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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1881)
FRIDAY NOVKMBKR t. 1881 0. H. STEWAET Editor aad Proprietor. O. ( n. B. TIME TABLK. Albany titUiosn ut-.r ikti-uk or TR Vl. SOUS NoaTII. AldUNY Kn:KSSlVrt it FKRIOIIT TRAINS " " I SO A. M t.-0 A. H. 1 :4ft A. at. Ii P. M. 11:45 A. M IfcOS P II. 3.30 P. M. !.:.. P. M MAIL THAIS I Arrive at ( ltru it, BfM) SOCTII. KA Tit VIS (SgSS . 'KKU)HT TRAIN " A I. lv.N Y r.XI'RKSS Arrives l All TraU dally, except Saaauy. Notick. on and alter this date regular tickets will lie sold at oar ticket oltW fur following point on Columbia river: Upir CcadeH. Dalles, Umatilla, Wall u la. Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Wiwv B. Bicn, Frehilit and Ticket Agent o. A C. K. It. Co. Albany. June lath, 183 fTTTTG 1 A PCTJ mar If found on 0W t Oo. AtrrtteluK lianu ( H) Sjruiv SCk whtw jH P aunoU nuy tw uuio fur U IN NK UUK. HOME 3 AHllOAI. F. M. French, jeweller. Wheat 77 cents a bushel. Lebanon people trade at C-wans, New supply of apectacles at French'. K. It Skipworth, lawyer, Alhany, Or. ' iKl and ailver watches at French. l-mtagne, general merchant, Lebanon. Cwen, the popular merchant of Lebanon. Tbe tax-Wy for Benton county is l.". uu -i brown bread always fresh at Con rad Meyer'. Groceries and provisions of all kinds at Conrai Meyer. Tbe Oliver Chilled Plow i the best plow for dry ground. The road bed of the X.irr w O in ma1 is liaiag ballasted up. Fresh roasted peanuts, alwais warm, at Huffman and Joseph's. Highest prices paid for coontrv produce by A Lewi, at Sued J. A M'ft answer turueth away wrath, but it ia different with a soft corn. For bargains in general tnerchndiao. go to A Lewis's, at Shedd. Wny do 't s.,ua one build us an Opera House? It would pay well. Highest cah prise paid for old catt iron . by Cherry nd Parks at their f foundry. Dr. U. Wdlis Price, deutirt, office in Odd Fdfcow's Temple, oyer Piutnmer' Drug Stora. H snry Vlllard Reddle is the nam i of a youngter in Canyouville. lie ought to lire. A larga lot of cranberries will be received to-morrow afternoon by Hoffman aid Joseph .George Fish carries bis dej iu a sling on account of a herae kicking him on the knee What beautiful silk handkerchiefs 1 saw at 25 cecii each at J. F. I. Wrinkle and jCo'a, Our sportsmen are talking np the pr j ct of having a grand hunt on Thanksgiving Gents whit shirts an I bl-tck ties and all wool underwear at J. F. D. Wrinkle and Los. Farmer who want to buy ealt are hereby notified that Mcllwain will sell it atone cent per pound. One day 1-tst w ;k, Fred. Bark bar i got in en a band of geese and killed nine at two shot '. Let me make the slang of the people and I ca-e not who makes tbe laws, u tbe revised version. New goods are crowding fast on Mcllwain, but they don't come in as fast as he dispose of them. To g-wl to keep; laJ.'ei all linen band kercbief 3 for 50 cents at J. F. D. Wrinkle aa I Go's. Ask your frien U to subscribe for the Democrat. Yc cm certainly ge; u cne subscriber. Conrad Meyer, tbe leading ba'ier, has a full stock of both baked and unbaked goods. Go there. Our late rain bis caused the river to rise an til boats now mike regular trips a 3 far so'ith ai Corvallii. Six X black le4Ver, Fie.-uii diagonal, French plaid light, for cloaks at J. F. D. Wrinkle and CuV. Young ladies ; if you wiat a ue it fitting cloak elegintly trimmel jnt go to J. F. D. Wrinkle and Cos. Lidiej if you are thinking of p irclia n a handsome dreM or cloak call at J. F. 1). .Wrinkle an I Go's. J. saw t'ie fiiiest line of cloak and dolman K-day, I liav, ever seu in Alha ly at J. F. D. Wrinkle a id CV-. Froth Oregon buckwheat for sale by Rtd fisld aud Irving, and it's g Ml, too, and we wi I testify to it. Lwliesind every body, d ml forgit Wrin kle and C ' stor iu Albiny, winu yoa want to buy go ids che ip. G eaaic Ciurt was only in session this term for one week, although t'ie docket shows up eighty-oe cases. On the first page will be found a story witboa1: any love in i. It is worth reading, as a cmonty, if nothing Ue. G.i to Cowan's, Lebanon, for everything to ini found in a gewa1 im rcuanHm store and you will g it it at a bargain. ttnow fell in Walla Walla before they finished up harvesting. W will stick t old Webfoot a little longer yet. It is feared by some that the North Sauti am Narrow Ga-jge bridge will go out again during this coming winter. No need of farmers goiug any farther than Shedd's to do their trailing, as A Lewi keeps a splendid stock aud sells cheap. 8amagj-makers are c ingrjituUting them selves that their busy season is now opea ing because there is an "r" in pur p. Very aad ; but true that J. F. D, Wrinkle and Co sells dry goods and fancy goods cheaper than any store in Linn conny. 2 A member of the older of United Work men died at. Salem last Tuesday evening, so that another assessment is in order. We have been piacJ uuder obligation to Mr. John Morgan, of Shedd precinct, hy the present of a bushel of luscious pears. A splendid new and fresh assortment ot nee wear arrived .at Blain's this week. Ij u want the latest tie give him a call. Mcllwain still keeps up Li lick selling good at low prices and says that auction stores will not be allowed to go uuder bim. Last week rain caught nearly all our farmers putting in their grain. Not more than half the fall grit a has yet beeu sown. Last Saturday was a beautiful day for tbe race, It rained like smoke all day and water. That new altar made for the Masons by Fred Dunning is otto of the prettiest pieces o! workmanship wo have seen fur a long lime. Farmers, go to the Bee-lf ivo YViro Werks jn Albany and examine the eolobrated Ore con FanuinL' mill. It is tho best in the SSS SB world. The Narrow Gauge Railroad his been completed as far south as Goberg. Trains now run to that piut. aad all oonstruotion has stopped. No lady ci n thine in Albany society with out buying one of those handsome dress pat terns aad trim!.