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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1881)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT "ISSUED EVERY' FRIDAY"" BS CLAIBH. STEWART. 1 wk la 1 loch 1 00 i 00 2 " 200 5 00 t " 3 00 00 4 " 4 00 I 7 00 iCel 6 00! 9 00 " 7 V VI 0 " 10 00 15 00 ; " I 15 00 I 20 00 i 500 800 1200 700 1200 18 00 )0 00 1500 22 00 1260 11800 27 00 1500 2.-00; 3500 18 00 .1000 1 48 00 25 00 4000 j 60 00 4600 I 60 00 1 100 00 BlSIStMS rri( El ikweml lluihllae on ttrfUlbiH street, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: lasjs oopjr, par yaar..... S3 00 lagto eury, six mouths i 00 sails copy, thrs tmmiha 1 00 lute uumbor VO PROFESSIONAL CARDS, I. rUMK. O. K. CHAMBERLAIN. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon, ."par Office In Foster's Brick Block.- vlSnl&f. r-r-. H.-. STRAHA.N. I.. BII.YKU. OTRAHAN & BILYEU, ATT1U1YS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF this State. They give special atten tion to collection and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. -4ttf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT I -AW. AND . Notary Public. I baa jr. Oregon. Office u lutein. ovorJohn BriggsfMo, iMtmreat. vUniBlf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOUNEY AT LAW, At B tM. KBCX. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE Suu. Special attention given to ev!l.Uou anJ probata natter. , in Odd Feltow's Tenu-k. M:S J. C VOWBUU W. K. Wll.YKC POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in CaaBcery. ALBANY. ... OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. -Office in Foster's Brick TMnlStf. T. P, HACKLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBAS Y, OKtt- aftrofflce up stairs in the Odd Fellow's I em pie TlSn&O F. ML MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OKKGOV Will practice in sli the courts of the State. Prompt attention Rlvn to collection, con veyances and exam i nation of Titles. Probate business a speciality. vl2nSUtf. J. A. YANTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW OOSTALXJS, OREGON. Win practice In all the ConrU of the State srofflce la the Court Hoose i lunatrL GEORGE W. BARNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PKiffVYiiXK. ettte. Collections promptly made on all points. E. R. SKIPWORTII, ATTOmXCY ASS Ol 3LK AT LAW AND tOTAKY PI BLlt . WILL practice in all courts of the State All bnsineas intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Office m O'ToolS Block, Brocula&in Sired, 45yl Albany, Oregon. E. G. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office in Fro man's Brick, two East of Conner's Bank. doors nlO DICKEY & STiMSON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine horses, good flsd. accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Stables near Revere House. Cyl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON JWVfA Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatment. Aveb's Pills are specially aw)iicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on the digestive and assimk lative processes, and restore regular healthv action. Their extensive use b physicians in their practice, and by a civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a" safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Bains? comDou ruled of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin istered to children with perfect safety. Aran's Pills are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Pills are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs; they oterate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical chemists, Lowell, Mass. toyCf sy Ait. aacaetsTs evsbtwhzbs. VOL. XVII. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever brought to Albany can now be found AT- PHIL COHEN'S. Hi nth rs Ml y All kind of hlng st ivl-M'nl taje FARMERS iK MTK, snd thp-.a -ill y IUt!Kl FRUIT, iakn KXCHANG10 1 Dont fall to oa I on him Isjfbro t hr buying or selling. BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon is the BEST and CD KA PEST. MORRISON AND J. I. CASE PLOWS BatcMor Yangelder Spring Har rows, STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & P. Wood Pumps, Hay Tresses, Fanning Mills, etc., For Sale at Loweat Kales by W. II GOLTRA, ALBANY, OR. iUyl OLDEST AND BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The New York Observer has now Ike largest circulation of its class. It is t XIKOHIff ATIOXAL. I .YJiKt'f AKI4.Y, EVANflBLK'AL and St ATI OH A It will enter its SIXTIETH YEAR with a sheet four times the else of its first tome, full of Foreign and Domestic News ; with vigorous Editorials upon matters of religious and secular interest ; with care fully edited Detriments for children. Sabbath School Teachers, Farmers and Business Man ; with eight active Editors and unrivalled staff of P'oretgn Correspon dents, and paid Writers and Contributors ic every part of the Country. MEW BOOK OF "iRENEUS" LETTERS With steel Portrait of the aatftar. is (riven to anv one sending ns a bona fide dbw Subacr'teer and $3.15 for the coming ye&r. Specimen cirplr fret. Add re mm ; N. Y. OBKERTER, 17W3 New York. THE SUN. NEW YORK,. 1882. Tub Si m tor W will make it fifteenth annual ravohttisn under th present aiaasgeBseBt, saini as. a always, for all, bis; and little, mean and graeloas. contented and unhappy, Republican and Democratic, depraved and virtuous, intelligent sod obtuse. Tin Hvs'n lurbt Is for mankind and womankind of every sort ; but ita genial warmth is for the good while it pour hot discomfort on the blwUarinr beaks of the persistently wicked. Tsb Si x of 1 808 wss s newspaper of s new kind it discarded many cf the forms, and a multitude ( ttosaperfhioua words and phrases of ancient teams! i, It undertook to report in a fresh, snocinct, an nnvenuunal way all the news of the world urn it t- itur no event oi nmiua roans, anu enmiwmunr upon affairs with the feariesSsess of abaolute inde r l...rum. The auoce-e of thin experiment wae the eucce of Tns Sc . It effected a iermanent change in the htr! of American newsnspsrs r.very im rwriant iournal esublished in this country in the j,rtn erirjt haa been inodellc! after The 8,X Kwnrv iin.M,rtni ioumal already Balallss lias been modffied and bettered by tbu foroe of Tus Bva's sx i .1 ! ' . Tub Srs of XiAt will be the same ouUpoken irnO-tllinir. iut.l u.tereetiiis newnijajHsr By a liberal n of the mean which an abundant nrMicritY afford, we khall make it better than ever before. We s'lal print at! the news, putting it into readable hape, and meaurinj Its importance, net by the trs ditionai yardstick, but its real interest to the people. Distance from Printing House Square is sot the first consideration with Tub StS. Whenever anything happens worth reporting we get the particulars, whether it happens In Brooklyn or In Bokhara. In politics wc have decided opinion v; and are sc cuatomod to express them in language that can be understood. We say what we think about men and events. The habit U the only secret of Tns Si;s's political course. Thb WsssifcScs gathers into eight pages the best matter of the seven daily issues, An Agricultural Department of unequalled merit, full market re ports sud a liberal proportion of literary, scientific, and donn-tic intelligence complete Thb Wbbsly Si s. and make it the be newspaper for the farmer's household that wss ever printed. Who does not know and read and like Tub Sc.vpav Sea, each number of which is s Colconds of interest ing literature, with the best poetry of be day, prose every Una worth reading, news, humsr matter enough to nil a good-sized book, and infinitely store varied and entertaining than any book, big or little ? If our idea of what a newspaper should be pleases you, send forTiiEBi'S. Our terms are ss follows : For the daily 80s, a' four-page sheet of twenty-els ht columns, the price by mail, post pai'l, is cents a month, or Stt.fto yr ; or, lncludmg the Sunday paper, an eisrnt-page sneci 01 uiw-bix wuhin, the price is ." cenU per month, 7,70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday cditi ofTiis 8rx is also furnwhed separately at '81.20 a year, postage paid. The