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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1881)
7 8 Ik CtttOttilt FRIDAY DECEMBER 9. 1881 0. H. STEWAHT HUM nail lrprletr. O. sft '. U. K. TIUK TABLK. Alsmny NtistioM. DKiMttriRs; or TUtiv. A I.HAN V KXI'UKSS lHrt St rlUCIUHT TUAlXo ' - . .. . . Arrives at MIL THAIS m.W-Bft . !W A. M. A. 11:4 A ii:0.' t M. ;.-, u sornt. I Arrived at ' PuiaWS M. M M. M MMl. TRAIN VM A 14:06 I S:S0 H I KRKI'HIT Tlx ViN " Ai.'tv.W CM'KrXSArrivwrt - v ' ! Tral dally, eveee Heu.tae. "Tirs and aOer till- date regular teVe". will la? old at our ticket ofte fr foil twing pejtnfcson Columbia river: lpier Cascade. Dalle, Umatilla, Wallnla, Wnlia Halla and AhiHWO'tV WllX ' ! Freight and Ticket A vent t ,t e. k H. '. Allan v. June ! ;, i : irri fHISPAPEEV I on Qlo :i Vv i. IV Nt'.M-r virv julvrtittu MiW VttUK. Advuruf'o ISiro WSjK-ii'Hi m. 0 .itracta ituio be Uj pa? It i IIOMK AHUOYI). F. M. Frenc'i, jwcller. Sot is now a temperance city. - R 11. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany. Or. Tho Bine Ribbon CluH meet to-night. Tha Oliver Chilled Plow. the beak plow fir dry ground. Al shades of sephyr for s&ie at Monteith and Sr-i too bach. Ther is nothing more reprehensible tban mod-throwing in a city lection. . Stay ton now ha a tiro company, and will purchase a hook aud ladder tmck. The cheapest holiday good in two at Jie Farmer' and Mechanics' S;ore. New holiday geeda just fcseoired at the Fnnr' and Mechauic' Store. Fine dress boots, shoos and alippcts at tha Firm era' and Mechaniea ... Th totai lenta ot th Nar;hrn Pacific t-Iuju completed will be 1SU0 mile. Uaadaesae card ease just rtceircd at the Far. a era' aid Mechaniea' Store. (jeuta iiuo dress gloves and '2 ru:tuii at the r i. inai ' aud MockteuieV Sr. iiii on in t-r.;.ia:s and uiaUr at the Fetai and Mechanics Store. The aer:-. ti viat of c;orel land i: Oreaon ia 21.' 71. of timbered land $1 .V). tkrOrying bih anU dancing monkcya at tho FArmera and iltWtaaaioi' Stare. Men and boys rin htU and a, cseap at the Famtera' and Mechanics' Store. Columbia county in Washington , Terri tory has bean change! to irhel.i county. Foster lace, and Coupe jouviu kid glove f r the holidays at Sawoel F-. Young's. Linen aud silk haodkerchiefa ia pltid and fancy for the holiday at Samuel K. Young's Ur. O. Wilua Fnco, dcattt, oihee in Odd Fellow's Toniple, over Piornmer Drug Store. Rel hot taffy at llotfjiao nad SMpfc'si and yoa esvn jnst gamble o i it that Us good. llucaiogs cooarstte, lichae. and lacd collars for the holidays at Samuel . Young's. L. dir-s and ga its hue kid an t onsbroiderod alippers for the holiday at Samarl YL Young's. The largest stotU of g!oo. tuitU aad wristlets in town at the Farmer and Me chanics' Slut. Walla Wa!L fee's prond $30,tX0 Court Honac Mow would ours show iff f beside it ? The Aati-mao!y league of Salem was addressed on Saturday by Judge Boise aad W. H. Odell. ii.-v. E. N. . 'on lit preached a very in-teie-tiig ssrmoa at tue U. F. Churc'i Sab bath morning. Call early and bay your Cnristmas pres ents at great bargains at Hummer's. The gls mast b sold. An exchange tells of a eike, bt'ied at t!. bir.h of a child and eaten on his J'-t btrti day. We'll take hardtack. The largest and lest stock of Isdita', misses' aad children's LeMs aid Shoes in Albany at Sainns! E. Youag'a: Sheridan played in Salem two nights this week. Ail that Albany 1 c is t-j get such an actar hsre is aa Opera House. Indies who use the m-rin 5 underwear enj y the host of health. Monteith and SeitmbacH have a splendid stoi'x of it. Baby Wagon ! Bsby Wagons ! Just re ceived an invoice of baby wagons, for sale at l.iw prices at Si:.-'. E. Young's. A large assortment of groceries, dry goods and boots and shoes for the hoUlsys too numerous to mention, at Samuel E. Young's. Mcllwain ptys the r-ry highe'it cash price for dried fruit, asM if you tahe yovr pay in goods wt.l give you a and Wetter "dicker." Althosgh the price of tobtc.o has a-ivane-ed considerably, Mcllwain still s.-l! off his largo stock at retail as old figures. A gam of chess is bein played by letter between Dr. Davis and O. T. Porter, of this city aud E I. Hirbch and T. J. Stite, of Salem. Lidies fitM ii& bntton kh;sforthe holi days,, a bettor stok canuot le found in Oregon or at lower prices tu-.n at S tiuucl E. Young's. tWinesjsfsjg ti'I you can't rit at iioff n-iu aid .1 i ... Tiiey k -; a splendid tock aid will stl as low as a'. esse can tegitt-ina-ely. Kinetylwhite me:isj l thirty Chincre are at work blasting rock at Fords Po n the western termiuus of the Oreon Pacifio J l i ' road. Th- ltrgest an 1 moit ouiplete stock pf holiday goods in thrj city at reduced prices on account of c mtu nplated departure, at Plummer's. Tne Sunday Orfjonlin mslo its bow to us M-ndy noon, and we ate jnatilied in saying that it U fully up to what was claimed for it. Thero wers a goo 1 many young mn at the social th? othar aiht win w ul I have liked to hava had last "u j sir, uor sir" said to them. Wm. Steigsr, of the fir.n of Stsigei Bros., of tl