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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1881)
tmuut FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18, 1881 0. H. 8TEWART Cdltor nl Froprlrtwr. O, a . K. It. TIME TAKLK. Albany Nlnlloa. Dt-riKTtKS S)F TRAIX . tOCXD XOKTtt. l.BAN'Y FXrKKSS Depart at - r:!W A. KKkiilT TKAINS :00 A. M 11:44 A. M. MAIL TRAIN Arrive at 1 ai : - at g - SOCTll. Arrive t i . m - t IfcM F. M. 11:45 A. M mm f m. MAIL TRVIN FRKUiMT THUS 3 M) P. M :S5 P. M. AUUA.N i KXl'RtWS Arrhwat All Trains dally, except ftanda. Notjck. Un and after this date regulsr tickets will be sol.l at our ticket otuee fur following point-son Oeluuibia river: Upper Cascades. Dalies, Umatilla, Watlula, Walla alla and Amsworth. Wild. B, Run, Freight snd Ticket Ageut n. ,t i' k. n. Ct. Albany. June ISth, 1SS". - A V 1 U. J. .1U.. - I. -- TTT"TCJ TJ A TT?U mar l fsist on flU at Gmx. 1 1113 x ill XUXv p. ttuwvti x Oo" Si'wtuucr Ait lv.rtWiU( Hunsi 10TU; S ; i,w ' "'JV Y, .2 airt'Ota liUjr be uku!o rur It IN Nt. 1 OUK. I HOMK ABUOAJ). "F. M. French, jeweller. Cowan, the leader at I rl .. ieu . . R B. SXtpworth. lawyer, Albany, Or. i ' ard Mryr K- i.U the hakiuj interest of Albany. The citv of Scio lias, refused license to all of its saloons. The Oliver Chilled Plow U the best ploi f.r dry ground. Iarge assortment of xenhyis iu all culurs at Moateitb and SsiteubAch a. The Kuights are a'l bck agiiu and have settled dowu to their usual occupations. Our two tire entities have been tested this week and found to be iu good condition. Oo to Conrad Meyer's, when yon watt Some muscle making Beaton brown bread. Highest cash price paid for old cast iion by Cnerry an 1 Parks at thsir p foundry. Ir. O. Willi Price, deutit, olbce in Odd Fellow Tetupie, ovor Pluromer' Drug Store. Groceries for the masses at Conrad Meyrrs. Everything fresh and pore is to be there. 1 i -wept t tho opinion of other." oar u jiernur a 1 lorm: i .sov. mm i a war igiving Day. The firemen a-c r-j-u sv.1 to attend the ii.k an I Latter BaB in cuiforir. Don't iforget this. Thaaksgiv'og services will Le lull at the -Congregational Church and be joined in by all tii ministers of this city. New embroideries at Monteith and Seitea baeh's, ladies should call ami note tew leigns and extreme low prices. Corsets cheap at Monteith and Seiten bach 's the best value for the least money. No bragadoci-. true bus nesa. For yoar dressnkin ' cu.tii ' and fit- ting.go to the popular d re muckers the Misses RambAUgh, .--r Mcl. wain's t re Diviueervice will be held in St. Peters, Episcopal C hurch next Thursday, Nov. I'lib Thaaksgiviug Day at 10:30 a. X. Cowan is bound to lead all competitors at Lebanon, both in quality, quintity and price. Go there and be convinced. Rev. J. A. Crtiau preached his farewell 8ermoaiu Portland last Sabbath previous to hi taking up his residence in Honolu'u. Toe Farmers Company has. already had 64.00J bushels of heat shipped below from their warehouse at a li ve'y rate for some time. Tue coming cifc is beginning to attract to wine attention. Candidates are numerous and 1 11 think they wil be success ful. Farmers, go to the Bee-Hive W:re Works a Albany and examine tin? celebrated Ore gon Fanning milL It is the best in Ufa world. D. B. Monteith and Mr. Watts came down the river in a skitTr -in Corvallis to Albaoy last Taesday an I on their way killed 27 d ticks. The Chrutaiii Church closed a very suc cessful protrasted meeting at skio uu Wed nesday of last week. Ten converts were baptised. r Co to Cewaa's, at Lebanon, for yon groceries. You are sure to gt a good qaality of everything, aa 1 his prices are bottooi ones. It is abuut time for a fire alarm to be sounded in this city We have been strange ly free from visitations of the fire king for soma time. On account of the ear'y raiii this season not over half the usu u amount of fall giain ha been put iu, and ths farmers aro down on Oregon we it her. Mr Herbert Dauiway was married a few evenings sine at Portland to Mi Ida Lesley, of Tae Dilles, ILv. J. A. C uzaa performed the ceremony. The Mrs. Win. Btkias meatt msl in last weeks DjEWOOHAT a hiving loit her reason, ioot the rite of Win. S. Elk ins who for leally resided in Linn county. Subscribers to the Yajuiua Bay fund who have not yet paid their usciiptioa are requested to call at the Bauk of John Connor aud attend to the name. Mr. John Blight, the great n.end of the E igbsh people, celebi un his 70fch birthday on Wednesday. There are few people who do not rejoice at the event. Portland is to have a new daily, and it is said it will be a stalwart Republican in politics. W. S. Newbury, formerly of Albany, is mentioned as the editor. The Baptists are holding a series of interest ing meeting at Scio this week. Rev. A. J. Hunsakcr formerly of this city, and Rev. Osborne are conducting the services, Salem has four ca?es of the small-oox, to the Portland Mercury says. It is gradually creeping up this way and it will be a great wonder if Albany is not visited by it. J. H. Foster and Co., of this city have filed the following trade mark with the Secretary of ' State : "Magnolia Mills, Bakers Best XXX Flour. Warranted." Taat famous old l;ro insurance company the Hartford bus come into Oregon at last. C. H. Stewart has boon appointed agent at Albany. The Hrtfo.d was established in 1794. Iu yiew of existing circumstances the ladies of the Presbyterian Church have given up holding a sociable and supper oa Thanksgiving evening as announced last weak. Monteith and Seitenbach received this a. 1 . 