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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1881)
She gm0rrt. FRIDAY DECEMBER 9, 1881 Cif akkf.h, Rx Senator Howe and C. E. FilUy ar umuiI for tbe post-offise department. Sargent of California has been mentioned for the navy depart ment Five largo mills were destroyed in Minneapolis, Minn., on Monday by fire. The loss is great, besides four men lost their lives by reason of the o ) 1'h j rati ) i The osuse is a matter of speculation. SaxvrjR SLVTsahai introduced a bill authorising the secretary of the interior to segregate 640 acres from the Umatil la Indian reservation adjacent to the town of Pendleton, Ogn., lay it out in blocks, have it appraised and then offer t for sale in single lots at not less than the appmised value. The Walla Statesman was twenty one years old last Saturday, and cer tainly deserves a vote in the public opinion of the world. It is one of the beat papers in Washington Territory and enters into manhood with a bright future before it. The success of American horses abroad has been the means of creating a demand in Europe for our stock' whatever else it may have accomplish c I. Already some of the leading turf men of the old country have had ship ments made to them, and others will follow suit, so that we may expect in a jew years to see American horse-flesh taking the lead in the Ear opens countries. The President of the ''Garfield Avengers" writes from Milwaukee to Guiteau. Judge Cox and the jury that if Guiteau is not adjudged guilty nd hanged that all will be assassinat ed. The President of the aforesaid declares that the organisation is very strong, and numbers 20,000 from Now York alone. Judge Cox says he has received similar epistles at the rate of a dosen a day. S-saxixo of cotton mills, the Ral- eigh. N.C, Xexr says: North Caro- ,.aHu1remuiony,we Deuove ft. . r .i . uut muj oi mem are small, wnat they pay is one of those profound mysteries that can never be solved this side of eternity. Those that make are not disposed to tell, while those that do not make are probably a -shamed to toll. So we can only guess that some of the mills make large div idends. They do thing bettor further South. The Star route thieves stole nine millions and were acquitted. Two days afterwards a poor dtvil in Ar kansas whg was distilling moonshine whiskey in a teakettle, using a gun barrel for a 'worm" making abont ten gallons a month, was sentenced so-ken ysssj. in, the pedfcentiary, and a fine of $5,000. His siok wife was at thef point of death at the time of the sentence. This vindicates Justice. When the star routers went free it was feared the old girl's bandage had slipped off her peepers, but now it is certain that she is Mind as a bat. The House of Representatives now consists of 293 members and they are distributed in the present congress as follows: Republicans,, 147: Democrats I of the regular stripe, 136, democrat of Mahone stripe. 2; Republican Green- backers, Maine and Texas, 3: Unoer tain Greenbacker. J. Hvatt Smith Making a proper allowance for the way I the mixed politicians of readjustee greenback and uncertain stripe wil 1 act, it may be aafe to say that the Re- pu biicaas will have a majority of fifteen or sixteen, which will probably be in- ci t aaed considerably by the giving of o:fi. M and from the contested seats in I Ih ! J.U th. The American Register, a weekly pafer, published every Saturday mora ine at Washington, D. C, after the style of the Nation, of New York, has just been started under the auspices of Judgo T. W. Bartley, of Washington, fonoei ly of Ohio ; Ju Ige J. S. Black, of Pennsylvania; Sens tor Lamar, of Mississippi: Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia; and other eminent men of experience and ability. The editorial staff is c imposed of Judge Bartley :ibve named, William Aydeloite, Esq., of Philadelphia, and Colonel William 11. MeCardle, a' distinguished journal ist of the South. It is a high-toned and elevated journal, and an exponent of the doctrines and principles of the Dymocrstic party. A Great tariff convention has been I held in New York City. The old ad-1 vocacy of law protecting the few to Prosecuting attorney is superceded ba the exclusion of the many pushed it- cause he is hike warm ami does not do salt forward here as it necessarily does his duty. He pleads a technical excuse in the dootrines of protection. Selfish- that the Attorney General did not or 1 1 ens characterized their deliberations, der him to prosecute these casea. The so that one might naturally believe statutes of limitations have run on tbe that this was a government by a few cases with a full knowledge of the fact manufacturers and for a few manufac- on the part of counsel. Information turers instead of "by the people and as a legal process is filed and after