The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 21, 1881, Image 2

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I Basal ' I
We mmmt
General U.t nt's annearan under
the wing of li e new administration
Las givjn the coun'ry anther third
term n'jh'-mare.
Gkv. Jof. Johnston is a walking
lead mine. Ho received eleven wounds,
nearly all gunshot, in the wnr of the
Rebellion, and n w carries several balls
"eneysted" in his body.
John Pillion and J. J. O KKLLTf
members of Parliament, and several
other leaders of the Irish I And league,
have been arrestetl by the British au
thorities. Great excitement nxista in
It is asingubr face that no President
of the United States, from Washington
to Garfield, was born in a city, and ut
one, Job a Quincy Adams, was ever a
resident of a city at the time of elect ion
John C.
Frkmokt has resign! the
Governorship of Arizona. There are
too many Indian down there to suit.
As long as there wss nothing fot him
to do but draw his salary tie nore up
dl under the burdens of his oflice.
Pabnell, the Irish Land Leopior,
has been arrested by the British authori
ties anl thrown into prison. The
charge against liiw is that of inciting
poeple and intimidating oiiirs trom
paying their jut rent, and iutiuiitlating
tenant s from taking the lienetit of the
land a -t.
It is rumored in Republican circles
that J uJgv Watson has his pin-hook
in the political j u Idle now trying to
rake i i the office at present held by
Rufus Mallory. The frisky RufuHdoesn't
like it much to lose bin place, but
will probably go rather than have some
of his official exploits shown up.
One of tbe Indian chiefs mm in
Washington winked at the drug clerk
when calling for soda wat-t, the tuher
day. Such little evidences as this should
convince the most skeptical that
our missionary work among the
red mm is lut without some marked
result. Native instinct never taught
the chiefta'n this civilized trick.
Th D partment of Sttte at Wash
ington baa been informed that the ex
pecte I deticit in the wheat crop '
France will be 58,000,000 hnaheh
which must be supplied mainly from
the United Stat-1, the crops of te'"n;h
baring countries Wing far from what
was anticipated. The wheat crop oi
Algeria is in a deplorable condition.
Oregon has a little wheat she can turn
in to help make uj t'tia deficit, and if
tbe French can afford to ay one dol
lar per bushel we will all lie happy.
Did any of yon notice the sage ad
vies we received last week from that
old edition of John Bull who presides
over the columns of the H trail i We
have heretofore been charged with all
manner of crimes, but were never ac
cused Itefure of dishing np sensational
news for o ir paper. Lidv Pottinger'a
excuse to us for laying tbaf at our door
wa that iie did not want to hit Mr.
Bark , a-1 a! one. He wanted to "scatter"
t3 some extent in his reproof, and hoped
it would then be taken somewhat easier.
Your explanation is good, Bro. P.
M any amiable contemporaries organ
c in the'r tendencies are struck dumb
by a recent address of the Democratic
candidate for Governor in Mississippi.
This personage Judge J.owery de
s'ares that there wasn't a Democrat in
the state "who was not in favor of free
schools, a free ballot and a fair count."
This language the organ consider mis
placed in the m uth of a Misissipian,
because it can not represent tho Demo
crats of the ta e, who,wa are given to
underlan 1, favoi to a man the way in
whic'i John Sherman nd Stanley
Matthew carriel Louisiana, Fiorpla
aid South Carolina in 1876.
It is all very well to say that Blaine
is so ra- mixed up with tbe sW-route
stealing that the Arthur ad uiio titration
w suri to push the prosecution of the
ringsters with unrelenting vigor, but it
will doubtless !? found in tbe ultimate
result tbrc no wing of the Republican
party is more inextricably involved in
t lis bugi steal than that hicli Presi
dent Arthur is supposed to represent.
The fact of the matter is that the Re
publican party has never divided itself
up into win when there has been any
stealing feoiog on, and its thieying
rings have always represented the party
at large. The party is never more
harmonious than when it is stealing.
The dUatchej tell us that one fa
i. i i .- . y...
iure oi ma lecent election in Uliio is
Democratic gains in Republican coun
ties, and vice versa. This is attributed
to the fact that in several Republican
counties the church and temperance
are very strong, and Republicans
scratche I Foiter on account of tbe
failure of the legislature last winter to
give additional liquor legislation. The
legislature attempted tt give this legis
lation, but cou'd net agree on account
of the variety of plans offered. Foster's
gain in Democratic counties is attribu
ted to Book waiter's too brief connection
with the Democratic party to poil a
vote in those counties, and a stronger
poll of Republican votes there than in
reliable R?pu I I ican counties is deemed
in political circles to have been Foster's
THE WH1U alTI iTl.