1 1 a uvea .aw ws. xmr a - tj uroiiuu UUUCI nttlO, ' l i 1 SV j m t . . - buying. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run aud do Air good work ia dry ground when a teel plow cannot be kept ia They are just the plow you want for inmmer (allowing. For ale by Samuel K. Young. When the girl who had encouraged a young man for about two yean suddenly tells him that the can never he more than a sister to him he can for the first time tee the freckles on her nese. A small bay horse, with snip on end of nose, shod all round same te Scio last weel and is now at P. Bilysus atable in that city The owner had better call and at I him be fore he "eats his head of." Surprising is the amount of dress good sold by Monteith and Seitenbach ; the rea son, making a specialty of that department, they can offer special inducements. ti ray hair may be made to take on its youthful color and beauty by the use of Halls Vegetable Sicillian Hair Renewer. the best preparation for the hair known to the science of medicine and chemistry. Maokie Monteith it now leader of the Indies Cornet Band, and if report is makes a first-class one. The members of that institution are to be congratulated upon his selection as a successor to Mr. Pierce. The people of the Forks of the Santiam and Scio especially are terribly worked np on the temperance Question just now. At the city election in Scie next month poll tics will cut no figure it will be license and astl license. A hotel at Pendleton has been immortalii e I by being named after ViUan". Au ex change has the impudence to say that there is no danger of Col. Hogg being honored this way, as Hogg House would not sound very well. It. B. Hayes was foreman of the last Oraud Jury of Lane county, a fact known to few, a year ago when he was through the State the people turned out en masse to see 1dm. Tie ever thus that great people are remem bered. The Albany College literary Society de cided last Friday afternoon that free trade is the proper thing. They have hit the nail on the head, and are to be congratula ted on the amount of wisdom which they evidently possess. The merchants of Salem have agreed to close their stores at 7:45 P. M. from the 7th of November. 1881. to the 1st of April, 1882, except on Saturday evenings, and from Dec 15th to January 1st Oar merchants might enter into the same agreement. The Morning Mortgage is the name of a paper in Walla Walla, and doubtlessly is an appropriate one, for about nine newspapers out of tea are blessed or cursed with one of these institutions, which they might as well try to lift as Cleopatra's needle. li sight and Blamherg have been fatten ing sn immense fiock of turkeys which wil be slaughter for Thanksgiving. Make sure I, by lMTi,g yonr rdert (ur .bedy is bouud to having a turkey for dinner at all events, and they will go tike hot cakes. On Tuesday night we had a very cold rain, and on Wednesday morning the aide- walks were covered with ice or snow. The atmo tpbere is also very cold and there is no doubt but there hat been a heavy snow in the mountains. Travel across the Cascades will now cease. Th largest Sabbath School ia Linn coun ty is at Scio. It is made up by a union of d tfereat denominations, and numbers ia attendance from 160 to 180. Joha a Morris is Superintendent, and the large attendance shows that his way of conducting it given complete satisfaction. Violin strings that would make mi Oley Bull weep, at C. W. Osborne, opposite Mc II wains ; the beat and most complete ever brought to Albany. Hurry np ye fiddlers before they are all gone, for the time ( dancing is at hand, and this will be a merry winter. Now is the time to insure in the North Western Marriage Insurance Co., as on the 1st of December the rates will be increased to aa average of $3.00 per thousand. Don't lose this golden opportunity, but call on Ala Flarris and lty the foundation for a good home ia the future. Mr. P. O. Carmical, of Prineville, knows bow to appreciate a newspaper. Awhile ago he settled for the Democrat and paidH three years ia advance, an occoraacs almost unknown ia the history of journalism. He deserves ail the blessings that can be obtain ed here, and will no doubt receive them. Every day we hear the report that th Oregon Pacific has sold oat, bat nothing has yet transpired which woald give even a coloring ef truth to the report. Grading has stopped on the road for the simple rea son that it is throwing money away to aa eertake to grade a road ia Oregoa ia the winter. A diamond has just been found valued at 91,500,000, the most valaable ia the world . bet for real intrinsic worth it dees not com pare with the goods sold by J as. L. Cowan, at Lebanon. They can be eaten and worn. There is something tangible abeat them) and they are for some ether use than to be looked at. The Bias Ribbon Clsb held a large and enthusiastic meeting last Friday evening, The program rendered was uncommonly in te resting, and speaks at least for a healthy mental condition of the society. If the name paias is taken for each meetiag the society need have ao fears of small audiences m the future. The firm of Jeoes aad Smith, physicians and surgeons dissolved partnership en Wednesday by mutual consent All ac counts due the late firm have been placed in the bands ef Hub Bryant, Esq., for eel