders there need be no antagon ism; the former, it is true, occupies the vantage ground, though when we urge upon the small landholders to cooperate in order successfully to compete with their more favored brother farmers, we do not desire to see animosities engendered. We hope to encourage only a fair and hon orable rivalry In business. When we speak of large farmers swallowing up the smaller ones we do not use the metaphor in any sense to cause ill feeling between the t vo, but to point out inevitable consequences, unless some efiort are made by which the small fanners can compete with the larger ones upon equal terms. Coop efttfon in its broadest sense is the frien.l of the average farmer, Pappr hags to the number ftf 1,000, 000,000 are used yearly In the United States. The combined capacity of eight of the principal factories per (1 tv is 5,000,000. They are a-ld for s small fraction over the cost of the paper. $1530 I61' y01" can eay made Ht iiume working for E. G. Rideout & Co., 10 Baiclay St., New YoA. Send for thir catalogue and full part 'culara hitrrtt Ulrrrlory. Y. P. G. A. Meat at their room in Fo ter i brick, build i us on Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sablath afternoons nt 4. Business meeting are held on the even ing of the second Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Cucacii. Preaching every Sabbath, t 11 a. v . and 7 r. m. by ltev, K, (i. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:80 i. st. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvasaaucALCiu'iuu. -Preaching Sab bath at 11 a. m and 7l, r. m. Sahhnth School 12:13, Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. C. Kantuer, pastor. CoNORRiaATiosAi.CHtTRt'ii. Servioesevery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 r. M. Sahhath vhool at 2:.'ttl Pravcr mectina on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. t hurts, pastor. M. K. Chi m il, aotmi. Sorvice every SabSaih at St Pauls M. Ii Church, South, at 11 a. M. and 74 r. m. Sabbath S.-hool at 124 r. m. lrayer meeting every Thurs day evenug. II. CL Miller, pator. M. E. CisuRcn. Preaching every Sabltath at 11 A. m. :nd 74 r. M. Song service in tho evenins beJvo sermon. Sablath School t 2.30 r. st. Piaycr meeting every Thurs lay evening. 1. i 'illou, (Kistor. rnKsBYTKRl.vx t i ''Kill. - Service every Sabbath morning and evening in 1'ollcgc Chapel Sunday Schooltiumediatcly rftcrtno morning service. Prayer rnctuis; every 1 huraday eveutng. Ucv. laa. II. Uoadtt pastor. Executor's Notice. ThTOTICK IS IIKKKHY GlYKZf THAT the undersigned have been by au or der of the County Court of Linn County Or.duly appointed Executors of the last wil and testament of Win. II. Ingrahaiu, de ceased. Ail persona having claim aaainst the estate of aaid deceased are hereby repaired to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, a tho law efflce of Julias A Miller, at Lab anon, Or., within six months from the date hereof. October 27, 1SS1. OEORUKKLUM, ii 1 RAM KU'M, Executors. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A I.I. WHO AKE INDEBTED To M E "V or have any business to transact with me, are hereby notified that my attain are left in the hand of Mr. Simon Neltenbach, of the firm of Monteith A Seitenbach. L. Kt.lXK. NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my buaine Id Albany, all pomou indebted to me are requested to come forward and settlo by Nov. 1. I can still be found at my old place of business. V2xt EUGENE BUCHANAN. Ferreosnnsptleet, Aalhasa, TJroaelsltte, Catarrh, Diprpmi. HmAsrhr, Debil ity. ftouwfsjU, stheamattesB, and