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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1881)
FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 1881 0. H. STEWAfcT Kditsr anil Proprietor. O. t U. R. TIM R TABLE. Albany Station. t.rtKTlKts Of TSUI. hoi M XOBTtt. ALBANY KXPRKBS Deirit rRKKiHT TRAlJW " " tl:0 A. M " - A. M 11:4ft A. M ItM P. 11, 11:45 A. M 1 i .-. P M. 3:10 P. M S:iS P. M MAIL TRAIN i Arms st lSjrt ia H' M' I'M MAIL TRAIN Arrive ! rRRIOUT TR1? ALBANY KXPKKSS Arrive st All Train dally, except Miwelaj. Noticr. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket oftie for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Halla aud Alnsworth. . Will. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C, H. R. Co. Albany. June ISth, 1S8T. 41 LI I Q Tl A WD ma v be fonml on ftio at Gov AllIO AT AT AA p. RowcU Co' Nwuurr AdverUaUMcBssMsui WSpnuv 84,1, whrrv ruljrerilslittC alnettuir btf atajTrur It IN NKV YOKK. HOME Cm AHHOAP. F. M. French, jeweller. Montague of Lebanon, lead. K K. Skips orth, lawyer, Albaay. Or. V egetables sad traits st Conrad Meyer. Money to loan on wheat. .Call on C. H , Stewart. The Oliver Chilled Plow ia the beat plow for dry ground. Chea . white blanVsts at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Tu mm heavy ailver watchoi at Frjnch'a, sell like hot cakes. "Sin ill profits and qiio't returns" is II -utague's motto. The beat cigars in town have just arrived at Hoffman and Joseph's. Cowan ia hound to give satisfaction to the people of Lebanon and viciety. L. M. Wells hotue made boots sad sh e at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. A nice new assortment of ladies underwear for sale eheap at Mooteith and Seitenbach's. Dunbar's shoes are all the rage at Samuel S. Yoang.s fit, style, aud quality gauraateed. Monte. th and Sei ten bach are selling black and colored kid gloves for 50 ceuts per pair Dr. O. Willi Price, dentist, otlicc in Odd Fellow ' Temple, over Plummet' Drug Store. A bvge lino f men's ami boys boots ssvl shoes for sals at Mooteith and Seiteabacb '. Monteith and Seiteabach's cloak, ulster and dolman department cannot be beaten. New style overcoat and nlatera just re ceive 1 a: th Farmers and Mechanics Mere. Trunks, valises and hand satchels of every description and size at L O. Jackson's cheap itore. If you want to borrow money on your wheat remember that CL II. Stewart can get it for you. If yoa want a good pair of boot, a suit of clothes, or a fine hat, try the cheap store of I. G. Jackson. You can get boots and shoes at Cowan's, Lebanon, which are made to wear as well as for ornament. Why bake and bail around a stove when you can get bread, pie and cakes so cheap at Conrad Meyer's. The beat assortment of ladies an 1 gents marine under wear at astonishing low figures at L G. Jackson's. Call at Montague's and see the latest styles of dress goods. Lebanon never con tained a better stock. - Johnny Irving keeps the "Comet" water melon and furnishes a suit tea guarantee with each melon. Hoffman and Jose'a have just received another lot of those celebrated 5-cent cigars. Drop in and try them. Call at Lebanon and examine Cowan's line stock of dress goods, the best without exception in that city. Boys hats and caps and men's hats and caps for sale at astonishing low promises at Monteith and Seitenbaeb. The latest novelties of gents neck ware, such as ties, cellos, cuffs, etc., cheaper than ever at L G. Jackson's store. Montagus proposes to merit the confidence of the people of Lebanon by fair dealing and strict attention to business. I. G. Jackson is offering plain and brocad ed dress goods in single and double width, the latest shades, at bottom prices. A fall line of mens', youths', and boys' cletaing at bottom. figures, opened this week at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. A good stock of crockery and glass ware at Conrad Meyer's. Call and examine, and yon will not go away without purchasing. Farmers, go to the Bee-Hive Wire Works in Albany aud examine the celebrated Ore gen Fanning Mill. It is the best in the world. Uahappiness is the chdd of Dyspepsia. Get rid of both parent and child by a few doses of King of the Blood. See advertise ment. Why does French sell three-fourths of the spectacles sold in Linn Co. ? Because he selU the best glass for the least amount of money. The Presbytery of Oregon of Mm United Ptesbyterian Church convened at Willam ette church, near Oakville, in this county, List Tuesday. Mr. Hutsinpiler, proprietor of the Arbor Stocs: Farm, sent a due Jci-sey beifrdoan to Portland yesterday. He maaej sales right along now. Baum has an apple tree in his yard that has borne one crop this year, and now has still another coming en. No telling what this country can't do. On the iaeamiag steamer Monteith and Seitenbach have two large lotsof fur-trtinme 1 dolrasas, au entirely new style of ulster. All sizes can be had. A complete stock of boots and shoes at Montague's, Lebanon. All rizes . and at prices to satisfy all kinds of customers. Do not fail to inspect them. Montague's new supply of groceries has been selected with the greatest care. The people of Lebanon may depend on fresh goods of the best qusl ty. The Farmers' and Mecanici' the cheapest tore in Albany for clothing and furnishing goods, every srnent is marked in plain figures at almost cash prices. 