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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1881)
Wit tmmit FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4, 188! The number of cattle reported in Texas for 1881 is 4,464,000 head, val aed rtt $39,040,5120. Sunflower seeds are useful forgiv ing gloss to the feathers of poultry fed upon them. , - Western I'ennsivania is hcking iu potatoes, and is getting supplies from New Jersey. There is renewed thrift and hope fulness among the farmers throughout the country. It isctaiincd that poke weed highly poisonous, and destructive apple trees within the influence of its growth. A Canadian farmer has Hold $400 worth of cabbage aud raised 1:2 (JO head or cauliflower on the tite or a tarnar ic swamp, which he drained at an ex pense of $1"0. Agiiculture has its drawbacks. An insufficient rainfall, though perhaps stimulating plants to put forth the usual amount cf bloam, yet lessens the quantity of honey. rsintey per cent or all the ram which tails upon the land from Apri 1 to Oct is evaporated. Only about ten per cent fiuds its way into drains laid three or four feet below the sur face. Reports, based upon actual thresh ing, place tbe wheat crop in Miehi gan at 18,000,0000 bushels, against 30,706,000 bushels last year. The corn crop is estimated at 3G,000,000 bushels, against 33,104,00G bushels last year. The farmers of New Zealand are anxious to raise clover, which they cannat do, because as it is claimed there are no nosey bees to distribute the bloom. Orders have been sent to Los Angeles for several cob uies f these bees. In a section of country in New York, which is about ten miles long, running baik from the base of the Highland hills to Modem, and ex tending from Kew.burg to Kingston a distance of 50 miles, there are prol. ably 3690 acres of grapes. mm e In J B Crane's grapery, at Pitts field, Mass., several tomato vines are growing, wbch are trained on the walL Some of them grow fifteen feet high. In this way of growth Mr. Crane gets tomatoes very earl, and as late as Christmas. The latest estimates of the wheat j yield of the United States this year are between 3.jO,000,oo0 and 400,04)0,- 000 bushels, which would have been considered a very large crop a few ! years ago, though from 75,000,000 to 1 Jo. 000,000 short of last year's rrop. Farmer's clubs and fairs aro not without compensatior. An intelli gent Pennslyvania gentleman says that in the past seven years, in con sequence of the interest aroused by competitive stock raising, in that State, tbe value of stock has been in creased 50 per cent Air-slaking lime is a goad thing to dost in the poultry house In the nests and wherever disagreeable odars or lice abound. Broken bits of lime, old mortar, crushed oyster-shells, should til times be within easy reai h o' ine iow is, H.-nemer in connnement or now al . a s. m s . UniteI States senator John 8. Wil liams of Kentucky, recently sold his crop of tebacco, raised on 75 acres in the "blue-grasfc" section, for $21,419. 96. The yield from each acre was neatly $300. He was assisted by'a Hock of 700 turkeys, that kept the plants clear of worms. Almost all green food is valuable for poultry, and should lie collected carefully and thrown to the birds fresh daily, but onions tops and onions must te carefully excluded, as hens are fond of them, and the eggs will taste very strong and unpleasant after they have eaten them. In consequence of the inability of the land owners in Ireland to collect rents from tenants, numbers are put ting land down into forests, and aban doning agricultural pursuits. This reforestation has been going on for some years, but more last year than ever before. There were over 3000 more set out to timber last year thin ine year previous. a western gentleman suggest a TfT . .. rerntdy for white millers in beehives. Place a barrel, containing about six inches of water at the bottom. Then put in a stone or brick, which must be one inch below the surface of the water. Place a fcghteo: candle, after