is city wai clectel Alderman of the Sscmd Ward of Salero ia thj city election, list Monday. To-day is the hn-t-idav of the great poet John Milton, wbo was bora 273 years ago. Commsmorate it by at least reading a verse ii his "Paraiis3 Lst." . The season is getting late aad Mentaith -& Seiteabsch will now sell tho remainder of their stock of cloaks and dolinous balow cwt. Don's forget thisj for they m"n just what they say. New Silk handkerchief, neck wear, col. Lara aud cuffs ami silk suspenders for the hoi iday trade opena i this week the Farmers' and Mechanics" Store announce that C. A. PI'imifcer an they must reduce their steck to the amount of 2000 by January 1st, and oonseqntly offar bu-gains. Call and see them. The Dayton Jfowi pat In an appearance this week for the first time sinoe the mall pox scare. Its neat appearance would ia dicato that it is not infected. Monteith and Seitenbach have Just re cm red something new and handsome in the lino of niching and collaretta. Ask to see thvn when you call there, ladies. If your hasband uses the fragrant weed, ill i.r. m il f. IlniTumn and Joseuh's and bny him some of those smoker's avttol Their meerschaum goods are beautiful. Montague's holiday trade is starting in so brisk that there is no doubt that it will be tha lareest ha has ever had. lebaaon people know where to go for bargains. If you wish toOtake either a lady or gentle man a suitable holiday present, go to Mou- taith .Mid Soitaiibach a and buy a psir of those boaetiful embroidered slipper. W. A. Hart was eleoted Chief Kugtnesr of the Port laud Fire Itapartinent u Mon day by a majority of Xl, the largeat ever re coivod by a candidate for that tli . lu that city. 1 Cloaks I Cloali! Cloak ! Ptcoivod by steamer thi week for the holiday, an iu voice of ladioa tiue cloaks direct from the msnufacturvs iu tho east, at Samuel K. Young's. We wish to inform those ladies who de. light iu fancy work that the most beautifu I canvass patterns in this oity are for sale at Monteith aad Seiteubach's. Slipper, sofa cushion aad other patterns eaa he had there. Two weeks from Sunday will be Christ- raaa, so that it behoove some of the young people here to begin darning their stockings if they wish to gel the job eosa plated bjfor j that time. Now is the time for bargains in overcoat at Blain's. He wants to reduce his stock before invoicing, ami from now until Janu ary 1st he will sell them at greatly reduced price. The new drag store of McCoy and Ellort is one of the pleasautest ia the oity. Go and inspect it. Yon will bo treated with tho greatest courtesy whether you purchase anything or not. The sehoonor B R Hardy arrived nt Ta qniaa Bay en the toth ult, with supplies from Portland. Provision were scare at the Bay and the schooner's arrival was hailed with joy. The Oliver Chiliad Plow will run and do good work in dry ground when a steel plow cannot be kept in. They are just the plow yon want for summer fallowing. For J by Samuel K. Yoong. The Jferemrg give an aooouot of a suit for libel against the Rv. W. S. Walker, of Philomath by on of the ladies of that city, iu which the jury rendered a verdict of $-J00 for the plaintiff. undy night Jennings UcCrvr died at Oregon City, lie cam to Oregon in 1&45, and has lived ia the State ever since. Ho was highly respected and was oonidrod a vi-ry worthy gentleman. Crowds of people have L.en visitm Fred Mulor's store thi week and w snpped th y ere congratulating hies on hi s election," but it was net that. They were all to buy toy for their children. H a plendtd stock. Remember that Conrad Meyer' stock of toys is complete, aad include all the latest device for pleasing the young. Go and see it and yon will purchase do w astro else , and hurry up so as to got a choice of articles. Three o'clock in the afternoon is tb fash ionable honr now for tying tho wedding knot. We make thi statement for tho benefit of several of oar yoong people hero who no doubt will wish to do tho thing up brown. . Dr. LiUle'deid, snrgoon for tho O. tL 4 X. Co., during a recent visit to Dayton in his official capacity, vaccinated 700 railroad laborers, and from thenoe proceeded to Pen d' Oriello to vacciante tho laalano of some 1300. A Chinaman has just arrived in Portland from New York with a white wife. Wo men must want to marry terribly tod hack there to tt themselves for life to one of these selfish small-pox breeders of tho Celes tial order. It is now ascertained that the small pox was introduced into the north-west by a gang of Chinamen, wbo landed at Astoria and were taken frm there into tho Bpokan country. This is another argument ia favor of Chinese emigration (?) Beautiful silk head kerchiefs of all sixes and colors at Monteith and Seitenbach's. That popular stylo of dress goods which Monteith and Seitenbach have boon soiling for one bit a yard will hereafter ho closed out at ten cents. A Wendt, wbo ran f-r Chief Engineer in the Portland eltciion, received just one vote. All hi frteada who ha I promised to vote for him. claimed that they east that ballot ; but he squelched