'fne ordinance of the ''Lord's Supper" will be observed at the U. P. Church next Sabbath. Preparatory services will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening. If yon expect to jut down new carpets call en Monteith ami Sei ten bach. They have a very fine stock of carpets, and you would do well to call and examine them. Fiomin baa Lee i cleaning up the wreck of the old Opera House, You have seen handsomer men than Dave after he has .worked among those cinders for half a day. We bays a carpenter here io town that has all at once become so temperate that be won't even uss a spirit level. Don't ge to guessing that it is Dunk Rankin ; it isn't him. 'f be Oliver (.'billed Plow will run and do good work in dry ground when a steel plow I cannot be kept in. They are just the plow you want for summer fallowing. roc "an by Samuel K. Young. Queen Victoria would buy all her grocer ies at Huffman and Joseph's if the lived in this locality. Their stock is fresh and well selected and you get the worth of your money when trading there. The fair is over, and everybody seems glad of it, but Jas. 1.. Cowan's trade at Lebanon, as steady as it has become, is not ; on the coutrary, his present splendid stock, has added wonderfully to his business. ( -inkling's life is liable to be out short, at . any moment by the assassins bullet ; but Conrad Meyer's stock of groceries is never short Everything can be found at Mr. Meyer's store usually found at a first-class grocery and bakery. If you want the lightest running, most substantially made aud best working plow ever stuck into Oregon soil buy a "Morrison" ami be happy. Eugene Buchanan has just received a large lot of them, also a full line of extra shares for the same. Winter is now coming on and trapping parties are being organised for the seasou en the mountain streams. Peters and Sox are ready to tit out all such parties with traps of all sizes. They have the largest stock ever brought to Albany. Oanyonvill must be a terribly dull place. According to the correspondent of an ex? change the only things having any circula tion there are lies and slanders. As we have no such eotnmoditivs here it might be well to import a few. A ghost was seen the other night near a lime kiln ai Uuena Vista, It was in the form of a white calf, and was of an iataugi ble, unapproachable substance. We will wager that if the truth were known it was only a reflection of the bovine who saw it. Visitor returning from abroad, as well as recent emigrants, will find Ayer's Sarsa par ilia helpful in avoiding the hards!. ips of accii matiou, and in removing the boils, pimples and eruptions consequent upou sea diet. Its blood cl causing qualities remedy such iron hie promptly. There is considerable theorising as to what course President Arthur will take, but wtatever hi policy may be we have it from high authority that beer wdl flow just as freely at the Star Brewery as of old, Kven if Blaine should insist on resigning, Mr. Ballanger will continue giving that sparkle to his beverage which has met with such uuiversal favor by the people of the WiUamette Valley. Henry Yd lard' arrival in Oregon may b ive the effect to excite railroad rot u some what, but it can have no influence towards detracting from the rush to Jas. L. Cowan's store, at lebauon. Railroad kings have their place in society, but Ydlard, however iav pa -taut, can nyt change the habit the pro pie of liebanon have of doing their trading at Mr. Cowan's. They have learnedjthat they oan get steady bargains there, and they are not s'oar to take advantage of that fact, e SOCIAL em, PERSONAL- Rob't Jones, of Halsty, gave os a call yesterday. Mrs. Helm was down her frieuds in this city. last week visiting ins Staiger and family expect to com mence housekeeping this week. Onr Jewish friends all observed the Dsy of Atonement by closing up their stores. Miss Minnie Monteith is now writing at the County Clerk's office, and does good work. Geo. Sill is having a high old time over at the Bay, so the persona say who come in from there. J. D. Biles, prominently connected with the O. R, and N. Co. spent last Sabbath in this city. . Miss Lottie Monteith went up to Corvslhs last Friday on a visit and returned on Tuesday. Ala Harris and Simon Seiteabsch spent the recent Jewish "starvation day" a Corvallis. T. J. Black, head of the rattling Haley merchantile firm of Black, Pearl ft Co., was in the city last Tuesday. John Millard got back from the bunch grass country last week, and is already nearly civilized again. Max Wilzinaki, representing the cigar keuse of Kngelbrccbt, Fox and Co., has been in the city this week. The. M ankers, of the Forks of the Sab tiam, gave us a friendly call last Saturday. He was over attending the Fair. Dr. G. Willis Price lias moved into the Tate residence, and Gas Staiger will occupy the dwelling vocated by the Doctor. Abe Hackleman came in last week fr sa the Camp Creek country in Eastern Oregon, and is now having a good time with his old friends. J. A Yantis, of the Corvallis Oooetts, and Zeph Job. cashier of the Corvallis Bank, pent several hours in Albany last Mon day. Ex-Senator Enoch Holt, of Harrisburg, gave us a very pleasant call last Friday. He went home on Saturday after seeing our great fair. Mrs. Capt. N. B. 