price of the Wrxrxv Sts. eight pages, fifty six odumns. is SI a vear, potaxe pnld. For duls of ten sending 10 we will send an extra copy free. 17w Address I. W. KNdf.ANU, Publisher of Tub . Si s, New Vork City. A CAR To.aH who are MilTering from tlio iir and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak nes, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac. I will send a receipt that will core you, Kit EE OP C II A EG E. Th is great remed v w-s discovered by a missionery in South America. Send e Keif sdihessed envelope to ihe Kkv. Joaapa T. Inman, Station 1. New York City. 15mn. HOGS I HOGS! T HIE HIGHEST CASH PBIC3E paid lor Hogs by Fred Mu It er, lite tireeer. upitoaiie e vere Ilowse. 12tjanl. ONE TO s THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CALWORMa BEINC DESIROUS OF FORMING IN THE MINDS OF THE COMMUNITIES Or TIES A PROPER IDEA OF HAVE CONCLUDED TO Of ENTIRE AT COMMENCING ON Saturday, Oct. 29, ofti -rue DDcuicsc tnniTiuaiiMn PAr-ii wrniiFft. I na B BaSIWlRWiM VVIIMHVUIM s-S-awss - mm-wwwmmw DAYS AND SATURDAYS FURTHER NOTICE. THE DAYS INTERVENING WILL BE DEVOTED TO OUR CUSTOMERS, GIVING THEM AN OPPORTUNITY TO MANE THEIR SELECTION AND PURCHASES AT AUCTION FIGURES, WE ARE DETERMINED TO ESTABLISH A CASH BA SIS OF TRADINC BY PR0VINC ITS ABVANTACE TO BUYERS IF POSSIBLE. THIS IS A CENUINE BONA FIDE SALE WITH A BONA FIDE STOCK, ft Shoddy or Trash, BUT THE EQUAL OF ANY IN QUANTITY AND QUAL ITY IN THE COUNTY. WE HAVE NO RESTRICTION OR RESERVE, THE HIGHEST BIODESl BUYING OUR GOODS. DO MOT MISS THIS GOLDEN CHANCE TO BUY AT AUC TION SUCH GOODS AS YOU NEED. OUR LADY CUSTOMERS MAY DEPEND THAT THE MOST FAS TIDIOUS CAN BE SATISFIED AND SUITED FOR WE Have Everything ia Stoik THAT A FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISH" MENT AIMS TO KEEP. OUR CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT IS FILLED WITH THE VERY BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. COME AND SATISFY YOURSELVES THAT WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH. WE SAIL UNDER NO FALSE COLORS. THE RED FLAG MEANS BUSINESS. You Buy our Goods at your own Figures. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, PROPS CALIFORNIA STORE, BOX 422 . . A i i.ii.i n. i 'in- I. i i i i S ! i '- ' .i i . .-mil ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER Aldij. ALBANY ANU VICINI THEIR CASH SYSTEM Fell TnfclK at 10 0Vlerk,a.m, OF EACH WecR UNTIL ALBANY, OREGON. Opposit') StCh-irh'S Ilolol Selected Story- is" Jin I, " , Mi., i uLiuiiuauSi n"iii -i - r MOW JKKttV SAVKO TUN MILLS. The dull, cold day was at its close ; but the heavy rain and the strong south wind which bad swept the town since early dawn still sontinued with undiminished fury. The gala shrieked ai it tore about the corners and lashed the faces of the few hurrying foot pas sengers ; while the driving rain pene trated everywhere, drenching the Htn els, flooding the gutters, and col lecting in deep, treacherous pools at the er ensuing?. 1 he bare trees moan ed ami writhed end wept ; the swing ing sign-boards in fiont of the small tttVtriiN ores If ed ami grtMhed diamallf ; th kntf tut) ehiwney e ii linmhlntoa unfits ns'ktat Ihl't-su-nl ; and in 4- i.ji-..t is iliH t molt, iliti groat liver wits slid .t-.ii iMfj at its vinu brOkde, lnli h 'Imp crack ling sounded evur sud anon from the broad field of ice that stretched from shore to shore and litis sires ass of water began to appear here and there, running swiftly along the froze u plains. March bad come in like a lamb ; it was departing like a lion ; and shroud- h.' by wind and rain and heavy mist, tbt last night of the mouth oame thick- ly down. It was neat supper time, past closing lb WM mi Bupv tiwr, W vusini time for the mills and factories, trading time for the stores, and, except for an occasional light here and there in some saloon or corner grocery, the windows along the business streets of the town were dark and the rain beat unheeded against their black penes. Few neonle were abroad, and even those few seemed to have been foioed upon unwelcome journeys, for they