them by declar ing that he did it himf. It is said to cost G3 shillings to Ink a too of wheat from 8a Francisco to Liver pool, and from 85 to 93 shillings to take th aam quantity from tho Columbia to the same port. This is not a very great recom mendation to the Columbia Bar. If your hair ia coming out or turning gray, do not murmur over a misfortune yon can so easily avert. Ayor's Hair Vigor will re move the cause of your grief by restoring yonr hair to its natural color and therewith your good looks and good nature. She is a real nice girl, and yon ought to make her a nice prssent Christmas. We would recommend one of those handsome handkerchief cases at Monteith and Seiten bach's. Don't give it to her empty, either. Fill it with some of their linen handker chiefs. Wm. Cray, an old residsnt of the city of Portland, committed suicide on Sunday morning by shooting himself with a shot gun, which he placed on the floor, tho muz zle being in hi mouth and his foot en th trigger. The shot went completely through the, top of his head. If the "Lady of the Lake" had lived in these advanced days on th hanks of the Willamette, this is about the way James Fitzjames would have spoken to i'hoderick Dhu and his clan : "Come en 1 come all ! You bet your bottom dollar this rock shall vamos the ranch as soon as I, and don't yon forget it. " das. L. Cowan, of Lebanon, will offer bargains during the holidays which can not be equalled by any other merchant ia Linn County. His large sales, daring th last few months testify to the fact that he is giving complete satisfaction, and be will make every effort to do so ia the future. The number of cigars and cigarettes manufactured in the U. 8. in a rear, if placed end to end weald reich around the earth four time. Yoong men who think they are doing big thing when they smeke halt a foot a day will see by comparison what an insignificant act they have dono. If yeuj will take a map and trace the ex- tension of the Oregon Pacific Ft R. east through Boise City to Deadwood yon will observe that it represent ths molt direct route between the east and th Pacific Coast, and that tt will ho th shortest road bv a number of hundred millee. This is . i not without it significant. Th holiday always bespeak a brisk time ntthe Star Brwry. Then is th tim whou th soul flows over with good will to wards everybody, and friend drink spark ling beer to each other health and have good times generally. Mr. E. Ballanger will take extra pains to make his customer at home, nod will insure them a pleasant place to sip that nourishing brevorag, ber. Ther is to b a turkey shoot at Cervallis on th 83rd of December. Portland, Halem and Albany sportsmen will bo invited to take a part in the ea me. The Corvaltie Club promise visiting sportsmen who will take part a "square deal," aud uu doubt they will get it, for the Corvnllis boy are a gentlemanly eet of man and know how to treat visitors. Wo heard a disoueeion on the atrueta some tim new as to tha weight and J no of a cubin foot of gold. Wo hsve the anr now to dot. It weighs pounds avoirdupois and is worth 3fil,el0.4'i All the gold in tho world oonld hp ;.U -i iu a !, the side of which would -t exceed '2$ foot f iuoh, end amounts to about ft!, 400,010,000. The Holland Reading Cinb last Monday veiling after an interesting reading iu tho "Lady of tha Lak," elected the following officers for the ensuing month : President, Wid Bilymt ; Secretary, DaSse Honk ; Critic, Lib. Irvine. Th retiring President received nil th sympathy imaginable on ac count of hi failure to obtain n hand in th city govern mon t. There was a big rush made for th San day WVeonvf tho forepart of the week. Somebody hoard that oo mo body had been hit, and as this is a hitting world. very bod v wanted to so what was np. Wis or otherwise sayings wore pat- in the mouths of wall know citiaoos, o that they might ay, in .the language of J Bill Shake pea, 1 am like a woman, when I think a thing I speak it." C B. Montagu, of Lebanon, cannot be m mended too much for the ay torn of trad he ha etabliud in that oity. U I now tim for his debtors to oi press an apprecia tion of what ho has done by coming ap and settling their old bills, and place him in a pssitieo whom ho eon do in tho fatur what ho ha done ia tho past. Hoi determined to sail better goods aad at ok per prieos than any merchant ia Lebanon and he will doit. Quite a number significant looking groups of mon war seen along First street Tues day morning, Close observation disc lowed tb faet that they wre composed principally of defeated candidate who wasted aa un feeling world to know why they wore not elected. The reasons were varioea, and all snsibl on ; but tb best one heard, and one easily elucidated, was that giteo by tho defeated Mayor, "ho didn't got aoagh rot.'' Th fool-kltr has not boon around Hap py Camp.