'Humphrey name over to Albany from her father's last Friday, ami returned home on Wednesday accompanied by Mrs Kester. E. J. Willoughby, of Harrisbug, called on us last Monday. He was down on busi ness, connected with the settlement of bis fathers estate. Mrs. J. Gradwohl went down to Port land last Friday to attend the marriage of Herman Zadeg and Bertha Meyer, which took place on Tuesday. J. F. Jones, of Shedds, starts for Eastern Washington next Monday en a visit to h H daughter and will return next spring. We wish him a pleasant trip. It has been learned since the fair that 0. G. Mo W. took the prize for being the handsomest man. That accounts for tbe blue ribbon pinned on bis arm. "Ballet" was down lsst Friday taking in t ie Fair. We bear some talk of him beirg' advance to the position of Chief Engineer of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Sam Cohen, the Snver's postmaster and merchant, was over during the first of the week, and while here dropped in ou us and paid for $3.00 worth of newspaper. Mart Payne and family left la it Tuesday for California, going overland by wagon. The trip we judge will be anything but pleasant at this season of the year. Jas Mad y has been very ill for a coup of weeks. For a few days it was thought bo would die, but he is now recovering we ase glad to say. We acknowledge a call from Dr. O. P. S. Flummer, of Portland, who spent several days in this city last week. H3 is getting along well at Portlaud, but siatties a wt feeling for Albany. K. Jt. Skipworth, Ken.., returned from the mountains last Tuesday, end looks much better after his sojourn away Irotn the turmoils of the city. He begins to reeeni. ble Dr. Watts now in shape. Stratford sleeps st Main store. There is nothing suspicious in that, but there is something suspicious ia the contents of a bundle found in his room. We won't tell you what wao in it; you can ask him. Miss Alice Monteith, at Corvallis, is re covering from her late severe illness. For many days it was expected she could not live, and her friends will be glad to hear of her change for the better. Mr. a F. Matthews, well known to the traveling public as the former proprietor ef the Chemeketa Hotel, in Salem, has been appointed to succeed Fred. Howard as tliu clerk of the Esmond Hotel, in Portland. We were very much pleased to meet our eld friend WU1 Davenport a few days ago. He is now traveling for the boot and shoe house of Akin, Selling and Co., of Portlaud, and makes a first class drummer. His old friends up hero were very glad to meet him again. Johnny Webber will be a gentleman of leisure for a few days. He has seveted his connection with Fox, Bauia and Co. and will enter as an apprentice in the gas fitting business in the establishment for which Ids brother-in-law. Al Church, is now working. Dr. Hill's practice is very exteusive but his patients are not at all confined to the human race. A few night ago he was called upou to prescribe for a dog. The girl who owned the canine thinks the dose was too large or the medicine too strong ; at any rate it worked, but not like auy charm she had ever seen. Last Tuesday Mrs, I . J. Tate, Mis Sarah Coodit and Miss Oei tie Holmes started for the Eastern States. .Mrs. Tate goes to visit her son and daughter. J. Torreoce and Miss Laura Tate, at Jersey City, N. J., and may remain there a ear or so. Miss Coo .lit also goes to Jersey City, where she will hereafter reside. Miss Holmes will visit friends in New York. Yennoot, snd other States, and will rvinaiu ib the Last until neat summer ' e ' ' Vasjala U Merlins;. We, the undersigned, eitixcua of Linn county, Oregon, call a public meeting, te be held at the Court House in Albany, Oct. ISth, at 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose u! considering tho best method of continuing the improvement of tbu Yaqsina harbor. .& D Prosssn, N W f . . - .1. r , l II VU I lvc. Jtiu Conuar.- i c Poodi. Tbua Mvnlatta, A J A OavK Af i i WMBJM , TP SJsSSSSSSS8S I. Btlte. M. .uig. U K BUI... W Muiye. :... r. ;. U P Swuu. Umi Satu relay some of Oic sports si the Fair Grouod put up a nice little job to Im prove the cotidtliou of their purwea. One) of their number, Fred Wick wire, of Rose burg, ta very lent ef ftmt, end so l bey rig ged u.t little gmmm and got otwe of onr country boys to find a man that could bent bins. A $40 bet was ottered that their man was "cork of rbe walk," but a young fellow named Col well, living -rose the Calapoeta, was put up against blm ami the sports lost their money. Tbey were sure Wk-kwire could beat anything In the State, but soon found out their mistake. Tbey have since ban tercel our country boys for another men for (300 a aide, but the money was made up so quick to back Col well that tbey "toow water." "Cilvlas a Tally. The San Francisco papers bad it both members of tho firm of .Stewart A Grey had absconded, but over on the Sound it wan still sores. Tbey bad It over there that Grey was tbe party who had been deserted, but the following from the Seattle "Poet" shows they are getting matters straightened out : In our press report from Oregon last week mention was made that Mr C. II. Stewart ran away from Albany leaving many bills unpaid, as wvll as emtwzxnug large sums of money. This is wrong, a we are informed by a private letter. (Jray, not Stewart, is the runaway. Mi. Stew art, who was 1, ray's partner, Is a t avy ineer by bisn, snd Is an b.nori. s up right msn, standing high, in the com munity where bo is known. lousd tguin During last harvest one of the feeders bed bis watch run through n Uiroelter, and of course nothing wan ever heard from it afterwards, except a few pieces) picked up. A few days ago while clean ing wheat at Monteith ' Mill In this city, several incbett of tbe ailver cbaiit was fonnd in their cleaner, and tbey expect by watching closely te get enough wheels, etc. to put up a fine watch. DIsTICMMi:t llftlTOMM. On Monday night a large party of rail road magnate and public men arrived here on a special train, and on Tuesday, took hacks and oiosaed to Cor va! I in and went down on tho West Sldo road. R. Koehler, Hon M. C. George, Pittsburg, the great miller ef Minneapolis and others wen ia the party. Letter Adust. Tbetoiiowlng Is the list of letters reuisluiatr in tbe Post office, Albany, Linn county. Ore con, October, SUi, WH1. Persons eslliiiK (or these letters must give tbe date oa wbicb tbey went advertised. Gray 0. J Uulvhi Kravlyn I. Hyminsby Pri.f. J. P. H. RAYMOND, J. M. The ladies of tho Presbyterian Chun.h will give a social at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Althouse next Friday even ing, Oct 15th, 1881. AH are assured of a hearty welcome and a good time. Come. Ben'l Read Tills 1 stead It. Tbe pnblie reading room committee of this City is hereby requested to meet in Dr. G. W. Gray's dental room Friday evening, Oct.7tb, at 6:45 o'clock, sharp. W.S. Pktkr, E. K'. 