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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1881)
STOCK is now coming in. We have big arrivals from Chicago, Boston. Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, etc., etc., wherever we can get the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods. The following are some goods that have just arrived : . jlll 1 r At f r ALL DRY GOODS. mm STRIPED DRESS GOODS, FANCY PLAID SUITINGS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED CASHMERES, POPLINS AND BEIGES, DOUBLE WIDTH SHEETINGS, FLANNELS OF ALL KINDS, TABLE LINENS, WATER PROOF - ALL COLORS, BLACK BEAVER, FANCY CLOAKINC, ETC. SAMUEL E. FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 1881 Unseed is perhaps, of all ordinary foods, the one most similar to milk in composition, and hence a desirable food for young animals. 1 Unwashed wool contains a Urge amount of potash, A fleeco some times contain more potash than the whole body of the shorn sheep. The shipments of grain this season from St. Leu is to New Orleans have been of wheat 3250,000 bushels, corn 6,500,000, rats 75,753, rye 22,423; a total of 9, 848, 1 76 bushels. Holders of wool are firm with a very confident feeling asto future prices. There is apparently less wool in growers' hands than last year at this time. Higher prices areassur- Naturalists have found that trunks of trees undergo-daiiy changes in di Hmeter. From early morning to ear ly afternoon there is a regular dimin ution, followed urtit twilight by an increase. While wheat requites hot and dry weather for its ripening pe riod, oats will ripen in a moist atmo sphere. Mangels require heat and can resist drought, while turnips de telop best in a cool, moist air. mm- France appropriates tcr agriculture this year in round numbers 78,000. This grant includes agricultural edu cation, expenses for breeding studs nd keeping up 2500 stallion, in spection of woods and forests and I rizes to regional forest. In sowihg wheat tie careful that no foul setsls get into the ground through the drill or ly the hand of the sower. Have youf seed wheat perfectly clean. An- hour spent i miking sef d clean will save a day or a week in the future spent in erad icating weeds. The ex contains, in proportion to its weight, a larger amount of nitro gen sr.d a muHi larger amount of j'hospharie HI and lime than either the sheep or pig. Of all the animals saised on a farm, the pigeon tain the least of ali the important ash roost it cents Poor soil ieki iht latd results in f easons f stow, hut until. utd growth the crop lie.inga long r time to en'. Ject the trenry su ply of food which the soil eniin. In hot seasons, with an early harvest, only miIIh well supplied with food can produce full croj-i. e Wheat is more valuable cot at a stage which ueuld be commonly con sidered a little early than when left to become overripe. Thd collulos or woody flhre rapidly increases in the Jas of overrtpenirg giving more hrsn and le- flour, t.ns trtaterilly re ducing ti. milling vslue of the Wheat. In the upar jtxrt of S- noma ('., Cal., a railr fd track cr sr-ea a rffpep ravine upriglit trunks of tall tree, w M-h have lti sawed off 'Upon a hon..nta lino. In tlie ee-iier Of the rat i .i mm upnrt is t r nisbed ly wo huge nlwK(l tries Which have f. M oh d ff 15 feet above the ground. C. R. LtH-nthal, of Yoiikrr?, N X.f has in his cnservatory c ntti- ry plant t exrraordinary aixe in full bloom. The fl .vverisijr swlk h g n to grow in May last, and grew so last that in