lection, who woald be glad to receive pay ments on the same. That long necked swan will no longer stretch its neck toward the sooth er send forth its clarion "hoop," It is dead, having come to its decease last week at the hands of a son of Enoch Sloan, near this eity. It was a big fellow and measured six feet from tip to tip of wings. Those heavy snow storms in Nebraska and Kansas have not affected Albany atmos phere, so that the sale ef beer at the Star Brewery keeps right along at its summsr rate, and it is j net as refreshing and invig orating as ever. Many is the heart gladden ed by a draught of the cool beverage menu factored at the Star Brewery. There was a very pleasant party last even ing at the residence of II. Flindt in honor ef Miss Minnie Allison's birthday. As is impolite to mention young ladies ages we will simply say that the number is smal enough so that the prospect of a good many 1 i . If . . s pieasani: years ues oerore per, whioa we hope will be meted out to her. We are watching continually for places where we can get the Lest goods at the lowest prices. The smal In ess of pur pocket books demands it. This leads to a genera discussion a-nong neighbors, who make practice of keeping each ethsr posted. The value of reputation for fair dealing is here brought into play. And this is what given C. B. Montague, at Lebanon his large and increasing trade. He has the confidence ef the people with whom he deals. A new way for finding lost umbrella's has bees discovered, which had bevcr been thought of before. It is said to work like a charm This is what it is : Adc Hi for it. This peculiar plan was tried ia Walla Walla the other day by a worthy oltiseu of that eity, whe had hunted in vaia two weeks fer oae of those vanishing necessities, nnd it was returned to him half aa hour after tho issuing of the paper ia whion tho ad. appear ed. A graad ball will be given by the "Hooks" on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 24th, at the eld Masonic hall ia Parrish s Brick. Tickets will be sold at the price of 81.50, so that all can go. The boys need the money, and at they have proven themselves not only to be a very useful institution as well as orna mental, it is the duty of everybody to go, er at leant to purchase a ticket. Uood music will be furnished and everything dene to make this one of the pleasantct affaire of the season. Tuesday afternoon a team belonging to Wiley Holman, of Benton County, made desperate effort te unaway from the wagon, to which they were attache.!. Starting near Monteith 's mills they dashed down Forry street to Second, thence to Jackson, c lining back to the city by way of Third, stopping as usual on such parades, near the plaa ia front of the Court House. A krg aad appreciative audience witnessed tin trial of speed, and everybody returned to their work, satisfied that they had recti ved their money's worth. Tho married women up on Dry Creek are made of the genuine metal. Sam Smith and IWa Hamilton were married there a short time ago, and all the boys thought they would give them a chivaree. They getUered around the house of the bride and had be- gun operatioas whea a noise which sank theirs into atomic insignificance was heard within, aad thea all the married women for miles around raehed eut with tin pans, kettles, shot guns, etc , beating, rattling aad saspping, causing a goneral atampedu of the would be ohivareers. It is now learn ed that this was the same noise heard near Old Baldy," that was taken for an earth- qaake. Maid of Yonkers, ere we bus., Ull tnu. will you make a fuss ? N. Y. New. Man of Gothan, ere you risk your life, toll me. will you inform your wife ? - Yonkers Gazette. Maid of Hartford, ere I pop. trll mo will you faint or flop? Uartford Jour nal Maid of Webster, ere wo wed, v. ho ill split the kiadliogs in the shed ! Web ster Times, Maid of Camden, ere we mate, can't I never stay out late ? -QQmwim Post. Maid of Newtoa, ere we hitch, tell me truly. j at a i are yon rich ? I Newton iiepuuitc. ;.iam of Union I adore bat tell me truly do you : L'aion SoatiaeL Maid of Jackson ville, tf we vow, will you answer "yea,' just now ? Jacksonville Times. Maid of Al bany, stop and think, will you have me if I rink ? The Holland Readieg Club met with Mies Maggie Foster last Monday evening and completed its organization, so t hit it i new a full fledged society, which ia g-'ing to t a want loag felt by our young people of a literary turn of mind. A very lenesMe constitution was adopted, aad the following officers elected for the casaiag moath : E. R. Skipworth, President ; Mies Msie 'oster. Secretary ; W. Btlyce, Critic. The lab thea began the study ami reviis of Scott's "lady of the Lake." whtOt they propose to matter, not only as to it rendi tion, bat as well the beography of its author, its plot and geography. It will meet once a weak, the next meeting being next Monday evening, with Miss Ubtne Irvine, at the residence of ber father, Rev. S. . Irvine. SOCIAL 3M PERSONAL- Marx Baoiftgart spent bt Sabbath in Portland. Joe. Webber, Jr., will eat turkey with his folks here on Thanksgiving. A. C. Sweet, of Independence, waa iu the city the fore part of the week. The Hen. John Burnett, of Corvallis was ia the city on Saturday, on busints. We received a call the first of the week from Mr. John Campbell, ef Portland. Hon. M. C. George left Portland for Washiagtoa last Sabbath night. Judge Strahau w in