argu f or the people." The advocates of meat both by Christian and infidel it is protection seem to lose sight of the fact dismissed. Time is going on all tbe i hat there are between seven and while. And now we are told that Mc eighfc million farmers in the United Veagh will resign. Since the death of Stat -s who are paying about forty-five the President McVeagh has lost inter ior cent more for the goods they pur- est in these cases. The grand jury hss chase from necessity than they would found two indictments against two men en of free trade. t.1 ITE M S TBI II From the day this trial began it has been the purpose of a portion of the press of the country to ridicule the court and defend the J udge. The "lonely newspaper" in Oregon has almost daily given a characteristic paragraph of cen sure and ridicule of thia trial. Now comes the culpsble Beecher ami for a thanksgiving sermon says the trial of Guiteau looks like a tight between an "imbecile Judge aud a vagrant foot." From such men the public, whom thoy pretend to instruct in essential secular matters, can expect nothing worthy of respect. '1 he course pursued by such editors or clergy is as lawhss as that which prompted the villian Guiteau to do the damning deed. If the reader will look at the personal mske up of the editors who ate endeavoring to create the impression that the trial is a farce! and Judge Cox is no better than an accompltce,he will find their charac ter no better than that of Beecher if as good. And it is time that the Beecher clergy and the breed of conceited out laws in the editorial chair should kit to that haven of contempt to which they are surely going. It is a relief to realise that they do the thinking of no intelligent Demon. While it is true m i r- that Guiteau murdered President Oar- field in cold blood and with premedita lion, it h nevetherle8s true that if he is tried at all he is entitled to a fair trial under the law. The hilling is admitted by the defence. If this was all then Judge Cox could do no more ' than to sentence the culprit. If he attempted to do more than this toe censure we speak of would be just But the law gives tha eriminal the benefit of as aaanv defences as he tnsv have. O&e and the only one in this case is insanity And all the machinery of the law is pit Us motion to make it effective, learned counsel were written toallover the Sand to assist in the defence and every lead ing man knew that this defence was one that could be made if the defence desired to make it. In presenting the defence to the Court the test history of the defendant is reviewed. Hi 1st j ten, books and papers are examined, His conduct is given ami he himself i I daily before the jury who have the riijbt to see the prisoner, hear hm talk, ! mith kim Thev ,.re t JeteraniM qne,Uon of iManily by tLe very methods' adopted by the law t. no I other, and Judge Cox can no more pie vent it than his accusers can be just. If Guiteau turns the Court fcsto lr garden it is legitimate aud it would show what all expeel that dm insanity is real or feigned of which IVf ore ihe in mm are the imlsra. It is said that j j - Guiteau' s counsel made a sassteaw in nuttinp him on the stand. And for i a Guiteau it may be true. But th civi Used world does not look at thia act as a mistake. Had Guiteau been m i need and kept from the aland public opinion would not have been sure of his canity if hung for the murder. Now that the prisoner has had an indulgent trial, and been permitted to exhibit himself daily before the jury and bis sayings or doings pablkhed to the jury of the wcrUl, we as a part of that body are fully convinc ed that Judge Cox hss been the means of releiving many minds of doubt by his course on the bench, and that through this trial Guiteau hss convinc ed us tbst the murder was premeditat- edand that.Guitoau was not only re sponsible for his act on the second day of Jul v when he murdered James A. ri3eld but equally so when he conceived tbe idea days before and m a m a soeakiagly and wickedly loiiowed up determination to kill tbe President mteau ha lived ,lfe of frud d deceit, but not one of insanity. So moch for the "imbeci,e Jud8e and va" t raws i a loot. J. ne very ana oniy means &fc used convince the jury " world of Guiteau s guilt were permit- by Judge Cox to be used for which 8Uch professional men ss Beecher and vicious writers condemn him. The public will weigh these thmgs.and like I that of the dog the day 'of these men will come and go. STAB BOLTS 4. After so long delay in the prosecu tion of these' cases the public are con vinced that Brady and Dorsey have a defence whether legal or not thaC will avail them. From the first Brady has justified his conduct by the plea that the bids were raised on tbe recom mendation of men in official station, and in either House of Congress. No doubt this