t'ark, apon the brick of stone, which is aliaady in the water, and you have a trap.wh icaf will catch and drown all -j our millers if it is continued a week cr two. Iilinois has caught the new craze atout Swiss cattle, a breed compara tively unkonwn iu the West It is reported thst calves two weeks old bring from SI 00 to $200. Cows and two-ye;ir-old heifers have been sold this season for $300 each, and an offer of 100 was recently made for a bull not quite three years old. $1500 P81 eur can be easily made at itotuH working for E. O. Hideout & Co., 10 Bat clay St., New York. Send for Heir tatahgu and full particular. 2ALTMARSH & LANG DON, OBIGCISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY DEXJO- STORE, 21 lUElSY. BECO. rmm Mt , aifTsL-J tit I hnrch Olrrlory. V. P. C. A. Movts at their rooms iu lAw- t 1 1 ..n.l.h. i orti'K uuuuinu u i ruunnwir ifwfi :30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons ut Business meetings are held on the even ing ot the second Monday tn each month. h very body invited to nttemt. U. P. Chvrcm.-Preaching every Sabbath. at 11 a. m. , and 7 P. M. by Rev. F.. O. Ir vine, D. I). S;bb.dh School at 2:30 r. M. rayer meeting every t hursuay evening. KvANOBUv ALCnrnrii. Preaching on Sab bath at It a. M. . and ih P. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. 0. Kantner, pastor. t oN(JKW)ArioSAA it earn. .Servtecsovory Sabbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. M. Sabbath School at 2:.m I 'raver meeting on Thursday evening of eacn week. J. W Harris, pastor. M. K. (. tu tu it, honm. Services every Sabbath at St Paul s M. K. Church. South, at 11 a. m. and 74 r. M. Sabbath School at 124 r. m. Prayer meeting overy Thurs day evenng. M. C. Miller, pastor. M. E, Cmcrcu. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 A. at. and 74 r. -m. Song sen ice in the evenintr before sermon. Sabbath School t 2:30 r. M. Prayer meeting every 1 nurs lay evening. 1. Dillon, pastor. Prksbytkuiav Cmui'it. -Service every .sabbath morning and evening iu College I'haueL Suudav School immediatelv rfterthe morning service. Prayer meeting every I nursday evening, ttev. Isaac a. i-mnt pastor. LEBANON HARDWARE STORE I have just opened out LARGE STOCK OF at Lebanon a HARDWARE and will sell as cheap a anv store In the county. My atock, although not the larg est embraces almost everything in the Hue l will also make a ptx mity or ! and can suit all a Call and mcc me. to ' quality and prices, J. SLICK. NOTICK. All those knowing them selves Indebted to me are requested to ouie forward and settle ut. 12ml J. It I.I 4 H. , NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my business In Albany, all person indebted to mo are requested to com forward and settle by Nov. l. I can still be found at my old place of business. 12tf EUGKXK BUCHANAN. atsiTBt Dyape liar. Btcswavfaisw i all j me eeaeassiialajr jmIt far Immediate for free treatise os the Oxvareai ireau aril, uarna iar HO. 1111 Utrard arH.K. NsTilEWm josipry Mi oae or the BeaseaaMe lleases Of life, s property cooked meal, a for da Jitt'e or i o present enjoyment, and mncb SBjeassjaM lortnrc t sconftrBMd dyspeptic. Bnt when hr i.i itHiiyra tioa is eiu batted with It. tefer's Stoiqacb liiUerr, tbe food is eaten with relUb, and moat impt rUnt of all, in asaimitated by and itotirisbea tbe ryatean. Use thi grand tonie ami corrective atan to remedy constipation, hilitnm, rbn:i..itiam, fever and SW. For sale by alt frufUta and liealera generally. lama ANAKESIS DR. R. KILMBEE'S EXTESSAL PILE BEMEDT Givee lastsat fUltef, snd i an infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sola by Druggists everywhere. Prife, $!. per mx, prepaid, by nratl. ftamplcs st-nt free V Physicians and all wp6trer. I.v Venstaedter & Co., Box .5JM. N u Vo.k Citv. 8le nianutacturers of ANA K ESIA Mr J. II. Bates, Nowxpaper A.ivortis- Ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Time Building) New York, is authorized to contract for adtertisements in th u km ?kat at our best rates, King of the Blood