FRIDAY NOVEMBER U, 1881 TIIK r.KUKRV LT. Air -".1 LwjSy Aronn I tho social board once moro, We tillers of the soil Unite to taste the plenteous cheer, Th it there rewards our toll. Chonm. T .en one and all are welcome here? Where labor's sons unite, And woman's smiles to honest cheer, And harmless joys invite. Tho yeoman labors nol in vain From rise to set of sun Through Summer hoat and April rain His victory "i won. For us, the sheaves of golden grain Nod in the wooing breeae ; ' For us is heaped the laboring wain, 'Neath heavy-fruited trees. And raised by toil of fairer hilliftl. Around our cottage doors The blooming tlower its leaves expands, And grateful fragrance pours. Stern V inter vainly vents his ir To check tho farmer's mirth . For then we heap the glowing fire That cheers the social hearth. The pomp of wealth and envy not. The pride of higtf estate ; Give us the farmer's humble lot, Ieave the grandeur to the gnat Daniel Murphy of lialleck Station, Cal. , is Ihe largest pri vate land own er m Ihe eouatry. He owns 4,000, 000 acres in Mexico, 60,000 in Nv da and .,000 in California. Wool buyers are paying thirty to thirty-five cents per pound for wool et Montpelier, Vt. The ruling rate at West Randolph, Vt., is thirty-five cents. Wool is in quick demand by manufacturers. An Americas cheese bore away the prize of a silver medal at the bite great cattle and dairv show'at Bir mingham, England. The prize cheese was one ot the largest e cr made, weighing three-fourths of a test, it came from Iowa. Hngs that are to be slaughtered this Fall should he kept growing. Feed is worih more for fattening in the Autumn months than in the se vere weather ol Winter, when a con siderable :;;n uat of foot! is necessary to keep up animal heat. It is mm h the nint econiuiical practice to keep hogs steadily growing until they are killed. Prof. Brewer of New Htven oee tions if ail the money won at agri cultural fairs pays more than nlf the actual expenses of the winners in en tering the objects exhibited, caring fir them at the ground, and getting them borne again. It is not the cup won at a boat race that incites yo tng men to perform m tnu-h I ihr, -:; so maca time entr NMMey, aid to practice so uiueh seif-l m ii while training, lut the poawuuiun of the prizes won at .our agricultural fjir-. ( .'om:nen i U ttrmes contain alaiit 3.G per cent or aitrogeu and 2.J ier cent of phosph ric acid, existing as phos phate of calcium. Bones that huvej been boiled to extract the gelatine con- I tain much less nitrogen, but a larger proportion of phosphate.-. B jnes tic compose hut slowly in the soil, espec ially on heavy Iandr hence the effect is spread over several years. The fin er the bones have been ground the more immediate is their effect. En glish farmers usually employ them for pasture and turnips. Mr. Gladstone, so a recent speech, made a good point for the to consider. He t Id his audience that they imported 5,200.000 worth of fruits yearly from abroad, ud he j loatawtt .i fruit grower on the Hud son Kiver, in America, who has an apple orchard of 200 acres, fhe pro duce of which wa annually shipped to England. This American fruit grower oold do this beeatHq the land was his own and not rented from a grasping landlord. 2-j or 2 millions of dollars sent away for fruit! for the j reason that If a tenant plan s fruit trees the product gee Bltimatefy to benefit the landlord.