- Thar ia aa old man named J. L Hoevoe, living there, aged f 5 who is a anxious to marry as a 17 yaar old lov-iek stripling, and bo won t nave any one over twenty. Ho ha mad numerous proposals, bat all have Had from him like young doer. Now, though, it is c'aimed that he baa found on who is williox to salt boraeU for an in terest in th 00 or 07. thousand be is said to be worth. SOCIAL JHAL- R, t, Wilson spent u few day in land last week. M. D. Ballard was in Portland tb Fort- foro- part of tho week. Mel Ostrandar ha boon in Portland a fw days this weak. Captain Humphrey epeat a short time io Portland this weak. Mr. Tho. Monteith w s iu Portland on Tu day and Wednesday. Mr. Geo, M. Millar, of Cobur- was in the city Saturday f last week. Mr. Geo. Dacrflingor, of Portlan I. was on our streets Monday of this week. Hen. George Wgor, of Corral I is. was in tho oity th forepart of th wk Mr. J. Dcaney, of thi city spout a s rt time in Portion I the first of th wek . Mr. W. J. Nichols, of Jackwvt!ie)spen a short time in tna oity ihj orepartgjof tb weex. ' Mist Jvslo Wolvorton is viaitin; ber brother Chaa. E. Wolyarton, Esq., in thi. cltv. J. W. Moms. A. Brigg. M Aorhatr and J. J. WUliamft of Scio, war al' uver here this week. Wm Shelter!. J oh Oilliland and wife and J. Shea, all of Sweet Homo, were down thi week on basin. Gas. Curry' p)saat soiateuaaco is now seen behind th eoathrs of thu drug store of Saltmarsh Jaud Lnndoa. Ed. McKinstry, formerly a reabLnft of this oity. but now of Portland, sp mt last Sabbath ia thi city visiting friend. Tho. B. Merry, as near as we can learn, from the reports about htm is running both tho Wail Wall State mi xn aad the 0"ffon son. EL J. Miller of Hiy, gay us a call last Tuesday, and squared up for his paper until itwa. ouea men ears to nsvs xnsir re- ward. Mr. N. J. Henton, City Recorder, was oonfiaod to his housa on Tuesday ; but don't suppose th locUon on Monday had any thing totlo with it. On Friday of last woe1? we received calls from Wm. Cvni. Jas. Perry and J. E. Cy- yus. I hy were aa over settling up with D. M. Ostarne k Co. Goo. E. Chamberlain, of this city, has been appointed a notary public by the Governor. Fred Blumberg has retired from the firm of Ha gi t and Blumberg, aud is now a gen tleman of leisure. Tb ladies of th Congregational church will give another one of their pleasant so cial entertainments on Tuesday evening Do. 20. Be snrs and attend as a good time is ia store for all who g Ed. Geary, a son of Rov. Dr. Geary, and J. W. Bean, who are attending the Jeffer son Modieal Collago at Philadelphia, were on Thanksgiving .day the guests of Dr. Agnew, oae of Gsrfieldf mist preminent physicians. Wm. McKinnon and El. Simions nrrrived hero on ih boat last Saturday morning. They had gone over to Eastern Oregon on a trapping expedition, and finding that busi ness overdone they came back by way of the Columbia river. Oa Friday evening of this week the ladies of tho M. E. chareh will hold ne of their pleasant sociable at th church parsonage. Preparations will h mad for a good time, as th precseds are for th benefit of the Church and Sunday School, there will doubtless be a largo torn out. All are in vited. Church socials have the name of being very prim affairs, aad there is no doubt that they often are. particularly with people having prim tongue hut this complaint could not be made of the one given by the IndioB of th U. P, Chunih Friday vnlng, nt Dr. Prises residence, at leant by only a few. Kvmybody rad to b hnriog a good time. The short program rndrod was a vry spicy affair, whll th supper givsn was anything but monotonous. New etleer Willaantte LoJgt, A.O. U. W,. olootml the following now ollloera laot Monday vnlngt Master Workman L. Martin. Foretnan-I. Q. Dnny. Ovorttor-A. M. Hoop. Rolv6r--Ja. Klkin. rinnmilor- C. H. Stewart. Revolver I. M. BrtlOO. Oulda R.D. Murray. Inldo Watohmn-r-A. 1). Barker. O. W.Hobt. Brown. Pby-tolunN-J. A. Davut and T. W. M arris. Trueteo-U. A. Clark. OttTuoaday ovenlag Safety Led go. A. . U. W , nlao held an election and tho l 'owlngoflloors wero alootod. M.W. J. H. Hackloman. Foreman N. Ban in. O K D. Mlosu. . J. K. KnoR. K! irdsr K,I ReU Revolver J Urndwohl Flnsnc'er K A. Ferk w. It W:-B. Ilmnwr. n W. -(ion. go Humph ray I Tru !- It. V K tr Phyah-bsil-J. la. Hill. Wrath". Siimmaiy al Meteorolocy for Nov. I8SI, from observation taken at Albany, Lino Co. Oregon by Jidui Briggs Esq. Mi sheet liar. .V2.1 : lowest 20,80. Highest Temnora Lisa fin 29,10 rn I...-'. 28 , n mean 41, A. Prevailing winds 3,8". Mean Velocity 5. Rainfall io-!s 4.C4 Numbr. of days on which .01 or more rain fell 10. N"'!! of d.ya of eloodineoa vergo 8 scale tft 10. Hail on the 14th. Frost on tb 1, 7, 8, 17 to 20 ioclnsivo Mlisly ssoosl at nolo Th peopl of "th Fork" will not bar to loav their own "illahee" to get holiday present. If they can t be suited at Morn s a to re at Seie, they oan't got what they want anywhere, Ther they can find beautiful boo a. of all kinds, albums, picture frames pictures, fancy good without number, per. f ornery, toilet articles, and almost every thing sua. No such n stock was vr opened in Seio, and onr readers should all call there and see it. T) Wnrkel.. Wheat ! again up tt Httl and rooolad men knap et buying