- m 4 to match at Fox, Uaum and Co. The Willamette oti)Tuesdy had risen six teen feet above low water mark, and didn't 3t at all as if it intmdod to t iti ambi tious eareer. Such bargains as can bo had at Fox, B t un and Co's are not to be secured at every es tablishment iu towu. Call around aad loaru their figures. About the fiuest hit id lainpt in Albany can be fouad at Salt marsh and Laitgdon's. They can suit almost any out iu style, quali ty and price. It is hard to tell whiob will bring tho moat pleasant expression into a woman's face to tell her that tur baby is heavy or her bread !iji Go to Montague's for your dr .!.. Tho pcoplo f I .. Lamm will 1 1 i t that they can do butter thvro than at any other place in the county. Winter weather is uhu us and 1 lite should wear good heavy shoe. Fox. Ran in and Co can fit them with auy kiud of shoes, heavy or ILjht, - Thomas Sperry, who shot Lev. L A. Bankr, at Vancouver, a few months ago, has he- n seut to tho iieniteutiary fr two years as the result of his crime. ''True blue" sop is the latest aud best thin; out for those who do their owu wl -ing. When nsin it no blueing is required. Redield and Irving have it for sale. 'Skddadle"ts tbe name of an iu ban at d Klamath BsMftaiiosi aud he has sold ftP0 worth of cattle this fall. His name is evi dently a very appropriate one. O ! say have you heard the late-it new that Wrinkle aud Co have just receive I from the east a large assortment of ladies ulsters and cloaks and they are to cheap. There are lots of ineu in this country who don't care for money, but they feel just like) using a p-utage-atauip ovr again if the ink ha only touched one corner. Court is over, and tbe members of lb Grand Jury having gone borne, a great rainy of our citizens who were viuting the Mechanics Fair have returned. M. A. Miller write as from the Dallas that everything is lively there aad Lusinees boomiuj. 'ill expect to go into bill ins somewhere iu Kasteru Oregon. How can a stugle dose of Ayer's Pills care headache ? By reraoviug obstruction from the system relieving the stomach, aa giving bealty action te the digestive appara tus. C. W. Osbom is fast becoming the leading candy dealer of Albany. Hi lact steak of candy is no w almost gone, and be u jast re ceiving a large and fresh lot of French can dies. Several months ago some lady ItL a pack age at Blain's stor-., and kas never called for u. It contains a corset and a half doaco handkerchief, and tbe owner should tend infor it. The Independence firemen ha I a fine at their ball last Friday evening and cleaned np out of the affair about $120 About fifty firemen went np from SaUm aud took part in it Well Daughter ; wbcu yoa want to buy lac i collars and cuffs, lace, ruchiags, shaded ribbons and etc., all of the latest styles, top into tbe store of J. F. D. W rinkl and Co's Albany. John Heeae finished up the aewer lie was working cn, and now the city has given h'm another t rr. ke. Thi wdl extend down tbe alley north of F'nststr-est from Washing ton to Broadalbin. John Hughes sold bis farm lying aero m the river Loji thi city to Geo. F. Simpson last Saturday. The pi '.ce paid was $5000, and if George ever got a bargain iu hi life it was right toe i. Deputy Sheriff John N. Duncan took , Ankenny down to the penitentiary last Mon- j day. Ankenny was sent np for two years J for having aisiste 1 in robbiu' a Mr. Ijsi- pool near this cily. The Oliver Chilled Plow will ran and do good work in dry ground when a steel plow cannot lie kept iu. They are jast. the plow yoa want for summer fallowing. For ale by Samuel E. Young. Tbe very best cigars i.i town can be had at aud Joseph's. Ml the best brands for sale, either wholesale or retai 1. Their tobacco stock is also first clawb ao cheap tobacco kept at all. Linn Engine Co. No. 'J 'of this city ha been incorporated. The incorporator were W. H. Huston, (Jeo. Hochatedler, A. C. Lay ton and J. W. Blain. The capital stock was place 1 at 31200. Anyone who attended the race Saturday afternoon to aid easily understand whv Oregonians are called Webfooted. If web- footed proctivittei weren't displayed there we can't tell a gooae from a hen. Tobacco -che went have no doubt ascertain ed tb it there has been a heavy advance in tbe price of the weed. It caught Mcllwain with an immense stock on hand, and he has not advanced the price whatever. If you expect to work in the timber this winter you should by all mean buy either a "Champiou or "Diamond" cross-cut sav. . No other aw wn "hold a candle to them." Peters and Sox keep them fer sale. If you weie to enter Fred Mailer's you wou'd be surprised to see what a large stock of tobacco he keep on hand. His stock ia as large o any in town, and customers who buy of him once always come again. The Masonic lodges of thi city moved their furniture from their old hall into the new one last Monday. Their "rocay road to Dublin" created considerable comment whil it was being taken fr jrn one pint to another. It is no longer a secret. Truth will come