Julv it teeame neee say to open the roof of the eonservnto-y and buihl a gla" .'iijk la over th;j plant Thi ;4ant 1 a U en in bloom tr a v k pi m. A Canadian farmer has thiry acrf s of bean which w-re f ut in by a sed drill By lea. log ouj the tubes the drills have la-en ru" Ibirtv incl es apart, whieb i- jnt tin- right d;s tance for en'tivs'o.p with aaeofQr As many leans ( an thus be put in in a dayananv cu t grain, wTo'ci is a great adv. m o eMl c dd sj strm Of hand plant in . F.kI.Ut crops do s -m-il ly di cnii di -tit nil I y U ii:g ruflde into t,;i. f haymaking Is i refally carried ont its gi Lut tho loss f tle fin r parts of tie plant y rough :i anient, or tie wasliing out of the aoitibte m tter by rain, nlH.v ct nsideraMv- diminish the digestibility. Hay tppear t Lae some of its digestibility bv loog tep-ipg. A LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER, CARPETS, CROCERIES, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, YOUNG, JAMES WANNALS. SiStTAl-TI AMD BULKS IS FURNITURE to BEDDING. Corner rem and fcerwtitl aireele. il-IIAW. - - ORKCiOX. r Matty! UK. . O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foahay A Mason's. Residence on Rroadalhn St., Albauy, Or. vl6nK2tf gOOK & JOB pRINTINQ H AVISO Dttrchaeed the llnok and Job Office forma rly owned by Mae, S. Mon teith, we are now prepared to execute all order for printing in a manner unexcelled by any office in the state. A Fall Mock or Legal Rlaka Kept oat Hand and Mold al the Lowest Bates. All order from a dintance promjaly at tended to. albeaj. Or., Sept. 8. 81. WAHS & CODFREY. at ,-..r l.i Ma S. M" .eul. mm rrr4Minm?llm, SMhai. RrOnekltWi, rmtarrb, l pepi. Mmdarbe, Debil ity, VuMlsi. HLnaiUMi, mad all thru lc4 Xerrmum SH raeta. Iwefc any be mm wtewlly seat by e rradw for lmMMtinte ae mt heme. for tree treatise tbe Oxyiee trtntmrni. aaareea ae iffnwa lie. 1111 tarard Street, Fhlie... or H. Ea MATHEWM, Pvlllf itgoaroM, HOSTETTE Fitters nmi.MsnKD fissi It n iui!.ur;ed in great measure, to tuoe trouie with weak kidneys, by a judlctou ua of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, wbh-h invigorates and stimulates without -citinu ti.e urinary orgaru. In conjunc tion with it influen-e up on them, it eor-r-ts aridity, impove appitite, and i n every way eoadaaffS lo health ami nerve repose. SaiShey marked quality is its fontro'" i.v-rfaver and ague, a ul i fer of pre ! ilia it- Few M'e by !l Dru giHUHt'; uealera gcneratl.. AN AKESIS DR. . SILSBEE'8 EXTEBIAL PILE RFJTESV Gives Instant Relief, and it an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, SI . ' per box, jnejxiid, by mail. 8amiles sent free to Physicians and all safrerera. by Neustaedter & Co., Box 304B. N. w '..,k City. 8olc ntanufacturere of AN Ak KS I H. Mr J. H. Batkm, Newiiper Advertia ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Time Ruilding) Sew York, ia autborijl to contract for advertinements in tbe UesMocaa'T at our best rates. King of the Blood la not a "eure-aUt" It la a blood-pmliter and tonte by different names to aisungnun mem ac cording; to effects, out being reauy wancoww phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity of Bleed. Such art Zvrjla, Biliounet,Uvtr Complaint, Cvngtipution, Servou Disorders, IIeaa ache. Backache, Omeral Weakness, Heart Disease, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Piles, iiheumatism, Ca tarrh. Scrofula. Ski Disorders, Pimples, Ulcers, Swelling. Sc.dc. King ef the B load prevents and eures these by attacking the cause. Imparity of the