steadily. Thepriu lu now 77 eenU ennb nod tha mills aro paying 80 oanta. Dried fruit Is lo de mand. Pluoamer dried apple will sell kern In Albany for from l to h rente ; sun dried nnpli. about . and pi bin will bring about from 10 to 11 cent tree aro worth 2& route and buttor tbo same price. Th vry best of demeatio and i n port d t treats for tho handkerchief at the new drag stor of McCoy and KlUrt WerUaaem'e oetoJle. Safety IaIs'. A. t. V. W . will gtv a eeeUbl at their hall ia Peterson brook en Wodslv evooine ot st week, to which all Workmen ami their families are invited. Kierotees wiU bo baa! at tbo ha.; ana t their does all those in attendance will re pair to th Rvre Houo where a lunch will be portek of. lUU.ol'f'l ttl Mcllwain baa a large stock of c'.otbing ami boots and ahoea which he positively will sell at price en low a to astonish purchasers. Thi i no sdvrtiaiog dodge, but ha mean sactly what b say, as you can ascertain by calling there. If yo want a new suit of clothing, go and see him. Wo must acknowledg) In at Mr. French ha tbo finest display ,i silverware that we hve se-tn brought la Albany. A Liberal Contribution. Tee s.1 n of 92700 ha boon secured by a rommiU eensUting f M soars. C. H. Dodd, J. JKeCrokeu and Wm. Mehwo, appointed kw tb Board of Trad to eecir funds for sending a lepreeentatton to Wsshington. Mayor D. P. Thompson will be th delegate. Fancy toileUoapc for sal at Mo Coy ami Ellort' for 40 and 60 coat per has. Thele.lewing ts the Hat of lettera retwatalex is tho Pool (MnVe. Ailmny, 1 inn ooonif . Ore Con, los. -li.. 1A1 Persona ratline lor these latter tan at glvothedsUon whloh too were advertised. Allen Mies felna V Kreuericka Ms. Skirt In Jacob. llenlck Ani V Antouit. R. W. U'clltnan Wm. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Thoffinest candi tb markot sffoids aad ia endless varity at C. W. Osborne. He has just received s new stock . Drags of all kinds are now sold cheaper than ever at the City Drug storo opposite tho Revere House. MaeoMtc luta. Solo Lodge, Me 30, A. P. end A. M., elected th following officers at their Inst meeting': J, 8. Morris, W. M ; J. Bryant, 8. W ; J. 1). Sutton. J. W ; It Carey, Treasurer ; J. L. Miller, Secre tary ; W. E. Curl, Tyler. Do not fnil to call at F. feast your eyes on those goods. M. French' and beautiful holida Majellra Ware. A fin sassortmaat of majolica ware ha just been received direct from the Eaat, espe cially auited fr Chriatmaa prsents,cU and see them at Samuel E. Yopso'm. Try a box of that tine silver polish at French's. Clearance ante. To class ent onr large ateek of Clanks, Dolmans and Ulatars before taking stock I will offer tkem at greatly reduced rates. This is a rars chance to secure bargains. Samvbl K; Yopno. Holiday goods at aH prices at French's. Farm for Sale. A spleadld farm and stock ranch for rent or sale. Enquire of Fox, Baum & Co. Celluloid toilet seta, odor cases, fancy work baskets, picture frames, albums, vaaes, aad a great many other articles suitable for holiday presents can be bad at McCoy tfe HI I ert's new drug store. aasaasawsaeei ititJioc bath; crn vmmxtieix. Our ward meetings were held on Friday evening of last week, and were preshlsdorsr by Judge Whitney In the 1st. Ward; John Heckleman. Esq., In the Karon, i, e,nl Hon. Gen. E. Onambor lain in tho Third. Nominations were made, and each meeting passed off harmoniously. On Ha'urday evening the mass convention was called to order by H. J. ( lark, Chairman nt the Central Committee. Hon. J a. K.Weatherford was elected sa Chairman and C. H. Stewart and H. Beltenbach, Secretaries. The candidates fur Alderman were then reported from each ward and thotr nomination confirmed. Ths city Cntilral Commltles was then announc ed as follow i First Ward. C II Mtew urt ; Second Ward, I. Benders ; Third Wsrd, H. J. Clark. The Oitiveuilon then proooed1 to nominate a ticket, f- f. Dickey, f r Mav .-. E. H. flkln worth, for itecerder, n I 1- MilUr, for ri-r, wt-r nous ' oat . be seHsma loo. For Marhitl fho vou etoif .1 W. Athiarvoo, (is, aatl J . . (Htmmtr, 37. sudibji nomiuari u wn ma-le ouan Imouson motlou of Mr. flllmour who pledger his support t bis suooeeefsl oppoueut, and urt ad all his friends to fellow his example. The Convention then adjourned. Tnet'lty Klawctoa. Our annual ateotinn of city officers ocourred last Monday, and af course created considerable exeltuieuL Friends of the different candidates worked like Turks all day, but it was no ate. We had the same old result only one man was elected to fill each oftde. T19e result Is as follows : For jfyor-L Q DJekey, 21S ; David froman.lHS. Dickey's ussjo.ity, Ui for ftroordrrX. J. Henton. 220 ; E, It Hklpworth, 1S1 ; II on ton majority, 80. For M.tnkni I. ;.. Denny, 231 ; J. W. Anderson, lfiO ; Denny's majority, 2. For Tramtrr Fred Mtttler, 237 ; Lonis Milter, 102 ; Mailer 'a aajorlly, 75. i hut wanu For Mayer. Dickey, 60 : From to 84. For Heoorder, Uenton.82; Hklpworth, 62. For Merakal, Denny, 97 ; Ander son, 47. Far Treasurer. Fred Muller, 87 ; Louis Miller, li, For Couneilmen, M. M. Harvey, 77 ; H W. Outidlfl. ;i nrery'a majority, 10 h: 1. WiHU. Far Mayor, Preuaan, 01 ; Dickey, It Far Heeorder, Henton, 85 ; Bklpwertk. If. For Marshal. Denny, 80 ; Ander sen, 62. For Troaaurrr, Fmd Mullar, 02 ; Lanls Miller, 40. For Council men, John Hoffman, 77 ; Ans. Marshall, 61 Hofimati s majority. H TUianwsi. For Mayor, Fromn. 