fit tmmt FRIDAY DECEMBER 2, 1881 Agriculture U the basis of the wealth, power and prosperity of the American people; it is the leading and essential business of the nation, employing more than three-fourths of our adult population; It is really the ground work of civilized society and the basis of all progress; hence in all that relates to the progress and improvement ef this art, in alt that tends to lessen its labors, to broaden its field and more liberally to reward its endeavors, the agriculturist and the well-wisher of his country should lend a helping hand and a word of encouragement Among the well trittd auxiliaries to agricultural Droar- reas are the Autumn festivals, the I cattle shows, the farmers' fair and thetime-honored gatherings for th cultivators of the soil for mutual come parisen of methods and results, of specimen crops and finely bred ani mals. Such is the natural isolation and consequent independence of tho farmer's life that only some extraordi nary occasion will attract his pres ence and cooperation, outside bis daily round ef duties. Welcome then, the farmers1 fair, which shall combine the pleasure of attendance, the profit of participation and tbo in creased knowledge which springs from observation, from mutual com parison and discussions between bro ther farmers, and from enlarged op port unties for eeeing in one collection the choicest fruits and grains, the most profitable flock and herds, af forded by the surrounding country. While the value of these farmers' annual gatherings must depend mainly upon the hearty cooperation of those for whose benefit .they are organised, and while it is the duty of each farmer ,to contribute some thing to the general good, yet it is not from the holiday aspect alone of such occasions that the moat per manent good is to be derived. The agricultural fair will, however, con tinue to be an index of the demands and desires of those whe annually pay their visits to its enclosures. The streams cannot rise above its foun tain head, neither will the manage ment of a fair provide a programme objectionable to a majority of its supporters. Plowing matches would soon become obsolete if there were none to witness the contests; horse trots would go out of fasbicn if the popular attendance did not manifest a most decided approval or its sport The farmers take to themselves so few days of respite from toil, that with uiern should lay the choice whether the single Autumnal festival should be one of pleasure and profit, education and friendly competition combined, or whether the occasion should be given over to the sports of horse racing, bicycle tournaments, podestrian matches, monkey shows and the like. If, however, the pent up ex u here nee of the agriculturist de mands a day or two of fun each year, would it not be well to set apart one occasion for genuine frolic, then mak ing the regular agricultural fair a sep erate appointment for devoting tisae and attention to the important inter ests of the farm and its products ? It is really a matter for serious con sideration whether or not the average farmer allows himself and family a sufficient number of holidays during the, year. It is a question whether the constant strain, the incessant wor ry, the overworked frame can accom plish so much remunerative labor as the individual who sandwiches in a little enjoyment between his hours of toil, and who secures a need ed rest through change of scene and occupation. Yet while we wculd encourage more frequent seasons of enjoyment and merry making, we de object to denominating such aeers and apotia encouragement of agricul- r. - - 11 u turf. For instance, in Massachusetts we question the propriety of spend ing State agricultural appropriations in popular amusements; rather devote these generous grants to stimulating improved methods, seeds, fruits, cat tle, implements, etc. Bather allow the province of the agricultural fair to t3 the dissemination of correct and progressive ideas, illustrated by liv ing and growing specimens, a grand arena rt ofject- teach ing. Let the farmer determine to devote at least one day in the year to the mutual in vestigation of agricultural topics with his fallow-workers in the same cause, wh:i- hurrounded by the representa tive firm products of his section. In thb lmuuer only can the agricultural fair fulfill its true mission'; under this banner aione can the the