-, ami so it is with nthcr things that require time maiun under prosenl land la AS in England. As to sowing wheat which has been swelled and gproured before, we have Fr.if. W. J. Seal's testimony in substance as follows: He fouud that wiiile the plarnule lived the young roots always died ly drying, and new roats must be boshed tmt to growth, Jn one experiment uinety-HX per cent of wheat which had 'slightly hi routed, and become dry, grew. Iu another 2 per cent grew where the plumule hd gro'vn half an inch, and the roots one or two indies. Twice sprouted and dried, a'jottt half grew. There is no doubt that ihee eed wero placed under iMore fn votiiiile circumstances for growing thin they would he likely to receive in the common' field cul ture. A commi-sion was lately appointed in Belgium to test the coraparitive merits ot skimming milk after stand ing, Imth by following the ordinary method in porcelain pans and also in specially constructed Ph, im mersed iu a receptacle c ntaining run ning wtter or susceptible of receiving ice. The same quantity of milk oO quarts was used in p ach st of expe riments. Thisqcantity uas led in the po; eels in pans and allowed to tbr w up th orpHm during "li tmrej the pans were then skimmed at.d tho cteatn churned. There was, invari ably, eleen j-er cent mo e butte, ami of su erior quality, obtained from tho milk, artificially cooled, than from that treatctJ in the ordinary w y. 31500 l,frr ar can ie easi'j miulft t home woikiug tor K. G. Kideout & Co., 10 Barclay St., New York. Semi I'ur their ea!aligr.o and full particularc. 4'harru Uirr lirv. V. 1'. 0. A. M ota at thoir room in Fos ters brick building on Wodneeday evcuuigH at 7:30 o'clock, and on 8aTlth afternoons at 4. Business raeetinga are hold on tho oven iug of the second Monday in each month. Kverybody invited to attend. U. P. Cmukch. Preaching every Sahhath, at 11 A. m. . and 7 r. m. hy Uev. r" Ch Ir vine, I. 1. bbath School at 2:30 r. M. Prayer mooting every Thursday evening. KvAKaaucALCuuRCH. Proaehinffon Sain hath at 11 A. M.. and 74. 1. M. Sahkttli School 12:1$. Prayer meming every Thiirs day evening. W. C. Kantner, pastor. CoNOUKOATioNAt-CmmcH. Servicesevery Sahltath at 11a. m. and 8 r. M. SHhbath School at J:.i. I ravt-r met tinc on Tltursdav' evouintr of utch week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. IV. ( lii, optii.--horvioes every SahlMth at St, Paul's M. R Church, South. at 11 A. M. and 74 P. M. Sahhath School at 12$ r. M. Prayer meeting overy Thure day evenng. M. C. Miller, pastor.' M. E. Church. IVcaidung every S.ihlath at 11 A. m. and (J P. M. Song service in the evening before pennon. Sahhath School t 2 :) r. M. Pravor ineetuii; every 1 hum lay evening. 1. Ihllou, pastor. Prksbytkrjan Ciii ki h. - Sorvioo every Sahhath morning and eveuing iu I '! !; Chapel. Sunday School iiniiiodiatel y r t tor the morning service. lraj er meeting every Thursday evening, llov, Isaac H. C-m-lit jmstor. LEBANON HARDWARE STORE I have just opened nut at Lebanon a LARGE STOCK OF HARDWARE and will Hell as cheap as any store In the county. My stock, although not tho larg est embraces almost everything in theline. I will also uiako a spetiialty of and can suit all an Call ami see me. th quality and ptttia. J. Etl.IC'li . x OTICK.