38 : Dlekey. 78 For Reccnler, Heatoo. -3 ; 8klpwo-tk, 62. For MarshaH, Denay, 54 ; Aider eon, GO. For Treor-r. Frod Muller, 58; Ixvuls Millar, 5s. For Couneilmen, D. Rankia. 54 : E I. Lonloj. 61. Lnnnlng a mejority, 7 Th Demoerat w n tho Nfnyor nnd the Couneilmen In tlm 21 nessj ". ! Wnrd. and the Kopohllctn r tho ether four office. For what w kneo received we are duly than kfW, hot we nu ght to have had more. e m i mm ii i - mi - I. M. .1 br tbe ar. On Monday O. R Ifelkel. n hrakeman on the Narrow Cauge waa Instantly killed at Ilrowaevllle. It waa abetit noon, when aom freight care stand lag on the switch were started by n heavy wind down grade, dlreetly be-Lh?- was a baggage car. Mr. Melkel ran and olimked the ladder of oar nearest him for the purpose of np plying the brakes ; but uefwc he could get on top the car collided, ani ha waa caught between the projecting end of tho beggage ear and tha freight oar. H survived the shook almost no time at all, dying Immediately after ward, Mr. Metkel waa 23 ar 24, un married, and had keen In the emyloy ef the company only n few moatha The reraaiue were hurled at Browsvlllo on Tuesday. Rev. Wn. Taylor .one of tbe most noted and surMsanful Missionaries In the world, will deliver a free lecture in the Meth odist Episcopal church of this city, on Tuesday evening next, Dec 13, giving an account of hi personal labors and obser vation In Africa. India, and South America, f Mr. Taylor haa sent out on hie own responsibility during tbo past year from America 42 mlaslontriet to India and South America. Ho hw now la those foreign countries more than 120 mlaaionarlen, supported wholly by lb people whom they eerve. All who ate interested in misalonary work uld hear him lecture and become acquainted with hi peculiar method of sustaining tbe moat successful misalonary operations. He takes no collections and solicit no donations. All are cordially invited to attend. nisckstone DsaeUaa nine. This Club mt a uaual on Tuesday evening and elected tha following Ulcers for tbe ensuing month : Prealdent, H. Bryant ; Vice President, Prof. Mntteon ; Sec. J. J. Charlton. I a the debate, it wae decided that subsidies should he greeted to railroads. Tho next meeting will be held next Tuesday evealng ia the County Judges office, In tho Court House, when the doors will be open to these who wish to attend. Tho following question will oo debated: "Resolved, that no tax payer should be allowed to take out any indsbtedaees from bis assessment," and will be participated in by Moasra. Charl ton, W. R. Bllyeu, Sklpworth, Irvin.e Nnttlng, Wolverton and Boohstedler on the affirmative, and Davis, L. Bllyeu, Mattoon, Hackleman, Rideo ut and Clem ent on the negative. Wealed by Everjbesly. Mr. Thos. McQhae has commenced thn canvas of this county for the life of Gen.. James A. Garfield, which con tains a full account of his early life his sttuggles with poverty and efforts o obtain an education ; his services in the war nf the rebellion ; his elec tion to the Presidency, together with a complete history of his Assassination The book ia finely printed and contains nearly 700 pages, aad is sold at the extreme Jow price of $2.50 and $1.00 accord ins to binding;. Look out for the agent IV J At n regular meeting of Grand Prairie Orange No. 10 P. ef H. tke fol lowing lieaoiutiofis of Condolence, were unanimously adopted; Whrhkab, The great Master ef the Universe, has seen fit in his Infinite wisdom to remove from am tig uonr young brother, N. Rueeoll Price, who was drowned whale fording the nv r on hi way home from ot of the mountains. Therefore he it, Htsnlmd, That we, the members of this Ornuge, acknowledge the power or an allwise providence, aid bow In humble subrnMion to the will of a merciful Uod. Itfolmd, That (he sorrowing relations of the deceased have our sinoereet sympathy In the Ion of their eon and brother, and tkat by death our grange has lout u faithful aud Worthy member. feetW, That tkeee resolutions be spread upon the grange record, and a eopy be given to his fadier and mother, also a ortv be sent to the Albany nepers end WiHnm-u- Ftmrr for publication. Itrolrd, Thst our hall h 'rp 1 iii m Miming In rmnt'r t r o' h'n pf en."