to the top every time. The reason J. L. Cowan, of Lebanon is doing such a thriving business is that he sells his goods at the lowest living profit aud of the bess quality for the money. The "McCully" sailed past Sabbath morn ing on the way to Salem in about a inde pendent a manner as imaginable. Several persons were waiting on the wharf to get on, bnt the boat put on city airs, and snub bed tl era completely. Dime Monteitb hat just received a beauti ful breech-loading Parker shot-gun, and it won't be long now until he will be able to knock the socks off tbe great Bogardus in the shooting line. farmers are beginning 30 find out that there is no better place in this city to trade than at the store of Fox, Baurn and Co. all at price a low at any On can ir the quality of god thsy aalL Una County Baiat Council meets with Uarrisburg G range to-morrow. Thi organi sation is growing in favor among the farmers every day, and it working are held up a an example to be followed and pointed to with pride by the leading agt oulturUU of tho state. One of oar worthy oitiaene was aean look ing around about one o'clock a few morn ings ago for his her, which he said he had le$t. From tb rail fence which he wa walk ing, it it surmised that h was ia tbe wrong naatur. And doubts are entertaiued about his having found thorn. It is getting so muddy 011 tb Narrow Gauge that the trains have to travel very slow south of the Saatiam. The engineer foreman aud brakemen have to wear gogglss, fer whenever tho eiiciue strike a tie the mud squirts about twenty feet high. " Vauniaa Bay or bust." It is as much a settled tact now as it is that Jas. L. Cowan, of Lebauoa, is selling good ot a better quality aud at lower price thau any other merchant in I.ebauuu. By fair dealtug be ia building a road to aucoeas whieh will otupote with evu the 0. P. Our popular orower KL Bdlaugor, still eoatiuurs his la. go business which is lucre ing every day. There is not a more Hour ishiitg cstabiuhmeut in the Willamette Val ley than the Star Brewery, aad it owes iU sauce to ihu fact that it brews on! tb best quality of beer ud deal out '1 the moat ooorteou 1 and geuthnuenl manner. Arthur's eabtuot when organ ixed will be the moat weak-joUited affair ever presented to a SeuUe for continuation. All tho good men have goue out, tbe same a all good men have goae out to Meutagns'a at Leb anon, to purchase dry goods and g roc rise, aad will continue to do so long after the Ides of March im. when Arthur aud the Republican party will go out for goad. Tbe meeting of tbe B'u Ribbon Club, Friday night a a not vry wU attended, although the eaciciae, we uudersUnd weft of an interesting character. If the mem bets expect to bav more than empty benches ia attendance they should make some effort to let the public know when tby are going to uioet, aud what they are going to do. . Even country boys will get taken in some times, and it is tru that they oau't always tell which way the wind is blowing although tbe weather vane is before them. We know of several who will be apt to do some pretty good pJowiag daring the neat few weeks. No more foot race vita strange runucts need be look d for. Saturday evening a vary plut surprise party was give at the residence of JUv. L Dilleu, iu hou .r of that gentleman' birth day. On account of tb inclemency of the weather the number present wa small, but they made up ia geed feeling aad spirit the back of members, so that the vaiaif passed very agreebly to everybody present and all went away wishing that the worthy psetDC might see many more year roll around, ooly to find him the saw oarutwt, vigorous worker that be now is. George Peabody, the great philanthropist, died twelve year ago to-day. A Peabody to endow our city with a library would not be missed her. If Urj i auy on in Albany who would like to have hi nam placed beside that of Peabody. and be re ishi red by future generations, 1st him put up $10,000 for thi purpose. There are those who can afford it, and might much better do it than leave all of their money to ungrateful relative. SOCIAL PERS0HAL. W. H. OdoJl, of Saiesa, registered at the St. Chart oa Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Webber and fata iy returned from a visit to Portland last week. Miss Mary Colds ton has goue to Portland, where she will remain danng the winter. Hon. George Waggoner, of Corvall, wa in tb city Saturday and Sunday. jfcC. E. Stanaid aad Mis OUie AveriU,. of Brownsville made Albany a visit last week. Allen Parker, proprietor of the Oneatta saw mills, arnved last uveaiag from the Bay. H. R. (irime, of Portland, connected aith tbe otttoe of A. W. Ooobouk, wa ia the city Taeday. A if. Rogoreba beeu very sick lor the past week or ten dsys, and at present is still very.low. E. Cyru. of Scio, called on tbe DsuocuaT tbe first of the aeek.aid left us in good spirit. Ft el McCoy has gnu to housekeeping, and occupies the late residence of Gen. M. V. Brown. J a N Co how was down last Tuesday helping bis brother commit matrimony. Go thou and do likewise. M. D. Ballard ha moved into tb residence he purchased recently f L. Kline, and is now comfortably situated ia oue of the best localitiv in Albany, G. L. Qaivey, of Corvaliia, wa down but Saturday. He ex poet to commence the publication of a live Democratic weekly pa per at Cervatii about the first of January. A. Uoliaau, traveling correspondent of tbe Orrjcmian, spent several hours with us wbeu he visited Albany this week. Me is a warm friend