8IPW0TH. Sec. Pics. Horses For Bale. Abe Hackleman got in from his bunch grass stock ranch last week and brought in with him twenty bead of geldings, all broken to work, lie wants to sell them and will glvea man a good trade. Household Furniture Vr Bale. L Kline intends breaking up housekeep ing in a short time and wants to sell off all bis household furniture of all kinds at pri vate sale. Call at his dwelling, J. 0 A mother and son killed by King of ill Blood. The mother was Dyspepsia, tbe son General Un happiness. Sea advertisement. tins t 1 tt rtm Ltt of I'rriMlami Awarded al Ibr Lal fair. Following is a list of the first premiums awarded at the last session of our Linn sljunty Fair, which adjourned last Haturdsy . cbss 1 earn.. A 8 Powell, .1 -year old Holsttrn cow. Also I year old graded hsifsr. Also gsadod bull calf and best cow and calf. A Wolvorton, host bull calf. CI.AHH MO 2- UOlltS. E M Dodle, first premium on hest draft .1 ysar old stallion. Also on suckling colt. Win Rysls, en best drsft 2-year old stall ion. Also on suckling colt. John Luper. on suckling cult. ' A. H. Marshall, on bests-year old stallion. Geo Mc Knight, best stallion tor all work, 4 -years old ana over; Joe Ulse, beet graded 2-yesr old mars. T J Edmundson, be1 draft stallioe, 4 years old and up. Wm Townsend, beet ft.year old draft stallioe. Also best draft stallion 1-yoar old. Also best graded mare, l-year oH. Alsei best draft mare, 4-ysars old sod up E M Dedls, best stallion, 3-years old aud un. Also best mare for all work, 4 -years old snd up. A II aek Ionian. Iei draft mare 4-veers old and up. 1 J Edmundson, best stallion (Wide Awake) and 4 of bis oolta. V m Townaeud, best mure and 1 of her colts. CLASS 9 BI X!"! ASH TBOTTIBU. Running, 3 in 5, free to al), for purse of 1300. First heat wou hv Dsvid Cut line' 3-year old stallion, "Wilkes" ; time I :'l Seomid and third heats wen by L F If sr pool's gelding, "Tsrrenco" ; time.MI :38 and 1:4ft. "Wilkes" distanosd on third heat. Trotting, n m 5, free for all. for mire of 1230 Peter Emwui's sorrel mare "Flor ence' and J U sawyers sorrel stallion "Johnny Lee" entered. "Florence' won in three straight heats : time, 3:123072:33. Bnuning, 2 in 3, for Oregon or Washing, ton Territory raised borses, for a purse of 200. "Wilkes" and "Torreoce'' were en tered by Catling and Harpool. and the latter won in two heats ; time, 2 ami 2:02. Itanning, single dash of I niila for Linn county horse, for a parse of t73. Rmerick entered "Little Fred," snd Harpool entered "Plow Boy.1 The former woa first money. Time, 2.03. Trotting, 2 in 3. for 3-year olds, for s purse of 100. Frank Woede entered "Nsllie." and G 31 Conery eutereel "Geasr. si." Won by tbe Utter. Trotting, fin 3. fer I Ann county horses, for a puree of 100. Gee, F. Simpson en tered "Kitty linn" sad Dr. T. W. Hams, "Betty." "Kitty I .inn ' took tbe first bt in 3:22. snd "Betty" took the 2d and 3d beats ; time, 3.23 and 3 22. Running. I mils, free fur all, for a purse of 1U0, Contested for by Kmrick's "f jttle Fred," Catlings "Wilkes" and Harjsnols ' Torrent. ' Th former woo : time. L4. insiug, - in j. lornorsea wtin no t S.S.1 . a .. 1 a it ('emtosted fer by Sawyer' "Johnny BbSm snd Harris's "Betty." Woo in two straight beats by tbe former ; tim. 334 and 3:18. etas 4 eater. Tbes. Froman took six first premiums and tour svconei premium est bis cross brd msrtuesi and French meruso. C. P. Burkhart camad oil four lirst mtemium em hi French merinos, cm being for beat buck of all V bred With 5 o( hia lam I hi D. M. Guthrie received four first ami fnar second premium eu his Nw Oafordshire shr1 N. Brice's Hpantsb merinos taA two first pr.'iuiuma. "LABS 3 WIXK AMU IMt'l.ThT. J. F. lUcksnsto, 1st prs.. on best collec tion of birds. Mrs. Geo. Kughee. pair of geeee. Geo. Hughes, two 1st firs., on graded hogs. Clark Price, best pair of duc'.s and chick ens. A N. Gordon, pair of Silver Spangled emcaeas. C. K. Pamh. Gold Spangled and Pheas ant spangled chickens. W. K. Price, four 1st pts , en b IWrk shires snd cro hreeds. I vi Wtsit took twvlvo 1st prs., and nine .'u prs., on bis IWkshtr, crossbreeils aud grades. R. D. Wilson, best I vear old Berk shire sow. Mrs. C. P. Biirkhsrt, best pair of Silver paaglMl llsmburg chickens. LASS 6 tiBAIM m VKeiKTABLKS, John Meeker, best watstmtlon. J F IWckensf o, beets, carrots and cabbage, Geo Archers, barley. A Wolverton. book wheat, pumpkin. qnaah, white corn, and best 30 lbs of both hue k wheat flour ami corn meal. R L Smith, ChUi and Club wbost Mr L E Blain, tomatoes. R Custer, yellow corn. C P Burkhart, fall wheat, White Mam moth, White Velvet, Sonera, Clawson. (I olden Chaff, rye, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and best assortment ef grams. J H Townsend, onions, parsnip, bar iip, mask melon, and best of vegetables, N Price, best potatoes, which were of the "Churchill" variety. CLASH 7 noMKBTIC MABt.'PACTCBa Mrs. R. E. Blrdssdl. knit socks. Mrs. N. B. Snrenser. caudles. 