--All those knotting them selves indebted U m are iiHiuosled to ome forward and settle Up. !2ntl J. 11I.ICK. .otic i: II AVINtf ili -iHtw of mv biikinoMt In Albany, all nerMona indebted to me are n quested to come forwaH and etth' by Nov. 1. I can still be found at my old place of business. IStf latUINK Dl't'lIANAN. FerfVMnnmpCie. Aathaa. t. atrrto. Dp pcpin. Heartarhe. Debit hy, KearMla;Ia. Kbrsatsltaa, and all araateaaaMm1 i DlMr4m. Park cm nay be rMo ui ui Ijr aesst bjr em pre wi, ready far iiaaediate Me at hosnr. Wud for free treat! on the aata treatment. AddrrM the proprietor, lto. Illiuirarslftcrcci, ?hll. , Fa., or U.K. MATlf KWK, ranflc Peyasillocj, coo Jtaatcoaae ry M, Mtu I raartofo, VmV Fitters Oae of the Iranaaablr Prnmi oi iue, iropnjr cri((i nn', nra mm r m fretit enjoj-mcnt, arjl mncH tW''ieTit Uftnre to m ".iifirnitil lj-.ti. I nt when chntnU- itilipn u .n in oiiiibkttcd wHh IlmUi(.:' MaMatb KiUer', tin; .! in eaU.ii ith r !ih anl wt tmixirunt iif all, b EMtiiuilatcl ly ami ii nrit m the rvntutr. Uae thui gTmH'1 tonic an4 forrtctive al to rctuulv cunniij alio ), i)i.oihi3m, rriiuiiatinn, t .( r ai. a?nc. it mm b; H Dra,'ti ini lit-aier cniera!!. Give Instant Relief, and ia an Infiii u: CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF P1LE3. Sold bvDnieviflLs evervwht-rp. Price, pr ix, prrptiif, by mail. Fnm?lf wnt to Physicians and ) 'l't-rer. lv Xeimadter A Co., liox SOtS. Xcrr V. . City. Hole mannfacturon- of AXAK KS-. Mit J. II. HATE, New ;aper A.tvertis- ln Aufcnt, 41 Park Itow i rime Buihlinc) Hr w York, 1m aulboriz.ul to contnu-t for as rti.-emt!iitH in tli" jo;mocrat at our b-i ratea. King of the Blood l not n "evrr-oJl-" it, la & blood-ptiHrtf r and tonl. IBiiavay c-f ll'xt njimto3 tho ystai. deraiiKes Ox? vinuUti sou, nd tliua Induce many dtsordern, k.iovM Ly difforrrt n.tnicn to dlatlnmiiiih them m. -orllii in ttffeetn. bnt rn n-ally branches 'it jihHr.- . of iht jjrt-iit enertu dkorder, Impuritjr Complaint, OtttitipatfOH, . rrrm DiHonlrTH, J frail-fl.-V, Jlici 'ir' e, J n-rnl K'mivu'w. Ilairt lilteac. Lii-pitfi, Li'J.u y fh'hi urr, Ptlre, Uu uumliinn, Ca tnrrU. Heranln. .Vfci.t Vittn-n 'r. liiniU, Ulcer, .Si.v -l-m. ac.ilij. tux fit t! illooil lircvtnitt mi ci.i(n . v a't:k nji iii- e-uin; impurity t" i f:io't. Cif mistM .-'of i hystHaris nfrrec in Hl.i..;f :h i.'.oc Kiai'.i,r 1 vtru nl Vrvpn .-r 11 ! n it : ., trvtv., SOe. K.1 DO Send for out New Illustra ted Price-Liat No. 30, for FallandWin- teroflSSl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kind of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at borne. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash A venue, Chicago, I II t' PA RMS FOR. SALE1 BY CLAIB H.STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The tbllowing la a partial list : iTiincrtw tr ue and a half inlloa wait of TanKtMit,oran,antl ti inlleafroin Albany 85 a-roa In cultivation ; 40 acrea more can tie nut In cultivation eaally; balance good timber ami aature land. Moll, rich black prairie. Oood houao and barn, good board tonoe, all In good repair s youmc orchard of lot) tree; go- wen aim running iraauu for Htock ; goo, aoliooi, cnurcn anu pew ottloA ; ikhh! noiuhborhood and aood aocl aty, TerniH 30 per acre ; 2,000 down, rest on eaay terms. tOO acre 6 m ilea nouth-eaat of ilalaey, i ntllea from Urownitvilleaud n inllen troaa Harriabura. M) acrea in cultivation and all rich prairie land; no timber, but plen ty within 4 milea and cheap. All under gooa renoe; itouae one anu a nam awry f . k. i i.w . . irooniaaud uiaaairai barn auxao and a iwitmI ffrainerv: two mnxl wella, one wind mill pump; now land. Everything about the place in the way of building", feneoa, etc., if new and iu good ahape ; Narrow t;auK run through the plwcc aud Ntallon near; goo.l M'hool, church and poat-Olllce facililiea. Terms, fpiOU. .tin acres 14 mtlea eaat of Albany, and 4 miles rrom deMH on narrow uauKe ; 60 acrea in cultivation ; 2t0 prairie, nut cultl vatod but good pasture, and a portion fair plow land ; 00 acrea light timber, good wood. Kiitire laud under fence ; averagw buihllnga, houae and barn ; atnall orchard ft or 0 acrea, apples, etc; aohool and church both nar. Good neighborhood. Price f4, 000; terma, one third down, lime on rest. 225 acres, 18 miles eaat of Albany and 8 uiilea from Narrow Usage; 7. acres la cul tivation, 75 prairie, not plowed. In pasture. 