of the Oregon Pacific Railroad, aud thinks this valley has a prosperous future before it. L Kune and wife left tai city far Calif or- nia but Wednesday, and think probably they may make that State their home ia tae future. In tkeir long residence here they have made many warm frieudsjw ho bate very USkC 1 to ;e tuviu depart. Preserve V arBfeallh and Temper. Yon can do both, and thas "kill tw birds with one stone" by buying yonr win ter beets of L. X. Blain. H keep ia stack Wells famous "Saddle Seam Standard Screw" boots, with which almost every one is acquaiated. Also the celebrated "Iron Clad" and "Hercules," wbieh have attained a very enviable reputation in ear wet climate. He alao Las new boots which last positively cannot be beaten IIoe blocks "Giant Seam Boot " It has the most dur able seam, is "nea-ripabla" and waterproof. with a pair ot these yon will not have wet feet, and can thus preserve both year health and temper. What mare can a man ask ? Besides these specialties he has a fall line of light and heavy boots and shoes of all kinds and can suit any one who will oall. Kellgleas Notice, Kev. C. W. Hees, of tho Dalles,, will bold religious aervlcea at the Baptist Church in thia city next Sabbath, bo h in tbe morning and evening. t . tm Dipal eX Cases. Wa had a report of the dispo ial of eaaea of last week's Conrt, but on ac count of a press of other matter we will tivL MOM At ALBANY. A Sensing Meeting te Weleesne Ik rresl Orator (tin Oregon raelfle. At 2 'clock Friday afternoon a large audience aaaoiubled at tho Court 1 louso to welcome Col. Hogg back to tae State, and to hear what he had to say 1b regard to the plana- of tae Oregon Pacific Railroad, of which corporation he i ProalUeut. Judge Holse adjourned Court, and Mayor F rowan called tho meeting to order. Judge Stratum then came forward and after delivering a ahort apeech of welcome, Introduced Col. Hogg. xne speaker nrt proceeded to delve Into the paat, gave an account orhia arrival in thia State In 1 ;:, and hh search fur ao Investment for capital; hla final conclusion that Y equina lUy was the beat burbor on the Oregon coast, and that a railroad built eastward from it wuuld be profit able inveatment; hla purchase of the franchifto and land irrants of the Corvallh and Coast Range Wagon Road, end the W. U. St C. M. WagoirRaad for tho purpose of se curing right of way and gaining finan cial backing. He then told of the difficulties which he has met; of the hitter tight made against him by other corporation, and atated that noted financiers of New York told him that no read whoso agente had gone to that city to aeek financial backing had ever suet with the oppo- sillon brought to bear amlast the Oregon Pacific. But he waa happy to say that the opposition after a long hard and and bitter fight, had been overcome, and money sufficient te build the roid to Bob City had been secured, and that by the latter part of next year he would have the east em end of the line across the Cascade and In Eastern Oregon. Us did sot expect to content himself with the traffic ho would receive along the line of this road, but would run a branch from somewhere on the Eastern slope of tbe Cascades to a point near the junction of the Columbia and Snake rivers, and with the use of steam barges would utilize all the rivers touched by 'the road. While the Oregon Pacific would only run aa fa east as Boise City the road would not terminate there, bnt by tbe time he reached that point he had positive assurance two other roids from the t would be there to connect with him. Aa winter waa comlmr on work would have to be stopped on the grades la a lew day a, but tunnel ing, the work on, rock cute getting out bridge timbers and tiea would continue. Three vessels had been chartered and sent from Enron with 10,000 tons of steel rails: one vessel had arrived at fn Francisco, another waa overdue, and the other would be due by the middle of this mentb. The remainder sjf hla re marks were of about the substance as our article of last week. His address waa well received and convinced our people that in a very ahort time they would have tbe benefit of en opposi tion railroad line through this state, tbe benefits to be derived from s-hlch cannot tie estlmsted. Craart Tbaak.sttlas Haf. Uy request of a large number of sports men we make the anaouacomeot that oa Saturday evening, Nov. 12a . at 7 oV k, there will be a meeting bold at Soott's gun tor to make arrangement for a grsnd match bant on Thanksgiving Day. Two ( aplam' will be elected and they will ides, and tb company which seore ta smallest aamber ef doiuu on the hunt will I b repaired to larnUh a game supper fer all in . f 9 ; t s narttuieatiag in th boat. IU sure to be en band at th time stated. Isat year th bnut aad th npper were tbe grandest af fair of the season, aad this tins we ooeht to eseel it. Drain era. w. caaaia B. W. CundJfl tbis week received tbe aad inUllljeaee of the death of bla brother in Texas. The following, taken from a St Joseph (Mo) paper e-ivesan account of it! l,,rarniinn w.. p.i.1 u terdsy that W. L. CundiiTdled lu been- tur, Wise county, Tsxss, on Taesdsv. 