1 Ive seiap aim iarei. ... w - - -W Mr Hark en to, ragcarjiet. Mrs. W. C. Tweedale, two 1st pre , on batter. John Luper, pair of bacon bams. Mrs J. H. Burkhart. mitten. Mrs. N. Bond, colored yarn socks and wiuie yarn socks. CLASH 8 1IOMK WOBK. Miss Ella Harris, ohilds embroidered dress and ladies walking suit. Miss Bertie Eoos, crochet work. Mrs W Emsrick, trimmed night d and skirt. Mrs A Warron, pillow shps and stand sover. Mrs N B Sprenger, braided chemise, rose tidy crochet, zephyr ring tidy, silk em broidered chair cushion, spider web tidy and eesi utspiay 01 lancy work. Mary A Murray, fan knit cotton hose zephyr mats. Mrs B. Y . Cundiff, white shirt, faucy nssket. Mrs N C Dosisr, embroidered collar aud pillow shams. MrsO G Mo Wain, trimmed underclothing. a sr ' -a Mrs Kirsuiand, wax lowers, hearth rug, pin cushion, silk sad embroidery. Mrs Dr. Davis, sfgban. Millis Lakin, lamberquin. Mr W H Hanchstt, toilet set. Miss Minnie Monteith, hand mads pillow snams, and embroidered lamberquiu. Mrs N Baura stand cover. Mrs W C Tweedale, knit webb tidy, ot toman cover, jsva canvas tidy, samp's bsttonholes and tatting trimmed under clothing. Miss Tina Monteith, toilet set, raised worsted cushion and ladies embroidered Skirt Mrs F M Rsdneld embroidered toilet, cushion and tucked skirt. Mrs 1 M Irving, sofa pillows and infants nose. Mrs J M McConnell, hsnd embroidered skirt. Mrs Orris Pnoe, braided pillow shams, emorouiered and tucked underclothing. Mrs R 8 Price, lamp mat. Mary VV heeler, hair work. Mrs J Wheeler, pair pants. Mrs J L Hill crochet tidy. v. Mrs N Kalisky, pillow shams, and raised wort ted work. Miss Bessie Turrsll. oladiolus dahlia lamp mat. Miss Rudd, worsted tidy, Mrs H L Rudd, sofa cushion. Mrs M M Harvey, crochet edging. Mrs W H McFariand, infants silk em broidered skirt, embroidered handkerchief and rag hearth rug. Mrs Ruf us Thompson, infants dress, band made, and bobinet transfer handkerchief. Mis A Fisher, worsted door mat. Mrs F M Wilkins, bridal pinoushion, wall pocket ladies opera cloak and infants braided dress. Ells Morgan, tidy. Mrs. M Legue, croc net pillow shams, best display of Spanish embroidsry. smhroidsred slippers, honey oomb canvas tidy, twsdsd caps. Mrs. J II Rurkhart, watch HH-kst, z.phyr twilight, air uastls. Mrs F M Wilkins, child's braided dress. -Mrs E M Merris, patch work uilt. Mrs B W Cuodtfr, display of machine sewing. Mrs (kill VanClevc, infant' embroidered blanket and drees, lady's braided night dress. Miss Lftiiu Reed, toilet set, chair tidy, crochet lamp mat, hand made underclothing, night dress, display of sswing, lady's cap, pdlow hsm. Mrs Mary Sultou, Worsted patch work qnllt. ? pTv C ff FOB M ISM KM VNIlKB rirTKKB. Allie Schlosser, crochet work. Mamie Cundiff, besd work. Emma Davis, machine mads shirt. Winuie Nichols, patch work quilt. Veils Irving, cornucopia. Eva Waller, child's dress. Maud Henderson, machine made chimse sud drawers and band made drawers. Lizxie Reed, toilut ami sepbyr pin uush. ion. M g i Sulton, pstch work quilt. u.AM 0 wouks or All i . Hiram Grifliu, penuinsuahip H S Richard, violin. Pottiuger snd Porter, newspaper punting. Mrs E Meal . oriental paintings. Clara Kisfsr, sepbyr pictures. C A 1'lu minor, display of chromes. CLASS 10- I i.oVEtf I ABO PRESS ttVSM. Mr J F Bseksststo, marmalade, jellies, tomato butter, boquet of roses, dahlias, best eshibit ef canned truita. best osbtbit of pre serve!, Mrs N B Sprenger, plum butter. Amanda Johusou, variety of potted flowere. Milium Monteith, assortment of cakss. Mrs W C Tweadale, sweet pear pickles aud sweet plum pickles. i f il i ' . .'iiaa i, v- i.upvr, yeaai oiusu. Mrs J 31 Irving, variety of res lionise. Mrs F A Gsrreteon. boeiust everlasting flowers, bvquet of inised (towers. .Mrs J heeler, salt rising breed, el biscuit and cucumber pickles. Mrs r limit, apple butter snd miked pickles. class 1 1 raw its asp wisas, Mr Hiaer, qaiecesv Mrs N B Mprsuuer, sun dried smuts, and cidsr vinegar. Mrs J h Backsnato, dries! tomatoes. Mrs Rhode Sialtb, dried pears. A W Gordon, 20 varitiss of apple. Mrs Jas Fmlaysow, dried corn, currants terrtes, plums, pears, and host exhibit oi dried Iruit. ' Chas. Pinlsyssu, 0 vsritise of apples. Jas Powell, exhibit of quinces. Geo H sense, machine dried epple, peach es, currant, plums, tomatoes. Mi L K Riaia. 20 psacho. Mrs Jss Fiulaysoo, grape wine. C P Burkhart, lo van ties of pears, and beet exhibit of fruits by one persou. CLASS 12 MBCBUBICAl PSI'ABTMKBT. West coast Flax MilU, sample of lint, millers twine snd sail twine. Frank Wood, gang ami sulky plow. John Brush and Hon, gram cleaner. H L It i id. prunning ber. Fred Willert 2 -horse buggy an 1 2horse express. l LAMS 13- ut M . Miss Belle Ssoders, soo idaymy, LA we I4--MUV K1J AS.UM. John Brush and Sow, wire coUi. J. F. Rackcjut", luii'int jtr a best, rustle ssttos and cinur. Iioherty and . .. . ItMit dry-r Mrs M Iblsil, csrvwiw-Md wisk. Buriaels mt run, churn. A tttfd teller Cntro, Iowa, Sept 23, MM. C . r, Albany Oryont Fbibnii Ci.aib: I ae by a late num ber of the Dsmoc'kat that you lav heel a very unfortunate Hint ef It lately. Enclosed yoa will ilml a N Y. draft fer f00 to pay two years' subscription to the Dkmocbat. I kuow how much your paper is needed by ' the uensocraie or Oregon m g -nerai, bet by those of Etna county In partic ular, and hope all will' come U the front now when their help la needed. Keep right oa in the good work. The morning dawn begins to appear, and bright Democratic sua will soon shine for all. Faithfully and Democratically yours. R J. MctlrrjH. Snch letters bb this