attendance at I he Circuit Court ia Kngsue last week. Oo to the Cmgregstioual social this even- a . n i a ing, wnere you win be sure to nave a gooa time. W. P. Anderst u. one of our solid farmers, gave us a very pleasant call last Wednes day. Miss Nellie Pax ton, who is teaching at Iadependenee, passed last Sabbath wi'.h friends ia the city. N. B. Hamphiey, H. H. Hewitt and C. H. Hewitt were attending the sitting of the Circuit Court at Lugeoe last week. Cmarley Wilkinson has been confinod to bis room at Portland two or three weeks from the effects of a sprained ankle. Mrs. 8. Lorie left on the steamer sailing Sabbath evening, for San Francisco, Leiog compelled en account of poor health to re tarn to her old home. The Knights of Fythiss have all rctsrned from Portland, and we are glad te say that they came 1 aok with their shields ia their heads and not on them. Ike Conn dropped in on us last Weduts- day while ea his way home from Portland. Losing one toe, even if that was the Lig one, has aot made much visible change oa Ike. Jim McCoy was down this week attend ing the Sabbath School Convention, but we venture the remark that he is probably thinking more to-day about the drese-mak inir business thn he is about the Sabbath School work. Uu. Enoch Houit, of Uarrisburg, came down last Wednesday en legal bnsiness aad speat a day er two here. Since be was down here lsst be received a very painful kick from a horse, but is gsttmir over the effects of it now. Chas. E. Monteith, formerly of this city, but now ef Idaho, paid his relatives and friends in Albany a visit last week. He is new one ef the partners in a large saw mill in Idaho and is prospering. .J. A. Bilyeu walked into our sffieo last Wednesday and made us happy by subscrib ing fer the Democrat for a year, and we verily believe he has thus securred happiness fer himself for the entire fifty-two weeks. we omittea te mention last week the ar rival ef Otto Fox, senior member of tho irm of Fan, Banm and Co. He hasn't changed a dot since he was here before, aad is just as jlively and full of conundrums a8 ever. He will remain here until about Dec. 1st George Furry left Albany yesterday noon for Illinois, where ho will remain for a few years, but he says he likes Oregon too well to remain away from it long. We hope he will come back, tor we can't not' have too many such men. m L. H. Mentayae, Esq, received a postal this week from Rev. T. C. White, who had arrived safe and sound in Colorado which he seemed to like very much. He had located at South Pueble, a lively city of 20,000 in habitants, where he will carry on his labors ia the M. K. Church, South. Dr. E. 0. Hyde left Albany last Tuesday, fer Sci-i, where ho will rosido in tho futuro aad carry on the prsetico of his profession. 1 the Doctor is a young man of considerable modic d ability, and one we can safely coin mend to tho people of Soto, among whom we wish him tho greatest suueese, K very body regard 'ess of creed attondod the social at the reaidvneo of Win. Rum baugh lift Friday evening, where n enjoy able timo was had. Nothing binds togother tho members of socioty more closely than these entertain mi'ii In. end wo certainly uocd soiiio cementing force Tho faut that there woro no wall flowers on this ocosaien ie evi. donee that all had something to do to satisfy their social tsates. The following portions from Hulsoy attend ed tho IT. P. Sabbath School Convention in Albany this week : Rev. T. J. Wilenn sud wife. It. M. Robertson. Jas. Crawford. S. M. Balston and Jns. ( "ochran. From Willamette Chureh we noticed tho following persons: Rov. A. M. Aohcson, Mathow Aehson, I). (' I irry aud wife, Miss, Mary Currie, Gus. (html-. Walter Wrunn, Mel'oy, Claren don Mc Bride and Clarence Stockton. Aa aatl'Msnenalj i ixur. . 'li e llrst Anti-Monopoly league in Linn County was organized nt KliedtJ's Stnilon in Motiditr, Oct .list, and al ready has a good membership. Capt. Prank shod I was olectod President, but the aauien of the ofllcers we bavo not yet heard. The object of tha or ganization le set forth In tho name. When it Is known that Jay Gould A 0a. have made r7 In 15 yeara; the Yauderbilt's $l(K),000,t)00 In SO yeara, and l!tintlngtu, Hapkiasaud Co. (the Central Pacific "yojlioat) $11,000,00) In IA years front an luveetment of 1 tite need of euch leagues will be recognized. Of ooursn no elagle leaguo caa accomplish anything, but wli- u they nro established In every hamlet, all work for a common purpeee and ander the direction of noma ef the beet business men ef the I'nlon, their power will bo felt for good. This week W. P. Anderson, au oflloer of tlie Hbedd league, has been circulating a petition to CongreHs asking that body to pans laws regulating tho faros and freights on railroad and steamer lines throughout tho I'nlou. Tha petition was drawn by Judge "Jerry" Illank; It Is good aud strong and aa the object ia good, all aign It Wo hope to hear of other league b dug orgaulzod. aaftUatk u-el ( area ties T,ie lulted Presbyterian Sabbath S hool Convention, which convened In the l. P. church Tuesday and Wed nesday, w is a decided eurec The Interc-t manifested wa-great and shewed that the members were la earnest. Morning, afteruoou and even ing session were held each day, and the time was occupied rvory minute from lite tutliug of the bell to adjourn ment. Many of the addresses and essay are very highly eken of, and wo regret that wo have not apace to give