-, nod that the nntr wsr (ho hsilge forthirty ey KroVr ft.v'K. Slgip-d) H A. Powai.f.. Hennv Wavru. Cminlltee, lasar HAva, rtecretnry. i Celea ta rerKae. During the pt week C A. Plummer A Co. have sold their drug store to K W. Langdon. Junior partner in the old firm of Bait marsh A Lanerdan, and on tke first of January will give pssssss len to the new owner. Flummer A Oo. will go to Portland, where they will open nut n large retail and Jobbing drag haase, and being poesoaoed of a great amennt of energy In connection with splendid business qualifications, we predict a bright future for the firm. Their succeaeor kere will consolidate tbe two stocks and occupy the rooms. In tbo Odd Fellow Temple. This will reduaa the number of drug establish men to to three, and thy caa alt get a fair trade. actus UlibSibarss and Co. Last -eason a great many farmer purchased the Osborne self-binder through R. A. Irvine, HUle Depaty of the Orange. With each one waa given a written guaranty that the twine binding attachment would work tit factory, and as it partln'ly failed, a meeting waa called in Albany laat Fri day for a settlement between the par chaser and tbe company Mr. C Hurg, ef Portland, represented D. M. Oaborue A Co., and when the farmers assembled be naked them to, make him a proposition which would be aatiafac tery to abem. They did so, and he ac cepted it, and all went homo satisfied. et as i i.o mou ot tt:i Ttio following Mta'snien nf Wm. J: i on it hi i ii, of Somerville, Ms, Is so re markable that we bag to ask for it the At tention of onr reader. Ho my: "In tbe fall of 1H7A 1 was token with n violent blejodlng of tlte lit 04a, followed by n e vem rough. I Noon began to loee my dean and appetite. I waa no weak at one limn ihst toould not leave my hod. In the e motor of 177 I waa adiniuosl to the Cltv Unaylial. Wbll there tbe oVrr eaid I bad a bolo In my left lung a big aa half dollar. I expended awejr hundred dollora on nVieteea 'and medicino I waa no far ami at oae time a report wat around that 1 waa doad, 1 gave up hopo, but a friend told me of I)R. WM. HALL) HAI- sM FtH TH K LVNQH. I lauKhcsl at my friend, thlnklnar that mv -o wo iu- curab.o, but 1 got n boUlo to amtify them. erhen lo my aurpriae and erntwhaiion, I bognn lo fool belter. My hope, one deovd, beetnn to revive, end to dav 1 fotd in letn-r apirita than I have the w threo year. "I write tin., lioplnif mat von will pun bh it, tso that ovcrv on altliouHi with dra- aaeed lung will be induomj to take lr. Wm. Hall's tied aam for the l.umra, and le oonvineed that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUKEIK I have token two tioulea and oan poaitively any that it haa done more good than all the other moo loin I have ukon tnoe my aicknean. My couh has almool oiitlreiy dinappearod end I ahall noon bo ahlo to no lo work." old by drtiggiato. l aes sMrTV'aeae. JatlusJoeeph still has some toys left asd as he wants to get out ef the bnsi- ee will sell at prices which ethe dealers oan not touck- M ha a large stoc k ef dells, doll heads and doll bod lea Alao so vera I doll boggle and ethe r miscellaneous Christmss Uys, Den't forget him. annortant V as f4rr. The Yaquioa ;R. U. must bo bui.t in iVti, and Cha. H. Montague of Ubamm mut collect all accounto and note doe him, during the month of December, 1881. Owing to severe sickness In any family have been unable to give that personal attention to collection so necessary to tho successful conduct of a morcantiln bust- I now reepeetfully request those Indebt ed to me to pay np, as tbe aaaaon for gen eral Hcltlementa has arrived. I need my money and do not wish to bo delayed in closing up my annual business beyond the end of thi month. Cuah. B. Mont ao t a, Lebanon, Dec. let, 1881. A saanstss atokllsU A aioer mtabliahntaat than that kept hy Mr. B. Ewert in this oity cannot bo found anywhere ia the State. He has a magnificent stock of gold and silvsr watuhes, diamonds, silver aad plated ware, jewelry of all kinds, docks, and in fact everything usually found in a tirst class establishment f th kind. There is no such a stock as his anywhere in fh State oatsid of Portland, aud he sells at snch low prices that his trade is rapidly incraiug. Call around and bny yonr holi day presents of him. o nine Ktebsm Club. Following is the program for this roil ing : Prayor. Musio Andante nnd Waltz -by tha Ladiee Cornet Band. Recitation Emma Davis. Mualo Quartet, ".Scenes that . are Brightest." Address . o. Irvine, 1). v. Duet "Fly Forth O Gentle Dove." Gsneral Exercises. Musio "Remembrances of ITcme," by tho Ladiea Cernot Band. SHILOHS COUGH and Consumption Cur is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares consuaiption. LUPER Near Tangent, on Saturday, Doc. 3, 1881, t th wif ef Go. Lopsr a danghter. JAMES, In tlas city, on Sunday last, Miss Emily A lick Jimk, only danghter of 8. G, and Margaret James, in the 17th year of her age. a Whon you need anything in C ishing Goods como and soo tts. anything in Whito Shirty C Underwear, Collars, Cuflr, Suspendors. OveruMi-ts, Glover:, 3 brellas, plain and fpMcy Hone, til ine our goods an1 ' ; onr ptteei stock in tho city. "HEP Tpig MHX. l " 4lari T If "' i. Iwnaa a- mmu eeai m Tr-I.. iw .'. oy Kiwo auew J ifis amd Finrn with cowmMATio? sptxtacus. . . ' ! Drc:svc Tuff ir.UT r ISEI ffiu. bwnaivi - PSDLBRiAWNOTGBT t'SM. SAi r. crri.T McCOY & ELLBRT, DRUGGISTS aad CHEMIST -iDKALHP.S !!(- DRUGS, CHBLIICAiS, Pronaa'a IJIock, I'll N dan rrerMipiloii a '.viVti', an I noa In uotiiMMindinf( ihein, a , Summons. In th Circuit Court of Out Coo- ,. m the Shite oj Oregon: Jamas M. Coon Plantin, vi TBeraus , Chria ain aud Ida II. Curieinin bia iK 1 and K. H. tttrahan aud C itiiy.