alt areas teasjwflftsi Pleeislne. FsrU. awayjbe eestyesslesKly aewtbjr ri pre, rrMhr far ImwmUsU mnr art hotw. NesMl for tree treatise on the o ieu rewa the preprint arm, w2 rWr mi', IIOj. Illtutrard or If. r- MAlHmN, 0 KulOlo 5 Fitters la slesfs ef raasiltrs llostetter's Stomach Bitters hi as much re garded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this is that years of experience hare proved it to be per fectly reliable in those cases of emergency where a prompt snd convenient rotjfly is oemsnaea. lonstipaiioe. n vasal as r OR. R. SOMBtrH KXTEItXAL PILK RFXKDT Oiv Instsot Relief, sad is sa lnfslliM CURE FOR ALL KIND8 OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. I'rire. $.no per box, vreitaid, by mail. Saniplen wnt ".t to Physicians and nil si'tferer. bv S'cuAtacdter A Co., Box 34fl. New turn City. Sole manufacturer of ANA K K8 ! 8. Mb. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for advertisements in the Lrmocbat at our best rates. King of the Blood Is not a 'eur all:" ft Is a bkwd-psrifter and tonic. Impurity of blood poison tho system, deranges the circulation, and thus induces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish them ac cording to effects, but being really branches cr phages of that great generic disorder, Impurity of Blood. Such are lyspepaia, THtlouaneig, Liver Complaint, Cotuefipatlon, Nervou IHtordert, Iliad aohe, Backache, General Wen knee, Heart Dlnta, Drop, KUlnej Tieaae, Pile. MeutnatUiA, Ca tarrh, Serouln, dkln Disorder, Pimple. Ulcer, ii ru & . . . , ... . i i ' . Swelllngn, &c. dtc, K ins of I tie Blood prevents uno cures tnese ny attscKing uie cause, lmfiuruy of the Blood. CheruMs and physletiins nitree in eallins it "the most eenukie and efllcit-nt crettu ration for tlte purpose." Sold by Dragglsts. ft 1 jjei bottle. S-e tcAiimoiiials. directions, c, in pam phlet. 'Ti-e:i:i- on Diseases of tbo BUhmI,' wrapped aniun4 each rott'e. . Ka.S0H. DUN a CO.. 1'rops.. Buffalo, ft. I. DO Bend for oat New Illustra ted Price-Lint No. 30, for Fall and Win- ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, had sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Aveuue.Chicagoja 3. m rtaa B lUiaaVaVaVaVaHaVaaVBaVBaVJBaVJsaVJaVBal af9B8BJR9B9Bl 1 .i . will A III A 111. IsV r MM m IV ha V B V FARMS FOR SALE --BY- CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBAoNYOREGON Tho following la a partial Hat : 170 Aero tniie and a half miles west of TnnKont,Ore(on,and H miles from Albany. 86 acres in cultivation ; 40 acres more can lie nut in cultivation easily: Istlstnee good limner and pasturo land. Moil, rich black nrairte. Good house and barn, good toard lonoe. all in irood repair t young orchard of 100 trees; good woil and running stream for stock : aood school, church and post- olltco ; good neighborhood and good mw.l oty. Terms t30 per acre ; U,0U0 down, rest 011 eay lorms. --11 acres on miles from Albany and ft miles from Hclo, and "H mlloa from Jelleraoiu 1J5 acros good farniiim land. 7. screw In cultivation; ro mainder in timer and brush; house iHx'Js, wltli 1U foot walla, ell lUx'J8 ; good bam 'ixM wi th 14 foot shod 011 one aide; good fotuea ami water. Terms t.' down if possible, ltather than net sell will take ! fcUDO down, ami balaneo on I to 3 year iiine, secured by mortgage. 100 ftoraa of a tulle west of Albany; loo acre in cultivation ami 0 acres oak and ash thui- r-nood woml land; all undor fence, board and ril. sonio good an.l ! bad : about 7 itorva If) orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheal per acre on average; goouiwo suji xrame house, plastered, rt rooms, built In and cost f'iwOO; good barn. 2Hx40 and two sheds; well arranged for farm purposes. Terma, ftWOO, '2 years time on 5t)00. 