afuil account of them. Rehire the cloe ar'nngemcnta were made to hold another convention within at least a v. a . Also tho Superintendent of the Albany S. 8., Dr. ray, waa ap pointed a committee to confer with the Sabbath School's of ail the chut ches In tho county iu n lercuce to tho hold Ing of a Joint convention. The Malru Muni Oor Kro. ii turoi-loiit in largt nnm here and held un Sntorewtlng mee ing at Scou's gun, store lart Sat in day evening making arrangement for the urand hunt m. a BPm . on Ttiank4i im : iay. i hi agrweu that the hours of hunting should be from I o'clock in the morning until U o'clock in tho evening, an I th it I y the latter hour all abould ! t at haduatteni. An other me ting Into held at HcoU'sto. morrow eveuingal 7 o'clock at which time two Captain will bo elected. These Cap tains will meet the night hofore the hunt and chooeo sides, but their choice of men la to i -mam a secret until tho gamo Is counted after the hunt. Each prison who enters bis namoas one of tho hunter will deposit i jO to ay lor tho game supper, but those who happen to be on the win ning aide will receive their money hack again. The same rcale of polnU used at the hunt last year wan adopted for this. Remember tho mooting to-morrow night and be on hand. II Mr mil lnrThr Hi.IIiIm. i ively times will begin now at Foh ay and Mason'. Their now etock or goods has nrrived aud It is the moat complete In tho city. They will he able to offer the best and finest.stock ef holiday goods ev-r put In Christmas stockings. Their stock of book par ticularly is uncommonly bargw, and em braces the very best claas of literature Kvcrthing late is to be found there, as well as standard works of the past. Go early if you want the privilege oi choico FAMOUS OI'EKA fI NUKRM. Annie Ionire Carey and Clara Louise Kellogg aro beyond question the most fa mous opera tdngcrs of modern timet. In fact i hey have i. universally acknowl edged to be Uih leaner or ttieir profession, as well as ladies of Junto experience and particularly Rood taste. They have prob ably travofed more oxtenslvoly than any ladies on tho st:ige, and, aa a consequence, have had excellent opportunities ot juug Ing of the merit of different countriesand their productions. It I certainly a very great credit to California and the balmy semi-tropical climate of the Pacific, to have had them pronounce SI even's Yosemlte Cologno by far the Msst they have ever i . 1 V I.- u n umcii in any country, ror nwe uy r ubiihj x Mason, Foster's Brick, Albany, Or. 6 fllvena C herry Tooth Paste. An aromatic combination for the preser vation of the Teotli and Clums. It is far superior to any preparation of the kind in toe market. In large, handsome opa potH, price 60 cents. For ale by Foihay & Mason, Albany, Oregon. Drlri Fruit ! Elrled Fruit ! Samuel EL. Young is prepared to handle large quantities of good dried fruit. Parties having driod fruit to sell would do well to call on him. Quarterly nkpeUag, The first quarterly meeting of thoM. E. Chureh, South, in this city, will bo hold on Decenibor 3d, and . 4lh, by Kt v. D. C Mo Farland, P. E. Impure blood is shown by skin disord ers, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, dto., also by Liver and Kidney Complaint, Consti pation, Piles, Indigestion, kBUliousness. Despondency, Lassitude, General Weak ness, and many other a y mptoms. Purify with King of the Blood. See advertise ment. 8 Hi: mi Of BR! R all.TU tMMll. It was with great pvn as well as surprise when on Wednesday morning we learned of the death of our worthy citizen, Mr. Keuben Saltmarah. Mr. Haltmarah had boon sick seme eight or ten days, hut he wae not looked upon as dangerously so until Just previous to hie decease. Mr. S. eame to Oregon in about '01, and has for the last twelva or fifteen years been in the drug business in this city, hi which occupation he obtained the esteem aud respect of every body, and was knowu for his honesty, and fair doaling. He leaves behind him a father far advanced in yean, a widow and live children to mourn his loss, iu common with the community at large. At the time of his decease he wae 54 years of ago. A special meeting of the Common Council was called Wednesday evsning by tho Mayor to take action on tho dssth of the deceflHud. Arriiictn ti were) mad to at tend the funeral in a body, and a committee on resolutions appoint "1, which reported ss follows t Wur.iiK.t. It lias plossed the Ruler of tho uuiverati te remove from our midst R Salt marsh, one of the members of this council, therefore, lie it UrMolitit. That the titv of Alba, v has Inst one of its mast feithfol and eomnetunt ... aai Is li j . sT omcere. r. it lurtber roW, That we Under to ths mourning relstivea of the deceased our heartfelt sym pathy ia this their aad Iwreavement, and that the recorder furnish to the family of said deceased a copy of these resolutions, under the seal of the city of Albany, ami a "TV to each of the eity papers for publica tion. frWrv., Further, thst our council ohsm ber he draped in mourning and that each of tho citv elliuers wear a badge of mouruinv for 30 days. W. It rVorr. D. It, N. Knrnx K. K. Piiiwi: aerioaa AreMesu nt Ike aa Will.. Monday afternoon a very serious ac cident occurred at tho West Coast Flax Mllli which t 'minuted in annnfotlu ante manner. Carrie Weetfall, a girl about 14, the daughter of our towns man, F. M. Woetfall. who waa working at tha mills at tho time waa near the spinning machine of en of tho other girls, when Ler right hand caught Iu the gear of the machine. Hefore she could extricate It It waa drawn In, mesh ing the finger in a terrible manner. Dr. II arris waa immediately called aud on examination of the baud found It necoasary to amputato two of tho fin gers. No blame la attached to any body. It waa one of those aecld- s that will happen sometimes. TU ears of the machine are ao expowd that the greatest care hi necessary when around them, and It is probable that Carrie thoughtlessly got her baud too near them, when It was caught ami drawn In hefore the mat blue could be stop ped - Btarkttear Or bailey f :Mb This newly organised Cu ntftal ih office of Powell A UHu lMt Tm olny evening, where U lu-id u Uigr au i e thualaslic m-Hiug, which bespeaks a su.