'fho S. F. JanraaJ Vummcrt' in
writing on the heat situation ;tvr
tables prepared by the best Fi ufltMl
and Fietteu autbotitiei which -Ihh
that ihv tueds of the importing conn-
tires are twen live million. Unsl els
less than the surplus of exporting aontt-
tries. It sns thete has for a long
while been consult rabla speculation as
to how the matte really stood, there
fore, our farmers and wheat dealers
will feel mere at esse at the jernal of
this valuable statement. Some wild
estimates as to the export surplus of
Russia have been made, and have lieen
put even as high as 1 2000,0M)
about double the quantity given in this
statement but the figures are evident
ly erroneous, and those of the "Bulletin
des Halles" are double those of the
actual export of Russia in 1880. The
surplus of the United States is given
at 119,000,000 bushels. The crop of
1 B80 was 480,000,000 bushel, while
an exceedsngly conservative estimate
makes this years crop lest. That
would reduce her export surplus C0,
000,000 bushels, without taking into
account the increased consumption
from iucreased population and from the
partial failure of tbe corn crop. But
without taking these into account, the
fict remains that we could not have for
ex-tort this year raor than the figures
given in this statement, probably leas,
it may hapn that we will not have
to exceed a hundred million bushels of
this yenia crop for exjtort. of ahich
one-third will come from the Pa-ilio.
But if we add the quantity held over
here, the total will oui vi rv n iar that
a' ready given.
The probable xjru of the U nited
States and the probable needs of Great
Britain about balanc each other, or
rather that the I'uiled States and
Australia exjort as much an B inland
needs. Chili and India exort as
much as Holland is expected to import
while the need (Jurimuy will be
oalauced by the ex (Mil of t'tuada.
Russia wi'l exKrt enough to supply
France and Switzerland.
France, next to Kngtand has tbe
greatest need of forrign wheat, whhh
Italv will talk a'oit one f.Mirth as
much as Fiauee.
The prospects for good prion were
never loth r than they were this year.
Russia was the only hjgl-ear, but un
less all reasonable calculation are out,
-he will not export more than given ia
the UMe, not prabably as much
nrc raiii.i im a.
After aeveral ynr wait in nr r
ty haa had oue of i he chief ollicea of
the IJuim. Senato- Bayard was Vice
Preaideni fr a few I o irs and thu had
to step down ami out t i yive place to
that cart hwd ef olfomargariue from
Illinoia David Divin The new ii.cutn
fent took Ms seat hct Thnraihy. Ieing
escorted to it by fjentraf B ivard. There
is no doubt but tht Dniii1 till the
Vice Prnaidetil's chair well in fact
we think be will m re than ti I if, and
in caie Arthur com--a to an u,iiuiely
end we would have no feaiaef our Pres
ident Iwing axsawinated. No bullet or
knife could ever reach a v ital spot in
the body of Davw. He weiglm abiut
?,:() K)unds and is thoroughly protected
from outside danger bv lieing complete
ly encased in a covering of abiut six
inches of fat. II. a ouly vulnerable
spot is not hia heel, but bis atom u li.
SrMmbrr Trklwa.
One hun.l-ed years aifo Weducwlay,
ornwallis, with tbeflouer of tbe Kn
glisb army, aurrended at York town to
the illustrious Washington. To-day
the celebration in remembrance of tbe
event is cloaing at that place. White
we may have n commemorative
services here it is but fitting that we
at leant have a kind thought for this
event, which practically terminated
the revolution, and placet! us on a
sure foundation a an individual na
tion. We hope the people of the county
will subscribe liberally toward tbe
fund for improving Yaqnina Bar. It
will he money well expended.
It takes a great ('oal longer to con
vict a star route thief than it did for
'he thief to steal hinuelf rich. Tn time
though we expect to see some of the
small fry convicted, and the ringlead
ers turned loose.
We won't see anything in the dis
patches from the Hast about the wan
deringa of Judge Dealy, who seeks
forjudge Cliffords vacant eat. Is it
possible that he is considered only
"small potatoes" back there ?
Last Saturday when Guitteau was
arraigned for trial, a man in the court
room commence I trying to Iwrrow a
pistol presumably (or the urjose of
killing the aisoner. We supose tbe
people of Salem have not yet heard it
or Yeaton would le wanting to raise a
"fund" fur him und the trdemn
would be whooping it up.
Villabd is "doing" the North Pa
cific (J-ast very effectually, lie has
been aim Mt everywhere alre.vlv, and
this week is inspecting the Narrow
Gauge, which will about wind up his
rambles through our Slate. He can be
of great beneat to Oifgcn, m ran mak
our farmers curse the day they came to
Webfoor," Which course h t will take
the future will show.
Subecribe for the Democrat.
The .Mi hrlwrrn Oregon Hint 1'nlitwrnlu lo
llr at err.
Wo bnvo it from I ho most reliable
authority that the truck loss gap lw
tween Uosotmrp and Riubllng, which
has been keeping luick the tide of
Immigration that would wend Its
way towards Oregon, is to be etOOOd
at once, so that by (ho middle of
next year there will bo n comptote
line of rails connecting us with San
Francisco and the States of tho
Kasf. Preparation of the most sig
nificant kind lire now in progress.