-u . urt ter- ! doing huainrra unoer tn aWm nacne ot ; Mtraban fc Bilyen, Defendant . of the abort n n'd iMfrndUinli. In th nemo o'lbe .S:to of Orcatorj vou omi eac-ti or yn aro bercoy i twvby i quired to I ho cmioJ.m ot the I appoor and aiMSt-r I abovo namsaj idaolidT In tha mhoveeniu, h-d Court, now on ttlo wi-.h t'oe clerk oi seJd Court, on or beforo the lirat uy al the next retftlar term of aid ('tiVn. (Vurt, iu nod for I. -an county. rgoo t -wit : Monday. March lath, 161, aud on aro I ere by notified that ir you f'l to sm wer sold oom plaint ine pmimirT wtB ap ply lo tbo C-Mirt for the reiiof demi't l in hi eaid ainp!aiu, io ii: Th plainliu have and reuuver .f and from larsaadnt, Tboiua Cbrtatlnn, tho auto of eWu.2 end tb further aum oi faVOjUO atioaneys tmv sod - t- and diehursmei. . of IbUanit Tlisl toolurtdc-reo that the mortgage exe-ird by amid deu-ndaoiH rhomaeand Id B.i'oristian to sjeojr the same be reformed m u tu inwiude the fol'owing pjeuirv. trewu : Hi J at tbo norlhwent onwr nf Jam Coon'e do i sit' i IoihI clsitn ; running- south 37 aO-1'0 chain: csast 42 8-100 ottatfM ; then Tiorth 100 chain; Utonrw west 7 t-v lot t lienor ; outU I KJ 100 chain ; thn tbo 40 eb the wett34 lk-lVO ehaio lo the p'.av-e ef - glniihuxin IJnncuiiiiU.i(lrgn. that uiortoango bo forocniaid twl asnd nrci. bo aohl to aetiafy eid claim of Ptaii and that drfta and each ftier.i bs f.-r-ever barred and lorloeeJ of ail th" right title aiidcjclly of rederuptieo tasSMd promisoa and for auch other deree a uMvaoem meet in equity, l'ubl.ausd Hy order of Hou. I.. I'. 15 d- Jud0 ., nx' at chamber Itoc o.h, ls. , llcuriiKKY it Woi.vr.Rv-i i. Ally' for t'.f. Pinal tSettlemen-. VTOTICEI heioby given that tbeun- deaii;ood,asitoitiMM.rUr .f tho equate ut Mil Powerl, (ieoeooed, haa ri!sd in the County Court of luu county, Oregon, hi Anal account aa uch adautaiotravio', and by order of aaid Court, Saturday, th 7th day of January, istPi, at tho hour of 19 o'clock in the forenoon f aaid dav io act for the bearing objection to hoi d a o cotrat aad ih uleuient inera-oC Any person interesied in aaid estate is hereby notified to appear and tile hi or her ob jection lo amid anal account on or before l ; ey. J. KICK 7tb,18sl. Admhaiatsetgr. . CATAUMAH CVRKD, heall! breath aecurrodbyhiloVaCattTa'fi Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal I ee. For lame Back, Siileor Chest u:w Bttj Porous Piaster. Price 2 cut. rr sale by Foehay and Maoou. Alhauv ; R. A. Hainpy, Harrisbnry. I'ursns for ale. 202 ncro lyins; r mileo north-oaat r HarriHburir an-l 1 mue ea.-t of Muddy station nil under fetioef 1SU acre in cutt.- vation, balance in posture, hut mo-t oi it can be put inculiiathn. story house, barn, gomi water, etc, 1 niue lo hchot i. Price iOOu 128 acres lying ' milos south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent W acre fn cultivation and a I under fom, l-r acres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of $100. HoutKi, ham, plotidid ter. A flue young oichard, Prke, x$30 per acre. 483 acres In Center PreviUet Smiles from station on Narrow Gatum. 100 acres In cultivation. Good VA alory houao, wood boune, barn, and splendid wstor and fine orchard. All tin lor feuco Price $16 per acre. 240 acres lying about $B miles south east of Albany. All under lence, aiuall orchaid, no bulldinge; 60 acron haa been cultivated, but It ia all now wed as pas ture. Price $10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, all uodor fence, lot) acres in. cultivation. Large 14 story frame house, good burn, sovorai outbuildings, orchard and t.ood water. Price, 'J0 er acre. SHILOH'8 VITAL1ZER is what you. for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and aU symptoms ef Dyspasia. Price 10 and 7f cents per bottln. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quiekly cured by ShUoh's Cure. We guarac teo it For alo by Fohay and Mason, Albany A. Rampy, Harrisburg. NOTICE TO DEBTOR?. Hiving sold our drog raablishment ind txpecting to leave Alfrny on the at of January, wo wish all rho owe us to come forward end settle unhv that date. c. a. deca s, i " 'J S - .. uvsTtw rni - .. - THESE COODSa rr L TVTT A taeObT. J?BK?Q' - . - ... Aibanr, Oron. bsat Itsna n an.! frevl KoJUJ g.y-1 ti an-1 no-. liocn crr'.e t for over .till .saisb.j .sru.V , " Vrr , T .J.A- ' ' tin Kltl li ttLcr with two sual cinh a'i of wh i - r ot: eliy O' lie.' ! StVe .a I isve iivo gwi fn the acr (arm hi a 131 cplvutlid farm infrmnti'n. O ill.J Th 3 in ;:; r.t ra t!;"'-! STRATI A hro A tne ; mnla, i pn iact with a oc and one Vckl) O'J I QUI Li, as, ! - -ter, eft r. cane t.r lu.u. , Fors.u i,'. aqt ; T M. Dr Powell, Lr tacuo, J- ;h rs Vista : O t let Harrifonr ; vilir. u : D "l nelius, Tu Maxr ai NEW FISH M. Oa corner opnoslio Sew Will ke.-p ci all kinds of IrvaU and sail that the marki t afford. 11- EViONEV TO est en liciij of fix mouti:.: t tcu so a rtoi:yi: vs r. : . aitf rjjin v vfs HsaasHsaj A mothf Blood. T I son Goners