150 acres IS' miles wast of Tangent; 100 la. .... 1 I i ..... f...i .1 I ..a.M. I . . . . 1 m1u.II Kim ill vuHimuuiii i.vt. 1.H4-. , i and in good order; good two story hou) s rooms, nearly new and in goou couui i ieu; good new barn 30x30; fine young orchard, 100 plum and prone trees, fair apple orchard: fences in good order; plen ty running water, 20 acres of good limber, rieh, black soil and vary productive. Price 3&0, S cash and balance on l!mo. 100 acres one and a hall miles northeast of Albany; 15 acres In wheat, real in fair average; woodland; good land; neatly fencatf. Price $25 acre; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast ol Mods Springs ; fair farmlnir ; small house; 300 acres fonccd. Will bo sold In small tracts or all together good sebool, church and post-ottlce at Sodaville, also the Hoda Springs. 1'rlee 5 par acre; easy terms. 103 acres lying 3 miles above Lebanon on the Lebanon II oanuiu road. No fen cea or improvements. 15 or $ arrm tim ber, balance rich prairie land. lri e $13 per acre. 80 acres I S miles altove Oneatta, on Ya quins Day. known as the old shipyard. It ua a spladil frontage oe the l'-s.v . snd rti bo said at $11 pera're. 107 acres lying below ami within H miles of lebanon, all undsr feiie. 85 acres bi cultivaiion, and the rouisimb r Is in timber and brub. Itox house, I atory, 2 moms beiaw and one above Harh, not very g"!. Good well ; -n:H orchard. Cros fences to th amount of 5000 rails. Mi nieient ord ood ran Is. cut and floated to Albany from thU pla- by only a few laborers to pay for it hi two vears. Only mile from anal. IWcm Ion given by the 15th of thUbmt Te laud is rich and will tutu out w bent 40 and f0 busbuis to the a I lit acres, Iviu mites dun eawt of liar rUburg A good unc atorisd Ux liotiac, 2 rooaaa. Barn, J:. The land has heretofore tieon used as a pasture, but t an all n put inm cultivation. No griildtiiii; required. 1' a miles from school. Term f 10 par acre. !;rab down, balance al most any length of time savured by mort gage. .'100 acrea, lying wiihlu a mile of Mon roe, In Buntan county. Al. undor fence and divided into Ave fle'.ds. All good farm land and half in grain. lood houae and barn, aplendid water and a One ordi ard. It is one of the best farms In that section of tho valley. Price jsj per arre 1000 or $l&00 down and balance on time NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS, Or COI .T ORBUOW WTOTICK IS liKREBYOIVKN THAT i al t .. .ii ... . .i ii.. r i i.... I i s -ii in,-.-, int. i.u.Mn - ui 1. 1 1 1 1 County at 0 o'clock A. M., and remain un til 4 o'clock P. M ., &l tbeir rearctive places of voting in the several precincts al ibe following times and places for the purpose of collecting the taxes lor the year JHSI. Fox Valley, Monday, Nov. 21, 1S8I. Scio, Tuesdsv, Nov. V2, 1881 . - Franklin Butte.Wednsaday, Nov 23,181. Nantiam, Thursday. Nov. 24.1881. Lebanon, Friday. Nov. 25, 1W1. Waterloo, Hatutdav. Nov. 2ii. 1881. Idberty, Mondav, Nov. 2H, lxsl Sweat Homo, Tuesday, Nov. 29,18x1. Brusbcrcek, Wednesday, Nov. 80, 181. Mabel, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1881. Brownsville, Hatunlay, Dec. a, 1M8I. Center, Monday, Dec. 5. 8y racuw, Tuea lsy, Dec 0, 1881. Orleans, Wediieadsv, D-c. 7, 1!. Harriaburg, Thursday, Dec. 8. 1- -! . Halsev, Friday, Dec.U, 1881. Hhethf, Saturday. Dec. lo, 1881. Went Albany, Mondsy. Iec. 12, lxal. last Albany, Tuesday, Doc. 1:1, 1881. 