05 small brush ; two small houses and barn ; ffootl orchard, 0 acres, apples, etc.. all under ftnce,not llrst class; school boune on land; good neighbor hood. I'rlce f3,- :00; tcrin-H oiie-thiru down: iaiance on long lime. 100 acrea 10 miles east of Albany and 8 miles from Narrow auge. unimproved; Hood farm land. hiohIIv nr mush, friew $s per acre, oiio-tulrd down, eaay terms on balance. SO acres lyina 15 miles due south of Al luv. 0 miles houlhwcttt of Iadmuon ; and one and a half miles from Sand Hhlge school house: 2 tulles from church aod H mile from nUtion on Narrow liauge ; all under cultivation, fair board and rail fence: well drained ; no standhuf wsurn one well aud pump: noil, black prairie and rich: house liiNxztx. a rooms and up ataiix; V, story; nmsll kUbte; all in fsll heat and enw looking line. I'rlce, per acre; terms eey. 2200 acres 10 miles cast of Harrlsbura on the Hue if Ihe nsrrow kh ik' railroad. T'he iim-t s:-k ranch in lann eoow v; s llvina streism of tier runs the entire ivittcth of the hi: in. All e in-l.w I with splendid fen m; a line dwellinu; good large barn and two smaller huue(or tenantaor help sc iHi in cullitsliou, snd the Ulsm iu tsuaute land ; alui i'.e at-res are u- ceMiolcof cu Ili vail n; a splendid orchard snd k kI well tut ihtipltusj. 'Jeruis easy, part cash and La a nee on long lime. 13i acres Ivini; 4 inll wet of Al'ssnv on road to t'or aIIIm ; all under fen ; loo acres m cultivation ; can ah be colttvaietl except about 15 acies. lru,t.t is-r aajM ii down sud tialsnee secured by moil aaire; dweKmi; house tif two room ami KOk1 log lorn, studded on three ii School 1 mile. JSO ai-roson Nartowtsauge road, 11 miles from Albany and 5 miles from clo, and i miles from Jt-fferson. 115 acres good farming land. . seres in cuinvaltna; re uiaiiider in timer and brush: bouse JHx2s, wiUi IU foot wa)l, ell WxM ; asxal barn 2Za.'M wi th 14 foot shed cu one sale; good fence aud water. Terms f -VjOO cash (town if pnesible. Kather than net sell will tske $abm down, and isslauce Oa 2 to 3 years time, ssfcured by mortaage. US) acres -f a mile wesa of Allssny; loo scren iu ctillivaiion and tH acres oak au4 ash timber. kmx1 woo. I land; all under aaaaa, board and rail, some good ami ; , tsul ; aunit 7 acres iu orabard, applen, mostly smi; gtsal soil; 20 bushels wheat is-r Bern on average; good two-storv irama house, plssteied, 0 moms, built in 1873, Mini cost 8-J 0 i uuotl Insrn. Zx40 snd two heds; well arranged for farm poragaaa let ins, fMJOO, 2 years time on f5tNM). 150 acres VA miles west of Tauuent; 100 acres in cultivation; all new laud, clean snd in good otder; good two story kouse, H rooms, nearly new aud in good condi tion: good new barn 30x30; una youmt orchard, ico plum and prune trees, ntlr apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water; 20 acres of good Umber; rich, black soil and very productive. Price (5250, cash aod Isalance on time. 100 acrea one and a haM miles northeast of Albany; 15acrt In wheat, rest In fair average: woodland; good land; neatly fenced. Price $25 acre; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast ot Node Springs; fair farming; small house: 200 seres fenced. Will be sold In small tracts or all together, good school, church and post-utnee at Sodavillo, also the Hods springs Price (5 per acre; easy terma. 