is enon h to make even a bankrupt feel like a king. Adversity seems almost like prosperity when friends come to the front in this manner, and by kinds wards, and something more tangible, assist us iv recovering what we have lost through the criminal actions of one whom wo supposed to be anything but what he wen. We have received a great many letters of this kind from different localities of our couuty and state, and they ware net all by any means signed "Democratically yours,'' for Bome of our warmest personal friends are num bered in the Republican ranks. Gur citizens, ar especially the young men of tba city, will remember the writer of the above letter Rod McHugh. A more whole-souled, noble-hen rled you tig fellow never trod the streets of Albany, and We were very sorry to aaa him leave tor his ojd Iowa home. He la now In business back there and is doing well. The Bsnallesl Men There. Couuty fairs are always aura to bring te light men so amall that; unlike the camel tbey can crawl through the smallest needle's eye. This last one waa no exception. He was there with his girl, who laaald to be quite a charm ing young lady, lie wanted to get her and bis horse aud carriage and him self through the gate by simply paying his own fare. Of course the gate keeper objected, although we are In formed that tbe fellows flowing mus tache did have au( influence on him. Then Mr, Mustache got excited, when a bye-stander, fearing results, ottered te pay fer the young lady, and horse and carriage If tho former were allow ed te drive. The lines were immedi ately handed oyer to the young lady, when the couple passed through the gate, mustache and all. This is the unvarnished tale as told us, without any comments, - le-st Bl ie Klbbon Club. There will be a meeting of this club this (Friday) eveuing, when the follow ing program will be rendered i 1. Prayer. 2. Music. 3u Essay Mrs. Dr. Johnson. 4. Music. 6. Address -Rev. SH L. Ball?, t East Portland. 6. Recitation Mlsa. . A. Oiyrapia Cole, ot Salem. 7. Circulation of 8. Music. rledg.. DTJRNO'S CATARRH BMJFF cures Catarrh and all affections of the mucous embrane. A torpid liver has to wake up aud attend to business when King of the Blood gets into the circulation. See advertisement. r.t'AX,tV.LIC .1. Mi r.TtM... Mlalsler.ul snd BSbbslB Mebuel OovrhCoa .-frgrsBa f Bsei-cKea. Tho Mini Mlnrlal Convention- of the Kvan golloal Association or this Hfate rtmvemM at their church In Alliany, next Monday, Oct 0th, at one o'clock P. M. Following Is the program of exorcises: MONDA Y, (WV.9t8. I:W 2 P. M. IievotlotiaJ oxerclsea. 1 2j30jriranl.atioii. 30-30-Wl at Is BiNical Conversion? by J. Croasuian. m t3a.:a4Wj'be Dangeri. Thr etnhlug the riiuroh, bw-Hrl, URpaee . . 7dM)-tkirmon un the JJofy Mblrit hy A. Kfeck4r. tukbpay, ecr. lOrti. MO-O A. M .- 1 v ot lonal exercises. tilO-Tbe 'hrlstfan Sabliath, by J. L Hershuer. 10- li-'Jlio Prayer Meeting, ley f. Watdilt. 11- 12-Tetnfioranco, by 3. A. Uuljetl baagh. IbW-2 P.M. I)sv4Xhml nxercps, 2-S-The Chrlstlsn law of (Jiviirg. by A Krukor. 8 4 The Preacher for tho Times, bv J. Howersos. 4-4i Reports of Couimitti-r-M. 8 MIsmIoiib, by J. Ikrwersos. On Wednesday, Oct. 1 1th, tiio Sabbath School Convention or the I.vsjigclicaJ As aoolatlon meet st the same place, end will remain in session one day. Pdlowtug is tbe program: OA. M. Devotional and Organization. 0-10 1 he Needs of the S. M-:usi, by J. flowersox. io 1 1 -How the inlluetico of S. . may l beat exerted in the work of tlu church, by A. K rocker. 1:30 2 P. M. Devotional. 2- Rome training a mm auxiliary to S. Sabrxrl work, by II. I. liiltner. l How can we best Incrensfi lht at leiidanoo npuit ho M. n h.- i, by J. A. Uolleiibaugu, 4:.l0ReortM rif oniuniit ers. 70-4. tt. aomert fxe'ein all an cordially m.n.d tuatteiuL CaMMirrsUL e ta errs sua la Jersey. A letter frem our old friend !r. II. .1. Rougbton stales that he Is still at New ark, X. J., and will be ready to return to this Stale by the first of December, He did not arrive In New Jersey until after the death of his father, and has since been eugagtd In settling up the state. He says the weather they have hail back there is the- hottest he haa ever experienced, and io one accus tomed to tbe cool mud Invigorating air f the Pacific Kloe It was truly suflo- eating- All the relief they have had waa by vleitiotf tang Rranch, Coney Island, and other waterltrgptaces. Mr. Houghton's health is !? t and she has been improving the time spent io the Kast by studio; Gyncology a: the Woman s Hospital In Vnw i'ork City. Kvery available moment of her lime baa been spent there, and abe has be come verv proficient in the treatment of casea of that claa. Ts sr Mnrr Barwrta Who have Isseu tiavelliiig in Oregon and Wasbiu gton Tetritory are lu no way con- nortegd with tl e Nstioii d burasOal luslitu tef8dlanapolBi, Phi)adelibia, Atlanta, and Kan Francisco California, which ia so cidebratod for th cure of diseases of the Mpinv, Hip, Knee and ail joint, Paraly sis, Club fet etc. We hope none of our Miiiueroiis patrons and friends have in aiy way been deceived by supposing tbu lhay ' rsprosont us. -oane of our skilled surgeons will In .he near fu'uro visit you prepared with every fe tity to treat our old casea and tske now one-. All com mu ideation should Ih addressed to National Burgle'. InV.ltut ail) Bush Kt , San Francisco, Cat. J. M. HiBKUt, M. D. F. I. C. Laps at. I. at Saturday we received a very In torestlng letter from ibat moat genial ef fellows, IJcergo Furry. From it we learned thnt nltliough tbe cople of Idaho have no vote for President, there was a deep-felt universal sympathy for