Chief Engineer Morris, of tho (). &
('. R. R., let a few days ago for the
line between Oregon and California,
to confer with the Knglneer of tho
Central Pari lie, ami fix upon the
proper route between Uosobnrg ami
Redding, there being some doubt
as to whether it should bo through
Jackson or Lake county. Yesterday
Assistant Knglneer Yolk (kmschI
through thistity, and will immedi
ately begin tho location of tbe roed,
when a rquad of men will be put to
work on its construction. Work will
be pushed during the whole winter,
the climate of Southern Oregon utid
Northern California hcing such that
the weather cannot Interfere with It
It in the least..
Tho sooner it U fluislied the lietter,
for its construction means lower
transport Ion rates ami living prices
for wheat. When Juy Mould gets
his road through from t 'ranger City,
which has already been begun, and
the Nor i hern Pacific and Oregon
Pacific lUilronds are completed,
the farmers of Oregon and Wash
ington Territory mayexjMvt to get
prices for their pr-aluce somewhat
commensurate vlh rale realized
by hastern farmer", ami then our
superior facilities for pfotloetion will
gi'0 Us it Ito 'in which cannot help lie
ing fell.
IOHIIM can u INI it I
Although liter his H'ill nut been
much allituutiou ill Dm wh"at tiudr
this Windt there h.s H'it !! ilprtKioe
in Values, and tin filling In the
farmers aufp!iv Mtok-nH the n r op
proach of a riiul in tie sVoiaQjl fur
foreign what, in ahieh ih purcl.anes
latterly had bo-n ipd'e nmnll. Alihough
nome of the countiy market! have
quoted a fnrtbt'r i.ic this o-k. ow
ing to the ha I condition of the rin.
thedownaard motement aeems to be
at an e ol, th I general tone lieirg stead
ier. In tho Mivta there has u very
littk activity. Values are taking the
duty, etc., into account, piite below
those in the'l. K. Tbe quantity of
wheat on imssagn bi Prance by nail ia
now 2.19,(H)0 qrs., and that by stitam
45,000 qra.t against a total of 29(1,000
at this time last year.
Tbe wheat trade in this country has
ruled firm this week, and rye also lie
ing scarce, is very firm in price. For
eign wheat is epioted at about .'i.'m er
480B for red a-inter. The quality of
wheat on passage to Antwerp by sail
is 1 IG,0(t. rs , ami that by slenm I ".
000 qrs.
Unsettled, ruiny weather haa still
been exerieii'il ii. the North, further
deteriorating the outatanding croa.
Potatoes esecially are giving rise
to apprehension, owing to the excessive
rainfall. The "term marketa"
have rulel firm this woek for
both wheat and rye, although they ctof c
rather quieter. At Berlin last week
"term" wheat opened 4 mark a lower,
bnt subsequently recovered as much.
At Hamburg spot wheat is firm but
quiet At l)aruzi; there a n Ki5.-ni of an
improved business, but not mneh has
thus far lieen done.
The weather in Holla-id hm remain
ed very unsettled, and complaints are
being received from various part i " of
the country of the bid condition of
new grain. Kjt much change has
been quoted on wheit in the interior,
some markets being dearei and others
lower. In tbe jorts the arrivals of
both wheaV and rye are still fairly bn
portant. At Amsterdam both wheat
and rye to arrive cloie r.ither higher in
the week.
The othcial reports of the reault of
the Hungarian crops are much more
favorable than the commercial ones, a
good average lieing exiecte, especially
of wheat, rye and bar!ey. At .Pesth,
however, home-grown wheat was less
abundant thau usual at this period, and
holders being firm, prices advanced 2.ri
to 3.) kr. Flour was very quiet, little
lieing done for export. Bkeroohm.
.oiiiiKMlorr Sutt H Fafbrr.lMl,aw.
The great Commodore Nutt is dead, hut
he leaves a gool natured father-in-law to
testify to hia glory. His name la Ward,
and he ia now working for Staigor Bros.,
hewing marble into. fdiapely forms, as he
tells of bjs daughter and ber noted hus
band. It seems that when the Commodore
was traveling through this state a few
years ago he met the fair Miss Ward, who
was also of dimtnitive form. He saw only
1 to love, he loved only to marry, which lie
did against the wishes of his wife's father,
the g. n. marble colter. They wont oast,
and the Commodore has since died, leav
nn Mrs. Nutt quite a property, with which
she keeps herself in high stvle in New
York city, she is considerable of a
belle. Mr. War.l, who ia no doubt genu
ine, thinks h: will soiaetimo lie glad to
come back to ber old father and grace tbe
table of the honest marble cutter.
I i.uvsoN, ei. ItHhjI&MI,
A'd. lhinnrii.
