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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1881)
1 Site groomt. FRIDAY NOVEMBER IS, 1881 KEPI BLiCLX SLITS. There is s sub-ontractor ia Portland who is informing the general reader that ihe Republican slate id made Up in this state and there is nothing left to be done but call, the chosen few to gether and have the whole thing rati fied. There is al ways a gentle, persuas ive captivating m inner in the exhibition of genuine cheek. And one is almost ready to acquiesce to the slate an put up for the reason that it is so cleverly presented. The head of the slate for Governor u the acting m tyor of Port land, Dive Thompson, whom the sub contractor says everybody wants to occupy the executive chair in Oregon. To the democracy this is a balm, but o the sober sided thinking republicans this announcement will be the cause ef great internal commotion, not to say war. Dave Thompson has one advan tage over his rivals; he ia not republican enough to receive a regular nomination from that party. Ho has done more to distract it in Portland than all of its open enemies rnd there is no hope that be will do better in jhfuture. Rule or ruin is David's motto and we hope he will fasteu his teeth into the old hulk and see if he cannot land it high and dry. His game is to succeed to the office of Governor. And if treacheries or tricks that are dark will do the work he w"ll become the cheeky master of the situation. He will make hay while the bun shines and sometimes when it does not shine. With Dave Thorn ps n at the head o' the republi can ticket the republic An party will go into summer quarters with reversed arms. This slate though smooth on its fane really means an entire change of programme. It msais nothing less than an entire new ticket. He ia laying hi pipes for a revolution on the inde pendent The storm is coming and the fight will be brought on in a very earnest manner. The sub-contract or knows what he is doing. He is mov ing on the enemy by putting the pres ent incumbents in their little bed with assurance that they are happy, and will remain so as long as they sleep Bat should they awake to David's scheme they must go. In the mean time David will soe that they are snperceeded. The advantage the people will have should the acting Mayor be nominated, will consist of having a lull knowledge of straw-bids, Star-route frauds and sur veying by protraction. Many other in teresting things will be presented that will show conclusivelv the abiiitv of the ef proposed Governor for anything. Dave Thompson has made a large fortune in Oregon, estimated at $750,000. It is said he pays taxes on $21,000. David can do this better than anybody and the public will appreciate it. But we will wait, and should David gratify the people by nominating himself oa the republican ticket, we will have much to amuse if not to astonish and disgust the average citizen be be republican or democrat. liMAVEISVKXSrr. Whatever may have been Gateau's incentive to the in irder of Garfield the fact pushes itself forward that it is working as a pavement to th ascend ancy of Grant in the present adminis tration. Tit is is enough to placethe peo ple of the Unite 1 States on their "rnet tle, aid make them keep their eyes open for breakers ahead for it points a significant finger to the election of '84. On the 2 it of January next the last relic of the Garfield administration well have pa?g?d fiom sight, and the Arthur's cabinet proper will be fully established. It will he composed of Stalwarts to the backbone, meu selected less on account of their ability and in clination to serve the people, than their capacity f r acting as the tools of a tool. The tide ia sweeping in one inevitable direction. Yon cannot "wink s hard" as to cover the fact that Arthur is less than the instrument of Grant, At Chicago be was nominate ! a a mere sop to that faction, and elected because there is no division of the Presidential ticket. It cannot be expected particu larly when the mediocrity of his charac ter is considered, that he will fill a higher position than an Edward the VI. The very course he has taken points to this. It means much. Grant would b "the power behind the throne' as a stepping stone to his own suprem acy in the future. When two or three years previous to the election of 1880 it was PTPn hiiitorl tlistf ha urrtiiLl tm a horse in the presidential race, the idea was treated with the greatest ridicnle, but the convention of that proved that the premonitions of certain wise ones were well founded. It may be the height of folly to suppose that Grant will again talc the field, yet the pres ent course of affairs indicates it so strongly that ie is at least entitled to the most earnest consideration. While we ba?e too much faith in the Ameri can people to