progressive farmer march to new conquests in nafure's fields, and to new triumphs in the world of progress. A WALT I ft ! HEAD. htritins and bis wife were enjoying a quiet walk in the Mirk at Schonau, the other day, when suddenly the com poser exclaimed, "My dear ! I have a waltz in my head ; quick, give me the inside of a letter cr an envelope to wiitti it down before I forget it." Alas ! after much rumaging of pock ets it waB discovered that neither of them had a letter about them not even a tradesman's account. Jobann StranW mimic in considered light, but it i-bs heavy as lead on his brain til! h can transfer it to paper. Hia uiii-air was heart-rendering. At last a thought struck Fran Strauss. She held ot a snowy linen cuff and Jobann smiled. In tv.o minutes it was MS. Then its niMe r-hared the same fate, then Fran Strauss' collar, then not an other wap of starch id liuen on which to eon -hide the comjKisition. Ilia own linen was lim; colored calico no hope there. Johann became frantic. Ho wtu much the worse for having been allowed to write three-quarters of the A-itz. lie was just on the point of dashing oft' l;'me like a madman, wftea another happy thought siruck Fran Strauss. Site plunged her hand iota a capacious jocket., fished out a pmse, npeuitl and displayed to his th-iiuhtful cazH a brand new hundred trol.ieu note. Hurrah ! The entire linshvwaa written ou the bank note, and then Johann Strauss relapsed into his usual placidity. Loudon Court liurrh Director . Y. P. C. A. Meets at rooms in Fus ters brick building on Wednesday evenings at 7 :30 o'elook, and on Sal 1 with afternoons at 1. Business meetings are held on the even itig of the second Monday in eaoh month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Chukcu. Preach ingcry Sabath, at 11 A. it. , and 7 r. at. by Rev. R, U. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath Scliool at 2:30 v. ai. Prayer meeting every Thursday ovening. Evanoeucal Church. Preaching on Sab bath at 71 .v. st., and 74 '. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer mooting every Thurs day evening. NY. ('. Kantner, pastor. Corni rkoatiox alChurch. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. si. and 8 r. sc. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer mooting on Thursday evening of each wuok. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Cui'itm, South. Services every Sabbath at St Paul's M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. st. and ? r. M. Sabbath School at 124 r. m. Prayor meeting every Thurs day evenng. M. 0, Miller, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 A. st. and 74 p. st. Song service in the eveniug before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, i. Dillon, pastor. Prexbytkrias Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in College Chapel. Sunday School immediately rf tor the morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Con lit pastor. Executor's Notice. XJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT rj the undernlgned have been by au or der of the County Court of Linn County Or.duly appointed Executor r tho last 0 and testament of Win. H. I ngraha 111 .de ceased. All pei-Non having claitMs airamst the estate of said deceased are heroby required to present the same with the proper vouchers to the underHlgncd. a tho law effloe of Jhna A Miller, at Leb anon, Or., within six mouths frwni the date hereof. October 27, 1881. GEORtiE KLUM, UIRAM KLUM, Exocutora. NOTICE TO- DEBTORS. ALL WHO ARE INDEBTED TO ME or have any busines to transact with me, are hereby notified that 103 attaint are left in the hands of Mr. Simon Seitenbach, of the firm of MontoitU A Seitenlach. L. Kuhk. 0Tit1:. HAVING disposed of ray business In Albany, all persons indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle by Nov. 1. I can still be found st my old place of business. 12tf EUGENE BUCHANAN. sfsfatSslBsfll to, Dvape ronlale, IcMdBfei spepal. h toe, ucmi. IHaortfes-e. aan wis Pack' 7 toe conveniently svdjf for 1 so mediate for free treatiae on the Oxy the lioo. 1111 li Irani ftarect, Phil. or H. E BATRCws, PSdfle Bitters la Heats ef gaaslltrs Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is as much re garded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason sf th in I that v ears of experience bsve proved it to be pcr- "llablo in hose cases of anurgency where a prompt snd convenient rsmouv i HnHi F tnuu uLZ -L7 i ' " ' w v as 1 e IIIT'l Mil" pi ami, ayspepata, indigestion and other tronbles are overcome by it. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply for lloatetitr' Almanac for 1882. ANAKESIS BR. K SZL8BEF8 KXTEttRAL PILE UKXl.VY Oivas tastsal Relief, ana is sn Infallible CURE FOR ALL KIN08OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, 91 00 per box, prepaid, by mall. Samples sent to Physicians and all suSi-nT. by Keustaedter &, Co., Box 3!4o New V., k d ty. Sole man a facta re rs of ANAKi:.-!- Ma. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for advertisements in the Democrat at our best rates. King of the Blood Is not a "curt ail:" it Is a blood-partner and tonic Impurity of blood poisons the tygten, deranges the circulation, and thus Induced many disorder, known by different names to dlstingtuiih them ac cording to effect, but being really branches or phase of 'that groat generic disorder, Impurity of Blood. Such are VyiMrpia. JHUounnee, JJvrr Complaint, Cmuit'pfttlon. SZnvu IHtordern, Bead ache. Backache, Gwral We.akucm, Heart THteate, Vropty, Kidney Dixear Piles, llheumatimn. Ca tarrh.. Scrofula. Skin lHmrd n. Pimples, Ulcer, Sicellinffj, King of the Blood prevent an.i c-ur; then- by attacking tho cause. Impurity of the Blood. Chomlats ann physician agree In calling it"(hrmost genuine ftd efllclent prcpa ration for tb ptirpie." Stilfl by Dmgl itii. )Jl por bottle. tetbiiOTifAl)), Jirectioni, .ie.. In p.-im-phlet, on DJreaws of tbo Wood,' Wrapped ur.mrj en. 0 Nrttic. . amG, bS -i Qtt i r;... BufiWo. M. J. DO Send for our New Illustra ted Price-List No. 30, for Fall and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kind of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, sod sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chiauro 111 gSpsBflpaosgy., f FARMS FOR SALE BY- CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following Is a partial list 1 nOacrea ue and a half miles west of TuuKeut, Oregon, and (i miles from Albany. M aeres in cultivation ; 40 acres more oan l. ..... I ..)!. .!.... n..)HI lial.HM 1 r. I titulxu and nsHturo land. Mdl, rich blaek prairie. Uood house and barn, gooa board teuoo, all In good repair s young orohartl of too trees: uood wed and running stream for stock ; good school, church and ot ollice ; goou neighborhood and Kood sooi oty. Term- 0 por acre ; U,000 down, rvHi on easy terms. 100 sores 0 miles aouth-eaat of Halaoy, 6 miles from Brownsville snd 0 in 1 1 on from Marrisburir. r0 acrea in cultivation and all rieh nratric land: no tlaiber, but olou tv within 4 miloH and eheao. All under Uoh1 fouce; house one and a half atory 4roomNand upHtairs; oarn zjxso and a -riMKl irraiuerv: two aod wella, one wind mill pump; new laud. Kvervlhlng about the Dtmoe in the way of buildiiiKs, fences, t in new and in uood nhape ; Narrow nature rutin ihreuuh the ila-, and ststinn uitar. kikmI scdiool, uhurub sud ioat-ofhco faellitlw. Terms, I ltioo. 320 acres 14 miles east of Albsny, and 4 mlloH from doiot on narrow gauge ; SO aetva in cultivation ; 210 prairie, not cult! vated but goptt pasture, and a portku fair plow land ; 00 acres ugnt 11 inner, good wood. Kntire land under ronco ; average buddlmra. house snd barn ; amaii orcliard 5 or 0 acres, spples, etc; school and church txth near. Uood nelahborhood. Prioo sVt.- 001); terms, one third down, time on rusu 235 sores, 18 miles east of Albany and a mile from Narrow uauge; 70 acres in cul tivstion, 75 prairie, not plowed, in pasture, 65 amsll brush ; two smsil houses snd Warns I flood orchard. 0 acres, sotdss. etc all under funce.notllral class; school bouse on land: trood netahbornood. Price 13.- 500; terms one third down; balsnoe on long lime. 100 sores 16 miles east of Albany and h miles from Narrow tjsuge. t. uimproved; good farm land, mostly nr brush. rtc 8 per acre, oue-thtru down, easy terms on balsnoe. 