Our town ! rapidly
iiuToutiu ' in
business l.otiHes. J. lUIck has ru o mhI
up a hardware store and ktcH a good
supply of agricultural Implements, nl
so J. M. Ilnlslon hits just opened it
general merchandise store. Ills stock
is of the very best quality and his in
tent ions are to sell at the lowest Bjp
Dr. ,1. M. Powell bus got moved
into his new building, ho ha) been
receiving quite a supply of all kinds
of articles usually kept In drug stores.
Ills business has constantly Increas
ed. Mr. J. Bllyeuand wife, lira, J. L.
Cowan and Mrs. I lagan have gone
to Portland to take In the fair.
There Is some talk of building a
new church. If the proper steps are
taken we don't know that tbe an me
could Ih built without a went deal
of effort.
Thejiubllc school in charge of Low
Anderson Is overcrowded und will
necessitate the prisuirlng of 'in assls.
Scattering load of wheat and llax
are still coming to (he warehouse.
Thero was quite a Inrga crowd at
the stock sale of Dr. D. W. II il lard
on last raturday and stock of nil kinds
brought a very fair price.
From an old pioneer of 'tf we learn
that the first court ever held in Linn
county was held at Lebanon In a hew
ed log church, t would lie inlerext
Ing indeed if some of the old seniors
would give some account of the sot
tlcmcnt nnd development of ihl
A temperance billiard hall and ci
gar stand has been lwind in a room
in tho new hotel It l.u fir to Is n
Turkey, are l;;inuiog to mike
themselves scarce; thunksgivingdny
is coming. There i aotn Inlk (hat
the ladies will make tho necessary
arrangements for a dinner on that
lay, the gentlemen are all pfffCl tly
willing to lend their assistance at the
table on the oecanion.
Tho f P. "anrch haa m ule ar
rangementss to continue v. Small
as their pastor for another year.
Tho first quarterly meeting of the
M. 1 :. Church for this charge will be
next Saturday and Sunday.
The Lebanon Hotel has been refit
ted and furnishisl and is now in
ehargHof Wm. Bind. If ymi want
a ipssl mo I at a low price with the
i--t of aisumoil iii .n- give him a call.
.Mrs. Cooper of Tacnn i U Ik-i-h
visiting Mrs. .. L. Ciwm Ihls pist
mi inuiin H l I III.
Auusv, Or . Dot, K 1SSI.
F.J'itor D'morrat:
hi justie to mvMlf I will .ui-wor a
communication from Alfrd Huluitn
which apeared in the last sau if yur
paer. Mr. Iloliium 0OOM to my real
dnc on Hunday, Oct. 9th, in coiuany
wilh Mr. S. K. Vtaing, and alVr n. ve-
ry thorough statement of his doings
whilst our fair all coi roborate,! by
Mr. Young, and bv statement fi m
other reliable rtiea, 1 tw t in vim til
that a wrong had Umndone Mr. Hoi
man. I then wrote the statement
which appear! in last week's
t'MAT, and handed it to him for publica
tion in the AHainy pater. 1 mIho nak
ed him to insert it in the Qnytftmm, so
that bis reputation miglit Im thorough
ly vindicatotl. Thin bo aQOOpioJ and
said it Was entirely JtatiafaeUiry, and ia
alt that a gentleman would aide, but
this does not seem to salisy him. Ho
writes a lottOf himself the contents of
which the young man would not dare
utter while in my presence. I IM not
know hint ami certainly could h . no
motive in aaying anything agsiaot
him, althouoh the statements were cir
culated here by p n tn s whoso stttnding
gave a coloring of truth to tint rortM.
One in articular was a uiembr of the
Board of Directors mid met him while
he waa here.
J. II.. Ill IthllAltT
.,. Dnnotrnt :
Fearing that my in my opponent
would think that I was dead I beg
space ui reply to a few points of theirs,
and to let ray friend Hume know
that he ntill haa an opponent who
has survived that awful yarn about
the good lady; also tho gentleman
who Higns himself Prohibition,"
who places groat stress on our Sunday
law. As to laws compelling the ab
servance oi Hunday as a Sabbath I
blush to think that such a bigoted
relic of priestcraft tarnishes tho fair
cscub'heons of any of our states.