lelieve that they will ever harbor such a petrified institute of past greatness, we still are made aware of the fact from the teachings of history, that the time to stop such pro ceedings is when they are in the bud. Gambetta has announced his cabinet, which is looke I upon an a strong one and. one which is meeting the approval of the French geop!e. BKt'i Ul t IV IMHIIATI 1 Ott TltF, I.H KKXATK. Our adversaries are taking quite an interest in the senatorial contest. The gubernatorial and senatorial candidates seem to be restless lest they will not fall into proper and desired positions. If trades are to be made they must be scaled now. lienor this early disturb ance among those who ought to be care ful how and when they present their grievance?. Among the prominent names we find J. II Mitchell, .IN. Dolph and Geo. H. Willlama. The two former are c;tienS of Oregon. Judge Williams could not b'Kome a Senator if ho has no higher pretensions than what ho has made for the place. Tho names of Gov. Gibbs anil Bjise are mentioned, but with no degree of confi dence. Mr. Caples, prosecuting at torneys named in this connection and would if elected make a fair Senator. In bringing this subject beforo tho party thus early the leaders will be able to sift out all those that are objectionable before the convention is called to sot the party machinery at work. Judge Willi mis was over ten years ago a Senator of this State. He never re turned here to reside. He put in a slight appearance here this fail and re mained in Oregon a few weeks, when be returned to Washington to resume the business he had temporal ily left in that city. He is a citizen of Oregon for senatorial purjoscs only. As to Poise he is wholly out of the case. He has evidently labored very haul to make a little reputation as an anti mo nopolist. And has succeeded in con vincing the public that he has or.e of his own which we think he runs as T often as he can do m. His Oi&av on crushing monopolies ia read here and there whenever he can get audience. All this would be very cll in a mli(i cian, but he is accused of traveling around denouncing these mom police with his pockets lined with pauses The general voter is not so eaii!y im posed upon. If the monopoly has sufficiently high funding as to have its passes honored by Judge loUe lu places himself beyond all political cm sideration when he denounces that monopoly afier receiving iu? StfWM The eople will very correctly conclude that the man who will use passes and denouncejtl.e cotnjiany directly or .- directly that gave them to him i un worthy of political coufidewoe. U paints an; accented b nuv MM he should act honorablv with ti.. a ho gave them. Judge :'..- Barer bnd the reputation of an advam-ii Rgl in knowledge Ami it Is raid be dues not improve any. is a deep p'otter in jiolitics for bis own in'ere?, and when that is crannied iu one par? J be Cuds it convenient to use tho eiuS f another to re-instat? himseif aiih the majority. He was a iH-mocrat until it becatneljja minority party, thu .he became a Republican. He remained a Republicau until he was about shel ved, then he went with the Independents and denounced the Republican psrty fearfully. To compromise the mat'er be accepted the nomination for Judge and was elected on the Kepul lican ticket. The convention ignored his wants so far as the supreme bench was concerned, and by a scratch he was pulled in out of the cold. He accepted the nomination a thing that surprised his friends lut not who knew him best. The lawyers f-ay he does not read the books hence he is not ..n authority in the law. , Judge Uoise ha3 not the reputation of the -student or sound jurist. And the facta seems to substantiate this assertion in a re markable degree. There are six judicial districts in Oregon that furnish the Supreme Couit with its cases. It is currently reported that at this term there are fifty-eight new cases and thirty-four of them are from Judge Boise's district This is of far more serious concern to the litigants of this f tatfflst- tkan onriliinrr fliaf sit1.1 iaui.u vi can atij tiling wijca it v.i r t lov j ont of politics. His labor is in politics and with his record on the bench, it would be far better for him to devote his time to bis books or gracefully stand aside that the people may have a Jadge in whose ability the bar has suf'i'.