is true. Brady goes farther and says that the victory, fair or4not,by the the Republican party in the Presiden tial contest is attributed to funds used by the party that were derived from these Star route raids on the national treasury. These matters of defense have not been contradicted nor assailed by the Republican press. There is a fear overhanging: the whole thiitfir. The ina subordinate position, charged with ' taking bribes. These men may give the Government all the knowledge they hate on this subject and it will do no good. Every thing is known, but how to teach Brady & Co., is ibo question. MoVeegh sees no glory in it. The de mocracy will never know the depths of the damaging sac ret that surrounds this expoMure. mat tneso uinus were ushu largely in the Vi esidential campaign no one will dispute. This lact is known to both jtolitical parties. And should the trial of Brady go on, a thing wholly impossible, Mt. Jewel will be oslled to tell whst he knows, not about psper harnesses, but oonoerning the public funds that wet.t into the republican side of the last Presidential contest. That these funds wer used is known to high officials and particular loaders. AnH weto furthor exposure bo be made it would startle the country ss being the boldest pieoo of party villainy that has happenod since we have been a nation. Louisiana frauds are nothing to it. Dursey and Brady took a liberal per cent, but the jarty got the benefit of the funds. And to secure themselves against prosecution, it was the policy and purpose of Brady &O. to elect the republican ticket. Tho impression that the failure to prosecute Brady lesves on the public mind is that Brady fc Co. and the republican outfit well undtr steed the aid the ticket was getting and from what source it came. W o believe all is known that will ho of tho Htar route frauds. The public will read in all this the wonderful power that this money had in the last presidential elec tion. Strange it is that every republi csn presidential election is tainted with fraud. Ithaanow gone into history that Hayes administration was not on ly inaugurated in shameful frauds, but fthat the most gigantic frauds ever "per petrated under any government were the means of (terjietuating the republi can dynasty with a full knowledge on the part of Hayes of f ie fact a well as on Ik nark of ramiMicao ledn. tiranl's i rmi) lin !) I. ft tho Wlii-o lima fell like a wet bUnknt on the nskid body of lh repuUU't mid that of Hayes tails tike a wetter blauket on li- name ahivvring body. The democracy may imrt warmth u it in due eunn. SiK OF THB rLAKft. This is une uf the planks of the plat form on which the democrats of New York won one congressman, a good working majority of tho Irgialaturn nd state treasurer. ''The public welfare demands that the various questions relating to chartered monopolies and the method of transpor tation should be met and decided, and we are in favor of the adoption of mess- nnu tn rMtrict tbe fnOinc tf such monopolies. They ahould be sub ject t- the super vision of commissioners established by pub'io authority. Alt nnjust discriminations in the trsnspor tation of passengers and merchandise should be prohibited. The chargea on incorporations which have taken tbe property of private cititens ahould be limited to the cost of service with s reasonable profit instead of the merce nary exaction "of all tbe traffic will bear." sit viL ii.LW.ntm uk res ou:,t.o 'Gen. Hszen writes to Senator G rover that in accordance with request of the letter's conatitnents be (Hazen) has submitted the cae to the secretary of wsr and recommended tost $15,000 be appropriated to the construct ion of a telegraph line from Astoria by tbe way of Point Adams to tbe SeasicY House, thenco by cabie to f.Uamook Rock, and a!so $1000 for a tolegrapl line from Port Townseod to Cape Fiat tery. He adds that the construction of these lines, being iuitortant to the commerce of the wbolo Pacitij coast it is well to ttecurc the eooswrutiien of senators and representatives of Pacitic coast htate-s to obtain tbe apropriation therefor, and it is therefore sugjes'.ed that a combined effort be made. PUBK4 OP THE NOUTMIIUV f U tVU . The agsnt in New York f ?r tho ortbern Pacific Railway, passed through San Franeisco the other day He stated that the Not them Pacific was completed to Niles City. The roadbed is graded to the Tongue river and the track will lie down in forty days. The Missouri liver is solidly frozen over at Biarnark and a temporary bridge across is being laid. Tho length of this bridge will ba 1,200 feet, with approaches 900 feet in length. As the iron bridge will nob be put up un- til next Fall, this temporary bridgo will be put up this Winter anl use! until the other is ready. The cost of the new iron bridge will be $1,500,000. Tiik Legislature of Minnesota