-cce.ful fulure. After Ui adoption of the constitution iha 'd!owtogonLr were elected for tho ensuing term : F. It. Kkipwotth, Piefdeut; O H. Irvine, Vice-I'rcsldcut; l'"ied V Nutting. K, i rotary. The debate on thf compu!ogy education question wae decided Iu the negative. The following iiest Inn was selected fc r debate at the next meeting which will bo held nt the pioo place next Tueeday evening: Resolved that the electoral college bo abolished and the president and vice-president of the U. 8 be elected by the popular vote of the people. To bo participated In by Mer. Irvine, W. Bilyeu, Hrvant, Nutting, flai kletuati, Hochete ller.Hav. en, Wolverton, Ilannen and Hentoa on the afnrmetiee, and Messrs, L Uliyeu, Ma! toon. lemetit, Hideout, Davis, ll II. Hewitt, So, Duncan, Hlain and Curran on the negative. Isnearfnal laslrnrtUai. The Supreme Ixxlge of the A O U W of California, has Issued a neat pam phlet of twenty-three pages of Instruc tions to medical examiners, which It would ho well for tho Oregon Urand Lodge to take pattern from, its con cluding paragraphs read thus : "Let medical examiners keen especi ally In view two facts, viz , that coo sumptlou and intemperance land to more deaths than most other causes combined ; and applicants likely to come under the Influence of these pro- ii. i . t a". . line aestroyers or uumsn life shoaid be kindly but firmly turued aside. Let tlfem make the examinations with judgment and discretion ; but with the Kpectal object in view as to tho pro babilities or the applicant living the average duration or human life. Cuard gainst deception, as every applicant desires to pass a satisfactory examina tion, and will conceal anything likely to be object louable or prevent hi ac ceptance, lie always guided by the strictest honesty, and reject all partlc, no matter what their influence or necessities may le. wan are not phys ically sound and pointed ot the vitality likely to glye them the average dura tion of life. F nally, as they are ex amining lor protection of the OrJer against impaired lives, the ure to con alder themselves in ail cases, as the officers And employees of the Order, and should give the Order, rather than the applicant, the beuefUsnf all doubt' Mo Trare of Him. w' I I 1 . otttuu nun isaac r ro.nan aud nn'ce Price, who were iu the party engaged in searching for the body of itussel Price, left Lowsr boHa last Sabbath for home. They report that they found t'noe s horse about a mile and a half below where the drowning occurred. and about a half mile below the fishery. It wa lodged In between the rocks, and a buudle of clothes was still strap ped on the saddle, (riant powder was exploded in the holes and eddies in the river but the young mau's body could not be raised. Wanted by Everybody. Mr. ihos. McOhee has C0mlun ed the canvas of this county for the life ot Uen. James A. Garfield, whioh contains a full account of hi early life; his struggles with poverty and efforts to obtain an edu cation; hi services inahe war of the re bellion; bis election to the Presidency, to gether with a complete history of his assassination. The book is finely printed and contains nearly 700 pages, and Is sold at the extreme low price of $2.50 and S3.00 according to binding. Look out lor the ageat. Uahappiaess is the child ot Dyspepsia. Get rid of both parent and child by a few doses of King of the Blood. See advertise merit. BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon Is the REST end OH K I'KST. MORRISON AND J. I. CASE PLOWS, Batclielor Vangelder Spring Har- rowg, STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. to P. Wood Pumps, Hay Pitskcm, Fanning Mills, etc, For Halo at Lowest Hates by W II GOLTRA, ALBANY. - - - OR. Jflyl GRAND BALL. Hook and Ladder Co. Ne. 1 will give Its 8ECOND ANNUAL BALL, at the Old MftHonii Hall in Tai'mlTi Brick, on THANKSGIVING NIGHT, NOV. 24. COM M ITT K I. Or annaXOKMKNTM. R l. Wilson, Henry Clark, 8. Heiienbacb. hjohau con nm re. Win Webber, It. A. VoMr, Tom Callahan. Uood music will be fntnialit d. TICKETS, SI.50, FOR SALE ie One Racine elng'e buguv tu nee tbtos weeks. Original ixwt, f loo. Win m,11 It for Mgg cash, or f 13 on time. Two seated Kactne hack, for either one or two horses ought now last May. Coat $170. Will sell it for 145 cash or f l&Sou time. Two sot of single harness, bought last May and July. Cost tltt.W and 920 Will aell them for $15 and f 16 cash. Ill acre, lying 0 miles due east of Uar risburg- A good onw storied box house, t rx,ni. flam, 20x22. The land has bfrrc-tofor beou uied as a pasture, but can all la put into cultivation. No grubbing renulrad. 