hastened through the sloppy streets nth rind bent heada, shivering as the sharp tore at their wrapping or the . gusts of tbo rain beat upon them One such man, clad ta a heavy oil cloth coat, was wslktnir rapidy it. sa Ss eaa Mute street, when, just at a particular- -untact with a lad who was crouching in front of a baker's window, where s aingle tamp still burned, eying with I hungry fare the dainties withiu. "Hullo T etied the man, starting w- back "I almost ran oe Then looking nexe rou, my boy.M Than looking sharply at the dtipfttng figurr SflMto biui, he .on tinned : "Why, Jerry, ia thai you V Ws. air." re4itsJ iha other, haJf palliog his UttertaJ ran frotn Ins load. I you .l sr, sir, u 'a iu" "What's Worn V said Mr. Watter son, the proinur l tba ursat Mtlla tliat skilled lhf rtvur, lor U was ha. "What's wrong 1 Why are you not at hoiio- J fho ii. ills clissvil io hours ago. I knew it, air ; but I bftftfaj t wtrk fl una week, sir, lor sisU r lirs ft . s m a sx a . . aick, an' I've bsen a-mfu of hor at our boardinghouso. Von -, sir . a B S B B sinoe ruoiner ouhI, au our bouse was sold, Nellie an' sue hss stopped ai Mis' ( raw ford a boardiu house ; but say tnonpy'a give out as' Mis' Osaford, aha told me this mornin' she said sir, this inorniu' -The boy stopped abrupt "Vhat! Come, Jerry, apeak out, You're not afraid of me. Tell me what ahe said." 'Well, sir, she did ssy as how 1 must ay our boaru in advanee every a a s a week now ; for if Pi elite was airoiu to be sick An' I was gotn' to quit work to nuas her, she didn't see how she'd get her money. An' oar week rsn out to-day, air, an my money too : all but twenty oenta, an that I spent for oranges for Nellie. An' Mis' Crawford, she said as how I couldn't eat at her table, 'thout I paid first. So I jest slipped out into the fttreet at meal times, for fear Nellie d know I wash t satin , and twould worry her, ahe bftin' tick. An' that's hew I came here, sir." The bo v finished, half-frightened at bis own long speech to "the master" and again pulled at this ragged cap fhile the wild March wind tossed his yellow hair about his wet face and the cold rain beat upon his scantily oiad shoulders. Mr. Watterson atoe 1 aa instant in dt-ep thought, it was hard for him to realise such poverty as this, and among his own hmid-t, too. Jerry was a "bobbiu-bov in the mills, whom he biui known for a year or more, by Right, the only 'support of a widowed mother aad sister now of the sister only, it seemed ; the lad .hid always been bright-faced aad clnwy and the great nroprietor remembered him aa one of the happiest among his boys. That this child should aotually suffer for food while striving to care for his little charee. tie orphan Nellie, seem- ed too tree r r m, w And yet there just before him, his honest blue eyes telling the same story which his lips had repeated, stood Jer ry dinnerloss, supper leas, and almost homeless, upon this the wildest night of all the year. Mr. Watterson forgot the rising flood, which even now was theatening hiti milts ; he forgot the urgent errand which had driven him out into the storm, he forgot the wide social gulf between his servant and himself ; and remembering only that he was a Chiis tain man, answering to his Father in heaven for the welfare of this obild be fore him, he seized the boy by the arm, pushed open the dpor of the little bak ery before which they stood, and fairly diagged him within. "Here !" he cried to the l aker's wife, who came bowing and smiling to execute tho great man's command. "See ! Give this lad tho best supper you cau cook and alt the provisions ho can carty and send the hill to nit Then, hurriedly drawing some money from hi pocket book, be thrust it into Jerry's hand, and said : 'vhen you hare ea'en go back to Mrs. Crawford's and pay for a month in advauos. Then tir.d a doctor for Nellie, and stay with her yourself until she is well. After that, .come back to me at the mills. If they are standing yeu shall have work. No. Not a word r he continued, as 2, 1881. the astonished boy would have spokes. "The money is a present to you and Nellie from mo." And before Jerry could recover Irom his surprise, Mr. Watterson was gone Sapper ! meney ! and dec tor for Nellie 1 Could it be true t The toy unclasped his hand and looked at the preeious bills. Yet, it was true. As he ate the bountiful meal prepar ed for bim by the baker's good wife, the bobbin -boy pictured Nellie's de light when he should return and tell her of what had happened bins ; and. ZZl: " -7 ".. 