20 acre 3 miloa northwest d Lebenoa. near !' arrow ;auge; river bnttom, rich and productive: unimproved, desirable for garden. Price 920 ier acre; terms easy. 32l acres eouthwofct of Sweet Home ; all mull r good fence, fenced Into iieids; 5 acres in good orchard, apples and peaches; house wah I wo rooms and upstairs: large fianic Isiru; soil, rich, black loam, bottom land ; 1)0 acres in cultivation ; balance good pasture land; well watered with springs good timber 30 mites southeast of A'bany, 12 miles I nun Brownsville and 5 miles trout (;rawfordsvllle; H miles from good grist mill ; 2 miles to school, church and postonico. siu )er acre, easy terms. loy acres 3 miles south of Sodavillo and 20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price 85 per acre. 7o acres 18 miles east of Albany ; unim proved. Prico 95 per aero; easy terms. 103 scree lying 3 miles a)ve Lebanon on the Lebanon Mountain road. No fen ces or improvements. 15 or 20 acres titn oer, balance rich prairie land. Price 913 per acre. 80 acres 1 4 miles above Ones 11 a, on Ya cjuiua Lay. known as the old shipyard. It iish a splendid frontage on Ihe Lay, and wi'l be sold at 911 per acre. 107 acres lying below and within IH miles of Lebanon, all under fence. 85 Hi res iu cultivation, and the remainder lain timber and brueh. iiox house, 1H story, 2 room below and one above Harn, not very good. Good woll ; amall orchard. Cross fences to the amount of 5000 rails. Sullicient cord wood can be cut and floated to Albany from this place by only a few laborers to pay for it in two years, only mile from canal. Possess ion given by the 15th of October. The land is rich snd will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEAKNY ST. Trent h all 'hrenle aud ;ectal IMseaaes. kTOTJINr MEN ItTH It elTcimif vouthfr! follies or bulscretl-.n. will do well to avail themselves of tills, tbegreateat boon over laid t the alur ot vufferinr liuinanltx. lot. SI'INNKY will tfiiarantee to forfeit $M0for every ew iniiir v..r.:kncH or private dieeeee of any kind or cmyrtor which ho undertakes and tally to eure. MIDDLK A4 Kit MEN. Thtsre are mnny t the ee of thirty-flve'to sixty who -tr. tr.mtiletl Willi tiMt fr!QUelit evacuation of the bled ier, nfteu a-. ..iiimhI by a slitfht Muartintf or hundni; sensation, and a weakening of the Mem lu a manner the -taticiit crJiiiot aueouut for. On exaniiniiiv the uriTiary derfsiu a ropjf seillment will often be found llltl StlliCtllllfS hlliail ariiLiu i tuunumn in i(WM, ,r tlie c.lor will boot a thin inilkish hue, aain chanjf- in-r Ut a ilark ami tonld aviKairance. There are many Illell WHO UlO I'l tniS UlineuilJ ijm.ii"w mo uauaq, which is t he second tuye of seminal weukneee. Dr. S. ill i usjantoe a erfect cure in an sum cases, ana iiealthy restoration of MB g-enito-unnary orjfana. Omca Uoi'ta 1ft to 4 and 6 to 8. Bumlays from 10 toll a. m. Consultation free. Tbon ugn eaaininatwr Ami aI iiv. iii. Kor privUi itiM-Hse of rtioi-t etamlinir full roiirse of ni e-licin v suflU ieiit for a cure, w itii all Instni- tious, v. ill be sent to any ailiire-a Mi receipt of 10 00. i 'ill sud addreiet, IU. 1IW3KV st CO., I7:12U No. 11 Kearny 8t. 8a Francisco, Cal GREAT INDUCEMENT! And still the rush cutitlniirn at the ONE PRICE SQUARE ERS' AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Jiift received by lant M t amer, an immone Htock Gent's FaraiNhing Goods AT LOW PRICES. HO Dozen Men's White Shin 9 . n . Men's ScotchJllnftinciiH Hnlt, worth $14.00 lor &M.50. MenH Fine Drcan HiiIIh, worth $25.00, for $17.50. Look at our Hanker Sock, ft Look at our Overnlln. 