the loss we have sustained In the deuth of President (JarfleUt Tba many fri ml of Peta Wil-i.n hero will be glad to learn, that allhough he had beea with Mr. Furry only two weeks, he looked quite like another man, aud began to feel like a fighting i-.u-k. We understand that Mr. Furry, will start in a short time for Sterling, III., where he will take charge of his father's farm. Tr Lsde' t ors. I l-iml. One of the most al tract ive features of the exercises on Monday was the presence of tho Ladies oruct Band, of Albany, who discoursed sweet music for the occasion. The bapd is comoa ed of the first young ladies of Albany, who, by close attention to practice, have become, in a compar.itively short time, suite proficient players. Every ooe waa pleaasd with their in u si e, and the commltiee deserve tbe thaulff ef our for their wise selection. Standard. To Wks It Mar t'sarcrn. The underaigneel desires to make an acknowledgment regarding an item, which appeared In the Dkmocrat a few weeks since concerning a certain farmer livlug near Oakville. Under the light of a few explanations from the farmer we see plainly that the statements made therein were wholly wrong. I publish this In order that the gentleman may not suffer unjustly from tbe mistake. L. Kline. A Usppj t'ouplr. Harry Upham ajtepped iuto our sauc um yestetday morning bearing a floe lot of delicious wedding cake In his bauds, and we were a llitlo surprised to hear him say that he had been com mitting matrimony. Well, Harry is a a good, steady, industrious boy, and he baa been blessed with tbe love of a kind-hearted and alTactlonate girl, and now iflhey do not enjoy life and live to a green old age it will be their own fault uuu.v. SMITHr-Near Oakvtllo. on Sept 5, 1831, to the wife of-C. H. Smith- son. SHEARER. Near Oakville, on Sept 2S, to tbe wife of David Shearer a girl. ymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmwAammmm MARRIED. UPH.AM DICKEY. On Wednesday eveuing, Oct. 5, 1881, by lie v. Dr. Dillon, at the M. K. Parsonage, Mg. Harry J. TJphax and Miss Klva Dickey, all of this city. IT'S COME, A 8tC THiNU, AND AN IMMENSE AND CENT'S FURNI8HINC C00D8. Including gi the !ato and tlesifaLIe novelties In styles, fabricB aori co't. - ih not let it escape your memory that this is a NEW STOCK THRQUjfeHOUT. o arc now aJiout to cflVr this entire awrtmcfst at rrieea which will draw a mob. Will you ba there ? L. E. Footer's Block ALBANY Orogon- MONEY I am now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than ever. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB Kaxaxlae. Hmuper JJngazi for October is a re markable number, both for the lieauty of its illustration sud the interest snd luutortanoe of I'. oeitenta. It contains tbe first of a series of arvicles on tbe 1 journalist of Lendon; another on the "Telegraph of to-day," and an exceedingly interesting article on tbe production of cotton. Another paper v hhh will be off special importance to people of bbV coast is from tbe pen cf Judge C. C. Gordon' dRor of the Halt Lake Tribune, on Mormon SiUuation." Be lies this tbe twosetials keep up in inteiest and there are several abort stories. Khrkrhs Fashem tiearterly" for the Fall season of i- liefore us, and merits e woid of corainendation. Tbe number is the largest ever issued, containing 120 large quarto pages of original and inter esting matter, li lust rated with hundreds or excellent eegtavingx. The magazine is divided into two department, both in te resting to ladies; cither of wjikm, alone, U worth tbe trifling subscription price, Of these tba first i devoted to literature, pure and simple Tho second division of tbe magazine ta devoted to the illustration and description of tbe current fashions and so far as we ere competent to judge, the work is faithfully performed. Tbe j ' m mb m ' Mm m. S r r I suosoopiion mine magazine is ouiy oo is only 60 cent a year.or lucent a copy. Tbe pub- Ushers are Kbrich Bros., Kisthth A venue and Tweuty -fourth St., New York. Bit ii i '.' t H M t s II M. The best salve in tbe world lew cats, brow es, sorua, ulours, salt rbeum, fuver sores, tet ter, chapped haatls, cbilblajoa, corns sad all kinds of sktn eruptions. 1 his save is gaar an teed to give perfect stist action in every case or money refunded. Price 35c per box. For sals by Foabay and Mason, wholesale sgts ; D Moore, Scio ; D F. ley, Lebanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Hedpatb snd Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Calreath, Puena Vista ; 0 Cornehns, Turner : R A Rampy, Harrishuv ; Starr and Bliikely. Browns vdlr. MMStrnei asrritc. Konoe is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between R. K. H staph -rey and J. C. Destno under the firm ns..e of Humphrey k Devine, doing a lamberioc business in Waterloo Precinit, Linn Co, Ogn., at tbe Price and Kicketson old stand, is this day dissolved by mutual consents, all money, notes and account! doe tbe late in in ot Haaiphre- and Devise are ieyable to It. R. Humphrey, who w H ab settle all the firm indebtedness. IL IL HenrnsKv. J, C. Devine. Uliauou, Or , Sept. 8tb, 1881. To Ike Pblir. J. A. Qross, proprietor of the depot hotel, keeps one of the best public houses in the Slate. His rooms are kept scrupu lously noat and clean, and ou his tables can be found tho best lood tbe market af fords. Parties going off on tbe morning train can get coffee and cake or an entire breakfast before tbe train hnres. Here after the hotel will be kept open all night for tho convenience of the public. 