has taken it for granted that the number of Congressmen to which tbe State will be entitled wili be increased from three to five, and it has passed a law iepeal ing all previous Acts and appropriating the State on the basis of five Congress men. Should four memhers, instead of five, be allotted to the State, which h extiemely probable, the legal complica tions that will arise will be diffioult to deal with. The United States will manufacture more cotton goods this year than, ever before. Tho commercial reports show that the Southern mills have taken 45,000 bales so far, against 35,000 Jaat year, an iucrease of 25 per cent, while tbe Northern mills have increased their consumption from 291,914 to 344,489 bales, an increase of 15 pe IIAKfKTl KWB. HAiutiKntmo, Dso 1st. i If, Kdilvr Democrat: , Thanksgiving is past ntul a. a failed to gobble Turkey on that oobft'on we wilt endeavor to gobble up u thing palatable for the readers ot i . m:mo chat. Item No i. J. G. Senders , .iilieted with a sevfire attack of now I, v which made his arrival rather uut . vtsdly on last Hunday morning bi i reak fast. The tirtu of XIay&Sen.l. , is now knswn under the style aofi no of May Senders k Son. and on u -mt of tbe new departure, aro serlurg goods way deen. If you don't brl .. - it at headquarters and m com u , . We will quote prices of a few i tides. Salt by the sack 00ot, form I ;o rubber boots $3.25; form . ;:.()0; and everything else in pVqajrtloft. Gammon can bo found in th - store at an early hour ready for bu iu He has uo doubt concluded eat U , uing is productive of good results On thou and do likewise." Miss Dora Ilendrex too! after noon train OH Monday last f Kiigene City to accept a course of dy in music, under tho advaoocm- t Mrs, Adams, a teaoher of i(re I Seal ability .(As Dora neverundertui.- SS thing without accomplishing her pfirjta, the music loving portion of I rem munity may expect a treat on fcer to tur. Diligence gives its own rcw.ud. 'By the way" the Copia now ptjt un metropolitan airs with their bets' ntghl clerk, (loud enough says the vojlfe is Drummer. One four dljfnjfiod j: I w..thy citisens attendixl church on Sunday night and disturbed the whole -ongregs-tion by bis incessant suorinr, not henl accustomed to church-going h' iihsus imagined hitnsalf repiaisg on a ssck of notu. "Uive us moie tany. Protracted meeting in prott good attondance. . The cominued illnejs of M Miner gWe cause fr grave i to her recovery. If you want to invest in a ttrsj cIms . organ MS4 Msttie Camplieii t ! i ply you and toach you how to i: J. C. Snodgrass is condutttn; a wtit injr school in Junction, with gol re suits. J. G. Crawford does as fine ar;isoc work ss will be found on tho oit,alsn keeja sll kinds of bric-a-brac suitable for tho holidays. Same of his nice vioas toi'cth'-r wiali auu-oscono Would be an acceptable CorUtmas prose and see him an y how. Marx TwaIs's Coow.v. Dec 8tb, 1881. As the "Wandering Jew poli lely requested us to give hiun a chance to air his whoiarty attainment, wo will endeavor to give him a more extend ed notice. In tho first place wr do not hesitate to inform the aforeenld gontleman he Is entirely off his "beat," In regard to tbe ideniity of -Mark Twain's Cousin" when he hurls his anathemas at tho tonsorlnl artist, as be Is not a coadjutor nor sails under tho sobriquet. A far as our expo nent's financial affairs are concerned we had no reference whatever, but as he has called our attention to the fsct we merely ask tho question, If he found It convenient "while so journing in the hamlet of Portland," tocali on the proprietor's of the dally .Standard and liquidate thet little debt duo the seme for tho publica tion of some of bis gushing effusions, dou't it." Tho ontl-stlck-yourn'se-lnto-other peoples localtiy is all right now ss he hss provided himself with body guard. Then writer of puns good night, Wilt not load thee with diapratse, Thou wort born Ave hundred years too soon For the comfort of tby days. The blind can see and truth will ou', As round and we round we roam And evor the right comes uppermost And ever is Justice (done. At your service, Mark Twarx's Cousin. MIO KOTC. Two communication wore receiver at . S J At a a wi.s weeK irom jio, whicn we combine into one.J Scio, Dec, 7th. 1881. Elilor Democrat'. The leiiool in Hcio, bus a largo at tondance. lueaeio union auoatii ttciiool is ably superintended by our friend J. 8 Morris aud tho results aro wonderful J. B. Irvine and family of Browns ville, have been visiting friends here for tho past few days. Jesse looks very natural. Dr. JO. O. Hyde, of Albany, heon in tho burg tor two or tntoe weeks He intends locating here and we :n II v t a welcome mm among us, as ho appears to be a gentleman and fully- under stands the profession. Ibo iv. says it is most dreadfnllv healthy over hero but ho