-ient confidence t rest its cases after a fair trial, at one in thirty. Mahoxk's name has been mentioned as a probable member of the coming stalwart cabinet. If tendered a osi tion it will be for tbe purpose of en couraging a further revolt against the Democracy of the South. This is Civil 'Service reform with a vengeance, but characteristic of t-io Arthur reign. Complete sight is lost of this by the politicians of trie new alminisbration in their endeavor to serve themselves and tho faction they represent Stal wart ism. The principal contestants for the next speakership have arrived in Washington, all of whom are the strongest men and have the best pro3pect of eloction. Keifrfr,IIis'jx'k, Bunnell, Barrows and Kassiou are are already there and begun active operations. The canteatauN for clerkship are uncertian on account of the fact that if thesptker u from the west the clerk mint bf fro;n the east and vice verm. On Monday Judge Folgr assomed the duties of secretary of tbe Treasury. He enters into tbe active life of a cabinet officer with a good record be hind him, but how long he can retain it under tlie pernicions influences which will surround hini U a question which not even politicians can answer. Ti! riio i u mov Kxroutivb Omci, ) .'m; : M Or. , 15, Not. 1881. J t herons for a long period of time a custom has prevailed of sotting apart a day of thanksgiving to tho God of tho universe: And whereas, his excellency tho president of the United Hiates In compliance therewith has issued his proclamation recommend Id g "that all people observe Thursday, tho 24 th day of November Inst., as a day of national thanksgiving and prayer by ceasing so far as may be from their secular labor and meeting In their several places of worship, ahero to join in ascribing honor to Almighty God, whose goodness has been so manifest in our history and in our lives, and offering our honest prayers that his bounties mav continue to us and our children." Now therefore I, W. W. Thayer, I govornor of the stato of Oregon, In . A m mm m 1 ...... I it. mm Vm . . View OI ItlO iHrujfjumaj nun iiirougn n respect for the opinions of others do hereby appoint for tho people of th hi commonwealth the day so recom mended in the said proclamation of tho president of the United States oa such a day of thanksgiving and ear nestly request all to observe it in ac cordance with said recommendation so far as consistent with their honest sentiments and convictions. In tes timony whereof 1 have hereunto set nay haad and caused tho great seal of the state to be hereunto affixed. W. W. THAYKU. By the Governor, i; P. K.uiiunT, Secretary of State. MUI1T m tk:r. The pi incipal event of the week has been the drop in the market of Chicago from sM.3j to 4c -er bnkhel. This taking place in one of the loading if not the leaiing mat ket of tho world justly attracts attention. It has not as yet been followed by a correjouu ing reduction in Liverpool. It has though in New Yoik, where the market has dropped 'y. San Fran cisco. wliieh always follows I.iveriiool has as yet remaiued without change,! though on account of the .lrp in freights, it would probably have re mained firm an) how. U'cript this week show an iucreme again. They exceed i-o'. ouiy those of the previous week, but alto those- of last yesr for the corres'xndittg week. Tse ship ments have never before beu equalled in the hu.t rv of the coast in volume or value. As )oi, however, a compara tively smsll portion of lb available surplus has U n hipied or received here. Wbttt U the meaning of the reduc tion in Chicago is toestin which ia aiktxl eagerly on 'Chang?, duriiig the past few day It is certain that high prices in Kaglaml have drawn and are drawirg large quantitie thither, but the Knglish market remains unmoved. Probably, however, thu steck attracted to Chicago are very heavy and more probable still, her speculators re un oading. This of itself would put prices down for a brief period. liut Iwe do not believe thst the reduction can be more lhau temjiorary: .V. . Journal of Commcrt. A very suggestive paragraph appears in the dispatches sent to the Chicago "Times" by the Washington correspon dent of that journal. After describ ing the splendid heuae which Blaine is building at Washington, the estimated cost of which is $80,000, the writer adds: "Blaine ia said to be worth about 1,000 ,000.' S IogersoU's Knight did not wear those snowy plumes in vain. Burely the profession al pursuit of politics will have to lie set down among the occupations to which men may devote their time and energies and be rewarded, not only with place and prominence, but also pelf. A million of dollars is a huge pilo of mammon's metal, which would weigh many hundred pounds and would take many a weary hour even to COUnt. niliCbJvSStO earU. A XIHU HCT. A BKriBIICMN VMTI4 ISM. I j lit or hnnocrat : We noticed an item in the If rol l ef the 10th, which the functionary of that desecrated sheet evidently penned for a Republican witicism. no had leai ncd from "election return," that New York wai overrun with Demo cratic storms and fieods. It must bo the first time iu the history of the empire state, that a full repot t of the storms and 11 od were returned with Demo, cratic victories, all of which ho de -clares a disgrace to the stttu. We would inform this amphibious