With Paul I would say, "Lrdl no
man juqge you in meats or drinks or
in regard to holy day; some esteem
one day abovo another, some esteem
every day alike; let every man bo
fully persuaded in hisown mind." Jg
thero a bigot in Oregon intolerant
enough to onforce a law inflicting
fines or Imprisonment for obeying
this injunction of Paul. Does any
good result from the Sabbath law of
Oregon. It is the last thing I should
have expected reference to for the
purpose of populating an Idea or
strengthening an argument The
christain Apostle taught a doctrine
as different from the (Sabbath law of
Oregon as day is from night, and was
so certain ho was right that he issued
his anathema against any who should
contradict it. If an angel from
heaven come among you, teaching
any other doctrine than that ye have
received let him be accursed. The
doctrine the gentleman teaches is
contrary to the teachings of divine
truth, at war with common sense,
a libel upon the character and history
of man. I am aware that thousands
have been enlisted under the
honest impression that good results
would be attained, but wherever such
are led to examine the subject closely
tifey are invariably convinced of thoir
error and abandons it wherever truth
is contrasted with error, They can
bo readily distinguished and the
great mass of people who are honest
when undeceived readily embrace
the side of truth and justice and com
mon sense. There are among: us
however many ambitious and aspir
ing demagogues wh make a hobby
of Urn tototal mutadsm upon which
they hope to rido into pover. Among
them are a host of caslotf politicians
who have forfeited tho confidence of
their political parties, ad I regret to
say a host of our clergymen who treat
l I,. . . 1. I t . f ,
lonciiing oi uivinu inspirniiou
contompt, and Ijoldly throw
themselves at tho head of similar
fannlclsms In the hope that they niav
beabte thereby to regain tho polllieal
Inlluenco and power and plunder they
lo,t in tho American lie volution.
A Fkekma'n.
MlltHlHltlUO SM.
ASaMM o.l, : ut,,
Hiitnr hnnorrtil;
Another week has rollod round.
and we have been able to gather but
few Items. Nevertheless, here goes
to gin heat or our anility, in our
haste last week, wo failed to make
mention of tho new dry-goods estab
lishmcnt; A. Machenhelmer. pro-
printer. Which for taste displayed
Is quite criHiitatile, but wo oro sorry
to any can go Hi miles farther south
and buy more gtaals for less money,
thnn In I birrisburg. Why Is It? per
haps the extra (Mistake is occasioned
by the raise on gics "In ills own
Still anothi-r attractive feature, is
the curing ham display which carries
off the pilm, for tho host home-made
and Hiignr-cured. Tho Walking Ham
nier would douhtluss handU a great
er amount of ducats if he would dc
shit from his persistent winking and
blinking when lady customer! are
making purchases and rcposn more
conl'idem in hia clerk, who stund
Al. as to integrity and honesty and
understand their business. However
we acknowledge his magnanimity
as he is a late arrival from Monroe,
situatisl on the classic banks of Long
Mr. II. McCully, roannger of still
another house In general merchandise
and of whom we mndo reference In
our last, Is at prseont ladow laying in
stock. We have lieen informod J.
V. will nil the poaltlon as cWef ctain
ler.hopMr. Hurry up, Fietch smllo
on us fr -in behind the counter "as of
old;" mark your goods down toliving
prices, and you will carry the swag.
urn m . . . . . . ( I
viiireierio i ne new enterprise at
more extended length In the future.
Kumor Kuys the iiostofflce, Is to be
removed from in present location, to
the building one door north of May A
Kendcia store, formerly used asilreaw
making room).
llramwcll A Hay our enterprising
hardware merchants soorn to tie doing
a good bmdue 'fitting 'round,"
but that is no criterion, ttiey are al
ways sotting up something for soroo
Ivsly. No screw loose there.
We will not slight tho druggist
, next dtair, who deals In pills. Nor
the next who Mils all orders for hats,
bonnets etc. Our haroeas-maiter has
moved bis residence on Moore St.
into the house recently vacated by
H. Seller. He haa an addition to
his family in the way of a new lady
harder, who, report say-, has come,
for the express purpose of taking in
tho snug. Ti quite a snug place to
take in as some of our lady residents
wilt admit. H. 11. contemplates
mnking it less attractive by keeping
dark. We await further dcveiou-
s w (onroH UH to Malo ,hal
lics in want of UIh will find a aut)
agt in town.
Tho North-Western Marriage Ina
Co. is represented here by Jimmie
Sloan, a young man of good businesn
(malitlcations, whom wo predict will
make a wide awako agent as regards
policies. Our adviee, J. 8. iM that it
would tie policy for you to insure your
self a good wife. Handle thostringa
perched upon tho cushioned seat of a
sulky plow, t'wiit put moro premiums
in your pocket than the Marriage In'
Co. of tho metropolis.
Ha -riaborg was again visited by
the tire Head on last Thursday morn
ing. A small frame house in the
suhurba, owned by Enoch Moult,
anil occupied by Messrs Anderson A
Nelson, bachelors, burned down.
Twas supposed to have caught up
stairs from the aoot taking fire. The
building was a total loss. Tho effect
of the occupants wero all saved by
tho heroic efforts of Misses Alice and
Miiuio Hoult, Mrs. Hiley, also Wm.