thinks somebody will get sic after awhile. unaney uatiow is at ins post agaiu. after a short visit among his friend.j at oalem. The following is tbe result of the city election held last Monday: Mayor, M. U. tiill, 10 majority; Recorder, W. E. Kelley, 11 majority; Trees., A. Mont gomery, 5 majority; Marshal, T. B. rJarnes, unanimous. Aldermen S. F. France, Jno. Osborn, Wra. McKnigbt, A. G. Williams, G. W. Johnson, Jas Richardson and O. E. Holdbridgo. At present there is some dissatisfaction over tho result, but everything, we tnink, was conducted squarely, and when the bea'n party think the mat ter over thoy will come to the earne con- conclusion. Sam'l Mille Esq., has just returned from a a tour : n Polk Co. Dr. S. C. McCauley, of Stay ton, paid our town a flying visit last week. The Dr. ropoits everything lively in his vi cinity. Mr. Stat': Williams contemplates a trip to The Daises, having severed his connection with A. J. Houston. On last Sunday the Sabbath School voted to have a grand Christras tree on Christmas eve. GROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis imtnediatfdy relieved by Shilohs tMANoft mm. LSBAKOW, Nov. 80tb, 1881. Ed. Democrat: Mr. O. it. Ckiypool. one of our substantial farmer, killed nine bogs a few days ago which averaged 300 pound. They were only one year eld. Mr. C. has demonstrated the fact that for every 60 pounds of load or ono bushel of wheat proporly pre pared, It will produce 13 pounds of meat. On such a basis It would be well for farmers to turn their atten tion to raising pork, as In that way tfioy can real I .o near a dollar por bushel for wheat. At tho regular meeting of Honor liodgo No 8, A. O. U. W. held Dec 1st. tho following officers were electod for the ensuing year: G. W. Smith, Master Workman, J. B. Coostable, Foreman, P. T.'Long, Overseer, A. W." Lonir, Recorder, W. II. Heed, Receiver, Frank Kosco, Financier, 14. a Harkneas. Guide, P. I,. Wallace, Inside Watch. i'. h. Harman, Outside Wales, d. M. Powell, Med. Exam. In the evening the Lodge gave an entertainment in which the families of the memhers and quite a number of invited truest took part. A sumptuous supper was served, after lch Hon. T. K. WestUerford de red a short and well timed address. I Kber speeches followed. The even i -if was passed pleasantly Is every particular and the Lodge may feol croud of Its first public enterssJnment. ft might be well lo suggest that all rvho receive an Invitation to sues gatherings should consider It an honor and govern themselves accordingly. A word to those In search of knowl edge will be doomed for the present sufneleot. During the month of November mm Postmaster Issued 112 money lers. On last Monday there were i I orders Issued, the largest number for any one day si nee establish log tbe money order system. -odavillo and Sand Ridge have a natoh hunt to day. The losing par ty la to pay for the ammunition. TUey will need a band of arbitrators to decide the justness of the bllL In honor of the 15th anniversary of ib wedded life of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cuslck on Monday evening about ono hundred of their many friends und neighbors assembled at the pleas ant home of the wedded pair la order to com mem rate the happy event With welt rl!led basket and handsome presents all scorned intent en mak ing this the grand event of the sea- m and without doubt tho Intention was more than realised. For two uour old and young mingled togeth r In one happy m us each striving io add joy and pleasure for the occa sion. When the proper time arrived the bride and groom took their place side by side, clasping hands, and amid the noise and clamor of the wait ing maids parson Miller again gave a second twist to the old nuptial knot As the caargo grew heavier the groom in desperation refused to be bound by any pledge, but declared himself free and iudeicnd(nt. After a delay, by assurances from the bride that tbeyoke would be heavy In case of revolt the ceremony was concluded. C. B. Mon tague presented tha numerous and handsome presents In his neat and spicy way. Tne baskets were then emptied and all felt It a merry feast. The whote s flair was a grand success and wilt long be remembered by sli It beet the vegetable wedding out right Leb. crmut; raivAjTBssi fU, Dewueetvsti At the time of the afreet of Oul tean the press informed us that the condition ef his miod was the result of the persecution of ancestors, the effect of which he had inherited from hit father. That he was of Hugesot origin, we all know that lbs persecution of these religioslsts in France was most violent ssd caused 500,000 protestastfi to take refuge in foreign countries. Nervosa etelt moot not only caused the death 'if Charles IX, but ef thousaaa beeido him. We have linked this announce ment with the met tbst Guiteau claims that the Lord