8ptember 27th. Mr. CsndiiT was an old citizen of rjt. Joseph, having resid ed here for twenty-five years, most of that time eelug in tbe livery buslneaa. He waa well kuown to all the old citi zens of tbe city a one .f tb. most boa a .. mmmm orauie ana resuecrea or men. He was a brother oi Col. J. 11. B. fund ill", now in Bt i-outs. Following Is a list of tbe marriage licenses isaued at the elerka office dur ing October. J. C. Habln-Mrs. Emma A. White. II. a Davis-Clara B. Pentlaud. J. H. Upborn El va Dlekev. James C. Porter Lyda C. Reams. Hlg Uelorr Leopold I ne Flossier. Carey W. Themes Edith L, Miner. Aimaa Wheeler Mary J. Blaker, Jas. C. Parker NaneyJ. Motberhead. Pldelous Needbam -Martha M. Rider. O. O. Colter Margaret J. Burnett. T " A treat Ceavcaleaee. If yon wish to subscribe or renew yonr subscription for Eastern papers and magazines, leave your order with F, L. Kenton, at the Post Offics, who will furnish all the leading publica tions at publishers pricss, saving yu the trouble and expsnss ef writing yonr orders and forwarding the money aaiay aaa sfarae fobbo. " ' While ssms men were working near Crabtree bridge in tho Forks of ths Bantiam last week, they found In the brush near by a sulky and set of har ness. They had evidently been there asms time aa the haraes was musky with dampnsss and exposure. How, and when, and under what circum stances they were left there, no one can imagine. ' " A Large "Spad." Geo. C. Blakely sent us down a potato of tbe Peerless variety, a few days ago, which weighed 4 pounds. It waa raised by J. M. Waters at Brownsville. We have read of larger "murphies'' tbaa thia but it has aever been our pleasure to see one that would beat it. leffee dub Meeting. The members of the Albany Coffee Club are requested to meet at No One's Hall next Tuesday afternoon, Nov 8tk, at 3 e'elock in th afternoon, Take due notice and Report or the Ursa JOf. VVo publish below the complete re port of the InMtdrand Jury. It Is a fine eulogy on our eeunty officers and the efficiency of our Court, and Is worthy or the cloaast perutai by our reader. . . aas m ita strictures on ins conuitien or our county Jail demand Immediate at tention : To Jhn. II. I'. Ih ' Jutjr of mid Court. . . . . m a , . . . 1;: panelled and sworn for the said term or i;surt weuia most respeoiruuy re port that we have attend to all matters a- ' it a. a a. a presented fer our consideration by way r commitment ami etner matters, appertaining to our duty aa Uraud Jurors. That w have examined the books and record of tho County Clerk, N. itaum, kept by him aud his deputy, J. ii. uacKiMtnau ami irotn;our etamliia tlon Moil the said iioek and records, sept la a aest and bum nee 11 ks man acr, and fuither, that the repairs and additions made to the ld Clerks ofllcc, Is highly approved by , a ths ams has for a long time been much ue-ded. The arrangwwuats of the oilluft by way of such luiroemuts, w think second to noes In the state. vVn have also examined tbe books and reeord of the Treasurer's office kept by I. aa. Bruce, County Treasurer, aud were well pleased to notice the manner In which the said books are kept Order ana system seems to pro- rail, In the management ef eaid office so tar aa we are comp 'tent to Judge. Also ws nave eaamineu the hooks and records kept by J. J. Charlton. Slier If!, aud hla deputy J. N. Duncan. we nnu tne said books and record kept la a neat and busts like man ner, everything seems to be In Its place, and ths orflcers polite aad affable, a well as the other oftHoial ef the County before named. We hlahlv commend the County Judgo I Khan, and th Commissioner actio with him, in ordering and carrying forward the late Improvements to the Court House, whleb make thlnn much mere laaut aud reabla not sniv to 'mciaiaor tne court, nut to all who may ee in atteneanoe on the Court. We would further recommend that some system of drainage be adapted aad oarHedtnto execution without de lay, no that proper dralnajre may be had from tb teurt House and 111. this We deem, a aauch needed improvement. We Had from our examination of the ( ouoty Jail that It Is greatly In need of repair In order to sec ere the safe keep ing of persona confined therein i the walla are In a dilapidated mni unsafe condition, especially oa tbe weet end. and tbe wonder Is that persons can le kspt secure therein at all. and ih stench is unbearable. We would re commend that tbe repairs ef the Jail be mad at ones a well a th building of tbe sewerage above named. We think tbe Courts of Jut!r In thi County are properly managed aad in good condition. . Dated at Albaur the Jnh day of Octo ber, A. 1 1881. J J FfNUAYooff, Foreman. M C Powai.i., Johsi Bi Am., John A OeAWfoKD, 0 T Kaorr, M Thompson. Jons DfcNV. A ar w iraf. County Clerk Bausn tltiiabed ib work of balancing up the new a-winnt roll la Monday clgbt nd ilirougb bis raur tssy w are enabled to giv our radxr tb summary of In lab r. K. ef sera egrhisliefal U 4, 4t,- . rslvad s m 4.SD -04 Yaief Uwi i"U TSl -i V ! S mpffwumi... M.7S0 Uuc i4 UMrcbsiMlter mk! iu. H,mU -.l SSSS f Unr. wiWU, St 3. LSH X tie nl furailiirv, So. A buna, 7,10a. Vi Mm. .J . .U. ..,mA ri.m 'i.ii.. SS.7M .-v. " . " w, wmm'f N. i4 ahmp snU fuala. Sa.OOO, value 47, M.SAJ a. nt wina, 7.7SU, vmJu. Uruss '! u( all peajwrl ........ istsSnss wlUiia Um lea Si ayllnn M i ii i rtt Tui vsJa ut laaablc prn-tif ......... HA.t7t i.