Editor that his trio of "disgraces," are ef divine attributes and no man could be so debased, and no man could so blaspheme God, for sending a tain shower, but a black Itebublican, unfit to live, too mean to die and disrupt the regions of -hades. A New Yorkeh. American Newspaper tnMasl. "e have received fro pa N. W. Aye & Co., of Philadelphia, their American Newspaper Annual, and are prepated to say that for completeness of matter and convenience of arrangement it ex cel by far anything yet published. It gives the name of every paper publish ed in the United States and Canada, its frequency of issue, politics or other din tinctive feature, size, year of its estab lishment, circulation and advertising rate- Abo population af place and county in which each newspaper is printed, according to census of 1880; besides other important features too numerous to mention. Those interest ed in newspapers should not fall to communicate with Messrs. Ayer & Co. and secure a book of great value. oia rrt KLKrno r. Oil. Demomtf: Your generosity in submit :ig the use of the columns of your pap to the promotion of tcmperai" i in keeping with the policy hon t 1 i pur sued by tho Dhuockat. ,m have always permitted a free abt 'Uwden of ail questions of public imp n tin your columns, and now permit me to con tinue a good causo already h r vn. I wish to make a direct . o I to the temperance people of AP any for oaco they lay aside all b (bat .!- ! em oii city sidcrationa and do their uY . peranco and law-abiding fr ;' Monday, 1 ftth, we 1 election Ihe city officers t i hn o Aldermen ato t be chosen, we want is men at the hea.l i V.'l.ut y af fairs who aro witling and not afi lid to enforce tho plain, undisputed aw Tou all know what I have refer oo to theoloeing of saloons on theba' : stb. I havo no fault to find withloerso; .vho sell liquor whnn the law permi- , but it is It In the it ad when they opcu'y violate tbo ..i time (hey were looked after useless for any ofiioer, who 1 right to arrest without warr I baa tin information or U.e ooi- -non of crime, to try to defend him. f if he fails to keep the s-tlo ins c' 1 on Sunday, Thiro art m y thin ; that could be said in regard .o utile, t luiug their duty --not one, but nil f that pe rhaM it is better t elves. We do not wriie il. cation for the puroae of ! officers up to public gt i f of duty, fcut it is time th I people should act as Towns on all sii'.es of uu regulating the sale of Ibp our u nun! i ; our ' tion i .i nee W talk laws I the officers have no difficulty n ! m so. I 'jrvallm hat u Sund.ty law. 'own is no larger than Albany, has a - many saloons, and her eoplo aro as much inclined to drink as outs, yet saloons are closed thera ou Sunday. When we demand tho enferc mnl f this law are wo sultidi, unnraa i ible, or are wa interfering with ant urn's libertyl For charity's sake and m the same of humanity let no mini tor of the gospel, for theaake of e ; or dogma, accuse us ef any other motive than an unaoltish desire to bel(. tnr fellow men. Who are the part leV l-derfered with and who aro the persons benefitted ? On one hand is seven saloon-keepers, and on tho other the whole co-.i . un Ity. Now shall tho whole communi ty be outraged that woven mn may reap the benefit derived from (He sate of intoxicating liquor? Shall - ven men be permitted to violate our law openly from one year's end toa.i tber, for the simple reason that we bave no offleets to enforco it ? Uow long will this thing go on ? If it not time that something was done, if f r uo other reason perhaps than to preserve our self-respect In the eyes of surroua. ding communities. Shall It be said thatthc people of Albany, who boost of ikclr Immense churches, their morality, thoir su perlor respectability, roro overrun, their laws violated, their rights tram pled upon by seven or eight whisky men. Surely these knights of the bot tle must be men cf colossal brains, profound in a poll deal sense, and of inexhaustible resources, if they can hold this community in tub- jugation to tbeir will, to do as they dictate as a milk-sop lover obeys tbe caprice of bis mistress. This is not the action of brave, intelligent men, law abiding citizen, who have at heart the peace, quiet and prosperity of our city. Hut enough. Our pur pose is to abuse none, though We may tell truths which will grind upon the eensciences of some. Lot the dead bury their dead; weVe done with tho post, now for tbe future. The election is near. Now is the time te act if we would enforco the Sunday law. There are three Coun cllmec, a Mayor, Recorder and Mar shal. When you meet in convention see that all your nominees are not only temperance men, but that they are men, honest, capable and will ing to do their duty and enforce the law. And if either of the con volitions fail to nominate such men, throw politics to the winds, an t it ) for tke man that will do his duty and who is not afraid to pledge himself in mis respect What has politics to do in our city election, If by adherence to caucus nominations, we have to voto for men who will be unfaithful to their trust Ilopiog that the temperance peo ple will show the same sagacity in conducting the cause' as their oppo nents have exercised heretofore, I remain ever, PitOHIIJlTloN'. HlBIHWie sans. HarbisBurg, Nov 16. 