0(1 cent Look at our Brocntled lrtHH mmIhv worth 25c. for 10c. a yard. Look at oar t'tshnietvN, for 50r a yard. Look at oar Ladies Colorod Hoko, IIm Look at our Childrei m Hohc, 10 reota Look at oar raa for (jaldea L.,2l) bars Cj tunU box. LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. 8END ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fall to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WAC III Mil nil K. Proper. HARRISBURC, ORECON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT THE U.f KTANU. 73 H : -T UTRKKT, HAM ON HAND AS FINE AN A-SOKTMKNT O:" COOK, BOX AND J'ARLOR ST0VKS AND It AMIES. as uu) Iioiim la ir iti . Il m ao Imports and uiamilarlurr TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK KVKKY DWNJRIFTIOSk IN NTOCI HAND, A Kl 1.1. ANSOIvrM ENT UK GENUINE CRANITE IRON WARE A I.I. op WHICH HE OKKKIO ro THE I'UBI.It; AT PRICW, THAT IKK i)OM PETITION. OALIi A Tl PIRNT NTKEET, ALBANY, OKBUON. Repair work done vilaSft XTHav CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN XtJh.XXj'vv JLTST Is U,m OLDRlrT! HKMT CONaTKI (TKI HBHT KQ LIP PCU I and hmmm Uss , LEA3lN5(pTIfAILWAY WEST AND NOITKWuT, It UtlM SHORT. SURB antl BarEKttiWi iwsm 00TJN0IL BLUFFS ANI- Chicago, Milwaukee And aUpuinU KA8T, such a alaaara falls. New leric. milaiiflpbla, HuKinn. Wasklaalaa, aMtaaarr. l4Ma bara Maaireal, Teraata, Urin.ii. (Iflvelaetf. At Council Bluffs the train of the Chi. aat and North Wastsm and th V. P. By (i opart l...tu, ar rive at and uae the cams joint t'ulon lHt. At Cliicajfu cUwe cunnoc ions are made iili the I-ake Shore, Mhddgaa Ottral, Baltimore and Onto, Pt. Wavn and Pennsylvania, aud Chicago an. I Urand Trunk Kailruads, and to Kankakee and Pan Handle Itouta. PolmtR Ptltee Drawing Room Girt Are run on all through traiss ot this road. It I th ONLY ROAD between or n il kli rr an chicao, l pou which 1 run th celebraUil PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. insist upon Ticket Ajrent soiling you Ticket v I this road. Kxaialn your Tickets, and refuse u liuy If they do not read vr th Chicago aud North -Western Hallway. If you wish the best traveling accominodatl m you wilt buy your ticket hy till rwuteJaTANU win. TAKK NONK OTHSH. All ticket atfsntiscll ticket by this Una. MABWIN MM.IIII I . 9n V. P. aad Cica'l Nasg'r, t hh agu. EASTWARD. I7i.r REVERE HOUSE, I'srorr First and Ellawartii Albany, Oregna. Chas- Pfeiffor, Prop'r. This new Hold is Btted up In first otaa styh-. lahh supplied with the beat the market affordx. .Spring Bed lu avery Itoum. A food Hainple Room I r ifnat awrelal Travolera. CTFrce Coach to and trout Hie KsUI.1l J. W. BENTLEY. Custom Boot & Blioe M: I;er. B OOTS AND SHOES made tfr or dor. aud repairiog done witu neafx v sml (Jispatt-li, aod at Tow price. ttar tloau Oafl is at. I a.l.a him. First Street, Albany. f 4lyl DEALING FARM a, actually worth Stt.OO for for $1.M. a pair. HOI. miIh a pair. a pair. iK Tf OKIlElt. Al,N, BR KEKFH ON at reasonable figures. NEW Y0RR SH0PPINC I Bveryboily del Ur hied with the taaterul and beautiful aeleetiona aaade hy Mrs. 1m- mar, who haa never failed te plaaaa her cuMtomera. New Hall Circular Juat neua for it. Add MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 77 Broaasrar, Naw fort. U:7l NEW BARBER SHOP! J. II. SURLK8, Prop'r. A OOOD SEA FOAM 8UAMPOO goea J with each ahava. Prtoea for aha? log and hair-rutiing aame aa uaual. Rooaaa oppoaite Moilwaln'a atora. totf ALBANY CITY Flouring- Mills. WK have already agreed with the far ii i a rw for the atoraffo of one half our rapacity, but we can yet atora about 4.r,000 biiabela. Flrat ooaie, flrat aerved. PREMIUM, 4 OTS. PER BUSHEL lu mill feed aa uaual. THO. MONTEITII A ION. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WK are fully picpaind at usual to fur uImIi ntoragu uiul na.-kM on ib moat favorable term. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., MatfiKlia Mil In. v!7nl STARTLING DISCOVERY I LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vtotim of youthful imprudence eenataf Prams lure Dear. Karroo SaUUty. Lost Manhood, ate., baring triad to vain every known remedy, ha da c.Tired a staple self cure, wl4& h wUl aendKUO to h fltow-u0rars, sddnuM J. 11. HKJKVJBa, aa cbatttam at., n, Y. iwtkomzi: home ii;u( iivms. O. OP L.EDANON, Can sell you all of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as r- J 5 ' r t t - ." - . - s a h. good selections him. Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S LEBANON. H0FI1IA1V ft JOSEPH, -PROPBIKTORM OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DKALEEH IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candief, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ONE DOOR BKU)W i 00,000 In the United Htataa STUDEBAKER aBaaawBaaaaaBBnBBsw affaaajgaHggajHgaawgaajaaMBHBM - ' fl SlmmmmmwAwmmmj JgfgM-' a JkJdAI' mmmmmmmm w tamgmmmmmmmmmmW' Tkelr Uremt Fapalarity fa Dae to the Eapealart'are Takea la I lllig the Matrrial. THE WOOD BEING THE BEST! ktXaXTKD tnm Um IotmS of Isslsai. vhk-h sr rjoa aialrlw;. Kvary aisa MbJtd to eio a c ha idee are sasalsi sil, thus aod MahUMSS of draft m They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every one having our Patent Round Edge Projecting Tire, Whkh prvtwt the laint anu (alio. No nth, manufacturer has She riuht to me it. All ot our Thimbu Wacom ha. our patent SKEIN AND THVHH a troen war kiiur lunes, out also bare The Slop Shouldered Spoke, Strength of cVAil of th abo I ins TIBS i raaaat h asd aT A full lla ot that Wscona oan b foastf la Us EUGENE BUCHANAN, Agent, ALBANY, - . - ORECON, MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The ' departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. s. CLAIB JAMES !ANNAJsH, a jur AtTi asa ami bulks vt FURNITURE BEDDING. Ceraer Ferry and art-wad MteeetH. ALBANY, - OREGON. Tiandlyl DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Poabay A Mason 'a. Residence on Broadalbln St., Albaay , Or. vllntStf goods in the assortment of all by purchasing of GENERAL STORE, OKKI.OV M Tobaccon, Groceries, Provisions ... Ore iron JOHN BHUHMT stKK 39y PEOPLE uae Uiai!ebratad WAGON and a . whhh are uotad for the aupeHor quality of timber suitable t ctoM lnapMUon . and diorid U not up U. Use standard. Th bast art cas wora, and pruductua; a aou wldub f.T atrsnsh, durabiUtv, AXLK, vhsah arasUy strMortnoi.i tbe Axle aud prevent! which Greatly Increases the the Wheels. hy any other ssaksrs without 1 jsrtnctpal bwa of Oreyon sad TO LOAN H. STEWART. RED CROWfl MILLS. BALLAKII, IS0M a 10., NUiHfS. xew ruut'Kaa FiAiua auramuR rua rasftldW ANU BAKKKS RSa. BE8T STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY - f lyl OR. ALBANY GARBLE WORK'S ALBANY, ORKUOS. 8TAIEU BROS. Froprietew. MONUMENTS, TABLETS,, IJID HEADS r 0i HH Executed in Italian or Vermont MarM. Alao, every Tartety of cemetery and other atone work done with nainei and dla patch. Special attention eiven to order", from all part of thia HUto and Wahinai'n Territory. paT All work warranted. 1st! ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. KftTABLIftllKD !. I'.v A I f'lfKRUY tilnifi.1 .1 .. ,.,.r.,f Una and alontgoiiiciy Htnn-t. AHiiy, HnvHiulakcn rUarx'nf lit nlv- t.ntumi Works, r aro iriiri .1 to iiiMinitM'tMi StxMin KnitiVt, Ksw Mil (inM Mill. Wwl wurkiiitf Miui'im iv I'ii tit I'M, ron and linus CaMing of evtry ! rr,. !,. Ma-hliMrv rf alt ikaaaVl rcpsilnl. Him flat attention giveirto rairiiiv' farm n sv- cbinwry. Tmttrrm Hallux Ssir In all IU rrsn. Iftllyl A. F. CHEEKY A SO.N. ALHANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A Lit ANY, OSt Th Firt Tern will open on Y2ne- M aM A . a a a i . aay, epiemtfr in. iwi. For nartirulars euaecmins; tbc eonraea of uAy awl h rm vt tint tun, irlj to kkv. KUsaarr . iomht, rrMrt.t. TING SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Doee the beat waahins; ami ironing in AI tatny at low eat rate. Contract made for Chineae labor. laundry on Wantilnirton atreet, oppoallo Mantliafra IJver'Mbl lrttf C. C CHEBRT. c. a. pat Kir. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry, j Machinist, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A t J. completed, and are now prepared lo liandln all kinds of heavy work, we wilt manufacture Steam Engine, GrtHt and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brans Castings. rATTCKlft it tin: o MIOBT KtTITC. Special attention given to repairiisr all klnda of machinery. Will alao aaaaa fin turn tbc improved'! lifrry A While i.rain Separator. asMBt aw lUarr M, OaBre a VmmUrr tsnl. Albany, ir.t Isw. I, ixtiu. is.f A BARGAIN ! Valnablr Prsfrfrfy foreSale. THE AMiRN FRUT DRYER. f n-l tiding- the buildine1 and iota upon which it ia situated, la far aale at a bar gain, llmre are two dryera and HsajP can be moM Meiatrately. Tliia la a t--l op portunity for fruit raiaen to secure the lCMt dryer made, at a low price. The lota are very valuable lying on the river front, and having a railrosul Msitch running by them. It la a good location for a custom flouring mill, fouudry, or any such buineaa. For further partyulara call cn the PresL dent or Secretary of the Com pan v. O. r. CRAWFORD, L. C. Hick. Pnwideut. Sejetary. 30 To the Unfortunate! DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary. QO KIABW KT. r m ctMiK?' 4 1 aaaasae rial Street, m.u Fraacku. Ktai lish.i in IKi. ( the treatatent of Scxaal aixl Seminal IHseasrs. cit-n a aiawarrhea. ilrei. S-trlrtnre.Sj B-atltaiaaJl 'it (mm, luMlrsri, ilaal arsksrM. uarht haasai b anasaa. ran.- jlo on th tav nj l.L.i ,-f .! i-aii ilie)r ) euro!. The sick xixl afCirla sli..ild 1h4 fail to call upon him. The lK-t.- har Usrclnl -xtma.vcljr in Kuron. and inaperW-tl tlrtii;hl.v UBo ha s4 tals liters, ulitainttnr a rtrat oal t talual c u lot not Uon, which li isnroi.tpnt to imparl to tm h imi l of hi sarjaaa. lK. UIBIlON will a take no esstqea nnl he fltx-t a enrr. rvrnons at a asAaaea M A s Iti. tiai.u T nest'. AS cussami itnsaei Lrirtlv ounllutiilial. You ate no one hut Ur taajas" Send ton ilolUrs (or a parkaae of nMatk-iue. Ivrvutas ariUutf w the lioctor ill pkaxe s: U u-i anu t ihe iier ihey mm thia al veiliKein. nl ia. 1 rre rra .nab)e. UaJI or ritr. AsMrasalsst. J. NIRBosT, llox I halt Ftancamt. ST CHAHl.ES HOTEL, ALBAK Y. OP.IGCN MRS. C INt - - - ffnprirl.f. This H'Niae Ita been llH.muhlv n aiualaa Qiif t.-P to Uatolli, ami is now in bplviittid loinliltcn . Um eiiterUiiimrii of traveler. 1 he ..hit is supJit with evrrythiujr th n-ar-ket affonla. sample ruuiut for vumnian-ial men. Careailla, Lebstaan and Italia Kia&e CI r. THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. BE8T TQKIO IH USE. liaaaaaaai