-o" et rs.ui Am -uni uf SUU tu AOaotiot of l)sV' tsa J saVi Aunt of (VMtaiy las SSS1 II ':-! V SS.04I V7 Tutol u i be W.CWSdi Tbe new assessment law being now In one ration make a difference of almost two million dollar between ths press nt ag w i arssate amount of taxable property and that reported last year, and It is tbs opin ion of all that County Asasssor Williams by snrordng lets nsw law ass glvsa us tbs fairest and moat impartial aseeaament we bare ever bad. Ths new law, being at moat an entire change front tbe old one, has worked a hardship on tbs A and made bis position anything bat enviable one during tbe present year, but we besr no eompladnt agaleat bhn by tbe paopb and all seem to think be did ht wow rssiarssBty wwi n ouibbh"i sssariy as poswois. m sasra ot nqusi ,tlon " to Pee rrom me tox paysmfor tbe wsy ia which thsy dls- nensed justice without fear or favor. The present levy ws nndsrstsnd will pay all legltimste expenses end liquldsts almost If net all of our Indebted nos, so that we may expect s still farther reduction of taxes nest season, providing ws bsvs no uch floods as ws experienced last win ter. J Aa x9eelarr 08flsr. Although ws did not exert ourselves to snv nrsat sxtsnt to secure tbe election of the present Sheriff J. J. Charlton, we are glad to see that he has proven to be a re- markabls efficient officer. In ths line of collecting np base he sxosllss'.l his prs deoeuKirs, the della iunt list for last rear amount nj now to only about $775. Such work a that will reooommsad itself to the tax payors ef Linn county, and he will re ceive the praise of ail without regard to party, lie publicans willl probably ssy to him asxt spring "Well dene, thou good aud faithful ssrvant. Miter tho into th race for the second term," and if he wa Democrat we might seoond th motioa, bat as it is, our party will hsvo to rustle aresnd and hunt np a good man to beat him, Th higher Mr. Charlton stands, tbe greater honor there will be ia walking over his political "corpus." I -f. W Ferry Beat SJarrled Away, frediet created such a current 1 In ths Willamette that laat Monday as Penroe .ferry boat was crossing, the guy rope broke acd tbe boat floated down the river, lodging so this side down by tbe Red Crown Mills. It took consid erable work to get It back, and tbe next day it asm near going again when a large log ran Into It Te the Public. J. A. Gross, proprietor of the depot hotel, keeps one of the best public houses In tbe State. Bis rooms are kept scrupu lously neat and clean, and ou hia tables can be foud the best food the market af fords; Parties going off on tbe morning train can get coffee and cakes or an entire breakfast before the train leave. Here aft r tbe hotel will be kept open all night for tbe convenience of tho public. 4tf A Xew Drag Store. Rumor baa it that a nsw drug store will be opaned out by the first of De- ember in the Froman brick. The proprietors will be J. F. McCoy and L. R. Ellsrt. who has been a salesman A aMCKiae nr.ATH. A Bey eras! I Beath sr Tree ralllswSpea Bias. Oue of tbe moat attacking deaths wa have heard of lately wa that of ciirtou Heed ef thia county, which took place last Sabbath afternoon on the road be tween, what Is known as theScttlemier i Mill, on the SeDtisoi.and Lebanon. The i was about 13 year, old, left tbe mill on horseback on Sabbath after noon about 1 o'clock to go to Lebanon to mall some letters. He did not re turn In tbe evening, but his absence did not cause bla parents any uneasi ness, as they supposed he had conclud ed to stay all night at bis uncle', Wm II. Heed, at Lebanon. Next morning some see In passing along the road fouud him and bis horse crushed to death under a faliea tree about two miles from heme. The tree was a large dead balm, aad hail broken oft about fifteen feet above tbe ground and It foiling had caught tbe horse under It, striking him diagonally aero tbe back from the withers towards the bead. The boy was lying under oue side of the tree and was fearfully man gted. Oue side ef hia head and Ida Jaw were crushed, bla neck badly lascerat- ed and one thigh fearfully mangled, andetlll he had not beeu caught entire ly unaer the tree. Both th bey aad horse must have died Instantly, as neither bad stru gglep. Justice Smith of Lebanon, Impanelled a Jury and held aa inquest on the body, tbe verdict being In aeoordsuce with the facts we have stated. Tbe bo ly waa taken to Mr. Wm 11. Reed's, at Lebanon, aad on Tuesday,was brought to this city lor m.. r.. .i i Z T . 7 1" '" resiuenee oi fran i"artoa oa th same day. the services being conduct ed by Rev. Dr. Irvine. Tke almost die tracted parent and the othsr mem bars ef tbe family have the eympathv of every woe. They desire o to thank the people llrleg In the vlcloity of wbsrs the accident occurred, and also the eltiaens ef Lebanon, who rendered them such timely and vsluable assis tance whsa it waa needed. ataiewt si rrti4i Nsit Tudr ta firanl t uf Ore- goa of tb KnigbU ef Pyttiisa will U io.ti- tuted si Portland, aad - oa VVrdaeeday thy speet to bav a grand aniferm pared and a big tisa gsefslly. It attraet a grrat deal ef atteatiea and the atteadaaoe will U- hug from sbread. Lssret Lodge ef Albany be (acted Uo. W. Heetedle aad Henry CUrk a da-UgeUs. Paat Chancellors I Uo. W. Sill. W. R. Bilyea, L. Martia aad ft. A. Fester wiliatUad. aad also tb fel- lowing saember : Capt. Lanaieg, W. 1L aoosa, arcn .Monwun, vv. n suuu. ju. i a'.wi, if ii.