1811, Editor Demtorat: Nothing new or startling has been developed since our last. Only the nsual weekly indulgence a wedding and a fight. On the 8th, Inst. Cur tis Paine and Katie Ku&ton wore duly married and have taken their departure for Portland, wbero in the future they wilt reside. Oa the samo evening a party was given iu their honor, and from currant reiort it was quite an enjoyable affair. It culminated however in Traeo Robin son's pugilistic encounter wits the little man's proboscis, and In ijmpt thy for his friend he wore i b eef steak on his own nose. Misfortune has agai&J&it i a citizen of our town, fie claims to have lost a valuable coat and vest by tramp, we aro wttisfled In our own mind his loss sustained was by a tramp, but n ntbo kind ho had roforonce too. PuMio otdnlon is that ho was out oti a lark and leaving eortnln premises rather unceremoni oasly, failed to procure the aforesaid garments. Tho pockets contained tickets not trantrerrable. Further more wo noticed the absence of his watch and chain. We presume how ever ho has only placed them above high water mark. May & Senders have their spsclous store room crowded with still another Invoice of uew goods. fUop in and inspect. You cannot fill to bo pleasod J. F. McCully and wife aro both Improving under tho skillful treat ment of Dr. Hondrex. Prof. Martin's family aro all down with Typhoid except two little boys. VYiiliu has recovered, wo hope to Im nblo to chroniclo In our noxt the recovery of all, a tho Prof, cannot be spared. His help is essential to tho good of Ilarrisburg. Tho Singing school is progressing finely. (Ireat Interest Is belae mani fested in it. Our littlo burg Is de veloping quite a talent for music. Miss Mat lie Campbell, our efficient piiinlt, baoo class of fifteen scholars, all doing romarkably well. Tho Band recently placed u un der obligations for some beautiful se lections, fjome again, boys; you are ahvnyi welcome. One of our mer chants 1 ranted tho boys In a flrst elasaauppcr, prepared by Mrs. Love. It was enjoyed immensely. Tho b.iys will not soon forgot tho donor. Tbo transfer of tho livery business has been made from B. It Holt to Johfl F. Waters, who Is the right man In tho right place. One of tbooo fine days ho will surprise us with some handsome turnout" A new blacksmith-shop Is In oper ation, conducted by a Kansas man. (live him iMironage Is all bo ask , and wo clamor for more like him. Ask tho propriet or of tho Farmers tv Mechanics' Ooo Price Cash store bow much :!60 men would spend at $40 apiece; also whlio dressing his fowls if any feathers mysteriously dis appeared. So far we have failed to call your attention to the fine stock of Jewelry kept by (too. Brandenburg. "Look a loedlooud," ho is going to havo a new invoice nf all the novelties In hi lino for the holidays, and then If you want your duxle's name inner lb on a cameo, givo him a call. We told you somebody would pretty toon proclaim oniy a littlo Fuller. Sure enough Lewis now has a littlo woo bit of humanity .o call him pi;.. Weight '.Mb all told. Mark Twafa's Cocats. !f.KIXO)S ITKMa. I KHAXon, Nov. Hah, ISM I. T thr Editor of th thmoemt : S far thoro baa 1 oen shiped from here twenty-two car loads of wheat. Hut mors than one-four th of the grain stored in tbe warehouse baa been sold. A little three year old child of W. II. K Iu m'a living near here, waa badly s.abled a fowMays ao by falling into a kettle of boiling water. Kldef Shea and Parson Kronk of the Mormon faith, paid us a call last week. Tliey bold service one evening, when tbo Elder, cring te preing calls else where left the parson in charge. We understand much good was accomplish ed and the hearts of some at least were mado to rejoice. Mr. A. Comntou and Alex Parriah have been making additions to their dwellinga. A grand ball ia to lie given on I'hanksgiving evening at Mie Hand Hall. Tickets, including aupr .". It promisea to bo a grand success. There is in the city treasury over $'J)0 and vet rot a cent has teen rained by tax. The city government is a model of economy. Its sole source of revenue ia by liceosu and tinea. or merchants aro still doing a good business. Sales so far are far ahead of any other Hriod iu the bintory of the town. The many f Honda of J. W. Cuaick propose to run hint as a candidate in tho Republican Convention for the oitice of SheritT. Should he succeed