Blood. Chemists and physicians agree In calliug tt "the most genuine and efficient Prepa ration for the purpose," Sold by Druggist. SI per bottle. See testimonials, directions, tie., in pam phlet, "Treatise on Diseases of tbe Blood, wrapped around each bottle, , 1. EisSOM. SUM S GO., rross.. Buffalo. M. I. FANCY GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, FANCY BUTTONS, SHADED FRINGES. CORDS AND TASSELS, SNAOED TASSELS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. FANCY LACE TIES, LADIES' AND CENTS' UNDERWEAR, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES AND LADIES. WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, -MANUFACTURERS OF- SAIL, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO LINEN YARNS Foot of Jackson street, ALBANY - - OREG6N. P. O. BOX ids. NOTICE TO h ARMERS. W would reaMMMfulty iuionn tbe farmara of tula accttun that we are permauentl v lo cated here, aol are preparod at all time to pay the highest market pike for lint ttax. We will gladly furuHh partie who intend sowing ttax any information they deal re. Detruding largely upen the farmera of thta aet tton for Hie ! if our enterprise ami the raw material a e consume, and balievhts ttix ttroalugtu be a prontalil imlmdry, ae repectlully aak nu to Mitaln a hotm m-tu-try iuat promiaea to beoome mutually luetb;ta. Alhany, rM Aug. J... issi. 4yl WENTCOAHT FLAX MII.I.S. RED CROWN MILLS. iallabd. isom Si m- norrs. nkw i-kh .K-i riji k i fKiiiog ia rtairtr Sf r.kil:. I BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY - jl - OR. Notice to Creditors. Notice la hereby given that by onler of tf-e county court aud Judge thereof of I. in -o.miy, Oregon, made on the 22nd day of June, JS75, and duly entered of record tbe underaiged waa duly appoint ed adiainiatrator of the co partnerahlp eav tate of Houk and Meyer, of Linn county, Oregon ; therefore ait peraona having clai ma agalnat aaid enpertnerahio eatate, re hereby notified to preaent the aame duly verified to the undwraigned, In Alba ny, Lina county, Oregon, within tbe time and in the manner preacribed by law. Dated Albany, Sept. 1, 1SSI. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Administrator. )Tft CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN BAILWAT la the OLDEhT '. BriKT co.Srtrui 'TKI HKhT Kul I mO ! and haatc tha LEADING RAILWAY Of TIlB - WEST XOMTHWERT, ItUtaeKHoaT. si UK imI8R Ku hHwean COUNCIL BLUFFS ASM o, Milwaukee l'ara Fall, Hrw fnrb, ftnladrlaUla. It ..!. WM.kiaitSMN. K.lMltMfiri , tlll. baric. MMtral. TriO, isr I r i I , Irwhtucl Jt ft MB' ill Kluff Ukj lrai if tti CliiiMc ai .So. In Western aihl ttiv t'. 1. Kt' -i i'.hi ffMavar roe at sin! use tu hmu jim I'iiUhi laoi. -t in-n (! eaaiaaflsaas s uumjc wiih u.. tjifce Sli , MUlhijSli, Haiti. ii-. m i.-.l Ohio, Ft. Witne in.l iviim. I - :i i s, sihI In-..-.. I rruuk Itailruads, ami thu Kankskvu i.t I'kii K.utr. I'ltlman i'al tv Drswitijc Boom Can Are run mail through I'sA s ot tin riui It i- th- 'iM.V KD) I, t ,,-i, ' of M il. BLI FF 4 t.U. I'lum which is run th trt lubrsUxl PULLM N HOTEL DINING CARS iaiajpt ttiw Ticket Agents m-lliir,' you TifkoU via this riNwI. fcxatuina your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they i . ii.. i rtutil wvt'r tin Paaaga ami North Sfaatewi lUilway. U you wih the host tn.cllir aimmodstns you will buy your tickets by this route jt-flf 'AN l WILL TAKE NONK OTHKK. All li' ktt agents acll tickets by tliis litis. MAKTI III I. Hit I. atl V. I, and tim l Naai'r, 'klraaa- E A ST WARD. I7l Aioany Bath House. 