caused him to kill President Garfield. It occurs to us that these circumstances present a case for our reflection.. John Ci 1 vln was the loader and life of the French reformers, they embodied his Ideas of chnroh government and discipline. Among this elass there were fanatics as there are usually la slmost sll religious bodies. New what did Calvin teach ? He taught foroordl nation and election. That election only Included s psrt of the race, the rest being left to perdition. Election and perdition ate both pre destinated In the Divine plsn : that plan Is a decree and thts decree is eternal and unchangeable. Every thing Is foreordained. And every thing that happens occurs by the Divine plan. It was forordalned according to Guiteau ssd hfs rsllg ions conviction. If hs was tried by Calvaniets would he be hung for murder ? This is why Gnlteau says God did the act through himsnd it was so determined from the begin ning. As thero are a great many Calvanists who read the Dbmocrat we wish seme oss ef them would answer whether Ik was foreordained from the beginning that Guiteau should kill President Garfield. Gospel. THS ANTK'BUMBSK WAS The anti-Chinese bill prepared by Sonator Miller, provides a system of registration and checks to prevent im migration ot Cbineso by sea or land, di rectly or indirectly, except government officials, attachees of legations, students, travelers and merchant, and penalties are provided for infraction of the law. Chinese now residents in the United States must obtain certificates to that effect before leaving the country if they desire to remain. Page's bill is of the same general purport. WILL YOU UFjJiUtt with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shilohs ViUlizer is guaranteed to cure you, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilohs Care is the remedy for you. uxx ror.iT or ii sBrtMt efMlla Tmt m4 at th la-t Selaa af ISe BIm. CoaarlJ. Tbe regular meeting tor December ot tbe Linn County Huriness Council, P. of H.. wss held on Saturday of last week with Santiam Grange, over in the Foiks of tbe Santiam, and persons who attended say that it iras ooe,of the most interesting meetings they have bad for some time. Dorms the mooting State Deputy II. A. Irvine introduced the following preamble and resolutions, which passed unanimously and were ordered printed in the co mty press: WnsBSAs. it Is a recognized fact that wo oas only ossect tho enactment of Juit law when we elevate to the posi- uea or Legislators nonost men men lu whose fidelity we have perfect faith; who oan withstand the teuoptatloas to wbloh thoy are subjected, and who would spurn with contempt tho offers made by vasal and corrupt smlsnarles of those who seek to forward their Individual lotorosts at tbe ex. pease ef the tax-psyere of this Bute, aad WnaasAi, knowing that a general election will transpire In this Htato nsxtJune, tbe Linn County Boalnesa Council dooms It to bo to tho best interest of tbe tax-payors ef this coun ty that the aomluees of each political party bo asked before the time of elec tion to foreshadow their pel ley on some or tne matters wsien aro or interest to osr people; therefore, be it Jtesolvd, That this Council appoint a committee of four to present the fol lowing f nterogatorlee to tho candidate of tho different political parties as soon sfter their somlsatlon as possible, and to report tbe result to this Council at the next regular mooting thereafter: 1st, Will you, if elected, favor tbe onactmeat of a law allowing parties who sustain damage from rat! road, by tbe kiillsg or injuring of stock, to bring salt le recover their loos In the county wherein the damage is sus Ulnod? 2. Will veu, If elected, fsver the enactment of a law reducing tbe fees of Clerk's and Bberlfl'a ? 8. Will you, If elected, favor the enactment of a Isw which will cause tho taxing of mortgages la tho counties to which tboy arc recorded ? 4 Will ysu, if elected, favor the enactment ol a law which will remedy the existing evil compelling pa re ate and guardians to purchase for their chi Idres or wards a now aeries of school books almost every year ! ft. Will you, if elected, favor the ooactmoat of a law ef the same sub stance as that laid down Is whst was knowa la the last Legislature as Keual Hill No 82, preventing existing railroad aad steamboat lines from discrimina ting against any now corporation which ma j undertake to oommonce bus! neea In our Huts' .Will you, If elected, favor the enactment of a law which will limit tbe number of witttvaaea io criminal The Patrons certatolv must be com mended for this timely action on a subject not only of importance to tbem, but to all of our citizens, nt mutt DOT some attention to our lvislatie tickets, and secure as candidates men who will represent the (asople. We especially want no one in the Legisla ture thia next