80 acrea lying 15 miles due south of Al banv. 6 miles southwest of Lebanon : and one and a half miles from Hand Ridge school house; 2 miles from church and H mile from station on Narrow Uauge ; ell under cultivation, fair board and rati fencer; well drained ; no standing wsten one well and pump; soil, black prairie and rich; house ItiXxMX, 2 roome and up stairs; IS' atory; small stable; all In fall wheat and crops looking flue. Price, 926 per acre; terms easy. 2200 seres 10 miles east of Harriaburg ou the line of the narrow gauge railroad. The ll nest stock ranch in Laa county; s living stream of water runs the entire length of tho farm. All enclosed with splendid fences; a fine dwelling; good large bam and two smaller heesea for tenants or help. 2e9acesin cultlvstlon, sud the balance In pasture Isnd ; about IMa) acre are sus ceptible of cultivsti n; s splendid orohsrd snd good well on the place. Terms easy, part cash and LS auce 011 long time. 130 acres lying 4 miles west of Albany on road to Tonallta : sll undr fence ; 100 sere in cultlvstlon ; can ah be cultivated except about 15 act hi. Price, 3-' per acre; f U0 down and balance secured by mort gage; dwelling house of two rooms and good log barn, shedded on three sides, bebool 1 mile. 280 acres on Narrow Oauge road, II miles from Albany and 5 miles from bclo, and 7)4 miles from Jefferson. 1 la acrea good farming land, 75 acres la cultivation; re mainder in timer and brush; bouse 18x2, with 10 foot walls, ell 16x26 ; good barn 22x34 wl th 14 foot abed on one side; good fences snd wster. Terms fViOO.caah down if possible. Rather than net sell will take $2ouo down, and balance on 2 to S years time, secured by mortgage. 190 seres . of a mile west of Albany; 100 acrea In cultivation and 9a acres oak and ash timber, good wood land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and V bad ; about 7 acres in orchard, apple. mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-story frame house, plastered, 0 rooms, built in 1873, snd cost $2v00; good barn. 28x40 and two sheds; well arranged for farm purposes, i enns, fUOOO, 2 years time on $5000. Iho seres VA miles west of Tangent; 100 acres in cultivation; all new bind, clean and la good order; good two story house, 8 rooms, nearly new and in good condi tion; good new barn 80x66; fine young orchard, loO plum and prune trees, fair spple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water, 20 acres of good timber; rich, black soil snd very productive. Price $5250, V, cash and balance on time. 100 acrea one and a half miles northeast of Albany; 16 acres in wheat, rest In fslr average; woodland; good land; neatly fenced. Price $25 sere; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast of Sods Springs; fslr farming: small houae; 300 acres fenced. 'Will be sold In small tracts or all together, good school, church and post-office at Kodaviile, also too bods Hprings. Price $5 per acre; eaay terms. 20 acres 8 miles northwest .t Ijcbanoo. near Narrow Gauge; river bottom .rich sud productire: unimproved, desirable for garden. Price $20 per acre; terms easy. 320 acres southwest of Sweet Home ; all under good fence, fenced into fields; 6 seres in good orchard, apples and peachea; house with two rooms snd upstairs; large frame barn; soil, rich, blaek loam, bottom lsnd ; 90 acre to cultivation ; balance good pasture land; well watered with springs; good timber 30 miles southeast of A' bar.y, 12 miles from Krownsvilie and 5 miles from Crawfords villa; 6 miles from good grist mill ; 2 miles to school, church and iKstotiice. $10 per sere, easy terms. 109 acres 3 miles south oJ Sodavillo and 20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price $5 per acre. 70 acrea 13 miles east of Albany : unim proved. Price $5 per scret easy terms. 103 scree lying 3 miles above Lebanon on the Lebanon Mountain road. Mo fen ces er improvements. 15 or 20 acres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Price $18 per acre. 60 acres miles sbove Oneatta, on Ya quina Bay, known as the old shipyard. It has a splendid frontage oa the I lay, and .win be sold at $11 per acre. 107 acres lying below and within IX miles of Lebanon, all under fence. 85 acres in cultivation, and the remainder is in timber and brush. Box houae, y Htory, 2 rooms baiow and one above Barn, not very good. Good weil ; small orchard. Cross fences to the smount of 5000 rail. Sufficient cord wood can be cut and floated to Albany from thit place by only a few laborers to pay for it in two years. Only mile from canal. Possess ion given by the 16th of October. The land is rich and will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases. YOUN(i MEN Who may nr. surrEBixc fbom the . ifctn of youthful follies or huisurstion, will do well to avail themselves of this, tbegrsalest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering huamnity. Dk. M'INMCY will fftiarantae to forfeit fSOOfor every case h. 111 male weak ti ens or private disease of any kind or caracur which he undertakes and falljf to sura, MIIUUA4iEU NEAT. There are many at the aye of thlrty-flvejto sixty who are troubled with biofreuuetit evacuation of the blad der, often accomjiaiiieU by a slight smarting' or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner tia- patient eannot account for. O.i examinim the urinarv deixiMtH a ropy tteuiment will Alton be found inu soineemiu) mnaii particles 01 albumen will appear, ,r the color will be of a thin nulkish hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this attiiculty ignore a of the cause, which ix the second atage of seminal we ikness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect curs in all such oases, and tuaUthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. o fries Hours 10 to 4 and C to 8. Sundays from 10 to I) a. a. Consultation free. Thorough xsminaUwc and advice, f. Fwr private diseases of tbort standing a fufl rcarte of medi-jin e snffJ ieut for a cure, with ail induc tions, will be sent to any addrtu tu receipt of Slo 00. HE. gFtKlVEY st CO., 17.121? hf. il fctsity it. tsn franjiseo, Cal GREAT INDUCEMENT! And still the rush contlnueE at tho ONE PRICE SQUARE ERS' AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Just receivocl by lost Ktcanier, a ImHh in) Gent's Bi Goods AT LOW PRICES. 50 Doaen Man! White shirt, Mtsn'M NcotuliMiuHliH .Suits, worth 814.00 for $M.ftO. Menf4 Fine Dross So if , worth $25.00, for $17.50. Look at our Shaker Storks R for $1.00. Look at our Overalls, cents a pair. UOOD. Look at our Drocnth ' J)ress a yarn. Lok at our Cashniftrt's i . a yard. Look at our Ladies Csltrt , Iticrntit a pair. Look at our ( hildrfia'i Hon. 1 onts a pair. Look at our ruih for (UA ! m' Soap. 20 ban C5 rests Ut. 0 LOOK AT OUR FINE Wi Embroidery J'stnoy Goods, Yankee ITotions, Silks, Satins. Volveteens, Plaids. Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. 6END ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to seo our $7.00 Oloak. A. WACHENHEIMER, Prop'r. HARRISBURC, ORECOH, OCT. 25, 1381. AT THE OLD KTANS, 73 FIR-T HTSKST, HAS ON HAJfD AS FINK AS AJSSO KTM E3f T OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, A m hous49 In tfco alley, lie m so Imports and maaafarlu TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WANE OK KVKRY DKSl KliTION IN STOCK HAM), A fUUi AfBUKTMJBVT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHiril HE OPKKIW TO TDK PDBUO AT PRICES, THAT MOT! COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done 1 CHICACO AND NORTH WESTERN is ibs ouiv.kv '. nssT coNHruucrKD. unrr Kyl'll'I'KO ! and sonea the -EADIN-9ptiRILWAY WEST AND MOETHWBST. H is the SHORT, SURE sad HAfK Rnula hrtweaa OOUlSrOIL BLUFFS Ohicago, Milwaukee And aU potoU KART, stash as .Mo aara falls. Mew York, Pfallarirlphla, Uoxtan, WaaktasxtsH, Balllmorr. Pltfs toars. MstsUrsal, Toroslw, Detroit, Clevclssd. At Council Bluffs the trains of th Chicago and North Wsstarn snd the U. P. Ry's depart from, ar rive stand uss the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago close connections are mads with tho Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore aad !i , Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago and Gntml Trunk KaUroads, and the Kaukakue and Pan IUimIIu Routes. PdIidbq Palace Drawing Room Can Are run on sll through trsias of this road. It U the ONLY ROAD betwoen cerNciL mitts and cshvaco. Upon which is run ths celebrated PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Insist upon Ticket Agents s lUng you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read ever ths Chicago and North western Railway. If yon wish the best traveling accommodations yon will buy your tickets by this route AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All ticket agents sell tickets by this line. m kyi iu au nr. Sad V. P. and Cen'l Mang'r, hlrago EASTWARD. 171 REVERE HOUSE, t oriicr First and Kllswortb Albany, Or goii. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Hits now Hotel is fitted up in first clsss tv lc. Tables BajjiliiU wiih the InmS the market affords. Spring lied In every Room. A good Sample Room ior Com mercial Tl uveiers. sarrree srte to and frwiu tlte Hotel. Til J. W. BENTLEY, CuKtom Boot & Shoe Maker. B QOTS AND SHOES made tx order, and repairiru rinsr dons with natui .s. ami tl is patch, and at low priotw. Call as (I ass) him. First Street. AJ banv. 4lyl DEALING FARM actual! y worth $9.00 for Goods, worth 25c. for 10c. OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HZ KKKPH OH at reasonable figure. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted srHh the tasteful and beautiful selections mads by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed te please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Head for IL Address MM. ELLEN LAMAR, U:7U SH Bssssesr. Msw tss. NEW BARBER SHOP! J. II. 8URLBS, frtp'r. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO foes l with sack shave. Pitees for shsvtng and halr-ontting same as usual. Rooms opposite Moll wain's store. lOtf ALBANY CITY Flouring Mills. WE have already agreed with sue farmers for the storage of one half our capacity, but we can yet store about 45,000 bushels. First corns, first served. PREMIUM, 4 CTS. PER BUSHEL In mill feed as usual. THOS. 9f ONTEITII s ION. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully prepaied ss usual to fr niah storage and sacks on the moat favorable terms. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mill. vI7nl STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youtfcral imMtHttsos erastag Frsuuv tan Dacay, Nervous DsUUtjr. Lost Kaabood. ste bsTtag tried In vain evsry known rsmsd. has dis covered a sUnsto self cure, which ha wm ssftdJTSjP to his f eJ lo w .ufltears , addrass J, H. BUBBVaVa, 43 Chatham St., N, If.. , PATROIVIKK HOME !IERIIAm O. OP LEDANON, Can sell you all goods in the line of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied .assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make u as good selections him. Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S LEBANON, HOFFMAN ft JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestlo Cigars, Candies, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN RKKHJS' STORK. yl MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. ine departure or my late partner has not i interfered with my for which Stewart & Grey I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, it for you, CLAIB WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, -MANUFACTURERS OF SAIL, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ZaZ2TSI2T Foot of Jaokson Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P. O. BOX 168. NOTICE TO FARMERS. We would respectfully Inform the farmers of this section tkat wo are permanently lo cated here, aad ere prepared at all times to pay the highest market price for lint flax. Wo will gladly furnish parties w ho Intend sewing flax any Information they desire. Depending largely open the farmers of this section tor the success of our enterprise and the raw material we oonsums, and believing flax growing to beaprefltable industry, we respectfully ask you to sustain a home Industry that to b seo me mutually beneficial. Albany, Or., Ang. 25, issi. yl WEST COAST FLAX MILLS. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Plummet dried fruit at full market nrioes ; Will sand a competent person to sdvlse fruit growers as to cultivation of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of snproved sorts at moderate piioea ; pWUl sellPlmnmsr Drteretbrongh Linn, Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fmr r-om. pan;, Corvallle, Benton County, ureon. WALU8 NASH, President. Jaxxs Reap ham, Sec'y. January 1, I8f 24w6 iSATSsTsn iuss wm, 1870. ) wmm SAU BY ifl, BAVM at CO FOSHAY & MASON, WBOLSUALS ass asraiir Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vlontltf by purchasing" of GENERAL STORE, oitEi-oy. Tobaccos, Groceries, Pi o visions, TO LOAN connection with tho firm were loaning money and remember that I can get H. STEWART. RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IS0M & CO., PROPIt'S. sew raocBu rvovu srrntioR roa rAMiurrs AN I HAKBRS i sc. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Gash for Wheat. ALBANY - Hyl OR. JAMES 1 ANNALS, saxursGTvaca aid rnuuca n FURNITURE BEDDING. Career Ferry and Scrsnd si reels. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Nptttl SALTMARSH & LAHGDOH, DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DBTJQ STORE, art 4LBINY, OREGOX. Oregon Marblo Works. II. A. CLARK, Proprietor. SAVCTAcruaaa or MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kinds of cemetery work done in Marble. Free Stone and Granite. All aork done in brxt-clast style atid at tho lowest raioa. farWost side ot Kerry Street, between Second and Tkird. AHUM, OBECON. P. 8. I do not omploy any inexiterttnoed ca r era, ami irivo my costoiuere the benefit of ths !b per oent. uounuisMOii allowed for such work. Aloany Bath House. pilK UNDBKtflQNKD WOULD RISPECT I fully Inform ths eitissss of Albany snd rl oinity that 1 have taken charge of this Establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms snd payin strict attention to business, ezpsots iu salt si those who may faTor us with their pstr msge . . . . . a . . Having oerstoiore oarrieo ou noain j dut First-Oiass Hair Dressing Balo ns, we sxpeets to gire satirs satisfaction te si jarChudten sad Ladies' Hair neatly oa adshsmpoocd. JOS WKBB SR. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, OKEOOS. STA1UER BROS. Proprietors. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AHD IIEADSTOTVE8 Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of is-russirr and other stone work done with n as to ess and dispatch. Special attention jriven to onlera from all parts of this State an 1 Washington Territory. JbsTAll work warranted. 16:35 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. KJBTABLIftllED Ity A. K. rilKRU Y, tufd si corner of Klrat snd JA ontgomeiy Ktrc4, Xtmnyf Ongtist. l!a iriK'skn fhsr.tof thealMvt. nsmsd Wm sre iirp;i '! U iiiannfature 8t-xm Kiaim-a, Haw assi UrttU, Miil, Wt work ing Machinery, Pnmias. Iron and llrsaa Cartings of every des ription. Mstdilnery of all Jiinds repaired. ipe Hal attention givenfto rcpsinng farm n chinery. Pallrm MaSlag daaif la all Ma fwaaa. l&llyl A. F. CIJEKRY st HON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY OK. Th First Tern will open on Wf4ietr .1 L3 A I At tool Yirr itWiUri stfstsjsand Ml ft. OSBSIT. rnmUUnt. YTNG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does I be best washing snd ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. laundry on Waahington street, oppoaite Marshall's Livery Mable l&30tf C. C r-IEKHT. C. M. PAB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CBBST & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMnista, lillwrights, and Inn Founders. 117KIIAVEOUR NEW SHOPS ATX T completed, snd are now prepared to handle a'l kinds of heavy work. We will manufatnre Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Kraiej Casting. rATTCSftS SfiDE OV SIOStT STH E. Rpecisl eftention givin to repaurinsr all kindn of machinery. Will alan manufsn lure the improved "Cherry A White Grain Separator. frp on Baker SI. JO re a Laaaber Yard. Albany. Gr., Icr. 1, 1S80. I8tf It ran tiau- ami atteer. It swkharsli. retreat or Ussfclsg orraa can afeso be rained, or litu.1 Hve MSrsySl csref Tvi..p..- Eje SALTMARSH A LANG DON. Albsny, Or. To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. i f!00 ssAMT ST., U corner of rial Street, ban in sBSHiBBJSBSa Siaaarrfcea, a. I eel. aHK sir let re.aratSill to iu ail vx-BBBBSSBSBBSiaVBSMKiu lonas, SssiBscaiey. iteiulaal Sraksru, mht les by dr ssas, sssa pies ou the face aad loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and af&tctcd- should not fail to oali upon him. The Doctor has traveled exteeairely aa Europe, and insiected tb..roxuhl (he Tariowa ai4 tals t Ji.-n-. uhtainiiig a great deal of valuable informa tion, which he i competent to impart to thoes in beed of hia seryicea. DK. GIBBON will snake no charge unlcja he effect a cure. rvons at a SMssssS MA I BBS 1 1 lii.O T HOME. All e.anutuukatswBS .trictly coi.adentiid. You see u one but the ls-v w.r. Seid ten dollars for a peckage of medicine, l'ervotie writiUK to the Doctor will pleaae state the name o( the per they see this advertisement in. C'harwea na unable. Cll or write. Address DR. J. . UlUL'Ohi, Box ilK7, Sail Francisco. vlMS ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, ' OREGON. JIUS. C. flOll. - - - PrcprifUf. This House has been thoroughly renovated from toe . ... i i 1 i . i. i i : . i . w i".i(ini, aim la iioa m iienum iin.u.vum I.r the uiiicrtaiiiineiit of travelers. The able is supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Sample rooms for ooainiarcial men. (or vail to, Lebanon and Dallas Stage OSBee. tlSBSB THE ONLY RELIABLE SITTERS. 9 BEST TQMID 1H U8E. t ( ' al. .i XT -.Q. i'h bbj ti an slfasWsSaaBN. ..w ssHssTJs ' SM I TA