1 ' mile from school. Torm tin per acre, canh down, balance al most any length of time aevured by mort gage- .1) acre, lying within a mile of Mon roe, in itmtton oun(v. A I under fence and divided into five OVd. Ail good firm land and half in grain, fiood house and barn, splendid water aud a fine orcl- ard It U one of the beet farms in that -t i m of tha valley. Price ffctt nor acre 1 1 000 or f I WO down and hatan on irate Koqulre of C. II. STRWART. to Taw rt nur. 1 a .-b to notify my maoy friends that I havo retire t frm the firm of Kuban t Dubrullle and have again gone back Into the old shop wih which I was connected for fifteen or twenty vr an., and laws I in now a partner In it, the firm name belr g Thompson A Ilubarts. I thank my old customer heartily for the patioaage they have always given mo, and now having increased factlitin for man a facta ring know that I can ploato tnm better thvn ever both la price and quality of goods. 1 he now firm of Thnmp-tn A Rubarts will keop on hand a large stock of barm and saddlery m l wi! guirtn'oi satisfac tion to all persons who bn-r us with their patronxgo. 12ml ORES RUDAltrs. Tw t Keal. e have two good farms to rent in the vleinity of Tangaut. One is 160 acres, with AO acres already seeded to wheat aud 60 more to go In. The other farm Is a 150 acre tract Both are splendid farm Cat! at this office for information. WRINKLED FACES. It is a iafiiful sight to see young ladioa in their teens with wrinkled and prema turely old facea; nevertheless It la quite common, and to any one who observes the stiruM ot tlio times the reason is very appa rem. uwing to me naming auvertlMtraenta and bogus oertlucatm. In which sre used the names of eminent physicians anc chemists, the unsuspecting and croduloui nave ueen inuuceu to use aome or the ao uallad liquid beaut i tiers, ail of which are knowa to tie positively injurious, and if used ror any length or time will destroy tho complexion, so that it will be next to liupoHNihle to restore it. Mothers should be very careful to see that their daushtera do not use theae preparations, hut ask foi and obtain Mlaven's Harmless Yoeeniite Face Powder, the snly harmless beautlfler. For sale by Poahay A Mason, Foeter'i I trick, Main St., Albany, Or. 4 STRAYED. A brown yearllnsr hone colt, barred on tho loirs and striped on the back like a mule, strayed from my place In Center precinct during bar vast. It wont away with a couple ef stray mares -one black and one swrret, the latter of whioh had a yoke on hor nook. A 11 bora) reward will be paid for tho recovery of the colt. O.F. URAWKoao. f. the rafelle. J. A. Gross, proprietor of the depot hotel, keeps one of the best public houses in the Slate. Ilia rooms are koptecrupu lonely neat and clean, and ou his tables can be foaid the best lood the market af fords. Parties going off on th. morning train can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before the train leaves Here after tho hotel will bo kept open all night m a s? 1 a s t 11 iar 1110 convenience 01 me puuno. 4tf Meeraslas t Mseraslas t Patent Moccasins made to wear Inside of rubber boots. They absorb the perspir atton of the feet, keeping them dry and warm, and saves your socks. Forty dozen of the above moccasins just received direct from the manufactur ers in the East ; for sale cheap by Bsniuei K. Youag. STAHL RAINWATER -On Nov. 13, 1851, at the residence of Mr. Rainwater, m Benton county, by Eld R. C. Hill, Mr. ( Fbepbiuk Stahx and Miss Anhis Raw water, all of Beaten county. FARMERS AND MECHANICS ONE PRICE CASH STORE. I reipoetfuHy rail ths attention of Ho.c rasli bnyent to the foilowins lilft of onds. wbirh 1 am offering at bottom pHrea. MENS, BOYS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING, OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, BLANKET LINEO SUITS AND ULSTERS,' RED,WHITE AND BLUE FLANNEL UNDERWEAR, RED, WHITE AND VICUNA KNIT UNOERWEAR, SCARLET, NAYY BLUE AND CAS . 0!S3!8TS, BOYS AND YOUTHS UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS, BOOTS, SHOES AHD SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES AND ARCTIC3, CUM BOOTS, CLOTHING AND LECC1NS, CARTERS DOUBLE Oil CLOTH IMC, HOSIERY, CLOVES AND MUFFLERS, TRUNKS, VALISES A3 SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, MERSCHAUM PIPES AND SM8XERS' ARTICLES. CENTS DRESS JEWELRY AND WATCHES, STATIONERY, BRUSHES AND COMBS, POCKET CUTLERY AND RAZORS, . ENDLESS VARIETY OF YANKEL KOTIOHS, HATS AND CAPS-LATEST STYLES, LINEN AND CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS BEST STOCK OF CICARS AND TOBACCO IN TOWN. AU ffeadi marked ia plain (I Farmers1 and Mechanics' Store, J. HI. NOLAX, ITS COME, A BIC THING, AN IMMENSE NEW STOCK OF AND CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Including all the lata and desirable novwltie in style, fabric and cotora. not let it escape your memory ths tiis i- a NEW STOCK THROUGHOUT. Wo are now about to offer this entire sortmat f price draw a mob. Will you be there 1 Lsss En Foster's Block ALBANY Oregon- W . . . m . .