Roach. All honor is due Jim Kllcy's
pony, being attached to tho buggy
and in a convenient place, enabled
tho ladies to reach the burning build
lug in advance of firemen. The first
man at tho fire tried tho door and
finding it locked went in quest of a
key. Ho did not propose having
charges of house-breaking preferred
against him. In tho meantime the
ladies arrived on the scono and the
lock succumbed in favor of a prodig
ious kick. As tho wholo upper part
of the building was amass of burning
coals when the ladiesflrsf made their
entrance it wan rather hazardous on
calico. Nevertheless they showed
great presence of mind and succeed
ed in naving everything of any value,
with I lie exceptions of a little too
much muscular exercise and a fore
taste of the hereafter, returned all O.
K. Dan McClain at a late hour arriv
ed and wended hi way through tho
dense smoke and falling debris and
secured a scorched sack of flour and
acoffcocup. Dan believes In keep
ing supplied with the staff of life.
The ladies did not venture oven into
the far corner, where the table stood,
as the dishes had not been washed.
It was rather a ludicrous sight to see
the ownors of the scattered property
put In appearance. Trunks, chair
clothing, bedding, g ins, and all in
fact, that goes to make up a bachelors
out fit, and all dumped unceremonious
on tho commons, by a bevy of ladies
only addod to their discomfiture.
However, all's well that ends well.
The Odd Fellows Encampment an
ticipate a grand time to-night.
Sam May, Jas. Riley, Alice Hoult,
and Mollie Howard go to Portland to
day', to combine business with pleas
ure and take in the Mechanics fair.
Also Minnie Hoult goes to tho Acad
emy of tho Sacred Heart at Salem to
attend school.
No empty houses In town, every
available shanty occupied.
'More anon,"
Makk Twain's Cousin.
Uuhappineas is the child of Dyspepsia.
Get rid of both parent and child by a few
doaes of King of the Blood. See advertisement.
II dl of Lsbanea Lodge Ho. 17 I. o. o.K
Lebanon, Oct. 8th, 1881.
To th? njfiwfa)t,l mi-miter.
We, your cominitlc on Resolutions
of Condolence, Is hnve to submit tho
Wiikhkah, 'Iho All-wise Ruh r of the
universe, has seen fit to remove from
our midst, Hro Alfred Ret), Vice Oram!,
therefore be it,
i-wW, That this Lnlie deeply
sympathizes with the widow, orphan,
son, and relatives in this their hour of
deep alliiotion, and loodor them our
Httoliwl , That in the death of IJro.
Keel our Order has lost a 7alous work
er, our Ixxlge one of its faithful mem
bers and our individual membership a
staunch friend, lie it futther
Itetoh, That our Iodge be draj!
in men ring and the mambets wear the
customary badge of mourning, and that
a copy of these Resolutions be trans
mitted to the willow, that our Records
show this our tribute of respect, and a
copy bo furnished tho Albany 1rralf,
and Btato Rights Okmochat, newspa
l' t of this county for publication.
C. H. Ralstox, j
S. A. Nk-kkioiox, I Com.
A. A. Kicks. )
DsMaae stall oMpnimlaril.
A friend wlio came np from Kalem
a few daa ago gives us tho particulars
of the M k hols -I'ey ton damage suit
which has Just beui cow pro mixed.
Mis Mollie Nichols, of I'olk county
was sent out to Hnnwden Springs fever
al months ago to be treated for some
atlectlnn of the liver by Dr. Peyton
The Doctor's wife becamo jealouaof
the young lady, the story goes, and,
to get e-n. start- some slanderous re
porta about her. After Dr. Peyton re
turned fr in the Spring to the Valley,
Miss Nichols brought suit against Mrs.
I'uyion In the Marion 'ouuty Circuit
Court for slandering her, putting tb-.
amount of damage, at $10,000. This
Is the suit which has Just been com
promised. The report ia that Dr. Pey
ton remits the amount of the youug
ady's doctor bill about $.'O0 ami pays
ler in cash Oesidet, arid the suit
la withdrawn. In the meantime the
Doctor has located at Lafayette, and
weunderatand has applied for a divorce.
T THE rt B 144'.
I wUh to notify my many fiijnd that
I have retired from the llrm of Rubarta
A Dubrullle and have again gone back Into
he old shop with which I was connected
for flftoea or twenty years, and that I am
now a partner In ft, toe Arm name belt
Thompson A ftuharta. 1 thank my old
customers heamily for the patronage Ihey
havealwaya given me, and now having
ImToa il facilities fur manufacturing I
know that I can please tbem hotter than
ever both im prices and quality of gooda.
1 he new Arm of Thorn paon .v Hubert
will keep on band a large stock of barm
and Mtldtery sod jwIU guarantee, nail afar.
tion to all persons who bener us with
their paajonage.
Here Kalrri.l r I tar or Bl.
The Mtm9 pasael up tbe river las:
WeIninday loalel down with matvrial
for tbe fregon Pacific Kailrnaii. Toe
cargo consinte! of almost everylbing
used In ttie const ruction of a railroad
Including giant ixiwder. nitro -ilye r
ine aud In in -'
thrfrlrrwf Hltr.l
There seems lo mini signs of a
break in the price of charters, and if it
should oveur wheal will go up aiuitue
diately. Tbe beat prices la be bad at
our warehouse yeaterday waa 70 cents
and the mills wero paying 3 cente
more. It was very firm al that figure,
and it trill probably rise this week.