in getting the nomination he would make it warm for the Dsmacratic nominee. Ws learn that Mr. Harvey Vader, living uu iu the ieot hills, was so un fortunate as to lose some six or eight hundred bushels of wheat, by the rainy weather. It scorns ho was assisting his neighbors in saving theirs and neglected his own until the rain set in when it became too late to save it. There has been more than tbe usual amount of strangers in town during tho week and from reports some of the boys will remember them for sometime. Uno ot J. J. Uowans nne roan horses snogged himself a few days ago and died from tbe effects, Isaac Conn wont to Portland a few days ago to meet his wife, who is re turning from California, whese she has been visiting frionds for tho last two months. Leb. A Urand Time t:jrrlrU. Almost evory Granger with whom we havo conversed is ex peel ing to bavo a grand timo at the next meeting of tbe Business Council, as it is held this time atSantiam Orange. This is one of the largest granges in tbe county, ajid tbe wivea and daughters of the memoora nave acquirod z reputation for skill in tbo culinary art which always makes evory one look forward to a aaoot- ingat Santiam Grange with pleasure. How any farmer ean hold baek and not unite with a grange is mora than wecaa understand. Aside from pecuniary mat ters altogether it is a good thing, as the sociability engendered among the mem- bets by these meetings amply repays all tho time and money expended. The Council meets at Santiam Grange on Saturday, Dec 3d, and every Patron in tho county who wishes to enjoy "a fea?t o reason and a flow of soul" aa well as a bountiful dinner should be there. Letter Lin 4. Thetoiiowlng Is the list of letters remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Ure gon, Nov. I'iih. 18H1 Persons sailing tor these etiers must give tbe date en which they were dvertiseii. AldrUlfe ( ie... II. Anrel Mart Bertchcll E. It. beverick Frederick Uobertaon, BetUtn Ulchardson. W. K. 1 u.-iei it l.ul K. Sswell W. H. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. IM I I I l II III II I'll NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS, OF MANN COUNTY OflECiOM, NOTICK IM liKRKUY QIVEN THAT f will moot tbe Tax-payers of Linn Count y at 0 o'eioek A. M., and remain un til 4 O'eioek !'. M., at their respective places t voting In tlta savers! precincts at the following times and place for the purpart of collecting tho taxes for the ynar 1SSI. Fox Valley, Monday, Nov. 21, 1881. Hclo, Tuasaav, Nov. 22, 1881 . Franklin Unite, Wednesday, Nov.23,1881. Mantiani, Thursday, Nov. 'M, 1M81. Jajbarmn, Friday, Nov. L 1881. Waterloo, Matnrday. Nov. 20, 1881. Liberty, Monday, Nov. 28, 1811 Sweet Home, Tuosday, Nov. 211,1881. Uruebcroek, Wednesday, Nov. 80,1881. Mabel, Thursday, Deo. 1, 1861. MrowtMVllln, Haturday, Deo. S, 1881. Center, Monday, Deo. 5, 18S1. Syracuse, Tuesday, Deo. 8, 1881. or loan, Wednesday, JXro. 7, issi. llarrlnburg, Thui irnday, Dee. 8. 1881. IfalNev. Friday, Doe. 9, 1881. Hhedd, Maturely, Dec. 10, 1881. West Albany, Monday, Dec. 12, 1881. Fast Albany, Tuesday, Dee. 18, 1881. Take notice, pay yeur taxes sad save J. J. CHAKIroH. Sheriff and Tax collector ef Linn County Oregon. cont. Final Settlement. NOTICK IS HJMUBBT GIVES THAT the undorshzned. administrator of tbe eatate of Kdvrln Trltes, deceased, has II led in tho County Court or Linn County, Oregon, bta final account aa such adminis trator and by order of said Court, Satur day, Deoemfror 10, 1881, at 10 o'olock A. M. or aaid day Is set for bearing o njeooons to said account and the settlement thereof. Anr neroon Interested ia aaid estate is hereby notified to appear and Ale his her ohjactlotl to nael final ho fore Nald day. HOCS ! T Hit: IIIUIIRMT CASH PRICE paid lor Huci by Fred Hull rr. tke firocor. vssmim re II o tine latjanl. Marts wwim Boaim The following statement of Wm. J: ouxhlin, of Bomervtile, Mans, is so re markablo that we beg to ask for it Ihe at tention of our renders. II o says: "In tbe tall of 176 I waa taken with a violent bleeding of the luoaa, followed by a se vere oougb. 1 soou began to loes my flesh and appetite. I waa so week at one time thst I oootd not leave my bed. In tbe summer of 177 I waa admitted to the City Hospital. While there tbe doctor ankl I had a bole in tnv loft lung aa big aa half a dollar. I expended over a hundred dollars on doctors fnd luedklnea. I wnaaofar gone at one time n report went around that I waa dnad, I cave op hope, but a friend told uw of DR. WM. HALL'S BAL SAM FOR THE LUNGM. I laughed at my frienda, thinking that my cnae was in curable, but I got a bottle to Ratify them, when to my surprise and gratification, I began to feef better. My hope, ones dead, began to revive, and to-day I feel in hotter spirits than I have tbe past throe years. "I write tin., hoping that you will pub lish it. so that everv one afflicted with dis eased lung will be Induced to take Dr. Wm. Hall's Ralaatn for the Lungs, and be convinced that CONMlTMrTlOH CAN UK CURED. I have taken two bottles and can iKMitively any that it has done more good than ail the other medicines I have taken since my sick news. My coub baa almost entirely disappeared and I shall soon be able to go to work." r'old by druggttta. 