-;,. t v i " wwsj ww 0 e iii a v imvsvi t . w I lUnton, K. ft. Skipworth and L Kdwarda. r Oreal Of coarse it i of great isaparUses for joa to knew that A. D, Mellwata baa s large tck of clothing aad gsats faraUhiaj goods, and of stilt greater importance to kaew that he eipeets to sell at prices which oaaaot b tuuokrd by say other dealer. Reuses bei this when yon want to boy. Dsa't be fool rd everlastiagiy. Call araaed ther befert yon close say bargaia and ass at what astonishingly low price be I slHng. Ha prof see ss to sail say thing ia hi store at lower pries, than rale ia oer city, bat ia the I n of clothing and boot and shoes buyer can especially get bargain. A Straw Rsv. T. a WhiU started back t the States but taeata, goiag te San F OB the SUU of Cattfomia. He wrote a from Astoria oa tbs 17th isst as fallows i "Ws bars Isst only 4H boars on bar be tweea Portland and this place. Taw bad ! Ws hope yen will have Yaqnina Day open aad the Oregon Facile ran mug when we oosss back to Oregon. " air ial. Oar Coanty jail bow ss -aly on occs paat J. F. Feaoer, a counterfeiter, who was oenvieted at the last seesina of th U. 8. District Court at Portlaa l. aa I sentenced to two mouths imprioamat in th Lisn Jail, aud sued $100. As h oaunat pay his fin his trsa is jail will be three months. He paesed the counterfeit at Marrisbarg. regeu racier BMMkargtas Heads On account of bad weather grading has to be stubbed on the Oregon Pacific Railroad. About 400 Ob inane have already been discharged, and all the white men but about three hundred. Work continues when- . si e a ever the w earner noes nm inieriere too much. Aa Idpadal Uae. The Independent steamer "A, A. McCully" will hereafter make regelar trlpi between Portland aud all points upthe river, making two trips a week. Monteitb 4s Sous are the aaents at thh point Werkmea'aaaectal at L baaea. On Thasjdsr even a;, reo 1st, Honor Lodge of th Aaoieat Ordr f U sited Work men xpets te give a grand social at thsir hall ia Lebanon. Aa iaterestiug program ia being prepared, guests will be invited ia, ssd a geaeral geed time is expected. COSHOW FOU8T, At th rideno of D. It. N. Blackburn, Esq., in this eity, at 10 o'clock a. at. en Tneeday, Nov. 1, 1881. fev Rav. 1. H. Coadit. Mr. R. 11. Coanow aud Miss Eu ua 1 Focst both of Browss ville, Oregon. Th happy young eeupl left on th noon train last Tuesday for Brownsville where they expect to begin life in earnest st once. It is our wish that their btightsst hopes and expectations may be reaped, aad Fiat they may meet with nothing but joy and happi ness in thsir journey together through Ufa ANDERSON COOPEB. At th residence of the brides father Mr. B. W. Cooper, on the Albany Prairie, on Sabbath, Oct. 30, 1881, by Bev. I. Dilleu. Mb. R. B. Asdkesoh and Miss Josgrmsa S. Cooras, Mr. Aadersoa has succeeded in a Inning for his bride one of the hadsomt of Linn county's fair daughters and ought to lie happy beyond measure. Not being personally very much acquaiated with him we do no know what kind ef a husband hs will make, but this we do know. If he tollows ia th footsteps of his old father his bride will have ne caateto regret her choice. We present FARMERS AND MECHANICS ONE PRICE I ie:pcaifuSly tall tfn atitati-ju ef Hie of geid 4, which lam tiering tt MENS, BOYi AND YOUTIS CLQTHIHC, OVERCOATS ANtyULSTERS, BLANKETS, LINED SUITS AND ULSTERS. RED, WHITE AMD ELSE FLAM8SL UNOSWEAS, RED, WilTE AND YICUNOI KNIT UNDERWEAR, SC UNIT, BLUE. NAVY AND CASS. OVERSIGHTS, B3YS AND.YOiTHS UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS, BDOTS.SKOESAiD SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES AND ARCTICS, GUM BOOTS, CLOTHING AND LECC1KS, CARTERS DOUBLE 6IL CL&THIKG, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MUFFLERS, TRUNKS, VALISES AG SATCHELS. UMBRELLAS AID WALKING CANES, MEHSCHAUM PIPES AH 3 8M0XERV ARTICLES, CENT'S DRESS JEWELRY AND WATCHES, STATIONERY, BRUSHES Ar4B COMBS, POCKET CUTLERY AND RAZORS, ENDLESS VARIETY OF YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS LATEST STYLES, UNEN AND CELLULOID DOLLARS AND CUFFS, BEST STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO IN TOWN. All goods marked ia plain Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, ale HI. NOLAN, ITS COME. AND A BIG THING, AN IMMENSE NEW 8TOCK OF AND CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Includinff all the late anJ desirable novelti not let tt encase vour ear NEW STOCK THROUGHOUT. We are now aVmt to offer this entire assortment at prices which will draw a mob. Will vou be there 1 L. E. BLAIN. THE LEADER. Foster's Block AlBAHY Oregon- MONEY TO LOAN. HAVE MOMKY TO LSAI at o i II . . . -y per uet Jnier- eet on time of six aaonibs to ten yoara. NO A WORN FA'S FEES CHARGED lltf BURKHART BRCS. ft l SIKttl. Defective Watch Cass ars on of tbe chief cauaee of mo saanv watobee not being at h! Ume pieces. Tbe case beiog tbtw and not fitting well, admit, dust and dir. to the movement, wmcn soon imoni- with the running part or th waien nwf.v Mitaung cleaning, repair! eg, dto.,anu we amount thus paia oji ii sppueu wwnu buying a good oaee in wo would have avod all thia trouble and ex pense. Wehaee recntly osti a cae uia ttftosts all these twquiromsols. It having been carried for over twenty year sou still remain perfect. We refer to toe JAS. BOSS' rTKxr STirruiK w.i.o Cask, which hss become one of tfce ample articles ef tbe Jeweiery iraue, It doe many advantage uvsr an other watch caea, being maoe oi iww heavy pUtee of solid sold over a plate of competition, and wo advle all our readers to ask tneir Jeweier rora wni mr hi!uo that will explain Ue tnauuer in wuicu they are made. It ia tne oniy nrri inu with two plate of geld, seam lea nndauu, aad center, solid joint., crown pieces Ac, sll of which sre covered by leuera pswoi. Therefore buy do esse before consulting s Jeweler who keeps the JAS. BOSS' PaTBIfT HTtKKKBRD QoLO fjasst, mat you may learn the differenoe between It and all imitation that claim to be equally