Having pur. Inm-d tlie saw null of Uuiiipli
rry and lburiue, I am now prepared to
furnish lumbrr in any part uf tb country on
reasonable terms. All bills sent ia will be
promptly tiiled; lumber of all kiuda ou baud,
except black wsluut.
It. It. Humphity.
ll thoae indebted fo f. Kline eithr by
nolo or amount are hereby notified
i mat they must pay up by Oct. . IfM , aa
be liiteuta leaving Albany Nov. IM. ne
will lake wheat In Albany Iu paymoul,
allowing It emits per buabel.
Witness and jurors ran get the
highest cash price for their time
or county orders by rail illicit Bulk
hart Brothers.
Llotbor Ufco ojadPbyaiciaH
recommend it.
I: AVorld's kvcM T'tiin-Kt -Itcvlnp;
reiuctllos. Tliey hcivl,
sootlio and euro JJurno,
Wounds, Weak Baek nntl
xUieuraatiam upon Man, mid
Bprains, Galls and Lameness
j-.pon Dcasts. 1'beap, quick
und reliable.
C7URTS of diaguating Mucua,
auillet, Craekling Faint in tho
iload. Fetid Broath, oafnouu,
.ad any Catarrhal Complaint,
M ho exterminated by Wei Do
.oyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti
avlosal Antidote, by Ahsorp
e i To moat Important iia
i ctvcx'7 i-iaco Vaccination.
l.i f: It.
! i In' tHily ncfe 9il rciiKlli rtmtatly for
Malaria in all its Tvpev.
Chili!, lVvm, Hull Ai-hintr l'in, KcfnUl.iit nnd In-
!.-, mill. ut tvst r. Oiutiti Atfiii-, lilr.iiii
ItoxilfwlMSi. Wo nwl I j i In- worM
Ilk Or. Ilolmstra. It nftittl
mUm Uver CoiniUiiit,
Of irttfmln imI llil
Tlii i tin i-lv k:i inrn rn Ir Vol o iiiier ex
H"""') tlji of malarial Uint frorn lh ro
It Ix .lit i n,uir,'iTili' hcIUl.
TML llr. A. IdimU mm : It in itrurf ft iiiierr.l
I inn, -4 Hihii motliliiK In iiruIUiimi 111 in ! a Hie
tbe irtM-ipli 4 lx-itiHi, of hl'h llr. Iloliusfi'
PimI u IIm only gnriiiina ami truo ckparlnKint.
KoraJJ lilSKV TOI OLKS uaa Or. Ilolwwn"
h4-nl or KUIfM-r l'l. tbr U-al rrmnh in thr -rkl
tUfi -''iin(iit..lel liy tbe intxllitl faiiiltr.
ewARi;:or bocji h imd .
Ka4'li ifrniiii.e lloltnan Tail lnani Ota f 111 tTI'
rKl K STAUr of thr llolman IM Co., wH
tin leva ira-la mark rinuil in ifreen. Buy tn-iir
MiOiifilt it.
Or. IMtnan'a wlvlea la free. Full tremtU am it free
im ii li, at i Hi. A't'traaa
IIULSal riPll.)
941 lir'Hviwty, New York.
F. O. Boa 2112 10-M
A Lit AN Y
A I V . OKI t. ON.
HTAIUKU UNI - I'lopiictoH.
iii:aim io.m .s
Rxeeuled In Ilalisn or Wrniout Marble.
Aho, evry variety rf emHry and
Other Mona irk dnw i:h m-ul m - mid
dl patch.
Special al'enfinn Riven In Ofsfotw frnin
all paru of thin RtaftO and Wmtiti0mkt
p9Al work warranfl ':".'
Dissolution Notice.
N'fiTH-K Is hereby given that tbe ro
imrtnemhip bofofifi c exinttii': lo
iweeu On it Ituii ma and J. J. Diihrille,
under tbe firm name of Huberts h. Du
brille. htliiN dav ilUaatlved by iiiutal con
enf, Mr. RulatrU retiring from tbe bani.
net. All inorey. not. ami aiinht tin
tbe late firm can le taid Ui J. .1. DtsbriJIe,
who wiilalMO UI all ttie firm a inlelit4HJ-ii-h.
OnRji Ri'rart,
J. J. Dt Bin i.i.
Albany, CM. ie, ISSI.
pr. 5
If run 1.0. mhI ling I. ami .1
Ivan- aix! am r. It rati aav or
ubjurmU., rr rat tnnmi
aivl b aawl
rqttmi, ..r biUal innr.', .iul r...t
fa-tautv rapan tan al. be aj
li.u.-.i .n.i
.ir on ranrfinn mini aitli th, J
Trim ifar K) TaSSaT. LAWUDOK,
Albany, Or.