1 rata or rawr. Ir. Kings New Discovery Ux Consump tion, ceogks and colds, asthma, bronchitis, is given away in trial buttles free of cost to tbe afflicted. If yon have a severe cough. cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or other affection of the throat er lonfp, by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As non value your existence yon cannot af ford to let thu opportunity pass. We con Id not affoed and would not give this remedy away unless wo knew it would accomplish what we claim for it. I lionennds of hope n eases bave already been cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will core one-half tke osees that Dr. Kings New Discovery will care, ror sals by roshav and Mason, wholesale agents Alba- m m 4 . W , i W n ny ; i. ai orris, moo ; ur. roiey, ueon- non ; Dr. J. M. 1'oweli, lehanon ; V. M. Calbreatte. Burma Vista ; lteafetto and Mon tague, Jefferson U. H. 1. Carnclins, Tur ner ; K. A. lUmpy, flarruburg ; 8. 8. Hayes, Halaey ; Damon Smith, Halsey t Starr and kUakdy, Brownsville, . ai b lex's ttMi t eaivB. Tlie best salve in the world for cats, bruis os, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar an teed to give perfect stisfactioa in every case or money refunded, f noe 35o per box. For sale by r oshay and Mason, wholesale ages ; D Moore, octo ; D roJey, Lebanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Hod path and Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Calbreath, Buena ista , J voraenns, turner ; h a iiainpy, n l - m t. . n Ilarrisburg ; Starr and Blakely, Browns vtUe. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's Castoria. IZ others Like ami Physicians recommend it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUIi LINIMENTS; tlio World's gro4t .Vain-Ro-llcvlng' remedies. Tbey lictl, sootho und euro Burnt, Wounds, Weak JJack and Kheuxnatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness jtpon Boasts. Cheap, quick and reliable SPURTS of disgusting Mucus, Snuffles i Crackling Pains la tho Head, Fetid Breath, Deafness, and any Catarrhal Complaint, ean bo exterminated by Wei Do Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, by Absorp tion . Tbo moat Important Dis covery sinoo Vaccination. aoooiMMg HOGS! CITY ECT'CTION. S H ERR . x GIVEN THAT anal election, in and for the ty o ibany, Linn County Oregon, will b b on tbe flna Mnntt. ihm nth tlmv of Da ember next, for the purpoee of elect ing one Mayor, one Recorder, one Marshal , and one Treaaurar ; alaone fCoancil man from each Ward. The voting places will bo as fellows : First Ward, at the Sheriffs office. Second Ward, at Count TmunrM office. Third Ward. at the ofTlna of th vm. Warehouse. Tbe noils wilt be atietMd at o ,.t the morning, and closed at o'eioek to the evening of said day. i. J. Hawroir. . City Recorder. Dalod this 17th day of November, lHl. Administrator's Sale NOTI IS HEREBY GIVEY THAT by c- ef tke County Court of I.inn county, f B, duly made and entered of record, I aaderatgned, administrator cU bonin n m UtUtmrntoL annexe of the esUieof W C.GUsod, diseased, will on the 17th 1 1 of Do somber, 1881, at tke hoar of out felock in tke afternoon of said day. on toe promisee hereinafter do- or! bed. eell at public auction to tke binheat bidder, all the right title aad interest 1 1 of said deceased at tho time of his death In mw,A - - " " ' to-wit: Tke north half of tke orbzinal donation land claiaa of TbomaeS. Sum mers, it being eutim No. 60, noti float ion No. 2804 in Townahip 12, 8. R. one and two west in Llna County. Oregon, and bounded aad described aa f el Iowa, te-wlt : Commencing at tbe northwest corner of said claim, running thence east 80 chains, tkonea soutk 68 chains and 88 links ; th as warn 88 ekains ; t henna north 68 obaina aad St links, to tire plane or begin ning, oontalnlng 32U acres more or lev Tanas ef sale i Owe half tbe poruaae price eaek In hand, the balance on a credit of twelve months from the day of sale wltkont interest, secured by mortgage un tbo promisee. nov. iota, 1881. k. a. iavisjB, Administrator de bonis non with tbe will annexed. Administrator's Sale. OTICS IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by an order of Uie County Court of inn county, uregon, duly made aud en red of record, the undersigned, Ad minis- of the snUti nf Jam tnsncaas de- , will on the 10th dav of fteoera ber at tke hour of ooo o'clock In tbe after- of said day. oa the