la not s "cure-all:" It is a blood-partiter and tonic. Impurity of Mood poisons the aystent. derange tbe circulation, and thus induces many dtaorders, known by different names to dlatingiuab them ac conling to effect, but being really branches cr phases of that great generic disorder. Imparity of Blood. Such are Iyxpepsla. Blliowmeaa, IAvrr Complaint. Cowitivation. Servou IMwrder. IleaA. aotie. Backache, (frnrmt Wfaknetg, Heart IMmease, Drovtv. Kitlruu Deaje. Piled. Ithrumnturm. Ca- tarrh, Scrofula, Skin Disorder. Pimples, s. Ulcers, hweitinM,4tc..dtc. H ins or the Hlood pr c.etc. Hint of the Hlood prevent jrev mpu Btrr t Dr and cures these by attacking the cause, impurity w by sitsckjng the cause. Impurity Chemists ana physicians scree tn oi ine wood, c nt mwcs ant pnysicians at calling It " the nunt genuine and efficient i Jrepa- ration rort tie purpose, boi'i y uruggixts. n per bottle. 8ee tesilmonials. dlrecttons, 4r., in pnm- pniec, -iren on (naanara or me laooa, wrapped anmnrf eaehTottle. a. aA.Nsoy. aox a to., irops.. Butraio. t do Send for our New Illustra ted Price-List No. 30, for Fall and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. Wc deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wahash A venue Chicago, 1 11 o m7mvm assafaE BIIBSKmi&mmwmmmmmKESUF FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H.STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following la a partial Hat : 170 acraa snno and a half miles west of Tangent, Oreiron And (1 mile from Albany 85 aorea in cultivation ; 40 acre more can Iia nut In cultivation easily; balance tlmW and mature land. Soil, rich black ralrie. Good house ana barn, goou uoaru enoe. all in stood repair ? youu orchard r inn tvmmi arond wed and running stream for stock j good school, church and poat- otnee ; good neighbor noot and gooaaoa ... III nw mm I ftt AMI ilnwn real on easy term. 100 aoraa 8 mtlea south -east of liaise v. ti mllea front Brownsville and tl miles from Harriabunr. 50 BUTM in cultivation and all rich pmlrle land; no Umber, but plett- eoocl lence; nouae one ana a nan awry, 4 rooms and uiaira; bam 2xS0 and a 1 luin trrwul WaIIm. CtllA wlllll. mill dobak now land. Kvaryibing about Vr"., tiaugo nun through the plaw aud station SirTrnnZ'.rr" I sjo acres 14 miles east of Albany, and 4 SSSSSSUTm raTasfSTwriuT viod but good iuuro, .od iionicn hir vhxis. Isanrt lUl airiMl llfrllt tlmiaOir. Ofiik I wood. Entire land under fence ; average build Intra, house and bain ; small orchard & or 6 acres, apple, etc; school and church both near. Good neighborhood. Price 04, 000: terms, one third down, time on reat 225 acree. IS mllea eaat of Albany and R mllea from Narrow Gauge; 76 acre in cul uvation, 75 prairie, uotptoweo. in pasture, 65 small brush ; twe small houses and haras i aood orchard. acres, apples, etc.. all under feuce,uot tlrat class; school bouse on land: arood neighbor boou. J'rice MX 500; terms one-third down; balance on long time. 100 acres 10 miles eaat of Albany and U mllea from Narrow uauge. unimproved! good farm land, moaiiy nr oruan. rnoa - . a .1. T a S m . 88 per acre, one-ibtrd down, easy trms on balance. 80 acres lying 15 miles duo south of Al bany, 0 miles MtttiiiwuNi oi i.eimuoii : and one and a naif miles irotu Mami Kldge school house; 2 mile from rhurch and H mile from station on Narrow Uauge ; all under cultivation, fair board and rail fences; well drained : no standing water; one well and pump; soil, black prairie and rich; home H';xJ4', rooms ami up stalls; 1'-story; small stable; all in fall wheat and cros looking line. Prir, sr. per acre; term eey. 2200 acres 10 mileseastof UarriaUuraon the line of the narrow gauge railroad- Tti aneat stock ratten in unn county; a living stream of water runs the entire length of the tar iu. All enclosed with p lee did fen 3eK a line dwelliug; good large lrn and i wo smaller house tor tenant or help 2o9 aces in ciiUivation, and lite lsiiaiH in pasture laud ; about IMS) acres are sua- ceptible of cultivation; a splendid orchard and good well on the place. Terms aaay. pan cash and be ance on long time 130 acres lying 4 miles west of Albany on road to t'orv sills ; all tinder fuii ; luo acres in cultivation ; nan ah be cultivated except about 15 actea. Price, 8fB per acw; alio down aud balance serured bv uiort gac; dwelling house of two rooms and good log barn, bedded on three sidee. School 1 mile. 280 acres on Nan ow Gauge road, 11 miles from Albany and 5 mllea from Mcio, and 734 mllea from Jefferson. 