- ft mm .IhH 5- w rTTl ftf 'liS UiiTwmI-'U"i i miniii Dot a" j T--' f s THEY WILL COS SECT SJO PRESERVE THE SWHT. PKOLBRS'CAMMOT GET THESE GOODS, MONEY TO LOAN. w fg have money to lo a ft Wld 9 Per Cent Inter- eat on time of six months to ton yeara. NO ArTORKEYS FEES CHARGED litf BURXH ART BROS. HAKIM WATt'BES Daftaxliva Watch Cases are one of the chief causes of so man v watches not being good time pleoes. The case, being thin and not tilting well, admit, dust aud dirt to the movement, which soon interfere. with the running part, of tho watch neces sitating sleetting, repairing, Ac., and the amount tnu psiu out u apptteu towara buying a good ease 10 the beginning. would novo saveo an inia trouoie ana ex ponas. W. have recently seen a case Unit motwsall thea. requirement, it havioa been carried for over twenty years and still remain, perfeet. We refer to tho JAS. BOSS' PaTKftr Stiffomko Ooi o Cask, which haa become one ef the staple articles ef the Jewelery trade, possessing aalt does s. many advantages over all other watch cases, being made of tw. heavy plates of solid gold over a plat of com position, and we advise all our readers to ask their Jeweler for a card or catalogue that will explaiu tbe manuer iu which they are made. It Is th. only Stiffs.. (?ak mail with two plate of gold, aeani less pendants, aad center, solid joint., crown pieces Ac, all of which are covered by letters patent. Therefore buy no caa. before conHtiltlcg . 1 . . . C 1..lJ.-J B a jeweier woo Keeps ine j nw Patxnt Stiffkwko Gold Cask, that yen may learn the difTerenoe between it ard all Imitations that claim t. be equally as Wood. 1 m . - , 1 r I For aaie ny an responsible jeweers Ask to see the warrant that aecotn pantos oaeh eaae, and don't be perauaded tint any other make of case is aa good. II olloway's l'llls aad Olatmeut. Wrecks of Humanity. Indiscretions of Youth. No object is more soul appalling than the premature sensibility of youth. dally witnessed among the habitue, of our public promenade., where may bo seen the terrible results of disease in it a most frightful forms of the ghastly au j candaveroua wreck ef manhood, the de luded victims of unprinclpal scoundrel; who, by pernicious nostrums, have im pregnated the system, of their unsuspect ing and confiding patient, with mineral poison.. Fer all uloers and impurity of blood consequent upon such imprudence, Holloway'a Pill, and and Ointment aro pewsr fully efficacious, being composed of rate balsams aud vegetables that am antagonistic to all disordei ef the blood and ulcers arising from virus in the bodv They contain not a particle of mereury or other mineral poison. 191 iMFoBTAWTCAUTteif. None are irenuine aniens the signature ef J. H . y d m:k. sur round, each box of Pilla and Ointment. Boxes at 3S coats 61 cents and Si each. str There is ooaaiderable saving by taking tho larger aiaea. Hollo way A Co., Now York, - arcL Strietlr one price Proprietor. AMD WE HAVE COT IT. Do ill BLAIN4 ITHE LEADER. ler in .tvie. Leader in Fn, L-'ader in FefMSar Pmoo- r t ivi' .' BY WNO S HCW SVSTtM WITH COMBINAHON BPECTACLEO. CxlC OV.T ST NEW PISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders A Stern lterc. Will heap constantly on osnd all kinds of freab wnd sslt fisn and oysters that ihe market afford. M. IlTPK- flTATIOX. ; County Court of Lima Count -, Sfate ff Oregon. In the mstter of the estse of Tu E . Summeri, DeceastKl. C;tatkn. To the next of kiu of id deceaseil, to wit : Jane Coyle, William Summers, Abner Summsra, Isouria la'rib. Ida Privett, and to all others kno a i and ur Known, inieresieu iu iu tm In tH4 mom of the HtM of Oregon: Yon are hereby cited and required v, be and aDoear iu the Couuw t oun of the County or Linn, Mate of Oregon, at X'ms Coun House, in the city of Alttov. iu said County and Stste, m Mondsy tbe 5th day of Decamts.r. A. t. the hourofoao o'olork in the aneruoon or mid day, the asms being Urn first day of tbe December Term 1S8I tb reor, and then and there show cause f any exist, why an order' of sale anould not be made dlreviingand licennlng tbe administrator of Mid estate to sell all ibe rich, title sn 1 interobtof said Tho 3. Summers, deceas ed, at tbe time of ios death, both in law and equity. In an. te he leal property hereinafter described, as prayed far in the petition of L. Bilyeu, administrator ot the estate of aaid deceased, whi'-b petition is now on file in the County Court of Loin Count v Oregon, which said real property is described as follows, to-wit : Beginning 8.SS chains South and 16.48 chains West of tbe 8. W. earner of section 30, Tp 12, S. H. 1 Woat of Willamette me ridian, and running thenco West chains ; thence East 33.70 chains 1 thc-n--North .16.97 chains to the place ofsrT niug, containing 88 acres, more or has. Also the following described tract of land : liecinning at the South Fast corner of the donation land claim of Tho. 8. Summer, and wife. Not No. 2304 in Linn County, Oregon, and runnii g thence North If Mi chains: th-nce west on chains ; thence South l&Mehair. ; thence East 60 chains to the place of beginuinir, containing 98 acres more or less, b-Vb of th. above described tracts of land Rung and lying in Linn County, Oregon. By order of Court : Witness my hand and tho eal or atd Court thta 17th day of onrier, 1881. U s N. Bacm, Clerk. perJ. H. Hai-k.kmv, I I2wG Deputy. A BARGAIN. 8-Q acres of land in Marion countv. Ifo IK mile, from Buena ViU an 1 seven miles from Jefiersou. 80 aurre in cultivation and balance ha light bru-li tnd timber. House, barn aud c I rchsrd. Flouring mid witlflu 2 miles. Emaugh wood can be sold at the potrv vrork- at Buena Vista to Bty for tbe farm. Call mi C. H.!SrKWAKT, at A than v. As a mild but effectual laxative, at a safe but sure tonic, blood purifier and gen oral strengthened use King, of the Bleoi. See advextiament. 9