1TL: .7 . ' " rvww",u .w.u"u w,w lvm heaped with buas and oak's and or anges from the bakery shelves, aeon his arm, his heart was Hglit aud hie laugh rang metrtiy tm si-ross the dark ti -sa and lbs tain, as e iboMgbt of how Uddly ha would ui t Mis' Draw lord.'' ami hoar ssioiiisheal Sod pnzsied aim would be whou he faiid her net a week, but a montli is edvnnoe 1 'It's just like the laity story !" said he, half aloud, as he olimbed the sloppy staps of bta boat ding house "juit like s fairy story wbith a great hg,aplsndid, rich man fairy P It was aim est ArA. momi ng. Already the black curtains of night, rent hers ms maca curtains oi wgBi, reus umwm and there by the furious wind, was slowlv liftine toward the east and the I ",ow,y "Unfc' , ,, ' , M I dull, graj dawn aPrearing, forming n somber background, open which the a . aw a .. k m. ar z m ar leaness trees mat inngea uis iar away i bills ware pa i a ted in waving silboutte. I bioee ever the MBB had gene down the wild storm had coatiaue.1, and even new the rain, driven uy the migaty i S I a . I wind, fell in long, slsnting lances upon the town and the frothing river, that, filled with great masses of broken toe and debris from all the up country, nJ P1"01 between ita banki d shook with gisnt bands the founds ml ... Af ai ill. - it .LIA Is mm banks tions of the milto beneath which it ran. At the bead of the dam, where the channel was the narrowest, and direct- lj opposite the lower Watterson mill, Piled block upon block, enui it tow- .red bieh in the air. nreasW with ter- high in the air, pressing rible force agaiaat the mills. a pea the wall oi oua band, and the natural W rock upon the other, the laft had formed a s a a as s great, white baancade, as sot t which checked mowing each m' r the mad rush of tho water and sent it swirling baokward ia eddying wsves, which beat furiously uiwn ihe mills and tbreateoed each ioatant to engulf tlistn. Along the higher shore the towns isrople had gathered powerless to aid, but amply awaiting ths and aasong tbetn, pale and was the nroortator himself, already a B a r ruined man. Aa he passed to and fro, intent upon the sees before him, hoping sgaiasi hope that the jam might even yet give way in time to save bia buildings, many s, mbt I a watcher turaeu asrae wiui uikjiaa i . . l l.t- . ; I word and look, lor Mr. Wateraon was a man beloved by all of his employees. Suddenly there was a movement to tba crowd all hastening toward a w mon oentre - ana witn eager xaoea, both men and women gathered about a newcomer who wajipeaking earnestly. . ... "Yea. If that timber coul l be cut, it would break the jam! It lies just so that it holds " The owner of the mills burst through the little crowd. What timber! Wherel Quick! Tell me! Can the jam be broken!" Yes, air" returned the ether re spectfully touch iag his hat. "It can, but it'a danger oua werk. l have just been below, and from there C aaw that m. m m m. m. m. a . t a great log which has lodged at the I very oroam of the dam ia all that holds the ioe. If that could be out, the jam would be broken." "But how oas it be reached V queried Mr. Watterson, anxtously. "Can any one get at it to out ill "Yet, sir," replied the mau; "in one way." "And that la" "Over the ia itself!" A shudder ran through the listeners, aad even the proprietor's face grew more pale. Woo would venture upon such a bridge on such an erraudl With a common impulse the crowd, led by the workman who tirst disoev. arad ths W. turned hurne llv away from the river's brink, ran through a sidn straat. and trained a position loa-er down the stream, from whence the dam could be plainly seen. The report was true. The