12. acres good farming land, 75 aeree la cultivation; re mainder In timer and brush; house J8X2, with 10 foot wall, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22x34 wi th 14 foot shed cn one side; good fencee and water. Terms f-TAW cash down if posaible. Katber than net sell will lake t'jooo down, and tsxlanc on I to S years time, secured by mortgage. 180 acres of a mile west of Albany; 100 acree in cultivation and B acre oak and ash titular, good wood land; all under fence, board ami rail, some good and H bad ; about 7 acree lit orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-story frame house, plastered, 0 rooms, built In 1873. and cost 2 0u; good barn. 28x40 and two abed; well arranged for farm purposes. Terms, 18000, 2 years time on $5090, 150 acres 1 mllea west of Tangent; 100 acree In cultivation; all new land, elean and in good order; good two story hoiase, 8 rooms, nearly new and In good condi tion: good new barn 30x30; Hne young orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, fahr apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running water; 20 acre, of good Umber; neb, black soil and very productive. Price $5250, H cash and balance on time. 100 acres one and a half miles northeast of Albany; 1.0 acre in wheat, rest In fair average; woodland; good land; nearly fenced. Price $25 acre; term easy. 500 acres l mile southeast of Soda Springs; fair farming: email house; 300 acres fenced. Will be sold In small tract or all together, good school, church and post-office at Sodaville, also the Hoda Springs. Price $5 per acre; easy term. 20 acres 3 mile northwest of Lebanon, near Narrow Gauge; river bottom .rich ana productive: unimproved, desirable for garden. Price $20 per acre; term eaay. 320 acre southwest of Sweet Home ; all under good fence, fenced into fields; 5 acre in good orchard, apples and peaches; houae with two room and upsLalr: large frame bam; soil, rich, black foam, bottom land ; 90 acre in cultivation ; balance good pasture laud; well watered with springs good timber 30 mile southeast of A'bany, 12 mile Irom Brownsville and 5 mile from Crawfordsville; 0 miles from good grist mill ; 2 mile to school, church and poatoflice. $10 per acre, eaay term. 169 acree 3 mile south of Sodaville and 20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price $5 per acre. 70 acree 18 mllea east of Albany ; unim proved. Price $5 per acre; eaay term. 103 acree lying 3 milea above Lebanon on tbe Lebanon Mountain road. No fen ce or improvement. 15 or 20 acres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Price $13 per acre. 80 acre VA miles above Oneatta, on Ya qufnaJHay. known a tbe old shipyard. It has a splendid frontage on the IJay, and wPl be sold at $11 per acre. 107 acre lying below and within Wi milea of Lebanon, all under fence. 85 acre in cultivation, and the remainder lain timber and brush. Box house, story, 2 rooms below and one above Barn, not very good. Good well ; small orchard. Cross fences to the amount of 5000 rails, Sufficient cord wood can be cut and floated to Albany from this place by only a few laborer to pay for it in two years. Only n mile irom canal, fosses ion given by the 15th of October. The land is rich and will turn and 50 bushel to the acre. ont wheat 40 Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Iironlc and .Special Slaeases. YOUNG MEN WHO MAT BE aUFFEKBNC FBOM THE effete ot youthful follies or hniacretion, will do well to avail themselves of thi, thegreetest boo ever laid at the altar of fufferhsg humanity. DK. SPINNKY will guarantee to forfeit e&oOfor every rate Hetninale weakness or private disease of any kind or nuncier which he undertakes and fsHg to rare. 2MIDDIXAiEB MEN. There are many at the age of thirty -five sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often aceomj-anied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of tke system In a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a lopy sediment will often be found md sometimes small arttclea of albumen will appear, .