prom bass heroin- r described, sell at nubile auction to highest bidder all tbe right title and n teres of aaid ispsessd In and to tbe rul ing described promises towit : I'M m of band on McDowell creek, tbree and one nair miles above Prices new mill, in Linn County Oregon, bounded and de scribed as follows The east half of tke northeast quarter and tke north west quat ter ef tbe northeast quarter, and tbo north east quarter of Use northwest quarter of section 8 In Tewnsbip 1 3 s of K 1 east ot tbe Willamette meridian. Terms of mlt One half ef tke purchase price cash in hand, tke balance on a credit of aU months from the day of sale, without interest, the deferred payment to be secured by mort gage on tbe promises. J. D. Simojs. Nev.lStb.lML Admfcelstraior 8ui LOUS. a tkt Cirrmit Cotrrt otkt Slate e Orjofor Aim Cossy Ossegs V. Bass ill, rig, , taiUrJ., Daft. ) IK THE NAM K OF THE 8TATK OF OKBUON, you are hereby repaired to appear and answer tbo complaint of tbebee named PlalntirT. In the abovn entitled Ceurt, now on nle with the clerk of said tourt. on the first day of tbe next regular term of said Court, In and for Linn County, Oregon, to wit ; on the lath or March. 1882. and if you pear aad aiswor for want thereof the nan UK win apply to the above entitled Court for a decree dissolving too rasrrWe contract now existing between yourself and aaid plaintiff, aud you are further notified that this summons is served upon on by pnbl'catien by order of H.wi. ft. . Boise, Judge of aaid Court, made on the 29th day of October. 1881, directing that ankl summon be published six con secutive weeks in the trram Hroirra I) km oca at published si .oany ia amid county. j J. V i njov. it aro e it tor Krator lSWl arte the W 'K vaen Fiff THE where lie n find the most worms, and f aimers should act n the same principle when they buy their good JAMES L. of LEBANON, has just returned from below with a mammoth and complete stock of General Merchandise, which he bought at such low figures that no establishment in the county is able to undersell him. He makes no specialties, but has EVERYTHING YOU WANT! HATS,OAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and an extra stock of the best quality of GROCERIES. DONT BUY UNTIL YOU CO AND SEE HIS STOCK AND LEARN THE PRICES. WHEAT He will pay you the hi and oats and will pay i THE LARGEST ANO BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever brought to Allany can tow ), found AT - PHIL COHEN'S. lie offers everything at minced raff All kinds of FARMERS PRODUCE. and especially MtlKD FRUIT, taken fn EXCII ANGE at satisfactory prices. Dont on him before either bay tog a t fail to cal or selling. HOLMAN'S PAD; FOR I.i VUt. vhk Stomal h. It f cluey. be Um only sale snd rdisbU rtwily tut Malaria in all its Types. isri.ti.iso CMUs, Perm, Inul Ai --bins Cum, u stitt ut UtMutUnt Krr, Jum AiriM-. Hasasrfaes. N" mti I j UW Uk In H4sasnV It snoibi: U-r Cmt.Uir.t, lrf--i l Htl TSU M Ui ny kno i r-s If thu psUrelf -T ew ar vssUgs m milu il Uuul trvm Ust saUs Prtj. Dr. A. UmshIs aqns : It Is assrs s ni rtml psnafs Ihf snjrthirr in n.lictM " TWw U 4im tm Hut pel sal ,i In ftW.u.i. . .4 whU h Or PsJ Is tbs ooljr gmuuinm tuti UWs Fur mil KISfSCT TSSI BLH4 m Itr. k4rtiJ .,t Ki.lf) Pad. Um- boat rrfociy in Utc Sa. snnM'ilai bjr the medMwl Isrulty. BKHARKOI BOblM FA IM. CsehtTMine Holsstn fa. I lesrs Uw mitt IK str.t esik aranr 4 the iioimsn iw r..., itn Um trala nasrfc )fioUJ im grmra. Hay sfdsnwlsj rK sals bt act. aarci.iaTs. Dr. Hnlsass a sJb U free. FuU trssUsa acta In as mpAicmliuu. A'blma sem ii ns I 7(1 Urodrar, New Vork. P.O. Boi mi Final Settlement. TkJOTICK 18 HEREBY filVti THAT 1 tbe undersigned, Adminittaur of the estate of D. M. Thompson, dtx-enaed. baa tiled In the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, his final account in aaid potato, and by order of stid Oart. Satur day, e)ec. letklSSI.attbebour of So'clo k K. M.. of ankl dav, is set for tbe hnarins of objections to aaid final account aod tbe settleout thereof. Any person iaterva ed in enid eatnt6 ut hereby notified to ap pearand Ale bis or her objections to said float aceoant on or before said day. WALTKa M . Knrctttm. Ad BBttead rstor. SETTLE UP. rpilE old firm ef Huberts A Duhmisi A having disaloved mrtnetabip, all iet auns knowing theniselros indelaed to it nee requested to call at tbo old stand aud settle up at as early a dae aa possible. A CARD. To all who are suffering fiwn I be 1 1 r and indiscretl i of youth, nervous weak UsBUka (Mel Iv decav. loes of manhood, A . I will sen I a receipt that will cone you. FKKK OF CHAROE. This great remed waa diarovered by a misaionery ia South America. Ssnd a self-sddrosesd envelore te the Rkv. JoasrH T. 1 km aw. Station D. New York ( it v. lamG. OLD J t COWAN, SSACSMASJb AND OATS. ghest price for vour wheat t in cash.