jam iu . - jam held in place by a single litubar a . a a a a . great squsre stick; doubtless torn ty the angry waters from some linage m a far up the country. If that eoald be cut, the blockade would be broken, the ioe would no longer clog the stream, and s mmm w the mills would be saved. For a moment silence fell upon all; then, suddenly, Mr. Waterson's voice, hoarse and thin, rang out above the noise of the storm and war of waters. "A thousanl dollars to the man who will out the timber." The women in the little group looked at each other and shuddered; the men fixed their eyes upon the dam; but ne one replied. The roar of the angry stream increased and the waters deein ened beneath the mill walls. "Two thousann dollars!" The proprietor's voioe was hoarser than before; but the women closed their lipa firmly and shook their heads. The men moved uneasily, and one drew his hand across his mouth as if he would have spoken; but still no one replied, and the white foam from the imprisoned river waa tossed by the wind against the lower windows of the mill?, while the corners of the buildings were already beginning to crumble and waste away before the grinding io. "Three thou " "I will go!" The two voices sounded so closely to gether that it was not nntil the crowd turned their eyes upward and saw the one who had answered that they fair ly nderstood the reply. Running from a third story window the lower mill directly across the river, above the dam, waa a long endless NO 18. enainused to convey power from the mighty water-wheel of the mills to the machiney of a little box fsctorv, Iocs ted upon the opposite bluff. This oham wee at rest now, and there ap peared at the window near it the figure oi a ooy, in a blue blouse, csrryin in his hsnds sn axa. He it was who had aid, "I will go." "When the people saw him. and realized what he was shout to attempt (for already belied fastened ft rote around hie body and was nasainsr th .a W "on of -hdiug aloag the lame until he found s ooint from h iKiiut from which he coo Id lower himself within reac;i of the timber;) when they rea)izal ihr-, great mommr went up f ytn tfte eruwd, and the women cii-d Mia in t r- ror. wh;h- meet tu ,.. ,j i m ,. Wst term and urc 1 hiai f.i iksI r the bov hack. 7 Wbo is hrt" said the proprietor, in a dazed mamu t 'It' Jerry, sir. Jerry the b.b iu boy, said a maa, stepping forwrl. "An orpan, air, sa' striving to care U MS SIC a Slater. s-ssry: aa ii, -err J I STUM Mr. Wat- ' shall not go," aud be waved his hand. l I I f : . T mm mm ... . and shouted toward the wids fl twrJ lhm wlDdow " - g iJwM too Ute, for, with htUe cry, the bey droooed from kis I 1 -A . . . , . pwh "hnjg ngig abovs the I a' ". ' MJ" rrtm "u"n supported him sliding slowly djwn- rr" awiy o jwn- w atong tne chain toward the I I"" l nam. The breathless OTO7.a terror stock ea proprietor I mm .4.1. J X . I nuj wsko una wait now. OKrwiy ana unevenly the looped rope from which Jerry was snspended slip- i ii i . i I i r. . r pww una ny una, OOWB the Baggtag eaatn; slowly bis feet Beared the great maes of ragged ice beneath. At lsncth when he was directly over the centre ln dam, and just above the long a i baw" wh?7 ld ,th J.- 1,owinl - unrou8D mn'1 vTlwu gu"7 upw ue tinner ne had come to out. gbJ' "'"P crowd W1Jd ck"r n and women; but Jerry wanted no time ty CommiatdoDers, Jnatiees of the listening. A moment, half a moment pece, city Recorders, Sheriffs, Con lost might mean destruction te tba ublea, and CMty MsrshaU, to faith -mills, and before the echo of tba shoat- funy execute all laws of our State ftl iag had ceased he was plying his jjy enacted cognizable to tbftftft aks with vigorous strokes that rang severally and singly in their official sharp and clear above the voice of tftftftcity, that tho Iftftr requires of crumbling ice and gathering waters. them, concerning the liquor traffic, It was not a long task. The strain gmmiog and all gambling, and the upon the timber already was enormous, first any of the week, comnaooly call end ere the lad had dealt half a score rj Sunday, aa the constant