4tf M9TI4TC Having purchased the sew mill of Humph rey and Devine, I am bow prepared to furniah lumber to any part of the country on reasonable terms. All bills sent In will be promptly tilled; lumber of all kinds on hand, except black Walnut, R. R. Humphrey. 0. w. 4. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever brought to Albany can now be found -AT PHIL COHEN'S. Ho offers everything at All kind i of reduced rates FARMERS PRODUCE, and especially DRIED FRUIT, taken in EXCHANGE at satisfactory Dont fall to call on him before either buying arselll ig. WE HAVE GOT T. NEW 6TOOK OF BLAIN, THE LEADER. Ieader in Stylet, lieader in Fita, Imder hi Popular VtlnmL TO LOAN H. STEWART. MsS43 WATt-Hfcb. Detective Watch Cases are one of tbe : chief cause of so many watV-he net being i good time pieces. Tbe cases being thin and not tilting well, admit, dust and dir; to the movement, which soon interfere ; t ith the running part of th watob ne sitaUng cleaning, repairing, Ac and tb ; amount thus paid oat if applied toward buvinii a good case in the "beginning. would have saved all this trouble and est ponso. We have reeemly seen a case that meeui all tbee rciuiresnenta, it bavin V ' for over twenty years and We refer to tbe still remairiH perfe-t. tYronhe mcl tmt the Jewelery trade, possessing as It does so' many advantages over ait ?ber 7r, 1aa r.L" . 4 srsvssL . . n !. . . ' mrtton-sndweadSeail our Veadene to ask their Jeweler for a card or catalogue that will explain the manner in which thev arc made. It is the only Sxitfesko Case made with two plate of gold, seam leas pendants, and center, solid joint, crown piece Ac, all of which are covered by letters patent Therefore buy no case belore consulting Jeweler who keeps tbe JAS. BOSs' Patbxt Htivkksko Cold Cak, that you auy learn the ditrerease loteen it and all imitations that claim to be equally as good. For sale by all re-romdWe Jrweer. ; Ask to the warrant that aocouarnise case, and don t be persoadexi uuu any other mako of case is as good. - Hellesray'a Pill nsid Ointment. I of Hnmnitv - TnitlSfflPtiflll ef Youth. No object is more soul appaUin-; than- tbe prcousture sensibility of youth. dailv witnessed among tbe Habitues of our 'pnblie promenades, where may be seen the terrible results of disease ia Us most frightful forms of the ghastlj and candaverous wreck of manhood, the de -luded victtms of unprincipal scoundrel who, by pernk-ious ncetruins, have im pregnated the systems of their nn suspect ingand confiding patients with mineral poisons. For all oleraoI impurity of blood consetpient upon such imprudence. Holloway's Pills and and Ointment are powerfully efficacious, beipg composed of rate balsams and vegetables that are antagonistic to all dktordeie of the blood, and ulcers arising from virus in the body. They contain not a particle of mercury or other mineral poison. !! . InroBTABTCAUTioit. None are i unless the signature of J. HsYOocsr, rounds each box of Pills and Oin ment. Boxes at 3a ostau 61 cents and 1 eavh. IssTTbaie ia considerable saving by taking the lamer siaes. Her.iWAY .t Co, New York, nyl. - - rr WRINKLED FACES. It is a painful sight to see young ladies in their teens with wrinkled and prema turely old faces ; nevertheless It ia quite common, and to any one. who observes the signs of the limes the reason is very appa rent. Owing to the flaming advertise men Ls and bogus certificates, in wtuen are need the name of eminent physicians and chemists, the unsuspecting and credulous have. been induced te nse some of the so called liquid beauti tiers, all of which are known to be positively injurious, end if used for any length of time will destroy tbe complexion, so that it will be uext to impossible to restore it. Mothers, should be very careful to see that their daughters do not nse these preparations, but ask for and obtain Slave iC Harmless Yosemite Face Powder, t tie only harmless beauti tier. For ssde by Foahay fc Mason, Foster's Brick, Main St., Albany, Or. 4 TACTS TH AT WE . If you are suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat or any affection of the threat or lungs, we know that Dr. Kings New Discs very will give yoa imme diate relief. We know of hundreds of cases it has completely cored, and that where all other medicines bad failed. No other medi cine can show one-half as many yrrmaiunl curt. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will care yon of asthma, bronchitis, nay fever, con sumption, severe coughs sad colds, hoarse ness or any throat or lung diseases, if you will call at Foabay and Mason, wholesale agents Alba ny ; D. Morris, Scio ; Dr. L. Foley, Leba non ; Dr. J. M. PowelL Lebanon ; D. M. Calbreatte, Buena Vista ; Reafetto and Mon tague, Jefferson ; O. H; P. Cornelias, Tur ner ; R. A. Rampy, Harrisbarg ; S. S. Hayes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, HaLey ; Starr and Blakely, Brownville, Yea can get a tritl bottls free of cost, or a regular size bottle f yr $1.00. oat's Knaui'co .tLte. The beet salv in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sore. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, TeUe C happed Har ds, Chilblains, corns and k kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles at i Pi m pies. The sal ve is guaranteed to gi o perfect satistae t on in every case or mono r refunded. Be a ire you get Heni jr's Car bolic Salve, ail othersfare but imitation and counter ft its. PricefXi cents. 1 E Wm A4Vai.VtTED BITTCBS is the oldest and beat remedy, for Dyspep sia. BiUiouHuoss, Malaria, Indigestion, ail disorders of the stomach, and all diss ibis indicating an impure condition ef th Blood, Kidueys, Liver, Skin, elo. DR. MOTT'-i LlVEll PILLS best Cathartic Regulators.