0tr Take notice, payvour taxes ami .uivo -.,sf. J. J. CHAHLTON. SherifTand Tax collector of Linn County Uregoti. Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HERKBY OIVKN THAT the underMigned, Adminbitralor of the estate of D. M. Thompson, doceasetl, has filed in tho Cotimy t'ourt of Linn County, ( iregou, his final account in aajd eatate, and by order of said Court, Malur day, Dec. 10th, 188l,atthe hour of 9 o'clock A. M . . of said day, Is set for the bearing ot objections to said final aecount and the settlement thereof. Any person iuteresb ed in said estate is hereby notified to ap !ear and (He his or her objections to said tinal account on or before said day. WALTKn M. Karcnim. Administrator. CAUTION. I hereby caution any one to not buy two not s, for f 155 each drawn by me In favor of D. M. Osborne A Co I will not pay tbe saiao KDWAKD WALDEX. Albany, Nor. 18, 1881. I7w4 RED BRAZILIAir ARTICHOKEST I have a large lot of these artichokes for Kale, and farmers who raise hogs should have them. Price 75 coots per bushel ; largo lots at lower figures. J. B. ROBKKTS. hedds Station. Dr. SPIWKV, NO. 11 KEAllNY ST. Treats all C'uronle and .Spcrlnl Diseases. YOUiVl MEN irilOMlV RE FIJFFEKIXC FROM THE J jf effcts nl yoatmul follies or liuntcretton, will do well to avail themselves of tills, thereateot boos ever laid st the sltsr of suSerlui; humanity. OK. Sl'lN.NKV will (TtiHrantee to forfeit $6O0(ir every- esse Semiiiale weakness or private disease of any kind or caracter which hs undertakes and fai Ik' to euro. 5UIHt!.U.i:i MEN. There are nmny at tbe age of thirty-flveto sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a aRght smarting or tmniinif ttetiHatiuii, and s weakening of tiie system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposit a ropy sediment will often be found iiid sometimes small articles of albumen will appear, ,r the color sill be of a thin milkhih hue, strain chanur- ing to a dark anil torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which U the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. 8. will guarantee a erfect cure in all such osses, sod healthy restoration of the genito-uriuary organs. Otficb Hocus -10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sunday s from 10 toll a. s. Consultation free. TlMjro'igh exi minauet and advice, 95. For private diseases of short stan ling a full coaras of msdlciu e sufficient for s cure, wit Ii all instructions, will be sent to any addris on receipt of $10 ou. Call and atldrees, DR. 8FIKMEY it 17:12s: Jo 11 Itiarny it. i an Fran rieco, (al GREAT INDUCEMENT ! And still flit' Fttftll ( oitthiiK'H at the ONE PRICE SOMARE DEALING FARM ERS1 AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Just reeelved i lasi Mtenmor, n i i i : ) Gent's Barnisliing Ceods AT LOW PRICES. r Dozen I Ions Willi o ShlrU, a -a McifsMrotclttlliiHliir ..Uh, worth 81 4. OO for $8. HO. Men1! Blni los Hulls, worth 85.0), for 17.ftO. Look at our Shaker .ocka, 5 forgtl.OO. Look al our Ovorttlln, (1 ) ci'itU a pair. GOOD. Look al our Brocade! DrcMM a yard. Look at onr Cashmere, far . . a y i Look nl our l,.nlic i'olur.