1a HK UNUfcrtM.JNKD WOUI.i HKHPhCJ t ally inform tbe ltiteo AIIiadv snd v lDintbat 1 bave'sltD -'liar oftbi KstaolisL . sat . nd. hj tAaat rouuis hdu j.syin -frit i -tttentioti to baaiteMf oxutctt mi uit ai rbotH who may favor ua with their patrona waetag heretofoit carried on oobiu but Ftrat-Olaaa Hair Dressing Paloona. w ijictr t. Kie Dtn- uatU'titu. to al "f'blMiir hit LaHt' TTsir neatly oa ii!.,irir.i iff V PMtEB. ALBANY M EAT MARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. lligliast Cash Price paid fur all kinds of 1st Stock. 4tl LEVI WEST J. W. BENTLEY, CiiHtom Bm( & Shoo Mukor. B OOTS AND NIIOKM male to order, atil reiailrltiu lonw altli noatnH ami utapatch, and at Tow prtoea. fall and me lilin. J-irat street, Albany. 4iyi Oregon Marble Works. H. A. IXAKK, lMopiirtor. -lammut or MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kinds nt eeaieury w..( k Imi in Mrit. Tree ai.-.e and Oraalta. All autk !.!. in flrt rkwe at. I and at the towreftl . ava'eat slds af Kerry atrrrt. beleeen ar.d il Tfcird IHIM. oui env P. a I do tx H ouifdoy any lues et lemed eanae. ers, and gism my -u.C Kiir th lni.i ul the ti r -.ii. cucniuiSBSou elk.d fur I. i REVERE HOUSE, 4 erne r Strat sas Ulawarta Alaaay. regea. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r- This new lintel k fitted un In first eases atyle. Taldea euifltaKl ertlh the beet lUe nwkS eflor-u. Hjtug tiU In every aVeaa. A good aajnde Suuna at! Tnoeleas, SSTTrec Caaek la aaS ray as aae Matel.-S FOSHAY & MASON, i.. ri... t sb a, - Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OKECiOM. vlon41tf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the Uateful and beautiful aelectloua made by lira. Ia mar, who haa never failed to pleaae her cuatomera. Mew Fall Circular Joattaaued. Menu for it. Atiu MRS. ELLEN LAM AK, aT7 Bruedam. Kew York lfc:7U The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will pnrcbaae Plummer dried fruit at full market nrloee; Will aend a competent peraon to as! viae fruit growera aa to cultivation of ora.i.h lions to orchard-; Will anpply fruit treea of anprovetl rtn at moderate prices ; Will aell Plummer I'r'.aretbrooh I. inn, Iteuton and Ijne countkea. Lettera lo beaont to Corvalll- r pp 'oi.: pauy. Corvallia, llonton County, regon. WA' LIS NANH, I'reaideut. Jamkm KkaI'ma.n, Hee'y. fanuary I. lHSf 84 wS 3ALTMARSH & LAN CD ON, i a Hooka. Htationery and Toilet Articlea, A Largo Stock and Iw Pricea. CITY IDRXTO STORES, ty LMtt. OMM.ON. AT TIIK OLD JfTAND, 72 FIRST KTRKKT, HAS ON HANI) AS VI N K AN AKNOKTM KNT O. COOK, BOX VND PAIU.OH STOVES AND RANGES, ta taui laouaf lu tli- vall . lit at ao lin'Mia stud man ii fuel un TIN, SHEZT IRON AND COPPER WARE Of l-VKKY HWC'HII'noN IN NTtX K OK To ()HlKlt. Al0, UK KEKI'n on II AND, A VI -l.l. AttRJETMBNT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. A l.l. OF WHICH HE OFFER8 TO THE PUBLIC AT PBICaV, THAT I)KK CO.MPKTmON. CALL AT 1'L FIRST HTKKET, A Lit A NY, ORBQON. Repair work done at vl8n26 GRAIN INSURANCE. TO FARMERS : We can give you the lowest rates and the best companies. Take no chances whenavery small su m w i make you secure. You can borrow money on your grain if you are insured. O v r poicies are good security at the Bank. Give us a call. Respectfully, Al l.M ), Cr., Ac;. 