year opon whom "the venal and corrupt erotaaariee of those who seek to forward their own intr rests at the expense of fbe tax payers of the State," can make any impression. If this list of questions is propounded to tho candidates of the different parties, and answered affirmatively, we need have no fears, for no man who has tbe least regard for himself would answer ese questions affirmatively and then vote to the contrary. The list of in ogatohos will prcbably be m d larger ss other matters come up before the peoole, but they are already good as far as thoy go, and aro made so ptsin that "he that runneth may read." First, cornea the law in relation to bringing auit against a railroad company for killing or injuring stock. Under the present law if your cow is killed by a train running over her, you have to go to Portlrnd to bring suit for daasagss, and would be compelled to pay ont more thsn the animsl wss worth n the wsy of traveling expenses, hotel bills, etc. An; ono can see that aucb a law is mt just. Second, cornea tbe question of re ducing the feus of Clerks and Sheriffs. There is no division on this questtou in Linn countv. Everyone knows that tho present fees allowed to the o facers mentioned are too high. .Both political parties sgreed on this matter last year, and instructed their Legislators to work for tho enactment of a law msking oaoh a salaried office. The bill passed, and many of oar best lawyers still claim tho Supreme Court wont a little too far in declaring it unconstitutional. Our Legislature oerta;nly has the right to reduce tho fees, and the good o( our ooanty demands it. Next comes a qnostion of no small moment to onr people, and one which when introduced into the Legislature will meet with a strong opposition. At tho present time uarlv a half mil lion dollars of foreign money is loaned us our county, ana if the owners of tho mortgaged property are not com pelled to pay the taxes themselves be cause tho money is payable in a foreign land, it is paid in Multnomah county, and Linn has to tax the balance of her Kperty heavier to make np the deficit, e more you ponder upon this ques tion, tho more you will see that it in of vital importance to the tax-payers. The next matter upon which legisla tion is asked is the school book ques tion. While we would take issue with some on this matter, as we believe it is best to introduce new books into our schools once in awhile, we do not like the practice which has lately prevailed of changing almost every year. Osr school law oan evidently be greatly im proved. Their fifth interogatory announces that Senate Bill No. q2, of the last Leg islature, will, in substance, be introduc ed again, and woe betide the individual who opposes it the next time ! On this question the people will be opposed by rich corporations, but if our Granger friends carry out their intention of making each candidate avow his posi tion on these points before the election, we have no fear of the result. Next we haver a question touching upon a reform in conducting criminal cases in our courts. We know of one murder oase here in this city in which tho defendant had 98 witnesses, and less than one-third of that number would have been sufficient to have proven the points brought out ia testimony. Now this if simply outrageous that onr tax payers should be compelled to pay $2.00 per day to so many witnesses when their services ore needless. While it would not be just to prevent snyone charged with crime from tiro owning witnesses sufficient to prove his esse, some obock should be put upon tbe pres ent system of gathering in testimony by wholesale. On the whole the interogatories are good. TIim plan adopted by the Conn oi! hi good, as it will compel both par ties to put forwttrd none but good men, as cattdidetes for office, and we are ((lad to see-such s movement on foot. Men may talk about treating tbe matter with contempt, but they will find to their sorrow that that will not do. Tho Linn County Ilustness Council, P. of If., u composed of the very 't men of our county, without regard to creed or par ty, and bo who treats them with con tempt v dl make a sad mistake to say the lea: t. A BARGAIN. C)aq acres of land in Marion county. OIC7 1 ' miles from ftuens ViaU arid seven miles from Jefferson. HO scree in cultivation and balance ia light brush and timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mid within 'I ramee. Knoush wood can be sold at the pottery works at Huena Vleta to pav for the farm. Cah on C. HVStkwakt, at Albany. s o it s ma : iS One Racine sing1 buggy in use tbiee weeks. Original --t, $ im. YftU sell Itfor tlso cosh, or $ 145 ou time. Two seated Hay-ine liack, for either one or two horsea thought new last May. Cost 9170. Will sell it for 145 cash or SI 53 on time. Two seta of single harness, booght last May and