-M Look ntourrbildrrn'H IIoh: I ftuti Look nt our ruih for laolil . LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery ancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins, V Ivetoens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. SEND ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WAIIENIIi:iMEti, Prop'r. HARRISBURC, OREGON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT !MI. OI.U STANP, 73 FIRST HTKKKT, HAM ON HAND AS FINE AN Afe HTM KNT OI COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As ) house Im liv Hllcj . lie a o imperii and inaauf met urea TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE F KVK.KY ThK'RlPnON IN ffTOf'K OR TO ORIiRR. ALSO, HK KEKFS ON ll.VND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. - ALL OF Wil It'll HE OKKKMS TO THK PUBUO AT PRICES, THAT DEFT ( OMI'KTITION. C ALL AT 71 FIRHT STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work dono at CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Is Us OU)FJff ! BKHT t.ONHTKl'CTKD HK.ST KUUIfFKU ! and hctu-e tbo LEADING RAILWAY WEST A"S0F5oaTHWE8T. It i the SlfOKT. 81' RE and KAKK IUut brtweoo COUNCIL BLUFFS ANI- Chicago, Milwaukee And all points KA8T, such SS slngnra Falls, Sttw York, Plilladflpbla, Bast, Waobluaton. Italllmwrr, Pills bars Montreal, Tnraato, UelroH, 'leveutnl. At OsinHI I'luff the trsins 1 the Chicago and North Western ami the I'. I. Rys depart from, sr rive stand uss the same joint Union IkpuU At Chicago ctoso oonneeUons are made with the lake Mhore, MMiigan Central, Ilsitltnore and (hiu, i t. Wayne snd Pennsylvania, and Chicago and (iraml Tnink Hailroads, and the Kankakee ana 1'mi lisnillo Itoutes. Pnlman Palace Drawing Room Cam Are run on all through Ualas of Uiis road. It Is the ONLY HO AD between OI Wi ll. Ill I ITS AND IHK K.II, I txm whlith I run the celeliratui PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via thia road. Examine your Ticket, and refuse to buy if they do not read ever the Chicago su4 North Western linilway. If you wleh the best trarellug accommodation you will buy your tickets by this roatsAsTANI WILL. TAKK NONK OTIIKK. All ticket agents sell tickets by (Ills line. w utuv iii i.siirr, ad . P. and Uen'l slnng'r, Cblrngo EASTWARD. I7nl REVERE HOUSE, (Corner First nail Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hold la fitted up In first clsss Styls. Tables aui,liHl with the beet tho market afford. Spring EWs in every Room. A good 8auile itoom lor Com mercial 'i'ravelers. f 7rree t'oacb to anl I rom (fie Hotel. 'H J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. BOOTS AND SHOES made lo order, and repairing done with neat nevs and dispatch, and at low prices. Call and sea bim. First Street, Albany. 4lyl actually worth 99.00 for mhIm, worth i .". for 10c. il. , .-ntg n pair. .i pair. 'I liars in rintboK. reasonable figures. NEW YORK SHOPPING ! Everybody dallsbtad wRh tba laataal ( and beautiful selsjoUous snads by Mrs. La mar, woo uss never isjisu ta please ur uatonisrs. New Fall Circular luat Issued. Hand for iL Address MRL ELLEN LAMAR, 1:7U K77 Brass war, New Tors. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. 8URLES, Prop'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices for ahavloK and Lair-cutting same aa usual. Rooms opposite Mcllwalo's store. lOtf ALBANY CITY Flouring WK have alreadj agreed with Uie farmers for the storage of one half our rapacity, but we oan vet store about r,too uusneis. r ''irst tnme, first served. PBEHIUH, 4 CIS, PER BUSHEL In mill feed as usuaL TlIOs.NONTKITH at HON. 61 MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully prepared as usual to fur iiish storage and sacks on the most favorable terms. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. vl7nl. S TARTU NC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiotira of y enthral iraprudenos causing Frame. tnre Deeay, Nervous DebOtty, Lost Maabood. etc, listing tried in vain every known ramsdy. baa dte n.vrwi a Kim Die self cure, which be will send. Van to his reuoW'Sumen, m n. 43 t'hatSaaa St., N. Y.. WHOOP FOR MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON I the TIME TO (swat lledni tions V FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of Golden time coming. KVKHYHODY OUY OI O. "FT A HOFFMAIs PROPRIETORS ok ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ARD DEALERS IK Imported and Domestic Cigars, Oandiee. Nuts and Tropical Fruit. Albiiuy, - ... Oregon ORE DOOR BELOW JOUR BKIOUS HTOKE. 39yl MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, it for you. OLAIB WEST COAST FT. AX MILLS, MANUFACTURERS OP SAIL, BROOM, SEWINt AMD BALL TWINES, ALSO LINEN YARNS Foot of Jaokaon Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P. O. BOX 188. OTICE TO i ARM ERR We would respectfully inform tbe farmers of ibis section that we are permanently lo cated beta, ana are prepared at all times to pay tbo highest market price for lint flax. Wo will gladly furnish parties wbo Intend sewing flax any Information they desire. Depending largely npen tbe farmers of this section for the success of our enterprise and tbo raw material we consume, and believing flax growing to bo a profitable industry, we reepecUuily ask you to sustain a home Industry that premises to become mutually beneficial. Albany, Or., Aug. 25, Issl. yl WEST COAST FLAX MILLS. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Plummer dried fruit at full market nrioes ; Will send a competent person to advise fruit growers as to cultivation of or addi tion to oroharda ; Will oupply fruit trees of eoproved aorta at moderate prices; Will sell Plummer Driers through Llna, 1 teuton and Lane oo unties. Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fro Com pany, Corvallis, Benson County, uregoa. WALUS NASH, PresidenL Jamks Hkaman, Kec'y. January I, IWt 24 wH IVaTSMTSD Jusa 1UTH, 18W.) FOB I A LB BY FOX, BAVM st 0) FOSHAY & MASON, srsounuALi ass asTsiir Druggists and - Booksellers, ALBANY, OKEOON. vltta41tf CHRISTMAS t the way for the ft JOSEPH, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, TO LOAN were loaning money and remember that I can get H. STEWART. RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0M & 0., PROPR'S. tw raot'Ea ixoi r aeration fok famiuilh asd asasas i k. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY Slyl - OR. JAMES 13 ANNALS, aaxrrAcn'SJK saw saatae is FURNITURE BEDDINC. Ceraer Ferry aad Oeeead streets. ALBANY, - m OREUOM. faaslyl SALTMARSH & LANGOON, afBVCJCilSTS. Boeks, Htatfenery and Toilet Articles, A lArgo moon and ixw mom. OITT DHTJG STORE, Syl 4 LB ANY. Oll'ttSX. Oregon Marble Works. H. A. LARK, Proprietor. -AirvrACTcaaa MONUMENTS, Tomb and Qrave Stones, Mantels,. Table-Tops, Waahstands, Etc- All kbals at esmstery work dtias In M arbls, I'rae iUtitt mud Urauite. All Work luit la arst-caws Ic siul at lbs lowest ras. IfWetl Slit. f FatTJI hli . . t. bttwi SevutMl um! TkirJ. ALtt.tXW. OBt:CM. P. S. I kl in. I Sllll'lu) miiv iiiri.i u luvd call rs, siul ifivs my cusloiunnt tho benefit of Ihm jcr cent. coiamisMuii allow cd lur such work. Aloany Bath House. Us; UNDKUHldNKD W0ULI KK8PK0T JL oinity 1 fully iaforui the oitissns of Albany and vi that 1 have taken cbarsa of tats Kttablisb ment.and, by keeping clsan rooms and pay in trict attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patrons Having heretofore earrisd en nothing bat Flrst-Oiasa Hair Dressing Saloons, W sxpeets to give satire satisfaetion to si JeTT-Chlldis aad Ladies' Hair neatly u ad shampooed. JOS WBBBER. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBA MY, OREGON. STAHJKR BROS. - Proprietor. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aVI 1 1 i :v i si K)m:s Kzecuted In iUlian or Vermont Marhle. Also, every variefv f-f comntprv snd ether stone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to ordera from all parte of this State and Waahinglon Territory. paVAll work warranted. iditm ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- SHOP. KNTABLIsHED IMS. By A. P. CHERRY, sftoated at corner of First and Moutiromor v Htnwt. Allssnv. Hsvinv lak"n ' liarvsof the shove nsned Works, we sre prepared U insuuCarture Steaun Kntriiwss, Haw end Orist Mil la. Wossl-workinK Ma hin-ry, rumps, Irou and Hrass Castings of every dew ri pilot i. Macfalnerv of all Lkinds retiivHl. Kie 'tal attention Kivorrt rofiakrlng (arm u a- I'liinwry. Pattra Nablac slear la all Iss fursMk. l&llyl A. K.C'HKKKY AHO.N. ALHANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AI.BASY. OK The Kii-fttTerBt will opes on WVdorv oar, Sfpmurr vm. Y partirutsrs rooeemiair UM uurwm 4 ui , u.l tit prtrm H tulti'Mi. (-i i to BBS. EUsaavT H. atT. rresftaVal. YING SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Does the best wash ins: and ironincr in At. hany at lowest ratea. Contracta m'swte for eav a nav ss ai . . E t niiMswH laix.r. jutxiry on n atlilnttrii street, ophite Maraiiail's J jverv Nal.l ICA'sf C. C CBBBRT. C. a. MKEK, ALBANY IRON WORKS. e CHERRY & PARKES, (Hucofttanrs to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Irwi Founders, WK II AYR OUR NEW SHOPS AIL cmiuplsrUHl, and are now prefsare! to handle a'l kinds o heavy work. W will ntaotifs-tiiro Steam Iifrines. Cirfc snd Saw Mill Mar-hin.-ry.an4 all kinds of If :i and Brass Casting. rarrcBss h tut mx soiokt abtjcb. Hpecial attention given to repairing ail kinda of machinery. Will also manu far ture the improved Cherry k White Grain Separator. ea Bakrr at. Bawrr a la saber lard. Albany, GrM Hoc-. 1, IssO. isif It caa look sad Isof h sad dance atkl luvw fis4 uA auear. It esn wm ..r u uu' rvtrest or triamttn. This in sa can be aailinl. stiasr I ! nsiaed, or fctuvl crrcUr sad eseasi nul II"- 'ur rreaesiaroUr ftted with Use J .liw Tslese iuiL Ky Taster. SALTMAIJSII A LANIiDON. Albany , Or. To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 Kit KM ST ml corner of Uo ctal Mri, baa Frmactaco. Krtat.libed in ISM. tor tbe treatment of Sexwl sad Seminal BfssSBSBj sad, sa CeavrrSea. airrl. Otiitean.ej iu hrta, IsaawSearr srsksm. iiiUt !.. b anus, esss 4tsa si ths hw and I.. matiboud cau MiUrly Us oared. Tbe etc and eBHesefl sbrukl u taUtocaU upoa bint. Tbe lAx.-ter tis traveled eateunitcty tu Eunrt. and inspected tboroughly tbe varkius bus. i tals there, obtaiuin a gtaat deal of aluabJe infwrn-tu-ii, inch be iscumpetcnt tu iuuart u tte in iir. u uf bis eeryieea. PR, GIBBOK will make no chu unlwa be Bect a cure. Persons st s autaiKv MA 1 BB 4'tBKss ST HS1K. All oumuintoi stnvtir cmitkiential. Wm see bo one but tbe lXicVdr. Mend ten dollar, for a ai-kage of mnlkuue. i'r.a. writhu; to tbe Doctor win please Mate Um- n um ef lsi isqier Ibey aee tbis sdvertisenunt m. ( f .!: - rva soiisble. lali or write. Address 1K. J. K UIIUHib, Boa I Man Frai.cisci. vliatS ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY. OREGON. MRS. C. HULK. Prapridof. Tbia Hooas bss tieen tbonorbl.v reAivalrd hxra i u doiiuiii, aim w now in .iot.d).i . i (,.r the enlruiuuetit id travelers. Tlte taUe is supplied wiib nmihiic tbe mar ket affords. Sample room (or ensumarcisl men. CarvaUU, Lebanon aad Bellas Mage Oaare. SitbObU THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. TQUQ 11 USE. JoeM tgk iBBBBBB BBaHaat ilsr aaaaVtkV W BE8T I 1