( the color will be of a thin milkish hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage. of seminal weakness. Da. S. will guarantee a perfect cure In all such oases, and healUiy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Optics Hours 10 to 4 and 0 to 3. Sundays from 10 toll a. . Consultation free. Thorough exauiinatiw aud advice, $6. For private disrascn of short stsndirga full course of medicine sufficient for a cure, withsii instructions, win ic sent to any lumress cii receipt I yiu uu. Call and address, UK. a-riNSEY t CO., lT;12ti No. 11 Kearny St. Sao Francisco, Cat GREAT INDUCEMENT 1 And still 1 lie rush rout Iniir nt the ONE PRICE SQUARE ERS9 AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Jmt received by Inst steamer, an Iimiieiino stork of Weill's Furnishing Woods AT LOW 50 Dozen Men's White Hhlrla, $1.M. Mcil'H Mrolch BiimIiU'mm HtlltM, Men's Fine Dresw HiiIIm. worth Look at our Shaker Hock, 5 Look at our Overalls, 00 emit DrenN a yiirtl. t o.r Whm.v for 50m yard. Look at our Ladies Colored Homo, 10 tairtWMiw-i atsa, l ljk t air mk fr Mien ('. Snap, LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins, Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. 8END ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to seo our $7.00 Oloak . A9 WACHENHEIMER, Prep'r. HARRISBURC, OREGON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT THE OLD STAN I. 71 KIKNT NT It K FT, II AH ANNORTMKNT OS COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. k Iu tits? . lie m ao loss)rfa and mnuuf tat I i - TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK KVKKY )t HIITION !W elTOCK OR TO oithKlt. AlS), HK KKKI" 4 IN If AND, A PI! 1.1. AMHOKTMKNTOK GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL. OV WHICH HK OPPKItH TO TI1K i'UBUO AT PKICW, THAT DEP. COM PKTITIOM. CALL AT 73 PIIWT MTKHKT, ALHANY, OHBOON. Repair work done at vita ynti AUD M! CHICAGO H WE8TEW Is the OLItBHT ! BaST (XJXiMThl tTKD BUT EOl'IPPEU ! ami hones tea LEADING RAILWAY WIST AND N0iTfWS8T, It Is the SHORT. BURR and HAPS Route bet wees COUNCIL BLUFFS -AND- Chicago, Milwaukee And att points EAST, sm h as Nlaaara Palls, New Yerfe, PhlaUribia, sslaa. Wasfclaatea, BaHtaaere, Pills bar. Mealrml, Tareale, Sclralt, 4levelaa4. At Council Bluffs the trains of the Chicago and North Western and the U. P. Ry's depart from, ar rive at atnl use tke same Joint L'ntoa Depot. At Chloayo close connections are made with the Lake Shore, M!ehlgan Central, Baltimore ami Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Hennsylrsnla, ami Chlcauro and Grand Trunk Railroads, and the Kankakee and Pan llsndle Routes. PnlmiiPiUee Drawing Room Cart Are rua osall through Hales of this road. It is the ONLY ROAD between COEffCIX HU H ANN) 4 MM AGO, I poo which Is run tbe celebrated PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via tele road. Examine yaur Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago and North western IU1I way. If you wish the bast traveling aeonnemndatlone you whl buy your ticket by this routeaVANlt WILL. TAKE N0JE OTHER, All ticket agents sell ticket by this line. MABVIff HI UHITT. t Y. r. and fiea'l Nssi'r, I klraga EASTWARD. Hal REVERE HOUSE, Caracr First and Ellsworth Aibaay, Oregon. Chae- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Holel la fitted up tu first oiasa style. Tabh a supplied with tbe beef tbe market affords. Spring Xede in every Room. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Travelers. tsr Free Case, le and Area Mir Hotel, V J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. BOOTS AND SHOES made to order, and repairing done with neatness and dispatch, and at low price, Call and see hitn. First Street, Albany. 41yl DEALING FARM PRICES. actually worth 82. OO for worth 814.M) for $8.5(1 833.00, for S17.f0. for SI .. a a, pair. 0001. CJimmIh. wortli lor L6o. cento a pair .lr. 21! ban (15 celt, but ON HAND AS FINK AN reasonable figures. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Rrerybofly dellRhletl with tbe taaUful and beautiful selections made by Mr. La- I mar, wbo baa never failed to pleas ber i cuHtAuier. New Pall Circular Juetiawued. Head for it. Add re MUS. KLLKN LAMAR, 7(J S77 tirwadw.r. New Yect. BARBER SHOP ! J. H. 8URLE8, Prep'r. A GOOD NKA FOAM SHAMPOO goes J with each shave, l'rlfes for shaving aud balr-cutting same as usual. Hooma opposite Mull walu's sUre. 10tf ALBANY CITY Flouring- Mills. WK nave already agreed with tue fanners for the storage of one half our raoacity, but we ran yet store about 4.r),uou bushel. First come, first served. PREMIUM, 4 (TS. PER BUSHEL In mill feed a usual. THOtf.MONTEITH A fOM. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully ptepaied as usual to fur uish Ntorsge and sacks ou the iuot favorable tortus. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. v.7nl STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotim of yoatbfol improdanea oa using Prema ture Decay, Karroua De baity. Lost Manhood, ate, having tried in vain every known remedy, baa dis oorered a alaiple self cure, which he trill send VBll to bis feUow-sufferera, address J. K. MEEVESL 3 naatham St., n. . : PATRONIZE HOME MERCHANTS. Can sell you all goods in the line of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make juot .as good selections him. Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S GENERAL STORE, LEBANON, HOFFMAN -PROPRIKTORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DKALKRS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candle- Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon ONE DOOR BRLOW JOHN MIOOY VTDRJE ryl 00,000 In the United Stale STUDEBAKER Tbelr Cereal Popularity fa le lerllaK iNe fasBssssflBMBJHBjBJH "ieH5aaaW ""fsysajBHLI fSBBjBJBBBjjBJBj SjBjaasPBB fl5SsaW At '"m ' ' 2"' b"Bb" I " asBlaeSJBsWs THE WOOD BEINti THE BEST 1 (C9BLKiTKb trwu the U.rvsU ( ludiana, abWh are itl l..r Hk U-rur i,riu, ( timber suitable fo waajoii aaafclner- Kvery a esMaaSHSi l... I..- nr. i..n. aiul liararlrl i i,.,t U t.. ihr MaixUnl Ihe U-et Mrt Utukaarr rtii4ul, ttiue liwurliw Bret claaserisit, and nlu. tit a eratMi which .,r .irnitili .lur4t.iti! and ll-btMeae ot draft le sol surjseei if. They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every one having our Patent Round Edge Projecting Tire, WhUb protects tbe twiiit auo Mketu ma Itave our latent SKklN ANl TKCS u from wurklua- iuuee. Our Wacona alwi liae aurklitK lmae The Slope Shouldered Spoke, Strength of far Ail of the above Improvements raunot be used bv any other makers without iutrinu assent fsT A full Una of these Wajiaa oan be fund lit the prim ial twus 4 Orry.n and Waaivlssrtoa. EUGENE BUCHANAN Att eat, ALBANY, - - OREGON. MONEY I am now better prepared than over beforo to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB H. STEWART. JAMES D ANNALS, MAarvACTUKsa asd asALta is FURNITURE i BEDDING. Ceraer t erry aad teeead llreets. ALBANY, s ORROON. vl0o4il DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foahay A Mason'a. Residence on Broadalbin St., Albany , Or. vlnl2tr by purchasing of oki:-o. It JOSEPH, Tobac cos, Groceries, Provisions, PEOPLK np theT.lf bra.' WA(iON and th KapeelalM aire MMlfritsl. Taken in Me- fflloe. No otbe.' maaufart lire r bis the- right Ut w It. All 4 our Tblml la AXI.K, Sfblrli fivatly atmiyttu us tbe Axle aud in venU which Greatly Increases the the Wheels. TO LOAN RED CROWN MILLS. HA l.l. A 111). ISOJI & CO., PROPE'8, NEW PKOCEjW FLOITR SUPKRlOlt FOR I A M 1 1. IK; AND BAKERH DSR. a BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. Cash fox ALBANY OR. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, OltK.OV. STAKiKIt BROS. - I'roprirtom. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, IVD- 1 1 i:ai)stone In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work dono with neatness snd dispatch. . Mpacial attention given to orders from all part of this Mute and Washington) Territory. 4T"A!I work warranted. ithUT, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND UUIIIM ElfT A stEJNH RSI f'.r A. V. fllKUnV, Mtual! at i-rur of Kir4 ud MtMSfgetsfiS I WfflWjsje, AllsiiT I i n my :i't. ' elaavpeol rJseafaeasa hhui VVorliM, vn nn- r. ... r - I ! in i-ul-. f r SUmim Knunti-n, s,w aaed flaja Mills. Wk.i working Ma-liin-ry, PwtUfm, lrw aixl lira i'aMinun of every .less riUrti. Mar-hlncrv of all tk!nd rcrinl. Sfie clal atti'iitiofi giverrfu reiairinfr fsrtn n a ehinery. raflrr Making sesr 1 all lie U. Iftl lyl A. V. t'HRRKY A- HON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OK. Th First Tfi-tn will open on WfdBi- .1 k! ...... I ltft1 uaj, nrpiruinrr til, it. V'it fiartU-ntarv mi-mww th it in r. i4 toly iei Kit KLRKMT . OMIT. rrraaal. TIKO SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Ioe th boat washing ami ironing in Al bany at low! ratr?. ( V,ntrart iiiiitle far t'hinesn Ial;ir. Iundrv on Wahlnplo street, opposite MsrHliafrs Livery Stable) v. c rnKRi'.r. c. b. rah a i ALHANY IRON WORKS. CHEBKT & PABKES, (Kurfwssors to C. C. t'hprry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. w KHAVKOrit NKWSHOPS All. .rriiiltl. siul rr now iu-r-l t liaiKlb- all kinds r hf-avy work. V Mill mauiifsi'tnre Steam V.ifpn, Jri-t and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Itnues CaJdingsJ r.rrMs Mttar. nmmmr tarrM c. HpAt'ial attention j;ir-n tn impairing: all kind ut nia.diinery. Will alo manufa. tiirw ttsa improved tiieiry t .White tindn Separator. nk-r M. OSKrr a Lasattrr lard. Alistny, t.r., lec. I, lsso. lbif A BARGAIN ! Valunbit ProjKTly for Sale. THE fVLDEN FRUIT DRYER, Including the building; and lot upon whk-h it ih vim :!.. I. ih for sale at a bar gain. Ti-re are two dryer aiul t ! mi be Mold wparately. Thi- I a good op portunity for fruit raJMers to Herure the dryer oiad, al a low n-o. Tle ha arw vtry al liable lyin on the .ier front, and having a railnaul wiUh muuing by ibem. It bs a goral lonstiou tor a custom tlouriug mill, foundry, or any such buineH. For furthr rsuticular rail cn the Preeii dent or Secretary of the Vunpauy. 41. F. I'KAWnil!!), U C. RlCa President. HC"Jitary. To the Unfortunate! DR LGIBBOK'S DispeBsitry. '.) kt. tKNV ST . i imt, all I rah. iv I l-.-U: ll-hnl 1m I8&4. f t tin' trf-atitteitt ! Svaual Baud St eaessl fMsssatay u a Cuaorrkra, Cirri. ; lrl. isrr, akllla i all iu fixiu!. IsasMslrsirs. acaalaal rslisr, iUht lw ht ilnaiw, uu. 4es uu the lace unit torn iuanbMl ran iMiltvrj be rure.1. Tin-k aud alttkud hhtiiitd ih4 Uilt.xall iimii liim. The lSK-Urf' haa travcW rxtiaic-l la t.nrn-, and iiiMt' III. .i'iii:hl lit. variii- tals tltrn, olitainina: a irmt dnd uf vatulk n.l. i limi, whk'h lie isciniH.'t-nt t impart Ui u . iti nr. .i f his srr irra. lilt. lilltttoS ilt DLr u . k ut. n. lew. lie i fl. ct a i rt'. rrrmma ai a ilutau.T- M a Mr. iik:m at ntnii:. ah ctuairaik4. strictly dtiliitmtial. Yuii hit- im ..ijt. t.ui ilu lii.r Hand trii dullara fur a u kmrr uf eavdii icr. tVnwaie riUnir tJ 1 ''' Uuclor will (ilraw Malt Ihr i.iu Uu paer Uiry nee Uiis advertiwaavat in. I4rvi a Sra auitaUle. tVUI or aritc. Adtlresa iK. J. K. UibMUh. Bus 1S67, Sail Fraiiciw'o. v l ..i.. . ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY. MRS. T. HULK. OBCOON. - rrprrlf. TtiU Himw Iim hrn tin. roughly niii.van.! from loa to ImtUun, and is now in ij.U n.ii.t ohkIUh-Ii t. r tbe ruUiTtaiuiuciit ul tratrlt-rs. The iai U is SUpptvnd will) rt rr thinsr the SSS kt-l aSurdw. Sample mi lor ruuiniart'ial ji.rn. 4'orvsllb, Ohaasa aad Dallas ataae . truaau THE ONLY F.2JABLE BITTERS. QJ WORLD BE8T TQNlB Ul USE. jf . -itiap--. fc? . a,i - ' t :aiWjaaaaMliaaui:i.,fatjr airja-a. a tdiM