aa Kor sale by all responsible Jeweler. Ask to see tbe warrant that acootanunlee each case, snd don't be persuaded that any other snake of case Is as good. s II olio way ' rill aud Olnimrnt. Wreck of Humanity. Indiscretions of Youth. No objet is more soul ajipslling than the premature senaihility of youth, daily witnessed among ths habitues of our public promenades, where may be seen tbe terrible reaults of disease in it most frightful forms of tbe ghantly and canda versus wreck of manhood, the de luded victim of unprincipal scoundrel, who, by pernicious nostrums, have im- Rregnated the systems of their ummspsot igand confiding patients with mineral poisons. For all ulcers and impurity of blood consequent upon such imprudence, Holloway's Pill and and Ointment are powerfully efficacious, being composed of raie balsam and vegetable that are antagonistic to all disordeie of th. blond, and ulcers arising from virus in tbs bony. They contain not s particle of meroury r other mineral poison. Jt Important Caution. None sre gsnniae unless the signature of J. Hiydock, sur round each box or Fills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents 61 cents and tl eneh. uY-There Is considerable sav ing by i.Vincr tKh 1tt roar mIcm. MOl.UOWAY Ct VO , tiOf 6yl. 81avea'slSherTylrsstB Pitste. An aromatic combination for ths preser vation of the Teeth and Gums. J.t Is Car superior to anyjreparation of ths kind in tbs market, lo large, handsome opal pot a, price 60 cents. For sale by Foshay fc Mason, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL WHO ARE INDEBTED 1X ME or bavo any business to trams ot with me, are hereby notified that my arlair ari left In the hand of Mr. Simon Seinnbceh of the firm of Jlontoith A Sei enbew h. Is. KJ.1NE. GASH STORE. close cash bnvfia to th? following botton price. tgarcA. Strictly one piiee. Proprietor. WE HAVE COT IT. in aty r, fabrics and colors. Do memory tnat tins ih a w leader ia St vies, Lrailer in Fits, lsul:r in Popular Prices. NSW PISH MARKET. On earner opposite Senders A Sternberg. Will keep constantly on hai.d all kindM of fresh aad ealt liii and oystera that i he luarkat afforda. M. H v uk (ITATiON. a the y Court of Lima Ccu-Ug, State of Orrtjom. In tbe matter of the eatate of Thus. S. Summers, Hooaaned. Citation . To the next ef kiu of said deceased, low-it : Jane Coyle, William Summer, Abner 8uiutuei, Isouria Parrieu, Ida pHveti, aud to all other kuowu and ur known, interested iu said Em ate. 7m tke. name of torn State vfttrejom: You are hereby cited and r.-i- iiwi u. be aud apptar iu ihe Couu'.y Court f .be County ol Ltun, laio 4 Oregon, at tb. Court Mssaae, in tne city of Allaauy, in said OmuuIv and iMaU, on Monday tit. 3th day ollWxmlsr, A. 13. 1JS81, at th hour of one i.'clouk iu the fu ruoou of aid day, tbe same bntn the first day of the lH-oemliur Term 1S&1 thi roof, aud tb-n snd there abow cause if auy exist, why an order of sal. should not be made directing and licenaing tne administrator of said estate to sell all be righ', title aud interest of said Tbos, S. Summers, deceas ed, at the Ume of but death, both in law and equity, iu and to tbe leal property hereinafter described, as prayed rer in m petitieu uf L. Bilyeu, administrator of tbe eatate of said deceased, whl. li (etiiion is now ou file iu tbe County Court of latin County Oregon, whk-b ud real property i described as ftdlowa, to- it : Beginning S.S8 cbaiMM South and lti.43 chaiua We-si uf tbe S. W. earner of -nctwn SO, Tp 12, S. R. 1 Weed of Willamette tne ridiau, and running thence West 2t.HT chains ; thence Kat 23.70 chain ; them North 36.97 chain to the place of begin ning, coniaiuiag 88 acn-K, more or lens. Also the following deacribed tract of land : Beginning at the South Kat corner ot the donation land claim of Tho. S. Sum mora and wife, Mot. No. 8904 in Una fJuunty, Oregon, and running litem Nerth 16.36 chains; thence Wet4 GO chains ; thence South 1G.S6 chain ; thence Est 60 cbsin to ths place of beginning, containing 08 acres more or leas, both of tbe above described tract of land being and lying la linn County, Oiegou. By order of Court : Witoeaa my band snd the s-al ef t-aid Court this 17th day of October, 1881. L. s. N. Ba in, Clerk. per J. id. Hack an, 12w6 Deputy. Admiiiistrator to Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed baa been appointed admin istrator of the estate of John A. Wrenn. deceased, by ti e County Court of Linn county, Oregon. All persona bavintr olaim agaiust said eetale aie required lo present them to saidadmioLdrator with tbe proper voucher within six mcntbs from the date of thi notion at the late reaidenee ofsaid deoeaaed, about two mile east from CorvallM, in said Linn County, Ore gon. Oca, 21st, 1881. J. B. LEE, gw4 Administrator. OUR EXPORTS. It Is certainly gratifying to ail true Americans to know that of late years our sx ports have largely exceeded our im ports, not alone in sucH article ss wheat snd beef, but in si most every branch of industry. Ten years ago uoariy all f e perfumery aud toilet article used in tbu country were impoi ted from Enmpe; to day wo not only man u fact ure f r our selves, but are large exporters to South America, China, Japan, ami he Colonwe Tbe immense growth ef thi jarti-uiar in dustry eu tbe Pacific Coast ia simply tonifehing. Slaven, who b now one of tiw largest cologne maker in tbe wor'd, last year exported some 000,100 bottle of his famous Yosemlte Cologne. Tor sal by Foahay k Masoo, Foster' BricV, Albany,