SY 1111 inafanUy ileatmyaj WMMM ami rr
movea fin? svr ti n abefj ciu Ihnsnl
where he can find tho most worms, and farmers
should act on the same principle when they buy
their goods.
of LEBANON, has just returned from below with
a mammoth and complete stock of General
Merchandise, which he bought at such low figures
that no establishment in the county is ablo to
undersell him.
He makes no specialties, but has
and an extra stock of the best quality of
He will pay you the h
ana oats ana will pay :.t
ever brought to Albany can now be font d
ll?offer everything at redurtdl
All kinds of
and etpwiaMy I'l'.I F.f FRt'IT, lakeo ii
at irtsjiirlorjr priees. Dont tn cil
on him hsiSM either bvyiognr a;lintr.
Order to Show Cause.
(Uttiu'y Ci'irf nf Limn f'dtialy. Slat' nf
In the matnr f the en-partnerahip laie
of Ilouk antl Meyer, lliiry Mer, deed.
To 'hrimin),hr Hunt, awl fit' wsl of kin
of t1mry irprs drrnuiril awl all rtut.t
L nun , i awl mil:Htir,i int. l. il in aiil rtatr
OMaVUON, you are ln i-i.v -til and
r iilre'l to tjatnl afipear in t In- onm ,
'.on rt of the (Vunly of I .mi:, in the Hista
of iregon, at the oiirt HnM in Hie I v
of Albany, in said (To not y and Hlat. on
Wislnewlxy, tbe ISh day f NnvctsUr, Ihe hour or one o'clock hi the
atfternoni of aid day the same l-emg tbe
thirtJ lay f tbe rrtular Novemlsr Tenia
tlinrcof, atid then and tliera a bow ratiaaj,
if any exit abv an nnlar of aale nbould
lira be made directing and licensing t f.
aluuuiarabr of aid ftate lo iell alt the
ral pr a-rly of -will t-vtato tn-r-inKfl-r !-serilaa-l
aa prayed Utr th tbe atitiMi of
Joint A. Crawford. a.lminiaraior of aai.J
-i:.. whi.rli tetitioii ii now on fiU in lb
Con nl v i nu rt nf IJnn County, n u.
wbirbaaid real profniv i d ril-l aa
follow a Ut wit : I..f No U in lrk No 2
in lb i-iiyof AHan v.Iun ounl v f irxo.
Ala l No', in IVa-k No llw; t-uy f
nf Allany, Unu f'ennty Orncn. Alwr
lNo7ln I5b k No tin that city of
Albnnv I .inn l ouni v Hfaia of resron;
Atao Ijoi No H in Cloe'k No 'Z. iu tbe cilyof
Alliany linn fouoty Oreston. Al ti
f--t off f the w-h1. aiile f da No I 111
Klnrk No 10, in ib ity of Albanv. I.iuo
i in: v Orefcon. Alw, il, ast Ira f of I. .t
No in ltlo:k No 1 1. in tbe city of Albany,
I.inn County OreHi, anl all known an.!
tleiar-riljed on Hie plain and mirry of ssUd
ity nnw on tile in tbe officeof lb- nly
Clerk of Linn County, Otwtxon. A '. la
No T.i ..n: tut m IJ ami ;T-lOtt acre, known
a Fair Oround IaA, anrveye! off ami
platted by I .inn Countv Agriultural
AMajor-iaf km. tba aune being .urhaeal
from Jaw. M. M -Connell and fnginally
a part nf the N. W. Corner of tb lama
Hon Claim of Itaaa llnlcbins, in Un 1
f'oniity Oregnn.
Ity order of tbe CsMM :
Wirnean my hand and tbe tw-a! of aaid
Cour Ibia'JOih ilay rf Septemi-r, I it I.
Im n. N. Ba m, M-rl,
-i J. II. ffsf Iiefeuty.
I3I!if llw Carin of Jaa. B Morjrin near
I Keniara l'rnlre, lavinsr Maid farm
aliont Hie -Mlt nf Annual. m ia a tanrrel
linraw. liranlMl M ; n left HlnuiUbsr ;
taliii atrip in r- ", Mti-f aome while asj
"'' lnufat 'llw other hrand-! J M.
"it li-fi liotil.t.t . wiili wlnta atrio n fae.
Ka-I t Vf-nr-4 wi. SaiiaCioo will be
ii,-n tht-ir rHtirti in lb ul,rritr.
rlesta berry Teeth
An amti aii' combination for Ibe tr
ralnii nf ibe Teeth and f'nma. It ia far
Kuperktr tn any preparation of tbe kin i in
ibe market. In larjre, hamlanme of al
IO'm, price 0 resua. Fur isle by Febar
a M.w m, Albany, Oregon.
ighest price for your whea
M mm
'. I N&Ki -izzZ . '. liStii . tC