J uly. Cost sr.2,o and Szo. Will sell tbem for $15 and $10 cash. Kan "'re of C. II. STEW a I FT. Tm Um r a bite. J. A. Uros, proprietor of the depot bote!, keop one of tbe beat public houses in the suv o. Ills rooms are kept scrupu lously neat and clean, and ou his tables can bo fnnd the boat food tbe market af fords. Psrue going off on the morning train can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before tho train leaves. Here after tbe hotel will be kept open all night for the ooavetilence of the public. etf HOLMAN'S PAD, FOR I.IVEB. THS A4II Momsrb, Kidnrj. U 0m mUj- mlr mod Malaria in all its ixcLUDnsau. Types. fret. hail Ac-bin toJua, Rcwittcet anJ lo Unui'Unt rvcr. Imatb Ajrue, 1 bin ni So S I t Um kl hka In. ll.4tiMr.-t. It Analliil. u Uer Cetalnt, ti-lu vkJ bit TSm U l' . t tty V t iw i ranrlr tHit i.mHJI tM r "Sitfp rf mUkrUI Uuii (rum Um tyUmta PW. Dr. A. Loml mym : It U nan s ttnitrruJ paiMOBa Umi a.thir in oxHicin. - TltW Is .lotw tbr pric U abcUon. .4 hie Ur. HohrMt.'. Pad Um aaly niuw aad Vroa xprvaeol. T"T ail SUBSET TSOl SLKS om Or. Ilolm.t,- ts- KtUfMjr rvi. um bM rmi r lu um orl -..lomruw t itMSasSfaal U-nJi) . If K WARE .OF IIOGI N PAIstt. Rarh ffmultM llobnaa Pa.1 I -can the rSIV tTf. OCS re aTAWri the EtUaaaa Ps"." UMtR.t(nhH(fcprtaWl S) gms. bur mm vithoat it, SALE BY ALL Kr;rT, or- M man a.1 w U Inm. rull umUm mm on at . AsMcsss nLn risro., :4 Ifrua4wy, Xw Yorfc P. O. Box nis C lo lrc Subscribe lor the Democrat. THE where he can find the most worms, and farmers should act on the same principle when thev buv their goods. JAMES L. COWAN, of LEBANON, has just returned from below with a mammoth and complete stock of General Merchandise, which he bought at such low figures that no establishment in the county is able to undersell him. He makes no specialties, but has EVERYTHING YOU WANT! H A T S, and an extra stock of the best quality of GROCERIES. 00NT BUY UNTIL YOU CO AND SEE HIS STOCK AND LEARN THE PRICES. WHEAT AND OATS. He will pay you the highs&t piice for your heat ndoats and wll pay it in oash. II olio wee's Pill and Of nt men'. Wrecks of Humanity. Indiscretion of Youth. No object is more soul appalling than the premature sensibility of youth, daily witnessed among the habit nee of our public promenade;, where may be seeo the terrible reeults of disease in hs most frightful forms of the ghastly and candareroua wreck ef manhood, the de luded viettms or nnprincipal woundrel. who, by nernhdous nostrums, have nn- Jregnated the systems of their nnsnspect osand confiding patients srHh mineral poisons. For all ulcers and I m por tty of niotxi oonfrorinont upon sum irnprwieixv, Hollowsy's Fills and aad Ointmeat are powerfully efficacious, being composed of rate balsams and vegetables t bat are antagonistic to all disordets of the blood, and ulcers arising from virus in the body They contain not a particle of mercury r other mine ral poison. 101 ImprtavtCa UTies. None are genuine unless tbe si gnat a re or J. II yoocs, sur rounds each box of Fills snd 'Hntfueni. Boxes at 25 cents 01 cents aud ft each. JBF There is considerable saving by talcing the larger sixes. If oi.rowA y Co , New York. Syt star ibat roxun. If yea are suffering with a severe ettih, cold, ssthnta, brenckttis, hay ftr, eum sumption, ! ef vrnce, tickling in the'lhrst or any affection f the tbmavt ur lueg, Vr. King s New Iliscovwy fr ; This if tbe great remedy that is caantni; ina'-h excitement by its wenderfnl crt caring tbeaasnds of hopeless casrs Over one million bottles of I Jr. Kings Dss cot try bsve been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction in every iaetancer We can aobeeitetingir .y tliat this is really the only sare aire sr throat snd long attectioos, and can cbeerfally rec ommeod it to slL Cell and get a trial bottle free of cost, or a regnlar sbce tor $1.00. For ate by Koshey aad Mason, wholesale agents Altai' ny ; D. Morris, Hcio ; Ir. L. Foley, letav noa ; Dr. J. M. Fowetl, Ietsmoa I M. Caltreatte, lioetia VisU ; Ueafetto and Mm,. Ugue, Jefferson ; O. II. P. Cornelias, Tur ner ; it. A. Kampy, flarriebarg ; S. H. Hayes, Ifalsey ; Iamon .Smith, HaJ-ey . Htarr and Blakely, Krowiisville, BURNOH CATARRH MiCFF cure catarrh and all affections of th uuoons membrane. DR. MOTTS Liver Fills are tbe beat ca thartic regulators. (gNUUk iiNrmtK crzrz.-i Care j aad rioints. Tho worM'i rrreavt PstLa- Uoliover tar Ksa and HoarU Chen?, quick and reliable PITCHER'S C ASTORIA is not Narcotic Children crow Cat upon, Mothers like and Physicians roconunend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Rowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Fcverisnness, and de stroys Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Care, i Antidote for thia terrible dy. by Ahaorntiom. The Vac- XM . . - any stace before obtain. OLD O A P S, 7e ?iiVFi.