violation of blows an ominous Crackling tonnd ma& abusee of ftftM laws ere dmoral- warnea mm mat nia erranu waft ac oemplished and that be moat be gone. Dropping the axe, be tumod, seized tba dangling rope, and began to climb . a . . . wwsra saw cnain a rove, wnsn. witft ft shock like the reiiort of a cannon, the beam gave way, and in aa insist t, in . I . ta.SS mm . m iwinanne ei an s?e, the sir a as aiii . Z. t. - " r . mmm mm w - l , , . ., prtaoned waters burst the bonds which bad oenfiaed them, in on a. imieiuous. boiling flood rushed over the dam, toes tag the great cakes of iee that bad formed the barrier high on the froth- wavea-eo high that they hid from furm f Jftrrr there up from ftTw paople a tingle up from all the people a atngl ory: "The boy is loat!" But the jam was broken! The mills were saved! And Jerry waa saved toe. Bruised and stunned and blooding, hanging a ta mm mm . . m half insensible above the black water that swept with a swift eurve toward the fall, when the ice that had buffeted him had paaaed away, the watchers ss the boy still lived; and quicker than it can be told, a boat was procured and manned, a long line made faat to it, and, dropping dawn the stream until they were eleae to him, tender hands were upraised, loving voices nailed, aad with a long, sobbing ory, the little hero loosed lis grasp upon the rope which held bim and dropped fainting into the waiting arms below. Te-day the great mills still stood by the river's brink, and the rumble of their maohiuorv is heard all day lens?. as of voce: but it does not reash the I ears of the "bobbiu-bov," nor yet those of bia sister Nellie. For the one is at oollege and the other at school, both foster children of that most nleaaant aid bachelor, the oroerietor himself and it is only at vsoation time now, when his i. - m - days are brightened by the presence of ooth his loved ones that Mr. Watterson s memory turns back; to that spring time, long gone by when his son Jerry, in simple soulful gratitude, rtskod his fife to save the mills. thb nxrrv rissiax wsisR. mi i . mere is nappy woman in Tft a. ft . .1 sa a . xvussiB tne priests wire : and it is a common mode of expression to ssy "As happy as a priest's wife." The reason why ahe is happy is because her husband's position depends upon her. If she dies he is deposed and teeomes a mere layman, and his property is taken away from him and distributed, half to his children and half to the Government. This dreadful con tin gsnoy makes the Russian pries ; care ful to get a healthy wife, if he can, ami makes him take extraordinary good care of her after he has sec u rid her. She must never get her feet wet, and she is petted and put in hot blankets if she has so much aa a cold in her head. It is the greatest possible good fortune for a girl to marry a priest infinitely better than to be the wife of a noble. Neek tm Chronicls. A professor at Cornell, lecturing on the effect of the wind in soma West ern parts, remarked : "la traveling along the road, I even sometimos found the logs bound and t wised together to such an extent that a mule souldn't climb over them, so I went round." DR. ROGER'S VEGETABLE WORaf SYRUP Instantly destroys wormn and re - moves the secretion wjaioh, cftaftftr feem, Special business notices in Local Col- umns 24 cents per line, rtefuiar hx-bi notices 10 cents per line. For legftl and transient 1 vertisrnf nf . 11 08 per square for the first insertion and 50 centt per square for each subsequent insertion. TMrMASCE stfteeuTiear. Adsptee hr the CesaawrtasMt rresbfterfaft ( hareh la Sesslea at Jaartlea. The WillamettetPreebyteryf the Cumberland Presbyterian Church be ing in regular cession injunction Cll- Lne County, Oregon, Oct. 21st, - asm .at a 1881, te following was onereo uy Rev. W. M. HOUMOn, ana unanii- mocs y adopted: Without enumerating any of the many ells of the use of intoxicelii g iqu r-, ami inasmm ti as said eoJ-ei s iNlt'tf nWy li-au--d IhreOgb thb J sr St i k, la; ii eW, hgr l':e -rv, Tl t we h'tll k 14 It HI-. I lti u-rsH l -tight Mmi iwve. til imW . " ' by l tSffsSftaMaw