11, 1881. BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' FRENCH KID SHOES, LADIES' AMERICAN KID SHOES, DUNBAR'S SCHOOL SHOES. HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES' FANCY SLIPPERS, LADIES' CUM BOOTS. LADIES' "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, WELL'S SADDLE SEAM BOOTS, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS, WELLS' PINE CUM BOOTS, FIREMEN'S GUM BOOTS, A BARGAIN I Valuable Property fur Sale. THE ALOES FRUIT DRYER, Including the bulldlnic and lota upon a hli h It la altnated, la tut aale ai a bar gain. There are two dryera and they can be aold aooarately. 1bia la a good op portunity for fruit ralaera to aecure the brt dryer made, at a low price. The Iota are very valuable lying on the ytvrtr in. nt , and having a rallrtavl awltch ruiiuiiiK by iheui. It la a iohI location fur a cuatom tlourlug mill, foundry, or an v auch huineaa. ror further atrticulara eall en lbs PraaL dent or Narftary of tho t omtainy. o. r. ntAVVFoiin, L. C Hick, PreaidrutU S,- r, !nrv. SO Final Settlement. NOTICKIM.IIKKKilY OIVK! THAT the undtraia;nel axeeutor of the laat will and taataioNiu of lleaaon II. WUUMigh- by dacraeeal hae tiled In tlm t'ouuty Court or Linn Couuty Oregon hla final aocount ataucb executor, ami by orday ofaald Court Monday the 3rd lay of October last at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of aald day la awl for hearing objection to aaid account and tha Mettleiuant thereof. Any paraon lntreatel in aaid eat ate la hereby notifi d to appear and fill hia or hsjr objeationa to aald Dual account on or larfore aald tay. i. J. Wii.tjM'iiitsr, Kxrcutor. ALBANY CIYY Flouring Mills. WE have already agreed with tne farmera fur the etc rage of one half our capacity, but we can yet atore about '.,000 buaheia. Kir at come, firet aerved. PREMIUM, 4 TS. PER BUSHEL In mill feed aa uaual. I HON. M O VI I.I I II ,V KON. SJ MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully piepared aa nana) to for n lib atorago ami ancka on the moat favorable terma. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Milia. vlTnl reasonable figures. C. H. STEWART, IMTRO.MKi: HOME MKRC'IIAX ITS. OF LEBANON. Can sell you all goods in the line of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as good selections by purchasing of Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S GENERAL STORE, LEBANON, IIOmiA & J0S1GPH, PROPRIETORS OP a ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candie Nuts and A 1 , ONE DOOR BELOW 1 00,000 In the United States STUDEBAKER MBjpajjajajjgajMaaMaraaMBajMgajgggajfcBiiSMi aaaahBBjajaBBBHS. Their Urcrl lopularily fm Dnr to the. Kprial t are Taken in e- lectiuK the MMterlatl. THE WOOD BEING THE BEST! KLKtTKD from the forests of Iiillna, wblh are noted for the supt i..r ... mKk) u Umlrr suiul.'o f.r Mayoii itutklnx- Kverv pi- subjected tocloeti in-pt'-tlm, and il-j r I .1 if K4 Uji Ul aat u. I he l.v-t MH:haidcsare eniili)l, thin iiuurlnf flwt c'aas work, an.l pruilu.-iiv u -vmi .i . .. t t-ei.-ti ilui, slid Jiifhtneas ol dfsit Is net -ui . .1. They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every one having our Patent, Li u;.d Edo Projecting Tire, AVhlch MroteeU the lalnt anu felloe. No othe.- n anufacturer aaashe riirat t . it. All f nr WmWe bkein Waaoiis have .ur teot SKItIN AND TKUHS AXL.B, which tfrUy r0ot'o Uio Axle an I ireventi Uie Nkeliimtm worklnir loose, our Wagons al to have Thd Slope Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the Strength of the WheelB. SVAll (A the above ImproveoisnU cannot be used by any other makers with-mt infringe . i.t. aWA full lino of theae Wagqna can be found in tho principal towns ol Ugua: aoo Wasaiaitas. EUGENE BUCHANAN, Asent, J ALBANY, ... - OREGON. CLOAKS. LADIES' BLACK BEAYER, LADIES' ULSTERS, LADIES' DOLMANS, LADIES' CIRCULARS, LADIES' FINE TRIMMED CLOAKS, LADIES LICHT CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COSSAMERS, DOLMAN CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, ETC., ETC. ALBANY, OUKI.ON Tobaccos, Groceries, Pi o vision? Tropical Fruits. JOHN BKIOOH STORE S9yl PEOPLE uae the relebrated WAGON and OREGON. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND SHOP. F S f A BI.IH1I I,I 1MI. Bjr A. f CHERRY, actuated at corner of Y i rat ari'I Montgomery tttroeta, Altanv, Osspw. Having taken chargerT tbealxre ramel Wurkit, a-e are prepared to manufacture Ulnrnm Enginee, Haar and Orixt MUIn, Wood-working Machinery, Punjpa, frost ami Brane C'atinga of every ksa n prion. Machinery of all JtindM repaired. Spe cial attention civenfto repairing farm n a cblnery. 'altera HaSlac el aae In all Its farae. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY A HuS. AJ.BANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OK. TV First Term will open on Wednes- am a aaj . . aay, .epimoer in, 1501. For particulars noueerning Ute i on rase ot stody ssmI the prve ul tuition, apply u' KCV. SXStKatT . (SMT. Prrlteat. .TING SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Doea the beat waahing and ironing in A 1 tvany at loarewt rate. Contracts made for t.'bineae labor. Iaundrv on Waabinatou StCSSt, opposite MarMhafr Livery istable. Itfc35tf c. ( HEKBY. C. K. fAKKES. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CBSBH & PARKES, (Succeaaora to C. C. CbvTy ) Machinists, Mwrighte, and Iron Founders. WK HAV R OU R N KW SHOPS Al X . cun plated, and are now prepared to -handle a I kinda of heavy work. We will nusnnfacture Meant Engtnea, Oriat and Haw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and It rasa Canting. PATTSWSS ItM ! KHaBT OTI T Speeial attention given to repairing all kinda of machinery. Will also manufae ture the improved Cherry it White Grain Separator. aa Baker si. OH re a Laasber Tarsi. . Albany, Or., Dec. 1, ISSO. 18tf . To the Unfortonale ! DR .GIBBON'S Dispensary. KBAatMT aT . . t curne' ul f. aaiurr- cial Street, ban Fraocaani. EstaMUbeJ in IS54, hj the treatnsaas el Sexual and Setttinal DfaMaaaa, sack as ijami aikeeg sirlrlarr. spaltla iu ait i lU forms, laaaoleari. Hraaiaal Srakaess, uiht lteee by ditaats, uu ptee uu ll.e hweaiMl torn, of BtaihHl can aitive4 be rurr.l . The aim and aAk-teU (hould ant fail io atll OtMHi hint. Ihe.lVKtor ha. traveled eWUMel ia tunii. aih! thor-.ublj tbe i i- u- i UJ. lli. r.-, ..lilMiiiiu a Knet ltaJ .4 aiu.l lc n.K-iu a 11.41, wln. h be iaeouipcieat U lnMrt u. Iboee in K.d at bis nrrv-loa. UK. UlllbON will make uu i-bar ui.l. .- t..- . li.n-t a rure. t.-rs-.tka alaaiaasaea SI UV. I thlM T HOWS.. All o no. t.Li.-ati. i-.- . i stni-U MaaaoMlat. V tt i Ut i)' Ikst f Mastat t- li t-- fSesfeasd hmIkiih. U.M4.r; ! aiaisui :.. :h- ! n-T j.;. ataU Xltt. t Ji I it V I an'ar lae seetUi s:jikhiii as. llas j seaaAaa sr -rltr. Asa gas J I . .t.hN. ! H. I uT,SM I Tun '-.... v . ni-, ST CHAKI.KX HttTfcl., utilANT, OECQON MUS. ('. Illll l. - . iTapnVln. This tl.-nae haa lieen tnrouirbl rtuoisted rr u. Pi hotumi, atitl ia now it. .lri..i .l o liUiUt. t r tbe eoteriaiiiiueiit ol iravelera. the labic Is -nopliiHi with t-. rMliuiK the mar ket ailords. Seuiiile r.-i s or oouiniar-ia4 aa. rervallta, Lebaaaa aasl Baltaa ataae . e. eMaaai THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. TQHIOIN U8E. UrroBiueaded hf 1 . jiXOti 3E5att: aW .tl IIA nnea nnlnnn " BE8T