ptnipb f bia rlai, asking thj UgrUatlve A ' " this Bute, by pwtltlon, la tmawt a ! v giving ibo peopke of the State of Or gwn an opportunity to vote on an amendment to the State Constitution nrohlbitlnsT the manufacturing, im- ' or disoositlon In ftDJ UWm 1 "La" -m-i i lB M(luor, w Tri-IT marhanieal nuroeee ; thftt oorMinis- U be required to put SSi'n Jartftil " . ,,, w.. s. llMaV WT IMl Will WIBg . , hat we nrge aU oer membera 1 to loin heartily all wbe are wonting L'Ti.i r (ha aecoasDllshment arHendy for the - ji -q srreat and end: that these who umttm th He-ht of suffrage vote osJt fnr ..... raeu wm enact and exe- cute prohibitory laws faithfully, mad tnereby rid the country of aoeh a direful cone as intoxicating liquors. 7eaoeea. That wo as a Prosbytery do, In the name of humanity and the well being of all ear people, ana in iKa name of the Great Divine Rule? nf .i, M.iOBI. .Qd in the name of the aiaaw iiniiiR wi suv a a 'isw w - - laws of the Smte of Oregon, most ear- neatly and j rofoandly ana fullv. ask. pray, and even beg or an of the executive authorities of oar he- loved Bute, the Sopreaoe Judge, Circuit Judges, County Judges, Coun- Izing to our people and aestrucxive to proerly. Resolved, That inasmuch as the Press la a powerful medium of communica tion ef light, knowledge and inflnei c. in n great measure controlling po erninent, we do meat earnestly appeal Z mm mm m . " " to It for help in this great work in an U.,.I1.IJ. mmmma """""' fisftsftftftd That our atated eserk pre- m a a a Isitinnn f.w pare copies oi uiese icwiuw publication In the papers of the State, with a request that the proprietor publish It he us for the benefit of all concern d Resolved. That we ask the coopera- tienof all other ecclesiastical Dottie In the foregoing solemn appeals to the ministry and membership or tne Church, and te State, County, aud city authorities and the Press for help in this work ef the people. Rev. Lcthkb Whitb, Moderator, Rev. W. M Hoottos, Clerk, Ret. Jacob Goxespv, Rev. Job Dillard. Tftft LIT KB A L. The famous Dr. Johnson's rr ports of parliamentary speeches were greatly liked by the Tattered M. fa who got the credit of them. No one who heard the speeches would have recognized many of to am, as printed in the aebolar's flowing and elegant diction. (inly the few really eloquent men ate put te disadvantage by comparison of ' word " delivery with a good wrlter ul1 pnated report of them ; nd majority of a-ekea would do wsil nn to complain of not Uing "ex- I clly tejorted by th hcwspafiers. ner 18 warning 1 bs short-hand n porters of Sydney, N. is. W., having leen found fault with for lLeir ethoU cf reporting thi pueches in the Legislative Council, re- i . i . ii i has . "naiea ny Riving tns s( teen ot one ot the Council cxactlv as it was spoken, as follows : "The reporters ought not to, the reporters ought not to be the ones to jugde of what is import not to say what should be left out but the member can only judge of what ia im portant . "As I aa my speeches as the re ports as what I say is reported some times, ne one nobody can understand from the reports what it is what I mean. So- it strikes me it ka struck me certain matters things that appear of importance are some times left out omitted. The repor ters the papers points are retorted X mean what the pap-r thinks of interest is reported." This was taking a very cruel revenge, but then, even a reKrter is human. English Paper. A lady oi Milwaukee has twin sons of whom she is very proud, both being handsome, sprightly and pi cooious little fellows. A short time ago a gentleman sent the lads a pair of "Colorado jacks," which, of coune. tickled U.eir fancies immensely after they had learned the important lesson of non-interference with the business end of the animals. One ot the boys was giving a lady a glowing description of the pets, which led to, the qusry: "Are your jacks gentle, Frank!" "Weil,1 teW 'ma'aU',"-fttid Frank. ljrsrowfitiiaaiatront, bo - jean bed Jaawlre awf ui wild. Whind " i hitf maif Md'heast. ortuss eataasttfeand cures paia si litiimernaicy. SI ! '